Beaver County Genealogy & History Center Surnames List A'ambrosio Aaron Abate Abbeg Abbott Abee Abel/Able Abels Aber Aberc

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Beaver County Genealogy & History Center Surnames List A'ambrosio Aaron Abate Abbeg Abbott Abee Abel/Able Abels Aber Aberc Beaver County Genealogy & History Center Surnames List A’Ambrosio Aaron Abate Abbeg Abbott Abee Abel/Able Abels Aber Abercrombie Abert Abitz Abraham Abram Abramovich Accordino Ache Acheson Acierno Ackand Acker Ackerman Ackles Acklin Acree Adair Adam/Adams Adamek Adamousky Adamovaky Adamovich Adamson Ader Adels Aderoyli Adkins Adyseh Ageman Ageman Agich Agler Agnew Agostinelli Agudio Ague Aguilar Aguilera Ahern Aiello Aiken Ailes Aird Airgood Aitchison Aiton Akacsos Aken/Aiken Alaksin Alam Albanese Albaugh Albert/Alberts Alberti Alborn Albrecht Albright Alcorn Alderette Alderman Alderter Aldrich Aleci Aleenowich Alemian Alessi Alexander Aley Alford Alfred Algeo Alicandro Allega Alleman Allen Allender Aller Alliband Allingham Allinson Allison Allman Allread Allshouse Allsworth/Alsworth Alman Almony Almy Al-Nakhli Aloe Aloi Alouise Aloisi Alquin Alsaro Alspaugh Alstadt Alstat Alston Alsworth Altenbaugh Alter Althar Altman Altmeyer Altmire Altsman Alty Alviani Alvis Alwine Amadio Amalia Amato Amberg Amberson Ambrose Ambrosie Ames Amidon Ammerman Ammon/Amon Amoona Amore Amorosa Amos Amsler Ancil Ancrile Anders Anderson Anderton Andino Andolina Andre Andreas Andres Andretti Andrews Androlia Andrus Anfulecki Angel Angle Anglemyer Angotti Aniceti Anker Ankney Annas Anson Antenucci Anthony Antinopoulos Antinossi Antkiewicz Antoline Anton Antonelli Antoniazzi Antonini Anzio Apostolis Appel Apperson Appicci Apple Applegate Appleton Aquilino Aquino Arbaugh Arbuckle Arbush Arbuthnot Arbutina Archbold Archer Arcupi Arcuri Ardinger Ardolino Arent Arket Arkwright Armel Armen Armerbaugh Armor Armstrong Armstrong/Crozier Arn Arndt Arner Arnett Arnold Aromatorio Arrington Artac Arthur Artuso Arvickson Arvin Asche Aschman Ascione Asdale Ash Ashbaugh Ashbrooke Ashcraft Ashcroft Ashe Ashenbaugh Ashley Ashman Ashton Ashworth Askar Askew Aslam Aspiotes Aspioteses Assetta Assini Astorino Asvestas Atcheson Aten Ater Atkins Atkinson Attaway Attisano Atwell Atwood Atzinger Aubrey Auburn Aughenbaugh Augindobler Augsburger August Augustine Auld Ault Aultman Aumack Auman Aumiller Austin Autenreith Autry Avants Avard Aver Aversas Avery Avolio Avrakotos Axtell Aye Ayers/Ayres Aynardi Ayoob Azich Azzarello Baacke Babb Babcanec Babcock Babel Babich Babich/Babick Babilon Babines Babir Babish Bable Babson Babylon Babyok Bach/Back Bacharach Bachelder Bachman Bachor Backenstross Backus Bacon Badber Badders Baden Badger Badner Baer Baeuerlein Bagamery Bagby Baggett Baglio Bagliss Bagnell Bahm/Bahn Baier Baile Bailes Bailey Bain Bair Baird Bajek Baker Bakerges Bakewell Bakkali Balak Balcer Balco Baldauff Balderson Baldinger Baldock Baldoni Baldus Baldwin Baldwyn Balk Ball Ballard Ballentine Ballew Ballish Balmer Balogh Balok Balotti Balph Balser Balter Baltes Baluh Balza Balzer Bament Bancroft Bandura Bane/Bayne Bankowski Banks Bannon Banyas Baran Barber Barbour Barbuto Barcewski Barchetti Barclay/Barkley Barcus Bardue Bare Barensfeld Barger Barkay Barkdull Barker Barkfelt Barkich Barkley Barkman Barkovich Barkschat Barkwill Barletta Barley Barna Barnard Barndollar Barner Barnes Barnett Barney Barnhart Barnhizer Barnhouse Barnhurst Barno Barr Barratt/Barrett Barrickman Barringer Barris Barrish Barron Barrord Barrows Barry Barsotti Barsottini Barstow Barthen Bartholomay Bartholomew Bartle Bartlett Bartley Barto Bartolomeo Barton Bartram Bartum Basalyga Basar Basco Bash Basher Bashore Basinger Bass Bassett Bast Basta Bastion Batchelor Bateman Bates Bateson Bath Bathgate Bathurst Batina Batria Battalini Battisti Battles Batto Batvinskas Batzel Bauder Bauer Baughman/Bauman Baulenas Baumgard Baumgardner Baures Bausman Baven Baxter Baycura Bayer Bayes Bayles Bayne Bayuk Bazmore Beach Beachem Beacom Beadle Beal/Beale Beam Beaman Beammer/Beemer Bean/MacBean Beaner Bear/Baier Beard Bearer Beason Beatrice Beattie Beatty/Beaty Beauford Beaumont Beaver/Beavers Bebout Becek Bechdel Bechtolt Beck Becker Beckert Beckley Beckman Beckon Becry Becze Beden Bedgood Bedillron Bedinger Bedison Bednar Bednarczyk Bedwell Beebe Beech Beecher Beegle Beeler Beeman Been Beer/Beere Beercock Beers Berry Beesley Beeson Beggs Begley Beglin Behall Behanna Behr Behringer Beighey Beight Beightley Beikert Beilstein Beisenkamp Beitsch Belas Belatcha Belcastro Belcher Belchyk Belczyk Beldstein Bele Belfast Belgie Belich Belis Belkowski Bell Bellamy Bellan Belles/Bellas Bellissimo Bellon Bellus Beloberk Belsky Belsterling Bemoley Benaquisto Benasutti Bencloff Bend Benden Bender Bendetti Bendgen Benedetti Benedict Benetti Benham Benjamin Benko Benkowski Benner Benoveti Bennett Bensing Benson Bente Bentel Bently/Bentley Bentz Benyo Beradelli Berardi Berchtold Berdell Bereksazi Berg Bergen Berger Bergey/Berkey Bergiel Bergman Bergmark Bergwall Berk Berkebile Berkey Berkhiser Berkimer Berkman Berkner Berkovic Berline Bernard Bernat Bernatz Bernd Bernhardt Bernhardy Bernice Berninger Bernola Bernstein Bernt Berola Berosh Berresford Berrigan Berry Bert Bertolet Bertoli Bertram Besnack Besong Best Betke Betsch Betten Bettencourt Betterridge Betters Betts Betz Bevelheimer Bever Bevington Bevivino Beyer Bianchi Bianco Biancucci Bibby Bicehouse Bickerstaff Bickert Bickett Biddell Biddle Bieber Bieble Biebuyck Biedrzycki Biego Bielz Bierer Bierl Biernacka Biery Bigelow Bigger Biggerstaff Bigriff Bila Bilanich Bilbo Billings Billingslea Billiter Billotto/Bilotto Bilo Bilshak Bilyk Bimber Binder Binegar Bing Bingham Bingle Binninger Binzley Biondi Bird Bires Birge Birnesser Biros Bisbal Bisbee Bisceglia Bischak Bischoff Biser Bish Bishop Bisich Biskup Bispham Biss Bissell Bittner/Bitner Bitts Bitzer Bixler Bizic Bjerke Black Blackburn Blackely Blackford Blackhurst Blackledge Blackman Blackmore Blackwell Blackwood Blaho Blaine Blair Blake Blakely Blanarik Blanc Blancato Blanchard Blanda Blaney Blank Blankenbricher Blankinship Blanton Blasche Blasco Blaser Blaskevich Blaskowitz Blatch Blatchford Blatt Blattner Blaylock Blazak Blaze Blazier Bleakney Blecher Bleeker Bleka Blesse Bleving Blinkiewicz Blinky Blinn Bliss Blistan Block Blocker Bloom Bloor Blose Blosser Blostic Blount Blowers Blucher Blume Blunk Bly Blythe Boadway Boak Boal Board Boardman Bobanic Bobean Bobich Bobik Bobin Bobish Bocchi Bochlak Bock Boden Bodien Bodkin Bodnar Boeh Boehm Boerner Boettner Boffo Bogar Bogatay Bogati Bogdanoff Boggs Bogolea Bogovich Bohinsky Bohl Bohlender Bohn Bohon Bohrer Bohrman Boiling/Boylan Boise/Boies Bojanac Bojanowski Bokulle Bolam Bolan Bolander Bold Bolden Boles/Boyles Bolick Bolland Bollard Boller Bollinger Bollman Bologna Bolombi Bolser Bolton Bomberger Bonanno Bonaparte Bonar Bonato Bonazzo Bonbright Bond Bondurant Boney Bonham Boni Bonnage Bonner Bonnet Bonnhorst Bonomi Bonomo Bonsal Bonson Bonzo Booher Book Bookser Boone Booth Boothby Boots Bopp Borchers Bordeaux Borden Borders Boren Borghi Borgia Boring Boris Bork Borkovich Borland Borman Born Bornemeier Borneo Borrelli Borro Borsani Bortz Borza Boscia Bosco Bosely Bosh Bosler Bosley Boso Boss Bossert Bostanic Boston Boswell Boswich Bostwick Bosworth Botinovch Botley Botsko Bott Botte Boucher Boughner Bouknight Boulding Bouquet Bouril Bourke Bourland Bourne Bousmans Boustead Bouts Bova Bovalino Bowan/Bowen Bowders Bowdish Bowe Bowers Bowersox Bowes Bowland Bowman Bowron Bowser Boxen Boxman Boyce Boyd/Boyde Boyer Boyes Boykin Boyle Boyles/Bole Boylin Bozek Bozic Bozich Bozman Braby Bracci Bracken Brada Bradbury Braddock Braden Bradford Bradley Bradovich Bradow Bradshaw Brady Bragg Braheny/Brehany Brajercik Branch Brand Brandenburg Brandenburger Brandon Brandt Brandy Brannon Bransom Brant Branthoover Brantley Brashears Braslawce Bratich Bratmeyer Bratton Braun Braund Brauneck Brawdy Braxton Bray Braykovich Brazeau Brazier Brazos Brdar Breck Breckenridge Breedlove Breen Brehm Brehmer Breit Breitenstein Brell Brelos Brennan Brenneman Brenner Brennman Brent Bresh Brest Brett Brew Brewer Breyfogel Brezny Brice Briceland Bricker Brickett Brickland Brickner Bridenbaugh Bridgens Bridges Brieck Brierly Briggs Brightweiser Brightwell Brill Brimner Brink Brinton Briola Brisbin Brisco Briske Bristol Bristow Britt Brittain Britten/Brittin Britton Brittsan Brizendine Brizzi Brkich Broad Broadhurst Broadwater Brobeck Brocards Brock Brockett Brocklebank Broddle Brodhead Brodhurst Brodmerkel Brognano Brogno Broidas Broman Bromley Bronaugh Bronczyk Brookmeyer Brooks Broomfield Brophy Brosi Brossman Brosy Brothers Brotherton Brott Brower Brown Brownfield Browning Brownscombe Broxton Brozich Brubaker Bruce Brucker Brueggemann Bruff Bruhn Bruich Bruien Brumback Brummett Brunansky Bruner/Brunner Brunette Bruno Brunone Brunton Brutout Bryan Bryant Bryarly Brydebell Bryer Bryne Bryner Bryson Bubb Bucan Buccanning Bucci Buccialio Buccilli Buccini Buccitelli Buceks Bucey/Bucy Buchanan Bucheit Bucher Buchko Bucholtz Buck Buckenheimer Buckingham Buckius Buckland Bucklen Bucklew Buckley Buckman Buckmaster(Barnes) Bucuren Buczko Budacki Budd Budicak Budinko Budinscak Budjanec Budny Buell Buerkle Bufalini Bufano Buff Buffalini Buffington Buffo Buher Buhl Buk Bukoskey Buksa Bulat Bulcroft Bulger Bulicick Bulifant Bull Bullie Bullock Buncy Bundy Bungard Bunish Bunker Bunner Bunting Bunzo Buono Buran Burbick Burchett Burcik Burckart Burd Burdett Burdick Burdine Burford Burge Burger Burgess Burgman Burgoyne Burian Burick Burja Burk/Burke Burka Burkett Burkhart Burlett Burley Burlingame Burmaster Burnecke Burneson Burnett Burney Burns Burnside Burnworth Burr Burris Burroughs Burrows Burry Burson Burt Burtley Burton Burzese Busack Busch Bush Buss Bussang Bussard Busse Busser Butcher Butchko Butera
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