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6.5 X 11 Double Line.P65 Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information Index Abrodictyum 403, 425 A. diaphanum 21 A. firma 206, 207, 215 Acrophorus 439 A. latifolium 237, 376 A. salvinii 202, 206, 380 Acrorumohra 440 A. pedatum 308, 378 A. setosa 208 Acrosorus 444 A. philippense 203 A. spinulosa 115 Acrostichaceae 434 A. reniforme 203 Alsophilaceae 431 Acrostichum 210, 434, 435 A. tenerum 292 Amauropelta 437 A. aureum 210 Aenigmopteris 442 Amazonia 370 A. danaeifolium 203, 204, Afropteris 435 Ampelopteris 437 210 agamospory 307 Amphiblestra 442 A. speciosum 210 Aglaomorpha 212, 444 Amphineuron 437 actin 30 A. cornucopia 268 Anachoropteris clavata see Actiniopteridaceae 434 Aleuritopteris 434 Kaplanopteris clavata Actiniopteris 434 alleles Ananthacorus 227, 434 Actinostachys 427 deleterious 110 Anarthropteris 444 Acystopteris 438 recessive 110 Anchistea 439 Adenoderris 439 allohomoploidy Andes 371 Adenophorus 444 lycophytes and 319 Anemia 9, 135, 138, 140, 142, A. periens 115 secondary speciation 143, 351, 427 Adiantaceae 354, 434, 435 through (see also A. fremontii 352, 353 Adiantoideae 435 speciation, secondary) A. phyllitidis 138, 139, Adiantopsis 434 318--320 150 Adiantopteris 354 tree ferns and 318--319 Anemiaceae 404, 427 Adiantum 161--162, 165, 311, Alloiopteris 341 Anetium 434 434, 435 allopolyploidy Angiopteridaceae 423 plastid genome of 163 secondary speciation Angiopteris 82, 86, 163, 165, A. capillus-veneris 6, 7, 8, 9, through (see also 423 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, speciation, secondary) A. lygodiifolia 76 21, 22, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 320--321 Ankyropteris 349 31, 32, 33, 34--35, 37, 38, Alsophila 405, 431 A. brongniartii 344, 348 120, 162, 176, 187, 203 A. auneae (see also Cyathea Anogramma 434 A. caudatum 21 pubescens) 202 Anopteris 435 468 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information Index 469 Antarctica 368 Aspleniaceae 124, 212, 354, A. filix-femina 135, 144, antheridiogen 31, 68, 138, 378, 436 143--144, 145, 146, 148, 143, 144, 148 Aspleniales 432 145--149 chemical structure of asplenioid ferns 408 A. filix-femina complex 135, 139 Asplenium 115, 135, 149, 211, 314--315 dark germination and 212, 288, 305, 379, 381, A. filix-femina var. angustum 143--145 408, 436 314--315 general effect of 135--138 A. adiantum-nigrum 373 A. filix-femina var. in nature 145--149 A. adulterinum 211 asplenioides 314--315 laboratory conditions and A. alatum 210 A. oblitescens 308 140--143 A. cimmeriorum 268 A. yokoscense 211, 260 response in polyploids A. csikii 111 Athyropsis 438 149 A. dalhousiae 376 Australia 378 Anthoceros 163 A. harpeodes 213 Austrogramme 434 Antigramma 436 A. heterosiliens 290 autopolyploidy 317 Antrophyaceae 434 A. nidus 308 Azolla 357, 404, 428 Antrophyoideae 435 A. pimpinellifolium 145 A. microphylla 264 Antrophyum 434 A. platyneuron 124, 237, A. standleyi 356, 357 A. williamsii 268 375 Azollaceae 428 apical cell 76, 80--81 A. praemorsum 209, 210 bulging of 19--20 A. rhizophyllum 237, bacterial artificial apogamy 58, 56--59 378 chromosomes (BAC) 176 and antheridiogen A. ruprechtii 378 Belvisia 444 response 142, 144 A. ruta-muraria 135, 140, biogeographical disjunctions and sporogenesis 58--59 148, 149--150, 288 375 facultative 56--57 A. septentrionale 111, 115, Biscalitheca 342 obligate 57--59 149 B. musata 341 apospory 59--60 A. sessilifolium 210 Blechnaceae 353, 354, 355, Arabidopsis 20, 29, 33, 34, 35, A. subglandulosum 375 356, 357, 439 37 A. trichomanes 138, 140, Blechnales 432 A. thaliana 33, 80, 183 149, 211 Blechnum 145, 241, 408, 439 Arachniodes 406, 439 A. trichomanes ssp. B. fragile 213, 215 Arachnoxylon kopfii 339 quadrivalens 111 B. orientale 377 Araiostegia 443 A. viride 211 B. spicant 120, 124, 142 Archangiopteris 424 Astrolepis 310, 434 Blotiella 434 Argyrochosma 211, 310, A-substance 134, 135 Bolbitidaceae 439 434 Ataxipteris 439 Bolbitis 209, 407, 439 Arthromeris 444 Athyriaceae 353, Bolivia 270 Arthropteris 407, 442 438 Bommeria 135, 142, 144, 434 Asia 369 Athyriales 432 B. hispida 179 Aspidiaceae 439 athyrioid ferns 408 B. pedata 57, 142 Aspidiales 432 Athyrioideae 438 Boniniella 437 Aspidotis 434 Athyrium 263, 306, 310, Borneo 369, 371 A. densa 110 408, 438 Botrychiaceae 422 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information 470 Index Botrychium 82, 268, 343--345, Centres of Plant Diversity chromosomes 422 (WWF and IUCN) 270 counts/numbers 177 B. australe 263 Cephalomanes 403, 425 homeologous pairing of B. dissectum 121 Ceradenia 444 112, 178 B. lanceolatum 121 Ceratopteridaceae 434 size of 186--187 B. multifidum var. robustum Ceratopteris 9, 59, 135, 138, Chrysogrammitis 444 120, 121 138, 140, 142, 143, 434, Cibotiaceae 262, 404, 430 B. nipponicum 121 435 Cibotium 263, 430 B. simplex 121 C. richardii 57, 140, 176, C. barometz 262 B. ternatum 120, 121 180, 181, 184, 185, C. schiedei 290 B. triangularifolium 121 183--185, 187 C. taiwanense 204 B. virginianum 120, 121, C. thalictroides 111, 112, Cionidium 442 123, 345 178, 180, 308 cladoxylopsids 338--341 B. wightonii 343, 344 Cerosora 434 climate change (see also subg. Botrychium 308 Ceterach 436 conservation) 263--264 Botryopteridaceae 347, Cheilanthaceae 434 Cnemidaria 431 348 Cheilanthes 144, 203, 211 Cochlidium 444 Botryopteris 347--349 C. acrostica 111 Colombia 271 B. forensis 213, 348, 349 C. gracillima 120 colonization B. tridentata 344, 348, C. tinaei 111 genetics of 123--124 349 Cheilanthoideae 435 Colysis 444 Botryopus 422 Cheilanthopsis 438 commercial collection of bracken fern see Pteridium Cheiloplecton 434 ferns 262--263 Brainea 439 Cheiroglossa 422 Coniogramme 434, 435 Brazil 270, 371 Cheiropleuria 351, 426 conservation bryophyte 81, 82 Cheiropleuriaceae 426 climate change and Chieniopteris 439 263--264 Caobangia 444 China 268 ex situ banking of spores Callipteris 438 Chingia 437 and 285--290 Callistopteris 403, 425 Chlamydogramme 442 ex situ cryostorage of Calochlaena 432 chloroplast 25 gametophytes and Calymmodon 444 chloroplast DNA 291--292 Camptodium 442 PCR mapping of 167 ex situ cryostorage of Camptosorus 408, 436 chloroplast movement sporophytes and Campyloneurum 444 20--25, 26, 27, 29, 30 292--293 C. angustifolium 111 mechanism of 30 ex situ cultivation and 285 C. brevifolium 235, 241 photorelocation 22, 24, ex situ propagation and Carboniferous 96, 213, 342 20--25, 30 265 Lower 339, 341, 343, 347 speed of 29--30 gametophyte generation Upper 343 Christella 437 and (see also Cardiomanes 425 Christensenia 423 gametophytes) 265 Cassebeera 434 Christenseniaceae 423 genetics and 269--270 cell division 16--19 Christenseniales 423 in vitro cultures and Cenozoic 347 Christiopteris 444 collections and 290 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information Index 471 life cycles and 264--265 Cyathea 162, 353, 405, 431 D. macgregori 268 protected areas and C. australis 259, 261 D. punctilobula 67 270--271 C. bicrenata 207, 208 Dennstaedtiaceae 352, 353, regional and ecosystem C. caracasana 62, 271 405, 434 level 265--268 C. cranhamii 353 Dennstaedtiales 432 restoration and 271--272 C. delgadii 287 dennstaedtioid clade 405 spore banks and 264--265 C. pubescens (see also Dennstaedtiopsis aerenchymata Cooksonia 53 Alsophila auneae) 202 352 Coptodipteris 434 C. spinulosa 288, 295 Deparia 438 Cornopteris 438 Cyatheaceae 350, 353, 379, D. acrostichoides 378 cortical microfibrils 21 404, 431 Deparioideae 438 cortical microtubules 21 Cyatheales 232, 350, 429 detrivore 65 Corynepteris 343 Cyclodium 439 Devonian 81, 232, 335, 337, Coryphopteris 437 Cyclogramma 437 339, 342, 343 Cosentinia 434 Cyclopeltis 407, 442 Late 342 C. vellea 111 C. semicordata 237 Upper 342 Costa Rica 370 Cyclosorus 408, 437 Dicksonia 86, 262, 271, 432 Costaricia 434 Cyrtogonellum 439 D. antarctica 259, 261, 262 Coveniella 439 Cyrtomidictyum 439 D. sellowiana 215 Crepidomanes 403, 425 Cyrtomium 268, 406, 439 Dicksoniaceae 262, 404, 405, C. venosum 203 C. falcatum 142, 287 432 Cretaceous 37, 343, 345, C. fortunei 142 Dicksoniales 429 347, 350, 351, 353, 354, C. macrophyllum 142 Dickwhitea allenbyensis 355 356, 358 Cystodiaceae 433 Dicranoglossum 444 Lower 349, 351, 352, 354, Cystodium 405, 433 Dicranopteridaceae 426 358 Cystopteridaceae 438 Dicranopteris 88, 426 Upper 349, 352, 353, 355, Cystopteridoideae 438 D. dichotoma 77 356, 357 Cystopteris 306, 308, 311, 320, D. nitida 88 Crypsinus 444 407, 438 Dictymia 444 cryptochrome 32, 38--39 C. tennesseensis 149 Dictyodroma 438 Cryptogramma 434, 435 Dictyoxiphiaceae 442 C. crispa 135, 289 Danaea 423 Dictyoxiphium 442 Cryptogrammaceae 434, 435 D. wendlandii 203, 206, Didymochlaena 406, 439 Ctenitis 407, 439, 443 235 Didymoglossum 403, 425 C. bigarellae 258 Danaeaceae 423 Diellia 124, 269, 408, 436 C. humilis 268 Davallia 87, 212, 443 Diphasiastrum 319 C. maritima 211 D. parvula 203 Diplazioideae 438 Ctenitopsis 442 Davalliaceae 354, 443 Diplaziopsis 438 Ctenopteris 444 Davalliales 432 Diplazium 408, 438 Culcita 429 davallioid ferns 407 D. subsilvaticum 237, 239 C. macrocarpa 110 Davallodes 443 Diplopterygium 87, 426 Culcitaceae 404, 429 Dennstaedtia 405, 434 Dipteridaceae 350, 351, 352, Currania 438 D. bipinnata 237 403, 426 C-value 185--186, 192 D. cicutaris 66 Dipteridales 425 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87411-3 - Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Edited by Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler Index More information 472 Index Dipteris 351, 426 Ecuador 369 floras D. lobbiana 203, 208 Egenolfia 439 species diversity on dispersal Elaphoglossaceae 230, 231, continent versus island genetics of 123--124 439 231 long-distance 372--378 Elaphoglossum 111, 114, 212, Florida 369 divergence times 213, 377, 407, 439, 440 floristics 379--381 estimates of 378 E.
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