FOREST ORDER No. 06-03-05-19-01


Pursuant to 16 USC§ 551 and 36 CFR § 261.50 (a), the following acts are prohibited on all lakes within the GiffordPinchot National Forest. This Order will be effectivebeginning the date signed below and ending _July 2, 2021___ _


1. Posssessing or operating a motorboat 36 CFR 261.58 (n) 2. Operating any watercraft in excess of a posted speed limit 36 CFR 261.58 (q) 3. Landing any aircraftor dropping or picking up any material, supplies, or person by means of an aircraft,including a helicopter. 36 CFR 261.58 (y)


Pursuant to 36 CFR § 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt fromthis order:

1. Persons possessing or operating an approved type of motorboat on designated lakes as described in Exhibit A. 2. Persons with a contract or permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or om1ss10n. 3. Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of any organized rescue or fire fighting forcein the performance of an official duty.

This prohibition is in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 C.F.R. Part 261, Subpart A.

Executed in Vancouver, WA this 2nd___ day of JULY 2019.

GINA OWENS Forest Supervisor GiffordPinchot National Forest

Violations of this prohibition is punishable as a Class B Misdemeanor, by a fineof not more than $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment fornot more than 6 months, or both (16 USC§ 551; 18 USC§ 3559 and 18USC§ 3571).

Exhibit A

Order No.: 06-03-05-19-01

Date: 2 July 2019

Type of Motor Allowed Internal Combustion Electric

No. Lake(s) District Township/Range 1. Chain of Lakes CVRD T9N, R10E No Yes 2. Council Lake CVRD T9N, R9E No Yes 3. Horseshoe Lake CVRD T10N, R10E No Yes 4. Olallie Lake CVRD T8N, R9E No Yes 5. CVRD T9N, R10E No Yes 6. CVRD T11N, R11E Yes Yes 7. Goose Lake Mt. Adams T5N, R8E No Yes 8. Mosquito Lake Mt. Adams T9N, R10E No Yes

NFD 23Rd

Cispus R 9 E R 10 E R 11 E R 12 E

Rd T ExhibitCispus Rd A 12 N 2500 K Gifford³ ± Pinchot National Forest lic No k rth i River For ta Cowlitz uValleys Ranger District k t 2500 isp Ci Wilderness R ³ ± s C pus River iver T Prohibition of Motorized Use on Lakes 11 2500 ³ ± Forest Order No. 06-03-05-19-01 N Stream/River Walupt Lake Visible Lakes Exempt from Forest Order

NFD 25 Rd 2100 Electric Motor Allowed ³ ±

Combustion and Electric Motor Allowed T NFD 10 99 Rd9900 N

³ ± State Highway and Route

2500 NFD 23 Rd ³ ± Arterial Forest Service Road Horseshoe Lake Other Major Road Chain of Lakes 2300 ³ ± Olallie Lake Gifford Pinchot National Forest Takhlakh Lake NFD 25 Rd Wilderness BIA Land Council Lake T 9 State Land Private Land N

Kilometers 0 1 2 4 6 8 Miles ¯ 0 1 2 4 6 #

9000 T

T ³ ± 8 8 N Mount Adams N Gifford Pinchot Wilderness Mosquito National Forest Lake 2400 ³ ± 8851 ³ ± r W T T e h 7 v ite 7 Ri S N is a N w 3000 lm Le ³ ± CreekCurly Rd o 8800 n ³ ± 2400 R iv e r Indian Heaven Trout T 3000 Creek Rd T 6 Wilderness 6 N il N r a 141 e r ¬« v T i t R s 6000 Trout Lake Hwy ³ ± d e

in r

C LatimerRd

W c Goose i f

T i T c Lake

5 a 141 ¬« 5 P Hwy N BZ Glenwood N NFD 23RdR 7 E R 8 E R 9 E R 10 E R 11 E R 12 E