Goodbye, Preston"
"GOODBYE, PRESTON" by Mark Hopper & Johnny Smith Based on a true story Mark Hopper 1035 N Sweetzer Ave West Hollywood, CA 90069 415-729-6108 WGAw Copyright (c) 2010 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author FADE IN: West Hollywood, California, the early 90's. Dusk. Palm trees and weakening sunshine. A pink sky. Camera pans and rests on a building, THE GOLD COAST, a dive gay bar, situated right on Santa Monica Blvd. Camera begins to zoom into doorway. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana starts to play. CUT TO: INT. THE GOLD COAST - NIGHT A typical gay bar scene. Darkened room, loud music, a moderate amount of flashing lights. Loud laughter and the occasional crack of the pool balls can be heard over the din. Various shots of the action: men playing pool, men at the bar drinking, guys along the wall chatting and/or looking standoff-ish. One final pan and the camera rests on RICHIE HAMILTON, a lanky, long-haired white male in his mid 20's. He’s standing along the wall, observing the crowd. It’s his usual tradition. Maybe spot a familiar face, maybe meet someone new, who knows. Richie tilts back his glass of bourbon for the last sip, drinks, then heads to the bar for another cocktail. Just as he crosses the doorway, he almost bumps into PRESTON, who’s entering the establishment. Preston, also in his mid 20's, is dark-haired, slightly rugged and drop dead gorgeous.
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