DELAY OFFENSE – SECTION 5 2016 Bootleg (Sprint Out) and Draw System Screen System
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DELAY OFFENSE – SECTION 5 2016 Bootleg (Sprint Out) and Draw System The delay offense uses core run game blocking concepts for Oline combined with core pass-run receiver-backfield schemes while using themes to communicate the various concepts. (Simple and Sound + Blitz Beater). Screen System – 5 in 1 The screen offense is really a delayed play-action pass concept. We use 5 different types of screens while using ONLY 1 blocking scheme for the OLine (just adjust timing). Because the screen game is a PAP and uses only 1 OLine blocking scheme – the screen game is the #1 BLITZ BEATER + Sound and Simple = CORE to OFFENSE. Bootleg - East (Wing-T sweep play-action + Sprint Out Pass) Bootleg (2x2) @ Yrec (Eastern Longhorn-Razorback) Bootleg (2x2) @ Xrec (Eastern Longhorn-Razorback) Bootleg (3x1) @ Xrec (Eastern Longhorn-Razorback) Hot Draws - West (Hot Route + Delayed Run) Hot Stick Draw (Western Phoenix-Pittsburgh) Hot QB Stick Draw (Western State Phoenix-Pittsburgh) Hot Sprint Draw (Western Lightning-Rangers) Screens - South (Slow – Quick - Read) Quick Screen – Jailbreak (Southern Lion-Ram) Slow Aback Screen (Southern Lisa-Ray) Hot Counter Aback Screen (Southern Lakers-Rockets) Read Screen (Southern Fire Lion-Ram) Sprint Counter Screen (South Omaha Lisa-Ray) PLAY: Bootleg @ Y (2x2) *Super Sonic = Eastern Longhorn-Razorback (NCAA) DESCRIPTION: Wing-T Bootleg (fake sweep and Boot back using HOT dash roll) NOTE: “East” cues Bootleg (Oline sweep blocks opposite call) + recs double moves SIGNAL: ”East” = hand on backside of head + sweep cue QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC B-REC Y-WEAK Long ride to 5 steps fake Backside = Backside = Frontside = Frontside = sprint pass weak, check under route HOT over Logo Slam Arrow *Focus on will backer to Frontside = Frontside = Backside = Backside = CAT to Mr0 Mr0 (in-out) double Logo double out under route HOT over 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 Will M S-Mr0 C=CAT E#3 NG T E#3 Open Pull (5 steps) Backdoor “Over-Under” Slow San Fran Z = HOT over MIKE Ace Left – Eastern Razorback B = Slow Logo X = Under backers *Qb read CB (Cat) to Mr0 Y = Slam Arrow L-TACKLE L-GUARD CENTER R-GUARD R-TACKLE Y-STRONG Lock #3 DE “Big” to “Dos” “Big” to “Uno” “Big” to “Dos” “Big” to “Tres” SLAM block *leave Will Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk DEnd 2 count Un=open pull Un=open pull Un=open pull Un=open pull to Arrow route for 5 steps for 5 steps for 5 steps & Log #3DE OLINE RULE: Covered (Base Block) – Uncovered (Open 5 Step Pull) 43 over 44 stack W M S W M S E N T E E T T E BST Lock BST Lock “Dos & Uno” call = PST & Center pull “Tres & Uno” call = PST & Center pull 43 under 34 odd W M W M R E T N E S T N E S BST Lock BST Lock “Dos” call = PSG pull “Dos” call = PSG & BSG pull 43 pro 35 odd W M S W M E N T E S R T N E $ E BST BST Lock Lock “Uno” call = Center pull “Dos” call = PSG & BSG pull PLAY: Bootleg @ X (2x2) *Super Sonic = Eastern Longhorn-Razorback (NCAA) DESCRIPTION: Wing-T Bootleg (fake sweep and Boot back using HOT dash roll) NOTE: “East” cues Bootleg (Oline sweep blocks opposite call) + recs San Fran QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC (2)BBACK Y-WEAK Long ride to 5 steps fake Frontside = Frontside = Backside = Backside = sprint pass weak, check Logo route speed out under route Over route *Focus on will backer to Backside = Backside = Frontside = Frontside = CAT to Mr0 Mr0 (in-out) Under route Over route Logo route Slam Arrow 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 Will M S-Mr0 C=CAT E#3 NG T E#3 Open Pull (5 steps) Backdoor “Over-Under” Slow San Fran Y = Over MIKE Right – Eastern Razorback X = Slow Logo B = Under backers *Qb read CB (Cat) to Mr0 Z = Slow Speed Out L-TACKLE L-GUARD CENTER R-GUARD R-TACKLE Y-STRONG Lock #3 DE “Big” to “Dos” “Big” to “Uno” “Big” to “Dos” “Big” to “Tres” SLAM block *leave Will Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk Cov=Base blk DEnd 2 count Un=open pull Un=open pull Un=open pull Un=open pull to Arrow route for 5 steps for 5 steps for 5 steps & Log #3DE PLAY: Bootleg @ X (3x1) *Super Sonic = Eastern Longhorn-Razorback (NCAA) DESCRIPTION: Wing-T Bootleg (fake sweep and Boot back using HOT dash roll) NOTE: 3x1 = 3over1 Rule (#3 Rec runs fast arrow over to #1 Rec) QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC (2)BBACK Y-WEAK Long ride to 5 steps fake Frontside = Backside = Backside = Backside = sprint pass weak, check Logo route Over route under route Fast Arrow *Focus on will backer to Backside = Frontside = Frontside = *3over1 Rule CAT to Mr0 Mr0 (in-out) Under route speed out Logo route 43 BASE - COVER 4 $#2 F#2 C#1 C=CAT S-Mr0 M W-Mr0 E#3 NG T E#3 Open Pull (5 steps) Backdoor “Over-Under” Slow San Fran Z = Over MIKE Pro Left – Eastern Razorback X = Slow Logo B = Under backers *Qb read CB (Cat) to Mr0 Z = Fast Opp Arrow PLAY: Hot Stick Draw *Super Sonic = Western Phoenix-Pittsburg (NFL) DESCRIPTION: 1 back power with backside guard pulling & leading on middle backer NOTE: “West” cues draw (Oline power blocks – delayed pass set) SIGNAL: ”West” = hand on side of face + power cue QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC B-REC Y-WEAK Pivot & set 3 slide steps, Stop route Hot Stop Stop route Hot Over Check Hot read A-B-C route route(replace Mike to Will gap downhill (replace blitzing Mike drop=Give A “slide-sit-go” blitzing Will) & over LBs) 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 C#1 W M S E N - T E 1- 11 Backdoor = “Hot Stop” Draw Power – Pass set & Go RecZ = HOT Stop *Playside OT block EMOL X = Stop Ace Left – West Pitt *BSG skip pull & lead *Y = HOT Over *Qb Pre box to Post Will *Aback “slide 5 – sit – and go” L-TACKLE L-GUARD CENTER R-GUARD R-TACKLE Y-STRONG lock up DE#3, Get depth, Covered-big, Covered-big, Covered-big, Hot Over let Will free, Skip pull to uncovered- uncovered- uncovered- route(replace Qb reads lead on MtoS block back block back block back blitzing Mike) 43 over 44 stack W M S W M S E N T E E T T E *Y HOT over 43 under 34 odd W M W M R E T N E S T N E S “back-back” 43 pro 35 odd W M W M S R E $ E N T E S E T N PLAY: Hot Qb Stick Draw *Super Sonic = Western-State Phoenix-Pittsburg (NFL) DESCRIPTION: 1 back power with backside guard pulling & leading on middle backer NOTE: “Western-State” cues Qb draw (Oline power blocks – delayed pass set) SIGNAL: ”State” = hands clasped “Western State” cues Qb draw (use with Zero set and/or from 1 back with Aback lead) QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC B-REC Y-WEAK Pivot & set Bubble route Stop route Hot Stop Stop route Hot Over Check Hot route route(replace Mike to Will (replace blitzing Mike drop=Keep blitzing Will) & over LBs) 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 C#1 W M S E N - T E 1- 11 Backdoor = “Hot Stop” Draw – Pass set & Go RecZ = HOT Stop *Playside OT block EMOL X = Stop Zero (Cero) Left – West Pitt *BSG skip pull & lead *Aback – bubble route *F = HOT Over *Qb Pre box to Post Will PLAY: Hot Sprint Draw *Super Sonic = Western Lightning-Rangers DESCRIPTION: Qb Sprint to Stretch with Aback lead and Hot Xrec take off read NOTE: “West” cues draw (Oline - sprint to stretch block) QB (1)ABACK X-REC Z-REC B-REC Y-WEAK Pivot to +1 *Bongo lead HOT Take Fake LoGo HOT Take Hot Over Drop step +3 Check #3 to Off Route route to Off Route route(replace *Hot CB to Mr0 to lead of *get behind block Mr0 to *get behind blitzing Mike Run (stretch) Qb on edge DB or runoff #2 def DB or runoff & over LBs) 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 C#1 W M S E N - T E 1- 1 1 Sprint Draw – to Stretch Frontdoor *Oline Sprint to Stretch RecZ = fake LoGo -12 block *BSTackle stretch-hinge X = Take off (in-out-over) Ace Left – West Lightning *Aback Bongo lead *Y = HOT Over *Qb Check Hot CB to Run L-TACKLE L-GUARD CENTER R-GUARD R-TACKLE Y-STRONG Sprint to Sprint to Sprint to Sprint to Sprint to Hot Over Stretch rule Stretch rule Stretch rule Stretch rule Stretch rule route(replace blocking blocking blocking blocking and hinge blitzing Mike) Screen Package – 5 in 1 The screen offense is really a delayed play-action pass concept. We use 5 different types of screens while using ONLY 1 blocking scheme for the OLine (just adjust timing). Because the screen game is a PAP and uses only 1 OLine blocking scheme – the screen game is the #1 BLITZ BEATER + Sound and Simple = CORE to OFFENSE. PLAY: Quick Screen *Super Sonic = Southern Lion-Ram DESCRIPTION: Jailbreak screen – quick screen to wide receiver with kick out NOTE: “South” cues screen (Oline) + “Lion-Ram” cues QUICK timing (jailbreak) SIGNAL: ”South” = hand under chin *Receiver and/or Back must catch ball BEHIND LOS so OLINE can block downfield QB (1)ABACK B-REC Z-REC X-REC Y-WEAK Fake Aback Fake away 2 step up field Push up field 2 step up field Push up field away – pivot Check LBS Creep back to eyeballing #1 Creep back to eyeballing #1 and throw to Inside-out to Qb-behind *must get sq Qb-behind *must get sq rec jailbreak backdoor LOS & go block on CB LOS & go block on CB 43 BASE - COVER 4 F#2 $#2 C#1 C#1 W M S E N - T E 1- 1 1 Backdoor = Mirror Quick – Jailbreak F - Push & Stalk #1CB Z - Push & stalk #1CB B - 2 step-back-creep Doubles Right – Southern Ram X - 2 step-back-creep back to Qb *Qb Pre box to #1 Rec back to Qb-catch & Go L-TACKLE L-GUARD CENTER R-GUARD R-TACKLE Y-STRONG Quick pass Quick pass Quick pass Quick pass Quick pass Push up field set on def set to def on- set to def on- set to def on- set on def eyeballing #1 on-over – DO over 1 count over 1 count over 1 count on-over – DO *must get sq NOT let DEF – then go fast – then go fast – then go fast NOT let DEF block on CB get up field toward call = toward call = toward call = get up field (Big & Stay) Mike Mr0 (Sam) #2 Def (Big & Stay) 5 IN 1 - SCREEN RULE - OTackle’s – pass set – “Big to Fan” - Playside Guard – pass set and