L’ www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 41, No. 9 n May 2019 / 5779

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 5 Our Community 9 Jewish Interest JEWISH FEDERATION 14 & the Jewish World LEE & CHARLOTTE COUNTIES 15 Marketplace 16 Commentary Invites you to join us 16 Community Directory 17 From the Bimah 19 Focus on Youth Annual Meeting

20 Organizations 22 Temple News WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 7:00 p.m. FineMark Bank 12681 Cre ekside Lane Fort Myers And Celebrate Israel

3 Independence Day Federation’s Senior Lunch Israeli Food, Film & Fun Bunch update RSVP to Lori Ramos @ 239.481.4449 ext. 5 or [email protected]

Generously hosted by ~ NO CHARGE ~ OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY

6 See page 3 for 2019~2020 Board of Directors Slate Jewishfederationlcc.org A Tribute to Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah Past Presidents Ambassadors for Israel By Brian Simon, Federation President y friend asked me a strange of him for balance. He doesn’t quite vide Jewish family services (to both question as I climbed into trust what’s going to happen next. and Gentiles), and to advocate for Mhis Cadillac Escalade. “Let go,” I say. Israel. It’s easy to point to the cultural “So, have you any trips planned to We see his feet come out of the wa- events we put on, like the film festival, Tel Aviv?” ter and sure enough, he’s floating. and the services we provide, like the 14 It was 6:30 a.m., and we were “This is cool!” he yells. food pantry. But how, exactly, do we 10 of the best Israeli TV shows about to leave for There’s a selfie at the Church of the advocate for Israel? to binge watch a business trip to Holy Sepulchre, a family photo near Our local Christian community Miami. I was lost the Kotel, a group shot at the Knesset throws a big celebration every year and confused by Menorah. called “Covenant with Israel.” The his question. It’s Five years, man. Federation is one of several sponsors been five years My next-door neighbors, a cou- of that event. We’ll celebrate Yom since my last trip ple of snowbirds from Michigan who Ha’atzmaut during the annual meeting to Israel with my are not Jewish, are going to Israel on Wednesday, May 8. Later this sum- wife Mindi and this spring. It’s a joint trip with their mer, we’re planning an educational 23  Brian the kids. church, Sanibel Congregational UCC, program for teens to prepare them for Simon “No,” I sput- and Temple Bat Yam. My neighbor the anti-Israel attitudes they’re likely Temple Judea Purim Party tered. “Why do you ask?” told me that if it were just a church to experience on college campuses. at The Heitman House “I think the last time we took a trip, he wouldn’t have gone. The fact Thanks to Sylvia Simko for spearhead- road trip you had just come back from that they’re going with Rabbi Stephen ing that. But Israel advocacy is not there.” Fuchs and some of his congregants event-based. Have an item you’d Point 1: I need to keep in closer made the trip appealing. As Jews, we are all advocates for touch with my friend. Point 2: Five Whether we know it or not, wheth- our religion, for our culture and, yes, like to share? years goes by very quickly. er we like it or not, American Jews are for Israel, in the way we talk, in how As I’m writing this, I’m thumbing unofficial ambassadors for Israel. we vacation, and in what we share Need to reach the through some of the photos of that trip I’ve mentioned more than a few with our non-Jewish neighbors. Israel that I’ve kept on my phone. The kids times that the focus of our Federation needs more advocates. Our friends and editor of L’CHAYIM? are so young! is to put on Jewish cultural events, pro- neighbors are looking to us. Send an email to There is a video of my son Sander standing knee-deep in the Dead Sea. Read the current and recent issues LChayim36@ “Lay back,” says my voice from be- hind the camera. “Sit down.” of L’CHAYIM online at gmail.com. He sticks his tush awkwardly to- ward the water, arms extended in front www.JewishFederationLCC.org.


social service philanthropy culture L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes To donate to By Debbie Sanford, Program Director t’s hard to believe my first season of program- We discussed the meaning of the holiday and they ming is over. The time has flown by so quickly. I learned how to play dreidel (they all wanted to keep the Federation’s Iknow I had fun and I hope everyone else did too. them and bring them home). It was so fun to hear the Thank you to everyone who attended our programs. kids shouting “Gimel” or “Shin,” I had a great time Back in December, I was and I know the kids did too, as they did not want me Annual Campaign, invited to Camp HSR (Home- to leave at the end of the session. I even got an email school Rocks) to make a pre- from a mom thanking me, and she mentioned her son sentation on . The plays dreidel all the time now at home with his little call 239.481.4449 children in this program are sister. all homeschooled and they go Then, just a few weeks ago, I got invited back to this Day Camp one or two to speak to the Religious Studies class. The children, or visit days a week with other home- ages 10-13, are studying all the different types of schooled children to get the ex- religions – their similarities and their differences. I  Debbie tra-curriculum they would miss thought to myself what a great way to teach about JewishFederationLCC.org Sanford out on by not attending a public tolerance, and I was so happy they included us. school. There is a yoga class, an art class, a gardening I made a slide show presentation called “Judaism class and a religion class. The children are from all 101” and spoke with the kids for 45 minutes. I think faiths and races and range in age from 3 to 13. they all learned something. They had such great ques- I was invited to talk about Hanukkah to a group tions and blew me away. OUR MISSION of mostly 7- to 9-year-olds. I brought dreidels, Ha- Below is a photo of me with the students in the To strengthen and enrich the Jewish nukkah gelt and a PJ Library book on Hanukkah. Religious Studies class. Community by providing and supporting philanthropic, educational and social service programs locally, in Israel and throughout the world.

OUR VISION A Jewish Community that is based on Jewish values such as Tzedakah (benevolence), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and K’lal Yisrael (taking responsibility for one another).

L’ Jewish Family Services update By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator Jewish news published monthly by ost people call the Federation when they tion was able to help clients last month with a por- Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 need help, and sometimes someone just tion of their electric bills, auto repairs and security (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 walks in, which is what happened recent- deposit. The calls for guidance and assistance con- Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org M  ly. The client was homeless and wanted to know if tinue to come in almost daily. I am part of a newly May 2019 • Volume 41, Number 9 the Federation could help find an apartment. While formed Aging Coalition in Lee County for all agen-  we don’t find housing for people, we do guide them cies and resources so we can work together to gather President: Brian Simon Board: Paul Bartrop • Jack Esformes • Karen Fine toward resources and agencies that can help them. I and share information. I continue to attend the Lee Carolyn Gora • Jerry Greenfield • Keith Grossman made some calls on the client’s behalf and we looked County Homeless Coalition meetings every month to Andi Horowitz • Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler through the Lee County Pocket Guide for Emergency educate myself about this growing problem and how Sara Krivisky • Michele Laboda • Rozzi Osterman Barbara Siegel • Sylvia Simko • Sherri Zucker Assistance to find a shelter for that evening as well as the Federation can best serve as a resource. Executive Director: Alan Isaacs for the short term. Elisa Grossman created an opportunity for her Program Director: Debbie Sanford The intake conversation is very different in per- National Honor Society students at Fort Myers High Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos Jewish Family Services: Jodi Cohen son than on the phone. When I asked this client about School to earn one point for every five cans of food  friends and/or relatives that have helped or could pos- donated, which resulted in hundreds of donations. Editor/Designer: Ted Epstein (239) 249-0699 Advertising: Jim Lewin (239) 634-6923 sibly help, I witnessed the client’s silence, tears and Our small but active food pantry hums along success-  heartache as it spread from face to posture. Each of fully due to the hard work and dedication of Federa- L’CHAYIM invites correspondence on subjects of interest to us is an amalgamation of stories, some more difficult tion volunteers Barbara Gribin, Judith Yevick, Phyllis Jewish people. Partisan political opinions will not be published, than others. Boyar, Suzanne Orkin, Andrea Phaneuf, Laurie Mc- but opinions on subjects affecting the Jewish community are welcome. All inquiries regarding copy for L’CHAYIM should be Due to your generosity, I was able to give my cli- Connville, Karen Whitman, Carolyn Gora, Donna directed to the editor. All news material must be very clearly ent a gift card to Walmart, food that didn’t require Cotler, Larry Epstein, Randi and Payton Wolf. The printed or typed (not in all-capital letters) and double-spaced. Electronic submissions encouraged. The editor reserves the cooking, as well as shampoo, conditioner, soap, razor, Federation provided food and toiletries for 54 people right to edit for space and content. toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and body lotion. I from 14 households in March. Thank you for your Photographs should be clear, black-and-white or color also offered a can of dry shampoo, which led to a mo- generous donations that stream in throughout the prints. If you wish a photograph returned, include a stamped, self-addressed envelope of appropriate size. ment of levity after a difficult conversation. The client week. We could not provide such abundance and The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties disclaims told me that while dry shampoo is a great concept, assistance for our clients if it wasn’t for you. responsibility or endorsement of the views expressed by the it is highly flammable. Yikes! We laughed long and I’ve been receiving more calls for recommenda- writers and claims by advertisers. hard about that. tions of home health care aides and agencies. I do My hope is that this client will take the necessary have a list of people who I know and trust, and sup- JUNE ISSUE steps to officially enter the family services system and port the Federation. If you’d like me to send you the EDITORIAL DEADLINE: get the support needed toward becoming settled and list, please contact me at [email protected] or self-sufficient. 239.481.4449 x2. Monday, May 6 Through the Marcia Can Help Fund, the Federa- Grow your business Fall 2019 Educational Scholarships with L’CHAYIM. Available DEADLINE: April 30, 2019 Reach 5,000 local ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship applications are now available Jewish residents for Jewish residents of Lee and Charlotte Counties, Florida, wishing to pursue postsecondary education. through this paper. Applicants must be under 30 years of age and priority will be given to full-time For more information students. Funding is limited and decisions

will be based primarily on financial need.

or to place an ad, call Jim

APPLICATION: For guidelines and application process, at 239.634.6923 PROCESS visit our website at jewishfederationlcc.org or send an email to Scholarships are made available from designated [email protected]. funds held by the Jewish Community Foundation. L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 OUR FEDERATION Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 3 Program notes Senior Lunch Bunch update By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator emple Beth El hosted the Fed- eration’s April Senior Luncheon Twhere we carbo-loaded before Passover with delicious food from our community partner, Jason’s Deli. Rabbi Ni- cole Luna led a discussion about various Passover traditions around the world as we hattan trains to books on tape and real talked about cur- estate.  Jodi Cohen rent plagues we The free monthly senior luncheon are facing, as well as what we wish for is a place where Jewish seniors gather ourselves and each other as we travel to kibbitz, nosh, learn a little some- through the narrow passage that the thing, bond with each other and greet desert represents. Conversations also newcomers. The vibe is warm and ranged from pink furniture and Man- friendly. We pair up new folks with seasoned lunch par- ticipants, so you don’t have to sit alone or try to figure out the flow of the lunch. The NEXT SENIOR LUNCH BUNCH: lunch is a true joyfest and there is always a Thursday, May 9 at 12:30 p.m. (note new time) place at the table for The Palms of Fort Myers, 2674 Winkler Ave., Fort Myers you! RSVP by Friday, May 3 to Our next lun- cheon is at The Palms Jodi Cohen at 239.481.4449 x2 or [email protected] of Fort Myers and seating is limited, so RSVP soon to reserve your spot. Let us know if you’ll need a ride and we will ar- range to have a vol- unteer pick you up. Honest, caring and knowledgable advice about assisted living options… at no cost to you! Personal and professional advice for you or a loved one when you need it the most

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2019 ~ 2020 Board Slate President Brian Simon V.P. - Administration Michele Laboda CO-V.P. - Education & Sara Krivisky & Program Andi Horowitz

Fall 2019 Treasurer Marsha Kistler Educational Scholarships Secretary Karin Fine Available Immed Past President Rozzi Osterman

DEADLINE: April 30, 2019 Director at Large Carolyn Gora Director at Large Jerry Greenfield ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship applications are now available for Jewish residents of Lee and Charlotte Director at Large Keith Grossman Counties, Florida, wishing to pursue postsecondary education. Director at Large Linda Idelson

Applicants must be under 30 years of age Director at Large Barbara Siegel and priority will be given to full-time students. Funding is limited and decisions Director at Large Robert Thomas

will be based primarily on financial need. Campus Initiatives Paul Bartrop

APPLICATION: For guidelines and application process, Jewish Family Services Sherri Zucker PROCESS visit our website at jewishfederationlcc.org Community Relations Sylvia Simko

Scholarships are made available from designated funds held by the Jewish Community Foundation. L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 4 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION

The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign provides the resources to strengthen Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center update and enrich our Jewish community locally, in Israel and around the world. By Susan Suarez, President & CEO

YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN This year please consider making an additional campaign contribution in honor or memory of a loved one. Because kindness is contagious, we would like to highlight your generosity in L’CHAYIM and notify personally those whom you honor. You may choose how your generosity is noted and how we share your mitzvah with the community.

��� ��� ������ ���������� �� L�� � C�������� C������� S����� TRIBUTES ��� ��� ������ ���������� �� L�� � C�������� C������� S����� In memory of William Osterman from Brian & Sara Krivisky Local �e�is� E�uca�on an� Culture LocalCommunity‐wide �e�is� E�uca�on Jewish an� Educa�Cultureon and Culture Programs for allCommunity‐wide ages including theJewish Jewish Educa� Filmon Fes�val, and Culture Jewish Programs Author for Each month, L’CHAYIM will list your Tributes. Events,all ages Israelincluding Celebra�on, the Jewish Jew Filmish Fes�val,genealogy, Jewish Israeli Author folk Please send them to Lori Ramos Events,dancing, Israel social Celebra�on, groups, etc. Jew ish genealogy, Israeli folk at the Federation at [email protected]. L’CHAYIMdancing, social published groups, monthly etc. to keep the Jewish community L’CHAYIMinformed about published local, monthly na�onal to and keep interna�onal the Jewish Jewishcommunity issues. Communityinformed about Rela�ons local, ac�vi�esna�onal a includend interna�onal monitoring Jewish an�‐ issues. Thanks to the following supporters of L’CHAYIM Semi�smCommunity and Rela�ons issues of ac�vi�es separa�o includen of church monitoring and state an�‐ in the Semi�smcommunity. and issues of separa�on of church and state in the for their contribution to help underwrite the cost of Israelcommunity. Advocacy and Ini�a�ves to strengthen local Jewish bringing news of the local, national and international communityIsrael Advocacy �es withand Ini�a�ves Israel. Holocaust to strengthen Educa�on local through Jewish the Jewish community to your mailbox every month! Holocaustcommunity Museum �es with of Israel. Southwest Holocaust Florida Educa�on to middle through and high the schoolHolocaust students Museum in the of Southwestcommunity. Florida to middle and high school students in the community. SUBSCRIBERS: Overseas Roger & Judith Satin OverseasFunding to the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Natalie Fulton JewishFunding Joint to the �istribu�on Jewish Agency Commi for�ee Israel �J�C� and for the full American spectrum Jewish Joint �istribu�on Commi�ee �J�C� for full spectrum Vanessa & Jacob Sax social services to Israel and Jewish communi�es in ��� countriessocial services around to Israelthe world. and Jewish communi�es in ��� Partnershipcountries around ��ether the rela�onship world. with the Hadera‐Eiron Region inPartnership Israel. ��ether rela�onship with the Hadera‐Eiron Region in Israel. Like us on Facebook! Local Seniors Services LocalHoliday Seniors baskets Services and teen visits to seniors and senior facili�es Holidayfor Rosh baskets Hashanah, and Hanukah teen visits and to Passover.seniors and senior facili�es Seniorsfor Rosh & Hashanah, Volunteers Hanukah Lunch Program. and Passover. EmergingSeniors & andVolunteers pressing Lunch needs Program. related to senior housing, health ConneCt andEmerging sociali�a�on. and pressing needs related to senior housing, health and sociali�a�on. with your Jewish Community Local Case Management Services LocalNon‐sectarian, Case Management individual Services and fa mily outreach, informa�on and referralNon‐sectarian, services. individual and family outreach, informa�on and www.facebook.com/ Individualreferral services. life coaching and support services. facebook.com/jfedsrq  Individual life coaching and support services. Local Emergency Services JewishFederationLCC LocalFood Emergency Pantry and Services Publix food cards. EmergencyFood Pantry financial and Publix assistance food cards. grants. Educa�onEmergency and financial aid associated assistance with grants. natural disasters.  Educa�on and aid associated with natural disasters. The Jewish Federation thanks our Local Community Services LocalSupport Community families Services of children with special needs. AddressingSupport families pressing of children community with n specialeeds related needs. to volunteerism, GENEROUS DONORS Addressingins�tu�onal pressing coopera�on community and community needs related assessment to volunteerism, and planning.ins�tu�onal coopera�on and community assessment and planning. �e�is� Community �oun�a�on INDIGENT FUND �e�is�An Communityendowment that�oun�a�on ensures the long‐term financial base of charitable,An endowment social that and ensures educa�on theal long‐term programs financial in our community. base of Israeli Folk Dancers Andi & Gene Sipe charitable,Needs‐based social college and scholarshipseduca�onal programsand study inscholarships our community. in Marty & Judy Freling Jewish Student Organization Israel.Needs‐based college scholarships and study scholarships in Paul & Sylvia Simko at FGCU Israel. Barry & Cheryl Fulmer Projects and programs aimed at Jewish community enrichment.  Projects and programs aimed at Jewish community enrichment.

Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties FOOD PANTRY Temple Beth El Mindi & Brian Simon Seeking Temple Judea Mike & Cheryl Goldstein Mellow Mah Jongg Danelle Root Israeli Folk Dancers Ruth Lefberg Advertising Victor Gold Millie Orkin Boni Raitt Shelly Albert Sales Executive Krivisky Family Diane Doerr Marsha & Mike Kistler Community Free Synagogue Dan & Ellen Fox Fort Myers High School Harry Cotton National Honor Society

Contact Alan Isaacs 239.481.4449 x-6 [email protected]

Together we CAN Make a Difference! L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 OUR COMMUNITY Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 5

The Jewish Federation Annual Campaign provides the resources to strengthen Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center update and enrich our Jewish community locally, in Israel and around the world. By Susan Suarez, President & CEO pring greetings from The Holo- The Holocaust and other genocides she says, without the Museum visit, trip, Cindy asks the students to “write a caust Museum & Janet G. and happen because of the devaluing of our that information is “just words.” The reflection about what they saw, felt and SHarvey D. Cohen Education fellow human beings. When someone Museum provides so many different how it impacted them.” Each year, she Center. The community commemora- is no longer considered human, the ter- components of the history that she can says, she has noticed that the students tion of Yom HaShoah on Sunday, April rible treatment they receive no longer never replicate in a classroom. For the are more tolerant and more willing to 28 is meaningful beckons other people to step in to de- students to see the Museum in person listen to each other. on so many levels. fend them. Instead, your neighbor has makes the story of the Holocaust “tan- Our in-house and outreach educa- People of all ages been relegated to being a problem. This gible and impacts them on a whole new tion programs reach students in six YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN and faiths come mindset diminishes us all, and we must level.” It is a shock to many students, Southwest Florida counties. Our goal This year please consider making an additional campaign contribution in honor or memory of a loved one. together to re- be on guard to keep it in check. as well as adult visitors, when a hu- is to have students learn from the past Because kindness is contagious, we would like to highlight your generosity in L’CHAYIM and notify personally those whom you honor. member those lost Here is another example of learn- man face is put to the stories about the so they can change the future. Each day, You may choose how your generosity is noted and how we share your mitzvah with the community. in the Holocaust. ing from and respecting others. Cindy concentration camps and when they young people are faced with growing The annual gath- St. John teaches 8th grade at Oakridge witness the absurd depths of the Nazis’ threats of bigotry, hatred and violence, ering exemplifies Middle School in Naples. For the past hatred. They see the photos of people and we want to inspire them to speak  Susan how we can join five years, Cindy has arranged a field being mistreated and starved – people up. Thanks to teachers like Cindy St. ��� ��� ������ ���������� �� L�� � C�������� C������� S����� Suarez together by focus- trip to the Museum. Because her stu- who can resemble their grandparents, John and the community members who ing more on what we have in common dents are at a crucial, formative age, parents, siblings and friends. Their eyes participate in the Yom HaShoah com- than what divides us. she knows now is the time to teach them are opened to man’s inhumanity to man memoration, we are confident that more Local �e�is� E�uca�on an� Culture Community‐wide Jewish Educa�on and Culture Programs for We all have something to share important life lessons. As they form because the terrible evidence is right in people will be inspired to act against all ages including the Jewish Film Fes�val, Jewish Author and something to learn from each other their own identities and separate from front of them. This isn’t a quick story bigotry, hatred and violence. Events, Israel Celebra�on, Jewish genealogy, Israeli folk – young and old, local residents and their families, they are finding their way on the news or the internet they can For more information about our dancing, social groups, etc. fellow citizens who are Holocaust survi- about what they will stand for and how turn away from quickly. They are face education programs and opportunities L’CHAYIM published monthly to keep the Jewish community vors, and Jewish people and non-Jewish they will relate to others. to face with innocent people who had to help support them, please contact me informed about local, na�onal and interna�onal Jewish issues. people. The program underscores the Prior to each trip, Cindy provides to helplessly face overwhelming evil, at [email protected]  Community Rela�ons ac�vi�es include monitoring an�‐ crucial importance of having respect basic historical information about cruelty and death. or 239.263.9200. Semi�sm and issues of separa�on of church and state in the community. for one another despite our differences. World War II and the Holocaust. But, The day following the Museum Israel Advocacy and Ini�a�ves to strengthen local Jewish community �es with Israel. Holocaust Educa�on through the All are welcome as we commemorate Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida to middle and high All are welcome as we commemorate school students in the community.

Overseas Funding to the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint �istribu�on Commi�ee �J�C� for full spectrum Yom Hashoah social services to Israel and Jewish communi�es in ��� Yom Hashoah countries around the world. Partnership ��ether rela�onship with the Hadera‐Eiron Region in Israel. Holocaust Holocaust Local Seniors Services Holiday baskets and teen visits to seniors and senior facili�es Remembrance Program for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukah and Passover. Remembrance Program Seniors & Volunteers Lunch Program. Emerging and pressing needs related to senior housing, health and sociali�a�on. Sunday, April 28, 2019 Sunday, April 28, 2019 Local Case Management Services Non‐sectarian, individual and family outreach, informa�on and 3:00 P.M. referral services. 3:00 P.M. Individual life coaching and support services.

Local Emergency Services Food Pantry and Publix food cards. Emergency financial assistance grants. Temple Judea Educa�on and aid associated with natural disasters. Temple Judea 14486 A&W Bulb Road Fort Myers, FL 33908 Local Community Services 14486 A&W Bulb Road Fort Myers, FL 33908 Support families of children with special needs. Addressing pressing community needs related to volunteerism, ins�tu�onal coopera�on and community assessment and planning. The Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties will commemorate Yom HaShoah with a The Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties will commemorate Yom HaShoah with a �e�is� Community �oun�a�on Holocaust Remembrance program. We welcome guest speaker Renee Beddouk and the Temple Beth Shalom Choir. An endowment that ensures the long‐term financial base of Holocaust Remembrance program. We welcome guest speaker Renee Beddouk and the Temple Beth Shalom Choir. charitable, social and educa�onal programs in our community. A candle lighting ceremony in memory of the six million will be held. Needs‐based college scholarships and study scholarships in A candle lighting ceremony in memory of the six million will be held. Israel. For more information, contact Debbie Sanford at 239.481.4449 x4. Free & open to the community. Projects and programs aimed at Jewish community enrichment. For more information, contact Debbie Sanford at 239.481.4449 x4. Free & open to the community.

L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 6 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR COMMUNITY Magical Hadassah By Diane Schwartz, President, Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah hat a special night it was Campaign. This year, as one of its sev- on Sunday, April 7, when eral projects, the Chapter is working Wthe Collier/Lee Chapter of to raise $18,000 to support and name a Hadassah presented a tribute to its past fully-equipped single-patient room in presidents. Hadassah showcased “It’s the iconic Round Building in the Ein Magical…A Tribute to Collier/Lee Karem campus, home of Hadassah Past Presidents” at Audubon the renowned Chagall windows. Country Club in Naples. Eleven past Hadassah Medical Organization presidents participated in the evening (HMO) supports two hospitals in Jerusa- lem and handles one million admissions each year, treating patients regardless of race, religion or nationality. HMO is known worldwide for its research Past President Gayle Dorio and Marty Dorio Luba Rotzstain and Toby Kosloff in stem cell and neurodegenerative diseases. Keith Raygor wowed the room with tableside and stage craft magic, mind-reading and music. Attendees are Linda Wertheim and Lee Henson, still trying to determine, “How did he Co-VPs of Fundraising and event co-chairs do that?” and were recognized for service, lead- Donations to Hadassah for the 360 ership and dedication to Hadassah’s Campaign are still being accepted. mission and work. For information, please contact me Proceeds benefited the Hadassah at 732.539.4011 or dianepschwartz@ 360 Degrees of Healing Full Circle gmail.com.

Gale Lazarus and Larry Harrison Past President Connie Mansfield and Les Scharf

A Gathering of Honorees: (standing:) Ruth Hubing, Gayle Dorio, Judi Palay, Lynn Wilner, Sylvia Simko, Iris Shur, Karen Cohn, (seated:) Shelley Skelton, Helene Weiss, Dena Sklaroff (not pictured: Connie Mansfield) Jill Weil, Past President Sylvia Simko, Ida Margolis

Rhonda Brazina, Mistress of Ceremonies for the Jack and Nancy Wiadro highlight evening, and Hadassah President Diane Schwartz the 360 Degrees of Healing Campaign Magician, musician, mindreader Keith Raygor entertains the crowd (photos courtesy Ted Epstein) This month’s advertisers This publication is brought to you each month thanks to the support The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant is available of our advertisers. Please be sure to use their products and services, Tthhreo uJogshe tphhe HCoormowmituzn Iistrya Feol uTnradvaetli oGnr aonf tt hise aJveawiliashb l e and mention that you found them in L’CHAYIM. tFherdoeurgahti othne o Cf oLmeem aunndi tCy hFaorulontdtea tCioonu notfi ethse. Jewish Advanced Physical Therapy...... 9 Living Happily Counseling...... 15 Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. Alliance Financial Group...... 15 Michael Shapiro Photography...18 Hal Arkin, Realtor®...... 15 Miromar Outlets...... 12 Art of Fashion and Moore...... 15 Moving Star...... 9 Gwen Baker, Realtor®...... 15 Paragon Pools...... 15 The grant may be used for travel to Israel to participate Dr. Daniel Bendetowicz...... 15 PCC Tile...... 15 inThe programs grant may that be are used volunteer for travel or toeducational Israel to participate in nature. Candlewood Suites...... 13 Alan J. Rubinstein, Attorney.....15 in programs that are volunteer or educational in nature. Cypress Cove...... 24 Senior Housing Solutions...... 3 OUR HOPE is that these THIS GRANT is for Jewish Harold Eskin, Attorney...... 15 Seniors Helping Seniors...... 15 programs will enhance residents of either county OUR HOPE is that these THIS GRANT is for Jewish FGCU...... 12 SK Lawyers...... 15 Jewish knowledge and who are 25 years old or programs will enhance residents of either county identity in preparation for younger and can demon- FineMark Natl. Bank & Trust....14 Snyderman’s Shoes...... 15 Jewish knowledge and who are 25 years old or participation in American strate a financial need. Southwest Florida Symphony...11 identity in preparation for younger and can demon- Florida Specialists in Urology...15 Jewish life. Academic standing and ® participation in American strate a financial need. Susan Glasser, Realtor ...... 15 Taschner Periodontics...... 11 community involvement Jewish life. Academic standing and Gordon’s Pool & Spa Service....15 Temple Judea...... 7,8,19 may also be considered. community involvement Green Schoenfeld & Kyle, LLP..15 The Bagel Factory...... 15 may also be considered. Gulf Coast Orthodontics...... 8 The Pampered Soul...... 15 Dr. David Heligman...... 13 Bob Vinikoor, Realtor®...... 15 Henderson Franklin...... 15 Paul Weinstein, CFP®...... 15 For more information or an application, Higginson Tax & Accounting....15 Ruth Zimmer - Cemetery Lots...11 visiFt ooru mr woreeb isnitfeo ramt aJetiwonis ohrF eadne araptpiloicnaLtCioCn.o, r g. Lee Lighting...... 15 visit our website at JewishFederationLCC.org. L’CHAYIM is a monthly nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 OUR COMMUNITY Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 7 The festival of Purim: a sweet celebration at The Terraces at Bonita Springs ONITA SPRINGS, Fla. (March Mindee Weber, a concierge at The inspired Mediterranean Re- 20, 2019) – On March 19, resi- Terraces, facilitates both the baking and vival setting. With a thought- Bdents at The Terraces at Bonita religious aspects of Purim and Passover ful emphasis on overall Springs gathered to bake more than 80 for the community. wellness, The Terraces offers hamentashen pastries in preparation “This is always so special for the a dedicated Vitality Program for the festival of Purim beginning on residents and for me,” said Ms. Weber. that addresses all aspects of March 20. Seven residents of the luxury “So many of us do not have local fam- wellness – in mind, body senior community enjoyed the warmth ily members to celebrate with. Baking and spirit. A professional, and camaraderie of baking together in together and enjoying each other here dedicated staff takes care of the community kitchen, sharing family at The Terraces gives us the feeling of all interior and exterior main- stories and anecdotes of holidays past. being with family. An extra special com- tenance, cooking, housekeep- Luba Rotzstain and Toby Kosloff This was the sixth year of the “hamen- ponent is that not everyone participating ing and 24-hour security for tashen baking,” which is followed the is Jewish. We gather with friends of all the gated community. Living next day by a reading of the Megillah faiths to celebrate together and to share expenses are covered with and a full-scale Purim celebration. our traditions.” one single monthly payment. Holiday celebrations, educational For more information, events, guest speakers and a vari- please visit TheTerraces ety of inspiring activities take place atBonitaSprings.com or call throughout the year at The Terraces 239.221.8907. at Bonita Springs (www.TheTerrac- esatBonitaSprings.com) as part of the community’s active lifestyle programs. The Terraces is the only Life Plan Community for senior living in the Bonita Springs area. Living choices Each Tuesday afternoon, an open session of Mah Jongg include independent living, assisted is held at the Jewish Federation. living, memory support, skilled nursing and rehabilitation. The Terraces is high- Players must be at least advanced beginners, as no Past President Connie Mansfield and Les Scharf lighted by fine resort-style amenities lessons are given.

and services, in an Addison Mizner- DAY: Tuesdays, 12:30~3:30 P.M. FEE: $1 per week

for more information call Rona Strausberg at 239.949.9003

Jill Weil, Past President Sylvia Simko, Ida Margolis 20192019 ArtistArtist InIn ResidenceResidence ARIARI

Magician, musician, mindreader Keith Raygor entertains the crowd (photos courtesy Ted Epstein) LESSERLESSER MAYMAY 3355 SHABBATON WEEKEND EXPERIENCE Friday, May 3 To Reserve your seats 6:30 KABBALAT SHABBAT (Religious School Shabbat) for Shabbat dinner ARI please call 7:45 CONGREGATIONAL SHABBAT DINNER 2394330201 no later ($18 Adults, $8 Children, Under 4 FREE) than Monday, April 29. Saturday, May 4 9:30 SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE LESSOR Sunday, May 5 9:30 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL MUSIC WRITING WORKSHOP 11:30 COMMUNITY CONCERT

For more information: 239-433-0201 www.tjswfl.org www.arilesser.com L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 8 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR COMMUNITY Teachers Wanted Yom Hashoah Eve Stars of David Temple Judea is seeking passionate and energetic Memorial Service n addition to participating in the ceremony will be the screening of Con- teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. Jewish Federation’s moving an- spiracy, the dramatic reenactment of Inual Yom Hashoah the notorious 1942 Wann- Teaching experience, Jewish commitment Holocaust Remembrance see Conference when Program at 3:00 p.m. on “The Final Solution” was and Hebrew skills are a plus. Sunday, April 28 at Tem- planned. The movie, star- ple Judea, The Commu- ring Kevin Branagh and For more details, call Tab at 239.433.0201 nity Free Synagogue will Stanley Tucci, shows or email [email protected]. conduct its annual Yom the bone-chilling Nazi Hashoah Eve Memorial bureaucracy at its most Service at 6:30 p.m. on soulless and detached Wednesday, May 1 at as it organized history’s 10868 Metro Parkway, greatest crime. Fort Myers. The public is urged Following the brief to participate in these sig- but very moving Zakhor remembrance nificant gatherings. Coming together in a broken world By Rabbi Marc Sack n Wednesdays, March 27, each session. At each program, Chris- April 3 and 10, members of tians, Jews and Muslims sat together in OTemple Judea and Temple small breakout groups. The discussions Beth El met for study and discussion were open, friendly and wide-ranging. with members of the Center for Islam These interfaith meetings will be and Cultural Awareness, Cypress Lake ongoing. On Sunday, October 27, the United Methodist Church, Cypress first anniversary of the massacre at the Lake Presbyterian Church and Iona Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Hope Episcopal Church. the congregations will join for a day of SNOWBIRDS, For three years, Rabbis Nicole community service. On Sunday, No- newspapersSNOWBIRDS, don’t fly… Luna and Marc Sack, Imam Abdul Haq vember 24, an interfaith Thanksgiving Muhammed, Pastors Clint Cottrell, service will be held. In February 2020, however,newspapers your don’t address fly… will! Thom Shafer and Father Ray Buchan- a second 3-part study program will be however, your address will! an have met to discuss their work and held. the religious needs of greater Fort My- With the help of a steering com- ers. Out of these meetings, grew an in- mittee, comprised of members of each terfaith Thanksgiving service, the first congregation, Rabbis Sack and Luna, of which was held in in 2016. Imam Muhammed, Pastor Shafer and Recently, the idea for bringing their Father Buchanan are committed to congregants together for study and dis- building a close interfaith community cussion was developed. The response in south Fort Myers. (Pastor Cottrell is to this program was overwhelming. moving to a new congregation.) These Going North? More than 200 people, some who were programs are the foundation stones of Going North? members of no congregation, came to that effort.

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Father Ray Buchanan, Iona Hope Episcopal Church; Rabbi Nicole Luna, Temple Beth El; Rabbi Marc Sack, Temple Judea; Imam Abdul Haq Muhammed, Center for Islam and Cultural Awareness; Reverend Thom Shafer, Cypress Lake Methodist Church

NEEDED TO LABEL ’CHAYIM NEEDED TO LABEL ’CHAYIM JOIN US for coffee, bagels and the simple satisfaction JOIN US for coffee, bagels and the simple satisfaction thatJOIN comesUS for coffee,from meeting bagels andand the making simple friends satisfaction with that comes from meeting and making friends with otherthat comes volunteers, from asmeeting we help and keep making thousands friends of localwith other volunteers, as we help keep thousands of local readersother volunteers, informed as about we help local, keep national thousands and interna-of local readers informed about local, national and interna- tionalreaders Jewish informed news. about local, national and interna- tional Jewish news. Call Debbie Sanford 481.4449 ext. 4 to add yourCall Debbiename toSanford the phon 481.4449e list. Each ext. month 4 to addwe willyour call name to confirmto the phon the emailing list. Each date month and youwe canwill calllet usto knowconfirm if theyou mailingare available date andto helpyou Members of the congregations gathered in discussion labelcan let L’CHAYIM. us know if you are available to help label L’CHAYIM.Time: 9:30 A.M. Time: 9:30 A.M. For a continuously updated Monday, May 20, 2019 calendar of events, visit MondayMonday,, JuneMay 20,24, 20192019 Monday, June 24, 2019 www.JewishFederationLCC.org. L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 JEWISH INTEREST Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 9 Stars of David Interested in Your By Nate Bloom, Contributing Columnist Editor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to Family’s History? ceremony will be the screening of Con-be Jewish for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish spiracy, the dramatic reenactment of have at least one Jewish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Nate Bloom (see column at left) has become a family history expert in 10 the notorious 1942 Wann-Judaism – and don’t identify with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts years of doing his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help see Conference when to Judaism, of course, are also identified as Jewish. when called on. Most family history experts charge $1,000 or more to do a “The Final Solution” was full family-tree search. However, Bloom knows that most people want to start Play Ball!: The Tribe He was in the majors for most of 2018, planned. The movie, star- with a limited search of one family line. on the Big-League Diamond but saw limited playing time. ring Kevin Branagh and The following players were on a major IAN KINSLER, 36, second base, Stanley Tucci, shows So here’s the deal: league team as of April 10. All have at San Diego. Like Braun, this four-time the bone-chilling Nazi Write Bloom at [email protected] and enclose a phone number. least one Jewish parent and identify as All-Star isn’t the star he once was. Still, bureaucracy at its most Jewish or secular he posts okay hitting stats and won Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that soulless and detached RICHARD BLEIER, 31, relief a Golden Glove in 2018 for his great as it organized history’s goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible. pitcher, Baltimore. He has posted great fielding. greatest crime. stats in the last two seasons. He played JOC PEDERSON, 26, outfielder, The first search fee is no more than $100. No upfront cost. Also, The public is urged for Israel in the 2013 World Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers. Pederson, a several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate to participate in these sig- Classic (WBC). Bleier is a Florida streak power hitter who was frequently nificant gatherings. friends and family members from their past, and that’s worked out native who grew up in Plantation. He injured, stayed healthy in 2018 and hit played college baseball for Florida Gulf more consistently. He played for Israel great for them. So contact him about this as well. Coast University in Fort Myers. He lives in the 2013 WBC. in Fort Lauderdale. KEVIN PILLAR, 30, outfielder, dential run, she hires Fred to punch up POMS is a feel-good comedy about RYAN BRAUN, 35, outfielder/ San Francisco. This former bar mitzvah her speeches. They have chemistry and a woman (Diane Keaton) who moves first base, Milwaukee. He’s a six-time boy is a consistently good hitter and begin a romantic affair that threatens to into a retirement community and starts a All-Star and the 2011 NL MVP, but he base stealer. torpedo her campaign. Fred has a lot of cheerleading squad with her fellow resi- isn’t the dominant player he once was ROBERT STOCK, 29, relief foibles in his past. dents. RHEA PERLMAN, 71, plays and his batting average dipped in 2018. pitcher, San Diego. After nine years in Advance reviews are quite good. one of the squad members. I hope this Still, he hit 20 homers, the minors, Stock made his big league Rogen has become a better actor over flick is not too “old folks cute.” (Opens ALEX BREGMAN, 24, shortstop/ debut last June. His 100mph fastball the years and Theron is very adept in Friday, May 3) third base, Houston. Bregman signed a may keep him up. seemingly every film genre. A romantic Carl Reiner six-year, $100M dollar contract exten- ROWDY TELLEZ, 24, first base, comedy lives or dies on whether we like Recently, I looked at CARL REINER’s sion in March. He’s now the highest Toronto. He was called up last Septem- the main characters and whether their twitter feed. It’s just the right mix of old paid Jewish baseball player ever. This ber and was on a hitting tear for the romance seems plausible. Most critics folks’ cute stuff and smart commentary. contract is a testament to how well Breg- rest of the season. say that Rogen and Theron make us like I learned that Reiner, 97, is about to man has played since mid-2016, when At the Movies their characters and believe in their char- release a new book entitled, Scrunched he joined the “big club.” His hitting Opening on Friday, May 3 is Long acters’ romance. Long Shot was directed Celebrity Photos Hand Scrunched and fielding led the Astros to their first Shot, a romantic comedy/drama star- by JONATHAN LEVINE, 42, who by Carl Reiner. Recent entries on his World Series championship in 2017. He ring SETH ROGEN, 36, and Charlize directed Rogen in 50/50 (2011), a good Twitter feed include notes about his repeated in 2018, with great batting stats Theron. Rogen plays Fred Falarsky, a movie in which Rogen gave his best daily schedule, which includes watch- that included 31 homers. He was a 2018 brash reporter for a liberal alt-weekly. dramatic performance. The screenplay ing Jeopardy almost every night with All-Star team member – and, yes, he had The job he loves disappears when a con- was co-written by DAN STERLING, MEL BROOKS, 92, and his three daily a bar mitzvah. Fun fact: His family went servative media baron buys his paper. 50ish, who has written for many smart walks: “Walking through every room on to the same Albuquerque synagogue Shortly thereafter, he runs into Charlotte TV comedy series. the 2nd floor of my house.” as the family of ALEXI ASHE, Seth (Theron), his old babysitter, who is now Meyer’s wife. the Secretary of State. Fred charms her Read the current and recent issues of L’CHAYIM MAX FRIED, 25, pitcher, Atlanta. with his self-deprecating humor and his Fried had a bar mitzvah and played in memories of her youthful idealism. As online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org. the 2009 Maccabiah Games in Israel. she prepares to make a surprise presi- ELIMINATE YOUR PAIN RESTORE YOUR MOBILITY REGAIN YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE

All physical therapy is not the same… Thank you for letting us show you what sets us apart from the rest! Father Ray Buchanan, Iona Hope Episcopal Church; Rabbi Nicole Luna, Temple Beth El; Rabbi Marc Sack, Temple Judea; Imam Abdul Haq Muhammed, Center for Islam and Cultural Awareness; Reverend Thom Shafer, Cypress Lake Methodist Church AWARDED SW FLORIDA’S BEST PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION CENTER 6 YEARS IN A ROW! • One-on-one care with all patients • You will always receive the personalized care you deserve • Highly skilled and licensed therapists • Relaxed, friendly and encouraging atmosphere • Therapist-owned private practice • Best of Southwest Florida recipient

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THE RESULTS YOU WANT. THE CARE YOU DESERVE. Thomas S. Zeller, DPT & Associates www.YourBestTherapy.com IAMTM International Association of Movers Fort Myers 239-432-0556 Cape Coral 239-772-2363 L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 10 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties JEWISH INTEREST The sacrifice of Kadurei shokolad: Music of the Holocaust…the world they lived in the Jews of Hungary Israel’s favorite dessert now gone, their music connects us to their lives By Paul R. Bartrop, PhD By Arlene Stolnitz n May 15, 1944 – 75 years ago was lost. Kállay now sought to negoti- – recipe by Chef Dalia this month – a shock of cata- ate an armistice with the Allies, but to ith Passover behind us and Oclysmic proportions fell upon prevent this the Germans invaded and with Yom Ha’atzmaut, Is- the Jews of Hungary, the last great cen- occupied most of Hungary in March Wraeli Independence Day, ter of Jewish population still untouched 1944. taking place on Thursday, May 9, a by the Holocaust. Kallay was replaced by Dome little Israeli chametz, seemed like a Between 1920 and 1944 the country Sztójay, who was pro-German and good way to come back and is a time was governed by Regent Miklós Horthy, willing to implement fully Berlin’s for celebration. Clubs, bars, event halls, whose principal goal liquidation of the Jews. Almost immedi- and everyone who’s anyone is planning was to regain some ately, Nazi anti-Semitic measures were a Yom Ha’atzmaut party. The streets will or all of the land that imposed over Hungary’s Jewish popula- be filled with live shows, cotton candy Hungary had lost as tion. Sztójay ordered that all Jews living and corn on the cob stands, spray paint a result of World War outside Budapest, numbering nearly and flicker stands, and fireworks in ev- I. This led him to half a million, be rounded up and con- ery city. With 85% of country not having ally his country with centrated in hastily established ghet- to go to work the next day – this is truly the Axis powers of tos. There the living conditions were the biggest festival in Israel. There are  Dr. Paul Italy and Germany, appalling, and Jews were frequently many ways to celebrate Israel from any- Bartrop which resulted in subjected to rape, violence and extor- where in the world on Yom Ha’atzmaut. sizable territorial gains for Hungary tion by troops and militias guarding the Most of the time it involves eating our between 1938 and 1941. In following ghetto areas. favorite Israeli foods. its goals of territorial reclamation, the In May, the mass deportation of To honor Israel’s 71st birthday, I Hungarian government joined the Axis Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz began, thought it was the perfect time to share powers formally in December 1940; and in less than two months some Israel’s best-known and most-loved fa- Personal Chef Dalia Hemed Hungarian forces then fought along- 440,000 Jews had been sent east, with vorite dessert recipe – Kadurei shokolad can be reached at side the Germans in Yugoslavia from the killing facilities working non-stop, (Chocolate balls). [email protected]. April 1941, and in the massive German day and night. This was the fastest Chocolate balls are as iconic as offensive against the Soviet Union killing operation of any of the Nazi falafel in Israel, yet most tourists have plain chocolate cookies work, too. (Operation Barbarossa) beginning in campaigns against Jewish populations never heard of them. After all, nobody Ingredients: June 1941. in occupied Europe. It clogged the mur- is hawking these colorful confections • 1 pound chocolate biscuit cookies Even before this, however, Hun- der machinery to such a degree that the on street corners. Kadurei shokolad, • 1 cup unsalted non-dairy butter gary’s government, which contained crematoria could not keep up, and a vast as they are known in Hebrew, are a (or margarine) strong rightist and anti-Semitic ele- number of bodies were simply burned quintessential Israeli treat. They may • 3.5 ounces bittersweet chocolate ments, sought to persecute and mar- in open pits. Mass killing had of course not be what most tourists think of when (chopped) ginalize Hungarian Jews, who in 1941 been an ongoing process since 1942, but asked about Israeli dessert treats, since • 1 cup sugar numbered about 825,000. These in- never did it reach such proportions as they are something that is usually made • 6 tablespoons cocoa powder cluded Jews who lived in lands that had in the spring of 1944. The frenzy with at home with kids rather than sold in • 1 teaspoon silan (date honey) been annexed by Hungary between 1938 which the Nazis undertook their task stores, but they are part of the fabric of • 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1941. defied even the demands of winning the an Israeli childhood. • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract In the late 1930s, the Hungarian war, with both men and transport being I promise they are more delicious XX Gather the ingredients. government had implemented racial leg- diverted from the front lines to assist in than they sound. It’s a one-bowl won- XX In a food processor, grind the biscuit islation along similar lines to Germany’s the deportations. der, made with cocoa, sugar, milk and cookies into finely crushed crumbs. Nuremberg Laws. These revoked equal In July 1944, Horthy ordered the biscuits, all mashed together into a XX Place the butter or margarine and citizenship for Jews, restricted them deportations stopped, mainly because dark brown goop. My boys are usu- chocolate in the top of a double from working in certain professions, he knew the Germans’ military position ally relegated to bashing the biscuits boiler set over simmering water, barred them from civil and military had deteriorated. He deposed Sztójay with a rolling pin, a job they do with stirring gently until melted. Or, service, and prevented them from mar- and sounded out the Allied governments gleeful abandon. Little lopsided balls melt in the microwave, heating in rying non-Jews. regarding the possibility of an armistice. of the mixture are rolled into shredded 30-second intervals, stirring be- Because Jews were forbidden from This was too much for the Germans, tween each, until smooth. Remove serving in the military, in 1938 the who deposed him. Horthy was replaced from the heat. Hungarian government established a by Ferenc Szálasi, a fascist and leader XX In a large bowl, use an electric forced labor program for Jewish men. of the right-wing Arrow Cross Party. mixer or sturdy spoon to combine Many of them were forced to labor By this time, only the Jewish the biscuit crumbs, melted choco- under impossible conditions, without community of Budapest remained late mixture, sugar, cocoa powder, adequate medical care, food, water and relatively intact. Szálasi moved imme- silan and vanilla. While continuing shelter. It is estimated that between diately against them, and in late 1944 to stir, slowly add the milk until 1940 and 1944 at least 27,000 Jews died several thousand were force-marched the batter is moist enough to hold under the supervision of the Hungarian toward Austria, with many dying en together when shaped into balls. Army, which had put them to work on route. XX Using clean hands, roll the mixture a variety of defense and infrastructure After a brutal and lengthy siege into walnut-sized balls. (Use about projects. devastated Budapest, Hungary signed a 1 tablespoon of the chocolate mix- Just as Hungarian troops were being truce with the Soviets, who had already ture per ball.) deployed eastwards to take part in the occupied part of the country in Janu- coconut or colored candies and placed XX Roll each ball into powdered sugar invasion of the Soviet Union, the Horthy ary 1945. By the early spring of 1945, on a serving tray or popped straight into (or a mix of powdered sugar, cocoa regime forcibly deported 20,000 Jews German troops had been expelled from their mouths. and cinnamon), coconut flakes, to Ukraine, where virtually all were Hungary, replaced by Soviet occupation Kadurei shokolad are as popular sprinkles or sanding sugar. Place STEVE HACKMAN’S murdered by German killing squads. forces. as ever despite the enormous changes on a plate, cover and chill in the These Jews were not Hungarian citi- In the end, perhaps up to 600,000 in the Israeli food scene. Its appeal lies refrigerator until firm. zens and came from territories recently Hungarian Jews were murdered follow- in its simplicity – a dessert that is fast, * * * BEETHOVEN annexed by Hungary. In early 1942, ing the German occupation in March no-bake and inexpensive. It has none Since Yom Ha’atzmaut is my fa- Hungarian troops killed nearly 3,000 1944, and particularly the period be- of the fastidiousness found in gourmet vorite holiday, I also decided to share V. COLDPLAY Jews in the portion of Yugoslavia they tween May and December 1944. This sweets and can be tweaked and impro- my favorite Israeli best-known drink, :30 then controlled, but the government figure, with the war so close to the end, vised according to what is available. called Limonana. It’s another part of MAY 4 | 7 PM was reluctant to move en masse against represented perhaps ten percent of all Rum and candied nuts can be added for a my collective memory of Israel and :30 Hungarian Jews. Indeed, Horthy’s Jews killed in the Holocaust – murdered more sophisticated twist, while leftover my absolute favorite. There is nothing HAPPY HOUR 6 PM Prime Minister, Miklós Kállay, refused in just a seven-month period. cookies that have gone stale can also be more refreshing than tangy lemonade BARBARA B. MANN PERFORMING ARTS HALL AT FSW to deport Hungarian Jews, even under Dr. Paul Bartrop is Professor of History incorporated in the batter. It’s a humble and spearmint (especially fresh from pressure from Berlin to do so. and the Dir. of the Center for Judaic, dessert reserved for informal affairs. my garden) blended with ice to make Defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad Holocaust, and Genocide Studies at For Israelis, it tastes of home, birthday the perfect slushy. Lemon and mint are A STEREO HIDEOUT PRODUCTION on February 2, 1943, which resulted in Florida Gulf Coast University. He can parties, picnics and childhood. Indeed, two of my favorite flavors, but put them CREATED & ARRANGED BY STEVE HACKMAN catastrophic losses for the Hungarian be reached at [email protected]. it’s more than just a favorite recipe. together and they are even better than Army, convinced Horthy that the war Kadurei shokolad has become a part of either one is alone. CRAIG CHOATE the collective memory of Israel. Limonana ingredients: JEFF CULL & ELLA NAYOR I recommend having a variety of • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon Like us on Facebook! sprinkly things on hand to roll them in. juice For Israel’s special day, I am going to • 1/4 cup loosely packed mint TICKETS 239.418.1500 | WWW.SWFLSO.ORG $ coat them this year in blue and white • 1/2 cup (3.75 oz) sugar START AT JUST 25! 8290 COLLEGE PKWY, SUITE 103, FORT MYERS, FL sprinkles to make them super-Israeli. • 1 cup water ConneCt What’s more, the recipe is easy to • Ice cubes with your Jewish Community alter. You can flavor it to your liking XX Combine the lemon juice, mint, with alcohol (for the adults, of course), sugar and water in a blender. Blend coffee, caramel or chocolate chips. at high speed until well mixed. Add www.facebook.com/ In Israel, Kadurei shokolad is gener- the ice. Pour into glasses and serve BRAVE NEW MUSIC facebook.com/jfedsrq ally made with tea biscuits such as Petit immediately. JewishFederationLCC Beurre (which, despite the name, are not Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach – Happy 239.418.1500 | WWW.SWFLSO.ORG butter cookies). If you can’t find them, Independence Day! L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 JEWISH INTEREST Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 11 Music of the Holocaust…the world they lived in now gone, their music connects us to their lives By Arlene Stolnitz ccording to research by the ties including orchestras, choirs and a Arts Hall in Sarasota. A collaboration never be heard, however, their dreams of Milken Archive of Jewish revue theater. of singers, dancers and musicians from hope, never extinguished, are reflected AMusic, “Musical life in the Partisans who escaped from ghet- Sarasota County, the program was in the last line of the poem, “Zog Nit concentration and death camps was of tos and camps performed their original organized by Joe Holt, conductor of Keynmol,” written after the uprising in a distinctly two-faced nature. On one songs in several languages. Two well- Gloria Musicae. The program, with cho- the Warsaw ghetto in April 1944. hand, music acted as a means of survival known songs from this period are “Zog reography by Liz Bergmann, consisted “Therefore never say the road now for the inmates; Nit Keynmol,” also known as the Par- of choral music, arranged by Sheridan ends for you, on the other hand, tisan Hymn, and “Es Brent” (It’s Burn- Seyfried, set to poems found after the Though leaden skies may cover over it served as an in- ing), which was later seen as a prophecy Shoah. The multi-visual program con- days of blue. strument of terror of the impending Holocaust. sisted of songs sung in ghettos and con- And as the hour that we longed for is for the SS. Prison In Terezin, many German musicians centration camps during World War II. so near, personnel abused and composers were interned. Known Many of the poems written by children Our step beats out the message…we inmate musicians as Theresienstadt, it was a ghetto and inspired the greatest songs. “They Call are here!” for their own concentration camp which held Jews Me Zamele,” “Motele from the Warsaw Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sarasota purposes. With primarily from Czechoslovakia as well Ghetto,” “A Jewish Child,” and “The Jewish Chorale, has sung in choral forced daily musi- as Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Street Singer” are but a few of the titles. groups for over 25 years. A retired edu- Arlene Stolnitz cal performances, Denmark. Established by Hitler as a Another famous contemporary cator, she is a graduate of the Gulf Coast they furthered the process of breaking “show camp,” notable musicians, writ- composer, Charles Davidson, has Community Leadership Foundation. A the prisoners’ willpower and of human ers and artists were sent there for “safe- composed a heartwrenching choral can- member of the Jewish Congregation degradation. Thus, music in Nazi camps keeping.” However, it was created for tata based on the poems, “And I Never of Venice, the Venice Chorale and the served as a method of cultural survival the purpose of propaganda to deceive Saw Another Butterfly,” written at Sarasota Jewish Chorale, her interest for the victims, and simultaneously as the International Red Cross inspectors Theresienstadt. in choral music has led to this series Personal Chef Dalia Hemed a means of domination for the perpetra- into believing that Jews were being We will never know how many of articles on Jewish Folk Music in the can be reached at tors.” treated humanely. symphonies, poems and songs will Diaspora. [email protected]. With the recent growth of Holocaust In effect, essential conditions were music research and interest in Yiddish created for the extraordinary possibil- as a language, we now have a treasure ity of cultural activity for prisoners by of music that gives light to the suffering prisoners. There were so many musi- of Jews under the Nazi regime. Music cians in Theresienstadt, there could have Two Cemetery Lots offered Jews a way to express their hu- been two symphony orchestras playing manity while living in inhumane condi- simultaneously, including a number tions. For them, it was an escape from of chamber orchestras. New pieces of reality and gave voice to their yearning music were composed and premiered. Lee Memorial Park for freedom and hope. Many of these pieces confronted camp Even though professional musical reality through their music and lyrics. performances were banned, freedom to Yet, these moments of culture con- sing and compose music could not be trasted sharply with the daily attempt to Section: Garden David completely censored. Music became a survive. Although it was not an exter- symbol of freedom. mination camp, nearly 33,000 died due Small orchestras played at private to appalling conditions of population 12777 State Road 82 occasions. Music was even performed density, malnutrition and disease. publicly in some ghettos, with lyrics Several years ago, a poignant pro- about ghetto life. The Vilna ghetto had gram, “Voices of the Holocaust,” was an extensive program of music activi- presented at the Van Wezel Performing Fort Myers, FL Value: $7999 Asking $3995 Call Ruth at 239-841-4387


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1645 Medical Lane, Fort Myers, FL BRAVE NEW MUSIC Phone 239-936-0635 | 239.418.1500 WWW.SWFLSO.ORG Visit Our Website www.taschnerperio.com L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 12 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties JEWISH INTEREST Mossad fiction: Israeli authors strike noir gold with deep-cover intelligence thrillers very year, as the holidays ap- Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to L’CHAYIM proach, I’m always asked what kind of wines to pair with fes- Death in Shangri-La, with young Israelis, especially those lessly imparts a striking series of unique challenge of sharply differentiating hisE tive dinners. Thanksgiving is a spe- by Yigal Zur; Sara Kitai, trans. done with their compulsory military impressions about the faraway places characters while stressing their common service, who travel in groups for the that few will ever be able to visit. The commitment and allegiance to Ya’ara. cial puzzle, because the traditional Oceanview Publishing. 272 pages. dishes are all over the place in terms Hardcover $26.95. scenic and cultural pleasures. Even investigation is solid grunt work, mov- Her cover as a filmmaker is put to good Israeli honeymooners show up there. ing from one lead to another. The trans- use on several occasions. of flavors, tex- his high-stakes thriller takes This same region is also home to a portation available and the road condi- The students’ training and assign- tures and sweet- its protagonist, a former Israeli formidable Muslim extremist popula- tions make getting there way less than ments bring them to a wide variety of ness. The green security operative now working tion, which is not only at odds with the half the fun, except if you are at home interesting locales, each described viv- bean casserole T has cream and as a private detective, far outside of the long-established dominant non-western between the covers of this book. idly and authoritatively. These include usual terrain for religions, but ready to attack Israelis Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Moscow, mushrooms, the such lead charac- wherever they are found. One such A Spy in Exile, by Jonathan de Shalit. Leeds, Newcastle, Oxford, Liverpool, cranberry sauce ters. It’s not Israel terrorist target is the House in Steven Cohen, trans. London (especially the Bethnal Green is tart, the sweet or Israel’s neigh- Manili, India. Emily Bestler Books / Atria. neighborhood), Brussels, Cologne, Tel potatoes are… boring states that Naor is accompanied by a highly 384 pages. Hardcover $27.00. Aviv and Paris. well, you know. Dotan Naor visits skilled Israel security agent, Maya, who pseudonymous former senior Their missions include stopping a So my answer is on his mission, is the overall winner of the most desir- staffer in the Israeli intelligence lethal force made up of descendants of generally Champagne or other spar- but the Far East, able traveling or working companion community has crafted an excit- a Red Army cadre. This terrorist group kling wines because they seem to go A with just about every type of food and including India, award among the several gorgeous ing, highly original and authoritative hides out in a remote farm that is pen- flavor.  the disputed Kash- women with whom Naor associates in espionage thriller. Its premise: Israel’s etrated by Ya’ara’s team, leading to a Phil Recently, I received a suggestion Jason mir region, and this novel. intelligence operatives are getting pre- cache of clues to the cadre’s intentions other Asian nations touched by the The strengths of Death in Shangri- dictable and lax. The Prime and a plan to undermine it. about pairing Champagne with…pasta. Himalayas. There’s not much more La include the attractiveness of Dotan Minister, wishing to shake The team also puts While I have a bit of a fevered imagi- than a taste of Tel Aviv here, though it’s Naor, who is at once hard-boiled and things up, establishes a name- an end to the life of a nation, this is a combination I never Naor’s home base. subtle, shrewd and fallible. There less new entity under deep powerful Muslim re-would have thought of. When we eat Naor has agreed to find are dozens of memorable cover, an extremely fluid ligious leader who is pasta, we’re generally reaching for a the missing son of an ac- supporting characters, team that only answers to instigating terrorist ac-big Italian red. But the best thing about quaintance who has made representing the various him. tion. Unfortunately, a the world of wine is that it’s full of dis- his millions as a cutthroat cultural, spiritual, moral Though recently re- seven-year-old girl is coveries. This is one. Israeli arms merchant. and economic dimensions moved from her position killed in the mayhem, Rachael Lowe, the Beverage Di- Willy Mizrachi’s missing of the broad setting. at the Mossad, Ya’ara Stein leading to painful soul-rector of the famous Spaggia restaurant son, Itiel, is seeking peace The fundamental at- is selected to head this searching by some of the in Chicago, is apparently a big pro- at an ashram in the Hima- traction, however, is author unit. She quickly recruits team members. ponent of the pasta-and-Champagne layas. In his father’s eyes, Yigal Zur’s ability to de- a team of six under the They snatch and do combination. She says, “When pair- Itiel’s goals are worth- scribe the fabulous places supervision of herself and away with another terrorist, ing Champagne and pasta, the texture less, yet Willy believes that his plot rolls through. one other leader. Ya’ara is beautiful, already the subject of arrest and flavor profile of the dish’s sauce he is redeemable – or What a fantastic kaleido- ruthless and resourceful. The mem- and trial, whom they feel needs to be is your indicator. It’s the sauce that at least persuadable. He scope of scenery, neighbor- bers of her team most often work in eliminated rather than merely brought you’re matching, not the pasta shape, wants him back home. hoods, conventions of dress couples to fulfill the evolving mission. to conventional justice. so consider that first when looking for When Naor learns that Willy was and tastes. This author would make a They are learning tradecraft on the job. The tension skyrockets over and the perfect pair.” murdered in India, he keeps working great tour guide. In fact, he is one. Training and assignment execution are over in this precise, unglamorous rep- This makes sense, though the on the case. (Actually, this situation is This book, one of three titles in compressed into a tense and explosive resentation of the fight against Islamicshape of the pasta is important to Ital- more of a bet between Naor and Willy the Dotan Naor Thriller Series, is the experience. (and other brands of) extremist terror ian chefs because different shapes hold than a normal case.) first to be translated into English. It’s Members of the cohort interact and the effects such involvement has onthe sauce in different ways. Anyway, This region seems to be popular fast-paced, suspenseful, and it pain- with one another, developing personal those who commit to thwart it. she points out that different ingredients as well as spy-craft relationships that Want more? Get your hands on pair with various Champagne styles, will prepare them to carry out success- The Way Back by Jonnie Schnytzer ful missions. However, the group must and The English Teacher by Yiftach remain invisible, with no recourse to Reicher Atir. outside recognition or assistance. Both reviews reprinted with permission HIGH STYLE FOR LESS The author’s handling of these re- from the Jewish Book Council. Find daily alities, through describing Ya’ara’s lead- new reviews, reading ership, is one of the book’s many strong recommendations and points. Travel plans are designed so that more at www.jewish- anything approaching group travel is bookcouncil.org. avoided. The fledgling spies and their Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeri- leaders usually arrive at meetings in- tus of English from the United States COMPANY STORE dividually after beginning journeys at Naval Academy. He reviews regularly different locations and using different for Florida Weekly, Washington Inde- modes of transportation. pendent Review of Books, Southern The individuals in each pairing Literary Review, other publications and develop a variety of relationships, and the Jewish Book Council. Please visit the very variety keeps the premise from Phil’s website at www.philjason.word becoming stale. Mr. de Shalit meets the press.com. What do you think? Need to reach the editor of L’CHAYIM? Send an email to [email protected]. Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies Dedicated to educating all sectors of society about Jewish civilization, the Holocaust, and genocide through: • scholarship • outreach

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Thanksgiving is a spe- and cheese. The dish consists of spa- are non-vintage unless the estate man- and flower notes are very pronounced, commitment and allegiance to Ya’ara. cial puzzle, because the traditional ghetti adorned with butter and black ager declares a “vintage year,” when and very pure. This would go well with Her cover as a filmmaker is put to gooddishes are all over the place in terms pepper, then sprinkled liberally with the growing conditions and harvest are any type of seafood pasta. WW 90 use on several occasions. of flavors, tex- Parmesan and Pecorino cheeses. This especially noteworthy. For a treat, this Jerry Greenfield is The Wine - Whis The students’ training and assign- tures and sweet- is best paired with a minerally, fresh sparkler has a bright acidity that bal- perer. He is Wine Director of the inter- ments bring them to a wide variety of ness. The green sparkler (see our suggestions below). ances and moderates the spices in the national Direct Cellars wine club. His interesting locales, each described viv- bean casserole A favorite around our house is a richly-flavored Carbonara sauce. WW new book, Ask the Wine Whisperer, idly and authoritatively. These include has cream and seafood-based pasta, like Tortellini 94 has just been published. Read his other Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Moscow, mushrooms, the with clams. Since there’s shellfish on Laurent-Perrier Brut NV ($45) – writings at www.winewhisperer.com. Leeds, Newcastle, Oxford, Liverpool, cranberry sauce the plate, and several different textures, This is a very traditional style, blending London (especially the Bethnal Green is tart, the sweet a lighter wine with citrus notes will go neighborhood), Brussels, Cologne, Tel potatoes are… very well together. Not very kosher,  Jerry well, you know. but…. Aviv and Paris. Greenfield Their missions include stopping a So my answer is Then we get to the really hearty lethal force made up of descendants of generally Champagne or other spar- dishes, like pasta carbonara. This type a Red Army cadre. This terrorist group kling wines because they seem to go of preparation has bold spice notes and FORT MYERS/ SANIBEL GATEWAY hides out in a remote farm that is pen-with just about every type of food and herbs like rosemary and parsley, plus flavor. salty Pecorino cheese and either bacon Newly Renovated! etrated by Ya’ara’s team, leading to a FREE Parking Recently, I received a suggestion or pancetta, so we use the “opposites cache of clues to the cadre’s intentions FREE High- Speed Internet MENTION THIS and a plan to undermine it. about pairing Champagne with…pasta. attract” approach to pairing. Heavy Complimentary Laundry Facility While I have a bit of a fevered imagi- food, light wine. Complimentary Fitness Center AD AND GET The team also puts 24-Hour Candlewood Cupboard 20% OFF BEST an end to the life of a nation, this is a combination I never Below are some suggestions pre- Heated Pool, Gazebo, and 2 Gas Grills AVAILABLE would have thought of. When we eat sented in the order of the dishes above. Pet Friendly Hotel :) powerful Muslim re- Bedrooms with fully equipped RATE* pasta, we’re generally reaching for a Next time you’re making pasta, maybe ligious leader who is kitchens, dishwasher, microwave, flat instigating terrorist ac-big Italian red. But the best thing about you’ll leave the Chianti on the shelf panel TVs, and desk area. the world of wine is that it’s full of dis- just once and discover a new approach Minutes to Fort Myers Beaches & tion. Unfortunately, a Sanibel/Captiva Island, Shopping, seven-year-old girl is coveries. This is one. to complement your food with wine. Golfing & Restaurants. killed in the mayhem, Rachael Lowe, the Beverage Di- Champagne Henriot Blanc de leading to painful soul-rector of the famous Spaggia restaurant Blancs ($59) – While many Cham- searching by some of the in Chicago, is apparently a big pro- pagnes (and sparkling wines made by BOOK TODAY! team members. ponent of the pasta-and-Champagne the Champagne method) are a blend 239-244-5770 combination. She says, “When pair- of several grapes, a “blanc de blanc” is They snatch and do 9740 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers FL 33908. ing Champagne and pasta, the texture made from only Chardonnay. This ex- away with another terrorist, (pass the round-a-bout) and flavor profile of the dish’s sauce ample has a fresh minerality and notes already the subject of arrest *Valid May 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019 and trial, whom they feel needs to be is your indicator. It’s the sauce that of honey that will set off the cheese eliminated rather than merely brought you’re matching, not the pasta shape, and saltiness of the Cacio e Pepe pasta to conventional justice. so consider that first when looking for preparation. WW 92 The tension skyrockets over and the perfect pair.” Champagne Henriot Brut Sou- over in this precise, unglamorous rep- This makes sense, though the verain ($45) – As mentioned above, resentation of the fight against Islamicshape of the pasta is important to Ital- seafood works best with wines that (and other brands of) extremist terror ian chefs because different shapes hold have pronounced acidity and citrus and the effects such involvement has onthe sauce in different ways. Anyway, notes. The flavors of this Champagne those who commit to thwart it. she points out that different ingredients include lemon zest and a pronounced Want more? Get your hands on pair with various Champagne styles, core of acid that pair perfectly with the The Way Back by Jonnie Schnytzer and The English Teacher by Yiftach Reicher Atir. Both reviews reprinted with permission from the Jewish Book Council. Find daily new reviews, reading recommendations and more at www.jewish- bookcouncil.org.

Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeri- tus of English from the United States In preparation for this hurricane season Specializing in

Naval Academy. He reviews regularly please remember to: outpatient hip and for Florida Weekly, Washington Inde-  Fill out the form below and return it to us. The information will be used only knee replacement pendent Review of Books, Southern in an emergency to contact you and/or a relative. Literary Review, other publications and  Contact your county emergency operations center using the contact Infor- the Jewish Book Council. Please visit mation below to receive guidance on how to prepare for an emergency. Phil’s website at www.philjason.word press.com.

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239.481.4449 x-5 or [email protected] L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 14 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD 10 of the best Israeli Senior Outreach Program TV shows to binge watch By Jessica Halfin, ISRAEL21c.org srael: a land of great beauty, his- moves to a predominantly Jewish neigh- torical significance and full-throttle, borhood in Jerusalem, and the struggle Ino-holds-barred original television. between fitting in and maintaining their It’s not a coincidence that over identity that follows, bridges a gap the last 10 years, it’s been Israel of all between Jews and Arabs by creating places that has sold the rights for many dialogue on uncomfortable (and most an American television remake such often hilarious) subject matter ala Curb Come out for lunch, see familiar faces and meet new friends at as the wildly successful Homeland Your Enthusiasm. (Showtime), Traffic Light (Fox) and In On the air since 2008, it is currently our free monthly senior lunches Different fortable Treatment (HBO). in its fourth season and still going strong Com ish Thursday, May 9th Syl Moore Rumor has it that many more deals following the success of the show’s n and 12:30 PM <— Note time!! ashio are in the works for series from Israel’s precious multiple wins from the Israeli Art of F The Art of Fashion and Moore The Palms at Fort Myers top TV echelon to get picked up by U.S. Television Academy, including awards (in the Arcade in historic RSVP by Friday, May 3rd networks – for example, Euphoria set to for best director, best comedy series and downtown Ft. Myers) SEATING IS LIMITED! premier on HBO later this year produced best script in 2012 and 2013. by rap superstar Drake. Shtisel Teri Moore, Owner (239) 204-9759 Thursday, June 13th 2267 1st. St., Suite 12 [email protected] 12:00 PM Plus, popular streaming sites have Starring Michael Aloni as Akiva Shtisel, Ft. Myers, FL 33901 www.artoffashionandmoore.com Temple Beth Shalom begun including original Israeli series the artist misfit son of a prominent ultra- 702 SE 24th Ave., Cape Coral on their platforms, blessing audiences Orthodox family, and rising star Neta RSVP by Friday, June 7th with the gift of Israeli entertainment in Riskin as his sister Giti who is stuck in spoken Hebrew with English subtitles. a difficult marriage raising six children, Ladies and gentlemen, we are now Shtisel is a window into the world of in an era where Israeli shows can be enjoyed in their entire- Let us know if you will be ty (a rare treat from a country driving or if you would like a volunteer to pick you up. where second seasons can take years to follow the first) RSVP—Jodi Cohen in their original form, any 239-481-4449, ext. 2 or time of the day or night, from [email protected] virtually anywhere. While there are many more shows that we wish could be uploaded to these platforms like, yesterday — Malkot (Queens), a mafia thriller ultra-Orthodox Jewry in Israel, examin- starring a predominantly female cast, ing the feelings, thoughts and everyday and Autonomies, Israel’s answer to The realities of those who have been born Handmaid’s Tale, to name two — this into world of profound spirituality, modern setup is already a godsend for all rules and roles that they are meant to those addicted to thrillers like the ever- dutifully fulfill. popular Fauda, and also lighthearted A fascinating and thought-provok- rom-com Hebrew shows like Srugim. ing fictitious tale of a real-life closed This is a list of Israeli original se- off community, this series – which has ries, in Hebrew with English subtitles, now had its two seasons picked up by that you’ve got to settle in and binge Netflix – is thoroughly interesting and watch ASAP, if only to see how the same poignant to watch. Israeli A-listers manage to morph into Srugim the different characters they play across A series about friendships and that elu- series. Welcome to Israel. sive search for love, with the little caveat When Heroes Fly of navigating the strict world of modern A new realistic and gripping thriller Orthodox Jerusalemites, Srugim (the series released in May 2018, When word for crocheted yarmulkes) follows Heroes Fly is the story of IDF comrades a group of best friends who also happen who fought together in the 2006 Sec- to be misfits, each in their own respect, ond Lebanon War as they reunite to and inadept at finding their match in a travel to Colombia in search of Yaeli (played by pop singer and actress Ninet Tayeb), the sister of FINEMARK NATIONAL BANK & TRUST IS PROUD one friend, and the past TO CONSISTENTLY EARN A lover of another, who was 5-STAR RATING thought to have died there FROM BAUER FINANCIAL, THE NATION’S in a mysterious manner * nine years prior. LEADING INDEPENDENT BANK RATING FIRM . Familiar faces in this Netflix featured series that won “best international series” at world where marriage is the most im- We attribute our success to delivering unparalleled the 2018 Cannes Film Festival are Mi- portant thing. service and putting our clients fi rst. chael Aloni of Shtisel and Tomer Capon Like an Israeli version of Friends, of Fauda. but without the cheesy laugh-track, this Fauda series is a reminder of how important A fast-paced and cigarette-laden look pals (and venting and coffee dates) can in the world of Israeli Shin Bet agents be. entrenched in a cat-and-mouse game Mossad 101 of West Bank terror operatives. Often Featuring a superstar ensemble cast of times finding themselves enmeshed Israeli actors, Mossad 101 is a fictional a little too deeply, the wildly popular story showing the process of recruitment Fauda (“chaos” in Arabic) shines a and training of Mossad operatives, as light for better or for worse on lesser- well as the recruits’ personal entangle- seen elements of the Israeli-Palestinian ments with each other and their loved conflict, from both sides, and in a most ones, in a way that shows the humanity gripping way. behind the covert institution’s stern With a testosterone-emblazoned reputation. Dramatic, but not taking cast that’s a who’s who of Israel’s most itself too seriously, this two-season se- popular players of recent years, this ries is currently available in 40-minute high-action thriller, now on Netflix, con- episodes on Netflix. tains just as much Arabic as Hebrew, and Mekimi thankfully the English subtitles you’ll A mini-series brought to the small need to follow along. screen by writer-director Tamar Marom, Avoda Aravit available for streaming on Amazon With a title meaning a job that is not Prime, Mekimi brings Noa Yaron- done properly, the mainly Arab-Israeli Dayan’s bestselling book of the same Fort Myers • Bonita Springs • Charleston • Estero • Naples • Palm Beach • Scottsdale cast is in on the joke in Avoda Aravit. name to life, through well-known Israeli www.fi nemarkbank.com • 239-461-5900 • Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender Trust and investment services are not FDIC insured, are not guaranteed by the bank and may lose value. The critically-acclaimed comedy series actress Yael Poliakov (nominated for *5-Star Financial Rating issued by Bauer Financial, a leading independent bank rating and research fi rm. Rating is 5 out of 5. about a prominent Arab family who continued on page 17 L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 MARKETPLACE Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 15

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Reach 5,000 local Jewish residents through L’CHAYIM. For more information or to place an ad, call Jim Lewin at 239.634.6923. L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 16 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties COMMENTARY

Opinions and letters printed in L’CHAYIM do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, its Board of Directors or staff, or its advertisers. Connecting the dots n today’s column, I am looking If you guessed your career, finances want to admit it. It might be the work have a little bit of Pharaoh in us? Don’t for a three-letter word that will and/or your home, you would be right. we do, the wealth we’ve made or who we all find it difficult, at times, to hear Iconnect the fields of physics, psy- But the problem is that none of these we’ve partnered with – we all have a someone else’s opinion? Don’t we all chology and Passover. Well, maybe are three-letter words. tendency from time to time to get a focus on our own lives and forget about not perfectly, but play along with me From the world of psychology, little full of ourselves. But what, I hear the slavery, hunger and suffering going and we’ll see if you many people think this term was coined you asking, does this have to do with on in the world around us? get the connection. by Sigmund Freud, but it wasn’t. It had Passover? Of course, we do. But along comes Here are your first been used prior to him in several dis- Good question! If you look at the Passover and we eat the most humble two clues: this word ciplines, but he did popularize it. He role of Pharaoh in the book of Exodus food available – matzah. And we make is used in common used this term to speak about the self. or in the Haggadah, you will see some- it a point to listen to the questions of parlance and, no, it is And if you have guessed the word I one so full of himself that he believes the youngest child. And we even read not G-d. am referring to is “the id,” please try he is a god! Of course, it didn’t help about the suffering of our people – both Nikola Tesla counting again. that the Egyptians also believed him before and during slavery. And hope-  Rabbi (1856-1943) was a Yes, congratulations, the word is to be a god. When Moses and Aaron fully, before the Seder is through, our Michael J. Serbian-American “ego.” Most often, ego is used to refer tell him to let the Israelite slaves go, humility and gratitude shine out and Schorin inventor, engineer to your conscious mind, the part that so they might worship their G-d, he re- our ego recedes. and competitor to Thomas A. Edison. you consider to be yourself. Of course, plies he never heard of their deity and Rabbi Dr. Michael J. Schorin, MAPC, Tesla once said that “all life consists if someone says that “Mr. A” or “Ms. makes their work more onerous. That BCC is a Chaplain in Lee Health’s of three things: energy, frequency and A” has a big ego, that means they are a is ego! Department of Spiritual Services, and vibration.” So, for your next clue, to bit full of themselves. But if Passover was only about ministers at the Gulf Coast Medical what part of our lives do we spend the The truth is we can all act like we Pharaoh, it might not have endured Center. most time and energy thinking about? are “Mr. or Ms. A” more often than we these many centuries. Don’t we all Should Israel go to war with Hamas? By Jerrold L. Sobel, ZOA of SWFL President erhaps the title of this article is 2005, when the late Prime Minister of ¡¡ “The Israeli army will redeploy been more prophetic. incorrect. Israel has been at war Israel, Ariel Sharon, at the behest of his along defensive lines behind the As a multitude both within and out with Hamas since the terrorist son, Gilad, and his deputy leader, Ehud security fence.” of Israel predicted from the get go, the P ¡ organization was initially formed in Olmert, unilaterally withdrew from the ¡ “Those who continue to fight us Gaza pull-out led to the setting up of 1988, but only one side recognizes it, Gaza Strip. What was the rationale for will meet the full force of the Israeli a terrorist state, with lawless Islamist Hamas. By Charter and deed, Hamas is what has turned out to be such a disas- army and security forces.” gangs fighting each other for control. sworn to the annihilation of Israel and trous, Pollyanna move? Here we are 14 years later, and Instead of setting up a parliamentary every Jew within it. In a speech given on Monday, Au- has any of this come to fruition? This democracy with respect for the law and Having grown accustomed to fight- gust 25, 2005, justifying the pullout, is what writer and commentator Mark human rights, they devolved into a sav- ing nation states they’re surrounded by, Sharon stated in part: Steyn wrote in the Irish Times on Au- age civil war between the corrupt ‘good Israel at the outset never truly viewed ¡¡ “We cannot hold on to Gaza forever. gust 22, 2005: “This then is the auda- guys’ Fatah and murderous Hamas, the the inexorable threat Hamas would turn More than a million Palestinians cious gamble of the Gaza withdrawal: eventual winners. out to be. Similar to an untreated cut live there and double their number the best way to demonstrate that the Regarding the violence, Melanie finger initially scoffed at, if allowed to with each generation.” Palestinians are undeserving of a state Phillips had this to say on June 13, 2007: fester it soon turns into a major infec- ¡¡ “This plan will be good for Israel in is to force one upon them. It’s a danger- “As terror gangs shoot each other in hos- tion. any future scenario. We are reduc- ous move. I’m not sure I buy it. I still pitals, lynch each other in the street, kill This is the exact position Israel has ing daily friction and its victims on think the Gaza pull-out will increase each other’s families, and throw each found herself in since September 12, both sides.” violence and terror.” He could not have continued on next page

TEMPLE BETH EL CHABAD OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY REFORM ORTHODOX 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 33908 204 E Mckenzie St Unit B, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Rabbi Nicole Luna Rabbi Simon Jacobson E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (941) 833-3381 Temple educator: Dale Cohen, Ma.Ed., R.J.E E-mail: [email protected] Preschool director: Jesyca Virnig IN LEE & CHARLOTTE COUNTIES Web site: www.chabadofcharlottecounty.com President: Governance Committee Services: Saturday at 10 a.m. followed by Email: [email protected] a kiddush Phone: 433-0018 • Fax: 433-3235 study: Wednesday at 8 p.m. Web site: www.templebethel.com Shabbat services: 7:30 p.m. Friday; Torah study CHABAD LUBAVITCH 9:00 a.m. Saturday; B’nai Mitzah 10:30 a.m. Saturday COMMUNITY FREE SYNAGOGUE OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Religious & Hebrew School: 9:00 a.m.-12:30 Sunday REFORM ORTHODOX Judaica Gift Gallery 10868 Metro Parkway, South Fort Myers 5620 Winkler Road Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism (The Southwest Florida Masonic Center) Fort Myers, FL 33919 P.O. Box 07144, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz TEMPLE BETH SHALOM Rabbi Bruce Diamond Phone: 433-7708 • Fax: 481-9109 REFORM ([email protected]) E-mail: [email protected] 702 S.E. 24th Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33990 Coordinator: Natalie Fulton Web site: www.chabadswf.org Rabbi Devora Buchen Adult Educator: Jessica Evers Services: Friday 5:15 p.m.; Saturday Kabbalah President: Harvey Wolfson Phone: (239) 466-6671 class 9 a.m.; Shacharit 10 a.m.; Kiddush at noon Phone: 772-4555 • Fax: 772-4625 E-mail: [email protected] Minyan: Monday & Thursday 7:00 a.m. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.fortmyerssynagogue.com Web site: www.templebethshalomcc.org Community Sabbath eve dinner each Friday at 6:30 p.m. CHABAD JEWISH CENTER Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday OF CAPE CORAL Religious School: Thursday 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. Sabbath eve worship every Friday at 7:30 p.m. Light breakfast and Torah study with the rabbi ORTHODOX Torah study with Rabbi Buchen: Shabbat 10:30 a.m. 1716 Cape Coral Pkwy. W., Cape Coral, FL 33914 Organizations: Brotherhood, Sisterhood, every Saturday morning from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Rabbi Yossi Labkowski Family Service (1st Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) Phone: 963-4770 TEMPLE JUDEA E-mail: [email protected] BAT YAM TEMPLE OF THE ISLANDS CONSERVATIVE Web site: www.chabadcape.com 14486 A&W Bulb Road, Fort Myers, FL 33908 REFORM Services: Friday Evening 7:30 p.m. Meets at Sanibel Congregational Church Rabbi Marc Sack E-mail: [email protected] Saturday morning 9:30 a.m. followed by 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island Kiddush luncheon Rabbi Stephen L. Fuchs President: Dan Fox Director of Congregational Learning: Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. President: Barry Fulmer Monday-Friday morning 7:00 a.m. Phone: 732-780-2016 Tab Scribner Preschool Director: Joann Goldman JLI Courses: Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] Weekly Torah Study: Tuesday evening 7:30 p.m. Cantor: Murray Simon [email protected] Hebrew School: Sunday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Web site: www.batyam.org Phone: 433-0201 • Fax: 433-3371 E-mail: [email protected] Jgirls: Tuesday 6:00-7:00 p.m. Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday (Oct-Apr) 7:00 p.m. Friday (May-Sept) Web site: www.tjswfl.org Adult Education: Services: 6:15 p.m. Friday and 9:30 a.m. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Saturday, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. (Nov-Apr) Saturday Minyan: 9:00 a.m. Monday  Shalom Life Center Jewish Current Events: Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Religious School: Sun. 9:30 a.m.-noon; Lawrence Dermer, Spiritual Leader - 218-3433 to 12:15 p.m. (Nov-Apr) Wed. 4:30-6 p.m. • AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee): Jacki Waksman - (954) 653-9053 Write: P.O. Box 84, Sanibel, FL 33957 Early childhood education: Preschool, M-F, ages 18 months-5 years; • AJC (American Jewish Committee): Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism Brian Lipton - (941) 365-4955 “Mommy & Me,” 12 months-2 years Affiliated: United Synagogue of Conservative • Anti-Defamation League: (561) 988-2900 TEMPLE SHALOM CHARLOTTE Judaism • B’Nai B’rith International: (941) 302-4500 HARBOR AND THE GULF ISLANDS • Chevra Kadisha: Gene Sipe - 841-4615 REFORM CHABAD OF BONITA SPRINGS/ • Generations of the Shoah SWFL: 963-9347 23190 Utica Ave., P.O. Box 494675 ESTERO • Hadassah - Collier/Lee Chapter: Port Charlotte, FL 33949-4675 Lynn Weiner - 598-1009 Rabbi Solomon Agin ORTHODOX 24850 Old 41 Road, Suite 20 (in the Bernwood • Hadassah - Sharon Chapter (Charlotte County): President: Gary Wein Odette Port - (941) 505-1409 Phone: (941) 625-2116 Centre) Bonita Springs, FL 34135-7024 • Hazak 55+ Chapter: E-mail: [email protected] Joyce Rosinger - 437-1566 Web site: templeshalomfl.com Rabbi Mendy Greenberg Phone: 949-6900 • Humanistic Jewish Havurah: Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday Paula Creed - 495-8484 Religious school: Sunday 10 a.m. Web site: www.JewishBonita.com • Israel Bonds: Regional Headquarters: (800) 622-8017 Beginning Hebrew: Tuesday 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. Services: Saturday at 10 a.m., followed by • Jewish Community Services: 481-4449 Advanced Hebrew: Thursday 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. a kiddush • Jewish National Fund: (727) 536-5263 Organizations: Sisterhood Memorial Tree Planting in Israel - 1-800-542-8733 Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism • Jewish War Veterans: Post 400: Commander Harvey Charter - 246-3151 • Mikvah Bashka of Southwest Florida: Nechamie Minkowicz - 822-2784 • ORT - Gulf Beaches Chapter Marina Berkovich - 566-1771 L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 FROM THE BIMAH Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 17

Opinions and letters printed in L’CHAYIM do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, its Board of Directors or staff, or its advertisers. Opinions and letters printed in L’CHAYIM do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, its Board of Directors or staff, or its advertisers. Connecting the dots What we can learn The future of our Jewish have a little bit of Pharaoh in us? Don’t we all find it difficult, at times, to hearfrom Shtisel people and religion someone else’s opinion? Don’t we all y wife Leni and I just fin- While structured by strict Orthodoxy, know that many American Jewish comprehensive and extended Hebrew focus on our own lives and forget about ished binge-watching Shtisel, the relationships between parents and grandparents and great-parents feel education to the point of fluency might the slavery, hunger and suffering going the Israeli television show children, spouses and neighbors are guilty about the children in their help, since language is a key part of on in the world around us? M I about the Haredi community of Jeru- the relationships of human beings. And extended families by-in-large not con- identity formation. Of course, we do. But along comessalem. (Haredim literally means “those this is the show’s true value. necting with their Jewish traditions and That is why Oded Forrer, Israel Passover and we eat the most humble who tremble” before For those of us not part of the organized Jewish communities in the Member of Knesset from the Yisrael food available – matzah. And we make God.) The show, Haredi world, what we read and see United States. Beytaynu party, is urging the State of it a point to listen to the questions of which ran for two of them makes it easy to pass negative “Where did we Israel to underwrite the cost of Hebrew the youngest child. And we even read seasons in Israel, judgment. They throw dirty diapers go wrong?” they la- education outside of Israel to the tune about the suffering of our people – both began streaming on and other trash at the Women of the ment. “What more of $10 million next year. Forrer warned before and during slavery. And hope- Netflix last Decem- Wall. One story that angered me was could we have done that, “If Israel doesn’t do this in the fully, before the Seder is through, our ber and quickly de- about some yeshivah boys who tor- that we didn’t do?” coming years, we will lose Diaspora humility and gratitude shine out and veloped a following mented a young Orthodox girl because they wonder. Jewry.” our ego recedes.  Rabbi among American they deemed her skirt to be too short. It really hurts me But there’s no avoiding or denying Rabbi Dr. Michael J. Schorin, MAPC, Marc Jews. Surprisingly, Shtisel humanizes Haredim and makes  Rabbi to watch so many it. The writing is on the wall. We Amer- BCC is a Chaplain in Lee Health’s Sack Haredim, both in Is- that anger a little harder. Bruce older American Jews ican Jews made ourselves believe that Department of Spiritual Services, andrael and the U.S., watched the show The book, Love Your Enemies, by Diamond beat themselves up we were different than other American ministers at the Gulf Coast Medicalthemselves – although many did so Arthur C. Brooks, is about the divisions over this, and blame themselves for immigrant communities who eventual- Center. surreptitiously – and found it to be re- in American society. (I don’t mean to something that was probably way out ly “melt into the pot.” We even wrongly alistic. One of the show’s creators, Ye- imply that Haredim are the enemies of of their control. assumed that persistent American anti- honatan Indursky, grew up in an ultra- non-Orthodox Jews.) Brooks writes, In many cases, the parents of these Semitism would preserve our margins. Orthodox family. One woman called “People are more hostile to others in highly assimilated Jewish Millennials But keep in mind that 150 years ago, the series, “the most honest portrayal the abstract than when they meet them and Gen-Z’ers were sent to Sunday/ Irish Catholic immigrants were hated of an ultra-Orthodox community ever.” in person…. It’s much easier to dehu- Hebrew schools, were “bat/bar mitva- more than Jews ever were by Protes- If that’s the case, the Haredi com- manize the “other” when you don’t see hed,” had menorahs at home on Hanu- tant “natives,” but now all that’s left to munity is in ferment, with the younger a human face.… When you meet actual kah, and went to Seders at Grandma most of their great-great-grandchildren generation pushing back against their people and learn a little of their human and Grandpa’s (were they still called is green beer on St. Paddy’s Day! more regimented parents. We see Kive story, you feel connection – and con- Bubbie and Zayde?). And now, little or So don’t blame yourselves, grand- Shtisel quit his position as a teacher nection destroys discrimination.” nothing Jewish remains in their lives. mas and grandpas, bubbies and zaydes. at the yeshivah where his father is the This is what Shtisel does for non- It’s not that they reject living a Jewish This is what often happens in the Big principal to pursue a career as an artist. Orthodox Jews. It makes the people life or are hostile to Jewish institutions Galut. And don’t be afraid for the fu- Throughout the series, Kive rejects one with the hats and long coats, wigs and and organized communities. It’s just ture of our Jewish people and religion. arranged marital match after another to heavy stockings real. We see and feel no more relevant to them than Irish Before the discovery of iron, God follow his own romantic interests. Ru- their human story, and our anger dis- or German or Italian ancestries are to made a covenant with Abraham that his chami, a teenage girl, has a crush of her sipates. their friends. descendants would endure and prosper own on a yeshivah student and, very There is another benefit to this But short of moving with the fam- throughout the generations. The God unconventionally for the Haredi com- show, one that we cannot understand or ily to Israel or adopting an Orthodox of history will never hand our enemies munity, takes control of the situation. (I measure. For the Haredim who watch Jewish lifestyle embedded in a tight- their ultimate victory. won’t tell you what happens!) the show, and there appear to be many, knit Orthodox community and neigh- Jewish life will continue in ways Throughout the series, one feels it gives them a bird’s-eye glimpse of borhood, there was and is little that and places we can’t begin to imagine, how the pressures of strict Orthodoxy themselves, both affectionate and criti- could effectively be done to stem the and thriving pockets of very traditional and the shame of a close-knit commu- cal. How they react to the show, wheth- inexorable tide of assimilation into the Jews will even hang on for a while in nity affect the lives of the characters. er it will accelerate the push-back by homogenized American culture (using the United States. And heck, we Jews Shulem Shtisel, the patriarch of the younger generations, tighten the re- “culture” in its very broadest sociolog- have had a great run here, and helped TEMPLE BETH EL CHABAD OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY family, at first allows his elderly moth- strictions, or both, one cannot know. ical sense). bring the new Jewish commonwealth REFORM ORTHODOX er to have a television set in her room For the rest of us, Shtisel makes Of course, living in a large Jew- into being! Not too shabby, eh? 16225 Winkler Road, Fort Myers, FL 33908 204 E Mckenzie St Unit B, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 at the nursing home. Then, under pres- this corner of the Jewish world come ish population center and sending the Rabbi Bruce Diamond serves at The Rabbi Nicole Luna Rabbi Simon Jacobson E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (941) 833-3381 sure from another resident, he takes it alive. These people are somehow “us,” kids to Jewish day schools and summer Community Free Synagogue in Fort Temple educator: Dale Cohen, Ma.Ed., R.J.E E-mail: [email protected] away. and that can only be a good thing. camps might delay the process of Jew- Myers. Preschool director: Jesyca Virnig IN LEE & CHARLOTTE COUNTIES Web site: www.chabadofcharlottecounty.com President: Governance Committee Services: Saturday at 10 a.m. followed by But what makes the show so com- Rabbi Marc Sack serves at Temple ish identity dilution. A very intensive, Email: [email protected] a kiddush pelling is that the characters feel real. Judea in Fort Myers. Phone: 433-0018 • Fax: 433-3235 Torah study: Wednesday at 8 p.m. Israeli TV shows...continued from page 14 Web site: www.templebethel.com Shabbat services: 7:30 p.m. Friday; Torah study CHABAD LUBAVITCH Jerrold Sobel...continued from previous page best actress in a drama series in 2014) tography and talented acting, The Baker 9:00 a.m. Saturday; B’nai Mitzah 10:30 a.m. Saturday COMMUNITY FREE SYNAGOGUE OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA and Danny Niv, otherwise known as the and the Beauty is an easy watch. Religious & Hebrew School: 9:00 a.m.-12:30 Sunday REFORM other off rooftops, the fact is that what is sianic cabal of fanatics hell bent on ORTHODOX happening in Gaza is the savage retort to genocide. musical performer “Muki.” False Flag Judaica Gift Gallery 10868 Metro Parkway, South Fort Myers 5620 Winkler Road Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism (The Southwest Florida Masonic Center) Fort Myers, FL 33919 all those who believe that a Palestinian Since its disengagement from Gaza It is the autobiographical story The relentless twists, turns and surfacing P.O. Box 07144, Fort Myers, FL 33919 Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz state is the answer. When handed the in 2005, Israel has responded to suicide of a young couple living in 1990s Tel secrets of False Flag – a series about TEMPLE BETH SHALOM Rabbi Bruce Diamond Phone: 433-7708 • Fax: 481-9109 REFORM ([email protected]) E-mail: [email protected] reins of self-government, this is how bombings, missile attacks, stabbings, Aviv – one a successful radio and TV five seemingly normal Israeli citizens 702 S.E. 24th Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33990 Coordinator: Natalie Fulton Web site: www.chabadswf.org the Palestinians behave. Hundreds of vehicular homicides, tunnel infiltrations, star, and one a film student – who get thought responsible for the kidnapping Rabbi Devora Buchen Adult Educator: Jessica Evers Services: Friday 5:15 p.m.; Saturday Kabbalah President: Harvey Wolfson Phone: (239) 466-6671 class 9 a.m.; Shacharit 10 a.m.; Kiddush at noon rockets fired upon Israel, and their own kidnappings, ordinance-filled balloons turned on to Hasidic Judaism during a of a high-profile member of the Iranian Phone: 772-4555 • Fax: 772-4625 E-mail: [email protected] Minyan: Monday & Thursday 7:00 a.m. people thrown off the top of tall build- and whatever else this implacable foe trip to the Sinai Peninsula. The ensuing government – will keep you on the edge Web site: www.fortmyerssynagogue.com E-mail: [email protected] ings and murdered in hospital.” has thrown at her, with pin prick, mea- journey shows them sharing the twists of the seat, and make turning off your Web site: www.templebethshalomcc.org Community Sabbath eve dinner each Friday at 6:30 p.m. CHABAD JEWISH CENTER Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday OF CAPE CORAL In fact, 12 years hence the violence sured responses. Unfortunately, such and turns that only such a dramatic life Hulu nearly impossible. Religious School: Thursday 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. Sabbath eve worship every Friday at 7:30 p.m. Light breakfast and Torah study with the rabbi ORTHODOX against Israel has intensified exponen- calibrated warfare has meant nothing to change can provide. The 2015 eight-episode series based Torah study with Rabbi Buchen: Shabbat 10:30 a.m. 1716 Cape Coral Pkwy. W., Cape Coral, FL 33914 Organizations: Brotherhood, Sisterhood, every Saturday morning from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. tially, both in occurrence and lethality. these recalcitrant terrorists. They have The Baker and the Beauty on a similar real-life incident was cre- Rabbi Yossi Labkowski Family Service (1st Friday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) Phone: 963-4770 Since her withdrawal from Gaza in no qualms using hospitals, schools, A 2013 Israeli comedy-drama remade ated by Maria Feldman and Amit Cohen, TEMPLE JUDEA E-mail: [email protected] 2005, along with every inconceivable private residences and human shields in Russia, Holland and currently being and stars an ensemble cast including BAT YAM TEMPLE OF THE ISLANDS CONSERVATIVE Web site: www.chabadcape.com 14486 A&W Bulb Road, Fort Myers, FL 33908 act of terrorism committed against to conduct its aggression. developed in an American version for well-known actor Ishai Golan (who also REFORM Services: Friday Evening 7:30 p.m. Meets at Sanibel Congregational Church Rabbi Marc Sack Israeli and foreign citizens, Israel has Paradoxically, despite warning Ga- ABC, The Baker and the Beauty’s two stars in Hostages) and stunning model, E-mail: [email protected] Saturday morning 9:30 a.m. followed by 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island Kiddush luncheon fought three major wars with Hamas; zan civilians to vacate areas of military actress and singer Ania Rabbi Stephen L. Fuchs President: Dan Fox Director of Congregational Learning: Sunday morning 8:00 a.m. 2008-09, 2012, 2014. activity during successive conflicts, Bukstein. President: Barry Fulmer Monday-Friday morning 7:00 a.m. Phone: 732-780-2016 Tab Scribner Preschool Director: Joann Goldman JLI Courses: Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Make no mistake, Hamas and its Israel has drawn nothing but condemna- Hostages Email: [email protected] Weekly Torah Study: Tuesday evening 7:30 p.m. Cantor: Murray Simon [email protected] assorted terrorist allies such as Islamic tion from the UN and pro-Islamist na- The Israeli show be- Hebrew School: Sunday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Web site: www.batyam.org Phone: 433-0201 • Fax: 433-3371 Jihad are not enemies of the Jewish tions throughout the world. The reason? hind the award-win- E-mail: [email protected] Jgirls: Tuesday 6:00-7:00 p.m. Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday (Oct-Apr) state, they are endemic foes, relent- Supposed lack of proportionality in ning Homeland series, 7:00 p.m. Friday (May-Sept) Web site: www.tjswfl.org Adult Education: Services: 6:15 p.m. Friday and 9:30 a.m. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS less in their goals, truculent in their her responses. As if any of these self- Hostages aired in Israel Saturday, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. (Nov-Apr) Saturday Minyan: 9:00 a.m. Monday  Shalom Life Center actions. righteous countries would ever tolerate in 2010, not long before Jewish Current Events: Saturday, 11:30 a.m. Religious School: Sun. 9:30 a.m.-noon; Lawrence Dermer, Spiritual Leader - 218-3433 to 12:15 p.m. (Nov-Apr) Wed. 4:30-6 p.m. • AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee): From the May 18, 2001, shopping such incessant assailment for so long a Claire Danes stepped Jacki Waksman - (954) 653-9053 Write: P.O. Box 84, Sanibel, FL 33957 Early childhood education: mall bombing that killed five and injured period of time. up to play a CIA agent Preschool, M-F, ages 18 months-5 years; • AJC (American Jewish Committee): Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism Brian Lipton - (941) 365-4955 100 people, to the Park Hotel bombing Israel is at a crossroads today, of in the American ver- “Mommy & Me,” 12 months-2 years Affiliated: United Synagogue of Conservative • Anti-Defamation League: (561) 988-2900 the following year, up to and including which a great deal is of her own mak- sion (winning multiple TEMPLE SHALOM CHARLOTTE Judaism • B’Nai B’rith International: (941) 302-4500 HARBOR AND THE GULF ISLANDS • Chevra Kadisha: this past week when 300 missiles were ing. Analogous to the early 1930s, when Golden Globes and Gene Sipe - 841-4615 REFORM CHABAD OF BONITA SPRINGS/ • Generations of the Shoah SWFL: 963-9347 fired into Israel, Hamas has been inexo- at the nadir of his strength the allies Emmys in the process). 23190 Utica Ave., P.O. Box 494675 ESTERO • Hadassah - Collier/Lee Chapter: rable and true to its Charter. passed up the opportunity to eliminate Billboard promoting The Baker and the Beauty (image courtesy of Keshet) Available on Net- Port Charlotte, FL 33949-4675 Lynn Weiner - 598-1009 Rabbi Solomon Agin ORTHODOX “Israel will exist and will continue Hitler, only to do it years later at a much Israeli seasons are now available to flix and Hulu, the original Hostages 24850 Old 41 Road, Suite 20 (in the Bernwood • Hadassah - Sharon Chapter (Charlotte County): President: Gary Wein Odette Port - (941) 505-1409 to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just greater, catastrophic cost. Although it’s watch on Amazon Prime. struck a chord with Israeli viewers as Phone: (941) 625-2116 Centre) Bonita Springs, FL 34135-7024 • Hazak 55+ Chapter: as it obliterated others before it.….Our not 1940 all over again, it’s late in the A story of an unlikely couple – one a it first aired when kidnapped IDF sol- E-mail: [email protected] Joyce Rosinger - 437-1566 Web site: templeshalomfl.com Rabbi Mendy Greenberg Phone: 949-6900 • Humanistic Jewish Havurah: struggle against the Jews is very great game. With Iranian sponsorship, Hamas simple man working in his family’s pita dier Gilad Shalit was still being held Services: 7:30 p.m. Friday Paula Creed - 495-8484 and very serious. It needs all sincere and its affiliates are no longer isolated bakery, and one an attractive celebrity captive. Religious school: Sunday 10 a.m. Web site: www.JewishBonita.com • Israel Bonds: Regional Headquarters: (800) 622-8017 Beginning Hebrew: Tuesday 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. Services: Saturday at 10 a.m., followed by • Jewish Community Services: 481-4449 efforts.” A charter replete with such and are growing in power daily. Pallia- – their chance meeting and subsequent Jessica Halfin is an American immi- a kiddush Advanced Hebrew: Thursday 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. • Jewish National Fund: (727) 536-5263 proclamations spells it out plainly for tion is no longer the answer. To save the relationship faces many challenges, grant who arrived in Israel in 2006. Organizations: Sisterhood Memorial Tree Planting in Israel - 1-800-542-8733 Affiliated: Union for Reform Judaism • Jewish War Veterans: all to see. There is no compromise, body further infection, now is the time including the many people who’d like She is an Israeli-trained baker, gourmet Post 400: Commander Harvey Charter - 246-3151 no wiggle room for negotiation, not a for the cure. to see them apart. Hilariously funny and cook, food and culture writer, and gives • Mikvah Bashka of Southwest Florida: Nechamie Minkowicz - 822-2784 possibility of settlement with a mes- lighthearted, with high-quality cinema- foodie tours to tourists in Haifa City. • ORT - Gulf Beaches Chapter Marina Berkovich - 566-1771 L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 18 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties FROM THE BIMAH

Opinions and letters printed in L’CHAYIM do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, its Board of Directors or staff, or its advertisers. See Israel with Israel Independence Day his month we celebrate Yom was standing around their guide and I your own eyes Ha’Atzmaut – Israel Indepen- became their target marker. “You see ome years ago I arrived in Je- that the man was speaking Arabic and dence Day. As Jews, we experi- that man with the baskets? Just right rusalem after a short stay and a that it was clearly his native tongue. T ence the land of Israel through multiple of his head there’s an arch Slong bus ride from Tiberias in His name is Sameer, and he is a lenses. Israel is our homeland as prom- from the Roman period. Just right the northern part of the country. At first Muslim from Nazareth. He was not ised to Abraham and of his head.” “But he’s moving, he’s I thought I would rent a car to travel subjected to any discriminatory exami- his descendants. It moving!” a bit around Israel before coming to nations or questions. He boarded the is the land of the I said to myself: redemption will come Jerusalem. Then I bus just like everyone else. “That is the prophets and their only if their guide tells them, thought that I would way it is in Nazareth and in the north,” call for righteous- “You see that arch from the Roman save some money he said. “Muslims, Jews and Christians ness, justice and faith period? It’s not important: but next to it, and be much more in live side by side in harmony. In Jeru- in God. Jerusalem is left and down a bit, there sits a man contact with Israelis salem, because of proximity to the ter- the site of our holy who’s bought fruit and vegetables for if I avail myself of ritories, I feel uneasy just as Jews feel  Rabbi Temple, where Jews his family.” public transporta- uneasy when they venture deep into the Nicole offered sacrifices to As we celebrate our historic rela- tion. Specifically, old city.” Luna God. It is the place tionship to the land of Israel and all that  Rabbi that means Israel’s I took a cab from the Jerusalem bus of our longing in prayer throughout the State of Israel has accomplished Stephen very good public bus terminal to my hotel. My driver was a the centuries. Today, Israel is also a since its founding in 1948, let us also Fuchs system. Muslim named Nael. He was pursu- country with political challenges and reflect on and honor the miracle of Jews So at 8:10 one morning I boarded a ing his livelihood just like anyone else. negotiations we read and hear about buying groceries, going to the dentist, lovely Egged coach at the Tiberias cen- The man who checked me into my ho- on the news. Yet somewhere between doing homework and greeting their tral bus station and began my journey. tel is named Muhammad. Same goes the vision of Israel as a historic biblical neighbors all in the land of Israel, the There were only a few people on the for him. homeland and the media’s portrayal of land described in Numbers as “flowing bus so I had two seats to myself – one Yet, if you believe the anti-Israel it as a conflict-ridden area, is the reality with milk and honey.” Israel is a land for me and one for my carry-on, which propaganda that spews forth from in- of a normal country where people raise full of history and, unfortunately, it is was a bit heavy. Most of the other pas- creasing numbers of places, you would children, go out to restaurants, and live still a place mired in conflict and sur- sengers were soldiers so I felt both think that the Arabs in Israel walk full lives as Jews. Yehuda Amichai, a rounded by enemies. But let us find joy very comfortable and very safe. My about in chains. Of course, Israel must famous 20th century Israeli poet, cap- in the daily life of Israelis, connection luxury excursion began as we made be very conscious of security, and for tured this tension in one of my favorite in the similar patterns of our lives, and our way up into the mountains, and I some Arabs and Palestinians in some poems titled “Tourists:” hope that one day soon there will be enjoyed some magnificent panoramas parts of the country, life is very diffi- Once I sat on the steps by a gate at everlasting peace. of Israel’s breathtaking Galilee region. cult because of the acts of horrible ter- David’s Tower, Rabbi Nicole Luna serves at Temple After about an hour, we arrived ror that have been perpetrated against I placed my two heavy baskets at my Beth El in Fort Myers. in Afula, where the driver announced the Jewish state. side. A group of tourists we would have a short rest stop. Many My experience convinced me that passengers boarded the bus at Afula, in order to have credibility, everyone Read the current and recent issues of L’CHAYIM so my luxury two-seats-to-myself-ride should visit Israel to see with his or ended abruptly when a young man her own eyes what it is like here before online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org. about twice as tall and twice as wide as commenting about its political situa-

I am claimed the seat next to me. Now I tion. It is complicated to be sure, but was scrunched next to the window with putting the bulk of the blame on Israel my carry-on on my lap. He looked like hardly reflects reality. Results of a recent a typical young Israeli and we chatted As you read these words, Pastor national a bit in Hebrew about the kind of in- John Danner and I are in Israel lead- survey of nocuous things that strangers on a bus ing a group of Jews and Christians on 25,000 talk about. a joint trip to Israel. I am glad to help families When he received a call and be- our travelers see Israel with their own conducted by gan talking rapidly on his cell phone, eyes! PJ Library Jessica Zimmerman I could not understand a word he was Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs serves at saying. Frustrated, I said to myself, “I Bat Yam Temple of the Islands on Sani- thought my Hebrew was better than bel Island. Parents in Lee PJ Library is that.” Then I realized with a shudder and Charlotte counties whose making a children are difference in the What do you think? enrolled in lives of families PJ Library raising Jewish participated in L’CHAYIM wants to know! the survey. children.. Send your letters & comments to [email protected]. Letters must include the writer’s full name, full address and daytime phone. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. We reserve the right to edit for length and/ or accuracy. Letters do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of L’CHAYIM nor its PJ LIBRARY RADIO LIVE! advertisers. We cannot acknowledge or publish every letter received. PJ LIBRARY RADIO LIVE! PJ L IBRARY RADIO LIVE!

Delegates from Fort Myers and Naples at the SRC regional convention Bar / Bat Mitzvah Specialist Choosing the right photographer is an important decision. Earn CAS Credits Michael Shapiro has more than 30 years experience in media Now PJ library families can listen to Jewish kids and journalism. He is able to capture images that are unique, Now PJ librarymusic families — anytime, can listen anywhere. to Jewish kids unexpected and spontaneous. Now PJ library families can listen to Jewish kids Introducingmusic PJLibraryRadio.com — anytime, anywhere., an online music — anytime, anywhere. streamingIntroducing radio PJLibraryRadio.com station with more than, an 2,000 online songs streamingIntroducingfrom hundredsradio PJLibraryRadio.com station of artists with moreacross than the, an 2,000 globe.online songs streamingMusicfrom is availablehundredsradio station 24/7 of artists withwith specialmoreacross than themusic 2,000globe. blocks songs Musicfrom isfor availablehundreds Shabbat, 24/7 of Holiday artists with and specialacross Bedtime. themusic globe. blocks Music isfor available Shabbat, 24/7 Holiday with andspecial Bedtime. music blocks • Listen tofor the Shabbat, music onlineHoliday and Bedtime.

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dren, and free for kids TEMPLE JUDEA SCHOOLS under 4. To make your Fort Myers reservation, please call 239.433.0201. Tab Scribner, Our last instructional day will be Director of Congregational Learning Sunday, May 5, featuring a songwrit- Gesher גשר It’s hard to believe that the school year ing workshop with Ari Lesser followed is almost over. Where did the time go? by a concert at 11:30 a.m. This perfor- Our year took flight with a zoom- di mance is free and open to the public. Post-B’nei Mitzvah rectly into the High Holidays, and then There are a few social activities continued into a transatlantic cruise for the children this summer. On Sun- in learning. We celebrated holidays, day, May 19, the children are invited Education Program led Shabbat evening services, held a to a Skate Party at Spinz from noon Tu’Bishvat Seder, led services again, to 3:00 p.m. This is a joint activity had a blast with our friends from Tem- between TJRS and Temple Beth El. ple Beth El at the Purim Carnival, read (More friends = more fun!) Cost: $7.99 from the Megillah, met a Sofer and admission; $5 skate rental. Treats at even created our own Haggadah! Menchie’s to follow. The gains our kids made are only Additionally, all children are invit- surpassed by the joy they have in each ed to attend the Israel Scouts program Drive your Judaism other’s presence. From the start, they sponsored by Temple Judea, Temple were excited to see their friends after a Beth El and the Jewish Federation on summer apart. It’s hard to imagine my Monday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. at Tem- Hybrid program (Online and in-person) weekly routine and not get to see them ple Beth El. regularly during the summer months. I If you have children entering kin- -Modern Hebrew (Eventually leading to HS Credit) know I will keep myself busy, as there dergarten or later and would like to be is much to do before we start again in part of our educational programming, -Jewish Literature the fall, including the roll-out of our re- please contact me at 239.433.0201 or -Hands-on Judaic Study vamped post-B’nei Mitzvah education [email protected]. Our religious -Intergenerational Mentoring program. school runs Wednesday afternoons For more information please call: Our students will be leading one fi- and Sunday mornings. Our post-b’nei -Social Outings nal Shabbat evening service on Friday, mitzvah program runs Sunday morn- Tab Scribner at 239-433-0201 May 3 at 6:30 p.m., alongside perform- ings with some additional individually- or email [email protected] ing artist Ari Lesser. A Shabbat din- scheduled sessions or online sessions ner will follow, and all are welcome. as needed. The cost is $18 for adults, $8 for chil- BBYO happenings Candle lighting times: By Jessica Zimmerman, Associate Regional Dir., North Florida Region n March, Fort Myers BBYO at- In May, we have two exciting pro- May 3: 7:43 tended its third and final regional grams. The first is Cake Wars, which May 10: 7:47 Iconvention, called SRC. Three will be held on Sunday, May 5 from teens from Fort Myers joined North 12:30 to 2:20 p.m. The event will in- Florida Region in clude lunch, learning how to decorate a May 17: 7:51 Clearwater for a cake, a competition and team element weekend to remem- with prizes. Students in grades 5-12 are May 24: 7:54 ber. They partici- invited to participate. pated in a competi- During the weekend of May 18-19, May 31: 7:58 tion to win the spirit Fort Myers and Naples will host our stick, learned a thing annual City Convention, an overnight or two from pro- experience that is planned exclusively Jessica Zimmerman grams other teens for Fort Myers and Naples teens. created and ran, and got to meet some For more information on upcom- new friends from across Florida. We ing programming or to be added to our also elected our 16th Regional Board at email mailing list, please contact me at SRC. Mazel Tov to all those elected. [email protected]. DISCOVER THE FUN!


Delegates from Fort Myers and Naples at the SRC regional convention OF FREE JEWISH CHILDREN’S Earn CAS Credits BOOKS The Jewish Federation of Lee MAILED TO and Charlotte Counties is YOUR HOME SHARE the experience interested in hearing from of reading with your EVERY MONTH! teenagers in high school who children as they grow with might like to earn CAS credits PJ Library books.

though various work in the Funded by the Jewish community. SIGN UP TODAY! Roth Family If you are interested, please Enrollment is open to Foundation send the following information Jewish families with to [email protected]: children between the ages of six months to More information, Name contact Debbie Sanford Address eight years 239.481.4449 ext. 3 Phone # living in [email protected] Age Lee & Charlotte Counties. Grade School Preferred volunteer hours (e.g. 2 - 5P.M. Sundays) Families can sign up for PJ Library at pjlibrary.org L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 20 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties ORGANIZATIONS

the disloyal Jew. political mainstream contemplates the for the BDS movement and the reduc- SHALOM LIFE CENTER In Ancient Egypt, view, and elects not to censure the per- tion of military aid to Israel become the Fort Myers Pharaoh justified the in- son, seeing that the political cost of new normal. May G-d bless the U.S.A. (239) 218-3433 fanticide and enslave- tolerating the anti-Semitism is perhaps and keep Israel strong for future gen- ment of the Jews based not too great to bear. Finally, with the erations. Lawrence & Robin Dermer on this claim. Centuries ago, Haman legitimization of the view, those who This year, Shalom Life Center in- Just a few months ago we were horri- claimed that a disloyal people should would dare cry out are silenced. We vites the entire community to celebrate fied by the massacre at the Tree of Life be marked for death. These same as Jewish Americans must do and say Yom Ha’atzmaut in a big way! Join us synagogue in Pittsburgh. Since that claims led to our persecution in Eu- all we can so that Rabbi Sacks’ words for Positively Israel, a musical celebra- time, there’s been another attack on us, rope, Russia and even the U.S. never become a reality here in the U.S. tion of Israel’s independence featuring one of words. The representative from After being criticized for these These dangerous and offensive special guest speaker Alon Ben-Gu- Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional Dis- comments, Omar claimed that she was comments don’t single out Orthodox rion, David Ben-Gurion’s grandson. trict, Ilhan Omar, has spoken of Israel’s being singled out because of her faith, Jewish money, or Conservative, Re- This fabulous event will take place hypnotic powers over the world, per- gender or race. It is only her comments form or unaffiliated Jews who lack al- on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. petuating the classic anti-Semitic myth that should draw our outrage. Her gen- legiance to this nation. Omar doesn’t at Pelican Bay in Naples. Attendance of Jewish mind control. She claimed der, race and religion make absolutely differentiate between conservatives or is RSVP only. Call 239.218.3433 or Jews were using money, with the now no difference. progressives. So let’s stand together re- email [email protected]. infamous line, “It’s all about the Ben- Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks warned gardless of our politics. We’re all Jews. Visit www.shalomlifecenter.org for jamins,” in corrupting elected officials that the greatest danger any civilization History has taught us that if we do not information on all our wonderful spe- into support of Israel. She then made faces is collective amnesia. He stated speak up in our own defense, no one cial events, classes, clubs and services, comments accusing American support- that there are three stages in which else will. which continue throughout the sum- ers of Israel of having an allegiance to anti-Semitism progresses from a fringe Let’s take every action possible mer. a foreign nation, using the most dam- view to a predominant one; a rogue in- to see that we don’t find ourselves in aging anti-Semitic slur of all, that of dividual espouses anti-Semitism. The a political environment where support

breaking stem cell care. The 2nd Women’s Health Empow- medical leave. HADASSAH research and forward- erment Summit was held on May 16, You can see that in 107 years, Ha- Collier/Lee Chapter thinking healthcare mile- 2018, with 40 congressmembers as dassah has built upon a very rich and st (732) 539-4011 stones, Hadassah has also honorary hosts. powerful history to move into the 21 developed a domestic ad- Other advocacy efforts include century as a leader and strong partner Look to the future – Part 2 vocacy agenda. those for: in issues impacting women, our fami- Diane Schwartz By creating a portfolio of posi- Women’s Safety and Security em- lies and the next generation of leaders GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH We “talked” last month about the tions and activities that advocate for phasizing improving current laws to – leaders who we are raising and nur- founding of Hadassah 107 years ago the health and well-being of women prevent violence against women, sex- turing! SOUTHWEST FLORIDA based on a forward- thinking, dynamic as it looks to build better health, safety ual harassment and human trafficking; So, support our efforts however it (239) 963-9347 and passionate woman who urged us and equality for all women, Hadassah and include supporting common-sense suits you: at a luncheon meeting; an all to “Look to the Future.” moves forward. We can take action gun legislation to improve safety in our educational program; a speaker series; Now, of course, the future is here on a wide range of women’s issues in- schools, workplaces, houses of wor- a welcoming brunch; or buying cards, and so much has been accomplished in cluding women’s health, reproductive ship and communities nationwide. certificates or trees. this timeframe. However, we still look rights and economic security issues. Civil Rights and Human Rights All of these activities and events forward to continue the early initia- The issue of Gender Equity in all efforts focus on removing barriers to carry us along a wonderful path. It is tives in medical care now impacting so aspects of health is active and urgent. basic services, education, voting and the ultimate tikkun olam to reach for- many around the world and research- Did you know that women and men of- employment; including strengthening ward and to look to the future as Henri- ing new answers to challenging ques- ten present different symptoms for the racial justice; advocating for refugees etta Szold urged, and, most important, tions to help all people. same diseases and react differently to and immigrants, as so many of our own to lead. As passionate women ourselves, certain medications, medical devices families were; as well as disabilities Please support Hadassah. For infor- today’s Hadassah is clear-eyed to other and treatments, putting women at risk protections and LGBT rights. mation, email me at dianepschwartz@ problems we face as well. Our mission for misdiagnoses, ineffective treat- Through Women’s Rights for Eco- gmail.com. For mitzvot, simchas and and focus of the last 10+ decades across ments and compromised care? nomic Equity and Protections, Hadas- condolences, consider Hadassah cards, the America, and now in 28 countries Hadassah, serving as the conve- sah expresses a particular obligation trees and certificates. Contact Paula around the world, impacts each of us, ner, has led a coalition of 25 organiza- and an unwavering commitment to Berzon at [email protected] our families and our friends right here tions to help establish The Coalition women’s rights and concerns. Hadas- or 239.592.9278, or Mimi Cohn at in Southwest Florida. for Women’s Health Equity held in sah supports policies that improve the [email protected] or 239.455.9527. Easing into the 21st century, for Washington, D.C., which advocated quality of life for women – including Southwest Florida and across the Unit- for gender equity in medical preven- advocating for caregiver support, pay ed States, in addition to its ground- tion, research, funding and quality of equity and expansion of family and

a Chinese form of exer- Temple Judea’s active HAZAK Temple Judea’s HAZAK has won- HAZAK 55+ CHAPTER cise. He will talk about Chapter is a chartered member of the derful future programs planned for at Temple Judea it and lead us through United Synagogue of Conservative Ju- 2019-2020. Members of the commu- (239) 433-0201 some of the exercises. daism. Membership in the organization nity are always welcome to attend our The event is open to all. is open to the community. Join HAZAK programs. For more information, con- Jan Klein For more information, email tjhazak@ and meet new friends. HAZAK Chap- tact us at the email address noted above The HAZAK program for May is gmail.com. Dinner afterwards will be ters are for singles or couples. It’s an or call Temple Judea at 239.433.0201. scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 decided at the program. There will be organization that enables members to at 4:00 p.m. at Temple Judea. Robert a HAZAK board meeting prior to the meet and socialize with each other. Our Shapiro will show a DVD, Qy Gong, program at 3:00 p.m. monthly programs vary in nature.

sociate with like-minded monly accepted assumption that beliefs tellectual integrity above empty ritual, HUMANISTIC JEWISH HAVURAH people when we absented often have little or no connection to who value honesty more than familiar of Southwest Florida the temple each winter to ritual. After these many years of lead- phrases, and who believe Jewishness is (239) 495-8484 stay in Florida. ing the Humanistic Jewish Havurah, more significant than nostalgic remem- In the 2006-07 sea- I have realized that expecting Jews to brance. Farewell thoughts son, Rabbi Wine’s colleague, Rabbi take their beliefs seriously and to value I am especially enamored of our Paula Creed Daniel Friedman, spoke at a luncheon their integrity sufficiently to demand members who have worked to main- One of the greatest pleasures of my life of the National Council of Jewish consistency between what one says in tain the Havurah, particularly our long- has been the discovery of a commu- Women’s Naples-Marco section. Sev- synagogue and what one does at home standing board members: Joan Wein- nity of “believers” who have become eral in attendance seemed very im- and in the street may be an expecta- stein, Dena Sklaroff, Alan and Cynthia my friends and co-workers. As the Hu- pressed with the philosophy of secular tion before its time. Humanistic Juda- Cook, Maraline Rane and our dear de- manistic Jewish Havurah of Southwest Humanistic Judaism. I gathered their ism seems to fall upon deaf ears. The parted friend, Herbert Herman. Over Florida departs the scene, I leave with names and contacted the Society for community here remains indifferent to the years many others have also put these sentiments. Humanistic Judaism (the national or- Humanistic Judaism, not because they effort and energy into our events and Similar words were written by ganization for Humanistic Jewish com- disagree with its philosophy of life or activities. Additionally, I owe a debt of Rabbi Sherwin Wine, founder of Hu- munities in North America) for assis- its values, which they in fact embrace, gratitude to David Willens and Melissa manistic Judaism, and my rabbi un- tance. Then, this small group of folks but because they do not perceive Jew- Keel, who were so supportive when til his untimely death the summer of in Naples, with help from the Sarasota ish rituals as the embodiment of a phi- we first began, and Renee’ Bialek who 2007, the same year the Humanistic Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, losophy of life or of values. “mothered” the group to assure our Jewish Havurah of SWFL was born. formed the Humanistic Jewish Ha- It will take an epiphany to awaken meetings in the community room went He was my teacher, my inspiration, vurah. Ron and I found our milieu. more Jews to the merits and joys of smoothly. a person who influenced my Jewish Humanistic Judaism offers a phi- Humanistic Judaism. However, those Perhaps seeds have been planted identity from the time I first met him in losophy of life consistent with reason, that do embrace the philosophy have by our decade-plus presence and my 1964, shortly after the formation of the reality, freedom, individualism, equal- reason to be grateful to Sherwin Wine’s articles in the Federation newspapers, Birmingham Temple, the first secular ity and human dignity – the values on audacity in creating a way of being and at some future time, others will Humanistic Jewish community in the which most modern Jews truly base Jewish that challenges, articulates and take up the mantle of rebirthing an- “gantseh velt.” So predisposed was I to their lives. In its insistence that ritual celebrates our deepest convictions The other Humanistic Jewish community this philosophy when my husband Ron behavior be consistent with, and ex- relatively small number of Jews who in Southwest Florida. and I retired to Bonita Springs, that I pressive of, one’s actual beliefs, Hu- are attracted to Humanistic Judaism are missed the comfort of being able to as- manistic Judaism violates the com- the unconventional few who prize in- L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 ORGANIZATIONS Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 21 for the BDS movement and the reduc- west Florida is here to partment at the beginning of WWII and Buckingham also operated Naples tion of military aid to Israel become the JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY preserve and share with renamed Fort Myers Army Air Field Army Airfield, now Naples Municipal new normal. May G-d bless the U.S.A. OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA our successors. Our work and later, Page Field Army Airfield. It Airport, as an auxiliary landing field. and keep Israel strong for future gen- (239) 566-1771 takes us to various loca- was used by the U.S. Army Third Air Two crash boat bases were also erations. tions in Southwest Flori- Force for antisubmarine patrols and constructed – one on Marco Island, the This year, Shalom Life Center in-Ten films about SWFL Jewish da and beyond in pursuit of local Jew- conventional bomber training. other on the Caloosahatchee River. The vites the entire community to celebratehistory and more planned ish history. Your donations sustain our Buckingham Airfield, now private- 75th Flying Training Wing was a fly- Yom Ha’atzmaut in a big way! Join us Marina Berkovich operations. We hope that you already ly owned by the Lee County Mosquito ing training wing of the United States for Positively Israel, a musical celebra-How many of the 10 films have you renewed your 2019 membership and Control District, is 10 miles east of Fort Army Air Force. tion of Israel’s independence featuringseen? Contact us to arrange a showing made your contri- Myers. It was the larg- After the war, a planned housing special guest speaker Alon Ben-Gu-at your community. bution to our mis- est airfield in Florida. development named Lehigh Acres was rion, David Ben-Gurion’s grandson. We start our 10th year by premier- sion at a level com- In 1941, a group of Fort built by Southwest Florida Jewish Pio- This fabulous event will take placeing our 10th Southwest Florida Jewish fortable for you. Myers and Lee County neer Lee Ratner over most of the Buck- on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m.Pioneers film, Chief Richard Plager, Here’s an additional officials purchased cat- ingham area. at Pelican Bay in Naples. Attendanceabout Sanibel Island’s former police incentive – please tle grazing land, then Membership in The Jewish His- is RSVP only. Call 239.218.3433 or chief. make it in honor of leased it back to the War torical Society of Southwest Florida is email [email protected]. Plager, reared in Miami, served on VE Day. Did you Department for its Army open to anyone who is interested in our Visit www.shalomlifecenter.org for the police force of Miami-Dade County know that many Air Corps airfield base. mission of local Jewish history preser- information on all our wonderful spe-and is one of the founding members of Jews who served in It created thousands of vation. cial events, classes, clubs and services,the South Florida Shomrim Society, an WWII returned to jobs and boosted the lo- Here’s how to reach us: which continue throughout the sum-organization for Jewish law enforce- Florida, settling in cal economy. By August The Jewish Historical Society mer. ment officers. His service on Sanibel places where they 1942, almost 500 build- of Southwest Florida is legendary. He followed that with a were trained for ings were under con- 8805 Tamiami Trail North, move to Israel, where he also served the armed forces? Richard Plager struction. Many young Suite # 255, Naples FL 34108 on the police force. He then retired to There were three prominent training Jewish men were airmen. Aerial gun- 833.547.7935 (833.JHS.SWFL) Naples. facilities in the SWFL area: Page Air- ners were trained here. Sitting in tur- www.jhsswf.org ~ [email protected] Plager’s experience as a Jewish field, Buckingham Army Corps- Air rets and standing behind openings in Virtual Museum of SWFL Floridian and a member of law en- field and Naples Army Field. the fuselage of the bomber, it was their Jewish History http:// forcement is exactly the kind of legacy Built in 1927 as a civil airport, Page job to shoot down attacking aircraft jewishhistorysouthwestflorida.org/ the Jewish Historical Society of South- Field was taken over by the War De- over Europe and the Pacific.

of hard work on the part ing committee and getting GenShoah “People usually don’t remember be- GENERATIONS OF THE SHOAH of many volunteers. Not SWFL information posted on the Gen- ing thanked, but they remember if they SOUTHWEST FLORIDA one received a paycheck Shoah International website; Rene and have not been thanked.” Please forgive (239) 963-9347 like the celebrities did Sam Geist and Alex and Linda Wert- me if I omitted you here, and I hope just for saying “I’m go- heim for leading our book discussions; that I remembered to thank you in per- Ida Margolis ing to Disney World!” And many vol- December event hosts Shirley and son. A number of years ago, The Walt Dis- unteers are already helping with next Marshall Besikof; participants, help- The Movies That Matter Commit- ney Company had an ad campaign season’s programs. ers and speakers at our programs, in- tee has been previewing films for next asking celebrities who had just won a As the GenShoah 2018-19 pro- cluding Hank Bitterman, Odette Port, season, many of which are outstanding championship, such as the Super Bowl, graming season draws to a close, there Sam Varsano, Monica Goodwin, Stuart and relate directly to its mission. It will the Olympics or American Idol, “What are so many people who helped Gen- Mest and Jeff Margolis; Ted Epstein, be difficult to make the selections. are you going to do next?” And the Shoah and who need to be thanked. editor of L’CHAYIM; the Jewish Fed- The GenShoah Steering Commit- response was, “I’m going to Disney Thank you to: Susan Suarez, President eration of Lee and Charlotte Counties; tee and an associate committee are cur- World!” Disney referred to these suc- & CEO of the Holocaust Museum, who the venues that allowed us to hold our rently very busy planning programs for cessful ads as the “What’s next” cam- supported the GenShoah programs and programs; those who helped with the next season. The year 2020 is the 75th paign. worked on each of the Movies That Yom HaShoah event; those who made anniversary of the end of WWII and At this time of year, people often Matter; everyone who helped with and donations to GenShoah; and of course, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of say to me, “Season is over, now you sponsored Movies That Matter; Steve to all those who supported, gave posi- the Nazi concentration camps, so ex- can relax.” I reply, “Not yet. And I’m Brazina, program chair of GenShoah, tive feedback and attended programs. pect some outstanding programs. not going to Disney World!” Not yet who spent countless hours previewing I also express gratitude to everyone If you would like information anyway. This season’s many GenS- films and obtaining the pubic -perfor in our community who has supported about GenShoah SWFL or to receive hoah and community programs did not mance rights for the films; Joan Hogan, the Holocaust Museum and its mission, our monthly newsletter, please email appear by “Disney magic,” and neither who designs and sends out the monthly and to the survivors in our community me at [email protected]. To- will next season’s programs. GenShoah newsletters; Sam Parish and who have shared their important stories. dah rabah y’all. And it will be a while The many GenShoah programs Tim Morrison at the Museum; Shelley Brian Lipton, Regional Director until I have the time to say, “I’m going this season happened because of a lot Lieb for ideas, serving on the steer- of AJC West Coast Florida, has said, to Disney World!”

Temple Judea’s HAZAK has won- Harbor. On December 7, Center. Memorial Day weekend has us need for this scholarship. We’d love derful future programs planned for JEWISH WAR VETERANS 1941, James Dingeman the busiest. On May 24 there will be a to learn more about you and would 2019-2020. Members of the commu- was 16, and was present service at Temple Beth Shalom in Cape be happy to review your submissions. nity are always welcome to attend our Victor Paul Tuchman Post 400 for the attack on Pearl Coral. On May 26, a service will be Please note that previous applicants programs. For more information, con- (239) 246-3151 Harbor. What saved their held at the Temple Beth El Cemetery and scholarship winners are encour- tact us at the email address noted above Eryka Aptaker lives was hiding under surfboards, for - Coral Ridge. And on May 27 at 9:30 aged to re-apply. or call Temple Judea at 239.433.0201. While I have been unable to submit protection. When he was 23, he was a.m., a service will be held at Memorial Applications must be received by an article for quite some time, writing sent to Italy, then went on to Korea and Gardens in Fort Myers. Friday, May 31. The recipient will be this article brings back the realization was the aid to the Corps Command- I just know that all of you have chosen shortly after that date. Please of the awesomeness of this group. To er. Throughout his many years in the been on the edge of your seats wait- send your application to JWV - Victor bring you up to speed, Commander military, this accomplished man has ing for this big announcement (dr- Paul Tuchman Post 400, Attn: Harvey Harvey Charter and Vice Commander met Moshe Dayan, escorted Medal of umroll, please). We will select this Charter, 11024 Lakeland Cir., Fort My- Robert Ruberto participated in the Lee Honor recipients, met General James year’s recipient of the seventh annual ers, FL 33913. Memorial stand down, servicing our Doolittle as well as Bobby Kennedy. Herb Schwartz Memorial Scholarship Our next meeting will be held on homeless veterans. I am so proud to My brief summary on this man doesn’t Award. Applications are currently be- May 19. We meet at the Jewish Fed- have these two men representing our come close to doing him justice. There ing accepted. This $500 scholarship eration building at 9:30 a.m. Come join Post. is, unfortunately, not enough space to will be awarded to one deserving high this wonderful and committed group as A wonderful guest speaker at- tell it all. school senior or a student currently we enjoy bagels and cream cheese and tended our March meeting. Colonel May will be a busy month for us. attending a college or university. The engage in great conversation. James Dingeman was in the Army for On May 1, Harvey Charter and Rob- student must meet the following ad- To become a member, or if you 34 years and attended the first class ert Ruberto will present JROTC cadets ditional criteria: must be Jewish, from have questions, please contact Com- at West Point, right after WWII. He with awards at the annual ceremony at the Lee or Charlotte community, have mander Harvey Charter at hbcharter@ comes from a family with 135 years in the FSW Campus-Sun Coast Arena, good grades and a sincere financial aol.com or 239.246.3151. the U.S. Army. When he was 16 years starting at 7:00 p.m. On May 10, our need. For consideration, please submit The Jewish War Veterans, founded old, his father was stationed at Pearl Post will participate in an Israel Inde- a copy of grades/transcript and a let- in 1896, is the oldest continuing vet- pendence Day service at Shalom Life ter expressing goals/achievements and erans organization in America. We are challenged in the pursuit of new mem- bers to keep our organization alive. With the loss of many of our WWII veterans, we are striving to have mem- bers of our younger generation(s) join and show support to the JWV. We have a Patron membership for non-veterans. If your family members were veterans, think about honoring their memory by joining JWV Post 400. I joined in honoring the memory of my father, a Korean War veteran. Best decision I have ever made. This group has been a blessing in my life. We hope to see you Guest speaker James Dingeman Eryka Aptaker, Roger Satin, James Dingeman, at our next meeting! with Commander Harvey Charter Commander Harvey Charter, Vice Commander Robert Ruberto L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 22 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties TEMPLE NEWS

and Kate Uslan from and other Southwest Florida commu- Pittsburgh on October 27, 2018, Bat BAT YAM TEMPLE OF THE ISLANDS North Carolina. Ben’s nity organizations. The presenter was Yam has joined the ranks of religious Sanibel grandparents are Bat Adonia Simpson, Director of the Fam- congregations with a police presence (732) 780-2016 Yam members, Don Bre- ily Defense Fund of Americans for during every Friday Shabbat service, iter and Debbie Gurman Immigrant Justice. The purpose is to Saturday morning classes and all holi- www.batyam.org from Sanibel. Relatives have volunteers confident to address day services. While we appreciate the and friends from near and immigrants with valuable information presence of the Sanibel police, it is dis- The Bat Yam community Passover far gathered at Bat Yam on Sanibel to about their rights but not specific legal concerting that anti-Semitism is on the Seder was on April 19 at the beauti- celebrate the important occasion. advice. rise. History repeats itself for the Jews. fully remodeled Sanibel Community On April 29, a contingent, half For the 23rd year, Florida South- Thanks to volunteer congregants, House. It was an amazing event at- from Bat Yam and half from the Sani- Western State College (FSW) in Fort Shabbat services will take place all tended by more than 150 congregants, bel Congregational UCC, will fly to Myers held the Dr. Talbot Spivak Ho- summer every Friday evening at 7:00 guests and community friends. Rabbi Israel with Rabbi Stephen Fuchs and locaust Memorial Week at the end of p.m. (not 7:30 p.m.) from May 3 until Stephen Fuchs and Cantor Murray Si- Pastor John Danner. For 10 days, they March. The theme this year was “Un- Rabbi Fuchs returns for Rosh Hasha- mon coordinated the Haggadah read- will visit places of importance to both heeded Warnings” that were ignored nah in September. ings and songs with accompaniment Judaism and Christianity. It’s a won- and led to the Shoah. Bat Yam member In November, Saturday morning on the piano by Abbey Allison. The derful opportunity to practice interfaith Irene Skolnick again spoke to students Adult Education will begin again with children searched for the afikomen and relations. about how she, as a young child, sur- presentations on a wide range of new opened the door to invite Eliahu to the The Social Action Committee vived the Holocaust with her family. topics. Vickie Fuchs will continue as service. The adults enjoyed a Passover chaired by Garry Weiss continues its Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) the capable coordinator. meal with family and friends. Con- focus on undocumented immigrants in in Fort Myers had its inaugural Holo- Come to worship and learn at our gregants Annette Pacyga, Lois Lorch, our midst. With the frequent reminder caust and Genocide Commemoration meeting place located on the campus Sally Sacks and Beth Weiss deserve in the Torah to “welcome the strang- Week at the beginning of April. Both of the Sanibel Congregational UCC our deep appreciation for organizing er,” helping, in some fashion, those programs are intended to educate stu- at 2050 Periwinkle Way on Sanibel. everything for us. who are here is critical. A train-the- dents and the community, and to honor Members of the community, guests Another special event took place trainer workshop titled “Know Your the victims and survivors. and visitors are always welcome to join at Bat Yam on April 13, when Ben- Rights” was held on March 29. The Since the terrible shooting dur- with congregants. jamin Uslan was Bar Mitzvahed by meeting attracted 40 people from Bat ing Saturday morning Shabbat ser- Best wishes to all of our Snowbirds Rabbi Fuchs. Ben’s parents are Ethan Yam, the Sanibel Congregational UCC vices at the Tree of Life Synagogue in for a healthy and relaxing summer!

ties. This year’s summer in the large hamper basket located ing off their mastery of Hebrew.- Par TEMPLE BETH EL camp theme, “Road Trip near the shopping cart. Feminine prod- ents and grandparents were kvelling, Fort Myers USA,” will inspire camp- ucts are distributed to needy teens and not to mention the teachers and the (239) 433-0018 ers to go where their women via the Mitzvah Committee’s kids themselves. imagination takes them. Cycle Forward project (ongoing). Did Ongoing committees and groups www.templebethel.com Quite an armchair itiner- you know feminine products cannot be such as Sisterhood and Men’s Club ary is planned. Summer purchased with SNAP/EBT benefits? are stepping up their game to keep you Did you know the Dubin Center can camp enrollment is open right now, as Therefore, girls lacking monthly sup- engaged, educated and entertained. be rented for private parties, weddings, is enrollment for the next school year, plies are at risk of missing several days The Men’s Club once again sponsored graduation parties, meetings, rehears- commencing in August. For more in- of school each month. Cycle Forward its comedy club night at the Laugh-In als, etc.? For example, the Southwest formation on summer camp or The restores girls’ dignity by allowing them Comedy Cafe, which was packed to Florida Symphony has rented the Du- Learning Tree Preschool, visit www. to stay in school and concentrate on the rafters. Sisterhood has held sev- bin Center for rehearsals. For schedul- learningtreefortmyers.com or contact their education. Thousands of products eral events lately, including lunch and ing and pricing information, call the director Jesyca Virnig at 239.433.5499 have been delivered to a growing list a matinee performance of Mama Won’t office at 239.433.0018 and speak with or [email protected]. of local organizations for distribution. Fly at the Broadway Palm Theatre. Karen Kagan. Did you know that Snowbirds or Our Religious School youngsters Did you know TBE offers several Did you know Temple Beth El’s anyone else cleaning out their cup- were at center stage during a recent convivial groups which are free and Learning Tree Preschool welcomes boards can place their canned goods and Erev Shabbat service. An earlier and open to the community? Our Jewish children ages 15 months to 5 years shelf-stable items such as pasta, peanut shorter Erev Shabbat service accom- Francophone Group, Book Club, and during the school year? For five years butter & jelly, paper towels, adult care modated all ages and was followed by Current Events Discussion Group are running, The Learning Tree has at- products, travel size toiletries and more a family dinner. It was heartwarming to led by talented volunteers. Talmud & tained 5-star status. Summer is around in the shopping cart which is parked in see the students embrace their Jewish Life, Torah Study, and Lunch & Learn the corner. Time to think about The the Dubin Center? All items in the cart heritage and participate in the service. are under Rabbi Nicole Luna’s tute- Learning Tree summer camp, where are donated to the Jewish Federation, As future Erev Shabbat service leaders, lage. Check the TBE calendar at www. ages 2 through 8 will find fun, -fel which in turn distributes them to cli- each age group had an opportunity to templebethel.com or call 239.433.0018 lowship and age-appropriate activi- ents. Feminine products can be placed lead the congregation in prayer, show- for dates and times.

Heartfelt thanks to Kim the first day of Passover. We are deeply last minute “pilgrims” on our C.F.S. COMMUNITY FREE SYNAGOGUE and Byron Cohen, who appreciative of Jewish Federation Pro- biennial Israel Pilgrimage from June Fort Myers cooked and donated most gram Director Debbie Sanford’s sup- 4-15. For information, visit the C.F.S. (239) 466-6671 of the meal, including a port and encouragement, for helping website at www.fortmyerssynagogue. Passover cake dessert; us reach out to her PJ Library families, com or email Arnie Harris at arnieh@ www.fortmyerssynagogue.com to Joanne Cristea for the and for the continued collaboration be- embarqmail.com. haroset and additional tween C.F.S. and our local Federation. C.F.S. provides free Hebrew tutor- In April, the congregation was honored generosity; to Rebbitzin Diamond In addition to participating in the ing and enriched Jewish education to to welcome our State’s Attorney, Amira for donating 40 roast chickens; to Dr. annual Holocaust Memorial Service at all Jewish young people ages 8 and Fox, and her husband Mike to our Sab- Gerry Friedman for once above in our area, often culminating in bath Eve dinner and worship when she again preparing his sig- a joyous Bat and Bar Mitzvah celebra- told us about her life as the child of an nature “5 alarm” horse- tion in a warm supportive congrega- Arab refugee in 1947 from their ances- radish sauce; to Donnell tional setting, also free. For more infor- tral home in Jaffa, then in mandatory Sullivan and our friends mation, email [email protected] or Palestine. She shared her father’s posi- at Fort Myers Memorial call Rabbi Diamond at 239.466.6671. tive inspirational story from her per- Gardens for their contin- Friday evening dinners start each spective as a child. It brought home the ued generosity and help week at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge. in printing more Com- Those who wish to bring a dish, salad munity Free Synagogue or dessert are welcome to do so while Haggadot; to Auxiliary avoiding dairy foods. Worship con- Rabbi Terri Goldberg for tinues at 7:30 p.m., conducted by our handling the reservations remarkable congregational hazzanim, and waiting list; to Rich gifted musician Joseph Brauer, and Stay in touch throughout McConville, Traci Pavel with a thought-provoking, educational and Joseph Brauer for the message from Rabbi Diamond. A so- music; to all the volun- cial hour follows. the month. Sign up for the teers who helped set the Sabbath morning Torah Study tables; and to Synagogue Breakfast with the Rabbi each week is Federation’s e-blasts. Coordinator Natalie Ful- Kim and Byron Cohen of Cohen & Cohen Catering from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in our Commu- ton for pulling it all together. All these 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 28 at Tem- nity Hall. A breakfast nosh is always people and many more help keep the ple Judea, C.F.S. will conduct a brief welcome. “free” in The Community Free Syna- memorial service at 6:30 p.m. on Yom Now in its 15th year, The Com- gogue! Hashoah Eve, Wednesday, May 1 in its munity Free Synagogue continues to Amira Fox Special thanks to Corey Rioux for Community Hall, 10868 Metro Park- grow and prosper as a new and exciting message that a nation that welcomes building our new puppet theatre; to Ro- way, Fort Myers. The service will be model for the 21st century contempo- refugees is rewarded by their gifts, and salyn Thomson for her extraordinary followed by the screening of Conspira- rary Jewish congregation. It thrives on that future generations of Americans Passover story puppets; to Abigayl cy, the dramatic reenactment of the in- its active volunteers, deeply committed like Amira add so much to our society. Pavel, Samantha Gallentine and their famous Wannsee Conference in Berlin rabbis and the great generosity of its We at The Community Free Syna- helpers for working the puppets; and which laid the plans for the extermina- many hundreds of participants. Every gogue are deeply appreciative to all again to Natalie Fulton for organizing tion of European Jewry. See the article C.F.S. activity and program is free and those who help us welcome 200 par- The Community Free Young People’s in this issue for more details. open to all. ticipants to our Community Free Seder. Seder-style luncheon after the show on There is still room on the bus for L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 TEMPLE NEWS Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties 23

Pittsburgh on October 27, 2018, Bat • Saturday, May 4 The always popular Israeli Scouts teers are needed for May 6 and 20, and Yam has joined the ranks of religious TEMPLE JUDEA at 9:30 a.m.: Shabbat will return to Fort Myers on Monday, June 3 and 17. Please contact Linda congregations with a police presence Fort Myers morning service June 10. The Jewish Federation joins Idelson at [email protected]. during every Friday Shabbat service, (239) 433-0201 • Sunday, May 5 at with Temple Judea and Temple Beth Regular scheduled events: Saturday morning classes and all holi- 9:30 a.m.: Religious El to sponsor this fun event each year. • Friday evening Shabbat services day services. While we appreciate the www.tjswfl.org School Music Writing This year’s performance will be at at 6:30 p.m., preceded each week presence of the Sanibel police, it is dis- Workshop; Temple Beth El at 7:30 p.m. The Israeli with a wine and cheese reception concerting that anti-Semitism is on the Temple Judea is excited to host musi- • Sunday, May 5 at 11:30 a.m.: teens bring the spirit and ruach of Is- starting at 6:15 p.m. rise. History repeats itself for the Jews.cian Ari Lesser for a Shabbaton Week- Community Concert (no cost to rael through their singing and dancing. • Saturday morning Shabbat servic- Thanks to volunteer congregants,end Experience, May 3-5. Ari is a attend) Whether you have attended before or es at 9:30 a.m. followed by a Kid- Shabbat services will take place allsinger, songwriter, rapper and spoken For more information and to make not, you won’t want to miss this fabu- dush luncheon summer every Friday evening at 7:00 word artist from Cleveland, Ohio. He reservations for the Shabbat eve- lous show. • Lunchtime Torah Study with Rab- p.m. (not 7:30 p.m.) from May 3 until graduated with a BS in Political Sci- ning dinner, call the temple office at Rabbi Sack’s lunchtime Torah bi Sack the first Thursday of each Rabbi Fuchs returns for Rosh Hasha-ence from the University of Oregon, 239.433.0201. study is on Thursday, May 2 at noon month nah in September. and more recently spent time in Israel Chaverot’s monthly Rosh Chodesh at the offices of Myers and Brettholtz • Morning minyan every Monday at In November, Saturday morning studying at yeshivas in Tzfat and Jeru- program will be held on Thursday, May and Company. It is an hour of open dis- 9:00 a.m. Adult Education will begin again withsalem. He has performed all over the 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Jodi Co- cussion of Torah and presentations on a wide range of new world and written hundreds of songs hen. The theme will be “Creativity and Judaism, where all topics. Vickie Fuchs will continue ason a wide variety of subjects. He will Prayer.” Email tjchaverotfortmyers@ levels of background the capable coordinator. step into character and rap from the gmail.com for more information and to and all questions are Come to worship and learn at our perspective of hundreds of different RSVP. Space is limited so 10 people, encouraged. Everyone meeting place located on the campuspersonalities, living and dead, real and so RSVP, ASAP! is welcome and there of the Sanibel Congregational UCC fictional, human and non-human. His The next Tot Shabbat is on Friday, is no cost to attend. at 2050 Periwinkle Way on Sanibel. performances bring words to life in a May 10 from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Braid Our monthly ser- Members of the community, guests way that is inspirational, accurate, edu- challah with your children to take home vice of meals at the and visitors are always welcome to joincation and very entertaining for audi- and bake. Watch your children take a Salvation Army’s with congregants. ences of all ages and backgrounds. His leading role in the family service. Also Meals with Compas- Best wishes to all of our Snowbirds work is clever, fun and easy on the scheduled that evening is our monthly sion continues. Meals for a healthy and relaxing summer! ears! Musical Shabbat for the regular service are served on Monday Here’s the schedule: that begins at 6:30 p.m. evenings and volun- Rabbi Marc Sack, Robin Correnti and Jodi Gustein enjoy the beautiful evening • Friday, May 3 at 6:30 p.m.: On Sunday, May 19, the Temple Kabbalat Shabbat in conjunction Judea and Temple Beth El Religious with Religious School Shabbat Schools will have a joint skating party. • Friday, May 3 at 7:45 p.m.: Call the religious schools for more in- Shabbat Dinner (RSVP a must) formation.

A spectacularly beautiful evening at The Heitman House in Downtown Fort Myers JoAnn Lewin and Diane Seidenstein were honored for their years of service and dedication to Temple for the Temple Judea Purim Party Judea. Pictured: Larry & Diane Seidenstein with JoAnn & Jim Lewin

remained there through TEMPLE BETH SHALOM several generations of St- Cape Coral reit family members us- (239) 772-4555 ing the same equipment, techniques and standards www.templebethshalomcc.org from their beginnings in 1914. The film brought It seems like yesterday that we were back memories and emotions, and last minute “pilgrims” on our C.F.S. welcoming back our Snowbirds, and sparked lots of conversation after- biennial Israel Pilgrimage from June now we are already wishing them bon wards. 4-15. For information, visit the C.F.S.voyage. They say, “Time flies when Things may slow down, but they website at www.fortmyerssynagogue.you’re are having fun,” and we certain- certainly don’t stop when the Snow- com or email Arnie Harris at arnieh@ly did have lots of fun. birds leave. Be sure to check out the embarqmail.com. The picnic in Jaycee Park was a rest of our movies: C.F.S. provides free Hebrew tutor-huge success. The weather was perfect, • The Sturgeon Queens: Russ and ing and enriched Jewish education tothe food delicious, the park shady and Daughters on Sunday, May 5 all Jewish young people ages 8 andthe company outstanding. The Pass- • The Glorious History of Nathan’s above in our area, often culminating inover Seder is always one of the high- Famous Hot Dogs on Sunday, June a joyous Bat and Bar Mitzvah celebra-lights of the year, and even though 2 tion in a warm supportive congrega-it is always crowded, it feels like an • The Last Blintz on Sunday, Jul 14 tional setting, also free. For more infor-extended family. The bowling league Guests are always welcome at Fri- mation, email [email protected] orwrapped up its season and celebrated day night services, Saturday morning call Rabbi Diamond at 239.466.6671. at its annual banquet. Torah study, Brown Bag lunches and Friday evening dinners start each Most exciting was the first in our more. Whenever you come to Temple week at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge.Movies and a Nosh series, Streit’s: Beth Shalom, you will find a warm and Those who wish to bring a dish, salad Matzoh and the American Dream. friendly congregation and lots of inter- or dessert are welcome to do so whileStreit’s was founded and thrived on esting people. We hope to see you at avoiding dairy foods. Worship con-the lower East Side of Manhattan and services and other activities soon. tinues at 7:30 p.m., conducted by our remarkable congregational hazzanim, gifted musician Joseph Brauer, and Stay in touch throughout with a thought-provoking, educational message from Rabbi Diamond. A so- cial hour follows. the month. Sign up for the Sabbath morning Torah Study Breakfast with the Rabbi each week is Federation’s e-blasts. from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in our Commu- nity Hall. A breakfast nosh is always Get the latest information on welcome. upcoming community events Now in its 15th year, The Com- munity Free Synagogue continues to and cultural activities, breaking grow and prosper as a new and exciting news items, updates from model for the 21st century contempo- rary Jewish congregation. It thrives on Israel and lots more. its active volunteers, deeply committed rabbis and the great generosity of its many hundreds of participants. Every Send an email to C.F.S. activity and program is free and open to all. [email protected] L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 24 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties Explore More. Active Senior Lifestyle

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JAAY 2019 L'CHAYIM 1 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties Each month, 5,000 The Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotterd Counties Annual Jewish residents Targeted Distribution Presents the 23 Jewish Film Festival in Lee and Charlotte Reach our affluent, informed, health-conscious, and of Southwest Florida savvy readers who are looking for new and better ways All fi lms will be screened at the Regal Belltower Stadium 20. Open seating at all fi lms for general admission tickets. counties turn to ikets will e mailed u to eemer 31 to enrich their lives and those of their loved ones. ikets ordered ater eemer 31 will e aailale ater :00 m inside te teater on te day o te sow2019 11 L'CHAYIM JAAY L’CHAYIM for: Sunday, January 13 at 4:00Jewish Federation p.m. of Lee and Charlotte Counties L’CHAYIM – the monthly newspaper published by the THE GRADUATE JEWISH INTEREST When The Graduate premiered in December 1967, its fi lmmakers had modest expectations for what seemedInterested to be a small, sexy art-house comedy in adapted Your from an obscure fi rst novel by an eccentric 24-year-old. Who knew this off beat story – a young man just out of college has an aff air with one of his parents’ friends and then runs off withFamily’s her daughter – would turnSeduced out History?to be by a monsterMrs. Rob- hit Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties – is Stars of David with seven Academy Award nominations. u By Nate Bloom, ContributingBOLD Columnist CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom*We towill be joinedNate by Bloomauthor Beverly (seeThe Graduatecolumn Gray, author ’sat the left ofinfl ) uencehas becomeon the future a family of history expert in 10 Upcoming major events Persons in Editor’s note: inson, for an in-depthyears look of doing at his celebrity column, and he has expert friends who can help fi lmmaking and when explore called how iton. rocked Most the family late-sixties history world, experts refl ecting charge and $1,000 or more to do a be Jewish for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish changing the era’sfull views family-tree of sex, work search. and However,marriage. Her Bloom insight knows into never-that most people want to start have at least one Jewish parent and were not raised in a faith other than before-revealed detailswith a will limited enlighten search and1 hr.of entertain one46 min. family you. line. Judaism – and don’t identify with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. ConvertsLanguage: English Running Time: So heres the deal: mailed to 5,000 residents in the area. Additional copies to Judaism, of course, are also identifi ed asPoppins Jewish. Returns). Hurwitz won two Oscars in 2017 for best score andSponsored best by Radiology Regional Center It’s Awards Season: ). Shaiman is best u song (La La Land Write Bloom at [email protected] and enclose a phone number. Community Directory The Golden Globes are being known for his score for the musical ver- The Golden Globe Awards Nate will then contact you about starting a limited search. If that sion of Hairspray. Brief musical refer- televised live this year on NBC, on Poppins re-make ences are made in the goes well, additional and more extensive searches are possible. Sunday, January 6 at 8:00 p.m., 40, Sandra will to theTuesday, mega-hit score of the January original The 15 rst at search 7:15 fee is nop.m. more than $100. No upfront cost. Also, are available at the Jewish Federation office. Oh and ANDY SAMBERG RICHARD SHER- 1964 Poppins fi lm. host. The Globes are an imperfect pre- several of this newspaper’s readers have asked Bloom to locate MANSunday,, 90, who wrote the January ’64 score with 27 at 3:00 p.m. dictor of the Oscars. But the Globes cer- ROBERT, consulted on u his late brother, THE OSLOfriends and DIARIES family members from their past, and that’s worked out Synagogue news emony is often more fun than the Oscars The year is 1992, and Israeli-Palestinian relations are at an all-time low. In an BRAD the new fi lm. equivalent. Below are the confi rmed great for them. So contact him about this as well. TV Categories attempt to stop the bloodshed, a small group of Israelis and Palestinians’80s. Pose meet was co-created by Jewish nominees and a number of non- in Oslo – secretly and against the law. The unsanctioned meetings that changed, 47, who recently wed Acting: SACHA BARON COHEN, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. FALCHUK nominated Jews closely connected to a the Middle Eastcharacter forever arein chronicled 1only hr. 37by min.the negotiators’ diaries. 47, (Who is America? and MICHAEL GWYNETH PALTROW, 46. nominated fi lm or TV program. Unlike Language: EnglishBest Running Awards: Time: Film and TV DOUGLAS, 74, (The Kominsky Meth- The best musical or comedy series, a the Oscars, Golden Globes are given The Globes for best fi lm and the best TV The Good Place od) vie for the Globe for best actor nominees include MICHAEL for excellence in TV, as well as in fi lm. show are given to the show’s principal in a comedy. The varied characters* Special Matinee at Bat Yam Temple of the Islands,fantasy series created by u Film Categories , 22, producers, of whom there are many. Local Organization news Cohen plays frequently spoof real-life SCHUR, 43 (whose father was Jewish); , co-created TIMOTHE CHALAMET 2050 PeriwinkleMy practice Way, is Sanibel to note ifIsland a Jewish direc- politicians, like former VP Dick Cheney. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel , pieces once with tongs halfway (Beautiful Boy) is up for the RACHELbest sup- tor or writer/creator is associated with Douglas stars as Sandy Kominsky, an by AMY SHERMAN-PALLADINO, created through cooking. porting actor Globe, and that film or TV program. Two films L.A. acting coach. ALISON 52; and The2019 Kominsky Method Life-Enriching Information  Take the chicken out of the oven WEISZ, 48, (The Favourite) is a best nominated for best drama fi lm were Two Jewish actresses, BlacKkKlansmanL'CHAYIM JAAYby CHUCK LORRE, 66. and let it cool slightly. Use a sharp supporting fi lm actress nominee. Cha- DEBRA MESS- co-written by Jews: BRIE, 35, (Glow) and The nominees for best mini-series knife to slice the meat into small, lamet’s role was based on the real-life (CHARLIEJewish WACHTEL Federation ofand Lee ADAVID Star and is Charlotte Counties A Very English , now 36, who long battled ING, 50, (Will & Grace) compete for or TV movie include u thin shawarma-like pieces. NIK SHEFF RABINOWITZ, both 31) and Jewish Federation updates best actress, TV comedy. Scandal, a British series shown on STEPHEN  Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a skillet on the drug addiction. Weisz played Lady Thursday, JanuaryBorn ( ERIC17 ROTHat 7:15, 73). Also: p.m.a best ALAN ARKIN, 84, who plays the Spider-Man: Amazon. It was directed by competes stovetop over medium. Pour half ofSarah Churchill. Sarah’s friendship with A BAGanimated OF fi MARBLESlm nominee, Scandal Each month, readers of L’CHAYIM get news and updates the chicken into the skilletOUR and sauté FEDERATION title character’s agent and bestThis friendE heartwarming SEO adaptation of Joseph Joff o’s enduring B: memoirFREARS tells the, 77, story a Brit. , which was Queen Anne of England (1665-1714) Into the Spider Verse, was co-written by in The Kominsky Method, is up for best with Escape at Dannemora , 53, and for 3-4 minutes, until the smallest was historically important. Honorable of the Nazi occupationRODNEY through ROTHMAN the eyes of, 45ish.the two youngJOE Jewish boys. De- BEN STILLER supporting actor. He competes withhrsday anary 0 at noon directed by , 64, and pieces of chicken turn brown and mention: Adam Driver, who isn’t Jew- spite their naiveté, Thetheir Americansfather knows, thatcreated their bybest chance to escape the NaziJERRY STAHL HENRY WINKLER, 73, Barryroundup. he is ommnity to fl ee on their own Free to Vichy, Synagoge France, where their co-writtenolder brothers by crisp. Season with additional salt ish, got a supporting actor nomination WEISBERG, 52, is up for best series, , 68. Stahl wrote Senior Lunch BunchALEX update BORSTEIN, 47,The whohave Marvel- plays found safe haven. Always one false move from tragedy, theseMICHAEL tenacious TOLKIN u and pepper to taste, if desired. for playing a Jewish police offi munitycer in partner Jason’s Deli. in SW Floridadrama. It competesMasonic with tr. the 0868new Ama- Metro Py. Fort Myers Community Calendar By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach, and Melissa & Food McCar- Pantrythe Coordinator title character’s agent in children survive on courage, ingenuity and more than a bit of cunninga memoir as theyabout being a drug-addicted  Remove the cooked chicken fromecember’s BlacKkKlansman senior luncheon An enormous thank you, is to nominated all of for a best zon series, Homecoming, which is based ous Mrs. Maisel makeSP their precarious y Monday way through anary FranceELI hoping7 HOROW- to to reunite withwriter their which fam- was turned into the dra- , on all Jewish-related local events including the Jewish the skillet. Heat another 1 tbsp oftook oilthy, place who during isn’t Jewish, Hanukkah is up for athe lead volunteers who work before, dur- on a podcast written by , Permanent Midnight supporting actress Globe. ily. Moreodi than ohen anything, at it’s239.8.9 MICAHtheir brotherly BLOOMBERG bond 2 that or getsodicohenedlcc.org themmatic through 1998 their fi lm, and sauté the remaining chicken andin actress I was Globedetermined for playing that ev- the lateing writer and after the lunch to make sure ITZ, 41 and 1 hr. 53 min.and talkative people, well, they talk! Program notes , who was Jewish, in Finally, PATRICIA ARUETTEordeals. , in which Stiller starred. That fi lm, and the same way. Serve warm.D LEE ISRAEL everyone is tended to and taken care Language: French40ish. Running These two Time: guys are also heavilyThe lunches are a great place to meet eryone have latkes. I’d like to thank 50, (Escape at Dannemora) whosemonthly late Federation lunches as having getting clean for good, saved Stahl’s life Can You Ever Forgive Me?. of. If you’d like to volunteer by driving involvedsimcha in the, a celebration.TV series. Thesenew TV people, be in community, have a Federation volunteersand Suzanne Karen Orkin Whit- mother was Jewish, is up for bestSponsoredthe ac- feeling by ofSara a and Brian KriviskyPose, an FX drama and career. MARK RONSON, 33, is nomi-a senior, baking a dessert, or helping series compete with nosh and learn a little something. man for joining tress, mini-series/TV movie. Newcomers are easilykibbitz included up a intostorm u nated for co-writing a best song withnomi- set-up or clean-up, please call me series that explores several New York Holocaust Museum news me in makingA Star is Born. Honorable mention: Rachel Brosna-the circle, regulars Film Festival, Jewish author programs, holiday celebra- nee: “Shallow” from at 239.481.4449 x2. City sub-cultures as they existed in the over 300 latkes. han, who isn’t Jewish, got a leadwith actress each other, shy people open up, Nominated for best original score areI continue to describe the free After a few hours,, 33, ( First Man) nomination for playing the Jewish title JUSTIN HURWITZ , 59, (Mary we were oily and Tuesday, January 22 at 7:15 p.m. and MARC SHAIMAN VIP smelly and we THE SAMUEL PROJECTtFest as a had a lot of fun. Eli gets to know his grandfather Samuel forn thec fie rst timeA rwhen he makes him E Parking the subject of an animatedp art eprojectri fore school. With dreams of becomings & FRE u The only com- Ex ive VIP Perk kend! tions, concerts, food festivals, book study groups, timely ELIMINATE YOUR PAIN a professional artist, Eli discovers that his Jewishe grandpa, a San Diego dry e Candle Lighting Times plaint I heard dur- Rec ALL we  odi Coen cleaner, was heroically saved from Nazi capture in Germany by a young wom- 1 hr. 32 min. ing the lunch was RESTORE that the latkes were YOUR MOBILITY an when he was a boy. too small. Sue me! Language: English Running Time: & 3 Temple Beth El graciously wel- ary 2 REGAIN YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE Febru comed us and we were delighted to be NIGHT lectures, mah jongg and much more. They also get up- welcomed by Rabbi Nicole Luna and ENING OP u 6pm Business Directory her one-year-old daughter Iris. Cantor Febr. uary 1, Richard BessmanAll accompaniedphysical ustherapy on is not the same… y Street rive & Hendr piano as we sang Hanukkah songs. Our Edwards D rfront rt Myers Rive delicious lunchThank was catered you by for com- letting us show you Downtown Fo u Rabbinical Reflections dates from the area’s synagogues and numerous local what sets us apart from the rest! AWARDED SW FLORIDA’S BEST PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION CENTER 5 YEARS IN A ROW! Jewish organizations. It’s the place they turn to for com- • One-on-one care with all patients

wicz, • You will always receive the Artist Gail Markie Ceramics oisseurs

personalized care you deserve ing of art conn u $ er is gath VIP. s in th ing a 25 e art of be Israel updates h 1 ort t efits on Supp e ben ers ll th WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO OUR er p njoy a p you as you e • Highly skilled and licensed therapists just like t ISS y, February 1s DON’T M Night, Frida t on Opening glorious sunse ST b Tent t and munity news, the community calendar, candle lighting E BIGGE VIP Clu town waterfron • Relaxed, friendly and encouraging atmosphere TH king the down e restaurants ENT Overloo vres from 8 fin QUEEN ESTHER ART EV et hors d'oeu akers Band ! – Gourm Silver Sne HE YEAR eer / Music by • Therapist-owned private practice OF T AND YOU THOUGHT– Wine and B PURIM VIP Party is us artists abulo 70 f r – & 3rd tdoo 2nd an ou ruary WAS JUST FOR KIDS... , Feb u ay nd MASQUERADE BALL ent - & Su • Best of Southwest Florida recipient d ev rday front Photos of recent events tente Satu water t n n ine! VIP Club Te g the downtow rain or sh ing overlookin our day Garden sett ones to start y coffee and sc k Bar times, and a business directory. – Mimosas, fternoon Snac nch / A ialty lu “We invest ourselves personally in every patient’s VIP Experience Catered spec by: – re all day 03.16.2019 Sponsored er and mo – Wine, be

SAVE THE DATE THE SAVE progress and goals. This is all part of having a artists – 215 fabulous ll weekend! true commitment and passion for what we do.” VIP parking a u Easy reserved and much more EDERATION F UPCOMING 2019 THE RESULTS YOU WANT. THE CARE YOU DESERVE. EVENTS yers.com tFestFortM Thomas S. Zeller, DPT & Associates TODAY! Ar UR TICKETS www.YourBestTherapy.com RESERVE YO ent – Jewish Film Festival, Regal  anua Fort Myers 239-432-0556ning Day Ev l , CHAYIMl Ope ilm Festiva L’ 19 Jewish F VIP Sponsor Reception. JAN. 13 20 Cape Coral 239-772-2363 Cinemas at Bell Towers Special Guest: Author Beverly Gray, “Seduced by The event, held at FineMark Bank, included a lively Q&A session Mrs. Robinson”. Feature film, “The Graduate”. Special eisFeeatinCC Sponsorship Opportunities Available. Festival - Showings are Tuesdays & Thursdays. litical process, to our values and to our Jewish Film JAN. 15 - We are all on the same teaminterests as Americans. By Brian Simon, Federation Presidentand one from the far left – on a tour In the question-and-answer ses- SE S SSE: B. 12 of Israel. He wanted to demonstrate to The exclusive way to reach the Jewish FE n late November, I attended the sion after the presentation, I asked Mr. 5 Our Community both of his imaginary guests how Israel J Library - fiPresidents rst AIPAC Day Southwest Fun Day Florida an- Stephens to speak more about the im- FEB. 18 P lives its values and how those values 10 Jewish Interest nual event at the Hyatthor Coconut- “TBD” Free and open to the community. portance of bipartisanship. He said if e Aut I ok; Skype th are also American values – respect for ePoint. Bo I attended not as a representa- he had the power to vet political candi- 16 Jewish Film Festival Read th the rule of law, care for the less fortu- FEB. 20 tive of Federation but as someone who dates, he would ask each of them two was interested to nate and technology for defense (and 20 Marketplace A light dairy dinner will be served. questions: 1) When was the last time or Event – Alyson Richman,hear theLakes featured Library he meant defense from enemy attacks, 6 Auth you changed your mind about an im- 21 Israel & theFE JewishB. 2 World speaker, Bret Ste- not merely fi repower for the sake of h - Program and SpeakerThe TBD New portant subject; and 2) When was the 23 Commentary Lion of Juda phens of military might). R. 5 Ball last time you crossed the aisle to vote MA Yorkasq Timesuerad.e He pointed out that Israel is the 24 From the Bimah ults Only) M n Esther (Ad Inside the con- on an issue? . 16 Quee only country in its region to refl ect I’ll share one last observation. At 25 CommunityM ADirectoryR ference room, I the best values of the left – respect for the start of the program, they played 26 Focus on Youth thor Event - B.A. Shapiro, noticed“ The Collector’s a slide on Apprentice”the environment, respect for women’s Community in Lee and Charlotte counties. R. 28 Au the national anthem of Israel and then MA the projector with rights and the rights of the LGBTQ 28 Organizations of the US. The attendees stood atten- The Alliance for the Arts a cartoon picture community. He also noted, for those on  ian tively for “Hatikvah.” When the “Star 30 Temple News y - Pre-Pesach Partyof an elephant and the right, that the Israeli economy im- PJ Librar ion Spangled Banner” came on, people put APR. 14 proved signifi cantly in the 1990s after a donkey with boxing gloves on, star- their hands over their hearts and sang oah Event it absorbed thousands of immigrants Yom HaSingh at each other, trunk-to-snout, ready along. The lesson I took from this was, R. 28 from the former Soviet Union. Israel, AP to fi ght. The caption said, “AIPAC is that even at an event to celebrate Israel, ting he said, prioritizes its values before its Annual Ma e bipartisane organization. Leave your the attendees demonstrated their pri- 8 interests. And the country is better for MAY gloves at the door.” mary allegiance to the United States. Later in the evening, Mark Sachs, it. Stephens said America’s interests We are all on the same team. We’re are best served by reliable allies on the 3 AIPAC’s North and Central Florida allowed our disagreements, but we far edges of the world. Area Director, gave a stirring talk about I have to tell you, bipartisanship is have to be able to distinguish between Federation’s Senior Lunch the dangers of politicization – turning a political opponent and an enemy. an issue close to my heart. I did not ex- every issue into a battle between “us” Political opponents argue over power. Bunch update LOW! pect to hear it championed so eloquent- For more information and “them.”FO HeTO trumpeted FOL AIPAC’s Enemies seek the destruction of the ORE IN ly. My concern for the U.S. is that both UNED. M overwhelming bipartisan support for other side. Israel understands the dif- STAY T the left and the right are demonizing bills to support Israel. ference. When Bret Stephens took the stage, their political opponents, treating them as enemies. This is harmful to our po- he imagined taking a pair of American politicians – one from the far right or to place an ad in L’CHAYIM: In Memoriam: Lorie Mayer and Sabine van Dam Jewish Film Festival of Southwest Florida —Sunday, January, 13th Opening Day Event

4:00 P.M. Regal Belltower Stadium 20 -518, Fort Myers FL 33907 13499 US 41, Suite E , 2:00 P.M. at Society VIP Sponsor Reception Introduction to the film and Q & A with Exclusive * Seduced by Mrs. 2 Beverly Gray , author of Call: Jim Lewin at 239.634.6923 Robinson. The book brings to light ’s influence on the future of When the Graduate The Graduate Local re ghter in Israel for premiered in 1967, its filmmaking and explores how it rocked the Emergency Volunteer Project filmmakers had modest late-sixties world, reflecting and changing expectations for a small, the era’s views of sex, work and marriage. sexy adaptation of an Ms. Gray spent nearly a decade in the film obscure first novel by an -year-old. industry as a story editorentertainment and has covered industry the for eccentric 24 The Hollywood Reporter. The film was a monster hit, Email: [email protected] with an extended run in *Special Meet & Greet for Sponsors theaters and To purchase tickets, visit: 7 Academy Award 27 nominations. www.jewishfederationlcc.org/JFF2019

To become a sponsor or for more information, please contact Friendly faces at Temple Judea Debbie Sanford 239.481.4449, ext. 4 or [email protected] Religious School L’CHAYIM VISIT THE FEDERATION ONLINE AT: Website: Visit the page at NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE 9701 Commerce Center Court Fort Myers, Florida 33908 N . FT. MYERS, FL N PERMIT NO. 175 www. JewishFederationLCC.org

DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR www.JewishFederationLCC.org social service philanthropy culture