Instructions to create your webRTC account

Account is not needed to perform a videocall but it provide a complete access to free- collaborative and realtime features webRTC Collaboration platform what's for ?

This is an Open Source Collaboration Platform. It enable all features you need to start with an On- Collaboration platform. webRTC and realtime communication is embedded so you can also perform audio conferences and video conferences with members. webRTC provide high quality realtime audio video communication.

Through our collaborative Wordpress server you can communicate and have social web features similar to Facebook or Google +. With webRTC you also get features similar to or Hangout. As a result you get all usual social fonctionalties available on public servers within your own private company server.

Feel Free to create your account and experience collaborative webRTC technology now. Make friends, create groups and post articles or news.

Connect from your mobile phone, share voice and video from any location, chat with other users use the social platform from anywhere with your mobile

Software Requirements As a core characteristic of webRTC, you do not need any application except a webRTC enabled browser. Currently Chrome, Chromium,

Generated by Clearspace on 2021-09-28+02:00 1 Instructions to create your webRTC account

Opera are supported on any computer. Firefox support will be enable in upcoming realeases. IOS is not supported

Instructions to create your account 1-Click on Google/Facebook/Twitter Icon to create your account at Free-

2-Reset your password, click on set Passwd Tab

• This will send you an email with instructions and link to set your password. Check your Email Spam if you do not receive a mail from

• Bookmark and Use this URL to connect directly : or still using google or facebook button • Add /invite friends to interact within the platform • Check HOWTO and use additionnal apps

ANDROID devices :

Download and install our Android Application

Generated by Clearspace on 2021-09-28+02:00 2 Instructions to create your webRTC account

Or simply navigate to with default android browser or chrome.

Credentials for mobile clients you need to set/reset your password at first

Free-Solutions XMPP - Jabber server credentials :

• server name : • Username : firstname_lastname • Password : the one you set within

Use these credentials to connect with any XMPP Client such as Spark, , Xabber or any other client

Usefull Links and references Jive community :

Free-solutions :

Interested ? Want to know more ? You have a project ? Register at and add me as a friend

Contact us

Generated by Clearspace on 2021-09-28+02:00 3 Instructions to create your webRTC account

Generated by Clearspace on 2021-09-28+02:00 4