Target Refuses to Change Giving Policy
THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Aug. 18, 2010 • vol 25 no 46 page 4 Target refuses to change giving policy by Tracy BAIM while Target also met with HRC to mitigate dam- ages, they have not requested the funds back, Target Corporation, after coming under fire for and Chicago activists are demanding that before contributions to an anti-gay candidate, is refus- they stop boycotting the store. Gay Marriages ing a call to “make it right” and two weeks of If Target does get the money back, or even negotiations with the Human Rights Campaign if it does not, activists are calling on the store Delayed have stalled. to give equal or more money to Emmer’s Demo- About 50 people turned out Saturday, Aug. 14 cratic opponent as well as gay organizations and for a protest of the new Target store in Chicago, candidates in Minnesota, where the superstore on Broadway just north of Montrose. They were is based. Now that negotiations with HRC have page 17 calling for a boycott of the store because of a come to a standstill, a boycott is likely to con- recent $150,000 contribution to a fund, Min- tinue. [See sidebar on more HRC news.] nesota Forward, that in turn gave that money “We will not be targets” chanted one of the to right-wing conservative Republican candidate protest’s organizers, Rick Heintz, as the group Rep. Tom Emmer in his race for Minnesota gov- marched in front of the store.
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