1 Growing in Harmony Growing in Harmony Laporan Tahunan 2012 Annual Report PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 2 PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 1 Growing in Harmony Pertumbuhan kinerja PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. yang positif adalah hasil dari kerja keras dan sikap teguh dari semua pemangku kepentingan. Ketika keinginan untuk menjadi perusahaan properti terbaik di Indonesia selaras dengan sikap yang murni dan sesuai dengan tata nilai perusahaan maka hasil yang dicapai menjadi sangat baik. Sebagai perusahaan terkemuka, kami tidak hanya menawarkan sebuah tempat yang prestisius di lokasi strategis. Properti kami merupakan wujud dari integritas dan kerjasama, serta keteguhan kami untuk fokus pada pencapaian tujuan bersama dan kepuasan pelanggan. Setiap detil dan keunikan yang kami bangun hanya dapat tercipta karena kami, para karyawan, penyewa, rekanan, pengunjung, serta pemerintah dan masyarakat luas lainnya bekerja bersama-sama dan bersinergi dengan indah mewujudkan suatu tempat dan tujuan yang terbaik. Dengan landasan budaya perusahaan yang kokoh, maka kami akan terus tumbuh dalam keharmonisan untuk memadukan cita-cita perusahaan kami yang selaras dengan keinginan meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan kemajuan perekonomian bangsa. The positive growth performance of PT Plaza Indonesia Realty, Tbk. is the result of hard work and unwavering attitude of all relevant stakeholders. Given a desire to be the best property company in Indonesia and a pure attitude that accords with the value on corporate achievements, the company has achieved excellent results. As a leading company, we do more than offer prestigious places in a strategic location. Our property is a form of integrity and cooperation that also reflects our determination to focus on the achievement of common goals and customer satisfaction. Every unique detail which we have developed can only be created through the beautiful synergy cooperation between our employees, customers as well as government and civil society partners, working together with synergy to realize a beautiful environment with the best intentions. With a solid corporate culture as the solid foundation, we will continue to grow in harmony to integrated our corporate ideals are in line with the desire to improve the quality of life and economic progress of the nation. Kami mempersembahkan bagi Anda portofolio unggulan dari Plaza Indonesia we present to you Plaza Indonesia distinctive portfolio PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 2 Keraton at the Plaza (Hotel & Residence) “Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” berkolaborasi dengan Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide serta apartemen super lux “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza,” merupakan dua properti eksklusif yang menyajikan kemewahan kehidupan khas kaum urban kelas atas. “Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” in collaboration with Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide and “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza” super luxury apartment are two exclusive properties that offers distinctive upper class of lavish urban living. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 3 Growing in Harmony Keraton at the Plaza (Hotel & Residence) “Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” berkolaborasi dengan Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide serta apartemen super lux “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza,” merupakan dua properti eksklusif yang menyajikan kemewahan kehidupan khas kaum urban kelas atas. “Keraton Luxury Collection Hotel” in collaboration with Starwood Hotels & Resort Worldwide and “Keraton Private Residence At The Plaza” super luxury apartment are two exclusive properties that offers distinctive upper class of lavish urban living. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 4 r e a l t y Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) menawarkan interpretasi modern dan unik tentang kekayaan khasanah budaya Indonesia The Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) offers a modern and unique interpretation Indonesia’s wealth cultural treasures PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 5 Growing in Harmony r e a l t y Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) menawarkan interpretasi modern dan unik tentang kekayaan khasanah budaya Indonesia The Keraton At The Plaza (Hotel & Residence) offers a modern and unique interpretation Indonesia’s wealth cultural treasures PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 6 SHOPPING CENTER Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center Sebagai pilihan utama kelompok berselera tinggi dan tempat paling ideal yang menyempurnakan gaya hidup kaum urban masa kini, Plaza Indonesia menawarkan kecanggihan surga belanja yang menyediakan merek-merek mewah di dunia. As the preferred choice for the most discerning people and perfect place that complement the ultimate in today’s life style of urbanites, Plaza Indonesia offers upscale shopping paradise that hosts luxurious brands in the world. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 7 Growing in Harmony PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 8 Grand Hyatt Jakarta Hotel bintang-5 berlian yang menyandang nama hotel chain terkemuka di dunia yang menempati lokasi strategis di jantung ibukota Jakarta untuk mempersembahkan layanan dan fasilitas terbaik bagi para pebisnis dan wisatawan berselera tinggi. 5-star hotel with diamond which bears the name of leading world-wide hotel chain located strategically at the very heart of capital city Jakarta to offer the best in service and facilities for discerning traveler and businessman. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 9 Growing in Harmony PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 10 THE PLAZA OFFICE TOWER Pusat bisnis terkemuka yang paling bergengsi di ibukota bagi korporasi utama yang menuntut fasilitas terbaik, teknologi mutakhir serta kehidupan ramah lingkungan yang secara terpadu terkoneksi dengan hotel, pusat perbelanjaan dan apartemen di dalam satu kompleks. The leading and most prestigious business central in the capital town for discerning corporations that demand the best in facilities, advanced technology as well as green living, integrally connected with the hotel, shopping center and apartment in one complex. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 11 Growing in Harmony PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 12 fX Sudirman fX SUDIRMAN Tampil dengan nama baru fX Sudirman, pusat perbelanjaan dan gaya hidup yang berlokasi strategis ini telah direnovasi dan diperluas dengan sejumlah fasilitas, toko dan resto terbaru untuk memanjakan kebutuhan serta dinamika kaum muda dan para netizen. Renamed as fX Sudirman, this strategically located shopping and life style center has been renovated and enlarged with a wide range of new facilities, shops and restaurants to indulge the dynamic needs of today’s young executives and the netizens. PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 13 Growing in Harmony PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Laporan Tahunan 1 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights Dalam Jutaan Rupiah, kecuali disebutkan lain In million of Rupiah, unless stated otherwise LABA (RUGI) KONSOLIDASI 2012 2011 2010 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Pendapatan 1.709.976 909.590 811.316 Revenues Laba Kotor 801.631 489.425 400.319 Gross Income Laba Usaha setelah Penyusutan dan Amortisasi 447.321 188.829 105.574 Operating Income After Depreciation and Amortization Laba (Rugi) Bersih 234.725 83.128 503.043 Net (Loss) Income Jumlah laba (rugi) yang dapat diatribusikan 234.725 83.128 503.043 Total Income (Loss) attributable to owners of the kepada pemilik entitas induk dan kepentingan non Company and non-controlling interest pengendali Total Laba (rugi) Komprehensif 234.725 83.128 503.043 Total Income (Loss) Comprehensive Laba (rugi) per Saham 68.71 68.71 146.59 Basic Earning (Loss) per share NerACA BALANCE SHEET Total Aset 3.950.267 4.232.841 4.430.888 Total Assets Aset Lancar 723.250 653.346 913.828 Current Assets Aset Tetap dan Properti Investasi - Bersih 3.126.192 3.502.719 3.411.472 Fixed Assets and Investment Property - Net Aset - Lain-lain 100.825 76.777 105.589 Other Assets Total Liabilitas 1.717.983 1.935.307 2.207.608 Total Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 609.301 382.554 546.311 Current Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 1.108.682 1.552.753 1.661.298 Non- Current Liabilities Hak Minoritas Kepentingan Non Pengendali 4.688 13.897 21.644 Minority Right Non - Controlling Interest Total Ekuitas 2.232.284 2.297.534 2.223.280 Total Equity Modal Kerja Bersih 113.949 286.292 384.024 Net Working Capital INDIKATOR KEUANGAN UTAMA (dalam %) KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS (in %) Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Jumlah Aset 5,94 1,96 11,35 Return on Total Assets Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Ekuitas 10,52 3,62 22,63 Return on Equity Rasio laba (rugi) terhadap Pendapatan 13,73 9,14 62,00 Profit Margin Rasio Lancar 118,70 178,00 172,48 Current Ratio Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas 76,96 84,23 99,30 Liabilities to Equity Ratio Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset 43,49 45,72 49,82 Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio PT Plaza Indonesia Realty 2012 Annual Report 2 Growing in Harmony laBA (RUGI) konsolidasi (dalam miliar rupiah) PENDAPATAN (dalam miliar rupiah) CONSOLIDATED GAINS (in billion of rupiah) REVENUES (in billion of rupiah) 2,000 1.710 1.710 1,5000 910 910 1,000 811 802 811 655 621 655 621 576 503 489 447 500 375 337 343 400 189 106 115 293 235 100 87 106 83 08 09 10 11 12 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 (229) Laba Usaha Setelah (500) Pendapatan Penyusutan dan Amortisasi Laba Kotor Laba(Rugi) Bersih RASIO LIABILITAS RASIO ASET LANCAR TERHADAP EKUITAS (%) TERHADAP LIABILITAS LANCAR (%) Liabilities To Equity Ratio
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