Review and Herald for 1973
AY 3, 1973 ReviewADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD ♦ GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY mADVENTISTS IT IS THROUGH- GOD'S IMMEDIATE AGCNCY THAT EVERY BUD BURSTS INTO BLOSSOM. TESTIMONIES, VOL. 6, P.186. Editor's Viewpoint Sir Launfal, the Judgment, and Us In one of his poems James Russell Lowell tells of a knight not, is not arbitrary. God is love. The principle on which His named Sir Launfal who was determined to go in search of universe is founded is love. The two great principals in the the Holy Grail. He would cover land and sea to find the great controversy that has torn the universe espouse op- chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper! posite principles—Satan, selfishness; Christ, unselfishness. The day before he was to embark on his ambitious scheme, Thus true religion is revealed in love, unselfishness, sym- he fell asleep and dreamed. In his dream he saw himself pathy, and concern for others; false religion, or absence of starting out from his castle on a beautiful day. As he passed true religion, manifests itself in hate, selfishness, hard- through the gate he saw a leper crouching in the shadows heartedness, and unconcern for others. "Those whom Christ begging. The knight felt no sympathy for the wretch but commends in the judgment may have known little of theol- scornfully tossed him a gold coin. The beggar left the piece ogy, but they have cherished His principles."—The Desire of of money in the dust where it fell, commenting, "He gives Ages, p. 638. only the worthless gold who gives from a sense of duty." "In the story of the good Samaritan, Christ illustrates the Years later, when Sir Launfal had spent his life in a vain nature of true religion.
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