The State of Norway's Biodiversity for Food And

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The State of Norway's Biodiversity for Food And COUNTRY REPORTS THE STATE OF NORWAY’S BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE This country report has been prepared by the national authorities as a contribution to the FAO publication, The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. The report is being made available by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as requested by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The information in this report has not been verified by FAO, and the content of this document is entirely the responsibility of the authors, and does not necessarily represent the views of FAO, or its Members. The designations employed and the presentation of material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. NIBIO RAPPORT | NIBIO REPORT VOL.: 2, NO.: 57, 2016 THE STATE OF BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN NORWAY KIM-ANH TEMPELMAN MEZZERA AND NINA SÆTHER Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre, NIBIO TITTEL/TITLE THE STATE OF BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN NORWAY FORFATTER(E)/AUTHOR(S) KIM-ANH TEMPELMAN MEZZERA AND NINA SÆTHER DATO/DATE: RAPPORT NR./ TILGJENGELIGHET/AVAILABILITY: PROSJEKT NR./PROJECT NO.: SAKSNR./ARCHIVE NO.: REPORT NO.: 12.04.2016 2/57/2016 Open 792003 2016/621 ISBN-NR./ISBN-NO: ISSN-NR./ISSN-NO: ANTALL SIDER/ ANTALL VEDLEGG/ NO. OF PAGES: NO. OF APPENDICES: 978-82-17-01626-7 (print) 2464-1162 (print) 159 4 OPPDRAGSGIVER/EMPLOYER: KONTAKTPERSON/CONTACT PERSON: STIKKORD/KEYWORDS: FAGOMRÅDE/FIELD OF WORK: Assosiert biologisk mangfold Biomangfold økosystemtjenester, vill mat dyr, planter og mikroorganismer Associated biodiversity, ecosystem services Biodiversity and wild foods Food and agriculture, animals, plants and micro-organisms SAMMENDRAG/SUMMARY: The report is based on information Norway provided in an electronic questionnaire that was prepared by FAO to collect national data as a contribution to The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. The report presents information on the status and trends of biodiversity for food and agriculture, including animals, plants and micro-organisms with a direct or indirect role in agriculture, forestry and/or fisheries. A lot of data on these issues is available in Norway; however it is mostly spread across different monitoring systems and fragmented. The report draws attention to the use and conservation of biodiversity for food and agriculture and to the function(s) of and interactions between its components in production systems. The report focuses more on associated biodiversity, ecosystem services and wild foods than on plant, animal and forest genetic resources as these are presented in other reports. Even if the awareness on the importance of associated biodiversity to food production and food security is increasing, safeguarding associated biodiversity in and around production systems needs to move higher up on the political agenda. This will require awareness raising activities targeting decision-makers, farmers and consumers. The preparation of the national biodiversity action plan provides an excellent opportunity for stakeholders from different sectors to agree on and be jointly committed to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Norway. Rapporten er basert på det elektroniske spørreskjemaet som ble utarbeidet av FAO for å samle nasjonale data til Den globale statusrapporten for biologiske mangfold for mat og landbruk. Rapporten presenterer status og trender for dyr, planter og mikroorganismer med en direkte eller indirekte funksjon i jordbruk, skogbruk og / eller fiske. Det er mye informasjon tilgjengelig om dette i Norge, men informasjonen er spredt og dermed fragmentert. Rapporten retter oppmerksomheten mot bruk og vern av biologisk mangfold for mat og landbruk og til funksjonen (e) og interaksjonene mellom disse komponentene i jordbrukets produksjonssystemer. Rapporten fokuserer mer på assosiert biologisk mangfold, økosystemtjenester og vill mat enn plante-, husdyr- og skogtregenetiske ressurser da disse er presentert i de respektive nasjonale statusrapportene. Selv om bevisstheten om betydningen av assosiert biologisk mangfold i matproduksjonen og matvaresikkerhet er økende må sikring av assosiert biologisk mangfold i og rundt produksjonssystemer komme høyere opp på den politiske dagsorden. Dette vil kreve utvikling av holdningsskapende aktiviteter rettet mot beslutningstakere, bønder og forbrukere. Utarbeidelse av Norges handlingsplan for biologisk mangfold gir en utmerket mulighet for aktører fra ulike sektorer til å bli enige om, og i fellesskap forplikte seg til, bevaring og bærekraftig bruk av biologisk mangfold i Norge. LAND/COUNTRY: Norge/Norway FYLKE/COUNTY: - KOMMUNE/MUNICIPALITY: - STED/LOKALITET: - GODKJENT /APPROVED PROSJEKTLEDER /PROJECT LEADER Geir Harald Strand Kim-Anh Tempelman Mezzera NAVN/NAME NAVN/NAME CONTENT 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 9 2 FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................. 10 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Status, trends and drivers of change .............................................................................................. 11 3.1.1 Associated biodiversity ....................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 Ecosystem services .............................................................................................................. 12 3.1.3 Wild foods ........................................................................................................................... 12 3.2 State of use ..................................................................................................................................... 12 3.3 State of interventions on conservation and use ............................................................................ 13 3.4 Future agenda’s .............................................................................................................................. 14 3.4.1 Norway’s national biodiversity action plan ......................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Increasing production and consumption of organic food ................................................... 15 3.4.3 Bringing national laws and regulations in line with international commitments ............... 15 4 SCOPE OF THE REPORT ............................................................................................................ 16 5 BIODIVERSITY FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN NORWAY .................................................... 18 5.1 A brief introduction ........................................................................................................................ 18 5.2 The roles of biodiversity for food and agriculture .......................................................................... 21 5.2.1 Increased recognition of the value of ecosystem services .................................................. 21 5.2.2 Increased activities on associated biodiversity ................................................................... 22 5.2.3 The values of wild food resources ....................................................................................... 23 5.3 Norway’s main food and agricultural production systems ............................................................. 25 5.3.1 Farming systems ................................................................................................................. 25 5.3.2 Areas with semi-natural forests .......................................................................................... 26 5.3.3 Distribution of fisheries and aquaculture ........................................................................... 26 5.3.4 Distribution of reindeer herding ......................................................................................... 27 5.4 Conservation and use of biodiversity for food and agriculture: different options for different species ........................................................................................... 28 5.4.1 Conservation and use of plant genetic resources ............................................................... 28 5.4.2 Conservation and use of farm animals ................................................................................ 30 5.4.3 Conservation and use of forest genetic resources .............................................................. 30 5.4.4 Contribution of aquatic genetic resources to food consumption ....................................... 31 5.5 Production and exportation and their effects on biodiversity for food and agriculture ................ 31 5.6 Key findings and remaining challenges .......................................................................................... 34 6 DRIVERS OF CHANGE ON ASSOCIATED BIODIVERSITY ...........................................................
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