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Valid List by Fleet, Last Name Page 1 of 26 Date 10/19/2012 2012 Valid List by Fleet, Last Name Page 1 of 26 Fleet: Boston-MA Last Name First Name Fleet Yacht Name Design Sail Nbr Record Date Racing Cruising Bedingfield Blake BSN2 Sojourner Pearson 365 S R 258 R051012 225 228 Boyd/Wiest Dan/Mitch BSN2 Wildthing J 109 272 R042212 66 78 Brun-Cottan Georges BSN2 Foot Loose J 30 467 R042212 135 141 Caron David BSN2 Legacy Hunter 30 T M N080712 180 186 Childs Kathleen BSN2 Mr. Smooch C&C 34 30444 R081012 150 162 Claffey James BSN2 Flying Cloud Tartan 28 111 R042212 192 207 Davis Andrew BSN2 Destiny J 37 W K 50987 R051012 93 96 Di Pietro Joshua BSN2 Dawn Rain Tartan 27 60381 N042112 237 249 Everett Patrick BSN2 Wango Seidelmann 37 38 R042212 138 153 Feeney Stephen BSN2 Impulse Pearson 36-2 21090 R042212 138 150 Hardy Ernest BSN2 Jaguar J 105 102 R042212 90 96 Hodgman Leslee BSN2 Pajama Girl Sabre 34 62 R051012 174 180 Hyde Jr. Richard W. BSN2 Freightrain Frers 36 40926 R042212 90 102 Klim Marty BSN2 Flingo Bingo Islander 30-2 14332 C071212 186 198 Lanza Jonathan BSN2 Chandele Pearson 10 M 179 N081012 156 168 Lawton Richard BSN2 Spirit C&C 34 30372 R042212 150 162 Mascott J Bard BSN2 Two If By Sea J 105 209 R042212 90 96 Mc Dougall David BSN2 Candy G Macgregor 26 M 60356 N042212 228 234 Melcher Dwayne BSN2 "Sloopy" Lacoste 42 S E 40779 R042212 72 84 Pomer John BSN2 Ophelia Capri 22 W K 281 R050412 219 228 Reardon Greg BSN2 Someday Hunter 376 S D H 376 N042212 132 141 Smith Robert BSN2 Outter Limits Capri 22 W K R042212 219 225 Talbot Jeffrey BSN2 Tachy Tartan Ten 138 R042212 126 132 Winkler Dave BSN2 Iphigenia Catalina 30 1364 R042212 192 207 Woods John BSN2 Badaka Freedom 25 184 N042212 207 207 Total: 25 Fleet: Blue Water Sailing-MA Last Name First Name Fleet Yacht Name Design Sail Nbr Record Date Racing Cruising Bacco Kenneth BWS2 Incentive Sabre 362 W K 60362 R051512 126 129 Bates Bruce BWS2 Aliez Beneteau O C 430 W K 224 R051512 111 117 Bornhoff Hank BWS2 Magic Concordia 41 469 R070712 168 174 Brown William/Janet BWS2 Jem-N-Us Beneteau 361 R061412 144 156 Cohen Harvey BWS2 Kangaroo I V Sabre 425 43829 R051512 123 135 De Vine Mark BWS2 Devine Wind Beneteau First 40.7' 51752 N071212 60 72 Dieselman John BWS2 Star Fire Pearson 36-2 Cb 51138 R051512 147 159 Dobson Wilson BWS2 Lazyjacks Eastsail Offshore 25 01 R051512 273 276 Dragonas Peter BWS2 Merlin Frers 41 41741 R051012 81 84 Duggan William BWS2 Mooncusser Southern Cross 31 107 R070712 231 243 Flannery John BWS2 Sapphire Cape Dory 36 19 R051012 189 204 Gabrielson Mark BWS2 Lyra Hinckley S W 50 30288 R053112 129 135 Gartner Gerald BWS2 Island Packet 370 R052212 192 207 Gaythwaite John BWS2 Aegis Cape Dory 36 141 R051012 198 201 Green Thomas BWS2 Trinity Hallberg Rassy 46 R061912 102 108 Handler Laurence BWS2 Eviana Catalina 470 W K 84 R053112 117 132 Harris Scott BWS2 Bright Morning Star Sabre 34-2 R051512 141 156 Kenyon Jeff BWS2 Calitri Tartan 4100 S D 81 R051012 126 132 Kern Fred R. BWS2 Sea Hawk Gulfstar 44 50440 R051012 141 153 Kessler Reobert BWS2 Whisper Catalina 380 W K 47 R053112 144 159 Lee Stephen BWS2 Salacia Freedom 35 W K 70 R051612 150 162 Mc Lean Allan BWS2 Eagle Frers 38 43289 R051012 66 78 Pedone Richard BWS2 Tallisman Tartan 41 14879 R061912 111 114 Pomfret David BWS2 Anne Albin Nimbus 42 30921 R052212 99 111 Power Dan BWS2 Kinsale Sabre 38-2 114 R070712 126 138 Reiss Edward BWS2 Being There Freedom 38 154 R052212 138 147 Rosen Gerald BWS2 Illusion Perry Custom Sloop/Cutter R051012 39 45 Sallinger James BWS2 First Light Freedom 38 R052212 138 147 Scherr Richard BWS2 Dark Star Dehler 41 C R 41 R052212 90 105 Smith Todd BWS2 Twlight Cartwright 36 01 R051012 204 210 Snow Bart BWS2 Snow Cat Freedom 40 32 R051012 174 174 Thibodeau Leonard BWS2 Breakway C&C 40-2 D K Mod 30490 R052212 102 117 Vassallo Kem/Tom BWS2 Mise En Place Island Packet 350 R052212 201 213 Zapol Warren BWS2 Mabuhay Sabre 362 W K 255 R061912 126 129 Total: 34 Fleet: Cape Ann - MA Last Name First Name Fleet Yacht Name Design Sail Nbr Record Date Racing Cruising Barnes Kathleen CAN2 Celery Hinckley S W 42 42001 R022912 105 117 Bornhoff J. Eric CAN2 Dove Skye 54 50555 R072512 75 87 Chamberlain,J Williams,M CAN2 Elusive C&C 37 40970 R031612 120 126 Dunn John-Peter CAN2 Take Five Freedom 35 35001 R061112 141 153 Eaton Peggy CAN2 Zephyr C&C 32 673362 R030912 165 177 Fagan Ed CAN2 Shebeen J 30 502 R042912 147 153 Harvey Jonathan CAN2 Resolute Buzzard Bay 25 24 R040312 u174 u183 Lindsay Mark CAN2 Cepheus 1 X Schumacher 23 S-23 R032112 192 201 Olsen David CAN2 Frolic Hinckley B40 137 R051812 150 162 Ouelette Stephen CAN2 Puffin Sabre 34-2 41839 R061112 141 156 Parker Jack CAN2 Arts & Letters J 40 S D 37 R021912 102 111 Rapp William CAN2 Rappsody Irwin 30 Custom 30 N061212 198 213 Rogers William C. CAN2 Simba Nonsuch 30 264 R022412 177 177 Sheigley Wilfred CAN2 Mischief Frers 38 73335 R021912 72 84 Stauffer Hoff CAN2 Amazing Grace Alerion Express 38-2 11 R020912 87 108 Tagiuri John CAN2 Finess Ohlson 36 1177 C080612 198 213 Temple Jim CAN2 Mentor Tanzer 22 1426 R022412 237 252 Zorfas Jason CAN2 Wildfire Tripp 37 41307 R071012 93 105 Total: 18 Fleet: Cape Cod - MA Last Name First Name Fleet Yacht Name Design Sail Nbr Record Date Racing Cruising Anderson Karl COD2 Wizard Concordia 40 676 R061612 168 183 Aruny John COD2 Sosnic Boom Beneteau First 36.7 52828 N061612 75 84 Bagley Norm COD2 Silent H Catalina 30 44 N061812 219 234 Bearse Scott COD2 Slide Rule Beneteau 44.7 S D 51407 R061612 54 57 Beckman Mark COD2 Whatever Tartan 41 12221 N061612 96 108 Bessette Barry COD2 Club Car S2 7.9 47 R061612 168 174 Blair Gregory COD2 Blue Phantom Bristol 35.5 31210 R061612 165 171 Blank Brian COD2 Imagine Beneteau 463wk 463 R061612 114 129 Blank Brian COD2 Summer Dreams Beneteau 423 4 R061612 123 135 Blank Brian COD2 Summer Breeze 5 Beneteau 423 5 R061612 123 135 Blank Brian COD2 Perfect Summer Jeanneau 49 D S 49 R061612 87 102 Blank Brian COD2 Namaste Jenneau 54 Deck Salon R061612 57 72 Blank Brian COD2 Devante's Dream Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40.301 R061612 114 129 Blank Brian COD2 Free Rein Jenneau 54 Deck Salon 02 R061612 57 72 Blank Brian COD2 I V I V I Beneteau Oceanis 47 01 N061612 87 102 Blank Brian P. COD2 Summer Magic 3 Beneteau 423 3 R061612 123 135 Blank Brian P. COD2 Endless Summer Beneteau 423 1 R061612 123 135 Blank Garry COD2 Loose Goose Pointin 29 21100 R061212 153 165 Bloom Jonathan COD2 Bear Spirit J 105 51682 R061612 90 96 Burnham Christopher COD2 Ring Pearson Triton 559 R092012 261 270 Callahan Patrick J. COD2 Celtic Rose Catalina 30 5922 R061612 192 204 Catignain Roland COD2 Breezing Up Beneteau 373 34 R061612 141 147 Davisson Zeke COD2 Slayride C&C 35-2 60305 R061612 135 147 Doherty David COD2 Adajio Tartan 31 S D R061612 165 180 Dow Capt. Timothy COD2 Beam Reach Hinckley Pilot 35 1123 R061612 216 222 Downey John C. COD2 Gambler Frers 41 T M 41711 R061612 69 81 Dunne Andrew COD2 Cygnet Alden 45" Seagoer 269 N040212 141 147 Egan Richard COD2 Wings J 46 04 R061612 54 57 Ellis Thomas COD2 Coverage Pearson Vanguard 220 R061612 231 246 Fater Marc COD2 Nepenthe Sabre 38-2 R061612 132 147 Fisher Jay COD2 Austerity C&C 38 Landfall 31205 R061612 147 162 Flannery Kevin COD2 Shindig Pearson 39-2 C B 60802 R061612 126 141 Gray Doug COD2 Aerial Pearson 30 777 N061612 189 204 Handel John COD2 Chouette Beneteau Oceanis 350 W8640K R061612 177 192 Hayden Andrew COD2 Instant Karma Cheoy Lee Offshore 47 665 R061612 126 141 Hulburt David COD2 Rockaby Illingsworth 37 52482 R061612 192 198 Jackson Edward COD2 Netop Luders 33 52 R061612 216 219 Johnson Michael COD2 Moondance Swan 56 56000 R082712 -12 0 Kelly Gerard COD2 Three Sheets Almand 31 79 N061612 204 219 Kennedy Christopher COD2 Gyre Ohlson 41 1666 N061612 126 138 Kennedy Edward M. COD2 Mya Concordia 50 00 R061612 102 102 Lorusso/Labush Gary/Pete COD2 Lyric J 105 S D 352 N061612 93 99 Mac Kenzie Hugh COD2 Aftica Irwin 31 Citation S D 234 R061512 183 198 Mann Ryan COD2 Superstition J 24 3137 R061612 168 174 Marsh William COD2 Ruse Swan 44-2 52044 R061612 72 84 Mc Cormick Evan COD2 Cassiopeia Islander Bahama 30 S D50606 R061612 198 210 Mc Laughlin Charles COD2 Independence Catalina 30 R061612 192 207 Meincke Andrew COD2 Kestrel Avance 245 01 R061612 198 204 Mintz M J COD2 L' Amarre Alberg 37 91 R061612 171 186 Murphy Paul COD2 Dolphin Islander 34 59 R061612 219 234 Nicholas Kent COD2 Panasea J 42 51042 R061612 75 78 O' Loughlin Joseph COD2 Tabu Catalina 36 T M 40859 R061612 132 144 Okun Scott COD2 Desperado I O D 29 R061612 U144 U150 Palmer Stephen COD2 Evening Star Bavaria 41 Cruiser S D 31 R051012 192 204 Panuczak Gerry COD2 Secret Ranger 30 22508 R061512 168 180 Powers Michael COD2 Artful Dodger Tartan 35 O D Wk 60405 N061612 141 145 Riley William F.

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