Lakefield Lead Line


Volume 1, Issue 1 Fall 2016


despite the strong wind, the interested our clients are to leaves blowing, he continued learn and the fact that we are into the woods and was fabu- all so committed in doing the lous the entire ride. He is best for the horse. I am really proving to be a won- proud to know that we stand Special points of inter-

derful horse. out as being an exceptional est: stable by professionals and Fall has to be one of The year seemed to clinicians who have the op-  DANDY AND JOE LEASE OPPORTUNITIES the most beautiful seasons on fly by and we had so many portunity to experience many wonderful opportunities to the farm. The trees are in- different facilities. I would  WINTER BREAK FUN credible, the air is crisp and grow as a rider, and as a per- like to thank all of you who ACTIVITIES son, as well as enjoying many the horses are no longer are a part of Lakefield for  CLINIC SUCCESS STORIES swishing their tails. It’s been social activities. I was making it the wonderful great getting out on the trails. thrilled to see how many peo- place it is. You are all very  BOARDING AND LESSON AVAILABILITY For me to ride in the woods ple took advantage and saw special. is all about enjoying the incredible results. What is  GIFT CERTIFICATES smells and the sound of the always wonderful to hear is We are excited crunching leaves underfoot. the comments from clini- about the opportunities that cians and others that visit we have planned for the com- I have been getting a our farm. They mention ca- ing year. In the meantime, lot of riding in lately. maraderie, the sharing of we will continue to take ad- Dreamer, a five year old ideas, the helpfulness, and vantage of this mild weather quarter horse, is my newest the feeling of team from eve- we have been having! Inside this issue: project and I couldn’t be hav- ryone at the barn. We are ing more fun. He is so sweet, continually told about how See you barnside! STAR OUT OF THE BOX 2 confident and has a ton of responsive and well man- Rosanne personality. The other day nered our horses are, how WINTER OPPORTUNITY 2 Star out of the Box SHOW TEAM RECAP 3 one she received in early De- terer every day and I also see cember and one she received you drinking from the wa- NON HORSE HUSBAND 4 in late September: terer outside and you don’t SPEAKS OUT seem to have a problem, Dear Star, what gives? I also read KOKO AND WENDY’S 5 something on the chalk board AWAKENING It’s me, Twink, and I have a (more than once) that said question. Are you ok? I read Twinkle, Star, and Rosemary you were a “lush,” but I don’t POWER OF INTENTION 7 on your white board that you know what that means. From time-to-time, Star has have a “drinking problem,” What is going on? but I don’t understand. I see answered letters from various Your daughter, HORSES FOR LEASE 7 horses and humans. Here is you drinking from our wa- Twinkle Star-Out of the Box (continued)

Dear Twink, that Blonds historically and charged with impersonating empirically mean all good another horse! Star, send me I’m glad to know you care. I things I readily got haltered your attorney. I hear she's am fine. Some of your human and followed. The Blond Blond, but that's okay. friends are playing a joke-- groomed me while chatting Signed, making it look like I am a away, picked my feet, talked member of the Ladies of Lake- of her day ahead. So far, so BLUE MOON. field who imbibe (quite fre- good. In typical fashion, I did quently) in alcoholic bever- some funky stuff with my PS If any young colts on the ages. Don’t you worry, I leave hind legs, balancing on just farm need castration, would the imbibing to humans, and I one, which was something I y'all please be certain you know several lawyers who will learned in the circus. At this have the right horse. I can't be suing the chaps off the LoL. juncture, the Blond looked at trust anyone. LOL. me oddly, and said, Your mother, "Hmm.I've never seen him do Dear Blue, Star that before!". What do you Not to worry—humans are mean, I do this all the time, I Star insane—my lawyers (I have a Dear Star, thought. Then she looked at team) will be in contact. My my front foot, which I had human used to mistake me for Over the years I have been a placed pointed out, ballerina a chestnut Missouri Fox Trot- very good sport about many style. She said, outloud, ter, even with other humans things. I allowed your baby to "What is up with THAT?". screaming to her that I was a nurse on me, though I was Now some others came by, Bay. Someone once returned not, and am still not, and pointed out hysterically another mare to my pasture equipped for such service. I that all of the white markings thinking it was me. She was have taken very young geld- had suddenly disappeared chased unmercifully by two ings under my tutelage. from my front foot! Keep in other horses until my human (Though in recent years, I mind dear Star, that I do not (with her only grain of com- confess to trusting few horses have white markings on any mon sense) alerted Don of the WAS BLUE under age 20) I do not alarm feet. Then I heard a scream! ongoing crisis. It was long ago easily, except when being "OH MY GOD, THIS ISN'T and that horse hasn’t been IMPERSONATING ridden, just because it is still APOLLO!!". Well, I could have here for a number of years, fun to remind Her that I am a told you that! And WHOA APOLLO? but I still remember. Keep BIG HORSE! Recently how- there, ladies I have ZERO the faith—it was a minor mis- ever, I did have cause for interest in standing in for take—at least there were no worry with human guardians Apollo's VET appointment shots involved. OUCH!! and their own aging process. which undoubtedly means

I was out eating hay, minding bad smells from strange Star my own business, when a buckets. ARE YOU PEOPLE lovely Blond, chatting away INSANE? Apollo and I have with another lovely Blond, been on this farm for 15 years grabbed me from the paddock and you can't tell us and brought me in. Knowing apart!!!!! I refuse to be

Winter Break Fun Opportunity! While the kids are on December break, give them an experience they will remember!

December 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st

1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Open to All Levels of Riders!! Our Barn days are filled with Horse Lover’s Dreams

Includes: a group ground working lesson, hands on grooming and tacking, ride time (even bareback), feeding and care of horses, barn safety,a variety of fun horse crafts, horse games and much more!

What a great holiday gift to Sign up for one or all days! give to your child! $80 per day or $200 for all 4 days

Call Today or e-mail today!! 262-227-6047 or [email protected] Page 2 Synergy Equine Show Team Recap

It was another successful year and Lisa who ended up tied A big thank you to Leanne for for the Synergy Equine Show for 2nd in the Limit Medal for all her hard work this year! Team on the Wisconsin the year. Hunter Jumper Association Lisa Lach (WHJA) local circuit. The team went to three WHJA shows and a schooling show Members of the team this year this year. Fun was had by all, included: Madi and Twinkle, and everyone made a lot of Kimmie and Mae, Charlotte progress in their relationships and Daisy, Cheryl and Husky, with their horses over the sea- Lisa and Drifter, and Sydney son. and Meghan both riding Huckleberry.

Overall the team had a great season, bringing home several Champion, Reserve Champion and blue ribbons! Standouts for the year included Twinkle, who ended up in 3rd place overall in the Long Stirrup Hunter division; Madi who was third overall in the Long Stirrup Equitation division;


Dandy—The Perfect Gentleman For Lease Dandy is the perfect child’s your child will have opportu- beginner horse. He is the nity to spend hours with the sweetest guy and loves atten- horse and experience what it tion. Dandy has given lessons is to care for a horse. and taken children to shows for many years and is ready to Don’t miss this great experi- collect some ribbons for your ence! Call Leanne today at child. Dandy will teach your 262-227-6047 or e-mail: Dandy with a young rider cantering child and build confidence. albers.synergyequine@gmail. When you lease a horse, your com child not only gets to ride but

Page 3 A Non-Horsey Husband Speaks Out… And All in Good Fun—

Because having been introduced into the “horse culture” by Cheryl two years ago, I have come to understand many things about the equine world, and more importantly, about the people who ride these LARGE four legged creatures.

I have learned that owning a horse is NOT a hobby, it is a lifestyle that becomes all con- suming, involving all your day-to-day activities (riding, vet visits, lessons/clinics, farrier visits, treating Husky’s eye, team rides, trail rides, competitions, more vet visits, prac- tice, practice, and more practice…then Ladies of Lakefield).

“Bill, I can’t go out to dinner because Monday, Thursday and Saturday are my team rides, lessons and flatwork days at the barn, but you can go out with the guys if you like”.

“You can play golf Saturday and Sunday, because I will be at the barn with Husky until

Bill and Cheryl at least 3 pm, we need the practice, and I need to be there.”

It is also a financial commitment that slowly begins to invade and supersede all other financial needs, “we can eat your salads or stir fry for dinner for a week because Husky needs joint supplements.” I don’t get joint supplements and Husky does? Go figure.

After driving home from the barn one Saturday after a Brent Graef Clinic, with dirt in my shoes, sunburn on my face, and bags under my eyes from being up early (“Got to get to the barn early before the lesson to tack up, clean tack, watch someone’s lesson, audit, etc.”), it finally dawned on me…..I am married to an addict!!

“I’M MARRIED TO As this realization slowly crept through my barely functioning brain, I felt the color drain AN ADDICT!” from my sunburned face, horse addiction is real and I am living in the middle of it. Sud- denly a bulb lit up in my head like the light in the dark tack room as I connected the SHE TELLS ME I pieces. This addiction dictates your schedule, your social circles, and your finances. And CAN PLAY GOLF here is the worse news…there is NO cure!!

ALL DAY Here are a few pieces of evidence: SATURDAY AND Friends SUNDAY! As with most addicts, horse addicts gravitate to other horse addicts and eventually you will realize that your only contact with the outside world is funneled through the skewed lens of addiction. This helps the addicts to justify their behavior by seeing the same be- havior mirrored by others who have the same affliction.

All conversations will be about horses, horse related activities such as horse shows, clin- ics, tack shops, horse gossip, deals at horse shows, vet issues, riding styles, horse tem- perament that day, what events to do at the next horse show (“I can’t decide between 2’3” or 2’9” and “What did you think about my style/positioning on that last line I rode?”). I have noticed, as with other types of addicts, horse addicts surround them- selves with other horse addicts so the conversations seem normal and will treat any conversations about anything else ’s not important or not relevant at the time. Lisa, Cheryl and Drifter (Me: “Cheryl did you hear the news about Samsung’s Galaxy 7 exploding/fire issues?” Cheryl: “No never heard of it, but Bill did you see the horse photos you took at the last show and how we took the jumps?” This conversation is happening while she is glued to streaming the Rio Olympics Equestrian Horse competitions.

Page 4 continued Time

Horse addiction will eventually rule your schedule. It starts small….”Why don’t you come to the barn with me this weekend so we can spend quality time together” and eventually es- calates to me watching lengthy lessons or practices in 95 degree heat and flies/barn dust everywhere or even worse a dark, COLD winter’s evening.

It then moves into any spare time that’s not at the barn is spent planning for the barn. What to wear, washing saddle pads, polishing the saddle, cleaning boots, deciding what needs to be loaded into the Jeep, and what not, plans for rearranging her locker in the barn (she now actually needs TWO lockers). It has gotten so bad that some days Cheryl wants to go to the barn just to SEE Husky. Heaven forbid we have really bad weather and she cannot ride outside or get to the barn, period.

Like most addicts will tell you, if you are not using, then you are figuring out when you can use. Same with horse addiction.


In the “adding insult to injury” category, is the money. Riding horses isn’t called the “Sport Cheryl jumping of Kings” because it is regal. It’s called that because it is a never-ending money drain and Husky you need to have a small kingdom to support.

And the priorities are these: 1) Horse 2) Horse 3) Horse. For example:

The horse gets all kinds of food goodies and diet reviews regularly. I get what I can get. The horse gets joint supplements or whatever. My joints creak like a rusty door hinge. WHAT EXPENSES The horse gets new shoes fairly regularly. I have 4 pairs of dress shoes I wear to work that have lasted me over 5 years. I actually walked around with a hole in the bot- COULD THERE tom of two pairs of those shoes for months and could not walk outside when it POSSIBLY BE, rained because my socks would get wet. (I did get both pairs repaired eventually) OWNING A Whenever there is a horse need identified, Cheryl moves very quickly to get the need recti- HORSE? fied at almost all hours of the day OR night. When it comes to her own issues, like new eye glasses, that can wait for months, maybe a couple of years.

I am relatively confident that the Equine Vet, like most other Vets, is the Devil in human form and we have agreed to give them anything they want in an effort to settle an is- sue pertaining to the horse’s issues (s). (Now in Husky’s particular case this is an ex- ception, and money well spent, but his eye issues aside, you get my point?)

But I stay away completely from ALL Vet invoices whether for Husky or the two dogs and two cats. I also feel confident in saying that I am pretty sure we put their kids through at least a few years of college. All of this from my beautiful wife who won’t even go to the doctor herself unless she is missing a body part and even then it is a “judgement call”.

As you can see, horse addiction is a lesser known, but very real issue faced by a small, se- lect few in society. As the addiction continues to grow, so do the desperate cries from Caption describing picture or graphic. husbands that are directly impacted by this very large and seemingly never ending problem.

Bill Jones

Page 5 Koko’s and Wendy’s Recent Awakening

Like many of us at the barn this any pain”. was as if we were starting over summer, I had the privilege to from scratch. To think that Between June and July, I went work with Kirsten Nelsen. I seven years’ prior, this horse to work. I got out to the barn as missed her first clinic in May but was basically slated for retire- often as I could – sometimes a attended June - September. Her ment, or worse, it was very real challenge with my work influence on both me and Koko emotional for me to be able to schedule – and I walked him has been life-changing. I was ride and keep him in balance and walked him. At first he’d thinking a little while ago about – comfortable, balanced, and just lean into me and be all over how 7 years ago, Labor Day SOUND. It was a very good the place, but then we’d experi- weekend, Koko came up dead day. Wendy and Koko lame. It was then that he was ence a moment of lightness and diagnosed with ringbone – a de- I would be motivated to keep it When we worked together in generative osteoarthritis that up. It’s important to recognize September, we began to focus affects the pastern joints. Despite that a big part of Kirsten’s train- on the areas of focus for me so lots of advice from very experi- ing involves getting our own that I could continue to keep enced people, including the vet, I bodies in balance. She refer- him balanced and advance decided to sign on the dotted line enced Alexander Technique with my own balance. and commit to keeping him as many times and I have since pain-free as possible for the rest started working with a local I am so incredibly happy to of his life. It’s been a journey and A.M. teacher once a week. It’s say that every time I work I’ve learned a lot about many astounding how subtle the with Koko now, I ride him. No different joint supplements, al- changes are in both my own more of the boring visits ALEXANDER ternative therapies and standard body and in Koko’s, but that’s where we’d come into the pain killers. all it takes to get on the right arena, he’d roll, I’d walk him TECHNIQUE IS path to balance. around a bit, and then leave. HELPING ME When I had my first lessons in Many people have told me he When we worked together in WHICH IN TURN June with Kirsten, we worked seems happier. He’s working only on the ground. At that point, July, Kirsten taught me how to again. He comes to the gate, IS HELPING I think it had been roughly a year do “in-hand” work, basically nickering, when I go out to get KOKO and a few months since I’d rid- riding from the ground. She him. We’re experimenting den him at all. She got me started showed me how to use the reins with trotting now. Still a way working with a long line that we from the ground to keep his to go…balance goes out the rigged through a piece of twine body positioned so that he’s window pretty quickly, but I’m attached to the saddle. (There’s a work from a balanced place and certain that we’ll get there. name for this method, but it es- not fall on his front end, causing capes me…) This is designed to him more pain. Again, we I am prepared to continue my keep the poll at the right spot and worked along the rail, for a Alexander Technique lessons begin to train the horse to get off channel. I had to work hard on every week for as long as it of the front end and learn bal- keeping my body in the right takes for me to be able to live ance. She instructed me to walk position of balance – nearly in balance – could potentially him like this, against the rail to impossible at time. This was take many years. It will be a give him a channel for balance. I before I started working with journey that continues along- did two lessons with her that first my Alexander teacher, and it side my journey with Koko. weekend – wanting to catch up a was all still pretty murky. But We are lucky to have each little. The second lesson, we were we worked….and worked….and other – and so lucky to have rounding the far end of the in- the moments of lightness and had the chance to work with Kirsten teaching Sally on balance became more frequent. Kirsten. I am hoping to visit Lenci door and she stated that she thought he could be “re-habbed her in Florida this winter and August came around. Kirsten in about a year”. One tear in- continue studies and hope decided it was time for me to stantly fell down my cheek and I that she’ll be returning to ride. She said I was done with asked her to repeat what she’d Lakefield in the Spring to keep the “training wheels”. Baby just said. Kirsten said “he’ll still us all on the journey to bal- Page 6 steps at first to be sure, but it have ringbone, but he won’t have ance. The Power of Intention Intention is a word people fre- stride!” Kirsten told me when cleaner rosetta merely because I quently use, but rarely under- we got it. At the end of the les- focused my intention on clean, stand. Personally, I knew in- son, I still was unsure of what symmetrical art. tention was important, and had actually occurred, but felt would often tell people “I’m that I had begun to tap into a As for my horse and trying to do X”, but I didn’t vault of potential. me-I’ve begun to incorporate know what it actually meant intentionality into our everyday until recently. A few weeks later, I was lung- rides. It is difficult riding with- ing Rook and asked him to out a trainer; however, Kirsten Kirsten Nelsen opened my eyes move out more. Hind legs, step gave me an idea with which to to the potential of intention bigger, I thought, using my begin. Sitting the trot, doing a during one of our lessons. At body to convey what I was shoulder in, making sharp tran- some point during the lesson, I thinking. As I thought about sitions-all have become easier became incredibly frustrated his hind legs coming under and with the power of intention. with my lack of ability to com- taking more powerful steps, a Elly Davis The Rosetta, a hall- municate with my equine part- strange thing happened. The mark of the best ner. After giving us a few exer- next stride he took, his hind leg trained baristas cises that I managed to stepped under with more pur- A Chance to Win! overthink and Rook managed pose. to evade, Kirsten brought us into the middle of the ring to Later that day at work I was in JUMP BUILDING CONTEST my second happy place-behind try something else. “Find his Due March 1st… the espresso bar. As I poured center, and encourage it to “HOW DOES come where you want it,” she steamed milk into espresso I Leanne will provide the jump thought about what had oc- tracks and jump cups. Be crea- ONE FIND THIS told me. I was flummoxed. tive, and if there questions please curred with my horse that How does one find this mythi- feel free to ask Leanne for types MYTHICAL morning. While customers cal center and move it, using of materials that are good to use. CENTER AND only your body and thought? I seem perfectly happy with hearts on top of their lattes, MOVE IT, USING spent about ten minutes feel- 1st place — $360 lesson pkg ing like the ground had just I’m a perfectionist. The rosetta, 2nd place—$270 lesson pkg ONLY YOUR fallen out from under us- which looks like a tree, is a 3rd place—$135 lesson pkg BODY AND nothing I knew about riding hallmark of the best trained 4th place— $45 lesson baristas. I traditionally strug- was true, and this new idea was Some recommendations would THOUGHT?” obscenely foreign to me. Fi- gle with my bases, which often be to have 3 poles, some filler, nally, we had a few strides come out cloudy instead of in gate or panel, and not too heavy. sharp contrast to the espresso. where I felt like we were begin- To Enter: Call Leanne 262-227-6047 ning to align with each other. Without even working on my READY, SET, GO! “Good, yes, that was a good technique, I was able to pour a

Little Joe Lease Opportunity Joe is a 9 year old paint who ble of many maneuvers and can has been with us since he was teach his rider a lot. He tends born. Joe is happy and confi- to be quite the character and dent in the arena or on the will make you laugh. If you trails, alone or with others. want to work with a horse who He is an extremely willing, is never looking for an argu- energetic, and curious horse, ment and just wants to figure Caption describing picture or always ready for a job. Joe is out what you want, Joe is your graphic. comfortable riding English or guy. Western. He is best suited for an advanced beginner or in- Call today 262-227-6039 or termediate rider. Joe is capa- e-mail: [email protected] Page 7 Organization


1440 Lakefield Road Lakefield Farm is owned and operated by Rosanne and Don Grafton, WI 53024 Korinek since 1986. We pride ourselves in Quality care for the horses and a multi- Phone: 262-375-4451 discipline approach to instructing our students. We have experienced and professional E-mail: [email protected] trainers on site as well as we bring in quality clinicians from around the country. Our facil- ity boasts many amenities including large Grass Pastures, Heated Tack Room, Large Indoor and Outdoor Arenas, Wash Stall, Heated Lounge and Rest Room with an Exceptional Staff.

Visit our website

Don’t have a Horse . . .  Gift Certificates Lakefield Farm has won- derful school horses to start you out on your  Lessons horse Journey. Think about getting your  Boarding Horse crazy child or loved one, a Lakefield  Summer Horsemanship Farm Gift Certificate. Weeks We can get you one in the denomination of your choice.  Clinics

E-Mail: [email protected]