THE WATERFORD NEWS SHIPPING. SALES Published every Friday Evening at 40 King street, HAZLETON , O'DONNELL , & C 0. {U,ip»&iie the Vrovinciat Bank.] WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION FINEST SEVILLE ORANGES ¦WILL TK AND FOLLOWING DAYS ATJCTION OF HOESES, SPaiNGWELDV;: COLLEGE, ENNIS, , ON- MONDAY , THE 24 INSTANT, , ^ P RICE THREE PENCE ; YEARLY ( IN ADVANCE ) 13S. Travelling ^^S'orywwM ' Ox Bondon Uuivenity by Royal Charter. TO NEW YORK DIRECT. Machmn/Fami^lap\ lane^ P. Dr. S TAMPED, 4(1.; Y EARLY, 17S. 4d. FOR PRESERVING. SHOW THEIR RINClPALS^Doeto* FITZSIMOK. A.M., Ph. PCo*w«at COLLWSWOOD POWKR, «-8cholar, T.C.D fgJT Parties residing out of the United Kingdom wishing Weekly to New York: Direct in 11 to 13 days for £0 Gs. FIRST DELIVERY OP ; NEW SPRING GOODS! TH0MA 8 WALSH'S next Auction of Hones. rpHE Liverpool, New York, MR. get T!m Xeie.t, csin have it forwarded every week >r= a«&SBi9 Travelling Vehicles, &o, &c, will take plnee to , to any Philadelphia Steam Ship IN THEIR SEVERAL DEPAR TMENTS ; Tfct-ftghtBev.Dr. Vuxmn Urd Bishop of Killaloo ; y^/mK~7iA \ \ -L an*. ON MONDAY - ^ sfldress, on the same tenns ns those liviug within the United S^ffllJS) 8^^/l\\^Company intend despatchinff their MASON , 3«p of MAR,CH, :I862. ff'S&fcy^Dr- tfAWHWt lionl Kshop of Kilmocduagh ; * «MrR3|jht B ABB Kingdom, viz., 17s. -Id. yearly. -^^l5>3y"t* *^i Fii1l powfrpil Clyde-built lion Screw FANCY DRE98ES, RIBBONS, PRINTS, At MR LAURENCE JT. Dr. K« , Lord; BisLop of Cloyne: the " DOBBYN'S VETERINARY Right Rtv, of OM Steamshi SILKS, FLOWRR3, CLOTHS, Br. O'Hr^ Lord Bisbop R ; tbe Very The law of newspapers is sucli, that nil subscribers who do ps, Ettablisltment, Beresford-4treet Wdterfora\ : Dean T> ESPECTFULLY informs the Public MANTLES BONNETS, SCOTCH vtA IRISH , ¦ ger. ^WKr, P.P., V.G, Ennis; tbe Very Rev. Dr. From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK , , '¦. • ' - . ¦ ¦ not give express notica to tho contrary, nre considered as SHAWLS, CA PS, TWEEDS. ORDER OF SALE : - -'¦. » >.;. - Rr/ssxu, Prssideiit, Msroootb College; the Very Rev. Dr. as follow : that be has on hand a Fine Assort- TraTelling Vehicles cB Professor of wiahing to continue their subscriptions, and mnst pay accord, STUFFS, ' ' STAYS, Uarness, QtaniDogi;*e., at r °W*> Ttaology, College, Maynooth ,- tha CITY OF WASHINGTON. Thursday, 27th Feb Twelve o'Clook. preciafiy. i -¦:¦ .. Very ROT. Dr. CBKOLT, 33., Catholic University ngly. No paper can be discontinued until all arrearages are ment of the above, which are now it v ; the GLASGOW , Thursday, 6th Marh 47 QUAY, WATERFORD. t&"O pposite the Market Horn,. Hunters, Riding and Family Hones, sit One o'clock. Very Rev. Dr. CBSIBX, P.P., V.G., Bjudou. paid. CITY OF BALTIMORE.... Thursday, 13th „ excellent condition. * Colts, Draught nnd Farm Horses immediatelyafter. ' cvtaacvtvu oj STCDIBS, Thursday. Hand for the Mantle and Dresi Departmenti. umler Five Masters—four And every B5F WANTED, on Experienced , B3T Persons intending property for this Sale will be resident aud one extern i BST To BUSINESS M EN, we offer a tingle copy of 1st—The ordinary broodies of au English PASSAGE IIOKBT.—Cabin, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas. required to haye.it entered at Mr. DOBBINS, or ot »lr. Education, ottf Paper for £2 as. a year, which will entitle each W. MASON , with SpecblClasses for 3»MDerci*l Pursuits and the Citil „ „ Forward, 6 Guinea*. WA LSH'S Office , ll«> Custom-honse Quay, on or%afor« p ersonso subscribing to publish an announcement of Ms Including an unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions, service. FEAST BROTHERS , LQltDOtt, Nine o'Clock themorniog of Sale. Fee for entry, 2*04. Snd—The subjects renotre* ourrt business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every p ubli- served ont by the Company's Stewards. QUAY WATERFORD , for Ecclesiastical Colleges, tbe 1ST 40, , , Purchasers to.pay Auctioneer's Feesof FiveiperCent i Undergraduateand GradmteCcmrsesof the London cation fo rone year. For further particular apply in Belfastto JOHN McKEE, /"vBTAlNEDthe GOLD M EDAL in 1851, for their pickles, Sauces, Condiments and JellieB, Univer- ' 103 Victoria-street; in Qiutmtoum, THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. stfjr, vii:—Matheroatics—Arithmetic, Algebra. Geometry, Advertisements of Public Bodies, i$-c the usual at the Company s Officca, (NEARLT OPPOSITE THE MARKET HOUSE). " Warranted Purr. Sold by all respectable Grocers, Druggists, and:HalUa Warehousemen tbroaghont , to C. 4 W. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; aud in Liverpool to . Auctions attended In any part of Country or Totrn. Lofnmthms, Trigonometry (plnne and spbeiical). Natural - Phitosopy—Mechtnics charge of Od. per line for first insertion, and 3d. per WILLIAM INMAN, 63 & 03 Tower Knildinjrs Sooth, 2 the United Kingdom. 146 LEADENHALL STREET, LONDON, and 65 MIDDLE ABBEY STREET, 100 Custom-houseQuay, Waterford, I860. tf , Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneu. line f or every subsequent insertion. Servants and other Water-street ) or to GEORGE FETHERSTON, CUmmel ; KT W. M's. First Class TEAS Bnd DUBLIN. Manufactory .—EARL-STREET, FINSBUKY 8QUARE (E.C.) matin, Accoostics, • Optics, Astreoomy, ami Chemistry. persons seeking emp loyment can have their advertise- ' , THE AUCTION ROOM Modem Lnngoages—French, Itatiumand Uejman. History [allo-tf.l A. JACKSON 4 Co., King-st., Waterford. GENERAL GROCERIES; recommend VS " N.B.—Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated FINSBURY SAUCE. ' [my!7- ly] , —England Greece in 101 QUAY, is now fitted up for the , , aud Koine- Ancient LunjuHgea— ment * published for Is. each insertion. Passengers enraging Waterford are conveyed to NO; reception Hebrew, Greek 83^ themselves. of Furniture, &c ibr Sale.; . , and Latiu. Animal Physiology ; Logic and TERMS : Invariably Cash- Advertisements sent for Cork at greatly reduced rates. Moral Philosophy; tho English Language ; Geography publication without specific directions in writing at to Inl6-tf.] Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on (ancient and modtro). THE PUBLIC their own Premises will find it their interest to the number of insertions, will be continued till ordered WATERFORD AND MILFORD HAVEN make use Slnoe the Incorporation of this Collego with tho ARE RESPECTFULLY: REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE of this Establishment and charged for accordingly. ¦ ' , as tho Room is both spacious and London University in Hay, lr>50 the following young out, ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS ' ' lofty, . ST. STEPHEN'S BREWERY, . THJB EXTENSIVE 8TO0K OF and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. gentlemen were successful candidates at tbo Matricula- "THE WATERFORD NEWS" DAILY COMMUNICATION WATERFORD. , , THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. tion and Degree Examinations:— CHINA GLASS ,B;AETHEN WARE , MiiRiCDtiTloa.—1857—Mr. Patrick Hurley mnd Mr, GENERAL PRINTING, PUBLISHING, (Sundays Excepted,) PATRICK KE1L Y $ SONS And FOREIGN ORNAMENTS consisting of HORSES JFOR SALE. Willinm Cnlliuan. 1858—Mr. Cornelius Slolony, Mr. Johu BOOKBINDING , MACHINE-RULING , BETWEEN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, to call attention to their SUPERIOR POR- Raleigh, Mr. Richard O'Brien, nnd Mr. Jutnes Kelly. BEG WAX AND SHELL FLOWERS AND FRUIT ; CHINA AND ALABASTER VASES "D 1869 — Mr. John Molony and STATIONERY, SOUTH WALKS AND ENGLAND TER and STRONG BEER. ; _J$VV AY G., rising 7 years, IS 3 ; a good Thomas Bldke Tomer. 1800— , ALES, fencer Mr. William E. Kell y recommend their XX ALE »nd HALL LAMPS ; PAPIER MACHEE TABLES AND TRAYS, &c; ftS^K^h J3 ; steady and quiet in bothjlou- y and Mr. Kdinund Jotepli Frost. AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY, Via Waterford and Milford Haven, in connection with They particularl 1 1861—Mr. Peter Mulcahy aud Mr. Thomas Hrowiie. SUPERIOR tiTOU'f to the notice of Bottlers and tbe Of the Newest Designs, and in great variety, at nS i i *'" and single Harness. 49 & SO KING STREET. Express Trains on the Gnat Western, South Wales, iJROWN Q., TUB A.B. DXORBE Exisiixixlo.t.—.Mr.John P. Molony. Trade generall _ 7 years old, 15 2 ; quiet in double and Waterford and Limerick, Wuterford and Kilkenny, y. single By a reference to the University Calendar it will bo Their STRONG BEER continues to give universal WALPOLE'S WATERFORD CHINA HALL , harness ; would suit a timid person, or lo draw J ijL,J<A. rpmTProprietor of THE and other Trains in the South of Ireland. Children about. seen that there are nine Catholic Colleges both in Eng- p q . fTUIESE Fast and Well-appointed Steam- satisfaction. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. * W -«- NEII S having made ef- GREY G., 7 years 15 2 ; quiet in harness land And Ireland affiliated with the London University, 0^£ t X ers carrying Her Majesty's Mails Sail New treet, December, 1801. (d27-tf) , , a good 1 frctfrc arrangements in his j2lijJ| *«^v , , tl^-N o . 6 0 QUA7,^ roadster and jumper. and that during tbe period of Us incorporation Spring- dffilJ'S** e^v? < -Da'1y (Sudan excepted), ¦ ¦ SjHHjJ3jjj I'rintinR Concents, by the V\r^flVff\^ the Tlii« will be found one of the cheapest and best assorted Establishments in the Trade. BROWN G, I5J, good in harness and fast. field College Stands nest to Stoney burst, and at tha *^ vs<* ¦=5 ^S33SS » FROM WATECFOBD—From Adelphi 83T [J17] tead of all the others. sE?^^ addition of the Latest and Whnrf immediately after tli» arrival of the Limerick Train EDWARD WALL, BAY G.. 14 3, good in harness, bas drawnjChltdren ^•^w 'S 9 MKPAI.8 AND EXHIDITIONS ^ Inpst nPProVed Style of N EW 'clock reaching Milford Haven SUMMER HILL , TRAM ORE , about. .—By recent arrango- v' ^^ Pl 'sr at Three o in tbe Afternoon, ments \Wj£v?tTu£>/ TrrE ami iMrROTED P RESSES (wind and weather permitting) in time to enable Pnssougcrs ON SALE, as nbove, or from Bonded PRINTING BENSON'S WATCHES & CLOCKS, The above Horses aro all sound, and may bo seen and , and owing chiefly to tho generous donations of HAS OV MANUFACTORIES 33 AND LUDGATE HILL a kind Patron I s?>tigws» | anr''he Extension of his Esta- to proem!b y the 8 16 a.m.
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