MONDAYMEMO from HERBERT F. GRAYSON, Cooper, Strock & Scannell, Ammo Small budget accounts can't afford not to use television

When conversation moves to the topic cials nationally. So please don't mis- tributed his election to an important of television, a fairly common reaction understand me about across- the -board community post to the 13 -week pub- you will get from many advertising use of TV. A sizeable percentage of our licity and exposure he gained in the managers with modest budgets is: "I'm agency's billings is in radio. TV commercial tags. convinced TV could help sell our prod- For Finance our choice Full Steam Ahead With the results uct and I'd like to use it, but it's just was Earl Gillespie, sports director of of the Wausau test documented, Wis- too darn expensive." WITI -TV Milwaukee, the voice of the consin will carry program sponsorship I'm not going to deny that television Milwaukee Braves for 11 years and or a spot buy on a 39 -week run in Green time costs money. But I do believe that play -by -play announcer of the Green Bay, Madison, Milwaukee and Wausau television offers many advantages for Bay Packers and University of Wiscon- in 1965 -66. the relatively small advertiser not the sin football games. In 1965 he received In Green Bay the company's minute least of which is prestige. the award as the state's outstanding commercials will appear following the Wisconsin Finance Corp., one of our sportscaster. Within the state he is as special "rush" pictures showing scoring clients, doesn't have the advertising well known as most network person- highlights of the Packers games on funds to outshout its competition with alities. Sundays as well as spots within news - saturation use of radio, for example, Counterpunch This, too, is a time weather-sports shows during the week. nor is it able to win the "space race" in television when it is difficult to out - In Madison the purchase consists of in newspapers. However, we believe orchestrate the competition in the use sponsorship of a 6:20 -6:25 p.m. we've found a successful formula to of jingles or out -dramatize them in weather show on Fridays. We believe a reach customers by flying above the situation scenes. Therefore we felt the Friday weather show is a particularly media storms with television. right spokesman can provide the dis- excellent vehicle in a state where so Time for TV Wisconsin Finance is tinctive identification a finance com- many people are active or spectator a consumer finance firm which operates pany must have if its message is to be sports enthusiasts. 28 offices throughout Wisconsin. After remembered. In Milwaukee, because of the budget using newspaper and radio to advertise Copywriters spend their lives con- limitations, we have planned 10- second its varied services in 1964, our first year stantly in search of the holy grail, the spots but these will be in prime time on the account, we decided to venture campaign theme to which an entire ad- and supplemented by participation in into television. vertising program can be hitched. For The Lore Show. We feel that the cam- There are six TV markets in the state this client they came up with the most paign slogan, "Where's the money and four of them are applicable for use logical question people ask when they coming from?" answered immediately by Wisconsin Finance. So early in 1965 discuss family needs: "Where's the by "Wisconsin Finance" will continue we made a 13 -week test in Wausau. money coming from ?" to provide excellent company identifica- First we went into the Wausau mar- The success of the 13 -week run in tion even in the 10- second format. ket area and surveyed viewing habits. Wausau was many -fold. The client's Managers of the branch offices through- Checking into media facts and figures four area office managers, identified out the state will appear in the tags. we learned that more viewers in the both visually and audibly in live tags, We also use radio, with Earl Gillespie Wausau market watch the early news reported definite awareness in their delivering the spots, newspaper and throughout the week than the 10 p.m. communities of the commercials. Some direct mail to reach Wisconsin Finance news as normally would be expected. reported that loan applicants identified customers. But when you're a modest We feel it pays to make in- market "Where's the money coming from?" advertiser and you're in competition investigation instead or relying solely with Wisconsin Finance. with national and regional industry on judgments made from hundreds of New customer business increased giants with big budgets, you need all the miles away. measurably and applicants said "I saw "flubber" you can get. That's why we The profile of the typical Wisconsin your TV commercial last night on the say, don't shy away from television be- Finance loan applicant, according to news and ..." The prestige of each fore you get the facts. It may not be our research, disclosed that he is 30 manager increased. One said he at- too rich for your blood after all. years of age, married with two chil- dren and a factory worker with $90 weekly income. It also showed that he is interested in news and sports. Program Impact Our first 13 -week Herbert Grayson is vice president of buy consisted of sponsorship of the Cooper, Strock & Scannell. Agency cele- Sunday news at 5:30 p.m. on wsau -Tv brates its second anniversary Thursday Wausau. Since consumer finance is a (Sept. 9) with a big presentation luncheon personal service business conducted on party for midwest advertisers to report on a local basis, we felt that for initial broadcast and other plans for the future entry into TV we would be wise to buy as well as to tell of TV successes like programing rather than announcements. that recounted here for Wisconsin Finance Our agency also believes in the power Corp. Mr. Grayson has been in advertising of a personality to act as a company and broadcasting for over 14 years, in- spokesman. For another client selling cluding Klau -Van Pietersom -Dunlap, Mil- feed medications and animal health waukee, and WBBM- AM -FM -TV . products (Hess and Clark, division of Richardson -Merrell Inc.), we chose Andy Griffith to deliver radio commcr- 23 BRDADCASTIND, September 6, 1965