
of Variations Raju K George, IIST


In , we will study maximum and minimum of a certain class of functions. We first recall some maxima/minima results from the classical calculus.

Let X and Y be two arbitrary sets and f : X Y be a well-defined having domain → X and range Y . The function values f(x) become comparable if Y is IR or a of IR. Thus, optimization problem is valid for real valued functions. Let f : X IR be a real valued → function having X as its domain. Now x X is said to be maximum point for the function f if 0 ∈ f(x ) f(x) x X. The value f(x ) is called the maximum value of f. Similarly, x X is 0 ≥ ∀ ∈ 0 0 ∈ said to be a minimum point for the function f if f(x ) f(x) x X and in this case f(x ) is 0 ≤ ∀ ∈ 0 the minimum value of f.

Sufficient condition for having maximum and minimum:

Theorem (Weierstrass Theorem)

Let S IR and f : S IR be a well defined function. Then f will have a maximum/minimum ⊆ → under the following sufficient conditions.

1. f : S IR is a . → 2. S IR is a bound and closed (compact) subset of IR. ⊂

Note that the above conditions are just sufficient conditions but not necessary.

Example 1:

Let f : [ 1, 1] IR defined by − → 1 x = 0 f(x)= − x x = 0  | | 6

1 −1 +1


Obviously f(x) is not continuous at x = 0. However the f(x) has a minimum point x0 = 0 and maximum points at x = 1, x = 1. Continuity condition of the Weierstrass theorem is violated − but still the function has maximum and minimum.

Example 2:

Consider a function f : ( 1, 1) IR defined by − → 2 x< 0 f(x)= − 2 x 0  ≥


() −1 +1


f(x) has a maximum value x = 2 and a minimum value x = 2 even though both the conditions − (a) and (b) of Weierstrass theorem are violated.

Example 3:

Let f : [ 1, 1] IR be defined by f(x)= x2. − →

2 −1 1

This function satisfies both the conditions of Weierstrass theorem. f(x) has a minimum value 0 at x = 0 and maximum value 1 at x = 1 and x = 1. −

Example 4:

Let f : ( 1, 1) IR defined by f(x)= x2, f has a minimum at x = 0. − →

−1 1

But f has no maximum point as x = 1 and x = 1 are outside the domain of the function. Here − the condition (b) is violated.

Necessary condition for Maximum/Minimum when f is differentiable.


Let f : S IR be a differentiable function and let x be an interior point of S and let x is → 0 0 either a maximum point or minimum point of f. Then the first of f vanishes at x0.

ie f ′(x0) = 0. This condition is just a necessary condition but not sufficient condition. An interior point x D IR is said to be a if f (x ) = 0. A stationary point 0 ∈ ⊆ ′ 0 x0 need not be maximum point/minimum point. However, if f ′′(x0) > 0 then x0 is a minimum point and if f ′′(x0) < 0 then x0 is a maximum point.

Example 5:

Let f : IR IR be defined by → f(x)= x3

3 2 f ′(x) = 3x =0 when x = 0


However, x = 0 is neither a maximum point nor a minimum point of f(x)= x3.

Example 6:

Let f : IR IR be given by → f(x)= x2

Hence, f ′(x0) = 2x0 =0 when x0 = 0.

Obviously x0 = 0 is a stationary point and this stationary point is minimum point of f(x), as f ′′(x0) = 2 > 0.

Necessary conditions for Maxima/Minima functions of several variables

Multi- functions.

Let f : IRn IR be a real valued function of n - variables defined on IRn. If f has partial → at x IRn. If x is a maximum point/minimum point of the function f(x) then 0 ∈ 0 ∂f ∂f ∂f = 0, = 0, = 0 ∂x ∂y · · · ∂x 1 x=x0 2 x=x0 n 1 x=x0 −

4 A stationary point x0 is maximum point if the matrix ∂2f ∂2f ∂2f 2 ∂x ∂x1∂x2 · · · ∂x1∂xn  1 

 ∂2f ∂2f ∂2f     ∂x ∂x ∂x2 · · · ∂x ∂x  M =  2 1 2 2 n           ··· ··· ··· ···     ∂2f ∂2f ∂2f     2   ∂xn∂x1 ∂xn∂x2 · · · ∂xn  x=x0   is negative definite and x0 is minimum point if M is positive definite.


Let S be a of functions. Let f : S IR be a real valued function. Such functions are known → as a functionals. In otherwords, a is a real valued function whose domain is a set of functions.

Example 7:

Let C[0, 1] be the set of all continuous functions defined on [0, 1] Let I : C[0, 1] IR be a function defined by → 1 I(y)= y(x) dx Z0 Obviously I(y) is a functional on C[0, 1]. The following table gives the values of I(y) for different functions y(x), listed in the table.

y(x) I(y) x 0.5 x2 0.333 x3 0.25 sin x 0.4597 cos x 0.8415 ex 1.7183 1 1

We can find for which function y, the functional I(y) has a maximum value or minimum value. In the above example, I(y) will have minimum value for y(x) = x3 and I(y) will have maximum value for the function y(x)= ex out of the seven functions given here.

1 Let C [x1,x2] denote the set of continuously differentiable functions defined on [x1,x2]. Now x2 1 consider a functional I : C [x ,x ] IR defined by I(y) = F (x,y,y′)dx subject to the end 1 2 → Zx1 conditions y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2.

5 In calculus of variations the basic problem is to find a function y for which the functional I(y) is maximum or minimum. We call such functions as extremizing functions and the value of the functional at the extremizing function as extremum. Consider the extremization problem x2 Extremize y I(y)= F (x,y,y′)dx Zx1 subject to the end conditions y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2, where F is a twice continuously differen- tiable function.


Find the shortest smooth plane joining two distinct points P (x1,y1) and Q(x2,y2).

y Q(x2,y2)

ds dy dx




There are infinitely many functions y passing through the given two points P (x1,y1) and Q(x2,y2). We are looking for a function which will have minimum . Let ds be a small strip on the curve then we have. ds2 = dx2 + dy2 ds 2 dy 2 = 1+ dx dx     dy 2 ds = 1+ dx dx s   Q x2 dy 2 Total arc length I(y)= ds = 1+ dx 1 s dx ZP Zx   Thus, the problem is to minimize I(y) subject to the end conditions y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2.


Lemma (Fundamental Lemma of Calculus of Variations)

b If f(x) is a continuous function defined on [a, b] and if f(x)g(x) dx = 0 for every function a g(x) C(a, b) such that g(a)= g(b) = 0 then f(x) 0 forZ all x [a, b]. ∈ ≡ ∈

6 Proof:

Let f(x) = 0 for some c (a, b). Without loss of generality let us assume that f(c) > 0. Now 6 ∈ because of continuity of f we have f(x) > 0 for some [x ,x ] [a, b] that contains the 1 2 ⊂ point c. (x x )(x x) for x [x ,x ] Let g(x)= − 1 2 − ∈ 1 2 0 outside [x ,x ]  1 2 Note that (x x )(x x) is positive for x (x ,x ). − 1 2 − ∈ 1 2 Now consider

b x1 ✘✘✿ 0 x2 b ✘✘✿ 0 ✘✘✘ ✘✘✘ f(x)g(x) dx = ✘f(✘x)g(x) dx + f(x)g(x) dx + ✘f(✘x)g(x) dx a a x1 x2 Z Z x2 Z Z = f(x)g(x) dx x1 Z x2 = f(x)(x x )(x x) dx > 0 − 1 2 − Zx1 Thus we get a contradiction to what is given in the Lemma. This implies that f(x) 0 on [a, b]. ≡

Euler-Lagrange Equation (Necessary Condition for Extremum)

Theorem: If y(x) is an extremizing function for the problem

x2 Minimize/Maximize I(y) = F (x,y,y′) dx (1) Zx1 with end conditions y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2 then y(x) satisfies the BVP.

d ∂F ∂F = 0 (2) dx ∂y − ∂y  ′  y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2. (3)

Equation (2) is known as the Euler-Lagrange equation.


Let y(x) be an extremizing function for the functional I(y) in (1).

7 Y y(x) + η (x) y2

y1 y(x)


O x X 1 x2

Let Y = y(x)+ ǫ η(x) be a variation of y(x), where η(x) is a continuously differentiable function with η(x1)=0= η(x2) and ǫ is a small constant. Hence I along the path Y = y(x)+ ǫ η(x) is given by x2 x2 I(ǫ)= F (x, y(x)+ ǫ η(x), y′(x)+ ǫ η′(x)) dx = F (x,Y (x),Y ′(x)) dx Zx1 Zx1 Since y(x) is an extremizing function, I(ǫ) has extremum when ǫ = 0. Thus, by classical calculus, dI = 0 dǫ |ǫ=0 dI x2 ∂F ∂x ∂F ∂Y ∂F ∂Y = = + + ′ dx ⇒ dǫ ∂x ∂ǫ ∂Y ∂ǫ ∂Y ∂ǫ Zx1  ′  ∂x But =0 as x is independent of ǫ. ∂ǫ ∂Y = η(x) ∂ǫ ∂Y ′ = η′(x) ∂ǫ dI x2 ∂F ∂F ∴ = η(x)+ η′(x) dx dǫ ∂Y ∂Y Zx1  ′  we get ✟✯ 0 x2 x✟2 x2 ∂F ∂F ✟✟ d ∂F η′(x) dx = ✟η(x) η(x) dx ∂Y ∂Y✟ − dx ∂Y Zx1 ′ ✟ ′ x1 Zx1  ′  (using η(x1)= η(x2) = 0) x2 d ∂F = η(x) dx − dx ∂Y Zx1  ′  dI x2 ∂F d ∂F = η(x) dx = 0 dǫ ∂Y − dx ∂Y ǫ=0 Zx1   ′  ǫ=0 x2 ∂F d ∂F = η(x ) dx = 0 ∂y − dx ∂y Zx1  ′  as Y (x) = y(x) and Y ′(x) = y′(x) |ǫ=0 |ǫ=0

8 Since η(x) is arbitrary function, by applying the Fundamental Lemma of calculus of variations, we get d ∂F ∂F = 0 dx ∂y − ∂y  ′ 

Different Forms of Euler Lagrange Equation

Suppose that y(x) is an extremizer of I(y).

Since F = F (x,y,y′) d ∂F dx ∂F dy ∂F dy (F ) = + + ′ dx ∂x dx ∂y dx ∂y′ dx ∂F ∂F ∂F = + y′ + y′′ (4) ∂x ∂y ∂y′ d ∂F d ∂F ∂F Consider y′ = y′ + y′′ (5) dx ∂y dx ∂y ∂y  ′   ′  ′ Subtracting (4) - (5) we get,

dF d ∂F ∂F ∂F d ∂F y′ = + y′ y′ dx − dx ∂y ∂x ∂y − dx ∂y  ′   ′  ✘✘✘✿ 0 d ∂F ∂F ∂F ✘d ✘✘∂F F y′ = y′ ✘✘ dx − ∂y − ∂x ✘✘∂y − dx ∂y  ′    ′ 

As y(x) is an extremizer and by using Euler-Lagrange equation we get

d ∂F ∂F F y′ = 0 dx − ∂y − ∂x  ′  which is another form of Euler-Lagrange Equation.

Special Cases

x2 Extremize I(y) = F (x,y,y′) dx y(x1)= y1 ; y(x2)= y2. Zx1

(i) When x does not appear in F explicitly

∂F = 0 ∂x d ∂F ∂F d ∂F ∂F Hence F y′ = 0 becomes F y′ =0or F y′ = const. This dx − ∂y′ − ∂x dx − ∂y′ − ∂y′ is known as Beltrami Identity.  

9 (ii) When y does not appear in F explicitly ∂F = 0 ∂y

d ∂F ∂F d ∂F ∂F Hence, = 0 reduces to =0 or = const. dx ∂y − ∂y dx ∂y ∂y  ′   ′  ′ (iii) When y′ does not appear in F explicitly ∂F = 0 ∂y′

d ∂F ∂F ∂F Then = 0 reduces to = 0. dx ∂y − ∂y ∂y  ′ 


Find the shortest smooth plane curve joining two distinct points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). We are minimizing the arc length of the function y

x2 dy 2 Minimize I(y) = 1+ dx 1 s dx Zx   2 Here, F (x,y,y′) = 1+ y′ ∂F ∂F y =p 0 ; = ′ 2 ∂y ∂y′ 1+ y′ Euler-Lagrange equation p d ∂F y = = 0 ′ = const = c ⇒ dx ∂y 2  ′  1+ y′ 2 y′ = c 1+p y′ 2 2 2 y′ = c p(1 + y′ ) 2 2 2 2 y′ c y′ = c − 2 2 2 (1 c )y′ = c − 2 2 c = y′ = ⇒ 1 c2 − c2 = y′ = = m ⇒ s1 c2 − y = mx + b y(x )= y = y = mx + b 1 1 ⇒ 1 1 y(x )= y = y = mx + b 2 2 ⇒ 2 2 y y y y 1 − 2 = m ; b = y 1 − 2 x x x 1 − x x 1 1 − 2  1 − 2  Thus the curve having minimum arc length passing through the given two fixed point is a straight line.

10 Exercise

Show that another form of Euler - Lagrange equation is F F ′ F ′ y F ′ ′ y = 0. y − y x − y y ′ − y y ′′


x1 y 2 Find the extremals of the functional ′ dx. x3 Zx0 2 y′ ∂F ∂F 2y′ F (x,y,y′) = 3 ; = 0; = 3 x ∂y ∂y′ x Euler- Lagrange equation 3 2 d ∂F d 2y′ 2x y′′ 6y′x 2 = = − = xy′′ 3y′ = 0 dx ∂y dx x3 x6 x4 −  ′    y′′ 3  Thus we have xy′′ 3y′ = 0 or = − y′ x y 1 Integrating ′′ = 3 dx + c y x Z ′ Z ln y′ = 3ln x + c

y′ 3 ln = c or y′ = C x x3   Cx4 y = + C 4 2 y = Ax4 + B


x2 2 Extremize I(y) = 1+ y′ dx, y(x1)= y(x2) = 0 Zx1 2 ∂F F = 1+ y′ , = 2y′ ∂y′ d Euler Equation 2y′ =0 = 2y′′ = 0 dx ⇒ y′(x) = C, y(x)= Cx + D y y C = 1 − 2 ; x x 1 − 2


1 2 Find the curve y on which the functional y′ + 12xy dx,y(0) = 0,y(1) = 1 is exrtremum. Z0

11 Solution:

2 Here F = y′ + 12xy

Euler Lagrange Equation: 12x 2y′′ = 0 or y′′ = 6x − 2 y′ = 3x + C 3 y = x + cx + c′ Applying the conditions we get y = x3


Brachistochrone Problem (Shortest Time of Descent Problem)

Find the shortest path on which a particle in the absence of friction will slide from one point to another point in the shortest time under the of gravity.


P(x,y) y



Let the particle slide from o along the path OP1. Let at time t, the particle be at P (x,y). Let arc OP = s. By the principle of work and energy, we have KE at P KE at O = Work done in moving the particle from O to P. − 1 ds m( )2 0 = mgy 2 dt − That is ds = 2gy dt p Time taken by the particle to move from O to P is given by ⇒ 1 ′ T x1 ds 1 x1 1+ y 2 T = dt = = dx √2gy 2g √y Z0 Z0 Z0 p ′ 1 x1 1+ y 2 T = dx √2g √y Z0 p

12 Brachistochrone Problem is to find y which minimizes the functional

′ 1 x1 1+ y 2 1+ y 2 I(y)= dx and F = ′ √2g √y √y Z0 p p Since x does not appear in F explicitly take the Beltrami Identity. ∂F F y′ = const. − ∂y′ ′ ′ 1+ y 2 ∂ 1+ y 2 y′ ( ) = c p √y − ∂y′ p √y ′2 1+ y 1 y′ y′ ′ = c p √y − √y 1+ y 2 ′2 ′2 1+py y − ′ = c √y 1+ y 2 1 1 p 2 ′ = c y(1 + y′ )= = √a(say) √y 1+ y 2 ⇒ c ′ p yp(1 + y 2) = a ′ a 1+ y 2 = y 2 a y y′ = − y a y y′ = − y r dy a y = − dx y r y dy = dx a y r − x y y dx = dy a y Z0 Z0 r − Since (0,0) is point on the curve, we get c=0. Let y= a sin2 θ; dy = 2a sin θ cos θdθ

θ a sin2 θ Thus, x = 2a sin θ cos θdθ sa a sin2 θ Z0 − θ sin θ θ θ x = 2a sin θ cos θdθ = a 2sin2 dθ = a (1 cos 2θ)dθ 0 cos θ 0 0 − Za Z Z x = [2θ sin 2θ] 2 − a Let 2 = b, 2θ = φ x = b(φ sin φ); y = b(1 cos φ) − − which is a cycloid.

13 Example - Minimum Surface of Rotation.

Find the curve passing through the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) which when rotated about the x-axis gives a minimum surface.


(x2,y2) y(x) (x1,y1) ds


O x

Let ds be a small strip on the curve y. Area of the surface generated by ds when revolved is x2 2πy ds. In the figure the total surface area = 2πyds Zx1 x2 2 = 2π y (1 + y′ )dx. x1 Z p This has to be minimum. 2 Since F = y (1 + y′ ) does not contain x explicitly, thus the Euler’s equation reduces to p ∂F F y′ = c : (say) − ∂y′ 2 ∂ 2 y (1 + y′ ) y′ y (1 + y′ ) = c − ∂y′ p 2 y p2 1/2 i.e y (1 + y ) y′ (1 + y′ )− . 2y′ = c ′ − 2 y p or = c 2 (1 + y′ ) 2 2 2 2 p y = c + c y′ dy (y2 c2) y′ = = − dx p c Separating the variables and integrating, we have dy dx = + c′ (y2 c2) c Z − Z 1 y x + a pcos h− = c c x + a i.e y = c cosh( ) c which is . The constants a and c are determined from the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

14 Lecture-4

Constrained Extremization Problem

Isoperimetric Problems

In certain problems of calculus of variations, while extremizing a given functional I(y), along with the end conditions y(x1)= y1, y(x2)= y2, we also need the extremizing function has to satisfy an additional constraint as we see in the following Dido’s Problem.

Dido’s Problem

Find the plane curve of fixed perimeter which has maximum area above x - axis.



The perimeter and the area under the curve are given by

x2 2 Perimeter = Arc length = 1+ y′ dx Zx1 x2 p Area under the curve A = y(x) dx. Zx1

Variational Problem:

x2 Maximize I(y)= y(x) dx Zx1 subject to the constraints

x2 2 1+ y′ dx = L (given) and with end conditions x1 Z p y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2.

General Problem:

x2 Extremize I(y)= F (x,y,y′) dx Zx1 15 subject to the integral constraint

x2 G(x,y,y′) dx = L = constant Zx1

End conditions are y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2.

Lagrange Multiplier Technique:

Convert the constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained optimization problem by the Technique.

x2 Define a new functional H by H(x,y,y′)= F (x,y,y′)+λ G(x,y,y′) and optimize H(x,y,y′) dx x1 without constraints. Z

x2 That is, Optimize I(y) = F (x,y,y′)+ λ G(x,y,y′) dx Zx1

with end condition y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2.

The problem is solved by solving the

Euler Lagrange Equation:

∂H d ∂H = 0 ∂y − dx ∂y  ′  y(x1)= y1, y(x2)= y2

Solution of Dido’s Problem:

x2 Maximize I(y) = y(x) dx subject to x1 x2 Z 2 1+ y′ dx = L and with end conditions x1 Z p y(x1) = y1, y(x2)= y2 2 Here, F (x,y,y′) = y(x), G(x,y,y′)= 1+ y′ 2 H(x,y,y′) = y + λ 1+ y′ p ∂H ∂H λy = 1, p = ′ 2 ∂y ∂y′ 1+ y′ p

16 Euler’s Equation:

d λy ′ = 1 2 dx 1+ y′ ! λy = p ′ = x + a 2 ⇒ 1+ y′ λy = p ′ = 1+ y 2 ⇒ x + a ′ 2 2 2 2 = λ y′ =p (1+ y′ )(x + a) 2 2 ⇒ 2 2 = y′ (λ (x + a) ) = (x + a) ⇒ − x + a y′ = λ2 (x + a)2 − = y = p λ2 (x + a)2 + b ⇒ − − (y b)2 = λ2 (x + a)2 − p− = (x + a)2 + (y b)2 = λ2 ⇒ − which is a , where the constants a, b, λ can be obtained from 3 conditions namely, two end conditions and one constraint condition.

Problem 2:

Show that sphere is the solid figure of revolution which for a given surface area having maximum volume enclosed.

ds y(x)


0 x (a,0)

Consider a small circular strip having height ds and radius y. The surface area is 2πy ds.

a Thus the total surface area of revolution is S = 2πy ds 0 Z a 2 = 2πy 1+ y′ dx 0 Z a p Volume = πy2 dx. Z0

17 Variational Problem

a Maximize I(y)= πy2 dx 0 subject to the constraintZ a 2 2πy 1+ y′ dx = S (constant) 0 Z p 2 2 Define a function H = F + λ G = πy + λ 2πy 1+ y′ . As x is not appearing in H explicitly, we have Euler’s Equation (Beltrami Identity) p ∂H H y′ = const. − ∂y′

2 2 λ 2πyy′ πy + 2πλy 1+ y y′ = c ′ 2 − 1+ y′ p 2πλy(1 + y 2) λ2πyy 2 πy2 + ′ −p ′ = c 2 1+ y′ 2πλy pπy2 + = c 2 1+ y′ p 2λy Since the curve passes through (0, 0), when y = 0, c = 0 y2 = − . 2 1+ y′ 2pλ y = − 2 1+ y′ 2 2 2 = y (1 + y′ ) = 4pλ ⇒ 2 2 2 4λ y = y′ = − ⇒ y2 4λ2 y2 y′ = − p y y dy = dx + k 4λ2 y2 Z − Z p x = k 4λ2 y2 − − When x = 0,y =0 = k = 2λ ⇒ p x = 2λ 4λ2 y2 − − (x 2λ) = 4λ2 y2 − − p − (x 2λ)2 + y2 = 4λ2 − p The curve is a circle, centred at (2λ, 0) and radius 2λ. Hence the solid of revolution is a sphere.

18 Lecture-5

(i) Problem with Higher order Derivatives

x2 Extremize I(y) = F (x,y,y′,y′′) dx Zx1 y(x1) = y1, y(x2)= y2

y′(x1) = y1′ y′(x2)= y1′

The Euler - Poisson Equation is

∂F d ∂F d2 ∂F + = 0 ∂y − dx ∂y dx2 ∂y  ′   ′′ 


x2 2 2 Extremize I(y)= (y (y′′) ) dx x1 − with end conditions:Z

y(x1) = y1, y(x2)= y2

y′(x1) = y1′ , y′(x2)= y2′ ∂F ∂F ∂F = 2y, = 0, = 2y′′ ∂y ∂y′ ∂y′′ − Euler - Poisson Equation : ∂F d ∂F d2 ∂F + = 0 ∂y − dx ∂y dx2 ∂y  ′   ′′  d2 2y 0+ 2y′′ = 0 − dx2 − y(iv) y = 0 −

y(x1) = y1, y(x2)= y2

y′(x1) = y1′ , y′(x2)= y2′

(ii) Problems with several unknown functions

Let u and v be the unknown functions which extremize the functional I. x2 Extremize I(u, v) = F (x, u, v, u′, v′) dx Zx1 u(x1) = u1, u(x2)= u2

v(x1) = v1, v(x2)= v2

19 Euler - Lagrange equations: ∂F d ∂F = 0 ∂u − dx ∂u  ′  ∂F d ∂F = 0 ∂v − dx ∂v  ′ 

(iii) Problems with more than one independent variables

Let z be the dependent variable and x and y be the independent variables. Extremize I(z) = x2 y2 F (x,y,z,zx, zy)dy dx Zx1 Zy1

where z is prescribed on the boundary ∂D of the domain D where F is defined.

Euler - Lagrange Equation ∂F ∂ ∂F ∂ ∂F = 0 ∂z − ∂x ∂z − ∂y ∂z  x   y 


Find a function Φ whose mean square value of the magnitude of the over a region D is minimum The problem is

2 2 Minimize I(Φ) = (Φx +Φy) dx dy ZZ where Φ is prescribed on the boundary ∂D of D. 2 2 Here F =Φx +Φy

∂ ∂F ∂ ∂F Euler Lagrange Eqn: + = 0 ∂x ∂Φ ∂y ∂Φ  x   y  ∂ ∂ (2Φ )+ (2Φ ) = 0 ∂x x ∂y y Φxx +Φyy = 0 ∆Φ = 0 (Laplace Equation) Φ = prescribed . |∂D


The Variational Notation:

When a function changes its value from y(x) to y(x +∆x), the rate of change of this defines the derivative y′(x). Whereas in variational calculus the function y(x) is changed to a new function

20 y(x)+ ǫ η(x), where ǫ is a constant and η(x) is a continuous differentiable function. The change ǫ η(x) in y(x) as a function is called the variation of y and is denoted by δy. That is δy = ǫ η(x). Similarly we have δy′ = ǫ η′(x). In F = F (x,y,y′) for a fixed x, change in y from y to y + ǫ η makes F to change to F (x,y + ǫ η,y′ + ǫ η′). Thus the change in F , denoted by ∆F is given by

∆F = F (x,y + ǫ η,y′ + ǫ η′) F (x,y,y′) − Expanding the first term on RHS in Taylors

2 2 2 2 ∂F ∂F ∂ F 2 ∂ F ∂ F 2 ǫ ∆F = F (x,y,y′)+ η + η′ ǫ + η + 2 η η′ + (η′) ∂y ∂y ∂y2 ∂y∂y ∂y 2 2!  ′   ′ ′  + higher order terms of (ǫ) F (x,y,y′) − 2 2 2 2 ∂F ∂F 1 ∂ F 2 ∂ F ∂ F 2 = δy + δy′ + (δy) + 2 δy δy′ + (δy′) ∂y ∂y 2! ∂y2 ∂y∂y ∂y 2 ′  ′ ′  + higher order terms

∂F ∂F First variation δF = δy + δy′ ∂y ∂y′ 2 2 2 2 1 ∂ F 2 ∂ F ∂ F 2 Second Variation δ F = (δy) + 2 δy δy′ + (δy′) 2 ∂y2 ∂y∂y ∂y 2  ′ ′ 

Variation is analogous to derivative in calculus


(1) δ(F F )= δF δF 1 ± 2 1 ± 2 (2) δ(F1F2)= F1δF2 + F2δF1 F F δF F δF (3) δ 1 = 2 1 − 1 2 , F = 0 F F 2 2 6  2  2 n n 1 (4) δ(F )= nF − δF


(i) δ(y2) = 2yδy

2 (ii) δ(y′ ) = 2y′δy′ (iii) δ(xy)= xδy

(iv) δ(x2) = 0


x2 If I(y)= F (x,y,y′) dx, find the variation δI of I. Zx1 21 Solution:

x2 δI = δ F (x,y,y′) dx  x1  xZ2 = δF (x,y,y′) dx Zx1 x2 ∂F ∂F = δy + δy′ dx ∂y ∂y Zx1  ′ 

In the classical calculus, if x0 an optimizing point for a differentiable function f(x) then f ′(x0) = 0. Analogous to this, we have the following result in calculus of variations.


If y(x) is an extremizing function for

x2 Extremize I(y)= F (x,y,y′) dx, y(x1)= y1, y(x2)= y2 Zx1 Then the first variations δI(y) = 0


The first variation of I is given by

x2 ∂F ∂F δI = δy + δy′ dx ∂y ∂y Zx1  ′  x2 ∂F ∂F d = δy + (δy) dx ∂y ∂y dx Zx1  ′  Integrating by points on the ✚❃0 ∂F d ∂F ✚x2 x2 d ∂F second term, (δy)dx = δy✚ δy δx ∂y dx ∂y✚ − dx ∂y Z ′ ✚ ′ x1 Zx1  ′  x2 ∂F d ∂F δI(y) = δy dx ∂y − dx ∂y Zx1   ′  = 0 because of Euler-Lagrange Equation for an extremizer. Hence δI(y) = 0 if y is an extremizing function.

22 Hamilton’s Principle

Let T be the and V be the of a particle in motion. Let L = T V − be the kinetic potential or the Lagrangian function.

t2 Let A = L dt (Action integral) Zt1 δA = 0 (Principle of Least Action) t2 t2 δ L dt = δ T V dt = 0 − Zt1  Zt1  Hamilton Principle states that the motion is such that the integral of the difference between kinetic and potential energies is stationary for the true path. Over a sufficiently small time interval the integral is a minimum. That is, nature tends to equalize the kinetic and potential energies over motion. Hence δA = 0 along truth path.

Second Order Conditions for Extremum.

As in the classical calculus, if f is differentiable and x0 is a stationary point of f then f ′′(x0) > 0 implies x0 is minimum & f ′′(x0) < 0 implies x0 is maximum point, we have the following second order conditions for testing extremum in Calculus of variations.

Legendre Test for Extremum

Let I be a functional and y be an extremizer of I then

(i) δI(y) = 0. (Euler-Lagrange Equation)

(ii) δ2I(y) > 0 = y is a minimizing function. ⇒ (iii) δ2I(y) < 0 = y is a maximizing function. ⇒


Reduction of BVP into Variational Problems

If a variational problem is given, the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation is a BVP. Now, we ask the question, if a BVP is given, can we find its corresponding variational problem. The answer is yes for a class of BVP. We demonstrate it with the following example: Reduce the BVP

y′′ y + x = 0 (6) − y(0) = y(1) = 0 into a variational problem.

23 Solution:

Multiply both sides of (6) by δy and integrate over (0, 1).

1 y′′δy dx y δy dx + x δy dx = 0 − Z0 Z Z Integration by parts,

✟✟✯ 0 1 ✟ 1 ✟y′δy 0 y′ δy′ dx y δy dx + x δy dx = 0 − 0 − Z 2 Z 2 Z But δ(y′ ) = 2y′δy′, δy = 2yδy δ(xy) = x δy 1 1 1 2 1 2 δy′ dx δy dx + δxy dx = 0 − 0 2 − 0 2 Z 1 Z Z 1 2 1 2 δ( y′ y + xy) dx = 0 0 −2 − 2 Z 1 2 2 δ y′ + y 2xy dx = 0 − Z0  It is of the form δI(y) = 0

Thus the corresponding variational problem is

1 2 2 Extremize I(y) = y′ + y 2xy dx − V.P Z0  y(0) = 0, y(1) = 0  If we find the Euler - Lagrange equation of the above V.P, we have 

2 2 F = y′ y 2xy − − ∂F = 2y 2x ∂y − ∂F = 2y′ ∂y′ Euler-Lagrange eqn. is given by d 2y 2x (2y′) = 0 − − dx y y + x = 0 ′′ − which is same as the original BVP y(0) = y(1) = 0 

Example 2:

Deflection of a rotating string of Length L. Consider the d dy F (x) + ρω2y + p(x) = 0 (7) dx dx   y(0) = 0 y(L) = 0

24 0 L where

y(x) displacement of a point from the axis of rotation. − F (x) tension. − ρ(x) linear mass density. − ω angular velocity of rotation. − p(x) intensity of distributed radial load. −

We now reduce this BVP into a variational problem as follows: Multiply (7) by a variation δy and integrate over (0,L) to obtain

L d dy L L (F )δy dx + ρω2y δy dx + p δy dx = 0 dx dx Z0 Z0 Z0 Consider the first term and integration by parts gives 0 ✟L✟✯ L d dy dy ✟ L dy dy F δy dx = (F ✟δy F δ dx dx dx ✟✟dx − dx dx Z0   0 Z0 2 2 But δ(y′ ) = 2y′δy′, δ(y ) = 2y δy reduce

L 1 2 2 1 2 δ Fy′ + ρω δ y + δpy dx = 0 −2 2 Z0     L 1 2 1 2 2 δ Fy′ + ρω y + py dx = 0 −2 2 Z0   That is, δI = 0

Thus the variational problem is:

L 2 2 2 Extremize I(y) = Fy′ + ρω y + 2py dx − Z0 y(0) = 0, y(L) = 0 


Reduce the BVP d dy x + y = x dx dx   y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1 into a variational problem.

25 Solution:

Multiplying by δy and integrating over (0, 1)

1 1 1 dy ′ x δy dx + y δy xδy = 0 dx − Z0   Z0 Z0 0 ✟✟✯1 1 dy ✟ dy dy 1 2 (x✟✟)δy x δ dx + δ y dx δxy dx = 0 ✟ dx − dx dx 2 − 0 Z0 Z   Z 1 xy 2 1 δ − ′ + y2 xy dx = 0 2 2 − Z0   1 2 2 δ ( xy′ + y 2xy) dx = 0 − − Z0 δI = 0

1 2 2 where I(y) = xy′ + y 2xy dx − − Z0 y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1


Direct Method to Solve Variational Problems

Rayleigh Ritz Method to find approximate solution

1 Let C [x1,x2] be the set of all continuously differentiable functions defined on [x1,x2]. Consider the variational problem:

x2 Min I(y)= F (x,y,y′) dx, y(x1)= y1 & y(x2)= y2 Zx1 Let y(x) C1[x ,x ] be the solution to the V.P. ∈ 1 2 Let B = φ (x), φ (x), ..., φ (x), ... be basis for the infinite dimensional vectorspace C1[x ,x ]. { 0 1 n } 1 2 Lety ¯(x) be an approximation of y given by

n y¯(x)= ciφi(x) Xi=0

The basis functions are taken such that the boundary conditiony ¯(x1) = y1 andy ¯(x2) = y2 are satisfied. The problem becomes

x2 ∞ ∞ Minimize I(y) = F (x, ciφi(x), ciφi′ (x))dx x1 Z Xi=0 Xi=0 y(x1)= y1 & y(x2)= y2

26 The problem to find an approximate solutiony ¯ in

x2 n n Minimize I(¯y) = F (x, ciφi(x), ciφi′ (x))dx x1 Z Xi=0 Xi=0 y¯(x1)= y1 &y ¯(x2)= y2

Since φ0, φ1, ... are known basic functions, the only unknown are c0, c1, ..., cn, we have min min I(¯y)= c0,c1, ,cnI(c0, c1, , cn) ··· · · · Using the classical calculus, we have ∂I = 0, i = 0, 1, 2, , n. ∂ci · · · If we simplify this n + 1 equation, we need to solve n + 1 linear equation in n + 1 unknowing to set c , c , , c . 0 1 · · · n


Find approximate solution to the BVP

y′′ y + x = 0, y(0) = y(1) = 0 − by using Rayleigh-Ritz Method.


1 2 2 I(y) = 2xy y y′ dx 0 − − Z 2 Lety ¯(x) = c0 + c1x + c2x be an approximate solution. Applying the both condition y¯(0) = 0 = c = 0 ⇒ 0 y¯(1) = 0 = c + c = 0 c = c ⇒ 1 2 2 − 1 Thusy ¯(x) = c1 x(1 x), where c1 has to be determined 1 − 2 ¯ 2 I(c1) = 2xy¯ y¯ y′ dx 0 − − Z 1 = (2c (x2 x3) c2(x x2)2 c (1 x)2 dx 1 − − 1 − − 1 − Z0 1 11 = c c2 6 1 − 30 1 dI(c ) 1 = 0 dc1 1 22 = c = 0 ⇒ 6 − 30 1 22 1 c = 30 1 6 5 c = 1 22

27 5 y¯(x) = x(1 x) is the approximate solution. 22 − ex e x Exact Solution: y(x) = x − − − e e 1 − −

x Approximate solution Exact solution 0.25 0.043 0.035 0.50 0.057 0.057 0.75 0.43 0.05


1. Louis Komzsik: Applied Calculus of variations for Engineers, CRC Press, NewYork, 2009.

2. C. R. Wylie and L.C Barrett: Advanced , McGrawHill Inc, Singa- pore - 1982.

3. B. S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.

4. Tyn Myint U: Linear Partial Differential Equations for scientists and Engineers Birkhauser, Boston, 2007.

28 Assignment

Submit ALL starred problems by 25th March 2014.

1. Solve the Euler-Lagrange equation for the functional

1 2 y′(1 + x y′)dx Z1/10 1 subject to the end conditions y( 10 ) = 19,y(1) = 1. 2. Derive Euler-Lagrange equation for the variational problem

x2 Extremize I(y)= F (x,y,y′)dx, y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2. Zx1 Deduce Beltrami identity from it.

∗3. Find the curve on which the functional 1 2 (y′ + 12xy)dx with y(0) = 0,y(1) = 1 Z0 has extremum value. π/2 2 2 4. Find an extremal for the functional I(y) = [y′ y ]dx which satisfies the boundary 0 − π Z conditions y(0) = 0 and y( 2 ) = 1. 5. Show that the Euler-Lagrange equation can also be written in the form

F F ′ F ′ y′ F ′ ′ y′′ = 0. y − y x − y y − y y

∗6. It is required to determine the continuously differentiable function y(x) which minimizes the 1 2 integral I(y)= (1 + y′ )dx, and satisfies the end conditions y(0) = 0,y(1) = 1. Z0 (a) Obtain the relevant Euler equation, and show that the stationary function is y = x. (b) With y(x)= x and the special choice η(x)= x(1 x) and with the notation 1 − dI(ǫ) I(ǫ)= F (x,y + ǫη(x),y′ + ǫη′(x))dx, calculate I(ǫ) and verify directly that dǫ = 0 0 when ǫZ= 0.

7. Find the extremal of the following functionals

x2 2 2 (a) I(y)= y (y′) 2y cos hx dx, y(x )= y & y(x )= y − − 1 1 2 2 Zx1 x2 1+ y2  (b) I(y)= dx y 2 Zx1 ′ x2 1+ y 2 (c) I(y)= ′ dx ∗ x Zx1 p 29 1 2 2 (d) I(y)= (xy + y 2y y′)dx, y(0) = 1,y(1) = 2 0 − Z x2 2 2 (e) I(y)= (y + y′ 2y sin x)dx − Zx1 π/2 2 2 π (f) (y′ y + 2xy)dx, y(0) = 0,y( ) = 0 0 − 2 Z x2 2 (g) (y + 2xyy′)dx; y(x1)= y1,y(x2)= y2 x1 Z π 2 2 ∗(h) (4y cos x y + y′ )dx; y(0) = 0,y(π) = 0 0 − Z x1 2 2 x ∗(i) I(y)= (y + y′ + 2ye )dx Zx0 8. Determine the shape of solid of revolution moving in a flow of gas with least resistance.


0 x Direction of gas flow L

L 2 3 (Hint : The total resistance experienced by the body is I(y) = 4πρv yy′ dx where ρ is 0 the density, v is the velocity of gas relative to the solid). Z

9. Prove the following facts by using COV: (a) The shortest between two points in a plane is a straight line. (b) The curve passing through two points on xy plane which when rotated about x axis − giving a minimum surface area is a Catenary. (c) The path on which a particle in absence of friction slides from one point to another in the shortest time under the action of gravity is a Cycloid(Brachistochrone Problem).

∗10. Find the extremal of the functional π 2 2 I(y)= (y′ y )dx, y(0) = 0, y(π) = 1 − Z0 π and subject to the constraint y dx = 1. Z0 30 11. Find the extremal of the isoperimetric problem

4 2 Extremize I(y)= y′ dx, y(1) = 3,y(4) = 24 Z1 4 subject to y dx = 36. Z1 1 1 2 2 2 ∗12. Determine y(x) for which x + y′ dx is stationary subject to y dx = 2, y(0) = 0 0 0,y(1) = 0. Z Z π π 2 2 13. Find the extremal of I = y′ dx subject to y dx = 1 and satisfying y(0) = y(π) = 0. Z0 Z0 2 2 n ∗14. Given F (x,y,y′) = (y′) + xy. Compute ∆F and δF for x = x0, y = x and δy = ǫx . 15. Find the extremals of the isopermetric problem

x1 2 I(y)= y′ dx Zx0 x1 given that ydx = constant. Zx0 16. Prove the following facts by using COV:

∗(a) The on a sphere of radius a are its great . (b) The sphere is the solid figure of revolution which, for a given surface area has maximum volume.

17. If y is an extremizing function for

x2 I(y)= F (x,y,y′),y(x1)= y1, and y(x2)= y2 Zx1

then show that of δI = 0 for the function y.

∗18. Find y(x) for which x1 y 2 δ ( ′ )dx = 0 x3 Zx0  and y(x1)= y1 and y(x2)= y2. 19. Write down the Euler-Lagrange equation for the following extremization problems

(i) Extremize I(u, v)= F (x, y, u, v, ux, uy, vx, vy)dx dy where x,y are independent vari- D ables and u, v are dependentZ Z variables. D is a domain in xy plane and u and v are prescribed on the boundary of D. x1 (ii) Extremize I(y)= F (x,y,y(1),y(2), ..., y(m)dx Zx0

y(x0)= y0, y(x1)= y1

31 y′(x0)= y0′ , y′(x1)= y1′ ...... (m 1) (m 1) (m 1) (m 1) y − (x0)= y0 − , y − (x1)= y1 − x2 (iii) Max or Min I(y)= F (x,y,y′)dx where y is prescribed at the end points y(x1)= y1, x1 Z x2 y(x2)= y2, and y is also to satisfy the integral constraint condition J(y)= G(x,y,y′)dx = x1 k, where k is a prescribed constant. Z

∗20. Show that the extremals of the problem x2 2 2 Extremize I(y)= [p(x)y′ q(x)y ]dx x1 − Z x2 2 where y(x1) and y(x2) are prescribed and y satisfies a constraint r(x)y (x)dx = 1, are x1 d dy Z solutions of the differential equation dx (p dx ) + (q + λr)y = 0 where λ is a constant.

∗21. Reduce the BVP d dy (x )+ y = x, y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1 dx dx

into a variational problem and use Rayleigh-Ritz method to obtain an approximate solution in the form y(x) x + x(1 x)(c + c x) ≈ − 1 2 22. (Principle of least Action) A particle under the influence of a gravitational field moves on a path along which the kinetic energy is minimal. Using calculus of variation prove that the trajectory is parabolic. 1 1 (Hint: Minimize I = mv2dt = mvds = u2 2gy 1+ y 2dx) 2 2 − ′ where u is the initialZ speed. Z Z p p π/4 2 2 2 23. Show that the curve which extremizes the functional I(y) = (y′′ y + x )dx under − Z0 the conditions y(0) = 0,y (0) = 1,y(π/4) = y (π/4) = 1 is y = sin x. ′ ′ √2 π π 2 2 24. Find a function y(x) such that y dx = 1 which makes (y′′) dx a minimum if y(0) = Z0 Z0 0= y(π), y′′(0) = 0 = y′′(π).

∗25. Find the extremals of the following functional

x2 2 I(y)= 2xy + (y′′′) dx Zx1 26. Find the extremals of the functional x1 2 2 2 I(u, v)= 2uv 2u + u′ v′ dx − − Zx0 where u and v are prescribed at the end points.

32 π π 2 2 27. Find a function y(x) such that y dx = 1 which makes y′′ dx a minimum if y(0) = Z0 Z0 0= y(π), y′′(0) = 0 = y′′(π)

π/2 dx 2 dy 2 ∗28. Show that the functional 2xy + dt such that x(0) = 0, x(π/2) = 0 dt dt 1, y(0) = 0, y(π/2) = 1 isZ stationary forx = sint, y = sin t. − − ∗29. Explain Rayleigh - Ritz method to find an approximate solution of the variational problem

t1 Extremize I(y)= F (x,y,y′)dx Zt0

with prescribed end conditions y(x1)= y1 & y(x2)= y2.

30. Solve the BVP y′′ + y + x = 0, y(0) = y(1) = 0 by Rayleigh - Ritz method. 31. Use Rayleigh - Ritz method to find an approximate solution of the problem y y + 4xex = 0, y (0) y(0) = 1, y (1) + y(1) = e. ′′ − ′ − ′ −
