

No. DXLVIIL An Act to amend "The Electoral Act 1865;' "2nd November 1876.] E it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with B the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say) :— 1. Tliis Act shall be called and may be cited as " The Electoral Title of Act, Act Amendment Act 1876 " and shall be construed with and as part of " The Electoral Act 1865 " hereinafter designated the Principal Act. 2. The several sections and schedules of the Principal Act men- Repeal. tioned in the First Schedule to this Act to the extent to which the First s<*e(iul«' same are in and by the said Schedule expressed to be repealed shall be and the same are hereby repealed ; but all acts matters and things had done or happened under the provisions hereby repealed or any of them shall be of the same force and effect, and all offences against and punishments and penalties incurred under the said provisions or any of them may be dealt with inflicted and enforced upon and against all persons liable thereto in like manner as to each case herein mentioned as if no such repeal had taken place. All acts proceedings matters and things which at the time of the commencement of this Act shall under the provisions hereby repealed or any of them have been begun and be pending shall and may respectively be continued carried on and com­ pleted under and in pursuance of the provisions of this Act in tin* like behalf. 3. The colon v shall be and the same is hereby divided into Electoral districts electoral districts each of which electoral districts shall return the SeconTs™heduie. number of members assigned to it in the Second Schedule to this Act, and the Leo-jslntive Assembly slndl consist of tlic members so returned. 4. The

Pifhlis/ird as a Supplement to the ' I'icforia Government Gazette' of Friday, Xrri Xorember I87G.

!7 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT. 2

Boundaries divisions 4. The boundaries and divisions and the names of the said and names of elec­ electoral districts shall be those set forth in the Second Schedule hereto, toral districts. No. -279 s. 15. and shall be substituted in lieu of the boundaries and divisions repealed Second Schedule. by this Act, but the Governor in Council may by an order to be pub­ lished in the Government Gazette befoi'e the first day of January One thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight alter vary extend subdivide or abolish any of such divisions. 5- Part II. of the Principal Act so far as the same relates to the Part II. of principal Act amended. Legislative Assembly is hereby amended by substituting November for August, December for September, January for October, February for November, June for March, July for April, and August for May throughout the same.

Writs for general ^ 6. Writs for every general election of members to serve in the elections when Legislative Assembly shall be issued within seven days after the dissolu- issued. ^ 29 Vict. No. 279 s. 74. tion thereof. When nomination ^ 7. In any election for the Legislative Assembly the day of nomi- piace!0 mg ° nation shall be not less than four nor more than seven clear days after No. 279 ss. 76,77. the day of the issue of the writ, and the day of polling shall be not less than four nor more than seven clear days after the day of nomination ; and at every general election all elections shall take place on the same day. 8. Every polling at any election for the Legislative Assembly shall* Hours of polling, lb. s. 100. commence on the day appointed for the same at eight of the clock in the forenoon ; and shall unless lawfully adjourned finally close at five of the clock in the afternoon of the same day, and shall be conducted in manner mentioned in the Principal Act and this Act. 9. Every male person of the full age of twenty-one years and not Persons naturalized to be deemed subject to any legal incapacity who shall be a naturalized subject of natural born. Her Majesty and shall have resided in Victoria for twelve months, previous to the first day of January or July in any year shall for the purposes of this and the Principal Act be deemed and taken to be a natural-born subject of Her Majesty and qualified to be an elector for the Legislative Assembly. u Amendment of sec­ 10. The words following;:— Are you a natural-born or a natu- tion 24 subsection ralized subject of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and which?—[And if the S of Act No. 279. answer be " naturalized "J—Have you resided in Victoria for twelve months previously to the first day of January [or if the cose so require July] last" shall be substituted and inserted in lieu of the third sub­ section of the twenty-fourth section of the Principal Act so far as thev relate to the Legislative Assembly. 11. The. Parliament in beina' at any future demise of the Crown Demise of the Crown not to dissolve. shall not be determined or dissolved by such demise, but shall continue 30 & 31 Vict. c. 102 so low as it would have continued but for such demise, unless it shall s. 51. be sooner nronunied or dissolved bv the Governor. 12- Kverv act executed or done under the Principal Act or this Demise of Crown not to affect certain Act bv the Governor or anv other person in the name and on behalf of acts. Her

48 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment. 3

Her Majesty after the demise of the Crown, but before the Governor by his proclamation published in the Government Gazette shall have notified such demise, shall have the same effect and be of the same force as if no such demise had happened. 13. In the preparation of every first general list after the passing Preparation of first of this Act every electoral registrar shall include in such general list for &eneral list- each division of any district of which he is electoral' registrar the names of all persons whose names shall then be upon any ordinary electoral roll for the corresponding division repealed by this Act, and where such last mentioned division has been apportioned into two or more divisions for one or more districts created by this Act then the electoral registrar shall include in the general list for each division under this Act for which he is electoral registrar only the names of those persons on such ordinary electoral roll whose qualifications are within the area of each division respectively. Every such first general list shall be subject to the provisions of this and the Principal Act, and every holder of an elector's right whose name shall in accordance with this provision be placed upon such general list for a, new and different division to that mentioned in such elector's right shall for all purposes of this and the Principal Act be deemed to be the holder of an elector's right issued to him for such new division. 14. This Act so far as the same relates to the registration of electors commencement of under the provisions hereof shall come into operation on the passing Act- hereof; in all other respects the said Act shall commence and come into, operation on the day on which the present Legislative Assembly shall be dissolved, from which day the first electoral rolls prepared under the provisions of this Act shall come into force. All electoral rolls in force under the Principal Act so far as they relate to the Legislative Assembly shall continue in force until the said day when the present Legislative Assembly shall be dissolved, and all elections of members of the Legislative Assembly which may take place before the dissolution of the said Legislative Assembly shall be held as if this Act had not passed.



Date of Act. i Title of Act. Extent of Kepeal.

The Act No. 279 "The Electoral Act Section 4 so far as it relates to the Legislative Assembly, and section 15 so far as it relates to boundaries and divi­ 1865" sions of electoral districts, and the Second Schedule so fur as it relates to the boundaries of the electoral districts and divisions of districts of the Legislative Assembly,sub­ section .'} of section 24 so far as it relates to the Legisla­ tive Assembly, the proviso to section 70 so far as it relates to the Legislative Assembly, section 77, section 100 so far as it relates to the Legislative Assembly, and the 17th schedule.


4» Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.



1. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP ARARAT. N umber of Member. of the Legislative Commencing at the south-western angle of the agricultural reserve of Crow- £8"™d to88!?"re- lands ; and bounded on the east by a line south eighteen miles ; on the Electoral Districr. south by a line west sixteen miles ; on the west by a line north till the same intersects the north boundary of the ; thence again on the south by that boundary to the Grampian Range ; on the west by the Grampian Range to Plall's Gap ; thence on the north by a line direct towards the Trigonometrical Station on the Black Range till the same intersects the west boundary of the parish of Bellellen ; thence by the western southern and eastern boundaries of the said parish till the last- named boundary is intersected by the direct line aforesaid ; thence by that direct line to the Trigonometrical Station on the Black Range; thence by the said Black Range south-easterly till intersected by the original electoral boundary of the district of Ararat; and thence by that boundary north and east to the commencing point ...... One.

2. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE AVOCA. Commencing at the source of the River Avoca in the Main Dividing Range ; thence northwards by that river and by a line bearing north to the River Murray ; thence by the River Murray to the River Loddon ; thence southwards by the River Loddon to the Bet Bet Creek ; thence by the Bet Bet Creek to the Main Dividing Range ; and thence westerly by the Main Dividing Range to the commencing point aforesaid including the parish of Tarnagulla ...... Two.

3. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE BALLAARAT EAST. Commencing at the source of the Yarrowee or in the Main Dividing Range; thence by that river to the northern boundary of the parish of Buninyong; thence by that boundary to the western boundary of the town reserve of Bnninyong East; thence by the western northern and eastern boundary of that town reserve to the road to Ballan ; thence by that road to the Western Moorarbool River ; thence by that river to its source in the Main Dividing Range ; and thence by that range westerly to the com­ mencing point ...... ••• ••• -•• ••• Two.

4. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE BALLAARAT WEST. Commencing at the source of the Yarrowee or Leigh River in the Main Dividing Range ; thence by that river downwards to a point bearing east from the south-west angle of allotment 129 A parish of Yarrowee ; thence west to the said angle ; thence north to the main road from Ballaarat to Carngham ; thence westerly by that road to a branch of Baillie's Creek passing through the township of Carngham ; thence by that branch and by Baillie's Creek to Lake Burrumbeot; thence by the western and southern margin of that lake to the Burrnmbeet Creek ; thence by that creek to its source in the Main Dividing Range ; and thence by that ran^e easterlv to the commencing point ...... Three. 5. THE

50 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment. no

BOUNDARIES OF mSTMCTS-conturuecl K h fM t • Nnmber of Members of the Legislative Assembly unsigned 5. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF BARWON. S™^ forVeh Electoral District. Commencing at a point on the Bar won River where the north boundary of the St. Leonards pre-emptive section abuts thereon ; thence east and north by the south and east boundaries of the parish of Carrung-e-murnong to the north-west angle of section 10 parish of Gnarwarre ; thence easterly by a road to a point in the west boundary of section 14 parish of Barrar- bool ; thence south by that section aud section 4 to the Waurn Ponds ; thence easterly by the Waurn Ponds to the east boundary of section 7 ; thence north by that section section 11 and a road to the north-east angle of section 25 ; thence west by a road to the aforesaid; thence by that river downwards to the road forming the west boundary of section 3 parish of Moolap ; thence north by that road to Corio Bay ; thence north-easterly southerly and south-westerly by the shores of that bay Geelong Harbor Bay and to the Salt Creek ; thence north-westerly by that creek the boundary between the parishes of Wormbete and Wensleydale and Hopkins' Creek to the Barwon River aforesaid ; and thence again by that river downwards to the commencing point: including Mud Island and the electors in the light­ houses and ships off the coast ...... One.

C. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE BELFAST. Commencing at a point on the sea, coast due south of the south-west angle of allotment 66 parish of Tyrendarra ; thence north by a line and a road to the north-west angle of allotment 50 ; thence east by a road to the north-east angle of allotment 138 parish of St. Helens ; thence south by allotments 137 144 153 and 160 and a line to a point due west of the south-west angle of the St. Kitts pre-emptive section ; thence east by a line to the ; thence by that river upwards to the south boundary of the parish of Kapong ; thence by the south and east boundaries thereof to the south-west angle of allotment 4 section K parish of Warrong ; thence easterly by that allotment the Tarrone pre-emptive section and a road to the north-west angle of allotment 4 of section Q; thence northerly by allotments 4 and I section F and 4 section E and north-easterly bv the last mentioned allot- ment a line and sections 25 ami 24 parish of Woolsthorpe to the east angle of allotment 4 of the latter section ; thence easterly by a road to the north-east angle of section 26 ; thence south-westerly by the road forming the eastern boundary of that section and section 27 to the north-west angle of allotment 5 section C parish of Yarpturk ; thence east to the north­ east angle thereof; thence southerly by a road to the north boundary of the borouuh of ; thence bv the northern western and southern boundaries thereof to the west angle of the Church of reserve ; thence south by a line to the sea coast; and thence westerly by the sea coast to the commencing point including the islands off the coast ...... One.

7. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF BENAMBRA." Commencing at the junction of the Rivers Murray and Mitta Mitta ; thence by a line south-westerly to the northern extremity of the Middle Creek Range ; thence by that range to the Yackandandah Gap ; thence south­ easterly by a road to the northern angle of section D parish of Yackan­ dandah ; thence southerly and south-easterly by a road to the south-eastern angle of allotment 4 section K ; thence east to the road from Yackan­ dandah to Stanley ; thence southerly by that road to the south boundary of the town reserve of Hillsborough ; thence south to the range forming the watershed between the tributaries of the Ovens and of the Kiewa ; thence

r>i Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS-..™,,.','*™/. N „0|.Melnber, ot th« Lr£inlativ« AHHembly aBfii^ned thence by that range south-easterly to the source of the Running Creek ; \lr™£ VVch EkctorulDiBtrict thence by aline south-easterly to the junction of the with - the Mountain Creek ; thence by that creek to its source in the Bogong T"» 'J O O Range ; thence by the range forming the watershed between the tribu­ taries of the Mitta Mittaand of the Kiewa to the Main Dividing Range ; theuce by the Main Dividing Range to the source of the Indi or ; and thence by that river to the commencing point ...... One.

8. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF BOROONDARA. Commencing at the junction of the River Yarra Yarra with the Kooyongkoot Creek; thence by that creek and a tributary thereof to the eastern boundary of allotment 188 parish of Prahran ; thence north by a road and a line to the Koonung Koonung Creek ; and thence by that creek and the River Yarra Yarra downwards to the point of commencement ... One.

0. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF EAST BOURKE. Bounded on the north by the from the source of the River Plenty to that of the north-eastern branch of the Saltwater River near Big Hill; on the west by the Saltwater River downwards to the south-western angle of section 12 parish of Bulla Bulla ; thence by the southern boundary of the said portion and by a line bearing east to the Moonee Ponds ; thence by the Moonee Ponds southerly to the north­ western angle of portion CXLII. parish of Jika Jika ; thence by a line bearing east and by the northern eastern and southern boundaries of the Town reserve of Coburg to the Merri Creek ; thence southwards by the Merri Creek to the south-western angle ol portion CXXIII. in the parish of Jika Jika ; thence by a line bearing east to the Darebin Creek ; thence by the Darebin Creek to the River Yarra Yarra ; thence by the River Yarra Yarra to its junction with the River Plenty ; and thence by the River Plenty to its source in the Dividing Range ...... One.

10. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF THE EAST BOURKE BOROUGHS. Commencing at a point on the east bank of the Moonee Ponds being the north-western angle of portion CXLII. parish of Jika Jika ; thence by a line bearing east and by the northern eastern and southern boundaries of the Town reserve of Coburg to the Merri Creek ; thence south­ wards by the Merri Creek to the south-western angle of portion CXXIII. in the said parish ; thence by a line bearing east to the Darebin Creek ; thence southwards bv the Darebin Creek to the River Yarra Yarra : thence bv the River Yarra. Yarra to the Merri Creek aforesaid ; thence northwards by the Merri Creek to Park street east Brunswick ; thence west by a line passing through the centre of Park street east and west to the Moonee Ponds a foresaid ; and thence northward by the Moonee Ponds to the commencing point .,...... One.

11. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH BOURKE. Commencing at a point on the shore of Port Phillip Bay bearing west from the south-west angle of allotment 25 parish of Moorabbin ; thence by a line bearing east to the south-east angle of allotment 55 : thence by roads bearing respectively north to the north-east angle of allotment 63 west to the south-west angle of allotment 42 parish of Prahran and north to the River Yarra Yarra near its junction with the Kooyongkoot Creek ; thence bv that river tin* Koovonufkoot (-reek and a tributary thereof to the eastern

W No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OF Y)IST\UC'r$-contlnued. x , fM . dumber ot Members of the Lfnisliitive eastern boundary of allotment 188 parish of Prahran; thence north byaroad SX''"'^ and a line to the Koonnng Koonung Creek; thence by that creek downwards EI,lt"rHl i)i8trur- and by the River Yarra, Yarra and the Mullum Mullum Creek upwards to the eastern boundary of allotment 128A parish ofNunawading; thence by a road south to the ; tlience by that creek downwards to the road forming the southern boundary of the parish of Dandelion^ ; thence by that road westerly to the Mordialloc Creek; thence by-that creek to Port Phillip Bay; and thence by the shore of that bay north­ westerly to the commencing point ...... One.

12. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WEST BOURKE. Commencing at the source of the in the Main Dividing Range ; thence by that river to the northern boundary of section 27 parish of Tarrneit; thence east by a line and a road to the south-western angle of allotment 5 of section 3 parish of Derrimut; thence northerly by a road to the Kororoit Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the southern boundary of allotment E of section 6 parish of Maribyrnong ; thence by a line east to the Saltwater River ; thence by that river upwards to the northern boundary of section 9 parish of Doutta Gal hi; thence by a line east to Spring Creek ; thence by that creek and the Saltwater River down­ wards and by the River Yarra Yarra upwards to a point bearing south from the Flemington bridge over the Moonee Ponds; thence by a line north till the same intersects the northern boundary fence of the Mel­ bourne and Railway ; thence north-westerly by the said boundary fence till the same intersects the Moonee Ponds Creek ; thence by the Moonee Ponds to a point near the source thereof situate in section 11 parish of Yuroke and bearing east from the north-east angle of section 9 parish of Bulla Bulla ; thence by a line west to the Saltwrater River; thence bv the Saltwater River and the north-eastern branch thereof to its source in the Main Dividing Range near Big Hill; and thence by that range westerly to the commencing point ...... Two.

13. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF BRIGHTON. Commencing at a point on the shore of Port Phillip Bay bearing west from the south-west angle of allotment 25 parish of Moorabbin ; thence by a line bearing east to the south-east angle of allotment 6*5 ; thence by roads bearing respectively north to the north-east angle of allotment 63 west to the south-west angle of allotment 42 parish of Prahran and north to the north-east angle of allotment 37 ; thence west by the Glen Huntly road and a line to Point Ormoud ; and thence by the shore of Port Phillip Bay to the commencing point ...... ••• ••• ••• One.

14. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF CARLTON. Commencing at a point in the centre of Nicholson street in line with the centre of Faraday street ; thence west by a line passing through the centre of Faraday street to Madeline street ; thence north by a lino passing through the centre of Madeline street and north-westerly westerly and south-westerly by a line passing through iho centre of College Crescent to the Sydney road ; thence north by a line passing through the centre of the Sydney road to Park street Brunswick ; tlience east by a line passing through the centre of Park street east to Nicholson street ; and thence south by a line passing through the centre of Nicholson street to the commencing point...... ••• ••• One. 15. TIIK

53 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DJSTIUCTJS—«OrtZ///W^A Numl,,,-of Member* ot the .Legislative — Assembly assigned he 15. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OK CASTLEMAINE. it™? tr *£h Electoral District. Commencing at the junction of the Limestone Creek with the Kiver Loddon ; thence by that creek to the road forming the western boundary of section 5 parish of Yandoit; thence by the western and southern boundaries of that section to the south-eastern angle of allotment 2 ; thence east to the Middleton Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the southern boundary of the parish of Fryers ; thence east by the southern boundary of the parishes of Fryers Drummond and Edgecombe to the River Coliban ; thence by the River Goliban to the Myrtle Creek ; thence by the Myrtle Creek to the west boundary of the parish of Ly ell. ; thence by that boundary the north and west boundaries of the parish of Sutton Grange and the north boundary of the parish of Harcourt to Barker's Creek ; thence by that creek to the north boundary of the Town of Harcourt; thence by the north and west boundaries thereof to Barker's Creek aforesaid; thence again by that creek to the north boundary of the borough of Castlemaine ; thence by the north, west, and south boun­ daries of that borough bearing respectively west about 128 chains, south 240 chains, and east about 56" chains to Campbell's Creek ; and thence by that creek and the River Loddon to the commencing point ... Two.

16. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF COLLING WOOD. Commencing at a point in the centre of Victoria parade in a line with the centre of Smith street; thence north by a line passing through the centre of that street to Reilly street; thence east byr a line passing through the centre of that street to the Merri Creek ; thence by that creek and the Yarra downwards to a point in a line with the centre of Victoria street; thence west by a line passing through the centre of that street and Victoria parade aforesaid to the commencing point...... Two.

17. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF CRESWICK. Commencing at the junction of the Green Gully with the River Loddon ; thence by that gully upwards to the southern boundary of allotment 60 of section 1 parish of Campbelltown ; thence westerly by a road to the south-west angle of the township of Campbelltown and by a line bearing west to the eastern boundary of portion 40 parish of Glengower ; thence south to the south-east angle of that allotment; thence by a line bearing west to the Deep Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the southern boundary of the parish of Eglinton ; thence westerly by that boundary to the north-east angle of allotment 108 parish of Beckworth ; thence by roads bearing respectively south to the south-east angle of allotment 86, west to the north-west angle of allotment 57, south to the south-west angle of allotment 24 parish of Addin»tom east to the north-east angle of allotment 33, and south to the Main Dividing Range ; thence eastward by the Main Dividing Range to the source of the River Coliban ; thence by that river downwards to the southern boundary of the parish of Edge­ combe ; thence west by the southern boundary of the parishes of Edge­ combe Drummond and Fryers to the Middleton Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to a point bearing east from the south-east angle of the parish of Yandoit ; thence west to the south-eastern angle of allotment 2 of section 5 in that parish; thence by the road forming the southern and western boundary of that section to the Limestone Creek ; and thence by that creek and the River Loddon downwards to the commencing "point ... •.- ••• ••• ... ••• ••• JL iiree* 18. THE

54 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment,

BOUNDARIES OF DISTlUCTS-COntinued. Number of Member. of the Legislative Assembly assigned 18. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE DALIIOUSIE. SrSf ?ff*«S Commencing at the junction of the Rivers Coliban and Campaspe ; thence by L1"tor&1 D,8tr,et' marked lines bearing respectively about S. 38° 15'E. true 14 miles 70 chains to a point near the source of the Mclvor Creek, and N. 57° 40' E. 26 miles 53 chains to the near its junction with Hughes' Creek ; thence by that river upwards to a point bearing magnetic *west from the intersection of Whitehead's Creek with the north-eastern boun­ dary of the toAvnship of Seymour; thence east to that intersection and further east 130 chains; thence south to a point on the Goulburn River; thence by that river downwards to a point 80 chains westward from the last-mentioned point; thence west to the road from Seymour to Broadford and southerly by that road to the south-eastern angle of portion 38 parish of Lowry; thence true west to Sunday Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the southern boundary of portion 40; thence westerly by a road to the south-western angle of portion 4o; thence southerly by a road to the south-eastern angle of portion 121 parish of Moranding; thence westerly by a road and by the southern boundaries of portions 118 and 50 to the road from Kilmore to Pyalong; thence by that road north­ westerly to the northern angle of John Shubert's selection ; thence south­ westerly to the western angle of that selection and westerly to the summit of Mollison's Black Range; thence by that range and the Tantarabon Range to a point in line with the northern boundary of allotment 19A parish of Goldie; thence westerly by a. line and a road to the north­ western angle of allotment 16A ; thence southerly by a road to the Main Dividing Range ; thence by that range to the source of the ; and thence by that river to the commencing point: excepting the country included in the electoral district of the Kyueton Boroughs. ... ,,. One.

19. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE DELATITE. Commencing at a point on the south boundary of the town of Avenel where it is intersected by Hughes' Creek ; thence by the south and east boundaries of the said town to the Sydney road ; thence north -easterly by that road to the east boundary of the parish of Branjee; thence by that boundary to the south-east angle of the parish ; thence easterly and northerly by a line and a road to the ; thence by that creek downwards to the east boundary of section D parish of Euroa ; thence north-westerly by that section and section C to the south-east angle of the town of Euroa; thence northerly by the east boundary thereof and suburban section D to the Sydney road aforesaid; thence again by that road north-easterly to the road forming the east boundary of section U parish of Benalla; thence southerly by that road and easterly by the road forming the north boundary of section A to the ; thence easterly by that river and the Curlcwis branch thereof to the road forming the west boundary of section II; thence northerly by that road to the Sydney road aforesaid ; thence again by that road north-easterly to the road forming the north­ eastern boundary of the Greenvale pre-emptive section ; thence south­ easterly by that road to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 16 section 29 parish of Laeeby; thence by that road and a line bearing magnetic east to the Whorouly Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the ; thence by that river upwards to the and by that river upwards to its source in the Great Dividing Range; thence south-westerly and westerly by the crest of that range to the eastern boundary of the town reserve at Matlock ; thence by the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the same till the last-named again intersects the crest of the range ; thence again by that range to Mount Arnold; thence northerly by a range to ; thence north-easterly by a line to the source of the Jerusalem River; thence by that river and the Goulburn Electoral Act Amendment, [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS—continued. Number of Memb,™ of the Lepsilutiv*! Aascinhly usBitfned to tmi] to b« re- Goulburn River downwards to the ; thence by that river KL/SiBtJfc* and the Brankeet Merton and Menham's Creeks upwards to the source of the latter in the Strathbogie Range ; thence south-westerly by that range to the source of Hughes' Creek aforesaid ; and thence by that creek downwards to the commencing point ...... One.

20. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF DUNDAS. Commencing at a point on the Serra Range at the head of the G-lenelg River, being the north-east angle of the county of Dundas ; thence southerly by that range to Mount Sturgeon ; thence south-westerly by a line and the jsouth-eastern boundary of the parishes of Moutajup and Warrayure to the north-east angle of the parish of Croxton West; thence south by the east. boundary of that parish and a line to the south-east angle of allotment 1 section 2 parish of Yatchaw West; thence by the down­ wards to the road forming the southern boundary of allotment 1 section 7; thence westerly by that road to the north-west angle of the Old Stock­ yard pre-emptive section ; thence north-westerly by a line to the road forming the southern boundary of section B parish of Monivae ; thence westerly by that road and northerly by the road forming the western boundary of section 8 to the south boundary of section 10 ; thence west by a road to the Violet Creek ; thence by that creek the Grange Burn and the downwards to the road forming the west boundary of allotment 4 section 27 parish of Hilgay ; thence by that road northerly and north-easterly to the western angle of allotment 1 section 3 parish of Bulart; thence northerly by a road and the eastern boundary of sections 5 4 2 and 1 parish of Urangara to the south boundary of the parish of Gatum Gatum ; thence westerly by that boundary the south boundary of the parishes of Gringegalgona and Wategat and a road to the east boundary of allotment 3 section 5 parish of Brim Brim ; thence southerly to the ; thence by that river downwards to the north boundary of allotment 4 section 7 parish of Brimboal; thence westerly by that allotment a road allotment 6 section 5 and a road to the north-east angle of allotment 6 of section 6 parish of Warrock ; thence southerly by a road to the south-east angle of allotment 16 ; thence westerly by a road and a line to the aforesaid ; and thence by that river upwards to the commencing point ...... One.

21. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF EMERALD HILL. Commencing at a point on the shore of Ilobson's Bay in line with the centre of Boundary street ; thence to and by the centre line of that street to the southern side of the Snndridge road ; thence by lines bearing respectively about N. 77° W. to a post on the southern boundary of the land occupied by the and Hobson's Bay railway and north-westerly to a point on the southern bank of the River Yarra Yarra in line with the western boundary of the City of Melbourne ; thence by that river upwards to Prince's Bridge ; thence by the St. Kilda road and Fitzroy street to the shore of Hobson's Bay ; and thence by the shore of Hobson's Bay to the commencing point ...... Two.

22. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF EVELYN. Bounded on the west by part of the eastern boundary of the County of Bourke —that is to say by the River Plenty from its source to the River Yarra Yarra ; thence by the River Yarra Yarra to the confluence of the Deep Creek

56 c

No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OP DISTRICTS-,nntinued. N0m*e,„f„,mto. of the Legislative ^ . . Assembly assigned Creek ; thence by that creek to the range between the River Yarra Yarra S^Ld l^ and the Dandenong Creek; on the south east and north by the ran^eE,w:tor"1 DiBtrict' forming the basin of the River Yarra Yarra ...... *. One.

23. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF FITZROY. Commencing at a point in the centre of Victoria-parade in a line with the centre of .Nicholson-street; thence north hyaline passing through the centre of that street to Park street east Brunswick; thence east by a line passing through the centre of Park street east to the Merri Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to a point in a line with the centre of Reilly street; thence west by a line passing through the centre of that street to Smith street; thence south by a line passing through the centre of that street to Victoria parade aforesaid ; and thence west by a line passing through the centre of that parade to the commencing point ... Two.

24. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF FOOTSCRAY. Commencing at the mouth of the Skeleton Waterhole Creek and bounded by said creek upwards to the south-east angle of section 2 parish of Truganina ; thence north to the north-east angle of section 24 in the said parish ; thence by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 5 section 3 in the parish of Derrimut; thence by a road northerly to the Kororoit Creek ; thence easterly by the said creek to the south-west angle of allotment E of section 6 parish of Maribyrnong ; thence by the south boundary of that section and a line east to the Saltwater River ; thence by that river to the north-west angle of section 9 parish of Doutta Galla; thence by the northern boundary of that section and a line east to the north-east angle of section 8 in the same parish; thence by Spring Creek to its junction with the Saltwater River ; thence by that river and the Yarra Yarra River to the mouth of the Stony Creek ; thence by that creek to the south-west angle of allotment 5 of section 8 parish of Cut-paw-paw ; thence by a line south to Port Phillip Bay and by Port Phillip Bay to the commencing point ...... One.

25. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF GEELONG. Commencing at a point on the western shore of Corio Bay distant 2 miles northerly from the north-east angle of section I parish of Moorpanyal; thence south-Avesterly by a curved line to the north-west angle of section 13 ; thence south by a road to the Barwon River; thence by that river and the Moorarbool River to the point where the southern boundary of section 6 parish of Gheringhap abuts on the latter; thence west and south by that section to the Barwon River aforesaid; thence again by that river downwards to the road forming the west boundary of section 3 parish of Moolap; thence north by that road to Corio Bay aforesaid; and thence westerly and northerly by the shore of that bay to the commencing point, including Bird Rock Island and the electors afloat in Geelong Harbor ...... ••• ...... Three.

26. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF NORTH GIPPSLAND. Commencing at the source of the in the range forming the southern boundary of the county of Evelyn ; thence by that river to its junction with Flyim's Creek ; thence by that creek to a road forming the southern boundaiy of the parish of Rosedale ; thence by that road easterly and a line east to Merrinian's Creek ; thence by that creek to the sea ; thence by the sea shore to Cape Howe; thence by the boundary line between the colonies of Victoria and New South Wales to the Main Dividing

0< Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS—COMfmKCtf. Nmnberof Member. of thn Legislative Assembly aHsi^ned Dividing Range ; thence by the crest of that range to the eastern bonn- J™! 'L "each dary of the town reserve at Matlock; I hence by the eastern southern and western boundaries of the same till the hist-named again intersects the crest of the range; thence again by that range and by the range forming the eastern and southern boundary of the county of .Evelyn, to the com­ mencing point including the islands oil' the coast ...... Two.

27. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH GIPPSLAND. Commencing on the shore of Bass Strait at Cape Paterson ; thence north to and northerly by a dividing range to the source of the ; thence by that river to a point bearing south from the embouchure of the Buneep River on the margin of the Koo-wee-rup Swamp ; thence by a line bearing north to the Buneep River ; thence by that river to its source in the dividing range forming the southern boundary of the county of Evelyn; thence by that range easterly to the source of the LaTrobe River; thence by that river to its junction with Flynn's Creek ; thence by that creek to a road forming the southern boundary of the parish of Rose- dale ; thence by that road easterly and a line east to Merriuian's Creek; thence by that creek to the sea ; and thence by the seashore south-westerly and north-westerly to the commencing point including the islands off the coast ... ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• v-'ue.

28. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF GRANT. Commencing at a point on the western shore of Corio Bay distant 2 miles northerly from the north-east angle of section 1 parish of Moorpanyal; thence south-westerly by a curved line to the north-east angle of section 14; thence south by a road to the Barwon River; thence by that river and the Moorarbool River upwards to the point where the southern boundary of section 6 parish of Gheringhap abuts on the latter; thence west and south by the southern and eastern boundaries of that section to the Barwon River aforesaid; thence again by that river upwards to the road forming the north boundary of section 25 parish of Barrarbool ; thence east by a road to the north-east angle of that section ; thence south by a road and sections 10 and 8 to the VVaurn Ponds; thence westerly by the Waurn Ponds to the east boundary of section 3 ; thence north by sections 3 and 15 to the point on the east boundary of the latter where it is intersected by the road from Geelong; thence westerly by that road to the east boundary of the parish of Carrung-e-murnong ; thence south and west by the east and south boundaries of that parish to the Barwon River aforesaid ; thence again by that river downwards to the junction of the Leigh River; thence by'that river and the Williamson's Creek upwards to the northern boundary of the parish of JS'armbool; thence east by that boundary to the Geelong and Ballaarat Railway; thence by that railway northerly to allotment, 14 section 6 ; thence by a branch of Lai Lai Creek and by Lai Lai Creek to the western Moorarbool River; thence by that river to its source in the Great Dividing Range; thence north-easterly by (hat range to the source of the Werribee River; thence by that river (o the north-west angle of the parish of Tarneit; thence by the northern boundary of that j>arish and part of the north boundary of the parish Truganina east to the north­ east angle of section 24 'of the last-named pai'ish ; thence south to the Skeleton Waterholes Creek and by that creek to its mouth; and thence south-westerly by the shores of Port Phillip Bay and Corio Bay to the commencing point ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •*•w0- * 29. THE

..)0 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRTCTS-™w*;w,iC<7 x , ,« K M'MUHinii. Number of Member* or' tbe Legislative 29. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF UKENVTTIE tVTdbWB* ..uujnviUii^ turned for eacb Commencing at the junction of Baillie's Creek with a branch thereof passing Ek™'tri"* through the township of Carnghain ; thenee by that branch to the main road to Balh.arat ; thence easterly by that road'to a point bearing north from the north-west angle of allotment 9 (A parish of Yarrowee; thence

south to the south-west angle of allotment I29A; thence east to the Yarrowee River; thence by that river upwards to (he northern boundary of the parish of Buninyong ; thence by that boundary to the western boundary of the town reserve of Buninyong East ; thence by the western northern and eastern boundary of that (own reserve f;) the road to Ballan ; north-easterly to the Western Moorarbool River • thence by that river downwards to its junction with the Lai Lai Creek; thenee westerly by that creek and a branch thereof to allotment 14 of section 6 parish of Buninyong; thence south-easterly by the Geelong and Ballaarat Railway to the north boundary of the parish of Narmbool°; thence west by that boundary to Williamson's Creek ; thence by that creek and the Yarrowee or Leigh River downwards to the main road from Shelford to Lismore; thence westerly by that road to the Gnarkeet Ponds ; thence northerly by the Gnarkeet Ponds and by a line bearing north to • the Emu Creek; and thence by the Emu Creek and Baillie's Creek to the commencing point ...... Two.

30. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KARA KARA. Commencing on the west boundary of the at a point on the where the west boundary of the parish of Glynwilln abuts thereon ; thence by the first-mentioned boundary to the Richardson River ; thence by that river and the Avon River to the southern boundary of the parish of Donald ; thence by that boundary ' and the south boundary of the parish of Coonooer West to the ; thenee by that river upwards to its source in the Great Dividing Range ; thence by that range westerly to the eastern boundary of the Ararat Electoral District; thence north by that boundary and a line to the Mount Cole Creek ; and thence by that creek and the Wimmera River aforesaid downwards to the commencing point ...... One.

31. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KILMORE AND ANGLESEY. Commencing at the junction of Hughes' Creek with the Goulburn River ; thence by that river upwards to a point bearing magnetic west from the intersection of Whitehead's Creek with the north-eastern boundary of the township of Seymour ; thence east to that intersection and further east 130 chains ; thenee south to a point on the Goulburn River ; thence by that river downwards to a point 80 chains westward from the last-men­ tioned point ; thence west to the road from Seymour to Broad ford and. southerly by that road to the south-eastern angle of portion 38 parish of Lowry ; thence true west to Sunday Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the southern boundary of portion 40 ; thence westerly by a road to the south-western angle of portion 45 ; thence southerly by a, road to the south-eastern angle of portion 121 parish of Moranding ; thence westerly by a road and by the southern boundaries of portions 118 and 50 to the road from Kilmore to Pyaiong; thence by that road north-westerly to the northern angle of John Shubert's selection; thence south-westerly to the western angle of that selection and westerly to the summit of Mollison's Black Range; (hence bv that range and the Tantarabon Range to a point in line with the northern boundary of allotment 19A parish of Goldie : thence westerly bv a line and a road to the north-western angle of allotment 16A ; thence southerly by a road lo the Main Dividing Rango

5!) Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF "DISTRICTS—continued Number ot'Membera of th« Legislative Assembly us»ii;iird to and t» be r«^« Range; thence by that range to Mount Arnold ; thence northerly by a turned L Vch , T»/r J ri^ i 1 ,i ,i ii i» i lilectoral District. range to Mount lorbreck ; thence north-easterly by a line to the source of the Jerusalem River ; thence bv that river and the Goulburn River • downwards to the Delatite River ; thence by that river and the Brankeet Merton and Menham's Creeks upwards to the source of the latter in the Strathbogie Range; thence south-westerly by tbat range to the source of Hughes' Creek ; thence by that creek to allotment 6 suburban section E parish of Avenel; thence westerly by the south boundary of that section and section F and a line to the east boundary of allotment 15 parish of Mangalore ; thence north by the east boundary of that allotment and of allotment 1 section E parish of Avenel to the north-east angle of the latter allotment; thence westerly by a road to the south-east angle of allotment 7 section C ; thence northerly bv a road to Hughes' Creek aforesaid; and thence again by that creek downwards to the commencing pOlUiJ ...... ••« .»» ••• ,,, \jI\Q» 32. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF THE KYKETON BOROUGHS.

KYKKTOX, CARLSRUHE, A>'I> PART OF MALMSIHJRY. Commencing at the south-east angle of section 153 east of Carlsruhe; thence north 3 miles 40 chains; thence west 4 miles; thence north 3 miles; thence west 4 miles ; thence north 3 miles ; thence west to the River Coliban ; by that river to the southern boundary of the parish of Lauriston ; by that boundary to the River Campaspe; and thence to the south-western angle of section AI and by the southern boundary of the parish of Carlsruhe to the point of commencement.

WOODEND. Commencing at the south-western angle of section Al south of Carlsruhe; One. bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the said section and of sections B2 B3 to the south-eastern angle of the said section B3 east of Carlsruhe; on the east by a line south to the northern boundary of section 72 parish of Woodend; thence east to the north-east angle of the said section 72 ; thence on the east by a road south to the south-eastern angle of section 22 parish of Woodend ; thence south 80 chains crossing the Five Mile Creek ; thence west 80 chains ; thence north to the Five Mile Creek; and on the south-west and west by the Five Mile Creek and River Cam­ paspe to the commencing point ...

,33. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF . Commencing at a point on the where the road forming the boundary between the parishes of Laanecoorie and Neereman abuts thereon ; thence by that road and a line bearing magnetic east to Barker's Creek : thence by that creek to the north boundary of the town of Harcourt ; thence by the north and west boundaries of that town to Barker's Creek aforesaid ; thence again by that creek to the north boundarv of the borough of Castlemaine ; thence by the north, west, and south boundaries of that borough bearing respectively west about 128 chains, south 2-10 chains, and east about 55 chains to Campbell's Creek ; and thence bv that creek and the Loddon River downwards to the commencing point One. :u. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF MANDURAKG. Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the road (brining the north boundary of the parish of Laanecoorie abuts thereon ; thence by that river upwards to the road forming the south boundarv of the said parish ; thence

60 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS-co»*iMM«/. Number of Members of the Lr^ialative Assembly us«ijfiifd % h m re- thence by that road and a line bearing magnetic east to Barker's Creek ; }°ZA L each thence by that creek to the north boundary of the parish of Harcourt; ^wlonlJ)listrict" . thence by that boundary, the west and north boundaries of the parish of Sutton Grange, and the west boundary of the parish of Lyell to the Myrtle Creek ; thence by that creek to the Colibau River ; thence by that river the and the Murray River downwards to the Loddon River aforesaid ; thence again by that river upwards to the north boundary of the parish of Tarnagulla; and thence easterly somberly and westerly by the north east and south boundaries thereof to the commencing point: excluding the electoral district of Sandhurst ...... Three.

35. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF MARYBOROUGH AND TALBOT. Commencing at the junction of the Green Gully with the River Loddon ; thence by that gully upwards to the southern boundary of allotment 60 of section 1 parish of Campbelltown ; thence westerly by a road to the south-west angle of the township of Campbelltown and by a line bearing west to the eastern boundary of portion 40 parish of Glengower ; thence south to the south-east angle of that allotment; thence by a line bearing west to the Deep Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the southern boundary of the parish of Eglinton ; thence westerly by that boundary to the north-east angle of allotment 108 parish of Beck worth ; thence by roads bearing respectively south to the south-east angle of allotment 86, west to the north-west angle of allotment 57, south to the south-west angle of allotment 24 parish of Addington, east to the north-east angle of allotment 33, and south to the Main Dividing Range ; thence north­ westerly by that range to the source of the Bet Bet Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to its junction with the River Loddon ; and thence by that river upwards to the commencing point ...... Two.

36. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF EAST MELBOURNE. Commencing at a point on the north bank of the River Yarra Yarra where it is intersected by a line passing through the centre of Elizabeth street; thence north-westerly by a line passing through the centre of Elizabeth street to Queensberry street; thence east by a line passing through the centre of Queensberry street to Rathdowne street; thence south by a line passing through the centre of Rathdowne street to Victoria street; thence east by a line passing through the centre of Victoria street and Victoria parade to Gisborne street; thence south by the eastern side of Gisborne street and a line to the River Yarra Yarra ; and thence by that river ^ downwards to the commencing point ... ••• ••• ••• *w0*

37. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF NORTH MELBOURNE. Commencing at a point in the centre of Nicholson street in line with the centre of Faraday street; thence west by a line passing through the centre oi Faraday street to Madeline street ; thence north by a line passing through the centre of Madeline street and north-westerly westerly and south­ westerly by a line passing through the centre of College Crescent to the Sydney road; thence north by a line passing through the centre of the Sydney road to Park street Brunswick ; thence west by a line passing through the centre of Park street west to the Moonee Ponds- thence by the Moonee Ponds downwards till the north boundary fence of the Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway is intersected ; thence by that boundary fence south-easterly till a line passing along the t-entre of Victoria * street intersects the same; thence east by a line

61 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS — amlinue.d. Number of Member. of the L«giflluti\K Assembly usHj^uert a line passing through the nmtre of Victoria street to Elizabeth 'v""* '*»*'*'*'* nj-«.^^i. • 1 l • ^ i i •» i , . i , J'Hecioriil District.. street lnchulmg the Benevolent Asylum reserve ; thence north­ westerly by a line passing through (he centre of Elizabeth street, to Queensberry street-; thence east by a line passing through the centre of Queensberry street to Rathdowne sheet; thence south by a line passing through the centre of Rathdowne street to Victoria street,; thence east by a line passing through the centre of Victoria street and Victoria parade to Nicholson street; and thence north by a line passing through the centre of Nicholson street to the commencing point...... Two. 38. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WEST MELBOURNE. Commencing at that point on the north bank of the River Yarra Yarra inter­ sected by a line passing through the centre of Elizabeth street; thence north-westerly by a line passing through the centre of Elizabeth street to Victoria street; thence west by a line passing through the centre of Victoria street and by a line bearing west (excluding the Benevolent Asylum reserve) till the same intersects the northern boundary fence of the Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway ; thence by that fence north-westerly to the western boundary of the city of Melbourne ; thence south by the western boundary of the city to the River Yarra Yarra; and thence easterly by the north bank of the River Yarra Yarra to Elizabeth street the commencing point aforesaid ...... Two.

39. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF MOIRA. Commencing at the junction of the Goulburn and Murray Rivers; thence by the former river and Hughes' Creek upwards to the point where the latter is intersected by the road forming the east boundary of sections B and C parish of Avenel; thence southerly by that road allotment 1 section E in the said parish and allotment 15 parish of Mangalore to a point on the east boundary of the latter where it would be intersected by the pro­ longation westward of the south boundary of suburban sections E and F parish of Avenel; thence easterly by a line and the said sections to Hughes' Creek aforesaid ; thence again by that creek downwards to the south boundary of the town of Avenel; thence by the south and east boundaries thereof to the Sydney road; thence north-easterly by that road to the east boundary of the parish of Branjee; thence by that boundary to the south­ east angle of the parish ; thence easterly and northerly by a line and a road to the Seven Creeks ; thence by that, creek downwards to the east- boundary of section D parish of Euroa; thence by the east and north-east boundaries of that section and the north-east and north boundaries of section C to the south-east angle of the town of Euroa; thence by the east- boundary thereof and of suburban section D to the Sydney road aforesaid ; thence again by that, road north-easterly to the road forming the eastern boundary of section U parish of Benalla ; thence southerly by that road and easterly by the road forming the north boundary of section A to the Broken River ; thence easterly by that river and the Curlewis branch thereof to the road forming the west boundary of section IT ; thence northerly by that road to the Sydney road aforesaid ; thence again by that road north-easterly to the road forming the north-eastern boundary of the Greenvale pre-emptive section ; thence south-easterly by that road to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 16 section 29 parish of Laceby ; thence by that road and a line bearing magnetic east to the Whorouly Creek; thence by that creek downwards to its junction with the Ovens River; thence by a marked line bearing magnetic north to the Murray River aforesaid ; and thence by that river downwards to the commencing point ...... Two. 40. THE

(52 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS^o,i//^. *^»nu^ ... of the Legislative Assembly assigned to and to be re- 40. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF MORNINGTON. KL1£ Commencing at the source of the Buneep River in the dividing range forming the southern boundary of the county of Evelyn ; thence by that range westerly to the source of the Mullum Mullum Creek ; (hence by that creek to the eastern boundary of allotment 128A parish of Nun a wading ; thence by a road south to the Dandenong Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the road forming the southern boundary of the parish of Dandenong; thence by that road westerly to the Mordialloc Creek ; thence by that creek to Port Phillip Bay ; thence by the shores of that bay and Bass Strait to Cape Paterson including the islands in Bay ; thence north to and northerly by a dividing range to the source of the Lang Lang River ; thence by that river to a point bearing south from the embouchure of the Buneep River on the margin of the Koo-wee-rup Swamp ; thence by a line bearing north to the Buneep River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point One.


Commencing at a point on the west boundary of the colony of Victoria bearing south one mile from.the south-west angle of the town of Lindsay ; thence north by the said boundary to the Mosquito Creek; thence by that creek upwards to its source; thence by a line bearing N. 74° 30' E. 6 miles 75 chains more or less to the source of Power's Creek ; thence by that creek and the G-lenelg River downwards to a point west of the north-west angle of allotment 1 section 7 parish of Warrock; thence easterly by a line and a road to the north-east angle of allotment 19; thence northerly by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 5 section 5 ; thence easterly by a road allotment 5 section 5 parish of Brimboal a line a road and allotment 3 section 7 to the Wando River; thence by that river upwards to the west boundary of section 10 parish of Brim Brim ; thence northerly to the north-west angle thereof; thence easterly by a road and the south boundary of the parishes of VVategat Gringegalgona and Gatum Gatura to the north-east angle of allotment 6 section 1 parish of Urangara; thence southerly by the east boundary of that section and of sections 2 4 and 5 to the south-east angle of the latter; thence south-easterly by a road to the eastern angle of allotment 3 section 1 parish of Bulart; thence south­ westerly and southerly by a road to a point on the Wannon River south of the south-east angle of allotment 3 section 27 parish of ITilgay ; thence by that river the Grange Burn and the Violet Creek upwards to the road forming the south boundary cf section 10 parish of Monivae; thence easterly by that road to the south-east angle of the section ; thence south-easterly by a road to the road forming the southern boundary of section B ; thence south-easterly by that road and aline to the north-west angle of the Old Stockyard pre-emptive section; thence easterly by a road to the Eumeralla River; thence by that river downwards to the road forming the south boundary of section 18 parish of Warrabkook ; thence west by that road to the south-west angle of section 14 ; thence northerly by a line to the most eastern angle of section 13 ; thence westerly by a road a line and a road to the south-west angle of allotment 9 section 2 parish of Greenhills; thence westerly by a line and a road to the south­ west angle of section 2 parish of Myamin ; thence north by a road to (he Portland Creek ; thence by that creek and the Crawford River downwards to the Glenelg River aforesaid ; thence again by that river upwards to a point due east of the commencing point; and thence west by a line to the commencing point ...... ••• ••• ••• ••• ^ne* B 42. THE 63 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS—COMfc'rtKerf. Number of Member, a of the LeifislntiVH AsKPmblv assigned d 42. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE OVENS. ;°r,™d 'tr\^ Commencing at the junction of the Ovens River with Whorouly Creek ; thence by a marked line bearing north to the Murray River ; thence by that river upwards to its junction with the ; thence by a line south-westerly to the northern extremity of the Middle Creek Range ; thence by that range to the Yackandandah Gap ; thence south-easterly by a road to the northern angle of section D, parish of Yackandandah ; thence southerly and south-easterly by a road to the south-eastern angle of allotment 4 section K ; thence east to the road from Yackandandah to Stanley ; thence southerly by that road to the south boundary of the town reserve of Hillsborough ; thence south to the range forming the watershed between the tributaries of the Ovens and of the Kiewa ; thence south-easterly by that range to the source of the Running Creek ; thence by a line south-easterly to the junction of the Kiewa River with the Mountain Creek ; thence by that creek to its source in the Bogong Range ; thence by the range forming the watershed between the tributaries of the Mitta Mitta and of the Kiewa to the Main Dividing Range ; thence by the Main Dividing Range to the source of the Buffalo River ; and thence by the Buffalo and Ovens Rivers downwards to the commencing point ... Two.

43. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF POLWARTH AND SOUTH GRENVILLE. Commencing at a point on the main road from Shelford to Lismore where it is intersected by the Gnarkeet Ponds ; thence southerly by the Gnarkeet Ponds to ; thence southerly by the western and south­ western banks of that lake to the Pirron Yalloak Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the north-east boundary of the parish of Carpendeit, thence south-easterly by that boundary to the north-west angle of allot­ ment f 2 parish of Irrewillipe ; thence by a road and a line bearing magnetic south to the ; thence by that river to its mouth ; thence easterly and north-easterly by the sea coast to the Salt Creek; thence north-westerly by that creek, the boundary between the parishes of Wormbete and Wensleydale, and Hopkins' Creek to the Barwon River; thence by that river downwards to the junction of the Leigh River; thence by that river upwards to the aforesaid main road; and thence westerly by that road to the commencing point ...... One.

44. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF PORTLAND. Commencing at a point on the west boundary of the colony of Victoria bearing south one mile from the south-west angle of the town of Lindsay; thence east by a line to the Glenelg River ; thence by that river downwards to the Crawford River; thence by that river and the Portland Creek upwards to the road forming the west boundary of section 2 parish of Myamin ; thence south by that road to the south-west angle of the section ; thence easterly by a road and a line to the north-west angle of allotment 1 section 13 parish of Greenhills; thence easterly by a road and a line to the north­ west angle of allotment 1 section 10 parish of Weerangourt; thence easterly by a road to the eastern angle of section 13 parish of Warrab- kook ; thence south-easterly by a line to the north-west angle of section 22 ; thence east by a road to the Eumeralla River; thence by that river downwards to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 58 parish of Tyrendarra ; thence west by that road to the road forming the east boundary of allotment 34; thence south by that road and a line to the sea coast; thence westerly by the sea coast to the aforesaid boundary of the colony of Victoria (including the Lawrence Islands) ; and thence north by that boundary to the commencing point ...... One. 45. THE

64 JSTo. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OF n\KTinCT$~conthived. Number «,f Member. . of the Legislative 45. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF. RICHMOND. ^Zf^!?'^ Ar Ar- -,-,. -, turned for fmch Commencing at a point on (lie larra xarra Kiver due south of the south- ^u-ctoraiDi«rk-t. eastern side of Gisborne street ; thence by a line bearing north to Gisborne street ; thence by the east, side of Gisborne street to Victoria para.de ; thence by a line passing through the centres of Victoria parade and Victoria street and a prolongation of that line to the Yarra Yarra River ; and on the east and south by the Yarra Yarra River to the com­ mencing point ...... , ... Two, 46. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE RIPON AND HAMPDEN. Commencing at a point on the east boundary of the electoral district of Ararat where it is intersected by the Great Dividing Range; thence easterly and south-easterly by that range to the source of the Burrumbeet Creek; thence by that creek downwards to ; thence by the southern and western banks of that lake to Baillie's Creek ; thence by that creek and downwards to the east boundary of the parish of Skipton ; thence southerly by that boundary the east boundary of the parish of Borri Yallock and the Gnarkeet Ponds to Lake Corangamite ; thence southerly by the western bank of that lake to the southern boundary of the parish of Purrumbete ; thence westerly by that boundary and the southern boundary of the parishes of Colongulac and Marida Yallock to the Mount Emu Creek aforesaid; thence again by that creek upwards to the north boundary of the parish of Kornong ; thence westerly by that boundary and the north boundary of the parish of Nerrin Nerrin to the ; thence by that creek upwards to the main road from Skipton to Ararat; thence westerly and north-westerly by that road to the road forming the south boundary of allotment 33 parish of Ballyrogan; thence westerly by that road to the eastern boundary of the aforesaid electoral district; and thence northerly by that boundary to the commencing point One, 47. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF RODNEY. Commencing at the junction of the Rivers Coliban and Campaspe; thence by marked lines bearing respectively about S. 38° 15' E.true 14 miles 70 chains to a point near the source of the Mclvor Creek, and N. 57° 40' E. 26 miles 53 chains to the Goulburn River near its junction with Hughes' Creek; thence by the Rivers Goulburn and Murray downwards and by the River Campaspe upwards to the commencing point Two. 48. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SANDHURST. Commencing at a point bearing south 40 chains from the intersection of Ash street and High street Sandhurst; thence by lines bearing respectively west 120 chains north 320 chains and east about 155 chains to a point on the north-western boundary of the City of Sandhurst; thence by the north-western north-eastern and eastern boundaries of that city bearing respectively N. 48° 37' E. about 195 chains S. 65° 51' E. 23 chains 30 links and *S. 66° 23' E. 57 chains 53 links and S. 13° 37' W. about 238 chains; and thence by lines bearing respectively south about 185 chains and west 200 chains to the commencing point ...... Three.

4<). THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SANDRIDGE. Commencing at a point on the shore of Hobson's Bay in line with the centre of Boundary street ; thence to and by (he centre line of that street to the southern side of the Sandridge road ; thence by lines bearing respectively N. 77° W. to a post on the southern boundary of (he land occupied by the Melbourne and Hobsmfs B;iy mil way and north-westerly to a point on 65 Electoral Act Amendment, [40 VICT.

BOUNDARIES OE DISTRICTS—C0W*/MMt'r/. NumberofMembew of the Le{;i8''nive Auaeinhly iiRBi^neil on the southern bank of the river Yarra Yarra in line with the western i»rn"ci for "each boundary of the City of Melbourne; and thence by that river and the E1,'ctoral Dl8lr,ct- shore of Hobson's Bay to the commencing point ...... One.

50. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF ST. KILDA. Commencing on the seashore at Point Onnond ; thence west by a line and a road to the south-east angle of allotment 277 parish of Prahran ; thence north by a road to the River Yarra Yarra ; thence by that river down­ wards to Prince's Bridge ; thence by the St. Kilda road and Fitzroy street to the shore of Hobson's Bay ; and thence by the shore of that bay to the commencing point ...... Two.

51. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OE STAWELL. Commencing at the north-west angle of the old electoral district of Ararat and bounded by the west boundary line of that electorate to the Black Range ; thence by that range to the trigonometrical station ; thence by a line direct to Hall's Gap till the same cuts the eastern boundary of the parish of Bellellen ; thence by the eastern, southern and western boundaries of that parish up to the point where the aforesaid line direct to Hall's Gap intersects the same ; thence again by the aforesaid line direct to Hail's Gap ; thence northerly by the summit of that range to a point due west of the south-west angle of allotment 273 parish of Ledcourt ; thence east by a line and the south boundary of the parishes of Ledcourt and Gampola to the south-west angle of allotment 4 in the latter parish; thence north by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 36; thence east by a road to the north-east angle of allotment 48 ; thence north by a road to the' north-west angle of allotment 138 parish of Kirkella; thence east by a road to the Concongella Creek; thence by that creek downwards to the Wimmera River; thence by that river and the Mount Cole Creek upwards to a point bearing north from the north-east angle of the Ararat Electoral District ; thence south to that angle ; and thence by the northern boundary of that electoral district to the com­ mencing point ...... One.

52. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF VILLIERS AND IIEYTESBURY. Commencing at a point on the Serra Range at the head of the Glenelg River being the north-east angle of the county of Dundas ; thence easterly by the northern boundary of the county of Ripon to the west boundary of the electoral district of Ararat ; thence southerly easterly and northerly by the west south and east boundaries of that district to the road forming the north boundary of allotments 48 and 49 parish of Bally rogan; thence easterly by that road to the main road from Ararat to Skipton ; thence south-easterly and easterly by that road to the Fiery Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the south boundary of the parish of Caramballuc North ; thence easterly by that boundary to the Mount Emu Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the south boundary of the parish of Marida Yallock ; thence easterly by that boundary and the south boun­ dary of the parishes of Colongulac and Purrumbeto to Lake Corangamite; thence south-easterly by that lake to the Pin-on Yaloak Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the north-east boundary of the parish of Carpendeit ; thence south-easterly by that boundary to the north-west angle of allotment 72 parish of Irrewillipe ; thence by a road and a line bearing magnetic south to the (Jcllibrand River ; thence by that river downwards to its mouth ; thence north-westerly by the sea coast to a point south of the south-east angle of allotment 28 parish

66 No. 548. j Electoral Act Amendment.

BOUNDARIES OE DISTRICTS—continued. w , „, , Nam her of Members of' thu Le(;iftlaiive he parish of Mepunga ; thence northerly by a line and a road to the north-east *r™i tr JX angle of allotment 4 parish of Tallangatta ; thence westerly by a road to Kl,:ct,,ral Ui8trict- the ; thence by that river upwards to the point where ' it is intersected by the road from Panmure to Woodford ; thence north­ westerly westerly and south-westerly by that road to the south boundary of the parish of Purnim ; thence westerly by that boundary to the Avest angle of allotment 23 of that parish ; thence north-westerly by a road to the Meerai River; thence by that river downwards to the road from Wood­ ford to Koroit; thence westerly by that road to the south-west angle of allotment 21 parish of Yangery; thence southerly by a road and allotment 11 to the Meerai River aforesaid; thence again by that river downwards to its mouth; thence again by the sea coast north-westerly to a point bearing south from the west angle of the Church of England reserve at Koroit (including the Julia Percy Island) ; thence north by a line to the said angle; thence by the south-western western and northern boundaries of the Borough of Koroit to the north-east angle of allotment 33 parish of Yarpturk; thence northerly by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 4 section C ; thence west by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 2 ; thence north-easterly by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 8 section A parish of Meerai ; thence westerly by a road to the east angle of allotment 4 section 24 parish of Woolsthorpe; thence south-westerly by the north-west boundary of sections 26 and 29 parish of Woolsthorpe and allotment 3 section E parish of Warrong to the north-west angle of the latter ; thence southerly by that allotment and allotments 2 and 3 section E to the south-west angle of the latter; thence westerly by a road and allotments 2 and 3 section K to the north-west angle of the latter; thence south by a road to the south-east angle of section 24 parish of Kapong; thence westerly by a road to the Shaw River; thence by that river downwards to the south-west angle of the St. Kitts pre-emptive section ; thence west by a line to a point due south of the south-east angle of allotment 161 parish of St. Helens ; thence north by a line and allotments 161 1/52 143 and 138 to the north-east angle of the hitter ; thence west by a road to the Eumeralla River ; thence by that river upwards to the south-east angle of allotment 1 section 2 parish of Yatchaw West ; thence north by a line and the east boundary of the parish of Croxton West to the southern angle of the parish of War- ray ure ; thence north-easterly by the south-east boundary of that parish and the parish of Montajup and a line to Mount Sturgeon; and thence northerly by the Serra Range aforesaid to the commencing point ... Two.

53. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF . Commencing at the north-west angle of allotment 18 parish of Yangery; thence easterly by a road to the Meerai River; thence by that river upwards to the road forming the north-east boundary of allotment 3 parish of Purnim; thence south-easterly by that road to the north boundary of the parisli of ; thence easterly by that boundary to the road forming the western boundary of allotment 6 section K; thence easterly by that road to the Hopkins" River; thence by that, river downwards to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 6 parish of Tallangatta; thence easterly by that road to the north-east angle of allotment 4 ; thence southerly by a road and a line to a point on the sea coast south of the south­ east angle of allotment 28 parish of Mepunga ; thence north-westerly by the sea coast to the Meerai River aforesaid (including the islands at the mouth thereof) ; thence again by that river upwards to the point where the west boundary of allotment 11 parish of Yangery abuts thereon ; and thence northerly hv that boundary and a road to the commencing point.,. One. 54. THE

67 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

• • • - • . .,.-—.—. - " • • '-••

BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICTS—C072*m7U?rf. Nun.l.er of Members ^ of thti LepfiHlativ© ABflombly assigned be 54. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WILLIAMSTOWN. trZx Er «5 Commencing on the shore of Port Phillip Bay at the south-east angle of portion A section 3 parish of Cut-paw-paw ; thence by a line bearing north to Stony Creek ; thence by Stony Creek and the River Yarra Yarra and by the shores of Hobson's Bay and Port Phillip Bay to the commencing point to include the electors afloat in Hobson's Bay ...... One,

55. THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WIMMERA. Commencing at a point on the Murray River where the west boundary of the colony of Victoria abuts thereon; thence south by that boundary to the Mosquito Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to its source ; thence by a line bearing N. 74° 30' E. 6 miles 75 chains more or less to the source of Power's Creek; thence by that creek downwards to the Glenelg River; thence by that river upwards to its source in the Grampians Range; thence northerly by the summit of that range to a point due west of the south-west angle of allotment 273 parish of Ledcourt; thence east by a line and the south boundary of the parishes of Ledcourt and Gampola to the south-west angle of allotment 4 in the latter parish ; thence north by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 36 ; thence east by a road to the north-east angle of allotment 48 ; thence north by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 138 parish of Kirkella ; thence east by a road to the Concongella Creek ; thence by that creek down­ wards to the Wimmera River ; thence by that river and the west boundary of the county of Kara Kara to the Richardson River; thence by that river and the Avon River to the southern boundary of the parish. of Donald ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parish of Coonooer West to the Avoca River ; thence by that river to Lake Bael Bael ; thence north by a line to the Murray River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point ...... Two.


68 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


ARARAT. 1. ARARAT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the northern boundary of the electoral district intersected by the Main Dividing Range; thence southerly by that range to a point west of the southern boundary of the town reserve of Ararat; thence by a line east and by the southern and eastern boundaries of the said town reserve to the main road from Ararat to ; and thence by that road to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; thence north and west by the boundary of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. ARMSTRONG'S DIVISION :— Commencing at the Black Range Trignometrical Station ; thence south-easterly by that range to the Great Dividing Range ; thence by that range to the north boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

3. CATHCART DIVISION re­ commencing at a point on the Main Dividing Range due west of the southern boundary of the town reserve of Ararat; thence hyaline east and by the southern and eastern boundaries of that reserve to the main road; thence by the main road and the line of electric telegraph to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; thence by the eastern southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the south­ east angle of section 2 parish of Kalymna ; thence east to the Main Dividing Range ; and thence by that range to the commencing point.

4. MOYSTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of section 2 parish of Kalymna; thence east by a road to the Great Dividing Range; thence by that range to the Black Range; thence by that range to the northern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

AVOCA. 1. AVOCA DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of portion 9 of section 7A parish of Bet Bet; thence west to the Avoca Paver ; thencr southerly by that river to a point west of the northern boundary of Bradshaw's pre-emptive section ; thence east to the Bet Bet Creek ; and thence by the Bet Bet Creek to the commencing point. ; 2. BOORT

li!> Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. BOORT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the south boundary of the abuts thereon ; thence by a line bearing west to the west boundary of the parish of Wychitella ; thence by that boundary to the south boundary of the parish of Boort; thence by the south-west and north boundaries of that parish to the Loddon River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

8. CHARLTON EAST DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the western boundary of the parish of Wychitella in line with the north boundary of the county of ; thence true west to the Avoca River ; thence by that river to a point bearing magnetic west from Mount Brenanah ; thence magnetic east about ten miles ; thence north to the Mount Korong Range ; thence by that range to the western boundary of the parish of Boning ; and thence by the western boundary of that parish and of the parish of Whychitella to the commencing point.

4. COCHRAN'S DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the River Avoca being the south-western aDgle ot Archdale pre-emptive right; bounded on the south by a line bearing east being the south boundary of Archdale pre-emptive right; thence by a line bearing north­ easterly to a point on the Dividing Range about one mile and a quarter west from the south-west angle of McDougal's pre-emptive right; thence on the east by the Dividing Range to a point about three-quarters of a mile due north of Mount Moliagul; thence on the north by a line bearing west to the Avoca River; thence on the west by said river bearing south-easterly to the point of commencement.

5. DUNOLLY DIVISION :— ' Commencing at a point on the Bealiba Range about one mile and a quarter west of the south-west angle of the Dunolly pre-emptive section ; thence east to a point on the south boundary of the said pre-emptive section fifty-eight chains fifty links east from the aforesaid angle thereof ; thence north 46 degrees west about eighty-eight chains fifty links; thence north 44 degrees east one hundred and twenty-five chains forty-four links; thence south 46 degrees east about two hundred and fifteen chains to a point on the north-eastern boundary of allotment 6 section 5 parish of Painswick east from the south-east angle of the aforesaid pre-emptive section ; thence east to the Loddon River ; thence by that river and the Bet Bet Creek upwards to the south-east angle of allotment 9 section 7A parish of Bet Bet ; thence west to the Avoca River ; thence north-easterly by that river to the south-west angle of the Archdale pre-emptive section ; thence east to the south-east angle thereof; and thence north-easterly to the commencing point.

6. GLENLOTH DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the west boundary of the parish of Wychitella in line with the south boundary of the county of Gunbower; thence by a line bearing west to the Avoca River; thence by that river to a point thereon bearing north from the north-east angle of the parish of Quambatook ; thence south to the said angle; thence by the east and south-east boundaries of that parish and the east boundary of the parish of Manual to the south-east angle of the latter parish ; thence by the north boundary of the parish of Terrapcc to the north-west angle of the parish of Wychitella aforesaid; and thence by the west boundary of that parish to the com­ mencing point. 7. INGLE WOOD

70 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


7. INGLEWOOD DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the -River Loddon three miles north of its junction with the Bullabul Creek ; bounded on the east by the River Loddon bearing south to the north-east angle of Catto's pre-emptive right; thence by the north boundary of said pre-emptive right and a line bearing west to the Bullabul Creek ; thence by said creek andthe Kangderaar Creek bearing south-westerly to the east boundary of portion 8 of section 6 parish of Kingower; thence on the west by a Government road and a line bearing north about twelve miles; thence on the north by a line bearing east to the point of commencement.

8. JERICHO DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Avoca River west of Mount Brenanah; bounded on the north by a line bearing east to Mount Brenanah; thence on the east by a line and the west boundary of Brenanah pre-emptive section bearing south to Ferriby Creek ; thence by the said creek bearing south-westerly to the Dividing Range; thence by the said range Mclntyre's Range and a line bearing southerly to a point about sixty chains north of Mount Moliagul; thence west to the Avoca River; thence on the west by said river bearing north-westerly to the point of commencement.

9. WEST DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the north boundary of the parish of Boort abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary to the east boundary of the parish of Marmal; thenee by that boundary and the south-east and east boundaries of the parish of Quambatook to the north-east angle of the latter parish; thence by a line bearing north to the Avoca River; and thence by the western northern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

10. KINGOWER DIVISION :— Commencing at Mount Brenanah; thence east to a point bearing north from the north-west angle of the parish of Tarnagulla; thence south to the Kangderaar Creek; thence by that creek and Mclntyre's Creek to Mclntyre's Range; thence by that range and a range northerly to Ferriby Creek ; and thence by that creek the west boundary of Brenanah pre-emptive section and a line north to the commencing point.

11. KINYPANIAL DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the River Loddon, three miles below the junction of the Bullabul Creek ; thence by that river downwards to a point in line with the north boundary of the ; thence true west to a point bearing magnetic north from the north-west angle of allotment 26, parish of Mysia ; thence magnetic south to a point bearing east from Mount Brenanah ; thence east to a point bearing north from the north-west angle of the parish of Tarnagulla; thence north to a point bearing west from the commencing point; and thence east to that point.

12. LAMPLOUGII DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Bet Bet Creek, where it is intersected by the north boundary of Bradshaw's pre-emptive section; thence west to the Avoca River; and thence by the western, southern, and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point. IS. MOLIAGUL

71 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VlCT.


13. MOLIAGUL DIVISIOiN :— Commencing at a point on the Bealiba Range, about one mile and a quarter west of the south-west angle of the Dunolly pre-emptive section ; thence cast to a point on the south boundary of the said pre-emptive section, about fifty-eight chains fifty links east from the aforesaid angle thereof; thence north 46° west about eighty-eight chains fifty links; thence north 44° east one hundred and twenty-five chains forty-four links; thence north-easterly to the north-east angle of allotment 77A, section C, parish of Tarnagulla thence westerly by the Kaugdcnuir and Mclntyre's Creeks to the source of the latter in Mclntyre's Range ; thenco by that range and a line bearing southerly to a point about sixty chains north of Mount Moliagul; and thence by the Moliagul and Bealiba Ranges southerly to the point of commencing point.

14. NEWBRIDGE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of Catto's pre-emptive section; thence hj the boundaries of the electoral district to the north-west angle of the parish of Laanecoorie ; thence by the River Loddon downwards to a point east of Specimen Reef; thence west eight miles more or less; thence north-easterly to the north-east angle of allotment 77A section C, parish of Tarnagulla ; thence by the Kangdcraar and Builabul Creeks to a point west of the north boundary of Catto's pre-emptive section; and thence east to the commencing point.

15. SANDY CREEK DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the north-eastern boundary of allotment 6 section 5 parish of Painswick east of the south-east angle of the Dunolly pre-emptive section; thence north 46° west about two hundred and fifteen chains; thence north-easterly about five miles and a half by the south-eastern boundary of the Moliagul electoral division to a point west of Specimen Reef; thence east to the Loddon River; thence by that river upwards to a point east of the commencing point; and thence west to the commencing point.

16. WEDDERBURN DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the west boundary of the parish of Wychitella in line with the north boundary of the county of Bendigo ; thence true east to a point bearing magnetic north from the north west angle of allotment 26, parish of Mysia ; thence magnetic south to a point bearing east from Mount Brenanah ; thence west to a point eleven miles west of Mount Brenanah ; thence north to the Mount Kerang Range ; thence by that range to the western boundary of the parish of Boning ; and thence by the western boundary of that parish and of the parish of Wychitella to the commencing point.


1. BALLAARAT EAST PROPER DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of the municipal district of Ballaarat East; thence by the southern eastern and northern boundaries of the municipality to the River Yarrowee ; and thence bv the' Kiver \farruwee to the commencing point. L». SOUTH

7-* No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment


2. SOUTH ROAD DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of the municipal district of Ballaarat East: thence east to the south-eastern angle thereof; thence south to the southern boundary ot the electoral district; thence by that boundary to the River Yarrowee; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

3. WARRENIIEIP DIVISION :— Commencing at that point ou the River Yarrowee intersected by the northern boundary of the municipal district of Ballaarat East; thence east to the north-eastern angle of the said municipal district; thence south to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the southern eastern and north-western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.


1. BALLAARAT WEST PROPER DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the west side of Skipton street where it is intersected by Scbastopol street; thence west by Sebastopol street to Pleasant street; thence south by that street to Winter street; thence west to Gillies street; thence north to the northern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to Sebastopol street; and thence by that street to the commencing point.

2. WESTERN ROAD DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the west side of Skipton street where it is intersected by Sebastopol street; thence west by Sebastopol street to Pleasant street; thence south by that street to Winter street; thence west to Gillies street; thence north to the northern boundary of the electoral district; thence by the northern western and southern boundaries of the district and by the main road from Carngham to Ballaarat to Skipton street aforesaid; and by that street to the commencing point.

3. WINTER DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Yarrowee River in line with the centre of Sebastopol street; thence by a line and that street bearing west to Skipton street; thence south-westerly by that street and the main road to Carngham to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary south, east, and northerly to the commencing point.

BARWON. 1. BARWON DIVISION:- Commencing at the north-west angle of section 1 parish of Bellarine ; thence south to the south-west angle of that section, and east to the south-east angle of section 2 ; thence south to the south-west angle of section 7 of block 4, east to the north-east angle of section 15 of block 3, and south-westerly by the parish boundary to the sea- coast; thence by the sea-coast, the Barwon River, the southern shore of Lake Conne- warre, and again by the Barwon River to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencinir point. L\ BELLARINE

t O Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. BELLARTNE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of section I in the parish of Bellarine; thence by the boundary of the electoral district to the north-eastern angle of section 27 of block 1 in the parish of Pay wit; thence west to the north-western angle of section 21 of block 1 in the said parish ; thence south by a Government road to the south­ western angle of section 35 of block I in the said parish ; thence by a Government road to the north-western angle of section 1A of block 2 in the said parish ; thence by a Government road to the south-eastern angle of section 11B of block 3 in the parish of Bellarine; (hence west to the south-western angle of section 7 of block 4 in the said parish; thence north to the south-western angle of section 3 in the said parish; thence west by a Government road to the south-western angle of section 1 in the said parish ; and thence north by a Government road to the commencing point.

3. CONNEWARRE DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 6 in the parish of Duneed; thence easterly by the Waurn Ponds to the east boundary of section 7 parish of Barrarbool; thence north to the north-east angle of that section; thence southerly and south-easterly by a curved line to the north-west angle of section 5 parish of Conne- warre : thence east by a road to the north-east angle of section 6 ; thence north-easterly by a curved line to the Barwon River; thence by that river and the southern shores of to the coast; thence by the boundary of the electoral district to the south-eastern angle of section 28 in the parish of Jan Juc; thence north by a Government road to the commencing point.

4. KARDINIA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Barwon Biver where the eastern boundary of the town of Geelong abuts thereon ; thence south-westerly by a curved line to the north­ eastern angle of section 6 parish of Connewarre; thence west by a road to the north­ west angle of section 5 ; thence westerly and northerly by a curved line to the south­ west angle of section 10 parish of Barrarbool; thence north and west by the boundary of the electoral district to the Barwon Biver; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

5. MODKWARRE DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-east angle of section 8 parish of Paraparap; bounded on the east by a Government road bearing south to the southern boundary of the electoral district; thence westerly by the said boundary to a point due south of the south-west angle of allotment 64 parish of Gherang Gherang; thence by a line and a Government road bearing north to the north-west angle of section 6 parish of Modewarre; thence by a Government road a line and Thompson's Creek bearing easterly to the point of commencement.

6. MOUNT MORI AC DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-west angle of section G parish of Duneed ; bounded on the east by a Government road and a line bearing south to the north-east angle of allotment 8 parish of Paraparap; thence on the south by Thompson's Creek a line and a Government road bearing westerly to the south-west angle of section 7 parish of Modewarre; thence by a Government road bearing north to the north-west angle of section 10 parish of Gnarwarre ; thence by a Government road bearing easterly to the north-east angle of section 17 parish of Barrarbool; thence north-easterly by a Government road to the south-west angle of section 14 of said parish; thence by a line bearing south to the Waurn Ponds Creek; thence easterly by said creek to the point of commencement. 7. QUEENSCLIFF

74 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

DIVISIONS OF mvnUCTS-continued.

7. QUEENSCLIFF DIVISION:- Commencing at the north-western angle of section 21 of block 1 in the parish of Paywit; thence east to the shore of Port Phillip Bay; thence by the eastern and southern boundary of the electoral district to a Government road at the south-eastern angle of section 21 in the parish of Bellarine; thence north-easterly by that road to the north-western angle of section 1A of block 2 in the parish of Paywit; thence east by a Government road to the south-western angle of section 35 of block I in the said parish; and thence north by a Government road to the commencing point (including the electors in the lighthouses and ships off the coast).

8. WINCHELSEA (EAST) DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of the parish of Lake Lake Wollard; thence east to the north-eastern angle of the said parish; thence south by a Govern­ ment road and a line to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the said boundary to the commencing point.


1. BELFAST DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the seacoast being the south-east angle of section 7 parish of Belfast; thence by a line bearing north 7 degrees 52 minutes west being the eastern boundary of sections 7 8 9 and 10 to the southern boundary of section 24 in the parish aforesaid ; thence by a line easterly being the southern boundary of sections 24 25 26 and 27 to the River Moyne; thence by the western side of the River Moyne to the Belfast Lough ; thence by a line south-easterly crossing the said lough to the northern angle of suburban portion 38A in the said parish of Belfast; thence by the north-eastern boundary of the said portion to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast to the commencing point aforesaid (including Lady Julia Percy Island and the islands at the mouth of the River Moyne).

2. MOYNE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the seacoast due south of the southern angle of portion 6 parish of Koroit; thence north by a line and by the western boundary of the said portion to a Government road; thence west by that Government road to the western boundary of portion 28 in the same parish; thence northerly by the Government road passing through Kirkstall to Woolsthorpe; thence by the northern boundary of the electoral distnet to the River Shaw; thence southwards by that river to the northern boundary of the parish of Yainbuk ; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of that parish to the sea coast; and thence easterly by the seacoast to the commencing point; excepting the country included in the electoral division of Belfast.

3. TOWER HILL DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the seacoast due south of the southern angle of portion^ parish of Koroit, ; thence north by a line and by the western boundary of the said portion to a road ; thence westerly by that road to the western boundary of portion 28 ; thence northerly by the road passing through Kirkstall to the north-east angle of allotment G section D parish of Yarpturk ; and thence^ by the eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point. „„TT~ 4.

75 Electoral Act Amendment [40 VICT.



Commencing at the south-eastern angle of the parish of Yambuk ; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of th.-it parish to the River Shaw; and thence by the northern western and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.


Commencing at the junction of the Eurrowa Creek with the Murray River ; thence by that creek and by the western branch thereof to its source ; thence southerly by the eastern watershed of the Tallangatta Creek to Mount Benambra ; thence south­ westerly to the junction of a creek with the Mitta Mitta River about six miles above Magorra ; thence by the Mitta Mitta River downwards to the junction of a creek about three miles above Tallandoon pre-emptive section ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence northerly by a range to the source of a creek passing through the Bungoona pre-emptive section to the Mitta Mitta ; thence by that creek and the Mitta Mitta River to the Murray River ; and thence by that river upwards to the commencing point.


Commencing at ; thence by the western and southern boundary of the electoral district and the range forming the eastern watershed of the Benambra Creek to the source of that creek ; thence north to the nearest tributary of the Gibbo Creek ; thence by that tributary and by the Gibbo Creek to its junction with the Mitta Mitta ; thence westerly by a range to and by the southern watershed of the Snowy Creek to the commencing point.


Commencing at Mount Bogong; thence north-westerly by the eastern watershed of Kiewa River to Mount Towanga; thence northerly to the source of a creek flowing into the Mitta Mitta River about three miles above the Tallandoon pre-emptive section; thence by that creek to the Mitta Mitta; thence by that river to the junction of a creek about six miles above Magorra; thence by a line north-easterly to Mount Benambra; thence by the northern watershed of the Dark River and Gibbo Creek to ; thence by a range northerly to Mount Pinnibar and easterly to the Murray River; thence by the eastern boundary of the electoral district southerly to the range forming the eastern watershed of the Benambra Creek; thence by that range to the source of the Benambra Creek ; thence north to the nearest tributary of the Gibbo Creek; thence by that tributary and by the Gibbo Creek to its junction with the Mitta Mitta; thence westerly by a range to Mount Cooper and by the southern water­ shed of the Snowy Creek to the commencing point.


Commencing at the junction of the Burrowa Creek with the Murray River ; thence by that creek and by the western branch thereof to its source; thence by the eastern watershed of the Mitta Mitta southerly and easterly to Mount Gibbo; thence by a range northerly to Mount Pinnibar and easterly to the Murray River; and thence by that river downwards to the commencing point.

5. YACKANDANDAH 76 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment


5, YACKANDANDAII DIVISION:— Commencing at the source of Mountain Creek in the Bogong Range; thence northerly by the range forming the eastern watershed of the Kiewa River to the source of a creek passing through the tfungoona pre-emptive section to the Mitta Mitta River* thence by that creek and the Mitta Mitta River to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the western boundary of the electoral district to the com- mencing point.

BoROONDARA. HAWTHORN DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-west angle of allotment 28 parish of Boroondara; thence by Barker s road to the Burke road ; thence south by the Burke road to the nortb- west angle of allotment 117 ; thence east by a road to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern and south-western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

KEW DIVISION:~ Commencing at the north-west angle of allotment 28 parish of Boroondara; thence by Barker's road to the Burke road ; thence south by the Burke road to the north-west angle of allotment 117; thence east by a road to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

EAST BOTJRKE. 1. BEVERIDGE DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of section 5 in the parish of Darraweit Guim; thence northerly by the Deep Creek to its most eastern source in the Dividing Range; thence easterly by that range to a point due north of section 61 in the parish of Wallan Wallan ; thence south to the south-eastern angle of section 60 in the said parish ; thence west by a Government road to the north-eastern angle of section 29 in the parish of Merriang; thence south to the south-western angle of section 8 in the said parish; and thence west to the commencing point.

2. BROADMEADOWS DIVISION :— Commencing at the intersection of the northern boundary of portion X of section 11 in the parish of Yuroke and the Moonee Ponds; thence east to the north-eastern angle of portion V of section 13 in the parish of Yuroke; thence south to the south­ eastern angle of portion F of section 3 in the said parish ; thence east to the south­ eastern angle of portion G of section 4 in the said parish; thence south by a Govern­ ment road to the northern boundary of section 6 in the parish of Will-will-rook thence east by a Government road to the north-eastern angle of the said section thence south to the northern boundary of section 142 in the parish of Jika Jika thence west to the Moonee Ponds; and thence northerly by the said ponds to the commencing point. 8. CAMPBELLFIELD

77 Electoral Act Amendment, [40 VICT.


3. CAMPBELLFIELD DIVISION :- Commencing at the north-western angle of section 14 in the parish of Yuroke; thence east to the Merri Merri Creek; thence southerly by that creek to the northern boundary of the village reserve of Ooburg; thence west to the south-western angle of section 150 in the parish of Jika Jika; thence north to the north-eastern angle of section 6 in the parish of Will-will-rook; thence west by a Government road to the south-western angle of section 11 in the said parish; thence north by a Government road to the north-eastern angle of section 14 in the said parish; thence west to the north-western angle of the said section; and thence north to the commencing point.

4. DAREBIN DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 23 in the parish of Keelbun­ dora; thence east to the lliver Plenty; thence southwards by the River Plenty to the south-eastern angle of section 8 in the same parish; thence west "to the Merri Creek; and theuce by the Merri Creek to the commencing point.

5. EPPING DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 15 in the parish of Wollert; thence east by a Government road and a line to the ; thence southerly by that river to the south-eastern angle of section 28 in the parish of Keelbundora ; thence west to the Merri Merri Creek; and thence northerly by that creek to the commencing point.

6. HEIDELBERG DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 4 in the parish of Keelbundora; thence east to the River Plenty; thence by the River Plenty the River Yarra Yarra and the Darebin Creek to the commencing point.

7. KALKALLO DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 4 in the parish of Darraweit Guim ; thence east to the north-eastern angle of section 4 in the parish of Merriang; thence south to the south-eastern angle of portion 2 of section 17 in the parish of Wollcrt; thence west by a Government road to the Merri Merri Creek; thence southwards by that creek to the northern boundary of section 15 in the parish of Yuroke ; thence west to the north-western angle of section 14 in the parish of Yuroke ; thence north to the north-eastern angle of portion V. of section 13 in the said parish ; thence west by a line and by the boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

8. PLENTY DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 29 in the parish of Kalkallo; thence east to the Plenty River ; thence southerly by that river to the south-eastern angle of section 19 in the parish of Morang; thence west to the south-western angle of portion 1 of section 18 in the parish of Wollert; and thence north to the commencing point.

9 PRESTON DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 148 parish of Jika Jika ; thence east to the Darebin Creek ; thence southwards by that creek to the southern boundary '{ of the electoral district; and thence west and northerly by the boundaries of the electoral district and the Merri-Merri Creek to the commencing point. 10. WHITTLESEA

78 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


10. WHITTLESEA DIVISION : — Commencing at the south-western angle of section 5 in the parish of Merriang; thence north to the north-eastern angle of section 'J9 in the said parish- thence east by a Government road to the south-eastern angle of section GO in the parish of Wallan Wallan ; thence north to the Dividing Range; thence by the said range to the source of the Plenty Eiver; thence by that river to the south-eastern angle of portion B of section 3 in the parish of Toorourrong and thence east to the com­ mencing point.

EAST BOTJRKE BOROUGHS. 1. BRUNSWICK DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-western angle of section 133 parish of Jika Jika; thence east to the Merri Creek; thence southwards by that creek to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. COBURG DIVISION :— Bounded on the west north and east by the boundaries of the electoral district; and on the south by the southern boundaries of sections 133 and 132 parish of Jika Jika,

3. NORTHCOTE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of portion 112 parish of Jika Jika; thence by the Merri Merri Creek downwards to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the southern, eastern, and northern boundaries of the district to the commencing point.

SOUTH BOURKE. 1. BULLEEN DIVISION:- Commencing at the junction of the Yarra Yarra River and the Koonung Koonung Creek; thence by the River Yarra Yarra to its junction with the Mullum Mullum Creek; thence by that creek to the eastern boundary of section 15 in the parish of Bulleen; thence south by a line to the south-east angle of section 7 in the said parish; and thence westerly by the Koonung Koonung Creek to the commencing point.

2. CAULFIELD DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of portion 53 in the parish of Prahran ; thence south-easterly by a Government road to the south-eastern angle of portion 148 in the said parish; thence south by a Government road to the southern boundary of the said parish of Prahran ; thence by the said southern boundary to the south- western angle of portion 4*2 in the said parish; and thence north by a Government road to the commencing point. ,. 3. DAM)ENONG

79 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


3. DANDENONG DIVISION :— Commencing at the northern angle of section 10 in the parish of Dandenong; thence south by a Government road to the boundary of the electoral district; thence easterly and northerly by the boundary of the electoral district to the south-eastern angle of section 4 in the parish of Dandenong; and thence west by a Government , road to the commencing point.

4. GARDINER DIVISION :— I Commencing at the north-western angle of portion 19 in the parish of Prahran; thence by the Yarra Yarra River to its junction with the Kooyongkoot Creek; thence by that creek to the north-eastern angle of portion 200 in the parish of . Prahran ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of that portion and a Government k4 road to the south-eastern angle of portion 148 in the said parish of Prahran; thence ! north-westerly by a Government road to the south-western angle of portion 53 in the said parish; and thence north by a Government road to the commencing point.

5. MORDIALLOC DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of portion 3 of section 13 in the parish of Mordialloc; thence south by a Government road to the boundary of the electoral district; thence westerly easterly and northerly by the said boundary to the north­ eastern angle of section 55 in the parish of Moorabbin; and thence east by a Govern- t ment road to the commencing point. I

6. MULGRAVE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of portion 33 in the parish of Mulgrave; thence south by a Government road to the south-eastern angle of section 10 in the parish of Mordialloc; thence east by a Government road to the eastern boundary of the said parish; thence north by the said boundary to the northern angle of section 10 in the parish of Dandenong; thence east by the Government road to the Dandenong Creek; thence northwards by that creek to the south-eastern angle of section 98 in the parish of Mulgrave; and thence west by a Government road to the commencing point. [ i 7. NUN A WADING DIVISION:— J Commencing at the north-western angle of the parish of Nunawading; thence by the Koonung Koonung Creek to the south-eastern angle of section 7 in the parish of Bulleen; thence by a Government road and a line north to the Mullum Mullum Creek; thence by the western boundary of the electoral district to a road funning the southern boundary of section 98 in the parish of Mulgrave ; thence by that road to the western boundary of the parish of Mulgrave ; thence north by the western boundaries of the parishes of Mulgrave and Nunawading to the commencing point.

8. OAKLEIGII DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of portion 200 in the parish of Prahian; ' thence by the south-eastern boundary of that portion and a Government road to the southern'boundary of the parish of Prahran ; thence by the said southern boundary to the south-eastern angle of portion 80 in the said parish; thence south to the north­ western nnirle of section 10 in the parish of Mordialloc; thence east by a Government road to the south-eastern angle of portion 4 of section 10 in the parish of Mordialloc; thence

80 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment


thence north by a Government road to the north-eastern angle of portion 33 in the parish of Mulgrave; thence west by a Government road to the west boundary of that parish; thence north by that boundary to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary westerly to the commencing point.

WEST BOURKE. 1. BACCHUS MARSH DIVISION:— Commencing at the junction of the Werribee River and the Djerriwarrh Creek; thence by that creek to the Parrait Creek; thence by that creek to the northern angle of section 48 in the parish of Yangardook; thence by a line north-westerly six miles and a half more or less to Mount Bullancrook; thence by a line west to a point north four miles and a quarter more or less from Mount Blackwood; thence south to Mount Blackwood at the source of the Korkuperrimul Creek; thence by that creek to the north­ western angle of portion Y parish of Korkuperrimul; thence by the western boundary of that section and the northern boundaries of sections Q P and 0 to the Myrniong Creek; thence by that creek to section 19 parish of Korkuperrimul; thence by a line southerly to the Werribee River; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

2. BALL AN (NORTH) DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Werribee River south of portion 19 in the parish of Korkuperrimul; thence northerly by a line to the Myrniong Creek; thence by that creek to the north-western angle of portion 0 parish of Korkuperrimul; thence by the northern boundary of that portion and a line east to the western boundary of portion V; thence north by the said boundary to the Korkuperrimul Creek; thence by that creek to its source; thence by a line north to a point due west of Mount Bullancrook; thence by a line south-westerly to the north-east angle of portion 8 in the parish of Blackwood; thence north-westerly by a creek to the northern boundary of allotment 2 of section 2 in the parish of Blackwood; thence by the northern boundary of that allotment and a line west to the Korjamnunnip Creek; thence north-westerly by that creek one mile and a quarter; thence by a line west to the Werribee River; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

3. BLACKWOOD DIVISION:— Commencing at the source of the Werribee River; thence by the Dividing Range to a point due north of Mount Bullancrook; thence by a line south to the said mount; thence west six miles more or less to a point due north of Mount Blackwood; thence by a line south-westerly to the north-eastern angle of portion 8 in the parish of Blackwood; thence north-westerly by a creek to the northern boundary of allotment 2 of section 2 in the parish of Blackwood; thence by the northern boundary of that allotment and a line west to the Korjamnunnip Creek; thence by that creek one mile and a quarter; thence by a line west to the Werribee River; and thence by that river to its source the commencing point.

4. BULLA DIVISION :— Commencing at the northern angle of section 16 in the parish of Holden; thence by the Saltwater or Macedon River To the north-western angle of the parish of Bolinda; thence east one mile and a half more or less ; thence north four miles nearly; thence ^ east to the main branch of the Saltwater River or Deep Creek; thence south by that c 2 stream

81 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 Vici*.


stream to the southern boundary of section 12 in the parish of Bulla; thence, east to the source of the Moonee Ponds in portion X section 11; thence southerly by the Moonee Ponds to the intersection of the eastern boundary of section 1 parish of Bulla; thence south to the south-east angle of portion A section 13 parish of Tullamarine; thence west to the Saltwater Biver; thence by that river to the Macedon Biver; thence by the Macedon Biver to the eastern boundary of section 5 in the parish of Holden; thence by the eastern southern and western boundaries of that section and by a line north to section 16 in the said parish of Holden; and thence by the western and north-western boundaries of that section to the commencing point.

5. BYLANDS DIVISION;— Commencing at a hill unnamed south-easterly three miles and twenty chains more or less from Mount Diogenes; thence by a line north-easterly to the south-western angle of section 33 in the parish of Forbes; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the north-eastern angle of section 33 in the parish of Darraweit Guirn; thence west to the north-western angle of Murphy's pre­ emptive section; and thence by a line westerly to the commencing point.

6. ESSENDON DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Moonee Ponds being the south-eastern angle of portion 9 in the parish of Doutta Galla; thence northwards by the Moonee Ponds to ' the northern boundary of section 23 in the said parish of Doutta Galla; thence west to the north-western angle of section 21 in the said parish ; thence by the western and southern boundaries of that section and by the western boundary of section 17A to Spring Creek ; thence by that creek and by the Saltwater Biver to a point west of the commencing point; and thence by a Government road to the commencing point.

7. FLEMINGTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of allotment 37 in the parish of Doutta Galla; thence by the northern boundary of that allotment and a line east to the Moonee Ponds; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly by the electoral boundary to the commencing point.

8. GISBOBNE DIVISION:— Commencing at a hill unnamed south-easterly three miles and twenty chains more or less from Mount Diogenes; thence by the Dividing Bange to the said Mount Diogenes; thence by the Dividing Bange to a point due north of Mount Bullancrook; thence by a line due south to the said mount; thence by a line south-easterly to the northern angle of section 48 in the parish of Yangardook; thence east to the Toolern Tooiern Creek; thence northwards by that creek to the southern boundary of section 41 in the parish of Gisborne; thence east to the south-eastern angle of section 45 of the said parish ; thence by the eastern boundary of that section and a line north to the Macedon Biver; thence easterly by that river to its junction with Biddell Creek; thence westerly by that creek to the southern boundary of Biddell and Hamilton's pre-emptive section; thence to the north-eastern angle of the said section; and thence by a line north-westerly to the commencing point.

9. KEILOB DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 13 parish of Holden; thence east to the north-eastern angle of section 15; thence south to the south-eastern angle of section 4 ; thence by the northern boundary of section 30 parish of Maribyrnong and the western boundary of section 29 to a tributary of the Saltwater Biver; thence

82 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

DIVISIONS OF mwmiCTS-conUnued.

by that tributary and the Saltwater River to the northern boundary of section 1, parish of Tullamarine; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of that section and of sections 20 and 18 to Spring Creek; thence by that creek to the southern boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary and the Kororoit Creek westerly to the west boundary of section 2, parish of Maribyrnong ; thence north to the south-eastern angle ot section 23; tnence west to the south-western angle of section 23 parish of Kororoit; thence north to the eastern branch of the Kororoit Creek and thence by that branch to the commencing point.


Commencing at a hill unnamed south-easterly three miles and twenty chains more orless from Mount Diogenes; thence by a range to the said mount; thence by the Dividing Range to the south-western angle of section 83 in the parish of Forbes; and thence by a line south-westerly to the commencing point.


Commencing at the south-western angle of section 1 in the parish of Pywheitjorrk; thence east to the south-east angle of section 2 in the parish of Derrimut; thence northwards by a Government road to the Kororoit Creek; thence by that creek to the south-east angle of portion A section 2 in the parish of Maribyrnonc;; thence north to the north-western angle of section 21 ; thence west to the north-western angle of section 20; thence north to the eastern branch of the Kororoit Creek; thence by that creek and by the northern boundaries of sections 6 5 4 and 30 in the parish of Yan- gardook to the Toolern Toolern Creek ; thence by that creek to the north-eastern angle of section 47 in the said parish of Yangardook; thence west to the Parrait Creek; thence by the Parrait Creek to the Djerriwarrh Creek; and thence by the Djerriwarrh Creek and the River Werribee to the commencing point.

12. THE GAP DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Saltwater or Macedon Kiver being the northern angle of section 16 in the parish of Holden; thence by the northern boundary of that section and by the northern boundaries of sections 15 14 and 13 (A and B) to the eastern branch of the Kororoit Creek ; thence by that creek and by the northern boundaries of portions 6 5 4 and 30 in the parish of Yangardook to the Toolern Toolern Creek; thence northwards by that creek to the southern boundary of section 41 in the parish of Grisborne; thence east to the western boundary of the parish of Buttlejorrk; thence north to the Macedon River; thence by that river to its junction with its main tributary; thence upwards by that tributary to the eastern boundary of Riddell and Hamilton's pre-emptive section at Cairn Hill; thence north to the north­ eastern angle of the said section; thence by a line north-westerly to a hill unnamed three miles and twenty chains more or less south-east of Mount Diogenes; thence easterly to a point four miles north of section 19 in the parish of Belinda; thence south to the said parish; thence west to the Saltwater or Macedon River; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

13. TULLAMARINB DIVISION:— Commencing at that point on the Moonee Ponds intersected by the southern boundary of section 4 parish of Tullamarine; thence northwards by the Moonee Ponds to the northern boundary of section 1 parish of Bulla Bulla; thence south to the southern boundary of portion A section 13 in the parish of Tullamarine; thence west to the Saltwater River ; thence by the Saltwater River to the northern boundary of section 1 in the parish of Tullamarine; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of section 1 and by a line east to the commencing point. BRIGHTON

GO Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


BRIGHTON. 1. BRIGHTON (EAST) DIVISION. Commencing at a road on the northern boundary of the electoral district one hundred and seventy-five chains more or less east of the sea coast; thence south by that road to the main road from Melbourne to Frankston; thence south-easterly by that road thirty chains more or less to the junction of three roads; thence south by a road unnamed thirty-seven chains more or less to a road running east and west ; thence west three chains more or less ; thence south by a road to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the southern eastern and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. BRIGHTON (WEST) DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of allotment 35, parish of Moorabbin; thence by a road north to the north-west angle of allotment 38 ; thence east about three chains; thence by a road north to the main road from Melbourne to Frankston; thence by that road north-westerly about thirty chains; thence by a road north to the boundary of the electoral district, and thence by the northern, western, and southern boundaries of the district to the commencing point.

CAELTON. 1. NORTH CARLTON DIVISION:— Bounded on the south by Newry street, and a line west to the Sydney Road; on the west, north, and east by the boundaries of the electoral district.

2. SOUTH CARLTON DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Newry street and a line west to the Sydney Road; on the west, south, and east, by the boundaries of the electoral district.

CASTLEMAINE. 1. CASTLEMAINE DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on Barker's Creek intersected by the northern boundary of the parish of Castlemaine ; thence southerly by the boundary of the electoral district to the south boundary of the parish of Castlemaine; thence east along the south parish boundary to a point due south of the Monk; thence north crossing the Monk to Forest Creek; thence by a straight line north-easterly to the north-west angle of the parish of Chewtou ; thence north by the east bouudary of the parish of Castlemaine to the north-east angle thereof; thence west by the north boundary of the parish of Castle­ maine to Barker's Creek the commencing point.

2. CHEWTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Chewton; thence north to a point due east of the north-east angle of the parish of Castlemaine ; thence west to said north-east angle of parish of Castlemaine; thence south to the north-west angle of the parish of Chewton ; thence by a straight line south-westerly to a point on Forest Creek due north of the Monk ; thence by a line south crossing the Monk to the intersection of the south boundary of the parish of Castlemaine ; thence east by part of the south boundary of the parish of Castlemaine and the south boundary of the parish of Chewton to the south-east angle of last-named parish being the point of commencement, 3, ELPHINSTONK

84 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


3. ELPHINSTONE DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-eastern angle of section 8 parish of Elphinstone; thence by the River Coliban the Myrtle Creek and the Mount Alexander Range to a point due north of the eastern boundary of the parish of Fryers; thence by a line bearing south to a point west of the southern boundary of section 8 aforementioned; and thence by a line bearing east to the commencing point.

4. FRYERSTOWN DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the north boundary of the parish of Guildford inter­ sected by Campbell's Creek ; thence east to the north-east angle of the parish of Fryers; thence south by part of the eastern boundary of the parish of Fryers two and a half miles more or less; thence west to the western boundary of the parish of Fryers; thence by that boundary south to its intersection by the Loddon River; thence westerly by that river to its junction with Campbell's Creek; thence by that creek northerly to the north boundary of the parish of Guildford the commencing point.

5. GUILDFORD DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the west boundary of the parish of Fryers where it is intersected by the Loddon River; thence westerly by the Loddon River to its junction with Limestone Creek; thence by the western and southern boundary of the electoral district to the south boundary of the aforesaid parish ; and thence by the south and west boundary of that parish to the commencing point.

6. HARCOURT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Barker's Creek where it is crossed by the north boundary of the parish of Castlemaine; thence east by the said boundary and a line in continua­ tion thereof to the Mount Alexander Range; thence by that range to the source of Myrtle Creek; thence by that creek to the west boundary of the parish of Lyell; and thence by the northern and western boundary of the electoral district to the com­ mencing point.

7. TARADALE DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the River Coliban where the southern boundary of the electoral district abuts thereon; thence by the River Coliban to the southern boundary of section 8 parish of Elphinstone; thence by a line bearing west to the eastern boun­ dary of the parish of Fryers; thence by the said eastern boundary to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

8. VAUGHAN DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Fryers; thence north by the east boundary of that parish two hundred and twenty chains more or less; thence west to the western boundary of that parish ; and thence by the western and southern boundary thereof to the commencing point.

COLLINGWOOD. JL. ABBOTSFORD DIVISION :— Bounded on the west by Hoddle street; on the north by Reilly street to the Merri Merri Creek; on the south by Victoria street and a ling east to the River Yarra; and on the east by the River Yarra, avTimiQi? J • •• 2. GLAbotlUUoto

85 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT. [


2. GLASSHOUSE (NORTH) DIVISION:— Bounded on the north by Eeilly street; on the west by Smith street; on the south by Peel street and Hodgson's road; and on the east by Hoddle street.

3. GLASSHOUSE (SOUTH) DIVISION:— Bounded on the north by Peel street and Hodgson's road; on the west by Smith street; on the south by Victoria parade; and on the east by Hoddle street.


Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 34 parish of Addington; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the north-east angle of section 4 parish of Glengower; thence by a Government road and a line bearing south to Bullarook Creek; thence by said creek to the north-west angle of section 101 parish of Spring Hill; thence by a line bearing south to the north-east angle of section 102 of said parish; thence by a Government road bearing west to the north-west angle of section 113 of said parish; thence by a line bearing south to the north-west angle of section 112 of said'parish; thence by a line bearing west to the north-east angle of section 93 parish of Glendaruel; thence by a Government road bearing south to the north-east angle of section 41 of last-mentioned parish; thence by a Government road bearing west to the commencing point.

2. CRESWICK DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of section 89 parish of Spring Hill; bounded on the east by a Government road bearing south to the south-east angle of section 84 parish of Spring Hill; thence by a Government road bearing east and south to the south-west angle of section 45 of said parish; thence by the southern boundary of section 45 and the western and southern boundaries of sections 47 and 48 of said parish ; thence by a Government road bearing easterly and south to the south-west angle of Birch's pre-emptive right; thence by the southern boundary of said pre-emptive right east to the Bullarook Creek; thence southerly by said creek to the southern boundary of the electoral district of Creswick ; thence westerly by said boundary to the south-east angle of portion 6 of section 17 parish of Addington ; thence by a Government road bearing north to' the north-east angle of section 49 of said parish; thence by a Government road bearing east to the north-east angle of section 41 parish of Glendaruel; thence by a Government road bearing north to the north-east angle of section 93 of said parish; thence by aline bearing east to the north-west angle of section 112 parish of Spring Hill; thence by a line bearing north to the north-west angle of section 113 of said parish; thence by a Government road bearing east to the north-west angle of section 100 of said parish ; thence by a line north to the Bullarook Creek; thence by said creek south-easterly to the point of commencement.

3. DAYLESFORD DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Great Dividing Range due south of the south-east angle of allotment 4 section 18 parish of Wombat; thence northerly by a line and a road to the north-east angle of allotment 1 section 7 ; thence by the north boundary of that allotment to a creek ; thence by that creek to the north boundary of the parish; thence by that boundary and a line west to Joyce's Creek; thence by that creek to the south-east angle of allotment 49 section B parish of Bullarook; thence by that allotment and allotment 44 to the south-east angle of the latter allotment; thence

8G No. 548.1 Electoral Act Amendment.


thence south-easterly and south-westerly by a road to the south angle of allotment 95; thence by a road to the north-east angle of allotment 98; thence by a road and the east boundary of allotment 6 to Langdon's Creek; thence by that creek to its source in the Great Dividing Range aforesaid ; and thence by that range to the com­ mencing point.


Commencing at a point on the northern boundary of the electoral district where it is intersected by Joyce's Creek; thence by that boundary to the north-west angle of portion 1 of section 3 parish of Sandon; thence east to Limestone Creek; thence again by the boundary of the electoral district to the River Loddon ; thence southerly by that river to the north-east angle of the parish of Wombat; thence west to Joyce's Creek ; and thence by that creek to the commencing point.


Commencing at a point on the south boundary of the parish of Fryers where it is intersected by the River Loddon; thence by the northern eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to a point bearing south from the south-east angle of allotment 4 section 18 parish of Wombat; thence by a line the eastern boundary of that parish the south-eastern boundary of the parish of Holcombe and the River Loddon to the commencing point.


Commencing at the north-east angle of allotment 89 parish of Spring Hill; thence by Bullarook Creek to Langdon's Creek ; thenee by that creek to the road forming the south-east boundary of allotments 47, 46, and 45 section B parish of Bullarook; thence by that road and the road forming the northern boundary of allotments 42, 43, and 44 to the north-east angle of allotment 98; thenee by a road and the east boundary of allotment 6 to Langdon's Creek aforesaid; thence again by that creek to its source in the Great Dividing Range; thence by that range to the source of Bullarook Creek aforesaid; thence again by that creek to the south boundary of the Bullarook pre­ emptive section ; thence by the south and west boundaries of that pre-emptive section to the road forming the southern boundary of section L parish of Spring Hill; thence by that road to the south-west angle of allotment 50 ; thence by the south boundary of allotment 49, the south and west boundaries of allotments 48 and 47, and the south boundary of allotment 45 to the south-west angle of the latter allotment; and thence by roads bearing respectively north to the north-west angle of allotment 20, west to the south-west angle of allotment 83, and north to the commencing point.


Commencing at the south-east angle of section 95 parish of Bullarook ; thence by a. Government road bearing north-westerly to the north-east angle of section 44 parish of Bullarook; thence by a line bearing north-easterly to Joyce's Creek ; thence by said creek bearing" north-westerly to the northern boundary of the electoral district; thence westerly by that boundary to the north-west angle of allot­ ment 38 parish of Glengower; thence south by a Government road and a line to the Bullarook Creek ; thence by said creek bearing south-easterly to its junction with Langdon's Creek ; thence by said creek and a Government road bearing north-easterly to the point of commencement. 1 8. STRANG WAYS

87 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


8. STRANGWAYS DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Green Gully Creek due west of the north-west angle of portion 1 of section 3 parish of Sandon ; bounded on the west by the Green Gully Creek to its junction with the River Loddon ; thence on the north by said river to its junction with the Limestone Creek; thence southerly by said creek to a point due east of the commencing point; and thence west to the commencing point.

DALHOUSIE. 1. CAMPASPE:- Commencing at the north-east angle of allotment 23 parish of Langley ; thence by the north boundary of that allotment of allotments 16 9 and 8 and of the parish of Edgecombe to the south-west angle of allotment 8 parish of Metcalfe; thence north and west by the boundary of the electoral district of the Kyneton Boroughs to the Coliban River; thence by that river to its junction with the Campaspe River; thence south­ easterly by the boundary of the electoral district about fourteen miles seventy chains; thence southerly by a range to a point where the said range would be insersected by a line drawn from the south-east angle of allotment 2 parish of Baynton to the head of Mollison's Creek; thence westerly by a line to the said angle; thence by Pohlman's Creek to the north boundary of the parish of Baynton; thence by that boundary to the north-west angle of allotment 16; thence by a line to the north-east angle of allotment 4 section 1 parish of ; and thence by Piper's Creek to the commencing point.

2. LANGLEY DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-west angle of allotment 30 parish of Edgecombe; thence by the north and east boundaries of the electoral district of the Kyneton Boroughs to the south-east angle of the town of Woodend; thence east by a line to the Great Dividing Range; thence by that range to the range forming the watershed between Mollison's and Pohlman's Creeks; thence northerly by that range to the point where it would be intersected by a line drawn from the head of Mollison's Creek to the south-east angle of allotment 2 parisli of Baynton; thence westerly to the said angle ; thence by Pohlman's Creek to the north boundary of the parish of Baynton ; thence by that boundary to the north-west angle of allotment 16; thence by a line to the north-east angle of allotment 4 section 1 parish of Emberton; thence by Piper's Creek to the north-east angle of allotment 23 parish of Langley; and thence by the north boundary of that allotment, of allotments 16, 9 and 8, and of the parish of Edgecombe to the commencing point.

3. PYALONG DIVISION:— Commencing at the junction of Hughes' Creek and the Goulburu River ; thence south-westerly by the boundary of the electoral district, about twenty-six miles fifty- three chains ; thence southerly by the range forming the watershed between Mol­ lison's and Pohlman's Creeks to the Great Dividing Range; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the Goulburn River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

4. SEYMOUR DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Goulburn River bearing magnetic west from the intersection of Whitehead's Creek with the north-eastern boundary of the township of Seymour ; thence east to that intersection and further east one hundred and thirty chains ; thence south to the Goulburn River', aforesaid ; find thence by that river to the commencing point. 5. TYLDEN

88 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment

DIVISIONS OF DISTRICTS-contaed. 5. TYLDEN DIVISION:- Commencing at the source of the River Coliban ; thence northwards by the River Coliban to the south-western angle of the electoral district of the Kyneton Boroughs; thence by the southern boundary of that electoral district and a line east to the Main Dividing Range; and thence by the Main Dividing Range to the commencing point aforesaid.

DELATITE. 1. GRETA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the north boundary of the electoral district where it is crossed by the ; thence by that river and a tributary thereof to the source of the latter, near Wombat Hill; thence westerly by a range to the range forming the western watershed of the Fifteen-mile Creek ; thence by that range to the north boundary of the electoral district aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

2. JAMIESON DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the Jerusalem River with the Goulburn River; thence by the Goulburn and Howqua Rivers to the source of the latter in the Great Dividing Range ; thence by that range to a point thereon due east of Mount Skene ; thence westerly by a line to the junction of Gaffney's Creek and the Goulburn River; thence by that creek and Moonlight Creek to the source of the latter ; thence due west by a line to the boundary of the electoral district ; and thence northerly by that boundary to the commencing point.

3. MANSFIELD DIVISION :— Commencing at the source of Menham's Creek in the ; thence by that creek Merton and Braukeet Creeks and the Delatite River to the Goulburn River ; thence by that river and the to the source of the latter in the Great Dividing Range ; thence by that range to the source of the Buffalo River ; thence by that river to a point thereon about twenty-four miles above its junction with the Ovens River ; thence south-westerly by a line to the source of a tributary of the King River near Wombat Hill ; thence north-westerly by a range to the source of Back Creek ; thence by that creek to the Broken River ; thence by that river to Sandy Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; and thence by the Strathbogie Range aforesaid to the commencing point.

4. OXLEY DIVISION :— Commencing at the source of a tributary of the King River near Wombat Hill ; thence by that tributary and the said river to the northern boundary of the electoral district ; thence by that boundary to the Ovens River ; thence by that river and the Buffalo River to a point on the latter about twenty-four miles above its junction with the said Ovens River ; and thence south-westerly by a line to the commencing point.

5. SEVEN CREEKS DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the north-western boundary of the electoral district where it is crossed by the Violet Ponds ; thence by the Violet Ponds to the source thereof; thence to the range forming the eastern watershed of the Seven Creeks to the Strathbogie Range ; thence by the Strathbogie Range to the source of Hughes Creek ; thence by that creek to the north-western boundary of the electoral district aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point. A,ivwr< (3, I AI OiS vr


» Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


6. TATONG DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the north-western boundary of the electoral district where it is crossed by the Violet Ponds ; thence by the Violet Ponds to the source thereof; thence by the range forming the eastern watershed of the Seven Creeks to Strathbogie Range ; thence by the Strathbogie Range to the source of Sandy Creek ; thence by that creek to the Broken River ; thence by that river to Back Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence south-easterly by a range to the range forming the western watershed of the Fifteen-mile Creek ; thence by that range to the north-western boundary of the electoral district aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

7. WOOD'S POINT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Great Dividing Range due east of Mount Skene; thence westerly by a line to the junction of Gaffhey's Creek and the Goulburn River ; thence by that creek and Moonlight Creek to the source of the latter ; thence due west by a line to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the western southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the com­ mencing point.

DUNDAS. 1. BALMORAL DIVISION :— Commencing at the northern source of the Pigeon Ponds; thence north to the River Glenelg; thence by that river to A^ictoria Gap; thence by the Victoria Range to a point due east of the north-east angle of section ], parish of Urangara; thence by a line and the north boundary of that section to the Dundas Group; thence by that group to the north-western flank thereof; and thence by a line to the source of the Pigeon Ponds the commencing point.

2. NORTEI HAMILTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the southern angle of the parish of Warrayure ; thence by the Grange Burn and the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the north-east angle of section 1 parish of Urangara; thence hy a line east to the Victoria Range ; thence by that range to Victoria Gap; and thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

3. SOUTH HAMILTON DIVISION:— Commencing at the southern angle of the parish of Warrayure; thence by the Grange Burn to the junction of Violet Creek ; and thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point,

4. SOUTH HARROW DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of Power's Creek and the River Glenelg; thence by the River Glenelg to the southern boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary to the Dundas Group; thence by that group to the north-western flank thereof; thence by a line to the northern source of the Pigeon Ponds; thence by a line north to the River Glenelg; and thence by the River Glenelg to the commencing point

EMERALD HILL. EMERALD HILL DISTRICT;—As hereinbefore described. EVELYN yo No. 548.] Electoral Art Amendment.


EVELYN. 1. ANDERSON'S CREEK DIVISION:— Commencing at the junction of the Mullurn-mullum Creek with the River Yarra Yarra ; thence by that river upwards to the north boundary of section 1 parish of Yering ; thence east to the north-east angle of that section ; thence south by a road and a line to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary westerly to the commencing point.

2. ELTHAM DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the River Plenty due west of the southern boundary of portion 1 section 12 parish of Morang ; thence east to Arthur's Creek; thence by that creek to a point due west of Stephenson's bridge ; thence east to the said bridge; thence by Watson's Creek to the River Yarra Yarra; and thence by the Rivers Yarra Yarra and Plenty to the commencing point.

3. LILLYDALE DIVISION :— Commencing at the point where the north boundary of section 1 parish of Yering abuts on the River Yarra Yarra ; thence east to the north-east angj^e of that section ; thence south by a road and a line to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary easterly to the source of the River Yarra Yarra, near ; and thence by that river downwards to the commencing point.

4. ST. ANDREW'S DIVISION :— Commencing at the source of Arthur's Creek; thence by that creek to a point due west of Stephenson's bridge; thence east to the said bridge; thence by Watson's Creek to the River Yarra Yarra; and thence by the River Yarra Yarra and the Dividing Range to the commencing point.

5. YAN YEAN DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Plenty River due west of the southern boundary of portion 1 section 12 parish of Morang; thence east to Arthur's Creek; thence by that creek to its source; and thence by the northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

FlTZROY. 1. FITZROY (EAST) DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Thomson street; on the west by Young street; on the south by Victoria parade; and on the east by Smith street.

2. FITZROY (WEST) DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Moor street; on the west by Nicholson street; on the south by Victoria street and Victoria parade; and on the east by Young street. .:,<*•„- '

':i 3. FITZROY (NORTH) DIVISION:- J^ ' )£3 Commencing at the intersection of Reilly street and Nicholson streejfc pthence bv/,'^ Reilly street and a line eeasi t to„ the Merri Merri Creek- ; and thence by. tJfe'Merri Merr^.. T#y Creek and the northern and western boundaries of the electoral district .to the com^ mencing point. 4rSP« MAR?/ "V . : v^/ 91 \U>^ Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


4. ST. MARK'S DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Reilly street; on the west by Nicholson street; on the south by Moor street and Thomson street; and on the east by Smith street.

FOOTSCRAY. 1. FOOTSCRAY DIVISION :— Commencing" at the north-western angle of allotment 4 of section 21 in the parish of Cut-Paw-Paw ; thence by the northern boundary of that section to the Saltwater River; thence by that river and the River Yarra Yarra to Stony Creek ; thence by that creek to the western boundary of allotment 5 of section 8 in the parish of Cut-Paw-Paw; and thence north to the commencing point.

2. KOROROIT DIVISION :— Commencing* at the mouth of the Skeleton Waterholes; thence by the Skeleton Waterholes to the south-eastern angle of section 2 parish of Truganina; thence north to the north-eastern angle of section 24 in the same parish ; thence by a Government road to the south-western angle of allotment 5 of section 3 in the parish of Derrimut; thence by a road northerly to the Kororoit Creek • thence easterly by the Kororoit Creek to the soutli-western angle of allotment E of section 6 in the parish of Mari- byrnong ; thence by the southern boundary of that section and a line east to the Saltwater River ; thence by that river to the north-western angle of section 9 in the parish of Doutta Galla; thence by the northern boundary of that section and a line east to the north-east angle of section 8 in the parish of Doutta Galla; thence by Spring Creek to its junction with the Saltwater River; thence by the Saltwater River to the south-eastern angle of allotment 3 of section 21 in the parish of Cut-Paw-Paw; thence by a line west to the south-western angle of allotment 1 of the said section ; thence south to Port Phillip Bay; and thence by the shore of the said bay to the commencing point.


1. GEELONG (NORTH) DIVISION :— Bounded on the south by Kilgour street and a line thence to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; on the east by the said eastern boundary to the shores of Geelong Har­ bor ; on the north by the coast line to La Trobe terrace; and on the west by that terrace.

2. GEKLONG (SOUTH) DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-east angle of section 4 parish of Moorpanyal ; thence north by a road to Kilgour street; thence south-easterly by a line passing along the centre of that street to the boundnry of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

3. GEELONG (WEST) DIVISION:— Bounded on the south by Aberdeen street and the River Barwon ; on the east by La Trobe terrace and the shore of Corio Bay; and on the north and west by the boundary of the electoral district. 4. NEWTOWN

92 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


4. NEWTOWN AND CIIILWELL DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Aberdeen street; on the east by La Trobe terrace; and on the south and west by the boundary of the electoral district.

NORTH GIPPSLAND. 1. DIVISION :,— Commencing at the mouth of Boggy Creek thence by that creek to the junction of Breakfast Creek ; thence by Breakfast Creek to its source ; thence by a direct line north-westerly to the most eastern bend of the ; thence by that river upwards to the junction of Shady Creek ; thence west to the range forming the watershed between that creek and the Nicholson River ; thence by that range north­ westerly to Mount Baldhead ; thence by the dividing range between the Tambo and Wentworth north-westerly to the Great Dividing Rauge ; thence by that range north-westerly to the source of the Table Top Creek ; thence by that creek, the , and the Mitchell River to the junction of Skull Creek ; thence by that creek to a point bearing north from the source of Tom's Creek ; thence south to that source and by Tom's Creek to Lake Victoria ; thence by the western and southern margin of Lake Victoria to Sperm Whale Head ; thence south-easterly to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast north-easterly to the commencing point.

2. BUCIIAN DIVISION :— Commencing at the mouth of the Boggy Creek ; thence by that creek to the junction of Breakfast Creek ; thence by Breakfast Creek to its source thence by a direct line north-westerly to the most eastern bend of the Tambo River ; thence by that river upwards to the junction of Shady Creek ; thence north-easterly by a range to Mount Elizabeth ; thence by the range forming the eastern watershed of the Tambo River to the Great Dividing Range ; and thence by the northern eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

3. ROSED ALE DIVISION re­ commencing at the north-eastern angle of the parish of Denison; thence by the eastern boundary of that parish and a line south to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary westerly northerly and westerly to the eastern boundary of the River Tyers run; thence by that boundary and the east boundary of the Tyers South run to a point bearing west from the south-west angle of allot­ ment 122 parish of Toongabbie South; thence east to that angle; thence north to the Thompson River; and thence by that river downwards to the commencing point.

4. SALE DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the Thomson and Macallister Rivers; thence north-easterly&by a line and the road between sections 22 and 23 parish of Bundalaguah to the road from Sale to ; thence by the last-mentioned road north-westerly to the north-western angle of section 24; thence by a road easterly to Lake Wellington ; thence by the western and southern margin of Lake Wellington Maclennan's Straits and the southern margin of Lake Victoria to Sperm Whale Head; thence south-easterly to the sea coast; thence by the boundary of the district south-westerly and westerly to a point bearing south from the south-west angle ot the parish of Wurruk-wurruk ; thence by the west boundary of the parishes ot WuiTiik-wumik and Woundellah to the ; and thence by that river downwards to the commencing point. STRATFORD

1)3 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


5. STRATFORD DIVISION:— Commencing at the month of Tom's Creek ; thence hv that creek to its source ; thence north to Skull Creek and by that creek down wards to the northern boundary of the eountv of Tamil : thence bv lb tit boundary to the Maeallisler River ; thence by that river downwards to the junction of the Cowwarr ("reek ; thence bv that creek upwards to the road from the Macallister to Ileyiield bridge ; thence by that road southerly to (be south-east angle of allotment 31 parish of Glenmaggie ; thence south by a. road to the Thomson River ; thence by that river downwards to its junction with the Macallister River ; thence north-easterly by a line and the road between sections 22 and 23 parish of Bundalaguah to the road from Sale to Maura ; thence by the last-mentioned road north-westerly to the north-western angle of section 24; thence by a road easterly to Lake Wellington ; and thence by the margin of that lake Mac- lennan's Straits and the western margin of Lake Victoria to the commencing point.

6. TONGIO DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of Shady Creek and the Tainbo River ; thence west to the range forming the watershed between that creek and the Nicholson River ; thence by that range north-westerly to Mount Baldhead; thence by the dividing range between the Tambo and Went worth north-westerly to the Great Dividing range ; thence by that range north-easterly to the range forming the eastern water­ shed of the Tambo River ; thence southerly by the last mentioned range to Mount Elizabeth ; and thence by a range south-westerly to the commencing point.

7. WALHALLA DIVISION :•— Commencing at the source of the Macallister River ; thence by that river to the junction of the Cowwarr Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the road from the Macallister to Hey held Bridge ; thence by that road southerly to the south-eastern angle of allotment 31, parish of Glenmaggie ; thence south by a road to the Thomson River ; thence by that river upwards to a point bearing north from the north-west angle of allotment 122, parish of Toongabbie south ; thence south to the south-west angle of* that allotment; thence west to the boundary of the Tyers South run ; thence by the east boundary of the Tyers South and River Tyers runs to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

8. WONNANGATTA DIVISION :— Commencing at the source of the Macallister River ; thence by that river to the northern boundary of the ; thence easterly by that boundary to the Mitchell River ; thence by that river, the Dargo River, and Table Top Creek to the Great Dividing Range ; and thence by that range westerly and south-westerly to the commencing point.


1. ALBERTON DIVISION:— Commencing at the mouth of the ; thence by that river to the southern anode of Orr's special survey ; thence east to the Tarra, River ; thence by that river upwards to a point bearing south from the source of Blind Joe's Creek ; thence north to Merriman's Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence magnetic west to the boundary of the electoral district ; and (hence by the western and southern boundaries of the district to the commencing point, 2. BULN

94 r JSO. 548.] FAevtoral Act AmrndM*>.nl& 49


2. BULN BULN DIVISION : Commencing a( apoi.nl. on the western boundary of the electoral district bearing magnetic west from the source of Merriman's Creek ; thence easi to a. point, three miles wesi of the surveyed track from Foster to West bury ; (hence north to McDonald's track ; thence by McDonald's track north-easterly to u point bearing south from the source of the Narracan Creek ; thence north to that source ; thence by that creek to the boundary of the electoral district ; and thence by the northern and western boundaries of the district to the commencing point.

3. PALMERSTON DIVISION :- Commencing at the southern angle of Orr'3 Special Survey; thence east to the River Tarra; thence by the River Tarra the sea coast and the River Albeit to the commencing point.

4. TARRAVILLE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the River Tarra being the north-west angle of section 12 in the parish of Woranga; thence by a line bearing east to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast and the River Tarra to the commencing point.

5. TRARALGON DIVISION :— Commencing on the north boundary of the electoral district at the source of Blind Joe's Creek ; thence south to Merriman's Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence magnetic west crossing the surveyed track from Foster to Westbury to a point three miles west of that track; thence north to McDonald's track; thence by McDonald's track north-easterly to a point bearing south from the source of the Narracan Creek ; thence north to that source ; thence by that creek to the northern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

6. WOODSIDE DIVISION:- Commencing at the north-west angle of section 12 in the parish of Woranga; thence east to the seacoast; thence by the coast to Merriman's Creek ; thence by the boundary of the electoral district to the source of Blind Joe's Creek; thence southerly to the ; aud thence by the said river southerly to the commencing point.

G-RANT, 1. ANAKIE DIVISION :- Commencing at the north-western angle of portion 68 in the parish of Yowang; thence by Sutherland's Creek and the western boundary of Griffin's pre-emptive section to the western boundary of portion 14 parish of Anakie; thence north seven miles more or less; thence east to the Little River; thence to a Government road leading from Ripley to Geelong; thence south by that road to the northern boundary of portion 184 parish of Moranghurk; thence by a Government road westerly and west to the commencing point.

2. BARRARBOOL DIVISION :- Commencing at the south-western angle of section 18 in the parish of Barrarbool; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the Barwon River; thence by that river to the north-western angle of section 19 in the said parish; and thence south to the commencing point. rmci™™™ ,» ,i. 13 A 1 IvSMMJD

95 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT,


3. BATESFORD DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the River Barwon north of the north-western angle of section 19 in the parish of Earrarbool ; thence north by a Government road and a line to the Moorarbool River; thence by that river to Russell's Bridge; thence by a Government road forming the western boundaries of sections 5A and 5B in the parish of Darriwil to the north-western angle of section 5A aforesaid ; thence by a Government road to the south-western angle of portion A of section 9 in the said parish; thence north by a Government road to a creek unnamed; thence by that creek to its junction with Sutherland's Creek; thence by that creek to the north­ western angle of portion 68 in the parish of Yowang; thence by a line and a Govern­ ment road to the north-eastern angle of portion 89 in the said parish ; thence easterly and east by a Government road to the Duck Ponds; thence by the said ponds and the boundary of the electoral district to a point on the River Barwon due north of the north-western angle of section 25 in the parish of Barrarbool; and thence by the Barwon River to the commencing point.


commencing at the south-eastern angle of portion 47 parish of Meredith ; thence by the Moorarbool River and the western branch thereof to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by the west boundary of the electoral district to a point on Williamson's Creek fifty chains more or less from its junction with the Yarrowee River; thence east by a. line to the commencing point.

5. EGERTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the eastern and western branches of the Mooiarbool River; thence by the latter branch to the Lai Lai Creek; thence north-easterly by a line to the north-west angle of allotment 24 section 2 parish of Gorong; and thence by the eastern branch of the aforesaid river to the commencing point.

6. GORDON DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the Western Moorarbool River and the Lai Lai Creek; thence by that river to the Main Dividing Range; thence by that range to the source of the Werribee River; thence by that river to the western boundary of the town of Ballan; and thence south-westerly by a line to the commencing point.

7. LITTLE BIVER DIVISION :— Commencing at the crossing of the Ripley and Geelong road and the Little River; thence by that river to the north-eastern angle of portion '28 in the parish of Wurdi- youang; thence north by a Government road and a line to the north-western angle of portion 110 in the parish of Mouyong; thence east to the Werribee River; thence by that river to the sea thence by the sea coast to the mouth of the Duck Ponds; thence by the said ponds to the northern boundary of section 22 parish of Moranghurk ; thence by a Government road west to the Ripley and Geelong road aforesaid ; and thence by that road to the commencing point (including Bird Rock Island).

«. MADDINGLEY DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of portion 105 in the parish of Anakie; thence north by a line to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by the said boundary to the south-eastern angle of the parish of Mooradoranook ; thence to the south-western angle of the said parish ; thence south by a line and a Government road to the Little River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point. 9. SOUTH

96 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment


9. SOUTH BALLAN DIVISION Commencing at the .south-eastern angle of portion 47 parish of Meredith; thence east by a lino to the north-western angle of portion 101 in the parish of Anakie; thence by the Little River to the north-eastern angle of section 105 same parish; thence north by a line to the northern boundary of the electoral district; thence by said boundary to the western boundary of the town of Ballan; thence by a line south- westerly to the north-west angle of allotment 24 section 2 parish of Gorong; and thence by the Moorarbool River to the commencing point.

10. STEIGLITZ DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 12 parish of Carrah ; thence east to the Native Hut Creek; thence by that creek a line east and the southern boundary of portion 12 parish of Burtwarrah to the western boundary of section 114 parish of Wabdallah ; thence to the north-western angle of said section ; thence east to the main line of road from Geelong to Buninyong; thence by that road to the south-western angle of portion 103 in the said parish; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said portion to the Moorarbool River; thence by that river to Russell's Bridge; thence by a Government road forming the western boundaries of sections 5A and 5E in the parish of Darriwil to the north-western angle of section 5A aforesaid ; thence by a Government road to the south-western angle "of portion A section 9 same parish ; thence north by a Government road to a creek unnamed ; thence by that creek and the western boundary of Griffin's pre-emptive section to the western boundary of portion 14 parish of Anakie; thence north seven miles more or less ; thence by a, line west to Williamson's Creek; thence by that creek to its junction with the Yarrowee River; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

11. THE LEIGH DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-western angle of section 18 in the parish of Lake Lake Wollard ; thence by the southern and western boundary of the electoral district to the north-western angle of section 12 in the parish of Carrah; thence east to the Native Hut Creek ; thence by that creek a line east and the southern boundary of portion 12 parish of Burtwarrah to the western boundary of section 114 in the parish of Wab- dallah ; thence north to the north-western angle of the said section ; thence east to the main line of road from Geelong to Buninyong; thence by that roy.d to the south­ western angle of portion 103 in the said parish ; thence by the south-eastern boundary of the said portion to the Moorarbool River; thence by that river to the north-western angle of section 27 in the parish of Gheringhap; thence by the western boundary of that section and a line south to the south-western angle of section IS in the parish of Barrarbool; thence west by a Government road to the north-western angle of section 10 in the parish of Gnarwarre; thence south by a Government road to the south­ western angle of section 1 in the parish of Gnarwarre; and thence west by a Government road to the commencing point.

12. WYNDIIAM DIVISION:- Commencing at the mouth of the Skeleton Water holes Creek; thence by that creek to the south-eastern angle of section 2, parish of Truganina; thence by the eastern boundary of that section and a line north to the north-eastern angle of section 24 in the same parish; thence west to the Werribee River; and thence by that river and the sea coast to the commencing point.

GRKNVILLE. BUNINYONG DIVISION:- Commencing at the south-western angle of Leal-month's pre-emptive section ; thence south to the south boundary of the parish of Enfield; thence east to the Yarrowee i) 2 River ;

97 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


River; and thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. LINTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of portion 16, parish of Haddon; thence south to the Mount Erip Range; thence by that range and aline north-westerly to the junction of Baillie's Creek and Emu Creek ; and thence by the western and northern boundaries of the district to the commencing point.

3. MOUNT MISERY DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of Learmonth's pre-emptive right; bounded on the east by a line bearing south to the south boundary of the parish of Enfield; thence southerly by Ferrers's Creek to a point due east of the eastern angle of Ferrers's pre-emptive right; thence by a line due west to the north-west angle of McMillan's pre-emptive right; thence north-westerly by the Little Woady Yaloak and Illibarook Creeks to the western angle of Mathew and Gordon's pre-emptive right; thence by the north-western and northern boundary of said pre-emptive right and a line bearing due east to a point due south of the south-west angle of allotment 129A parish of Yarrowee ; j thence north to that angle; and thence by the northern boundary of the electoral j district to the commencing point.

4. HOKE WOOD DIVISION:— I Commencing at a point on the Gnarkeet chain of ponds due west of the southern angle of section 20A parish of Wallinduc; thence east to the Little Woady Yaloak Creek; thence by that creek to the northern boundary of McMillan's section; thence east to the eastern angle of Ferrers's section ; thence east to Ferrers's Creek ; thence northerly by that creek to the south boundary of the parish of Enfield ; thence east to the Yarrowee River; and thence by the eastern southern and western boundaries of the j electoral district to the commencing point.

5. SCARSDALE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the west boundary of allotment 128 parish of Yarrowee bearing east from the south-east angle of the town of Smythesdale; thence west to a point bearing south from the south-west angle of portion 16 parish of Haddon; thence south to the Mount Erip Range ; thence by that range and a line east to the Illiharook Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to the north-western boundary \ of Mathew and Gordon's pre-emptive section; thence by the north-western and northern boundary of that section and a line east to a point bearing south from the south-west angle of allotment 129 A parish of Yarrowee; and thence north to the commencing point.

6. SMYTHESDALE DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the west boundary of allotment 128 parish of Yarrowee bearing east from I ho south-east angle of the town of Smythesdale; thence north to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary westerly to the north­ west angle of portion 16 parish of Haddon; thence south to a point bearing west from the south-west angle of the town of Smythesdale; and thence east to the commencing point.

7. WOADY YALOAK DIVISION :- Commencing at the junction of Baillie's Creek and Emu Creek; thence by a line and the Mount Krip Range and a line east from Mount Erip to the Illibarook Creek; thence

98 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment,


thence south by that creek and the Little Woady Yaloak Creek to a point due east of the southern angle of portion !>0A parish of Wallinduc; thence west to the Gnarkeet chain of ponds ; and thence by the west, boundary of the electoral district to the com­ mencing point.

KAEA KARA. 1. CROWLANDS DIVISION :— Commencing tit the north-west angle of allotment 13 of section 7 parish of Crow- lands ; thence east to the boundary of the parish ; thence bv that boundary south­ easterly and east and by the north boundary of the parish of Kverslev to the north­ west angle of allotment 26 of section I of that parish ; thence somberly by a road to the south-west angle of allotment .5 ; thence by the southern boundaries" of that allotment and allotment 2 to the south-eastern angle ol the last mentioned allotment ; thenee by a line southerly to Ben Nevis ; thence south-easterly bv a range to the boundary of (he electoral district; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing pointe

2. ELMHURST DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of allotment 26 section I parish of Eversley ; thence southerly by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 6* ; thence by the southern boundaries of that allotment and allotment 2 to the south-eastern angle of the last mentioned allotment; thence by a line southerly to Ben Nevis ; thence south­ easterly by a range to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to a point bearing east from the south­ eastern angle of allotment 139 parish of Avoca ; thence westerly by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 51 parish of Yehrip ; thence westerly to Mount Avoca and south-westerly to the north-east angle of the parish of Eversley ; and thence west to the commencing point.

3. KOROCUBEAL DIVISION re­ commencing at the south-west angle of allotment 3 parish of Gre Gre ; thence by the River Avon downwards to Faulkner's Creek ; thence by that creek to its source; thence southerly by a range to the northern boundary of the parish of Navarre; thence by the northern and western boundaries of that parish to the road from Navarre to Stawell ; thence by that road to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary westerly northerly and easterly to a point bearing north from the north-west angle of allotment 143 parish of Gre Gre; and (hence south to the commencing point.

4. LANDSBOROUGH DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the parish of Barkly ; thence by the north boundary of that parish and the parish of Navarre and by the west boundary of the last-named parish to the road from Navarre to Stawell; thence by that road south­ westerly io the boundary of the electoral district; thenee by that boundary south­ easterly to the north-west angle of allotment 13 of section 7 parish of Crowlands ; thence east to the boundary of that parish : thence by that boundary south-easterly and east and by the north boundary of the parish of Eversley to the north-west angle of allotment 26 section I of that parish ; thence by a direct line north-easterly to the south-west angle of the parish of Warrenmang ; and thence north to the commoneiiur point. 5. MOQNAMBEL Electoral Act Amendinent. [40 VJCT.

DIVISIONS OF DISTRICTS—conthmet o. MOONAMBEL DIVISION :-- Commencing at the north-west angle of allotment 26 section I parish of Eversley; thence east to the north-east jvnglo of the parish ; thence north-easterly to Mount Avoca and east to the south-west angle of allotment ,51 paOshof Yehrip ; thence easterly by a road to the boundary of the electoral district, ; thence by that boundary northerly to the north boundary of allotment 36 section 1 parish of Moyreisk ; thence west to the east boundary of the parish of Redbank ; thence by the east north and west boundary of the parish of Redbank and the west boundary of the parish of Warrenmang to the south-west angle of the last-named parish ; and thence by a direct line youth-westerly to the commencing point.

6. ST. ARNAUD DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-east angle of the parish of Dalyenong ; thence by the northern boundary of the parishes of Dalyenong and Boola Boloke and a line west to Faulkner's Creek ; thence by that creek downwards and the River Avon upwards to the west boundary of allotment 3, parish of Gre Gre ; thence north to the boundary of the electoral district ; and thence by that boundary easterly and south-easterly to the commencing point.

7. STUART-MILL DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the parish of Dalyenong ; thence by the northern boundary of the parishes of Dalyenong and Boola Boloke and a line west to Faulkner's Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence southerly by a range to the north boundary of the parish of Navarre ; thence by the north boundary of the parishes of Navarre and Barkly, and the north and east boundaries of the parish of Redbank to the south-east angle of allotment ol of that parish ; thence east to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary northerly to the commencing point.

KlLMORE AND ANGLESEY. 1. ALEXANDRA DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the Goulbuni and Delatite Rivers ; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of the electoral district to Boundary Creek ; thence by that creek to its source ; thence south-easterly by a direct line to Mount Concord ; thence to Mount Maxwell ; thence southerly to the junction of Home Creek with the Goulburn River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

2. BROADFORD DIVISION :- Commencing at the junction of the Narrangearnong Oreek with the Goulburn River; thence by the said creek to the north-east angle of the Kerrisdale pre-emptive section ; thence by the north boundary of that pre-emptive section to the north-west angle thereof ; thence west by a, line to a branch of the Dabyminga, Creek; thence by that branch to its junction with the main creek; thence by that creek to the south-east angle of allotment 132 parish of Broad ford; thence south-westerly by a line to the south-east angle of allotment 57; thence by the south boundary of that allotment and of allotments 58A and 58n to Sunday Creek; thence by that creek to the north­ west anirle of the town of Elfrin ; thence westerly by a line and the south boundary of allotments 22A 21 20 17 15 14 and 13 parish

100 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

DIVISIONS OE mSTRICTS-continued. 3. KILMORE DIVISION :-- Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 121 parish of Moranding; thence southerly by the road from Seymour to Kilmore to the road forming the south boundary of allotment 13 parish of Glenburnie; thence easterly by that road and a line to the north-west angle of the town of Elgin; thence by Sunday Creek to its source; and thence north-westerly and easterly by the boundary of the electoral district to the commencing point.

4. REEDY CREEK DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-east angle of the Kerrisdale pre-emptive section; thence by the north boundary of that pre-emptive section to the north-west angle thereof; thence west by a line to a branch of the Dabyminga Creek ; thence by that branch to its junction with the main creek; thence by that creek to the south-east angle of allotment 1 32, parish of Rroadford; thence south-westerly by a line to the south-east angle of allotment 57; thence by the south boundary of that allotment and of allot­ ments 58A and 58n to Sunday Creek; thence by that creek to its source; thence by the Great Dividing Range to the south-we^t angle of allotment 3A parish of Kinglake; thence by the west boundary of that allotment and of allotments 4B 4A 5B 5A and the north boundary of the latter allotment to the King Parrot Creek ; and thence by that creek and Narrangearnong Creek to the commencing point.

5. TALLAROOK DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of Hughes' and Boundary Creeks ; thence by the latter creek to its source ; thence south-easterly by a line to Mount Concord ; thence by a line to Mount Maxwell ; thence southerly by a line to the junction of Home Creek with the Goiilburn River ; thence by that river to the western boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the western and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

6. YEA DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of allotment 3A parish of Kinglake; thence by the west boundary of that allotment and of allotments 4B 4A 5B 5A and by the north boundary of the latter allotment to King Parrot Creek; thence by that creek and the Narranirearnon£ Creek to the River Goulbum; thence by the River (loulburn to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.


L CARLSRUBE DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of section 14 parish of Uurlsruhe; thence south to the northern boundary of section Vl parish of W'oodend; thence west to the River Campaspe ; thence by that river and the southern boundary of the electoral district to the south-western angle of section 142 parish of Lauriston; thence north to the north-western angle of section 21 parish of Carlsvuhc ; and thence east to the .commencing point.


101 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. KYNETON DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-western angle of section 142 parish of Lauriston; thence north to the north-western angle of section 21 parish of Carlsruhe; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries, and again by the northern boundary of the electoral district to the River Campaspe; thence by the River Campaspe to the main road to Malmsbury ; thence west to the River Coliban ; and thence by the River Coliban and the southern boundary of the electoral district to the commencing point.

3. MALMSBURY DIVISION:— Commencing at that point on the River Campaspe intersected by the northern boundary of the parish of Lauriston; thence by the boundaries of the electoral district to the River Coliban ; thence southwards by the River Coliban to a point due west of the intersection of the River Campaspe and the main road to Malmsbury; thence east to the River Campaspe; and northwards by the River Campaspe to the commencing point.

4. WOODEND DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-eastern angle of the town reserve of Woodend; thence north to the north-eastern angle of section 72 parish of Woodend; thence west to the River Campaspe; and thence by that river and the western and southern boundaries of the said town reserve of Woodend to the commencing point.


1. BARINGHUP (EAST) DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River due south of the south-western angle of the parish of Maldon ; thence by a line to the northern boundary of the electoral district; thence by the northern boundary of the electoral district to the River Loddon; and thence by the River Loddon to the commencing point.

2. CAMPBELL'S CREEK DIVISION:— Commencing at the north-west angle of the parish of Guildford; thence south to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the district to the road from Castlemaine to South Mnckleford ; thence by that road south-westerly to the eastern boundary of section 8, parish of Muckleford; thence north to the north-east angle of that section, west to the north-west angle of allotment 2, section 8A, south to the south boundary of the parish, and east to the commencing point.

3. MALDON DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-western angle of the parish of Maldon; thence by a line north to the northern boundary of the electoral district; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the main road from Castlemaine to Muckleford; thence by that road to the eastern boundary of section 8 parish of Muckle­ ford ; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of that section and the northern boundary of sections 8 and 8A, and the west boundary of the latter section to a point east of the southern boundary of the parish of Maldon ; and thence by a line west and the southern boundary of that parish to the commencing point. 4. NEWSTEAP

102 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


4. NBWSTEAD DIVISION:-- Commencing at a point on the River Loddon south of the south-western angle of the parish of Maldon; thence north to the said angle; thence east to the western boundary of section 8A parish of Muckleford; thence south to the south boundary of the parish ; thence east one mile ; thence south to the River Loddon; and thence by the River Loddon to the commencing point.

MANDURANG. 1. AXED ALE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the electoral district of Sandhurst; thence east to the west boundary of the parish of ; thence by the west and north boundaries of that parish to the Campaspe River ; thence by that river to the road forming the south boundary of section 6 parish of Eppalock ; thence by that road to the south-west angle of allotment 10 section 2; thence north to the north-west angle of allotment 11 section 1 ; thence west to the south-west angle of allotment 4 section 11 ; thence north-westerly to the south-east angle of allotment 8 section 8 parish of Axedale ; thence by the road forming the south boundary of that allotment to the road from Strathfieldsaye to Sandhurst ; thence by that road to the east bouudary of the electoral district of Sandhurst, aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

2. BRIDGE WATER DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the road forming the north boundary of allotment I section lo parish of Yarrayne abuts thereon; thence by that road to the east boundary of the parish of Salisbury ; thence by that boundary to the road forming the south boundary of section 7A parish of Yallook; thence by that road to the east boundary of the parish ; thence by the east and south boundaries thereof to the north-east an«le of the parish of ; thence by the east and south boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Leichardt; thence by the east and south boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Woodstock ; thence by the east boundary of that parish to the road from Kangaroo Flat to Newbridge ; thence by that road to the west boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

3. COHUNA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Murray River due north of the north-east angle of the parish of fcerang ; thence by a line and the east boundary of the said parish to the Pyramid Creek; thence by that creek to the junction of a creek flowing out of Kow Swamp ; thence by that creek and a line south-easterly to the south-west angle of the Gunbower pre-emptive section: thence by the southern eastern and northern boundaries of that pre-emptive section lo the Gunbower Creek ; thence northerly by that creek about four miles to a creek connecting it with the Murray River; thence by that creek to the said river ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

4. EAGLEHAWK DIVISION re­ commencing at the White Horse Hill, Trigonometrical Station ; thence S. 57° 55' E. one hundred and sixty-six chains thirty-two links ; thence by the north-western boundary of the electoral district of Sandhurst, bearing S. 48° 37' W. about one hundred

108 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


hundred and eleven chains -fifty links, and west about seventy-eight chains ; thence N. 24° T W. about nine chains ; thence N. 66° 21' W. one hundred and nine chains ; thence N. 53° 2V W. one hundred and four chains ; thence N. 19° 43' E. thirty-two chains; thence N. 88° 59' E. one hundred and thirty-rive chains sixty-five links; and thence N. 75° 19' E. sixty-two chains ninety-six links to the commencing point.

5. ELMORE DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the north boundary of the parish of Nolan abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary, the north boundary of the parish of , and a line in continuation thereof to a point bearing magnetic south from the south-east angle of allotment 125 parish of Kamarooka; thence magnetic north to the said angle ; thence true north one hundred and seventy chains; thence magnetic north to the road forming the north boundary of allotments 20 and 21 ; thence by that road to the road forming the south-west boundary of allotments 57, 58, and 59 ; thence by that road to the west boundary of the parish of Warragamba ; thence north to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 68 in that parish ; thence by that road to the Melbourne and Murray River railway ; thence by that railway to the road forming the north-east boundary of allotment 20, parish of Diggorra ; thence by that road to the Campaspe River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

6. GOORNONG DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the electoral district of Sandhurst; thence east to the west boundary of the parish of Axedale ; thence by the west and north boundaries of that parish to the Campaspe River ; thence by that river to the north boundary of the parish of Nolan ; thence by that boundary the north boundary of the parish of Goornong and a line in continuation thereof to a point bearing south from the south-east angle of allotment 125 parish of Kamarooka ; thence south to the south-west angle of allotment 12 section 20 parish of Huntly ; thence by the south boundary of that allotment to Bendigo Creek ; thence by that creek to the north­ eastern boundary of the electoral district of Sandhurst aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

7. KERANG DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the south boundary of the parish of Tragowel abuts thereon ; thence by the said boundary and the south boundary of the parish of Macorna to the Pyramid Creek ; thence by that creek to the east boundary of the parish of Kerang ; thence by that boundary and a line bear­ ing: north to the Murray River ; and thence bv that river and the Loddon River afore- O «r *•' said to the commencing point.

8. LAANECOOR1E DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the south boundary of the electoral district where it is intersected by the Melbourne and Sandhurst Railway ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the road from Newbridge to Kangaroo Flat ; thence by that road to the western boundary of the electoral district of Sand­ hurst ; thence by the western and southern boundaries of that electoral district to the aforesaid railway ; and thence by that railway to the commencing point.

9. MANDURANG DIVISION : Commencing at a point on the soul hern boundary of the electoral district where it js intersected bv the Melbourne and Sandhurst Railway ; thence by thai railway to the 104 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


the south boundary of the electoral district of Sandhurst; thence to the south-east . angle of that electoral district ; thence by a line to the north-east angle of the parish of Mandurang ; thence by the east boundary of that parish to the north-west an He of the parish of Sedgwick ; thence by the north boundary of thsit parish to the north­ east angle of'allotment 10, section 1 ; thence south-easterly to the north-west angle of the old township reserve of Sedgwick ; thence by the west and south boundaries thereof to Axe Creek ; thence by that creek to the north boundary of the parish of Sutton Grange ; thence by the north and west boundaries of that parish to the southern boundary of the electoral district; aud thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

10. - DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of the parish of Tandarra; thence by the east and south boundaries of the parish of Yallook to the north-east angle of the parish of Yarraberb ; thence by the east and south boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Leichardt ; thence by the east and south boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Woodstock ; thence by the east boundary of that parish to the road from Newbridge to Kangaroo Flat; thence by that road to the western boundary of the electoral district of Sandhurst; thence by the western and northern boundaries of that electoral district the south-western northern and north-eastern boundaries of the electoral division of Eaglehawk and the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the said electoral district to Bendigo Creek ; thence by that creek to the south boundary of allotment 12 section 20 parish of Iluntly; thence to the south-west angle of that allotment; thence magnetic north to the south-east angle of allotment 125 parish of Kamarooka; and thence by the south boundary of the said parish and of the parish of Tandarra to the commencing point.

11. MITIAMO DIVISION:— Commencing at a. point on Mount Hope Creek where it is crossed by the north boundary of the county of Bendigo ; thence by the said creek upwards to a point thereon bearing magnetic north from a point in the road forming the east boundary of allotments 12o, 124, and 123, parish of Kamarooka, distant 170 chains from the south-east angle of the said allotment 125 ; thence magnetic south to the road forming the north boundary of allotments 20 and 21, in the said parish; thence by that road to the road forming the south-west boundary of allotments 57, 58, and 59 ; thence by that road to the west boundary of the parish of Warragamba ; thence north to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 68, in that parish ; thence by that road to the west boundary of the parish of Diggorra; thence by that boundary and the west boundary of the parish of Bamawm to the north boundary of the county of Bendigo aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

12. MUNICA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the north boundary of the county of Bendigo abuts thereon ; thence by the said boundary to Pyramid Creek ; thence by that creek and Bullock Creek to the road forming the south boundary of allotment 4 section 5 parish of Salisbury; thence by that road to the Loddon River aforesaid ; and thence bv that river to the commencing point.

13. ROCHESTER DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Canipaspe River where the road forming the north-east boundary of allotment 20 parish of Diggorra abuts thereon; thence by that road to the? Melbourne :mri Murray Kiver raihvsiv : thence by thai railway to ih

1.0.5 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


the road forming the north boundary of allotment 89 ; thence by that road to the west boundary of the parish ; thence by that boundary and the west boundary of the parish of Bamawm to the north boundary of the county of Bendigo ; thence by that boundary to the Campaspe River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the com­ mencing point.

14. STRATHFIELDSAYE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the road forming the south boundary of section 6 parish of Eppalock abuts thereon ; thence by that rond to the south-west angle of allotment 10 section 2 ; thence to the north-west angle of allot­ ment 11 section 1 ; thence to the south-west single of allotment 4 section 11 ; thence north-westerly to the south-east angle of allotment 8 section 8 parish of Axedale ; thence by the road forming the south boundary of that allotment to the road from Strathfieldsaye to Sandhurst ; thence by thai road to the cast boundary of the elec­ toral district of Sandhurst ; thence to the south-east angle of that electoral district; thence by a line to the north-east angle of the parish of Mandurang ; thence by the east boundary of that parish to the north-west angle of the parish of Sedgwick ; thence by th«* north boundary of that parish to the north-east angle of allotment 10 section 1 ; thence south-easterly to the north-west angle of the old township reserve of Sedgwick ; thence by the west and south boundaries thereof to Axe Creek ; thence by that creek to the boundary of the electoral district ; and thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

15. TANDARRA DIVISION :«- Commencing at a point on Pyramid Creek where it is crossed by the north boun dary of the county of Bendigo ; thence by that creek and Bullock Creek to the road forming the south boundary of section 18 parish of Salisbury ; thence by that road to the south-east angle of section 15 ; thence north to the road forming the south boundary of section 7A, parish of Yallook ; thence by that road and the south boundary of the parishes of Tandarra and Kamarooka to the south-east angle of allotment 12o in the latter parish ; thence north 170 chains ; thence magnetic north to Mount Hope Creek ; thence by that creek to the north boundary of the county of Bendigo aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

16. TERRICK DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Yarrowalla ; thence by the east boundary of that parish and of the parish of Loddon to the north-east angle of the latter parish ; thence by the south boundary of the parish of Macorna to Pyramid Creek ; thence by that creek downwards to Ihe junction of a creek flowing out of Kow Swamp ; thence south-easterly by that creek and a line to the south-west angle of the Gunbower pre-emptive sect ion ; Ihenco by the south boundary of that pre­ emptive section to Taylor's Creek ; tbep'o by that creek and the eastern and southern margin of Kow Swamp to Mount Hope Creek ; tlience by that creek to the south boundary of the county of Gunbower ; and thence by that boundary to the com­ mencing point.

17. TURRUMBERRY DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Mount Hope Creek where it is crossed by the south boundary of the county of Gunbower ; thence by that creek to Kow Swamp ; thence by the southern and eastern margin of that swamp to Taylor's Creek ; thence by that creek

HX; No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.

DIVISIONS OF l)l*T[Uc;Vi>~-n(>ntinued.

creek to the southern boundary of the Gunbower pre-emptive section ; thence by the southern, eastern, and northern boundaries of that pre-emptive section to the Gunbower Greek ; thence by that creek northerly about four miles to a creek connecting it with the Murray River ; thence by that creek to the said river ; thence by that river upwards to the west boundary of the electoral division of Wharparilla ; thence by that boundary to the south boundary of the county of Gunbower aforesaid ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing1 point.

18. WHARPARILLA DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of allotment 1 parish of Bamawm ; thence north by a road to the north boundary of the parish of Turruinberry ; thence west about 40 chains ; thence by a road bearing north 160 chains ; thence by a road bearing east about 10 chains ; thence by a road and a line bearing north to the Murray River ; thence by that River and the Campaspe River to the south boundary of the county of Gunbower ; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.

19. YARROWALLA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Loddon River where the south boundary of the parish of Tragowel abuts thereon ; -thence by the said boundary to the north-east angle of the parish of Loddon ; thence by the east boundary of that parish and the parish of Yarrowalla to the south boundary of the county of Gunbower ; thence by that boundary to the Loddon River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the com­ mencing point.

MARYBOROUGH AND TALBOT. 1. BACK CREEK DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Bet Bet Creek west of the south boundary of portion 14 section 1 parish of Eglinton ; thence east to the south-east angle thereof; thence by Mount Greenock Creek to the south-western angle of portion 16 same section and parish ; thence by a line east to the southern boundary of section 3 parish of Glengower ; thence by the boundary of the electoral district south and west to the south-eastern angle of portion 68 parish of Beckworth ) thence westerly by a line and a road to Doctor's Creek ; and thence by that creek and the Bet Bet Creek to the commencing point.

2. BARINGHUP (WEST) DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of portion 2 section 7 parish of Edding­ ton; thence by Bet Bet Creek and the lliver Loddon to the sorth-eastern angle of allotment 6 section 1A parish of Baringhup; thence by a line west to the eastern boundary of the parish of Carisbrook; thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of thatparish to the south-western angle of portion 8 section 14 in the parish of Eddington; thence northwards by a Government road to the southern boundary of portion 2 section 7 parish of Eddington aforesaid; and thence west by the southern boundary of that portion to the commencing point.

3. CARISBROOK DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of the parish of Carisbrook; thence by the western northern and eastern boundaries of the parish of Carisbrook to a point due west

107 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


west of the northern boundary of allotment 7A section 1 parish of Moolort; thence east to the north-eastern angle of the said section ; thence south to the south-eastern angle of allotment 4B in the same parish ; thence west to the south-western angle thereof; thence southwards by the Government road to the south-eastern angle of allotment 18 section 2 in the same parish; thence westward by the southern boun­ daries of the parishes of Moolort and Carisbrook to the commencing point.

4. LEXTON DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of Doctor's Creek and the Bet Bet; thence by Doctor's Creek to suburban portion 17 parish of Lexton ; thence by the northern boundary of that portion and a line east to the south-western angle of portion 97 parish of Beck- worth; thence south to the south-western angle of portion 24 parish of Addington ; thence east to the north-eastern angle of portion 88 same parish; thence south by a Government road to the Dividing Kange; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

5. MAJORCA DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-west angle of the parish of Craigie; thence by the north boundary of that parish and of the parish of Ivodborough to the road forming the east boundary of section 1 in the hitter parish ; thence by that road to the south boundary of section 3 parish of Glengower; thence by that boundary to the Tulla- roop Creek; thence westerly by a line to the south-west angle of allotment 16 section 1 parish of Egliugton; thence by the Mount Greenock Creek to the south-east angle of allotment 14; thence by the south boundary of that allotment and a line west to the west boundary of the parish; and thence by that boundary and the west boun­ dary of the parish of Craigie to the commencing point.


Commencing at a point on the Bet Bet Creek where the south boundary of the parish of Wareek abuts thereon ; thence by that creek to the south-west angle of allotment 2, section 7, parish of Eddington ; thence by the south boundary of that allotment to the south-east angle thereof; thence southerly by a road to the north boundary of the parish of Carisbrook ; and thence by the north and west boundaries of that parish and the south boundary of the parishes of Maryborough and Wareek to the commencing point.

7. TALBOT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Bet Bet Creek where the south boundary of the parish of Wareek abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parish of Maryborough to the norlh-west angle of the parish of Craigie ; thence by the west boundary of that parish and of the parish of Egliugton to the road forming the north boundary of allotments 9A and 9n, section 9, parish of Amherst; thence by that, road and a line west to the Bet Bet Creek, aforesaid ; and thence by that creek to the commencing point.


commencing at the south-eastern angle of allotment 6 section 1A parish of Baringhup; thence west by a road to the north-west angle of allotment 8 section 3A ; thence south to the south-west angle of allotment 2; thence west to the north-western angle of allotment 8A section 1 parish of Moolort; thence southerly by a. road to the south-west an

108 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


EAST MELBOURNE. 1. EASTERN HILL DIVISION:— Bounded on the east by Gisborne street and a line south to the River Yarra; on the north by Victoria parade; on the south-west by Spring street to Lonsdale street; on the north-west by Lonsdale street; again on the south-west by Russell street and a line produced to the River Yarra ; and on the south by the River Yarra.

2. ST. FRANCIS' DIVISION:— Bounded' on the north by Queensberry street; on the south-west by Elizabeth street; on the south-east by Lonsdale street; and on the north-east by Spring- street, Victoria street, mid Rathdowne street.

8. ST. PAUL'S DIVISION :— Bounded on the north-west by Lonsdale street; on the south-west by Elizabeth street; on the south by the River Yarra; and on the north-east by Russell street and a line produced thence to the Yarra.

NORTH MELBOURNE. 1. HOTHAM DIVISION:— Commencing at the intersection of Errol street and Victoria street; thence by a line passing through the centre of Errol street and by a line to a gully unnamed nine chains more or less north of Arden street; thence by that gully and a line west to the western boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the western and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. ROYAL PARK DIVISION :— Commencing at the intersection of Errol street and Victoria street; thence north by a line passing through the centre of Errol street and by a line to a gully unnamed nine chains more or less north of Arden street; thence by that gully and a line west to the western boundary of the electoral district; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the Sydney road ; thence southwards by the Sydney road to Victoria street; «nd thence west by Victoria street to the commencing point.

3. UNIVERSITY DIVISION :— Bounded on the west by Elizabeth street and the Sydney Road ; and on the north, east and south by the boundary of the electoral district.

WEST MELBOURNE. 1. RAILWAY DIVISION:— Bounded on the north-east by King street; on the north and west by the boundaries of the electoral district; on the south-east by part of Lonsdale street to Spencer street; thence by Spencer street to Little Lonsdale street; again on the south-east by a straight line produced from the termination of the said Little Lonsdale street to the western boundary of the electoral district. -• ST. JAMES'S

10!) Electoral Act, Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. ST. JAMES'S DIVISION :— Bounded on tlie north-west by Lonsdale street; thence by Spencer street to Little Lonsdale street; and again on the north-west by a line produced from Little Lonsdale street to the western boundary of the city; on the west and south by the boundaries of the electoral district; and on the north-east by William street.

3. ST. MARY'S DIVISION:— Bounded on the north by Victoria street; on the south-west by King street; on the south-east by Lonsdale street ; and on the north-east by Elizabeth street,

4. ST. PATRICK'S DIVISION :— Bounded on the north-west by Lonsdale street; on the south-west by William street ; on the south by the River Yarra ; and on the north-east by Elizabeth street.


1. AVENEL DIVISION :~ Commencing at the junction of Creighton's Creek and the Goulburn River ; thence by that creek to the southern boundary of the electoral district ; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the. commencing point.

2. BENALLA DIVISION re­ commencing at a point on the Broken River where the west boundary of the parish of Gowangardie abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and a line south to the Violet Ponds ; thence by the Violet Ponds to the southern boundary of the elec­ toral district; thence by that boundary to the north-east boundary of the parish of Winton ; thence by that boundary and the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of the parish of Mokoan to the north-east angle of the latter parish; thence by the south boundary of the parishes of Boweya and Karrabumet to the south-west angle of the latter parish ; thence by the east boundary of the parish of Devenish to the south-east angle thereof; thence by the north and west boundaries of the parish of Goorambat to the Broken River aforesaid; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

3. DOOKIE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Broken River where the west boundary of the parish of Currawa abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the west boundary of the parishes of Dookie and Yabba Yah ha to the north-west angle of the latter parish; thence by the south boundary of the parishes of Youanmite, Youarang, Tharanbegga, Pelluebla, and Boomahnoomoonah, to the south-east angle of the latter parish ; thence by the west boundary of the parish of Killawarra to the south-west angle thereof; thence by the south boundary of the parishes of Boweya, and Karrabumet to the south-west angle of the latter parish ; thence by the east boundary of the parish of Devenish to the south-east angle thereof; thence by the north and west boundaries of the parish of Goorambat to the Broken River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point, * l 4. EURO A

110 Xo. 548.J Elec+orul Act Amendment.


4. EUROA DIVISION:— Commencing al the junction of the Violet Ponds and the Goulburn River ; thence by the Vriolet Ponds to the south-eastern boundary of the electoral district • thence by that boundary to Oreighton's Creek ; and thence by that creek ami the Goulburn River aforesaid, to the commencing point. 5. MOIRA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Murray River where the west boundary of the parish of Cobram abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the west boundary of the parishes of Katamatite and Youanmite to the south-west angle of the latter parish ; thence by the south boundary of the parishes of Dunbulbalane, Drumanure, Mun- doona, and Kaarimba to the Goulburn River ; and thence by that river and the Murray River aforesaid to the commencing point. 6. SHEPPARTON DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the Goulburn River where the south boundary of the parish of Kaarimba abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Mundoona, Drumanure, and Dunbulbalane to the south-east angle of the latter parish ; thence by the west boundary of the parishes of Yabba Yabba, Dookie, Currawa, and Gowangardie, and a line south to the Violet Ponds ; and thence by the Violet Ponds and the Goulburn River, aforesaid, to the commencing point. 7. WAHGUNYAH DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Ovens River where the south-east boundary of the parish of Boorabman abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Bontherambo and Barambogie to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary to the Murray River ; and thence by that river and the Ovens River to the commencing point. 8. WANGARATTA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Ovens River where the south-east boundary of the parish of Boorabman abuts thereon; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Bontherambo and Barambogie to the eastern boundary of the electoral district ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the north-east boundary of the parish of Winton; thence by that boundary the south-east and east boundaries of the parish of Mokoan and the east boundary of the parish of Boweya to the south-west angle of the parish of Peechelba ; thence by the south boundary of that parish and the north-western south-western and south-eastern boundaries of the Green vale pre-emptive section to the Ovens River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point. 9. YARRAWONGA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Murray River where the west boundary of the parish of Cobram abuts thereon ; thence by that river and the Ovens River to the eastern angle of the Greenvale pre-emptive section ; thence by the south-eastern south-western and north-western boundaries of that pre-emptive section to the south boundary of the parish of Peechelba; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Boomahnoomoonah Pelluebla Tharanbegga Youarang and Youanmite to the south-west angle of the latter parish; and thence by the west boundary of that parish and of the parishes of Katamatite and Cobram to the com­ mencing point.

MORNINGTON. 1. BERWICK DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Berwick ; thence by the south boundary of that parish and of the parish of Eumemmerring to the south-west K angle

111 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


angle of allotment 58 in the latter parish ; tlienee by a line bearing west to the shore of Port Phillip Bay ; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the source of the Cardinia Creek ; and thence by that creek to the com­ mencing point.

2. CORINELLA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the sea coast due west of the southern boundary of Mickle Lyall and Bakewell's pre-emptive section; thence east to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by the said boundary to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast to the commencing point, including French and Phillip Islands and the small islands adjacent thereto in the Eastern Passage.

3. CRANBOURNE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the shore of Port Phillip Bay bearing west from the south-west angle of allotment 58 parish of Eumemmerring ; thence by a line and the south boundary of the parishes of Eumemmerring and Berwick to Cardinia Creek ; thence by that creek to the south-east angle of the parish of Cranbourne ; thence east by a line to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary to a point due east of the south-eastern angle of Mickle Lyall and Bakewell's pre-emptive section ; thence west to the shore of Western Port Bay ; thence by the shore of that bay to the south boundary of the parish of Lang Warrin ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of that parish to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 4 section 6 parish of Frankston ; thence westerly by that road and a line in continuation thereof to the shore of Port Phillip Bay aforesaid; and thence by the shore of that bay to the commencing point.

4. KANGERONG DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of the parish of Moorooduc ; thence by the south boundary of that parish to the south-east angle thereof; thence by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 55 B parish of Bittern ; thence by the south boundary of that allotment and of allotments 53B 50B 49B 46B 45B 42B and 41B to the south-east angle of the latter allotment ; thence by the west and south boundaries of the parish of Tyabb to the shore of Western Port Bay ; thence by the shore of that bay and Bass' Strait to the Wallermerong or Main Creek ; thence hy that creek and the eastern and northern boundaries of the parish of Wannaeue to the shore of Port Phillip Bay ; and thence by the shore of that bay to the commencing point.

5. MORNINGTON DIVISION :~ Commencing at the south-west angle of the parish of Moorooduc; thence by the south boundary of that parish to the south-east angle thereof.; thence by a road to the south-west angle of allotment 55B parish of Bittern ; thence by the south boundary of that allotment and of allotments 53B 50B 49B 46B 45B 42B and 41B to to the south-east angle of the latter allotment ; thence by the west and south boundaries of the parish of Tyabb to the shore of Western Port Bay ; thence by the shore of that bay to the southern boundary of the parish of Lang Warrin ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of that parish to the road forming the north boundary of allotment 4 section 6 parish of Frankston ; thence by that road and a line in eontiniiation thereof to the shore of Port Pliillip Bay ; and thence by the shore of that bay to the commencing point (including Sandstone island).

6. PAKKNMAM DIVISION:— Commencing at the source of Cardinia Creek ; thence by that creek to the south­ east angle of the parish of Cranbourne ; thence by a line bearing east to the eastern boundary

112 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point. 7. TOOTG-AKOOK DIVISION :— Commencing at the outlet of the Wallermerong or" Main Creek ; thence by that creek and the eastern and northern boundaries of the parish of Wannaeue to the shore of Port Phillip Bay ; and thence by the shore of that bay and Bass' Strait to the commencing point.

NORMANBY. 1. BRANXHOLME DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-western angle of the Park Hill pre-emptive section ; thence south-westerly by a line to a point on the south boundary of the Ardgarton pre-emptive section where it is intersected by the Euclam Creek; thence by that creek downwards to the southern boundary of the electoral district.; and thence by the southern and eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. CASTERTON DIVISION :— Commencing at a point one mile south of the south-west angle of the town of Lindsay ; thence east to the Glenelg River; thence by that river and the Wannon River upwards to the western angle of allotment 1 section 18 parish of Carapook ; thence by a road forming the western boundary of sections 18 and 10 to the main road from Coleraine to Casterton ; thence by that road north-westerly to the western angle of allotment 4 of section 4 ; thence by a road north-easterly to the north-east angle of allotment 9 of section 3 north-westerly to the south-west angle of allotment 4 section 11 parish of Bruk Bruk and northerly to the south-eastern angle of section 14 parish of Dewrang ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of that section and a line north to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the northern and western boundary of the district to the commencing point.

3. COLERAINE DIVISION:— Commencing at the western angle of allotment 1 section 18 parish of Carapook ; thence by a road forming the western boundary of sectious 18 and 10 to the main road from Coleraine to Casterton ; thence by that road north-westerly to the western angle of allotment 4 of section 4 ; thence by a road north-easterly to the north-east angle of allotment 9 of section 3 north-westerly to the south-west angle of allotment 4 section 11 parish of Bruk Bruk and northerly to the south-eastern angle of section 14 parish of Dewrang ; thence by the southern and western boundaries of that section and a line north to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary easterly and southerly to the Wannon River ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

4. DIGBY DIVISION:— Commencing at the junction of the River Glenelg and the River Crawford; thence by the Rivers Glenelg and Wannon to the north-west angle of the Park Hill pre­ emptive section ; thence south-westerly by a line to a point on the smith boundary of the Ardgarton pre-emptive section where it is intersected by the Euclam Creek; thence by that creek downwards to the southern boundary of the electoral district; and thence westerly bv that boundary to the commencing point. ,,- 9 ' THE

113 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.




Commencing at the Yackandandah Gap; thence by the Dividing Range to Mount Pilot; thence southwards by a spur from Mount Pilot and a line to the Falls on the Reedy Creek ; thence by the range forming the western part of the basin of the Sheep Station Creek to Native Dog Peak ; thence by a spur from that range running southward and westward to the western boundary of the electoral district; thence southwards by that boundary to the River Ovens ; thence by the River Ovens to a point due south of Jones's Gap ; thence north to Jones's Gap ; thence northerly by the Dividing Range the Dingle Range and the range forming the western part of the basin of the Yackandandah Creek to the Yackandandah Gap the commencing point.


Commencing at the source of the One Mile Creek (falling into Ovens River below Hooper's) ; thence by that creek to its junction with the Ovens River ; by the Ovens River downwards to the Eurobin Creek ; by that creek to its source; thence south­ ward by the watershed between the Buckland and the Buffalo Rivers to the electoral district boundary; and by that boundary eastward northward and westward to the commencing point.


Commencing at the Yackandandah Gap; thence by the range forming the north­ eastern basin of the Indigo Creek to Lady Franklin's Hill; thence north to the River Murray; thence by the River Murray to the western boundary of the electoral district; thence southwards by that boundary to a spur from Mount Pilot; and thence by the Mount Pilot Range and the Dividing Range to the commencing point.


Commencing at a point on the Ovens River due south of Jones's Gap; thence north to Jones's Gap; thence by the Dividing Range forming the basiu of the Myrtle Creek and the range separating the waters of the Kiewa River and the River Ovens to the source of the One Mile Creek (falling into the Ovens River below Hooper's); thence by that creek to its junction with the Ovens River; by the said river downwards to the junction of the Eurobin Creek; thence by that creek to its source; thence south­ ward by the watershed between the Buckland and Buffalo Rivers to the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary westward to the source of the Buffalo River ; thence by the said river to the junction with the Ovens River and by that river upwards to the commencing point.


Commencing at the Yackandandah Gap; thence south-westerly and easterly by the range forming the watershed between the tributaries of the Yackandandah Creek and of the Ovens River to the eastern boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point. 6. WODONGA

114 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


6. WODONGA DIVISION :— Commencing at the Yaekandandah Gap ; thence by the range forming the north­ eastern part of the basin of the Indigo Creek to Lady Franklin's Hill; (hence north to the river Murray ; thence by that river to its junction with the Mittn. MiUa River; thence by a line south-westerly to the northern flank of the Middle Creek Range ; and thence south-westerly by the Middle Creek Range to the commencing point.

7. WOOLSIIED DIVISION:— Commencing at Mount Pilot; thence southwards by a spur from Mount Pilot and a line to the Falls on Reedy Creek ; thence by the Dividing Range forming the western part of the basin of Sheep Station Creek to Native Dog Peak ; thence by a spur from that range running southwards and westwards to the western boundary of the electoral district; thence north by that boundary to a spur running westward from Mount Pilot; and thence eastward by that spur to Mount Pilot the commencing point.


1. COLAC DIVISION:— $ Commencing at a point on the western shore of Lake Corangamite due west of the northern shore of Lake Murdeduke; thence east by a line to the western boundary of section 7 parish of Warracbarunah ; thence south to the northern boundary of the parish of Birrcgurra; thence by the northern and eastern boundaries of that parish to the River Barwou; thence by that river and Matthew's Creek to the source of the latter; thence by a line easterly to the mouth of the Grass Creek; and thence by the southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. INVERLEIGII DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the western shore of Lake Corangamite due west of the northern shore of Lake Murdeduke; thence by a line east to the last-named lake; thence by the shores of that lake and the northern boundary of the parish of IMirnee to the River Rarwon ; and thence by the eastern northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

3. WINCHELSEA (WEST) DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the western boundary of section 7 parish of Warrac­ barunah due west of the noithern shore of Lake Murdeduke ; thence east to the said lake; thence by the north-eastern chores of that lake and the northern boundary of the parish of Mirnee to the River Barwon ; thence by the e-stern and south-eastern boundaries of the electoral district to the mouth of Crass Creek; thence by ajiue westerly to the source of Matthew's Creek; thence by that creek and the River Barwon to the eastern boundary of the parish of Rirreguna; and thence by the eastern and northern boundaries of that pnrish and a line north to the commencing point. PORTLAND

115 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.



1. BRIDGEWATER DIVISION:— Commencing at the mouth of the River Surry ; thence by that river to its source; thence by a. line to the source of the Moleside Creek; thence by that creek and the Glenelg River to the western boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the western and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point; excepting the country included in the electoral division of Portland.

2. DARTMOOR DIVISION:— Commencing at a point one mile south of the south-west angle of the town of Lindsay ; thence east by a line to the Glenelg River; thence by that river downwards to the west boundary of the electoral district; and thence north by that boundary to the commencing point.

3. HEYWOOD DIVISION :— Commencing at the mouth of the Surry River; thence by the Surry River to its source; thence by a line to the source of the Moleside Creek ; thence by that creek to the River Glenelg; thence by the River Glenelg to the River Crawford; and thence by the northern eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

4 PORTLAND DIVISION:— Commencing at a point on the beach east eight chains from the north-west -angle of allotment No. 31 of northern suburbans; thence by a line bearing west to a point due north of the north-west angle of the town reserve of Portland; and thence by a line south and the western and southern boundaries of the said town reserve of Portland to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast to the commencing point.


1. CENTRAL DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by the Bridge road; on the east by the River Yarra Yarra on the south by Swan street; and on the west by the road.

2. JOLIMONT DIVISION :— Bounded on the east by the Punt road and Hoddle street; on the north west and tth by the northern western and southern boundaries of the electoral district. soui 3. NORTH DIVISION :— Bounded on the north and east by the boundaries of the electoral district; on the south by the Bridge road ; and on the west by Hoddle street.

*. SOUTH DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Swan street; on the east and south by the River Yarra Yarra ; and on the west by the Punt road. RrpoN 116 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment. 71

DIVISIONS OF mSrmiCTS-co?itinued.


1. BURRUMBEET DIVISION :- Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 132 parish of Burrumbeet; thence north to the electric telegraph line; thence by the line of telegraph to the Emu Creek; thence by the Emu Creek to the Dividing Range ; thence by that range to a point due north of the commencing point; and thence south to the commencing point.

2. CAMPERDOWN DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Emu Creek due west of the mouth of Lurnamarook Creek; thence by a line bearing east to Lake Gnarpurt; thence by the northern shores of that lake and a line to Lake Corangamite ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of the electoral district to Emu Creek ; and thence by Emu Creek to the commencing point.

3. CARNGHAM DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of Baillie's Creek and Emu Creek; thence by Baillie's Creek to Lake Burrumbeet; thence by the shores of Lake Burrumbeet to the south­ east angle of allotment No. 132 parish of Burrumbeet; thence by a line bearing north to the line of electric telegraph; thence westerly by the line of electric telegraph to Emu Creek; and thence by Emu Creek to the commencing point.

4. DARLINGTON DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Emu Creek west of Mount Vite Vite; thence east to Mount Vite Vite; thence south to a point four miles more or less south of Mount Clarke or Elephant; thence west to the Emu Creek ; and thence by that creek to the com­ mencing point.

5. LISMORE DIVISION:— Commencing at Mount Vite Vite; bounded on the north by a line bearing east to Gnarkeet Ponds; thence by said ponds southerly to the northern shore of Lake Corangamite ; thence by the north-western shore of said lake the northern shore of Lake Gnarpurt and a line bearing west to a point due south of Mount Vite Vite; thence by a line bearing due north to the point of commencement.

6. MINERSREST DIVISION :-~ Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 132 parish of Burrumbeet; thence north to the Dividing Range; thence by the said range to the source of the Burrumbeet Creek; thence by the said creek to the south-eastern shore of Lake Burrumbeet; and thence by the eastern shore of the said lake to the commencing point.

7. RAGLAN DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Fiery Creek where it would be intersected by :a line drawn from the south-east angle of the electoral district of Ararat to the source. o Broken Creek ; thence south-easterly to the said source; thence east 1 o Mount Emu Creek; thence by that creek to its source ; and thence by the northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point. 8. SKIP'ION

117 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


8. SKIPTON DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Fiery Creek where it would bo intersected by a line drawn from the south-east angle of the electoral district of Ararat to the source of Broken Creek ; thence south-easterly to the said source ? thence east to Mount Emu Creek; thence by that creek to the north-east angle of the county of Hampden; thence by the east boundary of that county to a point due east of Mount Yite Vite; thence west to the western boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary to the commencing point.


1. COROP DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the south boundary of the parish of South abuts thereon ; thence by that river to the road forming the south boundary of allotment 55 parish of Bonn ; thence by that road and the road from Runnymede to Shepparton to the north-west angle of the town of Corop; thence by the west and south boundaries of that town to Lake Cooper ; thence by the northern and eastern hanks of that lake to the south boundary of the parish of Corop ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Carag carag and Girgarre to the south-east angle of the latter parish ; thence by the west boundary of the parishes of Girgarre East and East to tbe north-west angle of the latter parish ; and thence by the south boundary of the parishes of and Echuca South to the commencing point.

2. ECHUCA DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the south boundary of the parish of Echuca South abuts thereon ; thence by that river and the Murray and Goulburn rivers to the east boundary of allotment 1 section 24 parish of Wyuna; thence south to the south-west angle of the parish of Taripta ; thence by the south boundary of the parishes of Tongala Koyuga and Echuca South to the commencing point.

3. HEATHCOTE DIVISION. Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the road forming the south­ eastern boundary of the Axedale pre-emptive section abuts thereon ; thence by that road and the road to Murchison to the Cornelia Creek ; thence by that creek and a branch thereof passing through the town of Redcastle to the road from Redcastle to Costerfield; thence by that road to the south boundary of the county of Rodney ; thence easterly by that boundary to the east boundary of the electoral district; and thence by the eastern southern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

4. MOOROOPNA DIVISION. Commencing at a point on the Goulburn River where the south boundary of the parish of Toolamba abuts thereon ; thence by that river to the east boundary of allotment 1 section 24 parish of Wyuna ; thence south by a line and the west boun­ dary of the parishes of Taripta Kyabram East and Girgarre East to the south-west angle of the latter parish ; and thence by the south boundary of that parish and of the parishes of Toolamba West and Toolamba to the commencing point. 5. RUNNYMEDE

118 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


5. RUNNYMEDE DIVISION. Commencing at a point on the Campaspe River where the road forming the south­ east boundary of the Axedale pre-emptive section abuts thereon; thence by that road and the road to Murchison to the Cornelia Creek ; thence by that creek to Lake Cooper; thence by the eastern and northern banks of that lake to the southern boun­ dary of the town of Corop; thence by the southern and west boundaries of that town to the road from Shepparton to Euunymede ; thence westerly by that road and the road forming the south boundary of allotment 55 parish of Bonn to the Campaspe River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

6. RUSHWORTH DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Goulburn River where the south boundary of the parish of Toolamba abuts thereon ; thence by that boundary and the south boundary of the parishes of Toolamba West Girgarre East G-irgarre Carag-carag and Corop to Lake Cooper ; thence by the eastern bank of that lake to Cornelia Creek ; thence by that Creek and a branch thereof passing through the town of Redcastle to the road from Redcastle to Costerfield ; thence by that road to the south boundary of the county of Rodney ; and thence by the south and east boundaries of that county to the commencing point.

SANDHURST. 1. ELYSIAN FLAT DIVISION :- Commencing at a point on the north-eastern boundary of the electoral district where it is intersected by Spring Creek; thence by the boundary of the district north­ westerly to the northern angle thereof and south-westerly about one hundred and ninety-five chains ; thence by a line east to Spring Creek; and thence by that creek to the commencing point.

2. LONG GULLY DIVISION:~ Commencing at a point on the Bendigo Creek forty chains south of the junction of Ash street and High street ; thence west to the south-west angle of the electoral district; thence north four miles; thence east to the Bendigo Creek; and thence southward by the Bendigo Creek to the commencing point; excepting the portion thereof included in the electoral divisions of Sandhurst A and Sandhurst B.

3. SANDHURST (A) DIVISION :- Commencing at a, point on the ridge which divides Commissioner's and Ironbark Gullies bearing north forty-two degrees west fourteen chains sixty-four links from the north angle of section 24B City of Sandhurst; thence south forty-seven degrees fifteen minutes west to the centre of Mount Korong road ; thence south-easterly by a line passing through the centre of Don Myrtle and Russell streets to the point where the latter is crossed by the old town boundary ; thence by a line bearing north fifty- eiffht degrees sixteen minutes enst to a post marked T. B. 9 on the west side of Back Creek; thence crossing Back Creek north thirty degrees three minutes east forty- four chains to a post marked T. B. 10; thence north twenty-six degrees five minutes west thirtv-two chains fifty links to a post marked T. B. 11 ; thence nortli forty-nix degrees two minutes west seventy-five chains sixty links crossing Bendigo Creek and the niHin road to the White Hills to a post marked T. B. 1 on the before men­ tioned ridge ; thence south thirty-four degrees ten minutes west seventy-foui chains ten links to a post marked T. B. 14 being the point of commencement.

119 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


4, SANDHURST (B) DIVISION :— Commencing at a point in the centre of the Mount Korong road where it is crossed by the old town boundary; thence south 47 degrees 15 minutes west to a post marked T. B. 1 ; thence south 33 degrees 30 minutes west twenty-nine chains forty-three links crossing New Chum Gully to a post marked T. B. 2 ; thence south 31 degrees 45 minutes west sixty-one chains sixty links to a post marked T. B. 3 ; thence south 17 degrees 5 minutes west sixty-six chains fifty links to a post marked T. B. 4; thence south 73 degrees 53 minutes east seventy-five chains forty links crossing Bendigo Creek and the main road to Melbourne and also Adelaide Gully to a post marked T. B. 6; thence north 17 degrees 7 minutes east fifty-nine chains thirty- seven links to a post marked T. B. 7; thence north 35 degrees 45 minutes east forty- seven chains crossing Golden Gully to a post marked T. B. 8 ; thence north 58 degrees 16 minutes east to the centre of Russell street; thence north-westerly by a line passing along the centre of that street Myrtle street and Don street to the point of commencement.

& SPRING CREEK DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Bendigo Creek forty chains south of the junction of Ash street and High street; thence east to the south-west angle of the electoral district; thence north four miles; thence west to the Bendigo Creek; and thence southwards by the Bendigo Creek to the commencing point; excepting the portion thereof included in the electoral divisions of Sandhurst A and Sandhurst B.

6. WHITE HILLS DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the eastern boundary of the electoral district bearing north about one hundred and eighty-five chains from the south-east angle thereof; thence north about one hundred and thirty-five chains; thence west to the Spring Creek; thence by that creek to the north-eastern boundary of the district; and thence by the north-eastern and east boundary thereof to the commencing point,

SANDRIPOT, SANDRIDGE DISTRICT :—As hereinbefore aescrfte^

ST. KILDA. 1. SOUTH YARRA DIVISION:— Bounded on the north by the River Yarra; on the south-west by the main Brighton road; on the south by Commercial and Malvern roads; and on the east by the eastern boundary of the electoral district.

2. ST. KILDA NORTH DIVISION :— Bounded on the south by Inkerman street; on the west by the Punt road; on the north by Wellington street and the Dandenong road ; and on the exist by the boundary of the electoral district. 3. ST. KILDA

120 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


3. ST. K1LDA SOUTH DIVISION :— Bounded on the west by the Punt road ; on the north by lukerman street; and on the east and south by the boundaries of the electoral district.

4. ST. KILDA (WEST) DIVISION :— Bounded on the north-west by Fitz Roy street; on the east by the Punt road; on the south by the boundary of the electoral district; and on the wes by the sea coast.

5. WINDSOR DIVISION :— Bounded on the north by Commercial and Malvern roads; on the south by Wellington street and the Great Dandenong road; and on the west and east by the boundaries of the electoral district.

STAWELL. 1. PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION:— Commencing on the Concongella Creek at the north-east angle of allotment 132 parish of Kirkella; thence southerly by that creek to the south boundary of the parish of Stawell; thence west by that boundary to the intersection of the Ararat and Stawell main road ; thence south-easterly by that road to the junction of the Moyston road; thence by the latter road south-westerly till it intersects the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary westward northward and eastward to the commencing point.

2. WATTA WELLA DIVISION :— Commencing at the junction of the Concongella Creek with the River Wimmera; thence by that creek southerly to the south boundary of the parish of Stawell; thence west by that boundary till it intersects the Ararat and Stawell main read; thence south-easterly by that road to the junction of the Moyston road; thence by the Moyston road south-westerly till it intersects the boundary of the electoral district; thence by that boundary east north and north-westerly to the commencing point.


1. CARAMUT DIVISION :- Commencing at the northern angle of McArthur's pre-emptive section; thence westerly to the south-eastern angle of the parish of Purdeet; thence by the southern boundary of that parish and a line west to the road leading from the River Eumeralla to Hutton's pre-emptive section; thence by that road to a point due west of tne northern boundary of Lindsay's pre-emptive section; thence east to Spring Creek • thence by that creek to Yonle's Creek; thence by that creek and a line east to the River Hopkins; thence northerly and westerly by the county boundary to a large swamp unnamed north of Lake Repose; thence southwards by the chain of swamps and the creek to the said Lake Repose; thence by a line south-westerly to the source of Muston's Creek ; and thence by that creek to the northern angle or McArthur s pre-emptive section the commencing point. ^ HEYTESBURY

121 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. HEYTESBURY (EAST) DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Emu Creek true west of the northern shore of Lake Purrumbeet; thence by a line south to Curdie's Creek; thence by that creek to the sea coast; and thence by the southern eastern and northern boundaries of the to the commencing point.

3. HEYTESBURY (WEST) DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on Emu Creek true west of the northern shore of Lake Purrumbeet; thence south bv a line to Curdie's Creek ; thence by that creek to the sea coast; and thence by the southern western and northern boundaries of the county of Heytesbury to the commencing point; excepting the portion thereof included in the electoral district of Warrnambool.

4. KOROIT DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the sea coast where the eastern boundary of the electoral district of Belfast abuts thereon; thence by that boundary to the road forming the south-western boundary of section A parish of Meerai; thence south-easterly by that road to the northern boundary of the town of Winslow; thence by that northern boundary to the north-eastern angle of the said town; thence south by a Government road and by the western boundary of portion 11 parish of Yangery to the • thence by the Merri River to the sea coast; and thence by the sea coast to the point of commencement.

5. MINHAMITE DIVISION re­ commencing at a point on the Hopkins River due east of the north-east angle of Quamby pre-emptive section ; thence west to the said angle ; thence by Youl's Creek and Spring Creek to the north-east angle of allotment 5 section 14 parish of Minjah ; thence by the north boundary of that allotment and a line west to the road leading north-westerly to the Eumeralla River ; thence by that road to the southern boundary of the parish of Yatmerone; thence west to the Eumeralla River ; thence by that river to the northern boundary of the electoral district of Belfast; theuce by the northern and eastern boundaries of that electoral district to the road forming the south-western boundary of section A parish of Meerai; thence by that road to the north boundary of the town of Winslow; thence by the north and east boundaries of that town and a road southerly to the south-west angle of allotment 21 parish of Yangery ; thence by the north boundary of the electoral district of Warrnambool to the Hopkins River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

6. MORTLAKE DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the River Hopkins west of the south shore of Lake Conewarren; thence by a line bearing east to the Emu Creek ; thence by the said creek to the southern boundary of the county of Ripon; thence by that boundary to the River Hopkins; and thence by the said river to the point of commencement.

7. MOUNT ROUSE DIVISION :— Commencing at the northern angle, of McArthur's pre-emptive section ; thence by a line westerly to the south-eastern angle of the parish of Purdeet; thence by the southern boundary of that parish and a line west to the River Eumeralla; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the to a swamp unnamed north of Lake Repose; thence southwards by the chain of swamps and the creek to the said Lake Repose; thence by a line south-westerly to Mnston's (.'reek; and tlience by that creek to the commencing point. ft. TLRANG

1 i>2 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


8. TERANG DIVISION :— Commencing' at a point on the River Hopkins west of the south boundary of Lake Oonewarren ; bounded on the north by a line bearing' due east to Emu Creek ; thence by that creek to the River Hopkins; and thence by the said river to the point of commencement.

9. WICKLIFFE DIVISION :— Commencing at Mount Abrupt; thence by the southern boundary of the county of Ripon to the south-west angle of the parish of Caramballuc North; and thence by the eastern northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the com­ mencing point.

WARRNAMBOOL. 1. ALLANSFORD DIVISION:— Commencing at the mouth of the Hopkins River ; thence by that river to the north boundary of allotment 6 parish of Tallangatta ; and thence easterly southerly and westerly by the boundary of the electoral district to the commencing point.

2. WANGOOM DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the Hopkins River being- the south-west angle of section 1 parish of Wangoom ; thence by the west boundary of that section to the south-east angle of allotment 12 section A ; thence west to the Merri River ; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the electoral district to the Hopkins River aforesaid ; and thence by that river to the commencing point.

3. WARRNAMBOOL DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the River Hopkins being the south-western angle of section 1 parish of Wangoom ; and bounded on the east hy a line bearing north eighty chains j on the north by a line bearing west to the Merri River ; on the west and south-west by the Merri River to its mouth; on the south by the sea coast of Warrnambool Bay from the mouth of the said river to that of the River Hopkins; and thence to the'point of commencement (including the islands off the coast).


1. NORTH WlLLIAMSTOWN DIVISION :— Commencing at a point on the shore of Hobson's Bay in a line with the centre of Ferguson street; thence west by a line passing through the centre of that street to the east boundary of portion A section 3 parish of Cut-Paw-Paw ; thence north by a line to Stony Creek ; and thence by that creek the Yarra Yarra River and the shore of Hobson's Bay to the commencing point,

123 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.


2. SOUTH WILLIAMSTOWN DIVISION :— Commencing on the sea coast at the south-east angle of portion A section 3 parish of Cut-Paw-Paw ; thence north to Ferguson street* thence east by a line passing- through the centre of that street to the shore of Hobson's Bay; and thence south­ easterly southerly and westerly by the shores of that bay and Port Phillip Bay to the commencing point.


1. ARAPILES DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 41 parish of Awonga ; thence by the boundary of that parish north and westerly to the south-eastern angle of the parish of Dopewarra ; thence north by the east boundary of the parishes of Dope- warra and Mortat to the Mallee Scrub ; thence by the margin of the Mallee easterly to a point bearing west from the south-west angle of the parish of Wail ; thence east to the River Wimmera ; thence by that river and Norton Creek upwards to the northern boundary of the parish of Mockinya ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of that parish to the north-east' angle of the parish of Connangorach ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the last-named parish to the south­ east angle of the parish of Carchap ; and thence west to the commencing point.

2. BANYENNA DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-west angle of the parish of Lallat; thence east to the Avon River ; thence by that river and the Richardson River upwards to the south boundary of the parish of Burrum Burrum ; thence west to the south-west angle of the parish of Lallat ; and thence north to the commencing point.

3. BOOROOPKI DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Dopewarra ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the parish of Awonga to the north-east angle of the parish of Jallakin ; thence west to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence north by that boundary about twelve miles to the Mallee Scrub ; thence easterly by the margin of the Mallee to the eastern boundary of the parish of Mortat; and thence south to the commencing point.

4. CHARLTON WEST DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of the parish of Coonooer West; thence by the southern and western boundaries of that parish, the western boundary of the parishes of Doboobetic, Wooronook, West Charlton, and Teddywaddy, and by the northern boundary of the last-named parish to the western boundary of the parish of Wycheproof ; thence by the western and northern boundaries of the parish of Wyclieproof to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary southerly to the commencing point.

5. DONALD DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of the parish of Dunmunkle ; thence by the western and northern boundaries of that parish and of the parish of Carron, the northern boundary of the parishes of Witchipool, Banyenong, and Jeffbott, and by the

124 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


the eastern boundary of the parishes of Jeffcott and Donald to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence by that boundary westerly and south-westerly to a point bearing east from the south-east angle of the parish of Dunmunkle; and thence west to the commencing point.

6. EDENIIOPE DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-eastern angle of the parish of Awonga ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Jallakin ; thence west to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence by that boundary south and easterly to the eastern boundary of the parish of Kadnook ; thence north to the south boundary of the parish of Yallakar ; thence west to a point south of the south-east angle of the parish of Awonga ; and thence north to the commencing point.

7. GLENORCHY DIVISION :— Commencing at a point where the south boundary of the parish of Burrum Burrum crosses the Wimmera River ; thence west to the north-east angle of the parish of Marma ; thence by the eastern and southern boundaries of that parish to the Mount William Creek ; thence by that Creek downwards to the east boundary of the parish of Drung Drung ; thence south to the south-east angle of the parish of Lab Arum ; thence by a line south-easterly to Briggs's Bluff; thence southerly by the Grampian Rauge to the boundary of the electoral district; and thence by that boundary easterly and northerly to the commencing point.

8. HARROW DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-east angle of allotment 41, parish of Awonga; thence south to the south boundary of the parish of Yallakar ; thence east to the north-east angle of the parish of Kadnook ; thence south to the boundary of the ; thence easterly and northerly by that boundary to the northern boundary of the parish of Mockinya ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of that parish to the north-east angle of the parish of Connangorach ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of the last named parish to the south-east angle of the parish of Carchap ; and thence west to the commencing point.

9. HORSHAM DIVISION : Commencing at the north-west angle of the parish of Wail ; thence by the northern boundary of the parishes of Wail and Kalkee, and the eastern boundaries of the parishes of Kalkee and Dooen to the Wimmera River ; thence by that river and the Mount William Creek upwards to the east boundary of the parish of Drung Drung ; thence south to the south-east angle of the parish of Lah Arum ; thence by a line south-easterly to Briggs's Bluff; thence southerly by the Grampian Range to the boundary of the electoral district ; and thence by that boundary and the western boundary of the county of Boning to the commencing point.

10. KEWELL DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-west angle of the parish of Kalkee ; thence boundary of the parishes of Kalkee, Jung Jung, Ashens, and Rupanyup, to the south­ west angle of the parish of Dunmunkle ; thence by the west boundary of the parish of Dunmunkle, the north boundary of the parishes of Nullan, Kellalac, and Wallup, and the west boundary of the parishes of Wallup and Kewell West, to the commencing

P°int' ' 11. LAWLOIT

125 Electoral Act Amendment. [40 VICT.

DIVISIONS OF \n$T\\\C:V*—conCmue.il.

11. LAWLOIT DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-oast angle of the parish of Wail ; thence by the northern and western boundaries of lhai parish to the south-west angle thereof; thence west across the Wimmera River to the Mallee Send) ; thence by the margin of the Mallee westerly to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence north to the northern boundary of the ; thence by the northern and eastern boundary of that county to the Outlet Creek ; thence by that creek the eastern margin of and again by the Outlet Creek to the southern boundary of the county of Weeah ; thence by the southern boundary of the counties of Weeah and Karka- roc to a point bearing north from the north-east angle of the parish of Dirnboola ; and thence south to the commencing point.

12. LONGERENONO DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-west augle of the parish of Jung Jung ; thence by the northern boundary of the parishes of Jung Jung Ashens and Rupanyup, the eastern boundary of the parishes of Rupanyup and Marma, and by the southern boundary of the last named parish to the Mount William Creek ; thence by that creek and the Wimmera River downwards to the south-eastern angle of the parish of Dooen ; and thence by the eastern boundary of the parishes of Dooen and Kalkee to the commen­ cing point.

13. DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-west angle of the county of Millewa ; thence by the south boundary of that county and a line east to the east boundary of the ; thence north to the Murray River ; and thence by the northern and western boundaries of the electoral district to the commencing point.

14. DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the county of Weeah ; thence by the east boundary of that county to the Outlet Creek ; thence by that creek, the eastern margin of Lake Albacutya, and again by that creek to the southern boundary of the county of Weeah ; thence by the south boundaries of the counties of Weeah and Karkarooc east to the margin of the Mallee about 2 miles east of the north-east angle of the parish of Yarrak ; thence by the margin of the Mallee to a point west of the northern angle of the Springfield pre-emptive section ; thence east to that angle ; thence by a direct line south-easterly to the north-west angle of the Bael Bael pre-emptive section ; thence by the northern boundary of that section to the boundary of the electoral district ; thence by that boundary north and north-westerly to the east boundary of the county of Karkarooc ; thence south by that boundary about 22 miles ; and thence west to the commencing point.

15. TOWANINNY DIVISION :— Commencing at the south-western angle of the parish of Bunguluke ; thence by the southern boundary of that parish to the Avoca River ; thence by that river downwards to the north boundary of the Bael Bael pre-emptive section ; thence to the north-western angle of that section ; thence by a direct line north-westerly to the northern angle of the Springfield pre-emptive section ; thence west across Tyrrell Creek to the Mallee Scrub ; thence by the margin of the Mallee southerly to a point near the north-west side of the road from Thalia to Towaninny, bearing north from the north-east angle of the parish of Thalia ; thence south to that angle ; and thence by the eastern boundary of that parish to the commencing point. 16. WARRACKNABEAL

126 No. 548.] Electoral Act Amendment.


16. WARRACKNABEAL DIVISION :— Commencing at the north-east angle of the parish of Dunmunkle ; thence by the north boundary of the parishes of Dunmunkle Kellalac and Wallup to the north-west angle of the last-named parish ; thence north to the boundary of the county of Karkarooc ; thence east to the north-east angle of the parish of Yarrak; and thence by the eastern boundary of the parishes of Yarrak and Areegra to the commencing point.

17. WATCHEM DIVISION:— Commencing at the south-west angle of the parish of Watchem ; thence by the southern boundary of the parishes of Watchem Corack and Corack East and the eastern boundary of the last-named parish to the south boundary of the parish of Thalia ; thence by the southern and eastern boundary of the parish of Thalia and a line north crossing the road from Thalia to Towaninny to the Mallee scrub ; thence by the margin of the Mallee to a point on the south boundary of the county of Karkarooc about two miles east of the north-east angle of the parish of Yarrak ; thence west to that angle ; and thence south to the commencing point.

MELBOURNE: By Authority: JOHN FERRES, Government Printer*

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