Matls Licensing Package for Amend 6 to License SUD-232 for Wayne

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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 6 to License SUD-232 for Wayne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ . ' ^^ M . O. g A-.E ' g d"'A LE.' M. 1 MUEa AE2 M AhEAM M= 1 1 MI A l' E O A E' E2'MaM ,34M MJjg g & R g g~g ! I w i [ NRC FORM 374 , pag } OF 2 PAGES ( (10-89) U.S. NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION MATERIALS LICENSE || |. i q ! q|!Code Pursuant of Federal Regulations, to the Chapter Atomic 1, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,39,40 Energy Act and of 70, 1954, and in reliance as on amended, statements and representations the Energy heretofore ! Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438), and Title 10, made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receise, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material j f to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the appbcable Part(s). This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions ,, h specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear i g ReFulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below. 7 7 4 C')/7-M,8, I Licensee ! # In accordance with letter dated i March 8, 1993 ! ;g* 1. Wayne State University 3. License number SUD-232 is renewed in j Health Physics Department its entirety to read as follows: | , ! 2. 645 Mullett - Detroit, MI 48226 4. Expiration date August 31, 1998 | g g ' I| t', 5. Docket or . : I- J 040-02497 { , Reference No '/ | 4! 6. Byproduct, source, and/or \ 7. Chemical and/or physical 6. Maximum amoent that licensee y ' k special nuclear material D,/ form ' f~h.may possess at any one time j onder this license g;i gi , , s E A. Uranium % A. Natural uranium as A.4, 1,820 kilograms ! j 8| '' ( cylindrical slugs. t / h d ' i . canned in aluminum' , i ' tubes ! 4f c i g . - - q| , c. - ; E 9. Authorized Use: % ; $ - - - .D i For storage only. s ' g) r. f- A. , . , / . - , | '//. CONDITIONS sv | ; y ; 10. , Licensed material shall be# stored at the Wayne State University Central Waste , | Storage and Processing Facility >at 6000 Cass-Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. ' 'A ! 11. License material shall be stored under the supervision of Richard D. Cummings. ;d i 12. The licensee shall maintain records of information related to decommissioning | at Health Physics Department, 645 Mullett, Detroit, Michigan as specified in :g . 10 CFR 40.36(f) until this license is terminated by the Commission. i i ! i | i ! ! ! I i 5 050162 I l ~'| | E 9310180206 930811 ONV/]f) PDR ADOCK 04002497 / / ! ( ;, g C PDR j)H g ,9 ull --w,x m m m m , m a m m......-------- _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . * 'd dhd'WNdN A$aib 4b b N ARAM YMNNk kdA MM N dkk bkJIl/'l AS4k Itk d M U. S. N 2 fj NRC Form 374 A AR REGULATORY COMMISSION p,gg o, Z ,,,,, f4 License number ' $1 SUD-232 y M ATERIALS LICENSE ponct or neference nurnber SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 040-02497 i Amendment fio. 06 i i B d 13. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall conduct its program in accc'. dance with the statements, representations, and ||q procedures contained in the documents, including any enclosures, listed below. The . I % U.S. fluclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements, . d representaticns, and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are 'S more restrictive than the regulations. J gi A. Application dated January 16, 1986; and B. Letters dated January 6, 1981, March 8, 1993 (with enclosed undated renewal y application) and July 30, 1993. N I4 h is 4 ' B I k | l' 16| | I h(V il 18! $|N a , 9 . t, b! *% FOR THE U.S. fiUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISS10f4 i k ! fa! l * J 'l Date $US I I 1997 By cX rw.v,[ -/b/ I Materials Licensing Section, Region III ! ! C Yk a| _ _ _- - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _a 1 _. _. _ - - _ - - _ - - O O . O ' g I' (FOR LFMS USE) : INFORMATION FROM LTS EETWEEN: : ---- --------------- : g LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT ERANCH, ARM : PROGRAM CODE: 11300 AND : STATUS CODE: 2 REGIONAL LICENSING SECTIONS : FEE CATECORY: EX 2C : EXP. DATE: 19930430 9 : FEE COMMENTS: 170.11(A)(4) : DECOM FIN ASSUR REGD: N :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g LICENSE FEE TRANSMITTAL A. REGIO 9 1. I,PPLICATION ATTACHED APPLICANT / LICENSEE: WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY RECEIVED DATE: 930315 DOCKET ND: 4002497 g CONTROL NO.: 394810 LICENSE NO.: SUD-232 ACTION TYPE: RENEWAL 2. FEE ATTACHED 9 AMOUNT: ,= ' CHECK NO.: .. 7.e..-- g 3. COMMENTS SIGNED O NLf[f /d DATE ___.t__Ip_: a h .;__*__________ __ B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (CHECK WHEN MILESTONE 03 IS, ENTERED / /> 1. .. FEE CATECORY AND AMOUNT: __k_(, 3 - , - p ~ c . :, u . s , ,, 2. CORRECT FEE PAID. APPLICATION MAY BE PROCESSED FOR: Y AMENDMENT - ) ^16 / / C - RENEWAL ~ ~ ~ ~ I7 ~ ~ ~ LICENSE $ _~~~~[~~~~[[__ 3. OTHER __________________________________ .. -----------------------------_ H ' O i - SIGNED /b h/ DATE [ [ ~_ [ [ [ ~ ~~_~_ [ Z ~/$7< M N : e ' / /// * RECEIVED e MAR 2 61993 REGION III . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - . O o O ,s NRC *D*v 313 U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ApPagstD er DMB NO 3150 0120 3y7 .g EEP'RES 6 E BJ 3g 3m( ES'IMA'ED BUROEN PER RESPON5E TO COMPL Y W''M TWS IN50R- M AT6DN COLLE CT0N REDUEST 3 2b HOURS FORW ARD CDMMEN'S FE G AFIDING DJRDEN ESTiMAT E TO TME INFORM ATION AND RECDRD$ MANAGEMENT BRANCH 'MNBB 7714f US NUCLEAR DEGuiATORY COMMISSON WASHINGTON OC 20%5 AND TO Tnf APPLICATION FOR MATERIAL LICENSE PAPERe REDUCTO ~ ~OaC' mSuw OmCE OF MANAGE MENT AND BJDGET. W ASHINCTDN. DC 2' JE03 IN STR UCTIONS SEE THE APPFiOPRIATE UCENSE APPUCATsON GUIDE FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING APPUCATION SEND TWO COP!ES OF THE ENTIRE COMPL E'EO APPUCATION TO THE NRC OFFICE SPECIF|ED BELOW. APPuCatiON FOR DISTRIBUTION OF EXEMPT PRODUCTS FILE APPLICATIONS WITH IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN DN'SCN OF INDUS'A AL AND VIDlCAL NgCLE AR SAFE *Y ILUNOIS. INDIANA IOWA MICHIGAN. MINNE60T A MISSOURI. OHIO. OR DEHCE OF NJCLE AR MA*ER.Au SA5E*v AND SAFEGUARDS WISCONSIN. SENO APPLICATIONS TO J S NGC&EAP REGAAf Day COMM:$S80N W AS "NGTON DC 20M6 MATTRiALS UCENSING SECTION U S NUCLEAR REGJ6ATORY COMMISS6ON. REG.ON m ALL OTHER PERSONii FILE APPUCATIONS AS FOLLOWS Bill ROOSEVELT ROAO GLEN ELLYN. IL 80177 IF YOUR ARE LOCATED IN ARKANSAS. COLORADO IDAHO. KANSAS LOUISIANA MONT A N A NE B R ASK A. CON NE CTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MAINE. MAPYLDAND. NEW MEXICO. NORTH DAROTA OKLAHOM A, SOUTH DAKOTA. tex AS UTAH. M ASSACN/SFTTS NEW HAMPSHtRE NEW JE RSEY NEW YORK. PENNSVLV ANIA. OR WYOMING. E.END APPUCATIONS TO RMCDE ISLAND. OR vf RMONT. SEND APPUCATIONS TO MA'ERLAL RADIATION PROTECTON S5C*lON UCENS'NG ASSIS' ANT SECTiON U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMfSSION REGON IV NcC.E AR Ma'6R ALS S AFE*v BRANCH 611 Rv AN PL AZA ORivE SUITE 4:x) U S NJCLE AR REGJLATORv CDMM:SSCN. PE 350N i ARUNGTON Tx M011-564 44 A. ENCA E 80AD w %G 06 PRgSS,A P A i!We 1415 ALASILA. ARIZONA C AUFORNI A. HAW All NEVEDA OREGON WASHINGTON ANO U.S TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS IN THE PACIFIC. SEND APPUCATIONS ALAB AM A FLORIDA GEORGL A. KE NTUCM V M!SSISSIPPL NORTH CAROUNA. 70 PUERTO RICO. SOUTH CAROUNA TENNE SSEE. VIRGsNIA. VIRGIN ISLANDS. OR WEST VIRGINIA. SEND APPUCl. SONS TO NUCLEAR MATER,ALS SAFETV SECTON U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY CDMM;SSION RE3ON v NUCLEAR MA'ER! ALS SAFE'Y SECTON 1450 MARta LANE L S NJCLE AR R6 3a ATDav COMMfSSCN REGON || WA. NUT CREEK. CA fasMaf, EJiGB a VAR.E'' A S** EET N* SJ''E 2'M AbANTA GA KZ3 PERSONS EOCATED IN AGREEMENT STATES SENO APPLICATIONS TO THE U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISS80N ONLY h THEY WlSH TO POSSESS AND USE UCENSED MATERIAL IN STATES SUBJECT TO U S NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM:SSION JURfsDeCTIONS. %fS IS AN APPgCATON FDR (Checa appegnare em 2 NAME AND MALUNG ADDRESS OF APPUCANT docMoes Z@ Cooel A NEW UCENSE W ne State University B AMENDMENT TO UCENSE NMBE" SUD-232 Health Physics Dept. yC sew At O. UCENSE NUMeER 645 Mullett Detroit. MI 48226 3 ACORESS ES. W9E UCENSED MA'ER AL W'LL BE USED OR POSSESSED In storage only at Central Waste Storage and processiug facility at 6000 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 4 NAVE OF PERSCN TC BE. CCNTAC'ED ABOUT TH'S AP'UC ATtON j ' ELE * HONE NUMBER Richard D. Cummi m . M.S.. Rndintion Rnfety Officer (313) 577-1253 StBV7 'EVS 5 TeROJGM tt ON 8 9 a 1U parer %E 'YPE AND SCOPE OF 'NFORMATON ?D'BE PROVCED S DESCR BED IN %E UCENSE APPJCANON GUIDE S # ADCACTNE MA'[R A 4 E- saa maw vrw n umm.a eno or ow.cs' fvm. eno c enewnue smoo'.it 6 PURPOSE Si FOR WHtCH UCENSED MA*ER.AL Wid BE VSED ~ " sco ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ See attached un nrrnchoa i ^ " " ' " " " ' dMG $"t7 PEPEN j' ' " 8 TR NG FOR IND'VOgALS WDRwlNG IN OP FREQUENTING RESTRtCtaED ADEAS See attached - See attached S F ACFES AND EQ.rPVENT 10 RAD;ATON SAFE *Y FROGRAM - See attached ! See attached W AFTE MANAGEVEN* i 12 UCEMEE FEES Ser 70 CM '70 ena Secten 7T Jti | g guq7 i Sif CA*EGOPY IENCLOSED S '3 C[ P ' .
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    Young Sheldon Episode Guide Episodes 001–083 Last episode aired Thursday May 13, 2021 © © 2021 © 2021 © 2021 © 2021 The summaries and recaps of all the Young Sheldon episodes were downloaded from and http: // and and and processed through a perl program to transform them in a LATEX file, for pretty printing. So, do not blame me for errors in the text ! This booklet was LATEXed on May 16, 2021 by footstep11 with create_eps_guide v0.68 Contents Season 1 1 1 Pilot ...............................................3 2 Rockets, Communists, and the Dewey Decimal System . .5 3 Poker, Faith, and Eggs . .7 4 A Therapist, a Comic Book and a Breakfast Sausage . .9 5 A Solar Calculator, a Game Ball, and a Cheerleader’s Bosom . 11 6 A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac . 13 7 A Brisket, Voodoo, and Cannonball Run . 15 8 Cape Canaveral, Schrodinger’s Cat, and Cyndi Lauper’s Hair . 17 9 Spock, Kirk, and Testicular Hernia . 19 10 An Eagle Feather, a String Bean and an Eskimo . 21 11 Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers . 23 12 A Computer, a Plastic Pony, and a Case of Beer . 25 13 A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek . 27 14 Potato Salad, a Broomstick, and Dad’s Whiskey . 29 15 Dolomite, Apple Slices, and a Mystery Woman . 31 16 Killer Asteroids, Oklahoma, and a Frizzy Hair Machine . 33 17 Jiu-Jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-Hoo .
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