L’CHAYIM www.JewishFederationLCC.org Vol. 41, No. 9 n May 2019 / 5779 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 5 Our Community 9 Jewish Interest JEWISH FEDERATION 14 Israel & the Jewish World LEE & CHARLOTTE COUNTIES 15 Marketplace 16 Commentary Invites you to join us 16 Community Directory 17 From the Bimah 19 Focus on Youth Annual Meeting 20 Organizations 22 Temple News WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 7:00 p.m. FineMark Bank 12681 Cre ekside Lane Fort Myers And Celebrate Israel 3 Independence Day Federation’s Senior Lunch Israeli Food, Film & Fun Bunch update RSVP to Lori Ramos @ 239.481.4449 ext. 5 or [email protected] Generously hosted by ~ NO CHARGE ~ OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY 6 See page 3 for 2019~2020 Board of Directors Slate Jewishfederationlcc.org A Tribute to Collier/Lee Chapter of Hadassah Past Presidents Ambassadors for Israel By Brian Simon, Federation President y friend asked me a strange of him for balance. He doesn’t quite vide Jewish family services (to both question as I climbed into trust what’s going to happen next. Jews and Gentiles), and to advocate for Mhis Cadillac Escalade. “Let go,” I say. Israel. It’s easy to point to the cultural “So, have you any trips planned to We see his feet come out of the wa- events we put on, like the film festival, Tel Aviv?” ter and sure enough, he’s floating. and the services we provide, like the 14 It was 6:30 a.m., and we were “This is cool!” he yells. food pantry. But how, exactly, do we 10 of the best Israeli TV shows about to leave for There’s a selfie at the Church of the advocate for Israel? to binge watch a business trip to Holy Sepulchre, a family photo near Our local Christian community Miami. I was lost the Kotel, a group shot at the Knesset throws a big celebration every year and confused by Menorah. called “Covenant with Israel.” The his question. It’s Five years, man. Federation is one of several sponsors been five years My next-door neighbors, a cou- of that event. We’ll celebrate Yom since my last trip ple of snowbirds from Michigan who Ha’atzmaut during the annual meeting to Israel with my are not Jewish, are going to Israel on Wednesday, May 8. Later this sum- wife Mindi and this spring. It’s a joint trip with their mer, we’re planning an educational 23 n Brian the kids. church, Sanibel Congregational UCC, program for teens to prepare them for Simon “No,” I sput- and Temple Bat Yam. My neighbor the anti-Israel attitudes they’re likely Temple Judea Purim Party tered. “Why do you ask?” told me that if it were just a church to experience on college campuses. at The Heitman House “I think the last time we took a trip, he wouldn’t have gone. The fact Thanks to Sylvia Simko for spearhead- road trip you had just come back from that they’re going with Rabbi Stephen ing that. But Israel advocacy is not there.” Fuchs and some of his congregants event-based. Have an item you’d Point 1: I need to keep in closer made the trip appealing. As Jews, we are all advocates for touch with my friend. Point 2: Five Whether we know it or not, wheth- our religion, for our culture and, yes, like to share? years goes by very quickly. er we like it or not, American Jews are for Israel, in the way we talk, in how As I’m writing this, I’m thumbing unofficial ambassadors for Israel. we vacation, and in what we share Need to reach the through some of the photos of that trip I’ve mentioned more than a few with our non-Jewish neighbors. Israel that I’ve kept on my phone. The kids times that the focus of our Federation needs more advocates. Our friends and editor of L’CHAYIM? are so young! is to put on Jewish cultural events, pro- neighbors are looking to us. Send an email to There is a video of my son Sander standing knee-deep in the Dead Sea. Read the current and recent issues LChayim36@ “Lay back,” says my voice from be- hind the camera. “Sit down.” of L’CHAYIM online at gmail.com. He sticks his tush awkwardly to- ward the water, arms extended in front www.JewishFederationLCC.org. 9701 Commerce Center Court POSTMASTER: NONPROFIT ORG Fort Myers, Florida 33908 DATED RELIGIOUS U.S. POSTAGE VISIT THE FEDERATION ONLINE AT: NEWS ITEMS. PAID TIME SENSITIVE– FT. MYERS, FL PLEASE EXPEDITE! PERMIT NO. 175 DELIVER TO CURRENT RESIDENT OR www. JewishFederationLCC.org social service philanthropy culture L'CHAYIM MAY 2019 2 Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties OUR FEDERATION Program notes To donate to By Debbie Sanford, Program Director t’s hard to believe my first season of program- We discussed the meaning of the holiday and they ming is over. The time has flown by so quickly. I learned how to play dreidel (they all wanted to keep the Federation’s Iknow I had fun and I hope everyone else did too. them and bring them home). It was so fun to hear the Thank you to everyone who attended our programs. kids shouting “Gimel” or “Shin,” I had a great time Back in December, I was and I know the kids did too, as they did not want me Annual Campaign, invited to Camp HSR (Home- to leave at the end of the session. I even got an email school Rocks) to make a pre- from a mom thanking me, and she mentioned her son sentation on Hanukkah. The plays dreidel all the time now at home with his little call 239.481.4449 children in this program are sister. all homeschooled and they go Then, just a few weeks ago, I got invited back to this Day Camp one or two to speak to the Religious Studies class. The children, or visit days a week with other home- ages 10-13, are studying all the different types of schooled children to get the ex- religions – their similarities and their differences. I n Debbie tra-curriculum they would miss thought to myself what a great way to teach about JewishFederationLCC.org Sanford out on by not attending a public tolerance, and I was so happy they included us. school. There is a yoga class, an art class, a gardening I made a slide show presentation called “Judaism class and a religion class. The children are from all 101” and spoke with the kids for 45 minutes. I think faiths and races and range in age from 3 to 13. they all learned something. They had such great ques- I was invited to talk about Hanukkah to a group tions and blew me away. OUR MISSION of mostly 7- to 9-year-olds. I brought dreidels, Ha- Below is a photo of me with the students in the To strengthen and enrich the Jewish nukkah gelt and a PJ Library book on Hanukkah. Religious Studies class. Community by providing and supporting philanthropic, educational and social service programs locally, in Israel and throughout the world. OUR VISION A Jewish Community that is based on Jewish values such as Tzedakah (benevolence), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and K’lal Yisrael (taking responsibility for one another). L’CHAYIM Jewish Family Services update By Jodi Cohen, Senior Outreach & Food Pantry Coordinator Jewish news published monthly by ost people call the Federation when they tion was able to help clients last month with a por- Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties 9701 Commerce Center Court, Fort Myers, FL 33908 need help, and sometimes someone just tion of their electric bills, auto repairs and security (239) 481-4449 • Fax: (239) 481-0139 walks in, which is what happened recent- deposit. The calls for guidance and assistance con- Online at www.JewishFederationLCC.org M n ly. The client was homeless and wanted to know if tinue to come in almost daily. I am part of a newly May 2019 • Volume 41, Number 9 the Federation could help find an apartment. While formed Aging Coalition in Lee County for all agen- n we don’t find housing for people, we do guide them cies and resources so we can work together to gather President: Brian Simon Board: Paul Bartrop • Jack Esformes • Karen Fine toward resources and agencies that can help them. I and share information. I continue to attend the Lee Carolyn Gora • Jerry Greenfield • Keith Grossman made some calls on the client’s behalf and we looked County Homeless Coalition meetings every month to Andi Horowitz • Linda Idelson • Marsha Kistler through the Lee County Pocket Guide for Emergency educate myself about this growing problem and how Sara Krivisky • Michele Laboda • Rozzi Osterman Barbara Siegel • Sylvia Simko • Sherri Zucker Assistance to find a shelter for that evening as well as the Federation can best serve as a resource. Executive Director: Alan Isaacs for the short term. Elisa Grossman created an opportunity for her Program Director: Debbie Sanford The intake conversation is very different in per- National Honor Society students at Fort Myers High Executive Assistant: Lori Ramos Jewish Family Services: Jodi Cohen son than on the phone. When I asked this client about School to earn one point for every five cans of food n friends and/or relatives that have helped or could pos- donated, which resulted in hundreds of donations. Editor/Designer: Ted Epstein (239) 249-0699 Advertising: Jim Lewin (239) 634-6923 sibly help, I witnessed the client’s silence, tears and Our small but active food pantry hums along success- n heartache as it spread from face to posture.
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