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The Red Cross! • 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1942 tOtJRTEElT MawltgBtrr EttjPtting ralit Others Are Giving Their Life Blood-Give Your Money to the Red Cross! • 1 charge on Monday, Wednesday Uawrenos T. Mallon, son e i Mr. Judge WtUlam 8. Hyde, acting for the Manchester Water Com­ and Friday evenings from 6:30 to Church Plans and Mrs. OUver Mallon of Pearl Offer Another 9:30. AKbutTown street, who enlisted In the Coast pany, yesterday negotiated a Average Daily Circulation The Weather ' '• f mortgage loan In Boston from the ^ Application may be made Mon­ -- B I N 6 0 » ArUlle^, left today. His ce-work- For>r tba Moatli M fiecember, 1641 John Hancock Mutual Ufe Insur­ day or Thursday e^nings or dur­ 75th Birthday Forecast of U. S. Weather eri from tte Cravat Department Trade Course ing regular Trade School hours. TONIGHT 'Vvwiiaend Club No. 3 will meet of Chenejr Brothers recently gave ance Company amounting to 1100.- Courses still avalfable are elec­ 000 on the company holdings to ODD FEU-OWS HALL 7,100 V ^•aierrow ovoninc with Mrs. him a farewell party at the Villa tricity and carpentrj^. If lii de­ Warmer tonight ■Miry L«due t€ 39 Brooklyn Maria and a pen and pencil set. pay for recent improvements, ex- mand. Talcottville Congrega­ SPONSORED BF KINO DAVTO LODGE, L O. O. F. tensions and the new north end •. I.oral School Also Sug* Member et tke Aadlt ■ItMt, Rockrine, lesvlnff on the Another party was tendered him tional to. Hold a Big hwwd I ' I ■ OAMES '■' hwww Borean of CtrcolatloaB nsetinff, a card party for Tuesday evening at the home of reservoir on Lydall street. j gestfi That Women Can tS Oam ea.......................................................... $4.00 Price Per Game Manchester— A City of Village Charm •:4S Rockville bus. After a brief Art McKay, and he received a Take It Up. Course Reviewed Celehration Then. 4 Special G am es............................................$10.00 Prize Per Game the benefit of the Red Cross will purse of money. j A priest will be at St. 1 Special G a m e ............................................................... $50.00 Prize 1 James’s church Saturday after- j Dfrar Prize $10.00 (SIXTEEN PAGES) pUce. Prises wUl be awarded The annual meeting of the Tal- (Claarified Adverttsiog Oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 PRICE THREE CENTS and refreshments served, and a W,llllam Belflore of 132 Charter noon and evening to here confe.«- Another course In blue-print At Police School $1.00 Admiaalon Incindee All of the Above Games. VOL. LXI.„NO. 97 good attendance is hoped for. Oak street, has entered the Robert .sions In Polish and wilt al.*)© assist reading and the theory of shop cotlvllle Congregational church Special Cards 10c Each. ^ Breck Brigham hospital In Bos­ at the masses held in the church I practice la now being offered at was held Tuesday avenlng. A pot- Sunday morning. Sunday, January 36, will be ob- ton. He is expected to remain there j the Manchester Trade School. The weekly session of the Man- luck supper preceded the biislnes.s Mrved as Red Cross day In the three or four weeks for observa­ The course Is especially designed (jhester Police School was held session. A large attendance was covenant rCongregatlonal church tion and treatment. The Jiinior members of the Girls' Friendly .Society of the St. for machine operators and Ins^c- last evening under the supervision on hand, there being about seven­ on Spruce street ty present. Various , reports of Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Keeney Mary’s church will meet Monday 1 tors who want Information on how of Detective Sergeant Joseph at 7:30. After the business ses.sion the church were (heard and acted ICia. EUzabeth KrauSe and son of Robert Road will leave tomor­ to read blue-prints. The work In­ Prentice. The in.structor spent the upon. Donald of 55 Academy street, and row for a few days’ stay in .N'ew the girls will liowl. | Repulse Japs’ Batan Peninsula Attacks; cludes instruction In the reading evening all the sub­ Officers were elected, among Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fleck of 57 York City, expecting to return rtf two and three view drawings, jects which were covered during these being John G. Talcott who Benefit Entertainment Mr and Mrs. Donald Willis of Academy street, returned yester­ Sunday evejjlng. sectional views, screw threads and the course. wss appointed as clerk. Also, Princeton street left this morning day from Fort Atkinson, Wis., gearing. A study of simple assem­ Next Wednesday evening, all James Rldyard was elected aa For the where they attended the funeral a A son was born 'Tuesday morn­ for a week's visit in Florida. blies Is made, as well as the more treasurer. Rev. Thomas Street, ing at the Wesson Memorial Hospi­ members who have completed the week ago of Mrs. Krause’s hus­ advanced work, with the tole­ school will take a written exami­ minister, acted aa moderator band, Henry Krause, who died tal, Springfield, Mass., to Mr. and rances neces.sary In pre.<<ent day nation This examination will he throughout the meeting. The here January 13. Mrs. Gordon N. Reid of .Springfield, manufacturing. former residents,,of Manchester. very strict In details of each sub­ budget for the church was ap­ ¥. M. C. A . Both Men and Women proved and adopted. Malaya Forces Begin Counter Offensive ject. The Covenant League wUl hold This course Is open to both men A dlscuB.slon was held formulat­ ltd monthly meeUng tomorrow The executive committee of the Schedule and- women 18 years of age or It was announced last night RED CROSS that another school will ba com­ ing plans for celebration of the evening at eight o’clock at the Beethoven Glee club will meet Fri­ over. As the need for more wom­ menced In the near future, which 75th chvirch anniversary which home of Miss Ruth Nellson, of 25 day night, Jan. 23 at the home of Tomorrow; en In Industry constantly Increases, Rudolph Johnson In Bolton. new fields are opened to them. will IncUide many Interesting and will come In March. It Is expected West Road, Eniington. 9:00-12:00—Second Shift Recre­ informative courses. F\irther in­ that a large celebration will be gym. Tracing is a very likely branch of Bomb Damage After Singapore Raid St. Mary’s Woman’s Auxiliary ation Group formation regarding the school held. Quite a sensation has been caus. 1:00-3:00 Third Shift Recrea- work for whlrh there la a constant South Methodist Church Fast Action Urged cd by an unusual window display has changed the date of Its Febru­ demand. Inspecting light assem­ will be announced by Sergeant Continuous Assaults tlon Group, gym. Main Street and Hartford Road at the First National store on Main ary meeting from February 13 to bly and machine operation will Prentice at a later date. February 20, In order to secure aa 3:00-5:00 -Open gym boys. street and Purnell Place. It con­ 5:15-6:00 —Business Men. gym. also require more women than In ifk ’kitick'kifkit'k'k nnc sists of a most realistic cow and a Its guest speaker Rev. E. Mullen of the pa-st. so that persons taking Eaat Hampton, who recently re­ 6:30-9:30 — Men and Women baby. showers, thia course should be bettor pre­ ALICE COFBAN I r s DIFFERENT By House on Vote turned from the Philippines, where pared to t.ake their place in de­ (Known Aa Queen Alice) he has been a mission worker for 6:30-7:00 -Maplelcavea, gym. f t WELDON’S OWN Friday, Jan. 20 7:30 p.m. Nipponese; fense work. ! SPIRITUAL .MEDIUM Made by nmny years. He will have an inter­ 7;00-7:.30—Duffy, gym 7:30-8:30 — Pioneer Parachute, Thf course la given free of : Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son g NEW FORMULA esting message to bring to the Bom With a Veil. Tickets 40c, Tax Included. - TALL CEDARS meeting and all membera are gym. ^ TOOTH PASTE For 33,000 Planes ; Readings Dally, Including Sunday, urged to reserve, the date. 7:00-8:30— Mlsa Grant’s diction Better! Costa I.esa! class, first floor social room. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ VARIETY PROGR AM! LOCAL TALENT! Tomoirow 7:00-9:00—Furniture Reftnlsh- ment. In the Service of the Peo­ Get A Tube Today Sunset Rebekah Lodge has set ple for SO Veam. TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES CONTEST! Line 80 Miles W ide At Our Pharmacy! the date of ’Tuesday, February 3, ing, Miss Tinker, loft. i Appeal Ma.le for Paaa- gg^g gelfish Night 6.'30-7:30—Open alleys. 169 Church Street, Hartford. Conn. 6:16 O’aock for a large food sale for the bene­ BUY Phone 6-0097 “ SLEEPY SLIM ”, W'D^C, MASTER OF CEREMONIES age of Appropriation ^ fit of the Red Cross campaign for 7:30—Country Club. 4 alleys. No Regard for Losses Orange Hall funds. Mrs. Sedrick Straughan is 6:30-8:00— Clenna Denton, 2 al­ yiyflf o il ALL PROCEEDS TO HELP THE RED CROSS To Help Achieve Con- Stand Great Artillery japau Makcs chairman of the committee of ar­ leys. trol of Air Over Rus- _ _ As Intent Seen to 20 Rear. Gaines At rangements. IN THE VICTORY DRIVE! B Y METER sian Front, Mediter- WaV luCnaCe ward Troops Fighting B id tO China Crush American-Fili* $S a Game for 25c The marriage of Mias Edith M.
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