
+ 02 Editorial

+ 03 Board of Directors

+ 04 Chairman’s Address

+ 05 Principal’s Address

+ 06 SOM Lecturers

+ 012 SOM Graduates Testimonies

+ 024 Administrative Staff & Facilities

+ 025 Tung Ling House

+ 026 Class Photos of SOM 2007

+ 034 SOM Alumni Testimonies

+ 036 Pastoral Interns Program (English)

+ 038 Master of Theology (English)

+ 039 School of Ministry (Mandarin)

+ 040 Pastoral Interns Program (Tamil)

+ 041 School of Ministry, India

+ 042 Advertorials

PASS IT01 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRYON 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY “THEREFORE DO NOT us to make a decision to sweat. All this is certainly true BE ASHAMED OF THE when God calls us to come up higher. His ladder is not TESTIMONY OF OUR LORD… for the slothful. WHO HAS SAVED US AND Many ladders in life reach upwards. Only ONE CALLED US WITH A HOLY however touches eternity. God always, always, always CALLING, NOT ACCORDING calls us to a higher place from where we are today. TO OUR WORKS, BUT ACCORDING TO HIS Go HIGHER! OWN PURPOSE AND GRACE WHICH WAS GIVEN TO US IN CHRIST JESUS BEFORE TIME BEGAN.” 2 TIMOTHY 1: 8-9 editorial No Christian is called to remain where he is on the day he was saved. ‘Stagnant’ is not in God’s vocabulary. COME UP HIGHER Salvation is not merely the instance when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It is a long process of (Graduation song) being moulded by God as He pleases. As Paul said in Philippians, “work out your own salvation with fear When I lay down my all, I hear a voice call and trembling”. The Lord has great treasures in store High above all Our time in Tung Ling has taught us a lot. It has been an intensive three months of learning! We have certainly I want to respond to His call been well fed in the spirit. Many prayers have been Walk right through His open door lifted up, many songs joyfully sung and many words of life spoken. Chorus: Come up higher However, completing Tung Ling cannot by itself be our final purpose. Rather, it is one good step up the ladder Delight in my Saviour of purpose. I believe God has called each and every One desire one of this year’s graduates to a higher place. As we Refine it with fire disband as a class and return to our full time ministry, To seek You and live our secular professions, our schools and our homes, Come up higher I pray that God will use us in a greater capacity than ever before. I’ll come up higher There is always room to love God more. There is Soar higher into Your will always room for God to take us higher. Lyrics by Sean Chan, Justin Segar & Esther Gong The front cover for this year’s Pass-it-On magazine Music by Justin Segar & Esther Gong features one long ladder which reaches to the skies. © 2007 It speaks so much of our choices as human beings. From left to right: Keh Ching, Esther, Rajini, Meng Yoe, Sean, Isaac, Angkeara, Ladders can take us upwards or downwards. Ladders Hock & Christine. are not escalators or elevators. Ladders need to be climbed. Ladders prompt us to move. They prompt PASS IT ON committee 2007

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 02 REV. DR. EU HONG SENG PS. RICHARD TOH PS. PHUA SENG TIONG (Chairman) Richard Toh is the Senior Pastor Phua Seng Tiong is the Senior Eu Hong Seng is the Senior Pastor – Elder of Community Baptist Pastor of the Sungei Way Subang of Full Gospel Tabernacle. He also Church. He worked for 14 years Methodist Church. Under his serves as the Chairman of National in senior management positions leadership, SSMC has become a Evangelical Christian Fellowship of before coming out to serve God full dynamic church with a heart for (NECF). time in 1987. missions.

REV. WONG KIM KONG VEN. ANDREW PHANG PS. ELISHA SATVINDER Wong Kim Kong is the Secretary- Andrew Phang is the Archdeacon Pastor Elisha Satvinder is the General of NECF Malaysia and the of Upper North Archdeaconry. Senior Pastor of New Covenant Vice-Chairman of the International He oversees the Anglican work Community, Sentul, which he and Council World Evangelical Alliance. in Penang, Kedah and Perlis. He his wife, Petrina pioneered in 1995. He is also the Honorary Treasurer also serves as the Chairman of St. They were graduates of Portland of Evangelical Fellowship of Nicholas Home (for the Visually Bible College and were ordained Asia (EFA). He was the founding Impaired) and the Vice Chairman as pastors by City Bible Church. chairman and former Executive of the National Council of the Blind, His primary calling is evangelism Director of Malaysian CARE. He Malaysia. and he moves powerfully in the also serves as an Elder of Diakonia prophetic gifting. Christian Church. board of directors


Congratulations to the graduates of SOM class of 2007!

Congratulations are in order not just because you’ve completed the course and passed but also because you made a wise decision more than three months ago to enter the world of Tung Ling. In so doing, you have allowed God to open your eyes and minds to a fuller understanding of His Word and will for your lives.


In the parable of the two sons (Matt 21:28-32) Jesus gave an account of a man with two sons and a vineyard. The father tells his two sons to work in the vineyard. The first says he won’t, but later regretted it and went; the second son said he would, but did not actually go.

Neither son was commendable but at least the first realized his error and did go to work.

Let us be “doers” and not “talkers”. Obedience to the Father is to be desired over good intentions. The doing of the will of the Father is the one needful thing.


Live to please the Father! Work in the Father’s vineyard! Seize every opportunity the Lord gives you to serve Him!



The School of Ministry ( English) traditionally passes through 2 major Christian events, Good Friday and Easter. Good Friday reminds us of Jesus’ death and Easter reminds us of His resurrection. The cross and the resurrection are central to our Christian faith. They are “Anchors for our Soul”.


When we look at the Cross in Luke 23:26-43, we see 3 categories of people. Those who were:- a) Forced to the cross Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry Jesus’ cross. ( Luke 23:26). He had no choice. Simon had the horizontal beam of God’s love across his back, but was never changed by it. He touched the cross but never let the cross touch him. b) Foolish at the Cross The first thief mocked Jesus and said, “If you are the Christ, save Yourself and us” (Luke 23:39). The soldiers were playing games and dividing his clothes. The public demanded that Jesus be crucified. The religious leaders put him on trial. Pontius Pilate wanted to please the crowd instead of giving justice to Jesus. All these were foolish at the cross. They were close to the cross but far from Christ. c) Forgiven at the cross The second thief said, “Lord remember me when you go into Your kingdom. Jesus replied“ Today you shall be with me in paradise” ( Luke 23:43). This thief did wrong all his life. He did not deserve forgiveness. Nevertheless, he repented before he died and received forgiveness. What a story of the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. My Failures are not Fatal because of the Cross. Remember, we can either be “Forced, Foolish or Forgiven” at the Cross.

2. SECOND ANCHOR – RESURRECTION At the resurrection, the Kingdom of Death was repossessed and Hope took up the payments. It is the day death died. Jesus destroyed the sting of death. Death is certain for everyone but Death is NOT final because of the Resurrection.

I wish to congratulate the graduates of the School of Ministry, 2007. As you go back to your respective churches and ministries...




Pastor Ann Low, the Executive Secretary of Prayer Commission of the National Evangelical Fellowship (NECF) was called into the ministry in 1988. She travels around the country to share and teach on prayer and intercession and help mobilize intercession for the nation and inter-church events.

She was trained at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas and has served as an Associate Pastor of Kajang Assembly of God, led mission teams and helped organize the first Easter March in Malaysia.

Ann Low

Rev. Des Short is Founder and Principal of Faith Bible College in Tauranga, New Zealand. He has been involved with others in the founding of a number of Bible Colleges – two of these being the well-known Tung Ling Bible College in Singapore and the Faith College in Hyderabad. Many other colleges were opened in Vladivostok, in East Russia, Ghana in Africa, and also the Mount Hagen in Papua New Guinea. He has inspired many people to grow into the Word of God.

Des and his wife Carley are graduates of Elim Bible Institute in Lima, New York and Des holds a Doctor of Divinity Degree with Honolulu University, Hawaii. Des Short

One of the founding members of Full Gospel Tabernacle (FGT) Petaling Jaya, Rev. Goh Hock Huat worked in the banking and financial institutions before coming out full-time in 1990.

His primary calling is pastoring and he assists the Senior Pastor in all his duties. Besides this, he also oversees the Adults Cell groups, the Evangelism Department as well the Music and Worship team. Currently he sits on the Board of Evangelism Explosion Malaysia which helps conduct training for pastors and key lay leaders on implementation of the EE training program in the local churches. Goh Hock Huat He is also a gifted teacher, having taught and trained many in the various EE Clinics held thus far.

Pastor Hock Huat is married to Yoke Poh, who is the pastor of FGT Kuala Lumpur


Rev. Elisha Satvinder is the Senior Pastor of New Covenant Community which he and his wife, Petrina pioneered in 1995. They were graduates of Portland Bible College and were ordained as pastors by City Bible Church.

His primary calling is evangelistic and he moves powerfully in the prophetic gifting. His church in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, is involved in ministering to the squatter community around them. He has also traveled to many different countries such as Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Canada and America to preach. Pastor Elisha and Petrina has 2 lovely girls, Hanna and Davina.

Elisha Satvinder

Rev. Dr. Eu Hong Seng is the Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle, Malaysia. He is the Chairman of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) and also the Chairman of Tung Ling Seminary Malaysia.

He also sits on the boards of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, and Tung Ling Bible College, Singapore. Hong Seng is also qualified as a Certified Public Accountant.

He is married to Gaik Sim, and they have two daughters, Grace and Joyce. Eu Hong Seng

Graduated with a Masters Degree in Engineering in 1988, Rev. Ng Wah Lok worked as an engineer and subsequently as a Senior General Manager in the Soon Seng Group. In 1999, God called him to full-time service and he took the position as Principal of Tung Ling Seminary.

He has served as worship leader in Full Gospel Tabernacle since 1981. He has written over 100 songs, many of which have been used in the local church. His signature song “Every time I pray” is sung in many churches across Asia.

Ng Wah Lok With fervent passion for music, he has released 2 albums, “Every time I pray” and “Shining Stars” and has also developed extensive teaching materials.


Rev. Kindah is the Senior Minister of King’s Christian Centre, a growing Pentecostal church in the Gold Coast of Australia. He is a family man, married to Joan.

Kindah has pastored for over 40 years, fathered several churches and traveled worldwide because of his prophetic-teaching mantle. He has ministered in international crusades, conventions, men camps, ministers’ conferences and conducted large healing crusades. He has also lectured on “Pneumatology” and “The Anointing” and has conducted “Coping with Grief and Crisis” seminars. Kindah Greening

Pastor Phua Seng Tiong is the Senior Pastor of Sungei Way Subang Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya. He had been a teacher and principal of government secondary schools for 31 years and retired in the year 2000.

He is married with two grown up children. Seng Tiong and his church have been actively involved in mission work in countries like India, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Indonesia.

Phua Seng Tiong

Rev. Tony Tan practised law for 8 years before becoming a full-time pastor in 1989. In September 1996, he felt the call to teach and preach and began an itinerant ministry to churches of various denominations. He lectures occasionally at the Centre for the Development of Christian Ministry, Trinity Theological College, Singapore and is also a faculty member of Haggai Institute. He serves as a residential lecturer at Tung Ling Bible College, Singapore for many years and was formerly Dean of the School of Ministry. Tony is currently pastoring a church in Singapore. He is married to Doris and they have two sons.

Tony Tan


Mrs. Ong Guek Ju has taught the subject of Praise & Worship at Tung Ling Bible College Singapore for the past twelve years. In Tung Ling Seminary Malaysia, she has been lecturing on Personal Bible Study in recent years. She is also a trained music teacher and pianist, having served as worship leader, musician and chairperson of the music ministry of a local church. She is also a regular speaker at churches, seminars and women’s meetings in a wide range of subjects. She now serves as the Dean of Tung Ling Bible College, Singapore.

Ong Guek Ju

Pastor Richard has been the Senior Pastor of Community Baptist Church (CBC) since May 1987. CBC has planted 9 churches and has 6 preaching centres. Apart from running CBC as a cell church, the church is involved in various missions work. Some of their involvements are: • Local missions, under Gospel to the Poor which works among the Orang Asli in the East Coast. • Partnership with Harvest Apostolic Mission in which CBC has built a school in Bihar for children aged 3 to 10. • Partnership with the local Christians in China. Richard Toh • Supports a member of their church who runs the International Student Missions (ISM) in New York. Richard is also a representative of the migrant Myanmar workers of O2F.

Mr. Tan Beng Teong is an elder with Community Baptist Church. He is married and has 3 sons. He is currently managing a Human Research Development Center in Shah Alam. He teaches leadership principles and areas related to interpersonal relationship. His teaching techniques are very unique and effective.

Beng Teong’s calling is to seek the Law of the Lord and to do it, to teach God’s word and oracles in Malaysia. His passion is to see useful management and leadership tools made available to churches and Christian leaders. Tan Beng Teong


Rev. Shelton Johnson, aged 56 is an Indian from Chennai, India. Married to Grace for 28 years now, they have two children, Sam an electronic engineer with Microsoft Seattle and Anita, a computer engineer.

Shelton accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of 19. After completing his teaching degree, he served in the Ministry of Education, Zambia, South Central Africa from 1979. In 1987, having heard the call of God, the family returned to India and Shelton travels to various Bible schools and Discipleship schools to teach, equip and train young men and women for His kingdom purposes. Shelton Johnson

He holds a Bachelor of Ministry degree and is a member of the A.O.G. church in Chennai, India.

Rev. Wong Kim Kong is the Secretary-General of NECF Malaysia and the Vice-Chairman of the International Council World Evangelical Alliance. He is also the Honorary Treasurer of Evangelical Fellowship of Asia (EFA). He was the founding Chairman and former Executive Director of Malaysian CARE.

With his wide experience in leadership, God uses him wonderfully in many seminars, conferences both locally and internationally, speaking, training and teaching various topics on leadership and church unity. Kim Kong also serves as Elder of Diakonia Christian Church. He is Wong Kim Kong married to Serene and they are blessed with three boys.


Rev. Voon Yuen Woh is the pioneer pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. He has been serving for the past 12 years as the National Chairman of the Evangelism Explosion (EE) ministry in Malaysia and advises on implementing the EE training program in the local churches.

He is a Chartered Accountant (M) and is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He is also a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Finance and Insurance.

He is married to Swee Leng and they have 3 girls, Vivienne, Rachelle and Rosanne. Voon Yuen Woh

David Searle was a secondary school teacher when he felt the call to full-time ministry. He received his ministerial training at Melbourne Bible Institution. Since 1983, David and his wife were involved in the pastoral and teaching ministry of Waverly Christian Fellowship with Dr. Kevin Conner. Over the years, David also served as an Elder of Waverly Christian Fellowship and taught in the WCF Leaders’ Training Bible College. In 1994, he became the Senior Minister at Good News Fellowship. David’s experience as a lecturer and curator for the Australian Institute of Archeology in Melbourne for many years too has made him an excellent teacher, helping students discover the deep thrusts hidden in God’s Word.

David Searle

011 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY “As much as your physical body thirsts for physical water to stay alive, How much more your spirit thirsts for the living waters (the Word of God) to be spiritually alive.”

“Walk with me a step at a time.”

These reassuring words were spoken to my spirit while I was in ICU at SJMC after bypass surgery in March 2003 motivated me to enroll for the SOM course in Tung Ling Seminary.

My time in Tung Ling has been a season for restoring the years which the locusts had eaten and for renewing my spirit, soul and body. Wilfred Marimuthu Revisiting the Old and New Testaments in Tung Ling opened SIB, KL many more doors to understanding the awesomeness of a “Perfect” God.

So now it is all falling into place - the Old Testament and the New Testament and how they really fit together. God has blessed me with an unquenchable thirst for the river of life. I want to read all the time - and not just the New Testament. This course has brought light and understanding to my Christian life. Now I can proudly say, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel” because I know what I am talking about.

I have a brand new outlook on the fact that the Bible is the Word of God. It dropped from my head to my heart.

God showed me very clearly how the Old Testament relates to me today. I enjoyed the study on the, “Book of Amos”, the truth of God’s heart for the poor. This course opened my eyes to more and more truths. The Bible teaches us that when you know the truth, the truth will set you free. I feel free now that I have learnt more about God’s Word.

It is indeed a joy to walk a deeper walk with the Lord one step at a time. I am grateful to Pastor Peter and Pastor Ay Nee Chan for journeying with me and my family and to Pastor Wah Lok, Chin Yee and Siew Hui for their gentle care.

To the class of 2007, thank you for being a blessing in my life and to all lecturers, thank you for impacting my life.

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 012 I am glad that I took God’s challenge to join Tung Ling. Since then, it has been a great blessing to have learnt so much and to have made many great friends. The timing could not have been more perfect and appropriate. I had just left my job 2 months before the class, I had found a buyer for my apartment so that I had money for supporting my expenses when I do not have income for 3 months and my new apartment will be ready by the time Tung Ling ends.

When I heard that there are exams… EXAMS??!! You must be kidding! The last time I sat for exams was 15 years ago. Then I found out that there are so many full time workers and pastors in the class too. Whoa! Boy, was I intimidated! But God has been Sean Chan gracious and He really made my time in Tung Ling irreplaceable. FGT, Subang Jaya My fellow classmates have been SUPER kind, friendly, supportive and encouraging.

I am truly blessed to be able to spend QUALITY time with God and to be ministered to at a time when I needed Him most. I expected much from the course. I wanted to hear from God and to know His direction for me since He is the One who challenged me to sign up. I surely was not disappointed.

All I can say is, thank you LORD for the challenge. You gave me a chance to know you better. I count it as a privilege and a blessing.

I am glad that I came to SOM wanting to equip myself so that I can serve God more effectively.

In SOM, we learn many things which I think are very necessary and relevant to our Christian lives.

I was very fascinated by the overwhelming love of God for individuals as well as for the church, the bride, through the study of the ‘The Song of Solomon’.

Through SOM, I have grown to love and treasure the Word of God more. Some of the amazing stories that were shared to us by Ps Sharon Leau Phua when he taught us on mission really touched our hearts and challenged us to be engaged in doing our Father’s business. SIB, KL To all my classmates...”May the Lord bless you and make His face shine upon you!”

3 months went by so quickly! I have been so busy carrying on a full time 3pm-12am shift job and fulfilling my commitment to come to Tung Ling in the morning.

Tung Ling has a complete course structure which gives a strong foundation to a new christian like me. The teaching at Tung Ling has drawn me closer to God and enabled me to understand His timing and purpose for my life.

I wish to thank God for bringing me here to relax, enjoy and experience my relationship with Him.

Let God lead the way, for He knows me better than I know myself ! Ng Yee Khai Hope of God, Serdang

013 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY Honestly speaking, I was asked by my dad to attend this course at the beginning. I was thinking to myself, since I am still on holiday, it would not do me any harm.

The classes have however helped me to understand God a lot more. They gave me a stronger foundation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this course there are very good and powerful teachers teaching us the Word of God. I have also learnt how to read the Bible with better and greater understanding. Tung Ling is also a good place to learn public speaking as we must share a devotional and lead worship and prayers. Joel Toh Community Baptist Tung Ling also teaches us to be more disciplined in our duties. We must attend to duties like toilet cleaning, pantry cleaning and also Church, lecture hall cleaning.

I say thank you to Tung Ling for making me a better person in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In February I woke up to hear a voice saying “Arun, get into Tung Ling”. Since it was 4am and there was no one else around and my husband, Charles was out of town, that voice really woke me up!! I knew instantly that loving yet firm voice was my Lord Jesus.

I quickly got out of bed and went downstairs to seek Him. As I sought His face, such peace - like a river - flowed. For a workaholic like me who likes to have all things planned years ahead, this came as a huge surprise!! Though I have always desired to learn more of God’s Word, I had, as usual, already planned this year way ahead. What the Lord asked of me did not fit into “my plans for 2007”. Arun Charles But I knew that my Lord’s plans for me are always good, FGT, Subang Jaya plans to prosper….. plans to give me a hope and a future in Him. As I obeyed Him and registered for SOM I just knew that the path set before me would be an exciting one, with the Holy Spirit leading and holding my hand.

At Tung Ling, I was tremendously blessed with the teaching of His Word by the various gifted teachers. With each topic, God spoke to me. It has been a tremendous time of reflection, moulding and soaking in His Word and presence!!

With every teaching, clarity set in and solid foundations were laid. With every impartation, my heart was moulded and filled. What joy!!

I can only pray that God will pour His blessings and favour upon Tung Ling Seminary, every lecturer and staff. As for me….. what can I give to my Lord Jesus, who has given His life for me? I can only think of 3 words….. love and obedience.

God bless

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 014 “Tung Ling? No, I will be remodelling my home.” I told my long lost friend, Rajini. Three calls - so unlike her! Soon, I entered a classroom with great excitement and fervor, joining the expectant faces.

No house remodelling. Instead, God started to reconstruct a cluttered heart, extracting the precious from the ordinary. Ouch! As I cooperated, it got less painful. He called me Poema – a masterpiece in progress – a lifetime work!

The daily appointments with Abba at 7.30 am, talking, worshipping and feeding, fattened up my soul and spirit, giving me new wings! The Song of Songs got me very hungry for intimacy with Father.

Ling Keh Ching In Tung Ling, God reaffirmed His deepest interest in my life. SIB, KL Different people in prayer spoke over me in ways not known before. Among others, Ps Ann wept and declared, “A bruised reed He will not break”. Ps Wah Lok described a jar filling up and pouring out. God said, “I will make you as a signet ring: because I have chosen you”. Haggai 2v23. How amazing!

I want to thank my pastors, Ps Peter & Ps Ay Nee for their inspiration. My greatest gratitude is to God, my Father!

How does one sit in a class and listen to lectures for 5 hours after a very long lay-off? How does one stay awake and concentrate? These were some of my thoughts before course began.

Lo and behold! By the grace of God, all of it was beyond imagination. Every class, every module was fun and interesting and I enjoyed every moment of it. Everyone in class was super, whether we were learning, studying or working together.

Tung Ling has proven to me personally that what was a mountain was actually only a speck of dust with God. The modules were great, giving me a taste of what the Word of God has in store for all who hunger and thirst for it. It was not only Keith the studies but also the lecturers’ impartation of their walk with Krishnamoorthy God which was so special. It was also an eye opener to see City Revival Church, that I am worshipping a great and almighty God. Subang Jaya Finally, I just want to thank God and all who made this course a part of me. Thank You! Rom 15v13

My time at SOM has been profitable. Never would I have thought that this period would be one of the difficult times which I have to go through personally. Amidst various trials in life, I felt like I was sinking in the sea. BUT the bombardment of GOD’s Word which I heard for 12 consecutive weeks (5 days a week), formed a Rock which surfaced from beneath my feet and helped me Come Up Higher! Jesus is the Rock of my Salvation!!

Thanks to all at SOM. It has been a pleasure to journey with you.

Justin Segar Bless ya! Grace Assembly of God, Shah Alam

015 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY Wow, what a journey! Actually, the journey has just started. Tung Ling Seminary is indeed the right place to be in and I thank God for bringing me here to study His Word.

I had just completed my secondary studies and had a long break waiting ahead of me. I was introduced to this school by a church member of mine who really encouraged me to go for the School of Ministry. At first, I was a bit reluctant. However, everything changed when I got here. I felt great and thrilled to be studying God’s Word.

Everyday, God had something new in store for me to discover. Every key opened new knowledge and experiences to me. Yes, I realize that there are many treasures in the Bible Rufus Jesudass which are yet to be discovered. Walking with God is a St. Barnabas Anglican Church, journey; not an overnight occasion. It is a relationship Klang which we have to build step by step.

SOM has been a platform for me to know the heart of God as a loving Father even better and to have a closer walk with Him.

This is the place where I learnt to work with other people of various ages. Age is not a matter in SOM as the aunties, uncles, brothers and sisters here are friendly, caring and always there to lend a helping hand. The lecturers are jovial, awesome and very knowledgeable in the subjects they teach. Their teaching and experiences have really blessed me tremendously.

I would like to thank the principal, Ps. Wah Lok who is endless with his ‘Ah Beng Jokes’, Chin Yee with her cheerful smile and Siew Hui in her small frame for making me feel comfortable throughout my study in SOM. Not forgetting all the friends here, thank you to all of you too for everything. I will truly miss all the cool stuff, the fun, laughter and the excitement as I surely cherish these moments.

Lastly, I would like to encourage the people out there to take up the challenge and come to SOM to learn more about our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Don’t hesitate anymore!!!

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Spending time with the Word has helped me see a greater abundance in God’s promises. Spending time with my fellow classmates has convinced me that our next generation is in good hands.

Simply put, my time here has made me realize that there is just so much more to hope for in our LORD Jesus Christ, and our faith in Him is never, never, never, in vain! Tan Meng Yoe FGT, Subang Jaya Sign up next year if you can :)

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 016 Time at Tung Ling can simply be described as wonderful refreshing in the Lord!

To begin each day in corporate prayer, praise and worship and a student devotional and then to go on to well thought through sessions examining in detail, an exhilarating array of subjects can only be called a delight!

Add to this, teaching by a broad spectrum of godly men and women whose passion for the Living Word and loving care for the sheep in the Lord’s pasture at the School of Ministry are clearly abundant and Christine Khaw what do we have? Even if it is not quite a case of skipping like rams, SIB, KL skipping like lambs or going out leaping like calves released from the stall, distinctly lighter and more joyful feet make their way down the 4 flights of stairs after lunch! And yes! There is such a thing as a “free lunch”! But only at Tung Ling! Thanks be to Him who provides seed to the sower and bread for the eater and who moves the kind hearts of those who lead the School of Ministry, there is daily manna from heaven!

The passage in 1 Thessalonians 1: 2-3 springs to mind when I reflect on our teachers at the School of Ministry:- “We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

How generously have our lecturers shared with us their deep knowledge, their wide ranging experience of life, people and ministry, their penetrating insights, their visionary perspectives and …………………… their amazingly ready humour!!

Binding us all together daily is our ever joyous Principal! Going by the vigour of its claims that dubious answers are “correct”, its clamorous “demands” for AB’s (class secret!) appearance pre class and the clusters of questioners around him at tea time, there can be no doubt at all that the student body holds “Ps Wah Lok” not only in high esteem but also with very fond regard. His “Music & Worship” class especially, was a rare treat!

My heartfelt gratitude also to Pastors Peter and Ay Nee Chan. Immeasurably life changing have been their constant guidance and encouragement nudging me ultimately to Tung Ling!

Truly the Lord watches over those who love Him. He will direct their paths - thankfully and mercifully to the School of Ministry.

Grace and peace to all the beautiful souls with whom I united as one in the Lord each day. I shall miss each and every one of you tremendously my dear brothers and sisters.

To my salt and light sisters Chin Yee and Siew Hui : thank you and bless you for minding us so cheerfully for these 3 months!

Now, as the Truths imparted cleanse us in our inner parts, let us heed the call of the Righteous One our hearts love, to come up higher and also, as our magazine exhorts, let us “pass-it-on”!

By the Lord’s grace, may the School of Ministry Class 2007 flourish like palm trees and grow like cedars of Lebanon planted in the house of the Lord and, flourishing in the courts of our God, may all our shepherd guides and we stay fresh and green and still bear fruit in old age proclaiming:-

“The Lord is upright He is our Rock and there is no wickedness in Him!”

Shalom my Peace.

017 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY My hectic work schedule allowed me little time to spend with God. This coupled with my own lack of discipline left me spiritually dry and far away from God. I knew that I could not go on living my life without His presence and power.

I left my job with no future plans. All I wanted was to take time off to re-evaluate my purpose and direction. I desired to draw near to God and to discover His will for the next phase of my life. However, being distant from Him, I was in no position to hear His voice. I then decided to attend SOM to learn to sit at His feet and seek His face.

My time in SOM has been most enriching and inspiring. Esther Gong I have learnt so much more about Him, and this Cornerstone Doulos Church, understanding has enabled me to love Him with more Sunway depth. I am now convicted that the daily basics of seeking God in prayer and studying His Word are non-negotiable.

I believe that all I have learnt and the disciplines cultivated here will equip me to face whatever challenges I may face when I return to working life. Without Him, I am nothing; but with Him in my life, I can do all things because He strengthens me!

Hello! My name is Angkeara. It’s such a strange name right? Angke in Cambodia means Tuesday. I was born on Tuesday and that is why my parents gave this name to me.

It is such blessing for me to study in Tung Ling. By God’s grace, I can fly so far from Cambodia to attend this class this year. I dreamt that one day I could study overseas. Praise the Lord! This year the Lord fulfilled my dream.

During these 3 months, I met lots of friends and lecturers from different Churches in Malaysia and Angkeara Or overseas. Living Hope in Christ Church, Cambodia All the Words really inspired and encouraged me so much. During the time of my studies, I faced some problems for my stay here but I knew that all the problems made me stronger in faith and gave me more trust in the Lord.

I would like to thank all the staff and lecturers who gave so much for the class of 2007. Thank you Sungei Way-Subang Methodist Church for supporting me for this course. Thank you to all the classmates for your warm fellowship for these 3 months. Although our time together was short, I will keep all the many good memories in my heart.

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 018 I truly believe God has His perfect timing in placing me for these 3 months at the School of Ministry at Tung Ling Seminary. I had been searching for a bible college which is both theoretically sound and which also moves strongly in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe it has really enriched my personal walk with God and empowered me for ministry. Even in the first week itself, there were moments which brought tears to my heart in repentance while the lecturer took us through some essential Christian character development. I believe that I am here not just to fill my brain with information but also to allow God to mould me further for His purpose. Teo Chung Hock New Life Restoration Centre, Petaling Jaya

I had always wanted to spend my 6 months holiday after my STPM in a useful way but I never imagined that I would be in Bible school!

I was encouraged by one of the pastors from another church to attend SOM. My application was a very last minute thing but God in His wonderful plan just put everything into place for me. Praise the Lord!

I really thank God for this opportunity which He has given to me to be at SOM to experience, learn and hear from Him. The lecturers have been such mind openers Isaac Lee that my entire perspective of the Bible has changed.

Agape Presbyterian Church, I pray that all of it will not be only head knowledge Kluang, Johor and I will be enabled to be used by God in His perfect will for the extension of His Kingdom. To God be the Glory!

ISAIAH 55: 6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found: call on Him while he is near.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought this powerful verse into my heart. For the last 6 years He had lovingly broken me and moulded me and now for the last 12 weeks in Tung Ling.

He has transformed me like the true Potter Himself.

I sincerely thank Tung Ling and all its Staff and Lecturers and my classmates for their caring and Daniel Yong Tiam Loke giving hearts. They have demonstrated True Christian Sunway Damansara Fellowship. They continuously encouraged and prayed for strength, assurance and patience. Truly Anglican Centre, PJ God Is LOVE.

019 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY The Pentateuch of spending 3 months at Tung Ling:

Genesis : Beginning a great habit of a consistent prayer life – way too early in the morning Exodus : The great exodus away from bad attitudes, lifestyles and worldly ideas Leviticus : Learning obedience, good character and trust in the Word of God Numbers : Counting the time to break time for food and fellowship and serious discussions about Ah Beng Jokes. Deuteronomy : The Holy Spirit miraculously bringing to remembrance all we learned - for you know what… Darren J. Leo From Joshua to Revelation you have got to come and find out for Everyday City Church, yourself! In short - “It’s hectic, fun and challenging – as we all Puchong share everything together, special bonds are formed – I have never felt so supported and affirmed. What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

I felt really privileged to be able to join Tung Ling this year as I had actually planned to join only after I have finished my university course but well…… things sometimes may not go according to what we planned.

From my point of view, I think Tung Ling is not just a place to study God’s Word and to increase my Bible knowledge, it actually helped me to fully focus on God and get closer to Him. Through this whole 12-week, I have actually learnt how to be a better person and to build a good Christian character, how to be a good leader, etc.

Honestly speaking, I really enjoyed Tung Ling a lot….. with all the Paul Leong fellowship, laughter, fun times…... think I’m going to miss Tung Ling. FGT, Subang Jaya

To be honest, I had always thought that Bible schools were boring, but that was before I came to Tung Ling. Praise God that I agreed to come when my dad suggested it, or else I would have missed out all the blessings which God was waiting to pour out upon me.

In the blink of an eye, time passed so quickly. I wish that this course is not just for 3 months. I will definitely miss coming together to pray every morning, all the interesting lectures, all my fun and peanut-loving classmates, doing my duties (ahem!), hehe and most important of all, God’s presence that’s so strong in our midst everyday.

To those of you who have the opportunity to come to TLS, don’t hesitate any longer. As I do not regret coming at all, I am pretty Careen Tan sure that you will not as well. Come and be blessed to bless! Zoe Christian Fellowship, Taman Megah, PJ *sigh* bye bye Tung Ling...

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 020 I never envisioned the reality of studying in a Bible Seminary. But God is good. He arranged for me to know of the intake in time for the 2007 admission. Plus He also provided me with an additional bonus. I was blessed with the opportunity of conversing and fellowshipping with a good friend, Keh Ching, whom I had lost contact with for some years. Surely our God ‘orders our steps’.

I truly enjoyed the classroom learning experience and it was quite clear that no age barrier existed. God’s presence and direction were so evident and tangible, even in the little things we were responsible for, like leading prayer, worship and devotional sessions. Each lecturer, with his humour, Rajini Chandrapal experience and impartation left an indelible mark on my life. Grace Church, AOG, I have been taught by the best and I am so grateful for this Shah Alam experience in Tung Ling S.O.M.

When I first attended Tung Ling, I was very nervous and tended to keep to myself most of the time because I was not familiar or used to the surroundings. It is 16 years since I left secondary school. When I discovered that everyone has to do devotions, I started to panic inside wondering what was going to happen when it is my turn.

Due to God’s grace and mercy on me, I managed to settle down the second week after we started classes and am now getting along very well with all my fellow classmates. They really encouraged me with encouraging words and now I find that I can talk about anything to them. I also hated the tests that Tung Ling set but now I am getting used to them. Through the tests I will be able to see how far I have gone in whatever may be the Jamie Chan course which we have been taught. Renewal Lutheran Church, Petaling Jaya I also found doing cleaning duties very useful and applicable: if Jesus came to serve and not to be served, we should do the same. Everyone is equal in Tung Ling no matter what our individual status is in God’ eyes. I am also very blessed because the students in Tung Ling are supported by its staff Chin Yee and Siew Hui. I really thank God for them. Most of all I would like to thank Pastor Ng Wah Lok for giving me the opportunity to study in Tung Ling. I am really blessed by all the classes.

Last but not least I would like to give a big thank you to GOD for sending me to Tung Ling. I know that He wants to equip me so that I will be ready to do His work.

Thanks for everything and SHALOM!

021 | SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 TUNG LING SEMINARY One of the reasons I came to Tung Ling was because I wanted to grow deeper in my love relationship with Him - to grow deeper in my knowledge of His word and to allow Him to enlighten the eyes of my understanding. Truly, I’ve been blessed in these last 12 weeks. There are no words good enough to thank & praise Him for this opportunity.

My prayer for everyone in this class is that we will grow deeper in love with our Father, even as we continue to experience His love for us.

To my family, especially my parents, a big thank you for your love & support. Su-Ai To my pastor, Phua Seng Tiong and his wife, Aunty Ai Swee, SSMC, PJ thank you very much for your encouragement.

To all my colleagues & discipleship group members in SSMC, thank you for so graciously releasing me to focus on this course for the last 12 weeks.

To all Tung Ling staff & lecturers, thank you and God bless you always.

Firstly I want to thank the Lord Jesus and my mentor Rev Suresh Sundram a truly anointed and faithful servant of God for giving me the opportunity to attend Tung Ling Seminary.

Serving full-time at City Revival Church for three years has been an exciting journey and attending Tung Ling has changed my vision for the ministry.

“We cannot fulfill the purpose for which God has called us without the necessary resources. God will use the resources given to us to lead us where He wants us to go. We have been given something over these 3 months that will enable us to take part in God’s plan to redeem the lost and lonely” Ravindran S. Selvarajah Tung Ling, identified as “The School of the Spirit” has a well City Revival Church, designed and balanced program of spiritual and practical Subang Jaya learning for ministry. I thank all the anointed lecturers for imparting such wisdom and their openness in sharing their personal experiences. My fellow class mates have been so encouraging, fun and being here is indeed a life transforming experience.

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 022 First and foremost, I would like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to study in Tung Ling. Being part of this course has been a very significant season in my Christian life. Never in my life would I have imagined that I would attend a Bible school like the School of Ministry at Tung Ling Seminary! One day, in one of his sermons, Pastor Hing Jing told us that enrolling ourselves in Bible studies is worthwhile in terms of our investment of time and money. Well, from then onwards, I started searching for information on various colleges in Malaysia, Singapore and even in Australia. How awesome is our God! He opened the door for me and I found “Tung Ling Seminary”.

God’s timing is always accurate. Having finished my secondary Caroline Wong school, God’s perfect timing has allowed me to attend this SIB Charis Church, 3-month intensive study before I set foot in university. God Sarawak certainly deserves all glory, honour and praise!

TLS has played a tremendous, incredible, marvellous and amazing role in changing me more into His Holiness. I am glad that I signed up and became part of SOM 2007. I have certainly been blessed by the daily prayer, worship and devotion sessions.

I want to say a big thank you to all the lecturers for their passion in teaching and for making my studies so enjoyable. Having lecturers from different churches and countries teaches us about the Bible truly made for spiritual and mental breakthroughs for all of us. I believe all of us have grown in one way or another.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Chairman, Principal, and staff of Tung Ling especially sister Chin Yee and sister Siew Hui for their love and care during my stay in West Malaysia. Your leadership and servanthood qualities have made a tremendous impact on my life.

Last but not least, thank you for the sweet memories and precious moments at this “School of the Spirit”. I pray that TLS will continue to shine for HIM.

SOM ‘07 is certainly an unforgettable experience for me. Besides being a time of being equipped with God’s Word, it was also a time of shaping and molding of my life to His will.

I have been tremendously blessed by all the great servants of God who have taught the class. It is really encouraging to see people of different age groups and professions coming to learn God’s Word. The past 3 months have been really tight and disciplined, e.g. the tests and waking up early to be in class by 7.30 am, but I have learnt so much from all of it. I will certainly miss my classmates, the ‘coffee break’ sessions and the ‘peanuts’.

It was an exciting part in my life’s journey and I have truly been blessed! Samuel Chandran I pray that God will continue to use Tung Ling to bless this nation. FGT, Subang Jaya


Ps. Ng Wah Lok Principal staff

Ps. Ng Ay Nee Dean (English Division)

Paul Huang Dean SOM Mandarin

Wong Chin Yee Administrator

Lounge Library

Lee Siew Hui Administrator

Rajah Poomalai Administrator Dining Room Classroom

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 024 For 4 of us - Keith (KL), Caroline (Sarawak), Angkeara (Cambodia) and I truly want me (Johor), Tung Ling house, a simple “ double storey terrace house, situated to thank in a quiet housing area about a 10 minute drive from Tung Ling Seminary God for was “home sweet home” for 3 months. As our ever loving Aunty Chin Yee, bringing us told us on our first day there, it also has its own version of the ‘10 together to commandments’! share our Good Samaritan classmates, Arun the F1 driver and Hock, our very own Mr. Cool ferried us daily to and from school, lives and other classmates joining in occasionally to be our personal “Bas Sekolah”. Groceries were re-stocked thanks to Mr. Cool! experience

Given our diverse backgrounds, “What’s for dinner?” was not the easiest with each question to answer! Personally, I was looking forward to some Cambodian cuisine and blessedly, I was not disappointed. We did not cook as often other. as we should have but such cooking sessions as we had were definitely ” fun. New and rather strange recipes surfaced now and then but fellowship over the stove was always good. When our hands felt too heavy even to lift a ladle, we simply took a 15 minute stroll to the mamak stall 2km away. There, ardent football fans like Keith and I would whoop it up over weekend matches – something we always looked forward to.

We shared study time together – usually the day before our exams! Caroline, the most hard working of all of us was always the one rallying us together! Big brother Keith, our “tuition teacher” patiently went through each page of our study material with us. Confession: sometimes Angkeara and I, the more playful ones, would clown around with jokes and blast songs from our phones. singing along quite merrily before settling down. None of this however spoilt our study time as we really enjoyed discussing and sharing our different views. 4 heads are definitely better than 1! Little wonder that all of us scored quite well in our exams.

Friday – ‘rapture’ day – saw us all heading to our respective churches, friends, relatives and even home towns only to meet up again on Sunday night to recount to each other what we had been up to over the weekend

We even had a Tung Ling house outing to Sunway pyramid to watch the new Mr. Bean movie. After we had laughed our lungs out, the girls could not, of course, resist some shopping!

We have really enjoyed our 3 months together even though we had to learn to be flexible and to adapt to the different characters and habits of our house mates. God certainly taught us some valuable lessons about living together.

I truly want to thank God for bringing us together to share our lives and experience with each other. We will leave Tung Ling house having established a very special bond of friendship with each other in Christ Jesus. We give thanks to our dear Heavenly Father for protecting us and keeping us safe throughout our time at Tung Ling house.

God Bless! Tung Ling Tung



SOM alumni testimonies

The Kingdom of God is here….. I remember the morning when I stepped into Tung Ling Seminary. We are privileged to have been raised It was 7 years ago. Everything and and groomed at Tung Ling to equip us in everyone around me seemed so ministry. Together with fellow alumni, we new and strange. I was 19 years old hear the call to go forth, share the Word then. All that I knew was this: I had and make disciples. responded to the full time call of God upon my life. My request to God was We are privileged to “God, I am here for a divine purpose. have been raised and Nothing is accidental or coincidental. groomed at Tung Ling But please, help me adapt to this new to equip us in ministry. place and send me friends with whom I can connect.”

Tung Ling is family and we are so proud Practical ministry training which I received through the to be a part of it. For with Him ALL things 3 months like worship leading, hermeneutics, sharing

are possible. Our Lord is able to do of devotions, hearing the voice of God equipped me exceedingly abundantly more than we as I plunged into my first early years as a member of

SIB KL can think or imagine! the pastoral staff. It was also in Tung Ling that I was

exposed even more to song writing. All of it really Our heartiest congratulations to this prepared me well to face the challenges of being a year’s graduates! As is the case with all pastor. years, You are the Best! I am now in my 8th year of ministry. There As you continue to raise the banner for were so many challenges which I had to cope the Lord, may you continually experience with and overcome. The pressures in being a Value Change in each of your lives for a young minister have helped me to mature God’s glory. even more. However, it was the journey which God took me through in Tung Ling Seminary in year 2000 which helped to mould me and (They are currently pastoring at SIB KL. Pastor Ay Nee Chan is also Dean of Tung Ling Seminary) Nee Chan is also Dean of Tung Ay (They are currently pastoring at SIB KL. Pastor PS PETER & PS AY NEE CHAN – PS PETER & AY prepare me to stay strong and soar with God when serving Him.

My deepest appreciation to my Senior Pastors – Rev Aris Siew and Rev Sheila Sheng for sending me to Tung Ling; Uncle David – Dean of SOM in year 2000

Tung Ling Seminary in year 2000 which helped to mould me and prepare me to stay strong and soar PASTOR RACHEL KOH - Praise City Church, Melaka KOH RACHEL PASTOR with God when serving Him.

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 034 I was in Tung Ling SOM 1998. We have 3 children – 2 Not only I’ve learnt how to boys who are working and a girl who is in college. I read the bible more effectively am a home-maker. and to prepare to speak God’s word in public but I’ve acquired a boldness to be a Since Tung Ling, I more effective witness too. have confidence when leading worship in church and I enjoy I attended Tung Ling’s S.O.M. Class 2005 by what worshipping and I believe was God’s divine appointment. It was a hearing from the Lord. challenge to fulfill all 3 months of the course as I am a restless person, but nonetheless I learnt a lot about Since Tung Ling, I have confidence when God’s Word and how to minister in small groups. Not leading worship in church and I enjoy only that, but all of us also did a personality profile worshipping and hearing from the Lord. I test which helped me to understand both myself and am so glad to have this loving relationship others better. This was rather helpful as we all work with our Lord. The time in Tung Ling also with different people in ministry. Not only I’ve learnt prepared me to teach in Sunday Bible how to read the bible more effectively and to prepare Class. I have the tools to help me prepare to speak God’s word in public but I’ve acquired a for the lessons which I teach. boldness to be a more effective witness too.

I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for giving me After my album, entitled ‘Glory Be His strength each day to live the life which to God, was released in March 2005, the Diakonia Christian Church He has prepared for me – being a wife Lord launched me into the public ministry of and helper to my husband, a contented singing evangelism. It was quite a big step mother to my children, a daughter-in-law, a for me as I had not sung and evangelized daughter, a sister, and a child of God. Each in churches and public places prior to this. day I am grateful for the ability to serve After struggling at first, I finally surrendered Him as He lovingly leads and guides me. to God’s will and to trust and obey Him (Serving at the Diakonia Christian Church & married to Pastor Sim See Tian) CHEW JOO SAN - …In quietness and trust in whatever is your strength. ministry He Isaiah 30:15b had chosen for me. My deepest thanks to Pastor Wah Lok also, for Klang Klang NG, JOANNE his encouragement in songwriting. I realised that God can use songs and music to minister to people’s hearts.



The Pastoral Interns Program (PIP) offers both Diploma and Bachelor of Ministry courses. With its combination of sound theological teaching and “on-the-job” training in a conducive environment, PIP provides the best method for preparing and releasing men and women for service in the mission field. Constant mentoring, discipline and character development are emphasized in this program. It is a prerequisite that a suitable mentor be identified, preferably in the same church, before the candidate is accepted.

DAY OR NIGHT SCHOOL PIP is suitable for full time workers as well as those who are holding secular job. They can attend the ‘Night School’ for 4 weeks per year. They can also take 1 to 2 weeks off per year to attend the ‘Day School’. PIP is suitable for but not limited to students who have completed the 12 weeks School of Ministry foundation course or its equivalent.

CREDIT OR AUDIT STUDENTS Credit students are those working towards their Diploma or Degree of Ministry. They have to sit for examinations, complete assignments and practicum (supervised by a mentor). A student requires approximately 4 years to complete the Diploma and 5 years for the Degree. Audit students only attend classes and are not required to sit for the examinations or complete assignments.

TUNG LING SEMINARY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY 2007 | 036 Praise the Lord that I have finally completed PIP – Diploma in Ministry. I started PIP in 2003 immediately after SOM. My main intention in continuing my studies was to know God better. In order to be effective in ministry I had to be able to understand the Word of God and to handle it correctly. PIP is a challenging program tailored to training people in ministry. I began as a PIP student in Listening to the lecturers was like ‘dwelling in the January, 2003. presence of God.’ When the anointed lecturers I attended the School of Ministry that same taught His Word, I hung on to every word spoken as year and, due to the nature of my work, I had to though the Lord was teaching me. As the psalmist complete the balance of 10% in the following year. prayed in Psalms 25: 4 & 5: I thank the Lord for the leadership at Tung Ling Seminary who opened the way to people like me Show me Your ways, O Lord who are working in the secular (a government servant) and who wanted to be trained and Teach me Your paths equipped in an orderly and systematic way and Lead me in Your truth and Teach me in both the theoretical and practical aspects of For You are the God of my salvation ministry. On You I wait all the day I must say that it was not easy for me. On many occasions, I had to travel daily from Seremban ( The assignments were quite tough for including at night time). Most of my annual leave me but every practicum done was good was taken for this purpose. Many a time, I had training. It was 3 years of refining work by to struggle with tiredness. Studying for the tests the fire of the Holy Spirit. Yes, He needed was really a challenge. My family had to make me to cooperate by working with Him as sacrifices. Looking back, I know that I was doing He put me through this process. Looking what the Lord wanted me to do. It was the Lord’s back, my heart is full of gratitude for every answer to the desire of my heart. It is indeed by the life experience which He brought along grace and mercy of God that I am at this point in my way. Praise God! time (4 years later). Full Gospel Tabernacle

I take this opportunity to thank Tung Ling The Lord deposited much in Seminary’s Principal and staff, lecturers, my heart through His anointed pastors, mentors, friends and my family teachers and servants for their encouragement and support in prayers. The Lord deposited much in my heart

POLLY OOI - POLLY through His anointed teachers and servants and I know stewardship on my part requires me to give back to the Body of the Christ at White Fields Assembly (formerly FGA) or wherever He leads me. I know that I have not arrived yet and there are lots of things yet to discover and learn. I constantly remind myself of the need to maintain a humble attitude and to respect those who may not have the opportunity to study in a seminary.

I thank the Lord for Phoebe and my three teenage girls for their undivided support and encouragement as I pursued my studies. Last but not least, thank you Dr. Tan Yee Beng (Chairman Elder) for being my mentor and helping me to achieve my White Fields Assembly KHIM - White Fields SIM SAY goals. Praise the Name of the Lord!


JULY 16 - 27. 2007 Dr. Glenn Balfour

Mattersey Hall, the national Bible College of the British Assembly of God, and the largest Pentecostal Bible College in Europe in collaboration with Tung Ling Seminary commenced the Master of Theology Programme on July 17, 2006. This programme hosted by Tung Ling Seminary at Subang Jaya, will target students from East Asia. The degree is validated by Dr. John Andrews University of Wales, Bangor.

Students would normally take the degree part time over two-and-half years, attending lectures for two weeks in July for 2 consecutive years and returning in the third year to complete a dissertation of 20,000 words. A student would study and research two modules per year for the first 2 years. Lecturers from Mattersey Hall, UK will fly in to conduct the lectures. Dr. Andrew Davies

28 students enrolled for the inaugural course which commenced on July 17, 2006. Two students came from India and one from Taiwan. Many of the other Malaysian students are pastors or leaders of churches across Malaysia.

Modules offered for July 16 - 27 2007 The modules offered will Module 1 : include the following:- New Testament Backgrounds a) Pauline pneumatology by Dr. Glenn Balfour b) New Testament pneumatology c) Pentecostal approaches to Luke-Acts Module 2 : d) Pentecostal approaches to the Contemporary Preaching charismatic gifts by Dr. John Andrews e) Contemporary preaching f) The theology of leadership in the Module 3 : emerging church Contemporary Biblical Interpretation g) Contemporary Biblical Interpretation by Dr. Andrew Davies



TERM ONE, 12 - 24 MARCH 2007

The Pastoral Intern Program Tamil got off to a good start this year when we conducted the lectures for the first term from 12th to 24th March 2007. Rev. Allen Prosper of South East Asian Bible College, India lectured on Pentateuch and Systematic Theology II. Seventeen students attended this course. One student came from as far as India. From Malaysia, students came from as far as Penang and Tapah. Day lectures were held from 8 am- 1pm. for a week. Night lectures were held from 7-9.45 pm. over two weeks.

For this program, students have to pass an examination for each module. For the next 5 months, they will also complete reading assignments and elective texts. They will be mentored in their respective churches and submit practicum reports every 2 weeks. Practicum reports are records of their hours in ministry.


With the partnership of Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia, the 100 PLUS 3 month School of Ministry program in Tamil was launched in India by the Harvest Training Institute, in the year 2001! We have graduated 6 batches, thus far and currently FULL TIME running the 3 month program from April 2nd onwards with 38 students! These 38 students are from 28 different CHRISTIAN churches! They come from 10 different districts in India. Additionally we have 2 Indian students from Malaysia!

WORKERS Thus far, 215 students have been trained from our School of Ministry Program, including the current batch of 38 RELEASED students! To our knowledge more than 100 of these 215 are engaged in full-time christian ministry! Upon graduation, more than 100 students have furthered their INTO THE training with us in the Church Planters’ Training School or the Missionary Training Boot Camp, where we train Cross HARVEST Cultural Missionaries for Mission Work in the Unreached State of Bihar, India! And more than 60 of our trained FIELD OF workers are involved in pioneering situation ...... serving as either frontline missionaries or involved in church planting! INDIA India has 600,000 villages and only about 250,000 of these villages would have a church. The thrust in our training to the students is to go and plant churches! Some of our students from our earlier batches have planted several churches!

The students pay a meagre amount of 20% of the overall budget and the rest is significantly contributed by the Tung Ling Seminary, Malaysia! We, from the Leadership team here from the Harvest Training Institute, would like to thank Tung Ling for their generous support to us, empowering us to train the nationals here to advance the Kingdom work!


CongratulationsHeartiest To Wilfred, Kek Cheng, Christine, Sharon & Esther

From Dr. & Mrs. Michael Chan & family to School of Ministry 2007

from Yeoh Chui En, Keh Ching, Yung Juen & Su Juen to my precious wife & our well loved mama Ling Keh Ching

from Yeoh Chui En, Yung Juen & Su Juen to Christine Khaw

from Sui Sang, Fong & See Ting to Christine Khaw

from Desmond & Diana Teo, Chong Mei Ling, Penny Lau, Cleo Ng, Reggie Ng, Winnie Quah & Alvin Seah from Affirm Cell (SIBKL) to Christine Khaw

from Carina, Jan, Anne, Suzie, Frankie, Peter, Bee Hoong, Cheng, Devi, Kheong & Tan to Isaac Lee

from Dad, Mum, Paulus, Joy, Joan & Aunty Angela

to Sharon Leau

from Mr & Mrs Mitch Leau, Simon Leau, Andrew Leau, Thomas Leau & James Leau

to School of Ministry 2007

from Janett Chan to Ling Keh Ching


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The Company

Pupuk Alam Sdn Bhd (PASB) was incorporated in December 2002 with the sole distributing rights of organic fertilizers and growth enhancers from Australia. PASB core businesses are the vegetable growers and fruit or- chards. Together with this fruit fly protein bait, PASB hopes to bring about a greater knowledge and understanding of the environmental issues to the fruit growers and farmers. PASB will focus on producing an effective, affordable and environmental friendly product that will control fruit fly and subsequent reduction in fruit damages, thus, increasing the growers’ fruit production over time.


International Centre for Management of Pest Fruit Flies (ICMPFF) and Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. to Keh Ching, Christine, Wilfred & Sharon on your SOM Graduation 2007

from SIB (KL) to Keh Ching, Wilfred, Sharon & Esther

from Aflame Cell, SIB KL to Keh Ching, Wilfred, Sharon & Esther

from Torpedo Ideas (M) Sdn Bhd to School of Ministry 2007

from Goh Brothers Sdn Bhd

from Emmanuel Christian Assembly, Taiping

Budget ECA Retreat and Camp / Convention Centre lodging and amenities for Christian groups seeking space for retreats and camps ȱ LocatedȱinȱTaiping,ȱPerak,ȱaȱquaint,ȱquietȱheritageȱtownȱwhichȱboastsȱofȱaȱtotalȱofȱ40ȱfirstsȱ,ȱECAȱRetreatȱandȱ Campȱ/ȱConventionȱCentreȱoffersȱtheȱpeaceful,ȱsecludedȱsettingȱofȱaȱperfectȱretreatȱcentreȱ–ȱbeautifulȱgarden,ȱ quietȱ surroundings,ȱ worshipȱ facilitiesȱ andȱ accommodationȱ –ȱ yetȱ onlyȱ 200ȱ metersȱ awayȱ fromȱ theȱ town’sȱ premierȱhotelȱandȱ400ȱmetersȱawayȱfromȱsupermarketsȱandȱeateries!ȱYou’veȱgotȱtoȱseeȱitȱtoȱbelieveȱit!!ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ FACILITIESȱ:ȱ ȱ ¾ Dormitoriesȱ–ȱMax.ȱpaxȱ200ȱpersonsȱonȱ2ȱlevelsȱ –ȱ airȬȱ conditioned,ȱ fullyȱ carpeted,ȱ withȱ doubleȱ deckȱbedsȱ(commonȱ/ȱattachedȱbathrooms)ȱ ¾ 2nd.ȱ Sanctuaryȱ /ȱ Conferenceȱ Roomȱ –ȱ seatingȱ max.ȱ 200ȱ personsȱ –ȱ airȬconditioned,ȱ equippedȱ withȱ P.A.ȱ System,ȱ Musicalȱ instruments,ȱ OHP,ȱ WritingȱBoard,ȱPulpitȱ ¾ Children’sȱRoomȱ–ȱmax.ȱpaxȱ15ȱchildrenȱ ¾ ConferenceȱRoomȱ–ȱmax.ȱpaxȱ15ȱpersonsȱ ¾ Quietȱdiningȱfacilitiesȱinȱtheȱgardenȱ ¾ Smallȱfieldȱcumȱgardenȱforȱrecreationȱ–ȱgames,ȱ barbequeȱ ȱ Otherȱactivitiesȱthatȱcanȱbeȱincluded:ȱOutingsȱtoȱtheȱ LakeȱGardens,ȱtheȱZooȱ(NightȱSafari),ȱWaterfalls,ȱandȱ theȱMuseum,ȱbesidesȱPicnickingȱandȱShopping!!ȱ ȱ FOODȱ:ȱ ȱ ¾ Cateringȱfacilitiesȱ–ȱIndianȱ/ȱChineseȱfoodȱ ¾ Numerousȱhawkerȱcentresȱandȱmodernȱeateriesȱȱ ȱ atȱwalkingȱdistanceȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Forȱfurtherȱdetails,ȱpleaseȱcontact,ȱȱ Rev.ȱSimonȱChandranȱȱȱȱȱȱ 012Ȭ5121976ȱȱ(H/P)ȱȱȱȱ05Ȭ8086458ȱȱ(H)ȱ

to Daniel Yong

from Rev. Chong Nyit Fah, Mr. & Mrs. Lai, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Leng, Mr. & Mrs. Clive Chew, Ps. Margaret Chong, Mr. & Mrs. David Chong, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Liew, Mr. & Mrs. Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Philip Shiew, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Wong and Mr. & Mrs. Moses Chong. to Class of SOM 2007

Lovingly Perunding Eagles Engineers Sdn Bhd No. 12-A, Jalan Tempua 2A, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, , Malaysia. Tel : +603 - 8070 6462 Fax : +603 - 8070 4470 Email : [email protected] Webste :

Dear Joel Paul Toh

“Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor Him in your youth before you grow old and no longer enjoy living… Fear God abd obey His commands, for this is the duty of every person.” Eccl 12:1,13 (NLT)

from Dad & Mum (Richard & Pat) and sisters (Rachel & Julienne Toh) to Pastor Justin & Sis. Rajini

from Grace Assembly of God, Shah Alam

to Ravind, Keith & SOM Graduates 2007 from to Christine Khaw

from Dato’ Yap Ping Kon

to Ling Keh Ching, Wilfred, Sharon & Christine Khaw

from Harvest Cell, SIBKL to Ling Keh Ching

from Joanne G.T. & Stanley S.H. Yeoh

to Esther Gong

With love from Mr. & Mrs. Gong Wooi Sing to Ling Keh Ching & Wilfred Marimuthu

from Mr & Mrs Ng Swee Keong & family

to Ling Keh Ching, Sharon & Wilfred Marimuthu


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Blessings today & always from, The PHUA Family

to School of Ministry 2007

from Accupromicron Sdn Bhd (Carbon Block Supplier & Fabrication) No. 25, 23 & 13, Jalan Nilam 1/4, Subang High Tech Industrial Park, Batu 3, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : 603-56329015 Fax : 603-56329409

to Daniel Yong


Sentosa Casket Services 412, Jalan , Setapak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur. Tel : 03 - 4021 9488, 4022 3733 Fax : 03 - 4021 7069

CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Rajini Christine Khaw

from, from Rishyakaran, Rajiv, Kelvin Kee Ravi, Rajan, Rakesh & Rabin CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Careen Tan Caroline Wong on your Graduation

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

with love, from Daddy (Ps. Tan Chee Hiong), Dad, Mum, Mummy (Chong May Leng), David & Joshua and sisters (Gladys, Serene, Loveen, Melody and Charity)

CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Daniel Yong Isaac Lee

with love from, from Doreen & children - Jordan Tang, Margaret Douglas, Debbie & family & Darien CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Rajini Keh Ching, Wilfred & Sharon on your SOM Graduation 2007

from, from Mary & Chelsea Phang Tinkie & Tek-Seng Tan

CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Keh Ching, Ling Keh Ching Wilfred & Sharon on your SOM Graduation 2007

from from Daniel & Patricia Siew Kay Chan, Pei Hua, Cheri & Ling family CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Rajini Teo Chung Hock

from, from Angie, Anita, New Life Amy, Yvonne & Betty XtraORDINARY Youth

CongratulationsHeartiest CongratulationsHeartiest to to Dearest Mom, Teo Chung Hock

from Mr & Mrs Gary Goh, with love from, Samantha & Elizabeth Daniel Joshua, Adrew Joseph & Charles

TUNG LING SEMINARY & SOM 2007 express their heartfelt gratitude & appreciation to the following sponsors:

Anne Paw Catherine Teong Chan Wan Hon Chan Wei Heng Compass Interactive Sdn Bhd Fong Wai Leong Jamie Chan Justin Segar Kan Yin Yee Khing & Ivy Kok Yeng Voon Linus Lai Ng Yee Khai Nicholas Leong Pat Thean Phang Ying Ying Quah Poh Keat & Beng Choo Robert Ang Sean Chan Sharon Leau Sim Say Khim Tan Koon Swan Terence Tay Thong Ling Kee Thong Nyok Choo Winnie Ong Anonymous