Global and Russian Energy Outlook 2019
The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences ПРОГНОЗ РАЗВИТИЯ ЭНЕРГЕТИКИ МИРА И РОССИИ 2019 И РОССИИ ЭНЕРГЕТИКИ МИРА РАЗВИТИЯ ПРОГНОЗ The Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO GLOBAL AND RUSSIAN ENERGY OUTLOOK 2019 Moscow 2019 The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences The Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO GLOBAL AND RUSSIAN ENERGY OUTLOOK 2019 Moscow 2019 THE OUTLOOK WAS PREPARED BY: The Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ERI RAS) Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO Academic Director: A. A. Makarov, Research Advisor, ERI RAS Project Manager: T. A. Mitrova, Director at the Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Research Advisor for ‘Forecasting the Development of the Global Energy Sector and Global Energy Markets and Determining Russia’s Role and Position within Them’, ERI RAS V.A. Kulagin, Head of Global and Russian Energy Research Department, ERI RAS; Head of Centre, Institute of Pricing and Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Higher School of Economics. This document presents the results of a study involving the long-term forecasting of the world’s energy markets and calculations carried out using the SCANER information modelling system. It presents a comprehensive assessment of trends in the development of the energy sector – globally, regionally, and nationally – including volumes of consumption, production, processing, energy trading, prices, the parameters of competition, the dynamics of the commissioning of new facilities, and volumes of CO2 emissions. Three forecast scenarios – Conservative, Innovative and Energy Transition – reflect key uncertainties in the development of the energy sector. The development of the Russian energy sector is also examined, taking into account the impact of the situation in foreign markets.
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