October 3, 2004, a new series arrives on the ABC (in Europe since September 8, 2005) his name is . Created by and produced by ABC Studio, this series is a revolution because it mixes comedy drama and mystery. In the town of Fairview there’s a street called ; a peaceful suburban with manicured lawns and beautiful houses. It’s a place where you know all your neighbors and your neighbors know all about you. It’s the perfect suburban fantasy. But, behind every picket fence there are secrets. And, in every seemingly happy home, you’ll find jealousy, lust, passion, and sometimes … murder. The starting point to the series is this The "normal" suburban life for a group of close-knit housewives takes a dark turn When one of closest friends mysteriously commits Their suicide. Now while trying to deal with Their Own hectic problems and romantic lives, each Stock Brings year was new mystery and more dark and twisted events to come. Life behind closed doors is about to be Revealed as suburban life takes a funny and dark turn.

There was seven seasons of this series that had been very successful in the United States where he was even nominated for fifteen times, but the success of this series only diminishes every year in France.

With Desperate Housewives, Marc Cherry wanted, somehow, to create a sequel to the series to show that women can become 25-30 years without ongoing relationship when the past 35 years, they finally found their so-called prince charming with the offspring and the beautiful villa that goes with it. ( Poster ) Now, let's focus on the character : ( played by ), the sweet girl next door who who is very clumsy And there’s (played by ), she was once a high-powered executive but then make that five kids got in the way. There's ( played by ) She is a model for all women of Fairview. There's (played by Parker), Former Top model demanding, she becomes during the seasons a real mother to her two daughters. Did I mention ( played by Nicollettte Sheridan) liar, manipulative, she dead after Five seasons …

These women have it all: friendship, fun, love, sex, money, danger, and the lies: this is the ingredient of a good series

 Who watch Desperate Housiwes ?  Who is your favorite character?  What is your favorite season ?

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