Bacchanal Scene, Painting by Giulio Carpioni

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Bacchanal Scene, Painting by Giulio Carpioni anticSwiss 30/09/2021 00:25:14 Bacchanal scene, painting by Giulio Carpioni FOR SALE ANTIQUE DEALER Period: 17° secolo -1600 Ars Antiqua srl Milano Style: Altri stili +39 02 29529057 393664680856 Height:37cm Width:40cm Material:Olio su tela Price:2600€ DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Attr. to Giulio Carpioni (Venice, 1613 - Vicenza, 1678) Baccanale Oil on canvas, 37 x 40 cm - with frame 54 x 56.5 cm The canvas in question shows strong stylistic and formal references to the work of Giulio Carpioni. The painter was born in Venice in 1613 and trained in Padovanino's workshop (Padua, 1588 - Venice, 1649), which he also followed in a trip to Bergamo in 1631, coming into contact with that taste for reality, typical of the Lombardy-Venetians of the moment. Carpioni's style is strongly characterized, interpreter of the great Venetian tradition in the classicist sense, with influences linked to the Bolognese such as Albani (Bologna, 1578 - 1660) and Domenichino (Bologna, 1581 - Naples, 1641) or the experience of Poussin (Les Andelys, 1594 - Rome, 1665). This influence led Longhi himself to hypothesize an undocumented journey to Rome by Carpioni when he was still young. Since 1638 it is witnessed in Vicenza, the city where it will reside permanently until 1660. Carpioni's painting is cultured, refined and intellectual, linked to classical literature and mythology, aimed at subjects with timeless charm. The palette, as in the work in question, is characterized by a delicate and elegant tonal choice, where the combinations of pinks, blues, greens, soft in gradation but effective and present as a whole, give the canvas an atmosphere with an idyllic flavor, suspended in the motionless time of the classical world, like the subject depicted. The slight fluttering of the soft draperies, the vibrant strokes of light, the stylistic definition of the faces, not free from references to Padovanino, are elements that recur in his work. In this regard, a painting with a similar subject can be cited, in a private collection in Venice, in particular for the rendering of the stroke of light on the helmet or the definition of the face of the Goddess Minerva. The definition of the satyr or the putto is a recurring element in the work of the Venetian painter, represented for example in a painting Cupids and game, in a private collection in Florence or in a "Baccanale" preserved in Ca 'Rezzonico in Venice. 1 / 3 anticSwiss 30/09/2021 00:25:14 2 / 3 anticSwiss 30/09/2021 00:25:14 Gallery 3 / 3 Powered by TCPDF ( Powered by TCPDF (
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