Lesson Plans for Biblical Apologetics

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Lesson Plans for Biblical Apologetics LESSON PLANS FOR BIBLICAL APOLOGETICS A Young Earth ministry perspective, namely contrasting Scripture to true science now and during the ages. Image by Andrew Pitonyak By Dr. Jim Pagels – 9/2016 jimpagels08@comcast.net Edited by Dr. John Fricke, Emeritus Professor of Biology, Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Copyright This is book offered as a resource on a no cost basis, but not to be copied for the purpose of sale. The English Standard Version is regularly used for Scriptural references. 1 I HAVE NO GREATER JOY THAN TO HEAR THAT MY CHILDREN WALK IN THE TRUTH III JOHN 1:4 Intended Audience – This document, a companion document with Apologetic Resources, is written particularly for the use of those is ministry, namely for professional church workers, i.e., teachers, pastors, youth workers, etc. The focus in this regard is Young Earth creationism and the catastrophic nature of the global Genesis Flood keeping in mind that Genesis 1-11 is foundational to most of the significant doctrines of Holy Scripture. From this perspective there is a valid interplay between Scripture, true science and apologetics as contrasted to the philosophies of materialism and naturalism which are foundational to the theory of evolution. Of course, laymen may well also find these materials a valuable resource. Significance of a Lesson Plan Format - Although it is possible to select specific lesson plans to develop curriculum for a specific use, the primary thought behind the format of this source is that within a religion or science curriculum, there are times when additional material would be beneficial to either clarify a concept or refute the pseudo-science offered within a science text/curriculum. For example, the ice age occurred between Babel and Abraham. Historical science offers the picture of primitive man in terms of the Cro-Magnon Man or Neanderthal brute living during that time. In contrast, these ancient men were examples of genetically modern man who lived during a single ice age which occurred as a result of the global Genesis Flood during which time the Bible records the story of Job. So the first consideration was to offer lesson plans that would augment regular curricular materials. This would shortcut an instructor’s need to either spend time consuming research or just skip concepts which some may consider uncomfortable. Although one may use textbooks that are offered as science which deal with biology or geology, etc., the secularism of historical science associated with evolution is not science at all, for it is a philosophy built on the construct of circular reason, namely that evolution is a fact because it is said to be a fact. Scripture is also a philosophy or belief, but it is not based on the presumption of man’s reasoning that nature is the driving force in the universe, but on the acts of a holy, loving and supernatural God. Keep in mind that it is our responsibility as educators not only to share Scripture in all its truth and purity, but also, in all gentleness and love, to refute philosophies such as the evolution of the universe and of man which marginalize/undermine the gospel message regarding the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Images – Many of the images used in this document are either taken from a site that offers only free images or a combination of free and commercial images. In those cases, the site of origin is designated. In other cases permission has been received by the source to use an image with those cases being designated as “By permission of __________.” 2 Sincere Appreciation – My primary thanks goes out to my wife, Doris. At this time in history we are blessed by the abundance many excellent professional sources offered by Young Earth ministries including, but not limited to, Answers in Genesis and Institute for Creation Research. Lastly, heartfelt thanks go to John Fricke for his ongoing support in offering his professional expertise and in editing the original Apologetic Resources as well as these current Lesson Plans for Biblical Apologetics for the benefit of Christian apologetics. Biographical Sketch - Dr. Jim Pagels has been in Lutheran school ministry as a classroom teacher, interim principal and school/clinical psychologist for over a half a century. He was born in Woodlake, MN, and grew up in Watertown, MN, where his father was a Lutheran elementary teacher and principal. Dr. Jim attended Concordia academy at St. Paul, MN, where he learned a love for the biological sciences and respect for apologetics from Professor Paul W. Stor, a graduate of St. Louis Seminary. From there Jim went on to and graduated from Concordia Teacher’s College, River Forest, IL, and had his teaching internship at St. Martin’s Lutheran in Clintonville, WS. He taught at Redford Lutheran School in Detroit, Michigan, for approximately a decade. Dr. Jim received his Ph.D. from U. of D. Mercy in Clinical Psychology and ministered at Lutheran Special Education Ministries for thirty-five years administering psycho-educational evaluations of children and consultations with parents and teachers. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in Michigan and, in retirement, continues to complete pro bono evaluations on children within Lutheran Schools while pursuing his apologetic interests. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page.………………………………………………………………………………………………….1 Intended Audience, Significance of a Lesson Plan Format, and Images..……………………………..….2 Sincere Appreciation, Biographical Sketch……………………………………....……………………….3 SUMMARY OF CONTENT Audio visual resources concerning each chapter 41 Lesson plans 8 Explanatory tables, these typical written for an adult audience. GUIDE TO INTENDED AUDIENCES (Based on the lowest level of recommend usage) Of course, it is very possible to use a lesson plans at a lower level by modifying the vocabulary/content. Early Elementary - EE Middle Elementary – ME Upper Elementary to Teen – UE-T Adult – A Counselor - C CHAPTERS 1. Secularism vs. the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Audio Visual Resources…………....8 Lesson Plans The Holy Bible – ME……………………….……….………………………..…..9 Scripture, the Inspired Word of God – UE The Foundational Nature of Genesis – A….………………………………….…13 Martin Luther, the Church’s’ Reformer – ME…………………………………..15 The Five Roots of Humanism – A……………………………………………….17 Tables Christianity vs. Evolution………………………..………………………………19 Contrasting Worldviews…………………………………………………………20 2. Evangelism through Apologetics - Audio Visual Resources…………………………..………..21 Lesson Plans Touching Lives through Apologetics – C………………………….…………….23 The Gospel of St. John – UE………………………………….………………….29 Man’s Sin in Rebelling Against God – ME………………….…………………...31 4 Theological Problems with Theistic Evolution – A………………….…………..33 Theistic Evolution vs. Scriptural Inerrancy – A……………………………….....35 Tables Deism vs. Science……………………………………………………..………….37 3. Creation vs. Evolution – Conflict between two religions - Audio Visual Resources…………..38 Lesson Plans God’s Story of Creation with student activity – EE……………………………...42 God’s Creation –ME………………………………………..…………………….44 The History of Evolution – UE…………………………………….……….…….46 Evolution, the Rejection of the Creator – UE…………………………………….48 Science Verses Non-science – A…………………………………….……………50 The Battle of World Views – UE………………..…………………………….….52 Tables Points of View on Creation…………………………………………………..…...54 Graphic Organizer regarding Evolution…………………………………………..55 Milestones in Evolutionary Nonsense………………………………………….....56 What is True Science?.............................................................................................57 4. Dinosaurs – Used by secularists as a gateway to evolution. Actually dinosaurs lived with man during the biblical time span. - Audio Visual Resources…………………...58 Lesson Plans The Behemoth, Scripture’s Dinosaur – ME………………………………………59 Dinosaurs Lived with Man – ME……………………………………………..…..61 5. The Genesis Flood – Billions of dead things laid down by water are buried in rock layers all over the Earth. - Audio Visual Resources……………………………63 Lesson Plans The Violent Genesis Flood – UE…………………………………………….…...64 God’s Flood and God’s Time ME……………………………………….………66 6. The Young Earth – Ninety percent of the Earth’s geological evidence supports a Young Earth within a biblical time frame. - Audio Visual Resources…..……….….68 Lesson Plans . Our 6000 year Old Earth – UE…………………………..……..…………….……69 God’s Young Earth – UE…………………………………………………………..71 7. Mt. St. Helens – Within a day, this small volcano provided geological evidence that secularists claim took “millions of years.” - Audio Visual Resources………..…73 Lesson Plans Mt. St. Helens and Catastrophism – UE…………………………………….……..74 Mt. St. Helens Mud Flows – UE………………………….……………….….……76 5 8. Plate Tectonics – The Earth, being a single land mass at creation, catastrophically separated during the Genesis Flood into our current day continents. Audio Visual Resources……………………………………….……………..78 Lesson Plans Plate Tectonics and Scripture – UE……………………………………………..79 God’s Earth and a Genesis Flood Model – UE………………………….………81 9. The Ice Age – A single Ice Age, the aftermath of the Genesis Flood, occurred during the generations from Noah to Abraham. - Audio Visual Resources……………83 Lesson Plans The Migrations after the Flood – ME…………………………………………..84 The Ice Age following the Flood – ME………………………………………...86 The Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon Man –ME…………………………………..88 10. Dating Techniques – The unreliable radiometric dating techniques supporting the “millions of years” construct. - Audio Visual Resources…………………………...90 Lesson Plans Unreliable Radiometric
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