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NOTICE Noon (Ea .L ) Mamhan and ethara taMag pan Envrtencjr Doctors la tha I. O. O. r. Mtaatnls wtu Local Student Manehe§ter laaat a t l ^ VUlowa t i M Wadaaa- Meets ^Cail to Sew Clothing Dr. MdBay AUcaa and Dr. .day anainlng at 7:15 inarp for ra- Date Book William U Oonloh are the phy- haaraal and a abort businaat aea- To Be Aviator Oaaaenlly fair aad aUgMIy aali- ■Ion. O f All Croups 6 2«5 alctana of the Manchaater For Refugeee of the War Marnhnr ■ ( mo Aadtt r kmlgM aad Tkiiraday. b r OunpbaU CbuncU K. Medical Aasociatlon who will t«f C-]fer tht eomnmnlcm that will reapond to emergency call* to­ Girl Scout day at Hala'a I ad OUoalartaaa Biflflell Street Youth Has Tpalfhl ba h M iB i t Brtdfrt’a '.church morrow a/lemoon. Several Local Organiza* Sswsn, BOW la your chaae*:.aclotbed tha homalesa. ministered Manchettet City of Village Charm M l Iw liy. Tlim will ba no Laglbti Hallow*’«n partlea for Wish Sewage Enlisted in the U. S. lions Use Facilities for Now you may bavs- your Innings. [ to. the alck and injured -helped In -■T b m U M t fonowtnc. children, Recraation Centers, j countless ways. And now It is schools and Armory. Can you sew well? If an, we (Claaalflcd AdvvrUatng on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1939 (SLXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO The Willing Worker* group, will Army Air Corps. Many Varied Puiposes. I your turn to help them. Don’t for- VOL. L IX , NO. 27 tha lUirnuui'a ahanty at Rate Changes TMa Week need you. Are you just beginning? ; get the horror* and sufferings of Naw Haven railroad ta belnf meet at the South Methodist Nov. 1 and 2.—Hobby Show at church tomorrow afternoon at Algert A. Biretta, son of Mr. ‘Tha Manchester T., M. C. A. Is We have instructors to teach you. ! the war overseas. Do your bit to tha tha Haln itreet croasinir o f the Emanuel Lutheran churCh, aus­ The dresses are cut, detailed in­ provide warm clothing for Polish painted. Tha gatea and the signi 2:30. The hoateaae* will be. Mr*. and Mra. Anthony Biretta of S3 pice* of Dorc** (oclety. the meeting place of several poli­ May Richmond. Mr*. John Wlntar- Residents on Princeton structions are available. refugees—and work with a willing Horse Ifl Veteran of A. E. F. on tha atatlon hava all been re- Blaaell atraet and a Junior at Ui* Nov. 3.—Girl Scout driv* for tical organizations a* 1* shown by Don't forget that the flood of heart. bottom, Mrs. Paul Ferrla and Mra.. fun da palntad. St. Claim They Pay University of Oonnactlcut at the feet thst the Townsend Club '36 and the hurricane of '38 were , Tomorrow at 10 a. m. all women Would Recall Envoy Carrie Anderson. Nov. 3.—High achool Prom. emergency calls for the Red Cross Coast Guard Cutter Twice for Service. Storri, haa enlisted in the United. contributes severs! memberships are urged to report at the Y for A aurpriae party waa held Sat­ Next Week to help your fellow contrymen— materials and instructions. Every­ States Army Air Corps and left fo r boys each year. The Manches­ urday night for Mr*. John Olson o( (trford Parish Chapter, D. A. R 1 Nov. 7.—Rayner Slater*, H. 8 . right here, not so far away either, thing is ready and waiting, so 19 Green Hill atreet, the ocraalon will hold Its November meeting I Another argument regarding today for three month* of prelim­ Aa.sembly hall, auspices of Junior ter Democratic Women's Club has inary Inatructlon at a actaool of when you stop to think of it. The don’t let us down. Remember the being her fiftieth birthday. About Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the! water supply and sewage disposal program, 4 p. m. made a contribution and furniabed American Red Cross fed and hours, 10-12, and 1-3. home of’ Mrs A. W. Mucklow, 125 Nov. 5.—Old Folks’ concert at 2fl of her friend* were present from ia looming In the Princeton street workers for the drive and the To Russia as Henrv street. Mra. George May­ Second Congregational church. Unable to Find Sign Manchaater and nearby low^* A Manchester Women's Republican nard Minor of IJtchfleld, formerly section. It was learned today, and Nov. 10.—Minstrel abow and aocial time wee enjoyed and Mr*. the situation there, according to Club has also organized a group Olaon was remembered With a gift of Waterford, and past president dance of King David Lodge, Hol- general <.f the organization will be | acme residents, I* one which la for the same purpose under Mrs. of money. j liater street school. J. E. Rand. the giie-tt speaker. Mrs. Lucius ’ acute becaiiae of what are called Comliiff Evetita Foster and Mrs F. H. Strong will "unfair conditions". It la asserted There are three organizations The Boy Scout Court of Honor Nov. 12.—Meeting of Hartford HALE'S SELF SERVE To Soviet Criticism that many residents in the vicinity that find the social rooms, ban­ Of Ship in Distress will be held at the South .Metho- assist the hosleas. Dlatrlct Brotherhood at Emanuel The Original In New England' of Princeton and Harvard street* Lutheran church. quet hall and gymnasium suitable diat chuch. Friday evening, Nov­ are paying the town owned w-ater for the various types of meetings ember 3. All appllrntlon* must he The [.ndle.s' Sewing eliil) of SI Nov. 16-17.—Minstrel entertain­ Demand Injected InW ' ( department for water and aewer ment at Concordia Lutheran they hold. Perhaps a small club lAGuarflia Eni-ies Tobin’s I In the box »t Hou.'<e's store not .lohii'.s church will sew tomorrow Bibb Reaches Position Hallowe'en Pranksters Use evening at 7 o'elork at llie home services, hut alao have to pay a church. room Is needed for a council meet­ AND HEALTH MARKET German Envoy Population, Good Looks Debate on Neutralita llt^ later than fi p m. Thursdny ta* to the Eighth .School and Utlll- ing or the gymnasium may be re­ Methods of Racketeers French Troops of Mrs .Stanley Opalaeh, 10 Wootl Nov. IS.— Informal dance by Reported by British Lane Ilea District which alao 1* supposed Masonic Social Club at Masonic quired for a bridge while on the Boston, Nov. 1.—(FI— Mayor By Bay State Re|NKei> MIsa Evelyn R. Johnston of | lo Include payment for sewage dl*- Temple. other hand, the usual requirement Wednesday Morning Specials Vessel Attacked by Ger­ Paducah. Ky., Nov. 1.—(JT)— To Soviet Will : F. A. LaQiiardla of New York Bigelow atreet returned laat night I poaal. the two charge* apparently for these organizations Is the use Beat Off Nazi senlative; Early Qnen- Frank D Amico has leased a see- ^ Alao, Legion Cabaret dance. "Do you want to Join the Anti- j ' envies Mayor Maurice J. Tobin after a month s vacation in Klor-1 overlapping. Rainbow, In Bolt/m. of the banquet hall for a meeting man Sub; Moderate Hallowe'en Protective Associa­ I of Bo.ston Just two things: tlon of the Cowles Hotel hulMIng Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales.______ tions Whether M 0I0- Ida.. She made her headquartera HIMory of l*mi>lem Nov. 21.—Lecture, "Romance Is of .lO, 100. or 125. tion?" Return Home I "HI* city's population and his in 8t. Petersburg, taking side trips; knit'vn as the Rftse Rotiiu. where j Questioned today regarilmg the The "Y" has facilities for varied Gale Blowing in Area; Advance Unit he will open a hllllard parlor, | Where You Find It," A. H. Black- That waa the question asked good look*." tofTs Speech Is *Pur»> to places of interest (omilllon. Water Department Sii- Ington, Hollister atreet *chix)l, needs and willingly ser\-es the en­ io Trace of Survivors; by a group of prankatera of a i “ Boy,” the New York chief i perlntelulanl Fred H. Parker slat­ tire community for these events. Jr-^ 1 ly Coincidental' to Workmen ar* repairing three Education Club. Pea Beans l.bH. 11c man at his front door here laat Purpose of Journey Is ! executive said In a *peech here ; Tlje Men * Socl*l club will meet ed that there ia quite a history Alao, annual meeting and din­ iavy Destroyers and night. Repulse Force of 1,000 i la»y light, "what I could do If ■ this evening at 3 o'clock at the hroken slabs In the walk on the connected with the location at Not Annouiieeil; Six House Action on Law. south side of Cambridge street, ner of Chamber of Commerce at I.arge Family Site Can— \ny Kind Planes Are Cooperating "No," wa-a the firm answer. Ij(jen Attempting to En­ I 1 xmly had them both." 1 Second Congregational church. I point. Masonic Temple. • /- ---------------------------------------1“ near Main street Most of this The story goe* hack several Several pieces of hi* ' porch Planes, Four British, Washington, Nov. 1.— (m-—A fla* Nov. 29. —Annual Thank.sglvlng furniture were mlsalng today. I circle Frontier Village Kind of work has lieen completed. years to the time when Princeton Waahington, Nov. 1.—W)—The msnd that tha United States na* Mr. and Mr*. Philip l.aulrr of | Where the walks were hroken by Rye 'Turkey, Goose and Pig " so­ FUEL OIL Friend's Beans ('ana 25c '.JEANNE Shot Down on Momlay/ thU town were recent guests of atreet was first t>rlhg developed. On Northern Flunk.
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