Westfield Studios and Blanks Were Left in the Docu- Nnnutil Messajre from the Prcsiileht to Cuntfn'us

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Westfield Studios and Blanks Were Left in the Docu- Nnnutil Messajre from the Prcsiileht to Cuntfn'us THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Y-THIRD YEAR—No. 14 at Westfleld, X. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1902 rond clasa Postage Paid Kvt-ry Tliurmlay 38 Page*—10 Cent* Bike Inspection Tragedy Narroivly Averted [elch Motion To Defer The monthly bicycle inspec- tion will be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at evaluation Plan For the rear of Police Headquar- ters in the Municipal Build* ing, police Lt. Thomas Cata- Four Firemen Burned Battling Lacks Support lon announced today* lA lone official move to defer Wcstfii-ld's application of new prop- fc-ssessments until lillM failed to pain a second ut Tuesday nijtfit's Poliee Chief Urges School Bus Fire At Holy Trinity lil session and died. Third Ward Councilman IlerlK-it R. Welch toiHtscd Uu? delay aflor council returnwl from a IS minuu-s recess pjr the purpose of discussing tho revaluation o,uustion, target of Extra Care For preud complaints. 'Condition Good' Deputy Chief Baker, R. McMiuius fmcilmun Welch offered a mo- defer u«« of the now fi£- Saturday Hearing Winter Travel At n lute hour yesterday Overlook Hospital, Summit, reported that the condition'.-! of Deputy Chief Samuel Haker Hospitalized; 3 Girls Escape Ibwause of the ' "widespread Edward V. Ehler»t adminii- and nikundiTstundiiiK*" Police Chief James K. Moran tt>- and Kireinen Hubert iMdManus were "K'OOII." The pair suffered I^onr Wf^Rlfiold firemen wore hurned, two serioualy, Tuesday trative atkiitant to Mayor Burr dny ur^ed mot-ori-sUs to prepare tinted out that under the law nfternoon when they utU'inptwl to enter n tlainhiK st-hool 1ms ut Holy A. Towl Jr., reported late yes- llu'ir vehicles for winUji* driving. oxtonsjve burns <if tlie lw and hands when they were cautcht wn could -wait until VMM to terday that hearings on the tax Trinity (iriiinninv School in tho mistaikon l>olief that pupils were He su^eoteil truit car lights, hat- in a back ilnsh of frasolino fe<l (lmnes from u liuriiin^ sehool new astH^sed valuations revaluation program wilt be trnp|HKl in»ide. Threw children had <sscitp<tl Hocomlt eorlier througfh a tcries, windshield wi|HM\s, dofnwt- conducted in the Council Cham- bus Tuesday afternoon. rear cincrReiu'y door, hut a shouted warnlnfir fTutn l)y«Uni<Ioi\.« that od he felt this would as- t'fs and exhaust Ky.sU»m IK>. insiM'et- bers in the Municipal Building "tlioru ar*< clilhlren in tho hua" he people and tho Hoard of JOHN F. BATEMAN t»il. He j'eeomnientled that bald Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to spurred the firvflg-htQra to itttempt ors adequate time to review Who will bo gueit ipeaker Vires l>e replaced, and if on the 3 p.m entry. onsidor the new true market at Dec. 12 dinner rear, preferably with snow tires. A forma! ohanre of "smokintt on placed on Wustffcld proper- It will not be necessary to Drivers who plan to use their make an appointment. Those a Irtijt" was ItKlycd ncainst llermnn ears regularly during scvoro unow Colilo of TfiO VVhstor il'l., I'lain- his sujrtiX'stion that the seeking hearings will be granted Coach to Headline eotnliti<vns should kc^e]> a m»t of apply the 1902 values for interviews on a first come first Held, drivw for tlw VVusaler Bus fcire rhiiinu in the trunk, even if Co. of Scotch Vlaiiw, hy Dot. Lt. [nmt thut tho new valuations served basis, he added. their cars uro i4(uij>ped with unow erred until January IiH»4, Additional dntes will be pro- Boosters'Annual Alfred Vimlnlis. Detcctlvo Vnr- tire^, he said. ilnl-U ueted on tlio complaint of ond Ward Councilman Sain- vided Inter as needed, it was stated. The ehief sand thut although the Tiro Chief Martin 1), Hurtle who , Kinney Jr. countered his col- I Sports Dinner Uiwn is well prepared with RIUIW charged t-lint tho hlazu UHH <IUO to projwsal by terming it removal plans and tnitllc dirwtion the driver's "eurela-irtiK^s." appropriate at this time." 3Ie John !•'. Hatiinan, head coach of •scheduling, the cooperation of tho wns freeeed in $25 hail tto wtvd there is adequate time football at Rutgers I'niveisity, has | puMic is needed to prevent trallic now and the January 10 Postmaster Asks invnit a liwi 1'ucsdny in i-Mum- been obtained by the We.ttlifld ! tie-ups. cipnl Court. line for reporting the new .School Honster Association as Ih |a.<swsiTicnt total to the Coun- The stallinjr of earn or trucks The hlazc hroke out while tho Public Assist In Kiuvst s|ieaker for the fall spoils without chain* or Know tires can vehicle operated liy Oohlo wiis pm'k- of Taxation, dinner liunorini; the achievements indlimm Kinney ur^ed that Mock the work of plows and pitn- on 'I rhi'ity J'l. at the. intersec- of the l'.ltii l'nutliiill and eioss tion of I'Mrst HL, direetly lllonR- I ho made available so us t<t Yule Mailings satfe of HnvhulatK-es, fire, truck* and country tennis in the U'estlield police* vehiekv, he jwinteii out. Uu- iili- the school huildini:. lluii the that all appeals will IK* re- Ililfli School cafeteria Wednesday, The Wt'stficld Post OtnVo has <ler severe conditions, only those lire occurred ininut/.s Inter the bus fed and the files completed in livi-. V<1, at 7 p.m. would have been filled with aehool [for the Jan, 30 report. ninny ndditiomtl lesponsilotilies us who i\t\<\ it al>:>!utely essentinl to wi-ll «.s numerous extra services tti l>r. [laUmnn nas lunn iieen a drive should do no, he added, 'hildreti, nri* utricittls said, |or to the recess, 'Mayor Hurr funiiliar fiirure in .New Jersey and jowl Jr. and council had been olfer the public during the 1 !***li "Karly winter sU>rnt.s UHUiiUy Tin* vehicle, one of four vwiUnx Met ropolilan area football circles tire accompanied liy a lasli of ae- in line to pick up the pupils from (til from the floor ivtfiirdintr Christmas season, Postmaster I.nke 1 slartillj; when he was a cnplnill the ivnimniar school, had bven flll- Study completed by Associnteit said yesterday in h-Miing an especi- < itlrn t-4 enured hy uncotil rolliil skiil- and all-state cuard I'm St. Hene- il with Knsoliiie |iiior to j'.rrlval ut Inc. of PnsAak'. .Mayor ally urgent appeal to tho public diiiir," Chief .Moran naid. "When to mail rarly. diet's al Xiwailt and tluouKhmit streets <ire slippery, nuiUx'isls the. school. It is believed thut tho also announced that he and bis culle):c uifet'i as an All-Star till of tlie him lit the curl) caused s of council had rtvoived a For use during tlie Christ m;H .should uperat:- Iheir vfhides at a for t'oUunbin. 1'ronl I'.'lli until rhurply reduced a\wJ and increase seepage from the tank, located of letters from properly ru.<h, the P«>M OMice Department I'JtiH he served as assistant to near the rlitl'l front door, which |j's tiuestionin^ tlie results of is oiTV- :MJ; this year a nrvv -1-ccnt di-slanci' net ween niuvinK car-s," * Culuinbia Ijiivci>ily's l.ou Little. (Contiinied on \K\KV .'t) trickled to the curl), ahnntside llio evaluation studies, Cluist...as stamp fur sule, and is During Wrild War II, he was vehicle. Thei'e, it is helieved, it tffonl Connor of 75"» W. Uro:nl preparing for new postage rates ussurinteil in the Navy with Hud was iKnited liy u eiirelenaly dis- wanted to know if the inl.er- starting Jan. 7, Mr. Lake ex- Wilkinson, Oklahoma's f a m e d carded eitfiircUe. plained. ifr conducted by n'jnv- . coach. After three years ut the Open House Listed The three Wostttelil pit|)ila who of Associated Surveys ] "And so we really need public University of l'ennsylvaniu, Dr. 1 tanpixl, Dalo Uownly, iI/Ui>o Cor- the costs of tile survey cooperation at this time/ the post- Hateman enine to Kut^ern us head By Adult School tell Jind Kuthtipliie Crowley, all 13 bre coating the taxpayers ad- master .said. coach where his lllliO anil 19'il yeiirs old and menitKjn* of tho monoy. -Mayor Tow! iis- tennis achieveil national jiromi- Coinim'iitiru; on the rates, hi? ob- The Wiwtflehl A<.lult Sdnwl will tMKhtli iti'iule I'luxa, had vntcntl tho him that the reviews, Jiear- served that in a period of lush-cost iiunvt! with their sonsiitlonal rec- bus uhciul of cvlimlulv. When the [etc, -were all part of the con- ords. hold its unnual open Iwuso Mon- living when one exercises care i;i day cveiiintr. Ix'trliinlnii «t 7:HD nt Hnuies scaled oir tho front door the price, expenditures for UOUCIH and serv- Dr. Itatcman lives in Highland driver of llic second bus in line, Park with his wife mirl Ihree teen- Fdison Junior llijrh 'Schiu>l, K<l- ert PettTfon of Korust Ave. ices, the U.S. mini service still ward M. Sans.>m Jr., president of (ilorJu llinuni, and the school oross- I con nc i 1 he bad i n formed an remains tlie No. 1 communications; age sons. the board of trustees!, announced intr Ktinrd, ..Mrs. Louise, McCarthy, priewer for the firm that ht? barguin. Keatured during the evening today. tliicariied cigArctte which (ell into ft trnfl of lenlcih forced opened the rear i>niei'KCiicy ii he willing to put his prop- JU'imndmtf are&rcna citizens of the will he t.'ilka hy football conch iliMir and hel|M.'d the tflrla out.
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