Prayer Machines in Japanese Buddhism
九州大学学術情報リポジトリ Kyushu University Institutional Repository Dharma Devices, Non-Hermeneutical Libraries, and Robot-Monks : Prayer Machines in Japanese Buddhism Rambelli, Fabio University of California, Santa Barbara : Professor of Japanese Religions and IFS Endowed Chair Shinto Studies 出版情報:Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University. 3, pp.57-75, 2018-03. 九州大学文学 部大学院人文科学府大学院人文科学研究院 バージョン: 権利関係: Dharma Devices, Non- Hermeneutical Libraries, and Robot-Monks: Prayer Machines in Japanese Buddhism FABIO RAMBELLI T is a well-documented fact—albeit perhaps not their technologies for that purpose.2 From a broader emphasized enough in scholarship—that Japa- perspective of more general technological advances, it nese Buddhism, historically, ofen has favored and is interesting to note that a Buddhist temple, Negoroji Icontributed to technological developments.1 Since its 根来寺, was the frst organization in Japan to produce transmission to Japan in the sixth century, Buddhism muskets and mortars on a large scale in the 1570s based has conveyed and employed advanced technologies in on technology acquired from Portuguese merchants.3 felds including temple architecture, agriculture, civil Tus, until the late seventeenth century, when exten- engineering (such as roads, bridges, and irrigation sive epistemological and social transformations grad- systems), medicine, astronomy, and printing. Further- ually eroded the Buddhist monopoly on technological more, many artisan guilds (employers and developers advancement in favor of other (ofen competing) social of technology)—from sake brewers to sword smiths, groups, Buddhism was the main repository, benefciary, from tatami (straw mat) makers to potters, from mak- and promoter of technology. ers of musical instruments to boat builders—were more It should come as no surprise, then, that Buddhism or less directly afliated with Buddhist temples.
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