1 Growing in Harmony

Growing in Harmony

Laporan Tahunan 2012 Annual Report PT Plaza Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 2

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 1 Growing in Harmony

Pertumbuhan kinerja PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. yang positif adalah hasil dari kerja keras dan sikap teguh dari semua pemangku kepentingan. Ketika keinginan untuk menjadi perusahaan properti terbaik di Indonesia selaras dengan sikap yang murni dan sesuai dengan tata nilai perusahaan maka hasil yang dicapai menjadi sangat baik.

Sebagai perusahaan terkemuka, kami tidak hanya menawarkan sebuah tempat yang prestisius di lokasi strategis. Properti kami merupakan wujud dari integritas dan kerjasama, serta keteguhan kami untuk fokus pada pencapaian tujuan bersama dan kepuasan pelanggan. Setiap detil dan keunikan yang kami bangun hanya dapat tercipta karena kami, para karyawan, penyewa, rekanan, pengunjung, serta pemerintah dan masyarakat luas lainnya bekerja bersama-sama dan bersinergi dengan indah mewujudkan suatu tempat dan tujuan yang terbaik.

Dengan landasan budaya perusahaan yang kokoh, maka kami akan terus tumbuh dalam keharmonisan untuk memadukan cita-cita perusahaan kami yang selaras dengan keinginan meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan kemajuan perekonomian bangsa.

The positive growth performance of PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. is the result of hard work and unwavering attitude of all relevant stakeholders. Given a desire to be the best property company in Indonesia and a pure attitude that accords with the value on corporate achievements, the company has achieved excellent results.

As a leading company, we do more than offer prestigious places in a strategic location. Our property is a form of integrity and cooperation that also reflects our determination to focus on the achievement of common goals and customer satisfaction. Every unique detail which we have developed can only be created through the beautiful synergy cooperation between our employees, customers as well as government and civil society partners, working together with synergy to realize a beautiful environment with the best intentions.

With a solid corporate culture as the solid foundation, we will continue to grow in harmony to integrated our corporate ideals are in line with the desire to improve the quality of life and economic progress of the nation.

Kami mempersembahkan bagi Anda portofolio unggulan dari Plaza Indonesia we present to you Plaza Indonesia distinctive portfolio

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 2

Keraton at the Plaza (Hotel & Residence)

“Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” berkolaborasi dengan Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide serta apartemen super lux “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza,” merupakan dua properti eksklusif yang menyajikan kemewahan kehidupan khas kaum urban kelas atas.

“Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” in collaboration with Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide and “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza” super luxury apartment are two exclusive properties that offers distinctive upper class of lavish urban living.

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Keraton at the Plaza (Hotel & Residence)

“Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” berkolaborasi dengan Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide serta apartemen super lux “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza,” merupakan dua properti eksklusif yang menyajikan kemewahan kehidupan khas kaum urban kelas atas.

“Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” in collaboration with Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide and “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza” super luxury apartment are two exclusive properties that offers distinctive upper class of lavish urban living.

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 4 y t l a e r

Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) menawarkan interpretasi modern dan unik tentang kekayaan khasanah budaya Indonesia

The Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) offers a modern and unique interpretation Indonesia’s wealth cultural treasures

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 5 Growing in Harmony y t l a e r

Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) menawarkan interpretasi modern dan unik tentang kekayaan khasanah budaya Indonesia

The Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) offers a modern and unique interpretation Indonesia’s wealth cultural treasures

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Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center

Sebagai pilihan utama kelompok berselera tinggi dan tempat paling ideal yang menyempurnakan gaya hidup kaum urban masa kini, Plaza Indonesia menawarkan kecanggihan surga belanja yang menyediakan merek-merek mewah di dunia.

As the preferred choice for the most discerning people and perfect place that complement the ultimate in today’s life style of urbanites, Plaza Indonesia offers upscale shopping paradise that hosts luxurious brands in the world.

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Grand Hyatt

Hotel bintang-5 berlian yang menyandang nama hotel chain terkemuka di dunia yang menempati lokasi strategis di jantung ibukota Jakarta untuk mempersembahkan layanan dan fasilitas terbaik bagi para pebisnis dan wisatawan berselera tinggi.

5-star hotel with diamond which bears the name of leading world-wide hotel chain located strategically at the very heart of capital city Jakarta to offer the best in service and facilities for discerning traveler and businessman.

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Pusat bisnis terkemuka yang paling bergengsi di ibukota bagi korporasi utama yang menuntut fasilitas terbaik, teknologi mutakhir serta kehidupan ramah lingkungan yang secara terpadu terkoneksi dengan hotel, pusat perbelanjaan dan apartemen di dalam satu kompleks.

The leading and most prestigious business central in the capital town for discerning corporations that demand the best in facilities, advanced technology as well as green living, integrally connected with the hotel, shopping center and apartment in one complex.

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fX Sudirman


Tampil dengan nama baru fX Sudirman, pusat perbelanjaan dan gaya hidup yang berlokasi strategis ini telah direnovasi dan diperluas dengan sejumlah fasilitas, toko dan resto terbaru untuk memanjakan kebutuhan serta dinamika kaum muda dan para netizen.

Renamed as fX Sudirman, this strategically located shopping and life style center has been renovated and enlarged with a wide range of new facilities, shops and restaurants to indulge the dynamic needs of today’s young executives and the netizens.

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Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights

Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, kecuali disebutkan lain In million of Rupiah, unless stated otherwise

Laba (Rugi) Konsolidasi 2012 2011 2010 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

Pendapatan 1.709.976 909.590 811.316 Revenues

Laba Kotor 801.631 489.425 400.319 Gross Income

Laba Usaha setelah Penyusutan dan Amortisasi 447.321 188.829 105.574 Operating Income After Depreciation and Amortization

Laba (Rugi) Bersih 234.725 83.128 503.043 Net (Loss) Income

Jumlah laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan 234.725 83.128 503.043 Total Income (Loss) attributable to owners of the kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non Company and non-controlling interest pengendali

Total Laba (rugi) Komprehensif 234.725 83.128 503.043 Total Income (Loss) Comprehensive

Laba (rugi) per Saham 68.71 68.71 146.59 Basic Earning (Loss) per share


Total Aset 3.950.267 4.232.841 4.430.888 Total Assets

Aset Lancar 723.250 653.346 913.828 Current Assets

Aset Tetap dan Properti Investasi - Bersih 3.126.192 3.502.719 3.411.472 Fixed Assets and Investment Property - Net

Aset - Lain-lain 100.825 76.777 105.589 Other Assets

Total Liabilitas 1.717.983 1.935.307 2.207.608 Total Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 609.301 382.554 546.311 Current Liabilities

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.108.682 1.552.753 1.661.298 Non- Current Liabilities

Hak Minoritas Kepentingan Non Pengendali 4.688 13.897 21.644 Minority Right Non - Controlling Interest

Total Ekuitas 2.232.284 2.297.534 2.223.280 Total Equity

Modal Kerja Bersih 113.949 286.292 384.024 Net Working Capital

Indikator Keuangan Utama (dalam %) Key Financial Indicators (in %)

Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Jumlah Aset 5,94 1,96 11,35 Return on Total Assets

Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Ekuitas 10,52 3,62 22,63 Return on Equity

Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Pendapatan 13,73 9,14 62,00 Profit Margin

Rasio Lancar 118,70 178,00 172,48 Current Ratio

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas 76,96 84,23 99,30 Liabilities to Equity Ratio

Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset 43,49 45,72 49,82 Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 2 Growing in Harmony

laba (rugi) konsolidasi (dalam miliar rupiah) PENDAPATAN (dalam miliar rupiah) CONSOLIDATED GAINS (in billion of rupiah) REVENUES (in billion of rupiah)


1.710 1.710


910 910 1,000 811 802 811 655 621 655 621 576 503 489 447 500 375 337 343

400 189 106 115 293 235 100 87 106 83 08 09 10 11 12 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

(229) Laba Usaha Setelah (500) Pendapatan Penyusutan dan Amortisasi

Laba Kotor Laba(Rugi) Bersih

RASIO LIABILITAS RASIO ASET LANCAR TERHADAP EKUITAS (%) TERHADAP LIABILITAS LANCAR (%) Liabilities To Equity Ratio (%) Current Assets To Current Liabilities Ratio (%)

178,0 172,5 179,1

148,5 121,9 118,7

99,3 86,4 84,2 77,0

08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 3

RASIO LIABILITAS TOTAL ASET (dalam triliun rupiah) TERHADAP JUMLAH ASET (%) Total Assets (in trillion of rupiah) Liabilities To Total Assets Ratio (%)

4,432 4,431 4,233 4,070 64,2 3,950 59,8

49,8 45,7 43,5

08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12

TOTAL LIABILITAS (dalam triliun rupiah) TOTAL ASET Total Liabilities (in trillion of rupiah) DAN TOTAL LIABILITAS (dalam triliun rupiah) Total Assets and Total Liabilities (in trillion of rupiah)

4.432 4.431 4.233 4.070 2,612 2,648 3.950


1,935 1,718 2.648 2.612 2.208 1.935 1.718

TOTAL ASET TOTAL LIABILITAS 08 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 4 Growing in Harmony

PERGERAKAN HARGA SAHAM PERSEROAN COMPANY Stock Price movements periode januari - desember 2011 period of january - december 2011

No. Bulan Harga Saham Pergerakan Saham Pada Pasar Reguler IHSI Jumlah Kapitalisasi Volume Month Stock Price Stock Movement at Regular Market Saham Pasar Perdagangan Total Share Market di Pasar Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Nilai Frek. Capitalization Negosiasi Highest Lowest End Volume Value Freq (Unit) Trading Volume in Negotiation Rp. Rp. Rp. Unit Rp. (x) Market (Unit)

1 Januari 1.900 1.800 1.900 66.000 121.950.000 2 788.414 3.550.000.000 6.745.000.000.000 15.500

2 Februari 1.950 1.300 1.800 246.000 380.115.000 103 746.919 3.550.000.000 6.390.000.000.000 0

3 Maret 2.300 1.500 2.200 725.500 1.297.962.500 202 912.901 3.550.000.000 7.810.000.000.000 0

4 April 2.900 2.000 2.900 414.000 963.275.000 66 1.203.369 3.550.000.000 375.000

5 Mei 3.200 2.800 3.000 35.000 106.700.000 6 1.244.865 3.550.000.000 10.650.000.000.000 -

6 Juni 0 0 3.000 0 0 0 1.244.865 3.550.000.000 10.650.000.000.000 38.500

7 Juli 3.000 3.000 3.000 500 1.500.000 1 1.244.865 3.550.000.000 10.650.000.000.000 0

8 Agustus 3.300 1.300 2.400 96.500 155.700.000 52 995.892 3.550.000.000 8.520.000.000.000 0

9 September 1.800 1.300 1.620 59.500 92.545.000 68 672.227 3.550.000.000 5.751.000.000.000 0

10 Oktober 1.700 1.310 1.600 50.500 77.775.000 58 663.928 3.550.000.000 5.680.000.000.000 759.000

11 November 1.600 1.200 1.320 89.000 119.690.000 95 547.741 3.550.000.000 4.686.000.000.000 170.000.000

12 Desember 1.550 1.200 1.550 688.500 994.100.000 142 643.180 3.550.000.000 5.502.500.000.000 0

Kurs Akhir 3.300 1.200 1.550 Closing Rate

Jumlah Total 2.471.000 4.311.312.500 795 periode januari - desember 2012 period of january - december 2012

No. Bulan Harga Saham Pergerakan Saham Pada Pasar Reguler IHSI Jumlah Kapitalisasi Volume Month Stock Price Stock Movement at Regular Market Saham Pasar Perdagangan Total Share Market di Pasar Capitalization Negosiasi Tertinggi Terendah Penutupan Volume Nilai Frek. (Unit) Highest Lowest End Volume Value Freq Trading Volume in Negotiation Rp. Rp. Rp. Unit Rp. (x) Market (Unit)

1 Januari 1.500 1.320 1.360 169.500 239.010.000 25 564.339 3.550.000.000 4.828.000.000.000 65.220.000

2 Februari 1.700 1.330 1.700 96.500 147.010.000 31 705.423 3.550.000.000 23.751.000

3 Maret 1.730 1.390 1.400 75.000 105.550.000 21 580.937 3.550.000.000 4.970.000.000.000 -

4 April 1.500 1.360 1.470 161.500 234.070.000 102 609.984 3.550.000.000 5.218.500.000.000 -

5 Mei 1.600 1.430 1.550 6.000 9.055.000 10 643.180 3.550.000.000 5.502.500.000.000 66

6 Juni 1.500 1.450 1.450 3.500 5.225.000 2 601.685 3.550.000.000 5.147.500.000.000 297.215.123

7 Juli 1.850 1.550 1.850 6.500 10.775.000 6 767.667 3.550.000.000 6.567.500.000.000 -

8 Agustus 1.850 1.850 1.850 2.000 3.700.000 1 767.667 3.550.000.000 6.567.500.000.000 -

9 September 1.700 1.410 1.690 49.500 82.740.000 13 701.274 3.550.000.000 5.999.500.000.000 144.000

10 Oktober 1.640 1.640 1.640 52.000 85.280.000 3 680.526 3.550.000.000 5.822.000.000.000 -

11 November 1.630 1.480 1.600 263.500 416.470.000 49 663.938 3.550.000.000 5.680.000.000.000 100

12 Desember 1.620 1.500 1.620 156.500 250.600.000 17 672.227 3.550.000.000 5.751.000.000.000 150.377

Kurs Akhir 1.850 1.320 1.620 Closing Rate

Jumlah Total 1.042.000 1.589.485.000 280

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 5

The Events of Style and Harmony 2012

Plaza Indonesia 22nd Anniversary March 2012 Dengan tema “22 Years of Style”, Plaza Indonesia merayakan ulang tahun ke-22 dengan menggelar “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week” yang menampilkan berbagai koleksi Spring/Summer 2012 dari berbagai perancang ternama. Perayaan diawali dengan acara gala menampilkan karya Valentino yang berlangsung di Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta dengan tema “Plaza Indonesia 22nd Anniversary Charity Gala Fashion Show”.

Plaza Indonesia 22nd Anniversary March 2012 With the theme “22 Years of Style”, Plaza Indonesia celebrates 22nd birthday by holding a “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week” featuring various collections Spring/Summer 2012 from a variety of high-end designers. The celebration begins with a gala event featuring the creation of Valentino held at Grand Hyatt Jakarta Hotel with the theme of “Plaza Indonesia 22nd Anniversary Gala Charity Fashion Show”.

Atas Kiri Top Left Sebastian Collection

Kanan Right Charity Gala Fashion Show by Valentino

Tengah Center Iwan Tirta Private Collection

Kiri Bawah Bottom Left (X).S.M.L Collection

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 6 Growing in Harmony

The Events of Style and Harmony 2012

Miss World 2011 27 April 2012 di Lamoda Cafe 2011 Ivian Sarcos berkunjung ke Indonesia bersama dengan Miss Indonesia 2011, Astrid Ellena, Ivian Sarcos mengadakan konferensi pers dengan media di Lamoda Café.

Miss World 2011 27 April 2012 at Lamoda Cafe Ivian Sarcos Miss World 2011 visit to Indonesia together with Miss Indonesia 2011 Astrid Ellena, Ivian Sarcos held a press conference with the media in Lamoda Café.

Atas Top Miss World Ivian Sarcos & Miss Indonesia Astrid Ellena

Tengah Center Plaza Indonesia Management, Miss World Ivian Sarcos & Miss Indonesia Astrid Ellena

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Bridal Show 24 May 2012 di Lamoda Cafe Bridal & Jewelry Show dengan tema “Exceptional Soiree” berlangsung di Lamoda Cafe. Acara yang berisi fashion show, menampilkan koleksi untuk pengantin hasil rancangan SEBASTIANsposa, Tri Handoko, dan Sapto Djojokartiko. Sementara itu, Mondial Jewelry memamerkan koleksi perhiasannya.

Bridal Show 24 May 2012 at Lamoda Cafe Bridal & Jewelry Show with the theme of “Exceptional Soiree” held in Lamoda Cafe. The event contains a fashion show, featuring bridal collections designed by SEBASTIANsposa, Tri Handoko, and Sapto Djojokartiko. Meanwhile, Mondial Jewelry showcase its jewelry collection.

Atas Kiri Top Left Bridal and Jewelry Show

Atas Kanan Top Right Jewelry Collections by Mondial Jewelry

Tengah Atas Center Top Bridal and Jewelry Show

Kiri Bawah Bottom Left Bridal Gown by Tri Handoko

Kanan Bawah Bottom Right Beautiful Collection by Tri Handoko

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 8 Growing in Harmony

Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week Special Ramadhan 6-10 Agustus 2012 “Ramadhan Experience” di bulan Juli dan Agustus 2012, menghadirkan beragam acara salah satunya adalah “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week-Special Ramadhan”. Acara kali ini menampilkan karya-karya perancang Indonesia ternama, seperti IKAT Indonesia by Didiet Maulana, Iwan Tirta dan Parang Kencana.

Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week Special Ramadhan 6-10 August 2012 “Ramadhan Experience” in July and August 2012, presents a variety of events, one of which is the “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week- Special Ramadhan”. The event this time featuring the creations of renowned designers Indonesia, such as IKAT Indonesia by Didiet Maulana, Iwan Tirta and Parang Kencana.

Fashion Week Special Ramadhan

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I Love Indonesia AGustus 2012 Dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun Republik Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia mengangkat tema “I Love Indonesia”. Salah satu acara penting adalah pameran fotografi oleh Indra Leonardi dari King Foto, yang menampilkan foto-foto figur terkenal Indonesia.

I Love Indonesia August 2012 As part of the Republic of Indonesia’s anniversary celebrations, Plaza Indonesia adopted the theme: “I Love Indonesia”. One of the highlights of the event was a photographic exhibition of the well known Indonesian figure by Indra Leonardi from King Foto.

Atas Top “I Love Indonesia” Photo Exhibition Opening Ceremony at Lamoda

Kanan Bawah Bottom Right Indra Leonardi at the opening of the “I Love Indonesia” Photo Exhibition

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Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week Men’s Edition 20-22 September 2012 Sejalan dengan tema “Men in Style” di bulan September, Plaza Indonesia mengadakan “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week - Men’s Edition”. Acara ini menampilkan koleksi Fall/ Winter 2012/2013 hasil karya berbagai perancang ternama.

Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week Men’s Edition 20-22 September 2012 In line with its “Men in Style” theme during September, Plaza Indonesia held the “Plaza Indonesia Fashion Week – Men’s Edition”. The collections displayed were Fall / Winter 2012/2013 from a range of well- known high-end brands.

Fashion Week Men’s Edition

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The Opening of Accessories Fair 11 Oktober 2012 Plaza Indonesia mengadakan “Watches, Jewelry & Accessories Fair” pada bulan Oktober. Salah satu acara penting adalah acara pembukaan oleh Alberta Ferretti dan Jean Paul Gaultier. Acara ini tidak hanya menggelar fashion show, tetapi juga sebuah lelang yang hasilnya disumbangkan ke Yayasan Kesehatan Payudara Jakarta (YKPJ).

The Opening of Accessories Fair 11 October 2012 Plaza Indonesia held a “Watches, Jewelry & Accessories Fair” in October. One of the main events at the fair was the opening show by Alberta Ferretti and Jean Paul Gaultier. This was not merely a fashion show; a silent auction was held during the event, and the funds raised were donated to the “Yayasan Kesehatan Payudara Jakarta”

Kiri Atas Top Left Watch Collections by Vabene

Tengah Atas Center Top Bag Collections by Alberta Ferreti

Tengah Bawah Center Bottom Fashion Show by Alberta Ferretti & Jean Paul Gaultier

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Christmas Tree Lighting Party 24 November 2012 di Lamoda Cafe Christmas Tree Lighting Party adalah acara peresmian pohon Natal Plaza Indonesia, yang terletak di Main Atrium Lantai 1. Acara pemasangan pohon Natal setinggi 11 meter yang didukung oleh Miniapolis ini juga berisi acara hiburan bertema Natal untuk keluarga.

Christmas Tree Lighting Party 24 November 2012 at Lamoda Cafe Christmas Tree Lighting Party is the inauguration event Christmas tree Plaza Indonesia, which located in Main Atrium Floor 1. The 11 metre tree mounting event, supported by Miniapolis also showcase Christmas- themed entertainment for the family.

Kiri Atas Top Left Christmas Tree Lighting Party

Tengah Atas Center Top Rudra Maitri sings Christmas Carol

Tengah Bawah Center Bottom Ballet Performance by On Point Ballet

Kanan Bawah Right Bottom Children’s Choir Perfomance by Ora et Labora

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 13

Daftar Isi Table of Contents

Ikhtisar Keuangan financial HIGHLIGHTS 1 The Events of Style and Harmony 2012 THE EVENTS OF STYLE AND 5 HARMONY 2012

Profil plaza indonesia Profile of plaza indonesia 15






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Strategi Usaha 86 Corporate StrategY




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Profil Plaza Indonesia Profile of Plaza Indonesia

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VISI DAN MISI Vision and Mission

Visi Vision Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbaik di Indonesia To become one of the best companies in Indonesia yang memberikan keuntungan maksimum kepada by providing maximum benefits to shareholders para pemegang saham dan stakeholders, yaitu and stakeholders, i.e. tenants, customers, para penyewa, para pengunjung dan karyawan, employees, partners, government and society. para rekanan serta pemerintah dan masyarakat.

Misi Mission 1. Menjadi unggulan di bidang pengembang 1. To become the best in the property development dan pengelola properti khususnya hotel, and management business, especially hotels, pusat perbelanjaan, apartemen dan gedung shopping centers, apartments and office perkantoran dengan membangun properti buildings, by building the properties and facilities berikut fasilitas-fasilitasnya dan selalu as well as providing the best services. memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik. 2. To create maximum synergy among the 2. Menciptakan sinergi yang maksimum di antara Company’s business sectors. sektor bisnis Perseroan. 3. To enhance the public’s standard of living and 3 Membantu peningkatan kualitas hidup the country’s socio-economic progress. masyarakat dan kemajuan sosial ekonomi 4. To promote Jakarta as a metropolitan city and negara. the capital city of Indonesia. 4. Mempromosikan Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan dan ibu kota negara.

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Budaya Perusahaan Corporate Culture

Budaya perusahaan adalah kepribadian yang khas dari organisasi. Corporate culture comprises the distinctive personality of an Hal ini menentukan bagaimana anggota bertindak, bagaimana organization. It determines how the members act and how they mereka berkontribusi penuh semangat untuk kerja tim, can contribute energetically to their teams, problem solving, pemecahan masalah, inovasi, layanan pelanggan, produktivitas, innovation, customer service, productivity, and quality. dan kualitas.

Adalah budaya perusahaan yang membuat aman (atau tidak It is corporate culture that makes it safe (or unsafe) for a division, aman) untuk divisi, orang atau perusahaan secara keseluruhan person or the company as a whole to raise issues and solve untuk mengangkat isu-isu dan memecahkan masalah, untuk problems, to act on new opportunities or to move in new and bertindak atas peluang baru, atau untuk bergerak baru, menuju creative directions. Corporate culture is often at the root of the arah kreatif. Budaya perusahaan sering menjadi akar permasalahan situation for employee problems such as motivation, enthusiasm, bagi karyawan bermasalah seperti motivasi, semangat, absensi, attendance, communication, teamwork, retention and workplace komunikasi, kerja sama tim, retensi, dan kecelakaan kerja. accidents.

Karena budaya perusahaan mempengaruhi segala sesuatu Corporate culture, affects everything in a company - including di dalamnya - termasuk keuntungan - budaya adalah dasar benefits, and is the true basis of a firm. A company with a well yang sebenarnya. Sebuah perusahaan dengan budaya yang developed corporate culture will be opened to the desires of all berkembang baik, akan terbuka apa yang diinginkan oleh semua its employees and will find it easier to compete. karyawannya yaitu mudah melebihi pesaing.

Diawali dengan falsafah perusahaan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, It begins with the company philosophy of PT Plaza Indonesia Tbk., sesungguhnya Budaya Perusahaan sudah terbentuk sejak Realty, Tbk., a genuine corporate culture was formed in the early masa-masa awal perusahaan berdiri, dan yang menjadi BUDAYA days of the company and has developed into a Corporate PERUSAHAAN adalah “Persaingan dalam harmoni berdasarkan Culture: “Competition in harmony based on openness and keterbukaan dan kebersamaan”. togetherness”.

Lima sikap utama di dalam Budaya Perusahaan yang harus dimiliki Five main corporate culture attitudes that must be owned by all oleh Anggota PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk.: members of PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. are: 1. Loyal, Jujur dan Berdedikasi 1. Loyalty, Honesty and Dedication 2. Tulus, Ikhlas, dan Sabar 2. Truthful, Sincerity and Patience 3. Tegas dan Ramah 3. Firm and Friendly 4. Saling Menolong dan Menghormati 4. Helpful and Respectful 5. Adil dan Manusiawi 5. Fair and Humanity

Budaya Perusahaan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. tumbuh dari PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk.’s Corporate Culture growth from falsafah perusahaan yang sudah terbentuk lama sejak masa- the company philosophy which has been formed a long time masa awal berdirinya perusahaan. Budaya Perusahaan dibentuk since the early days of the company. Corporate culture was agar setiap insan Perseroan dapat meneguhkan komitmennya formed so that every member of the Company’s can strengthen melaksanakan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik berdasarkan Etika their commitment to perform good corporate governance based Perusahaan dan Budaya Perusahaan yang merupakan manifestasi on both Corporate Ethics and Corporate Culture which is a dari nilai-nilai yang dijunjung tinggi Perseroan. manifestation of the values upheld by the Company.

Mengingat pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip Tatakelola Perusahaan Given that the implementation of the principles of Good yang baik tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan oleh Perseroan tanpa Corporate Governance cannot be executed by the company dukungan dan komitmen dari para karyawannya, maka Perseroan without the support and commitment of its employees, merasa perlu untuk melaksanakan etika perusahaan yang therefore the Company felt the need to implement a system of berkesinambungan hingga terbentuknya Budaya Perusahaan sustainable corporate ethics to create a Corporate Culture that yang merupakan manifestasi dari nilai-nilai perusahaan. manifested the its values.

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan Profil Plaza Indonesia 19 Profile of Plaza Indonesia

Setelah lebih dari 20 tahun, dengan adanya penambahan dan After more than 20 years of recruitment and employee turnover, pergantian karyawan, manajemen menginginkan agar budaya management wants this corporate culture to be introduced and perusahaan ini diperkenalkan dan dikuatkan kembali ke seluruh reinforced to all employees so they remain aware of and practice karyawan agar tetap terjaga dan diamalkan dalam kegiatan sehari- its precepts in the day-to-day activities in the company. hari di perusahaan.

Seiring dengan perkembangan dalam dunia bisnis, Budaya Along with developments in the business world, Corporate Perusahaan serta kode etik ini diturunkan kembali dalam bentuk Culture and a code of conduct have continued to be promulgated 4 Kategori / Kuadran Utama dengan penambahan beberapa sikap in the form of 4 main Categories/Quadrants, to which have been yang akan mendukung kinerja karyawan untuk mencapai kinerja added some attitudes to support employees in achieving their terbaiknya dan mendukung perusahaan mencapai kesuksesan best performance and to support the company in achieving yang lebih baik lagi. greater successes.

Empat Kuadran Budaya Perusahaan: The four quadrants of Corporate Culture:

Menunjukkan Bekerja sama mendukung Potensi Diri pencapaian tujuan bersama Expressing Individual Cooperate to Support Team Potential Achievement

Integritas Menyeleraskan kinerja untuk mencapai • Loyal Jujur, Berdedikasi kesuksesan • Tulus, Ikhlas dan Sabar • Menetapkan sasaran kinerja • Tegas Dan Ramah • Mendeteksi dan memonitor kinerja • Mengevaluasi kinerja • Menyusun rencana pengembangan Integrity • Loyalty, Honesty and dedication • Truthful, Sincerity and Patience Aligning Performance to Achieve • Firm and Friendly Success • Determine targets • Detect and monitor the performance • Evaluating performance • Determine development plans

Kerjasama dalam Fokus pada interaksi yang harmonis kepuasan pelanggan Cooperate in Harmony Focusing on Customer Interaction Satisfaction

Kerjasama yang harmonis dan sinergis Fokus pada kepuasan pelanggan • Saling menolong dan menghormati • Memahami dan memenuhi kebutuhan • Semangat kerjasama dan keluhan pelanggan • Adil dan manusiawi • Mendidik pelanggan • Menyediakan sistem umpan balik pelanggan

Harmony and Synergetic Cooperation Customer Satisfaction Focus • Helpful and respectful • Understanding and meet customer • Cooperation Spirit needs and complaints • Fair and Humanity • Customer service education • Implementing a customer service response system

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 20 Growing in Harmony

Berbagai kegiatan telah dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan dalam Various activities have been undertaken by the company in order rangka memperkenalkan kembali Budaya Perusahaan ini, to reinforce this Corporate Culture, such as: kegiatan tersebut adalah: • In-Class Training di awal tahun 2012 selama 3 bulan, • In-Class Training at the beginning of 2012 for 3 months, memberikan penjelasan secara menyeluruh mengenai providing a through theoretical explanation of the Company’s Budaya Perusahaan ini. Culture. • Outbound yang ditujukan untuk menginternalisasikan Budaya • Outbound Events so that employees could internalize Perusahaan melalui proses belajar dengan mengalami corporate culture through the learning process of personal sendiri berbagai bentuk sikap dalam budaya didalam bentuk experience to internalize the culture through games. permainan. • Cerdas Cermat Ceria dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu alat • A Clever-and-Cautious Quiz, implemented as a tool to get untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari Karyawan tentang feedback from employees on their understanding of Corporate pemahaman mengenai Budaya Perusahaan. Culture. • Lomba Foto dan Desain T-Shirt dengan tema Budaya • A Photo and T-Shirt Design Contest with the theme of Perusahaan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari juga merupakan salah Corporate Culture as realized in day-to-day activities was also satu cara untuk mendapatkan pengertian karyawan tentang another way to get a sense of employees’ understanding of Budaya Perusahaan. Corporate Culture. • Family Fun Day yang dilaksanakan di bulan Desember 2012 • A Family Fun Day was held in December 2012 conclude merupakan penutup dari rangkaian kegiatan Pengenalan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk’s series of events to promote Kembali Budaya Perusahaan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. corporate culture last year.

Kedepannya akan terus dilaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang In the future, the company will continue to implement activities berkaitan dengan Budaya Perusahaan agar perusahaan semakin related to Corporate Culture to ensure its proper development. berkembang dengan baik.

Penyebaran Buku Panduan Budaya Deployment of a Corporate Culture Perusahaan Handbook Seraya berjalannya waktu, falsafah disempurnakan dengan As time passes, the philosophy of the company’s Corporate terbentuknya budaya Perusahaan yang merupakan manifestasi Culture, as manifested by the company’s noble values, has been dari nilai-nilai luhur perusahaan, dan dituangkan dalam buku set forth in a Corporate Culture Guidebook that has been given Panduan Budaya Perusahaan yang telah dimiliki oleh masing- to every current employee and that has been promulgated by masing karyawan Perseroan saat dilakukannya sosialisasi Budaya the Board of Directors to ensure employee comprehension. The Perusahaan oleh Direksi secara langsung kepada para karyawan purpose and goal is for every employee of the company to be Perseroan untuk dipahami. Maksud dan tujuannya adalah agar thoroughly inculcated with the company’s Corporate Culture, Budaya Perusahaan benar-benar diresapi secara mendalam oleh without exception. setiap karyawan Perseroan, dan penyebarannya merata kepada para karyawan Perseroan tanpa kecuali.

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan Profil Plaza Indonesia 21 Profile of Plaza Indonesia

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 22 Growing in Harmony


PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. yang dahulu bernama PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. formerly known as PT Bimantara PT Bimantara Eka Santosa didirikan berdasarkan Akta Eka Santosa established based on Deed No. 40 dated 5 November No. 40 tanggal 5 November 1983 dibuat dihadapan Winanto 1983 made before Winanto Wiryomartani, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, Wiryomartani, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta, oleh para pendirinya yaitu by its founders PT Bimantara Siti Wisesa, Eka Tjipta Widjaja and PT Bimantara Siti Wisesa, Eka Tjipta Widjaja dan Ferry Teguh Ferry Teguh Santosa. Santosa.

PT Bimantara Eka Santosa kemudian berubah nama menjadi PT Bimantara Eka Santosa then changed its name to PT Plaza PT Plaza Indonesia Realty berdasarkan Akta No. 129 tanggal Indonesia Realty based on Deed No. 129 dated 20th December 20 Desember 1990, dibuat dihadapan Winanto Wiryomartani, 1990, made before Winanto Wiryomartani, S.H., Notary in Jakarta. S.H., Notaris di Jakarta. Selanjutnya pada tanggal 2 Mei 1992, Furthermore, on 2nd May 1992, the Company officially registered Perseroan resmi mencatatkan diri di Bursa Efek Indonesia in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Jakarta Stock Exchange and (Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek ). Pada tahun 1994, Surabaya Stock Exchange). In 1994, the Company obtained the Perseroan memperoleh Pemberitahuan Pernyataan Pendaftaran Notification on Effective Registration Statement from the Chairman Efektif dari Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal (BAPEPAM) mengenai of Capital Market Supervisory Board (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal/ emisi saham dalam rangka Penawaran Umum Terbatas dengan BAPEPAM) regarding the shares issuance in the Limited Public surat No. S-796/PM/1994 tanggal 4 Mei 1994. Offering with letter No. S-796/PM/1994 dated 4th May 1994.

Sesuai dengan Akta No. 44 tanggal 8 Agustus 2008, In accordance with Deed No. 44 dated 8th August 2008, dibuat dihadapan Poerbaningsih Adi Warsito, S.H., Notaris made before Poerbaningsih Adi Warsito, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, di Jakarta, Perseroan memiliki modal dasar sebesar Rp the Company has authorized capital in the amount of Rp,- dengan modal disetor dan ditempatkan 1,000,000,000,000,- with the issued and paid-up capital in the sebesar Rp 3.550.000.000,- dengan nilai nominal per saham amount of Rp 3,55,000,000.- with nominal value per shares in sebesar Rp 200,-. the amount of Rp 200,-.

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar As stipulated in Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association, Perseroan, ruang lingkup kegiatan Perseroan adalah menjalankan the line of business of the Company is to conduct development usaha dalam bidang pembangunan, terutama meliputi bidang business, mainly to engage in hotel business, shopping center perhotelan, pusat perbelanjaan, perkantoran dan apartemen. rental, office space and apartments.

Setelah Perseroan melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Plaza Following the divestment of Entertainment X’nter (eX) in 2010 Nusantara Realti, melepas Entertainment X’nter (eX) pada tahun by the Company through its subsidiary, PT Plaza Nusantara Realti, 2010, saat ini Perseroan adalah pemilik dari Hotel Grand Hyatt the Company currently owns Grand Hyatt Jakarta Hotel, Plaza Jakarta, Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center, The Plaza Office Tower Indonesia Shopping Center, The Plaza Office Tower (office space) (gedung perkantoran) dan Keraton At The Plaza (apartemen dan and Keraton At The Plaza (apartments and hotel). The Company hotel). Perseroan juga telah mengembangkan usahanya melalui through its subsidiary, PT Sarana Mitra Investama, indirectly owns anak perusahaannya, yakni PT Sarana Mitra Investama, yang PT Plaza Lifestyle Prima, a company that manages fX Sudirman. secara tidak langsung memiliki saham di PT Plaza Lifestyle Prima, perusahaan pemilik dan pengelola fX Sudirman.

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 23

Le Jardin @Moovina L3#119,119c

CK Calvin Klein L1#86, 87, 88b, 88c Loewe L1#162-164

Chandara Fine Thai Cuisine L1#E018, E019T

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report Skinfood L4#E03 Wakai L4#E05-E07 24 Growing in Harmony

Marc By Marc Jacobs Taste Paradise L4#001, 01H L1#84, 85, 88a

Mezzanine @moovina L4#002, 006, 006a-B,m006, 06

Crabtree & Evelyn L3#112, 113

Bubble Girl @Miniapolis PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan Wakai L4#E05-E07 L3#E40,E41 DKNY L1#30, 31A Profil Plaza Indonesia 25 Profile of Plaza Indonesia

Tonggak Sejarah plaza indonesia Milestone

1983 1984-1986 1986 1990 1991 1992 1996

Pendirian Dimulainya Hotel Grand Pembelian perusahaan (semula Pembangunan Hyatt Jakarta Aset Tanah eX bernama Proyek Plaza mulai Asset Purchase of PT Bimantara Eka Indonesia beroperasi eX Land Santosa) Commencement of (1 Juli) The establishment of Project Plaza Indonesia’ Hotel Grand the company (formerly Development Hyatt Jakarta known as PT Bimantara starting to Eka Santosa) operate (1 July) Perencanaan & Perseroan menjadi Pengembangan Plaza Indonesia perusahaan publik Desain Proyek Shopping Company became a public Planning & Berubah nama dari Center mulai company Development of PT Bimantara Eka beroperasi the Design Projects Santosa menjadi (1 Maret) PT Plaza Indonesia Plaza Indonesia Realty Shopping Center (20 Desember) starting to operate Change of name from (1 March) PT Bimantara Eka Santosa to PT Plaza Indonesia Realty (20 December)

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 26 Growing in Harmony

1997 2002 2004 2006 2008 2009 2010

Dimulainya Pengembangan Pelepasan Pembangunan usaha dengan Aset eX Proyek Perluasan mengambil alih fX Release of Kompleks PI Sudirman Assest (eX) (PI extension, eX mulai Business expansion by ThePlaza Office The Plaza Office beroperasi Kelanjutan dari taking over fX Sudirman Tower mulai Tower & Keraton eX starting Pembangunan beroperasi At The Plaza) to operate Plaza Indonesia Proyek Perluasan The Plaza Office Commencement of Extension mulai Kompleks PI Tower starting PI Complex beroperasi (PI extension, to operate Expansion Project Plaza Indonesia Development The Plaza Office Extension starting (PI extension, The Tower & Keraton to operate Plaza Office Tower At The Plaza) & Keraton At The Dimulainya Continuation of PI Plaza) Pembangunan Complex Expansion eX Project’ Development 2012 (PI Extension, The Commencement Keraton At The Plaza of eX Construction Plaza Office Tower & Keraton At The Plaza) mulai beroperasi Keraton At The Plaza starting to operate

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan Profil Plaza Indonesia 27 Profile of Plaza Indonesia Struktur Anak Perusahaan Subsidiaries Company

Per 31 Desember 2012 Perseroan telah menanamkan saham As of 31 December 2012, the Company have invested di anak perusahaan dengan struktur dan tingkat kepemilikan shares in the subsidiaries with ownership levels as seperti dibawah ini: described below:

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk.

99.9% 75% 100% 80.6% PT Plaza PT Jakarta Plaza PT Sarana Nusantara Marcapada Indonesia Mitra Realti Media Finance B.V Investama

20,5% 99.96% 74% PT Plaza PT Bangun PT Plaza Medical Persada Prima Lifestyle Prima Nusantara

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 28 Growing in Harmony

A. Anak Perusahaan dengan kepemilikan langsung Subsidiaries with direct ownership

No. Nama Perusahaan Persentase Domisili Bidang Usaha Status Company Name Kepemilikan Domicile Line of Business Status Ownership Percentage

1. PT Plaza Nusantara Realti 99,99% Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Bidang Perdagangan, Aktif Kelurahan Gondangdia, Kecamatan , Jakarta Pembangunan, Industri, Pusat – 10350 Pertambangan, Pertanian, Active Percetakan, Pengangkutan, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Perbengkelan, Jasa Pengelolaan Gondangdia, Menteng, – 10350 Gedung,. Trade, Construction, Industry, Mining, Agriculture, Printing, Transportation, Repair Workshops, Building Management Services

2. PT Jakarta Marcapada 75% Gedung fX, Perdagangan Jasa dan Belum Media Jl. Jend. Sudirman Konsultan Bidang Multi Media Aktif Pintu Satu Senayan, Kelurahan Gelora, Kecamatan Trade Services and Multimedia Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10270 Consultancy Not Yet Active fX Building, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pintu Satu, Senayan, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta 10270

3. PT Sarana Mitra Investama 80,6% Gedung Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center Lantai Bidang Perdagangan, Aktif 4, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Pembangunan, Industri, Kelurahan Gondangdia, Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pertambangan, Pertanian, Active Pusat - 10350 Percetakan, Pengangkutan, Perbengkelan, Jasa Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center, 4th Floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Gondangdia, Trade, Construction, Industry, Menteng, Central Jakarta - 10350 Mining, Agriculture, Printing, Transportation, Repair Workshops, Services

4. Plaza Indonesia Finance B.V 100% Luna Arena, Herikerbergweg 238, 1011 CM, Jasa Keuangan Aktif Amsterdam Zuidoost, the Netherlands Financial Services Active Luna Arena, Herikerbergweg 238, 1011 CM, Amsterdam Zuidoost, the Netherlands

B. Anak Perusahaan dengan kepemilikan tidak langsung Subsidiaries with indirect ownership

No. Nama Perusahaan Persentase Domisili Bidang Usaha Status Company Name Kepemilikan Domicile Line of Business Status Ownership Percentage

5. PT Plaza Medical Nusantara 20,5% melalui The Plaza Office Tower Lantai 7, Bidang Perdagangan, Industri, Aktif PT Plaza Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Jasa Nusantara Kelurahan Gondangdia, Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Active Realti Pusat - 10350 Trade, Industry, Services 20.5% through PT Plaza The Plaza Office Tower 7th Floor, Nusantara Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 28 – 30 RT 009/RW 005, Realti Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta - 10350

6. PT Bangun Persada Prima 99,96% The Plaza Office Tower Lantai 10, Pembangunan, Penyalur, Ekpor, Aktif melalui Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30, Kelurahan Impor dan Jasa PT Plaza Gondangdia, Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat - Active Nusantara 10350 Construction, Distribution, Exports, Realti Imports and Services 99.96% The Plaza Office Tower 10th Floor, through Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28 – 30, Gondangdia, Menteng, PT Plaza Central Jakarta - 10350 Nusantara Realti

7. PT Plaza Lifestyle Prima 74% melalui Gedung fX Lantai. 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pintu Satu, Bidang Perdagangan, Aktif PT Sarana Mitra Senayan, Kelurahan Gelora, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Pembangunan, Industri, Investama Jakarta Pusat - 10270 Pertambangan, Pertanian, Active 74% through Percetakan, Pengangkutan, PT Sarana Mitra fX Building 5th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pintu Satu, Perbengkelan, Jasa Investama Senayan, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta - 10270 Trade, Construction, Industry, Mining, Agriculture, Printing, Transportation, Repair Workshops, Services

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan Profil Plaza Indonesia 29 Profile of Plaza Indonesia

Informasi Pemegang Saham Shareholders Information

Komposisi Pemegang Saham dengan kepemilikan di atas 5% per 31 Desember 2012 Composition of shareholders with ownership above 5% as of December 31, 2012



BSI Bank Limited PT Paraga Artamida 25,32% PT MNC Land, Tbk. Masyarakat Public


Tidak ada anggota Direksi dan anggota Dewan Perseroan There are no members of the Board of Directors or of the Board yang memiliki saham Perseroan. of Commissioners that own shares in the Company.

Informasi Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali per 31 Desember 2012 Major Shareholders Information, as of December 31, 2012

UBS AG Singapore ABN AMRO UOB Kay Hian Non-Treaty Hary Masyarakat Nominees Private PT MNC Land, Tbk. Omnibus Account - Tanoesoedibjo Public Singapore Pte Ltd Limited 2091144090

18,18% 15,52% 13,33% 9,47% 7,25% 36,25%

PT Sinar Mas PT Sinarindo Sinarmas Land Tunggal Gerbangmas Ltd.

1,47% 14,16% 84,37%

BSI Bank Limited PT Paraga Artamida PT MNC Land, Tbk. Masyarakat Public

37,53% 25,99% 25,32% 11,16%

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk.

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 30 Growing in Harmony

Pencatatan Saham dan dividen Listing of Shares and Dividend

Kronologis Pencatatan Saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia Stock Listing Chronology at Indonesia Stock Exchange

Tanggal Pencatatan Jumlah Aksi Korporasi Saham Terakumulasi Listing Date Total Corporate Action Accumulated Shares

Penawaran Saham Perdana Initial Public Offering 15 Juni 1992 35.000.000 35.000.000

Pencatatan Seluruh Saham Record of Shares 15 Juni 1992 80.000.000 115.000.000

Saham Bonus Bonus Share 26 Mei 1994 115.000.000 230.000.000

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 40.500 230.040.500

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 5.000 230.045.500

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 506.100 230.551.600

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 200 230.551.800

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 110.732.900 341.284.700

Penawaran Umum Terbatas Limited Public Offering 26 Mei 1994 3.715.300 345.000.000

Penambahan Modal Tanpa Hak Memesan Efek 13 Oktober 2003 10.000.000 355.000.000 Terlebih Dahulu Capital Increases without Pre-emptive Rights

Saham Bonus Bonus Share 22 Desember 2006 355.000.000 710.000.000

Perubahan Nilai Nominal Saham 26 Desember 2006 2.840.000.000 3.550.000.000 Change in Nominal Share Value

Komposisi dan Struktur Permodalan Per 31 Desember 2012 Composition and structure of capital, as of December 31, 2012

Jumlah Modal Jumlah Saham Nilai Nominal per Saham Total Capital Total Shares Nominal Value per Share

Modal Dasar Authorized Capital Rp,- saham Rp 200,-

Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Rp 710.000.000.000,- 3.550.000.000 saham Rp 200,- Issued and Paid-Up Capital

Riwayat Pembagian Dividen Record of Dividend Distribution

Tahun Tanggal Date Jumlah Amount (Rp) Buku Cum Ex Cum Ex Recording Pembayaran Laba Bersih Dividen/ Total Dividen Yang Fiscal Payment Net Income Year Pasar Regular & Negosiasi Pasar Tunai Date Saham Sudah Dibayar Cumulative Total, Regular Market Value Dividends Per Dividends Already Issued and Market Share

2012 13 Agustus 14 Agustus 16 Agustus 23 Agustus 16 Agustus 05 September 82.969.000.000 84,50 299.999.000.000

2011 15 Agustus 16 Agustus 19 Agustus 22 Agustus 19 Agustus 09 September 520.411.006.000 2,50 8.875.000.000

2010 11 Agustus 12 Agustus 16 Agustus 18 Agustus 16 Agustus 31 Agustus 292.526.423.000 1,25 4.437.500.000

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan