Podcast #48 Transcript

Podcast #48 The Secrets to YouTube Success With Sean and Benji

Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of the Social Media Marketing Made Simple Podcast and I am you host, as always, Teresa Heath-Wareing. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and that you really enjoyed last week’s episode with James Wedmore. If you haven’t listened to it, then I urge you to head back and take a listen, because I loved doing that episode. So much good stuff. And also so much stuff that I use in my business, and I use daily personally. So I loved it, I thought it was brilliant. I hope you did too. If you haven’t let me know, then by all means come and let me know.

Teresa H-W.: But as I said last week, I have another interview for you this week because I’ve got so many good ones lined up with so many subjects where ... Do you know what? I’m not the expert on. So today’s subject of YouTube, I’ve got Pinterest stuff coming up, and I’ve brought in people, which is the aim of my life to be honest, that I bring in people who are better than me at certain things. So my team, every time I brought someone on, I want them to be better than me at the thing I’m bringing them in to do. So it’s exactly the same with a podcast, I wanna bring you the best of the best people so that you get the best advice.

Teresa H-W.: So this week I have the lovely Sean and Benji on. Now, they are full time YouTubers and have over 20 years experience in video and online marketing. They have a YouTube channel, which I urge you to go and check out, called Video Influencers, with over 400 thousand subscribers. And they’ve just released their book called, YouTube secrets. Now I have just got my copy of this book and I have it in my hand, just started reading it and

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I have to say it’s looking really really good. So I’m excited to find out how the rest of the book is but I know that they’re giving away some great ideas and tips and strategies. So do check them out. It’s on Amazon if you want to go and get it. I’ll link it in the show notes. Teresa H-W.: So they have interviewed some of the most amazing people and I’m not even kidding you. So in the online marketing space, these people are really at the top of their game. So they have interviewed people like Gary V, Chalene Johnson, Lewis Howes, Pat Flynn, Jasmine Star, James Wedmore, literally loads of them. So these guys have really again, gone to the best people to find out the best advice and they’ve interviewed some fantastic people. Teresa H-W.: Now, in today’s episode, we talk all about YouTube as a search engine, which is such a good point, because actually that’s exactly what it is. If I need to know something, if my husband wants to fix something, we YouTube it. If my daughter wants to learn her spellings, we YouTube it. We literally search for things on YouTube, so we have to think of it as a search engine rather than as perhaps a social media. Teresa H-W.: So they talk a bit about that, which is really, really helpful, and they also talk about how the algorithm works and how you can maximise your YouTube account to ensure that you’re working with the algorithm. They also talk about how to get started and what the kind of personal barriers are. So how you feel when you first start a YouTube account and how to get over some of those things. And then they give some great tips in terms of getting personal, and building up those relationships, using something like YouTube. Teresa H-W.: Now, I have happily admitted that YouTube is an area that A, I don’t do but B, I really wanna do. But I am one of these people who’s totally “all or nothing”. So if I’m gonna start something, I’m gonna do it with gusto, and I’m gonna do it every single week like with the podcast and I’m going to do my best aim to get the best version of that I can out there. So this was a really interesting episode for me, really interesting to hear what these guys were saying. They’re really entertaining.

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Teresa H-W.: And actually I’m looking forward to meeting them later in the year when Sean is going to be speaking at Impact which is going on in Irvine in California at the beginning of April. I’m just looking up at my calender trying to remember when it it, and I’ve literally just bought the ticket. But he’s gonna be speaking there and I’m heading to that conference so I’m really excited about that one too. Teresa H-W.: Anyway, enough of me going on, take a listen to these guys and let us know what you think. We would love to know. Teresa H-W.: I’m so excited today to introduce to you, Benji and Sean, welcome to the podcast. Benji: Hi. Sean: We are so excited to be here today. Thanks for having us. Teresa H-W.: Oh, my absolute pleasure. I’ve been doing some digging around, I’ve been looking at you guys, I’ve been watching all your stuff, I’ve been like binge watching YouTube videos and I was just getting so excited today thinking that we were gonna do this interview. Not only because you guys are fascinating and have done some amazing stuff, but also because my audience, YouTube isn’t something we’ve talked a whole lot about and for my audience and myself personally, it’s an area that I want to explore, and I haven’t quite got there. I haven’t quite worked out how I’m gonna do it so I’m just gonna be picking at your brains. Teresa H-W.: But what would be amazing to start with, if my audience haven’t heard of you, it’d be great if you could just give us a quick run down of who you guys are and how you got to be doing the amazing stuff that you’re doing today. Sean: Absolutely. Yeah. We are Sean and Benji, co-founders of Video Influencers and we’ve come together on that project to help people that are like your community, that want to build their influence and learn how to use social media to make a greater impact. And for us, we help people with online video and that also is both of our backgrounds. So we converged

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on this project and on this book but Benji’s got an entire business and multiple YouTube channels and I do as well. Benji’s based up in Seattle, I’m based in Vegas. And I have a tech channel, he’s got a cooking channel, him and his wife vlog. And so both of us together have over two decades of experience on YouTube. Sean: We’re also both college drop outs, we come from the same small town in the Northwest of the United States in the Seattle area. And we’ve both personally seen the power of YouTube transform our lives, our families, businesses we’ve bene involved in, Benji’s been a real estate agent and was able to just Ten-X his real estate business using YouTube, even with a relatively small channel. Sean: So really, both of our backgrounds, and Benji can fill in some details, but we’ve just been doing this online video thing for years, we’ve achieved a lot of success in different niches and helped other do that. And so in the last few years we thought, we gotta get this message out, we’re living in an era of such incredible opportunity, and YouTube is one of those platforms. And I love that you mentioned you haven’t covered it much, because actually it kind of is almost not mentioned in the social media conversation. Teresa H-W.: Yeah, you’re right. Sean: Because it’s a little bit different, and I think that there’s reasons for that but I do think that there’s some opportunity for your audience to really take some digital territory to build their brands and make a greater impact by embracing YouTube. Teresa H-W.: Absolutely. Benji: Yeah, and if I was to add a little bit to that, what makes Sean and I unique in the sense of YouTube is the fact that not only are him and I creators, of course I call myself a YouTuber Vlogger, Sean is obviously a YouTube Expert. Our decade of experience each was not just for ourselves, but to support other people. So my wife, Judy of itsjudytime, she hit over three million followers on YouTube in the- Teresa H-W.: Oh, my God.

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Benji: Last few years. And I was always behind the scenes helping her as well as Sean helping other people build their personal brands. We’ve both helped businesses grow and I think that’s what’s unique and that’s where our passion comes from in terms of what video influencers is all about, the book that we’re gonna be talking about. And we saw the power not only for ourselves, but for so many other people in so many different industries, no matter what your business is, no matter what your passion is. Benji: And that’s why we’re so excited about YouTube because like Sean said, it’s really not spoken about a lot, yet. And you talk to this younger generation and you even talk to successful business people, they all want YouTube exposure, they wanna build a channel and they wanna make money doing it. So that’s what our passion’s all about, helping other creators build their influencing from an impact with online video. Teresa H-W.: And I think it’s such a good point what you’ve said in the sense that people don’t talk about YouTube a lot. I do lots of social media conferences, my background’s marketing, and YouTube seems to be one of those things that it’s either in YouTube or you’re not in YouTube. It’s not attached as a tool. So if I go into a business and we talk to business and we sort of say, “What marketing tools are you using?” We talk about video but we don’t always talk about YouTube as a strategy, which is interesting. Teresa H-W.: And then like you said, you’ve got this other side of the world where like I have a stepson who’s 15 and I can promise you all he does is watch YouTube. And I told him that I was interviewing you guys and he’s like, “Who are they? Let me see them.” And he wanted to see who you’ve spoken to and things. So I think sometimes it feels like from a business perspective, like we never quite get to use YouTube the way that it can be used and maybe it feels a little bit far away from us. Like how on earth do we break into this kind of world that seems a very enclosed world? Like you have your YouTubers like, how do you even start to get into that world if you’re not even in it? Sean: Yeah, that’s a great question. And I think one of the reasons for that is, YouTube is I

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believe and we both believe is an incredible high ROI, a return on investment of your time and energy. However, a couple things about YouTube that make it different than other social networks is, YouTube is much more of a long game than say, going live on Facebook or maybe some of the results you can get on Instagram. Sean: So the allure of some of the other platforms is like, “Wow, even if I’m just starting I can get some momentum,” by maybe my friend sharing this on Facebook by kinda tapping into hashtags and the Instagram algorithm. And I’m getting, even if I’m just starting, maybe 100 views on a video or 50 likes on a post or a couple thousand or whatever. And sometimes YouTube you start and it feels like such a ghost town, and it feels like your results are not paying off up front. Sean: And YouTube is kinda flipped, it’s like you invest though, it’s a heavier investment on the front end, but if you break through, when you break through, the dividends are massive. And the reason for that is because YouTube is a search engine and it also has the most generous kind of suggested videos algorithm. Once you get sucked into that algorithm you have a bit of content out there, and your videos are being found in “search” but also they’re being recommended. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: Right now I looked at Think Media and we get something like ... Which is my personal channel. We get something like 20 million impressions, just impressions a month. Just like on your Facebook feed it says, reach. That’s just how many people like saw it, they didn’t necessarily engage. You get like 20 million impressions, well it said this, that in my YouTube studio beta, my backend, 50% of those are from YouTube recommending my content.” Teresa H-W.: Why? Sean: Not paid traffic, no other reason, YouTube ... And then recommending it is not also search either, it’s someone literally seeing a suggested video, it’s hitting their homepage, so if you put out quality content and it gets sucked up into the algorithm, 10 million people last

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month, YouTube for free ... It was like little robots went up holding up signs and said, “Hey, you wanna go check out this guy’s videos? Do you wanna go look at these guys videos?” Teresa H-W.: That’s amazing. Sean: That is absolutely stunning. Now the problem is, is that there is a level of grit, a level of investment, and we don’t wanna overstate that. Again, you can get started, just grab your smartphone and start uploading content. But I think that’s what daunting, you gotta upload a video, you gotta do a description, you gotta make a thumbnail versus shooting a quick Instagram story, you can get quicker short term results, that Instagram story’s gone in 24 hours meanwhile Benji and I have videos that are four years old that still get videos today. Sean: So YouTube’s almost like an investment in a bank, it accrues great interest over time and creates a snowball of momentum for your business, you profits, your influence, but definitely gotta do some heavy lifting upfront. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. And I think that is probably one of the big things isn’t it? And so like you said, it’s super easy to get your phone, go on InstaStory, you know that people are going to expect it to be rough and ready. And then we go on and one of the guys I’m gonna talk about, it’s one of the people you’ve interviewed, which are phenomenal. Teresa H-W.: But one of the guys that we have in common is Pat Flynn, and I went to Pat’s studio and it’s amazing, and the camera’s are amazing and the lights and sound, and the ... And you just look at that and think, “Oh, my word. How am I ever gonna get to that? How am I ...” And the problem is I think we look at ... There’s this great saying, “You can pay your day one, with someone else’s day 500.” But like you look at that and think, “Well if it’s YouTube, it’s gotta be proper, it’s gotta be good. The quality’s gotta be good.” And therefore that almost entry, the barrier to entry seems a little bit harder than maybe just going live on Facebook or something. Benji: Yeah. I will love to answer this because I think this is one of the number on barriers for people to get into YouTube, this perception that it’s gotta be perfect or there’s gotta be a

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lot of production, I’ve gotta buy all this gear. So Sean and I, we’ve been in this for a very long time, and even when we started Video Influencer as a channel that him and I co-founded, we had the ability to use some of the best cameras, the best equipment, we already were set up from our other channels. He had a few channels, I had a few channels, but literally our first videos were done on a webcam. Literally a webcam. Right? Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: No professional audio, it was just what was onboard my laptop’s monitor. And even this right here, I’ve got a professional studio at home, when I say professional it’s just like in my office in my backyard, but here, I’m on my phone right? I’m using a microphone that’s attached to it, I’m just monitoring audio with some free earphones from my phone purchase. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: So I’d say, everyone looks at how people end up, they forget about how they started. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Yeah. Benji: So just remember ... And this is another thing too, on the flip side of that, Sean talks about how many people have been exposed to his videos, what’s gonna be mind blowing is how many other videos there are out there that people are being exposed to that have no production quality [crosstalk 00:15:14]- Teresa H-W.: Yeah, yeah. Benji: Or very casual, still adding tonnes of value and if you kind of understand that, I’m sure a lot of people watching this can related to this, [crosstalk 00:15:25]- Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: Watch a YouTube video that didn’t necessarily have the best lighting, maybe it wasn’t even edited, but it still solved the problem. Right? Maybe- Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: [crosstalk 00:15:33] the question for them. And the point is, the value is what’s most important. I’d say like if you’re just starting out, the one tip I’d give quickly, just is the value

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you give to your content is the most important thing, everything else comes after that. So if you’ve got a great personality and you’re passionate about something, if you know what you’re talking about and you can answer people’s questions or help them out, or you’re just genuinely wanting to give to whoever’s watching, that is what’s most important to focus on, and then it’ll help you get over that barrier of not having equipment or set up. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. And I think probably we are in a much better position now than perhaps we’ve ever been aren’t we? Because we do have these phenomenal phones and we can ... I’m addicted to Amazon Prime, I’m ordering stuff on there all the time. But you can pick up a mic and a lapel mic for like seven pounds or you can get these things, the ring lights and that sort of stuff, for not a huge amount of money. I just think, like you said, sometimes people look at it and think, “oh, it’s gotta be a good set up. It’s gotta have all this equipment. And especially the camera quality I guess, that’s what people probably want the most or think they need the most. Teresa H-W.: But tell me, because one of the things that just honestly blew me away when I looked at your channel and went through the people you’d interviewed and I’ve written some names down that kinda jumped straight out to me. So you’ve had Gary V, which that is like unbelievable, that is like the biggest of the biggest, Louis Howes, Chalene Johnson, we’ve talked about Pat Flynn. And then people in my world and people that my listeners might recognise, the likes of Jenna Kutcher, Jasmine Star, Amy Landino, James Wedmore who I talk about a lot. I was with him a couple of weeks ago in Laguna Beach at a conference. And also, I noticed that you’d had Coach Tulin who I also met at the conference because she was at the same conference with James. Teresa H-W.: So you have had some of social media world’s most amazing people. How do you get to ... What’s your secret? If I want Gary B to come on the podcast, what have I gotta say to him to get him on? How do you get these guys on? Sean: Well, I’ll let Benji talk about Gary and then I can tackle a lot of those other names.

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Teresa H-W.: Okay, cool. Benji: Yeah. I’d say first off, I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I think that’s another thing that I would love to share with your viewers, you’ve just gotta get started right now. Because through all the things that are gonna be looked at, like what you mentioned like Gary and Chalene Johnson, all these other people, those are relationships that were being built for years. The way I got Gary onto our show is, I was one of his first clients as a YouTuber for his company VaynerMedia back in, I wanna say 2009, 2010. Teresa H-W.: Wow. Benji: So I also went to a lot of his book signings for years. So he was kinda like learning who I was and kinda recognised my face. But I’d say the number one thing in terms of Gary was he just recognised that we really wanted to teach people. We want to add value to our audience. So I’d say that’s like the most practical thing, that we were just doing stuff for a long time that helped build the relationship and then our channel was something that he’d be proud to be on. The second part is, we align ourselves in terms of our interview requests with when they’re trying to promote something. So Gary was coming out with ... What was the book called? Sean: Ask Gary V. Benji: Ask Gary V book, at the time. And we said, “Hey, we’ve got this audience.” And by the way he already kinda knew who I was, so it wasn’t like I had to but I was incentivizing him to be on even more so. I said, “We’ve got this audience.” At the time I think we might’ve had like 100 thousand people watching or maybe less, and we literally just said, “We would love to interview you, ask you a few questions, add value to our audience, but also promote your book since we know that it’s launching.” Benji: So when you have that convergence, it’s the ability to promote and to get people onto your show is a lot more likely and even with a small audience. See, what Gary and other people like him understand is, even if it’s a smaller audience, they might be prime to

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be people that might wanna but their book or their programme or their digital product. So those are my two tips, but again, it started a long time ago, it wasn’t just like I picked up the phone [crosstalk 00:19:59]- Teresa H-W.: Yeah. “Hey Gary.” Benji: Yeah. [crosstalk 00:20:00] ... And I think that’s a point that Sean and I always make when we first are talking to people who are just starting out, that you just gotta start today because you don’t wanna start three years from now and it takes another three years to get to those opportunities. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: Yeah. That’s really well put Benji, because there is something about just kind of starting and I think a few pillars we try to live by is one, we try to live our personal lives with integrity. And what I mean by that, it’s just our brand overtime, integrity, patience, quality of the content that we put out, and adding value to the audience, respect to the person that we would wanna interview, bringing really thoughtful questions, and then the snowball of that building up. Sean: Because Video Influencers still started from scratch, and actually our first really two, three interviews were Tim DeLaGhetto, who has a lot of influence but it was a connection that Benji already had, then it was my friend Nikki Phillippi. And so this goes into how Chalene Johnson ended up in the show and now I’m a Market Impact Academy ambassador and we’re great friends. So it’s like the kind of things that happen years later. Sean: Well Nikki Phillippi, came to Vegas for a meet up and somebody was like, “Hey, this YouTuber I watch named Nikki Phillippi is in Vegas, we should go to it.” I’m like, “All right.” So I met her, I met Dan, and we just kinda developed this relationship before Video Influencer started. So when it started I was like, “Hey Nikki, would you come on?” Over a million subscribers, zero hesitation, she’s like, “Of course.” Sean: Well, so then I for a season of my life was living in Irvine California, and I was like,

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“Man I’m in Chalene Johnson’s backyard,” I loved her podcast, her content, it impacted my life, I was like, “Hey, would you come on Video Influencers?” and tweeted her, and immediately her team replied, was like, “Hey, fill out this form.” You know? And then though ... Benji: Yeah. Sean: I got followed and got a DM and she’s like, “Yeah, come to my house.” I was like, “What?” Because that is a level of trust man. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: So we went and- Teresa H-W.: “Here’s my address.” Sean: Shot it ... No doubt, right? Shot this in person interview and so then I asked her actually quite a bit later like, “Why’d you say, “Yes”? because Video Influencers was like under 10 thousand subscribers, maybe under a couple thousand, it was actually brand new. She said for a couple reasons, she said, “Number one, simply because I thought if that girl Nikki said “Yes” you seemed like you might be good people. Sean: I think that’s a principle for anybody that wants to do interview shows, they stack, they see somebody else and that just is a bridge of trust, but then secondly, she goes, “To be honest, I understand where this stuff’s going and I would actually rather go on your YouTube channel with a few thousand subscribers than local television or television in this area right now, because I don’t think that’s gonna move the needle for my brand because the world is going so digital and whatnot. And you seemed like a good guy so I gave it a shot.” Sean: And by the way, James was like the third interview and he lived down the street from me in Laguna Beach and his stuff had impacted me so again, he was like, “Sure man.” So those early ones were very much organic relationships but then that built that snowball and I met Louis at Market Impact Academy back stage. And then so he was like, “Sure.” Sean: And by the way, I love what Benji said, that Louis interview was right around School of Greatness. We had Grant Cardone on, it was when he was putting out Obsessed or Be

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Average, I tweeted him I said, “Hey, would you do an interview a year before?” Not even him, but he was just, “No.” Book was coming out, they were like, “When can you schedule it?” He wanted it done in like the next 24 hours. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: And all those other relationships are because of great people. And then the last piece, Jenna, Jasmine, the were at Social Media Marketing World and we were there. Probably one of the biggest things that has helped us build Video Influencers is going to events and that’s producing interviews. Because this is actually a side project for us, our plates are pretty full with our primary brands, so we have to have smarts systems, smart workflows, and so that this last year at Social Media Marketing World, we were able to shoot no less than 16 interviews in three days. The worst three days of our ... You know? Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: Headache, I’m tired, I don’t know if I can think straight. But we only release one a week so that was 16 weeks of content. And the cool thing about events like that is everybody kinda converges in one place. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: And we loved the opportunity to try as much as possible, to do in person interviews. We do online interviews kinda like this, we’ll do whatever, but those in person I think has been something that has kinda made some of what we’re doing special. Teresa H-W.: Yeah, and do you know what? You’ve both said something that was such a good point and actually how I got some of my first podcast interviews is the fact that it was a relationship and I think I’ve probably said this story on ... I don’t know if I have said the story actually, but basically I was out in San Diego, I’d met Pat a few times, in fact Pat and I had spoke on the same stage, he was speaking before me, I joked, he was my warm up act, that sort of thing. Teresa H-W.: And we got on well, we had drinks, and then I was in Social Media Marketing

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World and he was there and he was doing ... Oh, no I think it’s traffic and conversion, he was doing some question and answers, and someone said, “How do you get to build relationships with people of influence?” And he said, “Take them for a coffee, so of course I flew back to the UK and I thought, I need to do this. But how on earth, when I live in the UK and they’re over in San Diego?” Teresa H-W.: So I booked a flight and I sent him video message saying, “Hey Pat, you said take someone for a coffee. I’m flying five thousand miles to take you for a coffee.” And he said, “Yes,” immediately, and it was amazing. And obviously he knew me and he’d seen me, so he agreed to it, the same with Amy Porterfield, on that trip I met Amy as well through the same way. Teresa H-W.: So like you said, it’s almost like when you work hard on those relationships for the first few, but then once you’ve got those, the doors start opening for other people because like you said, I just need to now say to lots of people who are in the social media space, I’ve had Amy and Pat as my first two guests and they kinda go, “Oh, okay.” And some of them will go, “Oh, can I have this, that, and that’s that and all the others?” But generally they don’t. Teresa H-W.: So honestly, it really does work, and if anybody’s listening and wants to do anything where they’re hooking up with someone, it really is about a bit of the slow game. I couldn’t have done that within like a couple of days. And one thing else you said which is really interesting and one of the reasons that’s put me off from doing a proper YouTube channel is, the consistency. So how important is it? Because I obviously put the podcast out weekly and if I do the YouTube channel I wanna do that weekly, I wanna make sure every single week, the same day, I’m putting something out. How important is that consistency? Benji: Well, one of the things is, in our book, YouTube Secrets, we have the Seven C’s to Success on that platform and one of the C’s is consistency. It’s that important, in fact that’s one of the final ones. Because it’s just like anything in life, right? You gotta put out the effort,

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you gotta practise, you gotta get better, more so what you’re doing on YouTube that sets you apart really from other platforms is you’re building a relationship. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: So think about a relationship you have with somebody you’re going to school with, and that you see every single day in class. What’s interesting is, I feel when I was growing up, in high school, or even elementary school, I built some amazing relationships at school just from the fact that I would see them every single day. So consistent connection, is the essence of what makes you as a YouTuber or a creator or a business person using YouTube as a platform to connect, that sets you apart. And that consistency to show up on people’s feeds is very, very important, and I believe that trust is really the foundation to opportunities on YouTube. Benji: So for example, my wife and I, one of the reasons we get sponsored by so many brands and they want to work with us is because our audience trusts us. We always had integrity as a driving factor in what we do, especially when we’re doing things with brands, and because of that trust, we’re always getting opportunities and our fans aren’t put off by it. Benji: And there’s a second part to that too, the algorithm on YouTube loves consistency, and if you’re just uploading 10 episodes at the beginning of the year and then nothing else the rest of the year, it’s not gonna be as powerful as uploading just one per week for the whole year. And we’ve actually found this is true, a lot of stories ... And we just went on tour for our book and there’s people that we met that said, “When I uploaded a video per day for a whole month my reach just skyrocketed, I gained so many subscribers, tonnes of views.” Well, it makes sense because the algorithm is really promoting you because it knows that you’re somebody that’s putting out content regularly. Benji: So just for those two things, it’s so important. But I would love to hear from Sean because one of the ways we were able to do it, being so busy, was batch producing. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: Yeah. And I think that that’s the big question is, we know the importance of

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consistency but how do you do it? And I think this would add massive value to your audience, no matter what they’re doing and you personally to really embrace batching, and this is really well illustrated by a question I received recently from a YouTube creator, she’s a mom of four, her vision was to help new moms on YouTube. And so I said, “Here’s a video idea for you, “10 things I wish I knew when I was a new mom. But I don’t want you to actually make that into one video, I actually want it to be 10 videos.” And she was like, “Oh, wow.” Sean: And I was like, “And ultimately, if you did the 10 things and you wanna keep the video kind of like Chalene says, “Be brief, be bright, be fun, and be done.” You probably wanna keep that under 10 minutes, so you’re not gonna probably be able to go deep on any of those. But you could probably ...” And I go, “I know you could write down all 10 right now, right?” She’s like, “Yeah, I’m writing right now.” Sean: So those are top of mind ideas, she’s writing them down and then it’s build each into an episode though, share kind of a story, share the illustrations, share a few things, maybe keep it at pretty short but maybe that video could become three to five minutes. And I think when you’re starting and you’re really building your brand at first, I actually think shorter is better. I think you earn trust for people to pay attention longer. Sean: So now, this becomes this breakout series for her and then I say, “You could shoot all ten of those at one time, kinda get the notes on all of them, sit down. What you could do is put out a few different shirts and maybe a few different jewellery combinations if you wanna do that, and then shoot all ten and now you have ten weeks of content. You still are gonna have to kinda edit it, get it ready and go through those other steps, but you might be able to batch edit, batch upload, get that ready, but still only release one video a week, and that’s how you get momentum. And that is the only way we’re able to sustain Video Influencers and some of the things that we’re doing. Sean: And really quick, just to add a little bit of deeper value too with that consistency, I think it’s also important not just to just show up consistently, but there’s four things that

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you also wanna be doing inside of consistency. One is, frequency, we think once a week, and if you could pick a day, I’m sure maybe some of your audience knows Marie Forleo. She’s a great model of YouTube kind of in the entrepreneur space because she’s had Marie TV for almost five to six years I believe. Every Tuesday, that new episode comes out, I’m on her newsletter, so I get that email. So maybe it’s Tuesday morning, you’re new, your video gets ... Once a week, people know. The frequency, and we think once a week. Sean: You also wanna be though, consistent in your messaging and your promise. And I’m sure you’ve talked about this, right? You don’t wanna be all over the place in your messaging. So each week you keep saying the same promise, you go momentum, people expect, they know what to have from you. You also wanna be consistent in the time and the place. So if possible, maybe if it’s YouTube it’s every Tuesday morning or whatever time for you, every Saturday morning, whatever it is. Sean: And then the fourth thing would be that emotional experience. You also wanna be consistent in not just the information you deliver, but I think one of the biggest differentiation points for creators right now is a lot of people got traction on how to information, but information alone is not enough. You need to create connections. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: And the only way you can create a connection is by being yourself, be you times two, share some of your personality, share your emotion, bring that energy in. If we were doing a brand board, building out our personal brands for everybody listening, we would think, “What emotions do people have when they encounter you? What are some of those elements, those consistent things?” We do the lightning round in our interview show, and so besides being all about business and how to grow your YouTube channel, halfway through every show, stole it from John Lee Dumas, we just go to the lightning round, have some fun, ask a couple random questions. Because we also wanna have that emotional experience attached to our videos.

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Sean: So I think that there is that showing up consistently that we’ve done now on Video Influencers over the last four years, but we’ve tried to be consistent in those other areas as well. So people now know how the jingle ... They know the outro statement, they know the intro statement. And when you map all those together, if ... The final thing I would say, we’ve said a lot was, “When you also wanna stay consistent, I think it’s good to have a template or a framework.” Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: If you have to look at blank canvas everyday when you’re gonna put your videos together, it could be discouraging and overwhelming. But for us, we kinda know our ... We have a little intro, got the logo, we introduce ourselves, we share the content. So it’s almost like plug and play to try to ... What we’re talking about here is removing friction and creating smart systems just so that you can still have a life, still be with your family, but also still serve your audience and build momentum. Sean: And here’s the key, if you stick to just once a week, like Benji said, you could go really fast, but to stick to once a week, get that routine, and be committed to a couple years, you’ll be stunned with the amount of momentum, trust, people, they’re knowing the rhythm, they’re feeling the vibe. But that, it takes time. Great things take time and YouTube is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. Teresa H-W.: I love that. There’s some great stuff you said there. I love the fact that you said it’s consistency and you’ve gotta keep going. Because we ... Marketing, I working in an industry where people want it tomorrow and literally I will have someone go, “Oh, my God. I got a launch next week. Can you sort it out?” And it’s like, “No, no, it doesn’t work like that.” And trying to say to people, “You’ve just gotta ...” Teresa H-W.: And even in the early days, you’re not gonna get people listening or watching or reading, but you’ve gotta keep going. And it’s those people that keep going that really actually win at the end isn’t it? Because they had the tenacity to keep going. So I love that.

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Teresa H-W.: And I also love the fact that you talked about consistency in I guess character and your personality and how you come across, because one of the things that I loved about the podcast and about YouTube is that it’s completely authentic. And if you’re not being authentic, man that must be hard to keep going. Do you know what mean? Could you imagine if you started off in a certain way and then you had to carry on for years like ... Oh, God. Every time I go on camera, I’ve gotta put this act on that I’ve set for myself. So I love the fact and consistency of how you are and how your character comes across, and that’s just awesome. Teresa H-W.: So lets talk about the book, because you guys have obviously produced the book and one thing I find fascinating is that obviously you guys come from the video side of the world, the reason I do the podcast is because I like talking over writing. So how was it, how did it come about? And tell us all about it. Benji: So yeah, it’s a fun story because we’ve been creating YouTube videos for a decade each. I think combined it’s anywhere from like four to five thousand videos. I know that’s a huge gap but it’s a lot of videos. So how does writing a book even come about right? Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: Well, I’ll let Sean tell a little bit about that story but, the process of writing this book and the difficulty of it and getting over those challenges really was because of our passion to help people. There’s seven principles, so YouTube success at the beginning of the book, there’s some tactics, strategies at the second half of the book. And we wanted to create something that someone could read in a short amount of time, I think the average reader could read it for three to five hours, and really feel not only like they know what to do to get started but feel inspired to know that they can do it, like it is possible. Benji: Because like you mentioned, a lot of people look at YouTube and they’re like, “This is so daunting, I’ve never done video, I need the nicest camera.” Or, “It’s too late, these people that have succeeded have been doing this for 10 years.” And a lot of the stories that are in that book is what inspired us to just keep going and write this book and get over those

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hurdles because it was tough. Right? Sean: Yeah. Benji: But the book is- Sean: [crosstalk 00:37:11]- Benji: Really our heart or what we do on Video Influencers and YouTube Secrets is that book. But yeah, I’ll let Sean tell the story of how that came about and what he wants to say about it. Sean: Yeah. I think the book has been inspired by so many great people who’ve written books and what is funny is so many different social media people, Pat Flynn’s a good example, he’s got some great books out, Louis Howes a great example. Benji: Yeah. Sean: Brendon Burchard is ... Looks are so powerful, and I think for us it was a couple things. One, the truth is, and anybody that ... I’ve learned this from many mentors. The best way to sometimes write a book is write it in a community. So a lot of bloggers, technically, they’ll usually blog their book and then eventually it ends up in a book and if you’re a super fan, you actually might not see a lot new, it’ll just be organised different [crosstalk 00:38:02] didn’t read the blog for a couple years. Sean: The same would probably be true that if you were to dive into Video Influencers and watch all the content on our channel, you would eventually piece together everything in the book but it’s scattered, it’s disorganised, some interviews are better than others, there’s different things. Not everything that was communicated was super tested and refined. Sean: So I think the power of the book is a couple things and why we wanted to do it. One, we’re living in such a distracted generation now, and I’m guilty as anybody. I can’t even watch the full 15 seconds on an Instagram Story, I’m tapping through those things. I have like a one second attention span. Teresa H-W.: Yeah.

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Sean: And so, if you really want transformation though, to learn a concept deeper, and not just to get tactics, twitter tactics. Three minute YouTube video is a tactic. You really wanna absorb strategy and get the right thinking and the right mentality, a tweet is not enough. Even a YouTube video doesn’t quite immerse you enough. And so the book was our passion for having that deep level of transformation that you get the right steps, in the right order, on a framework of the Seven C’s of YouTube Success that we’ve refined for the last four years. Sean: And that’s what we’re seeing from the reviews of people that have read the book is, they’re like, “It’s connecting the dots. Now the whole strategy is making sense. I’m getting the big picture and I’m getting tactics and I’m seeing how they all fit together with a lot of fresh insights as well.” And so there’s that piece. Sean: I think it’s important say for your audience, we know the value of having a book as an authority pillar on that can lead to speaking, how it can ... I know Michael Stelzner used to say this about Social Media Marketing World, although he is changing now and saying that he doesn’t believe every speaker needs to have a book, he used to say every speaker needs to have a book. And the reason why was, he said, “It tells me that they have taken the time to sit down and organise their information. If they’ve even gone through that process, I know that they can probably communicate linear, that they could lead someone from point A to point B, as opposed to just shotgun some info about social or some random tactics.” So kinda that same idea. Sean: So it really forced us to level up, to like create a framework and work on it and try to break it and think through it. It forced us to really think about the journey of someone and help them learn that whole strategy, and then to put out something that we could really be proud of. Again, we actually declared in a video on YouTube in 2014 in December, as Video Influencers was starting because from the get go we wanted to write this book, and we said the book’s coming in 2015. Teresa H-W.: Oh, God. Sean: Well ...

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Teresa H-W.: I love it when you do that. Don’t you? Sean: Three years ... Yeah, three years later it actually came out, but we’re so grateful that it was right and rushed. And that’s sort of the experience people are getting. Probably the last thing to state is that people learn in different ways. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: I think that’s the wisdom of like the Gary V content model is that there’s media posts and video content and podcast content. And for most entrepreneurs, you just can’t start that way. You gotta pick one. You can’t be doing everything. But as you can scale with team or as time passes ... It’s also I think reaching a whole nother audience and the last thing I would say too is, Amazon’s also a search engine. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: And the book is doing really good. We’re seeing it even ranking on Amazon. This might sound crazy, but it’s stunning that in 2018 when the book came out, no one had really written, to this day, a YouTube book that is really properly written. We’ve all seen the e-books, and they’re good but like the e-books, a few blog posts that they hired a VA to edit it, it’s a 75 page ... There’s a lot of YouTube content like that but we don’t know of one substantive kind of YouTube guide. Sean: So that was also a massive gap it the market. It wasn’t like some of these other platforms that have been covered pretty well, like Guy Kawasaki or some of those guys, YouTube hasn’t been written about and so that was an opportunity with us, with the Video Influencers brand. And it’s blown us away by how well it’s doing and how well people are responding and to summarise, I think that that absorption of deeper strategy is the opportunity for everybody listening. Sean: That’s why I’m sure we both listen to audiobooks, we’re [crosstalk 00:42:31] leaders, we’re listening to all kind of stuff to always be levelling up. And it’s like, “Well, why would you need that when there’s blog post and twitter?” I think because there’s tactics and there’s

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strategy, and you get deeper strategy and understanding when you go in a longer form content. Teresa H-W.: Yeah, I totally agree. And do you not think that it’s you immerse more in that thing, whereas when you are consuming content online, don’t get me wrong, it’s awesome, like again a world we live in that I can search anything in YouTube and find out how to do it, but when I really want to understand and spend some time and consider, then you read a book or then you listen to audible. Because you wanna get right in on that subject rather than just consuming a bit of content that was excellent and move on and do something else. So it’s more about a more deeper strategy of learning that. Teresa H-W.: And I guess as well, no one ... When you think of YouTubers, you don’t think of people who are writing books. Hence why maybe there’s not many books out there because the skillset is so different. Teresa H-W.: I need to ask, just because I’m super nosy. How did you split the work? Did one of you do more than the other and therefore get a bigger percentage of the book? Or were you pretty good at splitting it? Sean: So to answer the question directly, we’re fully 50/50 on the book, and in the process. But we did work with a ghostwriter, so we recorded 20 hours of the outline, 40 hours and then some extra hours of the content. So much like Gary V. It’s our voice, it’s our brand voice. And actually going into it, we knew we had to do that because it was like, “Wait a minute, are you gonna type and then I’m gonna type and then we’re gonna try to figure it out, we’re gonna ...” Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Sean: So as solo writers, I have a few other books out from the past that were more like e-books, we’ll probably as we’re going forward create content in different ways. But yeah, that was the critical element I think to bringing cohesion to the project. And the final thing I would say, is this would be true for any piece of content, just because I’m actually geeking out

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on this a little bit. Sean: I think books are so powerful because arguably, we’ve spent 500 hours at least probably, that has gone into this book. Whether from interviewing people ... It’s maybe more like a thousand hours. Then you could probably add up that we have all of our careers that have gon into it, and we have now got it down into a book that people can read in about four hours. The audiobook comes in, and that’s coming out soon, comes in at like three and a half hours. Sean: So I think that’s also the power of content like this. When we’re batch producing those ten tip videos, you might try to get those done, like prep in four hours and get them done in the next day and another four. Right? That’s so much different as opposed to how much research and the statistics, and that’s what’s so awesome. Somebody’s gone out there and invested 10 thousand hours and now- Teresa H-W.: Doing all the hard work. Sean: They’re gonna deliver it to you in three hours. That’s why I love books, it’s like “Come on man, you’ve done so much heavy lifting, you’re giving me the shortcut to the right information that I need, to the consolidated information. Thank you, for going and doing the 10 thousand so I could get it in three.” Teresa H-W.: And you’re completely right. All that time and energy and knowledge and experience and all pulled into one book, but basically gives you the shortcut because you guys have done it all. And I’m sure even though your YouTube careers have been phenomenal and you’re in amazing places right now, it wasn’t always like that. You obviously didn’t wake up one day and have hundreds of thousands of followers or subscribers and it took a lot of work. And you’re basically giving people those more succinct steps and the kind of, “Don’t do this. Do do this.” And like you said, it’s huge. Teresa H-W.: And I’ve ordered a copy, I’m super excited to read it. Now I have to admit, I don’t read books, I listen to books. But the funny thing is, I have lots of books on my

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bookshelf because then I ... this is so sad to admit, but then I buy every book so I can take a photo for my Instagram, right? Sean: That’s not sad. It might be sad to admit but I do the exact same thing. And I literally just spent $100 on Amazon and I’m not gonna read any of those books, I’m gonna buy all the audibles, it’s super [inaudible 00:46:35]. But that’s funny. Okay. Teresa H-W.: It’s such a weird world we’re in isn’t it? And actually I did ... One of the books I bought the other day was Brand Story ... StoryBrand by Donald Miller. Sean: So good. Teresa H-W.: Oh, my God. It’s so good. Sean: World class. Everybody listening has to listen to that one. Man that thing’s hot. Teresa H-W.: Totally. Sean: That’s fire. Teresa H-W.: Totally. I literally every meeting I’m going into, every person I speak to I’m like, “You must read this book.” And listened to it and then because there was so many good, think about this, answer this question, do this thing, I thought, “I’ve gotta through the book and read it properly so I can do all those exercises.” Teresa H-W.: So obviously, I’m gonna read your book and I can’t wait to learn more. Because like I said, this is definitely an area I wanna go down. So to finish, other than buying the book and going and looking at all of your videos, because they cover such amazing subjects, if I or my audience wanted to get started, what would kind of be your biggest tip or your biggest kind of consideration for them to get started on YouTube? Benji: Yeah, the first thing I would say to that is, realise how big the world is and how big YouTube is compared to that. Because YouTube has two billion logged in users monthly, watching videos on that platform. There’s I wanna say like, seven to eight billion people on the planet, maybe seven billion, but there’s so much more growth potential. But even if you think about the two billion possible viewers, like PewDiePie, I think he just hit 70 million

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subscribers, which is ridiculous, right? Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: Sean and I are here with our 300 thousand subscribers and we think that’s a massive community. Teresa H-W.: And it is. It is massive. Benji: And I’d say like, don’t get mixed up with those numbers, but the reason I mentioned two billion is because if you’ve got a passion, if you’ve got something that you’re good at, you’re an expert at and you really really are inspired to connect with other people to help them. Realise, there’s a community not just in the United States or in the UK or in Australia or wherever you’re at, there’s literally an audience all over the world. So that community that you have that may be like a thousand subscribers is just gonna continue to grow because the one thing that people forget so quickly, and we always are quick to remind them is, YouTube is a search platform. Teresa H-W.: Yes. Benji: That’s what sets it apart, outside of the fact that it has a tonne of videos. There’s Facebook and Instagram and even Twitters getting in the video game, Linkedin launched video. Obviously people are trying to creep up on YouTube but the reason ... And this is another little side story, we were originally gonna name the book, Video Influencers, self titled after our channel. But what we realised in the four years of writing this book, is how significant YouTube really is. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: We were kind of like afraid to plant that flag, but what we realised is, “Man, when it comes to searching for the answer to your question, to the solution to your problem to ... Just like learning how to cook something, right? Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: Or what’s the best reviews for this new camera I’m looking at? YouTube was the place

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to go. And if you really embrace that thought and start with that in mind with everything you do and that at the end of the day, what you’re trying to accomplish is add value, then everything else, especially if you read our book, you’ll figure it out. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: It is that simple and I think about that all the time, that there’s somebody on the other side of this phone or on the other side of this computer that’s typing away at the search bar and they’re looking for a piece of content, I wanna be that piece of content. Now obviously, not for everything right? But for specifically YouTube hot to stuff, right? Preferably do a lot of food stuff on my food channel, my wife and I are family vloggers. Benji: You want to be that piece of content that they’re consuming because everything’s gonna happen through content these days. The reason influencer marketing is working so well is because traditional marketing isn’t working, I mean billboards, TV, everybody watches things on streaming services. This is a lot that I’m like throwing at you and I know you were trying [crosstalk 00:50:54]... Teresa H-W.: No, it’s fine. No, carry on. Benji: This is the thing, the tactics, the strategies, the principles, not only can you read them on our book, but there’s our channel, there’s other channels. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: [crosstalk 00:51:04] do your own research. The mindset, that is the most important thing because the number one mistake people make is they quit. But if you realise how much opportunity there is, Sean even mentioned, it’s crazy to us. In 2018 that there isn’t more books about YouTube ... Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Benji: [crosstalk 00:51:25] like YouTubers or from people that are in it. There are just really so-called experts that haven’t maybe done enough research, but the space is wide open. And if you can master YouTube, you can really master all the other video platforms. Sean and I,

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we’re really into Linkedin video right now for like business people, entrepreneurs getting in touch with the gatekeepers and decision makers. Benji: So man, that’s a lot. But I’m so excited, like I could talk for another hour but that would be [crosstalk 00:51:54] ... Just realised the significance of YouTube, how big that audience is and how much bigger it’s gonna continue to grow as billions of people get connected to the internet. And always remember that someone is searching for something every millisecond of every day, and if you’re the one adding value to that search, game over. Teresa H-W.: Yeah. Awesome. Thank you. Sean: Absolutely. And we’d like to also issue your audience a challenge really, because ... And let’s make social medial simple, I think that we really overthink getting started on YouTube and so everybody’s got a smartphone listening, is my guess, and maybe if it’s pretty big, you have a PopSocket on it, like Benji and I so you can get that better grip on it when you’re holding your phone out there. And what I would actually challenge everybody is actually I’m gonna say the next 48 hours, I want your first YouTube video going up. And ... Teresa H-W.: I love that. Sean: Just go to a place with maybe some outdoor lighting but it’s quiet, turn the phone on yourself and here’s a template for your video. Introduce yourself, say something funny about, “I love dogs, I got two chihuahua’s and I help people with social media or whatever it is you do. And then maybe mention, “Hey, I’m just kinda getting start here on YouTube but I’m also on Instagram, here’s just kinda what I’m doing. And shoot a one to two minute video on your phone widescreen, and then upload it and post it to YouTube. And maybe if you don’t have a YouTube channel yet, then start your YouTube channel. Go to google and start a YouTube channel with your Gmail address. Sean: And now you’ve got one video up there, you put that title in there, but keep it simple. Because here’s the thing, that could be terrifying, people are like, “Wait a minute, 48 hours.” I’m challenging you, we’re challenging you, in the next 48 hours. Because here’s the thing you could

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do with that video, number one, you could put it up on YouTube. We’re not even saying you have make it public, just upload it, title it. But then at that point, maybe make it public. Guess what? Later on, if you wanna make it private and just take it down, you can. But you really gotta kinda walk before you run. Sean: And we overthink ... YouTube does have a lot of steps, so just get in it and get your channel avatar, get that nice headshot that you have on all your other profiles. Maybe that’ll take your YouTube channel and maybe it needs some spring cleaning, you haven’t been there in a while and you’ve only used it to comment and engage. Just like other influencers, it’s important to note ... Or other platforms, that comments can get thumbsed up and you can meet people by just being active in the community, and you should. Just like you can meet other influencers or network on twitter. And so, keep it basic. Sean: The challenge is, grab your phone, shoot that introductory video, keep it under two minutes, post that on your channel and then get YouTube Secrets and we’ll hold your hand through the next couple steps. Teresa H-W.: I love it. I love the challenge. It’s been a great interview guys, thank you so so much. And as always in my show notes, you can go and get the links to all these guy’s things. I will hook everything up and there’s a lot. Like I’ve been looking, there is a lot of stuff. So I will direct you to all these different YouTube channels and all their stuff and obviously their book. Teresa H-W.: Thank you guys so much for being on the podcast, I’ve had a blast. Benji: Appreciate it, Teresa. Sean: Thank you so much. Teresa H-W.: Wasn’t that good? I really enjoyed talking to those guys, they were really really nice. Do you know, I haven’t actually ever met them before and I had done my research before obviously, I interviewed them, but they were recommended to me. So for me, it was a really interesting one to interview someone that I didn’t know a lot about other than what research I’d done online. So they were really nice, I really enjoyed speaking to them, and actually we chatted

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for a little bit after the podcast as well just about what events we’re gonna be at and where me might cross paths and things. So I’m really excited about getting to know those guys further. Teresa H-W.: But I love the way that they gave us the outline of the things that they think about when they’re putting together their YouTube channel. So words like integrity and patience, quality, adding that value, and respect. I love those. I think not only are they great philosophies in life but I thought these are really nice that they think about the content that they’re putting out on YouTube with those in mind as well. Teresa H-W.: And something that I try and embrace all the time, and it’s a constant battle I have to say, but the whole batching content, the whole thinking of your content as a much wider thing. So I love the thing that Sean said where he spoke to the lady and had suggested that she came up with 10 things and then literally did a video for each one of those things. Often I think we are so overwhelmed by trying to come up with content ideas when actually we’re probably putting way too much into it and if we just simplified it, then we could address some really good bits of content without having to go into long and arduous kind of masses of content and things that you have to put out there. So I really enjoyed this one, I thought these guys were great. Teresa H-W.: So next week I have another call interview for you. And I alluded to it slightly earlier in the intro, that we’re gonna be talking about Pinterest. Now I know there’s gonna be people out there thinking, “Oh, I’ll give that one a miss. Pinterest isn’t for me, I don’t use it for my business.” Well, I’ve done two interviews now on Pinterest, this is the first of two that I’m gonna play you, two different people, and both of them blew my mind. Like I’m not even kidding you, I sat here and thought, “What on earth have I been doing? Why am I not using this platform the way I should be using it? Why am I not using it as a tool in order to drive traffic to my website?” Because actually Pinterest is the most effective platform to do this. It’s so good. And some of the stuff they told me, some of the stats they gave me, blew my mind.

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Teresa H-W.: So I’m really hoping you’ll join me for that one next week, it’s a really good one. I say this every week, but I promise they are. I wouldn’t play them otherwise. So come and join me next week. In the meantime, if you wanna get in touch, because I have the most loveliest messages sent to me, and I love and reply to every single one of them. And I honestly swear, it makes my day. Teresa H-W.: I had one the other day, you know when you’re having a really tough day, and my husband’s away working and I’m trying to run around with the kids, and I’m sick of waking up with a grumpy face teenager and a nine year old that takes forever to do whatever I ask her to do and I have to ask her 20 times to brush her teeth. So when you’re having a day like that and then you get a message out of the blue, dm me in Instagram and this lovely lady told me what an inspiration I was. And honestly, I could’ve just cried. It was amazing. It was so so good. Teresa H-W.: So please let me know what you think. I love to hear from you, and I will see you this time, next week.

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