Cl) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS , " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUME XXII, NO 121 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 POSITIVE ID ENDS WORLDWIDE MANHUNT 'Supposedly Secure' FOR JOSEF MENGEl E, \ ANGEL OF DEATH' Man Kills Mother, SAO PAULO, Brazl1 (UPI) -­ by the U S Justlce Department small cemetery ln the town of Self At State Dept Internatl0nal forenslc experts "We looked at the totallty Embu, outslde Sao Paulo WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A young today posltlvely ldentlfied a of the eVldence There are Just It apparently ends a world­ man wlth a rlfle shot hlS moth­ man who drowned ln Brazl1 SlX so many conslstencles -- helght, wlde manhunt for the Nazl war er to death today, then kliled years ago as Josef Mengele, dental, age, sex, race, facial crimlnal responsible for the hlmself ln a supposedly secure the notorious Nazl "angel of superlmposltlons," Lowell told deaths of 400,000 people at the area of the State Department, death" who was wanted for 40 reporters at Sao Paulo pollce AuschwltZ concentratlon camp down the hall from Secretary years headquarters and for the brutal genetlc ex­ of State George Shultz's of­ Seventeen Brazlilan, Amerl­ "There lS no slgnlflcant perlments almed at developlng a flce, pollce sald can and West German forenslc doubt on any pOlnt -- the teeth blue-eyed, blond master race A Dlstrlct of Columbla po­ speclallsts spent two weeks gave a very good match," he for Adolf Hltler lice sergeant sald two people studYlng the skeleton, photo­ sald Rewards totallng $3 4 mlilion were dedd, a mother, who worked graphs, halr and handwrltlng LeVlne presented Tuma wlth a had been offered for Mengele's at the State Department, and samples of a man who 11ved near report signed by flve U S fo­ capture her son Sao Paulo and drowned ln 1979 renS1CS experts sent to Brazl1 He apparently had been livlng Pollce ldentlfled the dead They met wlth federal Pollce to study Mengele's skeleton ln BraZll Slnce 1961 When he as Carol Doster, 44, of Alexan­ Chlef Romeu Tuma today and told The flve U S experts were dled, he was uSlng the assumed drla, Va , and her son, Edward hlm they had concluded posi­ sent by both the Justlce Depart­ name Wolfgang Gerhard -- the Doster, 20 tlvely that the man was Men­ ment and by the Los Angeles Sl­ name of an Austrlan frlend of Wltnesses on the seventh gele mon Wlesenthal Nazl-Tracklng hlS ln Brazl1 The real Gerhard floor sald that a young man, Thelr flndlngs were announc­ Center returned to Austrla and dled ln dressed ln army fatlgue pants ed to reporters at a news con­ "There was no dlfference 1978 and a yellow T-bhlrt and carry­ ference ln Sao Paulo amongst the team -- we are all Investlgators, uSlng a mlcro­ lng a rlfle, entered the of­ "There lS no way thlS lS not sClentlsts," LeVlne sald computer and vldeo camera, flces of the btaff of State De~ hlm," sald Dr Lowell Levlne, a The announcement came two Thursday found 24 positlve Slml­ partment cOl'nselor Edwln Der­ Unlverslty of Maryland forenslc weeks after offlclals exhumed larltles between the dead man's wlnskl, a former Ililnols Re­ anthropologlst sent to Brazll the remalns from a grave ln a skull and photographs of Menge Ie publlcan congrebsman "There were screams, and we called the Over MaUl, HawaII pollce," one State Department employee sald Alfonso Glbson, deputy chlef LASER HITS SHUTTLE MIRROR of pollce, Crlmlnal Investlga­ tl0n Dlvlsion, sald the woman worked ln Derwlnskl's offlce IN APPARENTL Y SUCCESSFUL TEST He decllned comment on what type of weapon was lnvolved By WILLIAM HARWOOD Asked lf the shootlng pOlnts up UPI SClence Wrlter a securlty lapse at the State CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla -- De­ thank you," Robert Sprlnger ra­ not lmmedlately known Department, Glbson sald that splte hlgh wlnds, the blue dloed from mlSSlon control Crelghton sald the 4-watt ar­ would be up to the department flash of a dazzllng laser beam Vldeotape beamed down from gon laser beam hlt an 8-lnch­ to determlne, but added, "A gun hlt the shuttle Dlscovery to­ orblt showed a black-and-whlte wlde mlrror mounted ln a slde got ln there, so apparently day ln an apparently success­ lmage of the beam pulslng sharp­ hatch wlndow of the shuttle there was a breakdown some­ ful test of a "star wars" ex­ ly agalnst a black background When the beam left the Alr Force where " perlment that ground control­ The televlslon was accompanled ground statl0n atop Mount Halea­ State Department spokesman lers bungled two days earller by a recordlng of Tchalkovsky's kala on MaUl, lt was thlnner Bernard Kalb sald, "ThlS was "Houston, we have the target "1812 Overture" than a pencll but had spread to not a terrorlst lncldent" and ln slght," shuttle co-pllot Commander Danlel Brandensteln, about 15 feet when lt reached that there was never a threat John Crelghton told ground con­ Crelghton, and crewmates Shannon Dlscovery to Shultz or any senl0r offl­ trollers as Dlscovery soared LUCld, Steven Nagel, John Fablan, The deslgn of the mlrror en­ clals He sald ~hultz was In over Maul, Hawall, on ltS 64th prlnce Sultan Salman aI-Saud of sured that lf lt was hlt by the hlS offlce, about 100 feet down orblt Saudl Arabla and Frenchman Pat­ laser, the beam would be return­ the hall, at the tlme of the "It appeared to pulse for a rlck Baudry salled lnto the ed to Hawall for analysls shootlng A guard lS posted ln whlle, then locked on steady harmless laser beam about 11 46 Alr Force SClentlsts hope to the receptl0n area there for short perl0ds of tlme," he Greenwlch Mean Tlme learn how to counteract atmo­ sald, describlng the low-power Mlssl0n managers worrled ear­ spherlc dlstortion for proposed laser beam as "blulsh-green " ller the 57-mph wlnds over MaUl weapons systems that would use "It sounds llke we dld get would dlsrupt the experlment orbltlng mlrrors to reflect la­ some deflnlte tracklng then, The quallty of the results was ser blasts to enemy mlssiles In Show Of Support For Hijackers Thousands Of Moslems Storm Beirut Airport By PETER SMERDON Unlted Press Internatlonal BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Thousands of the complex slogans demandlng that Israel of people chantlng antl-Amerl­ About 75 armed guards and release Lebanese Shllte Moslem can slogans stormed Belrut Alr­ Amal Shl1te Moslem ml11tlamen prlsoners from Jalls In AtIlt port today, swarmlng onto the spliled out of the termlnal. in exchange for the Amerlcans, tarmac in a show of support for blocked the marchers' path and who were ln thelr elghth day of the "beleagured" Moslem hlJack­ rlnged the plane durlng the captlvlty ers holdlng 40 Amerlcans hos­ hour-long protest It was not clear lf the Amer­ tage A masked gunman shouted to lcan captaln, John Testrake, The demonstratl0n by 2,000 the crowd from a mob lIe stalr­ was at the controls when the to 10,000 Moslems came Just way leadlng to the plane, urglng plane moved away from the dem­ hours after two Jet fighters -­ protesters to remaln calm onstrators, but an alrport belleved by wltnesses to be Is­ "After hlJacklng thlS plane, source sald "all the forelgners Simulating War raell warplanes -- streaked we want a peaceful Solutlon to have been taken off the plane " ALEXANDRIA, Va -- The De­ over the alrport, apparently on thlS buslness, and we don't want The march on the alrport fol­ fense Nuclear Agency, an ob­ a reconnalssance missl0n to splll blood," he yelled lowed a mass rally organlzed by scure branch of the Pentaqon, As the crowd -- shoutlng The leader of the march, Zu­ members of the fundamentallst devotes ltS tlme and resources "death to Amerlca, long llve halr KenJ, sald lt was called to Hezbollah Moslem group at a to slmulatlng World War III, Khomelnl" and "Amerlca's fleet "support the demands of the be­ mosque near the alrport complex testlng weapons, and creatlng wll1 not frlghten us" -- burst leagured hlJackers and to put Afterward, Hezbollah offl­ nuclear scenarlOS, such as through a gate on the west slde pressure on Amerlca and Israel clals rode through the streets thlS recent slmulatlon of a of the facll1ty, the comman­ to release the prlsoners ln At­ of Belrut's south suburbs In nuclear blast performed wlth deered TWA Jetllner parked Ilt " cars and trucks shoutlng out a conventlonal exploslves In the there Slnce Sunday hurrledly The demonstrators stood about statement urglng the publlC to western Unlted States was shunted to a dlstant corner 700 yards from the Jet, chantlng JOln the march to the alrport (UPI Photo) LOCAL/WORLD NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLA~~, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1985 Teen Center Expands Award To Be Given Vitamin A May Save Lives Recognitioo For TravelerS , Hours Of Operation By PATRICIA KOZA Un1ted Press Internat10nal The followlng hours of operatlon at With Horror Stories the Teen Center wlil begln Monday WASHINGTON -- Vltamln A therapy, WhlCh has been used ln poor countrles for years By MARK SCHWED MONDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m to prevent bllndness ln chlldren, may al­ Unlted Press Internatlonal TUESDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m so save llves, a congresslonal commlttee MIAMI -- Charles E Relily Jr , a man­ WEDNESDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m reported Thursday agement communlcatlons executlve, belleves THURSDAY 3-5 p m , 8-11 45 p m A report released by the House of Rep­ that when that speclal vacatl0n trlp turns FRIDAY 3-5 pm, 8-11 45 p m resentatlves Select Commlttee on Hunger Into a genulne flrst-class horror, thlnk SATURDAY Matlnee, 1 p m , 8-11 45 p m sald glvlng chlldren a hlgh-potency dose Frankensteln SUNDAY Matlnee, 1 p m of vitamln A every six months may reduce Relily has launched the Frankensteln
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