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1 I __ f=1é?`§%¢%Z;::iC:~' _ r_ "\";'f.Z'¥a1',l $1 -2&

Stanley C WrightWright Eugene VanVoorhisIéznlborlzis Douglas C BurkhardtBur/clzardt Commodore Vice Commodore Rear CommodoreCommodore Joanne FredericksFredeneks

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...... Helen K. blgersonIngerson John W.W Newell 77107710577zomas D-D. HCll€,Hale, Jr.JK Fleet Captain SailSail PastPasr Commodol~Commodore FleerFleet Captain PowerPower A-4 A-4 ,_ _ _A "Cf . _ _Ll ,..,,W;,__,gZ-_1;ev,_~__,_,s-s.»,,.,,,,f'~,» .,, _ ¢»=:.:-,.,_ ¢,~Me'¢¢» -§¢=fee.~'E5,f;>e:.~;,.=x§ m',@;"~>2'3-17?*¢' DIRECTORSDQECTORS ROCIESTERROCHESTER YACHTYACHT CLUBCLUB



.. OFFICERS NAME PHONE PHONE 3 __ r PHONE -7 (fl 4 * Commodore Stanley C.C. Wright 586-3161 724-3127

_ O'vE * Vice CommodoreCommodore Eugene VanVoorhis 671-3656 232-4221 * "`_;f * Rear Commodore Douglas C. Burkhardt 323-2263 271-1720

PHS* C°mm°f1<>f@ 5 i . * Past Commodore 1003John W.W- Newell 225-2645 454-3000 V;"` 454-3000 r Treasurer C. Barnum '_:' * Treasurer Henry C. Barnum 244-8442 475-9050 `T k"_ 15: Recording Sec. James S. Miers 544-6684 724-4702

soo. 5 eeer Corresponding Sec. JohnJohn ErnstEmst 544-1642 424-5200 * Executive Committee DIRECTORS 550` ' '555' 5 '""1"' 2 DIRECTORS

" __ Director Dallas 1.J. HoaiyHealy 385-3164 381-5410 Holbrook Richardson Ralph B.B- PreishPfffs/1 Charles P. L'"""'Lissow Holbrook Richardson R4/P/1 C'1f1"1f§P DrroororDirector Charles P.R LrrsowLissow 227-4163 227-0760 Director Director DirectorDIVECTUV Director Director Ralph B.B. PreishPreish 225-8031 722-0450

Vg Director V_;VV Holbrook _AWWWWW Director Holbrook Richardson 223-5954 254-2125 Director James V. Nealon 544-0869 726-4529 Director 'V4Vv4 J. Q Director Frederick J. Odenbach 586-5055 424-6410424-64 10 APPOINTEDAPPUINTED OFFICERSOFFICERS .1~~ Fleet Capt. (Sail) Helen "VV _ Capt. (Sail) K. 266-1881 . Helen K. IngersonIngerson 266-1881 .--~, . Fleet Capt. (Power) D. Jr. p `! VV Capt. Thomas D. Hale, Jr. 223-6563 621-8400 Measurerileet ThomésJohn Ernst 544-1642 424-5200 i`" £1-84%

Measurer H. Robb 1-1611Holt 342-2177 253-6025 LYRA Tim Killsella """ Tim Kinsella 338-17353331735 024-3290624-3290

R y LYRA MiohaoiMichael NahmiasNrmmms 425-4046 986-5126 LYRA Kenneth Schwenker 338-7427 253-2383 PHRF Fred F-E Hubble 266-0766 427-14634221463 CENTRALS RobonRobert w.W. CaddoCastle 244-3022 427-7200

_ COMMITTEE CHAIRMENCHAIRMEN (Commodore(Commodore -- StanleyStanley C.C. Wright)

- FrederickE_ _, _ J. Odenbach Dallas J. Healy James V,V Nealon Budget & Audit George L.L. GuarinoGuarino 342-8024 544-0400 "d""%`iéCf;'fe"b"""Director D"[gf,.;[Z5"[>Director DirectorDi,eC,0, Club CruiseCmiso PomPaul 32& irrozInez LawLaw 342-2403 588-0351 Directory/Compass Martin A. Karch 271-1168 334-5440 Historical Mary Ochs (John)(John) 342-0028 Legal & By-Laws Donald F. Potter 467-3326 546-7830 Log Dr. Gary Wahl (Nadine) 381-4146381-4 146 Publicity Karen Wright 586-3161 235-4000 Tennis Dr. Joseph IncavoIncavo (Noreen) 266-6324 Trophy John Texter 473-0015 477-3019 Trust Management Michael RE Riordan 248-2895 987-6013 Women'sWomen’s AssociationAssociation Joseph Bianco (Florence) 342-2432 586-8744 Ad Hoc: Management Task Force Henry C. Barnum 244-8442 475-9050 Canada`sCanada’s CupCup John W. Newell 225-2645 454-3000 Irondequoit Sesquicentennial Robert Lasser 38541861385-4861 272-3064 Past Commodore Counsel John W. Newell 225-2645 454-3000

A'6 ~ -- , ---~- .-1. Q-:jj';';2;';};';€;$;5-5513.-_;:-;;;;;.f._ -; .f'-._.' i;;';; -3-;~;§:..i -;l;I;f_5;~;i f--`ff"T-`-"TT '3;`:5.f;f;§1?.'f:-:ll - PAST COM1VIITTEECOMMITTEE CHAIRMEN CHAIRMEN(Vice (ViceCommodore Commodore-Eugene EugeneVanVoorhis) VanVoorhis) PAST COMMODORESQQ GDURES EntertainmentEmenammem Robert & Christina 1887 George H.H. NewellNewell R°é'e."é'nChmunaBrinkrnan 3424057 5949401594-9401 George 1938 HaroldHarold L.L. FieldField 1888 George H.H. Newell L. Earl J. Thomas 381-5317 254-9190 George 1939 HaroldHarold L. Field HouseH E31-l§'nT1;nma5 1889 George H. Newell Field Raymond C. DelMonteDellvlonte 244-7479 546-8390 1940 John VanVoorhis HumanH3231 ResourceResgm-Ce Raymond 1890 georgeGeorge E.H. iglleweilNewell 1941 johnJohn VanVoorhisV/anm//corals JuniorJunivf Yacht Club Paul Haas (Maryann) 342-3659 Y=1ChfCl"b_ 232-4221 1891 Jo€l1(hgF?.Whit;WelJohn R. White 1942 \/lllillamas.William S.(llloevilri Nevin LongLone Range PlanningPlanning Pa"1HH§j<§*faf{j&""lEugene VanVoorhis 671-3656géllgggg 1892 Matthew canwrigntCartwright 1943 williamWilliams. S.Nevin Nevin PoolP001 E"2@"§Vm?';Peter Whitbeck"if (Janet)£5ana0 461-18314614831 1893 Edward N.N. Walbridge 1944 Jonathan H. Heinrich 325-1650" Walbridge 1944 Jonathan H. Heinrich ' 3 266-7211 325-1650 PropertyPf°P@1"fY Bernard r;G. 3Hydeyd( 266-7211 1894 Henry S. Mackie 1945 JonathanJonathanH. H.Heinrich Heinrich CO--TEEC() ~ (Rear Commodore-(Rear Commodore Douglas- Douglas C. C.Burkhardt)Burkhardt) Arthur T. Hagen 19451946 Jonathan H.Heinrich Heinrich Boat Safety Dr. Gary Wahl 3814146 3384409338-4409 18951 89 5 QrggurArthurrt ur T.. EaganHagenagen 1947 _\13?!a1ha;Williami iam S._ HC Calkinsalkins 323-2263 271-1720 1896 Fred S. Todd 1948 WilliamWilliamS. S.Calkins Calkins MembershipE13/1)at1§afe1?llp Douglas[1°§:iu;£;t1syC\lV;31tlrkhardt C. Burkhardt 1897 Alfred G.G. Wright 1949 James ProtestPrilgsfrs Peter G.G_ DavidsonDavidson 544-2131 333-3490383-8490 Wright 1949 James G.G.Dale Dale 1898 Frank E. Woodworth 1950 James damesG. G.Dale Dale Racing Fleet 1899 AlfredAlfred G.G. Wright 1951 F. Ritter Captains:Ca tains- Wright 1951 F. Ritter Shumway 1900 AlfredAlfred G.G. Wright F. LadiesEadiesl Roger Libby (Diane) 872-4289 Wright 1952 E Ritter Shumway 1901 CharlesCharles VanvoorhisVanVoorhis F. Offshore Julian W.W_ Webb, JRJr. 342-6143 1953 F. RitterRitterShumway Shumway 473-6042 475-8457 1902 CharlesCharles VanVoorhisVanvoorhis 1954 JonathanJonathan H. Heinrich OneQue Designbesign Edgar Gardner 473-6042 1903 Charles VanVoorhisVanvoorhis 1955 L. RegattasRegams (future)(fume) Helen IngersonIngersgn 266-1881255-1331 1955 GilbertGilbert L.Barber Barber 1904 CharlesCharles M.M. EverestEverest 1956 GilbertGilbertL. L.Barber Barber Regattas (1989)~:(1989), Gaenzle 244-0919 232-4440 1905 ThomasThomas B.B.Pritchard Pritchard 1957 Russell D. Hay J/24.l/24 No.No ° Americans Lawrence Gaenzle Hay 423-0100 1906 Frank "liT. Christy LYRA Thomas J. Roth 342-7538 Christy 1958 Russell D. Hay 425-2750 1907 Thomas B. PritchardPritchard 1959 Turner FE RochesterRmhester RaceRace Richard Heider 425-4486 425-2750 1959 Turner E DowDow 248-9426 1908 George PP. Culp 1960 F Dow Sail & Race Mgmt. Bennett TavesTaves 323-1896 George Culp !960 Turner F. Dow 227-1104 454-3000 1909 Thomas B. PritchardPritchard 1961 V. Sail3,311 Instructiontnsmiction Robert 1.J. Fischer 227-1104 1961 Wilmot V.Castle, Castle,Jr. Jr. 1910 WlnifieldWiNfield P.R Pembroke 1962 Wilmot V. Castle, Jr. ' ' 342-5511 1911 Wlnifield R Pembroke 1963 Robert R. Dobbin Club Manager William J._ Kreherf 342-3018 342-5511 1911 Winifield P. Pembroke 1963 Robert R. Dobbin Yard$513 1?/tdsggerMaster Miles gllssmehe Bliss 964-8385 342-1884 1912 CharlesCharles PullenPullen 1964 RobertRobert R.R. DobbinDobbin 1913 WinifieldWiNfield P.R Pembroke 1965 JohnJohn H.H. BushfieldBushfield 1914 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1966 JohnJohn H.H. BushfieldBushfield 1915 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1967 JonathanJonathan C.C.Heinrich Heinrich 1916 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1968 JonathanJonathan C.C.Heinrich Heinrich 1917 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1969 HenryHenry M. Klein, Jr. 1918 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1970 HenryHenry M. Klein, Jr. 1919 Fred A.A. Mabbett 1971 ErvinErvin EE Lyke 1920 WilliamWilliam J.J. Erdle 1972 En/inErvin EF. LykeLyke 1921 WilliamWilliam J.J. Erdle 1973 BruceBruce M.M. CameronCameron 1922 HarryHarry C.C. StevensonStevenson 1974 BruceBruce M.M. CameronCameron 1923 HarryHarry C.C. StevensonStevenson 1975 Frank R. Shumway, JrJr. 1924 HarryHarry C.C. StevensonStevenson 1976 Frank R. Shumway, JrJr. 1925 ThomasThomas ParsonsParsons 1977 Robert R.R. RaeRae 1926 HarryHarry C.C. StevensonStevenson 1978 Robert R.R. RaeRae 1927 W. Peck Farley 1979 William J. Stolze 1928 W. Peck Farley 1980 William J. Stolze 1929 PhilipPhilip G.G. HoffmanHoffman 1981 Peter M. Woodams 1930 PhilipPhilip G.G. HoffmanHoffman 1982 Peter M. Woodams 1931 PhilipPhilip G.G. HoffmanHoffman 1983 GordonGordon R.R. BrittonBritton 1932 PhilipPhilip G.G. HoffmanHoffman 1984 GordonGordon R.R. Britton 1933 ThomasThomas A.A. SharpSharp 1985 Paul B. SchumacherSchumacher 1934 William P.Fi Barrows 1986 Paul B.B. SchumacherSchumacher 1935 Wilmot V.V Castle 1987 JohnJohn W. Newell 1936 Edward J.J. Doyle 1988!988 John W. Newell 1937 Edward J.J. Doyle

' A 9 A -»- . ,...... -<-.». 4 A-9 --- ., -----~--»» -»--- ' 4'.... _ _ ---4" . _ - -'-' ia. 1; 1-?'¥'li=i'f ---fI »-~- <.~.» . _ . 1 I Q ,... .-.' = ~-$=$=-Ili' , If _ , ;:7- -1 __.. _,W .;-..-.:::;;::~::'~;=f:~;:~::».-: ,%_ Rochester YachtYacht ClubClub COMMITTEES Entertainment and PartyParty ScheduleSchedule

__,._ 1989 tt`1 *C 1989

_ . . .v=»1emme"s Dine and Dance February 1111 ...... _ Valentine’s Dine and Dance

_ St. Patrick’s Day Party March 1818 ...... _

_ _ Kentucky Derby Party May 6 ...... _ _ _Kentucky Derby Party

_ _ _ . .Commodores Ball _ _ Commodores Ball 1 May 2020......

_...__ _SS! . New Members June 1010...... _ _ New Members Party

_ _ .Cruise the Basin Weekend July28 28_ ...... _ Cruise the Basin Weekend July _ _ _ .south Shore July 29 ...... South Shore Bar-B-QueBare-Que _ _ _Labor September 33 ...... _ Labor Day Reception

______ClambakeClambake September 2424 ......

_ _ the River Cruise October 1515 ...... __ _UpUp the River Cruise `_pJ November 4 ...... _ Cups and Flags November 1111 ...... -PYOPSProps andand ShaftsSham

December 99 ...... ~ -ChristmasChristmas PartyPaffy

December 3131 ...... _ _ _NewNew Year'sYear’sEve EveParty Party Club Historian JohnJohn J.J. Ochs For Reservations call the ClubClub 342-5511

_r_e S ~'»~~'


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_,waan_W-f __ f _ 5 fyswv; E I i 3"_. House CommitteeCommittee PresemPresent -- -StandingStanding (left(leji toto right)right) DallasDallas Heal),,Healy, CharlesCharles Gray Seated (left to right)rzght) InezInez Law,Law, EarlEarl ThomasThomas (chairman),(chairman), MarilynMarilyn SchantzScharztz


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"wt - Women’sV\bmen's AssociationAssociation' PresentPresent -- StandingStanding (left é to right) Kathy Frangos,Hangos, GretchenGretchen VossJoss right) Kathy ' Y Seated (left to right) GeorgieGeotgie Rosenbatter,Rosenbauer,


1 .af $1`~~' a_=_f»»¥ieé;§E'=€'f;_~_ Florence ~ ~ ~» ~» Bianco, ~»-~-- Florence Bianco, Chairperson , _E Chairperson _»§ ee__éf»§f;__; ;§;;_;¢;:»;§a._;-2:9 _'fre -€f.~5¢2Z>_1fr2ff.<» :em '\ >e.a1e:;ee:-,a=;;_;..__;

Membership CommitteeCommittee PresentPresent -- Standing- Standing (left(left toto right)right) TomIbm Hale, JoeJoe John Ernst. Seated to - bzgerson, John Ernst. Seated (left to righO Patty Murphy, Doug Burkhardt President -- FlorenceFlorence C.C. BiancoBianco lngerson, (left right) Patty Murphy, Doug Burkhardt (chairman), DallasDallas Healy - (chairman), Healy First ViceVice PresidentPresident -- LorieLorie BackusBackus Second Vice President --- GeorgiannaGeorgianna RosenbauerRosenbauer

Treasurer --- GretchenGretchen VossVoss _ _ ,_ , __ ,_..,,__,.,._. ,______f _ __ -

\<_ , , _ __ Recording SecretarySecretary -- KathyKathy FrangosFrangos .... _Ly

_ 5 _a gif ,_ ,_ _:ee _ ~ ;~ ___,,¢ ___ ,_ - ; _ ,.,,~_.Q ie Linda Lisson :: 5 ,, _ -- Linda Lisson ' Corresponding Secretary ' Corresponding ,_ Q W _ 5

:_ __,_ 2 I W _ _ ,_ _,_ W_., TQ, , ___ § f~~~.~~~~._~_. . _,_, _.__. ,___t,a,_.._a_ P __ e_ _ .Q _, _,F _ .,_~._,,,__,,, __,,,,____,, _ .e , ,,,,,_, _aeaae ___,,,__ g E7 _ ., we :@,_:~ ' 9 »~ ~ v ._ __ PAST?&S'E RHSP SDENTS ENEB _ ma -~:»w~~ f'2s.__

Xears Presidents ' ' X~arsYears Presidents ~ars Presidents -Z¢'~-:4fl%2?»n'%{'€\`: 5L~~:G;=;>`1#. §F'1ii"!, T _ sg 1*'L'1$:;»»E~/~€;;=~'%=;,e _,

_ ' ' ni.-'_:_v ZE:=vZ=--1 »~5f!*L_-aJ£'»'?¢f:2; ~,.w.,e_; ' _~._9,:,_qa.,@~__,~W ~ is __ __ _» §»=_i1_e¢- ea-.__;f_,_.et-_ eee,_e,=_»t_f¢aa»;,; <_<+:.¢ -egg. Q; ,r;;, A-_-9-g.;-ntxrqi - , ¢~wee;%~,es_._- __`;":;f~3z%' ,_ R. Rae 1lm?~*,_f;'"e!;'-nrfx' .¢1$»Ls'€%¥;1!>y=f¢.»_ _, ' Robert 'r'§11»:".-.-_--t-¢~: ~_.f.~.__-._¢._aa-¢_ ~' ,.,_,_ __ 1971 Mrs. (Janet) - ' =~ rs. F. Ritter 1971 Mis: Robert R. Rae (Janet) _;_r= 4~e»f~a»_=f_»~e- 1, y .~,:;»f _. 1952 M , ___ ~=§;~;_===:3'.;'. Mrs. F. Ritter Shumway (Hettie)(Hettie) -_ "GJQ sage; ,-g~;.>-Y: __;,, Shumway 1t'a_»t_ a'§?=~?`/>:)i='ra»#"' 1952 ¢§~f'1'=1ib=f= ;1~__ e%'*i-»~ii'éi~`?"=¢= -_»m»~;wa»==7"~»¢39 _:»;1=y'¢%_.v_~_»s.¢ ,_ ».¢,,.<:=¢;1,,_¢=e~~1~fm, ~~1~fm, .;_-_e~;_~_, ;_1=:_~__ >~»»a.~»»».__m-e__, 1972 Ms. Nan SmithSmith _ 1953 Mrs F, Ritter (Hettie) 197"2 Nancy 1953 Mrs. F. Ritter ShumwayShumway (Hettie) W ` ` ' "' ~-, _.wen _L , '3`*§= ~:-:- "9 , i5»€,'3`*§='`~:-:-` ~-,_.wen r -e?<==:r_e:=¥1$»r '__ -;;f=-= @-;_>~ M. Cameron t

1973 Mrg:Mrs. Bruce M. Cameron meéieasf /se; _._- 1954 Mrs.M rs. J.J. KennethKenneth savage (Ann)(Ann) 1973 _ ~ Savage 1 1954 ,ww » - _ _ '~" '_ _V 1 ein. '-it ,- » tqnitrniggw( ; 1 f gf;-_.feta-.se-5 » 1 1 <1-'W ~..;__;- t 11 3 \ ._ .,1». 1:34- ~ -- llififtim _wt 1 ~ ~ 5 _ _ w~i~»i '::J__.-';_.a-,_f:f:7¢ . 1 , ` » 1. f M rs, Barber (Baibara) er/;1-'--~ 'fe 'in ~ 1955 (Barbara) _.___ Mrs. Carolyn Barber (deceased) _ -1 ,_ 11: :sv Carolyn (deceased) _ , 1 1 t955 ~-'1= :=_»__ _ea _-'__ _ 1 Mrs. Randall Beachner 1956 Mrs.M rs Carolyn Barber (deceased)(deceased) 19741974 Mrs. Randall Beachner (Shirley)(Shirley) :"~;:: '" " r -' ' -_ t 'tt --'>`*=e1=3'e , _ ntl ,_ Mrs. Walter F, Decker gaga >> < 1 1975 (Carmela) 'ff _ em _ 1. 19571957 Mrs. Janice DoyleDoyle 1975 Mrs. Walter F. Decker (Camaeta) '_ 1: 1 11 1 "1 2 1 " _ -tv _ _ it 1 _ _ 9 ,' `t¢E;e;;;;1_ : ,W Mrs. Franz J. Schwenlt (Erica) r _ 6 , 8 M rs _ Janice 1976 Mrs. Franz J. Schwenk (Er[ca) 195 ~ 1958 Mrs, Janice Doyle _ § 1 1' Doyle 1 1 1 1 1 #fl-féifzis; _'.....-=11 _ <- _'ti ' :%;&=iE;';eEi>' -_ '»" ~ 1 if .~ _ ance;-x 1 1 ww _»1e~_,-_»; _ _ __ _ , .-st_f=__;_~'¢._-9_~»;fn~ee. -a 1~_,_;m-izire-~<~ ?f~w:;,f=v»:.. (_,/.._» VI 7 Mrs. Donald L. Connors 'W 9 .- v=~.a.wi:'= h_"h.__'~"" 19591959 (Association Inactivelnactive) t977197 Mrs, Donald L. Connors (BJi(BJ) £¥»fé§=-%,£J;$'<.%`r-ee 1

_~_,._,M,, ..__.__.._.,M_ ._ .__ » Scott _ 1__sAQ .1_,._.¢/___~_.¢t~.e Mrs. E, _..., W... 1960 1978 Kelsey (Kay) t -x___.a_ _,f.a,a.a._.,_.a_,,,__.am free 212132. § f Inactive) t978 Mrs, E. Kelsey Scott (Kay’) ' -1_'<"l%:';'7»51-L? 1960 (Association Inactive) ~? 5l.'W?:f]'-5 f2_ Mrs, Bruce Huston (Helen) 1979 Mrs. Paul Haas (Maryann) 1961 Mrs. Bruce Huston (Helent 1979 Mrs. Paul Haas (Maryann) _ Fenton Thomas P. ' Bmce Huston 1980 Mrs. (Carol) `""" 1* fiat*fx-=§5?L'§`H»$@w§?EE='2¥5'iL5Z'2-ri¥2»%:ILy>7¢<1"->J1??v1¢"'?»rZ7?¥% 1962 Mrs. Bruce Huston(Helen) (Helen)1980 Mrs. Thomas P. Fenton (Carol} :' 1963 Mrs.Mrs, FrankFrank R.R. Shumway.Shumway. Jr.Jr. 1981 Mrs. StephenStephen FotiPoli (Geraldine)(Geraldine) t A. i (Shirley’)(Shirley) 1982 Mrs. DouglasDouglas A. TaylorTaylor (Ellen)(Ellen)

'""e='~°""' ~~"' Mrs. William B. _, 19641964 Mrs.M rs Wiles Converse (Marj) 1983 Mrs. William B. BurksBurks_(Doris) (Doris) _M egg' Mrs. Paul B. (Fern) t9651965 Mrs.M rs Rickey’Rickey Morse 1984 Mrs. Paul B. SkhumacherSchumacher (Fern) Property CommitteeCommittee PresentPresent -- Standing- Standing (left(left toto right)right) ReidReid Stava,Stava, JitnJim Hill,Hill, _ 1966 Mrs.M rs Carol Leach 1985 Mrs. Philip CichanowiczCichanowicz (Joanne)(Joanne) § Ralph Preish_Preish. Seated (lefi(left toto right)right) JohnJohn Bttslyield,Bushfield,Scoop ScoopHyde Hyde(chairman), (chairman), 1967 Mrs.Mrs MarionMarion GunklerGunkler 1986 Mrs. Richard W.W. Wambach (Ann) p Paul Chechak 1987 Mrs. Richard J. Walsh 3 1968 Mrs.M rs _ Jonathan HeinrichHeinrich (Gretchen)(Gretchen) 1987 Mrs. Richard J. Walsh 1969 Mrs.Mrs HenuHenry M.M. KleinKlein (Jean)(Jean) !9881988 Mrs. William J.J, Hickey (Janice) 197019"/0 Mrs. EdwardEdward R.R. CowlesCowles (Cornelia)(Cornelia)

3 _ A-13 ~ - __.______f _.__ _ ,_ A-12 .__. _ ' -lr ~~ ' " ' __ .ff-_~;¢;____-;__ f'11-" __ _,___ -_`TI_f`i-';»;»'_;;_i:;_;_;_ _ .-¢- ». -' _;,__;,;_-_f'¢;»:-_ ~ _2-§->:~=-Z»'»- iltlef--» `:~2~,;»;-_» ~ ~ _ 1 at .: , 0 _M 319, 1' Awww? ,._ e,,,.¢4;\;g.~; »a »~»--w»`-"? ,,_ v ,;;f;';¥____a~¢ /~'~'.».. §:,, <'~1~ »__, -_»_, 1'Awww? .:~,~~1at0,._ e,,,.¢4;\;g.~; »a »~»--w»`-"? ,,_ v ,;;f;';¥____a~¢ /~'~'.».. §:,, _M_319,_.-¢- »._2-§->:~=-Z»'»- f'11-"iltlef--»' "'`:~2~,;»;-_» -''___;,__;,;_-_f'¢;»:-_ ___,___-_`TI_f`i-';»;»'_;;_i:;_;_;_.ff-_~;¢;____-;__ '

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, »e;e2:¢?@e§Z"- = :»,_i1£'» ew_,i :»,_i1£'» ew _ i

V' _ ff' - Trophy CommitteeC0mm\tfe€ PresentPf@S@'1f -- Standing JohnJU/U1 Texter72"-VW" (chairman). Seated5€f1l€d (left to Cruise CommitteeCommittee PresentPresent -- StandingStanding (left(Ie]? to right) Ybm TomHale, Hale,Dane~Long.~ Dane Long. TFOPITY Sfflildlflg (C/1¢1lY'"1¢U1)- (169 " ' ~ right) Glen Webster,W-'bSf€I', Howard Lowe SeatedSealed (left(left to right) Paul Law, Inez Law (co,chairpersons)(co-clzazrjpersons) '78/lf) Q


_ __,_ _,_ _ v,`_\_ '_~,»

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eeee _ ._ fl ~, we 1 wt ,_ 5 ft* _,Z ~,»~» ;`=f:'1w¢ ' .'::'»_~f».»'é_ ;;¢-;;f@~é'§`_'" vig' w ` f' » t _ ~ » * ,; we 2 _ »eee__ee ` ' " t ' _ *J* _ »'~~_ _ fit; ff; Q11 " -5 ° ' ' - _, " r ` ' _ ' " '


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' ` ` - _ - A ~ _ n" t . 'th ' /Ia Q . Tennis C°mm1"<=@ P'e5e"[ I0 r' Dfffdfe S Se - Tennis Committee Present -- Standing (left to right) Deirdre Smith, Stella Pool CommitteeCommittee PresentPresent -- (leftIe toto right)fl ht GeorgeGeox e Rosenbauet,Rosenbauer,Janet JanetWhztbeck Whitbeck Smndmg (left Wm) W - ~ ~ ncatof c 1 az rm n ~_ Chechak.Cl}kStd(lzec la '_ Seatedeae (leftef? to right)ng`/Mzz) Mao’amtazyuzn Taranto,Tmama, NNoreenoreen Ibtcavo (chairman)(l' cz) (chairperson)(C/zauperson)

uv? _ A , A _ W _ A-15

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< n tt - ~ _]/2.4J/24 FleetFleet 33 lOth Amziversao,

- z AIlIll\'€I'SGl'\` _ _ _QM - I _ » it _ _f~, -_ z, _ "-~~ A ~~ _~_Y, Q; yaé22 w . t w - Robb Holt W Present to Jo/ztz Ernst, _M Measurer Present -- (left(left to right)rzg/tt) John Ernst, Robb Holt

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_ i ~` f ` ' 1 ~ 'Z ff ge t V....»;__,,_ ` "F _ ;_;»'=" M '~ 'Fw , E; " _ » \ ;; t=¢fif1=~ t , ;f;~~~»-ast nw ~;' _ Q ` _ ~ 2 ' J _< \, \ \ :,»,,,¢` ft ' s , """W"w» 3 t www T'"',i:' tt " 5 V /Jw' ' >"""", ,, #fm 'mfw 'tit l _ 12 " iv §vf'§)'z% __._.-... ww t \ 21+ S Wt t t, *"' ? _ ~ \ . ,tttteatt 1 ~ »=~:"' M, ,ttf 5 ' - : ` A W V t :\ ' W, _ Nw f ' / , W~5;\ =.__ ww ~=.."<"°' -L ,_ tm Q W¢'4_ ,~w<',_ "'<~, '~ ' - .www , ~\\;<' , ,f /,tt _ "ent ___>;; :~ t§,,f - _ =:- ,ea/gn /e _ _,_/,f _,_ _ f> f _ 2 = _ mfg; , wwz, ff ts _ ,\~ _ .,,_ _, , \ W we tw .wt !f"W ;;=,:=' __ " ,__ » ,t - *__ ~-* \~ _ t,,ttftt~. _, =t»,.\ ,tm M _&£g§, ; , we 5, "Sw ~ Wt ,tt ~»t~= '"' ___:;m.»,'~' ~ ,_ vf" ' _»-t1m;a- M, ft ~"_ __ ~ ""'"" fmt, f. _ ~»w,1=:' st fm -t My ww ww _ .,tfty~, !W3,>¢¢~ ~i "»\ ,3,y'sf'»;f@%~ we \ ~, _,Je ¢ '~ £ffi,§t_;;_,;;., -' " f _ t "'"i@>§"*'9@£` , t 1,_,'§ -qi t _ Ay " "MW ' M *W ~ < @% » __ _

, ~,,.,_,.. _@~»,w;% __ __ ` ,fam 1 $ ' "' '"~ _:»>=,_` f - -f,`" ~,l - - `1~ _ w¢ vs" wf cév. ..=2'>'?>?i?-I __ ,_ _»._t,.,,._,,_._,,q ,..,~..¢~,_»,¢t¢~~, ' f ».g;_,»_,,¢¢ f W ¢»__,,_,,,.h_,,.__~,_. ,we _ <` , »3'1'¢¢??M?>}~A >' ~@"'~~* 61;-»§'%'W~»»$!'.v¢im W 'f~eS1";¢%@2¢:;¢®

AlAI Perm'PerO, && FrzendsFriends vw _ Ptesent - Tzm Kznsella CamelotC I IslandI I at *_ PHRF DelegateDelegate Present -- Tim Kinsella

Sail Committee PresentPresent --- BennettBennett C Tares,Yizves, ChailvnanC/zamnan

R?" % A-16 A-17 . ff- '""'"'"'

__ , /» ______, , _,H _, 6 (H)(H) Home Phone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone ~A~


Adkin, JohnJohn V./ 7/57 Vonnie Swan Song (H)(H) 813-639-3217 88 Sabal Dr.Dr. Punta Gorda, FLFL 3395033950 Agostinelli, Joseph G. Agostinelli, Joseph G. 5/80 Jeane Marie Callisto (H)(H) 227-0284 2200 Edgemere Dr.Dr. Christina 33 (B)(B) 254-4700 x3637 Rochester, NY 1461214612

Ainslie, DianneDianne B.B. 1/74 Latent Imagelmage (H) 385-8893 4 Sky RidgeRidge Dr.Dr (B) 724-7491724-7491 Rochester, NY 1462514625

Albiston, JohnJohn M. 5/71 (H)(H) 442-6921 987 East Ave.Ave. (B)(B) 266-5650 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607

Alexander, Dr.DL Ralph E.E 9/53 Muriel (H) 288-2146 80 ShaftsburyShaitsbury Rd.Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461014610

Allaire, Jeffrey 5/83 (B) 342-3030 P.O.RO. BoxBox 12698 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612

Allen, JohnJohn S.S. 9/739[73 Peggy Pegasus (H)(H) 342-5342 2702 Oal

AIIport,Allport, Dr.Dr. Edgar L. 3/78 Shenandoah (B)(B) 919-451-4760 Rt. 1, 105 Cedardale Hubert, NC 2853928539

Allyn, DavidDavid M. 2/62 Marion Anoatok (H) 442-6734442-8734 1402 East Ave. (B)(B) 546-8077 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610

Anders, M.M.W.W. 1/82 Laurie Windigo (H) 248-2071248-2071 7 Broken Hill Rd.Rd. (B) 275-1681275-1681 Pittsford, NY 1453414534

Anderson, JamesJames I.I. 6/77 Jacqui Five o'Clocl

Anderson, RogerRoger D.D. 8/70 (H)(H) 201-445-0604 307 Linwood Ave.Ave. (B) 212-930-7600 Ridgewood, NJNJ 0745007450

Andler, RichardRichard C.C. 5/67 Carole (H) 473-8025 51 Commonwealth Rd.Rd. (8)(B) 722-2412 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

Angelidis, EugeneEugene C.C. 4/84 Heatwave 331 Lake FrontFront Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

W, > __ M H ----- M -2 ~ ,: -, .f. me /-. gif 'e-5~_- ._e~;¢:-_~ :~,»_.a ;;,»;:,~;~:.;-:-;~:-:- ., ,..a.__, ,_ ,»...a.,~.;,~».,~,.- Ms.-.-,_ _./_,»»,,,/-....¢.., mm ,;,z'f,¢e/»~»~=»¢.7»~ , Q, _,., .Wmw~m » a~ , .,,. , ig; 4, gtzé? wb; (H) Home Phone (H) Home PhonePhone (H) (B) Business PhonePhone (B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B)

MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/SPOUSEI ~,~]E~JIMEMBER/ B ER/ JOINED sPousE/SPOUSE/ PHONE ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE ADDRESS RYCHvc CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE Bamann, DonaldDonald P.R 5/77 Pamela (H) 315-589-9927 E. 2/70 (H) 467-61504575150 Angle, Mrs.Mrs. CharlesCharles E. 6819 Salmon Creek RoadRoad (B)(6) 315-589-9927615-569-9927 270 Huntington HillsHills Williamson, NYNY 1458914589 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Barclay, Robert Robert 6/88 2/79 Jennifer (H)355'3157(H)386-3187 Ansley,A l LorenLoren G.G. 2/79 Jennifer 2175 Portland Ave. Hudson 1616 (B) 436-17004354750 885891;/'Hens Aliens CreekCreek Rd.Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Courtney 1313 Cameron 44 Barnash, James J. 1/75 Margaret Samurai (H) 544-2676 231 Bellehurst Dr.Dr. James 1212 (6)(B) 626-9699323-9899 B. 4/77 Cynthia Archbold, PeterPeter B. 4/77 Ctfflfhia NY 14617 335532) Rochester, NY 14617 Brickfielderickrieid FarmFarm (B) 338-5321 14506 Mendon, NYNY 14506 Barnum, HenryHenry C. 1/84 Julia (H) 244-8442244-6442 TreasurerFeasurer Task Force Leslie 1818 (6)(B) 475-9050 H. 5/83 Gloria Hurry ScurryScuriy (H) 227-2077227-2077 Archer, MyronMyron H. 5/83 199 Roosevelt Rd.Rd. Todd 1818 Drive Ladies RacingF166/ng (B) 722-22827222252 249249 RidgemontRidgemont Drive Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Rochester, NYNY 1462614626 Barrett, BrianBrian E. 4/85 (H)(H) 621-3761621-3761 2/77 (H) 407-471-5081407-4716081 Arp, GeorgeGeorge Ep_ 84 Hemlock WoodsWoods La.La. Ha. (B) 407-471-3999407-471-3999 5833 FairgreenFairgreen Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461514615 Palm Beach,Beach, FLFL 3341733417 Barrett, BurnettBurnett J. 3/80 Beverly Brass (H) 621-3761621-6761 E. 6/82 Paula Half-Way (H) 315-589-9080315-589-9030 Ashodian, Robert,Robert, E. 84 Hemlock 266-9766 7242791 84 Hemlock WoodsWoods La.La. Dragon (6)(B) 266-9766 Lake Hd. (B) 724-4791 4262 EastEast Lake Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461514615 Pultneyville, NYNY 1453814538 Barrows, Mrs.Mrs. IreneIrene 10/84 (H)(H) 476-6259473-5259 W. 11/81 Sandra Entendre (H) 813-598-9588813-598-9588 Ashton, CraigCraig W. 1000 East Ave., Unit 504 Drive (B) 813-463-4533313'453'4533 2044 Prince Drive Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Naples, FLFL 3394233942 Barry, James V.L 5/79 Elizabeth (H) 277-1038277-1066 Leland G. 8/85 Deborah Comfortably (H) 436-9315436-9315 Atkinson,Atk'nson, III,lll, Leland G. 1710 Edgemere Dr.Di: (6)(B) 253-7226 St. Wight Numb (B) 235-26202352929 215215lMelrose Melrose St. VWQNT Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NYNY 1461914619 Battist, GeraldGerald E.E. 8/69 Louise Expresso (H) 381-4127661-4127 H, 6/74 Nancy (H) 381-8749381-9749 Atwood, Ill,111, EdwinEdwin H. 6/74 Nancy 111 724-4969 35155749 111 FarmFarm Brook Dr.Dr (6)(B) 724-4969 6 Woods Hole Court NahNan 1414 (5)(B) 381-8749 6 Woods Hole Court Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Bauerschmidt, CharlesCharles W.W. 1/891/89 ======B,==== 143 AllwoodAIIwood Drive Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

3/82 Lorie ivir,Mr. Magoo (H) 266-4146266-4146 Backus,Backus JamesJames L.L. 3/82 Lode it/16900 'Em 473-0995 4919409 Baum, Dr.Dr. DavidDavid 5/88 Smoke ’Em (H)(H) 473-0995 2675 St. PaulPaul BIvd.611/6. (B) 464-9400 stf 90 Irvingtonlrvington Rd.Rd. NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1462014620 2554145 Julie 5/86 (H) 266-4146 Backus, Julie Bauman, FrederickFrederick A. 7/65 Edna Katrinka (H)(H) 342-2895 Paul Blvd. 2675 St. Paul Blvd. 41 Hillhurst La.La. (6)(B) 359-2710659-2710 NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, NY 1461714617 2692553 Daniel L. 5/73 Sandy (H) 266-2663 Baker, Daniel L. Bayley, Robert B. 1/83 Susan American (H)(H) 225-4625 Pi. (B) 244-484024""4840 86 Stegersteger PI. 100 Ontario Blvd. Express (6)(B) 254-1100254-1100 NY 14622 Rochester, NY 14622 Hilton, NY 1446814468

Arthur J. 1/70 Dale A. Bamco (H) 248-2102 Bamann, Jr.,Jr., Arthur J. Beach, NormanNorman F.E 10/73 Irene (H)(H) 617-228-2791617-226-2791 Brook Di: (B) 546-8262546-9292 5252 LittleLittle Brook Dr. 16 India St., Box 748 NY 14534 Pittsford, NY 14534 Nantucket, MA 02554 ;!ii Nantucket, MA 02554 B-3


1=f1 I ~ 6. »..1 9 -,M ...~,_~~.~_. _~f,, - ..,~.; ,145 f~.~1;;~6;-1:7-4 114;li. ..,>~ f~,¢ ,,~.¢,~. af~~: "_~~` 5 >.-: <'f`<:<4 (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Beachner, RandallFtaridall G.G. 5/52 Shirley Shirley KK (H) 872-0052872-0052 Bibbens, AnnAnn L.|_A 2/81 B;||Bill Bacchante (H) 225-1675225,15-/5 11801180 Lake Rd.Rd. 206 Woodsmoke LaneLane Sara 11 (B) 722-2129 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612

Beebee, AlexanderAlexander M. 6/655/65 Cora On FireFire (H) 305-367-2382305-367-2382 Bick, CarolynCarolyn H.H_ 11/78 SamuelS31-nUe1 (H)(H) 381-695133145951 Key Largo Anglers ClubClub 20 South St. Louise (B) 244-1090244-t090 RR 11 - BoxBox262 262 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Key Largo, FL 3303733037 Bierworth, GeorgeGeorge D.D. 10/79 GallGail (H) 621-8864621-6864 Bennett, DouglasDouglas R.R. 6/79 Michele (H) 225-4169225-4159 424 Beach Ave. (B)(B) 225-SOOO225-6000 25 English WoodsWoods (8)(B) 277-2140277-2140 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Bierworth, KimberleeKimberlee 7/86 Scott (H) 865-7081865-7081 Bensley, Albert M. 5/83 Carol Sea D IIll (H) 624-5312624-5312 111 ye,-ke,Yorker AvenueAvenue 11 Partridge Hill Kimberly 17 (B) 722-0241 Rochester,Rochester' NY 14612 Honeoye Falls,Falls, NYNY 1447214472 Wendy 1414 Bircher, RobertRobert J.J. 6/73 Nancy Ghost (H)(H) 482-6858 Bereza, Mrs. Grace 2/59 (H) 385-9058 637 Corwin Rd.no (B)(B) 586-7700 55 SkySky RidgeRidge Dr.Dr. Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Bircher, RonaldRonald T.T. 5/74 Mary Lou (H) 385-2971385-2971 Bergeson,Befsoson, MarjorieMoriofio 6/808/80 (H) 385-3246385-3248 16 Locust St.st. Andrew 6 re)(B) 546-2456 34 Shadow PinesPines (B)(3) 381-4770381-4770 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Meredith 4 Penfield,Perifielcl, NYNY 1452614526 Jospeh 11

Bertch,Bench, Alan A. 11/76 (H)288-5469(H)288-5489 Blair, Jr., John R.Pt. 1/80 Deborah (H) 818-707-1972313-707-1972 419413 Grand Ave.Ave. (B)(8) 647-7506847-7508 28849 Barragonearragoh Deannaoe-ohne (6)(B) 213-333-7251213-333-7251 x212X212 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 647-7000347-7000 X3884x3664 Agoura Hills,Hills, CACA 9130191301 John IIIiii

Betlem,Botlorn, John H.H- 10/77 JeanJoan (H) 352-6090352-3090 Blair, RichardRichard M.M. 3/75 oohrieDonna JohehheJohanna (H) 919-998-0721 3234 Brockport-Brockport- 642 Spyglass HillHill (B) 919-768-0110 SpencerportSpenoerport Rd.Rd. Bermuda Run,Run, NCNC 2700627006 Spencerport, NYNY 1455914559 Blanding,Blending, DouglassDouglass L.L. 11/78 Rosemary (H) 544-4103 Betlem,Beilem, PaulPaul G.G. 3/69 Nancy Sea FeverFever (H) 381-3289 185 BeeeonviewBeaconview CourtCoen Kevin 1010 (B) 726-4164725-4154 318318 PanoramaPanorama TrailTrail Christine 1818 (B) 385-4750 Rochester'Rochester, NY 1461714617 ErinE111-1 11 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Bonheyo, George, L. 7/82 Joan (H)(H) 544-2284 Betlem, Todd H. 5/84 (H) 381-3289381-3289 85 Valley View Cres.cres. (6)(B) 427-3486 318318 PanoramaPanorama TrailTrail Rochester, NY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Booth, Timothy Timothy M.M. 11/6911169 Dee DeeDee Nirie VII (H) 1-745-38361-745-3836 Bianco, JosephJooooh 6/71 FlorenceFloronoo (H) 342-2432 3691 FtiverRiver Rd.ho. Meaghan (5)(B) 1-282-12511-282-1251 887 Titus Ave.Ave. Women’sWomens (B) 328-43103234310 Youngstown, NYNY 1417414174 11T. William Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Association Borshoff, ThomasThomas N.N. 5/88 Bianco, LoriLori 1/86 (H) 342-2432342-2432 236 NuhoeNunda Blvd.Bivo. 887 Titus Ave.Avo- Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Bosco, John R.R. 5/71 Diane Seascape (H)(H) 544-5491 Bianco. ReneeRenee 8/84 (H) 342-2432 305905 Titus Ave. (6)(B) 342-5665 887 TitusTi1US Ave.Avo. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Boughner, Jr.Jn Arnold R.R. 6/84 Joanne Aqua (H) 594-1045 30 Reddick LaneLane Rochester,Rochester; NYNY 1462414624 B-4B4 . ..,, J. . . J .,__._ , .,.,_, ..,_., ...Lum B-5 , ,,,,.___.M.__,.L,.,.,.V.u.Wm3,,.,,,, ,. ,_,__,,,_ .,,,,__ (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone

l MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAME PHONE PHONE `é3g:NED BOAT NAME PHONE ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE Brewnstein,Brownstein, ScottScott 10/71 Carol Hop Scotch (H) 338-1848 A Hop (H) 342-0112 Bradley, Mrs.Mrs. Ingalls1nge11s S.0. 5/835/03 (H) 342-0112 210 Winona Blvd. (B) 338-1848 930 ROCK Beach Rd, _ Pittsford, NYNY 1461714617 ' 930 Rock Beach Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Brewnstein,Brownstein, StephenStephen 11/79 Susan Ariel (H)(H) 500-0120586-8128 437-2132 Breton, HenriHenri E.5, 2/612/01 Diane DirigoDiriQ0 (H) 467-2182 24 Warderwerder Dr.or (0)(B) 442-9360 4572152 8888 KenmoreKenmore LaneLane (B) 467-2182 Pittsford, NYNY 1452414524 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Bryant, RobertRobert S. 5/79 Cool-JerkCoot-Jerk (H)(H) 442-5094442-5694 331-1742 Brick, Robertneben J.J. 5/80 Kathy Zephyrzeptwf (H) 381-1742 442 Meigs St.st. (0)(B) 477-7155 425-4470 57 Kitty HawkHawk Dr.or. Jenny 1818 (B) 425-4470 Rochester, NYNY 1460714007 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 JONJon 1615 Mike 1414 Buchholz, DouglasDouglas R.R. 1/63 Willeen (H)(H) 342-6724 100 Van Voorhis Ave. DanielleDanietle 1111 342-1502 Bridges, RobertRobert R.1=1. 4/46 A11eeAlice (H) 342-1502 Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714517 160 Valley View Crescent 14617 Buerman, Gunther K. 2/73 Margaretha Total 872-3744 , Rochester, NYNY 14617 Buerman, Gunther K. 2/73 Margaretha Total Eclipse (H)(H) 872-3744 1186 Lake Rd.Rd. Gabriella 4 Partial EclipseEclipse (0)(B) 232-4440 _ 14374-2966 Briggs, JosephJoseph C.C. 11/67 Nancy Sundowner (H) 1-374-2966 WebsterWebster, NY 1458014580 65290529 LongsLongs PointPoint Naples, NYNY 1451214512 Bull, Jr.,Jr., Walter B. 9/75 Nancy (H) 215-525-4030 1010 WyndonWyndon Ave. (0)(B) 215-665-9300 342-4057 Brinkman, RobertRobert J.J. 2/79 Christina Magician (H) 342-4057 Bryn Mawr,Mawr PA 19010 Entertainment Brendan 1414 (B) 594-9401 a.m.am- 458-9402 325325 VanVan Voorhisveerhis Ave.Ave. (B) 458-9402 p.m.11-01 g Burhans, KeithKeith M.11/1. 5/79 Susanne (H) 266-9007256-9007 1 River RunRun 122 Sagamore Dr.Dr. Kristen 44 (B)(B) 266-9007 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617

338-7194 Britton, GordonGordon R.R. 5/56 Eleanor Embrace (H) 338-7194 Bu,-kha,-dt'Burkhardt, DouglasDougias C.C_ 7/73 Joyce TranquitlityTranquillity (H)(H) 482-7414 92459335 4 Commodore 1983-841983-84 (B) 924-9335 Rear Commodore (0)(B) 271-1720271-1720 " " 52505250 St.St. PaulPaul Blvd.Blvd. MembershmMembership Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 1575 Bay Shore Blvd. Rochester, NY 1462214622 2403150 Britton, PeterPeter I.l. 7/77 (B)(13) 248-3150 40 State St. Burks, WilliamWilliam B.B. 11/6811168 Doris Sea Oats 586-8143 _ 40 State St. (H)(H) 586-8143 135 Hillary LaneLane 232-1000 _ Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Hillary (0)(B) 232-1000 $' 4 Penfield,Perlfleld, NYNY 1452614526 2535159 31 Brodereon,Broderson, NancyNancy G.G. 6/75 (3)(B) 258-5159 i 237 Berkeley St. Burns, EdwardEdward J.J. 1118011/80 Christopher 1414 FarfelueFartelue (H) 787-0706787-0706 , Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 870 Lake Rd.Rd. (0)(B) 546-8000540-0000 1 Webster, NY 1458014580 fl Brooke, DavidDavid L.L. 5/735/73 Mary Lu Eagle (H) 544-2106 4 801001 LaurelLaurel OakOak Dr.or #618#618 (B)(B) 813-261-8508313-251-3503 Burton,001-ren, Robertneeen M.11/1. Jr.Jr. 7/86 Mollie Foxfire (H) 265-2167205-2107 Naples, FLFL 3396333963 337 Lake Rd.Rd. Jenna 1616 (0)(B) 724-8397724-0397 Ontario, NYNY 1451914519 Graham 1515 Broten, RobertRobert L.L. 1/84 Gator (H) 244-3033 14 Audubon St.sr. (B) 315-986-6850315-935-5050 Bushfield,Busnfield, JohnJenn H.H. 7/32 Dorothy Hagar (H) 342-3474 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 f Commodore 1965-661965-66

_ 4577 St. Paul Blvd. Brown, RobertRobert C.C. 4/72 Laramie (H) 342-4307 Rochester,pqochesten NYNY 1461714617 545 Pine Grove Avenue (B)(13) 477-8007477-5007 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Byrne, DennisDennis J.J. 4/62 P@9QYPeggy Sweet Wind (H)(H) 009-4403889-4403

0 22 Gateway Rd. Amy 1818 1-700-5242 y Gateway Amy (0)(B) 1-768-6242 E 250-1345 Brownell, WalterWalter R.R. 51865/85 Betty (H) 266-1345 Rochester, NY 1462414624 Kathleen 1616 _ 161 Coronado Dr.D12 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 B-7

' ' B-? 1'-= »'='» f-1 lvf~-»------'='-`f--1 5- -'3'7*5'32=3f-¢- +5-14' " _ - - 5515 -ea , _ , _._ ,,/_..

' ' ' ._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _. 1- . __ . ~ ._ . __. ' ...__..._., 'ef .,. _.»~- ,_ 471W/_svswywp/s--/,. 50-45. _,._» s Wie.-W ,__. ,,.,. """'J';:$12° ,,,.. ¢»_,e4,"'e!»»"~%,e. -»,,;»=-¢ .»-»-..»,~ ew. wc :wh 1. 2 n,wk>v<.4:.w' 'G/1 ,swf -w,z;~= -546 W0 ~v,'w;;a¢vy'w rr//M4511/2-r ~

((H)H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (0)(B) BusinessBu siness PhonePhone

MEMBER/ JOINJOINEDED SPOUSE/ MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSEISPOUSE/ ADDRESS RYC Cl-ltLDRENCHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE PHONE ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME Cashette, Anthony, G.G. 7/707/-70 Rose (H)(H) 342-1867 (H) 367-2771667-2771 Cady, ArianArlen Y. 9/63 312 VanVan Voorhis Ave. (5)(B) 266-5400 (6)(B) 724-4460 Boxsex 226-6730220-0730 County Rd.ae. 3737 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Springwater, NYNY 1456014560 Cashette, Gerard M.M. 8/75 Joanne Absolute (H) 381-8643301-0040 5/82 Nancy Celtic CrossCross (H) 461-3243 Cain, Dr.Dr. RusselRussel M.M. 5/82 Nancy 20 Rustic PinesPines Christopher 1717 (3)(B) 328-3351 Christine 1816 (B) 272-75552727555 202 RooseveltRoosevelt Rd.Rd. Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Timothy 1111 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Cashette, Henry A. 9/69 Janis Elusive (H)(H) 315-524-3171 L. 3/70 TigressTi0f@SS (H)(H) 716-689-0502716-669-0502 Callahan, JamesJames L. 3/78 527 Ontario Dr.Dr Katie 1313 (0)(B) 200-5400266-5400 (W) 716-773-6450716`773`5450 80 Haymarket Sq.Sq. Ontario, NYNY 1451914519 Antony 1111 East Amherst, NYNY 1405114051 Cassara, DavidDavid R.R, 5/75 Gerda Samantha (H) 889-5829000-5020 1118511/85 (H) 865-6315665-5615 Gallon,Callon, BettyjeanBettyjean 25 Chili RigaRiga TownTown LineLine Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 328-7490320-7400 50 MayonMayon Dr.Dr Churchville, NY 1442814428 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Cassara, RossRoss J.J. 7/85 Rose The Queen (H)(H) 482-5019 9/88 Gallon,Callon, JeanJean M.M. 9/88 3 Yorkshire Rd.Rd. RoseRose (0)(B) 328-4310 53 Asbury Street Rochester, NY 1460914609 Rochester, NYNY 1462014620 Castle, CarletonCarleton G.G. 6/53 Mary RetiefRelief (H) 328-1081320-1001 Richard E. 4/55 Betty VagabondVaeabond (H) 865-6315665-6615 Gallon,Callon, Richard E. eeny 264 HincheyHinchey Rd.Rd. <01(B) 328-1081020-1001 50 MayonMayon Dr.Dr. Rochester, NY 1462414624 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Castle, EdwardEdward W. "Ted" 2/71 Anne (H) 802-425-3522 D. 6/78 Sian (H) 381-7874661-7674 Cameron, AlexanderAlexander D. 6/78 RD 1 BoxBox 12101210 Ned 5 (0)(B) 802-655-7436002-055-7430 (B) 722-18437224843 161 Hampton WayWay Hinesburg, VTVT 0546105461 Rooney 2 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Castle, RobertRobert W.W, 2/68 Barbara YaYa (H)(H) 244-3022 Bruce M. 5/55 Barbara Aches && (H) 381-694733145947 Cameron, Bruce M. Aches Centra/sCentrals DelegateDelegate Jennifer 1010 (3)(B) 427-7200427-7200 P6105Pains Commodore 1973-741973-74 8 Nunda Blvd.Blvd. David 7 9 Shadow PinesPines Dr.Di: Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Jeffry 4 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Castle, Jr.,Jr., Wilmot V./ 7/40 Frances Snow GooseGoose (H)(H) 342-5999 D. 6/83 (H) 461-5875461-5675 Cameron,camel-en, MarthaMenne D. Commodore 1961-621961~62 45 Cornell St., Apt. 8 888 Rock BeachBeach Rd.Rd, Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Dale 2/77 Joseph (H) 385-89843355994 Oameron-Kody,Cameron-Kody, Dale Joseph Cavalier, Jack 2/82 Jane Wildfire (H)(H) 872-2172 1 Lake Crescent Dr.Dr. 1305 Millcreek RunRun <01(B) 427-1269 14445 E. Rochester, NYNY 14445 Webster, NY 1458014580

Steven 0. 5/86 (H) 385-7580665-7560 Carhart,cernen, Steven D. Cavalier, JohnJohn T.T. 10/8310183 (H) 872-2172072-2172 P.O.RO. Box 25091 1305 Millcreek RunRun NY 14625 Rochester, NY 14625 Webster, NY 1458014580

L. 2/84 Jeanne (H) 671-22695714259 Carlson, Sr.,Sr., RobertRobert L. 2/84 Chapman, EarlEarl T.T 3/84 Marie Comic ReliefRelief (H) 225-7533 Fld. (B) 266-3456265-3455 690000 LakeLake Rd. Paseo de SantaSanta AnitaAnita 419419 Christopher 66 (0)(B) 722-5504 NY 14580 Webster, NY 14580 i Santa Anita-CL de Golf David 2 Santa Anita, Mexico Carlson, Jr.,Jn, Robert,Robert, L.L. 2/72 Nancy Yellow Fever (H)342-5154 or Shadshed 1414 (B)(6) 266-3456266-6455 51 ThornciiffeThorncliffe Dr. Chapman, JeanJean H.H. 9/88 NY 14617 Sara 1111 Rochester, NY 14617 505 Westgate at the HarborHarbor Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Casey, Terrance E. 6/83 Cynthia First Class (H) 266-2613266-2613 64 Mt.lvlr. Airy orDr. SeanSe-an 1515 (5)(B) 454-1880454-1650 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Dan 1313 B-9

--~- -'-' ,....,,....._..,.,...... B ,.....~_.,..,,.._. fl"-"f`2¥5`-H775-1°ff'-E if- _ -f _;, -:Qi-`

» 1- -eva: ef:-f>-

(H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Comparato, Anthony 5/665/68 Edith Lisa 586-3976 L Comparato, Anthony Hi-Lite (H) 586-3976 ) V Chappelle, Jr.,Jr, WalterWalter F.F. 1/63 Jean Chappelle, (B) 586-3976555-3975 1515 NorthNorth Federal Hgwy.Hgwy_ (B) 573-4110

7 Winding Rd.Rd. ' Boca Raton, FL 33432 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Pamela Yellow Fever 266-7445 Comparato, ThomasThomas 2/76 Pamela Brattissimo (H) 703-356-7798 E. 10/80 Stella Yellow Fever (H) 266-7445 Chechak, PaulPaul E. 1320 Old Chain Bridge Rd.Rd. Lindsay (B) 703-847-0700 Katie 1111 (B) 428-7123428-7123 Bridge Lindsay (B) 76 Van Voorhis Ave. Suite 400 14617 Gina 99 Rochester, NYNY 14617 McLean, VAVA 2210122101 (H) 544-2632 Donald O. 9/86 Antoinette Tranquillity (H) Chesworth, Donald O. (B) 258-2834258-2884 Connors, DonaldDonald L.L. 10/72 B()BJ. (H)(H) 381-5855 Dr Cynthia 1818 (B) 65 Harbor HillHill Dr. 91 Huntington MeadowMeadow 422-2827 Deborah 1515 Huntington (B) 422-2827 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NY 14625 Don12 12 Rochester, NY 14625

(H) 266-4324 Consadine, MichaelMichael 7/88 J. 4/59 Joanne Silent NightNight (H) Cichanowicz, PhilipPhilip J. (B) 6714720671-4720 172 SagamoreSagamore Drive Rd. Laura 1717 (B) 630 Rock BeachBeach Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Converse, JamesJames D.D. 11/85 Sandy Shoot the (H)(H) 255-5494266-6494 Callon 3/89 Clack, KathleenKathleen Callon 10 Smugglers LaneLane Brad 1616 Breeze (B)(B) 253-7798 5454 DickinsonDickinson St.St. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1462114621 (H) 813-262-5413813-262-5413 Converse, Lt. Mark (USN) 4/794/79 Melissa Intruder (H)(H) 804-464-2217 John lll 11/77 Leslie (H) Clapper, John III (B) 813-598-4444 4540 Biscayne DriveDrive (B) 804-433-221 x531X531 Dr (B) 750 PortsidePortside Dr. Virginia Beach,Beach, VAVA 23455-424223455-4242 Naples, FLFL 3394033940 266-5158 Converse, WilesWiles E.E. 8/58 Marj Wildfire (H) 381-3779381-377Q John (H) 266-5158 .... Marj (H) Clark, KatNeenKathleen 83 Stoneleigh CourtCourt (B)(B) 385-1102 Katelynn 54 DickinsonDickinson St.St. Rochester, NY 1461814618 Rochester, NYNY 1462114621 Nicole Panache (H) 518-946-7325518-946-7325 Cook, FrederickFrederick J.J. 3/75 Suzanne (H) 374-5108374-5108 Clarridge, ChesterChester H.H. 1/70 Carol Clarridge, 515-945-7325 1 Hunt Hollow VillageVillage (B)(B) 722-5393 Route (B) 518-946-7325 50 StarStar Route Naples, NYNY 1451214512 Bloomingdale, NYNY 1291312913 (H) 244-6811244-6811 Cook, Mark 9/829/32 (H)(H) 374-5108 Clarridge, SuzanneSuzanne L.L. 6/79 Clarridge, (B) 334-8030334-5030 1 Hunt Hollow VillageVillage 11 Modelane Naples, NYNY 1451214512 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

l (H) 381-3338381-3338 Coombs, Jr.,Jn, WilliamWilliam F.F. 4/74 Betty B 81& B (H) 813-639-4961 William H. 10/80 Peggy Montage Clutz, William H. 2830 West Marion Ave. 7 (B) 477-2658 2830 West Marion Ave. 1041 Pittsford-Victor RoadRoad Bryan 7 Punta Gorda, FL 3395033950 il Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 _ 11 l Desire (H) 544-3066 Cooper,cooper, Mrs.Mrs. PaulPaul J. 1/84 (H)(H) 544-1742 Ernest A. 11/81 Evelyn Desire (H) Coleman, Ernest A. 307 Westage at the HarborHarbor Madison Terr. 5252 Madison Terr. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Hippocampus (H) 454-1129454-1129 Cooper-Jones,cooper-Jones, MaureenMaureen 1/85 Bevin D.D COUQSVQCongere (H)(H) 381-1806 coleman,Coleman, PaulPaul D.D. 4/68 Hippocampus (B) 275-2581275-2581 11 Hardwood HillHill RoadRoad koeppeiKoeppel (B) 914-698-4140914-698-4140 EO.Ho. Boxeox 603,eos, U.u. of R.Ft. Pittsford, NY 14534 Lancey 11 Medical Center Pitts,ord, 14534 ncey 11 Medical Center Tory 7 Rochester, NYNY 1464214642 !i i{~i Whisper (H) 338-3715 Corbishley, CharlesCharles W.W. 6/85 Donna M.(v|_ Sea Cup (H) 544-4325 . Colway, DavidDavid E.E. 3/71 Marie Whisper Colway, _ (B) 325-6830325-5530 139 Valley View Crescent (B)(B) 381-6670 122 Kindlewood Lane 122 Kindlewood Lane Rochester, NYNY 1461714817 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (H) 338-3715338-3715 Colway, MichaelMichael D.D. 3/89 122 Kindlewood LaneLane Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617 B-11B-l]

" ' 'i`; "~'- B-lO .,. .,,.e_,.mem,=,-,W fffif" '*"f'f**f -1-lf<~-~>1-f=~`-f'ff'*ff~'ff~1*- _ _ __i t:~i-:-:»:-,-;-;-;,;-==.~.ee . _W_,,,s, e,.,..~.e,._.,s..,,,,.2..e m..,.w,e.m,2e,,:2 Q'-Y 5 r =~= 11 --.»,-1 - of 4-ea 4 """" / y "-'= "'*WW/'Q/"""- / , ., .,...- ...L- ...... M.. ..._ 4.4 ---

(H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (6)(B) 6Businessusiness PhonePhone


(H) 671-53325715332 Dasson, FrederickFrederick H. 5/56 Janet 342-2256 Costanza, Anthony M. 5/80 Neysa Dasson, 5/56 Janet (H)(H) 342-2256 (B)(5) 726-85857262585 177 ThomasThomas AveAve 338-1699 144 Guygrace LaneLane (6)(B) 338-1699 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Webster, NYNY 1458014580

(H) 342-14273424427 D’Aurizio, Franklin 7/67 Julie Avanti 342-4136 Costello, AnthonyAnthony J.J. 6/755/75 Elaine D'Aurizio, Julie Avanti (H)(H) 342-4136 (B)(13) 328-2280328-2280 400 Imperial CircleCircle Huntington HeightsHeights Imperial (6)(B) 467-9360 NY 14617 Rochester, NY 1462214622 Rochester, NY 14617

(H) 266-9092266-9092 John E 4/82 Non 342-4136 Cowden, HerbertHerbert B.B. 4/62 eettyBetty mxurizto,D’Aurizio, John F. 4/82 Non Sequitur (H)(H) 342-4136 400 Imperial CircleCircle 467-9360 154 Baycrest DriveDrive Imperial (6)(B) 467-9360 NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Rochester, NY 14617

Thomas O. 10/85 Cowles, AdamAdam R.R. 2/802/30 D7urizio,D’Aurizio, Thomas O. 10/85 (H)(H) 342-4136 400 Imperial CircleCircle 5500 FriendshipFriendship Blvd.,Blvd., Imperial (6)(B) 342-1040 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Apt. 16151615 Chevy Chase, MDMD 2081520815 Davidson, PeterPeter G. 11/77 Mary Jane Footloose (H) 544-2131544-2131 Argosy (H)(H) 381-3167381'3167 85 Thistledown Drive 8 Cowles, EdwardEdward R.R. 4/62 Cornelia Argosy 85 Thistledown Drive Tyler 8 (6)(B) 383-8490 (B) 381-80203318020 NY 14617 Chelsea 5 119 Brookside DriveDrive Rochester, NY 14617 Chelsea 5 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Devon 2

Escapade ofof Davy, L. Nevil 4/70 Volunteer Coy, George 5/44 Carol Escapade Davy, 4/70 Nancy Volunteer (H) 586-4696 Tortola 504 PanoramaPanorama TrailTrail c/o General Delivery (6)(B) 248-8189248-6189 Rochester, NY 1462514625 Road TownTown TortolaTortola Rochester, British VirginVirgin Isleslsles Dawes, John JohnW. W. 10/61 WilmaWilma SilverSilver BeaverBeaver (H)(H) 342-5804342-5604 One World (H) 244-2180244-2180 101 Parkview Terrace 342-3030 Craig, Jr.,Jr., Dr.DL Albert B.B. 11/76 SybitSybil (6)(B) 342-3030 (B) 275-22052752205 NY 14617 285 Clover HillsHills Dr.Dr. Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Dawes, JosephJoseph D.D. 8/67 Mary Jane Osprey (H)(H) 392-7914 Billie Bird (H) 271-29292712929 153 Salmon Cruikshank, AlanAlan 1/86 Frances Billie Bird (H) 153 Salmon CreekCreek Dr.Dr. (6)(B) 546-2700 (B) 428-5917 NY 14468 69 Whitestone LaneLane (5)4213-5917 Hilton, NY 14468 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Debenham, JackJack K.K. 3/74 Peg Raffles (H) 342-3604 546 Dr 546 Oakridge Dr. -====-======Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

De (H) 624-43625244362 Ms. Daatselaar, JosephJoseph 5/83 Theresia G.M. De Vliegende/liegende (H) Decker, Ms. Catherine 6/78 (H) 872-0306 Hollander (B)(3) 385-7510335-7510 31 Walnut Circle 58 HarioffHarloff Rd.Rd. Hollander 31 Walnut Circle (6)(B) 477-7161477-7161 NY Honeoye Falls,Falls, NYNY 1447214472 Webster, NY 1458014580

(H) 271-84422713442 Pamela 6/78 671-5634 DaBolI,DaBoll, Mrs.Mrs. Hobart H. Decker, Pamela 6/78 (H) 671-5634 693 Summit Dr. 191 Village La.La. 693 Summit Dr. (6)(B) 671-7830671-7630 Webster, NY 1458014580 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Webster,

Blue (H) 203-656-1611203'555'1511 Walter P 7/66 Carmela 671-5634 Dailey, MarkMark S.S. 5/77 Patricia Blue MagooMag00 (H) Decker, Walter E 7/66 Carmela Escape (H)(H) 671-5634 212'930'5311 693 Summit Dr 376 Brookside Rd.Rd. Katie 11 (B) 212-980-5811 693 Summit Dr. NY Darien, CTCT 0682006820 Webster,Websten NY 1458014580

Louise Jubilee (H) 203-966-2395203'955°2395 Defendis, RobertRobert P.R 6/78 609-795-8909 Dailey,DaileYi RobertRobert E.E - 8/54 Louise Defendis, 6/78 (H) 609-795-8909 203-963-3175 516 Drive 51 White Oak Shade Rd.Rd. (B) 203-968-3178 516 KingsKings Drive (B)(B) 609-5966136609-596-5136 New Canaan,Canaan, CTCT 0684006840 Cherry Hill, NJ 0800308003

(H) 473-8953 E. John 11/79 Christine 473-1763 Darnell, Jr.,Jr, A. Henry 5/54 JoJo DelMonte, Jr.,Jn, E. John 11/79 Christine (H)(H) 473-1783 909 Linden 9595 WestlandWestland Ave.Ave. 909 Linden Ave.Ave. (6)(B) 381-0150361-0150 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Rochester, NY 1462514625 B-13 B42 -- B-L2 ,,W,__,...,_;.L..-ganna;- ~@ '»"r' -===1'-ff -'-'- -'

. ~ . .... f , .,.. .._..,..~,~ f~.f.f..,.~, -. ._,..,.,. ._.._..§ ~f / 4.,., (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


D°Y|e»Doyle, J-J. Gregory 9/73 Margie Sleuth 671-3400 DelMonte,DelM0nte, ErnestErnest J.J. 9/86 Thelma Phase FiveFive (H) 586-4922 Gl'990fY Margie Sleuth (H)(H) 671-3400 886 Lake Fld. 46 Harwood Lane (B) 586-3121 1 886 Lake Rd. (B)(B) 244-3400244-3400 46 Harwood Lane (6) ":;"""E Webslefi NY 14580 E. Rochester,Rochester, NYNY 1444514445 ~ Webster, NY 14580

D°Y|9iDoyle, -5000John GuG., JLJr. 7/77 Lauren 442-0723 DelMonte, Gregory A. 7/88 (H) 442-0723 1806 East Avenue Jack 5 6655 EdsideEdgide DriveDrive 1806 East Avenue Jack 5 (6)(B) 244-3400 Rochester, NY 14610 Alexandra 2 Rochester,Hochgsteri NY 14604

Drew.Drew, NllCl18e|Michael J. 7/85 Gail L. Package DealDeal 385-5898 DelMonte, RaymondRaymond C.C. 3/73 Amy 1717 Advantage (H) 244-7479244-7479 Package (H)(H) 385-5898 10 HSVCIWOOGHardwood HillHill Rd.Rd. Brendan 4 Human ResourceResource (B) 546-8390 Brendan 4 (B)(B) 8657400865-7400 P1ttSfOl'd, NY 14534 Charlotte 3 15 N@Vi|eNevile LaneLane Pittsford, NY 14534 Charlotte 3 Georgia 11 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Georgia

Duffield.Duffield, Dr.DR RichardFliehard M.M. 7/65 Delilllonte,DeIMonte, Steven 2/86 Donna (H) 385-2271 7/65 9308 Cherry HillHill Rd.,Fld.. 125 w.W. Hickory si.St. (B)(6) 454-3110454-3110 Apt.APL 325 E.Rochesten Rochester,NY 14445 NY 14445 College Park, MD 20740 College Park, MD 20740 deMauriac, Dr.Di: RichardRichard A. 3/813/81 Karen (H) 442-5558 DUf0l`lZl,Duford, JohnJ0hii R.B. 7/75 170 Clovercrest Dr.Di: (B) 477-7386477-7386 7/75 Paddy (H)(H) 381-8303 6 Lake CrescentCrescent Dr.Dr 8 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Jeffrey 8 (B)(B) 477-2019 E. Rochester, NY 1444514445 Brian 6 Demyda, GaryGary T.I 11/79 Judy (H) 323-1890323-1890 Dunlap, Kelly 9/88 24 HavenwoodHaveriwood Dr.Dr (B) 385-6685385-6685 Dunlap, Kelly 9/88 (H) 467-6781467-6781 720 Van Voorhis AveAve. Rochester,ROC(-(ester, NYNY 1462214522 ~ Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 DePeters, Jack 2/89 Donna Jack BeBe Nimble-Nimb|e~ (H) 342-7751342-7751 i;~ Dunlap,Durilepi RobertHebert M.M. 6/69 Shirley South PointPoint (H) 467-6781467-6781 177177 Harvington DriveDrive Sarah Jack Be Quick (B) 464-4768 Shirley (H) 720 V30Van V00l'l1lSVoorhis Ave. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Laura (B)(B) 342-1040 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Desiderio, Nicholas E.E. 5/75 (H) 213-821-4236 Dwyer, Michael C.C. 5/73 Joan 1392013920 OldO16 HarborHarbor LaneLane (B)(6) 818-981-6513818-981-6513 .... Dwyer. 5/73 Joan l-looliganHooligan (H) 288-2183 378 Beresford Rd.Bd. Tim 1818 Marina DelDei Ray,Hay, CACA 9029290292 (B)(B) 258-2825 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Kevin 1515 Diem, FrankFrank C.C. 5/75 (H) 919-458-3786919-458-3786 P.O.RO. BoxBox 226 Carolina Beach,Beach, NCNC 2842828428 5.2,

Eeele,Eagle, C. Thomas 5/66 Queenie Queenie Dobbin, RobertRobert R.H. 2/50 Marion (H) 803-548-2497 Queenie (H)(H) 3.81-0308661-0606 597 A119115Aliens CreekCfeek Rd. CommodoreCgmmodgfg 1963-64 Christopher 1717 (6)(B) 546-6640 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 15 1602915029 Kiki Ct.C( Megan 15 Fort Mill, SCSC 2971529715 y ir Eberherdl.Eberhardt, RichardRichard J.J. 1/75 Deborah Dorsey, ChristopherChristopher 8/79 (H) 342-4523 1/75 Deborah (H)(H) 381-6044 5655 Knolltop Dr.Dr- Alexandra 1 5150 si.St. Pauleui Blvd.B11/o. Krielllee Alexandra 1 (6)(B) 381-7010661-7010 ROCRSSIQT,Rochester, NY 14610 Rochester,Rgchestefy NY 14617

, _-,_._...... Dow, Mrs.MrS_ HelenHe|en Eckert, William J. III 5/81 (H)(H) 671-0586 1 Riverside Book Bindery, Inc. (B) 235-1782 42 EagleEag|e RidgeRidge CircleC(,c|e 7 7 (B) 171 Y0rl

Doyle, DenisDenis 5/65 Daphne Commotion (H) 244-5264 _ Eisman,Elsmaflr PaulPaul J.J- 6/85 Marilyn 223-3886 73 San Gabriel DriveDrive Shannon 1515 Bangalore (B) 987-6017987-6017 6/85 Marilyn (H) 223-3886 106 3@lb0fl'l€Selborne ChaseChase 338-3440 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 105 (B)(B) 338-3440 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450

2 I , B,14 ., , , _ We _._ ..,. .5 -,_., ,,,_a_,,m____,,2,,,,,,M_,,,,M , ,,a,,,,,_9__2___.2,,,,,,.,,,a_,_,._a,,,W2,,,_1,_2a,,2, .__ ,_., ..., ,,.,t.... ._..__~ fr-4---1--. 52,-2- (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Elli, PaulPaul R.R. 11/8111/81 Michelle Major MotionMotion (H) 338,2552338-2552 127 Colebrook Dr.Dr. (B) 454-7164 Fella,F-ella, Robert H. 2/67 Joan Little FellaFella (H)(H) 671-6893671-6393 204 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 204 Shorewood Dr.Dr (B) 423-0100 Webster, NY 14580 Enriquez, PhilipPhilip 2/75 Marian Sacco (H) 215-793-3743215-793-3743 Fenton, ThomasThomas P.P. 8/72 Carol Cynosure 342-3582 120120 Avery Place (B) 215-640-8632 Fenton, 8/72 Carol Cynosure (H)(H) 342-3582 340 Rock Beach Rd.Rd. 722-2024 West Chester,Chesten PAPA 1938019380 (B)(B) 722-2024 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Ernst, JohnJohn F.F. 7/65 Gerry Ethyl (H) 544-1642544-1642 Fields, JohnJohn C.C. 9/78 Lisa Aeolus 323-1711 Corresponding SecretarySecretary (B) 544-1642 Fields, 9/78 Lisa Aeolus (H) 323-1711 11 Lake Measurer 11 Lake Bluff Rd.Rd. Noah 11 (B) 663-0430363-0430 Rochester, NY 1462214622 lan 33 wks.wks. 14101410 Westage at the HarborHarbor Rochester, Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617 Fields, John M.M. 4/60 Mary Blue Horizon (H)(H) 266-9348 121 Hoffman Rd. Esterheld, WilliamWilliam R.R. 4/72 Joan (B) 301-268-7707301-268-7707 121 Hoffman Rd. (B) 663-0430 Rochester, NY 1462214622 11111111 CommandersCommanders WayWay S.S. Rochester, Annapolis, MDMD 2140321403 Fields, RobertRobert D.D. 3/68 Jacquelyn Vitesse (H)(H) 323-1235 20 The Evans, RichardRichard J.J. 1/84 Cheryl Adjournment IIll (H) 381-6609381-6609 20 The Highlands Heidi 1212 (B)(B) 722-6487722-6487 NY 14622 Brendan 10 1515 Broken HillHill Rd.Rd. Steven 55 (B) 454-6950 Rochester, NY 14622 Brendan 10 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Leigh 22 Emily 7

David R. Kemah Evans, WilliamWilliam DavidDavid 1/77 Chris Evan KeelKeel (H) 467-6317467-6317 Fingar, David R. 7/77 Lyn Kemah (H)(H) 385-6616 11 Shadow PinesPines Dr.Dr. (B) 381-7010381-7010 873 Washington Ave.Ave. Leslie 1010 (B) 288-6050 .... (B) NY 14526 NY 14617 Derek 8 ef Penfield, NY 14526 Rochester,Rochesten NY 14617 Derek 8 »..

Fischer, Edward "Dusty" 11/76 Cathie Perfect Evaul, ThomasThomas 10/87 Fischer, "Dusty" 11/76 Cathie Perfect (H)(H) 671-7688371-7333 530 Forest Lawn Rd. 147147 Brower RoadRoad 530 Forest Lawn Rd. Manhattan (B)(B) 454-3646 NY Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1462214622 Webster, NY 1458014580

Fischer, Marc R. 1/85 (H) 248-3948 3 LawtonLawton Dr.Dr Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Farlow, Jr.,Jr, Dr.DL William G.G. 4/79 Anne Bummersummer (H) 7266-6580266-6580 39 StoningtonStonington Dr.Dr. (B) 266-6580 Fischer, RobertRobert J.J. 2/83 Elaine (H) 248-3948 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 SailSai/ Instruction (B) 454-3000 628 Whispering PinesPines Cir.Cir. Farmer, WilliamWilliam W.W. 9/87 Geraldine Gazebo (H) 546-1782546-1782 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 336 Averill Avenue William 66 (B) 461-3193 Rochester, NYNY 1462014620 HaileyHalley 2 Fisher, EdwardEdward H.H. 4/73 Bonnie Cherokee (H) 248-3948243-3343 Alastar 11 3 LawtonLawton Dr.Dr (B)(B) 454-3646 Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Faust, DouglasDouglas E. 2/86 (H) 671-5897671-5897 6767 GlenwoodGlenwood Dr.Dr. (B) 342-3030 Fisk, RaymondRaymond C.C. 5/84 The Kid (H) 385-7953385-7953 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 35 Wandering TrailTrail (B)(B) 546-3630546-3660 Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Faust, EugeneEugene J.J. 10/61 Anne Sting (H) 671-5897671-5897 67 Glenwood Dr.Dr. (B) 422~614§§ Fleckenstein, Jr.,Jn, JamesJames A.A. 5/82 Gerry Bluefin (H) 223-0918223-0918 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 24 George St.St. Jamie 1313 (B) 288-4740288-4740 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Matthew 9 Faust, JaneJane E.E. 2/88 (H) 671-5897671-6897 67 Glenwood DriveDrive Floyd, John B. S/756[75 Linda (H) 621-4905621-4905 Webster, NY 1458014580 378 True Hickory Dr.Dr. (3)(B) 588-3831 Rochester, NY 1461514615 Fella, DonaldDonald A.A. 1/78 Donna (H) 473-7433473-7433 97 Oliver St. Alicia (B) 423-0100 Rochester,Rochester; NYNY 1460714607 B-17 _B-16 -- --.~.:,-.» ~ _ .f _ - »i-;»I~Z-if-'=' ;¢. LM. .~:-:';~- ,_-:~,.==~,ws.-waxes:-»~.,~x:f;f;;;= Lw»r;m;m;¢p;;¢.LM..;,;.,.;,;.;.,_, 3._~.f.~:-:';~- .;,;.,.;,;.;. ,_, 3.

4-3_1we-W..-.4-,-,,»,,.4~t,,~1¢6-4.4-as0-.-11.-»-.../.M»~4e.4-,2.-m,-»m74~»-,- ,--- -. - ---sea.-M.,-_43».,.0...

~<.<~.5-ew-.,,¢»> -...ww-.2:.\~:<.~-fs:v..'0<...~.-v-11. =>'P" T -- 4 ...ef $4.4-<¢>~s 31-.6 g (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Gaenzle, Christopher L. 3/87 244-0919 Flynn, ColleenColleen K.K. 9/86 (H) 244-4571244-4571 (H)(H) 244-09!9 415 Oakdale Dr.Dr 300 Wintergreen WayWay (B) 385-7770335-7770 Rochester, NY 1461814618 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

Gaenzle, LawrenceLawrence W.W. 2/85 Billie Leading Edge 244-0919 Fogg, Jack E.E. 3/60 Vera (H) 342-2482 Leading Edge (H)(H) 244-0919 J-24 North Americans Emily 1414 232-4440 ’176176 Pinewood Trail`liail Emily (3)(B) 232-4440 415 Oakdale Dr.Dr. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

W.~ Blake 11/63 223-0717 Foster, W. Blake 11163 Sally (H) 223-0717 ' Gaesser, Allan E.E. 3/79 Amy Star Gazer ll 26 Potter PlacePlace (B) 724-3384724-3334 Amy Star Gazer II (H)(H) 381-1139 4400 East Ave. Matthew 1111 (B) 381-0394 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 (3) Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Foti,Foti, StephenStephen 9/76 Geraldine (H) 248-2312243-2312 Gallagher, Stephen A. 3/82 Pamela (H) 617-870-0530317-370-0530 10 Hidden BridgeBridge Susan 1717 (B) 924-9393 (H) 37 Arch St. Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 (B) 617-481-2840617-481-2840 Westboro, MAMA 0158101581 Fox, Charles J.J. 4/81 Helen Sea Fox (H)H~544-4409 Gardner, EdgarEdgar B.B. 11/79 Linda Surprise! (H) 473-6042 623 Oakridge Dr.DL (iE~)(B) 477-6439477-6439 Surprise! (H) One Design Christine 22 475-3457 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (B)(B) 475-8457 60 Westland Ave.Ave. Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Fox, William 5/865186 Lynda Scoots (H) 544-2036544-2033 209 Cornwall LaneLane Kacy 6 Garfield, Sr.,Sr., George EF. 9/72 Donna 342-1923 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 George (H) 342-1926 449 Van Voorhis Ave. (B) 458-2550 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Frangos, StephenStephen J.J. 3/85 Kathleen (H) 342-1192 140140 Hillhurst LaneLane (B) 588-5985 Geary, M.D. Joseph E. 7/65 Catherine Catherine GG Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (H)224-4142 95 Council Rock Ave. (B) 544-0310 Rochester, NY 1461014610 Frantz, JosephJoseph M. 5/88 Margaret Cornhusker (H) 461-4242431-4242 100100 DouglasDouglas Rd.Rd. Teague 1717 (B) 232-7272 Gibaud, JanisJanis C.C. 6/78 603-429-2935 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Courtenay 1515 (H) 603-429-2935 19 Village Falls Way Merrimack, NH 0305403054 Fredericks, BruceBruce R.R. 5/74 Joanne ThundenThunder- (H) 342-5718342-5718 160160 Beaconview Ct.Ct. (B).(B) 654-9388854-9388 Gilbert, CurtisCurtis W.W. 8/85 872-4187 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (H) 872-4187 930 LakeLake Rd.Rd. Webster, NY 1458014580 Frickey, DarrylDarryl P.R 5/83 (B( 313-642-7000313-842-7000 15001500 N.N, WoodwardWoodward Gilbert, JayJay W.W. 8/58 Victoria (H) 872-4187872-4187 Birmingham, MIMl 4801148011 (H) 930 LakeLake Rd.Rd, (B)(B) 232-7332 Webster, NY 1458014580 Frickey, DerekDerek 1/87 (H) 586-3381 49 Country ClubClub Dr.Dr. Gillim, RoyRoy 1/80 Linda Indulgence 271-4895 Rochester,Rochester; NYNY 1461814618 indulgence (H)(H) 271-4895 495 Antlers Dr.Dr (B) 272-3000 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Fulwiler, StanleyStanley 10/71 Mary Voxcom (H) 813-637-4628813-637-4628 2035 Jamaica WayWay (B) 404-487-7570404-437-7570 Glasow, John M. 1/76 Jean 266-7351 Punta Gorda,Gorda, FLFL 3395033950 (B) 266-7351 384 Reach Rd.Rd. Deer Isle,lsle, ME 0462704627 Furstoss, MaryMary FrancesFrances 610 Westgate at the HarborHarbor Glasow, Timothy R.R. 11/8111181 437-4441 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (H) 467-4441 7460 Baywood LaneLane Pensacola, FLFL 3250432504

B48B-18 B-19 mm,=;.>_w,r.';;-,~mv»ma¢»<>;f;5<; 2115 5fate* EM-»-~ _#-

~ .- - . . . .. 4. -- 4./44 - --¢~ 4 . .,- ~,3~,`4.- -..-4-4-4.-4--4-M44 ._ .~ ... ..4 .~,--./-4-4 .4 4 -4 3 "` -4 .-.4-4, .. 4494"-..,,,., //4 454- //4 ,W .... g- ,M ,M

" _ , is-~ ,Q """"'L'""""'""*F " " " *"'""" ' " " " "" * . , ~ . 4; w~..w:z ff (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Grigsby, Mrs. Mrs.Sharon Sharon 3/80 Paul Xanadu (H)(H) 225-0594 Gleason, WilliamWilliam F.F. 6/29 Dorrit Mouette (H) 381-1662 381-1662f 264 Harvest Dr.Dr (0)(B) 244 -3641-0041 39 Knollwood DriveDrive Rochester, NY 1462614626 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Grosshans, JoelJoel A. 5/75 Mary Second (H) 663-1700 Gleiner, J. Arthur 5/80 Susan Synergy (H) 442-4982 Synergy 3 Meriden St.St. P.O.RO. Box 1270512705 Chance (0)(B) 663-1700 Joshua 10 454-5900 326 BonnieBonnie BraeBrae Joshua 10 (B)(0) 454-5960 Rocheste, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Matthew 6 Guarino, George L.L. 10/70 Barbara Whisper (H) 342-8024 Goldberg,Goldbe EstherEsther S.S - 4/73 Victor (H) 813-351-6227010-051-0227 PQ, Budget and AuditAudit (0)(B) 544-0400 7088 W. Country Club Dr.Dr. North 345 Van Voorhis Ave. Sarasota, FLFL 3424334243 Rochester, NY 1461714617

Goldman, Iralra L. 1/81 Sherry Soiree (H) 223-6535 Sherry Gugler, Robert S. 6/75 Joyce Touche (H) 223-1416223-1416 1 Briggsboro La.La. Sarah 1111 (B) 588-5987 Briggsboro (0) 1 Alleyn'sAlleyn’s Rise (0)(B) 427-6310427-0010 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 David 99 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Rebecca 55 Gunkler, Mrs.Mrs. TheodoreTheodore 8/81 (H)(H) 461-0809 914-941-3000 Goldstein, AlanAlan J.J. 9/53 Jackie CIoverlyCloverly (0)(B) 914-941-3000 1570 EastEast Ave.,Ave.,Apt. Apt. 403403 571 Lyell Ave. Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1460614606

Goodwin, CharlesCharles F.E 11/82 (H)212-879-8317(H)212-079-0017 ...... g-gm...~ H ===== 519 East 83rd Street (B)(0) 712-265-5100712-265-5100 .... New York, NY 10028 Haarstick, StephenStephen 6/77 Christopher 99 Minute-HandMinute~Hand (H) 607-273-8906607-273-8906 1415 N.N. ClintonClinton Ave. (0)(B) 342-5200 Goodwin III,lll, FredericFrederic C.C. 1/50 Charleen (H) 467-4114467-4114 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 3791 St. Paul Blvd. (B) 540-0000546-8000 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Haas, PaulPaul 4/71 MaryanMaryannn Serendipity (H) 342-3659042-0059 254 Oakridge Dr.DL AdvisorAdvisor, Junior (0)(B) 253-6670 342-4747 Goodwin, Mrs.Mrs. PhilipPhilip (H) 342-4747 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Yacht Club 326 Rock BeachBeach RdRd Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, Hafner, Colleen M.M. 5/81 Tourmaline (H) 244-5624244-5024 261/2 UptonUpton Park (0)(B) 473-4600 Gosnell, ArthurArthur 7/79 Rochester, NY 1460714607 555 E 78th St. Apt. 3D New York,York, NYNY 1002110021 Hafner, Thomas Thomas R. 11/68 Beverly Tourmaline (H)(H) 671-1273671-1273 210 Stony Point Trail (0)(B) 473-4600 Gosnell, ThomasThomas H.H. 8/79 Georgia (H) 671-5402071-5402 Webster, NY 1458014580 Lawyers Co-OperativeCo-Operative (B)(0) 546-5530 Co. Publishing Co. Hahn, Ruth K.K. 10/88 Dan Arbuckle (H) 473-2536470-2500 NY 14694 Rochester, NY 14694 86 Nunda Blvd. (0)(B) 726-0270 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Gratrix III,lll, William A. 10/81 Sharon (H) 301-252-2067301-252-2067 1515 Huntress Ct.Ct. Jordan 88 001-700-0925 (0)(B) 301-783-3925 Hale, ThomasThomas D. Jr.Jr 3/79 Dee Missy-Ann (H) 220-0500223-6563 Timonium, MDMD 2109321093 Whitney 5 Whitney Fleet Captain (Power)(Power) (0)(B) 621-8400 24 Manor HillHill Dr.Dr Gray, Charles B.B. 6/79 Barbara Widgeon (H) 342-432.~ Gray, Widgeon 1 NY 14450 '=f'" Fairport, NY 14450 (H) A Fairport, 664 EatonEaton RoadRoad x Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Hall, Charles A.A. 2/76 Anne Como-N0Como-No (H) 265-1950 1256 Lake Shore Rd.Rd. (0)(B) 232-5885 Grigsby, Gale_Gale S.S. 8/84 (H) 225 05940594 Webster, NY 1458014580 264 HarvestHarvest DriveDrive (0)(B) 423-5914 Rochester, NYNY 1462614626 Hall, Mary E. 8/78 Mickey (H)(H) 266-0368 1008 WestageWestage At The Harbor (0)(B) 724-4630 Rochester, NY 1461714617 -21

---- - ~ ------_.R_-2 (~ ------»-~--- ,f --.» .4-_ _..,`__.__.._ .., . .1 . ,.,.M; --~-wr--w~:m-r~1z:~::5:f:=:1~nm";"a=u':¢;<2'::v:111-'$i2:;'

_ - . -:z.....~....~=>.0._..5 ,.-/.~.. ,_.2.5,m,vL~. ~m,0_~,,.~.:,M,gf~,0,.s.4..,..._.4._490_.»,_..»..,,..,,.,,/.-44-.~44-4_4-.,< 4,..4.¢»~.-ww._,.- /.-44-.~44-4_4-.,< 4,..4.¢»~.-ww. , =~ V -" ew 4053;-/,-41.9-W , _-1. -_ 1.. ~m:.~,,»~y525.-,»'5:zz,0w_»,...,4.2af;:-:_~.-5:-Y-,..0=,.,,~e@f94_&»,M9,e,.»W 5:14. ,__. 2.5.1. av-

(H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Hall, RobertRobert E.E. 4/85 Phyllis (H) 544-5270 Hart, M.D.M.D. William J. 1/83 Cynthia HanHart Beat (H) 473-1040473-1040 302 PinecrestPinecrest Dr.Dr. (B) 544-9060 115 CouncilCouncil Rock Ave.Ave. (B)(B) 544-5821 `i"' Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610

Hallick, NedNed 7/70 Kerry Questar (H) 718-788-0110718-788-0110 Hartwick, Gary G. 8/78 Nancy Thlayli (H) 201-389-9145 240 8th St., Apt. 35 (B) 328-6060 105 Horseneck Pt. RoadRoad Timothy (B) 201-758-4155201-758-4155 Brooklyn, NYNY 1121511215 Oceanport, NJNJ 0775707757 Jeffrey

Halliday, Guy S. 7/85 Jane Sierra HotelHotel (H) 461-5334 Hausin, Volker A.A. 1/71 Gisela (H) 617-331-5419617-331-5419 49 BrightonBrighton St.St. (B) 461-9000461-9000 226 River St. Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Weymouth, MAMA 0219102191

HallowellHallowell III,lll, HowardHoward T.T. 10/75 (H) 442-2531442-2531 Hawley, J. Jeffrey 6/79 Emily Splash (H) 377-9112377-9112 520 EastEast Ave.Ave. (B) 477-3288477-3288 14 Pond View Lane Michael 1717 Dance (B)(B) 722-9271 Rochester,Rochester,~NY NY 1460714607 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Steven 14

Halperyn, CherylCheryl W.W. 5/88 (H) 385-1655385-1655 Hay, Johnson D. ’Llack""Hack" 7/66 Cynde Newsboy (H) 381-5968381-5966 2500 East AvenueAvenue (B) 467-6080 41 Parker Drive Jonathan 1818 (B) 232-6920 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Matthew 1616

Halperyn, JayJay T.T 9/78 (H) 212-517-8253212-517-8253 Hay, Russell D.D. 5/51 Patricia (H) 315-789-3007 353 East 78th St. Apt 68.68. (B)(B) 212-422-7161212-422-7161 Commodore 1957-581957-58 (B)(B) 315-422-4805 New York, NYNY 1002110021 146 Dwyer Dr.DL Geneva, NY 1445614456

E. 2/78 703-549-4963 1 Handler, JoanJoan E. 2/78 (H) 703-549-4963

1204 So. Washington St.,St., (B) 703-838-8743703-838-8743 Healy, DallasDallas J.J. 3/79 Barbara Wildflower (H)(H) 385-3164 #821W Director (B) 381-5410 Alexandria, VAVA 22314 131 Panorama TrailTrail Rochester, NY 1462514625 Handler, NancyNancy C.C. 10/81 6116 Pershing Ave. Apt. 102 Hegedorn, Bruce 5/79 Mary (H)(H) 671-6417671-6417 St. Louis,Louis, MOMO 6311263112 964 Ridge Rd.Rd. (B)(B) 671-4450 Webster, NY 14580 Handler, RichardRichard J.J. 2/61 Geraldine Alarm (H) 482-4661482-4661 194 Croydon RdRd (B) 461-9420461-9420 Heider, RichardRichard E.E. 3/81 Nancy Top PriorityPriority (H) 425-4486 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester RaceRace Kim 1818 (B) 425-2750 34 Wedmore RoadRoad Kristen 1818 Handzel, PaulPaul S.S. 5/75 Peggy Grand SlamSlam (H) 544-0917544-0917 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Kelly 1414 50 Tuliptree La.La. (B) 477-5075477-5075 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Heil,Hell, HerbertHerbert 5/51 Leona (B) 315-483-8150 Hanna, G.G. B.B. (Jed)(Jed) 3/81 Joan Denali (H) 442-1620442-1620 3954 PrairiePrairie DunesDunes Dr.Dr. 171 Idlewoodldlewood Rd.Rd. (B) 254-4500254-4500 Sarasota, FLFL 3358333583 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Hell,Heil, JohnJohn H.H. 6/88 Harden, HeidiHeidi SchwenkSchwenk 2/86 Daniel (H) 718-596-3830 93 Hardwood LaneLane 914-269-2800 NY 14616 423 Atlantic Ave., Apt.Apt. 4P4P (B) 914-269-2800 g Rochester, NY 14616 Brooklyn, NYNY 1121711217 Brooklyn, Heinrich, DavidDavid W.w. 6/52 Suesue (H)(H) 1-434-7090 Hargrave III,lll, ThomasThomas J.J. 7/75 Nancy (H) 385-1179385-1179 5775 S. Transit`liansit 62 ParkPark LaneLane (B) 254-1222 Lockport, NYNY 1409414094

Rochester, NY 1462514625 A Heinrich, JonathanJonathan C.C. 3/51 Gretchen (H) 342-5779 Hart, RichardRichard G.G. 10/8010180 Kathleen Christopher (H) 342-9412342-9412 : Commodore 1967-681967-68 321 Thomas Ave.Ave. Christopher 1818 RichardRichard (B) 726-1868726-1868 700 Rock Beach RdRd Rochester NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

12-92 B-23


-.ffwzs -f.>.=~.15.;--71.4 ~s,- 77:-w;~>1v15», .www ,..-=:» ¢¢,<,>..~»~¢;:,. 11;-1,-¢,9>~{s§;;-;,_.,_s. yn;- (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone i


Holahan,Hotahan, Linda B.B. 1/81 B. 2/77 Phark (H) 244-9352244-9352 Heinrich, PeterPeter B. 2/77 Phark (1-1) .44 gf, 720 Hinman St., Apt 3W3W 330 Ave, (B)(5) 381-1880551-1550 i 330 HollywoodHollywood Ave. Evanston, ILIL 6020260202 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Hollands, DanielDaniel 11/78 Sandy Sawbuck (H) 872-2606 Henry, BruceBruce T.T. 10/81 Stephen 1717 The RoseRose (1-1)(H) 288-8930 Henry, 1104 State Street (B)(B) 238-4930 22 Lanark Cresent Chad 1515 (B)(5) 288-8945 22 Lanark Cresent Webster, NY 1458014580 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 Holliday, SusanSusan R.R. 2/80 Chris (H) 426-9980 Hestley, Murray 4/85 Weetamoe (H) 244-5904 Hestley, Murray 34 Kingswood Dr.Dr. Jacqueline 33 RO. Box 96 (B)(5) 924-3019924-5019 P.O. Box 96 Rochester,NY 14624 NY 14624 Andrew Andrew1 1 ~ Victor, NY 1456414564 Holt, DavidDavid R.R. 4/80 (H) 914-576-6254914-576-6254 4/75 Ann 266-2719 Tom g (H) 266-2719 Hiatt, Tom 4/75 Ann 23 Pine St. 2nd Fir.Fln 123 Scotch Lane (B)(5) 724-4788724-4788 123 Scotch Lane New Rochelle,Rochelle, NYNY 1080110801 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Holt, H.H. RobbRobb 6/55 Dodie Kewero (H)(H) 342-2177 Hickey, Jr.,Jr., WilliamWilliam J.J. 11/66 Janice Hi-Lo (H) 342-1214 Hickey, Measurer (B)(B) 253-6025 33 Dorvid Rd. Women’sWomens 33 Dorvid Rd. 447 Colebrook Dr.Dn NY 14617 Assoc. Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 14617-192314617-1923

John H. lll 10/78 Hickman, John H. III ~: Holtz, Mrs.Mrs. F.F. Richard 6/80 Sweet BriarBriar ¯ - 3 Shadow PinesPines Dr.Dr Geneseo,NY NY14454 14454 .... ~. ~-- Geneseo, ~ Penfielcl, Penfield,NY NY14526 14526 Higgins, Timothy H.H. 11/84 JoAnn Dreamer (l-1)(H) 544-8246 Higgins, Timothy Hooper, DouglasDouglas L.l_. 1/73 Alice (H)(H) 1-832-7416 274 Daley Blvd. (B)15) 477-4813477-4813 Daley 56 Fairfield Ave. (B) 1’683-90101'683»9010 NY 14617 ; Rochester, NY 14617 ¯ Kenmore, NYNY 1422314223

David W. 2/81 Susan lnnisfree 392-7329 Hill, David W. 2/81 Susan Innisfree (H) 392-7329 Ronald J. Hopkins, Ronald J. 1/76 Valerie Tangaroa (H) 225-8506 ff! 439 Lowden Pt.Pt. Rd.Rd. Jonathan 22 (5)(B) 227-5230 255 Manitou Beach Rd.Rd. (B)(B) 722-2602 NY 14612 Rochester, NY 14612 Hilton, NYNY 1446814468 1

Hill, George D.D. 4/63 Helen (H) 342-2098 George Hubble, FredFred F.F. IIIlll 2/75 Debra Desperado (H) 266-0766 416 Oakridge Dr.Dr. Oakridge PHRF Delegate (B)(B) 427-1463427-1455 NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 180 Beaconview Ct.Ct. Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617 Hill, JamesJames S.S. 11/75 Alice Gandalf (H)(1-1) 671-8206671-8206 650 Lake Road 17 (B) 423-1334425-1554 650 Lake Road Kelly 17 (5) Charles Jr. 5/83 Hull, Charles J.,J., Jr. 5/83 Mary (H) 381-5307 11 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 31 Tobey Brook Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Hill, KentKent 5/63 Jacquelyn (H) 305-633-9761505-555-9751 2 6175 S.W.S.W. 133rdt33rd St. (B)(5) 305-661-6369505-551-5559 Hummel, ColleenColleen HafnerHafner Todd (H)(H) 244-5624 Miami, FLFL 3315633156 261/2 UptonUpton Park (B) 473-4600 Rochester, NY 1460714607 Hinz, RaymondRaymond E.E. 7/85 Mary Ann Dark Star (H) 377-9056577-9055 11 Springdale LockLock Kimberly 1717 (H) 383-1094 Springdale Humphrey, Herbert IIIIll 2/80 Vandy (H) 544-0482 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 (B)(5) 381-5280381-5280 49 Sagamore Dr.Dr. (B)(B) 477-3567 ff. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Hoard, GilbertGilbert 6/52 Bolero (H) 305-746-7011505-745-7011 15234 Palmwood Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 305-746-7011505-745-7011 Huston, BruceBruce W.W. 5/59 Helen InvictusInvictus (H)(H) 872-4212 Lake FL 33410 Lake Park,Park, FL 33410 1204 Imperial Dr.Dr. Webster, NY 1458014580 Hodgetts, SamuelSamuel 4/85 Rosanne Rosanne (H) 266-5661255-5551 15 Smugglers La.La. (B)(5) 722-7723722-7723 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

I B-24 - - - - - ~ 1 . - _ _ ------_ B-24 ------.4 _ V42._...A- ...,s..-4...~¢~»-5-1-,.,.4.,.-44-4-4 .:-- .-rizzzxrzuf-az.->v .-`.._,v.....,., ._.;.,._;.-_; .-.-.:.~.¢.:_-.=.-.~,<-51,-_-fe-ay-----»--» -4 fre-fs-ef-»----4---.--4.-. .Y...4 » ~.e;¢y--ew 2-> - :E -. - ~. -ze err:ff'-masss;=:e:2If§;§i%€Ir-11:22:15-ffri2é£2i¥~2fe€¢:=§§assea-e-;»e4e4-4-sae-f-fs:fx.~.=-~-:-' ~%2

:>.,__%;,;.;-.,, ,::,.f.4»¢->.'::~~:-...~.~.1-->~-az-f..s-,~--.1511-¢v;~;'~:>~;"¢-».;¢-.i.,~ ff-1-axrsgr-sw:-1--.5~r>.-4-.>.~¢:=>1f-aw..~11,-.¢~;~>>¢.~:;sf:-:-f¢ .1~ ¢~.;-<45st-4:=t--..-sf-.¢~.-;~:f;--4f-fee-,-;..,»-4-<55-f~>;--~1a,~;~-.91-_--,-';-1-1-.:,; X.-4-& =@-1,-f4:¢»,¢,,:> <~-gt,-4;4.4---4;-->f~-¢~;.-,fer-..._4 f:¢.f><~>:¢- . ;~.-4e>;-~41;»- gm, (H) Home Phone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


7/70 Marcia or. 266-7211 Johnson, Mrs. AmyAmy 5/83 Mark (H) 288-1186 Hyde, Bernard G. 7/70 Marcia Dr. JekyrrJekyll (H)(H) 266-7211 JONHSQH- Mrs- 299 WisconsinWISCOHSIH St.Si- Property Jennifer 1717 (6)(B) 325-1650 ~ TTSCSY1Tracey 1 181 Valley View Crescent Rochester-Rochester, NY 1460914609 NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 _ Bernard M. 10/65 Doris Even 342-1510 _ Johnson, Bernard M. 10165 Doris Even Keel (H) 342-1510 ' 230 Van Voorhis Ave. .====~==--=-H-=-=-== Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Jongsma, Ronald 6/80 Peggy S|am Dunk 352-3745 Incavo,1|-lcavo, Alicia M.M_ 1018710/87 (H) 473-35484733548 JOl'1Q$m8, BOFISIG 6/80 PBQQV Slam Dunk (H) 352-3746 25 Vassar StreetStreet 2001 N. UnionUn|on St.St. Nicole 22 (B)(B) 722-6066722-6068 Rochester,Rochester' NYNY 1460714607 Spencerport, NYNY 1455914559

Incavo,lncavo, JosephJoseph F.,E, MD 10/78 Noreen (H) 266-6324

790 Oakridge Dr.Di: Tennis (B) 342-5709342-5709 K’K NY 14617 Rochester, NY 14617 _ Kaiser, Nancy Nancy 5/79 5/79 (H)(H) 865-1995865-1995 Ingerson, CharlesCharles J.J. 1116511/65 Joyce (H) 301-695-9114 503603 Beach1392011 Avenue (13)(B) 248-3150 NY i 1535 Havilland PI.Pi. MarcMare 1515 (6)(B) 301-695-2807301-695-2607 F1°C11@S1@f»Rochester, NY 1461214612

MD 21701 9 -- Morgen 9 _ Frederick, MD 21701 Morgen _ _ Kaiser, William R.R. 10/6110161 June (H)(H) 225-5256 M3"1'1°U 5631711 H0311 5534243 Ingerson, HelenHelen K.K. 7/82 Joseph Hippo- _ (H) 266-1881266-1881. 55 Manitou Beach Road (13)(B) 663-4243 Ingerson, (_ 55 11111011Hilton, NYNY 1446814468 Fleet CaptainCaptain (Sail)(Sai0 campus (winier)_613-639-3277(Winter) 813-639-3277 =

Regattas (Future) ..... _ _ Regattas (Future) ' ` -5 299 Rock BeachBeach Rd.Rd_ K3|`l€Db3Ch,Kaltenbach, PaulPaul H.H. 11/78 JudyJLIGY (H)(H) 482-3314

_ _ 10 NY 14617 10 Ramsey Pk. (B) 546-6480546~64-80 Rochester,Rochester' NY 14617 ' V NY 14610 A 1 _. 'V Rochester, NY 14610 R 6/46 Helen Zest Ingersbn,lngersbh, JosephJoseph P. 6/46 Helen Zest (H) 266-1881266-1881 _ 299 RockHeck Beacheeaen Rd.Hd. (Winter) 813-639-3277613-639-3277 Kémh-Karch, 11/lafflnMartin A-A. 8/77 S119VY1Sheryl COVQWYV1Corgwyn (1'1>271~1165(H) 271-1168 _ Directory/CompassD/rectory/Compass (B)(B) 359-5151 Rochester, NYNY` 1461714517 ~ - 199 Village LaneLane ._ _- Village Rochester, NYNY 1461014510 Ingerson, TerranceTerrance S.S. 1018810/88 Rochester- 1789 Lake Road 1789 Lake Road _ John Webster,Webster! NY 1458014580 Karpf, John 9/75 Carol Sirena (H)(H) 225-9528 51 Crossroads La.La. Rochester, NYNY 1461214512 Ingerson, TerranceTerrance V.V. 9/74 Betty Jean Renegade (H) 265-1884 Fmchestefr Sail/Racesa///Haee (6)(B) 342-7590 17891789 LakeLake Rd.Rd. Karpus, GeorgeGeorge W.W. 7/82 Schery Leap FrogFrog (H) 482-6976 15 Bay Bluff La. Capital GainGain (B) 586-4680 Webster,Webster' NY 1458014580 Rochester, NY 1462214622 Vernon E. 5/84 248-5681 luppa,Jr., Jr., Vernon E. 5/84 Mary Mary PidgeonPidgeon (H)(H) 248-5681 _ _ _ 10 244_6340 Karshick,Held! Heidi 2/88 2/88 (H) 467-0696467-0696 10 Countryside Rd. (B) 244-6340 K.3|'Sh|Ck1 . 536 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 536 Oakridge DriveDrive Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

=J.==,,J Karshick, FrederickFrederick 4/74 Kate HedwirigRedwing (H)(H) 467-0696 536 Oakridge Dr.Dr: (6)(B) 726-3552 F1°°11@S1@f»Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Jacobs, Steve 1118011/80 Jenny Memories IIII (H) 361-5501 Jacobs,871871 Rd. FairportSteveRd. 586-4810 ~~~~-\- Fairport (B)(B)(H) 586-4810381"5501 _ Karehrek,Karshick, KelleKelle L.1_1 10/85 (H)(H) 467-0696 East Rochester,Rocheswr' NYNY 1444514445 536 Oakridge Dr.Did Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 desserer,Jeeeerer, HenryHenry L.L. tlliii 11/8511/65 Marilyn Capecape HornHorn (H) 586-6657566-6657 F1°°11@S1@f» 50 50 Golfside Pkwy.Pkwy. Katharine 99 (B) 325-6700 _ i Richard Rochester,Rochester' NY 14610 Michael 66 Katos, Richard W.. 6/74 (H) 305-925-1794 2725 Sherman Caroline 22 2725 Sherman StreetStreet (B)(B) 305-587-1620 Hollywood, FLFL 33020-182433020-1824 ti

' - - »- ~-- P._9 (; -"' '='l -'-= -'-' -'-' 47 _ rr-'11-~ 4---9 -'-'- fr# :=:~_-:~'<:- -';~:'=-:.'. 1 __ me _.J _-_ ,,_,,,_, 'CZ 'T-Z¢Ff:~i~:E-: _-'_5; 5-'~2, _.-.-1-55-.~.5-;-;-;:~§:~'-51-51 ,,,___,,_,,,_,,,_~__,,N,,_,_, .,,_,~__2,,,,_,_.,_.,,,2, 552.-; = :mm:~_<=::.=¢_::::::-:z::::¢r;m+:»r4:ma4f==:f::"£-'sr ;:;::-1~:-:-Z~;1f~7-1ff:-7-:;;-'-':' 5

_ ,,_., ___.. - . .. __.. 7667" - . . 1 _ ,,...,_.,a Ma. ~»>-», = ,,__._ .__. _: .,... A rf- .rffe <'¢'- ,. .M 4.2.5-.e_...-e..-e..-W. .,,= ;-.;1'.a:mz'.~..,~. 2. _..._ ,.-.. -,.-. .c...... , $5/_W »...,,,i-.. .,f-.¢ -i.--.f _`,f (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone

l i MEMBER/ JOINED 1 MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ , PHONE ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAME PHONE 1 ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAME PHONE 1 i t Koop, DeborahDeborah A.A. 518-234-2898 Keck, EdwardEdward W.W. 5/77 Susan Becket (H) 671-6086671-6086 ...... Koop, 5/83 Restless (H)(H) 518-234-2898 Star 484 PellettPellett Rd.Rd. (B)(6) 254-0664 Star RouteRoute (6)(B) 518-234-5416516-264-5416 NY Webster, NY 1458014580 Lawyersville, NY 1211312113

Koris, Jr., JohnJohn V.L 10/78 Nancy 461-5244 Kennard, KennethKenneth C.C. 3/67 Alberta (H) 621-7775621-7775 Koris, Jr., 10/78 Nancy (H)(H) 461-5244 75 19A19A Veldor Pk.Pk. 75 Buckland Ave.Ave. (6)(B) 244-6040244-8040 NY 14618 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NY 14618

Korts, Jr., Robert E. 12/5512/65 Janet Boardwalk 661-5690 Kenning, CharlesCharles B.B. 4/624/62 Carol Adjournment (H) 586-1186 Korts, (H)(H) 381-5690 14 Park PI. 23 Old FarmFarm CircleCircle Recess (6)(B) 325-4550625-4550 14 Park PI. (6)(B) 266-5500 NY Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Rochester, NY 1462514625

James E. Keppel, JamesJames D.D. 5/77 Nancy Petrel (H) 381-7905661-7905 Kraft, James E. 9/62 Sandra Magic (H)(H) 872-4943 1581 159 Farmbrook Dr.Di: Cindy 99 (6)(B) 586-5432566-5462 1561 Hermance Rd.Rd. Carpet (6)(B) 671-1297571-1297 NY 14580 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Webster, NY 14580

Kreutziger, BensonBenson Treat King, KandieKandte 7/71 Kreutziger, 12/87 Christina Dutch Treat (H)(H) 473-1959476-1959 115 Stoney Brook Dr.Dr. Elizabeth 12 c/o J. NapierNapier Stoney Elizabeth 12 (6)(B) 244-2040 NY 14618 Gabrielle 9 1302 Westage at the HarborHarbor Rochester, NY 14618 Gabrielle 9 6 ’ Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Hillary 6

Robert C. Kingston, ThomasThomas A.A. 10/71 (H) 482-1096 Kwit, Robert C. 11/85 Cathryn (H)(H) 666-1462338-1432 152 Sansharon Dr.Dr 458-1000 7070 Colonial Rd.Rd. (B)(6) 1-394-62201-394-6220 (6)(B) 458-1000 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 Rochester,

Kinsella, TimTim 8/78 Jane Pole Star (H) 338-1735338-1735 LYRALYRA DelegateDe/egate Scott 1010 (B)(6) 624-3290624-6290 .=..L..=.L 812 Oakridge DriveDrive Steven Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Labuzetta, Steven 6/85 Tricia (H) 442-8477442-6477 96 ReservoirResen/oir Ave.Ave. (6)(B) 546-6825 Rochester, NY 1462014620 Kirkwood, VirginiaVirginia F.F. 1/83 RobertRoben Rochester, 22 PaladinPaladin DriveDrive (6)(B) 586-8982566-6962 Lacagnina, JohnJohn M.M. 7/85 Kathleen Total (H) 425-2915 Wilmington, DEDE 1980219802 Lacagnina, (H) 126 Bent Oak TrailTrail Eclipse (6)(B) 381-7500 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Kittrell, JohnJohn C.,C., Jr.Jr. 6/868/86 Joy (H) 586-2924566-2924 Fairport, 3 Lafayette Pkwy.Pkwy. Colby 88 (6)(B) 482-5000 John E. 7/83 Rebekah 338-3754 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Ashley 6 Lambrix, John E. 7/83 Rebekah (H) 338-3754 17 North Terrace 1 342-7804 Scott 4 BrittenBrittan 1 (6)(B) 342-7804 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Klassen, KennethKenneth L.L. 5/83 TéddyTeddy Merlyn (H) 663-0724663-0724 Lander, Raymond A., Jr.Jr. 6/62 Ill 381-7360 1919 Heritage WoodsWoods Ct.Ct. (B)(6) 477-6745477-6745 Lander, Raymond A., 6/62 Margaret Ray-Mar III (H)(H) 381-7360 590 Aliens CreekCreek Rd.Rd. 248-5350 Rochester, NYNY 1461514615 (6)(B) 248-5350 Rochester, NY 1461814618 Klein, HenryHenry M.M. 5/58 Jean (H) 813-472-3637616-472-6667 Susan M. 2/89 Commodore 1969-701969-70 Lander, Susan M. 2/89 30 The Highlands 313 Palm LakeLake Dr.Dr. Highlands Rochester, NY 1462214622 Sanibel Island,island, FLFL 3395733957 Rochester,

Lane, PatrickPatrick J.J. 1/80 Sandy Libra 872-6078 Klingbiel, RichardRichard T.T. 11/74 Mary Anne Duenna (H) 266-2702 Lane, 1/80 Sandy Libra (H)(H) 872-6078 1220 Rd. 638638 LakeLake Rd.Rd. David 1111 (B)(6) 722-3684722-6664 1220 Stockbridge Rd. Zimmer (6)(B) 546-6620546-6320 Webster, NY 1458014580 ._ Webster,Webster. NYNY 1458014580 ~ 1-

- 1 . . _ _ LaPaglia,LaPagl|a , AnthonyAnthony J.J 55/83/83 Terry Terry L llII (H)(H) 665865-34996499 . Dee 642 1511 Terry Terry Kohler,Kohler, DonaldDonald F.F 5/765/78 Grace Gee-DeeGee (H) 342-1511 ;_ __ 180 Yarkerdale Dr.Dr 240 VanVan VoorhisVoorhts Ave.Ave (B)(6) 266-3201266 6201 (6)(B) 624-13306241330 ` J RochesterRochester,' NY 1461514615 ~` Rochester,Rochester1 NYNY 1461714617

' B 29

B-29 . . WL.. 4 . _ . _ . _ ....,-2..-c..._2 . ...__ . .-. . . 28 _ _ . . , _. __- _ __ __ -._. . _ . ._ M. B __ _ _ , ____ _ , _ , ,,,.,_...A._ ,_._,6,_,,.M,,..___._,_,,2,,,,_.,.2 _-3,-;,:,__,-_._ .___~, M, 4%

' "" "":%'x"""""" 47:,f '?` ' ` `- 255;?:5;=§5=ff5'l5§'5*3=`555=?"5 5 5"7"`:?:"5`; ';" 55'~ ' f `3';3' :` 7 " " '5 1 : 5 "T "f? "ff:'7 ' 5 "5 3 "' " " 6%..

_f W;-ey a-ff; Xgseaasg 7 (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone " (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


LeRue,LaRue, Alfred I.I. 5/83 Karen Northwind (H) 265-2434 Lee, Charles W.W. 6/50 (H) 404-889-0638 1214 Lake PointPoint Rd.Rd. Staci 1818 (B)(5) 654-7753554-7753 Rt. 2 BoxBox 405A-1405A-1 Webster, NY 1458014580 Gainesville, GAGA 3050630506 I Lesser,Lasser, RobertRobert 11/88 Kathie Fast ForwardForward (H) 385-4861385-4861 LeFrois, RichardRichard R.R. 1/89 Irondequoit . (B)(5) 777-8098777-5095 990 Lake RoadRoad Susquecentennial Webster, NY 1458014580 25 Tuxford RoadRoad Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 LeFrois, RussellRussell ER 1/89 Estelle Hustlin RussRuss (H)(H) 265-0896 375 Salt RoadRoad and LetLet thethe Lauterbach, PeterPeter C.C. 5/74 (H) .513-231-5858513-231-5856 Webster, NY 1458014580 Good Times RollRoll P.O.RO. Box 599 (5)(B) 513-562-3992513-552-3992 Cincinnati, OHOH 4520145201 Lent, David M. 1/66 Lois (H)(H) 223-1376 Budget and Audit (B)(B) 475-9050 I.avery,Lavery, Jane 7/85 (H) 342-9616342-9515 7 Chipping RidgeRidge 58 DorvidDorvid Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 288-6910288-8910 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester,Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 LePage, Herbert 11/75 Carolyn (H) 671-5171671-5171 Law, PaulPaul A.A. 5/83 Inezlnez Scorpio (H) 342-2403 594 Lake Rd.Rd. Alex 14 (B)(B) 232-5885 Club CruiseCruise (5)(B) 588-0351 Webster, NY 14580 `liavisTravis 9 105 Valley View Crescent Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Lerner, RudolphRudolph K.K. 5/68 Sandra Montage (H) 671-1364671-1364 692 SummitSummit Dr.Di: Andrew 1818 (B) 724-2066 Lawless, DanielDaniel 3/82 (H) 381-1416351-1415 Webster, NY 1458014580 Eric 1616 48 SutherlandSutherland St.St. !iii, Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Levy, Chauncey E,F., M.D.M.D. 9/78 Eileen (B)(B) 342-5205 1 Surrey La.La. Lawless, MarciaMarcia M.M. Timothy (H) 586-5271586-5271 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 233 Overbrook RoadRoad Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Lewis, Jerry 4/77 Gail Adios (H) 223-1692 19 Chipping RidgeRidge (B)(B) 244-4125 Lawless, MarkMark 6/86 Amanda (H) 381-1416381-1418 Fairport, NY 1445014450 4 Village GroveGrove Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Libby, RogerRoger A. 3/84 Diane Sapphire (H)(H) 872-4289 1157 HiddenHidden Valley Trail`l?ail Fleet Captain (B) 722-1753 Lawless, MatthewMatthew D.D. 3/82 Darcey (H) 288-4206 Webster, NY 1458014580 Ladies RacingRacing 40 Knollbrook Rd.,Rd., #5#5 Rochester,Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Liberto, WilliamWilliam P.R 11/78 Linda (H) 377-2914377-2914 8 Canterbury Trail`li'ail Johanna 44 (B)(B) 377-2670 Lawless, RobertRobert T.T. 7/45 "Sam"nsamn Whimbrel (H) 381-1416381-1416 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Jacelyn 11 4 Village GroveGrove Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Lieber, DonaldDonald J.J, 5/86 Terry Foxfire (H)(H) 473-5825 320 Westminster Rd.Rd. Michael 1818 (5)(B) 451-5570461-5570 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Brian 1717 Lawless, RobertRobert T.,T, Jr.Jr. 10/77 Sharon Fever (H) 248-3383245-3353 Jeffrey 1111 18311831 Baird Rd.Rd. RobertRoben Penfietd,Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Cristina Lissow, CharlesCharles P.P 4/794[79 Linda Cannon BallBall (H)(H) 227-4163227-4153 Director Chad 7 (5)(B) 227-0760227-0750 Lawrence, FredFred 3/87 Holly LanakilaLariakila (H) 227-5837227-5837 58 Parkside La.La. Meghan 5 43 Long PondPond Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 392-9471392-9471 Long Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Litchfield, LindaLinda M.M. 5/82 Lara 1818 (H)(H) 248-5151245-5151 LeChase,LeChase, RaymondRaymond W.W. 1/82 Beverly Beverly Anne (H) 385-4741,385-4741 184 W.W. Bloomfield Rd.Rd. Lindsay 1212 385-8750 32 Landsdowne La. (B) 254-3510 (5)(B) 385-6750 32 Landsdowne La. (5) Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

B-30 B-31 B .... .

- ~»--»-~~- -~ ------1-1 -»~~ ~ -- - - - _- -_ ---#--~ ---»-~~~ ---~------~------» ~'-1-2 ---KL -11 -M-m---WN ~»f----»-»f<~-1'-»-- #_ ' ~.'--~ :~ .M ,¢4...... ,,,..,....~,.,.. _..,.--.-s»~.---.-_-»--//-I-.4 -,--»--»~.f».-»--~»»,--»-»~.~»»--»»-»--»-» 'r ~~ 1 - ~ ' '3@" 5 _ ~-13'-1~ -.t .<_L __,_...,.,,;, . _ .. -, _ ., ,_ _ - -,__-._-...._,,,,.,s_._....-_-.~._...... sM.-.F-Ae-....._55,,_.a.4»»e.,.,-.-.,-»,»~4.,-.-.r_,_..~.,4._-s.;-IT-=~<-¢- ~.:¢2m..-.-;;.'-z;°;.~,;.~.v,-:,¢'~t'-==-~.»; , . - . . . . W. . . _

~~ 1 -, . W . _...A 4- I: e éséi 7 (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone i


Lobe, Vincent M. 5/88 Paula Eroica (H) 381-2336381-2336 Lyke, Ervin F.E 1/60 Betty Audacity (H)(H) 544-1833 4 Millwood CourtCourt Michael 1111 (6)(B) 588-5191588-5191 Commodore 1971-721971-72 (6)(B) 586-5250 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Sarah 44 1010 RockRock Beach Rd.Rd, Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Loberg,Lobeng, PeterPeter E.E. 2/79 Jeanne Picaroon (H) 624-2225624-2225 40 Partridge HillHill Rd.Rd. (6)(B) 477-4060 Honeoye Falls,Falls, NYNY 1447214472 mmm’====M~

Lockhart, HainesHaines B.,B., Jr.Jr. 10/79 Margaret (H) 544-82865448286 Macaulay, RobertRobert J. 9/76 Maureen Bottom Line (H)(H) 385-2414665-2414 21 Rock BeachBeach Rd.Rd. (B)(6) 722-2877722-2877 21 LarchwoodLarchwood Dr.Dr. Kristin 1717 (6)(B) 442-9696 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Callin 1616 Rochester, ii Lockwood, JohnJohn W.W. 3/71 Rose AnnAnn (H) 865-5796865-5796 Maggio, KevinKevin J. 3/87 Jane Ellen (H)(H) 342-0098 i 61 Bonita Dr.Dr (B)(6) 987-6688987-6688 369 SagamoreSagamore Dr.Dn (6)(B) 315-471-6400615-471-6400 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Lodico, RichardRichard S.,S., D.D.S.D.D.S. 11/8411184 Wanda Wind StalkerStalker (H) 381-8329 Mahon, John EE 4/64 Caroline 1717 Eubalaena (H) 872-0951872-0951 38 Mountain Rd.Rd. (6)(B) 385-2258 700 Midtown TowerTower Laura 1515 (6)(B) 232-6500 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Rochester, NY 1460414604 Amy 7 ili Long, ChristineChristine M.M. 9/87 Dane Asilomar (H) 865-6457665-6457 Maier, Kevin L. 6/79 Maryrita (H)(H) 671-8870 663 Beach Ave.Ave. Jenn 1818 (B)(6) 342-3030 548 Granger Cir.Cir (6)(B) 546-5295 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Webster, NY 1458014580

Frank S.S. 5/88 Maloney, Jr., Charles P.P 11/79 JuHaJulia Portside (H) 544-3839 Lorusso, ¯ 2620 Oakview DriveDrive 1011 WestageWestage atat the HarborHarbor Belle (6)(B) 227-1579227-1579 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Lovejoy, Harley M. llII 10/80 Gaelyn (H) 342-4756642-4756 Marsh, JosephJoseph C.C. 4/84 Darcie (H)(H) 377-3799677-6799 398 Mt. Airy Dr.Dr Garrett 66 (B)(6) 726-31737266176 3 Farmingham Dr.Dr (6)(B) 232-3720 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Morgan 4 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526

Lovenheim, JohnJohn 4/74 Barbara Centennial (H) 275-9133275~9133 Marshall, AlexanderAlexander A. 1/78 Virginia AIginaAlgina (H)(H) 247-7285 190 Council RockRock Ave.Ave. (6)(B) 546-7080546-7060 37 Wedgewood Dr.Dr. (6)(B) 438-8828 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NY 1462414624 I LOw,Low, Howard M.M. 2/722[72 Lynne Puff (H) 544-3234544-6264 Maurer, Walter F.F 5/86 Gerri Double (H) 586-0303 501 Seneca ParkPark Ave.Ave. 160 Hampton WayWay Jon 1414 Rainbow (6)(B) 427-6652 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526

I.owe,Lowe, Charles E.E. 7/72 Shirley Chimera (H) 248-5961248-5961 Mayer, Deborah A. 7/79 White (H)(H) 305-284-1033605-264-1066 29 LittleLittle SpringSpring RunRun (6)(B) 423-6630 125 Edgewater Dr.Dr Apt. 5 Lightning Fairport, NY 1445014450 Coral Gables, FLFL 3313333133 i

Lowman, AndreaAndrea 41824/82 Michael (H) 288-5463 Mayer, Edward 10/70 Jane Crest (H) 266-4618 120 Shaftsbury Rd.Rd. Mizesko 4091 St. Paul Blvd. (6)(B) 266-7508266-7506 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Lowry, HaroldHarold D.D. 4/76 Polly Radiant (H) 467-4119467-4116 " Mayer, George N. 5/64 Jane Hat Trick (H) 986-2565966-2565 275 Sagamore Dr.Dr (B)(6) 722-2145722-2145 1441 WaterfordWaterford St. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Walworth,Watworth, NY 1456814568

Luther, GeorgeGeorge L.L. 1/87 Jo Ann Decision (H) 586-0624566-0624 Mayer, James W.W. 8/79 (H) 315-986-2565 1759 Scribner Rd.Rd. (6)(B) 726-3265 1441 WaterfordWaterford Road (6)(B) 404-695-1264404-395-1234 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Walworth, NYNY 1456814568

B-32 B-33B~33

4, M, "Pr" 32' /'

(H) Home Phone (H)(H) Home PhonePhone Business (B) Business Phone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Mayer, KimberlyKimberly S.S. 4/82 Whitewhite (H) 415-949-4548415-949-4548 Meteyer, John C. 5/70 Anne IncentiveIncentive (H) 671-8751671-8751 521 Del MedioMedio Ave.Ave. #114#114 Lightning (B) 415-494-5606 702 Hightower WayWay (5)(B) 546-3660 Mountain View,View, CA 9404094040 Webster, NY 1458014580

McCarthy, Robert MaxMax 6/63 Betty All FunFun (H) 621-5609 Miers, James S.S. 2/80 Virginia Virginia Ann (H) 544-5554544-6684 314314 Beach Ave.Ave. (B) 663-0984 Recording SecretarySecretary Stephen 1818 (5)(B) 724-4702 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 414 Sagamore Dr.Dr Douglas 1616 RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617 Kathleen 1414 McGrain, Joseph A. 4[774/77 Toni Cricket (H) 342-5872 659659 OakridgeOakridge Dr.Dr Miersch, CharlesCharles W.W. 7/72 (H)(H) 559-5457889-5487 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 56 Stover Rd. (3)(B) 275-4566 Rochester, NY 1462414624 McGrath, John D.D. 10/66 Elli Sly (H) 377-0575377-0575 48 RandomRandom KnollsKnolls Dr.Dr. Mongoose (B) 385-6960 Miles, RobertRobert L.L. 5/75 (H)(H) 338-3697 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 66 Madison Terr.Terr. (5)(B) 544-0400 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 McGrath, RobertRobert G. 3/68 Elizabeth (H) 544-4904 1082 Winona Blvd.Blvd. (B) 47%5038477-5038 Miller, Paul R., M.D. 11/71 Rigmor (H)(H) 271-3568271-3555 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 29 East Blvd. (5)(B) 271-5413271-5413 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 McKee, EdwardEdward S.S. 1/76 Latent ImageImage (H) 442-9287 1720 Westfall Rd.Rd. Miller, ThomasThomas O.O. 7/75 Cathryn Montage (H)(H) 872-5141872-5141 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 1212 Gerrads CrossCross (5)(B) 724-2422 Webster, NY 1458014580 McKeon, BruceBruce H.H. 3/77 Tara 1616 Vanessa (H) 654-8791654-8791’i:: 12821282 Bayshore Blvd.Blvd. (B) 288-2211288-2211 Mills, CharlesCharles N.N. 7/61 Lynn Little Love (H)355-3955(H)385-3968 Rochester, NYNY 14609-193114609-1931 121 Sandringham Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 223-4330 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 McMahon, Gregory W. 4/83 Stephanie Aquila (H) 624-4107 1-555-0770 30 MonroeMonroe St.St. Tyler 1616 (B) 338-7845 Mills, HenryHenry L.,L., Jr.Jr. 7/66 Noel (H)(H) 1-665-0770 Honeoye Falls,Falls, NYNY 1447214472 Leigh 1313 515 Girard Ave. (5)(B) 1-655-07701-655-0770 East Aurora, NY 1405214052 McMath, John N., Jr. 8/67 (H) 716-374-5523716-374-5523 R Ragamuffin 225-4454 Wildwinds FarmsFarms (B) 716-546-6480 Mitchell, ScottScott P. 9/72 Ragamuftin (H) 225-4454 Naples, NYNY 1451214512 15 Red Hickory Dr.Dr (5)(B) 207-598-6464207-596-6464 Rochester, NY 1462614626 McMillen,Moll/lillen, JamesJames R.R. 6/806/60 Carol (H) 385-2798 255 Inwoodlnwood Dr.Dr. Mocny, Scott R. 4/79 Linda Crazy Horse (H)(H) 377-3582377-3552 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 209 Willow PondPond WayWay Joshua 88 (5)(B) 381-5420361-5420 Penfield, NY 1452614526 Andrew 6 McNerney, Mrs.Mrs. HelenHelen B. (H) 663-5538 Jonathan 33 8181 Seascape Dr.Dr Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Moffett, RaymondRaymond C., Jr.Jr 4/334/83 Lynn Easy-Go (H)(H) 703-338-7557703-333-7557 Cricket Hill Rt. 22 BoxBox 385385 (3)(B) 703-338-3232 McPherson, DonaldDonald W.W. 4/71 Carol Shrew (H) 607-272-6029 Purcellville, VA 22132 1175 TaughannockTaughannock Blvd.Blvd. (B) 607-272-6944607-272-6944 Ithaca,Ithaca, NYNY 1485014850 Molz, Emmet G. 3/65 Marilyn Sea Spray (H)513-732-5355(H)813-792-5855 6903 7th Avenue West Mellen, NancyNancy E.E. 5/885/66 Bradenton, FLFL 3352933529 33 Irvingtonlrvington RoadRoad Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Montbach, FrancisFrancis X. 6/59 Elizabeth (H)(H) 342-2907 225 Sagamore Dr.Dr Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Montrallo, DavidDavid 3/70 Dee (H)(H) 392-7087392-7057 20 West Beach Dr.Dr Hilton, NY 14468 B-34 Hilton NY 14468 B-35

~ ---- ;,,;;;»-: _ /5" . . . ,,,_ , .,..,.,_ 4 , -,,,__ ,,,,_,....-- _ ~....-~,,-.- ,,.._...,..._,..- ...-.-- ...... ,...... ,,.__.,,,... ,,.,-.,,..4 ....,, 5,....,.,,_. _,,,,,, _,gasses .....-.,,..,, ,Wt _ (H) Home PhonePhone (H) (H)(H) Home Phone (B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B) (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Mooney, DanielDaniel R.R. 2/72 Martha (H) 544-3176544-3176 Murphy, GordonGordon D.D. 110/670/67 Cynthia Cynbad (H)(H) 223-6684 2 State St., Suite 925925 (B) 546-2456545-2455 {: !64164 DaileyDailey Rd.Rd. (B) 223-0100 Rochester, NYNY 1461414614 RO.RC. Box 119119 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Mooney, DavidDavid J. 7/84 (H) 615-329-0339515-329-0335 2006 BroadwayBroadway #409#409 Murphy, GordonGordon D.,D., Jr.Jr 2/88 (H)(H) 388-1654 Nashville, TNTN 3720337203 RO.PO. Box 66242 (B) 223-0100 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Moran, BrianBrian 11/80 Renee Fast Fwd.Fwd. (H) 482-8884 161 Bay Village Dr.Dr. (B) 394-1520 Murphy, John R, M.D. 4/79 Dorothea (H)(H) 381-2625 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 124 Hillary LaneLane (B) 889-2006 Penfield, NY 1452614526 Moran, JamesJames 1/65 Patsy (H) 671-2975671-2975 820 LakeLake Rd.Rd. (B)(5) 359-2710359-2710 Murphy, Patricia A. 3/80 Gone With (H)(H) 288-7995 Webster, NY 1458014580 16 Colonial Rd.Rd. The Wind (B)(B) 427-5827427-5327 Rochester, NY 1460914609 Moran, KevinKevin 3/82 Amy Kingfisher (H) 586-2021 775 Penfield Rd.Rd. Jamie (B) 244-1120244-1120 Murray, Donald G. 4/72 Judy Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 22 Diann Dr.Dr. Lake Valhalla Morgan, MarciaMarcia L.L. 9/86 (H) 671-2975671-2975 Montville, NJ 0704507045 820 LakeLake Rd.Rd. Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Murray, Geoffrey C.C. 6/82 (H)(H) 213-438-1288213-433-1255 2749 East 2nd StreetStreet #1#1 (B)(B) 213-496-9272 Morgan, DanielDaniel 7/78 Judith (H) 338-5446335-5445 Long Beach, CACA 9080390803 22698 EtEl DoradoDorado Dr.Di: (B) 338-5447 Boca Raton,Raton, FLFL 3343333433 Murray, Bill 7/85 Susan Peddler (H)(H) 544-7041 37 BriarcliffeBriarclitfe Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 342-4066 Morgan, ThomasThomas J.J, 4/84 Chris Gemini (H) 461-3365451-3355 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 10271027 Highland Ave.Ave. (B) 223-2804223-2304 Rochester, NYNY 1462014620 Murrer, JamesJames E.E. 5/83 Kathryn 20 Carat (H) 247-3661247-3661 10 Adeane Dr.D12 (B)(B) 454-2552 Morrissey, JackJack 3/87 Laura Irish Rover (H) 266-0663 Rochester, NYNY 1462414624 187187 Spring ValleyValley Dr.Dr. Courtney 11 (B)(B) 477-1257477-1257 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Muszak, Martin RF 10/79 Kathleen Sneaker (H)(H) 544-1492 480 Van Voohis Ave. Christine (B) 235-7450 Morse, WilliamWilliam B.B. IIIIll 7/66 Marion (H) 442-5676 Rochester,Rochester; NYNY 1461714617 Corey 34 Kent Pk.Pk. (B) 328-1400328-1400 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 lki __N__I1~ Moss, RichardRichard A.A. 7/857/85 Pamela Ain’tAin't (H) 338-3350333-3350 230 Harvington Dr.Dr. Misbehavin’Misbehavin' (B) 232-6840 Harvington (B) Nahmias, A. MichaelMichael 10/78 Pamela Life In The (H) 425-4046 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 LYRA Delegate Lindsey 55 Fast Lane (B)(B) 986-5126 30 Steel RoadRoad Brent 11 Mourer, JamesJames L.L. 7[757/75 Lillian Montage (H) 586-8465586-8465 Montage (H) Victor, NY 1456414564 1414 Country ClubClub Dr.Dr. (B) 724-2855724-2855 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Nally, Timothy J. 4/734/78 Marabeth (H) 442-0846 4 Idlewoodldlewood Rd.Rd. Matthew 8 (5)(B) 726-8316 Muhleman, FredFred W.W. 1/87 Beth Anne Blue Jay (H) 872-3468 Jay (H) Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Benjamin 55 700 Ashdon CircleCircle Jacob 33 Rigel Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Napier, WilliamWilliam J.J. 4/68 Jane (H)(H) 244-5227 330 Antlers Dr.Dr. (B) 325-6880 Mundell, Gary J. 9/86 Ann Marie Nirvana 671-5316 Gary 9/86 Ann Marie Nirvana (H)(H) 671-5316 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 553 ForestForest LawnLawn Rd.Rd. (B) 422-6273 Webster, NYNY 1458014580

B-36 B-37

4 .__~ .. ._ _ ...W ,.,.,..,.._,....,..,._,.,.M,. .3-M 4.-44-.4-M.. L ...WWW , .. .. . , ....._-..L.._.._...,.__.-. --5»- """ ""` -»--,.44,~4,»2.....,.-4_.,m,.$,%.,M5..,,....,,.2,,,,W. _ "RVf »&v'~"*»'7_ §,"',&'»;'~»€@&»'T"'F»'%1-_;:~:;'._'%,-'~<,».w;¥?~"""*""f ,,g.r=a.m,-,.-..,,M..3--.<' Jw- er* -"=4~"-' "°¢=v"'~ g ,;M ,~@_W.g,,_&i, rs. »*/3»-"W" ,,_ "\ . V, Y-3,4-.9@ g, ,....=,, f 'f'~ _-5:-5~ . . . 4 31, 3 --~- .-;1<¢<<.;1-.54 .-..1 51.-5-4. .5 aka-=<-» .'.-- -~¢ 4-,... 5.1 . .;:.,. (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


O'Brien,O’Brien, BrendanBrendan R.R. 1/71 Eileen (H)(H) 804-758-4471 Naughton, John G. 5/88 blue bargebarge (1-1) 461-1595 Naughton,120 BoardmanJ°hnst.G" PO.P.O.Box Box808, 808,Park Park St,St. Meaghan 1313 (B) 804-776-6463 120 Boardman St. (B) 477-7669 (H)(B) 461-15954777669 e,.. Urbanna, VAVA 2317523175 Brendan 99 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 ~ O'Brien,O’Brien, W. Smith 6/63 Jean (H)(H) 889-4216 Nealon, JamesJames V.V 5/77 GailGall Spectrum (H)(1-1) 544-0869544-0369 40 Blue PondPond ManorManor Katie 1111 (B)(B) 544-9776 Director (B)(6) 726-4529 Scottsville, NY 1454614546 Kelly 7 500 Sagamore Dr.Dr Sagamore William 55 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 O'Brien,O’Brien, W.W. Smith 6/73 Elizabeth Slainte (H)(H) 671-4538 Nelson, RaymondRaymond L.L. 7/85 Anne Whipper~Whipper- (H) 342-2734 726 Lake Rd.Rd. (B) 232-2370 4242 Tyringham Rd.Rd. snapper Tyringham snapper Webster, NY 1458014580 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 O'Connell,O’Connell, JohnJohn J., Jr.Jr, 8/53 Neubauer, RichardRichard C.C( 4/81 Patricia Seascape (H) 223-7076223-7076 Seascape (H) 2796 D Ashley Drive West 4848 BentBent OakOak Tr.Ti: Brian 1212 477-8018 (B)(6) 477-8018 West Palm Beach,Beach, FLFL 3340633406 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Kristen 99 O'Grady,O’Grady, E. JohnJohn 7/69 Joanne Irishlrish MistMist (H)(H) 342-3535 Newell, BruceBruce D.D. 3/87 Catherine Quicken (H) 663-8702663-8702 549 Oakridge Dr.Dr (B) 722-0387 1 Welland St.St. Betsy 4 722-3400 Betsy (B) 722-3400 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 John 33 David 2 mos.mos. O'Nei|l,O’Neill, HenryHenry 1/62 Carolyn DundavoeDundavce (H)(H) 381-6214 41 Old FarmFarm CircleCircle (B) 482-3550 Newell, JohnJohn W.W. 8/71 Nancy Lotus (H) 225-2645 Newell, Nancy (H) Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Past CommodoreCommodore (B)(3) 454-3000 Canada’sCanada's CupCup O'Neill,O’Neill, Nancy M. 6/756[75 Perspective (H)(H) 248-3589 1818 Edgemere Dr.Dn 15 Sky Ridge Drive (B) 482-3550 Rochester, NY 14612 Rochester, NY 14612 Rochester, NY 1462514625 Nichols, WilliamWilliam 1/89 Ochs, Mary C. 3/74 John UJUJ (H)(H) 342-0028 1810 Hydesville RoadRoad Hydesville 5137 St.St. Paul Blvd. Historical Newark, NY 14513 Newark, NY 14513 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Norry, NellNeil 5/80 Sharon Chicane (H) 244-9160 (H) Ochs, Mary Elizabeth 10/81 (H)(H) 654-8738 3345 ElmwoodElmwood Ave.Ave. (B) 328-2900 (6) 473 Bay Village Drive (B)(B) 546-0241 NY 14610 Rochester, NY 14610 Rochester, NY 1460914609

North, JohnJohn S.S. 12/871 2/87 Joyce Boreas (H) 342-7445 Joyce <1-1) Odenbach, FrederickFrederick J.J. 6/88 Victoria Nemesis (H)(H) 586-5055 4805 St. PaulPaul Blvd.Blvd. Director Amanda 33 (B) 424-6410 NY 14617 Rochester,Rochester, NY 14617 1860 Five Mile Line Rd. Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Northrup, CharlesCharles V.V. 8/67 Mary Meermin (1-1)(H) 305-627-3183 122 Lake Shore DriveDrive Odenbach, GardnerGardner C.C. 1/76 Julie (H)(H) 586-9046 Quay South 734734 1945 Clark Rd.Rd. Travis 5 (B) 381-7010381-7010 N. PalmPalm Beach,Beach, FLFL 3340833408 Rochester, NY 1462514625 G. Dustin 2

Nowak, A.A. RichardRichard 5/86 Kathryn Jasmine 315-589-7311 Kathryn (H) 315-589-7311 Odenbach, John M. 9/45 Lucile Rampage (I-1)(H) 586-9313 4191 Washington StreetStreet 546-4020 Washington (B) 546-4020 PO.P.O. BoxBox 10 (B) 381-7010381-7010 Pultneyville, NYNY 1453814538 Pultneyville, Peniield,Penfield, NY 1452614526

=~’~= Odenbach, Jr.,Jr, John M.M 9/71 Julie Hangover (H)(H) 671-4243 .EQ 808 Lake Rd. (B) 381-7010381-7010 Webster, NY 1458014580 O’Brien,O'Brien, BenjaminBenjamin S.S. 10/61 (H) 663-4961663-4961 4545 StutsonStutson St.St. (B) 342-3030342-3030 (3) Osborne, L.L. DevensDevens 1/75 Donna Rainbow (H)(H) 1-924-3829 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 199 Whistle StopStop Pittsford, NY 1453414534 B-38 B-39 -rr - ; -f, ~=;;;=;=.:.;. -_,~W,,ee,;==3: :>~ -<,:.==.v;;:-a:-1;:m -»- -~m---- ,.., ..L..-.2 .., -»--~< --f-»;~» - -f» » - - -fa;-= ¢;<=_;1:.e;1f;ea-e<:s»xe~5;e,3~ :_~ -.z=:; ~4,: ..n-:ms-sf;-.-25; -ei .;.-..5,&;a,§.-:ea -_ " ' " -;- -;-$25-;'?~@Y=""*""""" """"*5-;'?~@Y=""*""""" """"* (H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Pearson, JackJack W.W. 10/81 Dorothy 865-3137 ====p===== , Dorothy (H) 865-3137 _p_ 318 V- 318 Edgemere Dr.Dr. ` 7 »i~`6 RochestenRochester, NY 1461214612 Palm, GregoryGregory S.S. 5/86 (H) 482-275048227502 457 Bay Village Dr.Dr. Palkey,Pelkey, Bryan R. Mary Beth Persnickety (H)(H) 254-8922 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 1171 Titus Titus Avenue (B) 544-3440 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Palm, Jr., R.R. BramleyBramley 8/81 LonoLorlo MakauMakau (H) 315-343-2051315_343_2O51 201 W. SecondSecond St.St. #311#311 (B) 315-298-42133'5'290""2'3 Perkins, PeterPeter T.11 7/66 Beverly Orion (H) 271-5257271-5257 Oswego, NYNY 1312613126 1539 Highland Ave.Ave. (6)(B) 271-0671271-0671 Rochester, NY 1461814618 Palm, JohnJohn N.N. 4/84 Gretchen Oasis (H) 703-237-6760703_237_676O 3020 BeechwoodBeechwood LaneLane (B) 703-284-61617°3`28""6)6) Perry, AllanAllan M.M. 4/81 Windswept (H) 334-4491 ' Windswept (H) Falls Church, VAVA 22042 f! 287 Crockett Dr.Dr (B) 546-2700 Rochester, NY 1462314623 x 4294 Palm, RonaldRonald B.B. 6/71 Cathy Mystery (H) 315-963-8875315_963_8875 Lake Bluff (B) 315-298-5121315'298°5'2) Perry,Parry, Clifford R. 1/80 (H)(H) 342-2498 Sage Creek Rd.Rd. RDRD #1#1 4467 st.St. Paul Blvd. (6)(B) 726-3565 Mexico, NYNY 1311413114 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Palmer, E.E. Ashley 3/54 (H) 671-2268 Perry,Parry, Raymond S.s. 5/72 Marilyn Yankee (H)(H) 203-452-1127 1776 Hudson Ave.Ave. (B) 338-2180ggjggg (Q) 68 Wells HillHill RoadRoad (B)(B) 914-935-2478 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Easton, CTCT 0661206612 Palmer, McKee A. 9/68 Rosalia Aku-lllAku-l ll (H) 342-3153 Perry, ThomasTnomae S.s. 4/85 (H) 275-6268 218 Mt. Airy Dr.Dr (E)(B)( ) 334-13502322323 !~ } u.U. of R., Box 28392 (6)(B) 276-2266275-2258 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NY 1462714627 Pape, Peter E. 5/88 Petronello,Patronello, PaulPaul 7/71 Suzanne Prime TimeTime (H) 401-846-5799 523 WildwoodWildwood TrailTrail 711 wapplngWapping Rd. Andrea 5 (6)(B) 401-848-0180 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Portsmouth, RIRl 0287102871 Paul E. 3 Parker, John L.L. 8/57 Phyllis Waupoos (H) 342-8995 Phelps, DonaldDonald S.s. 2/49 senlzanrnoeSchizanthus (H) 244-4164 100 Orenda Dr.Dr. Frank 1616 (Q)(B) 342-8995' ( ) gjfggggg 308 San Gabriel Dr.Dr. (6)(B) 466-4600458-4800 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Bill 1313 Rochester, NY 1461014610 Judson 99 Phelps, DouglasDouglas R.R. 4/84 Anne-Marie Australis (H)(H) 244-9397 Parker, PatrickPatrick J.J. 4/69 Patricia (H) 408-637-4541400`007"*54' t 308 San Gabriel Dr.Dr (6)(B) 254-3200 1993 Orchard RoadRoad Russell Russell Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Hollister, CACA 9502395023 Catherine Michael Pierce, James M.M. 2/66 c/0c/o D.R. GoodwinGoodwin- -- AVP Parker, Polly C.C. 7/73 Stephen Charlie ' Polly Stephen Charlie (H)(HN613456 461-3456 P.O. BoxBox 1412 123 Nunda Blvd. Brooks 1111 4750100 (B)(0) 475-9180 Rochester,Roeneerer, NY 1460314603 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Evan 7 Pignataro, RichardRichard G.G. 9/379/87 Dianne Temerity (H)(H) 223-3229 Passero, RonaldRonald J.J. 4/74 Terry Sea Gypsy (H) 288-2022 49 snagoarkShagbark Way (6)(B) 722-2770 78 Empire Blvd.Blvd. (Q)(B) iiggggg442-2550' .... ( ) Fairport, NY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 : Pirwitz, RosanneRosanne 5/88 John L. 1/85 Barbara Field Office 5447442 Patterson, John L. 1/85 Barbara Field Office (H) 544-7442 23 Chatworth Circle SouthSouth 150 Aliens CreekCreek RoadRoad Meredith 1717 4400000 (B)(0) 442-0890 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Lindsay 1111 PittenPittenger,er, PhilipPnl' 4/88 JJenniferem''fer 99 ((H)H ) 621-7772 Pearce, LauraLaura A.A. 4/84 Robert W.W. (H) 442-04034400403 (H) 88 FawnFav)/n Hill Rd.elif 2220 Clinton Ave.Ave. So.So. (B) 726-80137208013 (B) Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 B-40B~40 B-41

_ "iv =e§:e::;~'~; :2 :l ;z%T€ li-i62>i21§ =e f= a4:§§. ;;- 6-ef .. ""`°" "f ";f "" ; f-? ':€£'§~ ...r 4 .,.,_,..,o~.,.W.-..,,.s.,.._..a...... e_...,.E...__._.., ..,,_.,,.a.,,..,»,e..~..,,..,..__-...... ,,..,.,,.,a,a2,.,,,;g,_,M,,.,&,,..,..,,,e,...,,,,;§V,,;L,.,%mx¢,,,.,_,,2wpg. - -

(H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Poirier, J.J. NelsonNelson 11/65 Marjorie (H) 813-572-8167513-572-5157 Puleo, MichaelMichael J.J. 5/79 Meta Lau (H) 212-752-2524 10620 42nd42nd CourtCourt 545 West End Ave. 3E Michael 22 (B) 212-208-8144212-205-5144 Clearwater,Clearwaten FLFL 3352033520 New York, NY 1002410024

Polidor, EdwardEdward T.T. 3/74 Patricia Wild CardCard (H) 544-8343544-5343 4~ 233 Winona Blvd.Blvd. Keith 1616 (B) 544-0400 ====~._....@w Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Quick, Jr.,Jr, Donald G. 11/74 Joanne (H) 607-739-3450607-739-3450 Polsky, LisaLisa BethBeth 7/83 (H) 473-0229473-0229 155 Daffodil Dr.Dr (B) 607-734-4183507-734-4153 235 Oxford St., Apt. 1 (B) 482-1401452-1401 Horseheads, NYNY 1484514845 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607

Polsky, MortonMorton 7/75 Dorothy Illusion (H) 271-6077271-6077 ~’=====R2-,_-2. 140 Viennawood Dr.Dr. Susan 1717 (B) 1-768-22471-755-2247 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Rae, Robert R. 11/6511165 Janet Bewitched (H)(H) 381-8938381-6938 Commodore 1977-781977-78 (B)(B) 436-7503 Poole, MollyMolly 1/54 Kindo (H) 271-5477271-5477 15 Shadow Pines DriveDrive 36 Audubon St.St. Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461014610 Rae, Jr.,Jr., Robert R. 4/74 Lynda Postgate, RobertRobert W.W. 7/81 Pamela (H) 461-5277451-5277 26 Emerson Rd.Rd. 176 Gregory Hill Rd.Rd. Farley 1212 (B) 232-5052 Winchester, MA 01890 Rochester, NYNY 1462014620 Meghann 99 Rae,Thomas Thomas M. 5/79 (H)(H) 381-6938 Potter, DonaldDonald EF 7/65 (H) 467-3326 PO.p.o. Box 19506 (B)(B) 436-7503 Legal/By-LawsLegal/By~Laws (B) 546-7830545-7530 Rochester, NY 1461914619 131 Valley Circle Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1462214622 Raes, ThomasThomas L.L_ 4/84 Kathy Mykonos (H) 244-7426244-7425 31 Markay Ct. (B) 544-6330 Potts, Mrs.Mrs. HaroldHarold E.E, 3/75 (H) 865-0226 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 205-E SpanishSpanish TrailTrail Rochester,Rochestel; NYNY 1461214612 Rahm, James RichardRichard 2/81 Beth (H)(H) 395-2554396-2864 5660 Nott Rd.Rd. (B) 726-5418728-5418 Preish, RalphRalph B.B. 5/80 Joan Windrush (H) 225-8031225-8031 Canandaigua, NYNY 1442414424 Director (B) 722-0450722~O45O 166 Mont Morency Dr.Dr. Rainaldi,Rainalcli, FredFred J.J. 3/85 Grace (H)(H) 266-0161 Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461214612 148 Kindlewood LaneLane (B) 232-4408232-4405 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Premo, RonaldRonald ER 3/85 Karen (H) TokyoTokyo 482-0711482-0711 5-17-7 Seijo Todd (B) 0465-72-04770455-72-0477 Rainaldi, RichardRichard J.J. 5/85 Diana (B) 544-3453 Setagaya, TokyoTokyo 157157 Suzanne 148 Kindlewood LaneLane Japan Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Pruitt II,ll, JonahJonah 6/736[73 Judy (H) 425-7120 Raleigh, M.D.,M.D., RobertRobert 5/73 Michelle Chantay (H) 338-3188 1 Selborne ChaseChase (B) 72415004724:5004 346 Rock Beach Rd.Rd. (B) 722-2879 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester,Rochesteiq NYNY 1461714617

Psaila, BartBart 3/79 Sally (H) 467-4873457-4573 Rathke, Robert C.C. 5/81 Nancy PhuosophyPhilosophy (H)(H) 265-1291 50 EastgateEastgate Dr.Dr. (B) 454-1474454-1474 1616 Brattleboro Dr.Dr (B)(B) 724-8787724-5757 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Webster, NY 14580

Pugliese, JohnJohn T.T 5/86 (H) 248-5266245-5255 Ray, Michael S. 4/84 Cheryl Scars & (H)(H) 271-3589 1822 South 8th St.St. (B)(B) 482-1810482-1810 41 Brandywine La.La. Colin 1111 Scrapes (5)(B) 325-3550325-3990 St. Louis,Louis, MOMO 6310463104 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618

B~42 B»43

vw ~ --4-- --4--~--~f--»-»»-----~f4----~»--~»--.= »- f- -»---4--257-'=:e»~»» - » - ~ » -»- 2-2-2->; »-e5¢;»;12e - " =42-==3»4~ » ,B ..=:.,»:5 -~»3=5,-=-¢;===:ae:¢-2-222-2e5e;32;$=:a=-=.»=e=-=¢,=<;~=:exe -- » 4s§§:saem;===af=;¢m=ae2s=f55-9 @-~'-5

_ (H) Home Phone (H) Home PhonePhone (H) (B) Business PhonePhone (B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B)


Ritter, GeraldGerald L.L. 7/79 Phyllis (H) 919-847-7171919-847-7171 Raycheff, JohnJohn R. 4!844/84 (H) 407-391-1763407-391-1763 Raychefi, (H) 10312 Grafton Rd.Rd. 5338 ParkPark PlacePlace CircleCircle (B) 716-724-2561716-724-2561 Raleigh, NCNC 2761527615 Boca Raton, FLFL 3348633486 Roberts, WalterWalter R.R. 9/68 Jane Como NoNo (H) 385-3478 Reardon, JohnJohn R.R. 7/75 Patricia C’estC'est La Vie (H) 513-984-3119 10 Manhattan SquareSquare (6)(B) 232-2436 8870 Indian BluffBluft Dr.Dr. (B)(6) 513-793-6464513-793-6464 Rochester, NY 1460714607 Cincinnati, OHOH 4524245242 Robertson, JeffreyJeitrey C.C. 1/81 Bernadine Mistress (H) 338-7647 Redon, Leonard E. 11/86 Denise S.S. Heatwave (H) 377-4344377-4344 85 Echo St. (6)(B) 722-0822 4848 PinebrookPinebrook CircleCircle Jason 1111 (6)(B) 724-4831724-4631 Rochester, NY 1460914609 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Jennifer 55 Robfogel, JamesJames L.L. 6/62 Marjorie Ping (H)(H) 663-1159 Rekers, HowardHoward Jr.Jr. 6/54 Ginny Wendaire (H) 342-6404342-6404 780 Beach Ave. (B) 326-9500328-9500 318318 Thomas Ave.Ave. (6) Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617 Rockwell, ThomasThomas 11/86 Mary Ann (H)(H) 288-7447266-7447 Renda, VincentVincent G.G. 2/80 (H) 442-6446 45 Allandale (6)(B) 722-2989 458 EastbrookeEastbrooke LaneLane (6)(B) 225-7430 : Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Roemer, JoelJoel 7/70 Erma Lorna (H) 342-6464 Richards, RobertRobert E.E. 8/75 Virginia (H) 718-596-4052718-596-4052 840 Rock BeachBeach Rd.Rd. (6)(B) 342-6464 6250 N. BayBay Ridge Patrick (6)(B) 414-272-9501 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Whitefish Bay,Bay, WIWl 5321753217 Rohrer, IIIill HenryHenry D.D. 6/81 Hanl<'sHank’s TankTank Richards, RossRoss A.A. 7/77 At The Market (H) 312-649-1875312-649-1875 81A31A Coachmen SquareSquare 727 Harcourt (B)(6) 312-580-0033312-580-0033 Twin LakesLakes Apts.Apts. Grosse Point Pk., MIMl 4823048230 Clifton Park, NY 1206512065 Richardson, DavidDavid 5/86 Jan (H) 442-3033 Rohrer, Kathy Anne 1/85 (H) 617-741-4890617-741-4890 195 San Gabriel DriveDrive Chris 1717 (6)(B) 262-3850 (H) 22 Irving St. (B)(B) 617-256-8921617-256-8921 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Salem, MAMA 0197001970 Richardson, HolbrookHolbrook 10/81 Carol Arrow (H) 223-5954 Rohrer, NellNeil F.F. 7/85 Director (B)(6) 254-2125254-2125 Huntington HillsHills 78 Selborne ChaseChase Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rohrer, WilliamWilliam J.J. 9/86 (H) 544-3832544-3632 Richman, TedTed 5/84 Terry Blue Acorn (H) 586-9076 Huntington HillsHills 15 CedarwoodCedan/vood Cir.Cir. (B)(6) 423-3066 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Root, Gregory T. 12/87 MariaMarla Steel Chips (H) 248-9206 Riedman, DavidDavid 7/87 Gregory 769 PenfietdPenfield Rd.Rd. (B) 427-7700427-7700 11251125 Westside DriveDrive (6) Rochester, NY 1462514625 Rochester, NYNY 1462414624 Rosenbauer, RichardRichard D.D. 2/81 Georgiana Joyride (H) 467-7733467-7733 Riester, JohnJohn E.E. 5/78 Jane (H) 266-9337 Georgiana 97 Fairlawn Dr.Dr (6)(B) 1-394-7900 80 Harvington DriveDrive (B)(6) 477-4321477-4321 Rochester, NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Ross, CharlesCharles G.G. 8/76 Betsey Wounded (H) 342-0936 Rinere, JohnJohn A.A. 5/81 Judy (H) 385-7925365-7925 Betsey (H) 153 Sagamore Dr.Dr Kristi 1414 Deer (B) 722-7351722-7351 10 Devonshire Dr.Dn Lauren 33 (B)(6) 385-6565 (6) Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Kate 13 Penfield,Pentield, NYNY 1452614526 Roth, BarbaraBarbara 9/76 404-642-9966 Riordan, MichaelMichael P.P. 7/70 (H) 248-2895 9/76 (H)(H) 404-642-9988 1006 Canyon Pt. Circle 404-577-7777 TrustFust Fund (B)(6) 987-6013987-6013 (6)(B) 404-577-7777 Roswell, GAGA 3007630076 5 ShadowShadow PinesPines Dr.Dr B-45 Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 B-44

- 6, fi.; ,~ 4 ,;;;,;;: i;1>'=;:>-~:s<§~§-ez1-::f1>1s;¢~<11 -. x-§»z~§ 511-eat,-~;~41::.:f>fs3:~I';< -.6f~>t=¢-.1-1;<,6;»~;~f_.6,5--~,.~;;t.@,..,~-;-;.._;.;~,;; -6 1-;_-;z:;.~ s.@;$§§¢ ,-¢.~;1--i.;,~;..- .,.-6. ;tf_;;;;.~-.-.4-.4;t4; gt;-~§~; ,<,. <1t.f..1-4.5t--.~;;<,,.-:~;-165.6 ; -> &4-2 ;.;;;t,~; ;~f,,_; me-¢:.~,;-11.-rv... r

(H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business Phonephone ====S~S


L. 4/63 Doreen Fascination (H) 342-9551342-9551 Roth, RobertRobert L. 4/63 Doreen Sachs, Peter 10/721°/72 (H)(H) 212-877-6392212-377-3392 452 Seneca Park Ave. (B) 423-0100423~O10O 462 Seneca Park Ave. 181 Christopher"SP331Op er (B) 212-645-44382/2`545`4'/38 Rochester NY 14617 Rochester,' NY 14617 New York, NY 1001410014

Thomas J- 9/71 ErinEDD Jazz3322 (H) 342-7538 Roth, Thomas J. Sachs, RobertRobert I.I. 4/64 Katherine kiondtkeKlondike (H) 203-767-1804205-757-1504 LYRA18351; (B) 423-0100333233 ggfghs,88 Book Hill Rd. 171 Sagamore Dr.Dr Sagamore Esseio/gi-/'36/EggEssex,' CT 06426 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Sahs, Steven 8/75 (H) 544-91885439133 Howard J. 2/51 (H) 342-2807 Rowe, Howard J. gg?)50 Birch Hills Dr.Dr (2)(B) 2339733266-9766 255 Sagamore DriveDrive (B) 442-8230442-5250 Sagamore RochesterRochester,' NY 14622M622 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Sarbou, GregoryGregory 5/86 MelissaMeiissa Bonaventure (H)(H) 482-3411 Rowe,Rowe Mary 5/84 (H) 442-61704426170 SHFDOU, Mary 69 Viewcrest Dr. (3)(B) 323-1390323-1330 712 Eastbrooke LaneLane (B)(B) 325-1510325-1510 Rochester,4609' NY 14609 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Sarbou, PaulPaul W.W. 6f766/76 Louise Whitecap (H) 305-664-4113 Rgwe Thomas W 4/784/.78 7 Bridges (H) 813-394-3215813_394_3215 Rowe, Thomas W. Bridges 140 Paledeoro (B)(B) 323-13903234390 920 CollierCoiiier Court, Apt. ELEL court,`Apt. Islamorada,' FL 3303655055 Marco Island,Island, FLFL 3393733937 Saurn, Andrew D.D- 5/895/88 Rubens, JohnJenn M.M. 4/734/75 Linda (H) 381-5874581-5874 14 West Street 427-6704 ffm; 37 Old Forge LaneLane (B) 427-6704 on Forge FairFairport,/' ' NYNY14450 14450 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534

. _ David G. 5/84 Joan 473-7215 _ ._ Schaefer, David G. 5/84 Joan areakaway (H) 473-7215 _ {~i" Breakaway (H) 1/76 Barbara Heuristic (H) 586-0964 Rubin, M.D, Philip 1/76 Barbara 24 Cathaway Pk.Pk. Amanda 55 (B) 588-4024 (B) 275-5577 (B) 39 mg/Dtazigiiip Hickory Lane (gg) $4Rochester,OCCgathawayester' NYNY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Schantz, Marilyn H. 4/78 CeiebracionCelebracion (H) 266-2649 Rueckwald Sandra L. 2/77 (H) 381-699538143995 Rueckwald, Sandra L. 860 Rock Beach Rd. (B)(B) 233-2393266-2695 322 Sandringham Dr.Dr. (B) 328-7290525-7200 §';C;;;';f/;rB§j'{°§"4QfYRochester,' NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Schenkel, Frank M. "f//H4/81 V3"(Uf3Venture 'UIII (H) 381-6022331-3022 1/82 ChristinaC\"tI'iSIi|'\3 Stealin’Stealin' TimeTame (H) 266-2156255-2155 Thomas c. 1/82 (1-1) ' Ruflin, Thomas C. 95 Lincoln Mills/Si"/'R";'~' S Rd. ~ (3)(B) 726-8232723-3232 Drive (B) 588-7468558-7455 115 Eastman Hills Drive (B) EEastast Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1444514445 Rochester,Rochester' NYNY 1462214622

, . Scherberger,1 Nancy C.C. 5/76 James H 338-7981 . Scherberger 5/76 James (H) 338-7981 1-1 223-4427 Nancy < ) . 1/83 Rita312 Lyric (H) 223-4427 Ruganis, Paul G. 1/83 "V"° 5173 st.St. Paul Blvd. Tuyen Nguyen 1818 (5)(B) 454-3505 (B) 724-80197248019 61 eizuésd Delemere Blvd. /(B/Y Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Jamie 44 Fairport,Fairport ' NY 1445014456 `ii'acyTracy 3

' ' R H. 5/725/72 Joan"/°a" SuchS "C 11 PleasurePIeawe (H)1-1 586-4492555-4452 _ Rusitzky,, Harris H. Schild,sehrtd, RobertRobert M.M. 5/79 Fever (1-1)(H) 244-1161244-1151 (B) 385-65103856510 34933253;/;);t';§;"S East Ave. YB( 717/ Beverly Street (H)(H) 244-1161244'//51 Rochester' NY`14618 Rochester, NY 14618 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 (B)(B) 223.2170223-2170

R 542-4440 _ . 6/556155 Margaret (H)( / 342-4440 Ruth, Roger A. Ma'9a'e/ Schindler, HalHai 11/84 Gretchen (H) 544-2962 390Qgéhéo/;?(9§;;;h Rock Beach Rd.Hd ' gorgndier,255 Hearthstoneearthstone LaneLane (B) 722-0315 NY 146/7 Rochester,Rochester' NY 14617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

David Jr. 11/74 Nancy Outrageous (H) 244-8005 . _ Rutherford, David B.,B., Jr. Nancy Outrageous Schleber, Frederick H.H' 6/583/53 MarieM3"3 (H) 454-62264543223 90 RhinecliffR111neo11tf Dr.Dr. Holly1-1o11y 5 (B) 455-2020436-2020 x294X254 6 Highland Hgts David 2 §'m;°§;:dF'[|e§§"°" Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 David 2 Rochester'Rochester, NYNY 1461814618


. . . . . - . .M ...... 2- .

f `-'-S I ;r .,,r.--1; ;;:;:ia-f~~~ re f". @455- (H)(H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone

MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ 1 JOINED SPOUSE/ MEMBER/ JOINED SPOUSE/ 7 ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAMENAME PHONE CHILDREN BOAT NAME PHONE i ADDRESS RYC CHILDREN BOAT NAME ) 1. i l Schwenker, KennethKenneth 5/85 Christine lskareenIskareen (H)(H) 338-74273387427 Schmidt, ArnoLdArnold F.F. 3/61 Ruth (H) 306-781-3727305-781-3727 LYRA DelegateDe/egate (B)(B) 253-2383263-2383 713 N.E. 45 PlacePlace 119 Shore DriveDrive Pompano Beach,Beach, FLFL 3306433064 Rochester, NY 1462214622

Schmidt, WilliamWilliam C.C. 5/81 Marcy Datum IV (H) 216-295-1221215-295-1221 Scott, Mrs.Mrs. E. KelseyKelsey 6/686/58 Katherine Blue Jay (H) 223-8085 17100 Parkland Dr.Dr (B)(5) 216-575-1750216-575-1750 6 Bittersweet Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 425-5555425-3336 Shaker Heights,Heights, OHOH 4412044120 Fairport, NY 1445014450

223-1753 Schoenberger, H.H. RobertRobert 5/74 Anne (H) 223-1753 Scott, Mrs.Mrs. Judson H. (H) 544-8718 1919 BidingBirling GapGap (5)(B) 248-5087 103 Eagle RidgeRidge CircleCircle Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Schuler, DennisDennis RR 5/76 Lynette B.B. Kindred SpiritSpirit (H) 225-8359 Seeiried,Seefried, JohnJohn C.C. 6/74 June A. Sonshine (H) 889-3680555-5550 252252 ManitouManitou BeachBeach Rd.Rd. (B)(5) 227-7700227-7700 1229 North Rd.Rd. Becky 1717 (5)(B) 232-1660 Hilton, NYNY 1446814468 Scottsville, NY 1454614546 Stephen 3

Schum, AlbertAlbert J.J. 6/79 Margaret Perfect (H) 342-6527 Seeler, WilliamWilliam F.E 5/79 Grand Cru (H) 288-5214 162 Scholfield Rd.Rd. Manhattan (5)(B) 454-3646 464 Bay Village Drive (5)(B) 381-9709551-5705 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NY 1460914609

Schumacher, PaulPaul B.B. 5/74 Fern (H) 248-2817 Seitz, Mrs. Donald W. (H) 342-3899542-5555 Commodore 1985-861985-86 (5)(B) 248-8750 17 Eagle Ridge CircleCircle 25 Great Oak LaneLane Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Pittsford, NY 14534 Sertl, Beth M. M. 2/86 2/86 (H) 473-0229 (H) 475-0225 Schupp III,lll, OrionOrion E.E. 1/67 Delaware (H) 621-4030621-4030 235 Oxford Street, Apt. #1 (5)(B) 545-0254546-0264 263 LoneLone OakOak Ave.Ave. (B)(5) 722-2116722-2116 Rochester, NY 1460714607 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Sertl, Clifford A. 3/74 Marguerite H. Das Blau Max (H) 248-5476 Schuster Jr.,Jr., ArthurArthur W.W. 7/62 Kathryn Eubalaena (H) 342-2392342-2392 5 Hardwood HillHill Rd.Rd. (5)(B) 245-5450248-5490 129 Sagamore Dr.Dr. (B)(5) 473-3410473-3410 Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Sertl, KurtKurt J. 5/84 (H) 266-1949 Schwarz Jr.,Jr., RalphRalph C.C. 11/76 Jeane Nan-JeanNandean (H) 271-3636271-3636 365 Sagamore DriveDrive (5)(B) 545-5052546-8032 137137 Nunda Blvd.Blvd. (5)(B) 271-4696 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Sertl, MarkMark C. 8/77 Cory Lucy (H) 442-7511442-7511 Schwenk, EricEric M. 1/801/80 (H) 516-728-3976516-728-3976 478 OxfordOxford St. (5)(B) 245-5450248-5490 31C Ponquogue Ave.Ave. (5)(B) 516-728-3976516-728-3976 Rochester, NY 1460714607 Hampton Bays,Bays, NYNY 1194611946 Sewell, Martha H. 7/88 Schwenk, FranzFranz J.J. 2/67 Erica Umi TakaTaka (H) 392-2435 4 Erie CrescentCrescent 107 Bailey RoadRoad (5)(B) 392-2435 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Hilton, NYNY 1446814468 Seymour, NancyNancy FellaFella 8/76 Robert (H) 671-5289571-5289 Schwenk, KurtKurt A. 3/80 (H) 392-24353922435 1142 Bay Road (5)(B) 455-4442436-4442 161 Cheltenham Rd.Rd. Webster, NY 1458014580 S. San Jose,Jose, CACA 9513995139 Shadman, KatharineKatharine C.C. 6/74 Ahmad (H) 301-972-3729501-572-5725 Schwenk, MitziMitzi F.F 5/74 18563 Split RockRock La.La. 135 Weston Rd.Rd. Germantown, MDMD 2087420874 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Shapiro, SanfordSanford R.R. 3/84 Miriam Cause ofof (H) 288-9328 42 Windemere Rd.Rd. Action (5)(B) 232-2282 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 B-49 -

: ' " ' - f* ..,, ,,, ,..,. ..w..f42.em...f55 -~ -4,...... ;<< _,.--é;»»4;@v2m ~=¢ <¢;5;@¢-.xr~g_-,eMfvw j~.»i-I-1 5;;5e£:=f:;=rE.:2a =¢= »>~===~z=v§;5§, .-N_L_.,.2m,,»x,q :m4~mw;f;:_:é?¥¢%~

' » - ~ .f - 1- - . ~. , '»2',f=" " , .`,, -_ _. -@f..~.. .- KZ# " " " "' "" " " 4/Zz . 5 , '& ~ _,. .2 ~ : (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Sheehy, J.J. WebbWebb L. 8/54 Ruth Neaga (H) 467-9581467-9581 Solomon, A.R.A.R. 4/72 Alva (H)(H) 203-972-1278 45 ExchangeExchange St.St. (B) 232-4797232-4797 77 Sturbridge HillHill Rd.Rd. (B) 203-309-8711203-309-8711 Rochester,NY NY14614 14614 ...... New Canaan, CTCT 0684006840

Shimshack, JohnJohn M.M. 4/82 Marianne Kindred Spirit (H) 385-5889 Spencer, RichardRichard 11/87 10 Brookwood Rd.Rd. (B) 724-4104724-4104 479 Pearl Street PRtsford,Pittsford, NY 1453414534 Rochester, NY 1460714607

Shineman, RichardRichard W.W. 9/85 Ann QuestarOuestar (H) 271-2987271-2987 Spoleta, MichaelMichael D.D. 5/88 169 Penarrow RoadRoad (B) 328-6060 250 Foxhall Drive Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609

Shumway, F.F. Ritter 9/34 Flying Gull (H) 381-1211381-1211 Stack, PaulPaul R. 2/69 Rita (H) 232-2302 Commodore 1951-531951-53 (B) 424-1210424-1210 65 Marshall St.St. (B) 473-1540 375 Ambassador DriveDrive Rochester, NY 1460714607 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Stage, Gretchen C., C.,USN USN 7/857/85 Laser (H)(H) 904-994-9851304-994-9351 Shumwayiéiwumway Jr.,Jr., FrankFrank R.R 5/51 Shirley (H) 265-0177255-0177 4740 Frontier Rd. Commodore 1975-767975-76 (B) 342-3030 Pace, FLFL 3257032570 1688 LakeLake Rd.Rd. Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Stahura, StanleyStanley 1/80 Dorothy Polonaise (H)(H) 266-1254 108 Briarwood Dr.Dr Shumway, FrankFrank R.R. II1Ill 3/83 Quack (H) 265-2170265-2170 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 1688 LakeLake Rd.Rd. (B) 342-1040342-1040 Webster, NY 1458014580 Stahura, DouglasDouglas A.A. 11/81 Polonaise (H) 301-266-0862 801 Dreams LandingLanding WayWay (B) 301-688-6121301-688-6121 Sigl, PaulPaul EE 7/68 (H) 865-1801865-1801 Annapolis, MDMD 2140121401 470 MarwoodMarvvood Rd.Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Statt, WilliamWilliam G. 6/51 Betty OhutzpahChutzpah (H)(H) 342-2026 60 Harbour HillHill Dr.Dr. (B) 232-1986 Sinclair, DouglasDouglas C.C. 3/84 Alice Lightwave (H) 381-0205381-0205 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 5 LacomaLacoma LaneLane (B) 425-4380 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Staud, Jack B.,B., Ph.D. 4/71 Sea Wolf (H)(H) 392-3335392-3838 224 Payne Beach Rd.Rd (B) 458-1665 Sladden, TimothyTimothy T.T. 4/80 (H) 342-5828 Hilton, NYNY 1446814468 320 RockRock BeachBeach Rd.Rd. Rochester,NY NY14617 14617 .... Stava, Reid J. 5/81 Jane bateau blancblanc (H)(H) 288-7183 430 Clover St. (B)(B) 422-2423 Smart, MichaelMichael R.R. 9/T79/77 Mary Ellen Endeavor (H) 315-637-8655315-637-8655 Rochester, NY 1461014610 4804 Cavalry GreenGreen DriveDrive (B)(B) 315-437-7052315-437-7052 Manlius, NYNY 1310413104 Steo, Joseph P.P 7/87 (H)(H) 223-5393223-6393 7 Little BrookBrook DriveDrive (B)(B) 245-2434248-2434 Smith, Albert,Albert, EF Jr.Jr. 5/83 Maggie (H) 338-7065338-7065 Pittsford, NY 1453414534 637687 Winona Blvd.Blvd. Jared 1717 (B) 342-3030 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Maura 1414 Stolze, DanielDaniel EP 11/76 (H)(H) 312-981-0747 Carrie 1111 2225 N. Halsted,Halsted, Apt. 2222 (B) 312-640-5664312-540-5554 ~. Chicago, ILlL 6061460614 I Smith, DonaldDonald A.A. 4/82 Deirdre (H) 342-3881 65 Pinegrove Ave. (B) 722-0351 Stolze, RobertRobert 10/74 Julie Tatoo (H) 388-1638 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 163 West Ave. (B)(B) 223-9950 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Snavely, BenjaminBenjamin B.B. 4/72 Sabine Zickzack (H) 385-2444355-2444 27 Countryside Dr,Dr. (5)(B) 253-2394 Stolze, William J. 11/65 Margaret Sideband (H)(H) 544-0647 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Commodore 1979-801979-80 (B)(B) 442-0888 896 Rock Beach Rd.Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 B-50 B-51

. _:__ 3;,___: .. ,. -. 1-.fe -B -.5:-4,-:5awm;3;w3-»-af;-n-fem4-5-=»4~4m--W4-4-4-44e....a,..e.,4»,._,,»-.3153 -__-W... B,-».1-M-W .-,-wermmx ~_@,.~t2'i»,:-:'¢'~.-:;;'~7r-3 *~4::::.=.z,zz:f;=-;-_-3» -rg -3.-;,,-g;=:,;3_:__3;,___: ...,.-. 1-.fe-B-.5:-4,-:5awm;3;w3-»-af;-n-fem4-5-=»4~4m--W4-4-4-44e....a,..e.,4»,._,,»-.3153- - -__-W...B,-».1-M-W.-,-wermmx :jf$:ZT», /C2»§Z' ~%=Q$\-€f»'&4¢41F=75t¢-12.2°-Gm.:@'%»?2I~v'a-»f"§<5-"-B"-¥=-*Ji?¢!é f.~»,<~¢»f.»1~» 44.4m,,=.4 ,.3--,- -4 - W 'f7"f'-'-"'f """"" " ` 1 " " , - -7_zif>~ 4,1-51011311-,.1r;©T§ ;:1§:3Z_ @;,=3>§i¥ 5 .34: . (H) Home PhonePhone ’ (H)(H) Home Phone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone (B)(B) Business PhonePhone


Taylor, Douglas A. 3/71 Ellen Cire Stolze, WilliamWilliam T.T. 2/75 (H) 266-6442 Taylor, Douglas (H) 342-888134,2-6881 399 Sagamore Dr.D12 Eric (B) 647-3940 24 Upton Pk.Pk. Sagamore (B) Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Heidi Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Rochester,

Taylor, Douglas F.E 10/79 Cynthia Aurora (H) 555-5055385-6086 Stone, RichardRichard P.R 5/83 (H) 342-2378342-2378 Taylor, Douglas Cynthia (H) 8F Lost Mountain Manor Valerie 13 227-7036 470 Bricker St.St. (B) t-394-09181-594-0915 8F Lost Mountain Manor Valerie 13 (B)(B) 227-7036 NY 14625 Erin 10 Rochester, NYNY 1460914609 Rochester, NY 14625 Erin 10

Teather, DavidDavid C.C. 5/80 Jacquelene Jackie T (H) 671-3718 Storm, E.E. MacBurneyMacBurney 12/6012/80 Barbara (H) 352-5896552-5595 Teather, Jacquelene (H) 671-3718 735 Gasberry La.La. Suzanne 18 722-0641 59 MaplewoodMaplewood Ave.Ave. (B) 262-3689252-5559 Gasberiy Suzanne 18 (B)(B) 722-0641 NY 14580 Spencerport, NYNY 1455914559 Webster, NY 14580

Teegarden, Josephine 7/84 202-686-1383 Strasenburgh, RobertRobert J.J. 9/64 Betty Candide (H) 381-7638381-7638 Teegarden, Josephine 7/84 (H) 202-686-1383 4849 Connecticut Ave. N.W.N.W. 24 MonroeMonroe Ave.Ave. (B) 442-3850442-5550 Apt. 325 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Apt. Washington, DCDC 2000820008 Bitasenburgh,trasenburgh, ThomasThomas C.C. 7/787/'76 Jean (H) 385-7963555-7955 Teegarden, KennethKenneth J. 6/60 Deedee Good Intent (H) 442-2960 2:i: TobeyTobey Court Teegarden, 6/60 Deedee (H) 82 Westland Ave. Henry 1414 ~uittsford,Pittstord. NY 1453414534 Henry (B)(B) 275-7708 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Straubinger, RobertRobert 11/74 NinfaNinta (H) 415-386-8795415-555-5795 E. Snake Oil 458-5087 Tennity, Michael E. 5/81 Snake Oil _ (H) 458-5087 1870 Fulton St., No.No. 11 (B) 415-666-5018415-555-5015 Tennity, (H) 23 Suburba Ave.Ave. (B) 617-276-7747 San Francisco,Francisco, CACA 9411794117 (B) Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Streb, Jack M.M. 2/80 Natalie (H) 544-4074544-4074 328-9588 724-5452 Tette, Michael C. 8/79 Elaine Windborne (H) 328-9588 6969 LakeLake LeaLea Rd.Rd. (B) 724-3432 ' 46 Loderdale Rd.Rd. (B) 338-7771 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 (B) Rochester, NYNY 1462414624 Strobel, CharlesCharles E.E. 5/63 Marian Camelot (H) 271-0241271-0241 John 2/83 Melanie 473-0015 3535 VarinnaVarinna Dr.Dr (B) 546-2251 Texter, John 2/83 Melanie Aragorn (H)(H) 473-0015 Trophies (B) 477-3019 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 iiophies (B) 100 Gould St.St. Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Stuart Jr.,Jr., Mrs.Mrs, LymanLyman (H) 442-0894442-0594 325 Troy Rd. Earl J. 3/82 Peans 381-5317 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Thomas, Earl J. 3/82 Sally Pearls (H)(H)381-5317 House (B) 254-9190 21 Cross Rd. Sullivan, M.D.M.D. RichardRichard P.R 11/81 Suzanne (H) 225-0550 21 Cross RidgeRidge Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534 1258 EdgemereEdgemere Dr.Dr. Dori 99 (B) 225-1700225-1700 Pittsford, NY 14534 .... Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 Jeffrey 7 John E 5/74 Shirley Shawn 55 Thomson, John E 5/74 Shirley (H)(H) 544-5945544-8943 2745 Oakview D.D. Paul 1818 " (5)(B) 342-9905342,9905 NY 14617 Jeff 15 Szczepanski, RobertRobert M.M. 4/78 Deborah A.A. Tantra (H) 467-9290467-9290 Rochester, NY 14617 Jeff 15 Mark 1212 363 BelmeadeBelmeade Rd.Rd. (B) 238-4920 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Tierney, PhilipPhilip H.H. 5/38 Virginia (H)(H) 266-6218 141 ChestnutChestnut HillHill Dr.Dr. ~T~mmm. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Taranto, Angelo C.C. 7/72 Mary Ann (H) 342-7617342-7617 Titus, JohnJohn A.A. 5/73 Patricia (H)(H) 342-1895 122 Old NorthNorth HillHill (B) 671-1880671-1880 310 Harbor HillHill Dr.D11 (5)(B) 454-5370454-5570 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Taves, Bennett C.C. 4/82 Jane (H) 323-1896 Tomaselli, AndreaAndrea T.T 1118011/80 (H)(H) 544-2673 Sail and RaceRace Mgmt.Mgmt. (B) 248-9426 99 Lake Front (B)(B) 275-3470 4861 Culver Rd.Rd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622

B-52 B-53B. 5 3

;_ » - -4-...=<=em f_.=aee- -5--2222;-<_1-,..~===e----5- - - 44--4 fl' ~;a» .- --e- =»~;==f-54:-=4=-=-1-_-4-=-1245> -~~~==5=aam~e»~ 42» ~ ' ~" <"§ ;1<:.-$ 95 12 ""i-1=-5-5-;;es *- ~- = ~ -'== `»'f" 1-ff-if'f;;?""*'"""f~7§P'°"W"`"`"'"""'J"'"* ~»..,_..,.,¢,,..,,.,.5,e,,,..,2.,....,...,_.,._.____-2.-2_5_.,,,_;,,,, ~n-=z;>=z',-»4-rmz=;»:.5:s.z~1=¢n':-'m-=27~:;f 21-r;~xr»-%1¢ ""52= 1: 13512--1

- - ...-.-_.-...... ,..-.-- 5 ..-.-. _,.- ---, ...._. ,,,. ..- . ,-- ---f, ...,--.__-,~..7 5 .--,,-._-,...._. ..-,.-. .._.>,,. , , ~..,. .t.._ ,-.,- --.,,-,, --., ..,_.,-.,-..,, 5 --.----.--. ~.~~'- f_,~~~~----. 5~.'-.-.-,- 1 ..--t,is-,-_-.,~~Q (H) Home Phone (H) Home Phone (B) Business Phone (B) Business Phone


Van Voorhis, Mrs.Mrs. John (B) 232-4221 Tomaselli, Joseph M.M. 3/79 (H) 288-2192288-2192 Tomaselli, Joseph 714 Rock Beach Rd.Rd. 240 Beaconview Ct. (B) 342-5200 240 Beaconview Ct. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Van Voorhis, JohnJohn 5/85 Susan DaviesDavies Grey Gander (H) 312-288-0306 Tomaselli, Mrs.Mrs. Mary C.C. 3/79 (H) 342-3029342-3029 Tomaselli, Mary 5722 South KenwoodKenwood Ave.Ave. #1#1 240 BeaconviewBeaoonview Ct.Ct. Chicago, ILIL 6063760637 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Van Voorhis, NormanNorman 2/86 Super (H)(H) 671-3656 Jane 6/85 (H) 467-7267467-7267 Tomaselli, MaryMary Jane 6/85 874 Lake Rd.Rd. Collider 1919 Bateau TerraceTerrace (B) 454-5600 Webster, NY 1458014580 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Vaughan, Theodore,Theodore, J.J. 3/45 Nathalie (H)(H) 338-1899 David 4/81 Gerri (H) 342-4869 Tortora, David 119 ThomasThomas Ave.Ave. 128 Di: (B) 726-7603726-7603 128 Sagamore Dr. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Velepec, DouglasDouglas R.R. 5/71 Cynthia (H) 342-8866 R 5/88 Slap ShotShot (H) 248-5813243-5313 Tovey, Jay P. 221 Bellehurst DriveDrive (B)(B) 663-5370 501 Thomas Cove Road (B) 442-4689 501 Thomas Cove Road Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Penfield,Pentield, NYNY 1452614526 Vittum, AndreaAndrea Lyke 5/71 Allan (H) 425-2189 Lawrence A. 7/57 Barbara (H) 305-852-6366305-352-6336 Towner, Lawrence A. One BeckenhamBeokenham La.La. Sean 1515 (B)(B) 586-5250 336 South CoconutCoconut PalmPalm Fairport, NY 1445014450 Erin 1111 Blvd. (B) 271-4553 Tavernier, FL 3307033070 Von Bacho, Mrs. Paul,Paul, Jr.Jr (H) 663-7218663-7218 31 Jamestown TerraceTerrace (B) 722-2610722-2610 Treat, CharlesCharles W.W. 9/73 Jo-An (H) 342-3042 Treat, Rochester, NYNY 1461514615 107 Cornwall LaneLane (B) 477-5027477-5027 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Von Schilcher, JohannesJohannes 7/68 Barbara Tartaruga (H) 301-757-1112301-757-1112 !85185 SevernSevern Way (B)(B) 202-833-5088 mum Pines-on-the-SevernPines~on-the-Severn Arnold, MDMD 2101221012

Ulp, DavidDavid L.L. 8/78 Tattered (H) 227-3792227-3792 Ulp, Voss, EricEric 3/88 (H)(H) 266-2468 930 Long PondPond Rd.Rd. (B) 254-6620 Long 41 Edgewater LaneLane Rochester, NYNY 1462614626 Rochester, Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Voss, Harry F.F. 4/73 Gretchen Kiki (H) 266-2468 ’=="==’V=.__v_.. Voss, Harry (H) 41 Edgewater LaneLane (B) 334-8030 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Van Inwagen,lnwagen, NancyNancy 5/85 (H) 671-0586671-0586 551 ForestForest LawnLawn Rd.Rd. Webster, NYNY 1458014580 =====W=====

Van Voorhis, Charlie 5/85 Rachel (H) 617-758-3206317-733-3203 Van Voorhis, Charlie Wachsmuth, BeverlyBeverly D.D. 10/73 (H) 612-789-5441612-789-5441 20 Pearl StreetStreet (B) 617-996-3386617-996-3386 2915 Ulysses St. NENE (B) 612-374-2577612-374-2577 P.O.RO. Box 718 Minneapolis, MNMN 5541855418 Mattapoisett, MAMA 6273962739 Wahl, Bernie 4/47 Glenn Ballerina (H) 383-1837 Van Voorhis, Eugene 9/52 Heide Super ColliderCollider (H)(H) 671-3656 Eugene 200 Brittany LaneLane (B)(B) 884-3955 Vice CommodoreCommodore Louise 1818 (B) 232-4221 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Long RangeRange PlanningPlanning Linda 1717 674874 Lake RoadRoad Wahl, Gary W., M.D.M.D. 2/85 Nadine Moonlight (H)(H) 381-4146 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Boat Safety Log (B)(B) 338-4409 60 Hunters PointePointe Alison 33 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 B-54 B-55

2 , m,_,,.,,,,. ,,_.~,~_,_,,9,_.A__._,,._,,_,,MM2Nome,M22,,__.~0,.,M,_a;-,-.,,,o9,,;f¢,;-;¢,=,~,¢-g,m%.e»=,~:.=ss-.-.2_-1-:vemewsameee-gwwf. _ ,_ ~-- 4:3 -= = _ -" :-.~ ae- f ' -»--»-V -»-'-»- ;:.»»,;:.:~ -m --4-2-2-,aaa-.B-m:=m.e~=1-mea-ff-; -3-rm=;=-»=;=s4¢¢Baf2=-sa1==;4:z>e¢,-9-.4B-as-B=---4-#rem-=:mm=1=-ff¢==--ms3:6-H--=~~»-T-»~- -1-----f--=1»::="»,:.r::~=ma.m=-.¢s.»~ ~» --»~:¢L-'1" --»-»»~<-»---»--=- -»------» ~ ~------»--»-4--»-f»---»--'<~»-~»-:_1:;f:2<;~f;>:~f;~>= ~¢;av,<; »-»-~ - ,, ¢ , ,_ 2 -, 4 , ~~,-,-, --,,, ff'_,.4.7~-e'?7;`2"°55'1\";*»"f"/§"35"f>7%»-w»~»e-f~f?1E5if%¥'i»~~v'%7'f5?$ffv-'¥~»w=c<§5"m7%=»é3'-7"=}»~e-'-2-'='§l-¢-:>>»;w¥§"57:?§`Z¥3?1T=?~P%1Z:'%'¥:"€:'€`-§`& 'm~:;2*~7r;f_;1:'-:af,,$:;i61z4\¢=.f:=ee»!"»§-wepage-frr»~:¢,-,1 -r _ , -, 4, , ,,,, wr, ,,.,,, ,~ ,, 4- -,W ,,y~,,4W,,f.-9_,,.,,,,-_ s_,_s,/,_ .--,.,,,~,~.-, ,~/,,~,/~,,~,,///,.~,q #1 1- -->~»--f-'-'ff*=f6"*f*f='~""-""6 " M ' *"' """ " '" "* '~ ~ "'n "" ' " -- A ' ~'" - ,. -4 S " ~,-.,-,sv-1) ~»-Mt, -e----- 'ff-1 - ~»---~ 2%>%~> 3 (H) Home PhonePhone (H)(H) Home Phone (B) Business PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Wait, IIIIli H. RichardRichard 7/81 Marsha Fawn HallHall (H) 265-9152265-9152 ~ Webb, Christopher (Corky)(Corky) 1118511/85 (H)(H) 342-6143 33 1301 Lake Rd.Rd. Alethea 7 (5)(B) 544-0400544-0400~ 33 Tyringham Rd.Rd. Webster, NY 1458014580 Sarah 5 RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617

Wakamoto, RichardRichard M.M. 6/68 Umi TakaTaka (H) 426-0058 Webb Jr.,Jr., Julian W.W. 11/74 Linda Dejaoe-35 Vu (H)(H) 342-6143 2660 ChiliChili Ave.Ave. (B)(5) 328-3800 Offshore Fleet Captain (5)(B) 253-5601 33 Bldg. 24,24, Apt.Apt. 2121 33 Tyringham Rd.Rd. Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1462414624 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617

Walker, MichaelMichael F.E 7/70 Andrea (H) 315-483-4765 Webb, KarinKarin 7/88 7989 MunsonMunson Rd.Rd. Claire 1818 (B)(5) 248-8742248-8742 33 Tyringham RoadRoad Sodus, NYNY 1455114551 Mark 1414 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Marguerite 77 Webb, Watt W. 9/72 Page Wave Train IIIIll (H)(H) 607-257-7592 Walker, RobertRobert C.C. 5/66 (H) 266-7202266-7202 409 HighlandHighland Rd.Rd. (B)(B) 607-255-3331 610 Titus Ave.Ave. lthaca,Ithaca, NY 1485014850 Rochester,Rochesten NYNY 1461714617 Weber, ErnestErnest G.G. 11/81 Kathleen 4th DimensionDimension (H) 377-3572377-3572 Walsh, RichardRichard J.J. 11/65 Cheryl (H) 323-2205 2 Winnermere Cir.Cir. Heidi 1717 (5)(B) 223-2804 138 Durand Blvd.Blvd. Ryan 1515 (B)(5) 424-5200 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Matthew 1313 Scott 1010 Webster, GlennGlenn 11/75 Suzzanne (H)(H) 544-8194 206 BaycrestBaycrest Dr.Dr (B) 477-5257 Walther, StevenSteven G. 6/84 Roxanne Gregerica (H) 544-5229544-6229 .~ Rochester, NY 1462214622 4185 St. Paul Blvd,Blvd. S. Gregory 1515 (B)(5) 266-5941255-5941 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Erica 1111 Wehrheim, PhilipPhilip KeyKey 5/81 Marilyn Tigress (H)(H) 544-0443 37 Center EntranceEntrance Philip 99 (B) 461-0283 Wambach, NancyNancy A.A. 8/84 (H) 442-5834 Huntington HillsHills 39 EdmondsEdmonds St.St. (5)(B) 266-2330 Rochester, NY 1462214622 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 Wiegand Jr.,Jr., RonaldRonald J.J. 7/88 Wambach, RichardRichard W., Sr. 2/802/80 Ann Whitecap (H) 586-4813 89 Barry Street 3939 KirkleesKirkiees Rd.Rd. (B)(5) 586-4813586-4813 Rochester, NYNY 1452014520 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Welch M.D.,M.D., Ethan 4/73 Janet Blue Acorn (H)(H) 787-0055 Wambach, RichardRichard W.,W., Jr. 5/82 (H) 442-5532 656 Admiralty Way (B)(B) 266-6290 204 Oxford St. (B)(5) 588-4592588-4592 Webster, NY 14580 Rochester, NYNY 1460714607 WeldJr., Jr.,Norman NormanC. C. 1/70 1/70 Missy MastahMastah (H) (H)704-333-8053704-333-805 Warren, RobertRobert W.W, 6/74 Ann (H) 271-1217271-1217 3233H ShamrockShamrock Dr.Dr. Blastah (B) 704-458-3371704-458-3371 122 Dunbarton Dr.Dr (5)(B) 461-7652 Charlotte, NCNC 2821528215 Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Wetherald, HoughtonHoughton D. 3/86 Carol Javelin (H)(H) 461-1454 Watson, WilliamWilliam D.D. 5/66 Nancy New (H) 703-241-0882703-241-0552 281 Shoreham DriveDrive Thomas 1818 (5)(B) 475-2459475-2469 20212021 RhodeRhode Islandlsland Ave.Ave. Tennie 88 Directions (5)(B) 703-241-0882703-241-0552 Rochester, NY 1461814618 McLean, VAVA 2210122101 Whistler, RichardRichard J.J. 5/81 Jackie (H) 544,5026544-5026 Watts, DianeDiane G.G. 6/76 Frederick (H) 671-0734671-0734 71 Radcliffe Rd.Rd. Adam 77 (5)(B) 328-3351325-3351 838 LakeLake Rd.Rd. Irene 77 Rochester, NY 1461714617 Beth 3 Webster, NY 1458014580 Frederick 22 Charlie 22

Weagley, William J.J. 7/80 VictoriaViCtOl'ia Terra NovaNova (H) 301-956-4036301-956-4036 Whitbeck, PeterPeter V. 8/72 Janet (H) 461-1831451-1531 344 CottswoldCottswold PlacePlace (B) 202-331-6963202-331-8963 100 Nunda Blvd. Pool (5)(B) 338-2180335-2150 Riva, MDMD 21140-152821140-1528 Rochester, NY 1461014610 Carolyn 66 Thomas 33

B-57 B-56

_ -4-»---»~4~a-_-4,--..-,..-W.4 :1":nmm==-xx"-:u=r.r4:r¢-=::='_~.2i ,


1 ' ~M * »-~"-M -. 2 42, (H)(H) Home PhonePhone (H) Home PhonePhone (B)(B) BusinessBusiness PhonePhone (B) Business PhonePhone


Woodams,Peter PeterM., Jr M.,1/84 Jr. 1/84 (H)(H) 227-0065227-0065 Mrs. F. 1/84 Kindo (H) 271-0423 Whitbeck, Mrs.Philip Philip F. 1/84 Kindo (H) 271-0423 1722 Edgemere Dr.Dr 81 Beckwith TerraceTerrace Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461214612 Rochester, NYNY 1461014610 Woodhull, ElliotElliot H.H. 11/6911169 Mary Kathryn MK lllIII (H) 315-589-9255 544-5898 Mary (H) Wilde, StephenStephen M.M. 11/77 Jane Breakaway (H) 544-5898 2789 Lake Rd.Rd. (B) 722-6050 500 HoffmanHoffman Rd.Rd. (B) Williamston, NYNY 1458914589 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Woodstra, JanJan L.L_ 9/70 Maria Macushla (H)(H) 621-8108 Sayeda (H) 467-2218 Wilkinson, WilliamWilliam H.H. 10/6710167 Eileen Sayeda (H) 280 Tioga DriveDrive 546-8936 Tioga 147 Spring ValleyValley Dr.Dn (B) 546-8936 Rochester, NYNY 1461614616 Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Wright, GeraldGerald J.J. 5/74 Judy Chubasco (H) 544-4603 Linda Dorothy Gale 381-1697 Williams Jr.,Jr., HenryHenry W.W. 10/60 Linda Dorothy (H) 381-1697 P.O.PO. Box 17727 11 428-0143 69 S. Main St. Lancey 11 (B) 423-0143 Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461714617 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Tory 7 Wright, HalHal 3/81 Beth Mirage (H)(H) 342-8027 James S. 10/65 Joan (H) 1-875-22631-875-2263 Williams, M.D.,M.D., James S. (H) 358 LarkspurLarkspur LaneLane (B)(B) 477-6785 (B) 1-887-48071-887-4807 227 Nottingham TerraceTerrace (B) Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 Buffalo, NYNY 1421614216 Wright, JanetJanet E.E. 1/87 (H)(H) 728-5535728-5585 (H) 381-3418381-3418 Williams, RichardRichard E.E. 4/83 (H) 6 South Main Street 500 Thomas Cove Rd. (B) 381-7010381-7010 500 Thomas Cove Rd. Wayland, NYNY 1457214572 P.O.RO. Box 25300 Rochester, NYNY 1462514625 Wright, KarenKaren M. 11/85 (H)(H) 586-3161 Publicity (B) 285-4000235-4000 266-4679 Publicity (B) John C. 2/76 Susan Spitfire (H) 266-4679 Wilson, John C. 2/76 Susan Spitfire 16 Cross Ridge Rd.Rd. Greta 17 (B) 417-6555477-6555 220 BeaconviewBeaconview Ct.Ct. Greta 17 (B) Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Wright, StanleyStanley C.C. 2/77 Ann Cheers (H) 586-3161586-3161 L. 10/87 Patricia (H) 924-7077 Wilson, StephenStephen L. 10/87 Patricia Commodore (B)(B) 724-3127 (B) 232-6840232-6840 x174x174 1083 Willis HillHill RoadRoad (B) 16 Cross Ridge Rd.Rd. Victor, NY 1456414564 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534

Wilson, Mrs.Mrs. WilliamWilliam E.E. Jr.J 1/841/84 Bill-E-Jean (H) 244-9187 277 Dunrovin La.La. nys... Rochester, NYNY 1461814618 Young, Dr.Dr. DonaldDonald 4/72 Alice Persephone (H) 244-5824 William R. 8/61 Marion (H) 254-6297 Wishart, William R. 8/61 (H) 540 Clover HillsHills Dr.Dr (B) 275-2880 141/2 RainierRainier St. Rochester, NY 1461814618 Rochester, NYNY 1461314613

Witmeyer, JohnJohn DouglasDouglas 6/73 Laurie (H) 342-5524 Z 475 SagamoreSagamore Dr.Dr Matthew 1618 (B) 546-8000 Erin 13 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Erin 13 Zarrella, RonaldRonald L.L. 6/86 UndaLinda (H) 582-2269 20 Partridge HillHill Rd.Rd. (B) 338-5079 10/71 (14)603-882-8697 603-882-8697~i; (B) 338-5079 :1 Wollensak, EdwardEdward A.A. 10/71 Sally (H) Honeoyeaoneoye Falls,Falls, NYNY 1447214472 12 Par LaneLane Hudson, NHNH 0305103051 Zeiler,Zeller, EricEric 6/74 Karen (H)(H) 442-1418 20 Sibley PIPl (B)(B) 254-8840 4/61 Marianne White Pepper (H) 227-0053 Woodams, PeterPeter M.M. 4/61 Marianne Pepper (H) Rochester, NY 1460714607 Commodore 1981-821981-82 (B) 227-0065227-0085 1722 Edgemere Dr.Dr: Zukoski, JayJay 11/8611186 Hanna Cherry Yacht (H) 381-5173381-5173 Rochester, NYNY 1461214612 114 Heather Dr.Dr (B) 67148105714810 Rochester, NY 1462514625

BB58 -5 8 BB-5959

~ ~ ~ _ . v

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5 We Commodore --- Jeff HiattHiatt 3: ViceCommodore Commodore- AmyAmy De1MonteDelMonte Secretary --- Eric LernerLerner Treasurer --- Jenny HydeHyde Fleet Captain --- Sean CaseyCasey House CommitteeCommittee- -- DougDougHeil Heil& &Jenny JennyDunlap Dunlap Past Commodore --- KristenKristen BakerBaker

Advisor --- MaryannMaryann Haas, 342-3659 Assistant AdvisorsAdvisors- -- Linda De1Monte,DelMonte,654-9526 654-9526 Betsy Ochs, 654-8738 Marcia Hyde,Hyde, 266-7211266-7211 LYRA AdvisorsAdvisors --- Ann & TornTom Hiatt,Hiatt, 266-2719266-2719


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4" 0 ' i 1 J '\ 4 " \'~~ V X C '»;-in "i 7 2" W ii* "WL A ' " " "' if EQ ' in ' ` ' ' ` ` ' ' """' 5* w /ia mug' in 5'l',(H*;L`:.f 'WVU , " i 5m I 2 "~~ f _ .,@,;@__ .~=; 7 ¢,,\W',\_;,.~ ,iyiwmga ,; f ' `\ f ~ . at f' 'M m if/L _, ,, `"9"~~wi¢=sf ' f 4 M _ W m = » _~~ ' i

` "i "" 1.. ~ Z we f ' i[` Ji- //fi? 1

Junior Yacht ClubClub Present --- Standing (Iefi(leftto toright) righODoug DougHeil, Heil,Maryann MaryannHaas Haas (advisor), Sean Case3:Casey Sitting (left(lqi toto right)right) Arm’Ann' DelMonte,DeIM0nte, Jenm-,Jenny IhdeHyde



-El ?5_,,¢ 7-2--' 1 fi" to are the Rochester Junior Yacht Club. 13 ~ Young people, ages 13 tol9, 19, are the Rochester Junior Yacht Club. :M~, tilt- c- ~...1~1,-f..-y_,»

ages f . »~n,4wi»~~.i.,¢»,ewat,.r~~'"'» Young e -_ .sf _ _ it people, Ma ,»,

~ J. 'writ it ', it if ' f are abundant and varied. ée .i Their activitiesactivities are abundant and varied. ax, ' ` '~ and other Summertimefinds findsthem themsailing, ,racing, racing,swimming swimmingenjoying and enjoying other = ': =;,:-1' \ '»~tt,,1f=='&'¢.»tt@ aw,-at _ t » _ .»»t,,,tt,,_._» . . i»»/ttf -'~' saw it in ia LYRA . at 14,/th»,~ti" ,wi ' in the _,rf an role " active »f¢'q~mi?' "' "'"T will take regatta .ft.»faW~t-»._» ~ This 1" >,"' 11' 'V' 1t,"*`=,~~" 9-' "/"'°1r water sports. This year, they will take an active role in the LYRA regatta 7mttviit,ai2:;=,~3>»tt,n=»r.;.,if!!f».;,_,..~"-f' mr'ii='=::""¢-¢. M" "Z _ wr' ':' sports. year, they t'1-»`- $5 '"E1i:i,"-"1',J€Y$;i\th\iétir-_éilitlilhiitéWfwr. \¢~t,,if¢,,.',,. »f¢'q~mi?' _,rfia-'~',wi

their shirts" if need They at RYC in inearly earlyAugust. August."Look "Lookfor for their shirts"you if you needhelp. help. They

later in J it will also bebethere therefor forthe theJ-24 J-24North NorthAmerican AmericanChampionship Championship later in a t fa-4 the host club. Augustto toassist assistthem, them,as asRYC RYCis isagain again the hostyacht yacht club. Q' ;>s2aaa;»i~.->:1 tree as a ,fre gf a beautiful wafer me On Memorial Day,Day,the theRJYC RJYCplanted planted a beautifuldogwood dogwood tree as a ~mf,;~»:f;;_;2=,=s=~

- a Junior Yacht Club _, to Jennifer Nealon, very _,S special M, living memorialmemorial to Jennifer Nealon, a very special Junior Yacht Club new ..,, . #vw g N.. .,»a,,,t . it.. , living e _N .;_g,_»~;;@;~__ ,gym in her name and her warm lov- ,_,,%t,_ member. Also, aa newnewtrophy, trophy,designated designated in her name and her warm lov- and awarded each year to a ;: ing, givinggivingway wayof oflife, life,will willbe bepurchased purchased and awarded each year to a special RJYC member.member. The RJYC members, with the assistance of the Women's Association, The RJYC members, with the assistance of the Women’s Association, - ever were Jr. Sailing SailingBanquet Banquet -- "Shipshape"Shipshape Awards" RYC Halloween Last year, more adults than setset up the RYC HalloweenParty. Party. Last year, more adults than ever were - up Present --Jon JonMaurer, Maurer.Jay Jay S/zimshack,Shimshack, Callin McCaulay,McCanlay, StephanieStephanie Browns~ein,Brownstein Mr. and Mrs. distribute eggs at the inin costume! OurOurown own Mr. and Mrs.Bunny Bunnyhelped helped distribute eggs at the Frank LORuss0,LoRusso, Brendan Brinkman. Missing: Pat Hooker, AltoAlex: BeerBeer Easter Party. with a bus full Wintertimefound foundthem themon ona skia skitrip tripto Holidayto HolidayValley Valley with a bus full of RJYC members membersand andtheir theirfamilies familiesand andfriends. friends. are Our Monte CarloCarloNight Nightwas wasbigger biggerand andbetter betterthan thanever. ever.They They are the condition of the spendingsome someof oftheir theirlabor laborand andfunds fundsto improveto improve the condition of the and area. Junior Yacht Clubhouse Clubhouse andsailing sailing area. 'V /'~'~ of RYC life. V are an part H 0 / These teenagers are anenergetic, energetic,integral integral part of RYC life. / f teenagers " r/Qu.-@A~¢»/Y -~=,»-~¢.~ s@,.<'~k_a..

. ;2';§'@?i§¢§€ mfs , _a_.V_ Maw .ec V ` ` ' " ` ` S/*T V* "" V. an aw "_: .gaze »ae»e~t_a., M. Haas '7` agen W/ M. Haas / Advisor

f sd" fN/(J we

~ i $52 ' < ., Xa,-, lp W"l. M = M," n. ._/V ~ %' ,yg/q>w.ww;@,»¢ __ aaa _ ¢@» -ea. i - -»»~f~» __ s

`* JnJr. Sailing Banquet 1 a t Present Doug Heil, LaserLaser Award;Award; Jim Barnash,Bamash, ShumwayS/zzmzway AwardAward

~ t `1*w i1tri'ti*1titttai ' "'" in JU _/f§ ~ Wlillimii r»/in `f it" it .Zf1=t»£ ti " % _i rimwmmwiwi *Jil it wi "'"" -5 '=1~-wr... Virtua: '~ I 1, 1'_\l"i1v~~'3t( -1 ni ii "W t 'tQé€i=:nt,.{.P'~.~1

, __ _ , gig ,exft _ .V fa tt 1 W,_:r _g_,; as ..._,.,,,,_W _ ., ,W is s .mirwf ._ ;~.t ,t m~=.,.f. V J ' i s¢»~t;~i;,t; fr ( gf 5:-ff, rf " "WI"-"i'_i;:':£*'"f.<'.,;;L.=;;...='tt¢~».5<=t;\»t_,"~1W,

, t it 1 t ef _ _ q ,r ,ik ~i,,, _ `iitvg,;W, {é15" :i ,wt if , ttf. M., _W ,Mi /.,_,i gg 'z' »W'-~~»~»~»=f'~7,;> iff ~ , ¢t ~ ,; , J, G Mu W, r g , ~ _,su I F ~ .,W.,,wWi¢t&, t .5 ~_ it it %' 5


' ' » - . >_. wa at-rw 5: ev' :m ae W,

~\ sw , . e,r..a,, __ ,__ Wwe" . ~e _. /,.% .>_,»e`. _gvqj-,§¢;y;/~,\ " - ' " <%~»~=f._, ~».¢--w~~ ~"". .hai A A: Q/r* 'fJ"""r"" "'f ..,»;#§ é

e 'af' § W as W- , 925e 'aw % > W ~~ _, _ »» _. aaawi ____¢__-if 2%- r W M, .a._. ,___ ,ca-¢,,;§»> #gg .H » -W W ,sf

W m M~ f Q Jr. Sailing BanquetBanquet- -- "Staff""Staff" Karen Webb, Susan 15"esentPresent - -- Doug Kkzukeinen,Kaukeinen, Andrew Lemer,Lerner, D’ArcyD}4rcjvD0)'1e, Doyle, Karen Webb, Susan Doug Jr. SailingSailing Banquet --- R.Y.C.R.Y.C. Bemis CupCup Team Stuart Ames, John Dentinger (director) Faust, Stuart Ames, John Denringer (directoO - Faust, Present -- EricEric Lerner, Keith Polodor

C-2 C-3

»"....,,,,. -~»»- .>-~ A J. - » W. _N ».s. SN _,_.,_/ , ,f~»»v.».»~,,..,, T" MM1' " ~,-U,"-.~___- ~'1¥--»~-- . ;~ ~'».,~1,a4». ...,.&,f1'*e-;-»--<»f>»»- - " 4'='»@<'--'-`ftH=ff'='t'="*i':fr¢=»:E~"'-°.;-3* -fa a-.f3<§rf;'~r;~».;>~:¢.=f..e;;-,»' f f' . . '" """ `""'='f'f` :fe-_ m»wt~t=%s@ wt T ' " ' ~ ~ ~@ »» w,a , i1»-`-`<~i-ia-1~ _'iv _';;i'~`>\A iisi s -zi; ...._.,...... sr.._...._.___.._...... ,.....,... M __ »--__~...Wi.aa._ ...... i...


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1 - 1- -" it ~ s ,_ , ,lr ; ,sn ' , ' , , 1, ll, , ,, - ' " rr; 1 1 - 1 t, , 4:z:]`w¢l/M111 -rw , 1, , ,, ,gt , 41 ,- -1, ` ,» lrgw ' ' ",/Willy 1 " "" gl, 1 1 -1. R 1 l 'Z " , .rfi1"'1~'2*f,1=F » ,..f;» #111151 Ames, StuartStuart Cichanowioz,Cichanowicz, LauraLaura 4 it, 46 Castlebar Rd.Rd. 630 Rockbeach RoadRoad Rochester, NY 1461014610 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 .... 461-3314 266-4324 Y ~ 1 - _ at _ Baker, KristenKristen Converse, BradleyBradley 34 Wedmore RoadRoad 10 Smugglers LaneLane Fairport, NY 1445014450 NY 14617 , Rochester zfsess 4, ,_., ,~»-=,.»,s;,_f Fairport, Rochester, NY 14617 ~ 1,0 ,, 2, ,_ W- 461-4051 266-6494

-2 , _ , __ f- ,_,, "W , fr J2e¢;1 ».,, »~,,;¢,s_e-as 1, fe v -1-1 Christi Kris %%¢ -<.>Q:

- » s Braunsdorf, MarkMark Dunlap, JenniferJennifer ` if-' 15 Buckland Avenue 720 Van Voorhis Avenue 5 5 ~ 5 iff ff 1' ef ` 4 Q 15 Buckland Avenue 720 Van Voorhis Avenue Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461814618 Rochester, NY 1461714617 244-6613 467-6781


--/» ,t/M., s V W if Bray, Kristie Dwyer, KevinKevin " Ri- , ...... 498 Sagamore DriveDrive 378 Beresford RoadRoad W W Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461714617 Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461014610

A @, " /»-' Jn 342-6471 288-2183 -= ,, ,sf we ,Q '*` / / 4 4 sa Brinkman, BrendanBrendan C.C. Dwyer, Tim go % M 389 Washington StreetStreet 378 Beresford RoadRoad

.».- ,_ W , W M, ,N ,, NY 14559 NY s ,¢ua, Spencerport, NY 14559 Rochester,Rochester NY 1461014610 352-4186 288-2183

ssss _ _ Byrne,BYFFIS, Amy Egan, AliciaAIICIG 22 Gateway Road 160 BeaconwewBeaconview CourtColm

Rochester,Rochester NY 1462414624 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 889-4403 342-57!8

' " ' - "~'~"'~'"'"'~'~'*"~"*"~ ~'~~~ ~" - l _ . ,

Byrne, KathleenKathleen Jamie _ Byrne, Fleckensteln, V Fleckenstein, Jamie , - ,, JennyJenny Nealon -- racingracing if XZ 1 22 Gateway RoadRoad 24 George Street ¢ Rochester,F'°°"@S'e" NY 1462414524 Fairport,Fai'F'°"-NY14450 NY 14450 ` 889-4403 ' 889-4403 GlauserGlauser,Jenna Jenna Cain, Christy 50 Surburba Avenue 202 Roosevelt RoadRoad Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester,R°°"°S'e" NYNY 1461814618 5442321544-2321 5 461-3243

Han,Hart, ChristopherChristophe, Y=

Casey,' SeanSean 321 Thomas Avenue 1 Casey 321 Thomas Avenue JennyJem) Nealon _ _ 64 Mt. Airy Drive RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 342-9412 266-2613

' 1

_ , _ _Y,,_ , _ ,,___ _._,,___,._s__,,,,,,,,,,_.._,_,__."2_, _,;,;;;=_,1;,,-_¢,,-,¢¢;;;;;;-,_<;¢=».fm¢z,;=K;;;;_-,_;:¢-:; .=i§;-§§;§§ 121 '-I- Hp."



Hawley, Mike LePage, Alex McMahon, Tyler Smith, Amanda G. 14 Pond View LaneLane 594 LakeLake RoadRoad 30 Monroe StreetStreet 26 North TerraceTerrace Penfield, NYNY 1452614526 Webster, NY 1458014580 l-loneoyeHonecye Falls, NYNY 1447214472 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 377-9112377-9112 671-5171 624-4107 544-0070

Heider,Helder, KellyKelly Lerner, Andrew Nlysliwiec,Mysliwiec, Jon M.M, Smith, DouglasDouglas 34 WedmoreWedmore RoadRoad 692 Summit DriveDrive 547 Lake Shore DriveDrive 315 Sagamore DriveDrive Fairport, NY 1445014450 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Hilton, NY 1446814468 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 425-4486 671-1364 392-3028 226-1533

Hell,Heil, DouglasDouglas Lerner, EricEric Nelson, GlennGlenn Taylor, Eric 93 HardwoodHardwood LaneLane 692 SummitSummit DriveDrive 88 Corona RoadRoad 399 Sagamore DriveDrive Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461614616 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461514615 RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617 225-1466 671-1364 865-7097 342-8881

Henry, ChadChad Lewis, ToddTodd Nguyen, TuyenTuyen Thomson, JeffJeri 33 Arbor CourtCourt 19 Chipping RidgeRidge 5173 St.St. Paul Blvd. 2745 OakviewOakview Drive Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617 223-6894 223-1692 338-7981 544-8943

Henry, JenJen Lipani, MelissaMelissa Paiement, SteveSteve Thomson, PaulPaul 21 PeppermillPeppermill DriveDrive 136 Kindlewood LaneLane 5 Chadwell Ct.Ct. 2745 OakviewOakview Drive Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461714617 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 223-1534 342-8005 223-7864 544-8943 i!i Henry, StephenStephen Loberg, EricEric Polidor, KeithKeith VanVoorhis,Vanvoorhis, LindaLinda L.L. 33 Arbor Court 40 Partridge HillHill 233 Winona Blvd.Blvd. 874 LakeLake Road Fairport, NYNY 1445014450 HoneoyeFalls, Falls,NY 14472NY 14472 Rochester,Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Webster, NY 1458014580 223-6894 624-2225 544-8343 671-3656

Hiatt, Jeff Macaulay, Callin Pruitt, StephenStephen VanVoorhis,Vanvoorhis, LouiseLouise 123 Scotch LaneLane 21 Larchwood DriveDrive 1 Selborne ChaseChase 874 LakeLake Road Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Pittsford, NYNY 1453414534 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Webster,Webster NY 1458014580 266-2719 385-2414 425-7120 671-3656

Hyde, Jennifer Mahon, CarolineCaroline Richardson, GunnarGunnar Walsh, Matthew 181 Valley View CrescentCrescent 1064 LakeLake RoadRoad 78 Selborne ChaseChase 138 Durand Blvd.Blvd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 Fairport, NY 1445014450 Rochester, NY 1462214622 266-7211 872-0951 323-2205 Riesenberger, RoddRodd James, DuncanDuncan Mahon, LauraLaura 15 Bay Bluff LaneLane Walsh, RyanRyan 792 Oakridge DriveDrive 1064 LakeLake RoadRoad Rochester, NYNY 1462214622 138 Durand Blvd.Blvd. Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 Webster, NYNY 1458014580 482-6976 Rochester, NY 1462214622 266-2228 872-0951 323-2205 Simpson, JillianJillian 361 Sagamore DriveDrive Erin Marie Koris, JohnJohn V.,V., IIIIll McKean,McKeon, TaraTara Sagamore Witmeyer, Erin Marie 75 Buckland AvenueAvenue 101 Lake Lea RoadRoad Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 475 Sagamore DriveDrive Rochester,Rochester NYNY 1461814618 RochesterRochester, NYNY 1461714617 338-1109 Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 461-5244 338-1274 342-5524 Simpson, JulieneJuliene 261 Sagamore DriveDrive Witmeyer, Matthew Rochester, NYNY 1461714617 475 Sagamore DriveDrive 338-1109 Rochester, NY 1461714617 342-5524

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Dimetotrectory oiof goatsBoats SailSail Boat Owner Type Manufacturer Length No.No. A Absolute Gerald M. CaschetteCaschehe Aux. C80C&C Yachts 41'41’ 84666 AchesAehes &8 PainsPains Bruce M. CameronCameron Sai!Sail Abbott Soling 27'27’ US761 Adios Jerry LewisLewis Aux. C&C 29 29'29’ Adjournment IIll Richard J. EvansEvans Aux,Aux. Hunter 30 30'30’ Adjournment Charles B. KenningKenning Power Chris Craft, RoamerRoamer ExpressExpress 38'38’ Advantage Raymond C. Del Monte Aux. Catalina Yachts, Catalina 30 30'30’ 3006 Aeolus John Clarke Fields Sail J-24 24'24’ 23262326 Ain`tAin’t Misbehavin’Misbehavin` Richard A. MossMoss Aux. Sabre YachtsYachts 28'28’ 498498 Aku-lllAku-III McKee A. Palmer Power Bertram - 28'28’ Alarm Richard J. HandlerHandler Aux. C&C Yachts, Custom 33 33'33’ 13272 Algina AIAl Marshall Power Viking, Convertible 40'40’ ii All FunFun R.A. Max McCarthyMcCarthy Power Marquis 17'17’ Amanda.nanda MarkLawless w,essSa,Sail J~Boats,J BoatsJ~24 J-2424'24 28272527 American ExpressExpress Robert B. Bayley Sail J-Boats-J-24 24'24’ 22222222 .... AnoatokAnoatek David M. Allyn Aux. hiangleTriangle Marine, Ketch 32'32’ 3 Aqua Arnold R.R. Boughner,Boughner Jr.Jr Sail Abbott Soling 477 Aquila/~luila Gregory W. McMahonMcMahon Aux. C86C&C 29 29'29’ 41667 Aragon John TexterTexter Sail J Boats, J-24 24'24’ 22502250 Argosy Edward R. CowlesCowles Aux. Irwinlrwin KetchKetch 46'46’ !010 Ariel Stephen BrownsteinBrownstein Aux. 0'DayO’Day 35`35’ Arrow Holbrook M. RichardsonRichardson Aux. Peterson 34'34’ 22610 AeilomarAsilomar Christine LongLong Sail Pearson Sloop 26'26’ At The Market Ross A. RichardsRichards Aux. AllmandAIImand 35 35'35’ Audacity Ervin E Lyke Aux. C&C Yachts, Custom 40 40'40’ 22108 Aurora Douglas EF, Taylor Sail Beneteau RC 30E 30'30’ 344 Australis Douglas R. Phelps Sail Lippincott.Lippincott, StarStar 23'23’ 53425342 Avanti Franklin D’AurizioD'Aurizio Aux. PT-32Pi-32 32'32’

BB B&BB88 William E Coombs Aux. HunterHunter, Sloop-Legend 35 35'35’ 353 Bacchante Ann L. Bibbens Sail American Boat Bldg., 26' 2020 1 Bacchante Ann L. Bibbens Sail Bldg., 26’ i Knickerbocker Ballerina Bernie Wahl Aux. LafitteLaiitte Yachts,Yachts, LafitteLafitte 4444 44'44’ Bamco Arthur J. BamannBamann Jr.Jr Aux. Peterson 1 ton 36'36’ 34103 Bangalore Denis Doyle Aux. Hinterhoeller NonsuchNonsuch 26'26’ 14 Bateau Blanc Reid J. Stava Sail Tillotson-PearsonRllotson-Pearson J-24 24'24’ 4278 Becket Edward E. KeckKeck Sail 0'Day,O’Day, Day Sailer 17'17’ 114 Beverly Anne Raymond WayneWayne LeChasel_eChase Power Bertram Motor YachtYacht 461/2'46V2’ ...... BewitchedBewitched RobertRobertRR. Rae Aux.AuxRaeWhitooyOperat,Whitney Operations, Carib 41 ,141' ons Ca,b41 Bill~E-JeanBill-E-Jean Mrs. William E. Wilson, Jr.Jr Aux. Hunter 33 33'33’ Billie Bird Alan Cruikshank Sail Cape Dory 28'28’ BlueiinBluefin James A,A. FleckensteinFleckenstein Jr.Jr Aux. S-2S~2 2828 28'28’ Blue Acorn Ted Richman Aux,Aux. IslanderIslander 36 36'36’ 477 Blue Acorn Ethan Welch Aux. lslanderIslander 36 36'36’ 477 blue barge John G. Naughton Sail J Boats,Boats, J 2424 24'24’ 502 Blue Horizon John M. FieldsFields Aux. CSY, CSY 44 44'44’ Blue Jay Fred W. Muhleman Sail J-Boats, J-24J~24 24'24’ 154 Blue Jay E. Kelsey Scott Aux. J-Boats, J-24J-24 24'24’ 154 C-8 D-1

*"'" »~ »--»~ 'W' .f ..-f -aw 4:-"_A /,»~ was #~4_7;g,Ym'* ~ w

Sail Sail !I Boat Owner Type Manufacturer Length No. Boat Owner Type Manufacturer Length No. ~i ili' Blue Magoo Mark S.S. DaileyDailey Sail Star ClassClass 23'23’ Double Rainbow Walter Maurer Aux. Islanderlslander 30’ aes285 ~i Boardwalk RobertRobert E.E. KortsKorts Jr.Jr Aux. Cape Dory 2525 25'25’ Dreamer Timothy H. Higgins Sail Cape Dury 25 25’ Bolero Gilbert HoardHoard Aux. Nevins 73’73' 134 DrDr. Jekyll Bernard G. HydeHyde Aux. C&C Yachts,Yachts, C&C 35 35’ 41114111 i:~ Bonaventure Gregory P.P. SarbouSarbou Power Boston Whaler 16’16' Duenna Richard Kingbiel Aux. Whitby Boat Works, AlbertNbert 3030 30’ us14eUS149 ~ Boreas JohnJohn S.S. NorthNorth Aux. lrwinIn’~in Cruising Ketch 42'42’ Dundavoe Henry W. O’Neill0'Neill Power Albin 43’ i~ Bottom Line Robert J. MacaulayMacaulay Aux. C&CCBC Yachts, C&CC&C 35 35'35’ 33535 Dutch TreatTreat Benson Kreutziger Aux. Conyplex~HollandConyplex-Ho]]and 30’ Breakaway David G. ShaefferShaetier Aux,Aux. TartanTanan 3030 30'30’ 40304 !~,; Breakaway Stephen M. Wilde Aux,Aux. Tartan 30'30’ 40304 E 31292 Brass DragonDragon Burnett J. BarrettBarrett Aux. Brighton YachtsYachts dbdb 3/~,24 tonton 33'33’ 31292 Eagle David Brooke Power Chris Craft, Roamer 41’ 4 4; Power Searay 39' Easy Go Raymond C. Mottett,Moftett, Jr.Jr Aux. Tillotson*PearsonFreedomTillotson-PearsonFreedom 36 Brattissimo ThomasThomas ComparotoComparoto Power Searay 39’ Easy Raymond 36’ "ll Elusive A. Cashette Power Bertram Elusive Henry A. Cashette Power Bertram 42’ ra Embrace Gordon R. Britton Aux. Bristol Yachts, Bristol 4040 40’ CC Yachts, Callisto Joseph G. AgostinelliAgostinelli Aux. Catalina 30 30’30' 381 Entendre W. Craig Ashton Power Stamas 25’ 44 Camelot Charles E,E. Strobel Aux. Pearson 35 35’35' Eroica Vincent M. LobeLobe Sail Tanzer,Tanzer Tanzer 2626 26’ 46 at Candide Robert J.J. StrasenburghStrasenburgh Aux. Bucklers Hard, Pilothouse KetchKetch 46’46' Escapade oiof Tortola George Coy Aux. Columbia, ColumbiaColumbia50 50 50’ Cannon Ball Charles P.P. LissowLissow Power Bertram, FBCFBC 38’38' Escapade Walter E Decker Aux,Aux. ShockerShucker Mtg.,Mfg., GrenadaGrenada M.S.MS. 40’ CapeCape HornHorn Henry L. JessererJesserer Illlll Sai!Sail Pearson 36’36` 5656 Ethyl John E Ernst Power Boston Whaler 16’ Capitol GainGain George W. KarpusKarpus Power Carver Montego 27'27’ Eubalaena John E Mahon Aux. Pearson 33’ CatherineCatherine GG Joseph E.E. GearyGeary Aux. Owner-BIdr.,Owner-Bldr, GlousterGlouster 44’44' Eubalaena A.A.W.W. SchusterSchuster Aux. Pearson 33’ Schooner Evan Keel William D. Evans Aux.Aux, Pearson 323 32’ 5353 T3 Cause ofot ActionAction Sanford R.R. ShapiroShapiro Aux,Aux. Bristol CorsairCorsair 24'24’ Even Keel Bernard M. Johnson Power Boston Whaler 13’ Celebracion Marilyn H.H. SchantzSchantz Aux. Columbia 10.710.7 35’35' 9 Expresso Jerry Battist Aux. Express YachtsYachts 30’ 3177331773 es Celtic Cross Russell M. CainCain Aux. Tartan 34 34'34’ 4692 Centennial John LovenheimLovenheim Aux. Pearson 3535 35'35’ F C’estC'est la Vie John R.R. ReardonReardon Aux. Whitby BoatBoat WorksWorks 42'42’ 9 FarfelueFartelue Edwards BurnsBurns Aux. Hunter Sloop 40’ 40190 Chantay R.R.L.L. RaleighRaleigh Power Marine TraderTrader 44'44’ Fascination Robert L. Roth Power 37’ Charlie Polly C. Parker Sail Alcort SunfishSunfish 14’14' PastFast FonvardForward Robert LasserLasser Sail Pearson TillotsorTillotsor J»24J-24 24’ 2585

- Cheers Stanley C. Wright Aux. C&C 35'35’ 40647 Fast Forward Brian Moran Sail Abbott BoatBoat WorksWorks 27’ Cherokee Edward H. FisherFisher Aux. Ranger Yachts, RangerRanger 2929 29'29’ 14140 Fawnlawn Hal!Hall H. RichardRichard Wait,Wait, 111lll Sail LaserLaser 14’ 6072 Cherry YachtYacht JayJay ZukoskiZukoski Power Trojanlioian 34'34’ Fever Robert T.li Lawless,Lawless, Jr.Jr Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 26’ USBD7US607

Chicane NeilNell Norry Aux. Ericson Yachts, EricsonEricson 2929 29'29’ 455 Fever Robert M. Schild Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 26’ US607 Chicane Roy Gillim Aux.Aux, Ericson Yachts, EricsonEricson 2929 29'29’ 455 FieldReid OfficeOtiice John L. PattersonPatterson Aux. Pearson 33’ Chimera Charles E. LoweLowe Sail Ranger Yachts, RangerRanger 1/,ik tonton 23'23’ 20156 FirstRrst ClassClass TerranceTorrance E. CaseyCasey Aux. Alsberg Bros.Bros. BoatBoat WorksWorks 37’ 41137 Christopher RichardRichard Richard G. Hart Aux. Paceship, East Wind 24’24' 215 FirstRrst EditionEdition William D. Watson Aux. Cape Dory,Dory, Cape Dory 27 27’ Chubasco Gerald J. WnghtWright Aux. Sabre, 34 34’34' 7474 FiveRve O’clockD'clock Southerly James I.l. AndersonAnderson Power Pearson SportSport FishermanFisherrnan 27’ Chutzpah William G. Statt Aux.Aux, Whitby BoartBoart Ltd.,Ltd., AlbergAlberg 3030 30’30' US168 Flying Gull FE Ritter ShumwayShumway Aux.Aux, Grebe, MotorMotor Sailor 55’ Cire Douglas A. TaylorTaylor Aux. Pearson, Wanderer 30’30' 8 Footloose Peter G. Davidson Sail J-Boats,J~Boats, J35J35 35’ 41138

CIoverlyCloverly Alan J. GoldsteinGoldstein FoxfireFoxiire Moby Burton Aux. C&CCBC 38’ aoiei20161 Comfortably NumbNumb Leland G. Atkinson IIIlll Sailk Allen Boat Co,Co. Lightning 19'19’ 14185 FoxfireFoxiire Donald Lieber Aux. C&C 38’ 2015120161 Comic ReliefRelief Earl TT. Chapman Sail Tilotson PearsonPearson J-24 24’24' 4th Dimension Ernest G. Weber AuxAux, Hunter 34 34’ 543 Commotion Denis DoyleDoyle Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 27’27' US714 CoreD-NoComo-No Walter R. RobertsRoberts Aux.Aux, Columbia 36 36’36' 272 G Como-NoComo~No Charles A. HallHall Aux. Columbia 36 36’36' 272 GendalfGandalf James S.S. Hill Aux. Hinterhoeller YachtsYachts 31’ 90 Congere Maureen Cooper-JonesCooper~Jones Sail Merrifield && RobertsRoberts 77’77' USBUS6 Gator Robert L. BrotenBroten Sail Abbott SolingSoling 27’ US529US-529 Cool Jerk Robert S.S. BryantBryant Sail Laser 14’14' Gazebo William W. FarmerFarmer,Jr Jr AuxAux. Jensen Marine CalCal 2929 29’ Corgwyn Martin KarchKarch Aux. C&CCBC 29 29’29' 490 Gee-Dee Donald FE Kohler Power PacemakehPacemaker, SF-38 38’ <41 Cornhusker Joseph M. FrantzFrantz Aux. C&CCBC 33’33' 20942 Gemini Thomas J. Morgan Ghost Whitby BoatBoat Works, Alberg 3030 Crazy HorseHorse Scott R.R. MocnyMocny Aux,Aux. $2S2 Yachts,Yachts, $2,S2, 9.2A9.2A 30’30' 126 Ghost Robert J. BircherBircher Aux. Whitby Works, Alberg 30’ 3 Crest Edward MayerMayer Aux. Masonboro BoatBoat YardYard 47'47’ Good Intentlntent Kenneth J. TeegardenTeegarden SailSalt Hershott,Hershoff, Cat BoatBoat 20’ Custom Mason 47 Gone With The Wind Patricia A. Murphy Sail J-Boats 24’ asso3550 Cricket Joseph A.A. McGrainMcGraln Aux. Sabre 3434 34'34’ 7474 Grand CruCru William E Seeler Power Bayliner 38’ Cynbad Gordon D,D. Murphy Aux. O’Day0'Day 32'32’ 42322 Grand Slam Paul S. Handzel Aux. C&C Yachts 26’ Cynosure Thomas P.P. FentonFenton Aux. Hunter 3333 33'33’ Gregerica Steven G. Walther Power ThundercraftThundercratt 28’ Grey GanderGander John VanVan VoorhisVoorhls 11ll Sail Abbott 27’ 609eos 3 DD Dark Star Raymond E~E. Hinz Aux.Aux, Sabre 31’31' 149!49 H Das Blau Max CliffordClitlord A.A. SertlSertl Aux. J-BoatsJ~Boats J-35J~35 35'35’ Hagar John H. BushfieldBushtield Power Wheeler 26’ Datum IVlV William C. Schmidt Aux.AUX, O’DayO`[]5y 3737 37’37' Half-Way Robert E. AshodianAshodian Decision George L.L, Luther Aux. Grampian Marine 28'28’ Hangover John OdenbachDdenbach Jr.Jr Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 27’ useeeUS688 Delaware Orion E.E. Schupp,Schupp, 1]1lll Sail Borresen DragonDragon 29’29' 144 Hank'sHank’s Tank Henry D. RohrerRohrer II1lil Sail Performance Sailcraft,Sailcratt, LaserLaser 14’ 60so Denali G.B. (Jed) HannaHanna Aux.;l,gX_ 351313,Sitala, MgtgrMotor Sailer 38’33' Happiness Charles J. Ingersonlngerson Sail Alcort SunfishSuntish 14’ Desire Ernest A. Coleman Aux.Aux, Columbia MkMk llII 26’26' 4949 Hart Beat William TT. Hart, M.D. Aux. Grampian 30’ Desperado Fred E Hubble Aux. W.W.D.D. SchockSchock SantanaSantana 35 35’35' 15054 Hat Trick George N. MayerMayer Aux. C&C 3030 30’ 14238 De Vliegende HollanderHollander Joseph DaatselaarDaatselaar Power American Marine GrandGrand BanksBanks 36’36' Heatv/aveHeatwave 5119909Eugene /\l1Q€¥ldlSAngel!dis Sail W.W.D.D. SchockSchock WavelengthWavelength 30 30’ Deja VuVu Julian W. Webb J~Jr Aux. Pearson FlyerFlyer 30’30' 128 Heatwave Leonard E. RedonRedon Aux. C80C&C 26.9’ 4038140381 Dirigo Henri E. BretonBreton Aux. Hinter Hoeller,Hoellen RedwingRedwing 3030 30'30’ 3791 Heuristic Philip RllbillRubin MU-M.D. Aux. Holland, Lecompte 33 33’ rose1069 Dorothy GaleGale Henry W. Williams. Ji:Jr Aux. CPC 44`44’ 41014

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1 ~~f~ 4:~.~'\; 1 \...\. 4 .~~f X ,..,;.»s~,.fs~»ft.-»4.~..~we.....ss<4.<~~.a,;»-zrz ...\ Sail Sail BoatB°a' CWD"Owner Type Manufacturer Length No. Boat Owner Type Manufacturer Length No. TYPS Length

Hi-Lite Walter F.E Chappelle Jr Power Bristol, Marlin 1818 18'18’ MM Hi-Lol'li~Lo William J.J. Hickey,Hickey, Jr.Jr Power DeFeverOeFever 42’42 Macushla JanJan L. Woodstra Aux. C&C Yachts, Redwing 30'30’ 162 Hippocampus Paul D. Coleman Aux. Jensen Marine, Cal. 29 29’29' 4150 Maggie ||II Alben E JL AuxAux. Bringavaerd, BB11BB11 20' Hippocampus Maggie Albert E Smith'Smith, Jr. Bringwaerd. 20’’ US115USl15 Hippocampus Helen G. Ingersonlngerson Aux. Jensen Marine, Cal. 29 29’29' 4150 Magic Carpet JamesJames E_E. KraftKmft Sa"Sail Beneteau 321/2321/z' 2155721567 Hooligan Michael C. Dwy~rDwyer Aux."Aux. Tartan 3030 30’30' 20968 Magician RouenRobert J.J. ennxmanBdnkman Aux. CS Merwin 36'36’ 42208 34' 224 Hop ScotchScotch Scott BrewnsteinBrownstein Aux. Tartan 34 34’ MMajor Motionor MotionPaulPOu,R. Elii R E,,SailSai, Abbott,Soling So,2727' rigUS637 Hurry ScurryScurry Myron H. ArcherArcher Sail Abbott.Abbott, SolingSniino 27'27’ US669 Mastahiviastan Btastaheiasran Norman C.c. wereWeld JrJr. Aux. Tillotson Pearson,Pearson, J-22 22'22’ 1717 Hustlin’Hustlin' RoseRose Russell EP. LeFroisLeFrois Power 87 WeilcraftWellcrait 28’25' Meermin Charles V. NorthrupNorthrop Aux.AUx. Cape DoryDory 28 28'28’ Memories I1ll Steve Jacobs Power Trojan 35'36’ 1I Merlyn Kenneth L. KlassenKlassen Aux.AUx. C80C&C Yachts,Yachts, C80C&C 25 25'25’ 690690 Illusionlllusion Mort PolskyPolsky Sail Creekmore 7 Meter 23’23' 5454 Mickey Mary Hall Sail AMF Alcort 15'15’ incentiveincentive John C.C. MeteyerMeteyer Sail 14’14' 6677655775 Minute-Hand Stephen Haastick Sail Sill’s/HaarstickSill's/Haarstick Custom 21'21’

C80 Yachts 33’ 123 - lnduigenceindulgence Roy Gillim Aux. C&C Yachts 33' Missy-Ann Thomas D. Hale Power Trojan -- 1:-36F-36 36'36’ 22 22 . MacGregor 22 22’ Inln Lieu Dt.Of.... Christine M. LongLong SaiLS2151 MHCGTQQOT Mistress JettreyJeffrey C. RobertsonRobertson Aux. J.C.JC. Robertson 35'35’ J-30 30'30’ 145 Innisfreelnnisiree David W. Hill Sail J-Boats, J-30 , MK lllIII Elliot H. Woodhull Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 26'26’ US604US604 Intruderintruder Lt.Lt. MarkMark Converse,Converse, USNUSN Sail Davidson 121/212'/2' U571US71 Money For Nothing Mark C. Sertl Sail Allen BoatBoat 17'17’ 13971 Invictuslnvictus Bruce W. HustonHuston Aux. Tartan731150 3737 37'37’ 203 Montage William H. Clutz Aux.AUx. C80C&C Yachts 38'38’ 40889 irishlrish Mist E. John O’Grady0'Grady Power Chris CraftCraft 23'23’ Montage Rudolph H. Lerner Aux. C&C Yachts 38'38’ 4088940889 irishlrish RoverRover Jack MordsseyMorrissey Sail5455 22'22’ Montage Thomas O.O. MillerMiller Aux. C&C Yachts 38'38’ 40889 Iskareenlskareen Kenneth SchwenkerSchwenker SailSaii Sparkman && Stevens,Stevens, 8 MeterMeter 45'45’ US30 Montage James L. Mourer Aux. C80C&C Yachts 38'38’ 40889 Moonlight Gary W. Wahl, M.D. Aux.AUx. Tartan Marine Company 30'30’ 595 JJ Mouette William E Gleason Aux. Triangle Marine, Triangle 40 40'40’ 2 Jack Be Nimble-Nimble» MrMr. Magoo James L. BackusBackus Power Chris Craft, 381381 38'38’ Jack BeBe QuickQuick Jack DePetersDePeters S30Sail JODDSIODEJohnstone J-24.1324 24’24' US3888 MykgngsMykonos ThgmasThomas [__L. RaesRags Sai]Sail Catalina 30'30’ 11941t94 Jackie T David C. Teather Aux. Hunter 34 34’34' Mystery RonaldRonaid B. Palm Sail Djuro Batvarv Ab 8 Meter 44'44’ US33 JasmineJasmine Richard A. NowakNowak Aux. Cape Dory 28’28' JavelinJavelin Houghton D.D. Wetherald Sail J Boats,Boats, J-24J~24 24’24' 2422 N JazzJazz Thomas J. Roth Aux. C&CC80 35 35’35' 3377633775 Nan~JeanNan-Jean Ralph C. Schwarz, Jr.Jr Sail MacGregorMacGregor, Venture 2525 25'25’ 599699 JohannaJohanna Richard M. BlairBlair Power BaylinerBayiiner 24602460 2424’ Neaga J. Webb L. SheehySheehy Power Peo Bros 40'40’ JoyrideJoyride Richard D.D. RosenbauerRosenoauer Sail J BoatsBORIS J-24J-24 24'24’ US2326U52325 Nemesis Frederick J. OdenbachOdenbach Sail Abbott SolingSoling 27'27’ US 738 ~8 JubileeJubilee Robert E. DaileyDailey Aux. C&C, LandialiLandfall 35 35'35’ New Directions William D. Watson Aux. HinterhoellerHinterhoeger YachtsYachts 30'30’ 439 NewsboyNawsboy Johnson D.D. HayHay Aux. Oyster 53 53'53’ KK NirieNide VllVii Timothy M. Booth Sail Star Class 22'22’ Katrinka Frederick A. BaumanBauman Aux. Bristol YachtYacht Co.,Co., CorsairCorsair 24'24’ 156 Nirvana Gary MundellMundeg pgwefPower Broadwater 25'25’ Kemah David R. Fingar Aux. C&CC80 35 35'35’ 32243 Non SeguiturSequitur John E D’AurizioDAurizio Power Wellcraft,Wellcratt, NovaNova 11ll 27.27’ Kewero H. RobbRobb Holt Aux. Hinterhoeller,Hinterhoeller FretsFrers F3F3 36'36’ 33628 NgrmwingNorthwind Amer;Alfred I.|_ LaRueLaRue pgwefPower TrojanTioian 10 Meter 33'33’ Kiki Harry EF. VossVoss Aux. Pearson 3636 36'36’ 14146 Kindo Molly PoolePoole Aux. Pierson, AlbergAlberg 3535 35'35’ 212 0Q Kindo Mrs. PHilipPhillip E Whitbeck Aux. Pearson, AlbergAlberg 3535 35’35' 212 03515Oasis JghnJohn palmPalm Powerpgwef Sea Ray 20'20’ Kindred Spirit DennisDennis P.R SchulerSchuier Aux. C&C 34 34’34' 225 DbsessioriObsession W. Craig Ashtonmhton Aux. Endeavor 32 32'32’ Kindred Spirit JohnJohn M,M. ShimshackShimshack Aux. C&CC86 34 34’34' 225 0nOn Rre Alexander M. BeebeeBeehee Steamer A.M.A. M. BeebeeBeebee 20'20’ Kingfisher Brian Moran Sail JJ Boats,Boats, J-24J~24 24’24' 1947 One World AlbenAlbert B.B. Craig,Craig, Jr.Jr Sail 25'25’ Kingfisher Kevin Moran SailSaii JJ Boats,Boats, J-24J-24 24’24' 1947 UmaOrca HatHai 5E. WrightWdght KlondikeKlondike Robert I.l. SachsSachs Aux. Bristol 4040 40’40' 3232 OrionOrlon Peter TT. Perkins Aux. Tartan 34 34'34’ 209209 Osprey Joseph D.D. DawesDawes Power Shamrock 20 Pilothouse 20'20’ ' L Our Toye Bruce H. McKeonMcKeon Aux. Catalina 27 2727’ 771 LanakilaLanakha Fred J.J. LawrenceLawrence Aux. Hunter Marine 28'28’ Outrageous David B. Rutherford Sail Abbott, Soling 27'27’ US685 LatentLatent Imageimage Edward S.S. McKeeMcKee Aux. C&C Yachts, RedlineRedline 4141 41`41’ 1954 Latent Imageimage Dianne B. Ainslie Aux. C&CC80 Yachts, RedlineRedline 4141 41’41` 1954 pp LoadingLeading EdgeEdge Larry W.W. GaenzieGaenzie Sail Tillotson-Pearson, lnc.,Inc., J-24 24'24’ 4110 Packagepamge Deal093| MichaelMtchaer J.J_ Drewgm, AuX_Aux. Hunter 34 34'34’ 125 Leapfrog George W. KarpusKarpus Aux. Douglas McLeod ThistleThistle !7’17' 2653 Panache CheaterChester H. CtarddgeClarridge Aux. 39'39’ 7 LOtLet thethe GoodGoodTimes Times RollRoll RussellRussell P.R LeFroisLeFrois Power 8685 ChrisChris CraftCrah 30'30’ Partial Eclipse Gunther K. BuermanBuerman Sail J-24J-24 24'24’ US4250 UbraLibra Patrick J.J. LaneLane Aux. LancerLancer 2929 29`29’ 2929 pearls Earl J. Thomas Aux. Catalina 30 30'30’ LifeLite Inln TheThe FastFast LaneLane Michael Nahmias Sail Johnstone, J-24J-24 24’24' 790 Peddler Bill Murray Sail '24’ 7979 Lightwave Douglas C. Sinclair SailS30 J-Boats,J'B03tS, J-29J-29 29’ 32662 PegasusPggagus John S. Allen AUX,AUx. C&C 27 27'27’ 2415324153 Linzbote Raymond C. Moffett Aux.AUX. CapeC409 Dory000' 3030 30’30' Perfect Manhattan Edward "Dusty" FischerEscher Sail JJ Boats J-24 24'24’ Power Matthews Motor Yacht 54’54' UsaLisa Anthony ComparatoComparato Powar Matthews Motor Yacht ,(~ Perfect Manhattan AtbertAlbert J. SchumSchum Sail JJ BeatsBoats J-24 24'24’ Little FellaFella Robert H. Fella POV/SrPower Chaparral 235XLC235Xi-C 23’23' Persephone DrD[ DonaldDonald Young Aux.AUx. Hughes Boat Wks., S S 38 38'38’ UttleLittle LoveLove Charles N.N. Mills SailSaii Ted Hood 44’44' 3359733697 Persnickety BrwnBryan R. PelkeyPelkw Sail CS Yachts, C5G5 30 30'30’ LonoUono Makua R. Bram]eyBramley Palm, JrJ~ Sail Abbott»MelgesAbbott-Melges SolingSoling 27’27' US 767 PerspectivePefgpegfgve Na,-myNancy M_M. g'Ne;gO’Neill Sail533| Boston Whaler DeysailerDaysailer 17'17’ LurnaLorna Joel Roemer Aux. HerreshoffHerreshoif 36’36' PetrelPetrei James D. KeppellKeppel! AUx.Aux. Pearson, Vanguard 32'32’ 340340 Lotuslotus John W. NewellNewell Aux. Wiggers 37’37' 31798 Phark Peter 13.ll Heinrich Heinrich Sail Corinthian 19 19'19’ LucyLucy Mark C. SertiSertl Sail J Boats,Boats, J-24J-24 24’24' 38643854 Phase FiveRve Ernest J.J. DelMonte Power Hatteras 53'53’ LyricLyric Paul G. Rugonis Sail Performance SailcraftSailcrah 28’28' PhilosophyPhilgggphy Rage,-1Robert (;_C. gamkeRathke Aux.AuX_ Hunter 34'34’ 40797 Picaroon Peter E. Loberg Aux. C80C&C Yachts, C&C34 34'34’ 23906 Pidgeon Vernon luppa, Jr.Ji: Aux. Allied Seawind IIll 32'32’ 8181

D~4 0 , D-5

' .M .__ . . . M.....~_~,.,...... ,,,....2...,,a,..,. _ ,_,.__... »~» .,=a ~ 2.1. Q-; - »=;»--- -;=-~;.=~=_--» »....,.,,, , ~ =» »-/ -s,ee§rf:a¢¢:».»

if Sail Sail Boat Manufacturer Length N0-No, Boat OwnerOWDBI' Type Manufacturer Length No.No, BoatB081 Owner Type Manufacturer Length Smoke 'Em David Baum 468 Smoke ’Ern David Baum Sail JamesJames L.L. Robfogel Aux,Aux Tigotson-paarson,Rllotson-Pearson, J-24J-24 24’ 468 Ping Robiogel Snake OilDil Michael E. Tennity Sail Abbott Soling 27'27’ Kinsella Aux.Aux C&C 35 YachtsYachts 35’ 4195041980 Polestar Tim Kinsella Sneaker Martin Muszak Aux. Spindrift 22'22’ Stahura Aux.Aux Capitol Yachts,Yachts, NewportNewport 3030 IIll 30’ 940 Polonaise Douglas Stahura Snow GooseGoose Wilmot V. CastleCastle J~Jr Sail Abbott, SolingSoling 27'27’ US609 Stahura Aux.Aux Capitol Yachts, Newport 3030 tlll 30’ 940 Polonaise Stanley Stahura Sodus Light Alexander M. Beebee,Beebee, J~Jr Power AlbinNbin 36 36'36’ Charles P Jr Power American Ship BuildersBuilders 35’ PortsidePortside BelleBelle Charles R MaloneyMaloney Jr. SoireeSohee lraira L. Goldman Aux. Sabre Yachts, SabreSabre 3434 34'34’ 30023 Aux. TPl,TPI, Freedom 3232 32’ Prime Time Paul V. Petronello Aux. South Point Robert M. Power Boston DUS208DUS20B Robert M. Dunlap Power Boston Whaler 20'20’ Putt Howard M.M. LowLow Sail Abeking, DragonDragon 29’ ~ Puff ~ Spectrum James V. Nealon Aux. C&C, Redwing 30 30'30’ 10110! SpitfireSpithre John C. Wilson Aux. C&C 2929 MkMk llII 29'29’ QQ Splash DanceDance Jeff HawleyHawley Aux. Express YachtsYachts ExpressExpress 3030 30'30’ 3251232512 Frank R. Shumway IIIlll Sail Tillotson-Pearson J-24J~24 24’ QuackDuack Shumway Star Gazer IIll Allan E.E. GaesserGaesser Sail Gemini 31'31’ C. Thomas Aux. Pearson, Pearson 365365 36’ QueenieDueenie C. Thomas Eagle Stealin’Stealin' Time Thomas C. RufflinRuiilin Aux. Mirage Yachts, KirbyKirby 2525 25'25’ 2424 Sail Pearson, Ensign 23’ 12251226 QuastarDuestar Ned Hallick Ensign Steel Chips T Root 2 1225 Chips Gregory T. Root Sail S 2 7.3Z3 24'24’ Richard W. Shineman Sail Pearson, Ensign 23’ 1226 QuestarDuestar Richard W. Shineman StingSung Eugene Faust Sail J Boats,Boats. inc., J-24J~24 24'24’ 468468 Bmce D. Newell Aux. Rodgers 2626 26’ Quicken Bruce D. Ne, vell Such PleasurePleasure Harris H. Rusitzky Aux. Hinterhoeller 26'26’ Sundowner Joseph C.C. Briggs Aux. Whitby Boat Works,Works. KetchKetch 42'42’ RR Sunshine John SeefriedSeetrled Power Chris CraftCraft 35'35’ D. Aux. Endeavor 32 32’ Radiant Harold D. Lowryl.owry Superco!lider Eugene Van Voorhis Sail Johnstone J-24 24' Banks Supercollider Eugene Sail Johnstone J-24 24’ RafflesRattles Jack K.K. DebenhamDebenham Power American MarineMarine GrandGrand Banks 36’ 525 Supercollider Eugene Van Voorhis Sail Johnstone J-24 24'24’ Scott R Mitchel! Aux. O’Day,O'Day, O’Day0'Day 27 27’ 525 RagamuffinRagamuttin Scott E Mitchell Surprise! Edgar B. GardnerGardner Sail J-Boats, J-24J»24 24'24’ 1029 Aux. Cal T-2T2 27’ 1383313838 Rainbow l.]. Devens OsborneOsborne Swan SontSont John V. Adkin 11772 John V. Adkin Aux. Passport YachtsYachts 42'42’ John M. OdenbachDdenbach Aux. C&CCac 43 43’ Rampage Sweet Wind Dennis J. Byrne Aux. Tartan 27 27'27’ 681 A. Lander Jr Power Chris Craft, ConstellationConstellation 43’ Ray-Mar 111lll Raymond A. Lander Jr. Synergy J. Arthur GleinerGleiner Sail C&C 30 30'30’ 709~9 Recess Charles B. KenningKenning Power Century ResorterResorter !6’ Aux. Ericson 29 29’ 401 Redwing Frederick KarshickKarshick Aux. Ericson 29 T Castle Power Carver 26’ Relief CadetonCarleton Castle Tangaroa Rona]dRonald J. Hopkins Aux. Hunter 34.34’ Terry V. Ingerson Renegade Terry lngerson Tantra Robert M.M. SzczepanskiSzczepanski Aux. C30C&C Yachts 32'32’ Restless Deborah AnnAnn KoopKoop SailSaii Cal 27’ 2224 Tartaruga Johannes YonVon SchilcherSchilcher Sail Laser 14'14’ 13881388 Fred W. Muhleman Aux. Catalina YachtsYachts 30’ 2224 Rigel Fred W. Muhleman Tattered David UIpUlp SailSai! Abbott Soling 27'27’ US630US630 Samuel Aux. Hunter 28’ Rosanne Samuel Hodgetts Tattoo Robert StolzeStolze Sail Merit Marine 25'25’ 1640618406 Temerity Richard G. Pignataro Aux. Morgan 26'28’ sS Terra Nova NovaWilliamWii,amJ. Weagley J Aux.Weag,eyHunter 33 33' Aux. John Alden, Schooner 46’ Aux,unter 33 33 Samantha David R. CassaraCassara Aux. John Alden, Schooner Terry l.L IIll 1552 Terry Anthony J. Lappagliaiuappaglia Aux. Tartan 34 34'34’ 517 James J. Barnash Sail J~Boats,J-Boats. J-24 24’ 1652 Samurai James J. Barnash The Kid Raymond Fisk Power Chris Craft 57'57’ Saii Columbia 27’ 4843 SapphireSapphhe Roger A. LibbyLibby Sail The QueenDueen Rose 22455 Ross J. CassaraCassara Power Chris CraftCratt 41'41’ Daniel Hollands Aux. Tartan 1010 33’ 22465 Sawbuck Daniel Hollands The Rose Bruce 1.T HenryHenry Aux.Aux, Ericson 34-1341 34'34’ 121121 William H. Wilkinson Aux.Aux, Alden Cutter 34’ SayedaSayeda William H. Wilkinson TnlayliThlayli Gary G. Hartwick Aux. Pearson 3131 31'31’ 2280922809 Michael S.S. Ray Aux. J-Boats J-30J-30 30’ ScarsScars &St ScrapesScrapes Ray Thunderhead Bruce R. FredericksFredericks Sail Ontario Yachts 32'32’ Donald S. Aux. Freedom 32 32’ 32495 Schizanthus Donald S. PhelpsPhelps Dgress-tigress Philip Key Wehrheim Aux. Sabre 34 34'34’ 149 William Fox Power Chaparral 20’ Scoots William Fox Top PriorityPriority Richard E. Heider Aux.Aux, C30C&C35 35Mk Mklll III 35'35’ Paul A. Law Aux. C&C 34 34’ Scorpio Paul A. Law Total Eclipse Gunther K. Buerman Sail FarrParr 40'40’ US33990US33990 Charles W. Corbishley Sai!Sail Tillotsonlillotson PearsonPearson J-24J-24 24’ Sea Cup Corbishley Total Eclipse John M. Lacagnina Sail Cookson/Sowman 40' 33990 Yachts, 382 38’ Lacagnlna 40’ 33990 Sea FeverFever Paul G. Betlem Aux. Morgan Yachts, MorganMorgan 382 Touche 195 Touche RohanRobert S. Gugler Aux. Ranger 29 29'29’ 24149 Charles Fox Aux. Hinterhoeller 35’ 198 Sea FoxFox Charles Fox Tourmaline CoileenColleen M. Hafner Aux. Pearson, Pearson 35 35' 90 Aux. Allied Boat Works 33’ Pearson, Pearson 35 35’ 90 Sea GypsyGypsy Ronald J. PasseroPassero Aux. Allied Boat Works Tourmaline 14103 Tourmaline Thomas R. Hafner Aux. Pearson,Pearson. Pearson 35 35`35’ 9090 William B. Burks Aux. C&C 39 39’ 14108 SeaSea Oats0ats Toye Boat Taffy McKeonMckeon Sail LaserLaser 14'14’ Emmet G. Molz Power Stamas, TarponTarpon 26’ SeaSea SpraySpray Emmet G. Molz Tranquility'kanquility Donald O.0. CheaworthChest-/orth Power Chris CraftCrah 33'33’ Jack B. Staud Power Tollycraft SedanSedan 30’ Sea Wolf Jack B. Staud Tranquillity Douglas C. Burkhardt Power Marine Trading TradewindsTradewinds 43' Chris Craft 25.5’ Douglas Trading 43’ Seascape JohnJohn RobertRobert BoscoBosco Power Chris Craft 20 Carat 4545 20 Carat James E. Murrer Power Carlson CVX-20Cl/X-20 20'20’ Seascape Richard C. Neubauer AUx.Aux. Sabre 3030 30’ Chris-Cralt 37’ Second ChanceChance JoelJoel GrosshansGrosshans Power Chris-Craft U 42452 U Paul Haas Sail C&C Yachts, C&CC&C 3535 35’ 42482 Serendipity U J Mary OchsOchs Aux. Olson 30 30'30’ V33 Thomas W. Rowe Aux. Nordic 37’ 7 BddgesBridges Thomas W. Rowe Umi Taka Franz J. Schwenk Aux. C&C 33 Cutter Franz J. Schwenk Aux. C&C 33 33'33’ 20196 Shenandoah Edgar L. AIIportAllpoit Aux. Union Yacht Co.,Co., E0EO36 36 Cutter 36’ Power Penn Yan 20’ ShirleyShirley KK Randall G. BeachnerBeachner Power Penn Yan V 425 V James D. Converse Aux. Grampian 26 26’ 426 ShootShoot thethe BreezeBreeze James D. Converse Vagabond Richard E. CallonCallco Aux. C30C&C Yachts 32'32’ C&C~32 Aux. C&C Yachts 32’ 3354333843 C&C-32 ShrewShrew Donald W. McPhersonMcPherson Aux. C&C Yachts Vanessa 41773 Vanessa Bruce H. McKeon Sail 0'DayO’Day Daysailer 169'16.9’ 332 William J. Stolze Aux. C&C 35 35’ 41773 .... Sideband William J. Stolze Venture Illlll Frank M. Schenkel Aux. C&C Yachts, C30C&C 34 34'34’ 464464 S. Sai!Sail Helsen 2222 22’ Sierra Hotel Guy S. Hall!dayHalliday Virginia AnnAnn JamesJames S. Miers Aux. Pearson 30 30'30’ Cichanowicz Power King Yachts-SeaYachts-Sea RangerRanger 72’ Silent Night Philip Cichanowicz Vitesse Robert D. Fields Aux. Goman Express 3030 30'30’ John W. Dawes Power WasWes DawesDawes 32’ Silver BeaverBeaver John W. Dawas Volunteer L. NevilNevll Davy Aux. Irwin 31 31' Aux. Aux. Irwin 31 31’ Sirena John KarpfKarpf Aux. Cope Dory Typhoon 19’ Voxcom 1101 Voxcom Stanley FulwilerFuiwiler Sail Witness CatamaranCatamaran 35'35’ 4 Slainte W. Smith O’Brien0'Brien Aux.Aux, Pearson Ensign 23’ 1101 Sail 27’ 375 Slam Dunk Ronald Jongsma Sail Platrend, Soling W 1202 W Shot Jay P.R Tovey Sail J.24J-24 24’ 1202 SlapSlap Shot Jay Tovey Waupoos John L. ParkerParker Aux. Triangle Marine,Marine, lnc.Inc. 35' 1 Power Wellcratt Elite 210 21’ Aux. hiangle 35’ ! SleuthSleuth J. GregoryGregory DoyleDoyle Power Wellcraft Elite 210 Wave Train lglll 27’ US733 Watt W. Webb Aux. Hinterhoeler FretsFrers 36 36'36’ 31413 SlySly MongooseMongoose John McGrathMcGrath Sail Abbott. SolingSoling D-7 D-6 __ g ,,,____"*»__,W M»,,~.~...._..._..,._.,.c..,..»...~..,... » _ v»~»-»~.»? ' » 1- M- ..2 A :ur 12 _ .._"~_... ___._,.,.,.._~,.,M___.. w... .._,..... » »» ¢--»--»~f-~ -~--»»~»--<-~f--»»-~»-»»\-~--~- <=»»f»»-»»»,r-.»°~1>:=f=;1'-2 ~:::'r ass* ;?»='»";¢.~=a:»1=#z:rrw¢.":=:~'f_.f.:* -'~=*** '°'*"" ~ §E€> <§3.:&1S '»"~T-"»f4¢2"»%%'f=2Ia¢:z',a:<:=.aerx;w¢? »a ,; ,.. "~?'l'-"" ' CM." »f»:~»

... _ .. _ ...... ~...,.._..,»». _ V ,., ,_ _ ,_ _ _W ,__.~_._. .. V W W.....~su.,,, . . . ,Q . __ ¢`,v,2\., .. ,,;$.i. \ __ .'i"i;snz@1r; _.e¢$,` .¢~<¢f.>.,»... sq. ., ~...~.,,. Sail ~-i Boat Owner Type Manufacturer Length No.No. 1.988 ROC~’~Sr’~’~R RACE We `l\~/o Williams E Coombs Aux. Endeavor 3232 32’32' 347 We Two Williams F. Coombs _ _ Weetamoe Murray HestleyHestley Sail Borresen Dragon 29’ US264 by Rick Heider Howard Rekers .lr Power Bayliner 19’ *rRe Wendaire Howard Rekers Jr. 22115.11 11 "'""'"'*'"Chairman Whimbrel RobertRobert T.li LawlessLawless Power C&C 37’ Whippersnapper Raymond L. Nelson aux. C&C Yachts 25’ 751 Whisper George L. GuarinoGuarino Aux, Ericson 32 32’ 458 Whisper George The fifth annualannual RochesterRace Race waswas held on Saturday, Septem- Whisper David E. Colway Aux.QE? Ericson 32 32’ 458 Saturday, Septem- ber White Pepper Peter M. Woodams Aux.Arnri Pearson, PearsonPearson 36as ao;36’ 14121 ber 10,l0, attended attendedby byeighty eightyregistered registeredyachts yachtsracing racingin nine in ninedivisions. divisions. Whitecap Paul W. SarbpuSarb0u Power Whaler 16’ Whitecap The1~1emorning morningof ofthe therace, race,the theair airwas wasfilled filledwith withrace race dayexcite- excite- Whitecap Richard W. Wambach mg;Power giégflfakmPacemaker 40’ day White Lightning Kimberly MayerMayer sarlSail Lippincot Lightningugmning 19’1s' 8322 ment, sunshine, andand aa veryvery steady breezebreezeof of tenten knotsknotsfrom from thethe White Lightning Deborah A. MayerMayer Sail Lippincot Lightning 19’ 8322 Southwest. As Asis istraditional, traditional, thethe sailorssailorswere weretreated treatedto toa a morning Widgeon Charles B.B. GrayGray Aux. §l;¥;;'§l§2L'Qi""'"@Mirage 32 32’ 101 morning Aux. sins Halrton 22731 breakfast ofof coffee, doughnuts and orange juice at the 7:00 AM Wild CardCard Edward T.I Polidor Aux. Sills Marina, KirbyKirby Half-Ton 30;30’ 22731 coffee, doughnuts and orange juice at the 7:00 AM Wind Stalker Richard S.S. Lodico,Lodico, D.D.S,D.D.S. Sail C&C 27’ Skippefsskipper’s meeting. Wildfire Wiles E.E. ConverseConverse Sail 3-gbgatsJ-Boats, J-24J-24 24’ 1215 meeting' Wildfire Jack C~walierCavalier Aux. ceoC&Cvaonta, Yachts,Cac C&C40 40 40;40’ 30970 By thethe startstart ofofthe therace, race,the thewind windhad hadincreased increasedto toa respectablea respectable Wildflower Dallas Healy Hunter 34 34’ Wildfl0wer Dallas Healy Aux. ten to twentytwentyknots knots sendingall allthree threefleets fleetson ona a powerfulbroad broad WindbomeWlndborne Michael C.C. TetteTerre QE?Aux. llléfglefJ-35 35’2; 33982 sending powerful reach to Windigo M.W.M. W, AndersAnders Aux. Hinterhoeller,Hinterhoeller Niagara 31 31’31' reach to thethe BraddocksBraddocks BayBay mark.mark. With aa gradualgradual veerveer toto thethe WestWest Windrush B. Preish Aux. C&C 35’ 31933 Windrush Ralph B. Preish and the strong winds, thethe seasseas had become somewhat choppy for Windswept Allan M. PerryPerry Aux.me Catalinaféilglma 38 38’ 31232136 choppy Windswept run Wounded DeerDeer Charles G.G. RossRoss Power Boston Whalerwnaler 17'17’ the downwind spinnakerspinnakerrun toto thethe deepdeep watermark markseven sevenmiles miles North ofof Irondequoit Bay.At Atthis this pointthe thefleets fleets split.The The long XX Irondequoit Bay. point split. long XanaduXanadu Sharon GrigsbyGrigsby Aux. Bombay ClipperClipper 30’30' 137 course yachtsyachts racedracedto to NineNine Mile PointPoint andand thethe otherother yachtsyachts racedraced a slightly shorter shortercourse courseback backto toRochester. Rochester.For Forthe the yachtsstill still going ¥Y yachts going YaYa Ya Robert W. Castle Sailsail J-Boats,.1-soars, J-24J-24 24:24’ 2021 downwind,the theride ridewas wasan anexciting excitingbeam beamreach reachin windin windgusts guststo to Yankee Raymond S.S. PerryPerry Aux. Pearson, Pearson 365 36’ 20562 twenty-sevenknots knotsand andfour fourto totive fivefoot footseas. seas.The Thefinal f’malwas lega was a Yellow FeverFever Robert L. CarlsonCarlson Aux.QE; densen Marine, Cal 2-39 30’ 202%153 leg 2-30 30' 153 beat back Yellow FeverFever Paul Chechak Aux.Arno Jensen Marine,Marine, CalCal 2-30 30’ 153 ¢ good beat back horne.home. TheTile Honorable John John VanVan VoorhisVoorhis AwardAward was awardedawardedto toFred Fred zZ Zephyr Robert J,J. Brick Aux. Hunter 31 31:31’ Hubble andandthe thecrew crewof ofthe theyacht yachtDesperado Desperadofor forposting postingthe thebest best ZestZesi Joseph P.P. lngersonlrrgerson Aux. Allied, XL2 42’ 3841 overall corrected timetime on the long spinnaker course. Deja vuvu and ZickzackZckzack Benjamin B.B. SnavelySnavely Aux.23; Tartan 27;7L2 27’ 474 long spinnaker Deja Bottomline, the thesecond secondand andthird thirdplace placeoverall overallyachts yachtswere wereboth both within oneoneminute minuteof ofDesperadds Desperado’scorrected correctedtime, time,attesting attestingto the to the hull speedspeedracing racingconditions. conditions.Tim TimDonovan Donovanand andthe thecrew crewof the of the yacht, SilverSilverCloud, Cloud,was wasawarded awardedthe theYacht YachtCenter CenterTrophy Trophyfor forthe the best overalloverallcorrected correctedtime timeon onthe theshort shortspinnaker spinnakercourse courseand andthe the Rochester SesquicentennialSesquicentennialCup Cupfor fortheir theirperformance performancein severalin several 1989 PHRF PHRFraces, races,including includingthe theRochester RochesterRace, Race.Other Othertrophies trophies were awardedawardedby bythe therace racesponsor, sponsor,Jerry JerryLewis, Lewis,of ofCommand CommandPer- Per- fomaanceformancefor forthe thefinishes finishesin ineach eachdivision. division.

D-8 1 D~9D-9

' ~ ' -- _ ,.__..._....,_.,_._,.o.,a.,,. ,.L.,.,,,.,._.<.,_ _,U _,,_;~;~$¢;g¢;-fgffg-:; We 1 .-.».~.....,...,,,...... ,,___,,______.."_c___ ~-»---»~-- '.;_ ~ ~»~------~-»~ -_ Y-~ -f --~-~»~-~--»~---~--~»--- ~ ~» ~;.a.._,».J";;=:,=s.u:.;:;;:~ -'~'-:.;=a;f::x.»::m;w=-7~»;#-;~¢¢»-<--~f-»--~:»- ~°-f-'-- "--~""'°- ,~ '~'~ -..,..,,. r,,, a., ~ =,m¢_My *mf 1-~ www. MM., A,.»...,.a.mM%Z"?"4»%Ta,aWDM 'um 4. ,. M H" ..,_.,,,,;,,_M My 3~ Q, gg,

` *ar* "f~3§F1*'- ~ti`?T' :r€`o>fil~f§_,5zf ~rJ5 `$'?lt_\> 5 5§~1f`>;;`§,YSf?L`>£~=§ 1f* `5';~*j-€'E,,1i_'5 `1`i;]Pl~z§;`_£`;~_li~zESI"-i' Q -v¢ie\'.""" Hifi; ~:`~";,15?@iz wiréiiérli;-1*l`1¢`i!i-°Di:`i~ii11»?via?" ~~:`*; ~.>i"- ¥1i~`l@i1~>s:9,~=i?=1¢*` ' ' \'?l"~.. ' °' i$€;;`5";5l7>;t-1ii§273 ~i1>Iis2t?; 1988 ROCIESTERROCHESTER RACE OFFSHORE RACINGmonte FLEETELEET y

RACE RESULTSmmm . I9881988 RACE RESULTS SEPTEMBER 10,10, 19881988 PHRFSPRING SPRINGSUNDAY: SUNDAY: PHRF PHRFSPRING SPRINGWEDN WEDNESDAY:ESDAY: Long SpinnakerCourse DIVISION I I 1-Dasl*Das BlauBlauMax MaxDIVISION DIVISIONI I 1-Das1-Das Blau BlauMax Max DIVISION II C&C 35 ONE DESIGN DIVISION II DIVISION H C&C 35 ONE DESIGN 2~Footloose2-Footloose 2-Dorothy GaleGale 1.l. BushwackerBushwacker l1 DesperadoDesperado 1.l. Bottomline 3-Rampage 3-Absolute 2. BreakawayBreakaway 2. LightwaveLightwave 2. KemahKemah 3. FootlooseFootloose 3. Dr.Dr. Jekyll 3. CayenneCayenne DIVISION IIII l-Bottom1-BottomLine Line DIVISION II 1-Bottom Line Line T2-JT2-Jazzazz 2-J2-Jazzazz DIVISION IIIHI T2-Polestar T3-Sideband 1.l. deja vu deja T3-Polestar 2. HighHigh Voltage 3. WalkaboutWalkabout DIVISIONIII III 1-Desperadol~Desperado DIVISIONIII III 1-Kiki 2-Bamco 2-Lightwave Short Spinnaker CourseCourse - T3-Kiki 3-Desperado T3~LightwaveT3-Lightwave DIVISION IV DIVISION V DIVISION VIVI l. 1. YellowYellow FeverFever 1.l. SilverSilver CloudCloud 1. LeadingLeading EdgeEdge DIVISION IV l-Wild1-WildCard Card DIVISION IV 1-Vitesse 2. Life in the 2. Sunrise 2. DesireDesire 2. Life in the 2. Sunrise 2-Vitesse l-Hooligan1-Hooligan 3. ~ Fast Lane 3. HippocampusHippocampus 3. SpectrumSpectrum T3-Innisfree 3-Wild CardCard ’~ 3. HooliganHooligan T3-Hooligan ii GenoaOnly OnlyCourse Course ...... DIVISION V V l~Stealin1-StealinTime Time DIVISION V V l-Hippocampus1-Hippocampus 2-Hippocampus Tl-YellowT1-YellowFever Fever !] VII DIVISION VIIIVIII DMSIONDIVISION VII 3»Aragorn3-Aragorn 3-Stealin Time Time 1. BoreasBoreas l.1. BangatoreBangalore i~ 2. MonMon Cheri 2. BoomerangBoomerang DIVISION VI l-Chimera1-Chimera 3. EclipseEclipse 3. PanatellaPanatella 2~Desirc2-Desire T3-Merlyn Rochester SesguicentennialSesquicentennial Cup I3-BangaloreT3-Bangalore PHRF Cup for SBYI,SBYI,Main MainDuck, Duck,SBLR, SBLR,Rochester RochesterRace Race SilverCloud Cloud Tim TimDonovan,Donovan, BrockportBrockport Y.C. Y.C.

Honorable JohnJohn VanVanVoorhis VoorhisAward Award Overall LongLong Spinnacker/Spinnacker/RochesterRochester Race Race Desperado Fred Hubble,Fred Hubble, RochesterRochester Y.C.Y.C.

Yacht CenterCenter TrophyTrophy Overall Short Rochester Race Overall Short Spinnacker/Spinnacker/Rochester Race SilverCloud Cloud Tim TimDonovan,Donovan, BrockportBrockport Y.C. Y.C.

Overall GenoaGenoaOnly Only Bangalore Dennis Doyle,Doyle, RochesterRochesterY.C Y.C

ilii D-11 13-10 D-11

21125; 171125.- :r~-1.~»1 -» - em " T 1'f"""§"" '*"'1'3l°'"'"'1"'3"*'~'5m-'°-~*'3»-" "5""

'~> . \ . . . r . 3 'f _ r .. »_~=-~\¢,->~ . I :wiA/1":f`a~=I`"=i~€;"1~wi"~»*lf/'~""~T`<'.:»€`i`5l'.~é`&f~~l`:~$f*`i , ...... ll. lcv i>f:>=` _ era ~~»~1~;.~ \»:>~,~.»w gszfp ;=;.»¢v,reryv.;;~1;;¢1iit1-fi glsqilg~:~;:1a2-1Li'I-;2f'f5~§=;.~1`&i>~f~*ifsE€-iff ...... yy.y.._.. _ `-'\§¢v/ii* is'»-=:~t$.~;3>w_~>.fL.fsp., Jzf!~U1¢§rfI1f!E;21_:1.lfgayyf`~;€»f-~'i-§-1'~Y>5¢ `&3`;¢'&lr€1?°';!



DIVISIONI I 1-Absolute 1-DasI-Das BlauBlau MaxMax DIVISIONI I 1-Rampage 1-Footloose 1-Das BlauBlauMax Max 2-Wildfire 2-Wildfire 2-Das Blau MaxMax 2-Footloose 2-Wildfire 2-Rampage 3-Dorothy Gale 3-Kewero 3-Foxlire3-Foxfire 3-Rampage3~Rampage 3-Rampage 3~Dorothy if;

DIVISIONII II I~Umi Taka azz DIVISIONII II 1-CheersI-Cheers 1-JazzI~Jazz 1-Umi Taka l-Jazz1-Jazz l-I1-Jazz 2-Umi Taka 2-Cheers 2-Kemah 2-Polestar 2-Bottom Line Line 3-Polestar 3-Polestar 3-Cheers 3-Bottom3~Bottom LineLine 3-Polestar

DIVISIONIII III DIVISION III III 1-Deja Vu l-Desperado1-Desperado I~Desperado1-Desperado 1-Desperadol-Desperado 1-Desperado 2-Bamco 2-Lightwave2~Lightwave 2-Kiki2~Kiki 2~Bamco2-Bamco 2-Lightwave 3-Lightwave 3-Deja Vu 3-Magician 3-Lightwave 3-Kiki

DIVISIONIV IV 1-Umil-Umi TakaTaka 1-Wild1~Wild CardCard DIVISIONIV IV I-Hippocampus1-Hippocampus I-Wild1-WildCard Card I-Wild1-WildCard Card 2-Avanti 2~Splash2-Splash Dance 2-Aragorn 2-Scars & Scrapes 2-Vitesse 3-Hooligan 3-Expresso 3-Spectrum3~Spectrum 3-Innisfree 3-Innisfree

DIVISIONV V 1-Cherokee1~Cherokee 1-Stealin TimeTime DIVISIONV V 1-Cherokee 1-Stealin TimeTime 2-Stealin TimeTime 2-Stealin TimeTime 2-Cherokee 2-Hippocampus 4 T3~YellowT3-YellowFever Fever 3¥eIlow Fever 3-Lanakila 3-Lanakila 3-Yellow Fever an T3-Hippocampus DIVISION VI 1-Desire DIVISION VI I 2-Whippersnapper 3-Illusion EVISIMS SPRING SPRINGSUNDAY SUNDAY IMS SPRINGSPRINGWE WEDNESDAYDNESDAY

DIVISION I I 1-RampageI-Rampage DIVISION I1 1-Kewero ¢'1 2-Lotus 2-Dorothy GaleGale 5 3-Dorothy GaleGale 3-Rampage am

u DIVISION II II l-Kemah1-Kemah DIVISION II II I-Deja1-Deja VuVu 2-Dorothy GaleGale T2-Kiki 3-Kiki T2-Wild CardCard




rm <»;;.i iw if 3

D-12 D-13D-I3

~ V V ______..__.,,,~_._._,.Y._,,.__,.,.,,_,_._,,..;,,K;-,..1_-_=a,¢,..__.-. A ~_-_ ;~__D::;:;-;¢=~¢--~---»~»~~-»~ ' ». =~f=1."~:;.z;:;r;?~»-~MM_M&, 1--~-_~--.._...~._.._,_.,,,_,,,,,,~,, _~_.____ ma > ___ . _.'_;. _,....a.I__a>_;;.=:_x.,:=-:__:~_:>f_;,::;;::;.;z:;;:;;;u::;-,;_::;,2;»_;:;;__;;..,.1,$::;;;.;.::;;.:;:;.:'>___._.'_;.;:~,-.-;»;=;¢-~»~,.~..,_¢_.y__._7_,,._...... _f___:,._;__;_:_;¢ 1;x»:r ;__;;..,.1,$::;;;.;.::;;.:;:;.: ;:~,-.-;»;=;¢-~»~,.~..,_¢_.y__._7_,,._...... _f___:,._; ' ~~ __;_:_;¢ 1;x»:r -r .ff _,_,,,_,,%,,,,,,,,,I,,"__ ,,,,_,__7_ _,,@,¢,,V_=§;w$m:r2;::m12:5,.;K.;@:§,g,:__.__._m;...-. _Uw,,_ ,,.,.g,,, -<_:Q:'~ .._.:5m;_gm;__;_1__,_;,T..»_=¢»¢=f ;ma .. : >=~~»-»~ » ~»»~ ---~--~ V » ', ' wr: #wwf 1-===~f=~ ~---~-f»----'ff ~~ -~~»_»~»~ -~ f ~1z.;¢f~»»~»-@»-»»~f--~»-»-~» M-_V-<»~_»~ ` ~1z.;¢f~»»~»-@»-»»~f--~»-»-~»' M-_V-<»~_»~ ' M' @§.;~,g_»- I , _ ,_~\;,,;;>_,@\~;@1_ ,,__;_,,_~,_,,__,_~>~:<~_Q1_~,~¢,,;_@_1»¢;¢~;>:;_i_I1~_,>_;~¢~=1~.~f~>¢;;_;_1~~_;zi,___,~;_1,@;~,_\__, ~\,,~_f_ ,_f,¢ ~i,<~~>~_~¢»~¢»,;f<:;,¢__,_~a;_;>Ii,;la,,1@_,<5 1;gig\__:~\_1_;;;@~:;:~f1a;f_ar;>,~_;~_¢;»<1=,,;f,,1~:;_;; _,_~>~:<~_Q1_~,~¢,,;_@_1»¢;¢~;>:;_i_I 1~_,>_;~¢~=1~.~f~>¢;;_;_1~ ~_;zi,_ __,~;_1,@;~, _\__, ~\,,~_f_ ,_f,¢ ~i,<~~>~_~¢»~¢»,;f<:;,¢__,_~a;_;>Ii,;la,,1@_,<5 1;gig\__:~\_1_;;;@~:;:~f1a;f_ar;>,~_;~_¢;»<1=,,;f,,1~:;_;; OFFSHORE RACINGRACWG FLEETFLEET OFFSHORE REGATTA SCEEDULESCHEDULE

' CALENDAR OF RACESRACES 19891989 : --- KEYKEY DATESDATES & OFFSHOREFLEET FLEET RACE DATEDATE OH-ERO’F - ERCLUB CLUBSPONSORED SPONSORED EVENTSEVENTS Tune-UpRaces Races_...... ,A. MayMay 21, 2424 June t616 ...... _...... ScotchScotchBonnett Bonnett GYCGYC SpringSunday SundaySeries Series_ _ _ ...... May 28, JuneJune 4,4, 11, 18,18,25 25 June 24, 2525 ...... Challenge Cup Regatta SBYCSBYC MemorialDay DayRace Race.,...... _...... May 29 Cup Regatta

.._. June 31 ...... _ Lake Ontario Singlehanded RaceRace PCYC SpringWednesday WednesdaySeries Series...... May 31, June June7, 7,14, 14,21, 21.2828 Singlehanded July 21 _...... Main DuckDuck FHYCFHYC Friday Night/GENOANight/GENOAOnly OnlySeries Series_ _June.. June2, 2.9,9, 23, 23,30 30(not (notJune June16) 16) 30 .._...... July 29, 30 ...... YoungstownC Level LevelRegatta RegattaC YYC YYC ScotchBonnet BonnetRace Race(GYC) (GYC)....,...... June 1616

ChallengeCup CupRegatta Regatta(SBYC) (SBYC)...... June 24, 25 LYRA WEEK WEEKv- ROCHESTERROCHESTER YACHT YACHTCLUB CLUB Lake Ontario SinglehandedSinglehanded(PCYC). (PCYC)¯..June June31 31 August4, 5 4, 5 ...... Centennial Race to - August Centennial Race Youngstown to Roch.Roch JulySeries Series Wednesday’sWednesdays ...... July 5,5, 12, 19,19,26 26 Youngstown and Day RacesRaces (Rochester~(Rochester) MainDuck Duck(at FHYC)(at FHYC)...... July 2121 August 6 ...... _ _ Freeman Start,Start RochesterRochester to Rochester YoungstownLevel LevelRegatta Regatta(at (atYYC) YYC).July .July29, 29.30 30 August 8 ...... _ _ Day RaceRace 11& &22 RYC-GYCRace ...... ,...,...... Race ...... TBA July August 99 ...... _ _ Day RaceRace 22 && 44

August10 _ 10_ _ _ ...... __. Day Race 55 &6&6 - August LYRAWEEK WEEK ROCHESTERROCHESTER YACHT YACHTCLUB CLUB Day August11 _ _11 ...... Day Race 7 - August Day CentennialRace Race YYC to toRYC RYC...... August 4.4, 55 August18 _ 18 ...... L_I.O_L.I.O. Rochester to Toronto -- August Freeman CupCup RaceRace -- RYCRYCto toRYC RYC¯_ .August . August~ 6 6 August 1111 _ _ . RegistrationRegistrationC C.O.R.K.O R K Sail SailWeek Week.KYC KYC LYRADay DayRaces Racesat RYC at RYC_...... August 6.6, 77 ...... ¯ PHRF 60-19060-190,Laser Laser28 28’s,s others others LYRADay DayRace Race1 & 21...... ,... & 2 ...... August 88 August !212 _ . DayDay RaceRace 11& & 22 LYRADay DayRace Race3 & 43,... & 4 ...... AugustAugust 9 ...... August13 _13 ...... Day RaceRace 33 &&4 4 LYRADay DayRace Race5 8; 65.... & 6 ...... ,. AugustAugust 1010 August14 _14 ...... Middle Distance Race 5 LYRADay DayRace Race7 ..... 7 ...... AAu2ustugust 1111 August15 _15 ...... Day Race 66 && 77 Day A

August 16 _ 16 ...... Day Race 8 L.O.I.L_O_1. RYC RYCto Toronto to Toronto_..._._...... August 1818 September2 2 ...... Labor Day Race to Sodus Registration CORK Sail Week (KYC)(KYC)August August11 11 September 44 Sodus to RochesterRochester CORKRaces Racesat KYC at KYC,....,...... August 12-1612~l6 ...... September9 9 ...... Rochester Race - September Rochester Race AugustSeries Series WednesdaysWednesdays .....,...... August 16. 25, 25,(Friday), (Friday),30 30Sept. Sept¯6 6

LaborDay DayRace Raceto Sodusto Sodus...... _...... SeptemberSeptember 22

Sodusto toRochester RochesterRace Race..,...... SSeptembereptember 44

RochesterRace Race.,...... _.. SSeptembereptember 9

- FallSeries SeriesSundays Sundays...... SSeptembereptember 10,10,17. 17.24, 24.October October1, 1.S 8

Bottleof ofBourbon Bourbon.... _ ...... October 1515 (not a make-up day)

D-14 D-15

rm,.@f=;~;.@~<¢:,»>;¢s,e@¢.<;;;» 11,1 ;: ~~...... f~~~. ~. _ ..,f...... , _ __ ..,f ,.,..,ff ...~f~., M., ~-ff~.,~.~,,... 2 _ J

1988 J/24 RACERACE RESULTSRESULTS Overall SundaysSundays (8(8 races,races, 15l5 yachts,yachts, 80SO starts)starts) Scratch A total of 21 in 10 series of 43 races - A total of 21 yachts commpeted in 10 series comprised of 43 races - yachts commpeted lst1st -- Javelin (Wetherald) -- InnisfreeInnisfree TrophyTrophy with 485 starts start = l a with 485 starts (1 start = 1 yacht starting a race).race). - (1 yacht starting 2nd -- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzte)(Gaenzle) 3rd --- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) Overall 21 407 Overall (34 races,races, 21 yachts, 407 starts)starts) - (34 yachts, 4th -- PerfectPerfect ManhattanManhattan (Fischer/Schum)(Fischer/Schum) Scratch ..... 5th --- YaYa YaYa (Castle)(Castle) !~! 1stlst --- Javelin (Wetherald) - -- Glenn Litchfield MemorialMemorial TrophyTrophy Handicap

- -- J/24 HalfHalf HullHull ModelModel lst1st --- Sting (Faust) ~

- 2nd -- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) 2nd --- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter)

- 3rd -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) 3rd --- SamuraiSamurai (Barnash)(Barnash) 55:4

- 4th -- QuackQuack (Shumway)(Shumway) 4th --- AmericanAmerican ExpressExpress (Bayley)(Bayley)

- 5th -- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) 5th --- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) Handicap

- - 1stlst -- Aragorn (Texter)(Texter) -- KraftKraft TrophyTrophy Overall SaturdaysSaturdays (15(l5 races,races, 1616 yachts,yachts, 152l52 starts)starts)


2nd ,,,~ 2nd -- StingSting (Faust)(Faust) Scratch 'c Tl 3rd - 3rd -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner) - - lst1st -- Leading Edge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) -- SenecaSeneca TrophyTrophy 4th - Ya Ya 4th -- Ya Ya (Castle)(Castle) - 2nd -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) 5th -~ Perfect Manhattan 5th -- Perfect Manhattan (Fischer/Schum)(Fischer/Schum) 3rd - 3rd -- QuackQuack (Shumway)(Shumway) 4th --- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) Overall Weekends 19 232 Overall Weekends (23(23 races,races, 19 yachts, 232 starts)starts) - yachts, 5th -- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) Scratch Handicap

- 1stlst -- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) lst1st --- Sting (Faust)(Faust)

- 2nd -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) 2nd »--- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter)

-- - 3rd -- Quack (Shumway) 3rd .,,,,J Quack (Shumway) 3rd -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner)

- 4th -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) 4th --- AmandaAmanda (Lawless)(Lawless)

- 5thSth -- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) 5th --- SuperSuper ColliderCollider (van(van Voorhis/vanVoorhis/van Voorhis) Handicap 1stlst --- StingSting (Faust)(Faust) Most Improved

- 2nd -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) Surprise (Gardner) --- McOwenMcOwen TrophyTrophy 3rd -- AmericanAmerican ExpressExpress (Baytey)(Bayley) Coldwater SeriesSeries (6(6 races,races, 1414 yachts,yachts, 5353 starts)starts) Overall 20 175 Overall WednesdaysWednesdays (11(ll races,races, 20 yachts,yachts, 175 starts)starts) Scratch Scratch lst1st --- QuackQuack (Shumway)(Shumway)

- -- 1stlst -- Javelin (Wetherald)Wetherald) -- ColeCole Trophy 2nd --- SeaSea CupCup (Corbishley)(Corbishley)

- 2nd -- SeaSea CupCup (Corbishley)(Corbishley) 3rd --- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle)

- 3rd -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) 4th --- StingSting (Faust)(Faust)

- 4th -- YellowYellow SnowSnow (Taves)(Taves) 5th --- SuperSuper ColliderCollider (van(van Voorhis/vanVoorhis/van Voorhis)

- R aw 5th as in 5th -- Leading Edge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) Handicap ~ Leading Edge Handicap ;,,r' Handicap lst1st- -- Amanda (Lawless)(Lawless) »,

- 1stlst -- LifeLife in thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) 2nd --- AmericanAmerican ExpressExpress (Bayley)(Bayley)

- 2nd -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner) 3rd -LifeLife in inthethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias)

- 3rd -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) 4th --- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) it - 4th -- 4th -- QuackQuack (Shumway)(Shumway) 5th -- BlueBlue Jay (Handzel/Muhleman) ¢:,,¢,€El Jay (Hand:/:el/Muhleman) 3_€1i2¥J

5th --- AmandaAmanda (Lawless)(Lawless) Memorial DayDay RaceRace (1(1 race,race, 77 yachts,yachts, 77 starts)starts) lst1st --- Quack (Shumway)(Shumway) 2nd --- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) 3rd --- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) _¢,/ll


D-16D~l6 D-17D.17 ez ,Anas

Guest SkipperSkipper DayDay (2(2 races,races, 99 yachts,yachts, 1818 starts)starts) Handicap 1stlst --- AmericanAmerican Express (Bayley) 1stlst ---- BobBob PaiementPaiement (Javelin)(Javelin) Express (Bayley) 2nd - Ya Ya - 2nd -- Ya Ya (Castle) 2nd -- BillyBilly Rohr/KenRohr/Ken KahnKahn (Leading(Leading Edge) (Castle) 3rd --- Sting (Faust) 3rd --- JeffJeff Allaii’eAllaire (Quack)(Quack) Sting (Faust) 4th - - 4th -- Joyride (Fields) 4th -- BudBud WebbWebb (Life(Life inin thethe FastFast Lane)Lane) Joyride (Fields) 5th -- Sea - - 5th -- Sea Cup (Corbishley) 5th -- TieTie -- BrianBrian O'LearyO’Leary(Amanda) (Amanda)& & ...... Cup (Corbishley) Brook Richardson (Aragorn)(Aragorn) July WednesdayWednesday SeriesSeries (2(2 races,races, 1616 yachts,yachts, 2929 starts)starts) Scratch Spring SaturdaySaturday SeriesSeries (5(5 races,races, 1313 yachts,yachts, 5353 starts)starts) Scratch lst - Life in the Fast Lane Scratch 1st -- Life in the Fast Lane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) 2nd - Tie - & Sea - 2nd -- Tie -- QuackQuack (Shumway) & Sea Cup (Corbishley) 1stlst -- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) (Shumway) Cup (Corbishley) 4th - bateau blanc - 4th -- bateau blanc (Stava) 2nd -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) (Stava) 5th --- Joyride (Fields) 3rd -- Quack (Shumway) Joyride (Fields) Quack (Shumway) Handicap 4th -- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) Handicap lst1st --- Perfect ManhattanManhattan (Fischer/Schum) 5th -- SuperSuper ColliderCollider (van(van Voorhis/vanVoorhis/van Voorhis) (Fischer/Schum) 2nd -- AmandaAmanda (Lawless)(Lawless) Handicap ' 3rd --- Sting (Faust) - (Faust) 1stlst -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner) Sting 4th - Samurai - 4th -- Samurai (Barnash)(Barnash) 2nd -- StingSting (Faust)(Faust) 5th - - 5th -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) 3rd -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) 4th -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) August Sunday SeriesSeries (4(4 races,races, 11ll yachts, 3434 starts) 5th -- SeaSea CupCup (Corbishley)(Corbishley) yachts, starts) Scratch

- Spring WednesdayWednesday SeriesSeries (5(5 races,races, 1818 yachts,yachts, 7878 starts)starts) lst1st -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald) --- F.F. RitterRitter ShumwayShumway TrophyTrophy 2nd -- Sting (Faust) Scratch Sting (Faust) 3rd --- Quack (Shumway) - Quack 1stlst -- Sea CupCup (Corbishley)(Corbishley) (Shumway) 4th -- Ya Ya - 4th -- Ya Ya (Castle)(Castle) 2nd -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner) 5th - bateau blanc - 5th -- bateau blanc (Stava)(Stava) 3rd -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) Handicap - Handicap 4th -- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) lst - - 1st -- Aragorn (Texter) 5th -- YaYa YaYa (Castle)(Castle) Aragorn (Texter) 2nd --- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias) Handicap (Nahmias) 3rd - Samurai - 3rd -- Samurai (Barnash) 1stlst -- AmandaAmanda (Lawless)(Lawless) (Barnash) 4th Perfect Manhattan - 4th -- Perfect Manhattan (Fischer/Schum) 2nd -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) (Fischer/Schum) 5th -- AmericanAmerican Express (Bayley) 3rd --- StingSting (Faust)(Faust) Express (Bayley) 4th --- QuackQuack (Shumway)(Shumway) August Wednesday SeriesSeries (4 races, 1919 yachts, 6868 starts) - August races, 5th -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) Wednesday (4 yachts, starts) Scratch !i Scratch lst - July SundaySunday SeriesSeries (4(4 races,races, 1414 yachts,yachts, 4646 starts)starts) 1st -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) 2nd --- Quack (Shumway) Scratch Quack (Shumway) 3rd - - - 3rd -- Leading Edge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) 1stlst -- Tie -- LifeLife inin thethe FastFast LaneLane (Nahmias)(Nahmias) && Leading Edge Q 4th Yellow Snow Leading 4th -- Yellow Snow (Taves)(Taves) LeadingO Edge (Gaenzle) 5th -- Aragorn (Texter) - Aragorn (Texter) -- RYC/RHYCRYC/RHYC TeamTeam RacingRacing TrophyTrophy Handicap - Handicap 3rd -- PerfectPerfect ManhattanManhattan (Fischer/Schum)(Fischer/Schum) lst - Samurai - 1st -- Samurai (Barnash)(Barnash) 4th -- AragornAragorn (Texter)(Texter) 2nd - Life in the Fast Lane - 2nd -- Life in the Fast Lane (Nahmias) 5th -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) (Nahmias) 3rd -- SurpriseSurprise (Gardner)(Gardner) 4th --- PerfectPerfect ManhattanManhattan (Fischer/Schum)(Fischer/Schum) 5th -- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava)

D»l9 D-18D" 8 D-19 Viii

--AY - ~/~f-- v ----Y~ » -Y ~ Ys»»-»-»_ ---v _ -V-4 fV»~» ~» » _~ -rm ,;;~.»_;1,-;~,-;_=;;=_<;=,-;,,x;=,-,,--;- gr ____ '- --~-~'»~M- W--~~---»-i~----.~.,.~....~;;,.,~.;~ -- ~ » - ~»---;»_,--1.::»; <~-' YK 1:

Fall Saturday SeriesSeries (10 races,races, 1515 yachts, 9999 starts) Saturday (10 yachts, starts) W p JJ/24 FLEET #41 SCHEDULE E Scratch 1 #iw lst - - Oscar Marth 1st- LeadingLeading EdgeEdge (Gaenzle)(Gaenzle) -- Oscar Marth TrophyTrophy 1 CALENDAR OF RACES 1989 2nd --- bateaubateau blancblanc (Stava)(Stava) Q 3rd -- Quack (Shumway) 1 .J/24 FLEET RACE DATE Quack (Shumway) J/24 FLEET RACE DATE

4th -- StingSGH" (Faust)(Fam) COLD WATERWATER COACHCOACH SERIESSERIES 5111 Lifecin the Fas* La" 5th -- Life in the Fast Lane (Nahmias) _ J-Daze (ur (atCanandaigua CanandaiguaYC) YC)_._...... May 6 & 77 Handicap ,al Sundays...... ,...... 21 _ Sundays May 14,14, 21 1stlst -- Aragorn (Texter)(Texter) May Afagmfl Wednesdays...... 24 " May 17,17, 24 2ndZnd -- Surprise (Gardner) Wednesdays .May Surpme Memorial DayRace Race...... 29 3fd Day May 29 3rd -- Amanda (Lawless)(Lawess) Anmda SPRING SATURDAY SERIES SERIES_.__...... May 27, 29 4th -- JavelinJavelin (Wetherald)(Wetherald) June 33, 10,1O_ 18 (Sun)(Sun), 2424 1 5thNh -- AmericanAmeflcan ExpressEXPYESS (Bayley) SPRING WEDNESDAY SERIESSERIES ..._ . .MayMay 31,31, JuneJune 7,7, 14,14, 21,21, 28 Scotch Bonnet BonnetRace Race(GYC) (GYC)...... June 1616 Firecracker Regatta Regatta...... July 1 & 2 7 JULY & AUGUST (scores(Scores combined)combined) SERIESSERIES F1158 SUNDAYS ...... July 9, 16,16, AugAug 55 (Sat), 13,13, 2727 ga* WEDNESDAYS __._...__._.__._ 30 WEDNESDAYS ...... July 5, 12,12, 19, 26,26, AugAug2, 2, 16,16, 30 1

District 77 RegattaRegatta(at (atSBYC) SBYC)...... July 21, 22 & 23 Youngstown Levels Levels(at (atYYC) YYC)...... July 29 & 30 Freeman Distance/courseDistance/courseraces races...... August 6, 7 ,M 3

- LYRA ...... LYRACourse CourseRaces Races --RYC RYC ...... August 8-118-tl 1233

_ J/24I/24 North AmericansAmericans -- RYCRYC..,._...... August 18-25 FALL ...... FALL SATURDAY SERIES um :Ecu Rochester RaceRace ...... September 9 (Sat.) :aura September (Sat.) M.: Fall Series Series...... ,.__._...... SSeptembereptember 10 (Sun), September 16, 23,23, 30, October 7






D~20D-20 D41D-2t g

= 1 - U.S.S.A. FLEETFLEET #20 J/24.J/24 FLEET #41#41ROSTER ROSTER- 19891989 1 1989 SOLINGSOLING RACE SCHEDULESCI-EDULE 11. BobBob BayleyBayley 15 BobBob LasserLasser 2. Gunther Buerman Buerman 16. Mark Lawless ROC!-ESTERROC~ESrFE]~ YACHTYACHT CLUBCLUB 3. BobBob CastleCastle 17. Kevin MoranMoran SOLING FLEETFLEET RACE DAY 4. EarlEarl Chapman 18. PattyPattyMurphy Murphy ...... ColdWater Water CupSeries Series...... tune 5. "Corbo""Corbo" Corbishley 19. Mike Nahmias Cup May 21, (Sun(Sun tuneup), up),27 27(Sat) (Sat)

Memorial Day...... M 29 June 3 6. JackJack DePetersDePeters 20. John Naughton Day Mayay 29 (Mon), June 3 (Sat)(Sat) 7. GeneGene Faust 21. Bill RohrerRohrer SpringSaturday SaturdaySeries Series. . _ ...... June 10, 18 (Sun),(Sun),24 24

Firecracker ...... 2 & 3 "1 8. John Fields 22. Cory Fischer SertlSertl July 1, 2 & 3 Summer Sunday SundaySeries Series...... July 16, 23,23, 30,30, Aug 5,5, 1313 1 9. DustyDusty Fischer/A1Schum Schum 23. Skip Shumway Aug C.O.R.K.C.O.R.K...... AugAug 11-16 10. Ed Gardner 24. Reid Stava ' a .1 Fall Series ...... 11.u_ LarryLarry GaenzleGaenzle 25. BenBen TavesTaves FallSaturday Saturday Series ...... Aug 27, SeptSept 10 (Sun),(Sun), 16, 23,23, 1 12. Tod GrimmettGrimmett John Texter 30,30» Oct.Oct- 77 26. John Texter _ _ gr; North AmericansAmericans (at Annapolis). .. Sept25-29 25-29 13.]3_ Paul HandleyHandzel/ 27. JayJay ToveyTovey (at Annapolis) .Sept Fred Muhleman 28. GeneGene VanVoorhis/VanVoorhis/ ' 14. Bob Harvey Norm VanVoorhisVanVoorhis (in membership process) process) 29. Houghty Wetherald

.4 .1

. ._ .1 ms

wi.: L .wi


. Myron ArcherArcher Fritz Odenbach 1988 SOLING FLEET #20 RESUL~ MyronBruce Cameron John Odenbach Jerry Castle Bram Spring SeriesSeries Summer SeriesSeries ICH? Bram PalmPalm DSU" 1. J. CastleCastia 1. EP. Odenbachoaenbach Denis DoyleDoyle Dave RledmwRiedman Paul Eui Elli David Rutheffmd we 2. J.J. OdenbachOdenbach 2. DarcyDarcy Doyle David Rutherford Robert L.L. Lawless Jr. Jr. Mike 3.3_ M.M_ TennityTennity 3.3_ B.B_ CameronCameron Mike TennityTennity Brian MoranMoran Elliot WoodhullWoodhull

A Fall SeriesSeries Season PerformancePerformanceSummary Summary 1. J.J. Odenbachodenbach 1. J.J. Odenbachodenbach 2. J.J. CastleCastle 2. J.J. CastleCastle 3. F. 3. B.B. CameronCameron 3. E OdenbachOdenbach

Cold Water CupCup 1 1. J. Castle l 1. J. Castle aw; 2. J.J. OdenbachOdenbach :fum

3. EF. OdenbachOdenbach 11 va i



Sr. Division Qualifiers lstkst AndrewAndrew Lerner Bob Bryant 2nd Stuart AmesAmes 1stlst Master 3rd Doug Heil Glen Nelson 4th Keith Polidor Keith Polidor 5th Jay Shimshack Jen Brick John Brick Jr. DivisionDivision Eric Lerner 5th Chad HenryHenry Callin McCaulay 1989ESSS ROCROCHESTER STER DDRAGON GOS ELEET FLEET Cups && FlagsFlags Gunnar Richardson lst1st BillBill RohrerRohrer lst1st JuniorJunior EWS SQ DIJLE P~4~C~G SCHEDULE and2nd DerekDerek PrickeyFrickey 3rd Andrew Lerner DRAGON FLEET RACE DAY DRAGON FLEET RACE DAY Most RacesRaces

GuestSkipper SkipperDay Day...... MayMay 2121 4th Jane FaustFaust

WarmUp UpRace Race...... May 2727 5th StuartStuart AmesAmes

MemorialDay Day(Cross (CrossCup) Cup)...... _ _ _ _MayMay 29 (Mon)(Mon)

PastCommodores` Commodores’Cup Cup...... _ _ _JuneJune 3, 10,10, June 1818 (Sun).(Sun), JuneJune 24 Founders’Founders DayDay RegattaRegatta(at (atRCYC) RCYC)...July...July 1,l,2&3 2 & 3

- NSS LASER SC DTILE Lorelei CupCup --Sundays Sundays...... _ _July_ .July 9, 9,16,16, 23,23, 30,30, AugAug 55 (Sun),(Sun), 1989 LASER SCHEDULE Aug 2727 LASER FLEET LASER RACEFLEET DAY RACE DAY p Great LakesLakes andand NorthNorth AmericanAmerican _f SpringSeries Series.....__._.._.___.... . JuneJune 15,15, 22,22, 2929 (EYC Cleveland)Cleveland)...... August_ _ _ .August 12-1912-19 ...... SummerSeries Series___...._...... __._ ...... July 6, 13,13, 20,20, 27,27, AugAug 3.3, 1717 RochesterMayor`s Mayor’sTrophy Trophy...... _...SeptemberSeptember 2, 33 && 44 RYCDistrict DistrictLaser LaserYouth YouthRegatta Regatta._.. .JulyJuly 2828 - CrescentCup Cup --Saturdays Saturdays...... _ . . .SeptemberSeptember 10 (Sun),(Sun), 16, 23,23, 30,30, "" October 77

D-24D44 D*25D-25 ` ' " " ' ' * ' ' " .;~': rx: 3:32Z/:tx :ZZ 1, ~::z:_ .'2:"_`v_ 1_ ;;~:~::uiJ?Lf:7!:f7 3' JY.;.;_';;' S " ~ Z:I'1-1FZTZITJITZZ't$`::"::f;:;1!`.; """7:;:';i';.:"..:.:::"52:*Lii?IZ.§:,:LiY;:;.;.f2!;:;.~ - - "Zi: t::;'»':.:'73» "1~"Q-»»»~- ~ v; 45`~»""," "'""""""'""'*"""""""*"""*F`*'f"'""*'"""" 111;-rs: v; """'"W2"*""' ""'-"W-»'- `7 *'?uY ~»-- »~»»-»-»»--»~v»__E;»»--~»~= -»-»»»» --~ M ~~%¢¢ W,sm» --- '7'/~"~""""",__,~_~;~ ...-.,.~r_E.;a....Sarnia..-:-f-_-»~E~_».:==».».¢-@%>;~»~a -af-»~»~f»»»=»»-f%~».--¢,z;w.-¢,.,»=--~=»=e~»»»m~e¢~"2~<-w" -e@~. E ~_ ».:==».».¢- @%>;~»~a -af-»~»~"WMf»»»=»»-f%~».--¢,z;w.-¢,.,»=--~=»=e~»»»m~e¢~ "2~<-w" -e@~. " " mfr? J# "°*»~§»i5=z:".ss°'*'~",'5¢.m»"'ea>»,~',':»~,=~f',,Z1» in R ,~»~,5 Eff" ~¢~ ~é;;°,_w f'» am

RYC LASERLASER FLEETFLEET #267#257 Harbor andand PropertyProperty PolicyPolicy ri lil Adopted December 1,J, 19861986 LASERJNOSTERQLASER ROSTER 1989 S9 is Jeff AllaireAllaire Callin MacaulayMacaulay Stuart M ,rs Stuart Ames Caroline MahonMahon General fin;

Jim Barnash ParePam McKeonMcKeon ...... : Trisha && George BonheyoBonheyo Tim MitchellMitchell 1.l. ThisThis policypolicy encompassesthe theuse useof ofthe theRochester RochesterYacht YachtClub Club Jenny && JonJonBrick Brick Glen Nelson Facilitiesconsisting consistingof ofthe thebasin, basin,breakwalls, breakwalls,docks, docks,the Sailingthe Sailing Robert Bryant Ray Nelson Centerdock dockand andlaunching launchingramp, ramp,launching launchingand andhaulout hauloutfacilities, facilities,

indoor and outdoor trailer and cradle areas and club MQ; Maggie BuermanBuerman Steve Paiement indoor and outdoorboat, boat, trailer and cradlestorage storage areas and club rm Maggie my Greg DetMonteDelMonte Keith Polidor lockers. . <14 Shannon DoyleDoyle Gunnar Richardson .,.1 2. The Committee shall maintain a Club Fleet J . N, Janie & Susie FaustFaust Bill RohrerRohrer 2. The PropertyProperty Committee shall maintain a Club FleetRegister, Register, 1 ~1 Derrek & Darryl Frickey Mike && Jay ShimshackShimshack consistingof ofyachts yachtsfor forwhich whichregistration registrationfees feeshave havebeen beenpaid underpaid under J Darryl Frickey Jay e Article VIII, DueDue andand Charges,Section Section3 3of ofthe the By-Laws. Only Mike Hawley John Texter VIII, Charges, By-Laws. Only yachtslisted listedin inthe theClub ClubFleet Fleet Register maybe beconsidered consideredfor for Doug HeilHeil Lauren UrichUrich yachts Register may assignmentsto tothe thebasin basinand andfor for launching,haulout, haulout, storage,and and Stephen HenryHenry Kiki Voss assignments launching, storage, Member-Guest privileges.Facilities Facilitieswill willbe be assignedfor for general Jeff Hiatt Rick Wait privileges. assigned general club useuse asasrequired. required.To Tobe beeligible eligiblefor forthe theClub ClubFleet FleetRegister, Register,a a Tim & Jenny Hyde Hyde Walsh BoysBoys l yacht shallshallbe: be: :fa yacht 3 Timothy JonesJones David Walsh Kelli, Heide, KurtKurt KarshickKarshick Bud Webb A. OwnedOwned oror charteredchartered exclusivelyexclusivelyby bya membera memberof theof theClub Club Andrew LernerLerner Peter Woodams in in goodgood standing;standing; 1:1 B. OwnedOwned oror charteredchartered by aa syndicatesyndicateof ofmembers members(sometimes (sometimes referred to toas aspartnership partnershipor ormultiple multipleowner), owner),all ofallwhom of whomare in are in good standingstandingin inthe theClub; Club;

C. HeldHeld inin aa mannermanner otherotherthan thanin inA. A.or orB. B.which whichis reviewed is reviewed mf' by the Property Committee on an individual basis and approved by 53 the Board. $1 D. In cases involving syndicates, registration fees shall be col- lected from all syndicate members as if sole owners while all other financial responsibility for the yacht shall be charged to the most LADES RAC G SCHEDULE 1989 senior member. Arrangements concerning syndicate members’ shares of fees must be privately handled among them. LADIES RACING RACE DATE 3. The Yacht Facilities are the property of the Rochester Yacht Club. June/July Series ...... June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20 Repairs and alterations to the Facilities are to be done only by the Sail with a Male ...... July 21 (Friday) RYC Yard Crew or as authorized by the Yard Master. A berth and Summer Series ...... July 27, Aug 3, 17, 24, 31 mooring not occupied by an assigned yacht because she has not been Make-up Race ...... September 7 launched or she is expected to be absent from the RYC for two nights or longer is under the jurisdiction of the Property Committee while the yacht is absent. §. i 4. Assignments to RYC Yacht Facilities are to be made or modified only by the RYC Property Committee. All assignments are for one season only. E-1

~ »- . Y » ~-.H-f ....»..»,... . . _ .. . Y. W., i _ _._ .W N. . ._ _ _ . ._.i.__ _ __ ....._..n_,.___,_._., -.,._.,_,..,,, Mi. , _,_»..__..~. U.. g .W . .A ._A...-...... _ .. -»...,~...~..`_.,.,.,.....~...».~,.,s,,.~a,...... ,..,. ...CC.04 M.. :.,,.,,_~,g¢-,,~»:;;¢--~»----.~,_»_»~..,~.l....,,.,,,,,,, ~ ..~YY #_ Y~ » - -~»-----....,,. \__i¢»,,ff--»»a~,-~.,.~sr;;';.;»,¢- » --»-»---'~~»~».--~»~»~.~ »...,.-._.....» »_._ ..,.e ._ ...W i ~ _ W -»- ,.Aa.»..-.~.-A/_ H- ew, ..~..; ...... v.i\....~_.._».._-»-/"YA..»~.._....-._~,, ».<».~,.¢>.»...,.-.a~.»»-»»-~..~,»-»,.»/.¢-»,e~»»-_.~»s,..~.._..,,,,,,,,,;,-~'~»»~»»--e_=f-»»~-»~»=»-» -a:,z»z~°»»f-»~»»--»»~»»~»»»~a-»~»< ._-,,,¢..g ;g;r---»»<»-»-=¢»».'-.¢.».»»»»...<».mir,.¢a,t,,,,,, MM

,-- -~--»a_,m»<;,:,_ ,__ ,»>-»»»--»y,_-~,-»~f»»»-.f»»~»~~»~..§.,i...,,.§ » ggi" ~¢<»;i¢ ,d ~",.="~»»->¢=»,g».,,3r.::;:; 5 ar ~ 5.5. InIn addition toto berthberthand andmooring mooringassignments. assignments,the theRYC RYCPro- Pro- B. AssignmentAssignment of berthsberthsand andmoorings mooringsto syndicates,to syndicates,including including be made the perty Committee maymay,designate designatea numbera numberof ofyachts yachtsas Floaters.as Floaters. partnershipsand andmultiple multipleowners, owners,shall shall be madeby by theProperty Property the Board. In cases of or These yachts will willoccupy occupy,slips slipstemporarily temporarilynot notbeing beingused usedby an by, an Committee, afterafterapproval approvalby by the Board. In cases ofsyndicates syndicates or assigned yacht.yacht.Floaters Floatersmust mustmeet meetthe thecriteria criteriaof assignedof assignedyachts. yachts, partnerships, seniorityseniorityshall shallbe bedetermined determinedby applyingby applyingeach eachowner's owner’s of to his/her number of of Floaters arearenot notguaranteed guaranteedan anassignment assignmentthe thesubsequent subsequentseason. season, percentage ofownership ownership to his/her number yearsof yearsmembership of membership and addingaddingthe thetotal totalof ofthe theresults resultsobtained obtainedto arrive to arriveat a at"partner- a "partner- a - 50% 6.6. The use ofof RYCRYCYacht YachtFacilities Facilitiesby byguests guestsand andMember-Guests Member-Guests ship seniority"seniority"designation. designation.For Forexample, example,50% a 50% - 50%partner- partner- with one member l and the other 9 would shall bebe underunderthe thesupervision supervisionof ofthe thedesignated designatedDock DockMaster(s) Master(s)as as ship with one memberhaving having year1 year and the otheryears 9 years would directed by thethe PropertyCommittee Committeeand andthe theRYC RYCBoard. Board. have a a5 5year year partnershipseniority. seniority.With Withan an80% 80%~ 20% -20%ownership, ownership, ~! by Property the partnershippartnership seniority would be 2.6 years. In this type of owner- 11 the partnership seniority would be 2.6 years. In this type of owner- shall be i!ii 7.7. RYCequipment equipmentused usedfor forhauling, hauling,launching, launching,moving, moving,rigging rigging ship, thethefollowing followinginformation information shallrequired: be required: and washing yachts yachtsand andthe thefloating floatingcrane, crane,barge bargeand andwork workboat(s) boat(s) or State cer- may bebe operatedoperatedby bymembers membersof ofthe theYard YardCrew Crewonly. only.This Thisrestric- restric- (I)(1) Copies ofof FederalFederalDocumentation Documentation or StateRegistration Registration cer- all members as tion doesdoesnot notinclude includejib jibcranes cranesand andlaunching launchingplatform platformused usedby by tificates or orbill billof ofsale saledesignating designating all membersowners; as owners; drysailed yachts.yachts.Such Suchequipment equipmentto tobe be operated bymembers members only. operated by only. (2) Copies ofof anyany policypolicyof ofinsurance insurancecovering coveringthe theyacht yacht designating all allmembers membersas asnamed namedinsureds; insureds; 8. Berths,Berths, mooringsmoorings andanddry drysail sailareas areasshould shouldbe bereserved reservedfor thefor the or loan used or active useuseof ofthe themembership. membership.If Ifduring duringthe theprime primeboating boatingseason season (3) Copies ofof anyanyfinancing financing or loanagreements agreements usedby anyby any or to the (May(May 2525 throughthroughSeptember Septemberl5) 15)the theuse useof ofa yacht a yachtis not is notanticipated anticipated all membersmembers topurchase purchase theyacht; yacht; over anan extendedextendedperiod periodof oftime time(one (onemonth monthor ormore), more),alternate alternate (4) Copies ofof anyanyagreements agreementsbetween betweenthe themembers membersregarding regarding storage arrangementsshould shouldbe be made,and andthe the PropertyCommit- Commit- storage arrangements made, Property the yacht,yacht, itsitsownership, ownership,maintenance maintenanceand andoperation; operation; tee shouldshouldbe benotified. notified.Late Latelaunching launchingand andearly earlyhaulout hauloutwill bewillmade be made availablefor forthese thesesituations. situations. (5) A statementfrom fromall allsyndicate syndicatemembers: members: (a) As toto theirtheirpercentage percentageof ofpurchase purchaseprice priceof ofthe theyacht yacht paid by each;each; AssignmentProcedure Procedure (b) Of thatthat percentagepercentagewhat whatpart partwas wascash cashand andwhat whatpart part 1.l. Cards forfor requestingrequestingYacht YachtFacilities Facilitieswill willbe mailedbe mailedto all to all was financingfinancingor orother otherform formof ofpayment; payment; members bybyFebruary Februaryl. 1.Members Membersmust mustcomplete completeand andreturn returncards cards (c) That therethere areareno noother otheragreements agreementsamong amongor orbetween between toto the Property Committeeby byFebruary February15. 15. the membersmemberschanging changingany anyof ofthe theinformation informationprovided provided in (l)(1)through through(5) (5)above; above; 2. AssignmentsAssignments toto all YachtYachtFacilities Facilitieswill willbe madebe madeto all tomembers all members only on thethebasis basisof ofseniority. seniority.The Themember's member’sdate dateof membership of membership (d) The date ofoftheir theiradmission admissioninto intomembership. membership. initiatinginitiating current currentcontinuous continuousresident residentmembership membershipwill wil!be used be usedto to (6) A statement from fromthe theTreasurer Treasurerthat thateach eachsyndicate syndicate member determine seniority,seniority,except exceptas asotherwise otherwiseprovided providedin thein theClub ClubBy- By- member is aa membermemberof ofthe theClub Clubin ingood goodstanding standingand andhas haspaid paidthe the Laws forfor survivingsurvivingspouses spousesof ofdeceased deceasedmembers. members.Interim Interimnon- non- Registration Fee Feefor forthe theyacht; yacht; resident statusstatuswill willnot notdisrupt disruptthe thecontinuous continuousmembership membershipstatus, status, nor will authorizedauthorizedleaves leavesof ofabsence, absence,except exceptthat thatin thein thecase caseof leaves of leaves (7) In addition totothe theabove, above,the theBoard Boardmay may requestand and con- of absence the theactual actualtime timeof ofthe theleave leaveof absenceof absenceshall shallbe subtracted be subtracted request con- sider anyanyother otherrelevant relevantinformation informationand andcircumstances circumstancesin in from thetheperiod periodof ofmembership membershipfor forpurposes purposesof seniority of seniorityunder underthe the a given case;case; harbor andand propertypropertypolicy. policy...... A. Assignment of berths and moorings to individual owners of ...... (8) The BoardBoard shallshallgive givesuch suchweight weightto toall allof theof theabove aboveinfor- infor- A. Assignment of berths and moorings to individual owners of mation asas ititdeems deemsappropriate appropriateand andassign, assign,or ordeny denyassign- assign- yachts shallshallbe bemade madeby bythe theProperty PropertyCommittee Committeewhich whichmay mayrequire require ment, of aa berthberthor ormooring mooringto toany anyyacht yachtin whichin whichthere thereis is any documentationdocumentationand andinformation informationit deemsit deems necessary, necessary. syndicate, partnership partnershipor ormultiple multipleownership; ownership;


_ v _ ,_ ,, _,V ____, _ __.._.-_._.,-.,...... _.._.,. t _ _ - -- ~ -_----,,,--~._»»~.

. f . Y ~ ~,----~ W.. . -.._ M ~--~ -~»~»~»----W-» ~»-----~»~---~-~--» V- ...... -...._...,._. - » .._...... _..,...... __ MC.. M...... _,, _ . ,.,_. .,._..,...... ,. ' W _ . _ _ - ' " :. .M_ ."" » '*"'e~"~~" -,~@~_,,___...... _.`/».-,-4f,»,~_-1~.s.~..,"~__..Ma_i.~,.,. ,..._.a.,.,.,..,....,...... ,_. . ,,... 7-. ~¢M.~m_.._,._,.a.7.....r.~.._,.,V , , ff" f:;~§-5f--»»--»-¢;»=;-~_<> g ~---:-/,/»-q<~f»»e

(9) Nothingin inthis thispolicy policyis isintended intendedto excludeto excludeor eliminate or eliminate 5. AA moremore seniorsenior membermembereligible eligiblefor forassignment assignmentor designation or designation members of members of syndicatesyndicateowned ownedyachts yachtsthat thatdo donot notmeet meetthe the as a FloaterFloateror orfor forindoor indoorstorage, storage,may maybe bebypassed bypassedif the if themember's member’s above from moor- above requirementsrequirements frombeing beingassigned assignedberths berthsand and moor- yacht cannotcannotbe beaccommodated accommodatedin inavailable availableslips slipsor storageor storagespace. space. in ings. However,However, insuch suchcases casesonly onlythe theseniority seniorityof the of mostthe most Length, beambeamand anddraft draftare arethe thecritical criticalcriteria. criteria. junior membermemberwill willbe beconsidered. considered. Membersacquiring acquiringa ayacht yachtlarger largerthan thanthe theone onepreviously previouslyassigned assigned to thethe basinbasinor orindoor indoorstorage storageare areadvised advisedto reviewto reviewtheir their planswith with C. AssignmentAssignment of berths andandmoorings mooringsof ofyachts yachtschartered charteredor or plans the Property Committee.Committee. under corporate ofof otherotherforms formsof ofownership ownership(see (seeParagraph ParagraphC. C.of of Property thethe eligibility for forClub ClubFleet FleetRegister) Register)shall shallbe madebe madeon the onfacts the facts 6. AA moremore seniorsenior member notnot assignedto tothe thebasin basinor orindoor indoor and circumstances of ofeach eachcase, case,using usingthe thesame samefactors factorsoutlined outlinedabove above assigned storage, or ordesignated designateda Floatera Floaterthe theprevious previousseason, season,cannot cannot"bump" "bump" forfor individuallyowned ownedand andsyndicate syndicateowned ownedyachts yachtsso farso asfarthey as they a less seniorseniormember memberfrom fromthe thebasin basinor or storagearea area duringthe thecur- cur- may be applicable.applicable, storage during rent seasonseasonif ifthe theless lesssenior seniormember memberwas wasassigned assigneda berth a berthor moor- or moor- ing, designateda afloater, floater,or or assignedindoor indoor storage duringthe the D. Inln makingmaking all assignments,assignments,the theProperty PropertyCommittee Committeeand theand the ing, designated assigned storage during previous season.season. Board shallshallbe beguided guidedby byfairness fairnessto tothose thosemembers membersrelying relyingon the on the various formsformsof ofownership ownershipas aswell wellas asto tomembers memberswho whomay maybe on be on 7. TheThe following maymaybe beconsidered consideredby bythe theProperty PropertyCommittee Committee a waiting list listfor forberths berthsand andmoorings mooringsat the at theClub. Club.Assignment Assignmentshall shall following when assigningassigningmembers membersto torequested requestedberths berthsand andmoorings, moorings,lockers, lockers, be made orordenied deniedso sothat thatsyndicate syndicateownership, ownership,charters, charters,corporate corporate or preferred location locationin inthe thebasin. basin. and other formsformsof ofownership ownershipmay maynot notbe beused usedto avoidto avoidor circum- or circum- vent thethe policypolicyfor forassignments assignmentsof ofberths berthsand andmooring mooringestablished established A. TheThe levellevel of participation bythe themember memberin club in clubactivities. activities. herein. participation by

B. DemonstrableDemonstrable peculiaritiesor orlimitations limitationsin the in handlingthe handling 3. MembersMembers withwith assignedassignedberths berthsand andmoorings mooringswill willhave have peculiarities ..... characteristics of ofthe the yacht. preferencein inobtaining obtaininglockers. lockers. yacht.

C. TheThe extentextent toto which the theyacht yachtis isused usedfor forracing, racing,cruising cruisingor or 4. The sequence of assignment of berths and moorings is as follows: 4. The sequence of assignment of berths and moorings is as follows: day daysailing. sailing. A. MembersMembers assignedassigned aa berthberthand andmooring mooringfor forthe theprevious previous D. TheThe particularparticularclass classof ofyacht yachtsuch suchas asone onedesign designclasses. classes. season willwillbe beassigned assignedone onefor forthe thecurrent currentseason. season.This Thisrule rulealso also applies totodry drysail, sail,inside insideand andoutside outsidestorage. storage.The Theterm term"season," "season," as applied to toberths berthsor ormoorings, moorings,is isfrom fromlaunch launchdate dateto haul~out to haul-out Rights, Obligations, Obligations,Restrictions Restrictions date. AsAs appliedappliedto tostorage storageis isfrom fromhaul-out haul-outdate dateto launchto launchdate. date. B. Lockers will be leased on an annual basis and assignments 1.l. TheThe membermember is responsible for fornotifying notifyingthe theDock DockMaster Masterwhen when B. Lockers will be leased on an annual basis and assignments he expectshis his yachtto tobe beabsent absentfrom froman an assignedor or designated will bebe mademadeas asin in "A"above. above, expects yacht assigned designated berth andandmooring mooringfor fortwo twoor ormore morenights. nights.lf properIf propernotification notification is notnotgiven, given,a aslip slipwill willcome comeunder underProperty PropertyCommittee Committeejurisdic- jurisdic- C. TheThe balancebalance of available berths, berths,moorings, moorings,lockers, lockers,inside, inside, tion afterafter aa twotwonight nightabsence. absence. and outside storage storageand anddry drysail sailfacilities facilitieswill willbe assignedbe assignedon the on the basis of seniority.seniority. 2. AA yachtyacht maymay not be denieddeniedthe theuse useof ofan anassigned assignedor designatedor designated berth and mooringmooringby byany anyother othermember memberyachts yachtsor orguest guestyacht yacht D. FloatersFloaters forfor the current year yearwill willthen thenbe bedesignated designatedon theon the except when when ingressor oregress egressto tothe thebasin basinis restrictedis restrictedduring during basis of seniority. ingress basis of seniority, major regattasregattasor orconstruction constructionactivities activitiesor iforthe if theproper propernotifica- notifica- tion ofof absenceabsencehas hasnot notbeen beenmade. made. E. AssignmentsAssignments andand designateddesignatedFloaters Floaterswill willbe beposted postedby by April 1.1. 3. YachtYacht FacilitiesFacilities maymaynot notbe beloaned, !oaned,exchanged exchangedor sublet or subletwithout without permission of ofthe theProperty PropertyCommittee. Committee. E IndoorIndoor andand specialspecial storageassigments assigmentswill willbe beposted postedat haulout at haulout time.

E-4 E-5

M., _ __ . _ A. _,_ ._ D ._.,.__m. , . . . _....s,.»~..»,» » ~ - »Y ~ ~ _ ~ - ._ .__ , ,A _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _. , , ._ . ._ _ , . A , . , . »-»~=»».».-<»-»~.¢M»-»~»-»--~»~»--»r~»-»»~»¢»-»-- lx.. rr 2, f- ~ -- -/--Y/--~"I¥F~»,~¢,».@ g* " '~' --~'--=-»---»-¢»-»-»-.f»_~ """~'-'>~'4'-"'°",;7=-1~»¢»1¢-was -€i:fr€¥E:i'21&::?:§%T£~E?l -:~' :=r=fv==";f= f1=»f~»f»°»'ff ==1f1¢f2='TI'¥f11'f»>1T#24*-12»¥#111=~2'S1=1éf»'-1>`ff:»*-§1'e:"~"`;;~> `: :,:;;;:1::;_ _:;;><,;:-::;:::.:.-.;:.:=:.:; .2 -.:. -;»;'==@m ..,..,...,, yew 4.4. A yacht maymaynot notuse useRYC RYCproperty propertyas asa basea baseof ofoperations operationsfor for By-Laws ofof commercial venturesventuressuch suchas as charteringor ora a yacht brokerage.This This chartering yacht brokerage. The Rochester Yacht ClubClub will not preclude a amember memberor orhis hisagent agentfrom fromshowing showingor or demonstratingthe themember's member’s yachtthat thatis for is forsale. sale. demonstrating yacht (Adopted December 16,16, 1976)1976)

5. It is the of RYC that it is the of the 5. It is thepolicy policy of RYC that it is theresponsibility responsibility ofmembers the members ARTICLE II to promote the thesecurity, security,safety safetyand andconsideration considerationto ourselves, to ourselves,our our Name familiesfamilies andand totothe theguests guestsof ofRYC. RYC.

The name ofofthis thisorganization organizationshall shallbe bethe theRochester RochesterYacht YachtClub, Club, A. AA yachtyacht maymay notnot be used asasa adomicile domicilewhile whileon onRYC RYC pro- pro~ hereinafter in inthese theseby-laws by-lawscalled called"Club." "Club." perty. ThisThis doesdoesnot notpreclude precludethe theuse useof ofa yachta yachtfor foran anoccasional occasional overnightstay. stay.However, However,on onthese theseoccasions, occasions,gatherings gatheringsof member of member or overs" shall not disturb other members or or "sleep overs" shall not disturb other membersvisiting or visitingyachts. yachts. ARTICLE IIII Lockers shallshallnot notbe beused usedas asdomiciles domicilesat atany anytime. time. Purposes 6. AA Floater,Floater, oror hishis designateddesignated representative, representative,must mustbe bereadily readily The purposespurposesof ofthis thisClub Clubshall shallbe beto topromote promoteand andencourage encourageinterests interests available forforcontact contactby bythe theProperty PropertyCommittee Committeeto facilitateto facilitatemov- mov- in yachtsyachtsand andyachting, ,to toteach teachand andpromote promotethe theprinciples principlesof seamanship of seamanship ing thethe yachtyachtto todifferent differentlocations locationsas asthe theneed needarises. arises.It is Itthe is respon-the respon- and navagation,navagation,to toencourage encouragethe thetraditions traditionsof yachting,of yachting,to encourage to encourageand and sibility ofof thetheowner ownerto tomove movehis hisyacht yachtas directedas directedby theby Propertythe Property teach youngyoungpeople peoplein inseamanship seamanshipand andyachting, yachting,to provide to provideand maintainand maintain Committee. a suitable clubhouse, clubhouse,anchorage, anchorage,and andfacilities facilitiesfor thefor usethe anduse recreationand recreation of its members,members,and andto tomake makeany anyand andall allrules rulesand andto doto anydo anyother otheract oract or 7.7. A Member-Guest isisa aRYC RYCmember memberwith witha a registered yachtnot not registered yacht thing incidentalincidentalto toor orconnected connectedwith withthe theforegoing foregoingpurposes purposesor in oradvance- in advance- to the basin or berthed at marina or club within assigned to the basin or berthed atany any marina or club within10 miles 10 miles ment thereof.thereof. of thethe RYCRYCwho whowishes wishesa bertha berthand andmooring mooringat theat theRYC RYCfor aforlimited a limited time. ARTICLE III III A Member~GuestMember-Guest yachtyachtis islimited limitedto toa totala totalof of9 days 9 daysstay stayin the in RYCthe RYC basin during thetheprime primeboating boatingseason season(May (May25th 25ththrough throughSeptember September RochesterJunior Junior YachtYachtClub Club 15th),exclusive exclusiveof ofstays staysin conjunctionin conjunctionwith withinvitational invitationalevents eventsand and For the of and in inter~ regattas. ArrangementsArrangementsfor forstaying stayingat atRYC RYCas aasMember~C1uest a Member-Guestmust must For thepurposes purposes ofpromoting promoting andencouraging encouragingyoung in youngpeople people inter- ests inin yachtsand and yachtingand andto toteach teachand and promotein in young peoplethe the be made through the theDock DockMaster, Master,or orthe theProperty PropertyCommittee. Committee. yachts yachting promote young people principles of ofseamanship seamanshipand andnavigation navigationand andthe traditionsthe traditionsof yachting, of yachting, this ClubClub maymaysanction sanctionand andestablish establisha Rochestera RochesterJunior JuniorYacht YachtClub Clubfor for 8.8. A member maymaybe beassigned assignedonly onlyone oneberth, berth,(wet (wetor dry),or dry),per per the membershipmembershipof ofpersons personswho whoshall shallhave haveattained attainedthe theage ageof 13 ofyears 13 yearsbut but season onon RYCRYCproperty. property.The Theexception exceptionto thisto thismay maybe madebe madeif a if a not yetyethave haveattained attainedthe theage ageof of19 19years. years.The TheBoard Boardof Directors of Directorsmay mayadopt adopt member whowhohas hasa awet wetmooring mooringalso alsowishes wishesto haveto havea dry a drysail sailberth berth appropriate rules rulesand andregulations regulationsfor forthe theconduct conductand andaffairs affairsof the of the assignmentfor foran anadditional additionalboat(s). boat(s).Such Sucha a requestmust mustbe be ap- assignment request ap- Rochester Junior JuniorYacht YachtClub. Club. proved bybythe theProperty PropertyCommittee Committeebefore beforethe theboat(s) boat(s)is broughtis broughton on toto club premises. ARTICLE IV IV 9.9. Any yachtyachtin indistress distressdue dueto tobad badweather, weather,mechanical mechanicalfailure, failure, Membership or sickness oror injuryinjury ofofthe thecrew crewwill willbe beextended extendedthe theuse useof theof theRYC RYC Facilities forfora areasonable reasonable periodof oftime. time. period Section 1. Classes ~: of Membership PROPERTY COMMITTEECOMMITTEE There shall be classes of Club membership as follows: Board Approved A. Resident Member All members of the Club nineteen (19) years of age December 1,1, 19861936 or more who do not qualify for any of the other classes of membership.

. , E-7 V. » -» - _ __f mg,Qs,,,~m@@§;§;= ~w ~" ;-f»»-~»--~ae "" '°* -'~"°"'*-~*-~ "" 4 - - '»<~_» ... . -»»~&-»-ff-.., ,F¢£?.»~""'»§.A¢~ -»»~¢~;-»-»-=»~»».»_»~f~.~ f:~-»~f»-v ¢.,Y,@g~ """* -»~ - .»» » 1-1< 4, _M ~`.4» -¢ . -1¢=¢=7¢/';";~¢-0 B/.;;,<.,

"" '" ' r ' f ~~ f ~ es ~ V . ' .<,~;;~ ,_, .:;.1<;~~1si:<.=~~.zxrfsii ws . ... .,..,.; .,W.,,a.,;,._¢,¢.~i@i 5.M.,._.si.,~,_a.i.<..,@._...¢;.f.. 'is W, ~.,.i.1,.... .~ ,.,..s..<>i~<.1...~..ti its , A ~ -W f., L pf

B. Non-Resident Member.Memben AllAll membersmembers whosewhose residenceresidence and principalprincipal H.H. Student Membership. AA membermember whowho isis underunder thethe ageage ofof twenty-three place ofbusinessof business areare bothboth outsideoutside ofofa a50-mile 50-mileradius radiusfrom fromthe theClub- Club- (23) years and is a full timetime student (which(which shallshall meanmeanbeing beinga astu- stu- il. house and who do not useuse the facilitiesfacilities ofofthe the YachtYacht Club regularly,regularly. dent for approximatelya.pproximatelynine nine(9) (9)months monthsduring duringthe thecalendar calendaryear) year)in in This classificationclassification can either be transferred into or joined by a per- good standingst,~ding at aa school,school, college,college, oror otherother accreditedaccredited educationaleducational l gl" a institution a radius from the Clubhouse. son who is already a member of a recognizedrecognized yacht club. institution locatedlocated outsideoutside ofof a 50-mile50-mile radius from the Clubhouse. ll (Amended 12/12/15/88.)l5/88.) C. Honora~,Honorary MemberMember: MayMay bebe grantedgranted forfor oneone yearyear byby thethe BoardBoard of Directors to any person inin recognitionrecognition ofof conspicuousconspicuous serviceservice toto thethe Section 2.2. Requirements for Membership Club. Members shall not be to the of Requirements for Membership Club. Honorary Members shall not be subjectsubject to the paymentpayment of anyany dues oror initiationinitiation fees.fees. The general requirements for all classes ofof membershipmembershipare arethat thatthe the person have a genuine interestinterest inin yachtingyachting andand bebe acceptableacceptable toto thethe otherother D. Ancient MarinerMariner. A non-boat-owning member in good standing, at members. his option,option. maymay apply in writing to the Board ofof DirectorsDirectors forfor AncientAncient 2233?

Mariner To be the member must have reached H43 'X Mariner membership. To beeligible, eligible, the member must have reached _ Section 3.3. ElectionElection ofof MembersMembers li? his 65th birthday and have beenbeen aa membermember for twenty-tivetwenty-five(25) (25)years. years. A.A. Each Candidate for membershipmembership mustmust bebe proposedproposedin inwriting writingby bytwo two E. Non-Resident Ancient Mariner.Mariner MembersMembers whowho areare eligibleeligible for both Resident Members in good standing. To either propose or second a Ancient Mariner and Non-Resident Member, as specified above. Ancient Mariner and Non-Resident Member, as specified above, candidate, the member must have belongedbelonged toto thethe ClubClub forfor atat leastleast F. Sun,ivingSurviving SpouseSpouse Membership.Membership. UponUpon thethe deathdeath ofof aa membermember in good one year. The applicant must formally applyapply forfor membershipmembershipin in standing,standing, the spousespouse ofof thatthat membermember maymay electelect toto continuecontinue forfor oneone writing providing such biographic data and references as determined year the same class of membership asas thethe deceaseddeceased spousespouse hadhad atat thethe by the Board of Directors.Directors. An Application Form must bebe signed byby timetime of his or her death by givinggiving writtenwritten notice toto thethe BoardBoard ofofDirec- Direc- the candidate, proposer, andand seconder,seconder, whichwhich includesincludes anan agreementagreement

tots,tors, oror ifif non-boatnon-boat owning,owning, suchsuch survivingsurviving spousespouse maymay bebe grantedgranted by the candidate to comply with the By-Laws Rules and Regulations

privileges of the club for one yar by the Board ofof Directors.Directors. AtAt thethe of the Club. end of one year following the death of aa member,member, the surviving spouse B.B. All applications or proposals of membership shall be referred toto thethe may apply through an abbreviated membership procedure addressed may apply through membership procedure Membership Committee. It shall be the dutyduty ofofthe theMembership MembershipCom- Corn- directly to the Board of DirectorsDirectors forfor (a)(a) such classclass ofof membership membership mittee to investigate the candidate and to report to the BoardBoard ofof Direc-Direc- as he or she would normally bebe eligible for,for,or or(b) (b)if ifnon-boat non-boatown- own- normally eligible totstors withwith itsits recommendation.recommendation. The Membership CommitteeCommitteeshall shall ing, for "Surviving Spouse" membership. IfIf thethe applicationfor foreither either ing, "Surviving Spouse" membership. application establish for all candidates to become known to an establish procedures for all candidates to become known to an appro- Wx" isis granted, itit shallshall bebe withoutwithout payment of additional initiationinitiation feesfees granted, payment priate number ofof its Committeeand and MembersMembersof ofthe theBoard Boardof of other than those which would have come due had the deceased other than those which would have come due had the deceased Directors. member not died. Payment ofof duesdues shallshall bebe establishedestablished fromfromtime time C.C. Candidates will be elected to membership by aa majority votevoteat at any toto time by thethe BoardBoard ofofDirectors Directors forfor eacheach suchsuch classclass ofofmembership. membership. membership by majority any regular Board of DirectorsDirectors Meeting exceptthat thata acandidate candidatewill willbe be Upon remarriage oror upon becoming aa boat owner, aa "surviving regular Meeting except deemed Not Elected if two or more negative votesvotes arearecast. cast. IfIfthe the appli- spouse" membershipmembership shallshall automaticallyautomatically convert to thatthat classclass ofof negative appli- cant is not elected to when to the Board of membership for which such person is otherwise eligible. A spouse cant is not elected to membership when presented to the Board of membership person eligible. spouse 1 Directors, hehe oror she may notnot reapplyreapplyfor formembership membershipfor fora aperiod period of a deceased member,member, uponupon electionelection totomembership, membership, shallshallbe bedeemed deemed of at least six (6) months. 7'V'/A toto have seniority from the date of his or her deceaseddeceased spouse’sspouse's elec- to tiontion to membership or from thethe date ofof saidsaid survivingsurviving spouse`sspouse’smar- mar- D.D. Elected Ofticers,Officers, Directors, or any personperson onon thethe MembershipMembershipCom- Com- r/tl to the deceased whichever is later. a candidate for riage to the deceased member,member, whichever is later. (Amended(Amended mittee can neither propose nor second a candidate for membership. 12/15/88.)l2/ 15/ 88.) Section 4.4. LeaveLeave of AbsenceAbsence G. Special Membership.Members/zip. TheThe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors maymay authorize on an of individualindividual casecase basisbasis aa special, limited termterm membershipmembership(not (notto to A member experiencing personal hardshiphardship maymay applyapplyto tothe theBoard Board exceed twotwo years).years). TheThe BoardBoard ofofDirectors Directors shallshallestablish establishthe thelimited limited of Directors for a leave of absence for a period not to exceed twotwo yearsyears termterm and other conditionsconditions of such as membership, includingincluding initia- during which periodperiod monthlymonthly duesdues willwill bebe waived.waived.Upon Uponapplication applicationof of tiontion fees and dues. Any membermember in thisthis membership class who wishes such member full privileges shall bebe reinstatedreinstated bybyaction actionof ofthe theBoard Boardof of toto apply for any other class of membership must go through the nor- Directors without payment of additional initiation fees other than those realmal membership procedure.procedure. (Amended(Amended l2/12/15/88.)l5/ 88.) which would have come due had the leave of absence not been granted. In thethe eventeventsuch suchmember memberfails failsto tomake makeapplication applicationfor forreinstatement reinstatementprior prior to the expiration of thethe leaveleave ofof absence,absence, suchsuch membermember shallshallbe bedeemed deemed to have resignedresigned at thethe endend ofof thethe leaveleave ofof absenceabsence period.period.

E-8 E-9 ._ __ _ . __ _ _ .. . . __ . ______m...... _._._..__. __....._....._. _.__ _-__.__,_,_.., _..__.___._....____.-._.._._. .__.. ., __._:,._ 1 ;,g_;g__,_. _ * r 'i;~'>=' , ~_~. ~.m.__,,,i,,,.,_,g,___,._,_,.,,,,__,,_M,7_,_,,,ignzjl;%,,;M_.,,,_i.,,_a__._,;.;g,,p.,. me=-,=.~ »~» »~#~e-_-_~= ~» - --,§*1¢v»mz'2-.~_;~;a»- ;::z,:=;.;;;;;;:;:_:; _L1;;;:;:;:.;;v,:;;;;,;:i;_;.:::;;.:¢a<::_-:~x:r;;~;:::;:v;1::::v::~::;::;:w~_:;c.:;c;.;;:.;,::,,:~ ___A_.--___.,;s:_:.:;;::;:;~_::.:_~;::: r- ._-.1 ~»~f-»~=f-»»»»»-»-»-ws . .M.»,.... __ __ _ f-f-»».,,.....f»...... s._ -»y _ ___..____%»»'~»»- f~»»=.<. .~»-._i~, »ts.~»~._.,.i:;.a.. .,,__ ,..s ___c _ _ __ . _ __,.» __ _.__ ..._..___, _ ...__ ._,._,_....,_._._._-._-.._.,-...._,... _ _..._... . __..._.. _ .__ . .-.- .__ _.__. s .__ _._,.._.Y.,_,, _, .,_..___ ...., __._,._.» _ .,_._.. ,, _ ' ,- ».a,.._~,,,,._,..W.,,,_, - ' ~ - ~ - _____;_,e;,_.,., ~~~/ere--' ~~ ~ » ~-~ -~ ~ ' ' ,».__.s,.,,,,s.a»~i»;1,_,,~,..,._.,,.,_,_,..,..,,_,,,,_._ ¢~=¢-=~':-_:__=;;_:.=-free;-m»-e We"Me-»~~~'~»e--r~'-~"°~~*n"'"ff="-~" Y"-' Y- mf »- - '~ -. _~:f;f_f_-:::m,~:,¥._%Z~;'&w ~ A leave ofof absenceabsence will bebe granted to any member only once during granted any only during C.C. The Board of Directors maymay expelexpel anyany member inin arrearsarrears afterafter sixtysixty his or her period of membership. It will be the sole discretion of the Board period membership. ofthe Board (60) days fromfrom datedate ofof statement.statement. of Directors as to whether circumstancescircumstances justifyjustify grantinggranting a aleaveleave ofof absence.absence. D.D. Any member who has incurred charges upon, or in connection with his yacht, for services, materials, dockage, storage, oror workwork shall pay Section 5. VotingMating RightsRig/its yacht, services, dockage, storage, pay all such charges which have become due and payable under the rules The right to vote shall be vested only inin ResidentResident andand AncientAncient MarinerMariner right only or regulationsregulations of the ClubClub beforebefore such yacht may be launched oror Members of Members of good standing who have paidpaid duringduring theirtheir currentcurrent consecutiveconsecutive removed fromfrom thethe Club'sClub’spremises; premises; andand itit shallshall bebe thethe dutyduty ofof thethe membership aa boat registration feefee asas provided inin ArticleArticle VIII, SectionSection membership registration provided VHI, Treasurer to collectcollect allall suchsuch charges.charges. 3, ofof thesethese By-Laws,By-Laws, or asas maymay havehave beenbeen inin effecteffect priorprior toto FebruaryFebruary 1,1, E. TheThe namesnames ofof anyany membersmembers whowho areare suspendedsuspended oror expelledexpelled shallshall bebe 1974. Members Members who were Senior Members onon JanuaryJanuary 31,31, 1974,1974, shall have posted on the bulletin board of the Club. thethe rightright toto votevote as !onglong as theythey have beenbeen Resident Members inin good stand-stand~ inging since that time, even though said members may never have paid aa boatboat Section 8.<3 DisciplineDiscipline registrationregistration fee.fee. All Resident and AncientAncient Mariner Members meeting thethe above requirements are referredreferred toto asas VotingVoting Members.Members. (Amended(Amended ’ A.A. The Board of Directors shall have power toto expelexpel oror toto suspend,suspend, for 12/15/88. such timetime and on such conditionsconditions asas itit maymaydetermine, determine,any anymember member who has willfully disregarded anyanyrules rulesor orregulations regulationsof ofthe theClub Club Section 6.6 SuspensionSuspension andand KrpulsionErpulsion or whose conduct shall be determined toto bebe injuriousinjurious toto thethewelfare welfare of the Club. A. AnyAny membermember ofof thethe ClubClub whowho isis suspendedsuspended isis nono longerlonger entitledentitled to any privileges of the Club, either as a member or a guest. A suspended B.B. Any member having a complaint against another member because member cannot hold office or vote in any election,election, cannot enter any of such action or conduct ofof the latter may report the same in writing Club-sponsored race, and cannot use Club facilities. TheThe suspensionsuspension to the Board of Directors andand suchsuch complaintcomplaint shallshall setset forthforth thethe factsfacts may be removed byby meetingmeeting thethe conditionsconditionsas as outlinedoutlinedin in thesethese of the situationsituation togethertogether withwith thethe namesnames ofof witnesses,witnesses, ifif any.any. By-Laws oror the conditions set by the Board of Directors at the time By-Laws by C.C. If the Board of Directors, on its own initiative,initiative, shallshall considerconsider thatthat aa of the suspension. suspension. member should be subjected to discipline,discipline, thethe SecretarySecretary shallshallprepare prepare B. AnyAny membermember ofof thethe ClubClub whowho isis expelledexpelled isis nono longerlonger considered aa a similar written complaint.complaint. member and is entitled to none of thethe rights andand privileges associatedassociated rights privileges D.D. The Board of Directors shall hear any complaint promptly,promptly,having having with membership. Under nono circumstancescircumstances can anan expulsion be membership. expulsion be provided thethe complainingcomplaining member,member,the themember membercomplained complainedof, of,and and removedremoved for twelve (12) monthsmonths fromfrom thethe datedate thethe membermember isis notifiednotified any witnesses requested byby eithereither partyparty fivefive (5)(5) daysdays noticenotice ofof the time by the Board ofof DirectorsDirectors ofof suchsuch expulsion. AfterAfter that, thethe individualindividual by expulsion. that, and place of the hearing. Minutes shall bebe keptkept of thethe hearinghearing andand may reapply for membership and, if accepted, will be required toto p.ay may reapply membership and, accepted, required p.ay reduced to writing and filed with the Secretary. The decision of the the initiationinitiation fee in effect at that time. Board of DirectorsDirectors on any such complaintcomplaint shallshall bebe reducedreduced totowriting writing : and a copy thereof sent to the member complained of and the com- Section 7.Z ArrearsArrears plaining member,member, ifif any.any. A. StatementStatement forfor duesdues andand otherother indebtednessindebtedness shallshall bebe renderedrendered monthly monthly E.E. If a membermember isis suspended,suspended, thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors shouldshould statestate thethe and are payable within thirty (30) days. AccountsAccounts notnot paid withinwithin thirty payable thirty (30) days. paid thirty conditions that must be met for removal ofof suspension.suspension. (30) day,days sfrom fromdate date ofof statementstatement are consideredconsidered inin arrears.arrears. EF. The decision of the Board of Directors isis final onon all matters ofof At each meeting ofof thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectOrs, thethe TreasurerTreasurer shall have meeting Directors, shall have discipline. available for review: i! available for review: 1. TheThe namesnames and andthe theamount amountof indebtedness of indebtednessof each ofmember each memberin in SectionSection 9. 9.ResignationResignation arrears forfor 3030 daysdays fromfrom datedate ofof statement.statement. A member who isis in good standing may resign by tenderingtendering aa writtenwritten 2. The names and the indebtedness of each member in 2. The names and the indebtedness of each member in arrearsarrears forfor resignation to the Board of Directors. A member whowho isis inin arrearsarrears maymay 60 from date of statement and to 60 days from date of statement and subject to expulsion,expulsion. only resign upon consent of the Board of Directors. IfIf aa member has paidpaid an initiation and thereafter and for B. TheThe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors maymay suspendsuspend anyany membermember inin arrears.arrears. AA an initiation fee, and thereafter resignsresigns and appliesapplies formembership membershipagain, again, such member shall an initiation fee then in effect unless member suspendedsuspended shall be reinstatedreinstated uponupon paymentpayment ofof all charges such member shall pay an initiation fee then in effect unless payment previously billed. Any member who has been suspended twicetwice withinwithin thereof shall be waivedwaived by thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors becausebecause ofof unusualunusual circumstances. a period of twelve (12) monthsmonths maymaybe besubject subjectto toexpulsion expulsionby byaction action circumstances. of the BoardBoard ofof Directors.Directors.

E-10 E-11E~ll ,_,_ ,,.,rW., __,,,,_,,., ,.,,.,,,__ ,,., __,_, .,_,____,_,,.,,.,,,,,.._...,,_ ._A -..,_~ »,-.-.Y.¢.;_~;»;»~.t~.<.::=-.;<.._-mm».;~_-.¢ef.<.~_f.~.~.-*_-:-:~.-.f.~,;.;¢;;;,,,-.__;;_,_,.;;;_..¢,~;»..;._~_~f».-:L-_-.~;-51 .- _- fs - W -. ~¢» .. _ '"met1?wf1f====5iw=fr-2;=LE'2125e='5#E:?§.Zé2€&1T;£€§§55f-Seééfiéeefr~:-:-e;~:=i:.3i.;=§1.if:-:e§::=;;:;:;,;;§§ =' ;,;s.t.'.f-;.f.-..,- f;¢.».»f; »-:~@.~.-.»:f~ -_~=~.'» ARTICLE VV Section 10.10 PrivilegesPrivileges Board of Directors A. EveryEvery membermember inin goodgood standing maymay useuse anyany andand all facilities andand standing '¢t ,ni _2 services providedprovidedby bythe the Club,Club, onon anan equalequal basisbasis withwith allall otherother Section 1.1. BoardBoard of ofDirectorsDirectors . gg members; butbut if the BoardBoard of DirectorsDirectors shallshall determinedetermine that the -fd W, SD 1 Aft The demand for certaincertain facilitiesfacilities or servicesservices (such(such asas moorings,moorings, yardyard The Board of Directors shall be composed of six elected directors, Lil or the elected and the Past Commodore most such storage, or lockers) does or will exceed the available supply,supply, itit maymay the elected officers,officers, and the Past Commodore most recentlyrecently holdingholding such office. The adopt any plan or rule of generalgeneral applicationapplication toto allall membersmembers respect~respect- office. The Board of DirectorsDirectors shallshall havehave generalgeneral chargecharge ofof thethe policy,policy, ing aa waiting listlistor or priority basedbased onon suchsuch length oror datedateof ofmember- member- management, financesfinances andand propertyproperty ofof this Club and shall exercise itsits ing waiting priority length or to the welfare of the Club. The Board of Direc- ship or on suchsuch other basisbasis asas thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors maymay deem just powers generally to promote the welfare of the Club. The Board of Direc- to all members,members. tors shall meet regularly once each month and may meet specially fromfrom time toto time.time. A majority of its members shallshall constituteconstitutea aquorum. quorum. B.B. All individual owners,owners,either eitherpart partor orwhole, whole,or orall allindividual individualcharterers charterers of any yacht or boat either stored or mooredmoored at thethe ClubClub mustmust be All regularly scheduled monthlymonthly meetingsmeetingsshall shallbe beopen opento toClub Club members,members. members except for those portions of such meetings in which members, candidates forfor membership,membership, or employees areare discusseddiscussed oror actedactedupon uponindi~ indi- Section H.ll. Member’sMembers FamilyFamily vidually byby name.name. AllAll committeecommittee chairmenchairmen shouldshouldattend attendthose thoseportions portions of allall regularlyregularly scheduledscheduled monthlymonthly meetingsmeetings whenwhen affairsaffairsand andrecommen- recommen- The spousespouse andand dependentsdependents ofof membersmembers underunder ageage 1919 shallshall havehave fullfull dations of their committees are considered. The Board of Directors, by privileges of the applicable class ofof membership.membership, a majority vote ofof itsits membersmembers oror byby callcall ofof thethe Commodore,Commodore, maymayfrom from time to timetime convene special meetings atat whichwhich clubclub membersmembers notnot membersmembers Section special meetings Section 12. GuestsGuests Zi oftheof the BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors shallshall bebe presentpresent onlyonly uponupon invitationinvitationof ofthe theBoard. Board. e A membermember may invite as his guestsguests aa reasonablereasonable numbernumber ofof non-non- (Amended 12/15/88.)12/ 15/ 88.) members andand a non-member aa reasonablereasonable numbernumber ofof times,times, toto useuse the social ofthe Club. privileges of the Club. TheThe membermember introducingintroducing aa guestguestshall shallbe berespon~ respon- Section 2. ElectedElected DirectorsDirectors sible sible for all acts and conduct oftheof the guest.guest. Adult personspersons whowho regularly regularly There shall be six Elected Directors whosewhose term ofof office shall be two act asas oneone ofof thethe crewcrew ofof aa member’smember`s yachtyacht areare expectedexpected toto applyapply forfor years each, withwith threethree DirectorsDirectors being electedelected atat eacheach AnnualAnnual Meeting. The use being Meeting. membership. The use of the aboveabove guest privileges by any member may No Elected Director shallshall serveserve moremore thanthan twotwo consecutiveconsecutive two-yeartwo-year terms.terms. be restricted at any time if the Board of DirectorsDirectors shall determine that such All Elected Directors shal!shall be ResidentResident Members in goodgood standing.standing. use is unreasonable or otherwiseotherwise detrimental to thethe Club.Club. (Amended 12/11/80.)12/ll/SO.) Section 13.13. ClubClub NotNot LiableLiabie forfor NegligenceNegligence Section 3. ElectedElected OfficersOjjicers Regardless of any negligence onon thethe partpart of the Club, its agents or agents The Elected Officers of this Club shall bebe Commodore, Vice Com-Com- emp!oyees,employees, it is expressly understood and agreed byby everyevery member thatthat modore, Rear CommodoreCommodore (who(who atat thethe timetime ofof electionelection shallshall be boat owners the Club not or the Club shall not be liable or responsible to anyone forfor any lossloss oror damage damage and have a boat fee as hereinafter in Article to and have paidpaid a boat registrationregistration fee as hereinafter providedprovided in ArticleVII, VII, to any yacht, boat, or equipment stored or moored on Club property oror property Section 3), Secretary, CorrespondingCorresponding SecretarySecretary andand Treasurer.Treasurer. TheseThese Offi-Offi- adjacent waters, including any loss or damage occurring while any yacht, cers shall be elected at thethe AnnualAnnual MeetingMeeting forfor aa termterm ofof oneone year.year. AllAll boat, oror equipmentequipment may be under the direct or exclusiveexclusive control ofof thethe Elected Officers shall be Resident Members in goodgood standing.standing. (Amended(Amended Club, its agents oror employeesemployees forforthe thepurpose purposeof of beinghauled, hauled,launched, launched, being 12/12/11/80.)11 / 80.) stored, moored, oror otherwiseotherwise servicedserviced or repaired.repaired. Section 4. AppointedAppointed OfficersOjicers andand DelegatesDelegates Officers and Delegates shall be appointed annuallyannually byby thethe Commo-Commo- dore, subject to approvalapproval by the Board of Directors: 1.1. Sail Fleet Captain 2.2. Power Fleet CaptainCaptain 3.3. Measurer 4.4. Delegates andand AlternateAlternate DelegatesDelegates toto L.Y.R.A.L.Y,R.A. 2 5.5. Governor to thethe CentralCentral NewNew YorkYork Y.R.A.Y.R.A. 6.6. Delegates to other yachting organizations

E-12 E-12 E-13 E-13

_ _ . /- .4 ::~"'* s. _ . _ ,_ : :.~" ~*""""' _. »-.. " 7 3,f ='ff.. "'f '"=¥ ¢=? '" § s=" -" -,_.»- » ~ _..» - ,. »~ _,_ --~ ~ .. .~.. ~¢;=~ ""X f;:" " :;:5 __"=,:_M__, ._2..._f.q ' . gg, ¢.»~,%.,~,,,.~.v...a.~,..-...... ~...M,.,.,.»..,.. _,:,,...,,,,..t_.,.,a.¢a,`,s,,.,a,,,w..,,..,w.~.._.»....=,W...... v,.-~,,.=..~;=ff~¢».¢~...,~_..,.~rt'.=s.,..a..,,,..M, __. $~\»....,_.....,.,.1,.w.,,.,M_w Wes.

_ .W .,...... ,.., .. , ,. .,...... if ..... , . .... _ . .._.. , ,.,,.4==,- . ,tat/. .~,..t.-.,,, ~ ARTICLE VIVI Section 7.Z SailSail FleetFleet CaptainCaptain Duties of OfficersOfficers The Sail Fleet Captain shall act as Executive OfficeOffice ofof thetheCommodore Commodore during any regatta,regatta, cruisecruise and rendezvous ofofthe thesailing sailingfleet, fleet,performing performing Section 1.1. Commodore such duties as the Corm’nodoreCommodore maymay direct.direct. HeHe shall have chargecharge ofof thethe colors and other The Commodore shallbebe the Executive Officer ofof the Club, shall colors and other flags and signals on the Club signal staff.staff. He shall adviseadvise Members the use of and to preside at all meetings of the Club and of thethe BoardBoard ofof Directors,Directors, andand shallshall Members regarding the use of flags and signals according to established and and shall transmit to the Members be an ex officio member of all committees. yachting etiquetteetiquette and practice and shall transmit to the Members anyany orders of the Commodore respecting any occasional use or display of flagsflags or uniforms. He a current Section 2. ViceVice CommodoreCommodore or uniforms. He shall maintain a current rollroll of Registered Sailing Yachts. The Vice CommodoreCommodore shallshall assistassist thethe CommodoreCommodore inin thethe discharge discharge Section 8.& PowerPower FleetFleet CaptainCaptain of his duties and in his absence act in his stead.stead. TheThe ViceVice CommodoreCommodore The Power Fleet Captain shall have similar duties in respect to any shall be an ex officio member of the House and PropertyProperty Committees.Committees. Captain respect any regatta, cruise oror rendezvousrendezvous inin whichwhich thethe powerpower yachtsyachts ofof thethe FleetFleet taketake He shall a current Section 3. RearRear CommodoreCommodore part. He shall maintainmaintain a current rollroll ofof RegisteredRegistered PowerPower Yachts.Yachts. The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and Vice Com' The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and Vice Corn- Section 9. MeasurerMeasurer modore in the discharge ofof theirtheir dutiesduties andand in theirtheir absence actact inin theirtheir The Commodore may appoint one or more Measurers asas hehe deemsdeems stead. The Rear Commodore shallshall bebe anan ex officio member of the Sailing may appoint and A at the and of a Related Committees and of the Membership Committee.Committee. necessary and proper.proper. A Measurer,Measurer, at the requestrequest and expenseexpense of a Member,Member, shall measure the Member'sMember’s yacht underunder thethe thenthen prevailingprevailingmeasurement measurement and shall such measurements and of the Section 4. SecretarySecretary rules, and shall certify such measurements mad resulting rating of the yachtyacht to thethe Member.Member. A true copy of such certificate shallshall be filedfiled by a Measurer The shall be for the The SecretarySecretary shall be responsibleresponsible for the following:following: in thethe OfficeOffice ofof thethe Club,Club, andand hehe shallshalladvise advisethe theappropriate appropriateSailing SailingRelated Related 1.1. File and maintain allall records,records, reports,reports, communicationscommunicationsand anddocu- docu- Committee of the rating of anyany measuredmeasured yachtyacht onon request.request. ments connected with this Club. 2.2. Record all proceedings of the Club Meetings, Board of DirectorsDirectors Section 10.I() DelegatesDelegates andand AlternateAlternate Delegates'Delegates to L.Y.R.A.to L.XR.A. Meetings and of all other matters which aa recordrecord may be deemed Meetings may The Delegates and AlternateAlternate DelegatesDelegates toto L.Y.R.A.L.Y.R.A. shallshall attendattend allall advisable,advisable. meetings of L.Y.R.A.L.Y.R.A. and inform the Club members of all relevantrelevant activi-activi- 3.3. Maintain the membership list.list. membership ties of L.Y.R.A. andand performperform suchsuch otherother dutiesduties asas thethe CommodoreCommodore andand 4.4. Mail the required notices of all meetings ofof thisthis ClubClub oror thetheBoard Board Board shall direct. of Directors.Directors. 5. the Members of the Committees 5. NotifyNotify the Members of the NominatingNominating Committee’s Report. Section 11.11. GovernorGovernor to toCentralCentral NewNew YorkYork Y.R.A.XR./1.

The Governor to Central NewNew YorkYork Y.R.A. shallshall attendattend al!all meetings Section 5.5. CorrespondingCorresponding SecretarySecretary meetings " of the Central NewNew YorkYork Y.R.A. andand informinform thethe clubclub membersmembers ofof allall rele-rele- The shall assist the and in his The Corresponding Secretary shall assist the Secretary and in his vant activities ofof C.N.Y.Y.R.A.C. N.Y.Y.R.A. andand performperform suchsuch otherother dutiesduties asas thethe Corn-Com- absence act inin hishis stead.stead. HeHe shallshall alsoalso conductconduct thethe correspondencecorrespondence modore and Board shall direct. necessary oror requestedrequested ofof himhim byby thethe Commodore.Commodore. Section 12.12. OtherOther AppointedAppointed OfficersOjjicers andand DelegatesDelegates Section 6 Treasurer q Section 6. Treasurer The other appointed officers and delegates shall performperform such dutiesduties The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Club and The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Club and as thethe CommodoreCommodore and thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors shallshall direct.direct. Chairman ofof the Finance Committee.Committee. HeHe shallshall receivereceive andand holdhold allall accounts and records. HeHe shallshall makemake allall disbursements,disbursements, collectionscollections and deposits of funds as may be authorized by the Board of Directors.Directors. He shall report at monthly meetings of thethe BoardBoard andand atat thethe AnnualAnnual MeetingMeeting thethefinancial financial condition of the Club. He shall recommendrecommend any action to the Board ofof Directors regarding thethe financial positionposition ofof thethe ClubClub andand itsits businessbusiness administration.

E-14 .... E-15 ...... - . .._.... --__...... , ...... __.. _ ._.. - . - _,.... . - E44 ~ » ~ ._..u.M._...... ,..,...... ,l_W._l,__..__,_~ »;~,~,e:=>=»~f=::~~=».f=»;;a ff; _*~..M..a.,r.l.ll_,_.__...,.Ca,W,,,_,,,_ .».:,-:wesurfer;fr:=;¢,=;<;f=ff=>=m~:~f;=~,;:;:;::;;;;-.::.:,f;;-.;~.:<.ees-.;.f.-B-_-.<~.-.Q-_-_'_ »f.;--.-=».»;:,»,=:;¢.:,;.;-.- ' 1- - »'-~-~ *'""'°" ._ . t~.~;~;:~ .__-._. 55-.a m"@nex-m»m;;~:;--1 _,¢W~M,.~nm¢~.M x~".e »,r »¢,gl.)_:g:_,_,,§;i;,-_%,:_»,_-._m,_,...... :-::1==:a;:~,;:;:::x_;:;; C::.~.n::~:v:~::f::1-:J;:;:=:;:r,::=::;,:;;.;r,:;;:v;:va;¢~;e¢:~; ';fy.rr:-:1f1:~w.~:f--:fY;<-::°:s.#:m-'»~~~~* ,._, W...-=.;i~.z'¢'e~'~»'°'_M .,,,.._,, .;::_m..,.J "~e:v 'f-'~a--#~'~».=»;:aef»f-'~»--¢4l'?»'~%»»»»=-f """=='aif=»';°»1m=~m*°-v '"'"~ze~.= -»- ~».:;f;;<~- @':->"~1z:,»=. ARTICLE VIIVH activity of thethe ClubClub thethe amount ofof moneymoney whichwhichthe the FinanceFinanceCommittee Committee Committees deems properproper to be used or expended. Such budget shall be submitted toto the Board of Directors forfor approval. ReportsReports ofof expendituresexpenditures asas comparedcompared Section 1.]. ExecutiveExecutive CommitteeCommittee to thethe budget shallshall bebe submitted toto thethe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectorsperiodically. periodically. The Executive Committee shall be composed of thethe Commodore,Commodore, ViceVice Section 6 Audit Committee Commodore, RearRear Commodore,Commodore, thethe PastPast CommodoreCommodore andand thethe Treasurer.Treasurer Section 6. Audit Committee ItIt maymay actact on behalfbehalf ofof thethe BoardBoard ofof Directors,Directors, exceptexcept asas otherwiseotherwise pro-pro~ The Audit Committee shall be composed of at leastleast threethree (3)(3) members,members, vided byby law,law, in any mattermatter betweenbetween meetingsmeetings ofof thethe Board.Board. and shall not include the Treasurer. With approvalapprovalof ofthe theBoard, Board,it itshall shall have thethe authority toto selectselect anan independent certifiedcertified public accountantaccountantto to At each regular or specialspecial meetingmeeting calledcalled forfor thatthat purpose,purpose, thethe Exec-Exec~ authority independent public assist it inin carrying outout itsits duties.duties. Annually,the theCommittee Committeeshall shallaudit auditor or utive Committee shall report to the Board for ratification onon allall actionactiontaken taken carrying Annually, by it. cause toto bebe auditedaudited thethe accountsaccounts ofof thethe ClubClub andand shallshall reportreport itsits findingsfindings of such auditaudit atat thethe AnnualAnnual Meeting.Meeting. It shall alsoalso makemake recommendationsrecommendations with to affairs of the its business Section 2. CommitteesCommittees andand ChairmenChairmen with respect to thethe financialfinancial affairs of theClub, Club, its businessorganization, organization, its accounting procedures,procedures, and its financial controls.controls. The committees hereinafter provided for, together with their Chair- shall men, shall be appointed annually by the CommodoreCommodore subject toto approvalapproval Section 7.Z HouseHouse CommitteeCommittee byhy the Board of Directors. Each committee may designate and appoint the The House Committee shallshall be composed of at least three members necessary sub-committees to assist in carrying out its functions,functions. composed and shall manage thethe Clubhouse,Clubhouse, provideprovidethe therestaurant, restaurant,bar, bar,swimming swimming and entertainment facilities and and and Section 3. NominatingNominating CommitteeCommittee pool, and entertainment facilities and services,services, andemploy employ andsupervise supervise the employees necessarynecessary for such purposes. The Committee shall adopt The Nominating Committee shall be appointed at least forty days prior Nominating appointed forty days prior and amend rules respecting the use of thethe Clubhouse,Clubhouse, thethe facilities,facilities, andand to the Annual Meeting and shall be composed of at least five members, Meeting composed members, service, with the approval of the Board of Directors,Directors, and a written record at least two ofof whomwhom areare past Commodores.Commodores. The Nominating Committee past Nominating of such rules shall be in the possession of the Secretary, and distributed shall select one candidate for each elective officer and filefile aa listlist of suchsuch to the membership. (Amended(Amended 12/15/88.)12/ 15/ 88.) candidates with the Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting, and the Secretary immediately shallshall post said list. Other candidates for Secretary immediately post said list. Other candidates for Section 8. ProperPropertyO, CommitteeConznzittee elective office may bebe proposedproposed asas hereinafterhereinafter provided for under Article of at least five members XII, Elections.Elections. The Property CommitteeCommittee shallshall bebe composedcomposed of at least five members and shall have charge andand controlcontrol ofof (1)(l) the maintenance and repairrepair ofof allall Club property, (2) thethe allocationallocation andanduse useof of lockers,berths, berths, moorings,and and Section 4. SailingSailing RelatedRelated CommitteesCommittees property, (2) lockers, moorings, yard storage, (3) use of the marine railwayrailway and other marine equipment, There shall be established one or more sailing related committees, sailing related committees, (4) thethe parkingparking ofofautomobiles, automobiles, (5)(5)the thesecurity securityand andprotection protectionof ofall allClub Club each comprised ofof atat leastleast three members, whichwhich may bebe namednamed andand shallshall comprised members, may property, and (6) the employment and supervisionsupervision ofof employeesemployeesnecessary necessary be responsible for discharging thosethose dutiesduties traditionally discharged bysuch such responsible discharging traditionally discharged by for suchsuch purposes.purposes. Rules respecting the above mentionedmentioned facilitiesfacilities andand ser-ser- committees in the past: Sailing, RaceRace Management, Protest, One Design, past: Sailing, Management, Protest, Design, vices, and a schedule of charges forfor such facilities and services andand of the Regatta, Junior Sailing, Junior Yacht ClubClub andand RacingTeam. Team.Such Suchsail- sail- Regatta, Sailing, Racing time or times when such chargescharges shallshall be payable, may be recommended ing related committees may bebe constitutedconstituted differently fromfrom thoseenumer- enumer- ing may differently those by the Property Committee from time to time, with the approval ofof thethe ated, to provide,provide, however,however, thatthat thethe duties normally dischargeddischargedby by thethe Board of Directors. AA writtenwritten recordrecord ofof suchsuch RulesRules andand ScheduleSchedule ChargesCharges aforementioned aforementioned committeescommittees shallshall bebe assignedassigned toto oneone oror moremore ofof thethe corn-com- shall be inin thethe possessionpossession ofof thethe SecretarySecretary andand distributeddistributed to thethe mittees so mittees so constituted,constituted. membership.

Section Section 5. FinanceHnance CommitteeCommittee Section 9. MembershipMembership CommitteeCommittee The Finance Committee The Finance Committee shall consist ofof the TreasurerTreasurer asas ChairmanChairman The Membership Committee shallshall bebe composed ofof at least five and fourfour (4) other members.members. Itlt shallshall havehave supervision the finances of the (4) supervision the finances of the members and shall include at least three Board members. It shall deter- Club. It shall originate andand prepare plans forfor financingthe theactivities activitiesof of originate prepare plans financing mine thethe qualificationsqualifications ofofall allpersons personsproposed proposedfor formembership membershipin inthe theClub Club the its fixed and assets the Club, its fixed and capitalcapital assetsand andobligations. obligations.It Itshall shallsupervise supervisethe the and make its recommendations thereon to the Board of Directors. Club’sClub's accountingaccounting andand recordrecord keeping.keeping. PriorPrior toto thethe beginningbeginningof ofthe thefiscal fiscal year, the Finance Commitee shallshall prepare aa budgetbudget ofof incomeincome and expen-expen~ ditures for that fiscal year allocating to each department,department, committee and

E~l6E-16 ~ ...... E-17E-l7 _ ;§:£e =:mwe1»M~m,,mM»mm,%~..~@MM§ "T~ma.e»a_;, ::;;.=-,gs-:==-~»-»~-~ Y. ~..._fu.*`*.,s _ .._,.,.~..,.~ . .~.~_,._..,..._t,..,__,..,,M_,,~,.....~..~..,s.,~.,..m.u . ,.~,.._.,.,.~...~_~__..M,».m »~- ~»--f»-~

.t.. ___. _ .,_, .._.,.,_,_., _ ing" ,,.__.,_, _..,._,.,, ....,_..,..._ area., Section 10.10. PersonnelPersonnel PolicyPolicy andand CompensationCompensation Committee.Committee. such owner shallshall paypay aa fullfull registrationregistration feefee thenthen inin effecteffectand andapplicable applicable to them. If an owner owns more thanthan oneone boatboat forfor whichwhich aa registrationregistration There shall be established a Personnel Policy and Compensation Com-Corn- fee would bebe due, such owner shall pay only on thethe boatboat whichwhich wouldwould mittee of at leastleast threethree membersmembers whichwhich shallshallbe beresponsible responsiblefor forreviewing reviewing require thethe largestlargest feefee toto bebe paid.paid. (Amended(Amended 12/12/15/88.)15/88.) periodically allall matters pertaining toto salaries, wages,wages, andand benefitsbenefitsof of employees andand shall make recommendations thereon thereonto to thethe BoardBoard ofof Section 4. 4. UponUpon makingmaking anyany changeschanges inin thethe annualannual dues,dues, initiationinitiation fees, Directors. charges for dockage and winter storage, and the registration fee, all charges for dockage and winter storage, and the registration fee, all members must be notified in writing by mail of such changes. SectionII. 11.Trophy Trophyand Historical and HistoricalCommittee Committee members must be notified in writing by mail of such changes. The Trophy and Historical Committee shall be composed ofof atat leastleast threethree members. It shall have thethe dutyduty forfor caringcaring forfor allall prizes,prizes,trophies, trophies, ARTICLE IX IX and historical items of the Club. It shall have the responsibility of seeing that they are properly preserved, displayed,displayed, maintained,maintained, andand protected.protected. Meetings andand NoticesNotices ItIt shall annually arrange toto engrave the winners'winners’ names on thethe permanentpermanent trophies and maintain themthem inin good repair.repair. Section 1.1. TheThe AnnualAnnual MeetingMeeting forfor thethe electionelection ofof officersofficers and directors and such other business as properly maymay comecome before teh meeting shall It shall compile all deeds of giftsgifts andand amendmentsamendmentsthereto theretofor forthe theper- per- be held on thethe firstfirst ThursdayThursday inin DecemberDecember whichwhich shallshall fallfallon onor orafter afterthe the manent records oftheof the Club.Club. ItIt shallshall applyapply allall proceedsproceedsderived derivedfrom fromany any tenth day of that month. trust fund for a particular trophy solely in accord with the provisions of such trust.trust. Section 2. 2. AA specialspecial meetingmeeting ofof thethe VotingVoting Members may bebecalled calledupon upon new use efforts It shallshall advise regardingregarding new deeds of gifts and shallshall use itsits efforts request ofof thethe BoardBoardof ofDirectors, Directors, Commodore,Commodore, oror petitionpetitionof oftwenty~five twenty-five to keep old cups or trophiestrophies fromfrom becoming inactive. Voting Members, Members, and such meeting shall be held not less than fifteen daysdays nor more than thirty days afterafter suchsuch request oror thethe receipt ofof suchsuch petition It shall decide to what extent,extent, ifif anyany permanentpermanent trophiestrophies maymaybe betaken taken thirty days request receipt petition by the Secretary. or displayed away fromfrom thethe ClubClubpremises premises andand thatthatthey theyare arereturned returnedwhen when by Secretary. required. Section 3.3. TheThe SecretarySecretary shallshall mailmail (1)(l) notice of the Annual Meeting,Meeting, ItIt shallshall maintain an historical recordrecord ofof thethe ClubClub andand itsits significantsignificant (2) thethe ballotballot specifiedspecified inin SectionSection3 3of ofArticle ArticleXII, XII,and and(3) (3)the thetext textof ofany any activities andand developments.developments. proposed other businessbusiness toto thethe VotingVoting MembersMembers atat leastleast fifteenfifteen daysdays beforebefore said meeting; and shall mail notice of the Annual MeetingMeeting toto allall otherother Section12. 12.Other OtherCommittees Committees members at least fifteen days before said meeting. The Secretary shall mail members at least fifteen days before said meeting. The Secretary shall mail All other appointed committees shall perform such duties as requested notice of a special meeting of the Voting MembersMembers toto suchsuch membersmembers andand by the Commodore andand thethe BoardBoard ofof Directors.Directors. TheyThey shallshallalso alsorecom~ recom- to all other members at leastleast fifteenfifteen days before suchsuch meeting, and such mend policies and actions to be taken by the Board of Directors.Directors. notice shall statestate thethe purposepurpose ofof suchsuch specialspecial meeting.meeting. ii! Section 4. AtAt allall meetings,meetings, thethe SecretarySecretary shallshall havehave aa currentcurrent list of the ARTICLEVIII VIII Voting Members. Dues and ChargesCharges

ARTICLE X X Section 1.1. AnnualAnnual DuesDues andand InitiationInitiation Fees, ifif any,any, shall be determineddetermined by the Board of Directors. Quorum

Section 2. AllAll charges,charges, termsterms andand conditionsconditions forfor useuse ofof thethe facilities ofof Section 1.1. AA quorumquorum forfor anyany membershipmembership meeting shall bebe tentenpercent percent the Club shall be determined byby thethe BoardBoard ofof Directors.Directors. (10%)(lO%) ofof thethe Voting Members.Members.

Section3. 3. AnyAny membermember whowho isis oror becomesbecomes thethe ownerowner ofof a boat and who employs any facility ofofthe theClub Clubto tokeep, keep,berth, berth,or or racerace suchsuchboat boat(including, (including, but not limitedlimitedto tosummer summermooring, mooring,dry drysailing, sailing,winter winterstorage, storage,or orpartic- partic- ipationipation in club sponsored races) shall become liableliable toto paypay toto thethe ClubClub a registration fee for such boat inin suchsuch amountamount asas maymay thenthen bebe inin effecteffect and applicable. InIn thethe event there is more than one owner of a boat, each

E-18 ... E-19E 19 ___ E-18 g T

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}g;<1§><: ~ ARTICLE XI Section 4. BallotsBallots shallshall bebe submittedsubmitted atat thethe ClubClub OfficeOffice onon oror beforebefore 5:00 p.m. onon thethe Tuesday preceding thethe AnnualAnnual Meeting,either either bymail mail Order ofof BusinessBusiness andand RulesRules ofof OrderOrder p.m. Tuesday preceding Meeting, by or personally. EachEach ballotballot shallshall bebe sealedsealedin ina aplain plainunmarked unmarkedenvelope envelope bearing the Voting Member'sMember’sname namein inthe theupper upper leftlefthand hand cornercomer andand Section 1.l. AtAt anyany regularregular ClubClub meetingmeeting oror BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors meetingmeeting addressed to thethe Secretary.Secretary. the followingfollowing order of business shall be observed as a general rule: A. of minutes of A. ReadingReading of minutes of previousprevious meeting.meeting. Section 55. TheThe votesvotes shallshall bebe countedcounted onon thethe dayday ofof thethe AnnualAnnual Meeting.Meeting. i!!! B.B. Reports ofof Officers.Officers. The Secretary shall act as teller exceptexcept in the case of a contest, in which case the highest ranking candidate or candidates who werewere nominated asas C.C. Reports of Committees.Committees. provided inin SectionSection 22 aboveabove maymayappoint appointanother anotherteller tellerto toact actwith withthe the D.D. Communications. Secretary. E.E. Unfinished Business.Business. Section 6.6 TheThe threethree candidatescandidates forfor DirectorDirector whowho receivereceive thethe highesthighest F.F. Election ofof Officers.Officers. number of votes shall be elected to those offices respectively. TheThe candi- G.G. New Business.Business. date for each other office who receivesreceives aa majoritymajority ofof thethe votesvotes forfor thatthat officeoffice shall be elected unless there shall be three or more candidates for an H.H. Election ofof NewNew Members.Members. shall be elected unless there shall be three or more candidates for an office, in which case the candidate who receives a plurality of such votes shall be elected. AA Voting MemberMember may castcast only oneone votevote forfor eacheach DirectorDirector Section 2. AllAll mattersmatters uponupon whichwhich a avotevote isis requiredrequired shallshall be determined Voting may only to be elected. by a majority of those entitled to vote thereon, exceptexcept as may otherwise be provided in these By-LawsBy~Laws oror by statutory law. TheThe presidingpresiding officerofficer Section 7.Z ThereThere shallshall bebe nono voting by proxy eithereither forfor electionelection of offices shahshall vote only in case of aa tie.tie. voting by proxy or for transaction of anyany other business.business. Section 3.3. SectionSection 3.3. AllAll questionsquestions ofof procedureprocedure shallshall bebe determineddetermined Section ~& TheThe officersofficers andand directorsdirectors electedelected atat thethe AnnualAnnual Meeting shallshall by Roberts’Roberts' Rules of Order. Meeting hold officeoffice untiluntil thethe electionelection oror appointmentappointmentof oftheir theirsuccessors. successors.The Theterm term of anyany officerofficer oror directordirector shallshall expireexpire automaticallyautomatically whenwhenhe heshall shallfail failto to ARTICLE XI]XII attend consecutively three regular meetingsmeetings of thethe BoardBoard ofof Directors,Directors, unless, priorprior to such failure ofof attendance,attendance,he heshall shallsubmit submitin inwriting writingto to Elections the Secretary a reasonreason forfor hishis non-attendancenon-attendance whichwhich isis acceptableacceptable toto thethe Board. Section 1. TheThe NominatingNominating CommitteeCommittee shallshall selectselect oneone candidatecandidate forfor eacheach elective office and file the listlist ofof suchsuch candidatescandidates withwith thethe SecretarySecretary thirtythirty Section 9.9. AA vacancyvacancy occurringoccurring inin anyany officeoffice shallshall bebe filled by appoint-appoint- days prior to the Annual Meeting, and the Secretary immediatelyimmediately shall days prior Meeting, Secretary ment by thethe BoardBoard of DirectorsDirectors until the next AnnualAnnual Meeting of thethe Club.Club. post said list on the bulletin board ofof thethe Club.Club.

or more Members nominate another Section 2.2. Twenty-fiveTwenty-five or more VotingVoting Members maymay nominate another ARTICLE XIIIXllI candidate forfor any elective office by fdingfiling with thethe Secretary atat leastleast twentytwenty Rules and Regulations days priorprior toto thethe Annual MeetingMeeting aa writtenwritten nominationnominationsigned signedby bythem them Regulations and a statementstatement signedsigned by suchsuch candidatecandidate thatthat hehe willwill serveserve ifif elected.elected. Section I.1. TheThe BoardBoard ofof DirectorsDirectors maymay enactenact anyany rulesrules andand regulationsregulations regarding thethe operation, administration,administration,and andcontrol controlof ofthe theClub Clubnot not pro- Section 3. TheThe SecretarySecretary shallshall prepareprepare a awrittenwritten ballotballot showingshowing separatelyseparately regarding operation, pro vided for in thesethese By-Laws. the candidates for elective offices selected by thethe NominatingNominating Committee By-Laws. and those nominated as provided in Section 22 above. SuchSuch ballotballot shallshall bebe Section 2. TheThe administrationadministration ofof thisthis ClubClub shallshall generally bebe in accor- mailed to thethe VotingVoting Members at leastleast fifteenfifteen daysdays beforebefore the AnnualAnnual generally dance with establishedestablished yachting etiquette. Meeting together withwith aa returnreturn envelopeenvelope addressedaddressed toto thethe SecretarySecretary atat thethe yachting etiquette. Club Office, and a plain envelope inin whichwhichthe theballot ballotshall shallbe beenclosed enclosed by the VotingVoting Member.Member,

E-20 E-21 _ pa wMMm_W_mmmw__*_WM ~, in ..=».4 ,~.v.::;;wn~1r,¢;§e;;~:;¢,?n 7~,,»~¢,.,_»W_;_.,3~__ ~ ».-. . ,...aa~ """A"»i'! "'"""'T" "'* ,_ 'TV_.»- - "'""'$,'JZ..";1' *" "`" '""' ~°'*""¥"'*`"""'€'"= "" """"'"`»'t:2:;***'3'""~'1=,`?'~"¢¥7v>`43"?i'¢'-?'?'"2;=r¢;*_1:','tr.;-:~~--f"-4='?-T$3" """'?l'f1L'-L'2'é%:'11'Vs:. "'*`"""'€'"= "" """"'"` »'t:2:;***'3'""~'1=,`?'~"¢¥7v>`43"?i'¢'-?'?'"2;=r¢;*_1:',' tr.;-:~ --f "-4='?-T$3" """'?l'f1L'-L'2'é%:'11'Vs:.

3%522-m R §¢@é>» #1- )! ii

ARTICLE XIVXIV ARTICLE XVIXVI Flags, Insignia,Insignia, andand UniformsUniforms Fiscal YearYear

The flags, insignia, and uniformsuniforms ofofthis thisClub Clubshall shallbe beprescribed prescribedby by The Fiscal Year of the Club shall begin on the first day ofof DecemberDecember the Board of Directors and are as follows: on the Board of Directors and are presentlypresently prescribedprescribed as follows: and terminate on the thirtieth dayday of November of each calendar year,year, exceptexcept that such fiscal year may be changed by resolution of thethe Board of Directors. Section 1. ClubClub BurgeeBurgee The Club Burgee shall bebe a triangular pennantpennant ofof blueblue groundground withwith ARTICLE XVIIXVII a red border, with the letter R in white in the center of the blue ground. Indemnification Section 2. Officers’Ojficers' FlagsFlags Section I. To the extent and in the manner The flagsflags ofof thethe Commodore,Commodore, ViceVice Commodore,Commodore, andand RearRear Corn-Corn- Section 1. To the extent permittedpermitted and in the manner prescribedprescribed byby law,law, the Club shall indemnify any person made, or treatenedtreatened toto bebe made,a a party modore shall be rectangular with the device of a foul anchoranchor inin thethe circlecircle indemnify any person made, party to any action,action, suit,suit, oror proceeding, civilcivil oror criminal,criminal, byreason reasonof ofthe thefact fact of thirteen stars, and the colors of suchsuch flag shall be, respectively,respectively, blue any proceeding, by that his testator or is or was a or with white device, red with white device,device, and whitewhite withwith redred device.device. TheThe that he, his testator or intestate,intestate, is or was a director, officer,officer, or committeecommittee member of the Club or of any other corporation of any kind, domestic flags of thethe FleetFleet Captain Sail and of the Fleet CaptainCaptain PowerPower shallshall be rec-rec- any corporation any or foreign, which he servedserved inin any capacity at thethe request of the Club, tangular white with the device of a foul anchor in blue. foreign, any capacity request against judgments, judgments,fines, fines, amountsamountspaid paid inin settlement,settlement,and and reasonablereasonable expenses (which thethe ClubClub may advance), including attorney’sfees, fees, actually Section 3.3. CapCap Din,iceDevice expenses (which may advance), including attorney's actually and necessarily incurredincurred asas aa resultresult ofof suchsuch action,action, suit,suit, oror proceeding,proceeding, The regulation cap device for Club members shall consist of a circle The regulation cap device for Club members shall consist of a circle or any appealappeal therein.therein. TheThe foregoingforegoing rightrightof ofindemnification indemnificationshall shallnot notbe be of gold braid with the Club Burgee inin a white enameled disc in the center, exclusive ofof anyany otherother rightright to which any such person may be entitled. over a vertical foulfoul anchoranchor iningold goldbraid. braid. ForForofficers, officers,directors, directors,honorary honorary members, andand yacht owners,owners, thethe single foulfoul anchoranchor shallshall bebe replaced by yacht single replaced by Section 2. TheThe BoardBoard ofof Directors,Directors, inin itsits discretion,discretion, maymay authorizeauthorize the crossedcrossed foulfoul anchors.anchors. 1 Club to indemnifyindemnify anyanyperson personother otherthan thana adirector, director,officer, officer,or orcommittee committee member, forfor expenses incurredincurredor or otherother amountsamountspaid paidin in anyanycivil civilor or Section 4.4, Uniforms Unyforms criminal action, suit, or proceedingproceeding to which such person was, or was Uniforms, and decorations oror insigniainsignia thereon,thereon, shallshallbe bein inaccord accordwith with threatened to be, mademade aa partyparty byby reasonreason ofof thethe factfact thatthat he,he, hishis testator,testator, recognizedrecognized yachting practice or with any specific rules hereafter adopted or intestate, is or waswas anan agentagent ofof thethe Club.Club. by the BoardBoard ofof Directors.Directors.

ARTICLE XV XV ii; Amendments it y . if ;

Amendments toto these By-Laws may bebe mademade by thethe VotingVotingMembers Members Fill: atat anan AnnualAnnual oror Special Meeting, provided: Special Meeting, provided: A.A. The text or summary of any proposedproposed amendmentamendmentshall shallbe bemailed mailed toto thethe Voting Members and all other members at least fifteenfifteen days before the meeting asas requiredrequired byby SectionSection3 3of ofArticle ArticleIX, IX,and and B.B. Ten percent of the total Voting MembersMembers shall be present in person atat the meeting to constitute a quorum toto act upon suchsuch amendment,amendment, andand C.C. An amendment shallshall be approved by two~thirdstwo-thirds of the Voting Members Members present.

E-22 E-23

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