Central Baptist Church of Westerly, 16 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891

The Good Word

Carrying News of God’s Work into the Community and World March 2021 Volume 14 Issue 3

Worship at Central Baptist The Kitchen is Open For Business!

CBC Men Cook A Sweetheart Dinner

Sunday 9:00 AM Parking Lot (Weather permitting)

10:30 AM Sanctuary

Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM Chapel


Church Office: e-mail [email protected]

Telephone :[401] 596-4929

Newsletter submissions: e-mail: [email protected]

Pastor : e-mail [email protected] [email protected]

Website: http://www.cbcwesterly.org

To see the newsletter in color, visit our website


March 2

9:30 AM Mission Board

March 15 4:00 PM Board of Trustees

March 16

5:30 PM Board of Christian Ed.

March 18

7:00 PM Board of Deacons

March 21

11:25 AM Church Meeting

Page 2 Central Baptist Church of Westerly


Rev. Dr. Cal Lord, Jr., Pastor Suzanne Vanaman Lynn Dowding, Music Director Dot Marra Dorothy McClure, Administrator Dorothy McClure Ray Deptulski, Jr., Custodian and

A host of other contributors Church Office Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Newsletter Worship Services

Deadline We will continue to have our 9:00 AM Parking Lot Sunday morning worship service as long as the weather permits. Articles for The Good Word, are due the Worship in the sanctuary will be at 10:30 AM each Sunday. Reservations are 15th of the month. required to insure we have the required distance space for all. Please call the Please submit articles church office at 401 596-4929 to make your reservations. as a WORD document If you wish not to attend church during the pandemic, there are other means if possible. of enjoying the service: e-mail all articles to: 1. Facebook - Live at 10:30 AM Sunday morning. Suzanne Vanaman 2. YouTube - After 1:00 PM. [email protected] Access to either one can be reached by going to www.cbcwesterly.org NEEDLEWORKERS

Due to the virus, Adult Sunday School - Sunday from 9:00AM to 10:00AM Needleworkers have on the third floor. suspended their Adult Bible Study -Tuesdays from 7:00PM to 8:00PM in meetings until further Fellowship Hall. notice. Young Men’s Bible Study - Mondays from 6:00PM to 7:00PM on the third floor.

Sunday Worship Ground Rules

Stay 6 feet apart Men’s Kitchen Crew Distancing is our most effective protection. Carefully maintain 6 ft. distance in halls and stairwells. Use the elevator only with others with The men are cooking whom you live. Sit only with others with whom you live. up a delicious You must wear a mask inside the church St. Patrick’s Day The mask must cover your nose and mouth. Keep your mask on. “Takeout Meal” for Saturday, March 13. Be prepared to have your temperature taken. Seating in Sanctuary Corned beef,cabbage, In the sanctuary there is a specific plan to expedite flow, seating, and potatoes, carrots and safe distancing. You can help by following the ushers’ directions. dessert — Cleaning and Disinfecting $10 per plate No beverages in sanctuary or balcony. Hand sanitizer will be available. Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 3 PasTor Cal’s Corner Dear Friends, I can hardly believe that we are marking our 10th anniversary together this month. Where did the time go? I will never forget my first day here. Dr. Dave Reid was leading a men’s Bible study across the hall from my office. I was embarrassed to go in and see what was happening. I listened in and said hi to a few of the guys as they left. For the first few weeks I had to feel my way around like a child on the first day of school. It eventually began to feel like home.

Over the next few months I worked hard trying to get to know everyone’s name. I cheated. I grabbed some old photo directories and studied them as if I was in finals week at school. I did pretty well. The one name I couldn’t remember was Agnes Trebisacci. I kept calling her Gladys. I thought she’d never forgive me. We’ve had ten years of worship services, mission trips, youth outings, Easter Egg hunts, Bible studies, Vacation Bible Schools, First Responders Sundays, Outdoors services, Mother Daughter Banquets, Homecoming weekends, Sunrise services, Avondale summer worship, Christmas and Easter cantatas, Men’s breakfasts and so much more. The list goes on and it holds so many wonderful memories. Thank you for agreeing to walk with me in the ministry of our Lord. I have been blessed. Looking Ahead Spring is on the horizon. April 4th marks our 11th Easter together. It may look a little different this year. We will have three services again. The Sunrise service will be at Misquamicut State Beach at 6:30 a.m. Our second service will be held especially geared toward families and be held in the parking lot at 9:00 a.m. Our third service will be our formal Resurrection celebration in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. The Sunday School and Board of Christian Education is planning a surprise for our kids between the second and third services. We hope that our families will join us at one of these services and either stay late or come early to be a part of the fun. There will be special music, a little drama and a message to remind us of the hope we have in Christ. We will sing “that song” and I hope everyone will leave feeling that they have been with the Lord. Holy Week On March 28, Palm Sunday, we will hold two services. One will be in the parking lot and one in the sanctuary. There will be a service of believer’s baptism in the sanctuary at our 10:30 a.m. service. We will be distributing palms at both of our services that day. On Thursday, April 1 we will celebrate the Last Supper and remember that night Jesus spent with his disciples on the eve of his passion. On Good Friday, April 2 we will remember the crucifixion of the Lord with a Good Friday service in the sanctuary at noon. Our Hope For This Summer We are making preliminary plans for our Father’s Day Car Show on June 20th. The Avondale Committee is discussing potential plans for the Chapel this summer. Camp Canonicus is preparing to host summer day camp programs and a few weeks of overnight programs for kids. We are looking at the possibility of hosting Vacation Bible School in late summer. We hope to offer both in person and Zoom Bible studies next fall. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s keep praying for an end to the pandemic. God is faithful. God is good. I have a feeling that after ten years the best is yet to come. Be Blessed! Pastor Cal Page 4 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education continues to meet monthly on Zoom. We share ideas concerning how to best help our children learn and grow in God’s love during this uncertain time. Our Sunday School program has been postponed for now. We hope to schedule Vacation Bible School possibly for the end of the summer. We have contacted other area Christian Ed directors to discover other effective and successful teaching methods during this pandemic. The board continues to support our college students with special cards and gifts. Things are going fine at Central Nursery School and an extra person has been hired to help keep everyone safe. Please remember our Sunday School children in your prayers. We want to be sure they know that Jesus loves them.

Treasurer’s Report

Annual January YTD Plan Plan 2021 Total Income 56,915.13 39,370.42 336,133.00 Total Expense 25,084.75 28,015.30 332,371.00

Net Income/Loss 31,830.38 11,355.12 3,762.00

We have had a wonderful start to the New Year. Several families have given their annual gifts as a one- time donation in January. Those funds will be used through the coming year to cover expenses as needed. Our regular weekly / monthly givers have also continued with their generous support. The expenses for January were lower than planned, and we ended the month with a large surplus. Thank you for your faithful and generous donations, which allow Central Baptist to continue serving our members and community.

During this time when you may not be able to worship at church, we hope that you’re watching the livestream services on YouTube. You can find the link to the video on the CBC website at www.cbcwesterly.org.

Here are some easy options for online giving.

1. Add CBC’s address (16 Elm St, Westerly, RI 02891) to your bank’s bill payment site and schedule the bank to mail your check to the church. 2. Text Giving is now available. Message the word “GIVE” to 401-414-4940 from your cell phone and easily send a donation. 3. Another option is to visit cbcwesterly.org/donations or scan this code on your phone to access CBC’s online giving app. If your phone can’t scan the code, the URL for the app is: https://app.easytithe.com/app/Giving/cbcw. You can give directly either from your bank account or …. (for a higher fee) use a debit/credit card. The app uses the same security as bank websites, so your personal information is secure. Also, it allows you to schedule your donations in advance, on ‘once and it’s done’!

Please take a look and see how online giving can make giving easier for you! Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 5

Board of Missions

The Mission Board supports Pivot Ministries as part of our spending plan. Founded in 1970, Pivot Ministries is a residential treatment program for men with drug and alcohol addiction located in Bridgeport and Norwalk, CT. Pivot’s mission is to treat drug and alcohol addiction as a spiritual problem and to return the men to their families usefully whole.

Pivot Ministries serves approximately 250 men per year throughout the Northeast and beyond and is known as a sanctuary for men in trouble. It is an integrated service delivery system, which includes three phases of living (Crisis, Stabilization and Transitional). The 16-month long men’s residential treatment ministry provides a safe and nurturing environment to apply the love and teaching of Jesus Christ. It is a structured program whereby each participant is expected to follow a rigorous schedule of daily activities which includes: personal counseling, a bible-based curriculum of study, life skills training, educational tutoring, AA meetings and chore duties. Each resident is assigned a pastoral counselor with whom they meet six sessions per month.

Graduating to a new life of successful sober living requires employment. That’s why Pivot Ministries includes a GED component in its program, if needed. The curriculum also allows significant time for vocational training. After being introduced to a variety of industry skills, graduates qualify to live in Pivot’s re-entry housing as they pursue a degree or establish full time employment. The Pivot Community Development Corporation (CDC) was founded in 2012 to establish small businesses offering the men training and employment in landscaping, horticulture and the building trades.

Pivot Ministries, 485 Jane Street, Bridgeport, CT 06608. Need Help Now? Contact Pivot Ministries 24-hour Crisis Hotline: 203-336-9263

Thank you for your prayers in support of Pivot Ministries’ men and program.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have WARM Shelter meal for passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 March to be prepared by the Board of Missions Jean Smith


Due to the pandemic, the Flower Committee will not be ordering Easter Flowers. In lieu of the flowers, they offer the following donation to the Memorial Prayer Garden.

MEMORIAL PRAYER GARDEN $______The donation amount is your choice.

Checks should be made payable to Central Baptist Church. Please return your form and donation to the office no later than March 19, 2021.

Please print your name and telephone number: Name______Phone ______Please print the name(s) of those you want to be remembered and shown in our Easter Memorial Bulletin:

Any questions, please call Jean Smith, 401-315-5358, or the Church Office, 401-596-4929. Thank you. Page 6 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

The Persecuted Church

North Korea

North Korea, which Open Doors has ranked No. 1 in its Persecution World Watch List for 19 straight years, has an estimated 300,000 Christians in the population of 25 million. Tens of thousands of these occupy the gulag, where forced labor, torture and execution are the norm. It is rare for a Christian to be released from these camps. North Korea officially traces its clash with Christianity to 1866, when it beheaded a missionary who arrived with an American naval vessel seeking to open trade relations. But by 1907, there was a Christian revival in the now-capital of Pyongyang. And Christians became very popular for their resistance to Japanese occupation, refusing to worship the emperor. By 1945, when the Korean peninsula was divided by Soviet and American occupation, there were 500,000 Christians in North Korea—including both parents of Kim Il-sung, the communist founder.

Although there are some house churches in North Korea, most Christians have to remain isolated because of the all pervasive informant network, as even children are encouraged to report on their parents. Any Christian activity, owning literature or being seen praying, etc., will result in arrest and imprisonment. When an arrest occurs, often the complete family group will be incarcerated.

As we pray for revival in our own country, we should also pray for North Korea and the Christians there for, as God sent revival in 1907, so He is well able to do it again. With God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)

Stewardship Moment Time is a Precious Gift

Once there was a little village nestled securely in a valley between two mountains. Its people were very advanced compared with those who lived in the neighboring villages. They had learned how to build bridges, how to farm the slopes of the mountains, how to make laws to govern themselves, and how to write poetry about the beauty that surrounded them. They were a clever people. The villagers had a special treasure ... a chest filled with beautiful jewels. No one could remember just how or when the village had first come to possess the chest, except that it had been given to them as a gift from someone who had loved them very much. The villagers were very proud of their treasure. They took good care of it and even built a special room for it.

Life was good for the people who lived in the village, but one thing disturbed them. They longed desperately to share the beauty of the jewels with their children; to let them see the sparkling colors with their own eyes. But they could not. They had forgotten how to open the chest.

This was a distressing situation, but the people rarely had a chance to address themselves to it. Their bridge building, farming, law making, and writing kept them very busy. However, one day they did hold a meeting to discuss the problem. Everyone agreed how very important it was for the children to be able to see the jewels with their own eyes and they drafted a strong resolution to that effect. But when they got around to discussing how the chest might be opened, no one felt qualified to open it or had the time to try. Each year they passed a resolution about how important it was for their children to see the jewels with their own eyes. And yet each year no one felt qualified to open the chest or had the time to try.

The moral of this story is if you don’t take time, it will take you. The trail of broken promises and commitments in our lives is paved with the excuse of not having time. Stewardship is the experience of turning intentions into actions. Time is a gift from God, to be used wisely, not frittered away. God allows us to choose how to use this gift. Do you use God’s time for loving and caring deeds? Share your time and talents with others ... and don’t forget committing some of both to your church. Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 7

The Man in the Glass When you get what you want in your struggles for life; and makes you a king for a day, Just go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that man has to say. For it isn’t your father or mother or wife whose judgment upon you must pass, The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life is the one staring back from the glass. Some people might think you’re a straight-shooting chum, and call you a wonderful guy, But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum if you can’t look him straight in the eye. He’s the fellow to please, never mind all the rest. For he is with you clear to the end, And you’ve passed you’re most dangerous test if the guy in the glass is your friend. You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years, and get pats on the back as you pass; But, your final reward will be heartache and tears if you’ve cheated the man in the glass. Submitted by Geri Maloney

LIBRARY NEWS New Additions to the Library

Library Corner The library corner bookcase is located in the back of Fellowship Hall. New additions to the library or book highlights will be available as usual, from this location. A sign-out sheet is available for your convenience.

Inspirational Have A Little Faith - Mitch Albom An inspirational account of the author’s eight-year journey between “two worlds-two faiths, two communities.” A request of his former eighty-two year old rabbi to deliver his eulogy is interwoven with the author’s association with a reformed criminal who is pastoring a struggling inter-city church in his hometown of Detroit. It is an account of how two very different men employ faith similarly in their respective fights for survival.

Prayer The Daniel Prayer - Anne Graham Lotz The book is based on Daniel’s prayer (Daniel 9:1-23) and is written to help the reader pray more effectively for one’s nation, family, and themselves. The author identifies several important aspects of prayer and offers guidelines to effective prayer that can “move heaven and change nations.”

Reference Ultimate Bible Guide - Holman Bible Publishers A resource for those who are just starting their journey with the Bible or those who are familiar with the Bible and looking to grow in their understanding of God’s Word. A “complete walk-through” of all 66 Books of the Bible. Includes photos, maps, charts and timelines.

Religion Prayers and Promises of the Bible (Smart Guide to the Bible Series) - H. Rogers & L. Richards This book is part of a series designed to bring God’s Word to the reader in an understandable and relevant style. This study of the prayers and promises of the Bible will aid the reader in meeting life’s challenges in a godly way. The book is divided into two sections: prayers and promises of Scripture. Different types of prayers from the Bible give the reader insight into how prayers should be offered and how God answers prayer. The section on promises explores the importance of trusting God by understanding His promises given to mankind. Promises that God has acted upon and those He will fulfill in the future.

Visit the Library located on the Nursery School Hallway by making an appointment with the Church Secretary. Page 8 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

Just For Kids By Marcia Erskine

Central Baptist Church of Westerly Page 9

SMILES AND SO FORTH Humor, Wisdom, Poetry, Quizzes, and So Forth By Dorothy Marra

THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS Author Unknown A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one Palm Sunday day and said. "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. Spread your cloak, grab a palm, The Lord led the holy man to two doors. Let's all rejoice and sing a psalm.

He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In Praise the Lord, call out with glee, the middle of the room was a large round table. In the Your Savior comes astride donkey. middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled Cry blessing to you Savior King, delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people Shout aloud, hosanna's ring. sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared Zechariah's word, today comes true, to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long 'See your King now comes to you.' handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it He truly is, Gods righteous Son, possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. Salvation's come for everyone. So spread your cloak, grab a palm. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they Let's all rejoice and sing a psalm. could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. by Albert Watson

The Lord said, "You have seen Hell. Easter Egg Hunt - They went to the next room and opened the door. It was We are looking for plastic exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round eggs and individually wrapped table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's candy for our Easter Egg Hunt. There is a box on mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long -handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished the stage in Fellowship Hall for donations or and plump, laughing and talking. contact the church office. Thank you from the Board of Christian Ed. The holy man said, "I don't understand."

"It is simple," said the Lord. "It requires but one skill. You see they have learned the secret to happiness..... feed one Unscramble the another." Books of the Bible Page 10 Central Baptist Church of Westerly

Thank you to all our wonderful church family for your prayers and cards for Ron’s recent surgery. He had a fast recovery and is finally able to have a normal life. We really appreciate your thoughtful, kind support! Ellen and Ron Rodehorst

PANDEMIC – An Acrostic Poem Pause and Appreciate all the good in our lives Notice those around us Devoted to helping so many during these times Encouraging them to listen and stay confined to home SUNDAY, MARCH 14 Make new memories at home with those of us together I magine when we are able to socialize again Daylight Savings Time Begins. Confident we are well and safe. Remember to turn your clocks ahead one hour. Directory Corrections: Suzanne Vanaman - (401) 864-4759

Prayer List 2 Donna Antonino 3 Kay Perrone 3 Jennifer Bryan Donna Antonio Ruth (Tiffy) Janney Michael Payne Jim Tony Perrone 4 Marjory Lihou Paul Arnold 4 Taylor Day Patricia Johnson Charlotte Pillmear Mary & Tom Becker 7 Linda Hume Vicky Keane Deb Plante Barry Bennett 8 Robert Rodehorst Dan LaPointe Catherine Plesz Beverly 9 Meredith Masucci Dan Lawlor Marley, Gianna & Rosa Allison McClure-Broome 11 Linda Bruno Tim Lynn Scarano 11 Marcia Erskine Dave Collings 14 Steven Fish Jerry Desmond John Macomber Solis son-in-law Barbara Mathewson Joyce Smith 15 Sandra Lawing Irene Dillon 17 Roy Springer Rev. Joshua McClure Jim Stewart Engler Family 20 Susan Capalbo Mike Solis son-in-law Arline Fitzhugh 20 Kathy Caval John Millett Bruce Titterington Alice Frizzel 23 Nancy Balentine Sharon & Bill Mitchell Charlene Tops 23 Sofia Scarano Alan Geer Heidi Murray Matthew Tucker 24 Catherine Knight Julie Grillo 25 Rachel Lord Arnold Hall Amy O’Brien Baby Joshua Vincent Ryanne O”Conner Lori Willems 26 Tony Brewer Winnie Hamilton 27 Dale Rahl

31 Alicia Luther 31 Donald Plante Our Shut in Members Those in the Military: 31 Debbie Plante Gertrude Smith, at home 31 Vanessa Bertsch Lance Corporal Jordan Payne Apple ReHab, Watch Hill Cpt. Evan Caval, Ft. Campbell, KY Alice Bliven, 79 Watch Hill Road, Westerly Lieutenant Colonel Brian Gavitt Ruth Brayman, 79 Watch Hill Road, Westerly Lance Corporal Christian Smith Royal Nursing Home Greydon Aldrich, US Army 2 Olivia Flanagan Dick Chipperfield, 79 Beach Street, Westerly Ian Panse, US Air Force, Kuwait 2 Katy Burnside RI 02891 8 Janet Gerbutavich And all those who serve in our 11 Marissa Lombardo Benchmark Plymouth Crossing armed forces. 15 Susan Cozzolino Winnie Hamilton, 157 South Street - Apt 218, 15 Casey Payne Jr Plymouth, MA 02360 March 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

6:00PM Young Men’s Bible 11:00 AM Deacons Meet 6:30PM Mid-Week Worship Study 7:00PM Bible Study 7:00 PM Deacons Meeting

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Communion Sunday 6:00PM Young Men’s Bible 9:30AM Mission Board 6:30PM Mid-Week Worship 9:00AM Parking Lot Service Study 7:00PM Bible Study 9:00AM Adult Sunday School 10:30AM Worship

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Newsletter Deadline 9:00AM Parking Lot Service 4:00PM Trustee Board 5:30PM Bd of Christian Ed 6:30PM Mid-Week Worship 7:00PM Deacon Board Easter Memorial Forms Due 9:00AM Adult Sunday School 6:00PM Young Men’s Bible 7:00PM Bible Study 10:30AM Worship Study 7:00PM Friendship Circle

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

9:00AM Parking Lot Service 6:00PM Young Men’s Bible 7:00PM Bible Study 6:30PM Mid-Week Worship WARM Meal 9:00AM Adult Sunday School Study Mission Board 10:30AM Worship 7:00PM Church Council

28 29 30 31 9:00AM Parking Lot Service 9:00AM Adult Sunday School 6:00PM Young Men’s Bible 7:00PM Bible Study 10:30AM Worship Study 7:00PM Nominating Comm. meeting via Zoom

Monthly Newsletter Central Baptist Church 16 Elm Street Westerly, RI 02891 NONPROFIT ORG. Phone [401] 596-4929 US POSTAGE PAID WESTERLY, RI [email protected] PERMIT # 67

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We join together to nurture Christ-centered faith, foster Christ-like maturity, and share Christ’s ministry within our family, community and world.