Abstracts Annual Scientific Meeting ᐊᕐᕌᒍᑕᒫᕐᓯᐅᑎᒥᒃ ᑲᑎᒪᓂᕐᒃ

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Abstracts Annual Scientific Meeting ᐊᕐᕌᒍᑕᒫᕐᓯᐅᑎᒥᒃ ᑲᑎᒪᓂᕐᒃ Abstracts Annual Scientific Meeting ᐊᕐᕌᒍᑕᒫᕐᓯᐅᑎᒥᒃ ᑲᑎᒪᓂᕐᒃ 2016 Réunion scientifique annuelle 5-9/12/2016, Winnipeg, MB ASM2016 Conference Program Oral Presentation and Poster Abstracts ABSTRACTS FROBISHER BAY: A NATURAL LABORATORY complete habitat characterization. This recent sampling FOR THE STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL effort recorded heterogeneous substrates composed of CHANGE IN CANADIAN ARCTIC MARINE various proportions of boulder, cobbles, gravel, sand HABITATS. and mud forming a thin veneer over bedrock at water depths less than 200 metres. Grab samples confirm Aitken, Alec (1), B. Misiuk (2), E. Herder (2), E. the relative abundance of mollusks, ophiuroids and Edinger (2), R. Deering (2), T. Bell (2), D. Mate(3), C. tubiculous polychaetes as constituents of the infauna Campbell (4), L. Ham (5) and V.. Barrie (6) in the inner bay. Drop video images captured a diverse (1) University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada); epifauna not previously described from the FRBC (2) Department of Geography, Memorial University of research. A variety of bryozoans, crinoid echinoderms, Newfoundland (St. John’s, NL, Canada); sponges and tunicates recorded in the images remain (3) Polar Knowledge Canada (Ottawa, Ontario, to be identified. Habitat characterization will allow us Canada); to quantify ecological change in benthic invertebrate (4) Marine Resources Geoscience, Geological Survey of species composition within the habitat types represented Canada (Dartmouth, NS, Canada); at selected sampling stations through time. Such long- (5) Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Natural term studies are crucial for distinguishing directional Resources Canada (Iqaluit, NU, Canada); change in ecosystems. Marine Geological Hazards (6) Marine Geoscience, Geological Survey of Canada and Seabed Disturbance: Extensive multibeam (Sidney, BC, Canada) echosounding surveys have recorded more than 250 submarine slope failures in inner Frobisher Bay. The Frobisher Bay is one of the few locations in impacts of geological hazards on the marine benthos the eastern Canadian Arctic with a long history of inhabiting Baffin Island estuaries are poorly known. geological and ecological study, providing long-term Mass movement processes operating in Baffin Island datasets and study areas that facilitate longitudinal fjords include debris flows initiated on the upper slopes studies of marine habitat change. The bay presents of fjord-head deltas and rockfalls initiated on steeply the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities sloping valley walls. Debris flows are associated of geological and ecological seabed mapping for with macrofaunas characterized by low density and understanding and managing coastal environmental diversity, while rock falls place coarse rock clasts change in Canada’s Arctic. This research project into deep water, where they create important habitats combines seabed sampling (i.e., grab samples, box for epifauna dependent on hard-bottom substrates. cores, piston cores, Agassiz trawls, video recording) Like the aforementioned mass movement processes, and multibeam echosounding surveys to assess submarine slope failures in inner Frobisher Bay occur benthic habitats, benthic biodiversity, and geological episodically. Benthic grab samples and box cores, and hazards within Frobisher Bay. Long-term Ecological ROV video collected at known slope failure sites within Monitoring: Grab samples and trawl samples acquired inner Frobisher Bay in 2015 and 2016 will be used to repetitively in the inner bay by the Fisheries Research assess the impact of these disturbance events on seabed Board of Canada (FRBC) in the 1960’s and 1970’s habitats by comparing benthic species diversity at sites revealed a benthic macrofauna dominated by mollusks, both “on” and “off” slope failures. ROV video images amphipods, ophiuroid echinoderms and polychaetous acquired in 2015 on submarine landslides near Hill annelids. These sites were sampled again in 2015 and Island in the inner bay, the site of repeated submarine 2016 using comparable grab sampling equipment, slope failures, revealed a benthic epifauna characterized as well as drop video transects, to provide a more by the presence of sponges, crinoid and ophiuroid 2 ASM2016 Conference Program Oral Presentation and Poster Abstracts echinoderms, and tunicates at sites adjacent to slope application: The Map Viewer (https://www.polardata. failures. ca/pdcsearch/PDC_ViewMapApp.ccin?ccin_datasets), which graphically displays select PDC data sets on a map, has been redesigned, with a completely new THE POLAR DATA CATALOGUE: DATA AND user interface, and mooring datasets from ArcticNet INFORMATION FOR CANADA AND THE have been added for visualization. In addition, the full WORLD PDC Search application is currently being overhauled, with the focus on improving the user interface and J. Friddell, Alix, Gabrielle, D. Bangs, D. Church, updating the code with the latest web technologies. • Y. Dong, C. Fagan, D. Friddell, F. Lauritzen and E. International connections: In 2016, PDC was approved LeDrew as Canada’s National Antarctic Data Centre (NADC) Polar Data Catalogue/Canadian Cryospheric and as a member of the World Data System, both Information Network, University of Waterloo (Waterloo, of which represent growing confidence in the PDC Canada) and increasing connection to the international data community. As Canada’s NADC, we are working with For the last decade, the Polar Data Catalogue Polar Knowledge Canada to provide data management (PDC, https://polardata.ca) has been the chosen services to Canada’s Antarctic research community and repository for data and information produced by to share Antarctic metadata with the Global Change the ArcticNet scientific community. The PDC, Master Directory. • Data publication: In collaboration headquartered at the Canadian Cryospheric Information with DataCite International and the National Research Network, University of Waterloo, archives and serves Council of Canada, we are registering Digital Object online data files and metadata records describing Identifiers (DOIs) for ArcticNet and other datasets in the datasets from ArcticNet and other polar research and PDC. DOIs for data are similar to DOIs for published monitoring programs in Canada and around the world. scientific articles in that they link to a unique web To improve our service to the ArcticNet community and location where a dataset can be permanently found, other partners and users, we have made the following and they provide credit and visibility to researchers enhancements to the PDC during 2016: • New data in who contribute data to the PDC. We look forward the PDC: Since 2015, our data collection has grown to working with the ArcticNet community to make from approximately 200,000 data files to more than progress on archiving and registering DOIs for the many 2.7 million, and the number of metadata has grown valuable ArcticNet data sets produced since 2004. to over 2,440 records. In addition, two RADARSAT mosaics of Antarctica have been added to the PDC satellite image collections (https://www.polardata.ca/ RESEARCH PRIORITIES IN THE GWICH’IN pdcsearch/), providing the first full-continental snapshot SETTLEMENT AREA: from 1997 which can now be compared to subsequent mosaics from 2000 and 2008. These satellite image Amos, Amy, J. Boxwell collections and many more were highlighted in Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board (Inuvik, Canada) the Data Compendium (http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/ eng/blog/2016/04/22/data-compendium-20-years- The Gwich’in Renewable Resources Board of-radar-images.asp) of the World Meteorological (GRRB) has established a research priority setting Organization’s Polar Space Task Group, released process in the Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA). This on Earth Day 2016. We continue to work with our process includes the ongoing collection of research partners to add to the PDC archive, thus increasing interests from the communities as one of its key criteria. its reach and utility to users. • New PDC Metadata The GRRB uses the end product to help set its work and Data Input application (https://www.polardata. plan and make decisions on project funding. Examples ca/pdcinput/): This tool is used by researchers to can be given of community-based monitoring programs contribute their data and metadata to the PDC. It has that are closely linked to community interests with full been completely redesigned and rewritten to improve involvement of the community. The research interests and modernize the user interface and underlying from the communities include research that is not technology. Bi-lingual support (French and English) is related to the GRRB’s mandate but could be of interest coming in the next version. • PDC Geospatial Search to other researchers. The GRRB is interested in finding 3 ASM2016 Conference Program Oral Presentation and Poster Abstracts other ways to advertise these interests to promote results from the 2014/2015 field seasons, with the goal research that addresses community needs. of exploring how lake ice, SRTS, and fire affects the water quality and productivity of small tundra lakes in this region. IMPACTS OF LAKE ICE AND LANDSCAPE PERTURBATION ON THE WATER QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY OF SMALL TUNDRA DETERMINANTS OF HEALTHY AGING IN LAKES IN THE NORTHWESTERN ARCTIC LABRADOR: PERSPECTIVES FROM OLDER ADULTS AND SENIORS Amos, Edwin (1), E. Hille (1), P. diCenzo (2), F. Wrona (2) and B. Paquette-Struger (2) Andersen, Andrea (1), M. Mills (2), M. MacDonald (2), M. Wood (2), M. Wilson (3) and N. Pollock (2) (1)
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