Modes of Naturing: or stories of salmon1 Heather Swansona, John Lawb and Marianne Lienc a School of Culture and Society, Department of Anthropology, Århus University, Moesgård Allé 20, building 4235, 134 8270 Højbjerg Denmark (
[email protected]) b Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK, and Centre for Science Studies, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YW, UK (
[email protected]) c Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo Postboks 1091, Blindern, 0317 OSLO, Norway (
[email protected]) (10th March 2016; ModesOfNaturing20160310) 1 We are grateful to Solveig Joks for discussion. We also gratefully acknowledge the inspiration, discussions and support of the Centre for Advanced Study in Oslo, Norway that funded and hosted the research project ‘Arctic Domestication in the Era of the Anthropocene’ during the academic year of 2015/2016 Introduction 2 Figure 1: The Norwegian Blacklist Times change, natures change, and what is natural changes too. Figure 1 is the front cover of the 2007 Norwegian Blacklist, a list of species alien to Norway. The Iberian snail on the front cover is indeed originally Iberian. And the red king crab, another alien species comes from the Kamchatka Peninsula. But the Blacklist adds that: ‘Some indigenous species are domesticated and have had their genes altered by artificial selection. If such species escape or run wild, domesticated individuals may hybridise with individuals in the wild populations. The wild forms may thereby be supplied with genes that are poorly adapted to the natural conditions.