Curriculum for Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education

Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira (An Autonomous Post-Graduate College under the University of Calcutta) College of Teacher Education (NCTE) Belur Math, Howrah- 711 202 West Bengal

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Semester – I Course Title of the course Credits Hours Marks code PGDYE Historical Development and Traditional 4 4×15 = 60 100 101 Yoga PGDYE Yoga and Mental Health 4 4×15 = 60 100 102 PGDYE 100 103 Culture Synthesis and Value Education 4 4×15 = 60


PGDYE 104 Asanas, Pranayamas, Bandhas and their 8 8×15 = 120 100 techniques

Total (1st Semester) 20 300 400

Semester – II Course Title of the course Credits Hours Marks code PGDYE Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic 4 4×15 = 60 100 105 Practices PGDYE Yoga Therapy 2 2×15 = 30 50 106 PGDYE Teaching Methodology 2 2×15 = 30 50 107 Practicum

PGDYE Mudras and Kriyas, 6×15=90 108 Recitations and Medititions 6 100

Project Work PGDYE Project on Yoga Education 4 4×15 =60 50 109 Internship PGDYE Internship 2 2×15= 30 50 110 Total (2nd Semester) 20 300 400 Grand Total Credits, Hours and Marks (1st 40 40×15 = 600 800 Semester and 2nd Semester)

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SEMESTER-I Paper- I: Historical Development and Tradition of Yoga (Course Code: PGDYE 101)

Total Credits : 4 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 20 Marks Examination Duration : 3 hours Theory : 80 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Development of understanding on the concept and misunderstanding of Yoga.  Gather concept on the history of Yoga.  Know yogic concept from Patanjali Yoga Sutra.  To know the preparatory movements of Yoga.  Know about the theoretical part of the pranayamas and its techniques.

Class Unit Course Content Teaching Hours Unit I Introduction of Yoga 20 hrs  Origin of Yoga, Meaning and Definition of Yoga, Scope, Aim and Objectives of Yoga 4 hrs

 Misconceptions about Yoga, Yoga as a science of art, Schools 4 hrs of Yoga, Hatha Yoga  Streams of Yoga (Raja, Karma, , Gnyana, Hatha Yoga) 6 hrs  Concept of Hathaapradipika,Gheranda Samhita, Klesha, 6 hrs Antarayas, Dukhas,Chakras, Bandhas, Vayus and Nadis Unit II Historical Perspective of Yoga 12 hrs  Yoga before the time of Patanjali (Indus valley Civilization, 6 hr Vedas, Brahmans, Upanishad,epic and puran).

 Samkhya Yoga, Message from Bhagbat gita, Trimoolar 6 hr Thirumanthiram. Unit III Systematisation of Yoga Sage Patanjali 12 hrs  Patanjali Yoga Sutra and other Sutras, Concept of eight limbs of Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, 8 hrs Dharana,dhayana and Samadhi, Post Patanjali development in Yoga and Tantra  Modern Concept on Yoga. 4 hrs Unit IV Preparatory Movement of Yoga 8 hrs  Exercise, asanas and pranayamas, classification of asanas, pranayamas,mudras and Kriyas, Difference between Asanas 2 hrs and Exercise.  Principles of yogic practices, Precaution, method and uses of 4 hrs asanas, pranayamas,mudras and kriyas .  Suryanamaskar and its steps. 2 hrs

Unit V Concept of Meditition 8 hrs Page 4 of 16

 Maening and definition of and its benefits. 2 hrs

 Techniques and principles of Medititaons, Transcendental 4 hrs Medititions, Pranav Dhoni  Different school of medititions : Kumaris Sri 2 hrs Aurobinda and Vedathiri Maharishi., Vipasana Meditition.

Suggested Books:  The science of Yoga- Tamini-Theosophical publishing House, Adyer, Madras  Yoga sutra patanjali-Hariharananda Aranya, University of Calcuutta press, Calcutta.  teachers manual, International Vedanta centres, VAL MORIN, Quebic Canada  Text Book of Yoga-by Georyfeuer- stein, Rider and Company, , 1975  Chandrasekaran. K “ Sound health through yoga” (prem Kalyan publications, sedapatti, Madurai 1999)  Thirumoolar (2006), thirumantiram, Madras: Sri Math  Iyenger b.k.s (1989) light on yoga, London: unwin paper backs.  Gathore M.L and Bedekar V.A “Brhadyogiyajnavalkyassmriti” Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala- 410403  Viswanathan S “Diploma and P G Diploma in Yoga”, Annamalai Universiry, Centre for yoga studies.  Anandapadmahaban J and Sabu N “Yoga-Your overall growth and alignments.

Paper- II: Yoga and Mental Health (Course Code: PGDYE 102)

Total Credits : 4 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 20 Marks Examination Duration : 3 hours Theory : 80 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Know about tradition and modern concept of mental health in relation to Yoga.  How to prevent and cure psychomotor problems through Yoga.  Illustrate the yogic concept of personality in terms of Panchakosa and Triguna theories.  Explain the meaning and dimensions of integrated personality.  Explain how Yoga can help to develop an integrated personality.  Discuss the concept of stress in terms of its causes, systems and consequences.  Know the causes, syndrome and ill effects of anxiety, depression on health and its remedies through Yoga. Page 5 of 16

 How to manage psychological problems of school children and people.

Class Unit Course Content Teaching Hours Unit I Theoretical Understanding of Yoga and Modern Psychology 14 hrs  Meaning, Misconceptions about health Determinants and application of mental health, the yogic concept of swasthaya, 4 hrs Mental hygiene, Psychic forces in behaviour  Concept and models of normality and Yoga and modern 2 hr psychology.  Concept of psychosomatic disorder (Conflict Allergy, Anaemia, Diabetes, Arthritis, Asthma, Headache, Obesity 8 hr etc). Unit II Yoga and Personality Development 13 hrs  Yogic concept of personality. 4 hrs  Modern theory of personality and personality integration, 6 hrs Yoga and personality development.  Development of personal and interpersonal adjustment 3 hrs through yogic method. Unit III Yoga for Stress Management 10 hrs  Concept of Stress and its meaning and definition. 4 hrs  Causes and Types of Stress, Symptoms and Consequences of Stress. 4 hrs

 Implication of Yoga for Stress Management. 2 hrs Unit IV Depression, Anxiety and Yoga 13 hrs  Meaning and Definition of depression, Causes and symptoms 2 hrs  Causes, Symptoms, Consequences of Depression 3 hrs  Types of Anxiety, Anxiety and Yoga 2 hr  Tackling ill effects of depression and anxiety through modern 2 hr and yogic methods  Patanjali concepts of Samapattis, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi 4 hrs and Samyama: a psychological perspective. Unit V Yoga and Psychological problem of different age group people 10 hrs  Problems of school children, adolescent, old people 3 hrs  Mood disturbance, Drugs addiction, Phobia and Anti social 3 hrs character– Yogic Management  Concept of Schizophrenia and its Management 2 hrs  Yoga and Aging, Yoga and Social problems 2 hrs

Suggested Books:  Criswell E (1989) How to Yoga Works: an introduction of somatic Yoga. Novata, California: Freeperson press  K N Uduppa: Stress and its management by Yoga, Motilal banaridass Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi, 1996 Page 6 of 16

 Nagendra H.R (2004): Yoga practices for Anxiety and Depression, Yoga Prakashana, Bangalore  Swami Sukhabodhananda, Stress management, Prasanna trust, Bangalore, 2002  Baron R. A (2001) Psychology, Pearson Education, Indian Branch, Delhi  Lalvani Vimla, (1998) Yoga for stress, Hamlyn Publishers, London,

Paper- III: Culture Synthesis and Value Education (Course Code: PGDYE 103)

Total Credits : 4 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 20 Marks Examination Duration : 3 hours Theory : 80 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Know about the different culture and Indian culture of Yoga.  Describe the Indian and western philosophy of Yoga.  Role of Yoga on Indian philosophy.  Contribution of great philosopher in the field of Yoga- , Swami Vivekananda, Swami Kuvalayananda.  Inculcate value education among people.  Elucidate the concept if self development and the role of human beings.  Know the traditional concept of value education.

Class Unit Course Content Teachin g Hours Unit I Yoga and culture 12 hrs  Definition of Culture : a brief survey of different Cultures 4 hrs  Understanding of civilization, culture and civilization 4 hrs  Yoga Culture and Humanitarianism, Indian Culture of Yoga 4 hrs Unit II Yoga and philosophy 14 hrs  Introduction to philosophy, Indian and Western Philosophy 3 hrs  Characteristics of Indian philosophy, shad darshanas. 2 hrs  Samkhya Yoga, concept of , bondage and liberation 1 hr  Role of Yoga on Indian philosophy, Traditional philosophies and 5 hrs its relation with Yoga  Contribution of great philosopher in the field of Yoga- Sri 3 hrs Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, swami Kuvalayananda Unit III Yoga and Diversity in Religion 10 hrs  Concept of religion: meaning and significance 1 hr

 Yoga in relation to Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity 4 hrs Page 7 of 16

 The Mahabharata, the Bhagwat Gita, The Ramayanas, Puran, 4 hrs Tantras, Shaivism, vaishnavism  Yoga and mysticism 1 hrs Unit IV Yoga and Value Education 12 hrs  Concept of Value and its role 1 hr  Classification of Values 2 hrs  Significance Values in life and Society 2 hrs  Values and education, Meaning, Aim, Objective of Value education 2 hrs  Rationale of Value education 2 hrs  Role of teacher in Value education, Method of Value education , Yoga as a method of Value education, Self development and Human Values 3 hrs

Unit V Values in Traditional Concept 12 hrs  Indian traditional classification of values 2 hrs  Puruhartha, Pachakosa, Triguna theory 2 hrs  Contribution of Astanga Yoga with reference to Yama and 2 hrs Niyama.  Contribution of Hatha Yoga with references to a few asanas 2 hrs  Contribution of Kriya Yoga- tapa, Swadhaya and 4 hrs Iswarapranidhan towards Value education.

Suggested Books:  Feurstien G (2002): The Yoga tradition, New Delhi: Bhavana Books and prints  Visharadananda Swami (2007), human values, Bangalore, Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakasana  B.k.s Iyenkar:the light of yoga(haper Collins publications pvt ltd, New Delhi  Prajapati brahma kumares(2009), moral values, attitudes and modes, mount abn: Prajapati brahma kumares ishwariya vishwa-vidyalaya.  Chander, J(200), building value based peaceful and prospersons society

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Paper- IV: Practicum (Course Code: PGDYE 104)

Asanas, Pranayamas,Bandhas and their techniques

Total Credits : 8 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Practicum: 100 Marks

A. Asanas:  Meditative Asanas: Sukhasana, Vajrasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana

 Relaxative Asanas: Shavasana, Makarasana


 Supine lying Asana: Uttana Padasana, Setu Bandhasana, Jathara Pariratansana, Pawanamuktasana, Matsyasana Ardha halasana(one leg/ both leg), Halasana,Viparitakarani, Sarvangasana, Supta Padmasana, Chakrasana.

 Prone lying Asana: Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Sarpasana, Ardha shalvasana, Shalvasana, Naukasana.

 Standing Asana: Tadasana, Garudasana, Pranamasana, Hastauttanasana, Vrikhasana, Trikonasana, Utkatasana, Virbhadrasana, Padahastasana, Ardha Katti Chakrasana

 Sitting asana: Buddha Konasana, Dandasana, Padmasana, Vakrasana, Vajrasana, Ustrasana, Paschimottanasana, Sasangasana, Gomukhasana, Veerasana, Maricyasana, Jana Sirshasana, Yoga Mudra, Supta Vajrasana

 Balancing Asanas: Shirsasana, Bakasana, Mayurasana

B.PRANAYAMA Prepatory for pranayama: Kapalbhati, Bhastrika

Sectional Breathing: Abdominal, Clavicular, Thoracic, Full Yogic breathing

1. Anuloma-viloma 2. Ujjayi 3. Shitali 4. Sitkari 5. Bhastrika 6. Bhramari 7. Suryabhedana 8. Chandrabhedana 9. Nadi Sudhi Page 9 of 16

10. Murccha (Theory only) 11. Plavini (Theory only)

C.BANDHAS  Jalandhara Bandha  Uddiyana Bandha  Moola Bandha  Jiva Bandha

Suggested English Books:

 Swami Kuvalayananda and Dr. S.L Vinekar YOGIC therapy. Its basic principles and methods, ministry of Health, govt. Of India New delhi.1963

 Yogasanas: A teacher,s guide ncert, New Delhi, 1983

 Swami Kuvalayananda: ASANAS Kaivalya dhama,Lonavala, Pune Dist and Maharastra

 Mariayyah.P: ASANAS, Sports Publication, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

 Chandrasekaran, (1999) “Sound Health through Yoga”, Prem kalyan publications, Sdapatti, Madurai

 Yoga Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas (Vivekananda Kendra Yoga Prakasana, Bangalore)

 Gathore M.L (1990)“Applied yoga” S.M.Y.M Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala- 410403

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Paper- V: Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practices (Course Code: PGDYE 105)

Total Credits : 4 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 20 Marks Examination Duration : 3 hours Theory : 80 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Know the Need, Importance and application of anatomy and physiology in Yoga.  Know about the Structure and functions of cell and tissue.  Knowledge on internal body system.  Develop the knowledge on special sense organs and Application of Yoga.  Enhance knowledge on yogic diet in relation to nutrition.

Class Unit Course Content Teaching Hours Unit I Introduction to human anatomy and physiology 6 hrs  Meaning and definition of anatomy and physiology 1 hr  Meaning of basic terms 1 hr

 Importance of the anatomy and physiology 2 hr  Yoga in view of anatomy and physiology 2 hrs Unit II Concept of cells and tissue 4 hrs  Definition of cell and tissue, Structure and functions of cell 2 hrs

 Tubes of tissue and their structure and functions 2 hrs Unit III Yoga and Body system 30 hrs  Musculo-Skeletal system: Classification of muscles, Histology, Properties of each Type, Distribution, Mechanism of muscle contraction, Neuro- muscular transmission, types of bones and joints, Basic 4 hrs concept on ligaments,tendons, vertebral column, anatomy of thoracic cage and pelvis, Effects of yogic practice on Musculo-Skeletal system  Circulatory system:

Anatomy of heart and blood vessels, physiology of circulation, properties of cardiac muscle, blood pressure, 4 hrs factors affecting on blood pressure, innervations of health, Effect of yogic practices on circulatory system  Nervous system: Nerve structure and properties, physiology of brain 4 hrs functioning, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve and its function, Effect of yogic Page 11 of 16

practices on Nervous system

 Respiratory system: Anatomy of the Respiratory organs, mechanism of breathing, 4 hrs lungs capacity and its related terms, Effect of yogic practices on Respiratory system  Endocrine system: Concept of endocrine glands- thyroid, parathyroid, supra- renal, pituitary, islets of langerhance and their function, effect 4 hrs of hypo and hyperactivity on the body. Yogic effect on cardiac system.

 Excretory system: Anatomy and function of glomerules and renal tubules micturition, composition of urine, structure and function of 3 hrs skin, regulation of body temperature, Yogic practice on excretory system  Digestive system: Anatomy of the digestive organs, mechanism of secretion – saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intestinal secretion 4 hrs and their roles in digestion of food, Yoga as a practice to develop digestive function  Reproductive system: Anatomy of male reproductive system-spermatogenesis. 3 hrs Female reproductive system, ovarian hormones, menstruation, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, Yoga and child birth Unit IV Yoga for special senses 10 hrs  Eyes and ear anatomy 2 hrs  Histology of retina, corneal function, physiology of vision 21/2 hrs accommodation

 Mechanism of hearing and function of semicircular canal 21/2 hrs  Sense of smell, nasal mucosa, tongue, taste buds and skin 3 hrs glow, Yoga as practice to develop sense organ. Unit V Yogic diet: Nutrition and Biochemistry 10 hrs  Nutrition, proximate principles of diet and their importance 2 hrs  Nutrient elements: carbohydrate, protein, lipid, minerals, 2 hrs vitamin, water and their requirements of the body  Calorimetric : energy requirements and its calculation, energy 2 hrs aspects of diet and their distribution  Concepts of balanced diet 2 hrs  Enzymes: definition, specificity, inhibitions and activators 2 hrs

Suggested Books:  Swami Kuvalayananda and Dr. S.L Vinekar Yogic Therapy Kaivalyadham, lonavala  N.Murugesh, Basic Anatomy And Physiology, Madurai  Raman. K, A (1998) Matter of Health, East west books, Chennai  Gathore M.L: Applied yoga Kaivaladhama, Lonavala  Yoga Mimansa Journal Pub: Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala Page 12 of 16

 Swami Sivananda: kundalini yoga(the divine love of society, po Shivananda bagar, Himalayas, india  Evelyne and peace (1997) anatomy and physiology for nurses, new delhi: jaypee brothers.

Paper- VI: Yoga Therapy (Course Code: PGDYE 106)

Total Credits : 2 Full Marks : 50 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 10 Marks Examination Duration : 2 hours Theory : 40 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Know about modern view of therapy.  To know the Significance and limitation of Yoga therapy  How to prevent and cure physiological disorder through Yoga practices.  Develop the understanding about psychological disorder and their remedies by the help of Yoga.

Class Unit Course Content Teachin g Hours Unit I Concept of Yoga therapy 10 hrs  Concept and definition of therapy, Types of Therapy 2 hrs  Modern view, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Astrology view 3 hrs  Meaning of Yoga as therapy 2 hrs  Significance and limitation of Yoga therapy, need and

importance of Yoga Therapy 3 hrs

Unit II Physiological disorders and Yoga therapy 10 hrs  Impact of yogic practice on diabetes , hypertension, coronary disease, obesity, liver problems, Indigestion, Osteoarthritis 4 hrs

 Low back pain, knee injuries, hip injuries, shoulder injuries, Spinal pain relief Spondylosis through Yoga therapy. 4 hrs

 Therapeutic values of Yoga on disease like asthma, menstrual disorder 2 hrs Page 13 of 16

Unit III Psychological disorders and Yoga therapy 10 hrs  Application of yogic techniques on anxiety, depression, phobia, fatigue, nervousness, neurosis, insomnia etc. 6 hrs

 Power of mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, super conscious mind, Cosmic energy and

yogic practices with special emphasis on meditation, Unfolding 4 hrs latent power of mind

Suggested Books:  Ravindran.G management science conflict, manivasakar publication, Chidambaram  Karmanada Swami (2008), Yogic management of common disease, Munger, Yoga publication trust  Kuvalananda Swami and Vinekar S.L: (1963) yogic therapy: Its basic principles and methods, pub. Ministry of health, Govt. of india, New Delhi  Singh S J. “History and Philosophy of nature and cure”  Chandrasekaran, (1999) SOUND HEALTH THROUGH YOGA, Prem kalian publication, seapatti, Madurai

Paper- VII: Teaching Method of Yogic Practice (Course Code: PGDYE 107)

Total Credits : 2 Full Marks : 50 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Assignment : 10 Marks Examination Duration : 2 hours Theory : 40 Marks


At the end of this course the students will be able to:

 Know about need and importance of teaching method.  Develop the ideas about teaching techniques, aids and lesion plan of Yoga.  Enhance knowledge about various sources of Teaching Method

Unit I Basic teaching Method 9 hrs  Meaning, Scope and types of method 4 hrs  Factors affecting teaching, Maxim of teaching 3 hrs  Need and importance of teaching Yogic practices 2 hrs Unit II Teaching techniques, aids and lesion plan of Yoga 16 hrs  Presentation technique, technical preparation, personal preparation 6 hrs Page 14 of 16

 Class management, modern concept and teaching aids class 6 hrs management and its meaning and needs  Importance and principles of lesion plan 2 hrs

 Teaching technique for preparation of yoga competition, 2 hrs Organisation and administration of Yoga competition Unit III Sources of Teaching Method 5 hrs Yogic principles, Psychological principles, Anatomic- physiological principles, Educational principles and 5 hrs sociological principles

Suggested Books:  Practical guide to applied spirituality(brahma kumaris, , )  Swami Sivananda: kundalini yoga(the divine love of society, po Shivananda bagar, Himalayas, india  Iyenger b.k.s (1976) light on yoga, London: unwin paper backs.  Mishra J.P.N: yoga for common alignments, b jain publishers,pvt.ld., New Delhi  Adhia. J Spring of inspiration, Alpha international, Gujrat  Gharote and Ganguly “Training methods for Yogic Practices”, Model Press pvt. Ltd., 6E Rani Jhansi road, New Delhi, Pub: Kaivalyadhama S.M.Y.M Samiti, Lonavala, Pune

Paper- VIII: Practicum (Course Code: PGDYE 108)

Total Credits : 6 Full Marks : 100 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Practicum: 100 Marks

Mudras and Kriyas, Recitations and Medititions Revision of Asanas which learnt in 1st Semester

MUDRAS  Chin Mudra  Chinmaya Mudra  Brahma Mudra  Shanmukhi Mudra  Bhairava Mudra  Viparithakarani Mudra  Yoga Mudra  Asvini Mdra  Maha Mudra KRIYAS  1.Jala Neti  2.Sutra Neti Page 15 of 16

 3.Dhauti {Vamana,Danda,Vastra(Theory only)}  4.Nauli (Madhya Nauli, Dakshina Nauli, Vamana Nauli)  5.Kapalabhati  6.Aganisara  7.Trataka (Jyothi Trataka, Jathru Trataka)  8.Shankhaprakachalana RECITATIONS  1.Pranava Japa  2.Svasti Mantra  3.Rudropasana  4.Savitru Upasana  5.Mahapurushavidya  6.Om Stavana  7. 15th Chapter of shrimad Bagwat Gita OTHER PRACTICES  1.Meditation Techniques(Vipasana meditation, Cyclic meditation)  2.Suryanamaskar  3.Sukshma Vyayama  4. Kriya Yoga Session-consisting of Pranayama,Mantra,Yoga,Sutra etc.

Suggested Books:  Swami Satyananda Saraswathi(1981): A systematic course in the Ancient tantric techniques of Yoga and kriya published by Bihar school of Yoga, Munger, Bihar, India  Chandrasekaran, (1999) SOUND HEALTH THROUGH YOGA, Prem kalian publication, seapatti, Madurai  Yoga (Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Kriyas) AN INTRODUCTION BOOKLET, Published by Vivekanannda Kendra Prakashan trust, Triplicane, Chennai, 2001  Digambarji Swami (1970) HATHA PRADIPIKA OF SVATMARAMA, Raghunathashastri kokaji, Kaivalyadhama, SMYM Samiti, Lonavala, Pune Dist, Maharastra  Mariayyah.P(1986) : ASANAS, Sports Publication, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

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Paper- IX: Project Work (Course Code: PGDYE 109)

Total Credits : 4 Full Marks : 50 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Major Project : 50 Marks

Major Project on Yoga Education

Format of Project writing: Title, Introduction Methodology- Definition: Research, Hypothesis, Delimitation, Limitation, Significance of the study, Criterion measures, Related literature, Designs, Sampling, Selection of problem, Statistical measure, Interpretation, Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography.

Project will be based on Value Education, Therapeutic Value and Preventive measure within the society.

Suggested Books:  Verma J.P “A text book on sports statistics “Sports publication; 2009 page 194-211

 Clerk H “Research Methodology”

 Kamlesh M. L “Research Methodology” Khel Sahitya Kendra

 Garrete “Research Statistics”

Paper- X: Internship (Course Code: PGDYE 110)

Total Credits : 2 Full Marks 50 (Each Credit : 15 hours) Internship: 50 Marks

Student will be attached with an educational Institution/Health Club/Therapeutic Centre/Hospital/Sports Training Centre for at least 30 hours throughout semester-II and will prepare a record on the result.

Suggested Books:   Brourman S “Work Yourself Well” pub: Sherry Brourman, 2007, ISBN-10: 0974779113  Payne L and and Feuerstein G“Yoga for Dummies” pub:For Dummies; 3 edition,2014  ISBN-10: 1118839560