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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information Index Abrodictyum 403, 425 A. diaphanum 21 A. firma 206, 207, 215 Acrophorus 439 A. latifolium 237, 376 A. salvinii 202, 206, 380 Acrorumohra 440 A. pedatum 308, 378 A. setosa 208 Acrosorus 444 A. philippense 203 A. spinulosa 115 Acrostichaceae 434 A. reniforme 203 Alsophilaceae 431 Acrostichum 210, 434, 435 A. tenerum 292 Amauropelta 437 A. aureum 210 Aenigmopteris 442 Amazonia 370 A. danaeifolium 203, 204, Afropteris 435 Ampelopteris 437 210 agamospory 307 Amphiblestra 442 A. speciosum 210 Aglaomorpha 212, 444 Amphineuron 437 actin 30 A. cornucopia 268 Anachoropteris clavata see Actiniopteridaceae 434 Aleuritopteris 434 Kaplanopteris clavata Actiniopteris 434 alleles Ananthacorus 227, 434 Actinostachys 427 deleterious 110 Anarthropteris 444 Acystopteris 438 recessive 110 Anchistea 439 Adenoderris 439 allohomoploidy Andes 371 Adenophorus 444 lycophytes and 319 Anemia 9, 135, 138, 140, 142, A. periens 115 secondary speciation 143, 351, 427 Adiantaceae 354, 434, 435 through (see also A. fremontii 352, 353 Adiantoideae 435 speciation, secondary) A. phyllitidis 138, 139, Adiantopsis 434 318--320 150 Adiantopteris 354 tree ferns and 318--319 Anemiaceae 404, 427 Adiantum 161--162, 165, 311, Alloiopteris 341 Anetium 434 434, 435 allopolyploidy Angiopteridaceae 423 plastid genome of 163 secondary speciation Angiopteris 82, 86, 163, 165, A. capillus-veneris 6, 7, 8, 9, through (see also 423 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, speciation, secondary) A. lygodiifolia 76 21, 22, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 320--321 Ankyropteris 349 31, 32, 33, 34--35, 37, 38, Alsophila 405, 431 A.
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