1876 The 2019 Campus Volume 144, Issue 9 – FRIDAY, October 25, 2019 – Meadville, Pennsylvania www.alleghenycampus.com Glennon gives lecture on the safety of lettuce By SARA HOLTHOUSE non said. “What does that mean? News Editor It means that in America, there [email protected] are dams that are meant to store a certain amount of snow melt (and) Ever since the outbreak of E. coli were sized for a hydrologic regime caused by romaine lettuce in 2017, that no longer exists.” the safety of eating lettuce has been Glennon connected the prob- a concern in the United States. This lem of snow melt back to Yuma, concern is reflected in a new re- Arizona, through the Colorado search project being done by Uni- River, saying that in certain large versity of Arizona Regents Profes- agricultural areas there is no longer sor and Morris K. Udall Professor any water in parts of the river. To of Law and Public Policy Robert restore water supply to those areas, Glennon. farmers in Yuma moved away from Glennon was awarded an envi- growing the typical iceberg lettuce ronmental prize from Allegheny in to growing “baby lettuce.” 2018 and came to campus to give a With the growing of this new let- public lecture about his water re- tuce comes new ways of producing search. it, according to Glennon. Glennon “He liked Allegheny so well that EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS connected this to food safety and we decided to invite him back,” As- Above: Hilary Link and her family stand on stage during Dr. Mary Feeley’s speech at Link’s inaugura- the different ways producers have sociate Professor of Geology Rachel tion on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in Shafer auditorium. tried to keep their lettuce healthy O’Brien said in her introduction of Below: The Allegheny College Choir performs at Link’s inauguration on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in Shafer and safe for consumers to eat. Glennon. “He’s here to talk about auditorium. “Here’s the problem with lettuce: a new research project he’s been working on, the title of his lecture It’s grown outdoors,” Glennon said. being ‘Eating Lettuce: Is it Safe?’” “Most food (that people eat) has Glennon began his presentation been sterilized or pasteurized, so it Making College History by discussing food safety and the will be pure. There is no kill switch first woman to get sick with E. coli for something that you’re going to Link inaugurated as Allegheny’s first female president from romaine lettuce in 2017. Af- eat raw.” ter the E. coli outbreak began, the Glennon showed the audience See INAUGURATION page 2 Food and Drug Administration a short clip of a lettuce processing traced the disease back to lettuce plant and described each step that from Yuma, Arizona, according to processors had to take to ensure Glennon. the lettuce was clean and healthy “More than 90% of the coun- enough for consumption. try’s lettuce comes from Yuma,” The steps included chilling the Glennon said. “During (the winter lettuce to keep the cells alive and months), it comes from California.” prevent wilting, sending the lettuce Glennon discussed how cli- through a processor to the wash- mate change affects the world’s wa- er, where it was washed multiple ter supply and how farmers must times, and then to a spinner for an now use a larger amount of water additional check to get rid of most to produce the same amount of of the bad bacteria. food. Climate change causes many Glennon then moved discussion other problems that involve water, to how the FDA traced the E.coli including in dams. Glennon used infected lettuce back to Yuma. He Oroville Dam in California as a used a pathway chart to help ex- specific example. plain to the audience the multiple “This is a dam that almost steps of the complicated process. broke in 2017 because of large unexpected snow melt,” Glen- See LETTUCE page 2 Young returns to discuss business law and ethics By HANNAH SCHAFFER “I am delighted to be back here at Farr and Gallagher LLP, where he is York City Bar Association’s Financial News Editor Allegheny,” Young said. “I graduated the chair of the firm’s litigation and Reporting Committee and as coun- [email protected] in the class of 1978. I was an English security practice. Young was named sel to the American Institute of Cer- major, so I am uniquely qualified to one of the “top 100 most influential tified Public Accountants and the Partner at Willkie Farr and Galla- I have watched people speak to the issues of ‘What were people in accounting,” by “Account- Center for Audit Quality. gher LLP and Allegheny trustee Mi- who I would view as every they thinking … How is it that good ing Today” magazine. Young has also authored and ed- ited a number of books focusing on chael Young, ’78, made his way back people go bad.” Young’s work focuses on repre- bit as honest, decent and financial reporting, audit committee to campus to discuss business law Following his graduation from senting companies, audit commit- honorable as anybody in effectiveness and the role of inde- and ethics. Allegheny, Young attended Duke tees, officers, directors, accounting this room get five to 15 University School of Law, where he firms and investment banks in the pendent auditors, including “The The Bruce R. Thompson Cen- Financial Reporting Handbook,” years, while, all the while, was Research and Managing Editor United States and international se- ter for Business and Economics in “Accounting Irregularities and Fi- they thought they were of the Duke Law Journal. curities class actions, U.S. Securities partnership with the Law and Policy nancial Fraud” and “Financial Fraud continuing to be honest, “(Young) decided to seek his for- and Exchange Commission’s pro- Program invited Young to its Lunch- Prevention and Detection: Gover- decent, and honorable” tune in New York City, where he ceedings and special committee in- nance and Effective Practices.” time Learning Speaker Series on obtained a summer internship at vestigations. Young began his presentation by Thursday, Oct. 17 to present his talk, —MICHAEL YOUNG, ’78 Willkie Farr and Gallagher,” Carlos In addition, Young has previously explaining that no one is exempt “What Were They Thinking? How Trustee, Sanchez, ’20, who introduced Young served as a member of the Finan- from getting into trouble with the Honest People Go Bad … A Little Allegheny College at the series. cial Accounting Standards Board’s law. at a Time,” at 12:15 p.m. in Quigley Currently, Young serves as a liti- Financial Accounting Standards Auditorium. gation partner at New York’s Willkie Advisory Council, chair of the New See ETHICS page 3 IN THIS WEEK’S CAMPUS STUDENT CONDUCT JOKER SUPERM Allegheny Student Govern- A discussion of the new A review of the Korean ment welcomes justin adkins “Joker” movie that is causing pop group’s debut album as guest speaker to its weekly mixed feelings for many peo- “The 1st Mini Album.” general assembly meeting. ple across the United States. Page 3 Page 4 Page 7 H: 55º L: 36º H: 55º L: 49º H: 58º L: 45º FRIDAY Rain: 20% SATURDAY Rain: 50% SUNDAY Rain: 60% Sunset: 6:24 p.m. Sunrise: 7:45 a.m. Sunrise: 7:46 a.m. Sunset: 6:23 p.m. Sunset: 6:21 p.m. 2 October 25, 2019 The Campus [News] AlleghenyCampus.com INAUGURATION from page 1 By HANNAH SCHAFFER that Allegheny College, un- News Editor der your guiding hand, will [email protected] continue to level this hill and empower the students and “Since (the inauguration of faculty to see and experience Timothy Alden), the college the world through everything has been led by individuals Meadville has to offer.” of integrity and passion,” said Walker thanked Link for Chair of the Board of Trustees the opportunity to formally Mary Feeley, ’78. “Now, Pres- welcome her to Meadville be- ident Hilary Link embarks on fore introducing Director of a new chapter of leadership Gift Planning and 2012 Rob- and service to this great col- ert T. Sherman Distinguished lege.” Service Award Recipient Me- The inauguration of Hilary lissa Mencotti. Link as the 22nd president of “It is my great honor to Allegheny College took place stand here today, represent- on Friday, Oct. 18 in Shafer ing the college’s staff and ad- Auditorium. The ceremony ministrators, to tell you that began with a procession com- my 279 colleages and I are ea- prised of international flag ger to work with (Link) to im- bearers, student delegates, the plement (Link’s) visions and alumni council, torchbearers, goals for the college,” Men- EMILY RICE/THE CAMPUS delegates from other insti- cotti said. “We face the future Above: Former Allegheny presidents James Mullen, Daniel Sullivan and Richard Cook join President Link at her tutions, faculty and staff and from a position of strength, inauguration on Friday Oct. 18, 2019 in the Tippie Alumni Center. trustees. with much to be proud of and Below: President Hilary Link talks with students after her inauguration on Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 in the Henderson Following the procession, so we look forward to (her) Campus Center Lobby. College Chaplain Jane Ellen leadership and guidance as Nickell requested that audi- we work together in service to ence members silence their Allegheny.” phones before standing for President of Allegheny the invocation. College’s Alumni Council “As we come from many traditions, I ask you to pause Gregory Ward, ’94, began his for a moment and consider speech by asking all alumni in your own source of good- the auditorium to stand.
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