
Technical datasheet


1 Summary ...... 3 1.1 Software summary ...... 3 1.2 Document description ...... 3 1.3 Brief solution description ...... 3 1.4 Solution functionality ...... 3 1.5 Supported messengers(channels) ...... 3 1.6 References to the product ...... 4 2 Architecture Nova.ChatsConnector ...... 5 2.1 Overall Nova.ChatsConnector ...... 5 2.2 flow ...... 6 Examples of account establishments in messengers: ...... 8 ...... 8 Public ...... 8 Cisco Spark ...... 8

2 1 Summary

1.1 Software summary Table. 1 Software summary

Option Value

Full product name Nova.ChatsConnector software Shortened product designation Nova.ChatsConnector Product Development Company NOVA IT LLC

1.2 Document description This document describes the technical component of the Nova.ChatsConnector.

1.3 Brief solution description Nova.ChatsConnector is a unique platform that combines messages across all channels: WhatsApp, , Viber, Telegram, ,Instagram, etc. solutionslike: Genesys (PureConnect, PureEngage, PureCloud), Cisco (UCCE, UCCX), NovaIT (Nova.Chats).

1.4 Solution functionality Nova.ChatsConector software solution allows not only to use messengers for customer interaction with the company, but also makes their use more convenient for business. The omnichannel, as opposed to multichannel, allows you to work with all messengers simultaneously from a single user interface.

The agents’ workplace does not need to install additional plug-ins, the handling of the messages for all channels are taking place in a standard agent desktop chat widget. Together with the chat, the operator's workplace is displayed the type of messenger (viber, , telegram, etc.) and a unique customer ID. If your contact center solution support chat recording, the conversations from Nova.ChatsConnector would be recorded as well as other chats.

This means that all customer calls, no matter what messenger they come from, fall into a single window and any operator can handle it.

1.5 Supported messengers(channels) • WhatsApp, • Viber Public. • Telegram, • Facebook messenger • Microsoft Bot Framework (Skype, , Kik,Teams, Cortana,) • ; • Twitter; • Cisco Spark; • Twillio; • Callr;

And more.


1.6 References to the product Table. 2 Product links

Company Source

NOVA IT LLC Genesys 6b28d86d0013


2 Architecture Nova.ChatsConnector

2.1 Overall Nova.ChatsConnector

Nova.ChatsConnector consists of the following components: BotConnector, ChatProxy, MongoDB (Database) .

1. BotConnector is a message unifier. The main purpose is to receive messages from messengers(WhatsApp,Telegram,Facebook Messenger,etc.) and convert it to a single format (JSON over HTTP or HTTPS). Then it handover messages to ChatProxy.

2. ChatProxy is a adapter for contact centers platform. It recieves messages from BotConnector and pass them to contact center system ( Genesys PureConnect, PureEngage, PureCloud, Cisco UCCE, UCCX). It use standard contact center’s API.

3. MongoDB (Database) is an open source database management system. It keeps the BotConnector and ChatProxy configuration and general sessions information.

5 Rice.1TotalschemeNova.ChatsConnector

2.2 Messages flow There are two different threads:

1. Receiving messages from the channel; 2. Send a message to the messengers channel.

This pipeline allows us to abstract messages independently of the platform and implement only a few functions for each messaging platform (syntactical input and output analysis).

This pipeline allows us to abstract messages independently of the platform and implement only a few functions for each messaging platform (syntactical input and output analysis).

Receiving message from the channel (Receive a message).

• The customer sends messages to one of these messengers; • With the message gets to the platform of the messenger; • Platforma messenger handles the message and drawn to the webhook of BotConnector; • BotConnector unifies the message and brings it unified format; • The session is saved to the MongoDB; • The message is sent to ChatProxy; • ChatProxy brings it into a readable form, then sends processed messages to Contact Center; • The session is updated in MongoDB; • The external system handles the message and transmits it to the contact center agent. • The agent receives a message from the client.

Reply to messenger channel l.

• The agent reply to the customer; • The contact center system processes the message and transmits it to ChatProxy; • ChatProxy unifies the message and sends it to BotConnector. • The session information is updated in MongoDB; • BotConnector receives message from ChatProxy and transform it into a readable format for the messenger. • The session information is updated in MongoDB; • The message is transferred to the messenger platform via webhook; • The messenger platform processes the message and sends it to the customer. • The client receives a response from the agent in the messenger.

6 Workflow Nova.ChatsСonnector

Webhook URL for Incoming incoming messages Receive a message from a channel

Nova.ChatsConnector IM proprietary Protocol Messenger Platform Customer IM (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc) :443 :443 Internal System: :443 Genesys (PureConnect, BotConnector :80 ChatProxy :80 :80 PureEngage, PureCloud), Operator (unification) (de-unification) Cisco (UCCE, UCCX), NovaIT (Nova.Chats)

:443 :443 :80 :80 Momgo DB (Database)

Outgoing Send a message to a channel Webhook URL for incoming messages

IM proprietary Nova.ChatsConnector Protocol Messenger Platform Customer IM (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, etc) :443 :443 Internal System: :443 Genesys (PureConnect, BotConnector :80 ChatProxy :80 :80 PureEngage, PureCloud), Operator (de-unification) (unification) Cisco (UCCE, UCCX), NovaIT (Nova.Chats)

:443 :443 :80 :80

Momgo DB (Database)

Fig. Nova'sworkflowscheme.ChatsConnector

7 Examples of account establishments in messengers:

Telegram 1. In Telegram, you can use a button to image a scythe, or dial manually. (All commands and names should be sent without quotes). 2. First team "/newbot" We get aboutthe tweet:"Alright, a new bot. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for your bot." 3. We send a username for this bot by adding a "bot" or "zbot" at the end, for example: "MyFirm'bot" or "MyFirmBot." The answer is: Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see/help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this. Use this token to access the API:449278023:AAHCKAghsd45qSIMv'cVk5uCBxHaPw9pIoI6njhkFk 4. To connect to Nova.ChatsConnector use received bot token.

Viber Public 5. Login to Viber Admin Panel and register with Viber Public: 6. To connect to Nova.ChatsConnector use received bot token.

Cisco Spark 1. Let's go to Cisco Spark for developers and register an account. 2. Click "My Apps" in the title, then on the "+" button to create a new bot. 3. To connect to Nova.ChatsConnector uses received bot token.