TOWN AFFILIATION ASSOCIATION Reporting Affiliations with Cities in Other Nations

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TOWN AFFILIATION ASSOCIATION Reporting Affiliations with Cities in Other Nations SISTER CITIES BY STATE AND BY COUNTRIES IN OTHER NATIONS AS OF JUNE, 1972 (This list is based on reports received from U.S. cities TOWN AFFILIATION ASSOCIATION reporting affiliations with cities in other nations. This OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. listing is revised and updated every six months° A complete c/o NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES statistical breakdown is carried on page 7.) 1612 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 ALmÿMÿ (6) CALIFORNIA (CONT'D) CALIFORNIA (CONT'D) Demopolis - Jalpa, Guatemala Culver City - Kaizuka, Japan National City - Tecate, Mexico Huntsville - Cuilapa, Guatemala " - Uruapan, Mexico Norwalk - Hermosillo, Mexico Jasper - Jutiapa, Guatemala Cupertino - Copertino, Italy Oakland - Fukuoka, Japan Mobile - Malaga, Spain Delano - Asti, Italy " - Funchal, Portugal " - Santo Tomas, Guatemala " - Arida, Japan Orange - Orange, Australia Montgomery - Escuintla, Guatemala Downey - Guadalajara, Mexico Omaard - 0cotlan, Mexico Selma - Cartago, Costa Rica E1 Cajon - Goulburn, Australia Pacifica - Balaguer, Spain " - Zacapa, Guatemala E1 Monte - Zamora, Mexico Palm Springs - Victoria, Canada E1 Segundo - Guaymas, Mexico " - Nikko, Japan ALASKA (4) Encino - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico " - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Escondido - Rosarito, Baja, Mexico Palo Alto - Palo, Philippines Anchorage - Chitose, Japan Fremont - Elizabeth, Australia " - Oaxaca, Mexico " - Tromso, Norway " - Puerto Penasco, Sonora Paramount - San Bias, Mexico Fairbanks - Mo i Bana, Norway Mexico " - Tepic, Mexico Seward - Obihiro, Japan Fresno - Lahore, Pakistan Pasadena - Ludwigshafen, Germany Wrangell - Noshiro, Japan " - Moulmein, Burma " - Mishima, Japan " - Kochi, Japan Paso Robles - Aquas de Lindoia, Brazil ARIZONA (6) " - Torreon, Mexico Pico Rivera - San Luis Potosi, Mexico Fullerton - Morelia, Mexico Plaeentia - Tlaquepaque, Mexico Flagstaff - Katoomba, Australia Gardena - Ichikawa, Japan Pomona - Monterrey, Mexico Phoenix - Karlsruhe, Germany " - Rosarito, Mexico Redlands - Hino, Japan " -" Sassari, Italy Glendale - Higashiosaka, Japan " - San Miguel de Allende, " - Orange, France " - Durango, Mexico Mexico " - Vasteras, Sweden Glendora - Merida, Mexico Redondo Beach - La Pan, Mexico " - Guadalajara, Mexico Gonzales - Somoto, Nicaragua " - Ensenada, Mexico Scottsdale - Alamos, Mexico Hanford - San Jose dos Campos, Brazil Richmond - Shimada, Japan Tempe - Skopje, Yugoslavia Hawthorne - Hidalgo del Parral, Riverside - Sendal, Japan Tucson - Trikkala, Greece Mexico " - Cuautla, Mexico Yuma - San Luis, Mexico Hayward - Faro, Portugal Rosemead - Zapopan, Mexico " - San Felipe, Mexico Sacramento - Manila, Philippines AmCÿSÿ (1) Hemet - Cootamundra, Australia Salinas - Cebu, Philippines Hermosa Beach - Loreto, Mexico San Bernardino - Tachikawa, Japan E1 Dorado - Zentsuji, Japan Irwindale - Salvatierra, Mexico San Clemente - San Clemente del Tuyu, La Habra - Esteli, Nicaragua Arg. ntina CALIFORNIA (122) Lake Arrowhead - Chapala, Mexico San Diego - Cavite City, Philippines La Mirada - Imatra, Finland " - Leon, Mexico Alameda - Lidingo, Sweden Livermore - Quezaltenango, Guatemala " - Yokohama, Japan Alhambra - Granada, Spain Lodi - Lodi, Italy San Fernando - Colima, Mexico Antioch - Chichibu, Japan " - Kofu, Japan San Francisco - Osaka, Japan Arcadia - TriDolis, Greece Long Beach - Valparaiso, Chile " - Sydne>, Australia Artesia - Koudekerk-aan-den-Ri3n, " - Yokkaichi, Japan San Gabriel - Celaya, Mexico Netherlands Lomooc - Locarno. Switzerland San Jose - Okayama, Japan Azusa - Zacatecas, Mexico Los Angeles - Auckland, New Zealand " - San Jose, Costa Rica Bakersfield - Wakayama, Japan " - Bordeaux, France San Leandro - Ribeirao, Brazil Bellflower - Los Mechis, Mexico " - Bombay, India " - Ponta Delgada, Portugal Berkeley - Sakai City, Japan " - Elath, Israel San Matee - Teyonaka, Japan Beverly Hills - Acapulco, Mexico " - Lusaka, Zambia " - Varde, Denmark Brea - Lagos de Moreno, Mexico " - Mexico City, Mexico San Pahlo - Manzanillo, Mexico Brisbane - Brisbane, Australia " - Nagoya, Japan Santa Ana - Santa Ana, E1 Salvador Buena Park - Chungju, Korea " - Pus an, Korea Santa Barbara - Cuzco, Peru Burbm%k - Inchon, Korea " - Salvador, Brazil " - Toba, Japan " - Solna, Sweden " - Tehran, Iran " - San Juan, Philippines Burlingame - Cuernavaca, Mexico " - West Berlin, Germany Santa Clark - Coimbra, Portugal Campbell - Vohburg, Germany Los Banos - Cosala, Mexico Santa Cruz - Puerta La Cruz, Venezuela Canoga Park - Taxco, Mexico Madera - Castellamonte, Italy Santa Fe Springs - Mersin, Turkey Carmel - Petra, Majorca, Spain Manhattan Beach - Culliacau, Mexico " - Navojoa, Mexico Cerritos - Itapetinga, Brazil Martinez - Milazzo, Italy " - Santa Fe, Argentina Chino - San Juan del Rio, Mexico Menlo Park - Galway, Ireland Santa Monica - Hamm, Germany Chula Vista - General Roca, Argentina Merced - Mercedes, Uruguay " = Mazatlan, Mexico " - Irapuate, Mexico " - Albury, Australia Santa Paula - Ciudad 0bregon, Mexico " Claremont - Guanajuato, Mexico Millbrae - La Serena, Chile Sausalito - Vina del Mar, Chile " - Kumasi, Ghana Modesto - Barranquilla, Colombia Selma - Manly, Australia Colton - Cananea, Mexico Montclair - Antigua, Guatemala South E1 Monte - Gomez Palacio, Mexico Commerce - Aguascalientes, Mexico Montebello - Ashiya, Japan Stockton - Shimizu, Japan Compton - Suwon, Korea " - Guerrero, Mexico " - lloilo, Philippines Covina - Jalapa , Mexico " - Iguala, Mexico , Studio City - Ajijic, Mexico Monterey Park - Nachikatsuura, Japan Napa - Como, I{aly CALIFORNIA (CONT'D) FLORIDA (CONT'D) KENTUCKY (i) Sunnyvale - Chillan, Chile Miramar - Santa Anna, E1 Salvador Louisville - Montpellier, France Temple City - Magdalena, Mexico North Miami Beach - San Pedro Sula, " - Quito, Ecuador Torrance - Guatemala City, Guatemala Honduras " - Konya, Turkey Orlando - Goiania, Brazil MAINE (2) " - Kashiwa, Japan Pensacola - Chimbote, Peru Tulare - Angra, Azores, Portugal " - Miraflores, Peru Calais - Calais, France " - Inverell, Australia St. Augustine - Aviles, Spain Scarborough - Scarborough, England Upland - Caborea, Mexico " - San Miguel de Allende, " - Mildura, Australia Mexico MARYLAND (6) Van Nuys - Puebla, Mexico St. Petersburg - Takamatsu, Japan Easton - Kempsey, Australia Vallejo - Akashi, Japan Sarasota - Santo Domingo, Dom. Republic Forest Heights z Villaviciosa, Philippines " - Trondheim, Norway Tallahassee - Popayan, Colombia Frederick - Landau, Germany Visalia - Miki, Japan Tampa - Cordoba, Argentina Hagerstown - Wesel, Germany " - E1 Fuerte, Mexico " - Barranquilla, Colombia Rockville - Pinneberg, Germany West Covina- Toluca, Mexico West Miami - Leon, Nicaragua Takoma Park - Jequie, Brazil Whittier - Freiburg, Germany Woodland Hills - Mulege, Mexico GEORGIA (3) MASSACHUSETTS (7) COLORADO (8) Macon - Macon, France Amherst - Arcachon, France Marietta - Heredia, Costa Riea Boston - Kyoto, Japan Aspen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany " - Linz am Rhein, Germany " - Strasbourg, France Boulder - Meppel, Netherlands Thomasville - Luenehurg, Germany Gloucester - Recife, Brazil Breckenridge - Voss, Norway Lexington - Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico Colorado Springs - Fujiyoshida, Japan HAWÿI (i) Newburyport -Binh Hung, Vietnam • Denver - Brest, France Wellesley - Vohenstrauss, Germany " - Merida - Yucaton, Mexico Honolulu - Bruyeres, France Weston - Rombas, France " - Takayama, Japan " - Hiroshima, Japan Golden - Young, Australia " - Kaohsiung, Taiwan MICHIGAN (B0) Littleton - Bega, Australia " - Laoag City, Phillipines Pueblo, Puebla, Mexico " - Naha, Okinawa Ann Arbor - Belize, Br. Honduras " - Hikone, Japan CONNECTICUT (ll) ILLINOIS (12) " - Tuebingen, Germany Bay City - Ansbach, Germany Bristol - Bristol, England B!oomington - Asahigawa, Japan " - Lome, Togo Darien - Mercara, India Carbondale - Simla, India " - Mechelen, Belgium Enfield - Ronneby, Sweden Decatur - Tokorozawa, Japan Belleville - Machynileth, Wales Glastonbury, Glastonbury, England Deerfield - Ludinghausen, Germany Benton Harbor - Jundiai, Brazil Hartford - Thessaloniki, Greece De Kalb - Tamworth, Australia Clawson - Dubbo, Australia Litchfield - Maurecourt. France Elgin - Vientiane, LaGs Coldwater - Soltau, Germany New Haven - Taichung, Taiwan Galva - Gavle, Sweden Detroit - Toyota, Japan New Milford - San Miguel, E1 Salvador Glen Ellyn - Calatayud, Spain Dexter - Ofterdingen, Germany Newington - Talca, Chile Maeomb - Balaoan, Philippines Essexville - Tuseueca, Mexico West Hartford - Concepcion, Chile Pittsfield - Adelsdorfÿ Germany Fenton - Flint, Wales Woodbridge - Linguere, Senegal Springfield - Giessen, Germany Flint - Trujillo, Peru DELAWARE (4) Western Springs - Rugeley, England Frankenmuth - Gunzenhausen, Germany INDIANA (5) Greenville - Haderslev, Denmark Dover - Lamia, Greece Grosse Pointe Farms - Imazu, Japan " - Tunja, Colombia Franklin - Kuji, Japan Kalamazoo - Kingston, Jamaica Lewes - Lewes, England La Grange - Grijpskerk, Netherlands " - Fougeres, France Newark - LaGarde Freinet, France La Porte - Grangemouth, Scotland " - Numazu, Japan Wilmington - Kalmar, Sweden Mishawaka - Soest, Germany Lansing - Otsu, Japan Terre Haute - Taijima, Japan " - Belize, Br. Honduras DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (i) Midland - Riobamba, Ecuador IOWA (9) " - Marie, Germany Washington DC - Bangkok, Thailand Ames - Loja, Ecuador Mount Pleasant - Okaya, Japan Burlington - Barbacena, Brazil " - Valdivia, Chile FLORIDA (25) Davenport - Kaiserslautern, Germany Muskegon - Hartlepool, England Des Moines - Kofu, Japan Plymouth - Plymouth, England Bradenton - Barcarrota, Spain " - Naucolpan, Mexico Bedford - St. Johann, Austria Clearwater
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