V A V ISIVE I RT LE E I VO B LOM VISCONTI AND THE VISUAL AISCONTI RTS Editorial Coordination Carlotta Sembenelli Translation Francesca Melli Editorial Consultant Emily Ligniti Graphic Design Orith Kolodny First published for the Seminar: Visconti and the Visual Arts. Milan, Palazzo Visconti September 28th 2006 Supported by ISBN 88-85982-96-4 © 2006 MCF Srl – Edizioni Olivares Via Borgogna, 7 I – 20122 Milan Tel. +39 02 76003602
[email protected] www.edizioniolivares.com V A V ISIVE I RT LE E TABLE OF CONTENTS ISCONTI Introduction: Caterina D’Amico Ivo Blom 7 Luchino Visconti and the Visual Arts 8 Intermediality and Visconti 12 Visconti and Painting: Cousins, not Brothers 14 Fattori, Macchiaioli 15 Art and Set Design at Home 20 To Re-invent 23 Seelenlandschaften 24 Painting in Sets 27 Creating Space through Mirrors 30 Color and Light 31 Conclusion Ivo Blom teaches Film and Comparative Arts in the Department of Comparative Arts Studies at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. After getting his MA in Art History (1986), with a thesis on Luchino Visconti and Painting, he worked in the Restoration Department of the Netherlands Filmmuseum (1989– 1994) and specialized in early cinema (particularly Italian and Dutch), frequently talking at international conferences and publishing with international journals, books, and encyclopedia. In 2000, he received his Ph.D. in Film and Television Studies from the University of Amsterdam, publishing his dissertation Jean Desmet and the Early Dutch Film Trade (University of Amsterdam Press, 2003). Recently, he contributed to biblioVisconti 3 and published on Visconti in the Dutch journals Jong Holland and Skrien and on www.luchinovisconti.net.