From Kumari Academy to Mission

Documents on Government of Sponsorship of Value Education Programmes: 2010 onwards

(Suman Gupta)

1. Indian Express articles, June 2010

Brahma Kumaris to take value education classes in Kendriya Vidyalayas Anubhuti Vishnoi Posted online: Wed Jun 09 2010, 00:33 hrs vidyalayas/631273/

New Delhi : There is no dispute over inclusion of value education in school curriculum but when that is outsourced to a religious or spiritual organisation, it is bound to raise eyebrows.

The Central government-run Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), which presides over a chain of thousand-plus schools, has done just that by directing all its schools to allow the nearest Brahma Kumari Academy to hold a weekly class on Peace Education.

In a letter to all its regional offices, the KVS has said each school must contact the nearest Brahma Kumari Academy so that “representative can take one period in a week in classes VII, VIII & IX in KVs free of cost”.

Kendriya Vidyalayas across the country have quickly followed the directive, touching base with the nearest Brahma Kumari centre. The Brahma Kumaris too have lost no time in contacting the nearest KVs.

The Brahma Kumari organisation describes itself as a socio-spiritual and educational institution of international repute with over 8,000 centres in 132 countries and committed to the cause of moral and spiritual uplift of mankind.

The KVS maintains that they have tied up with the Brahma Kumaris for value education lessons and also ensured that the content on offer is going to be “completely secular”.

“This is not a religious programme. We have thoroughly checked the training module which will be used in the classes and it has no religious element at all. It is centred on core values and is a simple awareness programme. All due precautions have been taken before allowing the Brahma Kumari Academy to hold lessons in our schools. They had done a workshop for our primary school teachers last year and that is when the proposal for this school programme came up,” M M Joshi, Deputy Commissioner (Academics), KVS, told The Indian Express. Confirming that all KVs were directed in January to contact Brahma Kumari academies, Joshi said the organisation was being engaged because they were doing it free of cost and had presence across India.

Brahma Kumari Karuna, the public relations officer for the organisation, also said that the arrangement with KVs was secular in nature.

“We are helping with value education lessons in KVs. We have already conducted these in some 29 schools. KVS officially permitted us earlier this year after they liked our programme. Brahma Kumari is not a religion, we are for the secular and call ourselves a spiritual organisation teaching values. Our aim is to teach children values like respecting elders so that these values can take root and they become better citizens. Education today is purely professional, without ethics. For better ethics, we need spirituality, so we are trying to teach values in schools,” Karuna said.

No Brahma Kumaris, HRD wants Ramakrishna Mission Anubhuti Vishnoi Posted online: Fri Jun 11 2010, 01:37 hrs

New Delhi : Interviewing to put an end to the tie-up between the Brahma Kumari organisation and Kendriya Vidyalayas for value education lessons after an Indian Express report on the issue, the HRD Ministry is set to evolve a full-fledged Value Education curriculum for schools. A Rs 100-crore plan to partner with the Ramakrishna Paramhans foundation to develop Value Education content for schools has also got in-principle approval, sources said.

Meanwhile, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal is learnt to have sought a response from the Kendriya Vidyalya Sangathan over their tie-up with the Brahma Kumaris to impart weekly lessons in Value Education. He has directed the KVs to put a stop to any further association with the organisation pending the new Value Education format being prepared by the Ministry.

The National Committee on Commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand chaired by the PM Manmohan Singh has reportedly suggested a partnership with Ramakrishna Paramhans Maths and Missions to propagate the Swami’s teachings in schools. A Swami Vivekanand Chair is also proposed to be set up in the University of Chicago to commemorate Swami Vivekanand’s famous lecture at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago on 11th September 1893. The high-profile committee includes a number of cabinet ministers and academics on board besides UPA president Sonia Gandhi. “The proposals have got in-principle approval from the National Committee on the Celebrations and will roll out soon”, sources said.

The issue of value education had figured prominently in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s address when the Committee met for the first time last month. “I am happy that among the proposals we have received is one from the and the Ramakrishna Mission in Belur that is based on this theme... I think that thought should be given to how we can mainstream some of ’s ideas on education into our school and college curricula,” the PM had said. 2. ’s Address at the Inauguration of the Swami Vivekananada Institute of Value Education, 2006

Press Information Bureau Government of India President's Secretariat 12-January-2006 18:21 IST President’s address at the Youth Convention and Inauguration of the Vivekananda Institute of Value Education and Culture


Following is the text the of the President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s address at the Youth Convention and inauguration of the Vivekananda Institute of Value Education and Culture at Porbandar, today:

Indomitable Spirit

My name should not be made prominent. It is my ideas that I want to be realised Let us do that and Almighty will bless our societies

“I am indeed delighted to participate in the inauguration of the Vivekananda Institute of Value Education and Culture and the youth convention organised by the Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Memorial, Porbandar. My greetings to the organisers, Principals, teachers, students, parents and other distinguished invitees participating in the function. When I am with you, I am reminded of the statement by Swami Vivekananda, ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’, this purity of heart will bring the vision of God. It is indeed the theme of whole music of this universe. This thought has indeed influenced my conscience. I would like to talk to you on the topic ‘indomitable Spirit’.

Dear Young friends, Just now I inaugurated the Vivekananda Institute of Value and Culture. When I was preparing the talk for addressing the youth a unique letter comes to my mind. This letter I saw in Jamshedpur at Tata Exhibition written by Jamshedji N Tata on 23rd Nov 1898. I would like all of you to know about this letter which I am going to read. It gives a very important message to the youth. I quote:

‘Dear Swami Vivekananda,

I trust, you remember me as a fellow -traveller on your voyage from Japan to Chicago. I very much recall at this moment your views on the growth of the ascetic spirit in India, and the duty, not of destroying, but of diverting it into useful channels.

I recall these ideas in connection with my scheme of Research Institute of Science for India, of which you have doubtless heard or read. It seems to me that no better use can be made of the ascetic spirit than the establishment of monasteries or residential halls for men dominated by this spirit, where they should live with ordinary decency, and devote their lives to the cultivation of sciences - natural and humanistic. I am of opinion that, if such a crusade in favour of an asceticism of this kind were undertaken by a competent leader, it would greatly help asceticism, science, and the good name of our common country; and I know not who would make a more fitting general of such a campaign than Vivekananda. Do you think you would care to apply yourself to the mission of galvanazing into life our traditions in this respect? Perhaps you had better begin with a fiery pamphlet rousing our people in this matter. I should cheerfully defray all the expenses of publication.

23rd November 1898

Jamshedji N Tata’

Friends do you know who has written this letter in the year 1898 November 23 and to whom. Jamshedji N Tata has written this letter to Swami Vivekananda asking him to take the leadership of a Research Institute for Science in India. Imagine the type of courage and vision a progressive industrialist Jamshedji had to write to a spiritual leader. This strength he derived from one important incident which took place during a voyage from Japan to USA.

At this point let me share the meeting between Swami Vivekananda and Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata during a ship journey. It happened in 1893. A ship was sailing Japan to USA. There were hundreds of people in that ship including two significant personalities. Swami Vivekananda and Jamshedji Tata were in that ship. Swamiji asked Jamshedji for what mission he was traveling. Jamshedji said that he wanted to bring steel industry to India. Swami Vivekanda blessed him. He suggested steel technology had two components – one is steel science and the other is manufacturing technology. What can you bring to this country in material technology – you will have to build material science within the country. Jamshedji was thinking and thinking and made a decision. Earlier when Jamshedji went to he asked for technology transfer for Steel Plant. UK steel manufacturers looked at Jamshedji and said that if Indians make steel, Britishers will eat it. Jamshedji crossed Atlantic Ocean, talked to Americans and brought manufacturing technology for steel. And the Tata Steel was established in Jamshedpur. He seeded and worked for the steel plant. Jamshedji is not there now, but 7 million tones per annum steel is rolling out. The visionary Jamshedji gave one portion of his asset for starting a science institute today known as Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore. The message I would like to convey to this audience, dream gives vision, Vision gives thoughts and thought leads to actions. Jamshedji brought two establishment to this country – first one was steel plant and the other was an educational research institution. Hence have a goal, persevere and work hard to succeed.

Now you will realise the significance of the letter from Jamshedji to Swami Vivekananda. A visionary like Jamshedji with the blessing of Swamiji established Indian Institute of Science in 1905 with his funds. The IISc born out of a vision of great minds is the foremost scientific research institution providing post graduate education. This institution as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda dreamt, has one of the best material science lab., providing the best of research results for development and production of material for various R&D labs and industries. Also Indian Institute of Science is a world class institution in various areas for physics, aerospace technology, knowledge products, bio-science and bio-technology. This is the one institution where convergence of technology like bio-technology, information technology and nano-technology is emerging. The results will have tremendous influence in improving solar cell efficiency and healthcare, particularly drug delivery system. This institution also participated in the research and development of space programmes, defence programmes and also many societal missions.

3. National Committee on Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, 2010: Prime Minister’s Speech and Programme

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Culture

20-May-2010 10:21 IST

National Committee on Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda Meets in New Delhi

Government of India has decided to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and a National Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.

The first meeting of the National Committee was held today in New Delhi, and presided over by the Prime Minister. In his opening remarks Dr. Manmohan Singh said, Swami Vivekananda did a lot to inculcate a national consciousness among the people. His message was universal and based on rationality and righteousness. It was a message that appealed to people of all classes, castes and creeds. His message of unity and brotherhood has far-reaching appeal and relevance even today.

Here is the full text of Prime Minister’s opening remarks at the meeting:

“I am grateful to the distinguished members for joining us today for the first meeting of the National Committee for the Commemoration of the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda which falls in 2013. Swami Vivekananda was one of our greatest spiritual leaders and will always be a revered figure in India's history and culture. We should work sincerely to celebrate the commemorative year in a befitting manner.

Swami Vivekananda did a lot to inculcate a national consciousness among the people. His message was universal and based on rationality and righteousness. It was a message that appealed to people of all classes, castes and creeds. His message of unity and brotherhood has far-reaching appeal and relevance even today.

We hope to use the occasion of his 150thbirth anniversary to promote interest, particularly among our youth in his values, thoughts and ideals. In fact, we celebrate Swami Vivekanand's birthday on 12thJanuary as National Youth Day every year. We recall on this day his memorable call to "Work, work, work ".

Swami Vivekananda thought deeply about education and what it meant for Indian society. He conceived of education as the primary means of rebuilding Indian society. For him, education meant secular learning that built character and instilled human values in students.

I am happy that among the proposals we have received is one from the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission in Belur that is based on this theme. It seeks to promote and implement Vivekananda's ideas on value based education. Our education system today is information based and does not give adequate emphasis on building core values. I think that thought should be given to how we can mainstream some of Swami Vivekananda'sideas on education into our school and college curricula.

We have also received proposals from the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in Kolkata and also the Public Service Broadcasting Trust in New Delhi. We will be discussing these proposals shortly.

But I hope that we will be able to invite and receive proposals from organizations and groups interested in Vivekananda's teachings from all four corners of the country. I urge the Members of the Committee coming from different parts to identify such organizations at the local level so that we can support them to spread the message of Swami Vivekananda far and wide.

In fact, as is well known, Swami Vivekananda travelled extensively as a monk, covering the length and breadth of the country. His period of at Kanyakumariis immortalized by the famous rock named after him. But his travels in other parts of the country are less well known. Perhaps some attention should be given to reviving interest in his travels and even in restoring some of the buildings or places which are associated with him.

We should be conscious that to reach our youth we will have to use media such as the internet. I am often told that much of the material on India, including on our historical figures such as Vivekananda, come from Western sources. If so, we should make strenuous efforts to develop our own information sites in a useful and attractive manner. We should also be willing to subsidise high quality publications on Swami Vivekananda to make them affordable for our youth.

Swami Vivekananda was one of India's early cultural ambassadors who was able to propagate Indian philosophy, thought and culture to the outside world. He drew upon our ancient texts to communicate with brilliance and eloquence the message of India which lays emphasis on tolerance, plurality and openness.

Swami Vivekanand'sfamous lecture at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago on 11thSeptember 1893 is a shining moment in India's cultural history. I understand that the State of Chicago does not allow memorials of people who are not American citizens. But, we must find some way of commemorating this event in the place where it happened. I am sure that the Indian American community could be urged to find creative ways of doing so.

As we receive different proposals for the commemoration, we will have to set up a mechanism to examine, approve and later monitor their implementation. I would suggest that we set up an Implementation Committee that could take on this task and report back from time to time to the National Committee. We can discuss this matter later during the meeting.

The main purpose of today's meeting is to seek your views on how best we should move ahead to organize the commemoration events. The National Committee hopes to be able to draw on the immense intellectual resources of its members to guide the celebrations. I look forward to hearing your views. Thank you.”

Some of the members who attended the meeting and contributed to the discussions were Smt.Sonia Gandhi (Chairperson, UPA), Dr. Karan Singh (M.P.), ShriPranab Mukherjee (FM), Shri S.M.Krishna (External Affairs Minister), Shri KapilSibal (HRD Minister), Smt. AmbikaSoni (I&B Minister), ShriB.P. Singh, Governor, Sikkim, Shri (Chief Minister, Gujarat), Sh. Ramesh Pokhriyal(Chief Minister, Uttrakhand), Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Smt. Girija Vyas (Chairperson, National Commission for Women) Shri Sitaram Yechury(Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Tourism & Culture) and senior Ministers representing the Chief Ministers of West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Punjab. The Rama Krishna Mission was represented by 4 Swamjis including Swami Prabhananda. Prominent among the experts and intellectuals who attended were Prof. Lokesh Chandra (former M.P), Sh. AveekSarkar (Chairman, AnandBazaar Patrika Group), Sh. Shankar (eminent author), Prof. Mirinal Miri (Former Vice Chancellor, NEHU), Prof. M.G.K. Menon, Prof. Samten (Vice Chancellor, Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath), Prof. SatkariMukhopadhyay (Scholar) and Prof. RudrangshuMukherjee (Historian).

Considering Swami Vivekananda’s lasting legacy being the role model of the youth, the Committee focused on the following six areas: 1. Vivekananda as an Icon for the Youth, for  Character building;  Value education;  Imbibing India’s plural & secular tradition 2. Vivekanand & National consciousness  Synchronized both eternal Indian and modern India;  Arouse dormant national consciousness 3. Vivekanand’s relevance in the 21st century;  Emphasise his ideas in contemporary context;  Let us move forward, with his ideals 4. His service to the poor and service to the mankind  Emphasis on BPL population, rural/tribal areas and naxalitepockets. 5. Highlight his contribution to gender issues  Through his wiritings & letters  Through special programmes for women education and health 6. Vivekananda’s interest in science  Research& re-kindle interest in scientific enquiry. Initiatives and Interventions suggested 1. Involve youth through competitions, essays, interactions and study circles. 2. Publications (i) Reprint complete works in improved form (ii) Abridged versions for different segments (iii) Books of quotations and messages 3. i). Biography of Swami Vivekanandby eminent Authors ii). Reprint Romain Rollandsbiography of Swami Vivekananda 4. Education (i) Publish letters on secular ideas (ii) Education and curriculum:  In schools and colleges  Create Vivekananda Chairs in Universities 5. Vivekananda and Yoga (i) Develop its proper understanding (ii) Establish standards for it

6. Electronic Media as the most popular medium of propagation of the Swamy’smessage. (i) All India Radio and Television (ii) CDs, DVDs etc, Internet and Website (iii) Films on Vivekanands: i. Most popular concept unanimity on it ii. PBST proposal supported

7. Vivekananda Travels throughout India (i) Preserve some important heritage sites (ii) Encourage students to visit through concessions

8. International Programmes on Vivekananda (i) Organize Conferences, Lectures and Seminars (ii) Involve overseasIndians. (iii) Establish Chairs in Overseas Universities

9. Research on Religion and Harmony, Inter-Faith Dialogue (i) Bring his ideas into current discourse, study including Tribal religion and their autonomy (ii) Counter current perception of religion as violent and divisive Emphasis on secular aspects of religion

10. Commemorate Chicago Address

(i) Indian Community in U.S.A. may suggest programmes (ii) A Chair in Chicago University may be set up (iii) An endowment for an Annual Lecture be created

11. MISC: (i) Coin a catch word or phrase for the Commemoration (ii) Create a Logo (i) Invite ideas for the Commemoration (ii) Mobile Exhibitions 12. Prime Minister announced setting up of a National Implementation Committee under the Chairmanship of Finance Minister to work out the further details.

4. Government Funding for Organizations and Projects to Commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, 2012

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Culture

17-January-2012 11:51 IST

Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Vivekananda

The 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is being commemorated under the directions of a National Committee Implementation Committee chaired by Hon’ble Finance Minister.

An amount of Rs. 100 crores has been sanctioned for the Vivekananda Value Education Programme to R K Mission, Belur Math. Apart from this commemoration related proposal from various organizations are being supported by this Ministry through financial assistance.

Names of Organizations and the proposals for Commemoration of 150thBirth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda

Sl.No. Institution Subject matter Cost of the Project / Amt. sanctioned (in Lakhs)

1. Ramakrishna Mission, HQ, Proposal for implementation of 10000.00 Howrah Vivekananda Value Education Programme

2. Public Service Broadcasting Proposal for production of a film on 70.00 Trust, New Delhi Swami Vivekananda

3. Archaeological Survey of Restoration of religious Monuments by 1242.00 India, New Delhi ASI

4. Ramakrishna Mission Proposal for upgradation of Hospital 270.00 Sevashrama (Charitable Hospital), Vrindaban

5. Shree Ramakrishna Ashram, Proposal for undertaking various 301.00 Kalahandi programmes/ projects for rural youth and for construction of the first floor of the Vivekananda Memorial Building.

6. Ramakrishna Vivekananda Proposal for construction of an 136.00 Mission, Barrackpore, West Auditorium-cum-Seminar Hall Bengal,

7. University of Chicago Proposal for an Endowment in the US$ 1.5 million University of Chicago for establishing the “India Ministry of Culture 735.00 Vivekananda Chair”

8. Ramakrishna Mission Seva Proposal for Construction of “Swami 2021.00 Pratishthan, Kolkata Vivekananda Diagnostic & Cardiac Care Centre”

9. Ramakrishna Mission Proposal for conservation of the 72.80 Vivekananda Smriti Mandir, historical heritage building Khetri “FattehBillass” as a “Protected Monument of National Interest”

10. Ramakrishna Mission, Proposal for undertaking various 671.00 Institute of Culture, Golpark activities in commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda

11. Govt. of Assam Proposal for organizing Youth Camps, 59.19 Vivek JyotiYatra, Essay Competition etc. at Zonal and State levels.

Total cost of Projects sanctioned 15577.99 (upto November 22, 2011)



5. President Performs Bhoomi Pujan of Swami Vivekananda Value Education and Cultural Centre, 2012

Press Information Bureau Government of India President's Secretariat 11-October-2012 11:27 IST President Performs Bhoomi Pujan of Swami Vivekananda Value Education and Cultural Centre The President today (October 11, 2012) performed the Bhoomi Pujan of Swami Vivekananda Value Education and Cultural Centre in Belgaum. He visited the room where Swami Vivekananda had stayed for four days during his visit to Belgaum in October 1892. He also unveiled a plaque for restoration of Swami Vivekananda memorial.

Speaking on the occasion, the President described Swami Vivekananda as a blazing comet across the sky of our life, full of brilliance and hope for all humanity. His presence was dazzling and at the same time soothing. Swami Vivekananda believed that emancipation from political slavery was not possible unless mental slavery was removed. The President commended the work being done by the Ramakrishna Mission and called upon the youth of the country to learn from the ideals of Swami Vivekananda.

The President said there is need to restore faith in humanity in the minds of our youth. If the youth of India, who are more than fifty percent of population, can imbibe the soaring idealism, the approach of rationalism, love of the universal, abandon all dogma and prejudice and serve mankind, India will find its rightful place in the world.



6. MHRD Minister Releases Calendars to Celebrate Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary, 2013

Press Information Bureau Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development

09-January-2013 16:41 IST

Value Systems as Important for Youth as Education and skill sets, says HRD Minister Pallam Raju; Releases National Book Trust’s Two Calendars Celebrating ‘150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’ and ‘Indigenous Voices of India’

Union Minister for Human Resource Development ShM. M. Pallam Raju has emphasized on the need to inculcate values in the youth. Releasing a Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Desk Calendar in New Delhi today, to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), he said it is good but not enough to give only education and skill sets to the modern youth. Instilling a sound value system is equally crucial to a person’s rounded development. He said the recent incidents of violence against young women is a pointer to the decline in values, and only reiterates the need to strengthen the ethical foundations of society. Sh Pallam Raju said, Swami Vivekananda, whose 150th Birth Centennary is being celebrated this year, epitomized everything noble and character- building. The Minister also released NBT’s Wall Calendar 2013 on the theme ‘Indigenous Voices of India’. The Calendar is a celebration of India’s unity in diversity. It presents a collage of 12 vignettes representing tribal life, synchronizing the theme ‘Indigenous Voices: Mapping India’s Folk and Tribal Literature’ of the New Delhi World Book Fair 2013 (4-10thFeb). The collection features the works of some celebrated photographers like Prafulla Chandra Dhir, Raghu Rai, Sanjay Austa, Ashok Dilwali , M. C. Shekhar and Prasanta Biswas. Sh A Sethumadhavan, Chairman, NBT said National Book Trust would be bringing out books this year, based on Swami Vivekananda’steachings and philosophy. Sh M A Sikandar, Director NBT, explained the aesthetics and content of the Calendars. The calendars have been conceptualized and designed by National Book Trust.


7. News Reports on CBSE and Ramkrishna Mission Value Education Programmes, 2013-14

CBSE ropes in Ramakrishna Mission to help with 'value education', Daily Mail Ramakrishna-Mission-help-value-education.html By Neha Pushkarna PUBLISHED: 22:07, 24 November 2013 | UPDATED: 22:07, 24 November 2013

The CBSE seems to be trying out all means to ensure its students grow up with good values. The education board is now roping in Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda, to initiate value education for classes VII, VIII and IX.

This probably forms part of the CBSE's multi-pronged approach to make value education a reality and integrate it with the regular curriculum by designing activities, training teachers and organising special sessions with students.

The Mission will develop a three-year value education programme based on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda to empower students to handle different life situations and become good citizens.

"The programme consists of a total 48 sessions of 45 minutes each - 16 modules for each class. The entire programme is based on Swamiji's message of infinite potential in every individual which can be manifested as excellence in every walk of life," the CBSE stated in a circular sent to all schools earlier this month.

The new understanding of religion as science of consciousness, belief in humanism, love for neighbours, purity, patience, and perseverance are some teaching of Swami Vivekananda that may form the basis of the value education programme. It says that the aim of the programme is to "empower students in a real and tangible way and help them develop as enlightened citizens enabling them to stand on their own feet. Such students will not only do well for themselves but will also have the larger interest of the society". Though the programme is being designed by Ramakrishna Mission, schools will run it through their own teachers. The Mission is going to train teachers starting with schools in Delhi for the programme likely to be introduced from the next session.

"In the first year, nearly 700 teachers from about 350 schools in Delhi will be trained in implementing the programme in secondary classes. More batches will go through the training in subsequent years," a CBSE official said.

The CBSE has brought the Mission on board after the latter took the initiative to celebrate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda this year. The training programme will begin with a workshop for principals from various schools in Delhi.

The CBSE, along with different school principals, had earlier designed value kits which are already being used in classrooms in different states.

Professors from NCERT, CBSE officials and school principals together worked on the project that has gained more relevance in recent times. Thousands of principals and teachers have been trained to use the value kits over the last year.

CBSE, Ramakrishna Mission to initiate value education workshop for teachers, principals, Indian Education Review education-workshop-teachers-principals/13983 07 Dec 2013 By IER Staff

Enriching young students with good values, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has come together with Ramakrishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekananda to initiate Value Education Programme for classes VII, VIII and IX. This initiative is marked as part of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations.

The mission is developed as a comprehensive three-year programme based on Swami Vivekananda’s message of infinite potential in every individual which can be manifested as excellence in every walk of life. Value education in context to CBSE refers to explicit formulations of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by the modern educative process.

The programme consists of total 48 sessions of 45 minutes each – 16 modules for each class. Ramakrishna Mission will train the teachers nominated by their schools for this purpose and facilitate them with every tool and material required during the training period. In the first year, 700 teachers from about 350 schools of CBSE (Delhi & NCR region) will be oriented followed by similar batches in subsequent years.

Vineet Joshi, Chairman CBSE said, “Each one of us has infinite possibilities. Empowering youth with value education will help them create possibilities, work on the solution to the problems of life, have the courage to face challenges, adapt to the environment, live, learn and explore the frontiers of knowledge. The main purpose of value education is to form a significant successful society. He also said that schools should link Value Education with their Career Counseling Sessions so that the counselors can be propagator of values.”

The event witnessed an exchange of thoughts and ideas between academicians and CBSE officials. The aim of this collaborative effort is to empower students in a real and tangible ways and to help them develop as enlightened citizens enabling them to stand on their own feet. Such students will not only do well for themselves but bring about changes in the society and Nation.

The CBSE, along with different school principals, had earlier designed value kits which are already being used in classrooms in different states. Professors from NCERT, CBSE officials and school principals together worked on the project that has gained more relevance in recent times. Thousands of principals and teachers have been trained over last one year for using the value kits. The Central Board of Secondary Education has always been proactively involved to foster a sense of value in the education system and quality assurance in schools.

CBSE to start 3-year value education programme through Ramakrishna Mission through-ramakrishna-mission-1973672 Monday, 31 March 2014 - 6:46am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA Vinamrata Borwankar

Identifying the need to introduce character building and soft skills in academics, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), has proposed to start a three-year value education programme across its schools.

The CBSE made its decision after a recent workshop on similar lines. "In continuation to the orientation titled 'Value Education: Why, What and How', held at the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi on December 7 last year. The Awakened Citizen programme is to be implemented by the schools using their own teaching resources," said the circular on the board's website.

Facilitated by the Ramakrishna Mission, the Awakened Citizen programme will aim at equipping students with soft skills, character building techniques and other life tools. This will be a graded subject. Schools have to agree to implement the programme starting from academic year 2014-15 and run it for a minimum of three years.

The programme will consist of 16 modules of 40 minutes each every year. "We will start this year with class VII and extend the programme to class VIII and IX over the next three years. We also plan to extend the course to all classes eventually," said Piya Chakravarty of Ramakrishna Mission.

The cost of developing the programme, will be borne by the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. Two teachers from the school will be trained over the next two months. "While we have enough resources to carry out the programme, it is best if the teachers connect to the students through the programme," said Chakravarty.

The programme is being extended to a pan-India level after several pilot projects in the capital. "We have also tested the programme and conducted an impact study in various cities. This is how we identified the need of such a programme to help students work towards developing faith in themselves," said Chakravarty.

An extensive performance audit of the programme will be conducted through visit to schools, interaction with the teachers and students and collection of data.