Flora of Micronesia, 3:

F. Raymond Fosberg and Marie-Hhline Sachet


Fosberg, F. Raymond, and hlarie-Helene Sachet. Flora of Micronesia, 3: Con- volvulaceae. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany, number 36, 34 pages, 1 figure, 1977.-The third installment of the Flora of Micronesia includes a brief intro- duction with acknowledgments and references to the previously published parts of the flora. A floristic taxonomic account of the Convolvulaceae of Micronesia is given, with descriptions, keys, synonymy, ethnobotany (including vernacular names and uses), and citations of geographic records and herbarium specimens.

OI:FICIAL PUBLlCAnoN DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIESCOVER DFSICN: Leaf clearing from the katsura tree Cercidiphyllum japonicurn Siebold and Zuccarini.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised) Fosberg, Francis Raymond, 1908- Flora of Micronesia. (Smithsonian contributions to botany, no. 20, 24, 36) Bibliography: v. 1, p. 14. Contents: 1. Gvmnospermae. 2. Casuarinaceae, Piperaceae, and Myricaceae. 3. Convolvulaceae. Supt. of Docs, no.: SI 1.29:20 1. Botany-Micronesia. 2. Ethnobotany-Micronesia. I. Sachet, Marie Helene, joint author. 11. Title. 111. Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions to botany, no. 20 [etc.] QKl.SZ747 no. 20, etc. [QK473.M5] 581'.08s [581.9'96'5] 7411316 Contents

Page Introduction ...... 1 CONVOLVULACEAE...... 4 Choisy ...... 5 Argyreia Loureiro ...... 5 Cu~cutaL...... 5 Evolvulus L ...... 6 Zpomoea L ...... 6 Dennstedt ex Hallier f ...... 25 Operculina Manso ...... 29 Stictocardia Hallier f ...... 30 Synonyms and Excluded or Misapplied Names ...... 31 Literature Cited ...... 34

Flora of Micronesia, 3: Convolvulaceae

F. Raymond Fosberg and Marie-Hiline Sachet

Introduction specimens still in the possession of the authors. We wish to thank, again, the authorities of the various The third installment of the Flora of Micronesia herbaria where we have studied or borrowed ma- treats the family Convolvulaceae, with five native terial, for the privilege of using their collections and two introduced (plus one doubtful) genera, and for their hospitality. including twelve probably native species and fifteen As mentioned in the first installment, we cannot clearly introduced ones or widespread tropical list the many persons who helped us in the field, weeds. It follows essentially the format of the first in the herbarium, and in the office. For the prep- and second installments (Smithsonian Contribu- aration of this chapter, however, we owe special tions to Botany 20 and 24). gratitude to Miss Frances J. Corridon, who tran- Further and more complete bibliographic detail scribed and arranged much of the geographical may be found in Sachet and Fosberg, Island Bibli- information and citations, and typed an earlier og~aphies(1955), and its Supplement (1971), with version of the manuscript; Mrs. Denise Ford typed a complete list of serial abbreviations. the manuscript on the edityper, eliminating errors For details of the history and circumstances of and incorporating changes and new material; Mr. the present flora, as well as an explanation of its Royce Oliver handled specimens, transcribed data scope and arrangement, reference may be made to from them, kept readily available the materials on the introductory pages of the first installment. which the treatment is based, and on occasion In citations of specimens, the coilector's name saved us from making or perpetuating errors; bliss and number are italicized and the herbaria where Dulcie Powell, a specialist in the New World Con- they are deposited are indicated only if the speci- volvulaceae, critically checked various sections of men has been examined by the authors. Her- the manuscript. barium symbols are according to the 6th edition of In preparing this account we have drawn freely Index Herbariorum, Part I, compiled by Holmgren on the valuable works of S. J. van Ooststroom on and Keuken, 1974. In this edition the symbols the Llalaysian Convolvulaceae (1938, 1939, 1940, "HAW" for the University of Hawaii and "GUAM" 1943, 1945, and van Ooststroom and Hoogland, for the University of Guam are introduced, dif- 1953), without accepting fully all of the conclusions fering from those used for these two herbaria in found there. We gratefully acknowledge our in- installments 1 and 2. The symbol "Fo" is used for debtedness and appreciation of the critical and meticulous work of these authors. Dr. Daniel F. F. Raymond Fosbei-g and Marie-He' Sachet, Department Austin, contemporary authority on the family has of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithson- generously made available his critical knowledge ian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. and has saved us from making a few mistakes. 0 100 200 300 400 500 Statute Miles b RYUKYU I I I I I 1 $bkinawa-jima ~aha-jimd ISLANDSBONIN "Dait6-jima Kito-io-jlma. l SLANDS - 2b0 Iwo Jima, VOLCANO ISLANDS -CI / Minami-16- jima r, rcusg1 c- - Ma 4 /- / / rZ 4 - /- /

/ Parece Vela 'Uracas .paug 1 Asuncion ."Agrigan MARIANAS

/ Saipan / Tinion3igiguan PHILIPPINE / ISLANDS L / Santa Rosa Reef

I 1 .... Ulithi YAR " 'FaisFnis Gaferut - Murilo / ' Narnonuito;itol.";i~.~yu::JI. ..,:.... ~,~&:;Murilo Mindanoo-. PALAU .KayangI '~gulu ..Sore/ Faraula~"W, F~YU.P!kelotP",;' Pula " Nomwin I l~~~~~~~habeldaobl~LA~D~$'~abeldaob Olinarao'ullnaraO' ,:..La,motrek,:..La.motrek .;. ~RUK.. ' Woleal .: .. Elat8 K~~~.'.Noma / peli~iu''~eti~iu.'Angaur Eour[p[k.~ lfaluk atowat P"lu!ot Losap Pulusuk Namoluk / Pulusuk Namoluk Lukuno r ,:.: SonsoroJ Lukuno r ,:.: -5O 1 . Pulo Anna Sotawdn 0 i Mer i r CAROLINE I SLANDS 0 "

-- - I 6 5- - - .. D MOLUCCAS

NEW GUINEA -so 130' 1 teBikar Eni wetok.:ij Bin: ,:,Rongela~ Utirik I Ailinginae "" konger~k"~~~~ I 9 Ailuk, wotho.: Qd Jei-npLfk .'+Mejit U jelang.:; % Kwajplein,,_;;~+ IteY$$tjeMARSHALL 1 I

Kuria.~j.:.t,~:. . Abbemama 1 .Nauru Aranuka 1 Banaba* F;lonouti~;i Beru (Ocean) Tabiteuea:h. <> -, - .------one tea:..,: Nikunau\ ---__- - ---Tamano' iAroroi a - -- A SOLOMON E LLlCE So - ISLANDSo, 165' 1 70° 175 F 180° I I 1 "' I .f S3lITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

We ale also indebted to hlrs. hI. J. van Steenis- In the paragraph headed "Uses" under the Kruseman and Dr. IY. T. Stearn for their critical various species, we have, where the material was work in establishing exact dates for a great many not too verbose, copied more or less verbatim from of the works cited. The dates cited with the refei- field labels, field notes, published articles and books, ences are ordinarily those on the title pages, with I~uthave used quotation marks only where they corrected dates added in square brackets. Alost of seeill useful to clarify the source of the information. the latter are taken from Flora Malesiana I by the The sources are always provided, except in cases above authors (1954), and from additional articles where the information is from our own personal supplementary to this, by llrs, van Steenis, pub- knowledge. lished in Flora Malesiana Bulletin. "Taxonomic Literature" (Stafleu, 1967) was also consulted £01 CONVOLVULACEAE problematic dates. In the text we have used unp~~blishedinforma- Herbaceous or woody twiners or creepers, rarely tion in the form of personal communications from erect herbs or shrubs (very rarely trees but not in Prof. Harold St. John of the B. P. Bishop Xluseum, hlicronesia), frequently lactiferous but not copiously Prof. Walter Lewis of Washington University, Prof. so; leaves alternate, frequently cordate, hastate, or Daniel Austin of Florida Atlantic University, hlr. sagittate, simple but occasionally deeply divided Carl Stensland, retired from the U.S. Geological or palnlatifid so as to appear compound, rarely Survey, Prof. Joe llarshall of the University of pinnately divided; stipules none; calyx of 5 free Arizona, Alrs. 11. V. C. Falanruw of the Yap Insti- sepals; corolla sympetalous, not ordinarily deeply tute of Natural Science, and Mr. Donald Anderson lobed or divided; stamens 5, attached to corolla of the H. L. Lyon Arboretum, Honolulu. IVe wish near base, or part way up tube; ovary superior, to express our thanks to these people for providing 2-, 5-, or 4-celled with 2 basal ovules in each cell, this information and permitting us to use it. style usually single, filiform, rarely 2 and branched;

Key to Micronesian Genera of Convolvulaceae

1. Leafless, threadlike, orange 01 at leas1 tiongreen Cuscuta 1. Leafy plants with green colol 2 2. Leaves olate, oblong, or elliptic to linear, not cordale 01 othelnise lobed at base 3 3. Leaves olate, 1-1.4 crn long, se~iceous;corollas rotate or saucel-shaped: styles 2, these branched Evolvulus 3. Leales oblong to linear, 2.5 cm or more lotig, t~otse~iceous; corollas funnelfolm to campanulate; style 1, filiform 4 4. Outer sepals decunent on pedicel Aniseia 4. Outer sepals not decurrent Zpomoea aquatica 2. Lea~eslarioudy shaped, usuall) coldate, in ail\ clent lobed 01 subcordate at base, rarely truncate or obtuse, then lobed at apex 5 5. Leales peltate Merremia peltata 5. Leaves basally attached 6 6 Pollen grains smooth, anthe~scoiled 01 cur\etl; corolla broadly funnelform 01 campanulate, fairly bload almost to base 7 7. Outer lajel of capsule ci~cumscissile;lea\es 10 cm 01 mole across Operculina 7. Capsule ultimately ~plitt~~~ginto o\ate or lanceolate talles; lea~esusually 5 crn or less across, if la~ger,gene~ally dig~tate Merremia 6. Pollen grains spinulose, anthers stra~ght,cololla sltongl\ narto~redto base 8 8. Fruiting calyx greatly accrescent, thick at~dspongy, closed at tip and completely hiding capsule: capsule clehiscent b\ 4 dits 01 holes between the septa: calyx in flouer appearing rather truncate; leales mirlutely gland-dotted beneath Stictocardia 8. Fruiting calyx not 01 onl) inoderatel) accrescent, not spongy, not completely hiding capsule; capsule clehiscent In \al\es 01 irregularly; calyx, at least in flower, not appearing truncate; leaves (in Micror~esianspecies) not gland-dotted beneath lpomoea NUMBER 36

stigmas 1-3, usually thickened; fruit a 2-, 3-, or 4- Yap: 1 mi [1.6 km] E of Tegeren Canal, Tomil- celled dehiscent or indehiscent capsule, rarely fleshy Gagil, 40 m, Fosberg & Cushing 46330 (US, BISH, or corky, cells 1- or 2-seeded. Fo, K). An important tropical family with a few Tem- perate Zone members; includes many widespread Argyreia Loureiro pioneers and weedy species, as well as tropical forest lianas. Argyreia Loureiro, F1. Cochinch., 134, 1790. Because of the variability, the superficial simi- Lettsomia Roxburgh, F1. Ind., ed. Carey & Wallich, 2:75, larity between genera, and the lack of reliable 1824 [non Ruiz & Pavbn, 17941. vegetative characters, keys in the Convolvulaceae are not as satisfactory as might be desired. We have Argyreia sp. attempted to use vegetative characters wherever possible, but found no apparent way to avoid, in A sterile seen growing in a pot in Kwajalein places, using obscure characters or those requiring in 1958 probably belonged to this genus. Argyreia a particular stage in the life history of the plant. nelvosu (Burman f.) Bojer is widely cultivated but not, so far, known from NIicronesia unless the plant Aniseia Choisy seen in Kwajalein is that species. Aniseia Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genkve, 6:481, 1833. Cuscuta L. Herbaceous vines with adventitious roots; leaves Cz~scuta L., Sp. Pl., 124, 1753; Gen. PI., ed. 5., 60, 1754 nar~owedto base, usually not cordate; flowers on [= 17531. axillary peduncles; sepals very unequal in width, Threadlike or stringlike, parasitic, yellow or ouier ones decurrent on pedicel; corolla very orange, rarely greenish, vines, twining, without broadly funnelform, sericeous without; stamens roots except when very young, attached to host much shorter than corolla, anthers straight; style (or to themselves) by minute haustoria; leaves single, stigmas globose to oblong; fruit a capsule reduced to minute inconspicuous scales; flowers in dehiscent into 4 strong valves, white within. small, sometimes swollen, cymose clusters, small, white; calyx of 5 lobes, united at least to above Aniseia martinicensis (Jacquin) Choisy base, equal, thin; corolla 5-lobed, urceolate or campanulate, frequently with scalelike appendages Arziseia martinicensis (Jacquin) Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hisl. within at bases of stamens; ovary 2-celled, ovules 2 Nat. Genhve, 8:66, 1838.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Convolvulus martinicensis Jacquin, Select. Am., 26, t. 17, 1763. in a cell, styles 1 or usually 2, stigmas capitate to linear; fruit a thin-walled capsule, indehiscent, Plant sparsely to densely appressed-pilose; leaves breaking irregularly, or circumscissile; seeds usually narrowly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, apex 4. rounded, mucronate; peduncle with two bracts, the A widespread genus of many species, one of which upper one occasionally bearing an abortive flower- has recently been introduced into Yap. bud, flowers single, rarely several in an umbel or short raceme; outer sepals broadly ovate, acuminate, base rounded, strongly decurrent on pedicel; corolla Cuscuta campestris Yuncker white, 1.5-2 cm long; valves of fruit ovate; seeds Cuscuta canlpestris Yuncker, Mem. Torr. Club, 18:138, 1932. dull, sooty-brown, surface pilosulous, angles pilose. Pantropic, widespread in tropical America, occa- Stems threadlike, with occasional concave scales sional in Africa, Asia, and eastward in the Pacific at ramifications, haustoria irregularly distributed; as far as Tonga, Fiji, and Palau. inflorescences somewhat thickened, forked, cymules irregularly helicoid or subscorpioid, with obovate \'ERNACUL\R NAME.-tehelel-aul (Palau: Hosokawa, n.d.) hyaline bracts up to 2 x 1 mm, obtuse, flattish; CAROLINEISLANDS.--Palau: Babeldaob: Ngarath- flowers pedicellate, about 3 mm wide, closely sub- mao, Tziyama in 1939 (TI). tended by a tiny obtuse scale; calyx broadly cup SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

shaped, lobed to '/s-Y2 its length, lobes semi- kawa, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 25:35, 1935; ms., n.d. circular, slightly overlapping at sinuses; corolla Convolvulus alsinoides L., Sp. PI., 157, 1753. tube broad, included, lobes about equalling tube, A wiry pubescent herb, many stems ascending to exserted, ovate, obtusish but mucronulate, tending rpreading from a root crown, sparsely branched; to be reflexed, about 1 mm long; scales with leaves ovate, small, densely sericeous, acute, mucro- several blunt linear processes on each side of fila- nate, sessile; flowers pale bluish, very delicate, less ment; stamens exserted, filaments inserted in than 1 cm across; capsule globose, 3-4 mm across. sinuses, anthers broadly elliptic, curved, about 0.6 .-\ pantropical species known in AIicronesia from mm long, filaments about as long; ovary with apex depressed, styles filiform, about 1 mm long, stigmas Saipan and Tinian, where it grows on open pitted capitate; fruit depressed globose, about 2.5 mm coral limestone on coastal terraces, uncommon. across, with a large hole in top between persistent ~ZARIANAS ISI.ASDS.--Saipan: "Saipan borealis," styles; walls hyaline translucent; seeds about 1 mm Okabe in 1941 (TI); Raurau, 50 m, Hatusima 10679 across, subglobose with concavities from crowding, (FU), 10692 (FU). dark dull brown with black spot (hilum?), surface Tinian: Near Tyuro village, Hosokawa 7721 (A, dull, cellular-reticulate. BISH); "Palm Beach," about 1 mi [1.6 km] S of Recently adventive, native of North America, Faibus (San Hilo) Point, W coast of N half of widespread but not too common in the south island, Fosberg 24865 (US, BISH, Fo). Pacific from Indonesia to Fiji, Tahiti, Tuamotus, and Christmas Island. Said to have been brought to Yap from Hawaii, but this seems unlikely, as L. another distinct species, C. sandwichiana is the one Ipotnoea L., Sp. PI., 159, 1753: Gen. PI., ed. 5, 76, 1754 found there. Parasitic on Vigna marina and grasses [=1753]. along lagoon beach. Quamoclit Moench, Meth., 453, 1794. USE.-Worn as garlands by young people, accord- Batatas Choisy, Mkm. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genkve, 6:484. ing to M. V. C. Falanruw. 1833. Pharbitis Choisy, Mkm. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genkve, 6:438, CAROLINEISLANDS.-Yap: Colonia, along lagoon 1833. (Chamorro, or Benjo, Bay), 1972, Falanruw 2732 Calonyction Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genkve, 6:441, (US). 1833. 'Twining herbaceous to woody vines, creepers, or rarely erect herbs or shrubs; leaves simple, usually

Evolvulus L., Gen. PI., ed. 6, 152,1764 [=1762]. cordate, entire to deeply divided or dissected, petiolate; peduncles axillary, flowers solitary or Prostrate to ascending herbs; flowers 1-few on cymose; corolla narrowly funnelform or campanu- axillary peduncles, the peduncle, if I-flowered, with late, regular to somewhat zygomorphic, entire to a pair of bracts part way up; corolla saucer shaped somewhat 5-lobed, plicate in bud, median lines to very broadly campanulate, entire or almost so; heavy, intervening areas membranous; anthers in- stamens included, or at least shorter than corolla; cluded or exserted, straight; pollen grains spinulose; anthers straight; styles 2, forked, stigmas elongate; style 1, filiform, elongate, stigmas globose, 1 or fruit a dehiscent capsule, 2-celled, 4-seeded; seeds usually 2 or 3; fruit a capsule, dehiscing into 4 smooth, black. valves or irregularly. A pantropical genus, principally American, but A large pantropical and warm-temperate genus, with two wide-ranging species, one of which is found on almost all Pacific islands, including those known in Micronesia from the Marianas. in Micronesia; many of the species widespread and weedy, found on beaches and in disturbed places, a few found i11 lowland forests. "Morning Euoluulus alsinoides (L.) L. glory" is the name in general English usage for Evolvulus alsi~zoides(L.) L., Sp. PI., ed. 2, 392, 1762.-Hoso- several species. NUMBER 36 Key to Micronesian Species of Zpomoea L.

1. Leaves pinnately divided into narrowly linear or filiform lobes ...... I. qwmoclit 1. Leaves not pinnately divided ...... 2 2. Leaves bilobed at apex ...... I. ps-ca@ae 2. Leaves not bilobed ...... 3 3. Leaves digitately cut or divided ...... 4 4. Leaves divided not quite to base ...... 5 5. Herbaceous creeper; calyx 8 mm or less long; corolla thin, 3-4 cm long ...... I. batatas 5. Robust twining climber; caljx 1 cm long; corolla firm, 6 cm long I. mauritiana 4. Leaves divided to base I. horsfalliae 3. Leaves not digitately divided 6 6. Sepals with longitudinal keels or ribs, these deeply dentate toward base; leaves hastate or sagittate I. setifera var. fimbriosefiala 6. Sepals without longitudinal keels or ribs 7 7. Leaves appreciably longer than wide; plants not twining ...... 8 8. Leaves hastate, truncate, sagittate, or cordate at base, ordinarily less than 6 cm long; petioles fleshy; creeper; corolla 3-5 cm long ...... I. aquatica 8. Leaves strongly cordate, well over 6 cm long; petioles not conspicuously fleshy; an erect or ascending herb; corolla 7-9 cm long ...... I. fistulosa 7. Leaves nearly, or at least s/,, as wide as long, orbicular or frequently more or less triangular, hastate, or trilobate; plants twiners ...... 9 9. Sepals lanceolate, over 1 cm long, conspicuously acuminate ...... I. indica 9. Sepals oblong, elliptic, ovate, or orbicular, not long-acuminate 10 10. Inner sepals broad toward apex, subtruncate ...... 11 11. Sepals conspicuously mucronate; corolla narrowly funnelform- salverform, usually red I. hederifolia 11. Sepals not or only slightly mucronate; corolla broadly funnelform- campanulate, purple I. littoralis 10. Sepals oblong to ovate or orbicular, not conspicuously broadened api- cally 12 12. Leaves more or less triangular in general outline, entire or var- iously lobed; a creeper ...... I. batatas 12. Leaves orbicular, strongly cordate; twiners ...... I3 13. Slender vine; sepals elliptic oblong, 4-6 mm long; corolla 2-3 cm long ...... ,I4 14. Sepals glabrous, neither fimbriate nor ciliate; corolla 20-25 mm long ...... 15 15. Peduncles bearing 1 or several very slender pedicels, not notably umbelloid; leaves orbicular cordate ...... I. obscura 15 Peduncles bearing several stout stiff pedicels in an umbelloid or compactly cymose arrangement; leaves tending to be triangular hastate or triangular cor- date I. sepiaria 14. Sepals with at least some hairs, especially on margins; corolla 15-20 mm long I. triloba 13. Coarse vines; sepals broadly ovate or orbicular, usually well over 6 mm long; corolla with tube well exserted, white, usu- ally 10 cm or more long 16 16. Sepals strongly mucronate; stem usually with fleshy spinelike processes; seeds glabrous I. alba 16. Sepals rounded at apex, at most very slightly mucronate; stem smooth; seeds pubescent I. macrantha S%IITHSONIAN CONTRIBU rIONS TO BOTANY

Zpornoea alba L. outer sepals glabrous, ovate-oblong, obtuse; corolla funnelform, 3-5 cm long, white or lilac, purple in L., Sp. PI., 161, 1753.-Stone, Miaonesica, center; stamens and styles included, stigmas 2; 6:490, 1971. Convoluulus aculealus L., Sp. PI., 155, 1753 [non lpomoea capsule ovoirl, 8-10 mm long; seeds pubescent. ccculeata Blume, Bijdr., 715, 18261. Throughout the Old World tropics, spontaneous Ipomoea bona-nox L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 228, 1762. and planted as a potherb, especially in China and Cn1oil)ction borla-no\ (L) Bojer, Hort. Maur., 227, 1837. Thailand. In Xlicronesia, planted or spontaneous Calonyctzon aculeata (L.) House, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, in marshy places or in open water; found in the 31:590, 1904. Xlarianas-Pagan, Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam; Calonyction album (I..) House, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 31:590, 1904.-Kanehira, Enum. Micr. Pl., 398, 1935. in the Carolines-Palau, Yap, Ulithi, Truk, Sata- wan; and in the Gilberts-Tarawa, Extensive, usually glabrous liana, lower stems Us~s.--Leaves cooked as greens especially to serve thick but scarcely woody, frequently more or less with fish (Guam: Whztzng C29). Eaten as potherb beset with fleshy spinelike processes; leaves cordate, (Koror: Fosberg Evans 47432). Eaten fried with entire to somewhat lobed; peduncles l-several- meat (Ulithi: Fosberg 46965). Young tips eaten flowered, pedicels often thickened; flowers slightly (Truk: Fo~bejg24417). Introduced by Japanese. rygomorphic, sepals strongly mucronate, 5-15 mm Makes an excellent vegetable very much like our long; corolla white, open at night, closing as the spinach (Truk: Pelzer, 1946). day warms up, up to 15 cm long, funnelform but almost salverform, tube well exserted; stamens and I'ERNACUL~ARNAMES.-- akankofig (Guam: Coslenoble in 1906) style, somewhat exserted; stigmas 2; capsule ovoid; cancon (Guam: Merrill, 1914; Whiting C29) seeds glabl ous. kangkung (Guam: Whiting C29) Pantropical, said to be of American origin (van kangkufig (Guam: Costenoble in 1906) Ooststroom, 1940:550), widely cultivated as the kankan (Guam: G.E.S. 236) "moon-flower," frequently established; in Xlicro- kangum (Palau: Blackburn 143) nesia knotvn from Guam, where it has been found kar~gkum(Palau: Otobed, 1967, 1971) swamp cabbage (Paiau: Otobed, 1967, 1971) climbing in roadside vegetation and in scrub kangking (Yap: Wong 310) around openings at tops of cliffs on the east side kongkong (Yap: Wong 310) of the island; may be planted elsewhere as an kangkong (Ulithi: Fosberg 46965) ornamental. aseri (Truk: Pelzer, 1946) seeri (Truk: Wong 210) I'FRNACULARNAME.-moon-flower (English) seri (Truk: Andelson 754) horenso Uapanese] (Satatvan: Anderson 1103) ~IARIANASISLAXDS.--Guam: just S of Talofofo Bay, 30 m, Fosberg 31260 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Ylig Point, Stone 4686 (BISH). ~IARIANASISLANDS-Pagan: Fresh Water Lake, Fosberg 31393 (US, BISH, Fo). Forskil Saipan: Cameron in 1944 (BISH); Momose in Ipomoru aq~lalica Forskil, Descr. PI. FI. Aeg.-Arab., 44, 1930 (TI); Kagrnan Peninsula, Courage 20 (US); S 1775.-Otobed, ms., 1967; Guide List Plants Palau Is., 1971. of Mt. Tapotchau, in swamp, 10 ft [3 m], Hosaka -Stone, &licronesica, 6:491, 1971.-Fosberg, Falanruw, and 2912 (US, BISH); marshes and ponds about 1 km Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 22:37, 1974. Ipomoea 1,eptans sensu Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:132, S of Lake Susupe, SE of Chalankanoa, Fosberg 1914.-Kanehira, Enum. Micr. Pl., 400, 1935.-Pelzer, ms., 25275 (LJS, BISH). 1946. [Non (L.) Poiret, Encycl. kfeth. Suppl., 3:460, 1813 Tinian: Okatani 66 (FU), 67 (FU). (1814).] Rota: Slopes above As hlalote, S side of island, Creeping or floating, glabrous, stem rather fleshy, 250 m, Fosberg 31884 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). with adventitious roots; leaves with base truncate, Guam: G.E.S. 236 (BISH, P), 48 (US, BISH, cordate, sagittate, or hastate, lobes from broad to NSIY); Costenoble in 1906 (US); Xlerrill, 1914:132; narrow, petioles fleshy; peduncles I-few-flowered, XIanilao, Whlting C29; Asan Pt., 1 m, Anderson 39 NUMBER 36

(US, BlSH, Fo, NY, L); Aga6a Swamp, near Agaiia, flowering; peduncles umbellately or irregularly Fosberg 31244 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Agafia branched at summit into 1-4 short pedicels, bracts Spring, 10 m, Evans 1714 (US, HAW); Umatac, Fos- very small; sepals glabrous, oblong to oblong-ovate, berg 35652 (US); 1 mi [1.6 km] S of Piti, Glassman up to 8 mm long, obtuse to acute, mucronate; 290 (Fo); 2 mi S of Agat village, Moore 277 (US). corolla light purple, campanulate, 3.5-4 cm long; CAROLINEIs~~~i~s.-Palau: Koror: Ngerebe'ed, stamens and style less than half length of corolla. Fosberg Q Evans 47432 (US); Ngerbeched, Black- Pantropical in cultivation, of American origin. burn 143 (US). Peliliu: 3-4 m, Fosberg 25872 (US, In Rlicronesia known from the Marianas-Agrigan, BISH, Fo). Angaur: central part, 4 m, Fosberg Pagan, Alamagan, Sarigan, Saipan, Tinian, Rota, -75891 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). Guam; Carolines-Palau, Yap, Ulithi, Fais, Eauri- Yap: Wong 310 (BISH). pik, Woleai, Faraulap, Ifaluk, Lamotrek, Satawal, Ulithi: Falalap 1. 0 m, Fosberg 46965 (US, Fo, Murilo, h'omwin, Truk, Namoluk, Satawan, BISH, K, NY, NO). Ponape, Kusaie; Wake; Marshalls-Kwajalein, Truk: Wong 210 (US, BISH, Fo). Moen: Moen Likiep, Ailinglapalap, hlajuro, Arno, Jaluit; Gil- village, Anderson 754 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); berts-Butaritari (Makin), Tarawa. Mechetiu (Metitiu) village, Bou Bay, Fosberg 24417 The species is cultivated on all inhabited high (US, BISH, Fo). islands, and with some difficulty on many of the Satawan: Anderson 1103 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). low coral islands. In areas where soil is thin, it is GILBERTIs~A~~s.-Tarawa: Bikenibeu, Adair 191 planted in hills that have been raked together (BISH, US). (Rota); in taro pits, it is planted on hills of soil extending above water table (Ifaluk); in abandoned gardens and fields, it occasionally persists for a Zpomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck time after cultivation. There are a great many Zpomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck, Tabl. Encycl., 1:465, 1791 horticultural varieties with different leaf outlines [1793].-Chamisso, Rem. Op., 184, 1821.-Engler, Notizbl., and tuberous roots of different colors, shapes, and 1:226, 1897.-Christian, , 334, 1899.- edible qualities. It is commonly known in English Volkens, Bot. Jahrb., 31:473, 1901.-Fritz, Mitt. deutsch. Schutzgeb., 15:102, 1902.-Safford, Cont. U.S. Nat. Herb., as "." Most of the compound namea 9:247, 1905.-\on Prowazek, Deutsch. Marianen, 119, 1913.- listed below are varietal names introduced to Mi- Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:131, 1914.-Kramer in cronesia by the Spanish, who brought with them Thilenius, Erg. Suds. Exp., IIB, 10(1):182, 389, 1937.- the name carnote, a derivative of the A~teccamotl, Burkill, Adv. Sci., 7:446, 1951.-St. John, Pac. Sci., 5:285, which has given rise to most of the hlicronesian 1951.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:99, 1952.-Luo- names. Yen (1974) has made an extensive study of mala, Bishop Mus. Bull., 213:89, 1953.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 39:17, 1955.-Massal and Barrau, So. Pac. the occurrence and differentiation of the sweet Cornrn. Techn. Pap., 94:24, 1956.-Catala, Atoll Res. Bull., potato in Oceania. 59:97, 1957.-Murai et a]., Trop. So. Pac. Is. Foods, 134, USES.-Toward the end of World War I1 when 1958.-Stone, Pac. Sci., 13:103, 1959.-Fosberg and Sachet, the Japanese, isolated on Truk, were short of food, Atoll Res. Bull., 92:31, 1962.-Alkire, Illinois St. Anthro., coconut and breadfruit plantings were cleared .5:77, 1965.-Whiting, ms., 1965.-Otobed, ms., 1967; Guide List Plants Palau Is., 1971.-Fosberg and Sachet, Atoll. Res. and sweet potatoes were planted in great quantities, Bull.. 123:13, 1969.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:491, 1971.- as the authorities felt this to be the way to produce Yen, Bishop Mus. Bull., 236:270-271, 342, 347, 1974.-Fos- the largest amount of food in the shortest time. berg, Falanruw, and Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 22:37, After the war the Trukese, not caring much for 1975. sweet potatoes, traded them to the people of the Convolvulus batatas L., Sp. PI., 154, 1753.--Gaudichaud, Bot. surrounding atolls for coconuts which were in short Voy. Uranie, 76, 84, 1826.-Safford. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., supply on Truk. 9:247, 1905. Tuber used as a starch staple, tender leaves Glabrous creeper with enlarged fusiform edible ("punkan kamote") cooked as greens (Guam: roots, thick stems, not twining; leaves with long Whiting C30). Roots used as a food. "Natives sel- petioles, blades more or less triangular, acuminate, dom grew them for their own use but . . . ex- niore or less cordate to sub-truncate at base, sides changed the sweet potatoes for . . . other things entire or variously cut or lobed; seldom seen brought by ships" (Guam: Safford, 1905). "Formerly S\l1 I fISOX14N CON rRIBU rIONS TO BOTAXY an important crop" (Pagan: Fosberg 31357). Culti- kamate (Lamotrek: Fosberg 46734) vated but of little importance (Lamotrek: Alkire, komote (Satarval: Fosberg 46866) 1965). potato (Nomlcin: Evatrs 1122, local informant Ruda) kamal (Truk: Yen, 19i4) \.EKSACUI..~K SAMLS.- kamuti (Truk: Murai et a]., 1958) sweet potato [English] komuz (Truk: Wotrg 209) kamute (Saipan: Safforcl, 1905; yon Psowazek, 1913) kumote (Satatvan: Anderson 1042) hatatas (Guam: Whitirlg C30) Kap-en-to1nat.a (Ponape: Tell, 1974) camote agrigan (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826; variety said by juweet potato (Majuro: St. John 21414) Don Luis de Torres to hate been found on Agrigan I. at biteto (Arno: A71denott 3684) the spot where a ship had foundered) kumara (Gilherts: Luomala, 1953) camote aniarillo (Guam: Coster~oble1159, 1191) koumara (Butaritari: Yen, 1974) talnote chatda (Guam: Coctenoble 1161) uasa (Butaritari (Makin): Yen, 1974) camote hispani (Guam: Ga~tdichaud,1826) te kumara (Tara5S.a: Catala 155) camote manila (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826) camote patas-figaafiga (Guam: Coslrrroble 1160) canlote patai nganga (Guam: Selson 411) camoten dago (Guam: Co~tenoble1162) camote-ti-)ap (Guam: Costeiroble 1163) \lrc~o~~s~~.-AIassaland Barrau, 1956:24. comote (Guam: ~v~ittenin ITSDA copy of Mersill, 1914:131 A~ARIANAS Isr.~~~s.-,4grigan:Gaudichaud, 1826: agaillst G.E.S. 222) 76, quoting Don Luis de Torres. kamote ((;ua~n: Safford, 1905; Whifir~gC30) Pagan: Near Salt Water Lake, W side of island, kamote amasinya (Guam: A'el~on429) Fosberg '31357 (US); 30 m from shore, Anderson kamoten anlariya, kamoten chada, kamoten dago, kamoten mamaka, kamoten peru, kamoten sap (Guam: Whiting, 595, 596 (US, HISH, Vo). ms.. 1065) Alamagan: Fritz, 1902: 102. kamute, kamuti, kmnote (Guam: Yen, 1974) Sarigan: N of village, Evan.~2422 (US, BISH, Fo, patas nana, patas sapanese (Guam: Whiting, ms., 1965) NY). kumal (Casolines: Yen, 1974) Saipan: von Prowazek, 19 13: 1 19. emutii (Palau: Otobed, 1967, 1971) komuti (Palau: Yen, 1974) Tinian: Gaudichaud, 1826:84; W coast, 100 ft tl~eb-el-harath(Palau: Yen, 1074) [30 m], Hosaka 2869 (US, BISH, Fo); AIt. Lasso, E tulr~gl~t-al-baratli(Palau: Christian, 1899) ridge, 300 ft [90 m], Hosaka 2890 (US, BISH, Fo). canlotes (Yap: Chamisso, 1821) Rota: Track from near Poniya Pt. to water caves kamot g-agil (Yap: K'ofrg 478) 350-500 m, Evans 2186 (US, Fo, HAW, MO). kamot gala ficefic (Yap: Wong 480) kamot ni henikalva (Yap: Wong 389) G~lam:G.E.S. 222 (US, BISH, NSW); Nelson kamot ni heykngo (Yap: bVojrg 398) 429 (BISH), 411 (BISH); Costenoble 1159, 1160, La~notpao (Yap: Wong 479) 1/61, 1/62, 1163, 1191 (all US); Merrill, 1914:131; kanlot pus (Yap: Wo?ig 430) Burkill, 1951:446 (said to have been in Guam in kamott (Tap: Volketis, 1901) 1564); LIanilao, Whiting C3O (US); Inarajan, 100 camote (Ulithi: Fosberg 5 IYong 25522) kamote (Ulithi: Fosberg 6 Erians 46365) m, EV(IN~S1493 (US). komoti henika\va (Ulithi: Lessa 71) CAROLINEISLAPI'I)S.--P~~~U: Babeldaob: Garamis- komoti bwech mechakhchokh (Ulithi: Lessa 75) can Colony, Garamiscan River, 0-20 m, Fosberg komoti Ijtvech ramasou (Ulithi: Le.\sa 76) 25762 (US, BISH, Fo). Garikiai: Takamatsll I735 ko~iloticha~cijl (Ulithi: Lessa 74) komoti matarang (Ulithi: I-rssa 77) (BISH). Angaur: depression in hill on NIY corner komoti ramasou (Ulithi: Lessa 79) of island, 25 m, Fosbe7.g 25907 (US, BISH). komoti langrang (Ulithi: Lessn 78) Yap: Wong 430 (US, BISH, Fo, NY), 398 (US, komotiel okinatva (Ulithi: Lessa 72) BISH, Fo, NY), 389 (US, BISH, Fo), 478 (US, RISH, kotiel nierikeri (Ulitlii: Lessa 73) gamuti (Fais: Kriimer, 1937) Fo), 480 (US, BISH, Fo), 479 (US, BISH, Fo); homote (Eauripik: I'os1te1.g i- Evans 47126) Koidzzr?ni in 1915 (TI); Chamisso, 1821: 184 kornote (W'oleai: Evans 494,488) (brought from Philippines according to Cantova); yamotaa (T.Voleai: Worzg 19) trail to Inuf, SE Yap, C~ishing426 (US). gamuti (Ifaluk: Abbott and Bates 100) hamote (Ifaluk: Fosberg 47225) Ulithi: Xlogmog I., Lessa 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, gamoti (Lamotrek: Kriimer, 1937) 77, 78, 79 (all BISH); Fosbe~gand Wong 25522 (US, BISH); Fosberg Q Evans 46365 (Fo); Fassarai Tarawa: Catala 155 (P); Betio PWD, Adair 136 I., Hosaka 3206 (US, BISH, Fo, NY). (US). Fais: Inland from S end of island, 15 m, Fosberg 46662 (US). Ipontoea fistulosa Martius ex Choisy Eauripik: Eauripik I., Fosherg Q Evans 47126 (Fo). Ipotnoea listulosa Martius ex Choisy in de Candolle, Prodr., Woleai: Utagal I., 1-2 m, Wong 19 (US, BISH, 9:349. Jan 1845.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:491, 1971. Fo, NY, L); Falalap I., Evans 494 (US, BISH, Fo), Baiatas? crassicaulis Bentham, Bot. Voy. Sulph., 134, Apr 1845. 488 (Fo). Ipomoea crassicaulis (Bentham) Robinson. Proc. Amer. Acad., Faraulap: Faraulap I., Fosberg & Evans 47371 51:530. 1916. (US). Ifaluk: Ifaluk I., Fosberg 47225 US, HAW); Fala- Erect, thick-stemmed sufkrutescent herb or shrub, lap I., Abbott Q Bates 100 (US), Fosberg 47249 (US, to 2 m or more tall, subglabrous or minutely pu- Fo, HAW). berulent; leaves ovate-cordate, much longer than Lamotrek: Lamotrek I., Fosberg Q Evans 46734 wide, acuminate, petioles tending to be shorter (Fo). than leaves; peduncles heavy, shorter than, to as Nomwin: Fananu I., Evans 1122 (US, HAW). long as, leaves, dichotomously cymosely branched Murilo: Ruo Islet, Stone 1959: 103. above, many-flowered; bracts scale-like to obsolete, Satawal: N side, Fosberg 46866 (US). caducous; sepals orbicular, inner ones very minutely Truk: Wong 209 (US, BISH, Fo); Koidzumi in sericeous, about 5 mm long; corolla narrowly 1915 (TI, mounted with I. mauritiana). Moen: campanulate, limb strongly flaring, very minutely Hosaka 2698 (US, BISH, Fo). Fefan: 50 ft [15 m], sericeous without, lilac; stamens unequal, less than Hosaka 2744 (US, BISH, Fo, NY), 2743 (US, BISH, half as long as corolla; capsule ovoid, about 8 mm Fo, NY, L); E side, Mesa village, 75 m, Fosberg long, seeds copiously pubescent (we have not seen 24516 (US, BISH). seeds in Micronesian specimens as yet). Namoluk: Introduced from Guam, von Prowazek, 1913: 119. This species is considered a subspecies of Ipomoea Satawan: Ta I., Anderson 1042 (US, BISH, Fo, carnea Jacquin by Dr. D. F. Austin (ms., pers. NY, L). comm.), as intermediate individuals are occasionally Ponape: Nanipiru, 150 ft [45 m], Hosaka 3530 found, Zpomoea carnea is an Andean species (Colom- (US, BISH, Fo). bia to Peru) with suborbicular-cordate-acuminate Kusaie: Valley S of Lela (Lele) Harbor, 1-5 m, soft pubescent leaves, woody but twining in habit, Fosberg 26646 (US, BISH). with corollas 7.5-10 cm long. Ipomoea fistulosa is WAKEIsL~~~.-Fosberg 34449 (US, BISH); Gas- shrubby, ascending to erect, with thick stems that ton in 1953 (BISH). do not twine, leaves with basal part very broadly MARSHALLIs~~~~s.-Radak [Chain]: s.1. Esch- oblong cordate, distal part elongate triangular long scholtz, s.n. (LE); s. coll. [Eschscholtz],Herb. Fischer acuminate, subglabrous to minutely puberulent, (LE). corollas usually somewhat less than 7.5 cm long. It Kwajalein: Kwajalein I., seaward side of airfield, is a very uniform species, at least as far as can be 0-4 m, Fosberg 48055 (US, BISH). seen from herbarium material and as a widely in- Likiep: Likiep I., Fosberg 27038 (US, BISH). troduced tropical ornamental and escape. For the Ailinglapalap: Bikajle (Bigatyelang) I., Fosberg present we prefer to maintain it as a distinct species. 26871 (US, BISH). Tropical American in origin, widely cultivated Majuro: Majuro I., St. John 21,414 (BISH); and naturalized in the Old World Tropics; in Mi- Laura (W end of island), Fosberg 26940 (US, BISH). cronesia: Marianas-Tinian, Guam; Carolines- Arno: Ine I., Anderson 3684 (US, BISH, Fo). Palau, known from Koror at least since 1932. Jaluit: Engler 1897:226; Imruj I., Fosberg 26748 Cultivated and sparingly naturalized near dwellings, (US, BISH). not spreading rapidly, probably because it rarely GILBERTISLANDS.-Luomala 1953:89. sets seeds. SXII I'HSONIAN CON7'RIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

world; in Micronesia sparingly naturalized in Sai- pan antl Tinian. Found around dwellings, dis- MARIA~ASIs~~~L)s.--Tinian: Okatnnz 2 (FU); ~tu,betlplaces, and old fields. 1Ia1po valley E of Tinian (former town), SE part ~IAKI.~SASISI.ASDS.--Saipan: RIarpi, Cou~age66 of island, 60 m, Fosberg 24816 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, (US). L). Tinian: ,\It. Lasso, Ho.~aka2828 (US, BISH, Fo). Guam: "Rase 18" (Apra Heights), 90 m, Fosbelg 35225 (US, RISH, Fo, SY, L); llanguuao, 65 m, Fosbrlg 35605 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Bdrrigada Zpomoea horsfalliae Hooker village, st or^^ !987 (BISH); Mangilao-Balrigndd Ipor~lorn ho~.sfalliae Hooker, Bot. Mag., 61:pl. 3315, 1834.- road, cultivated, Stone 4002 (RISH); road Ball i- Stotle. Micronesica. 6:492, 1971. gada to ,\langilao, 60 m, Evans 1453 (US, Fo, HAW, K, 110, SY). (;labrous, r;tther coarse, extensively climbing CAKOI.IAEIs1 us.--Palau: Koloi : Tllyurna in twiner, somewhat woody; leaves pedately 5-7-parted 1939 (TI); Kanehzra 2070 (FU, NY); Kolor village, to base; petluncles openly and irregularly cymosely 5 m, Fo~be~g32458 (US, BISH, Fo); road from hos- branched, many-flowered; sepals ovate, obtuse; pital to Ngerebe'ed, Ulackbz~?n159 (US); l/s mi [0.2 corolla bright purple, firm, waxy, narrowly campan- km] trom Sansaro intersection, Salsedo 59 (US) ulate, 3-4 cm long; stamens slightly exserted, style more so; stigma 1(?), depressed-globose. Kative to the West Indies, at least Puerto Rico Zpomoea hederifolia L. and Jamaica; planted elsewhere in the tropics as Iponloru hederifolia L., Syst. Nat., ed, 10, 925, 1759.- an ornamental; in LIicronesia seen on Guam only; O'Uotlell, Lilloa, 29:22-59, 1959. wre, planted, probably not fruiting. Ipornoea coccinea sensu auct. plur. [non L., Sp. P1. 160, 17531. .\IARIASA~151 ANI)I.--Guam: IJmatac, Fosberg Ipovroea angulata Laniarck, Tabl. Encycl., 1:464, 1791 [17931. 75656 (US). Quamoclit corcinea sensu auct. plur. [non (L.) Bojer, Hort. Maur., 224, 18371.

Herbaceous glabrous twiner; leaves ovate-cordate, Zpomoea indica (Burman) Merrill entire or more or less lobed or angled; peduncles Zpon~oeaindica (Burman) Xferrill, Int. Rutnph. Herb. Amb., milch exceeding leaves, forked in upper part, 445, 1917.-Katiehira, Enum. Micr. PI., 399, 1935.-Okabe, forming a dichasium; bracts minute, scalelike; Jour. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon, 56:425, 1941; Nankyo, 2:22, Howers several to many; sepals unequal, outer 1943.-Stone, hlictonesica, 6:492, 1971.-Fosbelg, Falanruw, and Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 22:37, 1975.-Fosberg, sllortly oblong, inner obovate, apex I~roadly Bot. Notiser, 129335, 1976.-Hosokatta, Ins.. 11.d. rounded or truncate, all wit11 very prominent Convolr~ulus indirus Burman, Ind. Unitr. Herb. Amb., 7:6, mucros, up to as long as body of sepal; corolla 1755. nal,rowly ful~nelform-salverform,red with yellowish Ipornoea congesta K. Brown, Prodr., 485, 1810.-Safford, tube, 2.5-3 cm long; stamens and style exsertetl; Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:298, 1905.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. stigma 1, globose; capsule globose, dissepiments Sci. Bot., 9:131, 1914.-Okabe, Jour. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon, persistent, hyaline; seeds black, pubescent. 56:425, 1941. Convolvulus coilgesttts (R. Brown) Sprengel, Syst. Veg., 1:601, XIicronesian material would, at least in part, go 1825. to I. angulata, but the supposed distinctions be- Pharbitis insularis Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genere, tween this and I. hederifolia, especially length of 6:438, 1833.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:350, 1905. peduncle and development of a dichasium, are Ipomoea irlsularis (Choisy) Steudel. Nom. Bot., ed. 2, 1:817, matters of degree that seem more individual varia- 1840. tions than specific differences. Conz~olvulu,hederace~rs sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., The nomenclature antl differences between this 9:247, 349, 1905 [non L., Sp, Pl., 154, 17531. Convolvulus coetulezrs sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., species and Zpomoetl coccinca L. are clarified by 9:247, 1905 [non (Koxburgh) Sprengel, Syst. Veg., 1:593, O'Donell(1959:ZZ-59). 18251. 'Tropical American in origin, cultivated and Ipornoea hederacea sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., naturali~edthroughout the warmer parts of the 9:349, 1905.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:192, 1914.- Kanehira, Enum. Micr. Pl., 399, 1935.-Stone, Micronesica, tips are mashed and applied to bruises (Guam: 6:492, 1971. [Non (L.) Jacquin, Collect. Am., 1: 124, 1786.1 Fosberg 25347). It is used against sore throat Convolvu1u.r nil sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:248, (AIarianas: von Prowazek, 1913; "fopgo," probably 350, 1905 [non L., Sp. PI., ed. 2,219, 17621. Pharbitis hederacea sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., this species). 9:349, 1905 [non (L.) Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. VERNACULARNAMES.- GenPve, 6:440, 18331. fofgu (Saipan: Hosaka 3003) Pharbitis nil sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:350, f6fgo (Rota: Fosberg 24943) 1905 [non (L.) Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, abubu (Guam: Nelson 167) 6:439, 18331. fofga (Guam: Fosberg 35531) Pharbitis congesta (R. Brown) Hara, Enum. Sperm. Jap., fofgo (Guam: Fosberg 25347; Whiting C28; Nelson 33) 1:166, 1948 [colnbinatioli probably first made in synonymy fofgu (Guam: Safford, 1905) by Wight in Safford, 1905:349, but first validly published oleamad (Palau: Fosberg 32057) by Hara]. ori-yemad (Palau: Okabe, 1941) 'l'winer with appressed-pilose stems and leaves, oriemad (Palau: Okabe, 1943) afanafan (Truk, Moen I.: Anderson 758) leaf blades strongly cordate, acuminate, entire to ferukeruk (Truk, Moen I.: Anderson 758) somewhat trilobate; peduncles exceeding leaves, retrorse pilose, with a small dichasial cluster of subsessile to pedicellate flowers at summit, rarely many flowered; bracts linear to lanceolate; sepals ~IARIANA~I\LAND~.-~~o~s~, 1833:438; Gaudi- lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, caudate acuminate, chaud 32 or 20 (G). to 2.5 cm long, glabrous or appressed pubescent; Agrigan: Hosokawa, n.d. corolla narrowly campanulate, flaring, blue, fading Alamagan: Asongsong village, 3-15 m, Fosberg pink, about 8 cm long; stamens unequal, less than 31731 (US, BISH, Fo). half length of corolla; stigmas 2, globular; capsule Guguan: 175 ft [55 m], Falanrltw I8842 (US). depressed globose, about 1 cm wide; seed black, Sarigan: Hosokawa, n.d. glabrous. Saipan: Kanehira 953 (NY, FU), 1000 (FU); Momose in 1930 (TI); Stephens 5 (Fo); Army Hill, Zpomoea indica (Burman) Merrill var. indica Coltrage 9 (US); Charan-Tarhoho, 200 ft [60 m], Hosaka 3003 (US, BISH, Fo). 'I'he widespread form, as described above, tlis- Tinian: hlasalog Ridge, 350 ft [I05 m], Hosaka tinguislied by being notably appressed pilose on 2830 (US, BISH, Fo). most parts. Agiguan: Kondo in 1952 (BISH). Pantropical, widespread in tlie Pacific Islands, in Rota: Middle level plateau above Tataacho Pt., hlicronesia known from the Marianas-Agrigan, 150-250 m, Evans 2057 (US, HAW, Fo, MO); Sa- Alamagan, Guguan, Sarigan, Saipan, Tinian, bana, 900 ft [275 m], Hosaka 3032 (US, BISH, Fo); Agiguan, Rota, Guam; Carolines-Palau, Satawal, airstrip, N of Shimaru, 180 m, Fosberg 24943 (US, Truk, Kusaie. Common at low elevations back of BISH, Fo, NY, L); Sonson, 1-10 m, Fosberg 25078 the beach, especially in open and disturbed places, (US, BISH); road to Haofna, S side of island, 200- climbing on bushes and in thickets, forming dense 250 m, Sachet 1748 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). mats on bare limestone soil even at fair elevations. Guam: McGregor 501 (US, BISH, BM); Marche USES.-"The seeds are strongly purgative" 51 (P, Fo), 232 (P, Fo); G.E.S. 717 (BISH); Merrill, (Guam: Safford, 1905, under Pharbitis hederacea). 1914:131-152; Manilao, Whiting C28 (Fo); Yigo, "The root is a powerful cathartic" (Guam: Safford, Liming s.n. (US), Nelson 33 (NY, BISH); Yigo, 120 1905, under Ipomoea congesta). The leaf is chewed m, Fosbejg 35531 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Talofofo, with betel ("pupulo"), the plant is used as a forage Mt. Almagosa, 600 ft [I80 m], Hosaka 3180 (US, for animals, the leaf is used externally for bruises, BISH, Fo); Talofofo village, 105 m, Necker 211 the leaf is used in a medicinal beverage for "bloody (US); 1 mi [1.6 km] S of Barrigada, Glassman 304 flux" ("amot manuda hagaa"); some informants say (Fo); 1 km S of Barrigada, 65 m, Fosberg 35280 the plant is not used in Guam (Guam: Whiting, (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Barrigada Hill, 150 m, ms., 1965). Leaves are fed to young pigs; young Stone 4495 (GUAM); Asan Point, 2 m, Anderson 34 ShfI~I~lISONI.4NCONTRIBUTIOSS TO BOTAKY

(US, HISH); just S of Ylig Bay, E coast of island, Co~~volvulusdenticillatus Desrousseaux in Lamarck, Encycl. 50-65 m, Fosbelg 25347 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); Meth., 3:540, 1789 [1792].-Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie, Northwest Field, 185 m, Fosberg 35387 (US, BISH), 70, 1826. Ipolnoea derzticulata (Desrousseaux) Choisy, Metn. Soc. Phys. 35388 (US); 2 mi [3.2 km] W of Agat, Moore 276 Hist. Nat. GenPve, 6:467, 1833.-Engler, Notizbl., 1:225, (US); Hapuio Pt., Xecker 21 (US); hlanchano Dist., 1897.-Schumann & Lauterbach, F1. Siids., 516, 1901.- 150 111, B?yan 1180 (BISH); Piti, Swezey in 1936 Saffortl, Contr. U.S. Sat. Herb., 9:298, 1905.-Okabe, Jour. (BISH), Sel~onI67 (NY, BISH); ,\It. Santa Kosa, .Anthrop. Soc. Sippon, 56:425, 1941. [Non R. Brown, Prodr., 485, 1810.1 240 111, Eutlns 1755 (US). C.ARVLIN~.:ISI.AYDS.--P~~~U: s.l., Nisida 46 (FU); Ipolrlora thoisiana Wight ex Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:298, 1905.-House, Torreya, 7:37, 1907.-Merrill, Phil. Riclturdson 72 (US). AIadmosuk Islet (W of Koror): Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:131, 1914 [as I. choisyana]. [Non Wight 50 ft [15 1111, Stone 1302 (BISH). Koror: h'gerabe'ed, and Arnott ex Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 18:130, 1894.1 5-10 111, Fosbel.g 32057 (US, BISH, Fo, KY, L). Ipornora gracilis sensu kferrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:131, Sgarakallesang: old seaplane lalicling, H~rdy(55 1914.-Kanehira, Enum. Micr. PI., 399, 1935.-Hosokawa, (US). Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, 7:199, 1937.- Okabe, Nan- kyo, 2:23, 1943.-St. John, Pac. Sci., 5:285, 1951.-Glassman, Satawal: 2 m, Fosberg il- Evans 46917 (US, HAW, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:100, 1952.-Stone, Pac. Sci., 13:103, Fo). 1959.-Hosokatva, ms., n.d. [Non R. Bro\c.n, Prodr., 484, I'ruk: Aioen: slope E of village, 35 m, Ande1,son 1810.1 758 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). Slender glabrous twiner, leaves broadly cordate, Kusaie: Tomasakku, Tnkamatslr 570 (BISH). usually less than 5 cm across, sometimes trilobed, venation netlike, conspicuous; peduncles short, 1- f. albiflora Stone several-flowered, bracts minute, caduceus; sepals unequal in witlth, outer ones oblong-elliptic, inner Ipomoea indica f. albif7ora Stone, Miclonesica, 2(2):139, 1967; ;I, broatl as long, broadest at summit, slightly 6:493, 1971. m~~croiiate;corolla funnelform to campanulate, A whi te-floweret1 101m, sepals somewhat ciliate. Ilright rose purple, darker in throat, 4.5 cm or less ~IAKIANAS~~l.Ah~)~.-Guam: Harmon Village long; stamens and style includetl, stigmas 2, globose: Stone 4729 (GUAM, type). Also known from the capsule glabrous, globose, allout 9 mm in diameter; Kyukyu Islands. seetls I~lack,glabrous. Pantropical, on most islands of the Pacific, in Alicronesia known from tlle Lfarianas: Anatahan, Zpomoea indica var. hosakae Fosberg Saipan, Tiniaii, Rota, Guam; from the Carolines: Ipon~ortr ~ndicatat. hosakur Fosberg, Micronesica, 2(2):151, Palau, Sonsorol, Yap Ulithi, Fais, IVoleai, Ifaluk, 1q67. I,amotrek, Satawal, h'atnonuito, XIurilo, Somwin, 'l'ruk, Samoluk. Lukunor, Satawan, Kapingama- .4 population with glabrou5 strongly ha$tate- rangi, Ponape, Kusaie; from the ;\iarshalls: Ujelang, trilobate leaves. I,;te, Ailingla~xilap,AIajuro, Arno, Jaluit; from the CAROLINEI~LANDS.---T~U~: ;\loen: ;\it. Takeum, Gilberts: Butaritari. Comnlon in lowlands, espe- 700 ft [215 m], Hosaka 2713 (US, type; BISH, Fo, cially in clist~~rbedor open places and along sea- NY). Fefan: lit. Tuktyap, Hosokazuu 8387 ('4). coasts, less common at middle elevations. In Caroline atolls fo~tndon edges of taro pits, around Zpomoea littoralis Blume villages, and generally in interior in openings and thin places in woods and coconut groves. Probably Iporlroea littoralis Blume, Bijdr., 713, 1825 [1826].-Volken4, impossible to determine where this plant was native Bot. Jahrb., 31:473, 1901.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:299, 1905.-Kr8mer in Thilenius, Erg. Siids. Exp., IIB, and where accitlentally introduced by man. 10(1):389, 1937.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:100, USES.-The leaves are used in relieving pains 1952.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 39:17, 1955.-Fosberg and after chilclbirth and as an ingretlient. in soups, ant1 Sachet, .Atoll Res. Bull., 92:32, 1962.-Stone, Micronesica, the flowers are employed as a hemostatic in men- 1:126, 1964.-Fosberg, Microl~esica,2(2):151, 1967.-Otobed, nis., 1967; Guide List Plants Palau Is., 1971.-Stone, Micro- str~lation(Ponape: Glassman, 1952.) This vine is nesica, 6:493, 1971.-Alkire, Micronesica, 10:24, 1974. itsetl for I)oth people and animals (pigs) as a remedy NUMBER 36 for loss oE appelite. It is boiled to make a medicinal marginejojo (Majuro: S1. John 21411) tea for human consumption. The leaves of this vine marlab (Majuro: Fosberg 26981) are also pounded, mixed with coconut oil, and ap- waIik6k (Arno: Anderson 3625) plied to boils to relieve pain (Sonsorol: Berry 3). Leaves are eaten after being cooked in water but only when typhoons have made other food scarce (Ifaluk: Abbott & Bates 61, 80). Leaves are eaten MARIANASIs~~~~s.--Gaudichaud 169 (or 18bis) mixed with sweet toddy as a starvation food; also (G). The specimen is scarcely determinable with they are pounded and placed in coconut water, and certainty but seems to belong here rather than in the mixture drunk for fright illness (Woleai: Alkire "I. triloba? var.," where Gaudichaud put it. 23). Anatahan: Near W coast, below 200 m, Falanruw 1708 (US). \'ERSACUL~R NA\IFS.-- Saipan: Marche 18 (P, Fo); Momose in 1930 lagoun (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826) (TI); Tuyama in 1937 (TI); Kanehira dr Hatusima lagun (Guam: G.E.S. 96,254; Nelson 31) 4315 (FU); Lake Susupe, 1 km SE of Susupe Point, lagun tase (Guam: McGregor 449) tohruh (Palau: Okabe, 1943) just E of Charankanoa, 0 m, Fosberg 25269 (US, torch (Palau: Otobed, 1967, 1971) BISH). toro (Palau: Fosberg 25775) Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826:70; hIerrill 1914:131; toroog (Palau: Hosokawa, 11.d.) Safford, 1905:298; Marche 181 (P, Fo); Nelson 31 sauworu (Sonsorol: Berry 3, 7) dili (Yap: Fosberg 46559) (BISH), 32 (BISH), 399 (BISH); McGregor 449 geli (Yap: Wong 330) (BISH); G.E.S. 96 (US, BISH, BM, NSW), 254 (US); gelie (Yap: Yolkens, 1901) Anderson 342 (US); W of Mt. Santa Rosa, Ander- gilij (Yap: Fosberg 25549) son 161 (US, BISH, Fo); W foot of hit. Santa Rosa, cha\c.el (Ulithi: Lessa 55; Hosaka 3218) Moor? 380 (US); ;\It. Tenjo, 800 ft [245 m], Moore cho'\iel (Ulithi: Fosberg 46615) 83 (US); Cotal Conservation Area, Cross Island djluel (Fais: Kramer, 1937) chaiwel (Woleai: Evan.$462: Alkire, 1974) Road, 150 m, Fosberg 39245 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); ririo (Woleai: Alkire, 1974) S to SE of Umatac, 80-200 m, Fosberg 35440 (US); shaiwel (Woleai: Alkire 23) plateau NW of Talofofo, 400 ft [I20 m], Hosaka chai\c.ol (Ifaluk: Fosberg 47236) 3130 (US); 1/2 mi [0.8 km] NE of &It. Tenjo, 1000 schaiuwell (Ifaluk: Abbott LT Bates 80) ft [305 m], Moore 294 (BISH); hlachanao Distr., shaiuwel (Ifaluk: .4bbott 6 Bates 61, 80) zharuwel (Ifaluk: Abbort iY Bates 61) 1.50 m, Bryan I180a (BISH); Manengon dry savan- ~.aiwal(Satawal: Fosberg G Evans 46919) nas, Stone 4837 (GUAM); Manengon, volcanic hills ferukeruk (Truk: Anderson 739) near "Tarzan River" falls, Stone 4532 (GUAM); frugrug (Truk: Hosokawa, 1937) Piti, Swerey in 1936 (BISH). maranof (Truk: Hosaka 2745) CAROLINEI~LAxD~.-Palau: Kayangl: Tuyama in ruge (Truk: Fosberg 24636) ruk (Truk: Fosberg 26041) 1939 (TI). Babeldaob: Kamusetu, Almonogui, rukaruk (Truk: Fosberg 26041) Hatuszma 4990 (FU); hlarikyoku, Kanehira 422 ruke (Truk: Fosbe1.g 24636) (FU); Melekiok, Tuyama in 1939 (TI); Arekalong, ruuke (Truk: Wong 163) Takamatsu 1655 (BISH); Ngarsul, Tuyama in 1937 rorurok (Satawan: Andersorr 970) (TI); Aimiriik, Kanehira dr Okuya in 1934 (FU). wan ut (Satawan: Anderson 1209) chehurve (Kapingamarangi: Hosaka 3433) Ngeanges: in Yoo (Sar) Passage, Fosb~rg25775 (US, huivhe (Kapingamarangi: Niering 562,633,669,687) BISH, Fo, NY, L). emp (Ponape: Fosberg 26247) Sonsorol: Ha~dyI31 (US); Berry 7 (US), 3 (US). omp (Ponape: Fosberg 26247, 26239; Reisenberg 53) Yap: Kanehira dr Hatuszma 4328 (FU); Kamiya oomp (Ponape: Glassn~an2748) 199 (TI); 25 ft [8 m], Wong 330 (US, BISH, Fo); sul oomp (Ponape: Glassman, 19.52) near Ngalog village, E central Yap, Cushing 495 unpu (Ponape: Hosokawa, n.d.) (US); low E ridge of Alt. Matade, 20-40 m, Fos- ooh (Kusaie: glass ma^^ 2673) bele (Ujelang: Fosberg 34202) berg 25574 (US); Mt. Matade, 160 m, Fosberg 25549 bele (Lae: Fosberg 34053) (US), 150 m, Czlshing 454 (US); Dogol, Tziyama in lawjiningen kujikerit (Ailinglapalap: Fosberg 26887) 1939 (TI); Tarang I., Tornil Bay, Tzcyama in 1939 SSII'I'HSOh'IAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

(TI); Numagil, S Yap, 3 m, Cushing 666A (US); N (US, BISH); Werua I.: Niesing 669 (US, Fo); 687 Cagil, near Tagaren Channel, 3 m, Cushing 602 (US), 633 (US). (US); Tomil I., 50 ft [15 m], Hosaka 3267 (US); Ponape: Rie~enbesg53 (BISH); Kzisuno in 1915 Dalipebiriaw Distr., near Yap High School, 30 m, (TI); Colonia, Not District, Fosbesg 26247 (US, Fosberg 46559 (US, HAW, Fo); Colonia, Beacon BISH, Fo, NY, L), Fosbesg 26239 (US, BISH, Fo); Hill, 170 m, Evans 298 (US, BISH). vicinity of Colonia, Glassman 2447 (US, BISH); U Ulithi: Fassarai I., Hosaka 3218 (US); hlogmog I., District, Glas~man2573 (US, BISH); hlt. Seletereh, I.essa 55 (BISH); Falalap I., 1-3 m, Fo.~berg46615 2000 ft [610 m], Glassman 2748 (US); Ronkiti, (Fo). Glassman 2797 (US, BISH); hft. Tolotom, Taka- Fais: On plateau, 15 m, Fosbesg 46692 (US). Tntrtsu 1052 (BISH, BAI). Woleai: Utagal I., 1-2 m, Wong 27 (US, BISH, Kusaie: Xlt. Tefeyaht, 100 ft [30 m], Glassman Fo, NY, I,); Falalis I., interior of islet, Alkire 23 2673 (US); Lele, Ho.rakawa 6457 (A); bit. Buache, (US); Slioliap (Saliap) I., 1-2 m, Fosbesg 47035 Hosakawc~ 6,756 (A), 6292? (A); summit of hit. (US); Falalap I., Evans 482 (US, Fo). AIatant;~(Buache), 550-600 m, Fosberg 26634 (US); Ifaluk: Falarik I.: Abbott Bates 61 (US, BISH); S of Lela (L,ele) Harbor 50-150 m, Fosbesg 26655 011 Fanniwa trail, Abbott 6 Bates 80 (US, BISH). (US, HISH, Fo). Falalap I.: 1-2 m, Fosbesg 47244 (US, HAW). Ifaluk MARSHALLISI~AXD~.-Ujelang: Ujelang I., Fos- I: 1-2 m, Fosbesg 47236 (US). besg 34202 (US). Lamotrek: 1,amotrek I., 1 m, Fosbesg 9 Evans 1,ae: Loj I., Fosbesg 34053 (US). 46773 (US). Ailinglapalap: -4irik I., Fosberg 26887 (US). Satawal: lnterior breadfruit and coconut forest, Alajuro: Alajuro I., St. John 21411 (BISH); Laura 2 m, Fosberg Evans 46919 (US). (W end of island), Fosberg 26981 (US). Namonuito: AIagur I., Stone 2120 (BISH); P'lseras Arno: 11le I., Hatheway 879 (US, BISH), Ander- I., 3-5 111, Evans 887 (US); Ono I., 0-3 m, Evans sol1 3625 (US, BISH). 1035 (US). Jaluit: Schunlann and Lauterbach, 1901:516 (cit- Murilo: Ruo I., 0-3 m, Evans Ilfij, (US); IIurilo ing Schwabe); Engler, 1897:225; Schnee in 1902 I., 3-5 m, Evnns 1246 (US). (NSW); Schnee 8 (XSW); Imruj (Imrodj) I., 1-3 m, Nomwin: Komwin I., 0-3 m, Evans 1046 (US); said to be introduced from Ponape, Fosberg 26765 Fananu I., 0-5 m, Evans 1100 (US). (US, HISH, Fo, NY, L). Truk: Koidzumi in 1915 (TI); Wong 163 (US, GILBERTISI.ANDS.-Butaritari: Butaritari I., Bu- HISH, Fo); Uoala, Moore 136 (US). ;\loen I.: S of taritari village, h- Alleston 2766 (US). .\loen village, Andel,son 739 (US); flats near "Baker Dock," 3 m, Fosbesg 24692 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Ipomoea macrantha Koemer & Schultes N Side of Nomenuk Bay, Fosberg 26041 (US, BISH); Nob Hill, 100-150 m, Evans 1375 (US, Ipomoea nlurt.antha Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg., 4:251, 1819. HAIY). Dublon and most islets: Hosokawa, 1937: Ipomoen longi/lorrc K. Brown, Prodr., 485, 1810 [non Hum- 199. Dublon: Natsushima, Takamatsu 103 (BISH). holdt & Bonplanil ex 12'illdeno~v,Enum. Hort. Berol., 207, Tol: Suiyoto, Takamatsu 30 (BISH). Fefan: 25 ft 18091. [8 m], Hosaka 2745 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). Pis: Convolvr~lustuba Schlechtendal, Linnaea, 6:735, 1831. Fosbesg 24636 (US, BISH). Ipomoeo glaberrima Bojer ex Bouton, Hook. Jour. Bot., 1:357, 1834.-Volkens, Bot. Jahrb., 31:473, 1901. Namoluk: Namoluk I., 0.9 m, iMarshall 81 (US). Calo~lyction comospermz~m Bojer, Hort. Maur., 228, 1837 Lukunor: Lukunor I., Anderson 2157 (US, BISH, [nom. illegit., equibalent to Ipomoen glaberrima Bojer ex Fo, NY, L); Oneap I., Andes.~on1083 (US, BISH, Routon, 18341. Fo, NY, L). Ipomoea tuba (Schlechtendal) G. Don, Gen. Syst., 4:271, 1838. Satawan: Aloch I., Anderson 970 (US, BISH, Fo, -St. John, Pac. Sci., 5:285, 1951.-St. John & Mason, Pac. Sci., 7:166, 1953.-Luomala, Bishop Mus. Bull., 213:47, 110, NY, L); Ta I., Anderson 1037 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, 1953.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 39:18, 1955.-Catala, Atoll L); Kutu I., Anderson 1209 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). Res. Bull., 59:97, 1957.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 67:4, 17, Kapingamarangi: Hare I.: Hosaka 3433 (US, 1959; 68:6, 1959.-Sachet, Atoll Res. Bull., 76:6, 1961.- BISH, Fo); Xiel-ing 562 (US); 1 m, Fosberg 26089 Fosberg and Sachet, Atoll Res. Bull., 92:32, 1962; 123:13, NUMBER 36

1969.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:494, 1971.-Alkire, Micro- Cutulu 57). The vine is regarded as harmful since ~lesica,10(1):3, 1974. it kills any tree on which it grows (Kili: St. John Calonyction tuba (Schlechtendal) Colla, Mem. c. una nuova and Mason, 1953). Young leaves and roots are used specie di Calonyction . . . 15, 1841 [1840?]. Calonyction speciosum sensu Engler, Notizbl., 1:225, 1897 in medicine; withes are used for skipping rope [non Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genhve, 6:441, (Rota: Evans 2030). A preparation of young leaves, 18331. pounded and mixed with coconut oil, is applied to Calonyction bona-nox sensu Schumann & Lauterbach, F1. boils, toothaches, and bruises; rubbed into painful Siids., 515, 1901 [non (L.) Bojer, Hort. Maur., 227, 18371. areas, it relieves throbbing and swelling (Sonsorol: Calonyction album sensu Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:131, Berry 61). 1914.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. [Non (L.) House, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 31:591, 1904.1 VERNACULARNAMES.- Ipomoea grandipora sensu Koidzumi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo, alaihaitasi (Guam: G.E.S. 166) 29:253, 1915.-Kanehira, Enum. Micr. PI., 399, 1935.-Hoso- sauwonilaewau (Sonsorol: Berry 61) kawa, ms., n.d. [Non Lamarck, Tabl. Encycl., 1:467, 1791 walfichfich (Ulithi: Lessa 59) [1793?].] gufamach (Woleai: Alkire, 1974) lpomoea alba sensu Taylor, PI. Bikini, 193, 1950 [non L.. hufamash (Woleai: Alkire 86) Sp. Pl., 161, 17531. ava'mas (Faraulap: Fosberg 6Evans 47397) Ipomoea bona-nox sensu Guillaumin, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, garenap (Ifaluk: Abbott and Bates 85) 99:22, 1952 [non L., Sp. PI., ed. 2, 228, 17623. walima (Ifaluk: Fosberg 47204) afamach (Truk: Fosberg 24634) Extensive coarse glabrous twining liana, lower ooropon (Truk: Wong 179) parts thickened but not very woody, in very dry arupuel (Lukunor: Anderson 2110) situations forming a short very thick trunk which afamas (Satawan: Anderson 1073) hue (Nukuoro: Fosberg 26235, Carroll 43) annually produces herbaceous elongate stems which huwhe maitai (Kapingamarangi: Niering 554) die back during the dry seasons; leaves somewhat tehuwe (Kapingamarangi: Hosaha 3438) fleshy or not, cordate orbicular, somewhat acumi- tihu (Kapingamarangi: Fosberg 26079) nate, to 15 cm across; peduncles 1-few-flowered, tileiu (Kapingamarangi: Niering 704) cymose, pedicels thickened, or even somewhat tur- ahfahmus (Ant: Glassman, 1953) ohlop (Mokil: Glassman 2606) binate; sepals orbicular, apex rounded, 15-25 mm wahlap (Pingelap: Glassman 2648) long, accrescent and very thick in fruit; corolla bele (Eniwetok: Fosberg 24349) white, to 10 cm long, with very long tube and flar- maralap (Utirik: Fosberg 33700) ing limb, opening at night; stamens and style in- bele (Ujelang: Fosberg 34178) cluded, stigmas 2; capsules globose or subglobose, marbele (Ujelang: Fosberg 34178) to 2.5 cm long, enclosed by accrescent sepals which marbele (Lae: Fosberg 34083) later become reflexed; seeds with black tomentum, marabele (Aur: St. John 21385) long hairs on edges. marabele (Majuro: St. John, 1951, observed) marbele (Arno: Anderson 3622,3758) Pantropical, on almost all Pacific Islands, known mar bGle (Kili, Bikini people: St. John and Mason, 1959, in Micronesia from the Marianas-Saipan, Tinian, citing Mason 14) Rota, Guam; Carolines-Palau, Sonsorol, Yap, te ruku (Tarawa: Catala 57) Ulithi, Eauripik, Woleai, Faraulap, Ifaluk, Gaferut, ruku (Nonouti: Koch 32) Namonuito, Murilo, Truk, Lukunor, Satawan, te ruku (Tabiteuea: Luomala 38) Nukuoro, Kapingamarangi, Mokil, Pingelap; Wake I.; Marshalls-most of the islands; Gilberts- Tarawa, Nonouti, Tabiteuea, Onotoa. A strand species, found both in open and in forests, occa- MARIANASISLANDS.-Saipan: Lunge 12 (BISH); sionally, as in Guam, reaching middle elevations, Momose in 1930 (TI); Tsukimi Bay, 75 m, Fosberg especially at tops of cliffs facing sea. 25206 (US, BISH, Fo, NY). USES.-The marble-sized tubers were used long Tinian: "Yellow Beach" E of Mt. Lasso, 1-10 m, ago for food (Kili, Bikini people: St. John and Fosberg 24905 (US, BISH). Mason, 1953.) Stems and leaves are crushed in water Rota: ATecker R 64 (US); between Rota village and used as a shampoo. To kill lice, the shampoo and Tataacho Pt., Fosberg 25008 (US); Songsong is used in concentrated form (Gilberts, Tarawa: village, 5-10 m, Evans 2030 (US). S\II'I'HSONI.~N CONTRIBUTIONS 'TO BOTANY

Guam: Merrill 1914: 131; Fadian Pt., 115 m, Fos- berg 26079 (US, BISH); Nunakita I., A'iesing 554 berg 31219 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); above Tarague (US); Werua I., Niesing 585 (US). Beach, 140 m, Fosbesg 35672 (US, BISH); Oca Pt., ,Ant: Glassman, 1953:305. Andes.\otr 181 (US, BISH); S of Asan Pt. and Piti, hIokil: Kalap I., Glassman 2606 (US). 15 m, Anderson 95 (US); E coast, between Togcha Pingelap: Pingelap I., Glassman 2648 (US). ancl Talofofo Bay, Moose 369 (US); E of Apra I\'AKE Is~~xu.-Fo~berg33614 (US); Johnson Heights, hlanengon, Stonc 4662 (BISH, GUAM); (Degenos's) 20694 (NY); Bsanckamp in 1936 (BISH); Atantano Koad, ,Yelson 405 (NY), 566 (NY); lates Pollock 37 (RISH); Pollock G- Bryan 21 (BISH); Pt. Con5ervatio1i .Area 60-90 m, Evans 1832 (US); XlcFarlane 10 (US); Johnson in 1935 (BISH); G~J- Cabras I., G.E.S. 166 (US, BISH, Bh1, NY). (on in 1953 (BISH); Lyons 25 (BISH); Peale I., CAROI.INEIs~.~sus.-Palau: Koror: Momose in Ksauss in 1955 (BISH). 1930 (TI). Ngesnges: in Yoo (Sar) Passage, just IV MARSHALLIs~.A~~s.-Taylor, 1950: 193-194. Radak of soutllern point of Urukthapel I., Fosberg 25511 [Chain]: s.l., Eschscholtz (LE). (US, BISH, Fo, XY, L). Peliliu: N end of "Purple Pokak: Sihylla I., Fosbesg 34526 (US). Beach," E side of island, Fosbesg 26008 (US, BISH, Eniwe~ok:Eniwetok I.: Fosberg 24285 (US, BISH, Fo); strand, Hatrrsima 4723 (FU), 4807 (FU). Fo, KY, L). Igurin I.: Fosbesg 24305 (US, BISH). Sonsorol: Rei.7.y 61 (IJS, HAW); Salsedo 397 Biijiri I.: St. John 23825 (BISH). Engebi I.: Fos- (H.lJV), besg 24406 BISH, Fo, NY, L); St. John 23781 Yap: Volkens 1901:4i3 (citing Volkeris 189); (BISH). Japtan I.: Fosbesg 24342 (US, BISH, Fo, Garin1 I. (off SE Yap), Cltshing 542 (US). NY, L); Taylor 46-1290 (US). Aniyaanini I.: St. Ulithi: Alog~nog,Lessa 59 (BISH); Asor I., 1-2 John 23720 (US, BISH). Jieroru I.: Taylos 46-1249 m, Fo~ber.g46455 (Fo); Sorlen I., 0-5 m, Evans 426 (US). Aomon 1.: Taylor, 1950:194 (citing Taylor (Fo); Falalap I., 1-3 m, F0sbej.g 46632 (US, Fo, 46-1346); 1-3 ni, Fosberg 24349 (US, BISH, Fo). RISH.) Bikini: Bikini I., Taylor 46-1094 (BhI, G), 46- Eauripik: Ea~~ripikI., in village, 1-2 m, Fosberg 1147 (US), 46-1054 (US); Eniirikku I., Taylor 1950: & Evans 47150 (US, Fo). 194 (citing Taylor 46-1027); Chieerete I., Taylor 46- [Voleai: Falalis I., interior of islet, Alkise 86 1164 (US); Enyu I., Taylos 46-1176 (US), 46-1006 (US); Sholiap I., 1 m, Fosbe7.g 47044 (US), 2 m, FOJ- (US). besg 47048 (US). Ailinginae: Sifo I., Fosbesg 36693 (US, BISH, Fo). Faraulap: Faraulap I., 3 m, Fosberg cL- Evans Rongelap: Eniaetok I., Taylos 46-1366 (US, 17397 (US). HISH). Ifaluk: Falarik I., Abbott Bates 85 (US, BISH), Rongerik: Latohack I., Taylor 46-1423 (US). Utirik: Utirik I.: Fosbesg 33661 (US, NY), 33677 Evatzs 538 (Fo); lfaluk I., 2 m, Fosbe1.g 47204 (US, (US); Stone I057 (RISH). Eluk I.: Fosbesg 33700 BISH, K, NO). (US, NY). Gaferut: Niesing 773 (US). Ujelang: Ujelang I,, Fosberg 34178 (US, NY): 0-3 Namonuito: Stone 2118 (BISH); Piseras I., Daisu I., Doty 6 Gilmartir~12764 (BISH). m, Evans 898 (US, HAW, NY, A). Ujae: Bock I., Fosberg 34362 (US, NY). Alurilo: Ruo I., 3-5 m, Luans 1208 (US). IVotho: IVotho I., Fosberg 34239 (US, NY). Truk: Wotrg 179 (US, BISH). RIoen (Harushima): Lae: Loj I., Fosbesg 34056 (US); Enenbao I., Fos- Takurtzatsu 172 (BISH). Pis: Fosberg 24634 (US, besg 34083 (US). BISH). Kwajalein: Lojjairong I., Fosberg 341 19 (US); Lukunor: Oneap I., Anderson 2110 (US, BISH, Bigej (Bennett) I., Fosbesg 26519 (US, BISH, Fo, Fo, NY, I,). NY, L); Kwajalein I., Fosbesg 26472 (US, BISH, Fo, Satawan: Ta I., Andesson 1073 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). NY). Ailuk: Ailuk I., Fosbesg 33942 (US, NY). Nukuoro: Nukuoro (.Matakena) I., Fosbesg 26235 Jemo: Fosbesg 33890 (US). (US, BISH); Modubodai, Carroll 43 (US). Likiep: Aikini (Agony) I., Fo.rbesg 27053 (US, Kapingamarangi: Tangawaka I., Niering 704 BISH). (US); Hare I., Hosaka 3438 (US, BISH, Fo), Fos- AIejit: Stone 1081 (BISH). NUMBER 36

Aur: Tabal I., St. John 21385 (BISH). afanafan (Truk: Anderson 759) Ailinglapalap: Bikajle (Bigatyelang) I., Fosbe~g emechimech (Truk: Pelrer 44) eteniten (Truk: Wong 124) 26795 (US). ~nechimech(Truk: Pelzer 65) LIajuro: Laura (W end of Majuro I.), Fosberg metmet (Truk: Hosokawa, 1937) ,7696i (US, BISH); Uliga I., Stone 961 (BISH). likaam (Ponape: Fosberg 26352) Arno: Ine I., Anderson 3622 (US, BISH, NY); likam (Ponape: Glassman 2564, Riesenberg 67, Christian, Eniairik I., Andemon 3758 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); 1899) Bikarej I., Hatheway 821 (US, BISH). likatou (Ponape: Riesenberg 67) asingsing (Kusaie: Fosberg 26571) Kili: St. John and llason, 1953:166, Mason 14 (BISH). Jaluit: Koiclzlimi in 1915 (TI); Engler 1897:225; Schumann and Lauterbach, 1901:515 (citing Schwabe); Jaluit I., Sydney Pier, just S of Jabor, CAROLINEISLANDS.-Palau: Babeldaob: Melekiok, 6. Fo\belg 26685 (US, BISH, Fo, A'Y, L). Tuyama in 1939 (TI). Peliliu: Kanehira Hatu- GILBERTI~I.ANDS.-Tarawa: Tearinibai, Catala sima 4792 (FU). 57 (P); Bikenibeu I., Herbst & Allerton 2690 (US). Yap: Volkens 1901:473 (citing Volkens 209, 463); Nonouti: S of Ta~~nrawa,2 m, Koch 32 (US, Fo). Dogol, Tuyama in 1939 (TI); Ivlt. Matade, 160 m, 'I'abiteuea: Luomala, 1953:47, 110; Luomala 38 Fosberg 25553 (US), 150 m, Cushing 456 (US); (BISH). Colonia vicinity, 150 m, Evans 296 (US, HAW). Onotoa: Moul 8338 (US), 8197 (US, BISH, NY). Truk: Kotdz~~miin 1915 (TI); Koidzumi in 1925 (TI); 25 ft [8 m], Wong 124 (US, BISH, Fo); Kane- hira 606 (NY, FU). Moen: Pelzer 65 (US); old site of Zpomoea mauritiana Jacquin Mechetiu (Metitiu) village, W side of Bou Bay, 0-1 m, Fosbel-g 24418 (US, BISH); 1000 ft [305 m], lpomoea inalrrltiana Jacquin, Coll., 4216, 1790. Co?~volv~tluspaniculatus L., Sp. Pl., 156, 1753. Hosaka 2781 (US, BISH); summit of Mt. Tona- Ipoinoea panic~tlata (L.) R. Brown, Prodr., 486, 1810.- achau, Fosberg 26054 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); slope E Volkens, Bot. Jahrb., 31:473, 1901. [Non Burman f., FI. of Moen (village), 30 m, Anderson 759 (US, BISH, Ind., 50, 1768.1 Fo, NY, L); track from Nob Hill to high school, Ipotnoea digitata sensu Hosokawa, Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., 100-120 m, Evans 1417 (US). Dublon: Hosokawa, 7:199, 1937.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:99, 1952. 1937:199. Tol: Pelzer 44 (US); Takarnatsu 29 [NOIII,., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 924, 1759.1 (BISH). Fefan, Uman, Tarik: Hosokawa, 1937:199. Subglabrous liarla; leaves large, cordate, usually Ponape: Ripsenberg 67 (BISH); Glassman 2564 deeply cut into 7 ovate- or oblong-lanceolate acu- (US, BISH); Jokaj, 300 ft [90 m], Hosaka 3496 (US, minate lobes; peduncles about as long as leaves, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Colonia, Stone I974 (GUAM), ~~mbelloitllybranched near summit into 14 pedi- Kanehira 688 (FU, NY); U District, N coast, be- cels, or corymbiform cymose-paniculate; sepals tween Ipuac and U, 1-5 m, Fosberg 26352 (US, glabroi~s,orbicular, about 1 cm long, strongly con- BISH, Fo, NY); Nanpil, Takamatszr 840 (BISH); cave; corolla campanulate, pink-purple, red or Salapwuk (Salbuk), Takamatsu 612 (BISH); Net red-purple within in throat, about 6 cm long; village, Salomon cir. George 50 (US). stamen5 ant1 style included, stigmas 2, globose; Kusaie: S side of Mt. Matanta (Buache), 50 m, capsule globose, about 1 cm long; seeds black, Fosberg 26571 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); AIoto, Kane- covered with long coarse white hairs. hira 1426 (FU, KY). Said to be pantropic; in Micronesia: Caroline Is. -Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape, Kusaie. Growing in Zpomoea obscura (L.)Ker-Gawler thickets and edges of forest, climbing on rocks and on other plants. (L.) Ker-Gawler, Bot. Reg., 3:239, 1817. USES.-Leaves of this species are used in relieving Conuolvulus obscltrus L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2,220, 1762. pains after childbirth (Ponape: Glassman 2564). Slender twiner, almost glabrous to notably pilose; VI-RX.~CCI..ARNA~~ES.- leaves broadly cordate, acuminate, up to 5 cm in dodai (Yap: Fosberg 25553) diameter, with broad rounded basal sinus, margins S\lITHSONI.-\N CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY subentire to finely crenulate, more or less ciliate, Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:132, 1914.-Koidzumi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo, petioles slender, 2-6.5 cm long; flowers 1-several 29:253, 1915.-Okabe, Nankyo, 2:21, 1943.-St. John, Pac. in pedunculate cymes, in each cyme 1 flower open Sci., 5:285, 1951.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:100, 1952.-Luomala, Bishop Mus. Bull., 21325, 48, 110, 1953.- at a time, peduncles 2-5 (or even 10) cm long, Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 39:18, 1955.-Catala, Atoll Res. petlicels 1-1.5 cm, somewhat dilated upward; sepals Bull., 59:97, 19.57.-Stone, Pac. Sci., 13:103, 1959.-Otobed, 4-6 mm long, elliptic or elliptic ovate to oval or, ms., 1967; Guide List Plants Palau Is., 1971.-Hosokawa, in fruit, orbicular, the inner broader, mucronate; ms., n.d. [Non (L.) R. Brown in Tuckey, Narr. Exped. corolla campanulate-funrielform, flaring, 1.5-2 cm Zaire, 477, Mar 1818.1 Zpornoea biloba sensu Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9298, long, 1.5-2.5 cm broatl, white or cream to sulfur- 1905.-Okabe, Nettai Sangy8 Kenkyii-sho ih6, 5:12, 1940; yellow, with dark purple center; stamens and pistil Jour. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon, 56:425, 1941. [Prob. non included; capsule subglobose, to 1 cm long, beaked, Fol.skil. FI. Aeg.-Arab., 44, 1775.1 exsertetl from calyx, firm; seeti 2.5 x 3.5 mm, Zpomoea purga sensu Okabe, iettai Sangy8 Kenkyfi-sho plump, dark brown, sericeous tomentose. ihO, 5312, 1940 [non Hayne, Arzneige~v.,12:tt. 33, 34, 18331. A pantropical species probably of Old World '1 prostrate, coarse, glabrous creeper, capable of origin and more common there, recently atlventive forming dense mats; leaves coriaceous, oblong or in Guam. oval to ovate, rounded or somewhat cordate at base, MARIASASISLANI)S.--GU~~: Apra Harbor, area N normally bilobed or at least prominently emargi- of base of Orote Peninsula, entrance to Naval Sta- nate at apex; peduncles erect, stout, with 1-several tion, AIay 25, 1953, 10 m, Sachet 1714 (US, HAW). pedicellate flowers in a cyme; sepals elliptic to orbicular, the outer ones narrower, obtuse, mucro- Zpomoea pes-caprae (L.)R. Brown nulate, glabrous, up to about 1 cm long; corolla funnelforni to campanulate, rose purple, darker in Iponroea pes-caprae (L.) R. Brown in Tuckey, Narr. Expetl. center, 3-5 cm long; stamens and style included; Zai~e,477, March 1818. stigmas 2, globose; capsule globose, 12-15 mm high; Cor~volv~tlrrspes-caprae L., Sp. Pl., 159, 1753. seeds densely brown-tomentose, dull yellowish when The nominate subspecies of this pantropical the tomentum is worn off. strand species occurs mostly in the Indian Ocean All Alicronesian records and specimens of area, but not in XIicronesia. Ipomoea pes-caprae belong to this subspecies. St. John (1970) regards it as a distinct species, but the characters seem rather slight, principally differences Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis (L.) in leaf shape and flower-size. Plants from the van Ooststroom Ryukyus, XIalaya, and Thailand seen1 rather inter- Iporrloea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis (L.) van Ooststroom, mediate. The taxon is here regarded as a subspecies, Blumea, 3:533, 1940.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 67:17, 1959. rather than a variety, of I, pes-caprae because it is -Fosberg and Sachet, Atoll Res. Bull., 92:32, 1962: 123:13, extraordinarily variable, especially in habit, leaf 1969.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:493, 1971.-Alkire, Micronesica, 10:2, 1974.-Fosberg, Falanrurv, and Sachet, Smithsonian shape, and degree of branching of the cyme. Pos- Contr. Bot., 22:37, 1975. sibly varieties may be distinguished within this Cor~uolvulusbrasiliensis L., Sp. Pl., 159, 1753. vast population. Conuolvulus maritimus Desrousseaux in Lamarck, Encycl. Subspecies b~asiliensisis pantropical (except in Mbth., 3:550, 1789 117921.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., the Indian Ocean area, where it is replaced by 9:248, 1905. Ipomoea maritirnn (Desrousseaux) R. Brown, Prodr., 486, subspecies pes-caprae); in Micronesia it is known 1810.-Endlicher, Ann. Wien. Mus. Saturgesch., 1:173, 1835. from the Marianas: Uracas, Asuncion, Agrigan, -Safford, Contr. U.S. Xat. Herb., 9:299, 1905. Pagan, Alamagan, Guguan, Sarigan, Anatahan, Ipomoea brasiliet~sis (L.) Sweet, Hort. Sub. London, 35, Jul 1818.-G.F.W. Meyer, Prim. F1. Esseq., 97, Sov 1818.-St. Saipan, Tinian, Rota, Guam; from the Carolines: John, Bot. Jahrb., 89:575,578, 1970. Palau, Sonsorol, Tobi, Helen Reef, Yap, Ulithi, Ipomoea pes-caprae sensu Engler, h'otizbl., 1:225, 1897.- Eauripik, Woleai, Ifaluk, Lamotrek, Satawal, Christian, Caroline Is., 340, 1899.-Schumann & Lauter- Namonuito, Truk, Ponape, Kusaie; from Wake; bach, F1. deutsche Schutzg. Siids., 517, 1901.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Xat. Herb., 9:299, 1905.-von Prowazek, from the Xlarshalls: Eniwetok, Lae, Kwajalein, Deutsch. Marianen, 106, 109, 119, 1913.-Merrill, Phil. AIajuro, Jaluit; from Nauru; from Ocean (Banaba); NUMBER 38 from the Gilberts: Butaritari, Tarawa. We have the alalag-tasi (Guam: Safford, 1905; Whiting, ms., 1965) alalag-tassi (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826) impression that this plant may be introduced in the alalai sabana (Guam: Nelson 249) Marshalls and Gilberts, since it is known mostly alalai-tasi (Guam: Safford, 1905; Whiting, ms., 1965) from atolls where there has been much recent for- alalak (Guam: Whiting, ms., 1965) eign human activity and disturbance. A seedling, halihai (Guam: Nelson 180; Seale in 1900) probably of this species, was once found by us in kabeasaong (Palau: Fosberg 32391) beach drift on Likiep, where the plant is otherwise kebeaschol (Palau: Otobed, 1967, 1971; Salsedo 138) kebeas choll (Palau: Hardy 40) unknown, and on Arno, a seed of this species was kebeas el choll (Palau: Owen 11) found in the crop of a tern (Gygis alba) by J. T. kebeas-01 (Palau: Hosokawa, n.d.) Marshall. Zpomoea pes-capme is not known on kebias 01 (Palau: Okabe, 1943) Arno, which has been thoroughly searched for kobeas 01 (Palau: Okabe, 1941) plants, but is known from ltajuro, a few miles halabaru (Sonsorol: Berry 11) gunbairihirungao (Yap: St. John, 1970) away. If he plant were of other than recent intro- rakodorip (Yap: Hosokawa, n.d.) duction in the XIarshalls it might be expected to rvathol (Yap: Wong 309) have reached all or most of these atolls and to be parabwal (Ulithi: Lessa in 1949) much more common than it is, since ideal habitats harabwal (Eauripik: Fosberg & Evans 47129) for it are abundant. It is typically a beach plant, garabrval (Woleai: Alkire 70) harawal (Woleai: Evans 440) hut in the Marianas it is also found in open places kawadui (Woleai: Wong 14) at all altitudes. gareb wal (Ifaluk: Abbott 6 Bates 148, 73) USES.--Various parts are used as medicine (Ulithi, hualimi (Lamotrek: Fosberg Q Evanr 46767) hlogmog I.: Lessa in 1949) or as an ingredient in iiriiprt ojn (Truk: Wong 247) some medicines (Woleai, Falalis I.: Alkire 70). The arapual (Satarvan: Anderson 1102) arapwill (Satarvan: Anderson 1123) root contains starch and is used medicinally (Guam: tihuuhe (Kapingamarangi: Fosberg 26096) Safford, 1905). The turniplike roots given off by slionshol (Ponape: Glassman 2778) the rhizome are prized as a purgative; leaves are qonjol (Ponape: Bascom T83) boiled and used for external application for stom- sonsol (Ponape: Glassman 2778; Fosherg 26335 (Bascom T83)) ach ache ant1 colic; the boiled juice is said to be uantal (Ponape: Christian, 1899) good for rheumatism (Palau, Okabe, 1940). Leaves antal (Ponape: Christian, 1899) ooba (Kusaie: Hosokawa, n.d.) are crushed, wrapped in "ul" ( paradisiaca), marjinejojo (Majuro: St. John, 1951) squeezed in well water, and the resulting liquid is ireegogo (Nauru: Burges, ms., ca. 1935; von Prowazek, 1913) given to a newborn baby to drink (Ifaluk: Abbott ruku (Tarawa: Luomala, 1953) 6 Bates 73). The leaves are applied to bruises and te ruku (Tarawa: Catala, 1957, citing Catala 1.52) to the head for headache, they are boiled and ap- plied as a poultice to boils and cuts; an infusion made from the leaves is usetl as a tea for abscesses and boils and as a douche during pregnancy. Some MARIANASISLANDS.-Schumann and Lauterbach, say this plant shoultl be used only externally; it 1901:517 (citing Lesson); Gaudichaud s.n. (G). has a large rose-purple flower; it is often mistaken Uracas: W side of S coast, below 400 ft [120 m], for hailailai (plant unidentified) or abodu (Sticto- Falanruw 2209 (US). cardia campanulata) (Guam: Whiting ms., 1965). Asuncion: SW coast, 100 ft [30 m], Falanrz~w On Sonsorol it is believed that if the flower is 2280 (US). picked, it will rain within 24 hours (Berry II). It is Agrigan: Marche 298 (P, Fo); SW coast below 300 an important sand-binding plant (Guam: Safford, ft [90 m], Falanrziw 2184 (US, BISH); mid-west 1905). coast, 15 ft [5 m], Falanruw 2348 (US); village, Fosberg 31429 (US). Pagan: Mnrche 149 (P, Fo); Bonham 21 (US, Fo); fofegau halae (Marianas: Gaudichaud s.n.) Isthmus, Anderson 565 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); alalag-tasi (Marianas: von Prowazek, 1913) Fresh Water Lake, Fosberg 31396 (US); alaiyai (Saipan: Hosokawa, n.d.) Laguna, alaihai-tasi (Guam: Safford, 1905) Villagomez JV-D5 (US); airstrip, Moore 308 (US); alalag (Guam: Whiting C16) AIt. Pagan, 300 ft [90 m], Moore 368 (US). ShLI THSONI IN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

Alamagan: Partido village, Fosberg 31645 (US, 25493 (US, BISH), Lessa in 1949 (BISH); Falalap RISH); SSW coast, Falanruw 1956 (US). I., 3 m, Fosbelg 46974 (US, Fo, HAW, lZO); Sorlen Guguan: \Y coast below 50 ft [15 m], Falanl,zirib I., 5 In, Evcln.~408 (US, Fo, BISH, L, A, NY). 1800 (US). Eauripik: Eauripik I., 1-2 m, Fosberg C Evans Sarigan: 0-20 m, Evans 2429 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); 47129 (US). 0-75 ft [O-20 m],Fala?x.t-ILW 1775 (US). Woleai: Utagal I., Wong 14 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); Anatahan: Sea level, Falanruw 1665 (US); S of Falalis I., Alkire 70 (US); Falalap I., Evans 440 (Fo, S\V tip of island, 0-10 nl, Evans 2460 (US, BISH, BISH, US). Fo, KY). Ifaluk: Abbott & Bates 148 (US); S shore of Ella .\Ietlinilla: S~vetlberg,nu., 19i.i. I., Abbott Ijntes i3 (US). Saipan: Stephens 60 (Fo); seashore, Kanehira 1021 Larnotrek: Larnotrek I., 3 m, Fosberg Evans (FU); Cliaran-Kanoa, 10 ft [3 m], Hosaka 3023 (US, 46767 (US). BISH); just N of Agingan Pt., SXV corner of island, Satawal: Satawal I., S side, Fosberg 46949 (seed- Fo.rbe~g25251 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). ling) (US). Tinian: Okatani 65 (FU); Kondo in 1952 Namonuito: Ulul I., observed, common on most (BISH), 28 (BISH); beach, E side of ;\It. Lasso, E islets, Stone, 1959: 103. side of island, Fosberg 24909 (US, BISH, Fo); Lake Truk: Koidzumi in 1915 (TI); Wong 247 (US, Hagoya, N end of island, Fosberg 24789 (US, BISH, Fo). Dublon: Natsushima, Takamatsu 63 (BISH). Fo). To1 (Suizoto): Takamatsu 26 (BISH). Rota: Hosokawa, Etal: Seen by Anderson, but not collected. Guam: Endlicher, 1835: 173 (citing Lesson); Lukunor: Seen by Anderson, but not collected. Hornbl.on ill 1841 (P); McGregor 545 (US, BISH); Satawan: hloch I., Anderson 1123 (US, BISH, G.E.S. il (US, BISH, NSW); llerrill, 1914:132; near Fo, NY, I,); Satawan I., A~lrle?-son1102 (US, BISH, moutll of Ylig River, Rodin 775 (US); beach $" mi Fo, SY, L). [0.8 km] IV of Agafia, itloore 135 (US); Agafia, Kapingamarangi: Hare I.: Fo.rberg 26096 (US, Sealr in 1900 (BISH), Whiting C16 (Fo); beach E of BISH, Fo, NY); ,\'iering 727 (US, Fo), 691 (US, Fo, Harrigada, Stre1.c 135 (US); near Talisay, 150 m, BISH). IVerua I.: Siering 586 (US). Fosbcrg 35262 (US, BISH, Fo); Oca Pt., glass ma?^ Ponape: Kamiya 218 (TI), 277 (TI); Bascom T83 134 (Fo); .\It. Terijo, 320 m, Bj.yan 1111 (BISH); (US); U District, h' coast between Ipuak and U, 1-5 hlarine Beach, Pedru, 7 (GUAM); Pago, along river m, Fosberg 26335 (US, BISH); Saputik I., Glassman bank, .Yrl.\on 249 (BISH); Pity, Selson 180 (US, 2778 (US, BISH); Tarnon, Takamatsu 881 (BISH). KISH); Tagachan Bay, Stone 4019 (BISH, GUAhI); Kusaie: Kanchira 1367 (KY, FU); valley S of Lele .l'ogclia Ha)., Jones Beach, Stone 4463 [4462?] Harbor, Fosberg 26642 (US, BISH); XIot, Tnka- (G1JAlI). rnatsu 443 (BISH). CAROI.ISEISI.AXDS.-Palau: Koror: Owen I I (US, \I'AI(E Is~~x~).--Fosber,g34473 (US). Peale I.: BISH); Ngetmecluch rock, Hardy 73 (US). Babel- Pollock & Bryan 22a (BISH); Lyons 24 (BISH). tlaob: E coast, Ngatkip, Airai, 0-5 m, Fosberg 32391 Area D: Gaston in 1953 (BISH). (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); llarikyoku, Kanehira 381 MARSHAL.I.ISI.AXDS.--Eniwetok: Eniwetok I., Fos- (FU). AIalakal: Dechel, Hardy 40 (US, BISH). Peli- berg 24287 (US, BISH); Igurin I., St. John 23733 liu: Snlsedo 138 (US); N end of island, Fo.rbcrg (BISH); Engebi I., Fosberg 24404 (US, BISH, Fo, 26011 (US, BISH). NY, L), St. John 237i8 (US., BISH); Aomon I., St. Sonsorol: Sonsorol I., Be~7.y11 (US); beach from John 23831 (BISH). village to S tip of island, Hardy I49 (US, BISH). Lae: Lae I., Fosberg 33999 (US); Loj I., Fosberg Tobi: causeway through center of island, Hardy 34044 (US). 142 (US, BISH). Kwajalein: Kwajalein I., Fosberg 26480 (US, Helen Reef: Salsedo 387 (US). BISH, Fo, NY, L); Bennett (Bikej) I., Fosberg Yap: Kamiya I31 (TI); Wong 309 (US, Fo); Gill- 26506 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). man Colony road, 15 m, Gushing 386 (US). llajuro: Dalap (Salome) I., Fosberg 26910 (US, Ulithi: Asor I., Fosberg 46438 (US, BISH, Fo, RISH, Fo, NY, L); AIajuro I., St. John 1951:285. SY, I,, P, TI, .A); llogmog I., Fo.sbel.g 6 Wong Jaluit: Koidzurni in 1915 (TI); Sch~imannand Lauterbach 1901:517 (citing Schwabe); Engler 1897: 225; Jaluit I., Sydney Pier area, Fosberg 26709 (US, RISH, Fo, NY, L). MARIANASISLANDS.- Tinian: Lake Hagoya, N NAUR~JISI.AND.-B~~T~~S 130 (NSW), 140 (NSkV'). end of island, 1-10 m, Fosberg 24791 (US, BISH, HANABA(OCEAN I.).-Rhone 45 (NSW). Fo, NY, L). GILBERT ISI.ANDS.-Butaritari: Butaritari I., Guam: Marche 207 (US); ATelson 407 (Bish); Herbst 6 Allerton 2699 (US). G.E.S. 172 (NSW, BISH); illerrill, 1914:133 (citing Tarawa: Uncommon, seen only in some abun- G.E.S. 172); Manguuao, 65 m, Fosberg 35618 (US). dance in Betio and near the landing place at CAROLINEIs~~~~~s.-Palau: Koror I.: Otobed 44 Bairiki, Catala 1957:97 (citing Catala 152); seen (US); Tngeronger, Blackburn 193 (US); Cheatham in 1967 by Sachet; Betio, lagoon side, Adair 98 (US), 36 (US). Luomala 1953:25. Yap: Wong 335 (US, Fo, NY, BISH). Ponape: Parakiet, Salomon 6. George 38 (US).

Zpomoea quamoclit L. Zpomoea sepiaria Koenig ex Roxburgh lpomoea quamoclit L., Sp. Pl., 159, 1753.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:299, 1905.-Otobed, ms., 1967; Guide List lpomoea sepiaria Koenig ex Roxburgh, F1. Ind., ed. Carey & Plants Palau Is., 1971.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:494, 1971. Wallich, 2:90, 1824.-Hosokawa, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Conwolvulus pennatus Desrousseaux in Lamarck, Encycl. Formosa, 28:156, 1938.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Mbth., 3:567, 1791 [l792]. Convolwulu~maximus sensu auct. [non L.f., Suppl., 137, 17811. Quamorlit vulgaris Choisy, Mbm. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Ipo~rloea maxima sensu auct, plur. [non (L.f.) Sweet, Hort. Geneve, 6:434, 1833. Brit., ed. 2, 372, 18301.-van Ooststroom, Blumea, 3:526, Quamoclit pennatn (Desrousseaux) Bojer, Hort. Maurit., 224, 1940. 1837 [as Q. pinnatal.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:133, 1914. Herbaceous twiner or creeper, glabrous to hir- Quamoclrt qtramoclit (L.) Britton in Britton & Brown, 111. sute; leaves glabrous extremely variable, broadly F1. N. U.S., 3:22, 1898.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., ovate to orbicular or reniform, acuminate, cordate 9:363. 1905. at base, entire, minutely ciliate; peduncle thick, Slender glabrous twiner; leaves pinnately divided bearing an umbellate cyme of 5 to 10 flowers; into linear or filiform lobes; inflorescences axillary sepals glabrous, elliptic-oblong, 4-6 mm long, with peduncles much longer than leaves, I-several- obtuse, mucronulate; corolla tubular funnelform, flowered; bracts nearly obsolete; pedicels 1-3 cm 2-2.5 cm long, white to pale lilac, purple in center; long, tending to be thickened toward apex; sepals stamens unequal, included; style included, stigmas oblong, obtuse to rounded, mucronate; corolla 2, glabrous; capsule glabrous, depressed-globose, bright red (rarely white), about 3 cm long, very 6-7 mm high; seeds densely tomentose with longer narrowly funnelform, limb short but deeply lobed; hairs on margin. (We have not seen this species; description is condensed from van Ooststroom, capsule ovoid at apex, glabrous, tending to split 1940, 526). rather irregularly, valves thin, seeds glabrous, mot- India and Ceylon to Malay Archipelago, Hainan tled brownish or black. and Formosa; in Micronesia found once in 1937 Pantropical, a cultivated ornamental, said to be in Yap. of tropical American origin, freely naturalized in CAROLINEIS LANDS.-^^^: "on a waste place," warm countries; in hricronesia known thus far from Hosokawa, 1938: 156 (citing Hosokawa 8926). Tinian, Guam, Palau, Yap, and Ponape; recent collections from cultivated plants; in Yap said to be a Japanese introduction. Zpomoea setifera Poiret USES.-Planted by the natives as a garden plant Ipomoea setifera Poiret in Lamarck, Encycl. Mbth., 6:17, (Guam: Safford, 1905). 1804. A fairly common tropical American species, a asangao (Palau: Otobed, 1967, 1971) small-flowered variety of which has a pantropical cabello del angel (Guam: G.E.S. 172; Safford, 1905) scattered distribution including a number of locali- SLII~I'lISONlhNCONTRIBUrIONS TO BOTANY

ties in tlie Pacific islands. The large-flowered plant fruit. There is an excellent illustration of this plant has not been found in the Indo-Pacific area. as Ipomoea fimbriosepala Choisy in van Ooststroom The small flowered plant has hitherto been re- (1'358, fig. 5). garded as a separate species, I. fimbriosepaln, but Pantropical, commonest from Brazil to Argentina, since the only difference that we have found is in but scattered in Africa, Lladagascar, Mauritius the size of the corolla, we prefer to combine it with (syntype localitie~),and several Pacific islands. In I. setifon. \Ye are not aware of any available name SIicronesia it has not been found sin~ethe original in varietal rank, so we are proposing the following collection on Guam, but should be looked for. It is combination. impossible tor us to determine if it is native or introtluced in the Pacific islands. ~IARIANA~ISLANDS.--GLI~~: s.I., in 1828, Astro- Zpomoea setifera var. fimbriosepala (Choisy) Fosberg, new combination labe [Lesson?]58 in part (P).

lpomoea fimbriosepala Choisy in de Candolle, Prodr., 9:359, 1845.-Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 18:143, 1893.-van Oost- L. stroom, F1. Males., I, 5:561-562, 1958. Aniseia hastata Meissner in Martius, FI. Bras., 7:319, 1869. Iponloea triloba L., Sp. PI., 161, 1753.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 7:145-208, 1912; 9:132, 1914.-Hosokawa, Bull. Twiner, glabrous to somewhat pubescent; leaves Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., 7:199, 1937.-Tuyama, Jour. Jap. Bot., cii~itevariable, generally longer than wide, acumi- 20:226-229, 1944.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:100, 1952.-Fosberg, Atoll Res. Bull., 68:6, 1959.-Stone, Micro- nate to acutish, extreme apex obtuse or emarginate, nesica, 6:494, 1971.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. base hastate or sagittate, basal lobes pointed or Convolvulus trilobatus Gaudichaud, Bot. I'oy. Uranie, 68, rountletl, petiole shorter than blade; peduncles 1826 [nom. nud., probably error for C. trilobus (L.) Des- solitary in axils, to 3-4 cm, bearing single pedicel- rousseaux].-Safford, Contr. U.S. Kat. Herb., 9:248. 1905. late flowers, or simple or once compound dichasia, lpomoea mariannensis Choisy, M6m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genbve, 6:468, 1833; in de Candolle, Prodr., 9:383, 1845.- these becoming very loose, nodes bearing foliaceous Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:299, 1905. broadly ovate mucronate bracts 5-15 mm long, Convolvulus mariannensis Gaudichaud ex Safford, Contr. petlicels becoming thick and elongating to 2-3 cm U.S. h'at. Herb., 9:247, 1905 [in synonymy; apparently in fruit-entire inflorescence reaching 10 or more ascribed to Gaudichaud by error, as the latter did not pub- cm in fruit; sepals unequal, broadly ovate, outer lish this name]. ones largest, to 2 cm long or even 2.5 cm in fruit, Subglabrous twiner with cordate leaves varying with three strong keels or wings longitudinally on from entire to remotely repand-dentate to trilobate, the back, thehe usually dentate toward base; corolla usl~ally less than 6 cm across; peduncles thick, funnelform, flaring distally, 2.5-4 cm long, purple, bearing irregularly umbelloid fastigiate cymes of darker in center; fruit ovoid to globose, 1-1.5 cm 1 to 7 flowers at summits; calyx 6-8 mm long, long, splitting into 4 hard woody ovate valves, sepals narrowly oblong ro oblong-lanceolate, mu- spreading at tips; seeds black, puberulent. cronate, long-villous especially on margins; corolla With a Guam specimen of Ipomoea triloba L. funnelform, dull pinkish or pinkish purple, up to collected by the Astrolabe expedition in 1828 there 2 cm long; stamens and style included; capsule is a specimen with strongly and narrowly sagittate globose, 5-7 mm high, sparsely long pilose, strongly leaves and heavy woody fruits resembling those of beaked by dried style base; seeds smooth, dark Aniseia, within which it would clearly go to A. brown. hastata hleissner. The latter was first described as Pantropical, said to be ot tropical American Ipomoea fimbriosepala Choisy and has been re- origin; in hlicronesia known from Marianas- tained in Ipomoea by most modern authors. We Saipan, Tinian, Guam; Carolines-Palau, Yap, are informed by Prof. Walter Lewis that the pollen Truk, Ponape; Xlarshalls-Kwajalein. Found of this species (preparation from Mncedo 1675 (US)) mainly in disturbed or more or less open places, is notably spinulose, while that of the several other along roadsides, and in brush or thickets. species of Aniseia, including A, martinicensis (Jac- quin) Choisy, is smooth. Hence we regard this species as an Ipomoea in spite of the Aniseia-like nedgut (Saipan: Hosaka 3004) fofegou (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826) hybrid between and Ipomoea fofgu (Guam: Safford, 1905) tl.ichocarpa, which has become widespread and netkort (Guam: ATelson 107) which extraordinarly resembles Ipomoea triloba. galli ngo I,oca roro (Yap: Wong 468) While we admit the possibility of such a hybrid (although neither parent is found anywhere near GEOGRAP~IICRECORDS AND SPECIMENSEXAMINED Alicronesia) we cannot confidently distinguish these plants from Ipomoea triloba. Hence we prefer to R~ARIANAS ISLANDS.-Saipan: Kanehira cL- Hatu- continue to consider them within our circumscrip- sima 4314 (FU); Tanapag, Fosberg 25261 (US, tion of I. tliloba until more convincing characters BISH, Fo, NY, L); Charan-Tarhoho, 100 ft [30 m], are pointed out to separate them. Hosaka 3004 (US, BISH, Fo). The sheets in question are: from Saipan-Hosaka Tinian: Lake Hagoya, 1-10 m, Fosberg 24797 3004, Fosberg 25261; from Guam-Fosberg 43414, (US, BISH, Fo). Guam: ATelson 107 (BISH); McGregor 450 (US, 35447,31936, ATecker 214,334, McGregor 450; from BISH); Fosberg 43414 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Yap-Hosaka 3268, Blackburn 274. The following Astrolabe [l.esson?] 58 in part (P); Merrill 1914:132 two from Palau have not been examined by Austin, (citing McGregor 450); Agafia, 2 m, Fosbel-g 31936 but may also belong with the above list, judging by (US, BISH, Fo); Inarajan, Mawhe 237 (P, Fo); road flower size: Blackburn 202, Evans 549. between Merizo and Inarajan, 5 m, Fosberg 35447 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); 2-3 km W of Yona, 100- Merremia Dennstedt ex Hallier f. 130 m, Fosberg 35295 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); Asan Pt., Anderson 6 (US, BISH, Fo); Comarianas Merrernia Dennstedt ex Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:581, 1893. (Fonte) hills above Asan, 175 m, Fosberg 25427 (US, Twiners; peduncles axillary, bearing flowers in BISH, Fo, NY, L); 2 mi [3.2 km] W of Agat, Moore cymes; corolla broadly funnelform or campanulate; 275 (US); 'Talofofo village, Necker 214 (US); Pati stamens and style included; anthers (at least in Pt., Secker 334 (US); Andersen Air Force Base, Micronesian species) curved or spirally coiled; pol- 4432 (BISH, Fo); hlenengon savannas, len grains smooth; stigmas 2, globose; capsule split- Pedn~s69 (BISH, GUAAI); Stone 4838 (GUAhI); ting into 4-many ovate to lanceolate valves. Piti, Swezey in 1936 (BISH); Ritidian Pt., Stone This genus is difficult to distinguish convincingly 4712 (GUAhI); OSIR Rd, Apra Harbor, Stone from Ipomoea. Its chief, if not only, characters are 4721 (GUAM). smooth pollen grains and coiled anthers. The CAROLINEIsLANDs.--P~~~u: Koror: hospital, corolla is generally broader and has a rather dif- Bluckbt~~n202 (US). Rlalakal 1.: causeway from ferent appearance; however the only good key Koror, Evans 549 (US, Fo, HAW, K, MO). characters are difficult to use without good speci- Yap: s.l., Kanehira cL. Hatzisima 4339 (FU), 70 ft mens. It may be that the pollen grain surface has [20 m], Wong 468 (US, BISH, Fo); Frijikawa in been given too much importance in this family, 1939 (TI); across from Catholic mission, Blackburn since there are so few correlated characters. 247 (US); Tomil I., 50 ft [15 m], Hosaka 3268 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); Dogol, Tuyama in 1939 (TI); Takiol, Takamatsu 1853 (BISH). Merremia aegyptia (L.) Urban Truk: Fefan: on XIt. Tuktyap, Hosokawa, 1937: Merremia aegyptia (L.) Urban, Symb. Antill., 4:505, 1910. 199 (citing Hosokawa 8387). Ipomoea aegyptia L., Sp. Pl., 162, 1753. Ponape: Colonia, Glassman 2773 (US, BISH); 1 m, Hatzisima in 1939 (FU). Conspicuously pilose herbaceous twiner; leaves IMARSHALLISLANDS.-Kwajalein: Kwajalein I., divided to base (or compound) into 5 narrowly Fosberg 39487 (US, BISH, Fo). obovate, acuminate leaflets; peduncles bearing loose A number of the above cited specimens that are dichasia with up to 9 flowers, small bracts; sepals slightly coarser, slightly larger flowered than the ovate, conspicuously long-hirsute, except at tips; others have been indicated by Dr. Daniel Austin corolla white, about 2 cm long; capsule depressed- (pers. comm.) as probably representing a putative globose, about 12 mm high; seeds glabrous. SMITHSONIAK CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTAISY

Key to Micronesian Species of Merremia

1. Leales lanceolate, hastate at base M. tridentata ssp. hastata I. Leabes cordate, entlre to deepl\ lohetl or ~ut 2 2. Leakes peltate iM. peltata 2. Leaves not peltate 3 3. Leales d~g~tatel)dix~tletl illto ell~pticacumlrlate lobes 4 4. Plan1 lery hair) iM. aegyfitia 4. Plant essentiall~glab~ous 1M. tuberosa 3. Leales entire to trilobetl or ])lately lobed 5 5. Leales generally o\er 5 cln across; flolteis 2.5 cm long M. umbellata 5. Leales gene~allyless than 5 cm; fiolte~aat most 2 crn long 6 6. Lea\e\ with tuberculate petioles; corolla at most I cm long; outer qepals with muclo turned out^\ art1 .M. hederacea 6. Petioles nith felt or no tubercles; corolla 1.5-2 cm long; outer sepals ~tithmucro erect ]If. gemella

Pantropical, known in Micronesia only from Merremia hederacea (Burman f.) Hallier f. Guam where it was first found after World War 11. Grows generally in disturbed open places. ,\ferrrrniu hedrracea (Burman f.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 18:118, 1894.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:132, 1914.- MARIANAS lsLAxDs.-Guam: Ritidian Pt'j lo Stone, Micronesica, 6:495, 1971,-Hosokalva rns,, n,d. back of beach* AndersO?l227 (US$BISH, FOj NY). Evoluulus hrderaceus Burman f., F1. Ind. 77, t. 30, f.2, 1768. Merrrtnia cot~voluulacea Dennstedt, Schl. Hort. Malab., 39, 1818 [nom. nud.1.-Hallier f., Bot, Jahrb., 16:552, 1893.- Merremia gemella (Burman f.) Hallier f. Yolkens, Bot. Jahrb., 31:473, 1901. Conuolu~clusIlederaceus, sensu Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., Mel-remia ge?nellu (Burman f.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:552, 9:132, 19ll [non I,., Sp. PI. 154, 17531. 1893.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:132, 1914.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:495, 1971.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Slender subglabrous or very sparsely ~iloseher- Conr~oluz~lusgemellus Burman f., FI. Ind., 46, t. 21. f.1, 1768. baceous twiner, tending to root at nodes; leaves Slender sparsely pilose herbaceous twiner; leaves small, cordate, entire to more or less trilobed, acute or slightly acuminate; peduncles somewhat exceed- cordate, usually somewhat trilobate, acuminate, ing leaves or shorter, bearing an open to rather petiole longer than blade, generally without tuber- cles; peduncles usually longer than leaves to at least crowded dichasium of 3-9 flowers; sepals glabrous, truncate to emarginate, with a short stout mucro 12 cm, bearing an open dichasium of 3-9 (-11) that tends to turn outward; corolla yellow, less than flowers; sepals slightly pubescent, concave, ciliate, 1 cm long; anthers curved, style subequal with broad at apex, emarginate, shortly mucronate, mucro erect; corolla yellow, 1-2 cm long, anthers corolla or slightly exserted; capsule conic to de- curved, capsule depressed-globose, wrinkled when pressed-globose, wrinkled when dry; seeds pu- dry; seeds puberulent. bescent. Southeast Asia to Australia, in Micronesia known Old World Tropics; in LIicronesia found in only from Guam where it is probably introduced; Guam and Yap. Growing in open grassy places, growing in disturbed places. weedy roadsides and other disturbed places.

I'ERNACUL\RNA\IE.-~?~~~co~~ (Guam: G.E.S. 18, Merrill, YFRSACLILARS.\~IE.-galili ne sepan magacol (Yap: Wong 1914) 170) MARIANASISLANDS.--Guam: G.E.S. 18 (US, BISH); Merrill, 1914:132; 1 mi [1.6 km] S of Piti Village, GEOGRAPHICRECORDS AND SPECIMENSEXAMINED Moore 39 (US), 225 (US); Agafia swamp, 1 m, Fos- berg 31231 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Naval Station MARIANASISLANDS.-Guam: Marche 159 (P, Fo); fuel depot, Simpson JS Z (US); Talofofo River val- Merrill, 1914:132 (citing Thompson 20); 2-3 km W ley, Stone L- Fletcher. 5023 (GUAM). of Yona, 100-130 m, Fosbrrg 35294 (US, BISH); few NUMBER 36 miles N of Sumai, Conover 512 (BISH); lower Fonte by von Prowazek is considered wholly doubtful. River, W of Agaiia, 4 m, Fosberg 31240 (US, BISH, USES.-Christian says that the leaves and seeds Fo, NY, L); 4 mi [6.4 km] NE of Agaiia, Rodin 249 are used as an abortifacient (Ponape: Glassman, (US); 2 mi [3.2 km] W of Agaiia, Moore 162 (US); 1 1952: 100). mi [1.6 km] S of Piti, Moore 231 (US); Pity, Nelson I05 (NY); OSIR Rd., Apra Harbor, Stone 4272 (GUAM). lagoun (Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826) W0ng 470 (US, Fo); lagun (Guam: Safford, 1905) CAROLINEIS LANDS.-^;^^: kebeas (Palau: Emmons 112; Salsedo 151,416) Koidzumi in 1915 (TI); Volkens 1901:473 (citing fidau (Truk: Hosokawa, 1937) Volkens 229). fitay (Truk: Wong 288) ceul (Ponape: Bascom 69) iol (Ponape: Hosaka 3521, Christian, 1899) Merremia peltata (L)Merrill \ol (Ponape: Christian, 1899; Glassman, 1952) yo01 (Ponape: Hosokawa, n.d.) Merremia peltata (L.) Merrill, Int. Rumph. Herb. Amb., 441, pila (Kusaie: Fosberg 26572) 1917.-Glassman, Bishop Mus. Bull., 209:100, 1952.-Stone, para (Kusaie: Hosokawa, n.d.) Micronesica, 6:496, 1971.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Co~~volvulwpeltatw L., Sp. Pl., 194, 1753.--Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie, 68, 1826.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:248, 1905. Ipomoea peltata (L.) Choisy, Mbm. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. MARIANASISLANDS.--Guam: Gaudichaud, 1826: Genhve, 6:452, 1833.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:338, 68; Safford, 1905:338; Merrill, 1914: 133. 1905. Operculirla peltata (L.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:549, 1893.- CAROLINEISLANDS.-PaIau: Babeldaob: Garamis- Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:338, 1905.-von Prowa- can colony, Garamiscan (Almiokan) River, 0-20 m, zek, Deutsch. Marianen, 119, 1913.-Merrill, Phil. Jour. Fosberg 25765 (US, BISH, Fo); Aimeleek Exp. Sta- Sci. Bot., 9:133. 1914.-Hosokawa, Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap., tion, Kanehira 297 (NY); Nekken, Emmons 112 (US 7:199. 1937. BISH); Airraii, Salsedo 416 (US); Madmosuk I. (W Coarse glabrous twiner; leaves broadly cordate to of Koror): 50 ft [15 m], Stone 1303 (BISH). Koror: orbicular, peltately attached, obtuse in general out- Otobed 45 (US, BISH, Fo); T-dock road, 2 m, Fos- line but very shortly and abruptly acuminate, berg 32610 (US, BISH, Fo); Sansaro, Salsedo 151 strongly nerved; peduncles with a paniculate cyme (US). of as many as 13 or more flowers; sepals glabrous, Yap: Tomil I., 75 ft [23 m], Hosaka 3301 (US, strongly concave or somewhat ventricose, to 2 cm BISH, Fo, NY). long, obtuse, only slightly accrescent but becoming Truk: 600 ft [I85 m], Wong 288 (US). Moen: very firm and hard in fruit; corolla white or yellow, edge of forest, 600 ft [185 m], Hosaka 3428 (US); 5-6 cm long, ribs slightly glandular-puberulent Nob Hill, 100-150 m, Evans I379 (US, HAW). without, broadly campanulate funnelform; capsule Dublon and most other islets: Hosokawa, 1937: 199. about 15 mm long, splitting into many lanceolate Ponape: Bascom 69 (US); Glassman, 1952: 100 valves; seeds dull brown, densely long-pilose. (citing Takamatsu 828 from Toleailuka, Takamatsu The distribution of the species is Indo-Pacific, from Africa to Tahiti; in Micronesia it is known 921 from Oa, and Takamatsu 1102 from Mt. Nana- from the Marianas-at least from Guam; Caro- taut); Toleailuka, Mt. Seletereh, 650 ft [200 lines-Palau, Yap, Truk, Ponape and Kusaie. It m], Glassman 2726 (US); Net District, 200 ft [60 m], grows in forests and thickets. Both yellow- and Glassman 2769 (US); Mt. Peipalap, 500 ft [I50 m], white-flowered forms are known, the yellow- Glassman 2775 (US); Ipuak, 50 ft [15 m], open flowered form supposedly from the western part of places in abandoned fields and coconut groves, the range. However, both colors are found in Mi- Hosaka 3521 (US, BISH, Fo). cronesia, even on Ponape. The presence of this Kusaie: Lowest slopes and foot of Mt. Matante species in the Marianas is, to the best of our knowl- (Buache), S side, N of head of Lele harbor, Fosberg edge, not supported by any collection, even from 26572 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); Mt. Matante, Hoso- Guam. A record from "Saipan, Tinian and Rota" kawa 9481 (A). SMI THSOSI;\N CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. Pantropical, mostly in cultivation, probably of tropical American origin; in Micronesia known Mel~elniatridenlata (L.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:552, 1893. Convolviilz~stridentatus L., Sp. PI., 157, 1753. only from Saipan, Tinian, Rota, and Guam, in all of which it is either in cultivation or around old The nominate subspecies is not found in Micro- house sites, and from Kwajalein, where it was seen nesia. growing in a pot. USES.-It is prized for its fruits surrounded by accrescent woody sepals, vaguely suggesting a rose ~Merremia tridentata ssp. hastata van Ooststroom and used in dried flower arrangements. ,Wrrre~,ria tridentata ssp. hastata van Ooststroom, Blumea, 3: \'FRIACLLAR hT~%rt\.- 317, 1939. hood rose, \\ootleri rose (English) Co~ivolz~ltlz~shastatus Desrousseaux in Lamarck, Encycl., 3:542, alarrak (Saipan: Hosokawa, n.d.) 1789 [I7921 [non Forskil, F1. Aeg.-Arab., 203, 17753. ~\.lwretnia Itastata Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:552, 1893 [non~. MARIANASISLANDS.-Saipan: Hosokawa, n.d. (cit- illegit.1.-Hosoka~ca, rns., n.d. ing Tuyama 248, hfomose s.n.) Subglabrous herbaceous twiner with angled stenis; Tinian: Carolinas Heights, seen by Stensland in leaves lanceolate with a cordate or hastate base, the 1951, not collected. basal lobes tending to be dentate, subsessile, a Rota: Hosokawa, n.d. (citing Tuyama 339, 500). slightly tomentose area at base of blade attachment; Guam: JfrG~egor551 (US, NY, NSW, BISH); peduncles with a 3-flowered cjme; sepals glabrous, Llerrill, 1914: 132 (citing hlcGregor 551); Nelson ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; corolla about 1.5 cm 527 (NY, BISH); Agafia Bay area, Moore 288 (US). long, )ellow or white, funnelform; capsule sub- MARSHAI.I.ISI.ANDS.-Kwajalein: seen growing in globose, about 5 mm high, dehiscing irregu1a:lj pot, 1956, by Fosberg. from base or apex; seeds dark brown, glabrous. Old World Tropics; in Micronesia collectetl ,Werremia umbellata (L.) Hallier f. thrice in Palau. Found in open places. CAROLINFISI.ANDS.-Palau: Hosokawa, n.d. (citing hierremin umbellata (L.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:552, 1893. Hosokawa 6946,9180); Ngelwa, Hosokawa 9180 (A); Convoluulus zi~~zbellatri~L., Sp. PI., 155, 1753. Babeldaob, Kamusetu, Almonogui, Hatz~sima4867 Pantropical, M. urnbellata var. umbellata mostly (FU). .American, and not found in hlicronesia; variety orientalis from East Africa to Thailand, Malaysia, lllerremia tuberosa (L.) Rendle Queensland, and Tahiti and probably from Ponape in Micronesia. Me~lemiatuberosa (L.) Rendle in Thiselton-Dyer, F1. Trop. Afr., 4(2): 104, 1905.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:496, 1971. Ipomoea tuberosa L., Sp. PI., 160, 1553. .Merremia umbellata var. orientalis Hallier f. Opercullna tuberosa (L.) Meissner in Martius, FI. Bras., 7: 212. 1869.-hlerrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:132, 1914.- hferrer~liaumbellata \ar. orientnlis Hallier f., Ver. 's Lands Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Plant., 1895:132, 1896. Coarse glabrous twiner; leaves digitately divided Plants collected in Ponape and determined by T. to about 1-1.5 cm from base, lobes elliptic strongly Tuyama as M. elme~iMerrill, a Bornean species, acuminate; peduncles about as long as leaves, bear- seem, from notes we made in 1953 on the specimens ing dichasia of about 7 flowers; sepals about 3 cm in the Toklo Uni~ersityHerbarium, more likely long, ovate to broadly elliptic, obtuse to rounded, to belong to 111. ~imbellatavar, olientalis, though glabrous, accrescent in fruit to as much as 7 cm long the notes ale not detailed enough to be certain. The and becoming very hard and woody; corolla bright brief description written in Tok>ofrom the Ponape yellow, funnelform-campanulate, 5 cm long, sta- specimens follows. "Large plant, leaves cordate, not mens and styles included; anthers spirally twisted; peltate; inflorescence umbellate, longer than leaves; capsule depressed globose, about 2 cm high; seeds flowers about 2.5 cm long; fruit splitting into man) dull black, hairy on angles. valves of unequal width; seeds densely long-pilose." NUMBER 36

CAROLINEISLANDS.-Ponape: Koidzumi in 1915 ally accrescent; corolla broadly funnelform to cam- (TI); Matalanum, foot of Mt. Pagelkap, Okabe in panulate; stamens included, adnate to corolla tube, 1941 (TI). anthers becoming spirally twisted; style 1, included, stigmas 2, globose; ovary 2-celled, 2 ovules in a cell; fruit a capsule, the epicarp circumscissile, separat. Operculina Manso ing from the transparent endocarp, this eventually breaking irregularly. Operculina Manso, Enum. Subst. Braz., 16, 1836. A pantropical genus with two species in Micro- Coarse twining vines with large cordate leaves; nesia, one probably native, the other introduced cymes axillary, pedunculate, bracteate; sepals usu- from America.

Key to Micronesian Species of Operculina Stems strongly angled or alate; bracts 1.5-2 cm long 0. turpethum Stems terete; biacts well oler 2 cm long 0. ventricosa

Operculina turpethum (L.) Manso l'ihatchog (Woleai: Alkire 74 (sterile)) afaamac (Truk: Wong 253) Operc~rli~laturpethum (L.) Manso, Enum. Subst. Braz., 16, 1836.-Alkire, Micronesica, 10:3, 1974. COP~VO~UU[USturpethum L., Sp. PI., 155, 1753. GEOGRAPHICRECOKDS AND SPECIICIENSEXAMINED Zpomoea tttrpethurn (L.) R. Brown, Prodr., 485, 1810.- Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. GenPve, 6:450, 1833. MARIANASISI ANDS.-"I~~ Tinian (Mariannes) C. Merrernia umbellata sensu Kanehira, Enum. Mia. Pl., 400, Gaud."? (P) 1935 [non (L.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 16:552, 18931. CAROLINEIsLANDs.--~~~~u: Ngarakabesang (Ara- kabesan I.): 2-5 m, Fosberg 32377 (US, BISH, Fo, Coarse subglabrous twiner with strongly angular NY, L). hlalakal I.: Otobed in 1974 (US, BISH); or winged stems; leaves orbicular, cordate with a near Fisheries Development Sta., Hardy 42 (US). broad sinus, obtuse to rounded at apex, puberulent; Aulupse'el I.: Ngerebe'ed beach, 2 m, Fosberg peduncles with 1-3 flowers, pedicels becoming very 47471 (US, BISH). Peliliu: S central part of island, thick, 3-4 cm long, bracts early caducous, less than 2 m, Fosbetg 32005 (US, BISH); flat W of Bloody- 2 cm long; sepals orbicular, 2-3 cm long, sericeous, nose Ridge, 6 m, Fosberg 32004 (US, BISH, Fo, NY); apex rounded, sharply mucronate, somewhat accres- SW side of island 3-4 m, Fosberg 25982 (US, BISH, cent; corolla broadly campanulate, 5-6 cm long; Fo); near airstrip, 2-4 m, Fosberg 47645 (US, Fo). capsule globose, about 1.5 cm long or somewhat Angaur: Koidzumi in 1915 (TI); central part of larger; seeds black, glabrous. island, 4 m, Fosberg 25878 (US, BISH, Fo); E coast Old World Tropics, widespread in the Pacific of island, 2-5 m, Fosberg 31977 (US, BISH, Fo, islanda; in hlicronesia known from the Carolines- NY, L). Palau, Fais, Woleai(?), Ifaluk, Truk, Namoluk, Fais: Yldow, 15 m, Fosberg 46721 (Fo). Ponape, and Kusaie, with an old record purporting Woleai: Falalis I., Alkire 74? (sterile). to be this species from Tinian, no doubt based on Ifaluk: Falalap I., 1-2 m, Fosberg 47242 (US, the Gaudichaud specimen cited below (Choisy, HAW, Fo, NY). 1833:450). It is a vigorous liana growing in edges Truk: Wong 253 (US, BISH, Fo). of forests, thickets and especially disturbed places. Namoluk: Namoluk I., Marshall 92 (US). After World War I1 skeletons of dead trees in areas Ponape: Toletik, Takamatsu 991 b (BISH). of heavy fighting on Peliliu, for example, were so Kusaie: Mot, Takamatsu 445 (BISH). covered by this vine as to appear to be living trees.

~'ERNACULARNA~~ES.- Operculina ventricosa (Bertero) Peter besbus (Palau: Fosberg 47471) chonguched arkung (Palau: Hardy 42) Operctilina ventricosa (Bertero) Peter in Engler & Prantl, ligatchog (Woleai: Alkire, 1974) Nat. Pfl., iv(3a):32, 1891 .-Stone, Micronesica, 6:496, 1971.- ShII'I'I1SONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

Fosberg, Falanruw, ant1 Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 35 (BISH); just S of Garapan, Fosberg 25215 (US, 22:37-38, 1975. BISH, Fo); Kannat Laulau, above 5Iagicienne Bay, Co~ivol?~c~lusve??ttico~us Bertero in Colla, Hort. Ripul., 37, 75 m, Fosbel-g 31273 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, 1824 [non Sil~aMan$o, Enum. Subst. Braz., 20, 18361. L). Tinian: N end of island, 100 ft [30 m], Hosaka Very coarse, extensive, appressetl pubescent 2857 (US, BISH, Fo); S end of S plateau, Kondo 9 twiner, stems terete; leaves very large, to 30 cm or (BISH); hlarpo Valley, E of Tinian (former town), more across, orbicular cordate, very shortly acumi- 60 m, Fosbe9.g 24812 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L). nate, petioles 15-20 cm long; peduncles stout, to Rota: Slopes above As AIalote, S side of island, 30 cm long, with compact cymes of up to 7 flowers; 250 m, Fosbe7.g 31876 (US); Sasan Haya Bay, 10-30 bracts conspicuous, orbicular to oval, membranoub, m, Sachet I766 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); track from concave, pubescent, somewhat persistent, 2.5-4 cm Poniya Pt, 350-500 m, Evans 2191 (US, HL4TV, Fo, long; sepals orbicular, obtuse, mucronulate, accreh- K). cent; corolla white, campanulate or broadly funnel- Guam: 1 mi [l.6 km], S of Ritidian Point, Moran form, about 5 cm long; stamens strongly included, 1523 (UC, BISH, Fo); N of Northwest Field, 500 anthers tightly coiled; capsule globose, about 2.5 ft [150 m], Stee~e168 (US); Northwest Field, 185 m, cm long; seeds black, glabrous. Fosbelg 35384 (US, BISH, Fo, NY, L); mile '4 native of tropical America but has been present [0.8 km] E of Barrigada and Pagat Point Area, 400- in AIicronesia, in the Lfarianas, for a long time-it 600 ft [120-180 m], Moore 56 (US); hfelojloj, 50 m, was collected by hlarche in 1887 or 1888 on Pagan; Euans 1474 (US, HAW, Fo, MO, NY); Aleri7o and known from .%suncion, Agrigan, Pagan, Alamagan, Agfayan Hay, Stone 4911 (GUAM). Anatahan, Saipan, Tinian, Rota, and Guam. Com- mon in disturl~edplaces, climbing in thickets and Stictocardia Hallier f. covering the ground in great mats; it has only recently become common in Guam, where it has Stictocardia Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., 18:159, 1894.-Gunn, Brit. been collected repeatedly near Northwest Field, [onia, 24:169-170, 1972. beginning in World War 11. It may have been Rivea, sensu Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., 9:133, 1914 [non introduced there from Saipan or Tinian on air- Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genhve, 6:407, 18331. craft at that time. In recent years it has been Large twiners; leaves glandular beneath; pedun- collected here and there farther south on the island. cles axillary, bearing cymes; sepals elliptic to &I. V. C. Falanruw informs us that it had become orbicular, greatly accrescent and thickened in fruit; quite common by 1967 and 1968. corolla funnelform-campanulate; stamens and style included, pollen spinulose; stigmas 2, globose; capsule completely enclosed by accrescent calyx, globose, 4-celled, the septa with transverse wings, ~IAKIANA~~sI.AKD~.-AsuI~c~o~~: lower SW slope, wall thin, irregularly dehiscent leaving the septa 150 ft [45 m], Falanru7u 2251 (US, BISH). and their wings enclosing seeds; seeds pubescent. Agrigan: Trail around S side of island, Fosberg The genus differs from Ipomoea only in the 31617 (US); mid-west coast, 200 ft [60 m], Falanlzluj glandular leaves, the thickened closed fruiting calyx, 2329 (US). and the structure of the capsule. A few species of Pagan: Malche 148 (P, Fo); Bonham 2 (US, Fo); Ipomoea also have glandular leaves, but none of Fresh Water Lake, 2-50 m, Fosberg 31383 (US, these species are Jlicronesian. BISH); airstrip, Moore 306 (US). Pantropical, with one species in Micronesia. Alamagan: Vicinity of Asongsong village, Fosberg 31722 (US, BISH); SSW coast, below 500 ft [150 m], Falanruw 1939, (US). Stictocardia campanulata (L.) Merrill Sarigan: Near village 10-100 m, Evans 2337? (US, Stictocardia campanulata (L.) Merrill, Phil. Jour. Sci. Bot., BISH, Fo, NY). 9:133, 1914.-Kanehira, Enum. Mia. PI., 401, 1935.-Whit- Anatahan: Falanl uw 1988? (US). ing, ms., 1965.-Gunn, Brittonia, 24:170-172, 1972.-Fos- Saipan: Conluge 54 (US); Lunge 10 (BISH); berg, Falanruw, and Sachet, Smithsonian Contr. Bot., 22: Army Hill, Col/lage 30 (US); Enarpi Point, Lange 38, 1975.-Hosokawa, ms., n.d. Zpomoea campanulata L., Sp. Pl., 160, 1753. Anatahan: W coast, below 200 m, Falanruw Convoluulus tiliaefolius Desrousseaux in Lamarck, Encycl. 1706 (US). MCth., 3:544, 1789 [1792].-Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie, Saipan: Kanehira 946 (NY, FU); 1080 (NY, FU), 70, 1826. 3823 (FU). Ipomoea tilruefolia (I>esrousseaux) Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Guam: Xlerrill, 1914: 133-134; Marche 158 (P, Veg., 4:229, 1819. Fo); G.E.S. 93 (US, BISH, NSW); Nelson 405 Riuea tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Choisy, MCm. SOC.Phys. Hist. Nat. Gene\e, 6:407, 1833. (BISH), 259 (BISH), 368 (BISH, NY); Whiting Argyreia tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Wight, Ic., 4:12, t. 1358, Cl6a (US); Gognga Beach, Tumon Bay, 2 m, Fos- 1850.-Safford, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 9:188, 1905. berg 43496 (US, BISH, Fo); Inarajan, Marche 238 Stictocardia tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb., (P); E coast, 2 mi [3.2 km] E of Yigo, Moore 272 18:159, 1894.-Stone, Micronesica, 6:497, 1971. (US); 1 km S of Barrigada, Fosberg 35287 (US, Riven campanulata (L.) House, Muhlenbergia, 5:72, 1909. BISH, Fo, NY, L); Yigo, Nelson 48 (US); near Pago Extensive but rather slender, short-pubescent Bay, Stone 4313 (US, GUAM); La Cienaga, Stone twiner; leaves broadly ovate cordate with open 1926 (GUAM); Mochom, Stone 4955 (GUAM). CAROLINEIs~~~~s.-Palau: Koror: Kanehira sinus, apex slightly blunt-acuminate; peduncles 1-, 1935:401, citing Kanehira 2070, 2777. rarely 3-flowered, mostly shorter than leaves; sepals about 15 mm long, the inner exceeding outer, almost truncate, remotely ciliate, enormously accres- Synonyms and Excluded or Misapplied Names cent ant1 becoming thick and spongy and com- pletely enclosing the fruit; corolla delicate, lavender, .4niseia hastata Meissner. See Ipomoea setifera var. fimbrio- sepala (Choisy) Fosberg narrowly campanulate but strongly flaring, 8-10 cm Argyreia tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Wight. See Stictocardia long, stamens ant1 style included; fruiting sepals campanulata (L.) Merrill 4 cm long, closely investing capsule, capsule about Batatas Choisy. See Ipomoea L. 2.5-3 cm long, globose; seeds brown, shortly and Batatas? crassicazrlis Bentham. See Ipomoea fistulosa Martius sparsely sericeous. ex Choisy Pantropical, widespread in the Pacific Islands; Calonyction Choisy. See Ipomoea L. Calonyction aculeata (L.) House. See Ipomoea alba L. in hricronesia known from the Marianas- Calonyction alb~im(L.) House. See Ipon~oeaalba L. Alamagan, Sarigan, Anatahan, Saipan, and Guam; Calonyction album sensu Merrill, Hosokawa. See Ipomoea and tl~eCarolines-Palau. Growing in thickets macrantha Roemer & Schultes and eclges of forest, its large lilac flowers are very Calonyction bona-nox (L.) Bojer. See Ipomoea alba L. conspicuous. Calonyction bona-nox sensu Schumann & Lauterbach. See Ipomoea macrantha Roemer & Schultes USES.--The children string the flowers on strings Calonyction comospermum Bojer. See Ipomoea macrantha and sticks and are very fond of them as ornaments; Roemer & Schultes the name "abubo" applies only to the flowers Calonyction specioszim sensu Engler. See Ipomoea macrantha (Guam: Safforcl, 1905). Roemer & Schultes Calonyction tuba (Schlechtendal) Colla. See Ipomoea mac- VERNACULARNAMES.-- rantha Roemer & Schultes abubo (Guam: Safford, 1905; Merrill, 1914) Conuolvulus aculeatzis L. See Ipomoea alba L. abubu (Guam: Whiting C16a) Conuolvulus alsinoides L. See Evoluulus alsinoides (L.) L. abubu a las doce (Guam: Whiting, ms., 1965) Convoluulus batatas L. See Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck abuto apaca (Guam: Nelson 368) Convoluulzts brasiliensis L. See Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasi. alalag (Guam: Safford, 1905; Merrill, 1914) liensis (L.) van Ooststroom alalag abubu (Guam: Nelson 259) Convoluulus coeruleus sensu Safford. See Ipomoea indica alalak (Guam: Nelson 48) (Burman) Merrill Conuolvullts congestus (R. Brown) Sprengel. See Ipomoea indica (Burman) Merrill GEOGRAPHICRECORDS AND SPECIMENSEXAMINED Convolr~rrlrtsdenticzllatus Desrousseaux. See Ipomoca littoralis MARIANASISLANDS.--Alamagan: around Partido Blume Conr~olvulus gemellus Burman f. See Merremia gemella village, Fosberg 31696 (US). (Burman f.) Hallier f. Sarigan (Saligan): Kanehira 2170 (NY); ridge Convolvul!rs hastatus Desrousseaux. See Merremia tridentata near anchorage, 300 ft [90 m], Falanruw 1761 (US). ssp. hastata van Ooststroom S%llI'HSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOTANY

Con~olurrlus hederacezrs sensu Merrill. See hferrernia hede- Ipomoea cotrgesta R. Brown. See Ipomoea indica (Burman) racea (Burman f.) Hallier f. Merrill Conuolz~ulus hederacei~s sensu Safford. See Ipomoea indica Ipoinorn crassicaulis (Bentham) Robinson. See Ipomoea (Bur~iian)Merrill fistltlosn Martius ex Choisy Conuolvulus indirus Burman. See Ipomora indica (Burman) Ipornoea dentictclata (Desrousseaux) Choisy. See Ipomoea Merrill littoralis Blume Conuolvulus mariannrnsi.~Gaudichaud ex Safford. See Ipo- Zporrzoea digitata sensrl Hosokawa, Glassman. See Ipomoea moea triloba L. mauritin?za Jacquin Conuolvulus maritimus Desrousseaux. See Ipomoea pes- lpomoen fimbriosepala Choisy. See Ipomoea setifera var. caprae ssp. brasiliensis (L.) van Ooststroom fimbriosepala (Choisy) Fosberg Conuolv~~lusmartinicensis Jacquin. See Aniseia martinicensis Ipomoea glaberrima Bojer ex Bouton. See Ipomoea macran- (Jacquin) Choisy tha Roemer & Schultes Convoluulus masimus sensu auct. See lpomoea sepiaria Ipoinoea gracilis sensu auct. plur. See Ipomoea littoralis Koenig ex Roxburgh Blume Conuolvrrlus nil senstt Safford. See Ipomoea indica (Burman) lponrora gracilis sensu Glassman. See Ipomoea macrantha Merrill Roemer & Schultes Conz~olvulus obscrrrrl.5 I.. See Iponloea obscrrrn (L.) Ker- Ipomoea grandipora sensu auct. See Ipomoea macrantha Garvler Roemer & Schultes Convoluulrts panic~rlatzrs L. See Ipomuea mauritiana Jacquin Ipomoen hederarea sensu auct. See Ipomoea indica (Burman) Convolr~ullrspeltatns L. See Merrenzia peltata (L.) Merrill Merrill Conuolurrl~tsperlnatzrs Desrousseaux. See lpomoea quamoclit Iponzoea insularis (Choisy) Steudel. See Ipomoea indica (Bur- L. man) Merrill CO~I~OIZJUI~LSpes-caprne L. See Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Ipornoea longipora R. Brown. See Ipomoea macrantha Roe- Brown mer & Schultes Convolur~lrrstiliaefolitts Desrousseaux. See Stictocardia cam- Ipornoea nlnriannensis Choisy. See Ipomoea triloba L. panulata (L.) Merrill Ipomoea maritima (Desrousseaux) R. Brown. See Ipomoea Conuolu~~lustridentatus L. See Merremia tridentata (L.) pes-mprae ssp. hrasiliensis (L.) van Ooststroom Hallier f. Ipomoen rnnxima sensu auct, plur. See Ipomoea sepiaria Conuolurtlics trilobatus Gaudichaud. See Ipomoea triloba L. Koenig ex Roxburgh Convoluulus tuba Schlechtendal. See lpomoea macrantha Iporrroen paniculata (L.) R. Brown. See Ipomoea nla~tritiana Roemer & Schultes Jacquin Conuolr~ulzts turpethzrrn L. See Operculina ttcrpethum (L.) Ipor~zoenpellain (L.) Choisy. See Merremia peltata (L.) Mer- Manso rill Conriolvrtl~ts zrmbellatzrc L. See Merremia lrmbrllata (L.) Ipomoea pes-caprae sensu auct, plur. [most Pacific authors]. Hallier f. See Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. brasiliensis (L.) Tzan Ooststroom Conuoluulus ventricosus Bertero. See Operc~ilina uentricosa Ipomoea purga sensu Okabe. See lpomoea pes-caprae ssp. (Bertero) Peter brasiliensis (L.) van Ooststroom Ericybe cp. The Kusaie record in Kanehira's Enumeration, Ipomoen reptcins sensu auct. See Ipomoea ciqrrntica Forskil 19353398. is based on a specimen of Embelia sp. Ipomoea tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Roemer & Schultes. See Evolvul~rs hederaceus Burman f. See Merremia hederacra Stictorar.dia campan trlata (L.) Merrill (Burman f.) Hallier f. Iponioen triloba? \ar. [Ga~tdichaud169 (G)]. See Ipomoea lponzoea aegyptia L. See Alerremia aegyptia (L.) Urball litlornlii Blume Ipomovn alba sensu Ta\lor. See Ipomoen nlacrantha Roemer Iporrlorn tuba (Schlechtendal) G. Don. See Ipomoen macran- & Schultes tha Roemer & Schultes Ipornoea ang~clataLamarck. See Iporrioea hederifolia L. Ipomoea tirberosa L. See ~Clerremiatitberosa (L.) Rendle Ipomoecc biloba sensu Safford, Okabe. See Ipomoen pes- Ilbomoea turpethzrm (L.) R. Brown. See Operculina turpe- caprar ssp. brasiliensis (L.) van Ooststroom thrrm (L.) Manso Ipotrroea t~onn->io.L. See Ipomora alba L. 1,ettsomin Roxburgh. See Argyreia Loureiro Ipomoea borla-nox sensu Cuillaumin. See Ipomoea mormn/ha i\.lerrerrain ronuolvulacea Dennstetlt. See Aferremia hederacea Roemer & Schultes (Bu~manf.) Hallier f. lpomoea brasi1iensi.c (L.) S\veet. See Ipomoea pes-caprae ssp. Alerremia rlrneri Merrill. See Merrrrrlia umbellata (L..) Hal- brasilie~lsis (L.) an Ooststroom lier f. lpornoea rarr~panzclntn L. See Stirlocardia campanulata (L.) Merremia hastata Hallier f. See Merremia tridentata ssp. Merrill hastata van Ooststroom Iponloea rhoisiana Wight ex Safford (I. rhois~ana Merrill, Merremia zrmbellata sensu Kanehira. See Operculina turpe- sphalm.). See Ipomoea littoralis Blume thrctn (L.) Manso Ipomoea roccinea sensu auct. plur. See lpomoea hederifolia 0pel.c~ilinapeltata (L.) Hallier f. See ~Verremiapeltata (L.) L. Merrill NUMBER 36

Operculina tuberosa (L.) Meissner. See Merremia tuberosa Quamoclit coccinea sensu auct. plur. See Ipornoea hederifolia (L.) Rendle L. Pharbitis Choisy. See Zpomoea L. Quamoclit pennata (Desrousseaux) Bojer (Q. pinnata Bojer, Pharbitis congesta (R. Brown) Hara. See Ipomoea indicu sphalm.) See Zpomoea quamoclit L. (Burman) Merrill Quamoclit quamoclit (L.) Britton. See L. Pharbitis hederacea sensu Safford. See Ipomoea indica (Bur- Rivea sensu Merrill. See Stictocardia Hallier f. man) Merrill Rivea campanulata (L.) House. See Stictocardia campanulata Pharbitis ins~claris Choisy. See Zpomoea indica (Burman) (L.) Merrill Merrill Rivea tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Choisy. See Stictocardia cam- Pharbitis nil sensu Safford. See Zpomoea indica (Burman) panulata (L.) Merrill Merrill Stictocardia tiliaefolia (Desrousseaux) Hallier f. See Sticto- Quamoclit Moench. See Ipomoea L. cardia campanulata (L.) Merrill Literature Cited

Burges, A. Otobed, D. 0. ca.1935. Nauru Island. Manuscript in files of F. R. Fos- 1967. Partial List of Son~ePlants and Trees of the Palau berg, Department of Botany, National Museum of Islands. Manuscript in files of F. R. Fosberg. De- Natural History. Smithsonian Institution, Wash- partment of Botany, National Museum of Natural ington, D.C. History, Smithsonian Institution. Christian, F. W. 1971. Guide List of Plants of the Palau Islands. 25 pages. 1899. The Caroline Islands. 412 pages. London. Koror, Palau. [Duplicated; revised edition of Oto- Fosberg, F. R., and M.-H. Sachet bed, ms., 1967.1 1975. Flora of Micronesia, 1: Gymnospermae. Smithson- Pelzer, K. J. ian Contributions to Botany, 20:l-15. 1946. [Field notes on Trukese ethno-botany, dated June 1975. Flora of Micronesia, 2: Casuarinaceae, Piperaceae, 13, 1946.1 Manuscript in files of F. R. Fosberg, and Myricaceae. Smithsonian Contributions to Bot- Department of Botany, National Museum of Nat- any, 24:l-28. ural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Ga~tdichaud,C. D.C. 1826. Botanique. In Voyage autour du monde, entrepris Prowazek, S. von par ordre du roi . . . exdcutt sur les corvettes de 1913. Die Deutschetr Marianen, Ihre Natur und Ge- S.M. 1'Uranie et la Physicienne pendant les anntes schichte. 125 pages. Leipzig. 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, . . . par M. Louis de Frey- Sachet, M.-H., and F. R. Fosberg cinet. 522 pages. Paris. [Actual dates of publication 1955, Island Bibliographies. v + 577 pages. Washington, 1826-1830.1 D.C. Holmgren, P. K., and W. Keuken 1071. Island Bibliogra$hies, Sz~pplement.ix. + 427 pages. 1974. Index Herbariorum, Part I: The Herbaria of the Washington, D.C. World. 6th edition. Regnum Vegetabile, 925-vii, 1- Stafleu, F. A. 397. 1967. Taxonomic Literature. Regnum Vegetahile, 525-xx, Hosokawa, T. 1-556. n.d. [Enumeration of the flora of Micronesia.] Manu- Steenis-Kruseman, M. J. van, and W. T. Stearn script in Japanese and English, files of F. R. Fos- 1954. Dates of Publication. Flora Malesiana I, 4(5): berg, Department of Botany, National Museum of CLXIII-CCXIX. Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washing- Swedberg, L. ton, D.C. 1974. [Excerpt of natural history section of "Draft En- O'Donell, C. A. vironmental Impact Statement on Use of Farallon 1959. Las Especies Americanas de "Ipomoea" L. sect. de Medinilla as a Bombing Range."] Manuscript (2 "Quamoclit" (Moench) Griseb. Lilloa, 29:19-86. pages) in files of F. R. Fosberg, Department of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Ooststroom, S. F, van Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1938. The Convolvulaceae of Malaysia, I. Blr~mea,S(1): ban Ooststroom. See Ooststroom, S. F. van. 62-94. van Steenis-Kruseman. See Steenis-Kruseman. M. J. ran. 1939. The Convolvulaceae of Malaysia, 11. Blumea, 3(2): von Prowazek. See Prowazek, S. von. 267-371. Whiting, M. G. 1940. The Convolvulaceae of Malaysia, 111. Blzimea, 3(3): 19G5. Selected Plants from the Marianas. Manuscript in 481-582. files of F. R. Fosberg, Department of Botany, Na- 1943. The Convolvulaceae of Malaysia, IV. Blumea, 5(2): tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian 339-41 1. Institution, Washington, D.C. 1945. The Convolvulaceae of Malaysia, V. Blzcmea, 5(3): Yen, D. E. 689-69 1. 1974. The Sweet Potato and Oceania: An Essay in Ethno- Ooststroom, S. F. van, and R. D. Hoogland botany. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin, 236:l- 1953. Convolvulaceae. Flora Malesiana I, 4(4):388-512. 390.