THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DIVISION DRUCC for the Period from 01.10.17 to 30.09.19
Updated in Sept 2018 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DIVISION DRUCC for the period from 01.10.17 to 30.09.19 Sl.No. Name & Address Representation Contact Nos. 01. Shri R.Krishnan, Chamber of 9447030704 Rengamani & Co, Rose Gardens, Commerce 0477-2251374 North of Iron Bridge, Alappuzha- 688 011 02. Shri S.Nagarajan, Chamber of 9443579397 47- Poongaveeth, Commerce. Vadiveeswaram, Nagarcoil-2, Kanniyakumari Dist. T.Nadu,Pin- 629 002 03. Shri M.R.Francies, Chamber of 0487-2350018 Moyalan House, R.S.Road, Ollur, Commerce. 9447088201 Thrissur Dist- 680306. 04. Shri Y.S.Vijayan, Chamber of 2350562 Vijaya Press, Vazhuthacaud, Commerce 9387803034 Trivanadrum- 695014 05. Dr.Baiju Ramachandran, Chamber of 0471-2321888 (Director ICCI) Commerce 9349697909 “Deepam”, Desabhimani Road, G.P.O, Thiruvanathapuram 06. Shri V.Ravendran Nair, Agricultural 0471-2480569 Raji Nivas, Muttakkadu P.O, Association. 9946940347 Thiruvanathapuram- 695523. 07 Shri .O.S. Manikantan, Registered 0471-2434190 T.C.41/939, Manacaud P.O, Passengers 9847133460 Thiruvanathapuram-9 Association. 08 Shri Paul K.J.Manvettom, Registered 04892-243106 Paulson Opticals, CS-Road, Passengers 9446140888 T.D.Road Jn., Ernakulam, Cochin- Association. 682 011 09 Shri Baby Joseph, Handicapped 9037372224 Nediyakalayil House, Nellikuzhi Association P.O, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam- 686691 10 Shri A.A.Shaffi, Kerala State 0474-2712549 (General Secretary KSCC) Consumer Council 9447752549 Ushas Kilikkollur (E) Kollam-691 004 11 P.Krishnakumar GM’s Nominee O487-2320041 “Aswathy”, Mannath Line, under the category 9995297900 Peringavu P.O, Thrissur- 680 008. of Special Interest 12 Sri C Dharmaraj SMV Bhavan, Nominee Of Sri Pon Sathancode P.O Kannyakumari Radhakrishnan M.P Dist Tamil Nadu (Reg No SR 038/17-19) 13 Sri Ani Varghese Nomination of Sri 9447141222 Thundu parambil,Kottarkavu P.J Kurian M.P Mavelikkara-690101 14 Sri Rafeeque Ahammed Nomination of Sri 9847336633 M.C.House, Green Park.
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