Cl) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS , " ------VOLUME XXII, NO 121 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 POSITIVE ID ENDS WORLDWIDE MANHUNT 'Supposedly Secure' FOR JOSEF MENGEl E, \ ANGEL OF DEATH' Man Kills Mother, SAO PAULO, Brazl1 (UPI) -­ by the U S Justlce Department small cemetery ln the town of Self At State Dept Internatl0nal forenslc experts "We looked at the totallty Embu, outslde Sao Paulo WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A young today posltlvely ldentlfied a of the eVldence There are Just It apparently ends a world­ man wlth a rlfle shot hlS moth­ man who drowned ln Brazl1 SlX so many conslstencles -- helght, wlde manhunt for the Nazl war er to death today, then kliled years ago as Josef Mengele, dental, age, sex, race, facial crimlnal responsible for the hlmself ln a supposedly secure the notorious Nazl "angel of superlmposltlons," Lowell told deaths of 400,000 people at the area of the State Department, death" who was wanted for 40 reporters at Sao Paulo pollce AuschwltZ concentratlon camp down the hall from Secretary years headquarters and for the brutal genetlc ex­ of State George Shultz's of­ Seventeen Brazlilan, Amerl­ "There lS no slgnlflcant perlments almed at developlng a flce, pollce sald can and West German forenslc doubt on any pOlnt -- the teeth blue-eyed, blond master race A Dlstrlct of Columbla po­ speclallsts spent two weeks gave a very good match," he for Adolf Hltler lice sergeant sald two people studYlng the skeleton, photo­ sald Rewards totallng $3 4 mlilion were dedd, a mother, who worked graphs, halr and handwrltlng LeVlne presented Tuma wlth a had been offered for Mengele's at the State Department, and samples of a man who 11ved near report signed by flve U S fo­ capture her son Sao Paulo and drowned ln 1979 renS1CS experts sent to Brazl1 He apparently had been livlng Pollce ldentlfled the dead They met wlth federal Pollce to study Mengele's skeleton ln BraZll Slnce 1961 When he as Carol Doster, 44, of Alexan­ Chlef Romeu Tuma today and told The flve U S experts were dled, he was uSlng the assumed drla, Va , and her son, Edward hlm they had concluded posi­ sent by both the Justlce Depart­ name Wolfgang Gerhard -- the Doster, 20 tlvely that the man was Men­ ment and by the Los Angeles Sl­ name of an Austrlan frlend of Wltnesses on the seventh gele mon Wlesenthal Nazl-Tracklng hlS ln Brazl1 The real Gerhard floor sald that a young man, Thelr flndlngs were announc­ Center returned to Austrla and dled ln dressed ln army fatlgue pants ed to reporters at a news con­ "There was no dlfference 1978 and a yellow T-bhlrt and carry­ ference ln Sao Paulo amongst the team -- we are all Investlgators, uSlng a mlcro­ lng a rlfle, entered the of­ "There lS no way thlS lS not sClentlsts," LeVlne sald computer and vldeo camera, flces of the btaff of State De~ hlm," sald Dr Lowell Levlne, a The announcement came two Thursday found 24 positlve Slml­ partment cOl'nselor Edwln Der­ Unlverslty of Maryland forenslc weeks after offlclals exhumed larltles between the dead man's wlnskl, a former Ililnols Re­ anthropologlst sent to Brazll the remalns from a grave ln a skull and photographs of Menge Ie publlcan congrebsman "There were screams, and we called the Over MaUl, HawaII pollce," one State Department employee sald Alfonso Glbson, deputy chlef LASER HITS SHUTTLE MIRROR of pollce, Crlmlnal Investlga­ tl0n Dlvlsion, sald the woman worked ln Derwlnskl's offlce IN APPARENTL Y SUCCESSFUL TEST He decllned comment on what type of weapon was lnvolved By WILLIAM HARWOOD Asked lf the shootlng pOlnts up UPI SClence Wrlter a securlty lapse at the State CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla -- De­ thank you," Robert Sprlnger ra­ not lmmedlately known Department, Glbson sald that splte hlgh wlnds, the blue dloed from mlSSlon control Crelghton sald the 4-watt ar­ would be up to the department flash of a dazzllng laser beam Vldeotape beamed down from gon laser beam hlt an 8-lnch­ to determlne, but added, "A gun hlt the shuttle Dlscovery to­ orblt showed a black-and-whlte wlde mlrror mounted ln a slde got ln there, so apparently day ln an apparently success­ lmage of the beam pulslng sharp­ hatch wlndow of the shuttle there was a breakdown some­ ful test of a "star wars" ex­ ly agalnst a black background When the beam left the Alr Force where " perlment that ground control­ The televlslon was accompanled ground statl0n atop Mount Halea­ State Department spokesman lers bungled two days earller by a recordlng of Tchalkovsky's kala on MaUl, lt was thlnner Bernard Kalb sald, "ThlS was "Houston, we have the target "1812 Overture" than a pencll but had spread to not a terrorlst lncldent" and ln slght," shuttle co-pllot Commander Danlel Brandensteln, about 15 feet when lt reached that there was never a threat John Crelghton told ground con­ Crelghton, and crewmates Shannon Dlscovery to Shultz or any senl0r offl­ trollers as Dlscovery soared LUCld, Steven Nagel, John Fablan, The deslgn of the mlrror en­ clals He sald ~hultz was In over Maul, Hawall, on ltS 64th prlnce Sultan Salman aI-Saud of sured that lf lt was hlt by the hlS offlce, about 100 feet down orblt Saudl Arabla and Frenchman Pat­ laser, the beam would be return­ the hall, at the tlme of the "It appeared to pulse for a rlck Baudry salled lnto the ed to Hawall for analysls shootlng A guard lS posted ln whlle, then locked on steady harmless laser beam about 11 46 Alr Force SClentlsts hope to the receptl0n area there for short perl0ds of tlme," he Greenwlch Mean Tlme learn how to counteract atmo­ sald, describlng the low-power Mlssl0n managers worrled ear­ spherlc dlstortion for proposed laser beam as "blulsh-green " ller the 57-mph wlnds over MaUl weapons systems that would use "It sounds llke we dld get would dlsrupt the experlment orbltlng mlrrors to reflect la­ some deflnlte tracklng then, The quallty of the results was ser blasts to enemy mlssiles In Show Of Support For Hijackers Thousands Of Moslems Storm Beirut Airport By PETER SMERDON Unlted Press Internatlonal BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Thousands of the complex slogans demandlng that Israel of people chantlng antl-Amerl­ About 75 armed guards and release Lebanese Shllte Moslem can slogans stormed Belrut Alr­ Amal Shl1te Moslem ml11tlamen prlsoners from Jalls In AtIlt port today, swarmlng onto the spliled out of the termlnal. in exchange for the Amerlcans, tarmac in a show of support for blocked the marchers' path and who were ln thelr elghth day of the "beleagured" Moslem hlJack­ rlnged the plane durlng the captlvlty ers holdlng 40 Amerlcans hos­ hour-long protest It was not clear lf the Amer­ tage A masked gunman shouted to lcan captaln, John Testrake, The demonstratl0n by 2,000 the crowd from a mob lIe stalr­ was at the controls when the to 10,000 Moslems came Just way leadlng to the plane, urglng plane moved away from the dem­ hours after two Jet fighters -­ protesters to remaln calm onstrators, but an alrport belleved by wltnesses to be Is­ "After hlJacklng thlS plane, source sald "all the forelgners Simulating War raell warplanes -- streaked we want a peaceful Solutlon to have been taken off the plane " ALEXANDRIA, Va -- The De­ over the alrport, apparently on thlS buslness, and we don't want The march on the alrport fol­ fense Nuclear Agency, an ob­ a reconnalssance missl0n to splll blood," he yelled lowed a mass rally organlzed by scure branch of the Pentaqon, As the crowd -- shoutlng The leader of the march, Zu­ members of the fundamentallst devotes ltS tlme and resources "death to Amerlca, long llve halr KenJ, sald lt was called to Hezbollah Moslem group at a to slmulatlng World War III, Khomelnl" and "Amerlca's fleet "support the demands of the be­ mosque near the alrport complex testlng weapons, and creatlng wll1 not frlghten us" -- burst leagured hlJackers and to put Afterward, Hezbollah offl­ nuclear scenarlOS, such as through a gate on the west slde pressure on Amerlca and Israel clals rode through the streets thlS recent slmulatlon of a of the facll1ty, the comman­ to release the prlsoners ln At­ of Belrut's south suburbs In nuclear blast performed wlth deered TWA Jetllner parked Ilt " cars and trucks shoutlng out a conventlonal exploslves In the there Slnce Sunday hurrledly The demonstrators stood about statement urglng the publlC to western Unlted States was shunted to a dlstant corner 700 yards from the Jet, chantlng JOln the march to the alrport (UPI Photo) LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLA~~, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 Teen Center Expands Award To Be Given Vitamin A May Lives Recognitioo For TravelerS , Hours Of Operation By PATRICIA KOZA Un1ted Press Internat10nal The followlng hours of operatlon at With Horror Stories the Teen Center wlil begln Monday WASHINGTON -- Vltamln A therapy, WhlCh has been used ln poor countrles for years By MARK SCHWED MONDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m to prevent bllndness ln chlldren, may al­ Unlted Press Internatlonal TUESDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m so save llves, a congresslonal commlttee MIAMI -- Charles E Relily Jr , a man­ WEDNESDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m reported Thursday agement communlcatlons executlve, belleves THURSDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m A report released by the House of Rep­ that when that speclal vacatl0n trlp turns FRIDAY 3-5 pm, 8-11 45 p m resentatlves Select Commlttee on Hunger Into a genulne flrst-class horror, thlnk SATURDAY Matlnee, 1 p m , 8-11 45 p m sald glvlng chlldren a hlgh-potency dose Frankensteln SUNDAY Matlnee, 1 p m of vitamln A every six months may reduce Relily has launched the Frankensteln mortallty rates by 25 percent to 30 per­ Travel Award to allow travelers an oppor­ Worship Services cent tunlty to alr thelr anger and frustratlon During a hearing before the committee when that speclal trlp turns sour CATHOLIC May 16, Dr Alfred Sommer of Johns Hopklns "Rather than sufferlng In endless humll­ Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Unlverslty descrlbed vltamln ~ deflclency latl0n and sllence, there IS opportunlty 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel as a maJor cause of chlldhood morbldlty to Wln an award for a VIVld account of a Sunday Masses and mortallty 'Murphy's Law' travellng experlence," sald 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Sommer clted recent studles In Indone­ Rellly, who works ln New York 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel sia that Indlcated chlldren wlth very ear­ As presldent of In-Person Communlca­ 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center ly, mlld eye changes dled at four to 12 tlons Inc , Relily travels the globe on be­ Monday-Frlday Masses tlmes the rate of otherwlse Identlcal Chll­ half of hlS cllents and has been subJected 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel dren wlthout early eye changes to "an astonlshlng array of lndlgnltles " Confesslons "Dr Sommer theorlzes that vltamln A IS Relily belleves such horrors are "a uni­ Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacra­ apparently necessary for healthy mucous versal sufferlng of all travelers and not ment Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's of­ membrane, the surface llnlngs of the re­ a speclal punlshment vlslted upon me by flce, call 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr splratory, urlnary and Intestlnal tracts vengeful gods " 835, call 84535 beforehand whlch are the maJor areas where bacterla Besldes d vent for anger, the award of­ can enter the body," the 14-page report fers a prlze -- a weekend of entertalnment CHURCH OF CHRIST sald and dlnlng ln Phlladelphla Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln "When there IS not enough vltamln A ln Some early nomlnees to get the ball Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are the dlet, these membranes change, and dre roillng welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, no longer able to defend the body from -- When POI1Sh Solldarlty Unlon member 82639, or 82451 bacterla " Waldemar Szreder defected from Poland he The report sald an estlmated 500,000 had to leave hlS famlly behlnd In a tear­ CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS chlldren are bllnded every year by the ful reunl0n at Seattle-Tacoma Internatlon­ Servlces are held ln Room 18, George vltamln A deflclency dlsease known as al Alrport, hlS wlfe Domlnlka could barely Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng lS at 8, xerophthalmla The World Health Organlza­ speak her flrst two words, "At last" But Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are tlon cltes vltamln A deflclency as a pub­ her next four words -- "My luggage IS at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at llC health problem In 73 countrles and lost" -- were the practlced cry of travel­ 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ terrltorles ers all around the world formatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 Xerophthalmla IS wldespread In Indone­ -- Passenger John M Smlth was eatlng SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m Sla, Indla, Bangladesh and the Phlllpplnes lunch aboard Amerlcan Alrllnes Fllght 199 In the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call and lS recognlzed as a problem In Chlna, from Dallas to San Dlego when he heard a Len Cooper, 99660, for lnformatlon, and Malaysla and Southeast ASla, accordlng to loud exploslon, and the Jet began shaklng Rlchard Smlth, 99467, for transportatlon a 1983 study vlolently "Whlle bllndness IS the most dramatlc "I fIgured I had three mInutes to lIve, PROTESTANT result of vltamln A deflclency, lt lS one so I ought to enJoy It I flnlshed my choc­ Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be of the last symptoms of deflClency," the olate brownle and mllk " Lunch was chlcken held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memo­ commlttee report sald "Before bllndness Mexlcana, Spanlsh rlce and strlng beans rlal Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn occurs, lack of vltamln A leads to de­ "I thought, 'What a terrlble last meal, "' wlil preach the sermon entltled "In H1S creased appetlte and stunted growth ln Smlth sald The pllots dld not know untll Steps " chlldren It also greatly lncreases the they landed In San Dlego and saw flre en­ Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wlil be body's susceptlblilty to dlsease " glnes followlng the plane that one of the provlded by Karen Eastburn slnglng "Sud­ The study sald the Unlted Natlons Chll­ three englnes had fallen off denly There's a Valley," accompanled by dren's Fund has developed a gelatln cap­ -- Jesse Jackson was scared, former U S Jerry Deener sule -- called a "golden bullet" -- con­ Asslstant Secretary of State Hoddlng Car­ Sunday school classes for all ages are talnlng 200,000 lnternatlonal unlts of ter was slnglng hymns, the stewardess was held at the George Seltz School at vltamln A for use every SlX months Inl­ crylng and several reporters were vlolent­ 9 30 a m Adults are present to asslst new­ tlal results are encouraglng ly 111 durlng a somewhat stormy fllght comers ln flndlng thelr classrooms "Durlng elght years of capsule dlstrl­ from Washlngton to Dallas durlng the 1984 The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVlce on butlon ln Bangladesh, the prevalence of U S presldentlal campalgn ROl-Namur wlll be held at 6 30 ln the Com­ bllndness ln chlldren 0-6 years of age The pllot of the chartered Galaxy Alr­ munlty Center and wlil be led by Chaplaln was reduced from 27 per 10,000 to less llnes plane chose to fly through foul Bennett than 4 per 10,000," the report sald weather rather than around It After about Gospel serVlce wlil be held Sunday eve­ Other more long-term Solutlons lnclude an hour the pllot detoured around the nlng at 7 o'clock ln the chapel JOln us fortlfYlng foods wlth such substances as storm When the plane landed, Jesse Jack­ for an lnformal tlme of song and worshlp cod-llver 011 and produclng more vltamln son got out and klssed the ground Nlne A-rlch foods such as yellow vegetables months later, the same Galaxy plane crashed Surf And Sun Kimj Kararik Tok Korn ------~------AS OF 12 01 A M Bus Available For Frlday, June 21, 1985 K1m1J karar1k tok kom 1S the Marshall­ Dally ralOfall 1 52 ese way to say welcome, llterally -- "We Wedding Reception Monthly total 6 72 make you no longer strangers" Yearly total 44 15 New to KwaJaleln are Capt Leo Lemel­ For the Stegmann-Kalwl weddlng recep­ TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN son, wlfe Marle, and chlldren Leo and tl0n June 22 at the KwaJaleln Country Sunrlse 6 32 a m Lynette, from Fort Lewls, Wash Club, bus serVlce wlll be provlded It Sunset 7 10 P m Lemelson IS worklng as AVlatl0n Safety wlll run from the church and houslng area MoonrIse 10 29 a m offlcer to the KwaJaleln Country Club startlng at Moonset 11 15 p m The famlly says KwaJaleln IS beautlful 3 45 p m and runnlng every 30 mlnutes HI Tlde 7 04 a m 5 4'-7 43 p m 4 I' unUl 11 30 p m Lo TIde 12 36 amI 4'-1 41 p m 1 2' Because of avallable bus serVlce, taxl SUNDAY serVlce wlil not be avallable 6 32 See map below SunrIse a m MoonrIse 11 23 a m YOKWE YUK CLUB 7 10 Sunc,et p m Moon"et 21 June 1985 51 a m 5 1'-8 42 p m 4 0' Hl TIde 7 Come over, relax and enJoy our speclal 1 25 amI 7'-2 34 p m 1 4' Ocean Road X Lo TIde pupu extravaganza and mUS1C Frlday K C C Start MONDAY from 5 - 7 p m DISCO mUS1C from 6 32 a m MoonrIse 12 15 p m SunrIse 9 p m until mldnlght H S Lagoon Road ~un"et 7 10 p m Moon"et MIdnIght 8 50 a m 4 7'-9 50 p m 4 0' __ M P R HI TIde 22 June 1985 Q 2 26 amI 9'-3 32 p mIS' Lo TIde DISCO mUS1C from 9 p m untll mldnlght FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 ,-~ ____p_a~c_'f_'~C~D_r'~v~e __~~ COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985, PAGE 3

Brady's People: Cambridge secedes from the Union by James Brady I've always thought very bought thelr gray flannels lllegal allens and send them Ollver Wendell Holmes hlghly of Cambrldge, Mass and thelr Shetland sweaters back to Haltl, or wherever, lS Besldes there belng a fed­ It's a great llttle town There are some good bars lmmoral because they are all eral law agalnst lllegal lm­ the other slde of the Charles where they serve beer ln stelns polltlcal refugees entltled to mlgratlon lnto thlS country Rlver up ln Boston and when and a mOVle house that lS al­ asylum there lS a practlcal concern you cross on one of the low ways playlng old Bogle fllcks The feds say thlS lS rub­ Elght or 9 million Amerlcans brldges thlS tlme of the year or maybe "The Klng of Hearts " blSh, that legltlmate pOlltl­ are stlll out of work and one the lce lS gone and there are Anyway, that's Cambrldge, a cal refugees can get a hearlng of thelr problems lS that so usually a couple of eight-oar­ nlce town suddenly struck dumb and if thelr storles check out, many Jobs are fliled by llle­ ed shells out there rowlng and I don't mean dumb In the they can stay here gals I do not know whether the the old boathouses wlth thelr sense of mute They're stlll The SUsplcl0n lS that many, clty fathers of Cambrldge have faded palnt have these blg talklng In Cambrldge, all rlght, lf not most, of the lllegals consldered thlS Maybe there front porches that lean toward maybe too much I mean dumb are here for economlC reasons, lS no unemployment ln Cambrldge the rlver and where the crews 1n the sense of stupld that sweatshop Jobb ln Cam­ Haybe everyone up there lS a launch the shells The Town Councl1 passed a brldge and other Amerlcan towns, tenured professor at Harvard Harvard lS over there, and resolutlon declarlng Cambrldge or even welfare, lS a hell of Or plays for the Red Sox Radcllffe, and MIT, and the to be a "sanctuary" town The a lot better than llvlng on In any event, Cambrldge streets of Cambrldge except resolutl0n says that Cambrldge $12 a month ln Haltl doesn't seem to glve a damn up around Harvard Square are welcomes 11legal allens and I tend to agree wlth thelr about elther law or unemploy­ narrow and tree-llned with that lf the feds come ln and reasonlng But there are laws ment, and has flred the tl1St small houses and people walk­ try to snlff out the 11legals agalnst lllegal lmmlgrat10n shot of seceSS10n across the lng dogs and there's a nlce or arrest them, the town cops and they are federal laws and bow of the ShlP of state I won­ feel to the place Harvard and authorltles won't help No now the Clty councll of Cam­ der lf anyone up there remem­ Square ltself lS bustllng, all one's started to shell Fort brldge, Mass, says 1t has de­ bers what happened to South Car­ shops and bookstores and blg Sumter yet but Cambrldge has clded to 19nore those laws and ollna the last tlme anyone co-op store, WhlCh up there made a falrly promlslng begln­ wrlte ltS own I don't know trled that? they pronounce the "coop," nlng who Cambrldge's legal advlser where undergraduates for a Cambrldge, through ltS lS these days but I don't thlnk Copynght 1985 hundred years, I guess, have councll, says that to arrest he's Mr Justlce Brandels or Klng Features Syndlcate Inc



If jcutre a member of the What They Are, Where They Are, take employment predlctl0ns (and do not llke to do), you Class of '85, you may have been What Ihey Pay" (Slmon & Schust­ wlth a graln of salt "They're can begln lnvestlgatlng speclf­ elated by all the pomp surround­ er), lS wrltten by Robert Snel­ Just about as rellable as the lC Job opportunltles " lng your graduatl0n, but a llt­ llng, presldent of one of the tlpS you get at the race track," tIe b1t nervous about maklng blggest employment agencles ln says Crystal, who advlses uSlng your way ln the work world Any­ the country You get Just what Sneillng's book and others llke one looklng for Just the rlght the tltle promlses a descrlp­ lt as "ldea stlmulators " Job these days needs all the tl0n of hundreds of Job cate­ As a matter of fact, Crysta1 help he or she can get gorles, where the Jobs can be says you can even use the phone found and how much they pay for book yellow pages as "an ldea entry wages organlzer " You get llstlngs of Actually, you could get most, every concelvable klnd of em­ 1f not all, tnls lnformatl0n ployment category and you get from the serles of statlstlcal names, addresses and phone num­ analysls publlshed by the De­ bers But flrst, Crystal says, partment of Labor's Bureau of "You've got to ask yourself Labor Statlstlcs (Occupatlonal Outlook, Dlrectory of Occupa­ tlonal Tltles) But Sneillng's book organlzes the BLS facts and flgures for easy readlng Under the Job category "Com­ puter Serv1ce TechI1l1ClanS," for Crystal says the future em­ example, you get a plcture of ployment estlmates ln Snel­ what thlS klnd of work entalls llng's book and the BLS publlca­ Send1ng out a flurry of and the outlook Accordlng to tl0ns "have m1ssed a whole cate­ resumes won't work You have Sneillng "Over 83,000 people gory of Jobs that defy classlfl­ to make appolntments by letter are employed as computer ser­ catl0n " He's talklng about the or telephone and sell yourself Vlce technlclans, and the out­ mllll0ns of new Jobs emerglng to prospectlve employers But look for employment lS one of from new ventures by small bUS1- where do you start? What klnd the best ln any fleld -- the nesses (less than 20 employees) of career do you want to In­ number of Jobs lS expected to "These small companles should vestlgate? lncrease by 97 percent by 1995 " be fertlle ground for Job seek­ There are all sorts of books Career counselors such as ers to plow," Crystal says You on the subject and you'd do John Crystal, co-author of the what you really want to do, can flnd them mentl0ned ln the well to browse through some of book "Where Do I Go From Here what you want to accompllsh buslness sectIon of newspapers them at your llbrary A new Wlth the Rest of My Llfe" (ren Once you've determlned the and 1n such per10d1cals as Inc book on the subject, "Jobs -- Speed Press), says you have to thlngs you really 11ke to do magazlne and Forbes

The Kwa]aleln Hourglass 15 an unofflclal publlcatlon authorlzed under the provlsl0ns of AR 360-81 It 15 publlshed by Global Assoclates Monday through Frlday (excludlng holldays) at the dlrectl0n of the commandlng offlcer, U S Army Kwa]aleln Mlssl1e Range, Marshall Commandlng Offlcer Col Wl11lam A Spln Islands, under contract DASG60-82-C-0063 ThlS 15 an offset publlcatl0n, wlth a dally PubllC Affalrs Offlcer Pat Robblns clrculatlon of 1 950 The Vlews and oplnl0ns expressed hereln are not necessarlly those Edltor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Communlcatl0ns should be addressed to the Hourglass, P 0 Local News/Feature Wrlter PatrlLla Fverett Box 23 APO San FranClSCO 96555 or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Materlals appearlng Copy Edltor Clrculatl0n Jeanne Vlncent In the Hourglass may not be reprlnted wlthout the approval of the commandlng offlcer, Sports Wrlter Ruth Horne U S Army Kwa]aleln Mlsslle Range All want ads and notlces must be submltted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 p m the worklng day prlor to publlcatl0n WORLD/LOCAL NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 News Briefs For Restaurant Massacre Mother Teresa Accepts ~ OSLO, Norway (UPI) -- A Norweglan ex-convlct who had been drlnklng selZ­ Guerrilla Group Says Medal Of Freedom Award ed a domestlc alrllner carrylng 121 WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Caillng Mother people today In the country's flrst hl­ U.S. Mmes Were Target Teresa "a herolne of our tlme," Presldent Jacklng, but the man surrendered four Reagan Thursday gave the Medal of Free­ hours later after releaslng all the SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) -- A dom to the Roman Cathollc nun who won the passengers unharmed leftlst guerrliia group today clalmed re­ Nobel Peace Prlze for her humanltarlan * * * sponslblilty for the restaurant massacre work In Indla MOSCOW (UPI) -- An Amerlcan who of 13 people, saylng lt was almed at the At a Whlte House ceremony, Reagan sald, flew hlS tlny plane lnto Moscow wlth­ four U S Marlnes who were kliled "ThlS great house recelves many great out a Vlsa left today for Helslnkl The Central Amerlcan Revolutlonary Vlsltors but none are moue revered than after spendlng three days locked up Workers Party, one of flve rebel armles our Vlsltor today " In a hotel room by Sovlet authorltles In the Farabundo Martl Natlonal Llbera­ He noted that she had been scheduled to New Yorker Mlilard Harman, 59, flew tlon Front flghtlng the US-backed gov­ recelve the award along wlth 13 Amerlcans out of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Alrport ernment, made the clalm 1n a communlque a few weeks ago, but at the tlme she was today In hlS slx-seat, slngle-englne sent to a Salvadoran radlo statlon and "busy as usual savlng the world " Beech 36 broadcast 1mmed1ately "We rather appreclated her prlorltles," The guerrlilas sald the Wednesday nlght * x oJ.. Reagan sald She lS, he sald, ''In the lEGUCICALPA, Honduras (UPI) -­ attack was dlrected at the four Marlnes truest sense a cltlzen of the world and Honduran troops shot and kliled a eatlng at a restaurant In an excluslve we love her so much " U S cltlzen near the tense border area of San Salvador It sald the other wlth El Salvador, but no reason was nlne people kliled, lncludlng two Amerlcan SPIA Files Chapter 11 lmmedlately glven for the actlon, a clvlllans, were caught In a cross-flre U S Embassy spokesman sald Thursday when securlty forces shot at the guerrlilas HONOLULU (UPI) -- Cash-flow problems The lncldent occurred wednesday morn­ "Our commandos take responslblilty for have forced the troubled South Paclflc the executlon of the mliltary-polltlcal lng near the lsolated vlliage of Island Alrways to flle for reorganlzatlon Cayagonca, some 100 mlles west of Te­ operatlon named 'Yankee aggressor In El under federal bankruptcy laws guclgalpa, near the border wlth the Salvador,'" the communlque sald The Honolulu alrllne flIed Thursday for Salvadoran provlnce of Chalatenango, The four Marlnes kliled In the attack a Chapter 11 reorganlzatlon ln federal an area of lntense rebel actlvlty guarded the embassy and were not advlsers bankruptcy court, seeklng protectlon from The two Amer1can clvlllans that were r * * credltors The alrllne sa~d 1t has VIENNA, Austrla (UPI) NaZl hunter caught In the cross-flre worked for the $33,000 on deposlt whlle lt owes $4 25 mll­ Slmon Wlesenthal sald today "one has Wang Electronlcs Co llon to secured credltors and $2 25 mll­ to accept It'' lf 10 doctors concluded llon to unsecured credltors the remalns of a man In Brazll are Hundreds Watch light Show An attorney for the alrllne, known as those of Nazl war crlmlnal Josef Men­ SPIA, sald the flrm planned to contlnue gele, but he wants to lnvestlgate the As Soviet Spy Satellite operatlng and to pay back ltS credltors NaZl clrcle In Brazll SPlA's four Boelng 707 Jetllners have * * * been ldle Slnce the Federal AVlatlon wASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Reagan ad- Plunges To Earth In Mid\\est Admlnlstratlon revoked ltS nOlse exemp­ mlnlstratlon has been lnformed that COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo (UPI) -- A So­ tlon walver June 9, barrlng the Jets from Sovlet leader Mlkhall Gorbachev wlll vlet spy sateillte plunged to Earth In uSlng U S alrports The FAA sald the alr­ not attend the Unlted Natlons seSSlons the Mldwest early today, breaklng up Ilne fa lIed to act In good falth In ac­ In New York thlS fall, a spokesman lnto more than 5,000 pleces that were seen qUlrlng nOlse-suppresslng "hush klts" for sald today, rullng out a U S -Sovlet by hundreds of people across three states ltS 707s, WhlCh operated on scheduled and summlt meetlng In September The survelilance sateillte was launch­ ('harter flls:!hLs * * * ed by the Sovlets Jan 11, 1984, sald WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The House of Kay Cormler, a publlC affalrs offlcer for Kepresentatlves, taklng ltS plck from the North Amerlcan Aerospace Defense Com­ Omelek Met Rocket SlX 'star wars" plans ranglng from a mand In Colorado Sprlngs From GLOBAL OPERATIONS deep cut to what Presldent Reagan "It was a decaYlng, man-made space ob­ asked for, chose a mlddle road Thurs­ Ject that the NORAD space survelilance A meterologlcal rocket launch opera­ day and gave the controverslal antl­ center had been tracklng and watchlng very tlon from Omelek Island lS scheduled mlsslle program $2 5 blillon By a carefully Slnce lt was lndlcated that lt for Monday, June 24 vote of 256-150, members adopted the was gOlng to decay," she sald In connectlon wlth thlS operatlon $2 5 blillon "star wars" spendlng flg­ Hans Lange of Mlchlgan sald he was cautlon areas wlll eXlst In the ocean ure offered by the House Armed Ser­ drlvlng north on a major hlghway when he wlthln an area deflned by the follow­ Vlces Commlttee over other suggestlons, saw an object that looked llke the tall lng coordlnates 1031N, 16753E, 0950N, lncludlng the $3 7 blillon Reagan want­ of a Jet explodlng Several smaller ob­ 16850E, 0903N, 16744E, also that por­ ed Jects separated and kept movlng north as tlon wlthln a clrcle havlng a radlus of * * * a group 2,560 meters (1 4 nautlcal mlles) JERUSALEM (UPI) Prlme Mlnlster "There must have been a dozen of them around a pOlnt at 0903N, 16744E Shlmon Peres sald today Israell In­ I was wonderlng lf lt was a meteor or The Kwa]aleln Atoll cautlon area 1S teillgence determlned the TWA hlJack­ somethlng, why the llttle ones dldn't fall that portlon wlthln the conflnes of lng was planned before 1,150 Arab down " thlS clrcle shown on the dlagram below guerrlilas were exchanged for three Kurt Stuttman, also of Mlchlgan, sald Omelek Island lS a take-cover lsland Israell prlsoners of war last month he was standlng outslde a bar when he saw for thlS operatlon All non-essentlal In an lntervlew earller wlth Israel a large object surrounded by "three or personnel and craft must stay out of radlo, Peres denled the hlJacklng was four" very brlght smaller objects headlng the above cautlon areas between the prompted by last month's lopslded south "They left a trall and were re­ hours of 12 30 to 4 30 a m }onday, prlsoner exchange between Israel and flectlng dlfferent colors " or untll the restrlctlons are llfteG a radlcal Palestlnlan group See dlagrams below showlng the ocean * * * and KwaJaleln Atoll cautlon areas TOKYO (UPI) -- Flnance offlclals Series Of Bombings Leaves from 11 leadlng lndustrlal natlons to­ day re-endorsed the "floatlng rate" In­ Eighth Person Dead In Nepal ternatlonal monetary system but called By PAUL WEDEL ...... )0 ....._ ...... for modest changes to malntaln ex­ Unlted Press Internatlonal change rate stablilty The flnance ~ mlnlsters and central bankers also KATMANDU, Nepal -- Three bomb explo­ r~ brushed aSlde as "unreallstlc" a Slons rocked Nepal today, leavlng at Flench proposal for a llmlted system least one person dead and brlnglng to of flxed currenc rates elght the number of people kliled from an unprecedented outbreak of polltlcal V1Q­ lence In the small mountaln klngdom Financial News No one has clalmed responslblilty for Dollar closlng In a spate of bomblngs that erupted Wednes­ day and contlnued Thursday, but Home Tokyo was 24L 32 yen and 1n Zurlch was Mlnlster Jog Mehar Shrestha sald author~ ltles had begun an lnvestlgatlon and made 2 5775 SW1SS francs .,. CLOSING METALS 65 arrests In connectlon wlth the attacks Gold Former Prlme Mlnlster Surya Bahadur Thapa sald hlS brother and an alde were (141111'1) off 4 65 at 313 45 __ ILLEGIJIlII 1 among those arrested and blamed the V10- __ OND\AI( Silver 'UIIU lence on the stlfllng of polltlcal OPPOS1- _E..'lNUQlNLtCCI!LolP _ off 0 055 at 6 145 ~tu.tI P L tlon by the Nepalese government ~ELL.E' t"'.,tAI< DOW JONES CLOSINGS In the latest spate of bomblngs today, ImITH AlliO CHAN PASS -=,",.:::IIET",'::.'.!!PA'!!",·'o=--...,.. ___ three exploslons occurred In the town of \11 30 Industrlals up 24 75 at 1324 18 u"'__ I BlrganJ, about 60 mlles south of the 20 Trans up 12 64 at 649 58 JOIOUU_) capltal, Shrestha sald Utllltles up 2 30 at 166 85 12 15 He sald one of the blasts kliled a ''''--f) I 65 Stocks up 9 90 at 546 52 woman, who was apparently carrylng the Volume 125.400 000 shares ::u-=fJ bomb In a bag along wlth another bomb IICtJ PASS SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY thau dld not go off SPORTS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985, PAGE) American League Roundup By LISA HARRIS RAGAN Un1ted Press Internat10nal ".NDl)RYor NEW YORK -- True, New York did make three errors aga1nst De­ troit that cost them dearly, as Yankee Manager Billy Martin ROBERT R. RAGAN pOinted out But the killer was the wild pitch The Tigers won 10-9 with two outs in the bottom 6f the 10th inning Thursday night when seldom-used reliever Mike Armstrong wild-pitched home Lou Whitaker from third base Yankee catcher Ron Hassey knew immediately his team was beat­ en "There was nothing I could do about it," Hassey said "I leaped and just barely tipped the ball He (Armstrong) hasn't pitched in a while It was a tough situation " Setting the stage for the fiasco, Dave Righetti, 4-6, walked two batters with one out Kirk Gibson's force-out put Wh1taker at third before Armstrong's second pitch to Lance Parrish was wide to his catcher's right The loss snapped New York's four-game winning streak "We made three errors," Martin tersely' observed, "and every one cost us Everyone" Trailing 9-6, Detr01t t1ed the score in the n1nth 1nning off Righetti Gibson and Parr1sh delivered RBI s1ng1es to move the Tigers within 9-8 With one out and Gibson on third, Barbaro Garbey hit what could have been a game-end1ng double play, but second baseman Willie Randolph threw wildly to first for h1s sec­ ond error of the game, allowing Gibson to score the tying run Elsewhere in the American League, Oakland routed Chicago 12-1, Toronto tipped Boston 6-5, California blanked Cleveland 4-0, Se­ attle slew Texas 11-1 and Minnesota beat Kansas City 11-8 (Photo by BETH SHOLAR, Kentron Photo Lab) National League Roundup Get In On Summer Funl Scenes from 1984 Summer Fun on Raqan F1eld (above) and the Hoyt Wins Seventh Straight Basketball Court (below) should whet some appet1tes for the ex­ By IAN LOVE c1tement com1ng up in the 1985 Summer Fun season Just ahead Un1ted Press Internat10nal Watch for deta1ls 1n the Hourglass NEW YORK -- Given a fresh "He threw maybe about six outlook with a new team in a hangers with his breaking ball," new league, Lamarr Hoyt is said San Diego Manager Dick pitch1ng like the Cy Young W1111ams, "but he kept all but Award winner of old two of them in the park If Hoyt won his seventh you can win those k1nd of straight Thursday as the San games, you're doing good" D1ego Padres defeated the San Terr~ Kennedy, who had hom­ Francisco G1ants 6-5 at Jack ered earlier 1n the game off Murphy Stadium Mike Krukow, belted a two-run Hoyt, 9-4, won the Cy Young double off 10s1ng p1tcher Mark Award in 1983 as a member of Davis that capped a three-run the Ch1cago White Sox He was eighth inn1ng to give Hoyt the 24-10 that year, but in 1984 v1ctory the 6-foot-2, 244-pounder drop­ Leonard hit a solo homer 1n ped to 13-18 the second 1nn1ng and a three­ In the off-season the White run shot in the sixth that put Sox traded Hoyt to the Padres the Giants ahead 4-3 They along with two m1nor league built the1r lead to 5-3 1n the players for eighth on Chr1s Brown's RBI and Bill Long and infielders double Kennedy doubled in the and Ozzie Guillen eighth and brought in two runs The 30-year-old right-hander Elsewhere, New York beat Thursday allowed nine h1ts ~he Cubs 5-3, Houston blanked against the Giants, two of them Atlanta 2-0, P1ttsburgh edged homers to Jeff Leonard, but Montreal 2-1 and St Louis struck out six and walked one blanked Ph1ladelphia S-U Upcoming Sports On AFRTS 1224 AM Saturaay on AFRTS IZZ4 AM rad10 ft~s basebaII action as At­ lanta meets the Cincinnati Reds at 5 15 a m On Sunday you can hear the Ch1cago Cubs play the St Lou1s Card1na1s at 6 11 a m Monday on AFRTS radio it's Kansas City Royals vs the M1nne­ sota TW1ns That game will a1r at 12 30 p m (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Softball Schedule Worst Golfer Named TODAY'S GAME Family Pool Schedule By DENNY HAMILTON Brandon 5 15 Ko10he vs Neu Wave Un1ted Press Internat10nal SUNDAY'S GAME Dur1ng Summer Fun, June 24-Ju1y 3, the Brandon 5 15 Game 2, D Div. World Series family Pool w111 be open PONTE VERDRA, F1a -- Angelo Spagnolo (R F Hazards vs Kanes) MONDAY-THURSDAY 12 30-1 30 pm, lap shot a 185-over-par 257 Wednesday -- 1n­ MONDAY'S GAME SW1m deep end, open SW1m shallow end, c1ud1ng an unspeakably wretched 66 on the Brandon 5 15 Game 1 C Div World Series 1 30-3 pm, water polo deep end, open 17th hole -- to win the title of the Worst (Gag vs Manners II) SW1m shallow end, 3-6 pm, open SW1m AV1d Golfer in America at the Tournament TUESDAY'S GAME both ends Players course Brandon 5 15 Game 1 A Div World Ser1es FRIDAY Closed Spagnolo of Fayette City, Pa , who lost WEDNESDAY'S GAME SATURDAY 11 a m -6 pm, open swim five dozen golf balls in the process, over­ Brandon 5 15 Game 2 C D1v World Ser1es SUNDAY 9 30 a m -6 pm, open SW1m took Jack Pulford of Moline, III , on the THURSDAY'S GAME back nine to take the honors Brandon 5 15 Game 2 A Div World Ser1es "I used to bowl but my scores were so Ball And Pin Leaders bad I took up golf," Spagnolo said "Now In the Kentron M1xed Bow11ng League my golf scores are h1gher than my bowling Tonight's Volleyball Thursday n1ght scores used to be The only advantage was 6 00 Lokah1 vs Keones tUpen Div~ Playoff) Men's D1vis10n I lost less balls bowling " 7 00 Soft Touch vs Ma1ih1n1 (Mixed H1gh Game B1ll Hale, 236 Pulford made the turn with a 68-over­ D1v1sicn Playoffs) Second-H1gh Game Russ Kees, 226 par 104 and finished with a 208, good for H1gh Ser1es B1ll Hale, 595 th1rd place in the tournament Spagnolo Correction Second-High Ser1es Russ Kees, 494 had a 97 after nine holes In Wednesday's Hourglass art1c1e KGA Women's Division Joel Mosser of Aurora, Colo , carded a Names W1nners Of June Medal Play, under H1gh Game Debi Rambo, 159 75-117-192 wh11e Kelly Ireland of Tyler, the Flight 23-40 11sting, the second­ Second-H1gh Game Mable P1erce, 158 Texas, was at 89-90 for the day's low place tie should have read Gail Chamber­ High Ser1es Mable P1erce, 467 score of 179 The men took seven hours to lain, Bill Ki11efer, Henry Lum - 69 Second-High Series Deb1 Rambo, 466 tour the 6,857-yard, par-72 course FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 Food Dear Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers How When the farmer's wlfe Chocolate-Loving Lora Brody not to break a Chlld of sees her rUlned carpet, bedwettlng she makes the boy sleep on Eases Guilt With High Style If he lS only 2~ years an army cot ln the mllk By JOHN DEMERS old, don't hold hlm house Unlted Press Internatlonal agalnst a red-hot stove One nlght he runs off, and burn a scar four lnch­ goes lnto town and hldes NEW ORLEANS -- Lora Brody, the self-lndulgent hlgh es long on hlS bottom ln a stalrwell for the prlestess of chocolate, Just mlght be to the 1980s Don't rub hlS face ln nlght. unaware that a doc­ what Tlmothy Leary was to the 1960s hlS wet bed, or tle a hot tor has hlS offlce ln the In place of Leary's "turn on, tune ln, drop out," water bottle on hlm, or bUlldlng The next morn­ Brody offers readers of her new book a far less medl­ make hlm drlnk nothlng but lng the doctor flnds the tatlve mantra However calorlc her medlum, her message pumpkln seed tea for two lad, llstens to hlS story mlght be descrlbed as, "don't worry, you Jog, so dlg weeks, or make hlm Slt on and glves hlm a lot of ln " a pot untll he has urlnat­ love and affectlon for For several years, Brody has been spreadlng her ed a plnt, or glve hlm de­ three weeks The lad stops gospel to kltchens packed wlth chocohollcs -- waltlng hydratlon pliis ln double wettlng the bed not only to exerClse thelr partlcular passlon but to doses None of the above The doctor asks the JU­ hear It'S qUlte all rlght to lndulge works venlle offlcer lf he can The message comes through loud and clear, ln Brody's Now he lS 6 years old keep the boy for a whlle presentatlons and her far more candld conversatlons and startlng school He lS to make sure he lS cured "We the chocolate consumers are the generatlon that stlll wettlng the bed H1S request lS granted was told by our parents we musn't have that," she sald Don't make hlm wear hlS I am 70 years old and durlng an lntervlew ln New Orleans "Now we've learned wet pajamas under hlS the last 60 years were a lt lsn't bad for us and It'S our own money and It'S clothes Don't put hlm ln lot shorter than the flrst our own way of actlng out somethlng legal and dell­ a baby bed wlth Just an 10 I am the boy ln thlS C10US " ollcloth, naked, ln freez­ story What prompted me to That descrlptlon says a lot about Brody's chosen lng weather wrlte thlS letter was that market -- she does not shrlnk from the word Yupple -­ Now he lS 10 and hlS I recently had to tell my and about her personallty as well An astute sense of horne lS shattered because doctor how I got the scar self-promotlon Jockeys constantly for posltlon wlth a of a dlvorce No one ln I have never told my wlfe streetwlse Wlt and an lrrepresslble appetlte for llfe the famlly wants hlm H1S or chlldren father falls to tell the farmer about the bedwet­ She thinks she's composed of tlng The farmer's wlfe puts mostly chocolate and tuna fish. the boy ln the guest room He lS so frlghtened of wettlng ln that beautlful One of Brody's favorlte fantasles lS that the gurus bed that he sleeps on the were rlght about people belng what they eat Though floor and makes the usual the world has turned many tlmes Slnce young Lora nlb­ puddle on thelr nlce car­ bled Hershey bars ln Hartford, Conn, she flgures she pet must be composed prlmarlly of chocolate and tuna flSh Her lntultlon told her a book of tuna flSh remlnl­ scences had far less a shot than a book about her fa­ Your Indi,idual vorlte sweet, so "Growlng Up on the Chocolate Dlet" was born Horoscope The book of memOlrs wlth 85 devlllsh reClpes lS pub llshed by Llttle, Brown ===== Fraftces Drake =====::::::~== FOR MONDAY, JUNE 24,1985 "ThlS generatlon spends a huge amount of tlme on ARIES __ You'll carry the ball m any group thelr bodles," sald Brody when asked lf she felt any (Mar 21 to Apr 191 w-;, actiVIty Today, you find out that remorse "They feel they've earned lt It's got to be After a slow start, thmgs come others respect you AffectIOn IS also together by day s end Home, busl- m the plctIlre upscale lndulgence The act of exerclslng beforehand ness and finances are accented SAGITIARIUS removes the aura of gUllt " favorably ConsolIdate gams (Nov 22 to Dec 21) Her experlences, recalled wlth the proper golden TAURUS You're able to rectify a past glow but dlstlngulshed by the lrony of a certaln age, (Apr 20 to May 20) jiIf mistake New doors also open for you do lndeed lnvolve enough chocolate to keep Hershey, The fact that you've opened up In bUSiness Common sense and With another person promises you charm are your allies Pa , ln buslness lf every last cow went on strlke smooth sallmg m romance You are CAPRICORN But her words are more than blnges once removed becoming more deeply mvolved (Dec 22 to Jan 19) Brody descrlbes the JOYS and lnsanltles of famlly GEMINI £:&. Better understanding comes now llfe (WhlCh, of course, revolved around beatlng her (May 21 to June 20) 'FtA' With a loved one Some make plans slbllngs to the very best treats) along wlth an 111- A home SituatIOn IS resolved favor for a romantic holIday You're on top ably Your judgment IS good In of the situatIOn now fated rlte of passage wlth the Good Humor man financial matters Self disciplIne AQUARIUS The energy lS so contaglous It'S hard to belleve abets your progress (Jan 20 to Feb 18) the calorles don't corne wlth lt CANCER A friend may cancel an app0Int- "My phllosophy about cooklng lS that people take lt (June 21 to July 22) .~ ment, but sound judgment brmgs you much too serlously," sald Brody "Cooklng lS a lovlng, You'll have reasons to feel appre- bUSiness success Home entertaIn- clated today and thiS factor contn- ments are favored tomght glvlng thlng We have lost slght of the fact that It'S butes to success In all areas of your PISCES )otIIrDo somethlng beyond drudgery " lIfe (Feb 19 to Mar 20) .-..< Her reclpes reflect thlS passlon well, ranglng from LEO ,~The small talk IS so pleasant that the slmple, nostalglc pleasures of chocolate egg (July 23 to Aug 22) 'I:"t~ you find yourself making more sen- creams, stralght-A chocolate layer cake and Morn's ThiS IS a promlsmg tune for you ous plans With a romantic mterest finanCially and careerwlse Your Trust your instincts fudge squares to gastronomlc wonders llke bete nOlre, charm works wonders, and so does YOU BORN TODAY are highly the Trlanon,_ chocolate cherry torte, chocolate mousse your good bUSiness head creative WIth a strongly developed cake and Chocolate Phantoms VIRGO commumty sense You'd make a good To launch her book, Brody reallzed lt took more (Aug 23 to Sept 22) if.! cntlc and also would be an effective than press kltS from Llttle, Brown So she baked 500 Improved concentratIOn means spokesperson for any group An progress In mental endeavors Interest In words attracts you to cakes and 1,000 cookles and sent them to newspaper ed­ SOCially you sparkle Both your heart wrItmg, edltmg and publIshmg ltors and book salesmen allover the country and your head are pleased today 1 You re at home With large enterpnses The maneuver seems to have had some lmpact, on the LmRA and If out of a job, you could get by marketplace as well as on walstllnes The flrst prlnt­ (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~ on your WitS Teaching, law and lng of 20,000 coples sold out ln one week -- even be­ You re setting the stage now for a medlcme may also appeal to vou m3,]or career accomplIshment Don t Birthday of John CIardI, poet, Nor- fore the offlclal publlcatlon day show your hand until you are ready man COUSinS, publIsher, and Jack "I declded I'd cooked all my llfe for money and lt Continue as you are Dempsey, boxer was tlme to ha'le fun," Brody sald "I guess a lot of SCORPIO lt was guts " (Oct 23 to Nov 21) () 1985 King Features Syndlcale Inc COMICS


HAGAR Dlk Browne JUIiIOR AlWAY'S HAP 17 70U6I( 6E7T11I6 JU5T PUT YoL!~ STL.lPf 7HE MMI/"Y' CAR- IN THE: GOIZi'lEFZ Sf:& THAT c.oNCO~P" My 80V F/.IGSON~ OF THOse' ySSS'~ ALWAY'S WAS A f?esPoI'4S/­ eu: KIP'


ACROSS 44 On the 2 World 17 Hospital I 1 Golf peak of workorg worker course 45 ACid's 3 Milk 19 Muscular I chunk counter­ shake types 6 Fire part chOice 21 "Eureka'" 9 CIA pred­ 47 Ape 4 Mideast 22 Backtalk ' ecessor 49 Actor Nick natIOn 24 Haggard I 12 Texan 52 Singleton 5 OlympICS novel ITllSSlOn 53 Broadcast symbol 26 Sea 13 Actress 54 Mideast 6 BrOWnie, creatures MacGraw Heights eg 28 Rein 55 But, to 7 Slghmg 30 Publisher I/- ~======:::::~~======~~~~~~~~~===:;=T.:::i:==::::=~~~ 1514 SubGuy's deVice date Brutus word Hugh, for 16 Jaw 56 Plggery 8 Veto short 18 Foot parts 57 Anse 9 Gawker 32Sodiwn 20 Lair DOWN 10 Lively carbonate 21' - Shook 1 "­ dance 33 Blvd Up" Kapltal" 11 GraYish 34 Conducted 23 That girl Avg solutIOn time 26 mID 36 Pay 24 Wanderer 38 Nigerian 25 Hawdnan AlL AS .A DD .SC T capital uty VIIW VE .L IE.T AME 39 Make 27 Papler- EV EN .L EE .A NON amends 29 Western DE CA DE .R UM ORS TO Y. FE E •• 40 StudIed Indian RA•• CE .C AN ON 1ST care 31 Like OV A• • A GO SPA fully some CA NI ST ER.5 •• TYX 42 Dlstmct teas lAD O• • T HE flavors B Johnny Hart ••MA DE UP HI NG••• ES 35 Taut AR IA.U SE .D ADO 45 Stepped WHAT5 YOUR IDEA 37 Church 5E AT .M AR .E VER down GaN6 friROllGl TLJRKISH CLJGfcMs WITH A part KA NE .A NN .R ENT 46 Spoils Cf' HI6H ADVENTLlRE' ? 'SUITCASE FULL OF JOINT6 a.J A suYN rn.y 38 -luxury 48 -Vegas 41 Deed Trursday's Solutlon 50 Beige 41 Scarlet 51 Finish


OFFICIAL NOTICES KWAJ SOUVENIRS BLACK CORAL, shells lncl KTC-SPONSORED MINI, SINGLE-ellmlnatlon AN ISLAND ORIENTATION wlll be held Tuesday, golden, shell candles, Japanese bottles, doubles tourney July 4 There wlll be one June 25, at 2 p m ln the Banyan Room of Marshalls and Palau stamps, also some of dlvls1on, no ranklng Inltlal pairlng de­ the Yokwe Yuk Club The purpose of thlS Llnda's plants Today 'tl1 6 pm, Saturday termlned by team preference Brlng can of orlentatl0n lS to provlde lnformatlon on from 8 a m -1 pm, Tr 746 balls Slgn-ups start June 27, Yuk Courts the unusual llvlng COndltl0ns found on and around the lsland Change 1 to KMR Regula­ rISHING GEAR 10/0 REEL w/rod, $160, 9/0 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OF KwaJaleln tl0n 385-6 requlres that all new employees reel w/2 rods, $90, small troillng set, $10, Scuba Club June 24, 7 pm, YY Theater Re­ attend the flre and safety brleflng that down rlgger, $30, flghtlng belt, $10, many freshments served lS lncluded ln thlS orlentatl0n All par­ lures, feathers 82490 or see today 'tl1 ents are urged to attend to learn of the 6 pm, Saturday, 8 a m -1 p m KWAJALEIN CHAPTER OF FGBMFI WILL hold ltS hazards that eXlst on land as well as ln monthly dlnner meetlng Sat, June 22, 5 30, the ocean and on the reef Chlldren accom­ STEREO CABINET, DARK STAINED, 72"x32"xI7", Taro Room Speaker wlll be Duane Nelson, panled by a parent are welcome 3-4" plywood, $50, floor lamp, $10, hlgh­ $9 per plate Call 84236 or 84302 for res (Global Safety) class demltasse, hammered copper, 4-cup serVlce for $30 Call Taylor, H82589, THE GARDEN CLUB WILL BE SELLING "Garden­ ENERGY CONSERVATION IS EVERYONE'S responsi­ W99279 lng on KwaJaleln" books on Macy's porch blilty KMR power plants currently consume Saturday, June 22, 10 a m -noon more than 9 mlillon barrels of fuel 011 NO, WE HAVEN'T LOST OUR marbles' We're try­ each year to generate electrlclty More lng to sell them' 6 gray marble 11queur CONTACT YOUR GLOBAL CHAPTER of NMA members than 50 percent of thlS energy lS to pro­ cups, 2 oz each, $20 Call H82589, W99279 early for tlckets to the offlcer lnstalla­ vlde alr condltlonlng and 20 percent lS for tl0n dlnner June 27 Program lnstallatlon, llghtlng Your part lS necessary to con­ PANASONIC VHS BATTERY CHARGER and 2 bat­ selectlon of manager of the year and meet serve energy Turn off llghts ln unoccupled terles for Omnlvlsl0n, $80, recorder Call NMA scholarshlp reclplent rooms, turn off unnecessary llghts, and after 6 pm, ask for Al 84391 ralse alr condltlonlng thermostat temper­ HAM RADIO LICENSES EXAMS for all classes atures Look hlgh and low, at work, home LOST of amateur radlo operators wlll be held and play There are ways to save energy MISPLACED A BLUE BAG WITH BLACK strap wlth June 22, hlgh school Code test at 4, re~­ (Energy Conservatlon Englneer) yellow palnt on strap If found, call AI, lstratlon, 3 30 Cost $4, checks only W83353, W84391 For lnformatlon call Blll, 82202 THE DALLY TENNIS COURTS wlll be reserved for the Summer Fun tennlS program from RED WALLET WITH TAN BORDER Lost at Macy's 8 30-11 30 am, Monday through Frlday, If found, please call 84386 Reward June 24 through July 5 When !pu're (Speclal Servlces) BLUE AND CLEAR RUBBER FLOAT wlth headrest FOR SALE at Emon on Sunday afternoon If found, out it1 the sun .. please call 82741 10-SPEED BIKES, MAN'S and woman's, need work, best offer, $40 man's Nlke Sport 30" GOLD ROPE CHAIN wlth 2" KwaJ medalll0n shoes, sz 9, very 11ttle wear, $15, new Blrthday glft Please call W82035, H827l5 klng fltted bed sheet, $10 Call 82322 WANTED STANDARD WINDSURFER, 2 salls, traller, MONOCHROME COMPUTER MONITOR Call Al Ander­ harness, etc , $750 82771 after 4 30 p m son at W82065, H82478

PACK-OUT SALE RCA CED Selectavlsl0n vldeo­ TO BORROW, RENT, BUY An underwater case dlSC player, mlnt con, $175/best offer, for a Beta mOVle camera Call Al Anderson men's black onyx rlng w/center dlamond, 18K at W82065, H82478 ~old, $150, belge muumuu w/appllque, $20, drop-leaf oak table, new Call 84508 9x12 TARP, GRIDDLE Would the person who took mOVles of the May Day speclal at Is­ TRS-80 MODEL I, LOADED, free software avall­ land Nursery School please call me so I can able, asklng $400, beaded curtaln, AAFES brlng you a tape to copy for me? Wlll pay - P 131, Item Q, $15, Eureka uprlght vacuum, for your tlme Much appreclated 82209 $20 Call John at H83825 .. .you should alwa~ sla~ HELP WANTED ELIMINATE PEEPING TOMS DRAPES for 400-se­ THE VOLUNTEER PROSECUTOR IN the KwaJaleln MEDIUM AARE I" rles, 4 panels floral prlnt for LR or blg Communlty Court needs an asslstant ThlS bedroom, $20, 3 panels mlnlfloral prlnt for lS an unpald posltl0n as an offlcer of the small bedroom, $10, blue/whlte cafe cur­ Republlc of the Marshall Islands The as­ talns for bath, $5, rods lncluded H82589 slstant prosecutor wlll be apPolnted as a trlal asslstant and a prosecutor by the At­ MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL That's rlght' torney General's Offlce of RMI The POS1- Two mlrrors, 60"x16" wlth rounded ends, $15 tlon may requlre a 20- to 30-hour-per­ for the palr Call Taylor, H82589 month commltment and wlll requlre close and contlnuous cooperatlon wlth the cur­ SAILBOAT, 25', needs work but the prlce lS rent prosecutor and wlth the securlty and rlght Asklng $6,200, all flttlngs, materl­ law enforcement personnel Members of the als lncluded, and on-lsland tools avallable communlty who wlsh to apply should contact also Call H83070, W99138 MaJ John P Young, KMR Legal Offlce, 81431

JR SET OF GOLF CLUBS, putter, 3, 5, 7, 9, TEMPORARY PART-TIME HELP NEEDED by Global lrons and 1, 3 woods wlth bag Make offer Assoclates Should type 50 wpm and be fa­ Call 83630 mlilar wlth other offlce machlnes Appll­ cants must be flexlble, good wlth the pub­ POWER BILT DRIVER, regular shaft, $10 Call llC and pleasant ln manner and appearance 83630 Interested persons contact Global, 83388 Tonight At The Movies Yokwe Yuk - Mlsunderstood YOUTH SET OF GOLF CLUBS 1, 3 woods, 3, CASHIER, PACIFIC DINING ROOM ApproXlmately 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 --- PC 9 lrons and putter Make offer 83630 20 per week Interested persons contact Tradewlnds - Phar Lap Global personnel at 83388 8 00 ------PG WATERBED, SUPER SINGLE lncl frame, heater, Tonight On Television sheets and hose flttlngs, $130 Call 82155 BE AN HOURGLASS TEMP' The Hourglass has or 83616 openlngs for temporarj, on-call tYP1StS Kwajalein to work when our staff lS on leave These 4 35 People's Court HEADED FOR CIVILIZATION? Imports sell' could work lnto regular part-tlme or full­ 5 00 General Hospltal Trlple your lnvestment wlth 25 palrs custom tlme typlng Jobs at the end of the summer 5 45 CNN Sports surf trunks made ln Ball, QUlcksllver Contact Global Assoclates Personnel, 83388 6 10 CBS News style, very sturdy, szs 27-32 $100 for 6 40 Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not all Call 82155 days SERVICES OFFERED 7 30 Star Search BABY SITTER JULIE DULUDE, age 10, wlll 8 20 T J Hooker SEA & SEA MOTORMARINE 35 underwater camera, baby-slt 2-6-year-olds afternoons 83369 9 10 "House On Greenapple Vlew flnder, flexarm, Ikellte substrobe S, Ro_ad" plstol-grlp mount, close-up lens, bag for FREE-AGENT AVAILABLE FOR HIRE Softball, Roi-Namur camera, $300 Call 84544 Excellent COndl­ fast-pltch catcher/lnflelder, basketball 5 20 General Hospltal tl0n Call Ed Heon at 82773 6 05 CBS News/CNN Sports 7 00 Star Search YOUNGSTERS' PUNCHING BAG SET BY Everlast, COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 7 45 Dukes Of Hazzard $20 Call 82512 after 5 p m BASIC/OPEN-WATER SCUBA COURSE Slgn-up for 8 40 Cagney & Lacey Joe Barton's KSC July-August course on June 9 30 Scarecrow And Mrs Klng NEW ICE MAKER FOR WHIRLPOOL Mo ED 19AKIL 24, 6-6 30 pm, Rm 1, Seltz School In­ 10 20 "Eyes Of Charles Sand" slde-by-slde refrlgerator, $100 82512 af- formatlon handouts on June 24, mandatory ter 5 p m 2-hour orlentatl0n Thursday, June 27, 6-8 ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985, PAGE 9 Television Movies S M1ckey And The Beanstalk, Teen Center, 1 p m Kwajaleln Saturday • Kwajaleln Friday A Amer1can Dreamer R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 7 30 Ch1ldren's Programs 9 00 Today Show T To Be Announced Pending Arrlval, R~chardson, 9 30 p m 10 45 F1ght Back 11 00 Donahue (Multlple Personality) Last Of The Mohlcans Tradewinds Theater, 8 p m 11 10 The Waltons 11 50 CNN Take Two S Anlmat10n Wonderland, Teen Center, 1 p m 12 00 Hee Haw 1 50 Ryan's Hope/Louls1ana Cook1ng U Amerlcan Dreamer, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 12 50 Soul Tra~n 2 45 Comedy Shop N To Be Announced, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 1 35 World Of D1sney "Pollyana" 3 10 Sesame Street Ra1lwav Ch1ldren, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 2 25 Baseball N Y Yankees at Detro~t 4 10 Fam~ly Feud M To Be Announced Pend~ng Arrlval, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 5 25 Informat10n F1llers 4 35 People's Court o Ra1lway Chlldren, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 5 35 CNN Sports 5 00 General Hosp1tal T M~sunderstood, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 3D, 8 3D, 12 30 6 00 CNN News 5 45 CNN Sports U Amer1can Dreamer, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 6 30 CBS Reports Terror1sm, War In 6 10 CBS News W R~ver Rat, R~chardson Theater, 7 30 p m The Shadows 6 40 R1pley's Be11eve It Or Not E Misunderstood, Tradew~nds Theater, 8 p m 7 30 Scarecrow And Mrs K~ng 7 30 Star Search T American Dreamer, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 3D, 12 30 8 20 Matt Houston 8 15 T J Hooker H R~ver Rat, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 9 10 "The Concrete Cowboys" 9 05 "Tw1rl" F Railway Chlldren, Yok~e Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m ~0_5Q_N~w_Y£r~~0~!r~c~s ______10 45 CNN News/N1ght1~ne R The K1ll1ng Flelds, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 3D, 12 30 I Cal, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Kwajalem Sunday ROI-Namur Saturday 7 00 Re11g~ous Programs 10 00 Hee HaW/Soul Traln AMERICAN DREAMER Jobeth W~lllams, Tom Cont1 8 50 Sunday Morn1ng w/Charles Kuralt 11 35 R1pley's Bel~eve It Or Not Comedy RT 105 PG 9 50 "Storm In A Teacup" 12 25 The Waltons An Amer1can housew1fe W1ns a tr1p to Europe through a 11 20 W11d K1ngdom 1 15 "W~tch Mounta1n" p1ece wr1tten 1n the style of a world-famous adventuress 11 45 Oh Made11ne 2 05 Chff Wh1Ch she entered ~n a wr1t1ng contest Her chauv~n1stlc hus­ 12 10 S1X Great Ideas 2 55 S1X Great Ideas band refuses to go When she arrlves ~n Parls she ~s hit by a 1 10 01ymp1c Box~ng 3 55 Thr1llmaker Sports car and awakens th1nk1ng she ~s the reknowned authoress, 2 00 NFL H~gh1~ghts Redsk1ns, Broncos 4 20 Cobra -- Ind~a's Good Snake wh1ch soon leads her ~nto adventures involv~ng sp~es and 2 45 Atlanta Golf C1ass~c 4 50 01ymp1c Box1ng crooked pol~t~c1ans However, someone starts to take her se­ 5 15 Three's A Crowd 5 40 CNN News/CNN Sports r10usly enough to try and kill her, but all ends well when 5 40 Ahce 6 35 Sol~d Gold (Repeat) she rega1ns her memory 6 05 News 7 25 Ahce Saturday, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 6 35 Yellow Rose 7 50 Cosby Show Sunday, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 7 25 "Two Of A K1nd" 8 15 Dynasty Thursday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 9 10 Kaz 9 05 "Backlash" Tuesday, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m JcO_OQ _L~t~ ~1~h~ ~~~h_D~v~d_L~t~eEID~n_ lO_3Q _N~w_Y£r~ ~o~ Ir~c~s ______CAL Hellen M1rren, John Lynch K wajaleln Monday ROI-Namur Sunday Drama RT 102 R 9 00 Today Show 7 00 Rel~g~ous Programs A romance between a tortured 19-year-old and an older 11 00 Donahue (Ur~nary Tract Surgery) 8 50 Journey To Adventure wldow set aga1nst the conf11ets of Northern Ireland 11 50 CNN Take Two 9 25 "Great Expectat~ons" Fr1day, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 1 50 New Tech T~mes 11 10 E/R / Hlt C1ty 2 15 Ryan's Hope 12 00 The Rousters THE KILLING FIELDS Sam Waterston, Ha1ng S Ngor 2 40 Reg~s Ph1lb~n 12 50 The Muppets/S~lver Spoons Drama RT 135 R 3 30 Sesame Street/Fam~ly Feud 1 40 Too Close For ComforL A suspenseful and true story about two fr1ends -- one an 4 55 General Hosp1tal 2 05 It's Your Move Amer~can Journa11st, the other hlS Cambod~an ass~stant -­ 5 40 CNN Sports 2 30 Baseball N Y Yankees at Detro~ caught up 1n the fall of the Cambod~an government to the 6 05 NBC News 5 30 CBS Reports Terror~sm, War In Khmer Rouge 6 35 The Muppets The Shadows Fr1day, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 7 00 Fame 6 30 CNN News/CNN Sports 7 50 We Are The World Story Behlnd 7 25 Three's A Crowd LAST OF THE MOHICANS Steve Forrest, Ned Romero The Song 7 50 Falcon Crest Western RT 97 PG 8 45 "Backlash" 8 40 T J Hooker A new and thr1ll1ng verS10n of one of Amer~ca's most be­ 10 10 CNN News _9_3Q _".!:.e~t~r~ £.r£mJ.£aE.k'::' ______loved stor1es about bravery and adventure 1n the pre-Revolu­ lO_4Q _T£n~g~t_S~o~/~~~h!l~n~ ____ _ tlonary Amer1ca The story takes place 1n 1757, durlng the ROI-Narrur Mol"day th1rd year of the French and Ind~an War An army of French Kwajaleln Tuesday 2 45 Ryan's Hope/L~vely Country and Ind1ans 1S reported on 1tS way to attack Fort Wlll~am 9 00 Today Show 3 35 Peter Appleyard/Fam~ly Feud Henry 11 00 Donahue (Catho11c Church) 4 25 Donahue (The New Woman) Saturday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 11 50 CNN Take Two 5 15 General Hosp~ta1 1 50 Journey To Adventure 6 00 NBC News MISUNDERSTOOD Gene Hackman, Henry Thomas 2 15 Ryan's Hope 6 30 NFL H1gh11ghts Redsk1ns-Broncos Drama RT 91 PG 2 40 Inspector Gadget/Electrlc Company 7 15 Atlanta Golf Class~c A wealthy Amer1can sh1pp1ng magnate l1v1ng 1n Tun1s~a 3 35 Merv Grlff1n 9 45 Knots Land~ng w1th h1s fam1ly 1S suddenly faced w1th the necesslty of 4 25 Faml1y Feud lO_3~ _B~s~ Qf_C~r~0E. ______br1ng1ng up h1S two chlldren alone He's d01ng th1s all 4 50 Ceneral Hospltal wrong, the younger one he coddles and over-protects, whlle 5 35 CNN ;,ports ROI-Namur Tuesday the older one he treats too 1mpersonally, as ~f he were 6 00 CBS News 2 45 Ryan's Hope/Reg1s Ph~lb~n an "adult " Eventually the father comes to see the error 6 30 60 M1nutes 4 00 Fam~ly Feud of h1s ways, but 1t takes an almost. fatal acc1dent lnvolv- 7 20 h llO '5 The Boss 4 25 Donahue (Day Care Centers) 1ng the older boy for th~s to occur 7 45 Knots Landlng 5 15 General Hosp~tal Tuesday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 3D, 12 30 8 35 Cagney & Lacey 6 00 CBS News/CNN Sports Wednesday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 9 25 CNN News 6 55 Fame 9 55 "lhe Last Outlaw" Part 2 7 45 S~lver Spoons RAILWAY CHILDREN D~nah Sher1dan, Bernard Cribb~ns ll_3Q _1~n~g~t_S~0~/~1~h~1~n~ ____ _ 8 10 We Are The World Story Beh~nd Comedy/Drama RT 109 G The Song When the1r father 1S accused of esp10nage and sentenced Kwajalem Wednesday _9_0~ _"Ih~ .!:.a~t_O~tla~"_P~r~ l. ___ _ to pr1son, three ch1ldren are removed to a qua1nt Yorksh~re 9 00 Today Show cottage by a ra~lroad They meet many people, and, ~n the 11 00 Donahue (Boy George) ROI-Namur Wednesday end, manage to clear the1r father's name 11 50 CNN Take Two 2 45 Ryan's Hope/Merv Gr1ff~n Monday, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 1 50 H.Lt C1ty 4 00 Fam1ly Feud Fr1day, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 2 15 Ryan's Hope 4 25 Donahue (S~lent N1ght, Deadly Sunday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 2 40 E/R / Pete's Place N1ght) 3 30 Sesame Street 5 15 General Hosp~tal THE RIVER RAT Tommy Lee Jones, Martha Pllmpton 4 30 Famlly Feud 6 00 ABC News/CNN Sports Adventure/Drama RT 93 PG 4 55 General Hospltal 6 55 60 M1nutes A rural adventure drama, thlS fllm revolves around the 5 40 CNN Sports 7 45 Yellow Rose tender relatlonshlp between a young g1rl and her recently 6 05 ABC News 8 35 "Murder At The World Ser1es" paroled father Both are belng chased up and down the M1S­ 6 35 S11ver Spoons lO_l~ _L~t~ ~1£h~ ~1!h_D~v~d_L~t~e.£ID~n S1SS1PP1 R1ver by a madman seeklng the whereabouts of some 7 00 Dukes Of Hazzard stolen money, h1dden when the father was arrested 7 50 Entertalnment Th1s Week ROI-Narrur Thursday Wednesday, R1chardson Theater, 7 30 p m 8 40 Dynasty 2 45 Ryan's Hope/Informat~on Spec1al Thursday, Tradew1nds Theater, 8 p m 9 30 CNN News 4 00 Fam~ly Feud 10 00 "Eyes Of Charles Sand" 4 25 Donahue (Re1ncarnat10n) ll_12 _T~n~g~t_S~0~/~1~h~1~n~ ____ _ 5 l~ General Hosp~tdl At press tlme, next week's new mOV1es had not arrlved on 6 00 NBC News/CNN Sports lsland The Hourglass and Spec~a1 Serv1ces regret the ~ncon­ Kwajaleln Thursday 6 55 Entertainment Th1s Week ven1ence, and w1l1 announce the~r t~tles as soon as poss~ble 9 00 Today Show 7 45 Fantasy Island 11 00 Donahue (Su~c~de P~lls) 8 35 Matt Houston 11 50 CNN Take Two _9_2~ _"~lc!e_W~n~e.!:" ______MOVie Ratmg Gu Ide 1 50 It's Your Move G General V1ew1ng Aud~ences 2 15 Ryan's Hope ROI-Namur Friday PG Parental GU1dance Suggested Some mater1al may not 2 40 Informat~on Spec~al 2 45 Ryan's Hope/Lou1s1ana Cook1ng be sU1table for ch1ldren 3 35 B~g Blue Marble 3 40 fam1ly Feud/People's Court R Restr1cted Under 17 requ~res accompany~ng parent or 4 00 It F1gures 4 30 Donahue (Letters From V1ewers) guard1an 4 25 Feud 5 20 General Hosp1tal 4 50 General Hosp1tal 6 05 CBS News/CNN Sports 5 35 CNN Sports/NBC News 7 00 Star Searc~ KEEP KWAJAlEIN'S THEATERS CLEAN 6 30 A11ce/Sohd Gold 7 45 Dukes Of Hazzard R1chardson and Yokwe Yuk theater patrons must not place 7 45 Cosby Show 8 35 Cagney & Lacey trash on the floor Depos1t trash 1n the conta1ners prov~d­ 8 10 Falcon Crest 9 25 Scarecrow And Mrs K1ng ed at each theater 9 00 "Three On A Date" 10 15 "Summer G~rl" Help keep KwaJale1n clean 10 40 CNN News/N1ght11ne Pr~gra;s~ t1;es SUbject to-change -- ENTERTAINMENT PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE ShowbiZ KWajalein Roi-Namur ConfessiOM Of A Moviephobe Saturday Saturday • HEE HAW All the regular Hee Hawers are JOlned HEE HAW The regulars are JOlned by the Osmond By RICHARD STAYTON by Dottle West, Hoyt Axton and Cotton Ivy Brothers, Stan Freese and Charlene Gordon LOS ANGELES -- The show lS boffo box offlce MUS1C "If You're A Cowboy," "Nothln' Llke MUS1C "If Every Man Had A Woman," "Yester­ In 30 days lt's grossed nearly $100 mll110n A Woman," "Put Somethlng Back," "Della and day When I was Young," "When Do You Say At the tlcket wlndow Thlrd World couples are the Dealer," "Lone Blues" It's Over," "Out Behlnd the Bar" knocklng elbows wlth s11ver-halred Old World­ SOUL TRAIN Traln passengers are Chery Lynn and SOUL TRAIN Slnglng sensatlons New Edltl0n and ers, eager to get ln Cars are braklng at the Confunkshun, and 111ghllght selectl0ns In­ Ray Parker Jr are the sensatlonal passen­ curb to unload hordes of exclted teen-agers clude "Baby, I'm Hookeo," "The Groove Is gers aboard the Soul Traln at the lnvlta­ For a moment you could be someplace wonderful In The MUS1C," "Encore," and "Love Rush " tl0n of the "chlef englneer" Don Cornellus -- at the Second Comlng, maybe, or a Ralders WALT DISNEY "The Adventures of Pollyanna " Or­ New Edltl0n performs "Candy Glrl" and playoff game Thereafter, all lS a deep sleep phaned Pollyanna moves ln wlth her Aunt Pol­ "Jealous Glrl," Ray Parker Jr fashl0ns You flnd your seat, struggllug to get by ly, and belng new ln town and ln quest for "I Stlll Can't Get Over Loslng You" and legs Why don't they stand? Why don't they move frlends, she JOlns a club Concerned mem­ "In the Heat of the Nlght " thelr feet? You're settled at last, and VOlces bers of the communlty are made uncomfort­ WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNLY "Escape to WHch drlft lnto your ear able by the wldow Jen, also a new arrlval Mountaln " (Part 1) A crusty old mlillon­ The couple to your rlght lS speaklng ln ln town It seems Jen lS much too secretlve alre hears about two chlldren who possess syllables, codes, fragments, thelr eyes lock­ and mysterl0us, causlng the Rev Tull to clalrvoyant powers, and decldes thlS ed on the screen that contlnues to promote lnvestlgate the matter, along wlth Polly­ endowment could lncrease hlS wealth As fl1ms for -- can lt be? -- next Chrlstmas? anna and members of the club the rlch man resorts to devl0us ways to en­ "Packaged It,'' one mutters "Won't mlSS "THE CONCRET1 COWBOYS " (1979 hys-Adv) Two Mon­ snare the chlldren, they manage to keep wlth the rlght hype But untll turnaround's tana co~boys get sldetracked or thelr way One step ahead resortlng to supernatural "Turnaround?'" snorts hlS conceptual part­ to Hollywood and end up ln Nashvllie They delaYlng tactlcs to slow down thelr pur­ ner "In thlS town even the Talmud's ln turn­ are mlstaken for prlvate detectlves and suer Cast Ray Mliland, Donald Pleasance, around " flnd themselves caught up ln an elaborate Klm Rlchards, Eddle Albert Where are you? Where else but a Hollywood blackrnall scheme Jerry Reed, Torn Selleck, "BACKLASH " (1956 ~Jes-Adv) Rlchard Wldmark Boulevard flrst-run theater where mOVles have Morgan Falrchlld, Claude Aklns, Gene Evans stars as Jlm Slater, a former Confederate premlered to gala celebratl0ns for more than NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Featured vldeo artlsts are soldler, searchlng for the man who helped 50 years You glance at your wrlstwatch as the Cyndl Lauper, Stephanle Mllls, The POlnter murder hlS father ln an Apache Indlan rald credlts roll only 94 mlnutes to go You thlnk Slsters, Madonna, and Eurythmlcs Selec­ ln AI!lZ0na Starrlng Rlchard Wldmark, Don­ Why dldn't I take an end seat for an easy tlons "She Bop," "I'm So Exclted," "Burn­ na Reed, Wlll1am Campbell and Harry Morgan escape? Too late now trapped lng Up," "Sweet Dreams" An added attrac­ NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Presented are the best ln For years I've been avoldlng mOVles I go tl0n lS a flashback to the early days of vldeos -- such as Culture Club wlth "The to four or flve plays a week -- Equlty-walver, TV starl!lng the Supremes ln "Baby Love " War Song," WHAN wlth "Wake Me Up Before lofts, "Cats," performance art -- and I'll at­ Sunday You Go," Ray Parker Jr wHh "Ghostbust­ tend art openlngs, comedy acts, even an oc­ "STORt! IN A TEACUP" ThlS classlc comedy based ers," Blily Ocean presents "Carlbbean caslonal Vegas show or pro football game But on the play by Bruno Frank stars Rex Har­ Queen," Ll0nel Rlchle offers "Penny Lover" gOlng to mOVles -- StUdl0 screenlngs, premleres, rlson as Frank Burdon, an Engllsh Journal- Sunday the local "art house," lt doesn't matter -- lS 1st who has corne to the Scottlsh town of "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" Mlchael York stars as P1P excruclatlngly borlng and offenslve, often noth­ Balkle Harrlson soon becomes lnvolved ln and Sarah Miles as Estella ln thlS tele­ lng but an excuse to catch up on some much­ local POlltlCS of a wldow who refuses to V1Slon remake of the Charles Dlckens clas­ needed sleep Yet I sometlmes feel gUllty about pay a dog tax for her mongrel dog, Patsy lC novel In thlS tale, Pip has a strange mlsslng the latest mOVle, especlally here in Cast V1Vlen Lelgh, Cecll Parker, Sara All- meetlng wlth an escaped convlct that L A where the few coherent and extended con­ good changes the poor boy's llfe Cast James versatlons lnvarlably hlnge on the fllm lndus­ "TWO OF A KIND" (1982 Dra) A young man, attend­ Mason, Robert Morley, Margaret Lelghton, try lng a speclal school for the handlcapped, Anthony Quale, Rachel Roberts, Heather Clearly, my problem lS more serlOUS than bad lS glven some advlce about the beneflts of Sears mOVles And I'm not alone 1 don't know about exerClse He applles hlS knowledge to hlS "LETTERS FROM FRANK " (1979-Dra) Art Carney the rest of the country, but ln Los Angeles much loved grandfather, who has become a stars as Frank Mliler, a 65-year-old news­ our small mlnorlty can be found the Clnema­ vegetable ln a nurslng horne H1S determlned paper executlve who lS forced to retlre phobes, the people who turn whlte wlth boredom efforts pay a double dlvldend ln that they when hlS Job lS computerlzed Frank WYltes when the new Steven Splelberg mOVle lS dlS­ both become lndependent George Burns, Bob­ letters to hlS son descrlblng hlS frustra­ cussed over qUlche Typlcally they are roughly by Benson, Barbara Barrle, Cllft Robertson, tl0ns of retlrement Starrlng Art Carney, my age (38) or younger, and they are not com­ Frances Lee McCaln, Gerl Jewell Mlchael Fox, hlke Farrell, Lew Ayres, rall pletely 19norant They love Chaplln, Murnau, Monday Strlckland, Jenny O'Hara, Maureen Staple­ early Welles, Busby Berkeley, Mlnnelll, Astalre DONAHUL Urologlst Dr Sherman Sllber dlscusses ton and Glnger, "Slnglng ln the Raln", they admlre urlnary tract surgery wlth Phll and the Monday Lang, Renolr, Bergman and (~lth mlsglvlngS) audlence Fllms show prostate gland correc­ DONAHUE Steve Carter, author of "What Every Robert Towne, they mlght admlre Werner Herzog, tlve surgery whlch lS common ln older males Man Should Know About The t-ew Woman," and too, lf one of hlS fllms could reach the States "BACKLASH" (1956 Wes-Adv) Rlchard "ldmark stars Stephen A Shaplro, author of "Manhood, A ln a decent prlnt But the Itallan Neo-Real­ as Jlm Slater, a former Confederate soldler, New Deflnltlon," are Phll's guests lStS are a fllckerlng memory, and the dlf­ searchln6 for the man who helped murder hlS Tuesday flcult-to-comprehend Antonl0nl, a major fathLr ln an Apache Indlan rald ln Arlzona DONAHUE D1Scusslon of day-care centers and how flgure In 1960s Clnema, lS too challenglng Stan lng r lchard Illdmark, Donna Reed, \'/11- they affect chlldren ln thelr formatlve for current art-house patrons They may go to llam Campbell, Barton MacLane, Harry Horgan, years a revlval fllm whlle ln New York at the Museam Roy Roberts and Jack Lambert "THE LAST OUTLAW" (Part 3, 1980 ~Jes-Dra) By an of Nodern Art or Joseph Papp's PubllC Theatre, Tuesday act of Parllament, Ned Kelly and hlS but at homel thelr convlctlon lS that Hollywood DONAHUE U1SCUSS10n of the Cathollc Church ln frlends have been condemned as outlaws, lS for tour buses and Vlce squads, art houses today's soclety, rlghts of members to dl­ whlch means they are falr game for anyone for the X-rated vorce and recelve sacraments Desperate for money, they declde to rob a To begln wlth, clnemaphobes are always baf­ "THt. LAST OUTLAW" (Part 2, 1980 Wes-Dra) In bank, and many of Ned's partners ln crlme fled by a pecullar abl1lty of the Arnerlcan thlS second part, the Trooper Pollce keep are thrown ln Jall Notwlthstandlng, a audlences (though lt also eXlsts to a lesser up the pressure on ~ed Kelly ln an effort second robbery takes place -- wlth the degree among forelgn markets) to psychologl­ to put hlm away for good George befrlends net closlng ln on them' cally lnterpret the glant two-dlmensl0nal one of the troopers who becomes lnterested Wednesday lmages of llght and color belng projected on ln l,ed I s slster -- but lt ends up ln another DONAHUE Llvely and heated dlSCUSS10n about a huge sheet at a rate of 16 or more frames betrayal George and Ned eventually leave, Ira Rlchard Barmak' s mOVle "Sllent Nlght, per second lnto performer and story we Cln­ but Jed leturns to JOln the struggle agalnst Deadly Nlght " Guests lnclude the producer emaphobes are llke the elderly Tolstoy who the authorltles Starrlng John Jarratt, -- Barmak went to a performance of Wagner's "Slegfrled" Elalne Cusack, Paul Mason, Gerard Kennedy, "MURDER AT THE WORLD SERIES" (1977 Mys-Sus) and saw only two men dressed as a dragon We and Jackle herln A troubled young man plots a blzarre kld­ clnemaphobes cannot suspend dlsbellef Every­ Wednesday napplng durlng the flnal two games of the trnlng that happens ln a mOVle house remlnds DONAHUE Purple llPS, femlnlne attlre and heavy World Serles ln Houston He places the us of Plato's cave where wlll1ng prlsoners makeup lntroduces the flamboyant Boy George llves of flve lnnocent women ln Jeopardy worshlp shadows cast on stone We know the and hlS Culture Club crew Featured are the players and ccach of the reason why fllms are always seen ln the dark "T!k. EYES OF CHARLES SAND" (1972 Mys) A man Houston Astros Starrlng Hugh O'Brlan, Indecent exposure, lndeed wlth a strange and mysterlous second slght Janet Lelgh, Lynda Day George, Karen Val­ But last week, after a long perl0d of gUllty lnto pSyChlC phenomenon lS led lnto a bl­ entlne, Nancy Kelly, Bruce Boxleltner, abstlnence, I went to a lot of mOVles I want­ zarre murder mystery He dreams hlS uncle Mlchael Parks ed to see what l'd been mlsslng However, ~y lS dead and soon learns thlS lS true Peter Thursday schedule would permlt only two days of concen­ Haskell, Joan Bennett Note Contalns gore DONAHUE Donahue's guests dlSCUSS the contrm­ trated vlewlng And so I declded to stroll the Thursday verslal subject -- relncarnatlon fl1m capltal of tpe world's hallowed maln DONAHUE Students of Brown Unlverslty voted to "SIDEWINDER " (1978 Drama) A hotshot motorcycle street, Hollywood Boulevard, stopplng ln each request the school provlde a sUlclde plll racer comes to the attentlon of a deslgn­ theater and seelng every fllm aval1able for those who would rather dle than sur­ er, who offers hlm a chance to help deslgn "The Cotton Club The snob even of the Vlve a nuclear war a new blke He has several fallures and, season Can there be anytnlng more depress­ "THREE ON A DATE" (1978 Comedy-Romance) A mad­ along wlth hls growlng attractl0n for the lng than wltnesslng an artlst's creatlve de­ cap comedy romance deplcts the rl0tous man's slster, the deslgner lS kliled In a cay? Once upon a tlme FranC1S Ford Coppola adventures of four couples, Wlnners on blklng accldent Starrlllg ~hchael Parks, represented the promls1ng breed of new talent televlsl0n's "The Datlng Game," and thelr MarJoe Gortner, Susan Howard, Alex Cord, dedlcated to fl1m as a genulne art form He harrled chaperone on a Hawallan hollday Charlotte Rae was one of the Hollywood "movle brats" that Starrlng June Allyson and Ray Bolger Friday lncluded George Lucas, Steven Splelberg and Friday DONAHUE Program lS based on letters from the John hlllUS, and 11ke them he's embraced tech­ DONAHUE A psychlatrlc pat lent wlth 26 person- vlewlng audlence and outtakes of earller nology over story, dazzllng effect over char­ alltles lS belng treated by guest Dr Lln shows referred to by the letters acter and cheap manlpulatlon over human emo­ Hodes Other guests lnclude Chrls Slzemore "SUMMEP GIRL" (1978 Drama) ThlS drama lS about tl0ns "TwIRL" (1981 Dra) ThlS drama revolves around a babysltter who menaces an entlre house­ "The Cotton Club" supposedly lS about the a natl0nal baton-twlrllng contest and the hold The mother of two small chlldren famous Harlem Jazz mecca of the late 1920s pressures parents exert on thelr competlng hlres an lnnocent-looklng teen-age glrl and 1930s, but Coppola should honestly re­ chlldren to lnst 111 the ldea that "wlnnlng to help care for the 11ttle ones whlle tltle lt "The Dutch Schultz Story" We learn lS everythlng " Stella Stevens, Charles the famlly spends the summer at the beach more about that lnslgnlflcant crlmlnal than Hald, Llsa Welchel and Erln Moran house Klm Darby and Barry BOStW1Ck we do about the club or anyone else