REGD. - 5

Panaji, 5th February, 1998 (Magha 16, 1919) I' SERIES III No. 45

YOlC: '1l1el"(' is o/le Erlraordillmy isslle 10 Ihe Official Gaz('ue. Senes 1/1 Sixth Prize: (36.000): Rs. J 01- each: Numbers cnding with bst J digIts No. 44 dated 29-/-98 lIame(r. Ex/mordillm}' dated 4-2-98 from in all Senesas follows; pages 1509 to 15/0 regarding Order from Deparlmellf oj flome (Hollie General DivisiOIl) Office ofthe District Magistrate North Goa. 056 127 214 326 428 505 630 773 806 996 GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Finance Panaji, 18th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/~ Revenue and Expenditure Division Directorate of State Lotteries 11TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA SUPER WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW 34TH BHAGY A SHREE WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW Date of Draw: 18th January, 1998 Time: 5.00 p. nl. Date of Draw: 18th January, 1998 Time: 4.45 p.m. Series A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, 0, P, R, S. Senes: A, B, C, D, E. G, H, J, K, L, M, N. RF:SULTS: R F:.I'i'/JS First Prize: (15): Rs. 5,000/- + 2.66 grams Gold (Valued (a· Rs. 450."­ First Prize: ( 12): Rs. 5,000/- each: (Applicableto all Series): per gram) each: (Applicable to all Series):

A B l:: D E A B C D E 297728 297728 297728 297728 297728 21460 21460 21460 21460 21460

G H J K L G H K L 297728 297728 297728 297728 297728 21460 21460 21460 21460 214(){)

M N M 0 P R S 21460 21460 21460 21460 297728 297728 21460

Second Prize: (3): Rs. 1,5001- each: Second Prize: (5): Rs. 1,0001-each: A J G R E G H C 28803 11871 86601 11602 97192 315953 119922 215055 Third Prize: (150): Rs. SOD/-each: Numbersending WIth 5 digits in all Third Prize: (360): Rs. SOOI-each: Numbersending with last 5 digits in Series as follows: all SCrlcsas follows: 04951 10012 26774 39118 46470 05181 16520. 23838 38825 46997 58873 67806 75648 85830 95440 57576 61019 75073 80146 91718 Fourth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 50/- each: Numbersending WIth last4 digits Fourth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 501- each: Numbers ending with last4digits in all Series as follows: mall Series as follows: 6753 5356 3449 0881 3884 7628 6343 9135 2346 3880 9709 9355 1841 2082 1791 9050 0009 5156 . 8088 9488

Fifth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 20/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 digits Fifth Prize: (1 ,500): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending with last4diglts m in all Series as follows: all Series as follows:

2729 4917 2797 4791 3050 2585 5848 3078 1036 1722 7776 4019 1489 8530 4105 0085 5039 6078 7899 4954 1512 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I!f No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998 Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 101- each: Nurnbersending with last3 digits 36TH KANGAROO WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW in all Series as follows: Date of Draw: 18th January, 1998 Time: 5.30 p. m. 026 114 272 384 489 564 680 712 834 988 Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L.

RESULTS: . An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to First Prize: (10): Rs. 5,0001-each: (Applicable to all Series): Agents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. A B C D E

Panaji. 18th January, 1998.~ The Asst. Director, Sdl-. 169840 169840 169840 169840 169840 G H J K L 169840 169840 169840 169840 169840 11TH JAI CHIRAPUNJI SUPER WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW Second Prize: (2): Rs. 5,000/- each: E-214586 C-122502 Date of Draw: 18th January, 1998 Time: 5.15p.m. Third Prize: (300): Rs. 500/-each: Numbersendingwith last 5 digIts in Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M,.N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V. all Series as follows:

RESULTS: 04359 14635 26437 34831 48081 55607 65794 71750 81553 93403 First P, i,c: (20): Rs. 5,000/- + 2 grams Gold ([email protected] gr

Third Prize: (200): Rs. 500/- each: Numbersendingwith 5 digits in all Series as follows: 35TH BHAGYA RAJ WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW 05359 10588 27913 31005 42453 50321 66730 79183 82211 94407 Date of Draw: 19th January, 1998 Time: 4.45 p. m.

Fourth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbers ending with last 4 Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N. digits in all Series as follows: RESULTS 0259 5743 2116 3515 1165 4258 8465 4569 2105 7904 First Prize: (12): Rs. 5,0001- each: (Applicable to all Series): Fifth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in A B C D E all Series as follows: 258281 258281 258281 258281 258281 4894 4048 8447 8689 1361 2606 4678 8768 2467 2213 G H K L

Sixth Prize: (20,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits 258281 258281 258281 258281 258281 In all Series as follows: M N 062 100 289 384 409 '543 643 788 823 954 258281 258281

Second Prize: (I): Rs. 5,000/- N-231513

An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall Third Prize: (360): Rs. 5001-each: Numbersending with last 5 digits in be deducted for payment towards marketing Agents, Stockists, Sellers, all Series as follows: Publicity & Sales Promotion. 04813 16968 27262 39601 44589 Panaji, 18th January, 1998.- The Ass!. Director, Sdl-. 51580 63712 72193 85914 97955 OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. OF GOA 1513 SERIES 11/ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998

Fourth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 50/- each: Nurnbersendingwith last4digits 12TH JAI CHIRAPUNJI CLASSIC WEEKLY LOTTERY In all Sencsas follows: DRAW

6224 7422 8136 9985 9385 DateofDraw: 19th January, 1998 Time: 5.15p.m. 2419 4936 0843 7454 5162 Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V. Fifth Pri/c: (3,600): Rs. 20/-each: Nurnbersending with last4digits in

RESULTS.' 00517 12263 28386 35263 46260 55789 68182 72704 87301 95510 First Prize: (15): Rs. 5,000/-+ 2.66 grams Gold ([email protected] Fourth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 501- each: Numbers ending with last4digits gram) each: (Applicableto all Series): in all Series as follows: A B C D E 8572 1800 6649 1620 25270 25270 25270 25270 25270 9567 4368 0757 7844

G H J K L Fifth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 201-each: Numbcrsending with last4digits In all Scricsas follows: 25270 25270 25270 25270 25270 4648 3272 4811 8759 1291 M 0 P R S 9962 1927 9507 1112 8602 25270 25270 25270 25270 25270 Sixth Prize: (20,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbersendingwith last 3 digits in all Series as follows: Second Prize: (I): Rs. 5,0001- B-58660 075 125 266 340 457 Third Prize: (150): Rs. SOD/-each: Numbers ending with 5 digits in all 542 601 731 871 927 Senes as follows:

04300 11153 25911 30730 43995 An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the I st Prize shall 52880 64859 76738 86061 96182 be deducted for payment towards marketing Agents, Stockists, Sellers. Publicity & Sales Promotion. Fourth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 501- each: Nurnbersendingwith last4digits In all Series as follows: Panaji, 19th January, ! 998.- The Asst. Director, .)'d/-. 5175 5183 3043 0561 0384 7991 1730 9912 7495 8758

Fifth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in all Series as follows: 37TH TIGER WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW

0691 4906 6231 1998 5114 Date of Draw: I 9th January, 1998 Time: 5.30 p. m. 9327 7124 1620 2188 4544 Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L. Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits !n all Series as follows: RESULTS:

044 185 208 377 442 First Prize: (1 0): Rs. 5,0001-each: (Applicable to all Series): 541 685 732 880 935 A B C D E

An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall 109900 109900 109900 109900 109900 be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Agents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. G H J K L

Panaji, 19th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. 109900 109900 109900 109900 1099(X) 1514 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 11/ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998 Second Prize: (S): Rs. 1,0001- each: Sixth Prize: (1,500): Rs. SOl-each: Numbersending with last 4 digits in all Seriesasfollows: E H J H K 4775 3721 '1725 5612 0881 3512 4354 6728 OOS5 1883 125974 2~2331 3\3104 365822 281819 SeventhPrize:(IS,OOO): Rs.20/-each: Numbersendingwith last3 digits Third PrilC:(300): Rs. SOO/-each: Numbersendingwith lastS digits in in all Series as follows: all Seriesas follows: OSI 169 213 3\3 484 O6OS7 19663 25088 30972 44933 519 621 776 834 948 S3070 69409 71029 • SS8S9 92781 Eighth Prize: (3,00,000): Rs. I O/-each: Numbersendingwith last2digits Fourth Prize: (3,000): Rs. SOl-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in all Series as follows: ~ in all Seriesasfollows: 00 \0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4209 3793 S647 8601 8237 06 16 26 36 46 0754 1616 5287 6221 0434 56 66 76 86 %

Fifth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 20/-each: Numbers cnding with last4digits in all Sericsas follows: An amount equal to 30% of the I st Prize and 25% of the 2nd Prize shall be deducted from the prize amounts towards payment to 0348 2523 7050 3801 1679 Agents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. 6654 7668 7601 9449 4522 Panaji, 20th January, 1998.. - The Ass!. Director, Sd/-. Sixth Prize: (30,000): Rs. 10/-each: N umbers ending with last 3 digits in all Series as follows: 35TH BHAGYA RANI WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW

038 194 258 334 482 Date of Draw: 20th January, 1998 Time: 4.45 p. m. 584 665 704 814 931 Series: A. B. C. D. E. G. H. J. K, L, M. N. Panaji. 19th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, SdI-. RESULTS:

First Prize: (12): Rs. S,OOO/-each: (Applicable to all Series):

12TH JAI MATHRU BHUMI SUPER WEEKLY LOTTERY A B C D E DRAW 202979 202979 202979 202979 202979

Date of Draw: 20th January, 1998 Time: 4.2S p. m. G H J K L RESULTS: 202979 202979 202979 202979 202979

First Prize: (I): Rs. 20,00,000/- or Pure Gold of equal value in lieu of M N cash: BQ-156774 202979 202979 Consolation Prize: (4): Rs. 3,000/- each: To the tickets in the remaining 4 Series bearing the first Prizewinning number: Second Prize: (2): Rs. S,OOO/- each: H-31S834 A-238038

BL BM BN BP Third Prize: (360): Rs. 500/-each: Numbersendingwith lastS digits in all Seriesas follows: 156774 IS6774 IS6774 IS6774 00983 19586 2495S 39OS3 49734 Second Prize: (5): Rs. 25,000/-each orpureGold(Oneineach Series): 53256 60248 74058 885\3 91385 BL BM ·BN BP BQ Fourth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 50/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in all Series as follows: . 328520 254649 277186 123372 156678 5004 9204' 3921 9428 7977 Third Prize: (7S): Rs. 5,000/-each: Numbersendingwith lastS digits in 1710 9406 0711 6877 8241 all Seriesas follows: Fifth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in 53544 90678 01625 11742 ISI80 all Seriesas follows:

8834 5608 9297 4073 0860 Fourth Prize: (90): Rs. 1,000/-each: Numbersendingwith lastS digits '65S3 3709 3072 0010 3289 in all Series as follows: Sixth Prize: (36,000): Rs. \O/-each: Numbersendiilgwith last3digits 43309 98120 07992 in all Series as follows: 43171 25904 12749 072 107 279 370 449 Fifth Prize: (450): Rs. SOO/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits in 578 604 783 850 992 all Seriesasfollows:

3972 5266 1415 Panaji, 20th January, 1998.- The Ass!. Director, Sd/-. OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. OF GOA 151~ SERIES JJJ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

12TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA EXPRESS WEEKLY LOTTERY Second Prize:( I): Rs. 4,000/- Q-57287 DRAW Third Prize: (200): Rs. 500/- each: Numbersending with 5 digits in all Date of Draw: 20th January, 1998 Time: 5.00 p. m. Seriesasfollows: Series A, B; C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, 0, P, R, S. 04852 10873 27761 37832 45227 RESULTS.. 54761 66908 77863 88291 96860 First Prize: (15): Rs. 5,0001- + 2.66 grams Gold ([email protected] Fourth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 501- each: Numbersending with last 4 digIts gram) each: (Applicable to all Series): inall Series'as follows: A B C D E 4359 6830 7894 3269 7801 91191 91191 91191 91191 91191 6166 6629 2427 2344 6680 G H J K L Fifth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending with iast4digits In 91191 91191 91191 91191 91191 all Series as follows: M 0 P R S 7718 8114 4406 1687 6828 91191 91191 91191 91191 91191 8303 9848 7267 9139 4085

Second Prize: (I): Rs. 4,0001- D-92259 Sixth Prize: (20,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbersendingwith last 3 digits in all Series as follows: Third Prize: (150): Rs. 5001- each: Numbersending with 5 digits in all Series as follows: 078 138 263 358 475 <=> 04065 13052 27578 38933 46135 565 606 739 885 978 53438 67433 78292 83362 93104

Fourth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 50/- each: Numbersendingwith last4digits An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the Ist Prize shall in all Series as follows: be deducted for payment towards marketing Agents, Stockists, Sellers, 0011 4551 5905 7585 1654 Publicity & Sales Promotion. 7980 7501 '1431 7201 9629 Panaji, 20th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. Fifth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 201-each: Numbers ending with last4digits in all Seriesas follows:

4777 6949 8932 7476 4938 37TH ELEPHANT WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW 5824 2945 0631 4330 2664 Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 10/- each: N umbers ending with last 3 digits Date of Draw: 20th January, 1998 Time: 5.30 p. m. In all Senesasfollows: Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L. 057 158 221 351 476 573 608 739 823 996 RESULTS.'

.~------:------First Prize: (10): Rs. 5,0001-each: (Applicable to all Series): An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to A.gents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. A B C D E Panaji, 20th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/·. 323287 323287 323287 323287 323287

G H J K L 12TH JAI CHIRAPUNJI EXPRESS WEEKLY LOTTERY . DRAW 323287 323287 323287 323287 323287

Date of Draw: 20th January, 1998 Time: 5.15 p. m. Second Prize: (10): Rs. 1,0001- each: (Applicable to all Series):

Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V. A B C D E

RESULTS: 376790 376790 376790 376790 376790 First Prize: (20): Rs. 5,0001- + 2 grams Gold ([email protected]/-per G H J K L gram) each: (Appl icabl e to all Series): 376790 376790 376790 376790 376790 A B C D E 70332 70332 70332 70332 70332 Third Prize: (300): Rs. 500/-each: Numbersendingwith last5 digits in all Series as follows: G H J K L 06022 14552 24103 34569 43229 70332 70332 70332 70332 70332 51137 . 63156 76270 81705 94826 M N 0 P Q Fourth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbersending with last4 digits 70332 70332 70332 70332 70332 in all Series as folrows: T U V R S 4538 9857 0048 9773 . . 1248 70332 70332 70332 70332 70332 2986 0451 2707 5484 9805 1516 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA StRIES 11/ No, 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998

Fifth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 20/- each: Numbcrsending with last4digits In Ninth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 5/- each: Numbersending with last 3 digits all Scnesas follows: in all Series as follows:

7910 5981 9046 6578 3292 003 178 215 314 431 0372 3816 1855 5664 0599 517 605 711 807 918

Sixth Plvc: 00,000): Rs. I Of-each: Numbersendingwith 1ast3 digits Tenth Prize: (3,00,000): Rs. ,1,/- each: Numbers ending with last2 digits in all Series as follows: mall Series as follows:

05-1- 116 280 349 460 00 10 20 30 4() 527 663 755 863 988 50 60 70 80 90 06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86' %

Pana]i, 20th January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sdl- ... _---_.__ . ---'~---"--"

An amount equal to 35% of the I st Prize & 25% of the 2nd Prize shall be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment II)TH JA1 MATHRU BHUM1 CLASSIC WEEKLY LOlTERY to Sub· Agents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. DRAW

Panaji, 2 J st January, J 998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. Date of Draw: 21st January, 1998 Time: 4.25 p. in.

RESULT,I', 35TH BHAGYA JYOTHI WEEKLY LOlTERY DRAW First Prize: (I): Rs. 6.00,0001- or Indira Vikas Patra or Pure Gold of equal valucm lieu of cash: JX--104664 Date of Draw: 21st January, 1998 Time: 4.45 p. m.

ConsolatIOn Prize: (4): Rs. 2,000/- each: To the tIckets in the Sene" A, 8, C. D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, remainIng 4 Scncs bearing the I st PrizeWinnIng number: RESULTS' JY JZ JA JB First Prize: (12): Rs. 5,0001- each: (Applicable to all Series): 104664 104664 104664 104664 A B C D E Second Pri;:c: (5): Rs. 50,000/- each or LV.P. or Pure Gold of equal yalue 10 lieu of cash (One in each Series): 249231 249231 249231 249231 249231


362843 264314 324571 371304 158045 249231 249231 249231 249231 249231

5,000/-each: 10 Third Prize: (30): Rs. Numbersendingwith last 5 digits M N all Senesas follows: 249231 249231 11064 , 87308 Second Prize: (1): Rs, 4,000/- J-168307 Fourth Prize: (45): Rs. 1,0001- each: Numbersendingwith lastS digits In all Series as follows: Third Prize: (360): Rs. 5001- each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits 54064 91574 17660 in all Series as follows:

Fifth Prize: ( 150): Rs. 5001- each: Numbersending with last s'digits 10 03568 12707 24475 38975 43271 all Senesasfollows: 59711 69035 71070 80822 90997

44035 57537 62294 52059 48468 Fourth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 501- each: Numbers ending-with last 4 digits 71497 73170 79220 76947 74442 10 all Senesas follows:

Sixth Prize: (1500): Rs. SOl-each: Numberscndingwlth last 4digits in 4504 0494 5470 0431 6592

0783 4879 4547 8947 7933 Fifth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending with last 4diglts in 5769 6477 4099 3270 6513 all Senesas follows:

Seventh Prize: (1,500): Rs. 201-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits 2206 0660 2132 9194 2770 In all Series as follows: 3633 9125 9883 8245 5819

0274 0668 6926 6345 1032 Sixth Prize: (36,000): Rs. 10/- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits 4228 4296 6464 7590 2946 in all Series as follows:

Eighth Prize: ( 15,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbersending with last3 digits 057 176 273 349 458 In all Series as follows: 595 613 763 899 980

~------, -~--~----~-~-- 055 141 292 315 441 563 601 775 825 996 Panaji,2lst January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd!-

---,---- OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1517 SERrES rrr No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. r998

12TH JA1 MOOKAMB1KA DELUX WEEKLY LOTTERY Second Prize: (2): Rs. 3,0001' each: G-~0971 A-35984 DRAW Third Prize: (200): Rs. 5001- each: ~umbers ending with 5 digits In all Date of Draw: 21st January, 1998 Time: 5.00p. m: Series as follows:

Scncs A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, 0, p, R, S. 09653 17911 21396 30339 48072 58186 67396 78299 84953 9580H RESULTS: Fourth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbersending with last4diglts First Prize: ( 15): Rs. 5,0001-+ 2.66 grams Gold ([email protected] in all Series as follows: gram) each: (Applicablcto all Series): A B C D E 7801 .0470 2389 1859 8480 6095 8995 7271 3989 IW)4 48178 48178 48178 48178 48178 G H ) K L Fifth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 2U/-each: Numbersending with last 4digits In all Scnesas follows: 48178 48178 48178 48178 48178 4232 9408 6499· 7775 8747 M P R S 0 3082 9921 0868 9218 7%4 48178 48178 48178 48178 48178 Sixth Prize: (20,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending with last 3 digits Second Prize: (2): Rs. 3,0001- each: D-82042 R-96808 mall Series as follows:

Third Prize: (\50): Rs. 5001- each: Numbers ending with 5 digits in all 016 172 246 341 444 Scnes as follows: 559 679 757 826 9W 115607 11078 22333 34903 47801 51965 64245 71201 80809 97833 An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the I st Prize shall Fourth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 501- each: Numbers ending with last4 digits be deducted-for payment towards marketing Agents, Stockists. Sellers. In all Scncsas follows: Publicity & Sales Promotion. 2377 1428 5082 3104 3376 5355 0531 5169 6028 1865 Panaji,21st January, \998.- The Asst. Director, .\'d/-.

Fifth Pri7c: (1,500): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending with last4digits in all Scricsasfollows: 37TH CAMEL WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW 8734 6295 4532 8559 2031 0583 5087 7849 9348 2146 Date of Draw: 21st January, 1998 Time: 5.30 p. m. Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 1Ol-each: Numbersendingwithlast3diglts Series: A, B, C, D, E, G, H,), K, L. In all Sencsas follows: 090 110 219 324 431 RESULTS: 509 657 753 880 996 First Prize: (10): Rs. 5,OOO/-each: (Applicableto all Series):

An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall A ·8 C D E be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Agents. Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. 1625W 162509 162509 162509 1625W Panaji. 21st January. 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. G H J K L 162509 162509 162509 162509 162509 12TH )A1 CH1RAPUNJ1 DELUX WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW Second Prize: (5): Rs. 1,5001-each: Date of Draw: 21st January, 1998 Time: 5.15 p. m. G D D D H Scnes: A, B, C, D, E, G, H,), K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V. 227755 356713 264419 132335 105584 RESULTS: Third Prize: (300), Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with last 5diglts in First Prize: (20): Rs. 5,1l001- + 2 grams Gold ([email protected] all Series as follows: gram) each: (Applicable to all Series): 07532 15922 27892 37757 44232 A B C D E 50814 61280 70672 83060 96069

48894 48894 48894 48894 48894 Fourth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 50i- each: Numbersending with last4diglts in all Series as follows: . , G H J K L 48894 48894 48894 48894 48894 0696 2924 1930 5386 8869 4428 6472 5683 6356 8132 M N 0 P Q Fifth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 201- each: Numbersending with last4diglts '" 48894 48894 48894 48894 48894 all Series as folloW's: ' R S T U V 1266 6246 1393 6267 3452. 48894 48894. 48894 48894 48894 3148 4713 7475 7831 1923 1518 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SDIIlcS 11/ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

SIAth Prizc:(JO,OOO): Rs. IO/-each: Numbersendingwith last3 digits Second Prize: (2): Rs. 2.500/- each: B-28270 R-46721 III all Series as follows: Third Prize: (J 50): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with 5 digits in all 1170 190 292 372 444 Seriesasfollows: 596 ()J6 741 864 957 04838 16667 29621 33013 42613 PanaJi. 2! st January, J 998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. 53220 68959 72846 84746 91063

Fourth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 501- each: Numbersendingwith last4 digits 35TH BHAGYA DEEP WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW in all Series as follows:

Dale of Draw: 22nd January, 1998 Time: 4.45 p. m. 2570 5747 1787 2066 4813 9537 6363 2568 7528 6551 SellCs: A. B. C. D. E. G. H, J. K, L, M, N. Fifth Prize: (1,500): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending wIth last 4diglts III R/:'.\'i'I.TS: all SerIes as follows:

First Prize: ( 12): Rs. S,OnO/-each: (Applicableto all Series): 3622 3887 1361 2808 4790 A B C D E 7487 3828 1973 0565 2603 212786 212786 212786 212786 212786 Sixth Prize: (15,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending wIth last 3 digits In all Series as follows: G H J K L 212786 212786 212786 212786 212786 056 130 257 377 410 521 629 798 800 905 M N 212786 212786 An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the 1st Prize shall Second Prize: (2): Rs. 4,000/· each: E-213151 M-149688 be deducted from the respective prize amounts towards payment to Agents, Sellers, Stockists & Publicity. fhlrd Prize: (360): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with last 5 digits !11 all Sencsas follows: Panaji. 22nd January, 1998.- The Ass!. Director, Sd/- 1)3273 12343 27687 34543 47823 58370 65929 76612 87036 98619

Fourth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 501- each: Numbersending with last4 digits 12TH JAI CHIRAPUNJI TANGAM WEEKLY LOTTERY in all Scnes as folJows: . DRAW 9587 6845 0269 4630 2631 8681l 0709 2558 9112 0237 Date of Draw: 22nd January, 1998 Time: 5.15 p. m.

Fifth Prize: (3,600): Rs. 20/-each: Numbcrsendingwith last4digitsm 5eries: A. B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L. M. N, O. p, Q, R. S. T. U. V. all Scncsas follows: 2098 8753 0139 1817 9569 RESULTS: 2(XX) 3656 4117 3003 3228 First Prize: (20): Rs. 5,000/- + 2 grams Gold ([email protected]/-per Sixth Prt/e: (36,000): Rs. I ai-each: Numbcrsending with last3 digIts gram) each: (Applicable to all Series): In all Series as follows: {J- A B C D E on 103 210 384 . 432 SOb 677 724 893 991 52748 52748 52748 52748 52748 . -----_.. _------G H K L PanaJi, 22nd January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sdl-. 52748 52748 52748 52748 52748

12TH JAI MOOKAMBIKA TANGAM WEEKLY LOTTERY M N 0 P Q DRAW 52748 52748 52748 52748 52748 Date of Draw: 22nd January, 1998 Time: 5.00 p. m. R 5 T U V Senes A, B. C. D. E, G, H, J, K, L, M, 0, P, R. S. 52748 52748 52748 52748 52748 R£S(J/]S: Second Prize: (2): Rs. 2,500/- each: B-19146 K -- 69820 First Prize: (15): Rs. 5,0001-+ 2.66 gramsGold([email protected]/-per gram) each: (Applicable to all Series): Third Prize: (200): Rs. 500/- each: Numbers ending with 5 digits mall Sertesasfollows: A B C D E 09402 11945 24593 37345 48021 824W 82469 82469 82469 82469 50419 60011 76384 83444 93638 G H J K L Fourth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 50/- each: Numbersending with last 4digns 82469 82469 82469 82469 82469 in all Series as follows: M 0 P R 5 5567 4657 5864 7506 7073 824m 82469 82469 82469 82469 2800 5065 0265 3741 5(m OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1519 SERIES 11/ No: 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998 Fifth Prize: (2,000): Rs. 20/-each: Numbersending with last4digits-in Department of Home all Series as follows:

3302 1302 3911 4868 3481 Foreigners & Citizenship Division 0839 4178 2267 1617 8525 Office of the Custodian of Evacuee Property, Sixth Prize: (20,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending_with last 3 digits Panaji-Goa In all Ser'les as follows:

010 169 292 326 476 Notice 588 662 747 804 944 N6. cEP/GDD/PROP1424/95 An amount equal to 40% of the cash part of the I st- Prize shall be deducted for payment towards marketing Agents, Stockists, Sellers, Whereas Vide application dated 11-5-1995, Smt. Ricardina da Silva Publicity & Sales Promotion. de Noronha (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant"), had requested to release the properties of Southern half of Mayem which had been PanaJi, 22nd January, 1998.- The Asst. Director, Sd/-. declared as evacuee by Order dated 14-11-1967 and the Notification dated 14-12-1967, published in Official Gazette, Series fll No.4, dated 4-1-1968;

And, whereas vide notice dated 6-12~ 1995, published In the 37TH HORSE WEEKLY LOTTERY DRAW Official Gazette, Senes III No. 38, dated 21-12-1995, .objectlons in writing were Invited by the Custodian of Evacuee Property (hereinafter Date of Draw: 22nd January, 1998 Time: 5.30 p.m. called the "Custodian"), on the'proposal to declare the said propertIes as non-evacuee and subsequent release in favour of the applicant: Senes: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L. And, whereas considering a:11 the circumstances of the case, the R!;S(I!.TS Custodian vide Order dated '16-9-1997, disposed of-thc said application dated 11-5-1995 of the applicant as ·hot maintainable thereby giving First Prize: (10): Rs,5,000/- each: (Applicable to all Senes): liberty to the applicant to ,file the same at the appropriate time;

A B C D E And, whereas the applicant has now vide application dated 9-1-1998 has prayed that the Order dated 16-9-1997 of Ihe Custodian 320421 320421 320421 320421 320421 be reconsidered an"d the 'Southern half be released in favour of the G H J K L applicant.

320421 320421 320421 320421 320421 Now, therefo"ie,"it is notified for,the information of the public and interested partics in particular that objections in writing, if any, on Second Prize: (5): Rs. 2,0.001- cach: the application dated 9-1-1998 of the applicant, may be filed before the Custodian of Evacuec Property on or before 16·2-1998 at D A A E H 10: 15 a. m. alongwith the reasons therefor. The objectIons, 1f any, will be heard by" the Custodian on the same day and the same timc. 275084 165277 323277 174337 398608 Panaji, 23rd January,· 1998.- The Custodian of Evacuee Property. Third Prize: (300): Rs. 5001- each: Numbersendingwith last 5 digits in P. V. Kadnekar. all Series as follows: ---,++ +_._- 03187 15155 22106 34633 41383 55128 68210 79639 80153 99264

Fourth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 50/-each: Numbersendingwith last4digits [)epartment of Revenue In all Senesas follows: Office of th.e Mamlatdar Of Satari Taluka, Val poi-Goa 7429 0672 1093 3055 7935 8143 6711 1879 0752 3950

Fifth Prize: (3,000): Rs. 201-each: Numberscnding with last4digits in Notice all Sericsas follows: No. IO-2-LND-BESTIMORl97 9568 1186 1047 5664 0518 6469 4263 3423 1051 7874 I, Shri ·A. V. Bugdc, Mamlatdar of Satari Taluka, Valpoi, in Sixth Prize: (30,000): Rs. 101- each: Numbers ending with last3 digits purs"uan:ce :bf Ahlde 3 of the' Legl'slative 'Diploma '- No. 3'49 dated in all Series as follows: '8-11-1928 tall uipon the heirs'of late Naru Deugo'Mainkar. r/o'Morlem: Satan-Goa, assignee of Gov!. land known as 'Polll:ich.o .Bono' situated 009 162 202 309 472 at Morlem villagc :under .Sy. N<;l. 2212, granted ,under Alvara No. 460 563 668 739 853 985 dated ,23-7-,1930, are hereby notified to appear in this Office on 27-3-97 at ! 1.30 a. ·m. in order to choose in' a meeting one of the heN's for the' bestowal of the land applied by Smt. 'Devki Deu Mainkar. Panaji, 22nd' January, 1998.- The Asst. Director,' ,\'dl-. rio Modem on' the above Alvara. 1520 OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 1/1 No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998

To make it known to all concerned parties, this notice-is published guarantee of the witnesses and confirmed that the parties of the first and copies thereof will be affixed at the usual places as required by part i.e. the declarants and the party of the second part i.e. the interested Law. p~rty are the persons of sound mind and are not coercified to do the present act by any body whomsoever. And in the presence of the ValpOl, 16th January, 1998.~ The Mamlatdar, A. V. Bllgde. said witnesses, the declarants declared to me as fo!!ows:- That on ---++ +--- twenty second day of the month of February of the year nlncteen hundred and sixty eight expired·at Nanuz, Valpoi. Satari-Goa, Fatimabi Advertisements in a status of widow ofCaximo Reimano Can alias Umor Can without Will or WIthout any other disposition of her last WIsh or without any In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division at antenuptial Deed leaving behind her, her following three children as Quepem-Goa sole and universal heirs; namely:-

Special Civil. Suit No. 51/89/A (I) Abdul Valub Cap, married to Xerifambi Can. That later on expired at Nanus, Valpoi, Satari~Goa on thirtieth day of the month Kllm. Dipti Shivdas Karpe. - Plaintiff of Novemher in the year nineteen hundred and thirty six the saId Xerifambi Can, leaving behind her as her widower and half sharer the said Abdul Vis Valub Can and as her sale and universal heirs her five children, namcly:­ Shn Vitol Naguesh Naique. - Defendant (a) Soido Afzal Can, married to Fatimabi, retired government employee of full age, residing at Nanuz, Val poi, Satari-Goa; (b) Gazanfor Usscn Notice Can, married to Shamsunissa Bi, retired government employee, residing at Honda, Satari-Goa: (c) Asraf Ali Can, married to Catijambi, retired ~otlce is hereby given to the public and the litigants that by government employee, residing at Nanus, VaJpoi, Satari-Goa: td) Pir Judgement and Decree dated 8th August, 1997, passed by this Court In Special Civil Suit No. 51189/A, the marriage between the Plaintiff Can, the said interested party, bachelor, major of age, businessman, and the Defendant stands dissolved in tenns of Law of Divorce. The residing at Nanus, Valpol, Satari~Goa: (e) MOlmunam Can, married CivIl Registrar, Satari shall cancel the Registration of Marriage of the to Shaik Mohammad Kassam Shakoli, housewife, resIding at Nanus, ... Plaintiff and the Defendant under entry No. 38/89 dated 16-2-1989. Valpoi, Satan-Goa. That later on twenty seventh day of the month of September of the year nineteen hundred and sixty nine expired the Accordingly, the Civil RegistratIon rcglstered before the Civil Rcglstrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Sanguem against the entry No. 38/89 dated said ,Abdul Valub Can, at Nanus, Val poi, Satari-Goa in a status of ! 6-2-89 stands cancelled. widowcr the said Xerifambi, without Will or any other disposition of his last wish or without any antenuptial deed or agreement Icavmg Given under my hand and the Seal of the Court, this 17th day behind him as his sole and universal heir his following children namcly. of January, 1998. the said: (a) Soido Afzal Can, married to Fatimabi, retired, government u. V. Bakre, employee, offul! age, residing at Nanuz, Valpoi, Satari-Goa: (b) Gazanfor Civil Judge, Senior Division, Ussen Can, married to Shamsunissa Bi. retired government employee, Quepem-Goa. residing at Honda, Satari-Goa; (c) Asraf Ali Can, married to Catljambi, retired government employee, residing at Nanus, VaJpoi. Satan, Goa; V. No. 1343/1998 ---+--- (d) Pir Can, the interested party, bachelor, major of age, businessman. residing at Valpoi, Satari-Goa; (e) Moimunam Can, married to Shaikh Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Mohamad Kassam Shakoli; that subsequently on second day of the Satari-Goa month of May of the year nineteen hundred and eighty seven expIred .at Nanuz, Vaipoi, Satari, Goa the said Shaikh Mahamad Kassam Shakoli 2. Deed of Succession and Qualification of heirs on this nineteenth without will or without any other disposition of his last wish or without day of the month of August in the year one thousand nine hundred any antenuptial Deed or Agreement leaving behind him as his widO\v and nmety six, in the Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, and half sharer the said Moimumam Can and as his sole and universal Satari, Valpoi-Goa, situated at Government Complex Building, before heirs his five children, name1y:~ (i) Xec Mortuza, married to Sultanbi, me Herculano Valente Almeida, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and service, residing at Kuwait; (ii) Xec Zaid Xecoli, married to Fatimabi, Notary Public ex-officio substitute of Satari Taluka and before the two tailor, residing at Nanus, Val poi, Satan-Goa; (iii) MumtaJ Bi, maffled suitable WItnesses, who are known personally to me, and who are the to Abdul Reiman, residing at Margao, Saleete-Goa; (iv) Alxam Bi, mamed persons worthy of trust and against whom there" is no impediment to to Mulam Hussein, residing at Ponda-Goa and (v) Anifam Bi, mar~led be the witnesses to this act, there appeared (one) Mahammad Agha; to Mulam Usman, residing at Vasco-da-Gama. (two) Adam Beig and (three) Shaikh Hussein, all majors of age, retired Government Employees, married, residing at Nanuz, Val poi, Satari-Goa, (II) Mahamad Caximo Reiman Can, married to Tairambi, the Tairambi all Indian Nationals (hereinafter referred to as the declarants of the subsequently expired at Nanus, Valpoi, Satari-Goa on fifth day of the first part and (four) Pir Can, bachelor, businessman, major of age, month of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty residing at Nanuz, Vaipoi, Satari-Goa (hereinafter referred to as the seven without Will or any other disposition of her last wish or WIthout mterested party of the second part. I, do hereby certify the identity any antenuptial Deed or Agreement leaving behind her, her husband of the parties of the first part and that of the interested party by the the said Mahamad Caximo Reiman Can as widower and half sharer OFFICIAL GAZETTE ~ GOVT. OF GOA 1521 SERIES III No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

and as her sole and universal heir her only one son by name Yusuf bearing survey number five Sub..division number four bearing title number Khan, married to Khatumbi. That later on twenty seventh day of four hundred and forty eight the value of which does not exceed the the month of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty prescribed limit fixed by law number two thousand and forty nme, dated expired at Asilo Hospital, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa the said Yusuf Khan sixth August, nineteen hundred and fifty one. Thus they declared and !n a status of married without Will or any other disposition of his last stated for which fact, I do hereby vouch. The present wItnesses were wish or without any antenuptial Deed or Agreement leaving -behind (are) one Xec issurmarried, landlord, residing-at Valpoi, Satan. Goa: him as his widow and half sharer his wife the said Khatumbi and and (two) Abdul Gafar Khan, married, landlord, residing at Valp01, Satan, as his sole and universal heirs the following children, namely:- (I) Feroz Goa, both of full age, persons whose fitness for this act [ was satisfied Khan, bachelor, student, residing at Bambolim, Tiswadi-Goa; (m) Arafat for this act and they are personally known to me who arc going to Khan, bachelor, student, residing at Bambolim, Tiswadi-Goa; (n) Tairam sign this deed with the declarants. the interested party and with me Bi, married to Shaik Muilam, housewife, residing at Ponda·Goa; (0) the said notary ex., officio after this deed- bemg recorded and read Mahamad Khan, bachelor. student, residing at Bambolim, Tiswadi-Goa, aloud by me in the simultaneous presence of all the concerned parties. all major of age. It will bear nmarial stamps of rupees eIghty five bcmg rupees eighty of eight declarations and rupees five of the notarial act. CorrectIOns And (III) Shikandar Khan, married to Katijambi, residing at Nanus, and interlineations nineteen and Notary Valpoi Kassam Nanus ~Kassarn­ Valpoi, Satari-Goa. That on seventeenth day of the month of January Mumtaj Bi Khan - widow. And that there is no other person who In the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy two expired at under the eXisting law could have better claim or would prefer in the Goa Medical College, Panaji-Goa the said Shikandar Khan, in a status inheritance of the said deceased person-survey-bearing title number of married to Katijambi, without Will or any other disposition of his four hundred and forty eight. Sd/-. last wish or without any antenuptial D~ed or Agreement leaving behind him as his widow and half sharer the said Katijambi and as his sole Val poi, 22nd August, 1996.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Rcgistrar and Notary Ex-Officio, Sdl-. and unJversal heirs his following children, namely:- (q) Mamod NaSIr Can, married to Nassira Bi, businessman,.rcsiding at Ponda-Goa; (r) V. No. 111211998 Umar Abid Can, service, married to Nur Jahan Bi, residing at Nanus,

Valp01, Satari-Goa; (s) Ahmad Salim Can, government employee. married ~~-.--- to Rahmat Bi, residing at Margao. Salcete-Goa; (t) Namina Xamxad, married to Hyder Abas Khan, housewife, residing at Saudi Arabia: Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, (u) Xansul SagUlr Can, married to Nasnibi, service, residing at Saudi Bicholim-Goa Arabia and (w) Liacat Ali Can, married to Xamxad Bi, service, residing Jt -Dubal: and that there is no other person who under the existing Notice Law could, have a better claim or would prefer in the inheritance of the said deceased persons. 3. Shri Eknath A. Pilgaonkar, resident of Pilgao. Bicholim-Goa has applied to change his name from "Ecanata Deuli" to "Eknath A. That they the declarants have perfect knowledge of all these facts Pilgaonkar". which inter alias are public and well known. That they are neither Any person having objection, if any, may file the same in this Office related to the said deceased persons not to the aforesaid heirs and within thirty days from the publication of this notice as required under that they have no interest in making the present declarations, which Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 they make under oath and at the request of the said interested party. The declarants presented to me the following documents:- Bicholim, 21st January, 1998.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ -Registrar, Vi/hal Durga Talwar. Eight death certificates and twenty one birth certificates which all V.No.1340/1998 these documents will be filed in this Office for all the legal purposes. ~~-.~-- Than the interested party, the said Pir Can stated that above declarations made by the parties of the first part or by the declarants are true Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Ilhas, dnd correct and as such he accepts the same and further declared Panaji-Goa that his late parents, grand parents and great grand parents and parents m-Iaw did not left behind them moveable properties but left some unmoveable properties namely:- (a) property known as "Gosavicho Vaddo Notices :Vloddi", situated at Sanvorcem, Valpoi, Satari-Goa, bearing survey number 4. Whereas Shri Jose Gaudo, resident ofShiroda, Ponda-Goa desires thirty seven Sub..division number one; (b) property known as "Gosaviwado to change his surname from "Jose Gaudo" to "Jose Colaco" under the Modoli". situated at Sanvorcem, V,alpoi, Satari-Qoa, bearing survey number 'Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990). thirty eight Sub-division number- one;. (c) property known as "Gosaviwado", situated at Sanvorcem, Valpoi: Satari-Goa,;bearing survey Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the number thirty eight Sub-diviSion number two; (d).p'~opertY known as same in this Office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname "Gosaviwado", situated at Sanvorcem, Valpoi, Satari-Goa, bearing survey Act, 1990 in force. number thirty eight Sub-division number three; (e) property known as Devul Vadeacho Pan", situated at Sanvorcem, Valpoi, Satari-Goa, bearing Panaji, 6th November, 1997.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, survey number thirty nine Sub-division number four and (f) property W. S. Rebello. known as "Cotacho Mali", situated at Sanvorcem, Valpoi, Satari-Goa V. No. 139011998 1522 OFFICIAL GAZETTB - GOVT. OF GOA SERiES 111 No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998 5. Whereas Shri Andrew Savio' Wilfred De Souza. resident of Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and ,Ahinho, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa desires to change his mmor daughter's Notary Public Ex-Officio, in the Judicial Division of name from "Anica Faye De Souza" to "Abigail Dc SOUZ2" under the 'Salcete-Goa Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).

Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the Chandracanta Pissurlencar, Notary Public Ex-Officio In the same same in'. this Office within thirty,days from the date of publishing this Judicial Division. notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 in force. 8: In accordance with para first of Law No. 2049 dated 6th August, PanaJi. 23rd January, 1998.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, J 951 and for the purpose of paragraph second of the same Article, W. S. Rehello. it is hereby made public that by the -Notanal Deed of Successlon­ V. No. 140011998 dated 16th instant, drawn up at folio 63 to 65 re'verse of Deeds Book ---+--- No. 139 J, 'Manohar Hari Surlakar alias Manohar Hari Sinai Narcormm Surlakar, and his wife Smt. Kusum M. SurJakar alias Kussumavotibai Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Narcomim Surlakar, also known as Cussuma Sinai Narcomim Surlacar, Pond a-Goa died at their domicile at Sanguem-Goa on eighth of May, nineteen hundred and eighty four and fourth August, nineteen hundred and ninety-seven, Notice respectively, without making any Gift or Will nor any other disposition of their .last wish, leaving behind their three sons, namely: (i) Hory 6. Whereas Babic Yeshwant Kerker, Ambad, Keri, Ponda-Goa Manohar Sinai Narcornim Surlacar, married to Vibhavan Suqllcrcar desires to change his name from "Bablo Yeshwant Kerker" to "Anil alias Vibhavari Hari Surlacar: (ii) Sirixa Manohar Sinai NarCOrnl!11 Y cshwant Kerker". Surlacar, married to AJca Sinai Ambo alias AJca Sirixa Surlacar and Therefore. any person having objection is hereby invited to file the (iii) Samir Manohar Surlakar. married to Umamaheshwari Gopalkrlshna same In this Office under the provisions of Section 3(2) of the Goa alias Uma Samir Surlakar, us their 'sole and universal heirs', there beIng Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of 1990) no other person or heir who, in terms of Law of Succession In force read with Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules, in this State of Goa may prefer, the said qualified heirs in the Succession 1991. Within thirty days from date of publication of this notice. ofthier deceased parents mentioned above or could concur with them to the estate and inheritance left by them, as their only sister Smt. Ponda, 19th January, 1998.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, POlidori nata S. S. Borco. Abhaia Narcornim Surlakar alias Abhaya Ashok Panvelkar alias Ashok V. No. 135711998 Panvelkar, resident, Panaji-Goa, alongwith her husband Ashok Panvelkar, ---+--- has assigned and relinquished all her illiquid and undivided rights to the inheritance of her said deceased parents by virtue of two deeds Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and of relinquishments, one being dated 30th May, 1985 drawn up at folio Notary Public Ex-Officio, Mormugao-Goa 74 onwards of Deeds Book No. 620 and the other drawn on I <;th November, 1997, at folio 95 overleaf to 96 of Deeds Book No. 660. Shn J. A. 1.. Rodrigues. Civil Rcgistrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary both in the Judicial Division of Hhas at Panaji-Goa. Public Ex-Officio, Mormugao. Margao, 21 st January, 1998.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar 7. In accordance With para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 and Ex-Officio Notary, Chandracanta Pissurlencar. dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para second of the same Article, It is hereby made'public that by a~ "Notariai Deed of Declaration for V. No. 833/\998 Succession" drawn by and before me on '16-1-1998 at pages 32 to 36 of Book of Deed bearmg No. 164, the following is recorded:- ---+---- That on 16th September, 1981 and on the 15th July, 1996, died respectively Mrs. Josephine Margarit Rodrigues D'Souza alias Josephine Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Margarit Rodrigues or Margarda Josephine Rodrigl)es and her Salcete, Margao-Goa husband InaclO Diogo D'Souza alias "nacio D'Souza !'failing from EI-Monte, Vasco-da-Gama, leavmg behind them their only universal hClrs their three children, namely: (i) Mrs. Florinda Souza, married to Notices Custodio Lobo; (ii) Mr. Rafael David De Souza and (iii) Mr. Judas Crescencio Luis Souza, married to Mrs. Lurdina Fernandes, there are 9. Whereas Shri Mahamed Dasthagir, son of Mahamed Kassim no other person or persons who according to :the Law may have Gaffur, major of age, service, rio Cuncolim, SaJccte desires to change preference over them or who may concur along with them to the said his name/surname from "Mahamed Dasthagir" to "Shaikh Aslam". deceased Mr. ·lnacio Diogo D'Souza Who met with Motor Vehicle uccldent and he sustained injuries, against that claim petition was filed Therefore:any person having any objection is .hereby Invited to file before the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Chitradurga of which claim, the same in this Office as per Sub-Section (2) of ·the Section (3) of he has to enhanced compensation ·of Rs. 346251- (Rupees: thirty four the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act. 1990 (Goa Act No.8 thousand six hundred twenty-five only) which amount IS now deposited of 1990) within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice. in the Court. Margao, 22nd Jan'uary, 1998.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­ Mormugao, 16th January, 1998.- The Civli Registrar-cum-Sub­ -Registrar, Chandrakant Pissurlenkar. -RegIstrar and Notary Public Ex-Officio, Joalles Agl/elo Lino Rodrigues. V.No.142711998 V. No. 835/\998 I


10. Whereas Kum. Escociana Merciana Fernandes, dlo Rafael 12. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established Fernandes, aged 26 years, rio Buticas, Navelim, Salcetc desires to change in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force. It is hereby her name/surname from "Escociana Merciana Fernandes" to "Sheren announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for Merciana Colaca", construction of a residential house.

Therefore any person having any objection is hereby invited to file I. Name- of the applicant: Shri Felizardo A. F. D'Cunha, rio the same in this Office as per Sub~Scction (2) of the Section (3) of Moira, Bardez-Goa. the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Goa Act No.8 of I (90) within thirty days from the date of publication of this notice. 2. Land named , Lote No. _, Survey No. 71/15. Plot No.6, situated at Moira ·village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade onyloira. admeasuring 327.75 Margao, 16th January, \998.- The Civil Reglstrar-cum-Sub­ square metres. -Registrar, (,halldrakall( Pissurlenkar. 3. Boundaries: v. No. 140511998

East By open spaceofSub-divlsion~ -~-.~-- West By plot Nos. 7 & 8 of the same Sub-divison: North By open space of Sub-division~and Administration Office of the Comunidades of Bardez, South By proposed road ofSub-division. Mapusa-Goa FileNo.I-408-97-ACNZ/97

Notices Ifany person has any objection agai nst the proposed lease helshe should submit his/her objection in writing to the AdministratorofComunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in I \. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established the Official Gazette. In Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced thaI the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which Mapusa, 31st December, 1997.-1- The Secretary, Gaj(ll1(lll Kambli. arc given below, has been applied on lease (A foramen to) basis, for V. No. 515/1997 constructIOn of a residential house. (Repeated)

I. Name of the applicant: Mr. Filipc V. D'Souza, rio Attafondem, MOira, Bardez-Goa. 13. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades In force. it IS hereby 2. Land named , Lotc No. __ , Survey No. 64/1, Plot announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for No.5, situated at Moira villagc of Bardez Taluka and construction of a residential house. belonging to the Comunidade of Moira, admeasuring 400

square metres. I. Name of the applicant: Mr. John Simon D'Sa, rio Moira, Bardez-Goa .

.~. .1 Boundaries: 2. Land named ~~, Lote No. __ , Survey No. 6411, Plot East By proposed 8 metres road of the same No. 1, situated at Moira village of Bardez Taluka and Sub-clivision; belonging to the Comunidade of Moira, admeasuring 232.75 square metres. West By barred land; North By plot NO.4 & plot No. II of the same 3. Boundaries: Sub-division;and South By plot No.6 ofthe same Sub-division. East By proposed 8 metres road of Sub-division: West ByComunldade land: North By 15.0 metres Village Panchayat road; and File No. 1-400-97-ACNZ/97 South By plot No.2 of the same Sub-divlslon_

Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease helshe should FileNo.I-407-97-ACNZ/97 submit his/her objectlon In writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardtz, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease helshe should the Official Gazette. submit hislher objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice In the Official Gazette. Mapusa, December, 1997.~ The Secretary, Gajal1an Kamhli. Mapusa, 31 st December. 1997.~ The Secretary, (i(yal1(f1l Kambli. V.No.315/1997 V.No.51()/1998 (Repeated) (Repeated)

=~~,'~~~-.~------1524 OFFICIAL GAZETIE ~ GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 11/ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

14. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established 16. In accordange with the terms and for the purpose established In Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it IS hcreby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which arc given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis,Jor are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house. construction of a residential house. I. Name ofthe applicant: Shri Eknath Rama Naik, rio Deulwaddo. 1. Name of the applicant: Smt. Ritark Jacqueline Dinah Dhargal, Pernem."Goa. Rodrigues. 2. Land named "Temericho-Sorvo", Lotc No. _, Chalta No. I of 2. Land'named "Odlem Sargulc", Lote No. _, Survey·No. 7611, P.T. Sheet No. 45. City Survey, Mapusa, Plot Plot No. 38. situated at Pilerne village of Bardez Taluka and No. I, situated at Sr. Jerome's Vaddo, Duler of Mapusa, belonging to the Comunidade of Pi Ierne, admeasuring 229.50 Bardez-Goa village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the sq uare metres. Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 294 square metres.

3. Boundaries: 3. Boundaries: East By plot No.2 of the same Sub-division; East By plot No. 39 of the same Sub-division; West By property beanng Chalta No.2 ofP. T. Sheet West ByplotNo. 31 ofthe same Sub-division; No.42; North By 6 metres road of the same Sub-division; and North By property bearingChaltaNo. I-A ofPT Sheet South By encroached area of Survey No. 76/1. No. 45; and South By proposed 6 metres wide road. File No. 1-2-98-ACNZII 998 FiIeNo.I-409-97-ACNZI97 rf any person has any obj ection against the proposed lease he/she should submit hislher objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease helshe should submit hislherobjection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice In thc Official Gazette. the Official Gazette.

Mapusa. 2nd January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajanan Mapusa, 5th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajanall Kambli. Kambli. V. No. 55311 998 v. No. 70311997 (Repeated) (Repeated)

15. In accordance \vith the terms and for the purpose established J 7. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose In Arllck 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby ilnnounced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland detaIls of which

I. Name of the applicant: Shri Wilfred Martin D'Mello, rio 1. Nameoftheapplicant>Shri A velino de Mello, rIo ACOI, Mapusa, Moira, Bardez-Goa. Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named , Lote No. __ , Survey No. 6411, Plot 2. Land named _, Chalta No. II. P.T.S. No. 36 of Mapusa City. No.6, situated at Moira village of Bardez Taluka and Plot No. 20, situated at Mapusa City of Bardcz Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Moira, admeasuring 342 belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 309 square metres. square metres.

.1. Boundaries: 3. Boundaries:'

East By proposed road; East By 10 metres wide existing road; West By private property of Felixbert D'Souza; West By remaining part of property bearing Chalta North By plot No.5 & partly by road; and Nos. 9 & 10 of P.T.S. No. 36; South By plot No.7 of the same Sub-division. North By plot No. 19 of the same Sub-division; and South By plot No. 21 of the same Sub-divIsion. File No. 1-3-1998-ACNZI98 FileNo.I-I-98-ACNZII998 Jfany person has any objection against the proposed lease hclshe should submIt hisiher objection in writing to the Administrator ofComunidildes Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease helshc should of Bardez. within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in submit hislher objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades thc Official Gazette. of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice In the Official Gazette. Mapusa, 6th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajallall Kamb/i. Mapusa, 7th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gala/lal/ 8. KambU. v. No. 65711998 v. No. 754/1997 (Repeated) (Repeated) • OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1525 SERIES /1/ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

18. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established 20. In accordance wIth the terms and for the purpose establ ished In Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, It IS hereby announccd.that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which arc given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) baSIS. for constructIon of a residential house. construction of a residential house.

1. Name of the applicant: Shri Nashikant Baburao Vaigankar, I. Nameoftheapplicant: Shri VijayMahadev Kanolkar, r/o·Chipul r/oCunchclim, Mapusa-Goa. Vaddo, Tivim, Ba~ez-Goa.

2. Land named , under Chalta No. 30 of P.T.S. No.7 of City 2. Land named "Temcricho-SoTVO", Lote No: _, Survey Survey, Mapusa, Plot No. "M", situated at City S. Mapusa No. P.T.S. 112 of Chalta No. I, Plot No. II, situated at village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, Dangui Colony village of Bardez Taluka and Mapusa, admeasuring 392 square metres. belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 287 square metres. 3. Boundanes:

3. Boundaries: East By Comumdade land (R/W) and H No. 17: West By Comunidade land Chalta No. 30 of P.T.S. East By plot No. 44 ofthe same Sub-division; No.7; West 8yproposed 8 metrcs road ofSub-division; North By Comunldade land Chalta No. 30ofP.T.Sheet North By plot No. 10 of the same Sub-division; and No.7; and South By proposed 10 metrcs road of the 'same South ByComunidade land Chalta No. 30 ofP.T.Shcet .~ Sub-division. (' No.7.

FileNo.I-403-97-ACNZI97 File No. I-I 0-98-ACNZI98

Ifany pcrson has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should Ifany person has any objection ag,!inst the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades submit his/her objection in wnting to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, wIthin 30 days from the second publication of this notice in of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notIce 10 thc Official Gazette. the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 24th Deccmber, 1997.- The Secretary, Gajallan Mapusa, 15th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Ga/allall Kambli. Kambli. V. No. 77911997 V. No. 1259/1998 (Repeated)

21. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established \9. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comumdadcs in force, it is hereby In Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which are given below. has been applied on lease (Aforamcnto) baSIS, for arc gIven below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for constructIOn of a residential house. constructIon of a residential house. J. Nameoftheappiicant: Shri Vaman PandurangNaik,r/o Madurar, I. Name of the applicant: Shri Cruz D'Silva, rIo Chimbel, Sawantwadi. Tiswadi-Goa. 2. Land named _, under Chalta No.3 of P.T.S. No. 67, City 2. Land named __ , Lote No. _, Survey No. 5311, Plot Survey, Mapusa, Plot No. 16, situated at H.B. Colony of No. 30, Qsituated at Pilcrne village of Bardez Taluka and Mapusa village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the belonging to the Comunidade of Pilcrne, admeasuring 293 Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 267 square metres. square metres. 3. Boundanes: 3. Boundarics: East By plot No. 17 of the same Sub-diVision; East By CHOGM road to Saligao to Panaji; West By plot No. 15 of the same Sub-diVIsion: West By plot No. 29 ofthe same Sub-division; North By Housing Board Colony; and North By CHOGM road to Saligao to Panaji; and South By 8 metres road of the same Sub-division. South By 8 metres proposed road.

FileNo.I-136-97-ACNZI97 FikNo.I-II-98-ACNZI98

If anypcrson has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she shou ld submit his/herobjection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades submit his/her objection in writing to the Admimstrator of ComunIdades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice ·in the Official Gazette. the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 20th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajallall Mapusa, 19th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajanan Kumbli. Kambli. V. No. 129811998 (Repeated) V.No.12(d/1998 1526 OFFICIAL GAZETIE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES 1lJ No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 19!18

22. In accordance with the tenns and for the purpose established 24. In accordance with the tenns and for th~ purpose established In Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, It is hereby in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, It is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which . are glven below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basts, for are given below, has been applied on iease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house. construction of a residential house.

I. Name of the applicant: Shri Prakash N. Volvoikar, rio Guirirn, I. Name of the applicant: Smt. Sandhya Khandelwal, rIo Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. Bardez~Goa.

2 Land named _, under Chalta No. I of P.T.S. No. 112, City 2. Land named ---.:, under Chalta No.5 of P.T;S. No.3, City Survey; Mapusa, Plot No.2, situated at Mapusa villageofBardez Survey, Mapusa., Plot No. L situated at Mapusa vHlage of Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 400 square metres. admeasuring 245 square metres.

3. Boundaries: 3. Boundaries:

East By proposed 6 metres road of Sub-division; East By plot No.2 ofthe same Sub-division; West Byplet No.6 ofthe same Sub-division~ West By the private ~operty under Chalta No.4 of North By exist BLDG.; and P.T.S. No.3 oftheSub-divlsion; South By encroached plot of House Mahale. North By plotNo.4 of the same Sub~division; and South By 6 metres proposed road of the same FileNo.I-6-98-ACNZ/98 Suh-Division.

Ifany person has any objection against the proposed leasehe!she should File No. 1-13-9S-ACNZ/98 submit hislher objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in Ifany person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should the Official Gazette. submit hislherobjection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades ofBardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in Mapusa, 14th January, 1998.- The Secretary. Gajanan the Official Gazette. . Kambli. Mapusa, 23rd January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajallan V. No. 126211998 Kambli. V. No. 143811998 ---+---

"Comunidades" 23. In accordance with the tenns and for the purpose established 10 Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which ANJUNA are given below. has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, fo'r construction of a residential house. 25. The above~mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary general body meeting on 22nd February, 1998 at I. Name of the applicant: Shri Ajit Vassudev Tal,11onkar, rIo Zor~ 10.00 a. m. at its meeting place in order to give its opinion on files Wado, Chapora, Anjuna, Bardez~Goa. applied on lease (Aforamento), forthe construction of residential houses and other purpose, an uncultivated and unused plot of land situated 2. Land named _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 407/1, Plot No. 21, at Anjuna and belonging to the Comunidade of Anjuna and the discussion situated at Anjuna village ofBardez Taluka and belonging to the of fOllowing Agenda: Comunidade of Anjuna, admeasuring 320 square metres.

I. File No. 1-2IS-97-ACNZ/l997 of Shri Albino D'Souza, rio 3. Boundaries: Aradi, Guirim, Bardez-Goa, plot No. 24, Survey No. 206/1 an East By proposed road ofthe same Sub-division; area of 385 square metres. West ByplotNo. 8 ofthe same Sub~diyision; It is bounded on the:~ North By plot No. 20 of the same Sub~division; and East By plot No. 21 ; South By plot No. 22 ofthe same Sub-division. West By proposed 8 metres wide road; North ByplotNo.25;and File No. 1-12-98-ACNZl98 South By plot No. 23 of the same Sub~division.

Ifany person has any objection against the proposed leasehelshe should 2. File No. 1-243-97-ACNZ/l997 of Shri IgnatiUs D'Souza, rio submit hisJherobjection in writing tothe Administrator of Comunidades Grande Peddem, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa, plot No. J 8, Survey of Bardez, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in No. 2061l an area of 365 square metres. the Official Gazette. It is bounded on the:- Mapusa, 21 st January, 1998.- The Secretary, Gajanan East Bymain road, Mapusa-Chapora; Kambli. West By plot No. 27; North ByplotNo.17;and V. No. 1321/1998 South Byplot No. 19 ofthe same Sub-division. OFFICIAL GAZEITE - GOVT. OF GOA 1527 SERIES III No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

3. File No. 1-242-97-ACNZlI997 ofShri Richard William Francis 10. File No. 1-34 1-97-ACNZlI 997 of Mrs. Kalyani Roy ,rio Moloca, D'Souza, rIo Grande Peddem, Anjuna, 8ardez-Goa, plot No. 17, Merees, Tiswadi-Goa, plot No. 31, Survey No. 20611 (part) an Survey No. 206/1 an area of 365 square metres. area of 385 square metres.

It is bounded on the:- It is bounded on the:- East Bymain road Mapusa-Chapora; West By plot No. 28; East ByplotNos. 14& 15; North ByplotNo.16;and West By proposed 8 metres road; South ByplotNo.18. ... North By plot No. 32; and South By plot No. 30 of the same Sub-division. 4. File No. 1-270-97-ACNZII997 of Shri Andrew Agustine D'Souza, rIo Nagoa, Bardez-Goa, plot No. 19, Survey II. File No. 1-359-97-ACNZlI997 ofShri Narayan ShridharNayak, No. 206/1 an area of 333 square metres. rio Chapota, Bardez-Goa, plot No. 69, Survey No. 20611 an area of 360 square metres. It is bounded on the:- East By main road Mapusa-Chapora; It is bounded on the:- West By plot No. 26; North ByplotNo.18;and East By proposed 8 metres road; South By plot No. 20 ofthe sameSub-division. West By plotNo. 74; North By plot No. 43; and 5. File No. 4-8-97-ACNZlI997 ofTheChairman of Vagat or Youth South By plot No. 70 of the same Sub-division. Sports Club, rIo Vagator, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa, plot No. _, Survey No. 206/1, land "Restant", an areaof9960 square Agenda (C metres, the land on pennanent lease for the purpose efFoot 8a11 ( Ground and its premises. I. The application of Tete-Communication for the Comunidade It is bounded on the:- land fordiscussion. East By road leading to Ozram Beach; 2. The application of Shri Umesh Porobo for discussion. West ByComunidade land; .... 3. The application of Smt. Indu letha for discussion. North Byroad; and South By Comunidade land. Anjuna, 21st January, 1998.- The Clerk, A. S. Naik.

6. File No. 1-49-89-ACB!l989 of Shri V. A. Prabhu, rio Parra, V. No. 1364/1998 Bardez-Goa, plot No. 54, Survey No. 407, Late No. 474, 473, 529. land named· _. an area of 400 square metres. MAPUSA it is bounded on the:- East By plot No. 63; 26. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened fo'r an West : By 10 metres proposed road; and extraordinary meeting on 8th February, 1998 at 10.30 a. m. at its meeting South : Byplot No. 53 of the same Sub-division. hall, in order to deliberate on the under mentioned File, as the understated has applied for permanent lease for construction of residential house, 7. File No. 1-16-93-ACB/1993 ofShri Rajendra M. Palyekar, rio the uncultivated and unused plot of land situated at Mapusa belonging Vodhawaddo, Chapora, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa, plot No. 42, Survey to the Comunidade of Mapusa. No. 407 an area of 300 square metres. The applicant being a Government Servant requests that the same It is bounded on the:- may 'be granted without the formalities of auction. East By 10 metres wide road; West By plot Nos. 36 & 37; 1. Nameofthe applicant: Shri Vinayak Krishna Mandrek!lr, resident North By plot No. 41 ; and of Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. South By plot No. 43 ofthe same Sub-division. 2. Land named _, Chalta No. I of P.T. Sheet No. 112, plot 8. File No. 1-30 1-97-ACNZ/I 997 ofShri Santosh M. Porob, rio No. 70 of the City Survey of Map usa village of Bardez Taluka, Deulwadi, Chinvar, Anjuna, Bardez-Goa, plot No.4, Survey situated at Dangui Colony, Mapusa Bardez-Goa and belonging No. 29911 an area of 270 square metres. to the Comunidade of Map usa, admeasuring 270 square metres. It is bounded on the:- 3. Boundaries: East Byplot·No.3; West By road already existing; North By plot No.5; and East By 6.00 metres proposed road of the same Sub­ South By Co'munidade land of the same Survey. division; West By 6.00 metres proposed road of the same Sub­ 9. File No. 1-265-97-ACNZII997 ofShri Gopinath R. Porob, rio division; Chapora, Bardez-Goa, plot No. 39, bearing Survey Nos. 250 & North By plot No. 69 ofthe same Sub-division; and 255 an area of 400 square metres. South By plot No. 71 ofthe same Sub-division. rt is bounded on the:- File No. 1-369-97-ACN097 East By plot No. 38; West By plot No. 40; Mapusa, 17th January, 1998.- The Clerk-in-Charge, Vishnu Namdeu North By plot No. 26; and Gaunkar. South By proposed 8 metres wide road. V. No. 1386/1998 1528 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

27. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an Gazette Series III in order to give its opinion on the File extraordinary meeting on 8th February, 1998 at 10.30 a. m. at its meeting No. 1-27-97-ACNZ/97, in which Shri Micheal Kennedy D'Cruz, resIdent of Mainavaddo, Aldona, Bardez-Goa has applied on lease (Aforamento) haU, in order to deliberate on the under mentioned File, as the understated basis, for construction of a residential house, the uncultivated and unused has applied for pennanent lease for construction of residential house, plot of land named _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 38, Sub-Oiv. the uncultivated and unused plot of land situated at Mapusa belonging No.1, Plot No. 16, situated at Nachinola Village of Bardez Taluka to the Comunidade of Mapusa. and belonging to the Com~nidade ofNachinola, admeasuring 380 square metres. The applicant being a Gaunkar requests that the same may be granted without the formalities of auction .. It is bounded on the:-

East By plot No. 15 of the same Sub-divIsion: Name of the applicant: Shri Xavier Francis Braganza, resident West Byplot No. 17 ofthc Sub-division: of Gaunsawaddo, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. North By 8.00 metres road ofthe same Sub-division: and South By plot No. 26 of the same Sub-divIsion. 2. Land named "Goulachi-Bar/Barchi-Muddi", Chalta No. 10 of Nachinola, 21 st January, 1998.- The U.D.C., Lm,:IIl/kanl (lovil/d P.T. Sheet No. 10, plot No. 52, situated at Mapusa~Goa of the Kamal. City Survey of Map usa villageofBardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Mapusa, admeasuring 283 square metres. V. No. 1346/1998

3. Boundaries:

East By 6.00 metres proposed road; 30. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for West By plot No. 51 ofthesame Sub-division; an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at North By remaining Comun idade property; and 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official South By plot No. 53 of the same Sub~division. Gazette Series III in order to give its opinion on the File No. 1-134-97-ACNZ/97, in which Shri Shreeram Pandurang Kamat, File No. 1-350-97-ACNC/97 resident of Manekar Flats, B. 8., Borkar Road, Alto de Porvorim, Bardez-Goa has applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction Mapusa, 17th January, 1998.- The Clerk-in~Charge, Vishnu Namdeu of a residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land (/(luJ1kar named _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 38, Sub-Div. No. I. Plot V. No. 143211998 No. 22, situated at Nachinola village of Bardez Taluka and belongmg to the Comunidade of Nachinola, admeasuring 390 square metres.

It is bounded on the:- PILERNE

East By plot No. 23 ofthc same Sub-division; 28. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened to meet at Its meetmg place 6n the 3rd working Sunday of the Comunidade West Byexistingmain road; at 10.30 a_ m. after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette North By plot No. 21 ofthe same Sub-diVision: and in order to give its opinion on the File No. 1-392-97-ACNZ/97, in which South By 6.00 metres wide road of the same Shn Raghoba Shetye, resident of S1. Inez, Panaji-Goa has applied on Sub-division. !case (Aforamento), for constructIOn of residential house an uncultivated and unused plot No. 40, Survey. No. 76/1 (part), situated at Pileme village Nachinola, 21st January, 1998.- The U.O.c., Laxmikant Govilld of Bardez Taluka and belon.ging to the Comunidade of Pi Ierne, Kamal. admcasunng 397 square metres.

It 15 bounded on the:- V. No. 134811998

East By 6 metres road of the same Sub-division; West By plot No. 43 of the same Sub-division; North' By plot No. 41 of the same Sub-division; and South By 6 metres road ofthe same Sub~division. 31. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at Pilcrnc, 29th January, 1998.- The U.D.C., Santosh Maigaollkar. 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette Series III in order to gIve its opinion on the File V.No.1597/1998 No. l-12-97-ACNZ/J997, in which Shri Declip J. Porob, resIdent of Paithona, Salvador-Do-Mundo, Bardez-Goa has applied on lease (-Aforamcnto) basis, for construction of a residential house, thc NACHINOLA uncultivated and unused plot of land named _, Lote No. _, Survcy No. 38, Sub-Oiv. No.1, Plot No.2, situated at Nachinola village of 29. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Nachinola. 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official admeasuring 342 square metres. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 1529. SERIES III No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY, 1998

It IS bounded on the:- 34. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official East Byplot No.3 ofthe same Sub-division; Gazette Series III in order to give its opinion on the File West ByplotNo.i oftheSub-division; , No. 1-23-97-ACNZ/l997, in which Shri Alexio Martinho Rodrigues, North ByComunidade land under Sy. No. 39/2; and resident of Pinto Rosario Park, Alto de Porvorim, Bardez-Goa has applied South By 6.00 metres wide road" of the same on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house, Sub-division. the uncultivated and Unused plot of land named _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 38, Sub-Div. No.1, Plot No. 31, situated at Nachinola village a Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Nachinola, Nachinola, 21st January, 19?8.- The U.D.C., Laxmikant Govind admeasuring 380 square metres. Kamal. V.No.134911998 It is bounded on the:- East By open space of the same Sub-division; West By plot No. 30 ofthe Sub-division; 32. The above-mentioned Cornunidade is hereby convened for North By 6.00 metres road of the same Sub-division; an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at and 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official South By open space of the same Sub-division. Gazette Series III in order to give its opinion on the File Nachinoia, 21st January, 1998.- The V.D.C., Laxmikanl Govind No. 1-345-97-ACNZlI997, in which Shri Dillwyn Bosco Agnelo Nazareth, Kamal. resident of Borvon Vaddo, Nachinola, Bardez-Goa has applied on lease V. No. 1352/1998 (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house, the ---+--- uncultivated and unused plot of land named _, Lote No. _, Survey No. 38, Sub-Div. No.1, Plot No. 28, situated at Nachinola village "Comunidade" of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Nachinola, admeasuring 400 square metres. UCCASSAIM It is bounded on the:- Notice

East Byplot No: 29 ofthe same Sub-division; 35. It is hereby announced that Auction ofthc property belonging to the West Byexistingroad; Comunidadeof Vccassaim under Survey No. 87/1 and 48/1, will be held North By 6.00 metres wide road of the same for a period of 3 months. The said Auction is in respect of plucking of Sub--division;and cashew apples and nuts. South 8yopen space of the same Sub-division. The Auction will be held in the meeting hall of the Comunidade on the 8th of February; 1998 at 10.00 a.m. Nachinola, 21st January, 1998.- The V.D.C., Laxmikant Govind Kamal. The interested parties may verify the terms and conditions of the V. No. 1350/1998 Auction from the Office of the Comunidade during office hours.

Uccasaim, 28th January, 1998. - The Clerk-in-Charge, Gabriel B. 33. The above-mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for Fernandes. an extraordinary meeting at its meeting place on 3rd Sunday at V. No. 146011998 10.30 a. m. after the publication of this notice in the Official ---+--- Gazette Series III in order to give its opinion on the File No. 1-343-97-ACNZI1997, in which Shri Agnelo Rodrigues, resident "Oevalaias" of Pinto Rosario Park, Alto Porvorim, Bardez-Goa has applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named _, Lote No. _, Survey ~) ~~ \tlfI'IHI ~f'«rT f.riAoll'l1mft ri ~ffi 'i!T« io'lt ,f

Nachinola, 21st January, 1998.- The V.D.C., Laxmikant Govind Kamal. V.No.135111998 V. No. 1399/1998 1530 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ~ GOVT. OF GOA SERIES /II No. 45 5TH FEBRUARY. 1998

SHRI SAUNSTHAN DATTA WADI OF SANQUELIM-GOA b) Any other subject with the permission of Chair.

All the Mahajans are requested to remain present without fail. 37. Notice is hereby given that an ordinary general body meeting Quepem, 19th January, 1998.- The Secretary, Devidas R. Shelkar. (Mazama) of the Mahajans of the Devalaya of Shri Dattatraya and - its affiliates of San que lim is hereby called and to elect the New Managing V.No.14n/l998 Committee on 8th February, 1998 at 10.00 a. m. onwards m the Assemby (Translation) Hal1 of Shri Saunsthan, Dattawadi, Sanquelim for the tenure of next three years beginning from 1-4-98. on the following Agenda: ~! ~'" q'<'f~~') ~1l'\' i!;'fl' Agenda ii!,fT~ 1. To elect New Managing Committee Members for the year from 'f~r.r'ir;fr ~f,m:m:1!f ,,'11 ~f1{r'lmi\" Il~<'l' "'i'fftr, , '~l'i, 38. A general body meeting of the Mahajans of the Temple (DevaJaya) mentioned above has been convened as per Article No. 38/(2) of Regulamento das Mazanias on Sunday 8-2-1998 at ~F:i\'-':I business: ~--.--- I. Elect10n of Managing Committee for the year 1998-1999, 1999-2000,2000-200 I. Private Advertisement

AI! the Mahajans are invited to attend the meeting. 40. Jose Franc1sco Pantaleao Pinto, from Olaulim, Pomburpa, Bardez, Headland, Sada, 27th January, \998.- The President, Sdl-. residing at Olaulim, Pomburpa, Wishes to transfer m his name e1ght shares of the Comunldade of Pomburpa Taluka Bardcz, of the N.B.:- In casc there is no Quorum till 10.00 a. m. the meeting will stand Nos. 4243, 4244, 4245, 4246 and 4247 of the title No. 304-D, 3210 adjourned and the adjourned meeting w111 be conducted at 10.30 a. m. at the same place on the same date to transact the business. of the title No. In-B, 3224 and 3225 of the title No. 183, which are standing in the name of his late brother Agnelo Bonifac10 Santana An Endorsement issued by competent authority stating that the Pinto, by other name Agnclo Pinto, who was from Olaulim. matters reqUIred to be published in the Official Gazette under the re levantprovlsion 0 fLaw. Any interested party may raise objection agamst the said pretension, V. No. 143411998 before the competent authority, within the prescribed time limit.


39. A general body meeting of all Mahajans is fixed on 8-2-1998 Corrigendum at 4.00 p. m. in the premises of Dattamandir at Quepem to discuss followmg subjects: 4 \. In the notice of the Office of the Civil Registrar, Ponda, published in the Official Gazette, Series III No. 43, dated 22-1-1998 a) To elect New Committee for further three years period from at page 1477, V. No. 778, In the second line of the first para, for 1st Aprd, 1998 to 31st March, 2001. "Cruz Francisco Philip" read "Cruz Francisco Philip".