Ihe Empty Closet NEW YORK STATE'S OLDEST GAY NEWSPAPER Local Alliance conducts picnic survey The Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley, and controlling alcohol use in the picnic For morc information, call the Gay Alliance news briefs through the efforts of thc its Center Direc­ area. They are looking for morc feedback on at 244-8640; leave a message if no one is in tor, Susan McNair, circulated a written survey past picnics and help with this year's event. the office. BeneHts raise in March and April on the annual Gay Com­ munity Picnic. quilt money The survey was mailed to all Gay Alliance Picnic Surrey Results members and was available at the Alliance By Jeff Kost and in local lesbian and gay bars. Surveys are A: Has attended picnic 1 year The R(K*hester Quilt Cummittctr, which is still coming in, but 68 of them had been B: Has attended 2-4 years spon.Horing the focal May 20-22 visit of the returned by April 12. The data in thc accom­ C: Has attended 5 Names Pn>iect AIDS Memorial QuJlt, ha^i panying sidebar Is based on those 68. or more years received S4.5m three fundraising events held in April. Most people were satisfied with the pic­ Category Ites/PMittvtt/High Fto/Nagttv/BBBsonaMe C'Jub Powers, a gay nightclub open on nic location at Genesee Valley Park, the pic­ weekends ai the Fowcni ClriU, 36 West Main nic date on the second Sunday of July, the A B C Total A B C Total St.. held a benefit for the Quilt Committee five-hour .length of the event, the crowd Price 3 14 on April 8 that raised more than S2,6r and thn>ugh the sale those surveyed said thc flO price was 8 5 16 5 23 52 of Names Project merchandise such as T- reasonable, but many said it was too high. Chem-Free 6 24 18 48 2 7 11 22 shirts and buttons. About 24 percent of those who respond­ Accessibility 8 30 28 66 0 1 1 2 The Liberty, a gay bar at I2A Liberty Pole ed were vegetarians, but many picnic-goers, Alcohol 6 23 19 48 2 8 8 18 Way. hosted the annual Female Imper­ vegetarians and meat-eaters, said they weie Location 7 28 26 61 0 0 0 sonators Against AIDS pageant on April 16. 0 dissatisfied with the food variety and quali­ Length 6 27 23 56 1 2 2 The pn>ceeds went to the Quilt Committee ty and requested a menu change. Most 5 and the Lesbian and (iay Health Network, survey respondents were in favor of Date 8 24 24 66 0 2 2 4 a task force of the (iay AUiance of Ciencsee establishing alcohol- and chemical-free areas Food Quality 3 9 12 24 1 9 7 17 Valley. Tach group received about J7S0 at the event, and some suggested that pic­ Food Quantity 2 17 13 32 0 5 6 11 More than 15 male and female impeiM>nators nic organizers make available a bigger variety Food Variety 2 11 11 24 1 10 8 19 participated, donating tips of S226 to be of beverages and more tightly control beer divided between the two organizations. distribution. Bev, Variety 2 17 9 38 3 9 6 18 The QuiU Committee's supporters are also An overwhelming majority supported Security 6 24 20 60 0 1 6 7 holding house parties to raise money and making the picnic more accessible to the Entertainment 4 16 10 30 0 8 8 16 educate people about the quilt. The first par­ disabled. Almost half the respondents in­ Activities 3 10 9 22 1 10 9 20 ty, attencjkrdby 11 guests, raised aN)Ut SM(K). dicated that parking was a problem, so pic­ Parking 3 13 7 23 2 4 12 18 The Names Pn)ject covers the cost of nic organizers are looking into plans to ex­ Crowd Diversity 7 22 0 4 tran.sporiing the quilt — about 17.5(H) for a pand parking facilities. 21 50 3 7 tractor-trailer truck and five workers — but The organizers are also working on Publicity 5 26 15 45 1 1 1 3 local groups must pay for the display of the changes in food, entertainment, activities quilt in their communities. The RfK'hester Quilt (Committee hax already raised the SI.(MM) needed for thc display at Monrtx: <>>mmunity College, and the rest of the AIDS Quilt coming May 20-22 money rai.sed will go to kxral AIDS agencies. For more information on the quilt or By Tim N. Tompkins volunteered for similar projects for years: For information on making quilt panels, hosting a fundraising party, call the quilt line The Rochester Quilt Committee wili host J.R. Russel, Jeff Kost, Tony Greene, David call the quilt workshop, Jimmy's Place, at at 987-IHS3 the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt on Hcnzler, Chic Parker and morc. Thank you 473-8391. Saturday, May 20 and Sunday. May 21 from all for your continuing effort in the battle The quilt is a means of expression of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Monday. May 12 from against AIDS. human compassion, a means of comfort and Koch defends 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the MonnK- Community But the committee needs more help and a means of remembrance. It is also an effec­ College gymnasium. KKK) East Henrietta more donations. Call the quilt line at tive way to teach people about thc losses AIDS policies Road. 987-1853. associated with AIDS. Admission to Ihe display is free, but the NEW YORK — At an April tl press con­ R' attack him and his sons whose lives have been affected by the (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) and the munity pride. administration as tun having done enough epidemic." sa>'s Cleve Jones, executive direc­ (say Alliance of Genesee Valley, will take ACTT UP members are planning access for in order to spur him to more actit only spen­ pf\>jecT aiul display event are a part of a ctK>r- The parade, and similar celebrations working to make sure the event provides ding more to deal with the crisis than any dinated educational and fundraising cam­ around the country, will commemorate the visibility for community members who are other city but is also spending more per per­ paign to rai.se vital funds for AIDS service 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City, usually overlooked, such as lesbians, people son with AIDS than any other city. onunizations and to encourage support for which launched the contemporary gay and of color, thc disabled, people with AIDS and The mayor refuted claims that he did not persons with AIDS." lesbian movement. Patrons ofthe Stonewall bisexuals. meet with any gay community leader about The quilt bears nearly 9m- RtKhester is the only city in New York state gay men, began the riots to protest a police tion, indusiveness, fundraising and rally munity and killed many people. He said the to receive the quilt in 1989. raid of the bar Ofganization. ACT UP will schedule training claims an>se because he did not meet with The quilt weighs 16 tons and is compris­ The parade organizers have applied for a sessions for parade maishalts and spokespeo­ those leaders making the claims. ed of 8,738 3-f' (ienesee River and proceeds east on Main The mayor used the press conference to Ellis, actor Rock Hudson and musician Street, then rionh on Franklin Street to Liber­ make a number of announcements. He Liberace. ty Pole Way. The parade wil] end there with unveiled a new training video for New York l^nfortunately. the quilt will be getting a rally featuritig speakers atkd entertainment. Police offlcers on how to identify anti- larger because people are still dying from **lt's past time" for a gay pride parade in lesbian and gay bias crime and h- AIDS. The quilt *s pMieb now lepivsem abtmt Rochester says ACT UP member Martin cccd in making arrests. The 25-minute video 20 percem of the deaths fn>m AIDS in the Hiraga. wilt be shown to all of the 30,000 officers ITnited Sutes. "Violence against lesbians and gay men is wbo nulte up tbe various New York pohce Congres.<(members Nancy IVIiMi and Bar­ on the rise/' he said. "The only way to ftMCes. bara Boxer «>f California recemly nominated counter violence and the myth of non­ Koch also aniMMinced that the city has fil­ the Names Projea for the Nobel Peace Priae. existence is visibility.** ed s friend of the court brief in the case of In their letter to the Nobel Committee, the The ocganizen are asking all lesbian, gay Miguel Bntachl vs. Stahl AsatKiates Ctimpatty. C^ongiessmemben wroce, "Remembering and bisextaal gnnips in the area to participate. Tbe city is uniin§ in the amicus brief thac those WIM> bave died of, AIDS inspinrs action Open affinity groups will be organized f<»r the New Yoric Scale Court of Appeals hold to fight tbe epidemic and^ crspotid with people wbo wam to match but don't belong tbat a survivins gay partner be cocuidcrred compassion to those nom living with AIDS." t«> a gnHip. Ncm-gay aiul non4>i oiganizations a part of bis deemed lover's liunily to pro­ The RcKbester Quilt Committee needs and individuals wbo support the ga>v krsbian tect Mm afainsc cvictioo fiom a rem- help in the form of volunteer eikm and and bisexual rights mcn'cment are also in­ donacions. Members of tbe committee in- vited to )oin the pafMle. KtewBbrlciieoitti0oedoiipg4 ctode some of tbe people WIM> have AiCrr I'P memben who are organizing tbe tMa>M!Wwimift'lUt»i;jw..t*''

THE IMPTY CLOSET May 2, 1989 t % ' ft » '* » 't •f t • f», •> t^-t'*" r> »»r *t, »»»

May 2, 1989 THB EMPTY CLOSIT Editorial Letters

Life Inside The Empty Claset man was cruised by a cop outside the Missouri and Virginia that night, threatened nominated my Christmas party for Best J^^ restn>om. Anyone who doesn't run away at with jail. For some of us. our jobs were at Theme Party at the *88-'89 Rochester Bar By Mk^cIe Moorc month's issue. fice work, Uke photographs, write book Mt^ !H ir^^ Fight back the hint of public sex is subject to arrest. This stake, for some our lovers, for some our Awards. I was surprised to hear I had been (Id Most of the mf>nths Tve worked on the In March — in thc middle of finishing thc reviews, stuff envelopes and bundle papers fcfenMiT2.1989 is a law against being gay. wives. How many had friends to go with nominated and very pleased to have won. Empty Closet — for almost two years now word processing for the April issue, of course for bulk mailing, pick up material from the C166<^ uaaoo against police And what is it that we think is so terribly them, a community to support them? This 1 wish to extend a sincere thanks ftom the —' I've been so busy trying to get the paper — our computer broke down (a result of thc typesetter, deliver papers to bars and stores, wrong about sex in a bathroom? Consensual is something men kill themselves over. kids who reside at Hillside Childrens* Center together and published on time, I haven't dust, no doubt). At least I can honestly say word process articles and work on long-term entrapment sex between gay men in a restroom is Who is expendable? Whom do wc write who received all of the fine gifts donated at had time to write editorials. But several it's never dull around here. projects. Wc always need help with the criminal; sexual harassment against women off? When is it our turn? thc C^hristmas party. With your help, 343 readers have mentioned that they're in­ But working with the £C's many paper. To the Editor: on the streei is business as usual. What is go­ Over 6tM) men have now been arrested at wonderful gifts and $240 in cash (used to terested in hearing about what*s been hap­ volunteers, who give generously of their I'm planning to continue to write for the M\' sisters from thc United Fruit Company ing on here? the Vinoe Lombardi Service Area. At $80^ purchase a color TV for their education pening at the papcr lately time and effort, has made the job easier. EC, as time allows, as a volunteer, and Vd like Mr *^^h^^^a^^^^^^a^:"- (a small activist gn^up of gay men from You want to ask these cops, "What drew a whack. New Jerse>' has made a half million center) was collected. The big news is that Tve resigned from thc Most of them work on the paper not only to help coordinate efforts for future issues Boston) and I were on our way home from you to this line of work?" It's a question dollars, arresting gay men. Many of you have informed me that you editor*s position, effective July 1. Tve en- because they like to write or word process as much as 1 can. Some of our writers have the AIDS actions in Washington, D.C. last worth asking. Here's another one: How Wc want to stop this. If you've been en­ really enjoyed shopping for these gifts, to }oyed working on the papcr for the last 22 or paste up pages, but also because they want been interested in working on topics such ^^SPP": October, still coming down from the civil many men make their living as queer trapped at the Vince Lombardi and are in­ help brighten the holiday season for children months. It*s been a great challenge to take to contribute to Rochester's gay, lesbian and as gay and lesbian prisoners, spons and disobedience that morning at the Food and bashers? What does the existence of terested in u civil suit, contact Lambda Legal with no parents or with no home life. You a good newspaper and develop It into a bet­ bisexual community. athletics in thc gay community, lesbian and Drug Administration. We stopped at the government-funded queer bashing tell us Defen.se. 66(> Broadway. New York, NY can be surc that this year's Christmas party ter one. Unfortunately, with a publication like the gay Jews, women's alternatives to patriarchal Vince Lombardi Service Area on the New about the world we live in? U)()I2. or Ciay and Lesbian Advocates and will be collecting for this heartwarming Other aspects of the job have been EC, no number of volunteers is ever enough. spirituality, poor gays and class in the gay '^^ Jersey Tlirnpike for gas and a piss. Three of us go to my trial; traffic violations Oefenden* (GLAD), PO Box 218. Boston. MA cause again. challenging, too. Since Nov. 1, the EC and A couple of our most experienced, loyal community, and lesbian and gay media. Call 1 went into the restroom; as I was washing and a judge making bad jokes. Well, he's a 02112. We'd also like to hear what happen­ Thanks for your help at Christmas and for Gay Alliance offices have moved twice, in layout and pasteup volunteers have resign­ us if you're interested in writing, taking '^*^^9S^^^^^^f f%s^^^B my hands to leave. I saw two men cruising jerk, but maybe he won't be too bad with ed to you, and anything that happens about my award. You make mc feel great. late January, construction in the room next ed in order to concentrate on their paid photographs or being interviewed on these me in the mirror. Both were good looking thc sex cases. the civil suit. Lewis Drake, Rochester door covered our endre office with a fine work. V(^'ve had a hard titne replacing them, issues. — in their 2()s, short hair, jeans, flannel Guess again. So spread the word: if yoii're heading coat of drywall compound dust. so we'd appreciate help from anyone with We welcome contributions of all kinds, shirts, work boots. One was standing at the "1 see this happened at thc Vince Lombar­ north on the New Jersey turnpike, don't wait As we were about to go to press at the end layout and pasteup experience. And if you and we encourage those who have sugges­ The cover of thc February issue. urinal beating off, the other was leaning di Service Area. We've had over 400 cases till the last service area before thc Geoi:gc of February, our typographer, Mark Boyer of don't have experience, we'll train you. tions or criticisms to write letters to the against the back wall groping himself and out of that one men's room." And thc three Washington Bridge to stop for gas and a piss. Blue Heron lype & Design, said our printer, We also desperately need writers to help editor We enjoy reading even critical letters, If you want to read more about women moaning at mc. Wild! I went up to the urinal; of us realize this judge knows it's entrap­ We re signing this letter as a group because Wfelcome to Copco Publishers, had refused to print thc with news reporting and features. We*re in­ because they let us know someone is trading Democrats, or gay lawyers, or drag shows, the one against the wall leaned over trying ment, and is happy to go along with it. gay oppression and sex-phobia affect us all paper again because some of their workers vestigating the idea of starting a student in­ thc paper and reacting to its contents. or lesbian musicians, or leathermen — write to watch mc take my cock out, and then ''It gets tt> the point where normal peo­ — not all of us can be out at>out being ar­ Lesbian Action had objected to the February issue's ternship program, so if you know any col­ Here's the sermon: When I write "we," I about it, ask a friend to write about it, uke came over to the urinal next to me. ple can't use the restroom." Who's going to rested for public lewdness. "obscene" cover graphic and content. Boyer, lege writers who might be interested, give mean thc volunteer staff members and 1, but photographs or at least call and ask us to try The>' both began to jack off, one on each believe he actually said that? Jon Autlello, Bruce Goldsteiii* Jerensy Coalition who has always been friendly, helpful and them our number. 1 got my start as an EC in­ 1 also mean "you." One ofthe most difficult to cover thc subject in an upcoming issue. side. I was getting turned on. But it was all Seven men arraigned that night. "Do you Grainger, Stephen Harrington^ Abe extremely easy to work with, took the paper tern, and look where I am today! (OK, so aspects of the editor's job is ensuring that Thc Empry Closet office number is happening too quickly, and they seemed to have children? Well, then, do you have Ryi>eclc, Danny Schulta: and Read ^(^ever, To the Editor: to a printer in the Syracuse area. We'll write maybe that's not inspiring. . .) the paper represents as many of the diverse 244-9030. If I'm not here, leave a message. be hiding their cocks. It seemed weird, and nieces or nephews? How would you feel if Boston. The Rochester Lesbian and Gay Political more about the situation with Copco in next The paper also needs volunteers to do of­ groups in the community as possible. Thanks for reading! anyway, the Fruits were waiting for me. Thc your nephew saw what happened in that The above men are membets of United Caucus welcomes and supports the two of them stared at my cock as I button­ mens room?" Fruit Company. The gnmp can be reached R(K*h(rster Lesbian Action Coalition (RLAC). ed my jeans and turned to leave. Out of the And how do we answer? How do we ar Box VFC, GCN. 62 Berkeley St., Boston, Progrtrss requires our entinr community's at­ NAMBLA: Boy-lovers are not child abusers corner ofmy e>'e 1 noticed them nt>d to each answer this judge accusing us of what we've MA 02116. tention and energies; mixed and separate other. "Oh, shit! Fag bashers!" 1 thought — always l>een taught was shameful? How do organizations can work very effectively in the issue of sexual abuse is so distorted and By Anonymous cluded in the sexual minorities category. In the words of Martin NiemoUer: "In I knew there'd been something wrong. As I we answer this judge who could put us in Rochester. blown out of proportion today. All child sex The North American Man/Boy Love How many people remember thc pre- Germany they first came for thc Communists hurried toward the door they hurried after the Bergen County Jail for six months? How initial contact with an RLAC organizer in­ is not abuse and/or molestation. Ttiank you, Association (NAMBLA) celebrated its 10th Stonewall days? I don't because I wasn't in­ and I didn't speak up because I wasn'c a me. "Sir. Sir!" 1 felt a hand on my shoulder. do wc answer when wc know we've done dicates they have a similar philosophy, and birthday in December 1988. Thc group's an­ Look at the way the media and the volved in the gay and lesbian movement Communist. Then they came for the Jews, "You're under arrest." nothing wrong? thc RLCiPC looks forward to supporting joint nual three-day conference, held in San Fran­ authorities hysterically handled the "kiddie then, but I've read a lot and talked to others and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Rocliester What is it that's illegal here? PubUc sex? Some mouth the words the judge wants as well as separate efforts. cisco Nov. 11-13, was well-attended, and in­ sex club'' at thc Western New York who were thc "queers," "queens," "butch Then they came for the trade Is this really a law against pulling out one's to hear, some on the verge of tears. And most Anne Polcras, Rochester cluded speakers from outside thc group's Children's Psychiatric Center in January dykes," "fairies" and "faggots" — not out unionists. . Then they came for mc — and Bar A^irards penis in front ofa urinal? We found out later, both at once. membership, discussion groups and 1988. and proud. It was a bad time for all. Let's by that time no one was left to speak up." many of the men who've been arrested just To the Editor: Pokras is a tnember of the Rtichester Les­ elections. take a stroll down memory lane. We, men arrested in a bathn>om for public A state watchdog agency uncovered 15 in­ Society has a convoluted irrationality stayed in the restroom too long. At least one lewdness, came from Massachusetts and i would like to thank all ofmy friends who hian atid Cay Political Caucus. NAMBLA representatives have also attend­ stances of sex between patients, age 5 to 12, Stonewall Inn was thc bar in Greenwich toward minors and sex mixing, whether ed the annual conferences of thc Intema­ and lal>cled all the incidents "abuse." News Village that catered to drag queens^ hustlers with other young people or with adults who ttonal Lesbian and Gay Association; stories and state mental health officials con­ and gay teens (read: minoni), the least accep­ love them. Too many people who are afraid NAMBLA and other pedophile groups from demned the facility's staff members, some table of the most despised sexual minorities of their own sexuality — sexual conser­ Hey! Have you heard the Gay around the world are members of the of whom knew about the sex play and said of their day — despised not only by vatives, if you will — want to impose upon association. NAMBLA contingents have rais­ it was consensual. According to Clarence J. heterosexuals, but also by thc "regular fag­ everyone their own sterile, anti-sex morality. Community Picnic is Sunday, July 16, •Antiques (maybe) • Valuable items ed their banners high in the New York City, Sundram, Chairman ofthe State Commission gots ' Many young people know^ they are gay this year? It is? Well, that's a good day for San Francisco and Washington, D.C. gay of Quality Care for the Mentally Disabled, Let us remember that all "respectable" even before puberty, but they have no place • Items to be loved pride marches. New York, Los Angeles, St. the incidents "basically involve(d| oral, anal gays are where they are today because of, to go in thc gay and lesbian communtty. Thc me. What's it going to cost? It's still $10. Louis and San Francisco have NAMBLA and vaginal intercourse and other forms of among others, boy-lovers and their boys. community has not only segregated these • Coiiectibies • Precious things chapters. sexual activity." They had the guts to finally take a stand for kids, but also abandoned them. They get no Isn't that great! For you, maybe, but I don't Thc group has been infiltrated and in­ If is obvious that this speaks well for the all fairies, to end the bashing, police harrass­ support. Children are being beaten and are know if I can swing it! Well, I heard if you vestigated by the FBI, and who knows who .sexual imagination of these young patients. ment and raids. dying in our jails today. else. The FBI found nothing when it in­ Minors must be fully empowered by law But isn't it funny? — wc boy-lovers Which is sicker — the above two contact them (by June 1) you can do a vestigated and will not find anything today, to make these choices, to be able to say yes benefited the least from thc movement that paragraphs, the destruction and napalming work exchange. Wow! That's an idea. I wish because everything is open and above-board. or no to anyone, regardless of whether it these riots spawned. of young people and fighting the kids in NAMBLA is a political and educational means preferring thc same or opposite sex, And a look into homo history shows that Palestine or Nicaragua; or loving kids, nur­ it was accessible in other ways also. I heard Fundraiser for Men's Group of ttie Gay Alliance of^ganization designed to change the laws, or the same or another age group. There can the precursor to thc contemporary gay turing them, letting them be in society all they're working on that, too! That's fantastic! I can't wait to not break them. be no liberation to say yes if there is no movement started with boy-love groups in that they can be? May 20 —10 am to 5 pm The book A Witchhunt Foiled details thc liberation to say no — to be able to differen­ Germany in the late l8(K)s. As a letter-writer in the November 1988 tell my friends- Tell'em to get their tickets in advance, too. processes the government used in its unwar­ tiate between real abuse and consenting ge­ Gays and lesbians shouldn't kid "NAMBLA Bulletin" said: ". .1 have too 33 Culver Rd ranted vilification of NAMBLA and the nuine love. themselves for a minute that things can't long wondered about the amnesia that most Why not wait, you know, to see if it rains? Well, there's a lot of organization's tinal vindication. This book Many people are open-minded enough to revert to "the good old days." Look around, people have regarding their own sex play expense involved, and rain or shine, it's the biggest event and others arc available through NAMBLA grasp the logic of the NAMBLA mission state­ read thc newspapers, watch the 6:00 news, and sexual experiences that they had as and gay bookstores. ment and goals found on the inside front see and hear what the Bible-thumpers, right- children. Thc vast majority of peopte can­ of the year. A successful picnic really benefits the We're Still Accepting Donations! Sex with minors is not thc single, all- cover of the monthly bulletins (a few copies wingers and middle-of-the-road conser­ not rcfnember. . ." Alliance and us. That's true. I guess I'll plan to send them a encompassing scope of man/boy fove that are available in thc library of the Gay AlUance vatives — Jerry Falwell, Ed Meese, Ronald For Information Call 442-5117 the uninformed think it is. NAMBLA stands of Gcncscc Valley, 713 Monroe Ave.) and not Reagan and Dan Quayle and their ilk — are The author's name has been withheld by SASE and a check. Do you think we could request some up and speaks out for thc empowerment of condemn without knowing. It is too bad doing, slowly, methodically, to all. request. different cuisine and less beer? From what I understand, the all young people — boys and girls — in all others, as lesbians and gay men, cannot ex­ areas of society and their lives, not just thc tend their own dislike of homophobia to a The Empty Gout is ptMithed deven times a year Advertising PoUcy: Tbe Bmpt^ Cloaet does not food is going to be great and there are going to to chenci' sexual aspect. How many of you reading this general hatred for all bigocry. (December and January combined) by the Empty CkMet print advertiaements that contain nude drawings or free areas. That sounds grand, but what do you suppose we'll have nothing more than sex in any of your All of us who subscribe to what the Emp­ Press forth e Q^ AUiance of Geneiee Wley, Inc. Appnn- photographs, nor does it print advertising that sug­ w T relatiotiships — whether they're man/man, • imaiely 3500 copies of each issue are disdibuied during gests that the person pictured in the ad is for sale or ty Closet and other such publications — and !tfae first week of die mondi by mail in a plain sealed that you will "get" that particular person if you do there? It sounds like they have some fun things I I woman/woman or man/woman? It's no dif­ gay rights and civil rights organizations — envelope. The publicatioo of dke name or phcnmt»apli of patronize the establishment advertised. ferent in a minor/adult relationship. believe in, must sund together. There should any penon or ogpniimion in aiticks or advertising is not Advertisements tlvat are expUcitly sexist, racist or planned. Like what? I can't say yet; you'll have to wait I I NAMBLA also has members who are be no bigotry, especially toward other sex­ an indication of the sexual or affectional orientation ageist will be refused; advertisements from organiza­ J IheEm Qoset I tioas or businesses that are sexist, racist, ageist or until more arrangements are made. Aw, come one. Ibll me ual minorities. Yes, even boy-lovers are in­ of that person or the members of that organization. icerophilcs — women who love girls — some Por pubUcation, submit news itema, letters, stories, anti-gay will also be refused. i I of whom write for the group's publications. poetry and art by mail or in person to the Bmpty Cloaet something (whine)! Awright, they're I'm not saying these things so you like us ofHce by die 17di of die month. Design services for The opinions of columnists and other con- i I better, or to push the sexual aspect aside and moiterial not camera-ready are available for an mddi- trtbtttlnf writers- are their own end do not trying to set up some workshops. Is Yes, I want to D Subscribe! HELP tional fee. neccssmlly reflect the collective attitude of the i I deny it. This is not a ploy m cry to hide our Fbr further inforttation, please write to Bmpty Gay AlHantcc of Genesee Valley dr-tbe Empty that right? I could get into doing one I "perceived by the general public" intentions WANTED: Cloaet Press. 713 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14607, Cloaet. I D Renew! to molest unconsenting little people. I'm or call (716)244-90)0. myself. Do you think I could? Why not I merely prcsentit^ the facts. m a pMn ttoem •riMstope. plaaam mrxi ooneyKir, Hie Bmpty Cioaet is the official publication of the call the Gay Alliance and tw Empty Ciosflit IcftM fvsrrw orwi ockMa tyaUCNi, EnclOMd Is o $6 check or mon«y I Sure, some people take advantage of 1 Editor of the Emjxy Closet. Gay Alliance of Geneaee >Uley. Inc. as slated in the Oldar (910 tor ouWd» Ihe USA). minors and even htut them. The majority of by-laws of that organi»tkm. Its purpoae Is to infonn I Part-time, salaried position find out? I guess I will. I can't wait to I !:• these adults ate hetcrosexuai sickics. No true the Rochester gay oommunity about local and na­ I boy-lover or giri-lover wotdd knowingly workif^ with volunteers in editing* tional gay-relatod news and events; to provide a hear more details about what will be I foma lor ideas aad creative vKwk from the local gay BdHor: Ncame hurt someone chey love, or even do anything production and distribution of .community; to help promote leadership in tbe oom' happening thew. (Whisper) It's I a young person hadn*t conseiued to. munHy; and to be a part of a national network of lea- Thac is the key word: consensual. There paper. Send resume and editing bten and gay pubbcatkMis that eachangc ideas and probably too much to ask for more T.R? I I seek to educate. HArlowByseeU is an enormous dilferefmce between cotisen- and/or writing samples to: GAGV, • r^ of our purpose is to maintain a middle poa^ Well, I bet they have that covered, I I sual and non-consensual sex. NAMBLA is op­ Personnel Committee, 713-C tioo vrith respect to tbe entire community. Vfe muat Gmphtea; posed to any and all coercion and sexual be careful to present all viewpoInu In a way that SMMCsqial t€Xiu (teehee). I'm gonna write some I I abuse. Monroe Ave., Rochester NY 14607. take* into conaideratkin the vfews of all—nvomen, lypeaettfaup Return to: mea, tboee of color, yovng and old. and thoae from Downtowner Publications letters, right now, and tell my friends I One of NAMBLA's main objectives is yarloos watfeifif Hie. I E.C. Pmn, 713 Monroe Avenue^ RochaBter, NY 14607 8 changing cbe age-^f-consem laws, because what's cookin'! I An THI IMPTY CLOSfT May 2, 1989 May 2, 1989 THC IMFrY CLOSIT State and local news Local artists march on Washington By Deborah Nels^I ting up and maintaining abortion clinics in to us. i said we were Hxing Renquist right In January a group of local women got that conservative state* She had been involv­ now and turned around. Thousands demonstrate against NYC AIDS policies together to form an informal supportAUscus- ed in the heyday of thc women's movement "They're from Life magazine," he said. I sion/work group in which we could address and recalled the other marches and turned to our group and said, "W^rk fiister!" police personnel who strip searched and reptoductive "freedom rides'* in which she'd We got the puppet back together and NEW VORK — About 3.000 ACT UP membeis aiso criticized Koch for Court appearances for those arrested are concerns important to each of us. in our en­ cutting S20 milli- for more than 5.000 homeless pet^lc with department conducted unauthorized strip hratality we saw around usr, locaUy and fioticcd that every stop had added morc peo­ testing the city*s AIDS policies and the ad­ HIV-related illnesses and dismantling city- seatches of about 30 of the women arrested. munity News, Boston; New Mwir Titnes, Ehd- globally, and had each had had difficulty in ple to our entourage. The subway cars were Finally the announcement came that the ministration of Mayor Edward Koch. funded drug use treatment programs. The women said police officers also sub­ ly News, New York. the art world as a woman. now full of women and men, dressed in march had begun. Wc cheered, and, because Koch, who faces a tough le-election cam­ jected them to verbal abuse regarding gays, We wanted to create a place where we white and carrying all manner of signs and the marchers were moving alphabetically by The three-hour demonstration was thc state, made our trips to the Porta-Janes. We kugest ever staged by ACT UP. Civil disobe- paign this summer, has called ACT UP **a lesbians and AIDS. could work on individual pieces and flags. bunch of fiwcists" and condemned their ac­ According to police department regula- possibly create a collective work of art that Most people got off a stop before us. We waited a long time and finally got into line dicfKre actions closed down thc exits and en­ to step off. trances to the nearby Brooklyn Bridge three tivism in the past. But at a news confierence tiotis, strip searches should be conducted on­ woidd address these concerns. stayed on to meet up with the rest of the times during the early moming rush hour in City Hall hours after the demonstration, ly when thc initial pat-down search creates r - Since we all came together from varying Rochester delegation at Rep. Louise But something was wrong; we were About 200 demonstrator were dragged from Koch said, 'Members of ACT UP who arc a "reasonable" belief that drugs or weapons 1 disciplines (visual, written and performance Slaughter's ofUce, where an ample spread of waiting too long. An announcement was thcj^enc by the police, arrested and bused demonstrating in City Hall Park today arc might be hidden. In those cases, thc officer arts) as well as different political and donuts, coffee and orange juice fortiHed us made that a group of antt-abortionists had to several different precincts around the ci­ concerned and committed people. And as must get permission from a precinct desk of­ Michele Tb£any personal angles, we were sure xp have a for our upcoming trek. Slaughter said blocked the march route and could not be ty to be processed. thc mayor of a city that does more than any ficer or other commander to conduct a strip ntmiber of viewpoints for our creative women her age knew what life had been like dislodged. Vi;^ were going around them! The facilitators quickly herded everyone to the At a ptess ccmference held .shortly after thc other city or state to serve the needs of those search and the search must be recorded in endeavors, yfh llbund that we aiso had a com­ before legalized abortion and they would do Ed.D. N.C.C. new route, but in the process we all lost our demonstration began, ACT UP member Ann with AIDS and to prevent its spread to the log books. mon viewpoint that, when distilled, created all they could to make sure we never had to delegations. Northrop said, "Mtt're here at City Hall others, I understand their frustration and A police spokesperson said that a a rich and powerful voice — sometimes go through it again. their anger." preliminary inquiry confirmed that the humorous and playful and other times We became not a group of counties or because we're angry, because we're dying At 10 a.m. everyone started for the Cynthia \^m Ness, Laorsi Ibrlaoo (Inside and the mayor won't do what he has to do.'* The demonstration, "Target City Hall," women were subjected to unauthorized strip discordant and strident — ihat mirrored not Washington Monument, where the march NOW chapters or coUeges, but a great crowd Northn>p, an AIDS educator of adolescents, was organized in a wave structure to enable searches in two precinas and that charges only women's common voice but that of would begin. W^ waited until everyone had of all different kinds of people, with the puppet). Lamia Marks, Deborah Nelsel, accused the Board of Education of not do­ individual affinity groups to create their own would be brought against the attendants for OfEeis: hidividual • Couple other groups of people also. left and set up our puppet outside so we same message said in different ways, Patty McHugh and tbeir "inillamBclin- ing enough to educate young people about civil disobedience actions. The groups led violations of thc regulations. Thc inquiry Family • Group Counseling ' It came into play when we decided as a could walk him over to the monument. The Wc mingled with these colorful people qnlst'* at thc April 9 March oa AIDS. the charge onto the streets shutting down also revealed that four of thc attendants had group to become involved with the April 9 security guards, who had given us a hard with all kinds of slogans: JANE, an ll^uliliiKton. Photo by Gretchen Vbn Ness to persons living a gay» March on U^shington for reproduaive rights ACT UP member Michael Nesline, a the roads leading to and coming off thc been conducting strip searches of all female time when we'd attempted to enter the undetground clinic in Chicago that perform­ Brooklyn Bridge. prisoners at police headquarters. lesbian or bisexual lifestyle and the Equal Rights Amendment sponsored Capitol building carrying a large plastic bag ed abortions before they were legalized. A Ellerbee's speech. She told of her son's reac­ registered nurse at Bellevue Hospital, said thc by the National Organization for women. We Thc CHER? (Concerned Homosexuals Ex­ Several of thc women who underwent a filled with poles, chains and a paper mache group of women dressed in black, their tion to her going on the march. He was sur­ metn>politan hospital system is in a state of came up with a central theme we wanted to amining Reality!) affinity group was the first strip search said they intended to file ball, now came out and joked with us good- backs painted in fluorescent paint: "NO prised to find that a lot of his high school crisis and accused the Koch administration's address and created a visual image/perfor­ gn>up to break through the barricades and lawsuits and complaints with the Civilian naturedly ribbing each other about the pup­ MORE NICE GIRLS!" An Irish setter roUed and college friends, whom she knew as Mit- AIOS policies ofbeing criminally negligent. mance piece that would communicate that block traffic exiting thc bridge. It took police Complaint Review Board. Koch announced pet s likeness to each other. by in a red wagon, her sign reading, "Mother zy and Jody and Buffy and Bill, would also Bellevue can*t even provide enough pajamas theme and spark debate about the issue. for patients, Nesline said, much less proper about 15 minuies to remove the at an April 11 press conference that charges ADJUSTABLE FEES It was like a float in a parade — as soon of 9 for Choice" We even spied a delegation be going. She said she was proud that the medical care. demonstrators and clear the roads. had been filed against three of thc four Because Roe vs. Wade established that a as people saw us, their faces lit up. Many from Alaska. "Me Generation" was findit^ s^n the 458-0533 state could not institute a law based on the people stopped to take our picture, and we On the route, a few punks raced down the causes with which she'd grown up, and end­ concept that life begins at conception, an encouraged them to get in on the act by hav­ sidewalk in the other direction, shouting to ed her speech with, "You've come a long way, Buffy!" Newsbricfs continued from p^M^c 1 overturning of Rowe vs. Wade would mean ing their photo taken with the puppet, his the marchers, "Free Barbara Bush!" Barbara The letter was printed on the letterhead before 1949. that a state couid make iUegai any form of giant stuffed hands resting patronizingly on Bush had actively campaigned for reproduc­ Our group quietly rode back to our car contn>lled apartment he shaicd with his of thc Office ofthe Mayor and contained the —Reported in thc Democrat & Chronicle reprochic^ive or birth control that occurs their heads. tive rights until her husband's presidential and tumbled in. We had affixed a sign to the lover. seal of New York City. after coiK:eption — such as the Pill or the Wc reached thc MaU and checked with a platform became more visible; now she is back, "Honk if you're going to D.C," and —Jim Whclan in the Washington Blade, "A.I.D.S. is not caused by Haitians, or by RJD — as well as abortion, therefore limiting facilitator to find thc Rochester delegation. mute on the subject. we got quite a few toots on our way out of Washington, DC. intravenous drug users," the letter said. "It greatly a woman's control over her reproduc­ We took a deep breath and started to A man held a sign: "If men are nor for town. I felt as if the march were following is caused by gays, and by gays alone. There Ongoing Lesbian Support Group - please call if interested tive sysiem. shoulder our way through the crowd. Before women's rights, they can fuck themselves." us home. Only one thumbs-down from a Ithaca battered lesbians project is no cure other than to stop the gays. Our group wanted to symbolize thc ser­ we knew it, people were parting the way for His girlfriend's sign read, "M.y uterus is not sourpuss fellow — we just laughed. begins offering services Homosexually |sic| must be outlawed, or Ruth M. Williams. M.S. Ed. vitude of compulsor>' pregnancy ihat an us, staring, laughing, pointing up and ask­ a national resource." We also eiK:ountered We rolled back into Rochester about 5 ITHACA — The Project for Battered Les­ else death will spread like wildfire." COUNSELOR overturning of/Joe vs. Wade would induce, ing us where we were from. the Menopausal Women Nostalgic for a.m., almost 24 hours since we had begun Koch said in a statement that the letter was bians sponsored by the Tompkins County Offers: so we created a giant puppet of Chief Justice We were about a third of the way across Choice, the Mormon Grandmothers for our odyssey that moming. Fortunately my Task Force for Baiteird Wbmen has begun "vicious, malicious and intended to harm mc William Renquist — the most threatening of the Mail when thc photographers finally Choice, Pregnant by Choice and many girlfriend, homebound due to work con­ several services specificaUy for lesbians. politically." On March 27, he asked the Individualized Counseling • Couples I the current justices to the standing of Roc caught up with us. Suddenly we were sur­ Catholics for Choice. straints, had glued herself to thc TV on Sun­ Five lesbians completed advocacy training Manhattan District Attorney's office to in­ Consulting • Group Facilitation vs. Wade — to which we, in mock pregnan­ rounded by snapping cameras and kneeling The right-to-life groups had their signs and day and videotaped thc march and us. Wc last fall and attended two workshops on bat­ vestigate the distribution of the lertcr. cy, "chained" ourselves. We were concern- photojournalists. It felt like a whirlwind; all slogans too, but the police and facilitators were on Cable News Network "Headline tering that included personal accounts from New Yi}rk Times, reported in the Proficient in Sign Language — Adjustable Fee ed that the image would appear gruesome I remember is peering through my sunglasses kept us apart and their impact was sorely News" and on two Rochester stations. two formerly battered lesbians and discus­ Washington Blade, Washington, DC. or distasteful. But the puppet looked at their orange press passes to see where they lessened by the mob of us giving more con­ It gave us a perspective on the march that sions of issues conceming domestic violence 423-1669 Vor TTY humorous and so did wc, so it appeared as were from: Philadelphia Inquirer, New York vincing, creative arguments. The pro-lifers we missed being involved in it, much the and lesbians. Governor calls for light-hearted and funny as we felt about it. Times.. Long Island Newsday, UPI. Boston looked small and pitiful, a sad and angry vh^y one misses things when attending a The task force is interviewing six ap­ rebuilding of state AIDS lab We had fun with it and we wanted everyone Globed. handful next to our joyous, sufging energy. football game instead of watching it in the plicants for lesbian safe homes, households ALBANY — The laboratory where New else to have fun, too! 1 would have loved to have captured that We had decided before we started that living room. But this was much better in that would pn)vide confidential emergency York state does most of its AIDS work is "ob­ The ^vc of us and "Renquist" arrived in moment with my own camera, rhem taking when we reached the Hall of Justice we person. shcltcr for lesbians and their children in solete, deteriorating and incapable of Wuhington and parked at the Metro station pictures of us, but wc didn't expect such would step out of the march and stand on The march was the most exciting event crisis situations. Thc task force also spon­ meeting modern federal standards for in Bethesda. Md. media attention and were taken aback. They the steps; we thought our "Renquist" would I've ever been involved in. We were glad we sored a ip-wcek support group, beginning biosafety." according to Gov. Mario Cuomo. We got onto the train and immediacely met called out questions: "Where are you from?" look at home there. We hadn't realized the had created art for the event, not only in February, for battered and formerly bat­ The Associated Press reported recently — and we answered, "ftochester, New Vork! delegation from ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to because it got us noticed but also because teted lesbians. Another lO-wcek session will a wpman in her 50s or 60s from that workers at the New Scotland Avenue Massachusetts who was instrumental in set- Home of Susan B. Anthony!" Unleash Power) had commandeered the no one else had done so. Not only did our begin In June. steps. As we stepped out ofthe march, they Laboratory, built in 1917, must contend with Ut had missed the celebrities but the Con­ action illuminate a concem of women's bn>kcn elevators and sinks, peeling paint and ''Being ciccepted in emhusiasttcally called us over, led us to the For more information, call the hotline at gressmembers had begun speaking. Slaughter rights, but it also comributed to our own and exposed wires. center of the top of the steps and started (607)2r7-5000 or the task force office at spoke and our delegation cheered. Several everyone else's enjoyment and satisfaction (607)277-3203. treatment Jbr who I tvas^ shaking their fmgers, chanting, "SHAME! "Potholes line the driveway leading to che gray-haired, blue-suited CongnEy^B^ agsoke — not to mention increasing media attcmion three-story brick building, where computers SHAME! SHAME!" —Outlines, Ithaca WELLESLEY fervently about "drawing a line in ttte'C^- and debate in a creative and light-hearted sit alongside equipment rusted with ;^e," the nuide it easier Jbr nte to gress" to make sure reproductive rights were We chanted also, but soon I found 1 could way. Koch criticixcs Associated Press reported. accept my disease.'' CENTER protected. not chant anymore. 1 was overwhelmed. I Yet, although no one else had iiurluded art inuMlalent AIDS letter The facility, which conducts nearly It was enlightening; in an alternative or could now look oul on the march, eight in their involvement, the sheer numbers of NEW YORK — Mayor Edward Koch in late 750.000 AIDS-related tests a year, is thc 442-2986 progressive environment, you leam to lanes of people, body to body, streaming people streaming down the streets of March assailed a letter, printed on City Hall world's busiest AIDS testing laboratory. unilaterally distrust and fear older, white down the streets of Washington, all of them Washington — women and men, young and letterhead stationery and distributed in the Cuomo h^ asked the state legislature to men in power. I had never heard a man like looking up and seeing our giant Renquist old, plain folks and celebrities and politi­ city, that calls for outlawing homosexuality spend S75 million to rebuild the lab aiul six The disease of chemical dependence affects every seg­ Lesbiaii & Gay standing on the steps of the Hall of Justice, cians from all over the country and the as a cure for AIDS. other buildings at thc five-acre site, all built that speak out so vehemently in protection ment of the American population. For each human being Therapists offer of me and my rights. All right; some of my his giant aiTns spread, surrounded by peo­ world — and converging to speak out, to be who suffers from the condition, the roots of the illness are individual, couple & rights. I was still impressed. ple screaming "shame, shame, shame." I took heard and seen for something in which they traced in every aspect of the life experience. For the gay or We decided to make our way down to the a picture of them looking at us, but I wanted believe, was a moving and exciting group counseling in a speakers' stage at the front of the Mall — a a picture from their viewpoint I think I'll experience. lesbian patient, the same is true. always have one in my mind. WHITE Addressing the needs discreet setting. lot more cameras were down there, and by Our art coUective was encouraged by the of gay, lesbian & That's why, at Conifer Park, we treat the whole person ... now we were gettiiig a little more savvy. We Wc stepped again into the sea of people, response to our first work, and we are work­ treat every person with dignity, respect and understand­ made our way through the people in the which finally led the way to the Capitol ing on other pieces that reflect elements of bisMcual individuals where the speakers were winding down. By women's lives. ing ... and include in treatment, a focus on those special crowd* many of whom had been looking & tlieir families Barbara Debes. M.S., C.A.S. down at the st:^ and hadn't seen us earlier this time it was 4:50 p.m. We were joyful but We look forward to presenting a longer, issues that can impact the person's potential for recovery. The papanazzi went wild again, but we had exhausted. more involved piece in early June. Keep your ASSOCIATES Horace Lethbridge, M.A. For the gay or lesbian patient, that means the provision a problem: a slight design flaw had our pup­ Finally we dismantled our buddy Bill and eye out for us in the hiture, and don't be too Kathleen Vernam, A.C.S.W. pet's center pole poking through his papcr had something to eat and drink. We hadn't shy to get involved in what you believe in. Providing individual, couple & family therapy of effective, clinically developed treatment for chemical mache head. Wt brought him down and had anything more than crackers since the \bu can contribute simply by showing up dependence, presented in a stigma-free environment. An started a quick patch-up job with the first- sptrad at Slaughter's, but we had been rtding and being counted. Sometimes it is only Alcoholism & Sexuality & environment where all involved — from counseling pro­ aid kk we had fbrtuitousiy brought with us. on the eneigy of a half million people. together that our voice is heard, and then fessionals to housekeeping staff — respond caringiy and A map tapped mc on the shoulder and said Most of the celebrities had gone home or it is the richest. It is notjthe-soloist's, but the co-dependency issues gender-related concerns supportively. a reporter and phocographer wanted to talk back to their hotels, but we caught Linda choir's voice, that is carried by the wind. Relationship problems Call u$ anytime. We unders$tand. And we care. Joan C Bimii^ M.S. Ed. N.CC William KcUcy, CSW, CAC TIMOTHY SCHAPP, M.S. ED., NCC CfedsnMed Alcohoitm CouoMlor Credentialed Alcoholism Counselor Medical Arts Psychotheiapy ASSOCMM Certified Sex Therapist Conifer Park i (716) 38M071 Nationally Certified Counselor offers INSURANCE REIMBURSABLE 150 Glenridge Road individual, coupies Scotia, NY 12302 y^^ for lesbians and group counseling and support. (518)399-6446 Also available: 496 White Spruce Blvd. 272-7210 Inside NY 1-800-265-2235 Medical Arts Building • 277 Alexander St. Individual and family counseling, in your home or mine •:'i^4


Newsfronts Survey, contintted from page 6 according lo a report issued in February In­ intn>diK-ed a bill which would add semial the city's Human Rights Commission. oricmtation to thc hair crimes l^islation the Congressional hase^rimcs biU« which re­ anal and oral Intercourse, and Darman was prohibit Verhoef from entering the country, gay men. said to be ptessured by Rep. William Dan­ The commission is resp«msible for enfor­ Texas senator pa.*(sed a year ago. quites the Justice Department to gather she said, has placed the U.S. position in Karin S. Schwartz, GLAAD's assistant nemeyer (R-Calif.) and others to undercut cing the city\s AII>S and sexual orientation "l*he two bills are tied together.** Jochum doubt. tlirector, told Dannemeyer in a March 20 let­ statistics on violent crimes against a host of what they saw as an attempt by gay activists anti-discrimination ordinances. The number says HIV-positives said. '*The hate crimes t>ill shcnvs the need UN examines Norton's decision was reversed by an im­ ter that the wording of a puMic service an­ minority groups^ iiKrluding g?tys and led>lans. to use the sur\'ey to document the size of the of complaints investigated last year was 126. for the civil rigttts NU and ciraics an ogipor* migration judge one day later, and Wrhoef nouncement he offered to tape on the —Lou Chibbaro Jr. in the Wiahii^ton lesbian and gay population in America. down frt>m the previous year's M6. tunity lo talk ahout what's happening." Blade, Washington, DC- should be killed US detention was released after posting S 1.500 for a group's behalf suggests that gays and lesbians A coalition of groups working on AIDS "The report illu.strates that municipal anti­ Equal Titnes, Minneapolis, frpurtcd in the $10,000 bond. His detention in three Min­ are le$$ moral and less ethical than issues met on April 13 to set strategy on how discrimination protections can be an effec­ Washington Blatle, Washingttm. D.C. nesota jails was protested by gay and lesbian heterosexuals. About 4i> demimstrators gathered on thc of Dutch PWA to preserve the sur\'cy as it is currently writ­ tive mechanism for addres.sing and reducing steps of the State Capitol in Austin. Texas. ot\ rights and AIDS activists, Congressmembers Dannemeyer, one of Congress*' most ten and persuade Sullivan not to tamper with prejudice and bigotry on the basis of .sexual and officials with the Dutch Parliament. outspoken opponents of gay rights, sem Administration March 10 to pn>test a senator's statement that Repercussions over the April 2 decision by it. orientation and AIDS." said Lawrence Mar­ WHO, an arm of the United Nations, has GLAAD a script for a television or radio an­ people testing positive for AIDS antibodies Lf.S. immigration officials to detain a Dutch —Lisa M. Keen, the Washington Blade, tin, chair ofthe commission. adopted a policy of not holding meetings in nouncement he said could not be changed should be killed. visitor with AIDS at a Minneapolis airport to revise Washington, DC. Thc commission reported fcA^er com­ countries that screen travelers for AIDS. or edited. Sen. Carl Parker, the sponsor of a bill that Bulletin spread to Washington and Cieneva in late plaints against larger employers, many of Among them are the Soviet Union, Iraq and In the script, Dannemeyer states, "My wcHlId allow police to pn>secute people who April as officials with the Bush administra­ whom have dexeloped AIDS-related person­ Saudi Arabia. public stand in afHrmation of thc heterosex­ sex survey kmiwingly spread the virus for attempted tion and the World Health Organizatton said Discrimination nel policies with the help of the commis­ Board Dam said WHO officials are hoping to per­ ual ethic is well known" and '*one homosex­ murder, was asked at a committee hearing they were hM>king into the matter. Health and Huttian Services Secretary sion. But complaints involving small suade U.S. immigration authorities to ual Ofganization recently labeled me *pub!ic mmis- "clarify" their position io avoid having to enemy No. 1. . . I do not apologize for these complaints drop ple testing positive for AIDS antibodies. Visa and MasterCard that generates a 5 cent Dick Thomburgh and Assistant Secretary of White House Budget Director Richard Dar- sion plans to work with them this year to add the United Sutes to the tist. beliefs, but the one thing 1 do not stand for Parker replied. '*Kill em." donation to nonpiofit progressive otganiza­ Health James Mason said the Justice Depart­ man and conservative politicians, announc­ develop AIDS policies. is violence against innocent |>eople." in San Francisco United Press Intemationai reponed that tions. including lesbiani|Eay and AIDS groups* ment and the Public Health Service are —Lou Chibbaro Jr., the Washington Blade, ed in mid April that he would not allow the —Bay Area Reporter. San Francisco, Schwartz and representatives of other les­ Parker has received at lexst one death threat every time they're used. When Visa dotiatcrd reviewing the immigration regulation used Washington, DC. Public Health Service to conduct a pilot test SAN FRANCISCO — Complaints of reported in the Washington Blade. bian and gay rights groups who were inform­ since making the comment. Parker said he money to the U.S. Olympic Committee after to jail Dutch resident Hans-Paul V^rhoef for of its national survey on sexual behavior discrimination based on sexual orientation Washington, D.C ed of the script said Dannemeyer's reputa­ and AIDS dropped last year in San Francisco, clearly meant the statement to be a joke, and the conmiitiee had refused to allow the Gay five days .solely because he has AIDS. tion for holding anti-gay views combined without a "thorough leview and revision ' admonished reporter for not pn)perly cm the gay and Itrshian communi' Switxerland, were considering this week 'anti-violence' gay men and lesbians may nor be innocent questioned whether parts of the survey serv­ When You Need —The Waahington Blade, Washington, ty by making a special Sl.OOO donation to how to react t'S and lesbians. She troversy." call (4IS)7H«-0T77. Dam said the PuNic Health Service Among thc questions which reportedly NEW YORK — Thc Gay and Lesbian told the congressmember that GLAAD Mr. Right AFTERHOURS Pro-gay bill The service also has an arrangtrtnent with assured WHO last year that the V.S. agreed Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) an- would not accept an offer by^him to use even bothered Darman were ones asking about with the WHO position of permitting free US Sprint that dtmates 1 percent of mcrmbcrs* nourured in late March that a public service the revised script unless he modifies his anti* long-distaiure telephone chaiges to nonprofit travel of PWAs. But the decision by Immigra­ announcement offered by Rep. William Dan- gay positions — including his opposition to j Survey, contmued on page 7 introduced tion and Naturalization Service Associate LOCKPonrr, NY organizations. For more information, call nemeytfr (R-Calif.) to combat anti-gay and A Dating Service for (800)NOW-8SHS. Oimmissioner Richard Norton to reverse a lesbian violence is unacceptable because it CONVENIENT in lo-wa waiver ruling by a lower level official and perpetuates prejudice against lesbians and X xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Professionally-Oriented EVENING HOURS •The second ConleirtKe for HonM)phohta X DES MOINES. Iowa — Six state represen­ Educators witl be held JUTM: 50-July 5 in Los Gay Men CALL NOWAND POaO-TRAVCL COMMILTAMT tatives intrtxluced legislation late in Februar>' Angeles at UCLA. For more information, 24 HOUR SERVICE FVEE ESTIMATES X FHOM iPW-itf«L tmmotkr iHtm SAnMOAV to the Iowa House of Representatives which write: The Campaign to End Homophobia. X TWAVCL COWULTAtlOm would add sexual orientation to the state's PO Box 819. Cambridge. MA 02I39. or call Call forFRE E Brochure ONLY TO aenem acavc vou anti-dtscriminatton la^v. Cooper Thompstm at (617)86H-a2HO or X 'n>m Jochum. the bill's chiefsponsor. also Christine li|ima Hall at (202)95S-7763. Mon-Fri 10ain-2pm In Rochester: PROTECTION ALARM PLUS INC 434-0948 Secluded Natural Beauty I 227-0849 RM GMCHOCMCr TIMVCL BURGLAR & FIRE SYSTEM* I9th Century Farmhouse « AfMMiOCMCMTa CALL nestled in the wild and loveiy 7 0AV«A The Empty Closet Finger Lakes Region of New YorK. . Hiking • Fishing • Cycling 'W'LLCOM'D. 30 miles South of Rochester la Availabla at.*. 244-0360 S350 weekiy (up to 4 adults) 'Downtoti/n tlnited AKM Rochaatar, Inc. AnthcNiy*a 522, ilwanua Pub, Dogs on leash permitted 'K TrrsSifterian Bachalor Forum, Chattarty'a, Gay Allianca Lounga, Ganaaaa Long weekend rates available (Thursday-Sunday S250) X C Hurc fil Co-op Lobby, Ubarty. Mama Ibccona'a, Paridaigh, Paul'a Grocary, For Reservation or Further information: X Traditionaf and Roman Sauna, Rc»aia*a, SBInvood Booica, Ibra, Unhmsity of «O7-S6^20i9 N Conttmporary Rochaaiar, Villaga Groan Bookalora, Worldwida Naara. FULL LINE OF: (WBMddMir AcccuiMc) • Sentry Safes • Auto Alarms > Burglar Bars \ 1IJ\M Sundaif X I ^^^ ^. Jitzhugfi St. • C.C TUs • Security Lighting X '^SigTiedfor fifarin£ impaired 32$ 4000 "We do it without shorts" B-O-O-K-S cRoman Catholics - Episcopalians Other Gay Christians » Residential & Commercial Join Us! • FREE Estimates _ DeMar Dignity-Integrity/Rochester is an ecumenical organization open to Design A Print everyone who wishe« to wvorship in a pleasant, non-threatening • Fully Insured atmosphere ^ Wc invite you to join us for our weekly culebratkin of . Your djesign & th^ Eucharist, followed Jb»y a social hoMrv or one of our mani^sfMCial printing experts! events such as a pert tack supper; j>tcnlCv refireat; etti. A Roman IOmCE:65M642 MOERs 9214396 732 South Ave. I Catholk mass\%celebr^fdeadiSuhday e€ the tnonth, elicit lor • Shirts & caps the fourth Sunday wteh mass^ Js cSkh^Ami \n the i^>{«K»t>al • Jackets tradition, WILD SEEDS BOOKSTORE & CAFE Racheatur^M mmtrntt altantatim mtrnting apotfi>rfimtfHamHt,fi)od4mdth*huimp9uaruutm/trintl No order too small fi^&hmland P00r Cowmmig fa mfto mmUMbte v«g«Cuian femiiiist • mnltkttltnfal or too complex •00^ A quick, Hght •nhnftw 633 Moaioe Ave ttmrfaff fiftiidnia iMbian AAd a«3r flr—h bfdi and amfltoa GENERAL CONTRACTORS 0 blodc WMt or Qjdbfd) 288-1242 Utinfiy-SroOp^ni. 473-8110 Social Hour-6iwll>.m. Ifeam discount tO% with ad St. Luke's Episcopal Chufch hMlthMdktte/Momy 17SvFitzhuSbSt. pMtiy * ftctldB * tM*4lctioii Renovatioii Soeclallsts (between Main St* & Brood St.) kUs booka hBtWukdbUdi And now a word from our sponsor MdlBpw • oak handrailing systems • custom drywall work Do yon riwiMHb«r wb ai4iatio OpM 10 •.«. - 7 p.ai. lyMBday - Sahndir* tt pjB. - 8 M>-en4«3r Offlce: 546-1280« Pager: 955-1643 <^-.n Ihr #»• MMfa M^Ato M AMfty «i»d «pMtel MMRte tot t mttmam

THE IMPTY CLOSET May 2, 1989 JMoy 2, 1989 THI •MPTY CLOf IT AIDS update Gay Alliance ^ Herbal treatment increases PWA's energy By Aaron Cohen of extreme abdominal cramping, diarrhea function). Tm also aware of my continued report is reason for continuing optimism. Frotn tbe President: New faces, hard iirork limited energy level, which still requires fre- Whether taking hypericin will add to the ac­ and consequent weight loss (1 have lost near­ By Claire **Chic" Parker ly 30 pounds in the past three to four quent rest periods and cautiousness about tual amount of time left for mc In this worid stitution and by-laws, gather input, revise afloat wie must do a >'early memhenthip drixe Buddy was also one of thc founding TTIC Empty Closet received a copy ofthe The Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley has ftaiowing letter Cohen, a person with AIDS months, going from 203 to 175). But these overextending my reserves and resources. is nt« nearly as important as my ficclit^ more again and ha\'e the board pass the documems and encourage current itiemhers to remain fathers of AIDS RtKhester When that tiny conditions pttrvailcd in much the same man­ However, the mere fact that I am able to like a functioning human being in whatever been facing many issues lately. This year and distribute them to the Ciay Aliiance members. Any* Alliance. Ft>r many yeat^; the AlliaiKx made mef Alliance board in 1978 for the CETA grant board approved, is that we will suy in our to mc lies in two features (in addition to its or two times a day for diarrhea); Nizoral (100 used Buddy's liquor license to serve beer at The thing I will remember about Buddy that enabled the Aliiance to hire three staff current space at least until wc find out more the (iay Community Picnic, the Alliance's UVgman is that in spite of everything, thenr apparent bolstering of PWAs' general func­ milligrams once a day to prevent thrush in­ members for about two years. The policies fections); antacid tablets (as needed, to at>out what the Genesee Co-t>p intends to mafor fundraiser He wa.H willing to put his was always a bottom line of purr caring tioning): modest cost, and few side effects. had been dormant for almost 10 years. do about its renovation and rent structure. I had undiagnosed AIDS-related complex neutralize flatulence); and penumidine (60 livelihcMKl on the line so we could have beer ahout the gay community. I wonder if he's Thanks to all of the former board members Some board members were concerned at the picnic found Manha yet. for about 6 1/2 years before developing my milligrams/2 millileters inhaled once a who worked so hard to prepare them. week). about the current space's lack of accessibili­ first case of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia The Constitution and By-Laws Committee I also take, daily, a multivitamin with ty for the di.sabled, and pointed out that stay­ in January 1988, although I was aware for has been working ovenime to revise the con- two years prior that I was HIV-positive. Here minerals (including trace elements) plus an ing where wc are does not advance the Ciay is an interim repon on my success with tak­ extra 250 milligrams of vitamin C in a super- Alliance in the direction ofbeing a fully in­ Gay Alliance proposes ing this herbal extract. absorbent form and 400 units (IU) of vitamin clusive agency. Not all members ofour com­ munity can get up the stairs to the Alliance. When I started ingesting hypericin in mid- E in dry form, as well as 50 milligrams of G.A.G.V. March, my muscles felt so weak I thought chelated zinc and 50 micrograms of yeast- The board welcomes dialogue on this issue and recently adopted an inclusion sute­ constitutional changes I might soon have to ask my physician for free selenium. COFFEEHOUSE ment that says "We acknowledge our a prescription for a walker After 3 1/2 weeks One caution should be noted for FWAs The Alliance's calendar currently calls for of itigesting St. John's wort tablets, I was able who try this herb while suffering from special responsibility to seek participation Members of the Ciay Alliance of iienesee and input frum those in our communities Valle>' may have the opponunity to vote at election t>f board membeis and officers in to begin doing modest exercise at the health nausea, as I did in the beginning. St. John's November, and an annual meeting of tlie club 1 attend, including two-minute wort is notorious among herb fanciers for who experience dual opprei^ikm. ^ com­ the (»rganization*s annual meeting on some mit ourselves to pursuing M^bl^ioA as the major changes in the cemstitutiem and membership pn'clc machines plus a bit of stretching. cablets have an extremely objectionable odor foundation of all of our activities and work." bylaws. First, however, the AlUance Board of Directors must recommend them annual mecrting in April. As a former dancer and dance-movement that make them difficult to get down at first. 8 pm - midnight The Gay Alliance board is already chang­ ing this year. Susan S. atKl Brita L. have to the membership. Dnder the pn>pf»ed bylaws, directors therapist, I am aware of the importance of After I began to see results, plain old human would serve thtee-year ttrms, with one-third keeping the muscles in reasonable condition; hope overcame most of my resistance to the Gay Alliance resigned and people who ran in last year's The chattges being considered recognize board election have joined the board. Dawn that as the Gay AlUance has grown in size of the .seats changing crach year. The size of I was therefore extremely pleased to be able smell. Reduction in nausea may also have the board would be fixed at 24 directors — to pick up again on this type of activity. been a direct result of this therapy. • Age 18 and up Slanec and Judy J. have |otned and Carrie S. its nature has changed. Begun as a politica) alliance of the Gay Bn>therh)itical Caucus, Lesbian Resource minutes of sitting in a whirlpool bath to keep One tentative conclusion about the reason The proposals affect organizational c;enter and Men's Cinnip. the success«>r to thc my remaining muscles stimulated. Then I for its efficacy comes to mind. I have a long • Aitemative to the I look forward to working with all of these repres^tatton, the board of directors and its Ciay Brotherhood. Five other organizatiJ^ OFF We alsij need people to chair the Member­ Gay Alliance members may panicipate in provide for representation of activity gnnips whirlpool facility. ing up the energy that was subsumed by and services. depression for use in general functioning. ship Committee In order to suy fmancially the discussion at the AUiance t>oard meeting During the first two weeks, before receiv­ on Wednesday, May 10 at 7 p.m., and at the Officers would be elected for one-year ing the update on recommended dosage in Due to the threat of liver dysfunction (a terms by the board of director* — instead of constant worry), I try to keep down the annual meeting on Wednesday, May 51 at 7 issue No. 5 of "AIDS lieatment News," I took Come in and see Freewheeler's collection of U.S.-made bikes and frame sets. p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Gay by thc membership — from the board itself. four tablets of the Verba Prima brand tablets number of non-mandatory medications 1 l^abrics& Findings The piesident would be explicitly designated take, which is why I was not on any prescrib­ Terry Precision Bikes engineered and built Alliance tounge. 713 Monroe Ave. For more each morning; subsequently, I cut back to information, call 244-8640. as the Ciay Alliance's chief executive officer two per day. ed antidepressant previously. But my men­ especially for women in nearby East Rochester, NV. I saw improvement after about 10 days on tal processes have never been sharper lhan Burley Designs The new, economically EM the herb. My overall mood seemed to have ihe>' are now; in any case, they were not priced tandems from Eugene, Oregon, including a FABRIC WAREHOUSE M improved, and I had more energy availahle noticeably less clear even while I was feel­ Mountain Bike model. ing, quite naturaUy, depressed about my ob­ for productive work. As a writer, this meant Phase 3 Bikes and Frame Sets Buiit to being able to contemplate tackling several viously deteriorating condition just prior to beginning the hypericin therapy. custom quality in East Rochester, NY by Robert modest projects 1 wanted to undertake but Stowe and Dale Duross, with baked Imron finish by which had seemed prohibited until I began If there are any further biochemical MADE Brian Murdoch. Announcing to see the change in my condition. In the benefits — whether long- or short-term — foUowing couple of weeks, I maiuged to get that can be derived from ingesting St. John's New! Kirk Cast-Magnesium Frame Sets more substantial work done than I'd dared wort/hypericin, it will remain for more con­ The latest technology, now available in Rochester. dream about completing for the rest of my trolled testing to ascertain them. According ihe LRC meeting hus limited days. to my physician, the results of my regular Hypericin does not yet seem to be a cure- monthly blood work after three weeks did A TREASURE-PACKED WAREHOUSE OF all for me, however I am still plagued with not seem to have been affected in any FASHION FABRICS AT CLOSE-OUT PRICES two serious physical problems the herb measurable way. (I am next due for testing BICYCLE SHOP AND PERSONAL FITNESS CENTER Remnants • Piece Goods • Mill ends • Decorator Fabrics • Foam seems not to affect; awakening in the mid­ at the beginning of May.) Custom Made Upholstery • Drapery • Slipcovers dle of the night and staying up for two to I've noted no adverse side effects during 1149 Culver Road • 473-3724 four hours after the initial phase of steep the past 4 1/2 weeks, but I have long been Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 10-4 • Wed. 10-6 • Tues., Thurs., Fri. 10-8 Shop al Home • Free Decorator Service (three to five hours), following which I conscientious about avoiding extensive ex­ M49 a/9 proud of alt our U S. -made products, as wefl as Offroad brand Alt-Terrain bicycles usually get another two to four hours solid posure to direct sunlight (such exposure is (from KG Bngineering of Rhode Island) and of ctHjrse, oar complete line of Miyata bikas, ROCHESTER BROCKPORT sJccp; and digestive upset ttiat takes the form well known to compromise immune system made in Japan since 1690. 50 Anderson Ave. 461-2820 80 Clinton St. 637-9187 Corner N. Goodman (On the CanaJ) •i m. on May 17ih aoc S3E g > SMK aoE aae XE ERA DEVILLE ihe iopic wili be Women k REALTY David A. Bischoping ATTENTION ARTISTS! 325 PARK AVENUE Richard Fenwick The 1989 Gay Alliance Annual Picnic Committee is ROCHESTER. NEW YORK organizing an art and craft show to be held at the Gay Disabilities CONTRACTORS Community Picnic on July 16, Noon-6 pm at Genesee Oldor HomB Specialists Valley Park. A limited number of booths will be available 716-244-7700 (Speakers from TRiflDO uiili be present) Oeaign • Drywall • Painting to VArtDOd, fiber, ceramic, glass, photography and Carpentry • Decks drawing/painting artists. Applications are being JONATHAN MILLIS Roofing & Gutters accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. This will be Piece: RCIL at 758 South Rve. Additions an excellent opportunity for area artists and craftspeople (near Gregory St.) REALTOR ASSOCIATE to display and sell their creations. Rccessibie to ail Repairs to full replacefnent DEADUNE: JUNEJ9 Time: 7:30 to 9:30 pm Eesidential and Income Property Sales Any eize Jobe at ail OMt: $15 Gay Alliance Meinbert/^as Noii-membafs Contact: Sue at 723-0941 for information also Free eetimatea R>rAppllc«tioiM:S«nd4A8£to: - Hefrashments avatisbie Apartment Rentals aad Property Management Cail & leave meaeaoa QAGV Art/Craft 8ho«i^a«Qii|»lin«c«^ 325-1198 ; " Z noehttmr, NY 14610 ; r —3 1

IO THE EMPTY CLOSET May 2, 1989 May a, 19S9 THI WttOTt CLOSST 11

San Francisco Eagle: A Cay Bar in Time Concert: Canadian singer Ferron with 8:30 pm. $10. $25 indudes reception Rochesfer AIDS Interfaith Network of Change" and *'Househoki Misap­ Kevin Zoernig. State Theater, 109 W. with the cast. (716)878.3005. See "Art- MONDAY WEDNESDAY (GRAIN). 235-3112. SUNDAY MAY propriations." Visual Studies Workshop, State St, Ithaca. 8 pm. $10-$18. sign notes" for more information. 15 31 Prince St., 8 pm., free. 442-8676. 31 JUNE lar>guage interpreted by Sherry Hicks. Community dance after concert. The Gay Allhince of Genesee FRIDAY Empty Closet advertising deadline. Gay AMance off Genesee Valtey an­ SATURDAY Concert: Rochester Gay Men's VsHcy d 7-10 pm. $5 7:30 pm 244-9030 35. $10 members, $15 non-members. tion. 442-7230. Holly Hughes, Pyramid Arts Center, equity. 461-1310. donation. Sponsored by Greater Choice of steak or chicken 381-0739. Men's Group meeting. Gay Alliance, Village Qate Square, 274 N. Goodman Empty Closet envelope stuffing and Picnic sponsored by Rainbow Deaf 8 pm. Speaker; Rochester Police St., 8 pm, $4 members, $6 non- mailing party. Gay Alliance office, 713 Society, 10 am-dusk, $15. 4421523, Department liason to gay/lesbian com­ members- 461-2222. See "Arts Talk*^ Monroe Ave., upstairs in back of 442-6779. munity, Sgt. Roy Ruffin. 244-8640. for more information. WEDNESDAY building. 7 pm. 244-9030. Film: * 'Vernal Season,'' short film 17 featuring local female inpersonater Liza. MONDAYSUNDAY Empty Closet deadline for articles, THURSDAY Part of "Movies on a Shoestring** an­ photos, letters to thc editor, ^\c. 1 — nual film festival. Dryden Theater, 900 8 14 244-9030. D A YWEDNESDAY East Ave., 2 pm., free. \K J DESIGN Empty Closet staff meeting to discuss Gay Pride Parade planning meeting. Pentec(»st Sunday Mass, sponsored Concert: Rochester Gay Men's Coffeehouse sponsored by OMEGA, ideas for June issue, EC office, 713 Gay Alliance, 7 pm. 442-3519. by Dignity-Integrity, gay/lesbian Chorus, Highland Park, 6 pm, free. Part group for gays/lesbians 35 and over, 7 642 South Avenue and Friends i»f Lesbians Rochesier WomenV Cjammmt^\ Monroe Ave., upstairs in back of Catholics and Episcopalians St. Luke's- of Festival of Lilacs. 235-2473. pm, $2 members, $3 non-members. Si. ti^VSt. Simon Cyrer^e Chorus. 6:15 pm. 244-3392. building, 8 pm. 244-9030. St. Simon Cyrene Church, 42 S. Fit­ 473-4440 , 17 S FHjhugh St.. 2:30 pm. 381-0739- Lesbian Resource Center meeting, zhugh St., 5 pm. Simeys. legal workers arxi law students. Cyrene Church. 17 S Frt/hugh films and lecture by filmmaker Katy Mar­ TRIADD (To Reach and Inform About Theater: "AIDS Alive," performed .by 41 Westminster Rd. at East Ave.. 7 pm. St.. 5p,m. 328 9758. Gay AfSance board of dhecKm tin, Pyramid Arts Center, Village Gate Developmental Disabilities) discuss People With AIDS Theatre Workshop, 442-3519. (607)583-2053. meeting. Gay AtliarKre, 7 pm. Second i Square, 274 N. Coodman St., 8 pm. disability and sexuality. 723-0941. Opening reception for phote>grapher 461-2222. See "Artnotes" for more F^kwelt Hall Auditorium, Buffalo State Wainesday 244-8640. Doog Ischar's work on gay issues, "The information. College, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, St.. 6 p.m. 271 8478. Laslrtan tftaaontce Cswhti, <^ n^Hees' Group, Gay Alhance. 7:30 pm. firsr and SATURDAY l^^pm. Fburth Sunday She! WfiKlnesdays. 244-8640. 20 Names Pra|ect AIDS Memorial Quilt 'Mwemal mWniBn's Net* THE display, Monroe Community College abd potludi supper. 6:30 THURSDAY gymnasium, 1000 E. Henrietta Rd., 9 "SaJSQvid Sunday IjocaHon. info: am-9 pm. Opening ceremony, 9 am. >3e. For more information, see Locat News. TANNING IMiudi dhftuer and drop-'m sociai for PistfSiCfcofclnft Group, 7:30 oeople wHh AIDS and /^C. HfV 1 Month — $44.95 "Irine: fbbrth Sundavi 244-8640. positives and their friendfiv kf^ets and ROCHESTER SUNDAY 3 Months -- $125 supporters. Chrisi Church, 141 £ast flllHF^e Gvwv meeting^ Gay Alliance, Awe., 7-9 ptn. Bring a dish *& pass if you 21 6 Months —$150 *^ ^^^*^. flttA and tHir4 Sunday. can,-^ tmvirofHwent), Koct^esaer «'. ..i • .?• Names Pio|ect AIDS Memoriai Quih display. See May 20. PARK AVE & OXFORD 2301 W. ^IDGE RD EDGE (Educaltmv the DIsabted In Men's Alcoholics a Gay Environment), Rochestsr 227-7091 St. Luite's-St. Simon Center k>r IfKiependent Uving. 758 GAY MEN'S Gay Mien's Croup meeting. Gay 244-8450 Church. 17 S Fitzhugh St.. South Ave., 7 pm. Second and fourth AHiance, 8 pm. Speaker: ACT UP pm/232-6720. member Martin Hiraga discusses the im­ Thursdays. 381-0739, pact of AIDS on the gay communiiy. 244-8640. Gay tmd Lesl>lan Cwnn^ctUmt peer I o 0 N D A Y counseling and iefc>rraJ hotline spon­ CHORUS Picnic sponsored by ftochester Bisex­ sored by Gays, Lesbians, Btsexuals and Friends Associatk>n of University of ual Womcn*s Network. Location, infor­ Rochester. Thursday and Friday, 8-11 mation: 244-9030. ^lly Mea's MM#tn« Group. Gay pm. 275-8341. Ends May 19 until Sept. ilMance. 7 pm. First Monday. 442-1640. Cay Alcoholics Anonyssous, St. MONDAY wukeVSt. StnK>n Cyrene Church. 17 & Ae fgiaiids Support Gvoup meeting. Rtzhugh St. 8 30 pm. 232-6720. 22 spOTffiored fay AIDS f^h^ter Inc. for kitsnds of people with AIDS or ARC or Rochester Historical Bowvlln^ Names Proiect AIDS Memorial Quilt Mio are HIV positive. AIDS Rochester, Society^ 8:30 pm 467-0877. display, 9 am-6 pm. See May 20. 20 Unlv«fsilv A«.. 7:30 pm. Second and fourfh Mor>day 232-3^80. Rochester Bisexual Men's Network meeting, 7:30 pm- Location, informa­ ^Itey Women's Alcoholics FRIDAY tion: Jack. 244-7191. Anonymous, St. Luke's-St. Simon Cyrtne Church. 17 S. Rb!hu9h St.. 8 p.m. 232 6720. Gay and Lesbian Overealera SATURDAY AnonymcMis, Unitarian Church. 220 S. Winton Rd.. 7 pm. Denise. Saturday, June Srd 8 paiUa 27 T U E S D A Y 482-5822. Empty Closet layout and pasteup of June issue, EC offk:e, 713 Monroe Awe., Sunday, June 4th, 4 paUia upstairs in back ek buikfing, noon-5 pm. and Gay SATURDAY 244-9030. C^iwcatnt, Downtown United Xerox Square Auditorium^ Anib)Mrtan Chuich. 141 N. FHzhugh SUNDAY ^« <$t» pm. First Tussdi^ A%ilWp 9iy/icd>ian youth gioup far ages 16^20. 1-4 pm. FM and Ihkd INfc^fcesiur LaaMan and Cay Sahmfays. 442-2986. 28 t;7pni. Empty Close* layout at^ pasteup of liiisdsit 2444M0. Ont * Atont Mcyda tm^ Ucfc Msy Issue, EC dike. 713 Monroe Ave., 32 Canal Patk enhance at Oausr St, up^aiRS in back of bulking, noon*8 pm. lorcunanl 1 pm. Sodtfly paced, doai Bo^ 244-9030. protpectluft mothers, 442-7185. litsclmi 3854496. Gay/Laablan Al-Annn. Hm UnMutan ChmcK 220 S IMnhM ^ TUESDAY , (CLFSOI. 7 pm. fljiitfiii cwniiui. roBiiiH Union, 30 iMfe|, 7 pm. Gin Atoiphnitaa Tickets $9, or $7 advance sale at: EaH>ty Ooset «wek>pe stuffing and UMMMI Chuidi, 220 & WWMr] Parkleigh Ikra Cocktail Lounge mailing parlv; EC office, 713 Monroe Sl; Andtam Chuich^ 68 Nie., upalslrs In back of bulMfoig, 7 pm. Sttf 95AMdlA«., 730|xm. ftiurs Grocery Village Green Bookstore 244-9030. For more infoonation: 235-2473 This prograin is interpreted for tl>e tiearing impalrod TWt concert made potsMc vrith public fundt from tHe New Vark SUtc Coundl on the Arts. In Momoe County, the decentraitzation prograin it administered by Arts for Greater Rocliester. tm^n

MayS, 19S9 TNI IMPTY CLOSIT 13 12 THI IMPTY CLOSIT May 2, 1989 Tife Natnes Project AIDS Memorial Quilt: Arts Talk \ir<>enlfio in N#»iiir Yhrk r#»1ehrjitlfia llfr in Rfirhe^fer I ^ooic briefs: AIDS, feminist film and fiction WW%^^K^MMMXL -UJ. iH^vV JVrXJm.n W^J.V^LrX^l'li'J.AJlfim AJiA^ AAM, M^\JK0'AAK0^^%\^A • By Mlchele Moorc bohom in Vienna unand became ;a& refugeitrfugeee frofn>mm abiHiahiHii i thesthc*»ee charactercharacterss aass h hee wnHwnHce ahouahoutt alall l oof fth thee worworik c inin th thee collection c< , but Rafkin the Holm killing millions of peo­ instructor and her gorgeowi yuppie lawyer *'<;haractcrs reach acn>ss chasms to make By Erie Bellmann belong: "Its not here." lihrary ofthe Oay Alliance ofGtmesee \Ulley: ple. "Fortunatciy. AIDS has not yet become husband couldn't hold my attenticm. One of cpula- c:nKkett's ex-lovers. Black ja/z singer John­ understanding against a backdrop of per­ Pride VHcciccnd. I lived in New Yoric once made it with me/ * I meet mom and a young where indicated. tion." she writes. nie Ray Rousseau, (thc pn>tagonist of sonal C(mfa«iion and the geneial sttess of Iifr and when 1 left — exhausted and half mad. man, a brother perhaps, and gape at the As always, gay men and lesbians are not Blackbird) is far morc interesting, and his in thc |'KOs|." she writes. "And sometimes having hilled to maice even one new and panel at our feet, AIDS: The Women edited by Ines Rieder considered part ofthe "geiK'ral ptipulation." aunt Theo. who cured her ha*ast cancer us­ that moment is skewed, twisted, or missed good friend despite endless nights at The "Mom couldn't part with it at first so she and Patricia Ruppelt. Cleis Press, PO Box Her intenticm is gcKKl. hut what about the ing natural healing techniques, is the most altogether But. ne\-erthelcs.s. there is thc im­ Ibol Box, Intemationai Stud, Everhard Baths made a copy. Look, it's sewn omo her shin." 8933, Pittsbusgh, PA 15221. I9«H. S9.95 epidemic — some AIDS activists. Jewish and fascinating charUcter in the lHK>k. It's UK>bad pulse towards thc alliance. These are stories and Harry's Baclc East — I did not return for And it Is, a macabre designer blouse. Wc stare When the mainstream media bothers to non-Jewish, refer to it as a holocaust — that's Duplechan didn't write the novel about of allies and foes, strangers and strugglers. seven years. at one another through our tears. discuss women with AIDS, it usually por­ been killing thousands of gay men for a them. in many ways thc>' are stories of the margin, decade? I guess queers don't count. Avoid New \bric was what I wanted and it ate me What I learn this day, though not by this trays them as "innocent victims" infected hy C.nK'keti is a fairly interesting character, of rvlati' ultimately give I have no quarrel with thc experience. I ching, crying and readtng, crying and talk­ andA>r drug addicts infecting their male TUngled Up in Blue by Larry Duplechan. healing, rather lhan dying of AIDS, at the shape to the path." knew what I was doing, then I walked away ing. It gets blurred, this day, by thc tears. customers or their fetuses. St, Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Ave.. New York, end of the book. 8>on*t let this descripticm scare you away Now when I return it is as a tourist, a Wc arc permitted onto the field once all Cleis Press has published an anthology, NY lk. My favorite pieces traveler, no longer thc hip, with-it Manhat- the panels arc unfurled and staked down of essays by and interviews with a wide I enjoyed one of Duplechan's earlier useful to the growing body of AIDS include Joan Ibllifscm's "Watering the tanite. I tote a camera and gawk at store against thc wind. The crowd flows, moving variety of women from £un>pe and North novels. Blackbird, the well-written coming- literature. Plants." the story of the friendship between fironts, tall buildings, handsome men. It's an up and down, back and forth, reading, ben­ ^nd South America, that takes a close out story ofa witt>'. talented Black teenager Annie, a slightly obsessive leshian, and Stan, easier, more comfortable persona. And I love ding to smooth fabric or just to touch or to look at how the epidemic affects women. But while that novel's light, breezy ttme was Unholy Alliances: New Women'.s Fiction a disabled man; Winn (;ilm<»rr*.s "Re\''fvn the parade, the aura of commuaity and place flowers. There are lots of flowers. The book is divided into sections of perfectly suited to its materiaL it seems edited by Louise Rafkin. Cleis Press, PO B4>x Peach." ahout a Black girl who is sexually solidarity, thc city crammed with lively gay There is a squad to aid viewers who col­ testimonies from family membeis, lovers and wholly inappropriate for this story of a 8933. Pttt.sbuigh, PA 15221. 1988. $9.95 abused hy her small town's preacher; men and lesbians. lapse. A handsome balding man caves in, friends of people with AIDS (PWAs); wotmrn heterosexual woman who leams she's preg­ So much average, dull and downright Don>thy Bryant's "BUNKI Relations," ahout who are infected with HIV, AIDS or AIDS- nant, then discovers that, not only d«>es her p«H>rly-written fiiticm fn>m lesbian, gay and an HIV-positive man who turns to his Italian I've had some minor attitude adjusting, of wails and crumples to the ground and is related complex; professional caregivci^; les­ best gay male friend, Cnurkett, have AlDS- womens presses crosses my desk, it was a grandmother for comfort xs his lover dies of course. The first time i saw the parade I was quickly surrounded by strangers who lift bians; prostitutes; and AIDS educators. related complex, but also that her husband delight to discover that thc 15 stories in this AIDS . distressed. Unwittingly I'd projected visions him. touch him, enfold him. I see women, was Crockett's lover before she married him. anthology are good — .some of them very of Castro Street icons in tank tops and 501s too — mothers, thin young Black women, Here are the voices of many different ITiea's no point in going on. hecau.sc I lik­ and the reality — an endless stream of the and nurses. women — a bisexual Brazilian woman who It's a great plot, but Duplechan doesn't do g stark: crayons and a lesbian whose lover committed suicide even parents (for God's sake!) — left me markers on sheeting. Only tiames and dates. after a year of physical pain, struggles with perplexed, feeling flat. Other panels arc extravagant, almost festive New York City's soqiat service bureaucracy and negligent hospital care; When the light bulb flashed on, the cap­ with lush fabrics, leathers, jewels, feathers and even teddy bears sewn into the designs. professional caregiver?*, including social tion underneath read: Yes, this is who we workers, counselors and health educators, arc. we arc everyone, wc arc everywhere There is a feeUng in the air I have never kno'wn. who write about the frustrations of work­ SPRING and. my dears, being part of this cross- I see a handsome man, really only a boy, ing with PWAs and the HIV-infected, many section of America was simply terrific. of whom are poor women with children, ATTHE Awareness of power, diversity, acceptance wearing the oddest fringed jacket, too warm for this day. The quilt he stands beside is edg­ drug addicts or women disenfranchised in and celebration is not regularly experienc­ other ways. ed by minorities. It was just what I'd hoped ed in the same fringe. It's a grisly set. He for but hadn't expected. Thc infusion of hasn't separated from his lover; thc fabric is What surprised mc in many of thc ac­ reality shoved my reclusive fantasies under a bond. He doesn't leave or move and I counts was their authors' discussions ofthe Serving Rochester sharper scrutiny but did not diminish my en- wonder if he knows where he is, alone with disease and thc epidemic as an opportunity thusiasim, so I was happy but still able to 3 relic of his life. I cannot leave cither. for spiritual growth for themselves as well Since 1973 single out the very hot and flash them special Slipping off my shoes later I crawl with as for PWAs and those who love them, rather smiles. 1 felt healthy. Others onto thc huge white parachute pro­ than focusing only on the losses that result from AIDS. I also learned a great deal about The parade is on Sunday and I'm usually vided like drawing paper for children, take Home of the markers and add my names an^ messages. how societies scapegoat prostitutes and in town for four days, shopping for books, other sex workers as virus carriers. Rochester Rams! visiting Chinatown, exploring turned- This wil! become part ofthe memorial. I see 1065 Main St. East 325-6930 the boy in fringe nearby drawing dreamily. An intelligent, informative, comprehensive around neighborhoods. I used to jofc the en­ work from an excellent publisher. AIDS: The tire Upper West Side, terrified to walk I stare at him until he meets my eyes and I smile at him. It feels fine to write goodbye Women has won a Words Project for AIDS or stand still. I see plays and movies, slop award, given to outstanding writing on up culture, window shop and wish I were to my old friends. Strained by emotion, the assemblage AIDS, and has been nominated for a Lamb­ thin and rich enough to hurl myself into da Literary Award, which honors the best 1st Sunciay in June Ralph Lauren and scream: '*Re-make me, assumes a serene, solemn collective dignity. At the Rochester quilt workshop in thc We gather near an open stage for the reading books of the year on lesbian, gay and AIDS- turn back time, let me be young again in New related topics. York City, give me another chance?" South Wedge. Above: Chris Salberscws of the names. People stand in a row waiting This is a book that can be judged by its Win a Trip for Two A voice replies: ' * But you arc in a a panel for his lover, Michael, who died a turn to each read the names of 10 people in October. Right: Andy and Betty who have died. Fathers, thick men, lovers, cover Thc cover photograph by Gypsy Ray, wheelchair, Blanche, you are in a of a man and woman embracing, is as Foubister stuff Names Project queens, mothers — each move to the wheelchair." beautiful and moving as the book's contents. Ironically my last resident summer 17 brochures into envelopes. Above them microphone and recite. "This is for Larry, to TORONTO!! years ago was the summer Judy Garland died James Wright, Melvin Parker, John so-and- hangs the panel they created for their so . ." Feminist in the Dark: Reviewing the and the StonewaU Hots erupted, initiating an son. Photos by Dan Larkin Movies by Kathi Maio. The Crossing Press, unanticipated series of events that would A small blonde woman, with a hairdo I Drawing June 4! might easily have made fun of, adds in an 22D Roache Road, PO Box 1048, Freedom, lead, in time, to Gay Pride celebrations. That CA 95019. 19H8. 17.95. night I sat unaware in Julius, six bloclcs away emotionless voice preceeded by only thc A fun little book of more than 30 film It was the same summer I noted posters slightest pause, '. , .and for my beloved son. reviews reprinted from the Boston feminist everywhere for the festival upstate at Dr. Seymour Kane, and his life-partner, Every Saturday Night in May — 10pm-2 am newspaper Sojourner, WxKistock, but thought thc distance too Harvey Green." U is overwhelming- She is great and opted to skip it. filled with love for her son; she is what every Maio has some intelligent, revealing com­ ments on thc treatment of women in recent with every drink you get a Ticket! In town there was always enough to do, son wants. It occurs to me that I have a friend in this Hollywood films, including Whoopi often too much. I went to hear Tina lUmcr, Goldberg*s comedies, TTic Color Purple, Dir­ Details at the Bar! then still with Ike and the Ikettes (I wanted woman. She has worked with the health system and probably fought it too. Here is ty Dancing and Fatal Attraction. She also to be an Ikette) in Central Park. Tina wore This is New York!, the cutting edge; even again, revealing as ihcy go this astonishing reviews independent "an house" fllms by (Winner Must be Present in Order an orange vinyl mini with a diamond midnff businessmen on the subway wear Gay Pride communal memorial. an ally, someone who understands and will remember I like these parents, care-givers, women directors that portray realistic les­ cut out. Peggy Lee performed free in Cen­ buttons. Spectators art gently reminded to remain bian relationships, such as Desert Hearts, to Receive Prize) tral Park, too. Vbu could sec her oxygen tank Relax, breathe deeply. Overheard bits of outside the long avenues of white cloth that friends. They are beyond hysteria — unlike me, the emotion-charged spccutor. Tve Heard the Mermaids and Wfc>ric- in the wings. cofwersation are unscnling. . ."the Held is so isolate thc central area. Horses under ing Girls. I got trapped in a traffic jam that summer, much smaUer now, only a few hundred; why. mounted police make thc only clear sound, Later I buy thc terrible and wonderful whinnying, and then jerking under rein, quilt book but only unwrap it the next day Unfortunately Maio's writing skills ate not a vast sea of women near 59th and Lex. Later in thc begiimitig there were three, four times as highly developed as her feminist con­ Weelcly Specials! I ieamcd it was thc First \lbmen*s March for as many ruimcrs. . .*'. "In the begiiming. . kicking up pockets of dust that hang in the in thc Newark terminal. I cry again and pin hot air. We twist our necks, leaning forward, on all my buttons. I like myself more today. sciousness. This is a quick read for feminist EquaUty. I missed Gloria Steinem. I wore has a dreadful sound. We seem to be Uving film buffs, although not as well-written as aviators because of her, I lied, when really "at the ending." I try to shrug it otf. squinting from thc periphery. 1 wonder: could wc have this community without death? Arc wc grown up yet? What's Molly Haskell's From Reverence to Rape or I'd copied them from Harold in Boys in the After the race, with plenty of time before I seem to be crying. A short woman nibs Vito Russo's The Celluloid Closet. DAILY SPECiAL: '3 for 2' from 1-7! Band, which had just opened. Most of thc I troop off to see my favorite landmark, the my back. "Which is yours?" she asks. I think next? time it wasn't a bad life. Flatiron building. 1 head for thc display of of l^rry and Dodo and answer, aching to The Real Druth Ahout Women and AIDS: TMs year Satuiday is cool and sunny, good the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt on UMPP How to Eliminate the Risks Without Giving -mr facing wcathet; and I'm going to check out thc Great Lawn. -mt wi^mKTi i^ rM£t/ ^ pcttr Ur YCVIK t^w^r Htt^ Shnon and Schustei; RockefeUer Cettter, 1230 oets' lOk in C^ratial Park. I arrive two hours I'm grown up, no tasks left to accompUsh. Avenue of thc Atnericas. New >brk. NY Rock N Roll CD Night 8-2 early ^ tniU amund and it's all I want it to skUIs to leam; tuyw I can coast, relax." Once k Is a mboed bag, but mtMtly a gar­ ••Jeter's" (hot at 50), cheery and comfor­ I pass card tables selling quilt buttons atid WE TAItC «04)> r vt wor FOAM Chan risky behavior, and leabians and bisex­ It's wonderftil when g^ people bring for the ceremony, which starts with a slow ual waioMHi are not mciidoiied at alL (So unfolding of units of eight panels by ah TUESDAY: SATURDAY: their unique tribal gestuies «ind lingo-to what*s bcw?) traditionally '^^S^'^/^^'f^ ^^'^^j^ honor guaid of men and woinen diessed Forcunaicly, tbe author makes her agen* I ^et pleasure in rc-alignifig niy thinking. alike in white with peach tops. Thej^ cAcle oivc u^ A <^ix, EVB/ If m'kt ^Mm

* • Ji - • •' V;-*- •*• •• .^ A ^ -rt'.'^t. "..• h -/V. L .'..>^.-:'i--v ..h --^•% 14 n» IMPTY CLOSIT May 2, 1989 Men's Chorus concert iPirill make a big splash Ibrri White, who currently starts in the of Choruses, is an example of "healing new Broadway musical Xftlcome to the music" designed to evoke the inner enetgy Club, will join thc Rochestef Gay Men's of thc listener. Choru$ on June 3 and 4 for its Summer Pops Thc concerts will be Saturday, June 3 at Concert. "Makin' a Big Splash!" 8 p.m., and Sunday, June 4 at 4 p.m. at Xerox White has starred on Broadway in the Auditorium. Tickets are $7 in advance and musicals Bamum and Ain'r Misbehavin\ but $9 at the door and are available at Parkleigh, local theater fans remember her as one of the 215 Park Ave.; Village Green, 766 Monroe Sisters of Hoboken in the Rochester produc­ Ave; and Paul's Grocery, 644 Monroe Ave.; tion of thc musical comedy Nunsense Jerry or by calling the Chorus Line at 235-2473 Algozer, producing director of the (leave your name and phone number). Downstairs Cabaret, will again choreogiaiph The concerts will be sign language inter­ the concert. Algozer was the director of preted, and thc auditorium is wheelchair Nunsense, the longest running show in accessible. Rochester history, and directed the chorus' "Makin' a Big Splash" is made possible 1987 pops concert, "The Men and the Moon with public funds from thc New York State and a Lady." CouncU on the Arts and the decentralizadon Royalty (specifically, queens) and sons of program administered by Arts for Greater the sea give the show its splash. The chorus Rochester. will perform "There is Nothing Like a Queen/' a parody of Rodgcis and Hammers- Choras Chairperson Ted Lyon (center) and Vice-Chairperson Jon tein's "There is Nothing Like a Dame," and More chorus news llemplin (right) present check Co AIDS Rochester Director Jackie Nudd (1). the Rochettes will dance **On the Good Ship AIDS Rochester donation Lollypop," during which the chorus will Thc chorus donated * 1,700 to AIDS largely to sales of the chorus' Umited-edition transform the Xerox Auditorium stage into Rochester's Shared Housing Project at the fifth anniversary commemorative poster. Uravcl Fund thc "S.S. Lollipop." end of March. The posters, designed by local artist Stephen Thc chonis is still raising money for its White will join the fun with "You Have The donation, from the chorus' AIDS Moskowitz, sold out quickly at last year's June 29 trip to Vancouver, British Columbia Cast Your Shadow on thc Sea" and selections Assistance Fund, will benefit the local spring concert. The chorus also cominued and Seattle, Wash, for thc national Gay and from thc musical Once Upon a Mattress, and residence for homeless men with AIDS, its tradition of depositing $1 from each Lesbian Association of Choruses Choral she and the chorus will end with the show- which was established in November by AIDS I>ecembcr holiday concert ticket sold into Festival. stopping "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Rochester and Facilities for Group Homes of the fund. Through a benefit performance of Forever Boat " Rochester. Thc facility provides independent Plaid at the Downstairs Cabaret and fundrais­ The chorus will also premiere two new shared housing, with no staff supervision, LUac Festival ing parties hosted by supporters, the chorus works. "Street Sounds" was written by for up to six men with AIDS or AIDS-related The Gay Men's Chorus was invited, for thc has raised $3,500 of thc $5,500 it needs to chorus accompanist Mark WiUiams and is complex, or who are HIV positive. second year, to sing at the armual Lilac send all its members to thc conference. But the closing piece of his coUection, Three Since staning the AIDS Assistance Fund Festival The free performance will begin at thc conference cost is $750 per chorus Songs from The Shropshire Lad by A. E. three years ago, the chorus has raised almost 6 p.m. May 17 at Highland Pailc, and will in­ member, so donations to the IVavel Fund are Housman, "Home," composed by Janice *3,500 for local AIDS service organizations. clude previews of a few selections from thc still needed. Call the Chorus Line at Giteck for the Gay and Lesbian Association This year the fund has grown steadily, due chorus' summer concert. 235-2473 for more information.

social action," a statement from Visual of six avant-garde works, "Contemporary the company membcf?, all of whom are HIV Studies Workshop says. "Political raUies and Women Filmmakers," on Saturday, May 6 at infected,and to reflect new ideas and events. Artnotes fundraising events for (people with] AIDS 8 p.m. "This is our way of saying that wc arc stiU Visual Studies to show have become the themes of the SutKlay after­ New >^rk City filmmaker Katy Martin wiU kicking,' founder Nick Pippin says. "Wt stiU photographer** gay documentary work noons at the Eagle." give a lecture on the films following the have a means uf contributing. The ho^word Ph€>tographcr Doug Ischar's projects The Household Misappropriations deals with screening. is empathy, not sympathy" San Francisco Eagle: A Gay Bar in Time of thc private aspects of gay life. The screening will begin at 8 p.m. at Thc May 11 show is a benefit for Benedict Change and Household Misappropriations Ischar helped organize the first gay panel Pyramid, located at VUlage Gate Square, 274 House which offers transitional housing ser­ ^v ill be on display at Visual Studies at the Society for Photographic Education's North Ooodman St. Tickets are $2 for vices on Buffalo's ^vest side, and other ser­ Workshop from May 5 to July 28. 1988 conference. He is an active tneml»er of Pyramid members and $4 fbr non-members. vices, to people with AIDS and their famUies. In The San Francisco Eagle, a color the Ofganization, and his work has appeared CaU 461-2222 for more infomiation. The performance, which is sponsored by doctmientary project« Ischar attempts to in such publications as Afteritnage, SPOT Benedict House and Buffalo State College, preserve the history of a gay public space and Ttn-Eight. PWA theater group will begin at 8:30 p.m. at RockweU Hail threatened by AIDS and reaction to thc Visual Studies is open Monday through to perform in Buf&do auditorium at the college, 1300 Elmwood disease. Men have gathered on Sunday after­ Frid^^r, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, noon The New York-City based PWA Theatre Ave. noons to socialize and cruise for more than to 5 p.m. Admission is free. An opetung Woricshop will perform AIDS Alive, an in­ Tickets are $10 and are available at the 20 years at the Eagfe, one of the few remain­ reception will be held on Friday, May 5. For terwoven scries of vignettes deri\xd from thc Rockwell Hall box office or by calling ing gay bars in the San Francisco's south of more information, call 442-8676. lives of Americans with HIV infection, on (716)837-3005. $25 Tickets arc also available; Market area. Thursday, May 11 in Buffalo. the price includes an after-performance recep­ "Tbday's gatherings arc marked by the loss ^I^mcn filmmakers' work The show is continually reworked to in­ tion with the cast. Ticket costs are tax of thc sensual nature of gay public life and to be shown at Pyramid corporate changing circumstanced among deductible the increasing necessity for political and Pyramid Arts Center will show a program

v\ * "

Beam's Thinks Ifs Time These IWo Stopped Fighting At Lunch If your noon meal has turned into a batde between time and taste latdy, here's a delicious way to enjoy a win-win situation. Beam's offera an intelligent agoxla crf homemade soups, sandvckl^ specialties, like our executive-«tyle seaftxxl croissaftt. And our,^^ 166AndcewsSt. (Gorxier el St. Pud St.) makes lundi time management a tasty reality. * i3ar4W6, faaettfathwiB 'Ry lundiat Beam's tfiis week—it's'a satisfyingCDnduskHi to your seardi for excellence. Lunch: M-F ll:3(V.2:3ff Maya, 1989 THI UMPTY CLOSBT 15 :oUy Hughes: Sapphic Supervixen comes to Rochester By "fikiik Dooney two anecdotes that brought her to theater demands as an art form are as Idiosyncratic York state, the Lady Dick was presented in # Itsd this Bibulous aqyerience that and then to writitig for thc theater. The as any one person's sexual needs. Ithaca in November. She has performed at dfouylir Joe Ituo theater I was imorkitig on episodes aie told and retold with insouciaiu In the narrative of Wjrid Without End, Hallwalls gaUery in BulValo sevend tiincs and tbe set erew fiar Tbe Sound of Music. I was freshness whenever she is introduced to a Hughes descrR>c9 a binge of heterosexual in­ spent a month-long residency there last fall fust watching it and / was really cat^t up new audience. Like Oscar Wilde, she can tercourse prompted bj' the loss of her teaching a course in writing for wMk the speetacie. it was sabeatHiM. dine out for a momh on a good scory. niother. While flagrante delicto with a co> performaflcc. These Ottle IMs we tecrutitxt fmm a com- Hughes is currendy making the rounds worker from her office job, Hughes For someone whose start might be called tntmity center appeared as the Hm Thipp with a new story, presented in the form of wonders, "Doesn't he realize he's porking casual and whose career seems circumstan- tasr^. They had tHH been reaUy rehearsed performance art. Thc new work, World the pre-eminent lesbian playwright of this tial, Hughes' setting herself up as a writer fyr'"kdelweiss" So wtt really tlid not know li^i£haiir £nd, is a break from thc style of her generation?" Thc question asked of a queer could seem audacious. But she believes that what these ktds were going t& do. And one previous work She will perform the piece audience is, how much perversion can you writing for performance should be made kki0ot^pfosti^ *'lSttelw^ss** and hearted. on Friday, May 12 at Pyramid Arts Center. admit to in yourself? easier for artists. Rig^tkttotbemlcropbtHte Whichcataeda Her first plays. The Lady Dick and TTic Hughes doesn't pretend to be a lesbian role "As terrified as people axe of performing, ct^lapee of the A^. ~> Wb// of Hominess, are crime movie spoofs model. She disdains thc idea that a fringe people arc more terriflcd of writing," she I wtts ttot a very good engineer, i wanted that have been l:a>cled "dyke noir" because segment should even need to create paper says, "People may not write every day but ID Ae a 5ailpiDr toe I cotfildh'f iSlgure our how of their funky lesbian undercurrent. heroes to assuage society at latge. She they tend to perform every day. Whenever to make the dtittgs i made stay up Attd when Dress Suits fbr Hire is a haunted and haun­ describes the horrors of saccharine stick- people extend themselves beyond the point the Alps starred collapsing it was ^rrihle ting fantasy set in a clothii^ store after hours. togetherness that masquerades as genuine of doing what they hedonistically want to because then everyone could see that the IVo women, perhaps lovers, perhaps sisters, community strength. do, that is a performance, in my point of Nazis and the nuns were the satne people. act out various roles with the aid of the "Last year a play of mine was produced view.* • Atid I thought, "Th/s is whar / waiir ro do garments racked around them. in New York City by a lesbian producer at As Hughes stretches her own act beyond for the rest of my life." Hughes has presented these works at a women's theater and that woman hasn't the constraints of the normal, a great deal WOW Cafe, a Lower East Side mecca of les­ paid me," she says. "She has done a lot of of humor finds its way into her scripts. The I starwd working at WOW Cafe as a bian culture. Her work there has been slimy things and I am on the verge of litiga­ humor is based on reporting what she sees waitress, this little hole in the wall on the typified by campy hijinlcs, double entendre tion with this lesbian who has a big name in the world around her. Lower East Side of Manhattan, and one day parody, sometimes surprisingly poignant as a producer at a legitimate off-Broadway "There are just some people who arc I found myself saying to someone (I was lyricism and lots and lots of lingerie. theater." humor impaired," she says. "You have to drunk and 1 started lying) that I had written In World Without End, Hughes explores She also tells of two male friends and sup­ hold up sigfis that say Jtist kidding!* Hey, a lot of pomo books with my girlfriend. her feelings and reactions to her mother's porters of her work, one gay and one laugh tracks, bring em back.** (Which we weregoing to do so it wasn^t real­ death. If it is a dance on a grave, it is a tango, heterosexual, who were prevented from ac­ Many audiences, gay and heterosexual, ly lying.) simultaneously sad, sexy, outrageous and companying her to a panel discussion on les­ might not get the joke. People re^x>nd to the Sq this person happened to be a producer. theatrical. bian drama at the Imemational W^men saintly, suffering characters of gay theater And she said, ' *Oh, I really want to do a les­ She sets hei^telf up in a boudcir chair; with Playwrights Conference in Buffalo last fali. with attitudes that range from "ho hum, biaa pomo movie. And I want you to write a glass of liquor nearby, looldng like a sur­ "It became a separatist situation and they anocher coming-out story" ro patent aggres- the screenplay/' vivor of an overly poUte party who, now that were asked to leave," she says. "I decided not skin. But if you're not looking for a hero, And I said, ' 'OCcoui^e.'' This was a classic thc company was gone, is going to sharc to make it an issue or that would've consum­ try HoUy Hughes' theater. case of relaxation of rhe inhibitions. some aide views. ed thc endre evem." So 1 wrote this script called The VfcU of In thc performance art field, where thc Hu^tes wotKlcrs how an artist should pay HoUy Hughs WiU perfom Wbrld Without Hominess. Aisd tbey loolced at the script and emphasis is almost always on concept, appropriate respect to the difgetenccs among Hnd at Pyramid Arts Center on Friday, May 12. were really horrified. Fitst of all because, of Hughes is noted for her apt acting. She never the peoples of thc worid, especially the dif­ Thc performance will be diiecied by Kate course, women don*tget homy so that was actuaUy step»5 out of playir^ herself. She ferences thsu have ranked people to thc Stafford, with original Uve music by Sharcm bad. And because of where it was set the pro- twirls the ice cubes in her glass, her speech lower strata of an allegedly classless socie­ fane Smith. It wiU begin at 8p.m. at Pyramid, tlucer said^ "This is ridiculous! These peo­ becomes more and more boosy, she tugs at ty. How does a privileged person such as located in Villa^ Gate Square, 274 North ple are having sex in an Italian restaurant. her satin — thc perfect bedroom raconteur. Hughes — who identifies herself as white, Goodman Street. This never happctisf" We get the impression that Hughes must upper middle class, sociaUy approved as an Tickets arc $4 fbr Pyramid membcfs and $6 1 thought it was tremendously erotic. have witnessed her mother this way many artist and, to a great degree, as a lesbian — for non-members. Reservations wiU be ac­ There was something about the lure of times. Hughes never portrays her mother, but approach the problem? She has no quick cepted. CaU 461-2222 for mote information. polyester and marinara sauce. she does effectively tepeat her. Thc case w^th solution. So we wound up staging it at WOW Cafe. which she does this is as startling as the Hughes is no stranger to this part of New And I couldn't believe it, standing backstage stories she tells. at WOW, that people wete coming to this Hughes describes her work as "queer fi^w ^nd laughing, i started to £efil that this theater." which should not be confused with was itomerbing that I could do to support my gay theater Gay theater seeks to handsome­ waitressing. ly present our lives, promodng the good im­ age and establishing role models, if not for As an apple fallitig from a tree iUuminated ourselves, then to ease the minds of _, Please ^ a basic law of physics for Sir Isaac Newton, heterosexuals. an enant lart from a child actor clarified (he Queer theater is showing off. It is danc­ joys of theater's artificial premise for Holly ing on the bed with only a towel, for Support^ Our Hutghcs. whoever might be watching — the partner, Httghes has been widely quoted for the the partners, the neighbors or thc dog. Its Aavertisers rRlDAY MAY, ^•::ir^

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BAKER zfH/zain u s. ISUNCESS TAMTAM ^An^..^..k.«v -.««.^. ..^.3^vo^iu..wtn\wrmmttumvMaiMi.Tmu/^fmy*tt^ mm,*^

~ •• (;.,-"r» .^.i^«""u' V 'J .',v p ,^ t^u^'. _ ;\- 16 THI IMPTY CLOSIT May 2> 1989 columnists Bilines: Sisters tell all (including Aqualune's f eal name) By Lynn received in my life to be bisexual. O: Yes, and for that time and place it was was. When I was about 15.1 came home from Remembering this made me start wonder­ fairly liberal. In college, when I began hav­ We used to have group exercises to help two weeks of summer camp feeling rather ing what other permissions I got along the ing close friends who were lesbian and gay, us leam more about communicating ^ith pu22led. I told my mother how I had really, way that allowed me to feel comfortable and then later when I got into a lesbian rela­ each other in a comniunity. During one of really liked a female counselor "That's about being bi. Then I began wondering tionship, I felt rto more fear about teUing him these exercises when it was time for this usual,** she told mc. "There were some older what permissions my sister had received. I than I did about telling Mother. Besides* I woman to talk individually with me, she told girls I admired very much, too." knew next to nothing about hec journey know that an essential quality of our Dad­ me that they both adinired me, and that the>' "But this is different. I feel towards her because 1 had left home when she was 13- dy is that he rc-evaluatcs his opinions each had something they wan^ to confess like I do, well, towards a boy when I have We began the following interview when periodically. to me. Her confession was that she had us­ a cru?ih on him. I get aU ttngly and shaky and 1 was home for Christmas, and have con­ L: Can you remember a time when you ed drugs in high school. have tn>ublc talking. Why is this?" tinued and refined it through subsequent began to sec same-sex relationships as more A few days later the guy actually made a This was in 1967 in thc deep South, and phone conversations and letters. healthy? formal appoitnmem to see mc. Sitting on thc I don't think I'd even heard of homosexuali­ My sister. Dot, is completing her doctorate D: It happened io two stages. Thc first oc­ couch, shaking and white, he confessed to ty. So I didn't feel threatened — just curious at Berkeley in the Held of feminist literary curred during my last couple of years in high mc that he was gay, and puzzled. criticism. My college background was school, when we had moved to another Everytime I think about this 1 realize again But my mother didn't seemed puzzled at drama. Her writing style is literary, mine town. I was in an oral interpretation class of that it*s one of the few times in my Ufe that all. She said, "I think that's quite normal, more oral. We resolved the conflict of styles really fun people. I always feel very good about v whenever 1 ttK). When we're adolescents we can have by acting in reverse ofour inclinations: she One guy was flamboyantly gay — silver t^member It —- because, in that split second, crushes on girls as well as boys. I remember talked;. 1 wrote. surs on his stteaket^* cartings, queen man­ my attitude changed. I realized that what he I did. nerisms. He was having fun with it. He was needed right then was complete acceptance, "In fact, I remember one I had when I was Dot: I really can't come up with any also very smart. There was also a woman in and that complete acceptance from me tight older I had a crush on a college professor, speciflc thing that gave mc permission to be there who was very smart. I Uked her a lot then had to be something that was good. and actually changed my college major to bisexual. It was more in general attitudes. but had no physical attraction for her L: What about when you first started feel­ her field. Now that I think ahout it, that was In junior high school I knew about les­ They were rumored to be hotnosexual. My ing attracted to a woman? a pretty irresponsible reason to change onc*s bians. I felt a gut-level repulsion — reaction was that 1 liked them, and that the D; By that time — years later — the idea major, hut things turned out OK. equivalent to thc feelings I had toward peo­ rumor was a shame: *'Oh, that's too had, but ^^as no moral problem for me at all. Most "So don't worry ahout it. Yoiir feeltngs ple who drank. [Interviewer's note: people I don't want to think about it too much.*' of my friends were gay and lesbian so I M>und very healthy to me. And having a who drank any alcohol We were teetotallers. The second stage occurred when I was an sometimes felt like the odd one out crush on a woman now won't hinder you A few years earlier, drinking alcohol had undergraduate of Northwestern. I was get­ The first time 1 met a woman I was from falling in love with a man later on. It seemed to me an odd moral depravity that ting to know people who were involved in physically attracted to. . .was when people didn't hurt me" existed only in certain undisclosed locations. Covenant Community and in Fishcrfolk from around the campus had come in That was true. She and my father have a pn>bahly on the other side of town. Our un­ house. This was an interdenominational response to an ad wc had put out, to discuss beautiful relationship. I was at that point cle ate herring in wine sauce, but then again, group of liberal to radical people who were issues in feminist theology. Then there was beginning to realize beautiful relationships he wore a beard, too.| interested in social change. thc exhilaration of defying the world. It are actually unusual. I remember an interview Daddy gave a There was a woman who had lived in the meant wc were both tough, going hack and Although you could criticize her, if you local paper at that time. He was interview­ house for one year, since its inception, who forth on the el (elevated train) to feminist wished, for not recognizing the possibility ed in his capacity as minister, giving his stand was beginning to reaiiase she was in love with events in Chicago. of a permanent relaticmship between two on representative moral issues. When ques­ another woman. There was also a guy who There have been very few women I have women, it was the most comforting thing tioned about homosexuality, he gave the had always known he was gay. He was been attracted to, but when it happens it is she could have said to me at the time. It then-current view of thc Methodist church friends with a wotnan who had become very spontaneous. validated my feelings, granted them the that homosexuality was not a sin, but an attracted to him before she found out. They L: I experience my attractions as spon­ dignity of their health and laid the ground­ illness. were younger than I, and getting involved taneous, too. How would you say your in­ work for me icaing that easygoing friendship usually Between some men and me there was make love or anything else — grand relationships with men, it was with men reserved for another woman to be possible ^ always a wall. The intuitive understanding ovcrgencralization! who knew all thc techniques wotnen use on between us and a man. We've also opened was not there. The wall got in thc way of my But thc greater effort that 1 have to put into other women. up thc boundaries with our women friends, being bodily at home with them, even communication with men means I have to L: Wish I'd met them? opened up the possibiUty of physical in­ though they, like all the men I've dated more watch it when in a relationship with a man D: In describing where I am I would have volvement with them. than once, were very gentle. With others, the because my need to be loved cai> lead me in­ to draw two lines. On a line showing thc in­ It's frustrating to me to believe in the wall WAS eventually broken down so that by to doing all of the things that we feminists tuitive, psychological and intellectual bonds possibility of a relationship that embraces the time we actually made love, I felt com­ deplore — such as listening all thc time, Vve actuaUy formed so far, I am way over both of those lines you drew and not to have fortable with my own body. because it's easier and more quickly gets me on thc side of homosexuality. On a line been more successful yet in creating that The intuitive communication has never the responses that tell mc I am loved. Or I showing purely physical attraction I am with a man or a woman. But in even attemp­ been perfect. There has always been a little become the feminist teacher in the relation­ much farther over towards the side of ting to do that, with membeis of each sex, bit ofa communication barrier that doesn't ship. That becomes counterproductive for heterosexuality. Since in practice I can't we can't help but leam a lot more about our seem to exist between my woman friends both of us. separate those two, I'm not in the middle, own strengths and weaknesses. And in thc and me. I don't think this means my relation­ Since I've been in California, because of exactly, but not on either end, either. end, I think we'll be morc complete humans ships with women necessarily have more the demands of academic work, I've been L: ThiditionaUy, women were expected to for our attempts, if not for our successes. potential than my relationships with men. much less involved in women's groups. be much closer friends with other women, In fact, it's an illusion that the communica­ Whenever I'm in graduate women's groups weren't we? And our sexual connection was Dot liked my comment as an ending, so tion with women is coinpletc. Part of thc I feel a flood of relief, feel I've c<;me home. supposed to be with a man. But in our own we decided to leave it there. We'll keep you challenge of relationships is figuring out I'm StiH searching to lind that in a relation­ background, our parents are also each posted in thc event of future successes! symbolic ways of crossing that gap. ship — and at this point I don'i know

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Maya, 1989 THI IMPTY CLOSIT 19 18 THI IMFrY CLOSIT May 2, 1989 orn In this month Gay Groups ^^m^m^m^tamtmmmmmmmtamammam^^ ^mmaam^mmmaimmmam^ammmm^ssma write Racism which conulns a quote from when a prt>-Nazi book attacked Hirschleld*s 1899 predicting a holocaust. He and Giese work in Beriin his bad health worsened, and D-l is a community of worshippets gather­ on Monday, May 15 at the Gay Alliance of like Monopoly and cards. agnus Hirsclifeld briefiy ran a sexual institute in Paris, but he left for Nice, where he later died. ing in a loving assembly to support peopte (Jenesee Valley, 713 Monroe Ave. Coffee will Gay men, lesbians and bisexuals are Youth group as they make their faith journeys. D-I tries be served at 7 p.m. and the meeting will welcome at coffeehouse. The $1 admission ly Thomas Krolak They were forerunners of Hit^hfcld, who Do yt>u know young people who feel to nurture each individual's spirituality, begin pr<)mptly at 7:30 p.m. The coalition charge includes the cost of snacks and **The signal for today's raid was a shrill in 1904 wrote thc book Berlin^s Third Sex, Wtmml Estate for Kent uncertain about where they fit into the social centered an)und the lituigy. Our celebrations will find a meeting place that can accom­ beverages. For more information, call impet blast, whereupon about 80 sttidents a description of his observations of the ci­ rd the premises, forcing an entry ty's gay Hfe. He studied cruising areas, gay Classified Kooflis for temu Lexin§iDn-E>ewey area. scene, who are uncertain whether to date follow the Roman Catholic tradition on the modate women with disabilities by June; 244 8640 boys or girls because they're attracted to the first three Sundays of each month and the coalition organizers apologize for the delay irough the doors and windows... In less aristocrats and working men, gay athletic With kitchen fodlities. Male non-smokei; same sex? Episcopalian tradition on the fourth Sunday. in finding an accessible space. ian an hour thc raiders had gathered about clubs and lesbians. (He wasn't admitted to quiet. 254-8551. a ton of books, pamphlets, photographs, lesbian parties but listened from nearby advertising Our music worship includes organ, piano, The next meeting's agenda includes Alpha is a safc place for 16- through rooms). 20-year-olds to socialize. No pressure is put and a folk group. finalizing the coalition's structure and en­ Bisexual Men :hafts and. . . slides, which they hauled Glaagow $t./Cora HlUt Newly-remodeled on young people to be straight, gay or D-l is a liturgical church. It incorporates couraging women to decide which commit­ jaway to the headquarters of the students* Hirschfeld had begun to edit the Scietuific- 1 or 2 bedrt>om upper apartment, carpeted, sr what their role in the coali­ The next Rochester Bisexual Men's Net­ jsocial centre. . . .The 'Un-German' pan will Humanltarian Committee's YearbtMik, a col­ off-street parking. Security plus perienced counselors helped start Alpha in daily life thn)ugh the experiences of the tion will be. Every member ofthe coalition work meeting will be held Monday. May 22 ibe consigned to the Nazi fires that ate to light lection of scholarly articles, mainly about Classifit^ atts cost $5 for the first ,iO $495/month, includes utilities. No pets September 1985, so young gay and lesbian liturgical calendar (Advent, Christmas, Lent, will have the opportunity to participate as at 7:30. The group welcomes all men who tip the university campus. homosexuality, published from 1899 to words and SI fbr each addititmal 10 words. please. 454-7849 for appointment. people had a place to meet others. Easter. Pentecost, and Ordinary Time). much or as littie as she is comfortable. are looking for a place to discuss their con­ *•. . .The institute contained. . .cor­ 1923 Send check or ttiotitry order and ad, typed or writttm legibly to: E.C Ptess, 7Li Montoe Future occvpaiu^i Park Ave. area, roof Adult advisors take turns being present at The coalition's steering committee will cerns in a confidential and mutually respcct- respondence with professional men He was also interrstcd in other issues such Ave.. Box E Rochester NY 14607. Ads will garden, large yard, laundry, cable. Studios Alpha meetings on the first and third Satur­ meet with representatives of other local j ful atmosphere. In. . . Europe atid the United States. This cor­ as alcoholism and he fovored legal abortion not he accepted over the telephotie. $330; 1 bedroom S390; 2 bedroom >480 days of the month from 1 to 4 p.m. 'Voung organizations, including the Rochester Les­ j For meeting location and other informa- respondence, the students said, would and a national health plan. Eariy on, Bisexual Women be. . .destroyed later, since they are deter­ and up. Everything included. CaU 473-3882 people can visit with friends, make new bian and Gay Politicai Caucus, the Gay I tion. cal! Jack at 244-7191 (if he's not there, Hirschfeld saw the link between feminism The Empty C loset will not accept mined to root out the Hirschfeld estabUsh- evenings. friends, born)w books, listen to music or Several members of thc Rochester Bisex­ Alliance. Lesbian Resource Center. Lesbian I leave a message). and gay rights. This feeling intensified after classified ada by mail unkrss they are acctnn- have a soft drink. ual Women's Network met in early April to Writers Ciroup and the Rochester chapter of tncnt.*' the 1910 proposal to extend 175 to include panled by a name attd telephone number The uiget of thc young Nazis* fury was lesbianism. VE^men's groups protested it, The number will not he publishtrd, but we Apartment for rent, Fairport. 2nd and 3rd On May 6, there'll be a video showing and begin planning a local bisexual speakers* the American Civil Liberties Union, to thc Institute for Sexual Science. The quote Hit^chfeld spoke against it and the ball never will call to confirm the ad placement. fioor of private house. Private entrance, off- discussion of the history of gay and lesbian bureau. discuss how efforts can he combined and Is from a New York Times article describing passed. street pairking, new kitchen. $475 includes marriage. Thc next speakers' bureau meeting will be support for the coalition can be generated. We accept petsonal ads, hut the advertiser the events of May 6, 1933 in Berlin. The In­ Hirschfeld originated the questionnaire on all utilities. Security deposit required. held on Monday, June 5 at 7:30 p.m. Bisex­ For more information, call Tanya Smolin­ must use his or her own box number or ad­ For more informatton and directions to stitute did sexual research, much of it about sex. In 1903 he sent thousands of queries to Available June 1. 388-0673- ual men and women are invited to par­ sky at 256-1202. dress. We puhlish personal ads from the center's confidential location, call homosexuality, and the new regime viewed students and workers asking them about prisoners. Ifyou have a problem with a pen 442-2986. ticipate in planning. NAYIM Several network members will be atten­ it as a subversive influence. their sexuality A minister and some of the pal, let us know. The Empty Closet cannot ding the 5th Annual Conference on Bisex­ Parents FLAG The Institute's well-known founder was a students then sued him for publicizing the beheld responsible for any financial loss or Men's Group uality, sponsored by the Boston-based East gay Jew, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, thc Alfred results. Although thc court fined Hirschfeld physical injury that may result from any Real Estate for Sale Coast Bisexual Network, on Saturday and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Kinsey and Dr. Ruth of his day. He was bom for perversely influencing the students, at correspimdence. The Men's Group of thc Gay Alliance of Sunday, May 13 and 14 in Cambridge, Mass. will hold its monthly discussion and shar­ T in Kolberg. Germany on May 14. 1868, the the trial he gave an eloquent defense of 12th ward: 407 Bn>adway Genesee Valley continues to offer a variety Conference workshops include "Bisexuali­ ing meeting on Sunday, May 28 at 2:30 pm. son of a highly-respected doctor. Thc scientific investigation. Spectacular condo in historic Wadswonh of topics for discussion for men who want ty 101," "Being Out at Work,' *Bi idemity at St. Luke's-St. Simon Cyrene Church, 17 yoimger Hirschfeld shared his father's sense Other court appearances would be more Groups forming Square! Cathedral ceiling, skylight, wood- to meet each other outside a bar setting. and Vision Within Gay/Lesbian Liberation," South Fitzhugh St. A Group for Jewish Gays of social justice and decided on a medical damaging. A series of newspaper articles buming fireplace, parquet floors, finished At thc May 7 meeting, Sgt. Roy Ruffin of "Bi Issues and Communities of Color," For more information on Parents FLAG ac­ career, although his first love was writing. claimed that Germany's ruler. Kaiser Lesbians: Has falling in love meant emo­ basement. Bright sunny end unit with two- the Rochester Police Department will talk 'Fn)m Lesbian to Bisexual," "Radical Sex­ tivities and services, caU 392-4796. and Lesbians Hirschfeld was practicing in Berlin when Wilhelm, was surrounded by a clique of gay tional pain sooner or later? A free self-help car garage! S89,9(N) about his role as official liaison to the gay uality," "Disability and Bisexuality" and his initial work was published in 1896. It was men. In 1907-1909 several trials resulted group is now forming for lesbians whose and lesbian community. On May 21, Martin "Bisexual Politics. * a pamphlet, "Sappho and^Socrates," inspired from these accusations. Hirschfeld testified love relationships have, up to now, usually I4th ward: 21 Hickory Street Gay Alliance by the suicide of a gay man. In it Hirschfeld about homosexuality, stressing its non- been destructive. If you want to overcome Tbm-of-the-ccntury charm with updated Hiraga, a member of ACT UP (AIDS Coali­ Thc conference fee is $40. The Rochester tion to Unleash Power), will lead a discus­ pleaded for tolerance of homosexuality threatening nature. this problem, call Sheila at 343-7273 for in­ mechanics, kitchens (two) and baths (2 1/2), Bisexual Women's Network is arranging rides coffeehouse because of its biological origin. He thought The German media viciously attacked him formation and location of meeting. new siding, parking. Conven back to single sion on the impact of AIDS on the gay from here to Cambridge. For conference in­ community. Every Saturday night, for more years than this "type" of sexuality deserved scientific for this testimony, and leaflets passed out in or share space with a friend — live inexpen­ formation, call the organizers at (617)BIS- people can remember, thc Gay Alliance of study. He built on previous contribjtions front of Hirschfeld's house denounced his sively! S69,9m first fir unit in on the second SuiKlay of each month, but relax in a comfortable area, meet new friends 50 years ^ater Kinsey used a similar reaction. editing, production and distribution of convened brick schoolhouse. . .own a piece still being accepted. Call 442-5117 for morc a picnic at a local park wiU be held on May Scott Cohen 546-1381 and old, sit and read periodicals, browse spectrum. Tb worsen matters, a schism occurred in paper Send resume and editing and/ur of history* High ceilings, large windows, information. 21 instead of a meeting. through the extensive library and play games the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. A writing samples to: GAGV, Personnel Cr 2 rooms with shared idea of covenant. For gay men only: Would like to express otur deepest thanks for many in 1871. Its leading critic was a Dr. employees became loyal to thc dictator. On tive white professional woman who needs bath. Full brealdast served on the tScck D-I will still have its montiily poduck Sundays at 8**30 pm Benkert who, in 1869, coined thc term May 10, '*tm-Gcrman** books were bomcd to kick back and rebut with gtx>d wine, overiooking scenic marsh. Operated by ^ttberings during the summer 11^ also look all of the Kindness and Support homcMcxuality. He and a contemporary. Kari at the country's universities. The institute's music and me — please don't be shy! Photos women for women and tlieir friends. Fdr forwaid to barbeques and pickup soflball GayAI-Andn extended to us in our time of grief after Ulrichs, believed a gay man or a lesbian had propetty diat Giese had noc been able to and written responses will be handled ratcs and reservattions, (508)255-6400 even­ games in one of the local paries afiter our Saturdays at 7 pm thc mind of one sex in thc body of another. remove was reduced to ashes. discreetly and with respect. PO Box 10892. ings or write for brcM:hurc: No. 15 Eucharistic celetMations, Summer events, in- Unitarian Church the recent death of Urban J.' 'Buddy'' Wegman. ., Thc^ referred to gays as a third or in- The Nazi takeover ifispired Hirschlcld to Rochester, NY 14610. Honeysuckle Lane. Orleans, MA 02653. chadii« picnics, will also be planned. tcrmc^^te sex. c' ». t H(2 fia^ PARTY POWER PRODUCTIONS .4 C.'y K.J • v4 Power Packed PresentationV'5» >

• TUESDAY* May 2, 1989 "Spin the Wheel" No. 203 Different Drink Specials 4 Times Each Hour NEW YORK STATE'S OLDEST GAY NEWSPAPER FREE 10 PM-2 AM No Admission Charge • FRIDAY • Complimentary Hors D'ouevres at 1 AM 10 PM-2 AM No Admission Charge • SATURDAY* Complimentary Hors D'ouevres at 1 AM 10 PM-4 AM After Hours Dancing $2 Admission Charge

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