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Convolvulaceae SMlTHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY NUMBER 36 Flora of Micronesia, 3: Convolvulaceae F. Raymond Fosberg and Marie-Hhline Sachet SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1977 ABSTRACT Fosberg, F. Raymond, and hlarie-Helene Sachet. Flora of Micronesia, 3: Con- volvulaceae. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, number 36, 34 pages, 1 figure, 1977.-The third installment of the Flora of Micronesia includes a brief intro- duction with acknowledgments and references to the previously published parts of the flora. A floristic taxonomic account of the Convolvulaceae of Micronesia is given, with descriptions, keys, synonymy, ethnobotany (including vernacular names and uses), and citations of geographic records and herbarium specimens. OI:FICIAL PUBLlCAnoN DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIESCOVER DFSICN: Leaf clearing from the katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicurn Siebold and Zuccarini. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised) Fosberg, Francis Raymond, 1908- Flora of Micronesia. (Smithsonian contributions to botany, no. 20, 24, 36) Bibliography: v. 1, p. 14. Contents: 1. Gvmnospermae. 2. Casuarinaceae, Piperaceae, and Myricaceae. 3. Convolvulaceae. Supt. of Docs, no.: SI 1.29:20 1. Botany-Micronesia. 2. Ethnobotany-Micronesia. I. Sachet, Marie Helene, joint author. 11. Title. 111. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to botany, no. 20 [etc.] QKl.SZ747 no. 20, etc. [QK473.M5] 581'.08s [581.9'96'5] 7411316 Contents Page Introduction ...................................................... 1 CONVOLVULACEAE.................................................. 4 Aniseia Choisy ................................................. 5 Argyreia Loureiro ........................................... 5 Cu~cutaL.................................................. 5 Evolvulus L .............................................. 6 Zpomoea L ..................................................... 6 Merremia Dennstedt ex Hallier f ............................. 25 Operculina Manso ........................................... 29 Stictocardia Hallier f .......................................... 30 Synonyms and Excluded or Misapplied Names ............... 31 Literature Cited ..... ....... 34 Flora of Micronesia, 3: Convolvulaceae F. Raymond Fosberg and Marie-Hiline Sachet Introduction specimens still in the possession of the authors. We wish to thank, again, the authorities of the various The third installment of the Flora of Micronesia herbaria where we have studied or borrowed ma- treats the family Convolvulaceae, with five native terial, for the privilege of using their collections and two introduced (plus one doubtful) genera, and for their hospitality. including twelve probably native species and fifteen As mentioned in the first installment, we cannot clearly introduced ones or widespread tropical list the many persons who helped us in the field, weeds. It follows essentially the format of the first in the herbarium, and in the office. For the prep- and second installments (Smithsonian Contribu- aration of this chapter, however, we owe special tions to Botany 20 and 24). gratitude to Miss Frances J. Corridon, who tran- Further and more complete bibliographic detail scribed and arranged much of the geographical may be found in Sachet and Fosberg, Island Bibli- information and citations, and typed an earlier og~aphies(1955), and its Supplement (1971), with version of the manuscript; Mrs. Denise Ford typed a complete list of serial abbreviations. the manuscript on the edityper, eliminating errors For details of the history and circumstances of and incorporating changes and new material; Mr. the present flora, as well as an explanation of its Royce Oliver handled specimens, transcribed data scope and arrangement, reference may be made to from them, kept readily available the materials on the introductory pages of the first installment. which the treatment is based, and on occasion In citations of specimens, the coilector's name saved us from making or perpetuating errors; bliss and number are italicized and the herbaria where Dulcie Powell, a specialist in the New World Con- they are deposited are indicated only if the speci- volvulaceae, critically checked various sections of men has been examined by the authors. Her- the manuscript. barium symbols are according to the 6th edition of In preparing this account we have drawn freely Index Herbariorum, Part I, compiled by Holmgren on the valuable works of S. J. van Ooststroom on and Keuken, 1974. In this edition the symbols the Llalaysian Convolvulaceae (1938, 1939, 1940, "HAW" for the University of Hawaii and "GUAM" 1943, 1945, and van Ooststroom and Hoogland, for the University of Guam are introduced, dif- 1953), without accepting fully all of the conclusions fering from those used for these two herbaria in found there. We gratefully acknowledge our in- installments 1 and 2. The symbol "Fo" is used for debtedness and appreciation of the critical and meticulous work of these authors. Dr. Daniel F. F. Raymond Fosbei-g and Marie-He' Sachet, Department Austin, contemporary authority on the family has of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithson- generously made available his critical knowledge ian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. and has saved us from making a few mistakes. 0 100 200 300 400 500 Statute Miles b RYUKYU I I I I I 1 $bkinawa-jima ~aha-jimd ISLANDSBONIN "Dait6-jima Kito-io-jlma. l SLANDS - 2b0 Iwo Jima, VOLCANO ISLANDS -CI / Minami-16- jima r, rcusg1 c- - Ma 4 /- / / rZ 4 - /- / / Parece Vela 'Uracas .paug 1 Asuncion ."Agrigan MARIANAS / Saipan / Tinion3igiguan PHILIPPINE / ISLANDS L / Santa Rosa Reef I 1 .... Ulithi YAR " 'FaisFnis Gaferut - Murilo / ' Narnonuito;itol.";i~.~yu::JI. ..,:.... ~,~&:;Murilo Mindanoo-. PALAU .KayangI '~gulu ..Sore/ Faraula~"W, F~YU.P!kelotP",;' Pula " Nomwin I l~~~~~~~habeldaobl~LA~D~$'~abeldaob Olinarao'ullnaraO' ,:..La,motrek,:..La.motrek .;. ~RUK.. ' Woleal .: .. Elat8 K~~~.'.Noma / peli~iu''~eti~iu.'Angaur Eour[p[k.~ lfaluk atowat P"lu!ot Losap Pulusuk Namoluk / Pulusuk Namoluk Lukuno r ,:.: SonsoroJ Lukuno r ,:.: -5O 1 . Pulo Anna Sotawdn 0 i Mer i r CAROLINE I SLANDS 0 " -- - I 6 5- - - .. D MOLUCCAS NEW GUINEA -so 130' 1 teBikar Eni wetok.:ij Bin: ,:,Rongela~ Utirik I Ailinginae "" konger~k"~~~~ I 9 Ailuk, wotho.: Qd Jei-npLfk .'+Mejit U jelang.:; % Kwajplein,,_;;~+ IteY$$tjeMARSHALL 1 I </3- Ujag'. *~tli'.i Erik& '(?Maloelap Lib? ,, ::: A u r ,..Oroluk Pakin Namu '.; ::n Jabwot ISLANDS \ Ailinglapalap'5' Maj o<;,,4+Arn~ I Ant'.t.o PONAPE ~okii:.pi,,pelaP Jaluif O+ !:;;Mi li I "hgatik Namorik:: ..' '' Knox Kili 9+ 'KUSAIE q ,,, I '!'E boil ,:.NUkuoro 9% I ,Little Makip GILBERT Butarltarl(Makin) o Marakei Abaiangy T~~~~~ 1 ,: Kapingamarangi ISLANDS ;.i:Maiana Kuria.~j.:.t,~:. Abbemama 1 .Nauru Aranuka 1 Banaba* F;lonouti~;i Beru (Ocean) Tabiteuea:h. <> -, - .-- -- --- one tea:..,: Nikunau\ ---__- - ---Tamano' iAroroi a - -- A SOLOMON E LLlCE So - ISLANDSo, 165' 1 70° 175 F 180° I I 1 "' I .f S3lITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY We ale also indebted to hlrs. hI. J. van Steenis- In the paragraph headed "Uses" under the Kruseman and Dr. IY. T. Stearn for their critical various species, we have, where the material was work in establishing exact dates for a great many not too verbose, copied more or less verbatim from of the works cited. The dates cited with the refei- field labels, field notes, published articles and books, ences are ordinarily those on the title pages, with I~uthave used quotation marks only where they corrected dates added in square brackets. Alost of seeill useful to clarify the source of the information. the latter are taken from Flora Malesiana I by the The sources are always provided, except in cases above authors (1954), and from additional articles where the information is from our own personal supplementary to this, by llrs, van Steenis, pub- knowledge. lished in Flora Malesiana Bulletin. "Taxonomic Literature" (Stafleu, 1967) was also consulted £01 CONVOLVULACEAE problematic dates. In the text we have used unp~~blishedinforma- Herbaceous or woody twiners or creepers, rarely tion in the form of personal communications from erect herbs or shrubs (very rarely trees but not in Prof. Harold St. John of the B. P. Bishop Xluseum, hlicronesia), frequently lactiferous but not copiously Prof. Walter Lewis of Washington University, Prof. so; leaves alternate, frequently cordate, hastate, or Daniel Austin of Florida Atlantic University, hlr. sagittate, simple but occasionally deeply divided Carl Stensland, retired from the U.S. Geological or palnlatifid so as to appear compound, rarely Survey, Prof. Joe llarshall of the University of pinnately divided; stipules none; calyx of 5 free Arizona, Alrs. 11. V. C. Falanruw of the Yap Insti- sepals; corolla sympetalous, not ordinarily deeply tute of Natural Science, and Mr. Donald Anderson lobed or divided; stamens 5, attached to corolla of the H. L. Lyon Arboretum, Honolulu. IVe wish near base, or part way up tube; ovary superior, to express our thanks to these people for providing 2-, 5-, or 4-celled with 2 basal ovules in each cell, this information and permitting us to use it. style usually single, filiform, rarely 2 and branched; Key to Micronesian Genera of Convolvulaceae 1. Leafless, threadlike, orange 01 at leas1 tiongreen plants Cuscuta 1. Leafy plants with green colol 2 2. Leaves olate, oblong, or elliptic to linear, not cordale 01 othelnise lobed
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