major connection between external and internal environment: everything going in or out of body must go through the circulatory system to get to where its going

two major transport systems in body: circulatory (cardiovascular) system lymphatic system

circulatory system works in conjunction with lymphatic system = an open system

circulatory system consists of “plumbing” and “pumps”:

1. blood travels within a closed system of vessels; never leaves vessels 2. has muscular pump that helps to move it is one of first organ systems to appear in developing embryo  is beating by 4th week

The Heart

about size and shape of closed fist

beats >100,000 x’s/day (~103,680b/d)

Histology of Heart

fibers: striated  myofibrils are highly ordered 1 nucleus branched cells T tubules and SR less developed than skeletal mm

separated by intercalated discs  myocardium behaves as single unit

but atrial muscles separated from ventricular muscles by conducting tissue sheath  atria contract separately from ventricles

mitochondria account for 25% of cardiac muscle cells (compared to 2% of skeletal muscle cells)

Human & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 1  greater dependence on oxygen than skeletal muscles  can’t build up much oxygen debt more adaptable in nutrient use; can use: glucose fatty acids (preferred) lactic acid long contraction phase and long refractory period almost as long as contraction phase (~250ms vs 1-2 ms in skeletal muscle)  prevents tetanus

Conducting System heart has some specialized fibers that are modified cardiac muscle cells don’t contract; fire impulses that coordinate contraction of heart muscle innervated by autonomic NS consists of: SA Node intrinsic rhythm 70-75 beats/min initiates stimulus that causes atria to contract (but not ventricles directly due to separation)

AV Node picks up stimulus from SA Node if SA Node is not functioning it can act as a pacemaker =ectopic pacekmaker (usually slower intrinsic rhythm)

AV Bundle (Bundle of His) connected to AV Node takes stimulus from AV Node to ventricles

Purkinje Fibers takes impulse from AV Bundle out to cardiac mucscle fibers of ventricles causing ventricles to contract the heart conducting system generates a small electrical current that can be picked up by an electrocardiograph =electrocardiogram (ECG; EKG)

ECG is a record of the electrical activity of the conducting system Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 2 body is a good conductor of electricity (lots of salts) potential changes at body’s surface are picked up by 12 leads

ECG is NOT a record of heart contractions




P wave = passage of current through atria from SA Node atrial depolarization

QRS wave = passage of current through ventricles from AV Node – AV Bundle – ventricular depolarization

T wave = repolarization of ventricles (atrial repolarization is masked by QRS) by measuring intervals between these waves can get idea of how rapidly the impulses are being conducted amplitude of waves also gives info on condition of conducting system and myocardium

Abnormalities of ECG’s =

1. (<60 bpm) decrease in body temperature some drugs (eg digitalis) overactive parasympathetic system endurance athletes

2. tachycardia (>100 bpm) increased body temperature  fever emergencies, stress activation of sympathetic NS some drugs may promote fibrillation

Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 3 3. flutter short bursts of 200-300 bpm but coordinated

4. fibrillation rapid, uncoordinated contractions of individual muscle cells atrial fibrillation is OK (since it only contributes 20% of blood to heart beat) ventricular fibrillation is lethal electrical shock used to defibrillate and recoordinate contractions

5. AV Node Block normal P - Q interval = 0.12 – 0.20 seconds changes indicate damage to AV Node  difficulty in signal getting past AV Node 1st º block: >0.20 seconds 2nd º block: AV Node damaged so only so wave passes through ventricles only after every 2-4 P waves 3rd º block: (complete block) no atrial waves can pass through paced by different ectopic pacemaker therefore beat abnormally slow

1 complete heartbeat (takes ~ 0.8 seconds)

consists of:  contraction of each chamber diastole  relaxation of each chamber two atria contract simultaneously as they relax, ventricles contract ventricular systole (atrial diastole) = 0.3 sec ventricular diastole = 0.5 sec relation of ECG to cardiac cycle contraction and relaxation of ventricles produces characteristic heart sounds lub-dub lub = systolic sound contraction of ventricles and closing of AV valves dub = diastolic sound shorter, sharper sound Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 4 ventricles relax and SL valves close

abnormal sounds: “murmurs” defective valves congenital rheumatic (strep antibodies) septal defects relationship of cardiac cycle, ECG, heart sounds, pressure and volume

Cardiac Output

CO = Heart RateX Stroke volume = 75b/m X 70ml/b = 5250 ml/min (=5.25 l/min) ~ normal blood volume

A. :

innervated by autonomic branches to SA and AV nodes

control center in medulla (cardiac center)

receives sensory info from:

Baroreceptors (stretch) in and carotid sinus increased stretch  slower

Chemoreceptors monitor carbon dioxide and pH more CO2 or lower pH  faster

Other Factors that Affect Heartrate: a. hormones epinephrin  faster acetylcholine  slower thyroxine  faster

b. drugs atropine (from belladonna)  anticholinergic drug  faster digitalis  slows, but greater force

c. ions low Calcium  slower high Calcium  faster Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 5 spastic heart contractions high Sodium  blocks Ca++  slows high Potassium  faster may cause cardiac arrest

d. temperature heat increases heart rate

e. age younger = faster, slows with age

f. gender women = faster (72-80 bpm) men = slower (64-72 bpm)

g. exercise increases during exercise also heart beats slower in physically fit

h. emotions fear, anxiety, anger  increase HR depression, grief  reduce HR any marked, persistent changes in rate may signal cardiovascular disease

B. Stroke Volume: healthy heart pumps ~60% of blood in it normal SV = ~70 ml

SV = EDV (end diastolic vol) – ESV (end systolic vol)

affected by: 1. mean blood (arterial)pressure back pressure

2. condition of heart tissue eg. heart contractility indicates amt of damage

3. venous return/ amount of stretch

Starling’s Law: within physiological limits the heart pumps all the blood that returns to it without undue damming of blood in veins.

intrinsic regulatory mechanisms permit adaptation of the Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 6 heart to varying rates of venous return.

>stretch = >strength of contraction

4. blood viscosity (>RBC’s, dehydration, blood proteins)

Human Anatomy & Physiology: Cardiovascular System; Ziser, 2004 7