1876 The 2019 Campus Volume 144, Issue 9 – FRIDAY, October 25, 2019 – Meadville, Pennsylvania www.alleghenycampus.com Glennon gives lecture on the safety of lettuce By SARA HOLTHOUSE non said. “What does that mean? News Editor It means that in America, there [email protected] are dams that are meant to store a certain amount of snow melt (and) Ever since the outbreak of E. coli were sized for a hydrologic regime caused by romaine lettuce in 2017, that no longer exists.” the safety of eating lettuce has been Glennon connected the prob- a concern in the United States. This lem of snow melt back to Yuma, concern is reflected in a new re- Arizona, through the Colorado search project being done by Uni- River, saying that in certain large versity of Arizona Regents Profes- agricultural areas there is no longer sor and Morris K. Udall Professor any water in parts of the river. To of Law and Public Policy Robert restore water supply to those areas, Glennon. farmers in Yuma moved away from Glennon was awarded an envi- growing the typical iceberg lettuce ronmental prize from Allegheny in to growing “baby lettuce.” 2018 and came to campus to give a With the growing of this new let- public lecture about his water re- tuce comes new ways of producing search. it, according to Glennon. Glennon “He liked Allegheny so well that EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS connected this to food safety and we decided to invite him back,” As- Above: Hilary Link and her family stand on stage during Dr. Mary Feeley’s speech at Link’s inaugura- the different ways producers have sociate Professor of Geology Rachel tion on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in Shafer auditorium. tried to keep their lettuce healthy O’Brien said in her introduction of Below: The Allegheny College Choir performs at Link’s inauguration on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in Shafer and safe for consumers to eat. Glennon. “He’s here to talk about auditorium. “Here’s the problem with lettuce: a new research project he’s been working on, the title of his lecture It’s grown outdoors,” Glennon said. being ‘Eating Lettuce: Is it Safe?’” “Most food (that people eat) has Glennon began his presentation been sterilized or pasteurized, so it Making College History by discussing food safety and the will be pure. There is no kill switch first woman to get sick with E. coli for something that you’re going to Link inaugurated as Allegheny’s first female president from romaine lettuce in 2017. Af- eat raw.” ter the E. coli outbreak began, the Glennon showed the audience See INAUGURATION page 2 Food and Drug Administration a short clip of a lettuce processing traced the disease back to lettuce plant and described each step that from Yuma, Arizona, according to processors had to take to ensure Glennon. the lettuce was clean and healthy “More than 90% of the coun- enough for consumption. try’s lettuce comes from Yuma,” The steps included chilling the Glennon said. “During (the winter lettuce to keep the cells alive and months), it comes from California.” prevent wilting, sending the lettuce Glennon discussed how cli- through a processor to the wash- mate change affects the world’s wa- er, where it was washed multiple ter supply and how farmers must times, and then to a spinner for an now use a larger amount of water additional check to get rid of most to produce the same amount of of the bad bacteria. food. Climate change causes many Glennon then moved discussion other problems that involve water, to how the FDA traced the E.coli including in dams. Glennon used infected lettuce back to Yuma. He Oroville Dam in California as a used a pathway chart to help ex- specific example. plain to the audience the multiple “This is a dam that almost steps of the complicated process. broke in 2017 because of large unexpected snow melt,” Glen- See LETTUCE page 2 Young returns to discuss business law and ethics By HANNAH SCHAFFER “I am delighted to be back here at Farr and Gallagher LLP, where he is York City Bar Association’s Financial News Editor Allegheny,” Young said. “I graduated the chair of the firm’s litigation and Reporting Committee and as coun- [email protected] in the class of 1978. I was an English security practice. Young was named sel to the American Institute of Cer- major, so I am uniquely qualified to one of the “top 100 most influential tified Public Accountants and the Partner at Willkie Farr and Galla- I have watched people speak to the issues of ‘What were people in accounting,” by “Account- Center for Audit Quality. gher LLP and Allegheny trustee Mi- who I would view as every they thinking … How is it that good ing Today” magazine. Young has also authored and ed- ited a number of books focusing on chael Young, ’78, made his way back people go bad.” Young’s work focuses on repre- bit as honest, decent and financial reporting, audit committee to campus to discuss business law Following his graduation from senting companies, audit commit- honorable as anybody in effectiveness and the role of inde- and ethics. Allegheny, Young attended Duke tees, officers, directors, accounting this room get five to 15 University School of Law, where he firms and investment banks in the pendent auditors, including “The The Bruce R. Thompson Cen- Financial Reporting Handbook,” years, while, all the while, was Research and Managing Editor United States and international se- ter for Business and Economics in “Accounting Irregularities and Fi- they thought they were of the Duke Law Journal. curities class actions, U.S. Securities partnership with the Law and Policy nancial Fraud” and “Financial Fraud continuing to be honest, “(Young) decided to seek his for- and Exchange Commission’s pro- Program invited Young to its Lunch- Prevention and Detection: Gover- decent, and honorable” tune in New York City, where he ceedings and special committee in- nance and Effective Practices.” time Learning Speaker Series on obtained a summer internship at vestigations. Young began his presentation by Thursday, Oct. 17 to present his talk, —MICHAEL YOUNG, ’78 Willkie Farr and Gallagher,” Carlos In addition, Young has previously explaining that no one is exempt “What Were They Thinking? How Trustee, Sanchez, ’20, who introduced Young served as a member of the Finan- from getting into trouble with the Honest People Go Bad … A Little Allegheny College at the series. cial Accounting Standards Board’s law. at a Time,” at 12:15 p.m. in Quigley Currently, Young serves as a liti- Financial Accounting Standards Auditorium. gation partner at New York’s Willkie Advisory Council, chair of the New See ETHICS page 3 IN THIS WEEK’S CAMPUS

STUDENT CONDUCT JOKER SUPERM Allegheny Student Govern- A discussion of the new A review of the Korean ment welcomes justin adkins “Joker” movie that is causing pop group’s debut album as guest speaker to its weekly mixed feelings for many peo- “The 1st Mini Album.” general assembly meeting. ple across the United States.

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H: 55º L: 36º H: 55º L: 49º H: 58º L: 45º FRIDAY Rain: 20% SATURDAY Rain: 50% SUNDAY Rain: 60% Sunset: 6:24 p.m. Sunrise: 7:45 a.m. Sunrise: 7:46 a.m. Sunset: 6:23 p.m. Sunset: 6:21 p.m. 2 October 25, 2019 The Campus [News] AlleghenyCampus.com

INAUGURATION from page 1

By HANNAH SCHAFFER that Allegheny College, un- News Editor der your guiding hand, will [email protected] continue to level this hill and empower the students and “Since (the inauguration of faculty to see and experience Timothy Alden), the college the world through everything has been led by individuals Meadville has to offer.” of integrity and passion,” said Walker thanked Link for Chair of the Board of Trustees the opportunity to formally Mary Feeley, ’78. “Now, Pres- welcome her to Meadville be- ident Hilary Link embarks on fore introducing Director of a new chapter of leadership Gift Planning and 2012 Rob- and service to this great col- ert T. Sherman Distinguished lege.” Service Award Recipient Me- The inauguration of Hilary lissa Mencotti. Link as the 22nd president of “It is my great honor to Allegheny College took place stand here today, represent- on Friday, Oct. 18 in Shafer ing the college’s staff and ad- Auditorium. The ceremony ministrators, to tell you that began with a procession com- my 279 colleages and I are ea- prised of international flag ger to work with (Link) to im- bearers, student delegates, the plement (Link’s) visions and alumni council, torchbearers, goals for the college,” Men- EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS delegates from other insti- cotti said. “We face the future Above: Former Allegheny presidents James Mullen, Daniel Sullivan and Richard Cook join President Link at her tutions, faculty and staff and from a position of strength, inauguration on Friday Oct. 18, 2019 in the Tippie Alumni Center. trustees. with much to be proud of and Below: President Hilary Link talks with students after her inauguration on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in the Henderson Following the procession, so we look forward to (her) Campus Center Lobby. College Chaplain Jane Ellen leadership and guidance as Nickell requested that audi- we work together in service to ence members silence their Allegheny.” phones before standing for President of Allegheny the invocation. College’s Alumni Council “As we come from many traditions, I ask you to pause Gregory Ward, ’94, began his for a moment and consider speech by asking all alumni in your own source of good- the auditorium to stand. ness and truth before I offer “We, the alumni of Al- our invocation,” Nickell said. legheny, pledge our support “On this day, when we inau- to this remarkable college,” gurate a new era at Allegheny Ward said. “President Link, College, we invoke the legacy we stand ready to support you of all who have shaped this as you lead Allegheny in its school’s distinguished history third century. We will work and acknowledge that every- tirelessly in partnership with thing we do builds on their you and today’s faculty, staff good work.” and students to provide the Nickell asked for support very best education found from the Allegheny commu- anywhere in the world.” nity, friends and honored Ward also stated that the guests before welcoming Fee- alumni will continue to “car- ley to the podium. ry the torch for Allegheny” so In addition to welcoming that the college may continue Link, Feeley also welcomed to change lives. three former presidents of the President of Allegheny dened to hear about the re- Ferrante in welcoming Link. Mattiace said. “We are proud “It is only right to confess college — President Emeritus Student Government Jason tirement of Mullen in June Mattiace then used her few of our long tradition of culti- James H. Mullen Jr., President Ferrante, ’20, was next to con- to you now that she was al- 2019, Ferrante said it was also minutes to explore the im- vating values that support de- Emeritus Richard J. Cook and gratulate President Link. Fer- ways far less puzzled than I an extremely exciting time for portant role Allegheny and mocracy, even as our ideas of President Emeritus Daniel F. rante recalled the role women was,” Samet joked. “Had you the college. other liberal arts colleges play democracy have changed over Sullivan. have played in Allegheny’s told me in seventh grade that history of the college during “We had the choice for all in democracy. the years since our founding. “Congratulations to the I would one day be an English entire Allegheny communi- his speech. to help us decide the future of “Americans tend to exag- … May the values and beliefs professor at a military acade- ty on this historic day and to In 1870, three women were the college,” Ferrante said. “It gerate our exceptionality as a that support and sustain our my, addressing the Allegheny President Hilary Link,” Feeley admitted into the incoming was a time for all of us to use country,” Mattiace said. “One mission and our democra- said. “I have no doubt that class by the all male board of our voices to guide the next way we are truly exceptional cy continue to endure in the College community on the (Link) will carry on the best trustees, according to Ferran- chapter in Allegheny’s histo- is the model of the liberal arts years to come.” occasion of my classmate’s in- traditions of Allegheny and te. r y.” college.” Professor of English at West auguration as its president, I Ferrante concluded by of- Mattiace spoke of Alleghe- Point Elizabeth Samet, a close will create new traditions.” “(The admission of women) would not have believed you. was the first step that the college fering a formal welcome to ny’s role in cultivating demo- friend of Link’s, was the last City Manager of Meadville Even if I had, I could not have Andrew Walker, ’00, took the took towards equity for all,” Fer- President Link on behalf of cratic values. speaker welcomed to the podi- known how to read the map podium following Feeley. rante said. “Since its inception, the student body. “From Allegheny’s found- um prior to Link’s installation. “Dr. Link, our hope for Allegheny has been an institu- “Welcome President Link,” ing in 1815, we’ve been in “My friendship with Presi- from there to here. Neither I you is that you will carry on tion led by presidents who un- Ferrante said. “(The students) the practice of educating dent Link dates all the way back suspect could your president, the tradition of leadership til now have all been men, but are very excited to begin this our students in civic respon- to the seventh grade,” Samet but as anyone can see, she is and excellence that contin- in July, that all changed. Today, journey.” sibility — guiding them in said. Samet recalled spending exactly where she needs to ues to define this institution we celebrate Dr. Link and the Professor of Political Sci- the knowledge and ability to evenings on the phone with b e .” and puts Meadville on the promise of her leadership.” ence and International Stud- make thoughtful and ethical Link, puzzled about the Latin map,” Walker said. “We hope Although many were sad- ies Shannan Mattiace joined judgements on social issues,” syntax of the “Aeneid.” See INAUGURATION page 5

LETTUCE from page 1 Glennon then described Ford would still get in trouble. the second outbreak of E.coli “The rules that are hap- that occurred, saying that it pening when it comes to food was originally thought to have safety are coming from those I think we have to live been caused by cow manure who have the most to lose,” with a certain amount getting into the water system Glennon said. “And the places of ambiguity and where the lettuce was grown. that have the most to lose are risk.” When scientists went and places like McDonald’s, Cost- checked, they did not find the co, Walgreens — those are the —ROBERT GLENNON E.coli there. ones that have the most to Regents Professor and Morris “The FDA tested the soil lose.” K. Udall Professor of Law and and they tested the manure, Glennon ended his lecture Policy, and they didn’t find any- by telling the audience that University of Arizona thing,” Glennon said. “They although it is hard to stop the didn’t find any reason (how) sickness because of many fac- it got there. … The FDA was tors, that does not mean peo- not able to say conclusively ple should stop eating lettuce, “It’s just like something that it came from the cows or rather to just decide the best from CSI,” Glennon said. “So this particular farm. All they place to buy lettuce. could say was that it came “I think we have to live imagine in all the TV shows from Yuma.” with a certain amount of am- you see, you have a police Glennon described how the biguity and risk,” Glennon detective that’s trying to fig- big businesses and fast food said. “And we don’t like that at ure out a serial killer. They places like McDonald’s and all. We expect perfection. … start putting pins on the map, Panera Bread did not care about But when you’re eating some- where the killer was, and who where it came from or who was thing that’s been grown out- the victims were. They’re try- originally to blame for the out- doors and hasn’t been cooked, break. He used an example of if perfection is a pipe dream. … ing to puzzle out all of this in- someone tried to sue Ford Mo- I think you’re more likely to formation, trying to figure out tor Company for bad breaks, get struck by lightning (then SARA HOLTHOUSE/THE CAMPUS exactly what happened. Well, and Ford tried to push it off to get sick from lettuce), but University of Arizona Professor Robert Glennon gives his lecture, titled “Eating Let- that’s exactly what (the) FDA onto the company that made the there is a small chance, and it tuce: Is it Safe?” on Wednesday, Oct. 23 in Ford Memorial Chapel. does.” breaks. According to Glennon, is real.” AlleghenyCampus.com The Campus October 25, 2019 3 [News] ASG discusses student conduct, athletics and recreation

By SARA HOLTHOUSE performance is if you have a and the Dean of Students News Editor strong sense of belonging in Office, and how disciplinary [email protected] the school that you go to. … warnings worked. So pretty soon, I’m going to “A lot of people struggle Allegheny Student Gov- begin working here with stu- to understand the difference ernment’s general assembly dents on what can increase between disciplinary warning meeting lasting for over an (their) sense of belonging at and probation,” adkins said. hour was not the only unusual this institution.” “A disciplinary warning is a occurrence Tuesday night. adkins presented the aca- note in your record that stays ASG held its weekly gener- demic standards and non-ac- for a specific amount of time. al assembly meeting at 7 p.m. ademic standards from last It means you are still in good Tuesday, Oct. 22 in the Hen- year, and then went into detail standing at the college. It does derson Campus Center and about the new restorative jus- not get reported externally, welcomed Associate Dean of tice policy and how it works. and sometimes, but not of- Students for Community and Included was the new frame- ten, we may decide to talk to Belonging, justin adkins, as a work and the referral process. your guardian, your parents guest speaker. “A lot of people will talk or your advisor.” “Over the summer things about how public safety or adkins added that proba- kind of shifted,” adkins said. their RA ‘wrote them up,’ but tion means that a student is “Joe Hall got a fabulous job we don’t have write ups at Al- not in good standing with the in Cleveland, so he left. And legheny,” adkins said. “What college, and the majority of when (Hall) left his job got we really have is referrals. It’s the time the parents and ad- blown up, and parts of it land- a referral for a conversation, visors are contacted. SARA HOLTHOUSE/THE CAMPUS ed on what is now my new based on what was observed.” One of the other signifi- ASG holds a longer than normal general assembly meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. j o b.” According to adkins, re- cant changes to the commu- 22, 2019, in the Henderson Campus Center. adkins explained that parts ferrals are only reported after nity standards policy includ- of the student conduct pro- which is really exciting. So “The feminine products rante brought up the reno- incidents, and sometimes the ed agreement letters and the cess have now become part keep an eye out for that, and if have come in, finally, and the vations to the Wise Center, reported incidents did not oc- ability to reach an agreement of his position. adkins has you are a person of 5’6” stat- machines have been ordered, which include getting rid of cur exactly how they are stat- between the student and ad- been working with Dean of ure or taller, we are looking so we’re just waiting on that,” the racquetball courts and ed in the referral. kins’s office. Students April Thompson on for someone to be Chompers.” Pena said. turning the weight room into adkins used the example “(Usually) you can come what he called “a restorative Director of Diversity and Following cabinet reports, a two-floor weight room. of a student urinating on the in and we can reach some sort justice process.” Inclusion Taylor Marzou- the class of 2020 reported on a “Athletics and Recreation gator in the Gator Quad. of mutual agreement,” adkins adkins explained that the ca, ’20, discussed the latest few of their upcoming events, has put a lot of money into “I keep telling people that said. “But if we don’t, it goes new restorative justice pro- Council of Diversity and Eq- including Operation Christ- the project, and they are now referrals are like the last two to a hearing … If it looks like cess came from matters stu- minutes of a movie,” adkins mas Child and a celebration coming to us for a total of it’s just going to be a warning uity (CoDE) meeting in her dents and ASG voted on and said. “I don’t have the trailer. of the December 2019 grad- about $10,000 to go towards or probation, then the hear- report, following Roach’s. asked for last year regarding I don’t have the sparknotes. uates. that new room and equip- ing will be of a panel of your “We brought up again the student conduct. Another I have nothing, just the last In his president’s report, ment for that room,” Ferrante peers.” discussion about the United part of adkins job is looking two minutes of the movie. So ASG President Jason Fer- said. After taking a few ques- Methodist Church and the at belonging on Allegheny’s that’s why the referral is just a rante, ’20, thanked everyone Senators motioned for a tions from the room, adkins college’s interactions with campus. referral for a larger conversa- for helping during President five-minute moderated dis- ended his presentation with that,” Marzouca said. “We “I’m also looking at be- tion.” Link’s inauguration, and re- cussion to further discuss the a discussion of the new loca- spoke also about the mas- longing, and what that means Using a flow chart to help ported on the latest Board of renovations. Once the timer tion of The Compass, and the ter planning agenda. A lot of at Allegheny,” adkins said. show how the new student Trustees meeting, which in- buzzed, the senate opposed goals that the office hopes to students got to attend focus “There’s a lot of student af- conduct and community cluded the fact that Alleghe- the motion to extend the achieve through the new pol- groups with the architects, fairs research that says one standards process works, ad- ny’s retention rate is up over moderated discussion. A vote icy. and that was really helpful for of the things (that improves) kins explained conversations 4% from last year. Ferrante on the request will take place adkin’s presentation was them.” retention and your academic between the person accused also reminded the room of later in the semester. followed by regular cabinet Marzouca added that the upcoming Blue and Gold Following the discussion reports. CoDE sent out a resolution Weekend and Gator Day. about the renovations the Director of Communica- to the administration about During new business, Fer- meeting closed at 8:12 p.m. tions and Press David Roach, recognizing Indigineous Peo- ’21, discussed the upcoming ple’s Day over Columbus Day, promotion of the Loop, in- along with the creation of a I keep telling people that referrals are like the volving Chompers. calendar for cultural events last two minutes of a movie.” “We’re going to be work- on campus. THE ing with College Relations to A few reports later, Co-Di- —justin adkins do a promo for the Loop with rector of Student Affairs Gen- Associate Dean of Students for Community and Belonging, Chompers,” Roach said. “So esis Pena, ’22, reported on the CAMPUS Allegheny College Chompers is going to ride the arrival of the feminine prod- since 1876 Loop, and or any CATA lines, ucts dispensers. EDITORIAL STAFF

Matthew Steinberg Editor-in-Chief Lauren Trimber Editor-in-Chief

ETHICS from page 1 Sara Holthouse News editor Ethan Woodfill News editor “I have watched people “Let me give you a piece ond word is objectivity. If you parent and objective, they will Hannah Schaffer ewsN editor who I would view as every bit of legal advice,” Young said. are ever in a meeting where need to voice their concerns. as honest, decent and honor- “Ignorance of the law is no the company cannot be trans- “It takes courage to (voice Cody Baumeister Features editor Shaelyn Ursida Features editor able as anybody in this room excuse.” parent, or if you are ever in a concerns) and it might blow Blair Proteau Features writer get five to 15 years (in pris- The U.S. Securities and meeting where the company up in your face,” Young said. on), while all the while, they Exchange Commission goes cannot be objective, you are “It is a judgment call you will thought they were continuing after CEOs, newly hired low- in the danger zone.” have to make.” Willy Walker Science/ to be honest, decent and hon- er level employees and every- Young defined transparen- Transparency and objec- International editor orable,” Young said. one in between, according to cy as telling things like they tivity are critical for both ju- Kaleigh White Science/ Young explained that peo- Young, who explained that he are, including the good, the nior associates and CEOs, ac- International editor ple get in trouble with the law has watched people just out of bad and the dirty, and objec- cording to Young. not because of dishonesty, school be investigated. tivity as not letting reports of “I don’t want anyone to lack of ethics or lack of integ- “The most difficult thing bad news be influenced by the leave this discussion with the Taylor Renk Opinion editor rity, but instead the pressure is to recognize if people are audience. for results. talking about doing some- “If it is the truth, it needs impression that it is a sea of corruption out there,” Young “The private sector expects thing wrong,” Young said. to be said,” Young said. “The Henry Sutter Sports editor results,” Young said. “No truer Young presented the audi- alternative is much, much said. “If you keep in mind Elias Bullock-Moreno Sports writer words have ever been spoken.” ence with two words he sug- worse.” those two concepts, transpar- These pressures can come gested everyone write down Young explained that as dif- ency and objectivity, I have ev- from many different aspects and remember for the rest of ficult as it may be, if students ery confidence that I will never Kelsey Evans Photographer of a company, including sales their careers. find themselves in situations find myself alone in a confer- Emily Rice Photographer goals, loan covers and bonus “The first word is transpar- where they are working for a ence room with a sobbing Cody Baumeister Photographer objectives, according to Young. ency,” Young said. “The sec- company that cannot be trans- CEO from Allegheny College.” Shaelyn Ursida Photographer

Matthew Steinberg Copy editor CRIME BLOTTER Matthew Steinberg Web manager Editor’s Note: The weekly Crime Blotter is compiled using the Daily Crime Log available on the Office of Lindsey Basse Web manager Public Safety’s web page. Crimes reported may still be under investigation. Crimes listed below are collected the Thursday before publication. Daniella Clarke Business manager Davis Bayne Business manager

Oct. 19, 2019 Oct. 20, 2019 Oct. 20, 2019 Michael Crowley Faculty Adviser Criminal Mischief Alcohol Violation Alcohol Violation Baldwin Hall Baldwin Hall Campus Center Advertising (412) 865-7758 Box 12, Allegheny College 520 North Main St. Meadville, Pennsylvania Oct. 20, 2019 Oct. 22, 2019 Oct. 22, 2019 Oct. 24, 2019 16335 Criminal Mischief Dating Violence Rape Criminal Mischief Ravine Hall 294 East College The Campus is printed every Friday during the North Village II College Court academic year, except during breaks and exam periods. Street 4 October 25, 2019 The Campus [OPINION] AlleghenyCampus.com It’s never too late to create a life worth living The importance of living each day like it’s your last, because it very well could be

By TAYLOR RENK of disaster, and a last second she could lose her hearing and the star running back for the As somber as it is, too When he passed away a year Opinion Editor Hail Mary couldn’t even save a potential for partial loss of Pittsburgh Panthers football many people and families face later, millions mourned the [email protected] the day — this was real life. facial function, Kelly decided team, Conner never gave up this situation on a daily basis. loss of this beloved man. Although the diagnosis that she needed to attack this on his dreams of making it to Good people are taken from Kelly Stafford, James Con- There is an old, wise saying of the acoustic neuroma was situation just as her husband the NFL. this Earth too early, with no ner and Stuart Scott, although that goes, “Live everyday like not life threatening if taken attacks football: head on and After 12 rounds of che- warning. It is unfair, but it is we don’t know them on a per- it is your last because you nev- care of, the news halted the as positively as possible. That motherapy, he received the reality. These people, the peo- sonal level, can all be used as er know if it will be,” and un- Stafford’s lives instantly. Kelly positivity is exactly what al- news he was cancer free, and ple who have the impossible role models for the way life fortunately that phrase reso- Stafford, only 29 when she re- lowed her to be where she is the following season he was battles, are the ones that have should be lived. Too often do nates with everyone — young, ceived the diagnosis, couldn’t today. Just months post-oper- back in the football huddle. In the best outlooks on life. we find ourselves in situations old or in-between. Matthew have imagined this being a ation, Kelly is an inspiration 2017, his amazing story con- Stuart Scott, a well-known Stafford, the quarterback for part of her story, but is it ever to many as she posts high tinued when he was drafted and beloved ESPN sports- where we could have done the Detroit Lions, and his wife possible to prepare for news intensity workout videos on by the Pittsburgh Steelers and caster and anchor who lost something different — we Kelly know the importance of like this? She is the moth- her social media accounts — was able to play for the city his battle to cancer in 2015, could have made that phone living true to that statement er of beautiful girls, and her defying all odds and doing it that stood behind him during stood on the stage of the 2014 call or we could have tried each and every day. husband is a quarterback in with style his whole battle with cancer. ESPY Awards as he accepted harder. Thursday, Oct. 17, marks the NFL. Everything seemed In a situation of despair, If that story doesn’t give you the Jimmy V Award for brav- The great thing about life is six months since Kelly Stafford like it was perfect — until it her foundation was not shak- goosebumps, I don’t know ery. He brought each and ev- that it is never too late to start underwent surgery to remove wasn’t. en, and she leaned into De- what will. ery person in the audience at living your best life, because a non-cancerous brain tumor, Naturally, even though the troit as her support system. Unfortunately, there are home to tears with his heart at the end of the day, we are a 10-hour surgery in which tumor was not life threaten- Now she lives stronger than plenty of stories that don’t felt acceptance speech. Know- all fortunate for each and ev- her husband and three little ing, fear crept into the back ever to tell her story, and in- have a miraculous ending. ing that his time on Earth was ery day we have on this Earth. children patiently sat in the of Kelly Stafford’s mind. She spire others to take advan- Some people are served with near the end, he looked to When your time has come waiting room in hopes to talk released a statement after the tage of the time they have much more difficult pills to inspire those who may walk to an end, you want to be re- to their wife and mom again. procedure that her biggest fear on Earth, because she knows swallow. Sometimes, there is in his shoes one day saying, membered for the impact you Instead of Matthew Stafford going into the surgery was not first-hand what it feels like for no light at the end of the tun- “When you die, it does not have made on people’s lives, being under center, in control coming out, saying, “What if the future to be unclear. nel to work toward, and that is mean that you lose to cancer, of the game, on the grandest this thing gets taken out and We hear these inspiration- when the rubber truly hits the you beat cancer by how you being your true authentic stage in front of thousands of something goes wrong? What al stories about triumph all road, and you are faced with live, why you live and in the self. The materialistic things screaming football fans, he if something happens before of the time, with Pennsylva- what could be the toughest manner in which you live.” don’t matter. Live for the little was in unfamiliar and terri- that? My biggest fear is not nia-native NFL player James situation you will ever make: He ended his speech in the things, say “I love you” way fying territory. There was no being here, and not being here Conner being one of the most what do I want to make of my most “Stuart Scott” like way, too much and take advantage chance to audible in this situ- to raise my girls.” well-known. Being diagnosed life while I still have the op- inviting his two daughters up of the life you were given — ation, no way to scramble out With a 50% chance that with cancer during his time as portunity to? on stage for a warm embrace. it’s a blessing in disguise. ‘Joker’– could it incite violence? Joker’s Violence Causes Massive Outbreak of fear

By MICHELLE MILLER taken into custody. Contributing Writer The new “Joker” mov- [email protected] ie also reminded people of a horrific clown epidemic “Joker,” the new movie di- that occurred in 2016, which rected by Todd Phillips, sparked concern that the is sparking excitement all movie might promote copy- across the United States for cats in the near future be- DC Comics and Joker fans Photo courtesy of fairchild.af.mil cause of certain scenes and alike. Unfortunately, a sig- events. During the trend, nificant number of people individuals would dress up do not feel the same about Foundation of a great nation as clowns and scare people the release of the movie and during the day and night. By TAYLOR RENK Constitution of the United only country in the world that for yourself is how I view the originally wanted to prevent Opinion Editor Some occurrences would States, a document in which prohibited women to drive, American dream. That is ex- it from hitting theaters. This [email protected] outlines the rights of each according to “The Women to actly why I am proud to be an go no further than spook- is because the film sends an and every citizen. This docu- Drive Movement.” American. ing people, but others would Patriotism is an extremely ill-suited message: A men- ment, although to some may None of this is to say that I encourage everyone, es- cross the line when the hard concept to grasp, and just seem like a piece of paper, unfortunate circumstances do pecially younger generations, tally ill man is glorified for clowns made threats or, in an even harder concept to ex- gives us freedoms and rights not exist in the U.S. We, like to love their country, whether committing acts of violence. plain, because of the endless that other places around the any nation, are far from per- it is the U.S. or elsewhere. In some cases, actually attacked amount of interpretations that People believe this relates world aren’t fortunate enough fect, but it’s important to rec- the modern day, it may seem other people. Some of the are tied with both negative to the U.S., where thousands to have. ognize that the freedoms we like there are more negatives scenes in “Joker” show peo- and positive connotations. By of citizens are currently af- For instance, the First have should not, and cannot, than positives, and that the definition, patriotism means, ple rioting and committing Amendment of the Con- be taken advantage of because polarization within the U.S. fected by mass shootings or “love or devotion to one’s violent acts while wearing stitution — which states, there are people around the and around the globe seems some type of gun violence. country,” but in modern-day clown masks. “Congress shall make no law world who may wish they had to be unsolvable, but in times A mass shooting is defined culture, this terminology respecting an establishment the freedoms and opportuni- like this, it is even more im- Even though these con- seems to lack importance in as a shooting incident that of religion, or prohibiting ties that are available in the portant to unite as one people. cerns are legitimate, the its entirety. kills or wounds four or more the free exercise thereof; or U.S. We look around and see As a part of the millennial movie release was not go- abridging the freedom of Those exact rights are constant complaining and people. There were 372 mass generation, I feel as if we are ing to be stopped because it speech, or of the press; or the what our brave young men bickering, whether about pol- shootings in the U.S. in 2015 losing the level of importance was a popular movie con- right of the people peaceably and women in the military itics, world affairs or even ba- that killed 465 people and of what it means to be a part of to assemble, and to petition fight for. They fight to de- sic individual opinions. I am cept. Some reviewers believe something that is much larger injured 1,870, according to that it might win Academy than us — that being the com- the Government for a redress fend those rights — not the not a politician, but I do know BBC News. This high num- of grievances,” according to physical rights themselves, that the only way to make any munity of citizens that makes ber of mass shootings con- Awards and break October up the United States. Constitute Project — gives but the freedoms that come type of progress is to work box office records because Americans the ability to prac- with them. Fighting for these together from a place of love tinues to increase each year. The history of the U.S. is of the work put into it by the tice whatever religion they freedoms is not supposed to and respect. Some even believe that the decorated with rich moments producers Bradley Cooper, of morality and moments of desire, protest anything and be seen as narcissistic, in that As an American, it should movie might motivate cer- Emma Tillinger Koskoff, despair and discrimination. express their opinions freely, we as Americans believe we not be frowned upon to be tain individuals to take on What stands firm to this day, even if it directly opposes the are superior to the rest of the proud of your roots — I defi- the Joker’s personality and Todd Phillips (who, for this current government in place. modern world, but we believe nitely am. Knowing your though, is that we as a nation imitate his violent actions. movie, doubled as the di- are continuously working to- This specific freedom is not that these rights are meant for roots, being proud of where The villian’s persona has rector), cinematographer ward creating an atmosphere available in other places of the all. If we set the precedent, you come from and exempli- Lawrence Sher and the actor that is demanding better of world. For instance, in North there is hope that others will fying what it means to be an already influenced someone and for all. As Americans, we Korea, citizens are expected to follow in our footsteps. American should be some- to commit domestic ter- who played the role of Joker, have a lot to be proud of and remain extremely loyal to the For a large percentage of thing we take great pride in. rorism in the past. In 2012, Joaquin Phoenix. state and, specifically, its lead- the American population, we Think of patriotism as a certainly a lot to be thankful James Eagan Holmes went It is unfortunate that for. er Kim Jong-un. The freedom are of immigrant descent in family. Without love, loyalty to a theater in Aurora, Col- Americans are feeling this Thousands of brave young to practice personal religion one way or another. Personal- and respect, a family would fear at all; people are hoping men and women have put or express dissenting opin- ly, I am of European descent, fall apart. In fact, those very orado, that was showing a their lives on the line, fighting ions is prohibited, according and my great-grandfather characteristics are what builds midnight screening of “The that the film does not moti- to protect this country and to a study done by “Freedom came to the U.S. from Italy by a strong foundation in which Dark Knight Rises” and vate acts of violence of any the lives of those who call the in the World” in 2019. himself when he was 16 years you build a family. The same opened fire at the audience, kind. Therefore, if anyone In Saudi Arabia, there was old in search of a place with goes for a country or a na- U.S. home. But what does that killing 12 people and injur- sees anything suspicious of really mean, and why is that the “Women to Drive Move- much more opportunity than tion. I am proud to be an ing 70 others. According to any kind, they should speak phrase used so frequently? ment” that Saudi Arabian he had in his homeland. That American, and intend to use In the U.S., our laws and women carried out because, desire to be better, do better the freedoms of living in this the police, he told them he up. It could potentially save regulations are guided by the up until 2018, this was the and to make something better great nation to prove that. was the Joker when he was lives. AlleghenyCampus.com [INTERNATIONAL] The Campus October 25, 2019 5 New opportunities to study away New Experiential Learning seminars offered spring break, summer

By HENRY SUTTER that focuses on immigration ucation, … but the point is Led by Hernández and Sports Editor [email protected] would be very valuable for our that we’re working with the Professor of Political Science students to understand the dy- community not for them,” Shannan Mattiace, “Culture While students may be aware namics of this phenomenon.” Peterson said. “I think that’s and Politics in Contemporary that Allegheny College offers Along with the study of an important distinction. The Colombia” will be one of the We want students to understand the river myriad ways to travel for class globalization and immigra- community decides what they two ELs featured over spring not just as a physical entity or a geographical credit, they may not be able tion in Western Europe, On- need and what their priorities break in 2020. entity, but in terms of the politics, history, to take a semester or more yeiwu said that ELs are also are, and we work with them to According to Hernández, culture, ecology and global health aspects.” to explore and learn off cam- an opportunity for students to help accomplish those things.” he and Mattiace have both vis- pus. Long-term study away learn how to travel and expe- “Wars and Waterways,” an ited Colombia multiple times —ISHITA SINHA ROY programs may be feasible for rience the world, an essential EL led by Associate Profes- over the past few years and Associate Professor of Communication Arts/Theatre some, but Experiential Learn- part of education in a global- sor of Communication Arts/ had incredible experiences. Allegheny College ing Seminars are designed for izing world. Theatre Ishita Sinha Roy and “Not many people know students who want to travel “I have this joke I normal- Professor of Biology and Neu- about Colombia,” Hernán- abroad within the confines of ly tell when I’m (preparing) roscience Lauren French, will dez said. “What people know lapse of the USSR,” according portion of the Yellowstone to a typical class year. students for an EL,” Onyeiwu take students to Vietnam, about Colombia tends to be to the international education Yukon habitat corridor.. ELs usually count as two said. “Learn how to go through Cambodia and Laos from what (the TV show) ‘Narcos’ office. The trip will take place or four credit courses, and security at the airport.” May 12 to June 5. depicts. I saw that the country The course is tailored to from May 11 through 25, take place over spring break Led by Kirsten Peterson, The course will follow the had reinvented itself.” students of all departments and students will visit Grand or shortly following the end of director of health professions Mekong river and the impacts The EL is broken into two and examines the role of his- Tetons, Yellowstone, and Banff the spring semester. Courses office, and Jim Fitch, director of climate change on the re- contrasting parts as students tory in the shaping of nation- National Parks. According to range from about one to three of career education, students gion. The course will provide will visit the modern, fashion- al identity, Pinnow said. The Bradshaw-Wilson, this is the weeks in duration and take will travel to Belize from May students with non-Western able city of Medellín for three course will examine popular largest area of connected land days followed by three days in students all across the globe. 17 to 30 for an international perspectives on topics like the memory and monuments ever attempted for conserva- Vietnam War, which can take Cartagena, a well-preserved This spring, Allegheny will be service-learning course titled across the two countries. tion, and the primary effort is “Poverty & Health: Social Is- students out of their comfort colonial town, according to hosting six ELs on four con- “We get into the compli- to protect large mammals like sues in Belize.” zone, according to Sinha Roy. Hernandez. tinents: Paris, Barcelona, Oslo, cated messiness of history,” the Grizzly Bear. Norway; Belize; Vietnam, The course will center on “We want students to un- Focusing on the 1980s to Pinnow said. “It’s a really good “Yellowstone and Banff are Cambodia, Laos; Colombia; service work within a Mayan derstand the river not just as a the present, Hernández will way to see history alive and both the first national parks in Ukraine, Moldova; and Yel- community, the Q’eqchi’ peo- physical entity or a geograph- cover aspects of Colombian how history matters in a fun- their countries (U.S. and Can- lowstone, Yukon. ple, who “are struggling to ical entity, but in terms of the culture while Mattiace will damental way to what goes on ada respectively), … hitting “A Melting Pot or an Un- preserve their cultural identi- politics, history, culture, ecol- incorporate Colombian pol- in our lives.” both of those is really import- welcoming Host?: Europe in ties and traditional livelihoods ogy and global health aspects,” itics. Much like the disparity The deadline to apply to ant in terms of thinking about the Era of Globalization & in the face of the 21st century Sinha Roy said. in weather from Meadville in the trip has been extended to protected land and what that Migration” will take students factors that range from global- According to Sinha Roy, March to Colombia, the EL Oct. 28, according to MyAl- means for wildlife and what to Paris, Barcelona and Oslo, ization and climate change, to ELs are especially valuable be- course emphasizes contrast. legheny. The EL is specifically that means for people,” Brad- Norway, over spring break narcotics trafficking and high cause of the friendships and The deadline to apply for tailored to the interests of stu- shaw-Wilson said. from March 13 to 22. unemployment,” according to education that students carry the Colombia EL has been The application deadline Led by Stephen Onyeiwu, the International Education with them for life. Allegheny extended to Monday, Oct. 28, dents on the trip and interest- professor and chair of the Eco- office. provides a rigorous itinerary according to MyAllegheny. ed students should visit Pin- for this course has been ex- nomics Department, and Lu- While Peterson has led four during ELs that could not Interested students should now during his office hours. tended to Oct. 28, according cinda Morgan, director of in- ELs to Nicaragua in the past, it be found cheaper through contact professors Mattiace or “Spine of the Continent: to MyAllegheny. Interested ternational education, the trip will be her first time taking a a third-party travel service, Hernández. The Yellowstone to Yukon students should contact the was inspired by research into class to Belize. The class will Sinha Roy said. Kenneth Pinnow, professor Conservation Initiative,” an professors to apply. the impacts of globalization partner with 7 Elements, an If students cannot wait un- of history, will lead an EL to EL led by Assistant Professor Some students may not be on immigration, according to organization that focuses on til May to escape the snow in Ukraine and Moldova. He has of Environmental Science and able to incorporate a semester Onyeiwu. mental and social health, as Meadville, Colombia will be led ELs to Ukraine five times, Sustainability Casey Brad- abroad into their collegiate “We thought that this was a well as physical health, with- approximately 86 to 90 de- and to both countries twice. shaw-Wilson and Visiting experience, but ELs offer stu- very good time to experience in a community, according to grees Fahrenheit from March The trip runs from May 12 Assistant Professor of Envi- dents an opportunity to see these changes in Europe, es- Peterson. 13 to 22, according to Wilfre- to June 2 and focuses on “the ronmental Science and Sus- the world, learn about new pecially immigration,” Onye- “We’ll be doing building do Hernández, associate pro- challenges facing newly inde- tainability Kelly Pearce, will cultures and make connec- iwu said. “We felt that an EL projects (and) healthcare ed- fessor of Spanish. pendent nations since the col- allow students to traverse a tions that can last a lifetime.

INAUGURATION from page 2 Associate Professor of Mu- Campus Asks sic James Niblock, ’97, led the If you could travel anywhere in the inauguration choir in Non é world for a study-away experience, tempo by Marco Cara before Feeley welcomed Link to the where would you go and why? podium. “Hilary, the board of trust- “I would go to China to try to further my under- ees unanimously selected standing of the Chinese language and try to expose you, twenty-second president myself to having to use it more fluently and profi- of Allegheny College,” Feeley ciently in day-to-day conversation rather than just in said. “We know that you will c l a s s .” not let our faith or confidence waver. As for virtue, we know Sarah Mayer, Class of 2022 you will ensure that Alleghe- nians continue to stand up for what is right.” “If I could go anywhere for a study away experience, Link’s spouse, Jeffrey, and I think we should take students to Asia and the Mid- two of their three sons, Alex- dle East, also to Vietnam because there aren’t a lot of ander and Zachary, joined her programs we offer that go. We offer a lot to go to big on stage to help her change her EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS universities like in Spain, France, Paris and big cities hood during her invocation. Dr. Mary Feeley delivers her speech during Hilary Link’s inauguration on Friday, like that, but we do not offer a lot that go to smaller Link’s oldest son Jason could Oct. 18, 2019, in Shafer Auditorium. are a s .” not join them for the inaugu- ration. However, during her and world to join her. “What can you do with a enough to see things from an- Emily Kauchak, Class of 2021 remarks, Link mentioned that “There are people here degree in the humanities or other viewpoint. Jason was “hopefully watch- from every chapter of my life,” liberal arts in general from a “Academic institutions like ing (the livestream) in Rome.” Link said. “You have all been great school, like Stanford in (Allegheny) have an obliga- “If I could go anywhere in the world, I would want to Although it took a few tries part of this journey, and if I my case or Allegheny?” Link tion to not be a walled world choose one of the smaller island nations that aren’t to get correct, Jeffrey helped am here today, it is in some questioned. “Pretty much where we are all the same and really represented because I think it would be cool Link change the hood on her large part because of you.” anything you want.” feel safe,” Link said. “We owe to just be a part of their culture and learn about a life academic dress. Among those who could Allegheny matters more it to our students to give them on those islands.” “I’ll tell you (the hoods) not physically attend the in- than ever in great part be- the tools and the strength are hard, especially along auguration was Link’s mother cause it provides students of self to interact with, con- Molly Nelson, Class of 2021 with the hat,” Feeley said. Once Link’s hood was of- who could not travel due to with the interdisciplinary front and be the other, and ficially changed, she took the illness. education they will need to hopefully to find some way “(My mother) is hopeful- solve complex global prob- to connect with or even just “I would probably say South Africa. It’s a country podium for her first remarks ly able to rejoice in the thrill lems according to Link. coexist with those who might whose history is interesting and illuminating and it as an inaugurated president. of her daughter being named “In 2013, my family and I even oppose who they are and would be great to learn more about South African “I can’t tell you how emo- history and their politics and where they’re moving tional it is for me to be here the first female president of left New York on a life chang- what they believe.” forward in the future. I feel like a study away for a with you all, in large part be- this great institution,” Link ing adventure,” Link said. “We Link cites her reading, semester would really solidify that.” cause so many people have said. “(My mother) and my did not have a fixed sense of studies and immersion in the gathered to celebrate this his- father, who is here, deserve so term limits for the move. We Italian culture have been her Nicholas Ripper, Class of 2021 toric moment for the college,” much credit for raising me to vaguely said we would know “bridge to elsewhere” and Link said. “This wonderful believe I could achieve what- when it was the right moment changed her. special moment is Alleghe- ever I wanted, even as an un- to return. I think we figured “A liberal education is ny’s and it is mine, but it also dergraduate double major in that one out.” about gaining the power and “Probably South Korea because I like the food, and belongs to all of you.” art history and Italian.” However, Link argued that wisdom, generosity and free- it would be cool to learn more about the culture and Link began by thanking Link mentioned that she one does not need to get in dom to connect,” Link said. practice the language in a real life setting.” the members of the inaugura- wished she had had the fore- an airplane, car or bus to gain Before the recessional and tion committee, her husband sight to respond to everyone an understanding of who we conclusion of the inaugura- Maya Ginter-Frankovitch, Class of 2022 and sons, extended family who asked her what in the really are or our place with re- tion, the inauguration choir and dear friends who traveled world she was going to do spect to others. Instead, peo- and ceremonial brass led the from across the state, country with her degree. ple must be humble and open audience in the alma mater. 6 October 25, 2019 The Campus [Features] AlleghenyCampus.com ADVERTISEMENT YOUR NEW BUSINESS IDEA COULD BE A WINNER!

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Students who take Econ 380 learn how to start a business from scratch from the idea phase to a money-making company or a non-profit/social venture from idea to an impactful entity. This class can be added with the permission of Prof. Allison if the prerequisites have not been met. Students compete for $20,000 in cash prizes by participating in Allegheny’s Zingale Big Idea Competition.

Econ 380 is taught by Prof. Chris Allison, Allegheny’s Entrepreneur- In-Residence, who served as the CEO of a publicly traded technology company for almost 10 years. Mr. Allison’s company was recognized multiple times by Forbes, Fortune, Industry Week and Business 2.0 magazines as one of the best small companies in America and one of the fastest growing companies in America. He was named Entrepreneur of the Year by the Ernst and Young, and the Pittsburgh Venture Capital Association.

For more information, email Prof. Allison at [email protected] or text him at 412-389-8888. AlleghenyCampus.com [FEATURES] The Campus October 25, 2019 7 South Asian Student Society Encouraging and celebrating various cultures on campus

By KELLEY SHERLOCK There is often a misconception members made a point of emphasiz- same country we don’t speak the nity, because it is small, funding can Contributing Writer that the club experiences when they ing that their events are “inclusive to same languages.” pose difficulties along with trans- [email protected] are signing people up for the email the whole community,” Nag said. Nag emphasized the wide range portation, given that many members list: Many students will object that SASS events typically take place of “diversity” among countries and are international students without li- The South Asian Student Society they are not South Asian so they in the Henderson Campus Center cultures of this part of the world. censes, compounded by the need for is a club at Allegheny designed not can’t join, but that is not the case. lobby, making campus outreach eas- There are, however, similar cultur- authentic ingredients and materials. only to bring those of South Asian The goal is “immersion of other peo- ier, especially for a smaller club. al and spiritual values, according “We often have to make trips to cultures together, but also to involve ple and bridging the gap,” according “(Students) see all the dazzle and to Dakchyata Thapa, ’22, who, like Pittsburgh or Erie,” Rauniyar said. food and think, ‘I want some,’” said Rauniyar, is from Kathmandu, Ne- students from any background who to Nag. Even with the difficulties, though, Nag, noting that a lot of students are pal. For example, Tsumai Ngn, ’22, are interested in celebrating and The club makes it easier for those their events can often have as many also attracted to henna artwork. SASS event manager, said the fes- learning more about the different away from home to not miss it as as 200 people in attendance. much, bringing the culture to Al- Diwali, otherwise known as the tival of lights is about “prosperity,” cultures. Board members will start meet- legheny so they themselves can cele- “festival of lights” in many South and “how good won over evil,” Jami- ings playing Bollywood music, and Co-President of SASS Medha Asian cultures, is the club’s next gumpala added. brate it, “but also bringing our home spend idle time reminiscing and Nag, ’20, who was born in Calcutta, event, which will be held on Nov. 21 A key difference between the here so people can understand the laughing about things that unite India, and grew up in Bombay, said in the campus center lobby — and style of broader American culture different culture and really appreci- them, even with the diverse nature there is sure to be lots of dazzle. In and South Asian cultures can be de- that SASS provides a “safe place and ate the diversity that is there at Al- of their cultures. As the group looks lieu of the traditional celebrations scribed in two words: “More people.” a fun place for all the South Asian legheny,” Nag said. ahead to this year, they are planning with fireworks, there will be spar- Festivals last longer, often because, students on campus, where we cele- “Everybody’s welcome,” said a Bollywood night in October, along klers and plenty of food. Co-Presi- board members report, people go brate our culture with each other but Rithikaa Sree Jamigumpala, ’22, who dents Nag and Sweta Rauniyar, ’21, visit one family on one day and an- with Diwali in November, and their also with the college campus.” is from Chennai, India. The board and board members joked about the other family on another day. Neigh- hope for this year is to get more peo- old adage: the key to someone’s heart bors get involved, and “everybody ple involved. Nag said that the club is through their stomach. For Diwali becomes your family,” Jamigumpala has been more Hindu in the past, and all events, SASS members spend said. and board members are “reaching a great deal of time crafting their “It’s a lot of connections with out to those with different religions and cultures.” We’re all from different countries. Even within that same menus. families and communities,” Thapa More than good food — though said, while Nag added, “Let’s just say As members of SASS look ahead country we don’t speak the same languages.” that is no trivial matter —and beau- that the minimum people invited to to future events like Diwali, the tiful decorations is a rich culture my future wedding will be at least group reiterated that any Alleghe- —MEDHA NAG with many variations across coun- one thousand.” ny students are welcome to join the Co-president, club, and share in festival celebra- South Asian Student Society tries and even within countries. But recreating that joy at Allegh- “We’re all from different coun- eny is not easy. Though SASS is bol- tions and learning about different tries,” Nag said. “Even within that stered by the international commu- cultures on campus.

Comic by KALEEL VAN VOORHEES/THE CAMPUS SuperM tops Billboard charts with ‘The 1st Mini Album’

By CODY BAUMEISTER ed for a debut album. One of the The second song on the album come back in and both the instru- leading into the band all in unison Features Editor most critical aspects of an impres- comes at the listener with similar in- ments and the vocals pack a power- singing the chorus of the song. This [email protected] sive album is a strong introductory tensity as “Jopping,” but it’s immedi- ful punch. is then followed by clean vocals and song, which should provide the lis- ately easy to see initial differences the “Super Car,” the fourth song on soft beats. The song continues this Korean pop group SuperM, which tener with a theme of what the rest band chose to make with instrumen- the album, keeps the theme of hard theme throughout the piece, all the formed in 2019, released their debut of the album will be like. SuperM tation. The song, titled “I can’t stand electronic basslines but adds a dif- way into the rapping breakdown. album on Oct. 4, titled “The 1st Mini does this effectively by starting off the rain,” starts off with drums and ferent element not heard in previous Even this rapping, however, is not as Album.” The SM Entertainment and with the hardest song on the album, yelling that mimic traditional Kore- songs on the album. Since the band intense as in the other songs. Capital Music Group signed band “Jopping.” an drum dancing. This still provides has seven members with different As a debut album, SuperM pulled is composed of members of three vocal styles, a great deal of variation Right away, the song opens up with the intense bassline presented in the all the stops to create songs that were different previous KPop groups a crowd roaring and intense electronic intro but through actual instruments would be expected in all the songs not only catchy but innovative. The that also produced chart topping al- beats that include nice basslines, re- and not by electronic creation. so that the different styles could be band did not follow some of the ste- bums and singles. The members of peating hi-hats and orchestral strings The variation of vocals is also heard. This is not the case for “Super reotypical songwriting techniques the group are Taemin from ; in the background that can faintly be present in this song, but with more C ar.” that KPop songs are known for. The and Kai from ; and heard accompanying other sounds. Korean than English lyrics. This is The members of SuperM are also Taeyong, Mark, Ten and Lucas from This quickly changes as an electric gui- done through normal singing and talented rappers. They effectively members allowed themselves to NCT, making a total of seven mem- tar replaces these beats with some riffs, overlaid rapping that mixes well demonstrate their rapping skills in break free from the mold and pro- bers. that then lead into a hard bassline that with the intense drum beats. When “Super Car.” While the chorus of duce intense and heavy tracks that “The 1st Mini Album,” aptly goes well with Lucas’s rapping. the song starts the chorus, the sing- the song involves standard singing, grab listeners attention. named since it’s made up of only Surprisingly enough, each member ing of Baekhyun is accompanied the group joins together at times for Overall, this album gives hope for seven songs, quickly made its way to of the band actually performs their own by a change in instrumentation as rapping verses, which flow almost what is to come from this new super United States airways, showing that part in the song along with the chorus. electronic beats are added and the seamlessly with the intense EDM band. Even though this album was KPop is enjoyed internationally. Al- This unique style choice for the first drums are replaced. -style beats that the song puts out. self-titled as “mini,” it leaves listeners though there are seven songs listed song gives ample time for each band The big build-up in the song While most of the album is waiting for what the band will create on the track, two of those songs are member to show off their individual comes in the breakdown, which was comprised of fast-paced songs, one in a full-length album. instrumental versions of others from vocal styles, which also include rap- a surprise compared to the initial stands out from the others: The the album. ping. Combining all of these elements parts of the song. Baekhyun leads fifth song, “No Manners,” takes a Even though this album is short, into one song provides for a catchy and into it like a normal chorus, but the completely different approach by it packs a punch that was not expect- vibrant piece with lots of variation. heavy drums that started the song starting off with some muted beats AlleghenyCampus.com 8 October 25, 2019 The Campus [SPORTS] Gator football confident after first season victory

By BRITANI DITCH The Allegheny Gatorsgo 1-0 every week for the rest a streak and gain confidence lege (senior night game) and Staff Writer [email protected] started the game strong with for the season,” Victor said. as the season progresses. Oberlin College. Last season, a tackle for a minimum gain “Winning 49-0 was super fun, The Gators had a rocky Allegheny faced DePauw and Celebratory touchdown danc- by senior defensive lineman but I wish we could have put start to their season facing won with a close score of 20- es were on display on Satur- Austin Hoyt, ’20, and Cam- up 70. It’s fun being out there position changes, playbook 19. It finally felt good day, Oct. 19, when the Allegh- eron Schadl, ’21. The Gators with your brothers playing changes and a new coaching The DePauw game takes displaying how good eny football team had a 49-0 were able to put a stop to that game that you all love.” staff with the hiring of Nagy. place at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. Kenyon’s offensive line early Kenyon was not able to a team we actually blowout win against Kenyon The Gators are looking to be 26 in Greencastle, Indiana. and continue to hold steady keep up with Allegheny’s de- as prepared for their upcom- The following week, on Sat- are.” College. throughout the game. Mean- fense or offensive pressure ing games as they were against urday, Nov. 2, Allegheny will This win will be Head —ALEX VICTOR while, Allegheny’s offensive throughout the game. The Kenyon. host its Homecoming game Class of 2020, Coach Richard Nagy’s first line scored touchdown after Gators scored 14 points in the The blowout win has se- against Wooster at Frank B. Allegheny College of the 2019 football season. touchdown on Kenyon. first quarter, 21 in the second, niors confident they can fin- Fuhrer Field.Hoyt said the Allegheny welcomed Nagy as “I feel great about the win,” and rounded out the scoring ish the season off strong, espe- win against Kenyon will help the 35th program head coach said wide receiver Dwaine with an additional 14 points cially Barber, who anticipates motivate and give confidence a “confidence booster.” Barber, ’20. “As a team, we ex- in the third. more wins for the Gators in earlier this year when Head to the team in the games to “(The win) really showed Coach B.J. Hammer resigned. ecuted everything in the game “It finally felt good display- coming weeks.“We plan on come. what we are capable of when we Nagy brings promise to the plan on the offense and defen- ing how good a team we ac- finishing the season off strong “Because we all believe we come together as a team and as sive side of the ball.” tually are, having our offense, and try to accumulate four are well prepared, this game Allegheny football program, a unit,” Hoyt said. “Right now, Looking to the future, re- defense and special teams more wins,” Barber said. (against Kenyon) gave us a having 32 years of previous we are just trying to win out ceiver Alex Victor, ’20, is an- clicking together as a game In their remaining games great amount of confidence so the seniors can leave with a coaching experience. Nagy ticipating their next games.“I plan,” Victor said. “(It) was a of the season, the Gators will going into our next game, good taste in their mouths and also exhibits coaching levels anticipate us taking (the re- great feeling.” face off against DePauw Uni- but as a whole, we like to play leave the younger guys with at both Division I and Divi- mainder of the season) one The Gators will look to versity, Hiram College (home- with confidence,” Hoyt said. some confidence going into the sion III levels. game at a time and trying to build upon this win to create coming game), Wooster Col- Hoyt described the win as next season.”

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Women’s Cross Country Saturday, Oct. 19 at Gettysburg Invitational Final Score: 1st of 26

Men’s Cross Country ENTER THE FIRST ANNUAL Saturday, Oct. 19 at Gettysburg FINANCIAL LITERACY CHALLENGE Invitational Final Score: 2nd of 28 Saturday, December 7, 2019 Women’s Volleyball Saturday, Oct. 19 against Ohio Wesleyan University Final Score: 0-3

Women’s Soccer $5,000 Saturday, Oct. 19 against Ohio Wesleyan University in prize money is up for grabs! Final Score: 2-1

Men’s Soccer Saturday, Oct. 19 against Ohio COMPETITION PREPARATION Wesleyan University WORKSHOP: Final Score: 0-5 Men’s Soccer Thursday, October 31 - 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 against Hiram College Quigley Hall Auditorium | Lunch will be provided. Final Score: 2-0 – Please email Sarah Holt ([email protected]) if you would like to attend – Field Hockey Wednesday, Oct. 23 against Oberlin The CBE Financial Literacy Challenge is an intercollegiate competition College in which students develop and present a personal financial budget Final Score: 3-0 and investing plan appropriate for a recent college graduate. Women’s Volleyball All Allegheny students are invited to attend this planning workshop where Wednesday, Oct. 23 against Hiram participants will learn how to develop a budget and investment plan. College Final Score: 0-3

Women’s Soccer Wednesday, Oct. 23 against Hiram College Final Score: 1-0 For more information or to register for this workshop email Entrepreneur in Residence, Chris Allison Who to Contact ([email protected] or Quigley Hall Coordinator, Sarah Holt ([email protected])