a n y o th e b ec au se w q rth m o re.

P is for Portland, the metropolis o f Maine* It also stands tor Pillsbury and for Popularity. Pillsbury’s Best Flour is more popular Ilian any other, not only in Portland but in the whole .1 / state ; also throughout the U. 8.

A. M. AUSTIN Suropon and Mechanical Dentist, 441 MAIN ST., . . ROCKLAND, MS. 4 < DR. F. E. FOLLETT Dental Surgeon A. K. HPKAK BI.OCK-Cor. Mulnsnd Pari Plar.

Surgeon and Mechanical Mnyor Knlgh ill banquet at WALKER & PAYSON business meeting Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. BYNDICATK BUILDING, ROCKLAND. David E. Carleto 0. M. W a l k e r . ___ K. 0. P ath o s. tion of tbo Jones whi KEUEL ROBINSON street,and will open a Attorney at Law CA M D EN ...... Dunn & Carr have ha Late Judge of Probate and Insolvency made by C. B. Emery. RICE, BIRD & BARNEY York Roman letters, rai Insuranoe Agents, black. SYNDICATE BUILDING, ROCKLAND. First claan, strong and reliable English and Rockland has quite a nura American Compnnlea are represented by houses, this Winter, but no Telephone connect'on many as othor places of Rock A. J. ERSKINE & SON in Maine. Fire insurance Agents, ,17 MAIN STREET, - ROCKLAND, ME. The blossomed orchids at the Office rear ronm'over Rockland National Bank. Greenery have been admired 47-Loading English and American Fire Insnr anoe Companies represented visitors A new one bas TYaae/srs' Accident /nturance Co. bloomed, a Dendrobium. EVERETT A. JONES Mumps are somewhat prevalent Fire Insurance Broker. 1 Risks placed aad insurance effected Bob Thomas,C. A. Haskell Tbe largest risks placed with safety nlar clerk, has been carrying his be 461 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, MK P . O. Box 034. sling, in consequence thereof. Frank E. Post of this city has bou COCHRAN, BAKER & CROSS of Isaiah Jones the farm in South Tho aston, near tbe Hcad-of the Bay, at FIRK, NARINE will use it ior tbe raising of hay. Insurance Agency

Capital represented over Ninety Million Dollars It C Hall, chairman of the Board of Loeiee Adjusted and raid at thia Office Overseers of the Poor, informs us that ’ ]’ he is having more than twice as many an 400 M A IN BTKKKT ROCKLAND 8 calls for help as is usually the ease. NI. P. JUDKINS, M. D. UEBIDKNCK AND OFFICE, 302 MAIN STREET Notwithstanding all reports to the con trary there is no discount on electric car lnterestiag U rric K H ook.—io io 12 County Telephone Connection tickets if he ight in large quantities. Five cents is the price, big or little lots. DR. WOODSIDE At tlla stated Residence and Office 49 Middle St. mont Commande Fred Manson, J. r. Hall s expert TBLEPOONK CONNECTION Monday cvining of Hoorb 8 to 9 wood worker. ha» a collection of some plications for rnembe very rare specimens of wood. We owe F. B. ADAMS, M D. him our tbankH for a sample of camphor Physician and Surgeon This Tuesday eveni 403 MAIM b'l'KKKT Lodge, F. und A M , w J. L. Breck, the candy maker, has Fellowcraft and Master Mason A ALBEE, M. D , W. gone to wholesaling. St. Clair Bros. At at which Limn District Depn OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. 40 MIDDLE BT Co now handle some ot Mr. Breck's nice O fkick Uou Master M. D. Ames of South Tho •A0 p. >n. Telephone connection. specialties and they are having a great will be present in his official cupat W. v. HANSCONI, M. D sale, lie’s an expert Physician and Surgeon Gen. Berry Lodge, R.. of P., ha J. F. Hull, the man who makes car BYNDICATK BUILDING, - ROCKLAND moved into St John's Hall, A. K Spear « • Special attention given to Dlweaaes of the riages. is getting out one of those tine Block, und will hold its next meeting Ryu and Ear. covered grocery wagons for C. H. O f f ic e Hours there Thursday evening top. Ol. Achorn. He is also making a very dain TBLXFHONE Connection :—Office, 46 8; House 80 8. ty light running wagon for Dr. Williams. Nahanada Tribe, I. O. R. M., and Al­ Tbe live chameleons which have been farata Council have moved their wig Physician and Surgeon on sale here have become great pets warn and its furnishings to St. John’s Night oalla from the office. Telephone Connection BYNDICATK BUILDING. with the ludies. One lady has one that Hall. follows her about anil seems delighted BUSINESS BOOMING. J U- LEVkNSALEK, when he bears the voioo of his mistress. No. 80 Ma in St ., . THOM ASTON, MK. The Red Seal Company Seems to Be Consultations aollclted In all departineP1* ol Gale ami Hewett went to Damariscotta Medicine, burgery and Gynecology Right in the Midst of tbe Swim. Made o / Offloe PraOioc Mills, Thursday, to play at a mask ball O rriCK H o u r s : Whoox>iot otherw ise profs• given by tbe Sons of Veteran, ol tnat 1 he Red Seal Remedy Co. of this city •looally engaged. 88 place. Friday evening Gale with a drive is kept a-hustling nowadays. It liaaa WIIY WILL YOU of five played for a ball ut Crescent big corps of salesmen out and thu goods J Buffer with RHEUM A. Beach. TIBM in W rist, Arm sell rapidly. Last week a well known und tbruugh the Bhcul Bostr n firm turned in big orders lu r the ' tiers, when one of CO V - Warren R. Pbinney of Thomaston IL’S HfCTRIC RHEUMAT­ company’s goods. makes some of the most delicious con­ IC R im WILL CURE J. Henry Norcross, tho well known YOU I Price <1. Bend fectionary that ever melted in one’s Blip of puper also of Tremont street business man, makes a j finger. mouth. In response to a demand for Pacsut Applied For. tine display of tbe goods in his window. J UE6TRIC RHEUMATIC RIM8 80., these confections W F. Norcross has put Rockland people iu Boslou should lake a 4B7 M ain Buvet, Roeklund, Me. iu a line of them. T ry’em! look ut the goods und see what first class TAX INTEREST. stuff is manufactured way Down East. Intureal ou taxua commenced October 16th Some of the hoys ulong Main street make u practice of riding on the tail end I The chameleon lud has got u fresh 8 to I t a. in., 1 lo 8 p- is «ud 7 to 8 evenings. of thu electrio railroad’s plutlorin oars, . boom. The Now York 8 P C A. has , 81 E. B. F A R W E L L . keeping out of sight ol the conductor. taken step, to stop the sale of charne- | TAX NOTICE. Some of these hoys wdl Ire bobbling Icons by the storekeepers iu New York J My office will be open for the payment of taxes for the years 1869, 189c, ldfitl and lov2, as follows : through life with a crutch or two. city, und w|tl prosecute the parties o(- j ■very day from 0 to 11:80 a. m ., 2 to 4 p. in.: fering them for sale.—Biddeford Stan­ Wodiusmay and Saturday evenings from I to a ng tbe us fur 00 >. m- 4« W . H . SM ITH , CoUeotox. Said a m arkelm en: “One effect of the dard.i. / / %

\ he Courier-Gazette.

tfer ROCKLAND, M AINE, TU ESD A Y, FEBRU A RY 13, 1894. F)nt«*red BN ftMonrl CImr Mail Ndmbjbi G

LOCAL LACONICS. hard times is the great demand for liver. PERSONAL POINTS. MAINE MATTERS. of whether this was a scheme of chance, OLD ROCKLAND. People who ordinarily call for steak now and the decision will determine whether Newsy Notes and Brief Mention order liver. Some people come in here Having Especial Reference to People The report of the Bath fire inquest the various guessing arrangements of Read With Interest—Regarding the Late Home Happenings. Well Known Hereabouts. ami say they want souio liver for their shows that the recent big fire there was ehiirch and other fairs and of merchants Death of Capt Jonathan Crockett. cat, and then order two or throe pounds. clearly the result of an accident and not Ln grippe seems to he dying out. Can’t Daniel Rail and children have returned are legal L. T. Carleton for plaintiffs; , i r t s ! Must have hearty until” enused by incendiaries F. E. Beane for defendant. The article in last week’s C.-G. re­ die any to soon to suit our people! from a visit to Bncksport. garding events and affairs in Rockland Returns showing the business trans­ in 1846 was read with great interest. T he Boo.—George Brewster has dug Prof. Shnllor Mathews, professor of Little Fiod, son of Austin Black, An original widow’s pension has been acted in Maine during the year 1893 by We shall shortly publish the second in and stoned a cellar, put up n honso and history at Colby University, has accepted sends us 10 cents (or our fuel fund. granted Almeda, widow of J . II. Paine, all fire and marine insurance companies the series. got it bonrdod up this Wintor. He will a professorship in tho divinity school of of this city. doing business in the State have been rise You! move in in the onriy spring----- Mr and the Chicago University, and will The Captain Jonathan Crockett, to E A. Knowlton hnsjust completed a received at the insurance department Mrs. Farnham and six ohildren have S. L Graves of Round Pond is tho commence his duties there in August. whose death we referred in that article, fine piece of enhinet work for A. H and show the following results: been sick with la grippe. The ohildren guest of his brother, T. J. Graves, was the father of Mrs. G W. Brown and Berry. Fire risks written, 1107,833 093 97 are better. Mr. Farnham has been laid School street. J A. Bucknnro, aged 73, of Mechanic Premiums received thereon, 1,1,80,927 09 Prof. A. T. Crockett of this city and Falls,died Tuesday morningol heart trou­ Eire lotses paid, 95,,05 ,1 up (or a number of years with rheuma­ E'lre losses Incurred, 813,524 50 W E. Crockett of Boston, and was the $1.00, $1.25, Three car-loads of our people attended IL M. Lord of this oily will deliver Marine risks written, 18,110,719 tism and la grippe goes hard with him. ble. He ran tho largest clothing manu­ brother of Mrs. J. I’. Wise of this city. the Alfarata ball in Rockport, Thursday the memorial sddresB this year before Premiums received theroon, 252,002 05 ----- Bert Sherer has hired a cooper and facturing business in that part of Maine, Marine losses paid, 193,898 81 Following Is the obituary ns published evening Cooper Post, G. A. R., of Union. has served in the Legislature, held var­ Shirts will be set him to work----- No much can be Compared with tho business of 1892, in tin) Gazette: .1. It. Torrey & Son nre getting out done in the woods, snow is so deep----- ious town offices and was trustee of the this shows an Increase of $3 745.466.46 Il is our melancholy duty to record iorno fine bronze work for the electric Mr. Brewstor is quito smart this Win­ S. Dean Graves has been at his home Universalist State convention. in the amount of fire insurance written, the death of Capt. Jnnntfinn Crockett, of lighting company. ter. Mrs Bruwster has been very lame in South Thomaston a few days. He is and an increase of 1158,334 52 in tho this town, who died at Havana, on the Mrs. Angolinc Biesenherg, an actress 27th ult , aged 39 years. A year Inst by spells all Winter----- They say that home from a tour of Massachusetts in | premiums received thereon, and a de­ the interest of the Grodcr Co. well known under the name of Anna crea se of $102.258 89 in tho tiro losses December Capt Crockett, in command The prison team was in town Wed­ our roads should be shoveled out between Hathaway, died at Indianapolis recently of llie ship Meilorn, li ft this oort tor incurred. Tho increase in the marine nesday with a big load of nice looking Farnham's and Shorer’s------They say from the t (Toots of a surgical operation Mobile. In four days after leaving us The venerable Willard Robbins who risks written was $8,326,055, and the witii bright anticipation and cheering irn brooms, cornvict labor. that 150 cords of wood, all fitted for the Her maiden name was Angeline Finney, Each. is making his home with A. M. Cobb, increase in tho mnrinc premiums. $82,- prospects, his beautiful new ship was stove, lay iu heaps at tho Head-of-tho- and she was born in Winthrop, Maine, dismasted. In this situation, known Thomaston Road, has had quite a severe 311 94, and an increase of $23,311.94, ^Will, son of Myron J. Hahn, of this Bog----- They say that T he Couuieii- 64 years ago. only to sailors, the wind blowing a gale, Lhas a handsome colt. Will rides ^tA/.ette gets and tells more news than attack of la grippe,but was improving at and an increase of $23,026 94 in the tile Medora, by some timely assistance -not a poor one in fery handsomoly, too. all others in the county. last acconnta. II A. Hackett and his son were ar- | marine losses paid. arrived in a foreign port and alter rested in Manitoba Tuesday. They art- undergoing suitable repairs, returned to A. L. Oxlon and daughter Stella of Now Orleans wtiere she took freight to Riehnrdson of this city has a SOCIAL SALAD. BAPTIST BETHEL. from 14 to 17. Come San Simon Bay, California, are visiting wanted at Farmington, charged with Leghorn. She hnd just arrived at ptty sample of olive wood from stealing between $10,000 and $20 000 Society Notes, Parties, Teas and Other in this city.the guests of Mr. Oxton’s sis­ Havana, “homeward bound” when a recent acquisition. worth of bonds, Thoy bad $10,000 As comparatively few arc aware of the death summoned the beloved comman­ Irst choice. Like Innocent Dissipations. ter, Mrs. E C. McIntosh. Mr. Uxton is magnitude of the work being done nt worth of bonds ana were attempting to der from his earthly eares, to that home Itrlc rnilrra nmpanv had 175 a native o f West Rockport and has been the Baptist Bethel, Sea street, its possi prepared for the living. Having wit­ A pleasant way of entertaining friends negotiate them at the City Bank, An nessed with pleasure his per6everanoe, hreakil absent thirty years. Ho has prospered bilities and its needs, the committee de­ kt the snow after is guessing parties. At a party given effloer is now on tho way from Maine to fortitude, and nautical skill in the criti­ in the far West and is the owner o! a big cided to place before the people a brief rm of j and 31st ult. not long ago, the guests nil represented institute extradition proceedings. cal positions which fickle fortune had ranch. statementof what has been accomplished placed him, while following the sea, bis different books, dressing more or less in Hats le City Council (so far os figures can show it), believing friends fondly hoped to sec him return character to typify the various titles. Jam es G C. Smith’s dry goods store lnd ik e after tho The partnership xisting between that a knowledge on the part of the peo­ happy to the bosom of his family, and One yonng lady wore over her bodice a in Union Block, Biddeford,was damaged once more be welcomed by his nnmeroni londay evening. Henry Trowbridge .id L. E. C. Hinck­ ple of what is necessary to carry broad blue ribbon with the word “ Be­ about teD thousand Monday night by a acquaintance, whoso confidence nnd ley, attorneys, at Denver,Col., has been on this noble effort will meet with ap­ fire which started near a chimney in the affection he had won by his honest deal­ (X Sale F ebauwy I 9 T 1 - Ks leased a por- cause" painted in conspicuous characters dissolved,eaoh gentleman going into bus­ ings, his kindness and affable deport­ preciation Hnd hearty response. across the front. “ I can tell you what iness for himself. Mr. Trowbridge is cloak room on tho second floor. Many |rf. east of Water The Bethel was opened Nov. 5, nnd ment. He has left many who will re­ you represent” exclaimed her hostess, garments were destroyed, but tho chief member his traits of character with de­ granite yard there. a Thomaston boy and Mr. Hinokley n until December 17 meetings were held “everyone knows that. Because is a well known Bangor young man. The) damage to the store below was light and grieve lor big premature three evenings in the week with an av­ piigrimago to bis better home. A de­ •Woman’s Reason.’" An oddly bediz­ caused by water and smoke, The L a fine new sign are among Denver’s rising young attor­ erage attendance of 51. Since Decem­ voted wife and children weep for his ened gown with fluffy little tails of wool building was damaged about $500. Loss ( it is of New neys. ber 17 ths building has been kept open absence. The poignancy of their an-, was worn by another yonng woman who to both store and block covered by insur­ guiBh can oDly bo ctnoeived by |ped, gold and ROCKLAND PHILHARMONICS. every day, and meetings held each even­ brandished a long spear. “ Lamb’s TaleB ance. who havu suffered the “ wringing ing, Average attendance during the last fibre of ti e heart,” in mentrj ^icr of empty G r eg o r y & S o x , from Shakespeare,” was the prompt A Choral Association Organized ln Our Investigation is being made as to the day from this dato to February, 49. by parting forever with one wh guess of one of tho gnests. “ White City—Som ething of Its Objects. alleged brutal treatment of Charles Average attendance at evening meeting dearly loved. nearly as W ings," too, was obvious, and made a Goodridge, a demented young man, at for same period. 65. Total attendance lland’s size The effort to organize a choral asso­ J. P who was referral Inder Farwell Opera House. oharming costume. “ An Old Fashioned Kennebunkport. Deputy Sheriff Stack- from December 17 to February 1st, 113. ciation in our city culminated Wednea article aJ ; in business at Girl” was dressed in her grandmother’s pole, who is making an investigation, Total attendance since Bethel opened, gown, while a yonth in his usual even­ day evening in the institution of the and hal large Mather finds that the young man has been fast­ counting no person twice tho same day, ing clothes announced himself modestly, Rockland Philharmonic Society, the grindstonosl hand,” is onim liy many object of which is to study and practice ened to a bed with an ox chain and 6,231. A Sunday School has been held Just as I am .” There is do limit to tivo business mbs^.tqdjy. [ecently shackle a year and a half. The bedroom each Sunday with an nverage attendance this representation; let any one consult oratorios, ohoruscs and like high class man went into his store; is small damp, poorly ventilated and of 57. music. The meeting was held at James found him at work upon £ library and a host of things will sug­ very filthy. An endeavor is being made Sixty-one have requested prayers at gest itself. W ight’s, and the following offioers iron job that required great Skill. Mr. elected: to have him sent to tho insane hospital. the different meetings up to February 1. Even more original than the book Wise has the skill and the jg was done i pop- President, H. M. Lord; Vioe Presi­ Of this number 57 show good evidence party was a supper party given by a Lumbermen say the amount of lum­ in fine shape. LD PRICES! ad in dent, Dr. T. E. Tibbetts; Secretary, of having been soundly converted. Two number of art students to tbeir master. bering in Oxford county this season will Mrs. Louise Furbish; Treasurer, E. A. young women have been rescued from In the list of vcssels\hat were built in All appeared as tubes of paint repre­ exceed that of any other season for 20 Burpeo; Executive Committee, George houses of infamy. One returned to her 1845-46 was the Lucy White. She was senting his favorite “palette.” Straight years. In the Lake country large E. Torrey, W. O. Fuller, Jr., A. R. home in u neighboring city, the other built for Capt. Oliver Jameson and was ebeath dresses of silver-gray paper mus­ amounts of spruce and pino are being SEASON! NEW SEASON! Weeks, Julia S. Spear, Mrs. Ada F. doing faithful work in a home secured owned by tho captain, Jonathan White, lin representing tho tubes, round little put In the Swift, the Bear, the Andros­ Keene; Musical Director, James Wight; for her here. About sixty Bibles and Constant Rankin ,and Harris Farrand. naps of silver paper covered the hair and coggin and other rivers. In Norway Pianist, Mrs. James W ight. The society Testaments have been placed in as many Cephas Slarrett was builder, and she each tube bore its label printed on white and vicinity the lumbering is mostly for will meet Wednesday evenings, weekly, homes. was constructed nt the North end. a par, across the breast, “chromo yel- barrel staves and deal boxes. Large nt 7 :S0 o’clock, p. m ., for the present at The sick and destitute have been vis­ After some thirty years of service she “ Vandyke brown,” “ rose madder” quantities of lumber of various kinds is the home of Mr. Wight. ited in their homes and at the Marine was lost on Monomoy Point. The ,he rest. being hauled to South Paris. More than few Goods, so to-day we have opened All Bingers of Rockland and vioinity Hospital; a large amount of food and Martha Sanger, another of the vessels, a mile of Crooked river is said to be cov­ who would like to identify themselves clothing has been wisely distributed; a was built for Capt. Samuel Duncan, iRATERNITY FACTS. ered with poplar. with the society are invited to leave Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas now of New York. -N ow s Notes from Varisus tbeir names with any member of the tree provided for the’childrcn; the kilos, The State pension department issued SM ART COW. Vatins, C ha!lies, P rin ts , P ercales, &c. jioaret Society Circles. executive committee, to bo presented to wharves nnd vessels have been visited 1303 certificates to pensioners last year, regularly by the superintendent, who the society for consideration. Thu next requiring an expenditure of $63,000. The Kind of an Animal That Must Be ^convocation of Clare- meeting occurs tomorrow evening and lias distributed rending matter to the Profitable to Keep—Big Record. Knighta Templar, The appropriation was $65,500, which men and assisted them in various ways. it is to be hoped that there w iilb e a Rockland among other first-olaa* l^ast week, four ap- leaves $1700 to lapse into thu treasury. The last feature of the work will in­ large number of names to act upon. Since the opening of the new year things has one of thu best cows that ever the old, and to make quick sales, we mark ^ship were received. This is not to be a singing school and crease in importance as warm weather Pension Agent Milliken has received advances. lived. She is part Jersey, and is owned 'them at Low Prices. singers who cannot read rnnsic wo'uld 169 applications for pensions, of which by Benj. Philbrook residing on Camdo Rockland not find it to their advantage to join. These facts and figures will only serve k? 41 were new ones, an unusually large | lH SUKge8t in part the ground covered street, this city. Last year Mr. l’h| ill confer the Permanent roomH will be secured and percentage. The State is obliged to! tj,js work. brook kept careful account of £s Degrees, furnished,and a membership fee will be bear an additional burden through the | ------— amouut she gave during the t\J Grand * charged to provide funds to pay the 1 ease Remnants Baby Flan- (k A new lot of Dress Goods, many action of the United States pension de- WON THE BOOKS. months and found that she gave nel, regular 12I l-2c goods.. very choice and only one of each guastOB running expenses of the society. The partuient in cutting off pensions. Many I ------of 13,763 pounds of milk in thj coloring to avoid having them too amount of this fee and other business of those who have been cut off come to ■ End of the Breviary Contest—Social besides nursing a calf 24 days. com m on. matters will be settled at the meeting the Stato department for aid. The Gathering, Music and Collation. If any of our readers li.yvej Rnnants White Goods. tomorrow evening. oldest pensioner on the State rolls is that think they are some For a number of weeks there has been 10 Satin Damask Table ( 2 * 0 A new lot All Wool Dress Goods ROCKLAND INVENTOR. Maria Wilson of West Gardiner, 98 should bring their animal up a$ Covers, old price 85. last season’s QQ/* years of age a good natured voting contest between Mr. Philbrook’s bovine. prices 60c,nt.fW VzV Rev Fr. Phelan and Rev. Fr. Goughian, Mr. Philbrook informs us that 1 case White and Colored K K p 4Xj Ouv He Designs Several Granite Cutting Tools That Meet With Favor. An odd case was heard by Judge pastor und assistant of St Bernard’s largest 30 days yield was 1437 pound*,] Blankets, per pair...... «EJL Whituliouie at Angustu a week ago. Catholic Church this city, for a fine set the smallest 752. A well known Massa­ 8000 yards of Hamburg in lengths O. P. Howard of thia city has patented The Odd Fellows held a fair in Win- of breviaries. The contest ended Tues- chusetts farmer publishes what be con­ o f 2 1 1 yards O K p A, Q V p A new lot of Bleached Table Dam- another stone dressing tool. The inven­ siders a phenomenal record of about fo r...... —fJL M t | asks, particularly low prices, A tion is a bush chisel and it is altogether and velvet with satin lining, contributed QuuDoed as follows: Fr Phelan, 3,013; 1000 pouuds of milk in a year. 100 pieces Cotton Birdseye, »>/* different from auy other kind in use. by thirty ladies was offered, the person f'r . Coughlan, 2,029. 10 yards in a piece, each. ,OV$L> 59c, 69c & 79c Thu cuts are uttaohed to the outside of a guessing the nearest to the number of j The announcement of the vote was SPORTING TOPICS. edge shaped shank or pole, which does pieues to have the quilt. Vesta C . made the occasion of a pleasant social [Way entirely with the old-fashioned Alex. McDonald's fine burner, Forest] 3000 yards of Hamburg in lengths Pettengill guessed the right number, gathering of members of St. Bernard’s ws. This makes it possible to work and so did E. C. Beal, J 11. Bates and Society, in the church basement. A Hunter, was bongbk by E. C. Davis *nj pieces Scrim, per yard .... 4 c o f 4 New Crepe Ginghams. for & 2 5 c a narrow and deep groove or notch, L. O. Cobb, of Winthrop, and Sadie , short but enjoyable entertainment was not E. B Hastings. bush up snug to the edge. This Chick and F. H. Burgess, of Augusta, j given by Mrs. Jam es Wight, Miss Liizie u p device makes ail excellent long Vesta G. Pettengill claimed the quilt, j McNamara, Dr. T. E. Tibbetts and 8. B. Speur and others of ouil ?se Marseilles Quilts, large size, 20 pieces Insertions, worth /I _ tia hammer, or a dressing ham- and took it from the fair people on a Jam es McNamara. Coffee and cake men have returned from a buuliq tied to slight iniperfec- (ky for soft stoue. writ of replevin. The other parties were served, down Surry way. L worth 31.25, for.... t/O C* 25c, for...... JVC Wool Chullies. 5 0 c to 7 5 c r. Howard’s former pateut on bush brought a hill in equity to have a re- , ■ —— mer poles has proved a success, ceiver appointed, the quilt sold, and the , mers made from it have been in proceeds divided among the several Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Ref ^,ey Red Print.... A New Lot Colored Hamburgs. for tour or five years and have so far guessers. A new tot Morie Silks, Black and ed to be the best, easiest and fastest Vesta C. Pettengill, the defendant, many colors in prices from I'king hummer now in use. claimed that the commission of the trial 1 w Howard, who is oae of our well, justice before whom the repleviu was 1 A SS 1 PC A j New Lot Print, Percale and Saline luwe r.u m , is .1 practical grand' In ,mg lit having expired picvioudy and, te P rin t...... It) p 1 , O V Wrappers. The styles are new. pan, and i. ihoioughlv .nuversunt with ' (ba iiaviug Hie quid iu her posession, it lie needs of the craft, and bis two inven- was h e rs She also urged that the1 lion-promise to come into general use. , drawing nt the quilt was a game of) Jl'tie Livingstone Manufacturing Co. , chance and therefore illegal, and she R i the men and women. Oh ! if they could only he OnVaiaiiBm iTripliciisiiiii G. A. R., was held at Bangor Tuesday and most notable In that series of genuine f iks of made well and strong how different their lives which McClure’s Magazine has mule nun ALL ROUTES! Wednesday and it is quite needless to state p or. nt feature. P o rtra its ot Mr. Rih v and would he! And they can he so just as well that the “ boys in blue" assumed full owner­ Mr. Garland, and pic ures of Mr. Riley’- boy­ ALL CLASSES AND PRICES! as not. Read the following letter from Mr hood home and the scenes ol hia more fHmili.tr Ci ship of »he city. poems w ill accompany the articie. SVThronsh Sleeping Can to Chicago, 8t P Joseph A. Slayton,one of the most prominent i bread and Minneapolis, All PaelAc Coant Points and The first day was entirely occupied with the IMKN& Southern California. men e f Calais, V t.: reading of the department commander’s report There are American Beauties and American Time Tablet aad all la'ortnntlon Fornlahed “ Two years ago I was taken with the na Application and the reports of the various department beauties,—roses and women,—and each pays grippe. I had to take to my bed and homage to the other. Our country is noted for officials. F a n n e r s , A. S. BUZZELL, - Ticket Agent, very sick. I came very near death. I was its lovely women Hnd brilliant society leaders; The report of Department Commander and after seeing the portraits of nearly a scor« L a b o re rs, Maine Central R. IL , Rockland. confined to my bed six weeks. When I got ot “ Society Leaders of New York Stale," THIS IS A MOST WONDERFUL CURE I Cushing was full of interest. Concerning the up I was very weak and could but just get given in Demorest’s Mairazino for February, No oilier Remedy can produce Km e q u a l. T e a m s te r s , proposed Maine Relief Corps’ home the com- one is w illing lo concede ihat the Empire state Can find no better shoe than the around. I employed physicians who did me can hold its own for the celebrity and beauty Gentlemen : Belfast, Me., Dec. 21. 1892. mamler says: “ W ith the hearty sympathy and In February, 1881. I had been on crutches for B read W inner. very little good. of its women of wealth and culture, for tfcoe support of all interested in such a home, it two years from a white swelling of my right knee E MONEY v„„, portraits form a charming collection of typical and also had glandular swellings about my neck It is strong, id table, honest, and manufactured .'California. may soon be an established fact instead of a “ I had serious trouble with my heart, so New World women that everyone w ill find and chest. I had gradually been running down expressly to give ALL OUl-KOOit WORK- AND TIM E T,tok'‘ bad that I fell and received serious injury. pleasure in possessing for.a much longer time, and had a severe cough L ItS the H o st RorV lco for the L e a n t Money. Great Central Konte Excursions. project.” and was greatly emaciated and weak. All my . Made for Men and Roys, from soft, pliable stock; Concerning the charges o f fraud in the pro­ and it w ill be a lead that he will surely main­ I was completely run down and could not do friends considered me far advanced with consump­ in two styles, seamless Balmoral and Congress; tion ; 1 was thought to be beyond help; I was with and without tap scle. __ Cara, learn Chicago twice a week, Mondayi any work on account of nervous prostration. An advance copy of “ Toilettes" for February curing of pensions the commander declares tain. has reached this office. As usual it supplies thoroughly discouraged, and judged that medi­ AMOS P. T /iP I.E Y & C0-, and Thursdays nt 10.40 P. M„ for San Francisco and I was thoroughly discouraged. A friend ad­ cine was of no use in my case, as I had been under all points In Colorado, Utah, Montana, , that the grand army stands for anything but the latest facts In relation to the fasbinnHhh. the care of a skillful physician for two years con­ BOSTON, MASS. Washington and Oregon, via Chicago, Union A party of about fifty was landed by the vised me to try Dr. Green’s Nervura blood world, everything being brought down to daie. stantly. On February 5,1881,1 commenced taking —SOLD BY— Pacific and North Western line. Shortest time. fraud, being as anxious to guard the treasury and nerve remedy. Its publishers have exercised their usual care D a l t o n ’s S arsaparilla and took it three Lowest rates. ForBleepIng Car Blrtha^ctc., apply now as its veterans were to defend the flag in Emmeline at Bucksport. The county dele­ in the selection ot illustrations, which are months. At the end of that time my knee had t'. A PEIEI!SOX, Alluiilic ‘•lioc.iStore gates arrived back here Thursday evening. “ I had to have something to help me im­ models for this class of work and are of cxcep improved so I could go about with a cane, and my time of war. Let the frauds, if any exist, be strength had improved to a remarkable degree. mediately or I could not live long. tlonal good taste. We understand that the co­ proved, not implied. in atlon of the publication la rapidly on tile I had a good appetite and was feeling cheerful ..f O ? r ? O OO YOU KNOW Edwin Libby Post o f this city was entitled the thought that I should te well once more. In II. L. Vaughan, assistant adjutant general, increase. We are free to say (but it deserves six months I discarded cane as well as crutches. to 18 votes, but owing to various unfortunate whatever success ft nas achieved, and is in At the end of seven months I ceased taking med­ CFJ. FELIX LE B A U N 'S reports that at the close of 1893 there were every wav worthy of the w?1 uopulnritv. ia .i-.-and found myself well. I have remain d well happenings but eight were able to attend. 167 posts in good standing in the department Toilettes” can bo obtained from all Newt- to •- present time and am not the least bit lame. STEEL TESSOTL PULS The following attended: W. II. Simmons, dealers. cr direct from Toilettes Publishing D my life to D a l t o n ’s S arsaparilla and o f Maine, with 9275 members in good stand­ Co., 126 West 23rd Sr., New York. smi;h- ,■ 1 as proved \\\y cure to bepermanent. 1 can- prothooriglnal nnil >t iy i'HENCH. wnfcRndro. C. C. Cross, Win. Noster, E. 5J. Shaw, copies 15 cents. Yoarly subscriptions #1.60. n.? ,'t too highly to others similarly Iinbb* m i <• «i i Piieo scut by ing. One post was organized during the year. atlected. Should anyone doubt the truth of the m ail. Mile only by Thomas Saunders, George Thomas, Joseph The amount expended in charity during the above statement they can refer to me by letter. W. Il Roirr-fi n, Hole Avon’, Rncklnt d, Davis, J. P. Cilley. M RS. J U DITH K NOWLTON, year was $3408. The number of members re­ Home and Country is replete with go d No. 9 Cedar St., Belfast, Me. maining suspended at the close of 1893 was things. The magnzinc is elaborately illustra­ Prepared by DALTON SARSAPARILLA CO., Belfast, Me. ted and its contents are diversified. It con­ W idow Urey Cough Cure 1083. The number remaining suspended is Col. Carver was supported by the entire I se Dalton’s Pills and Plasters, also Dalton’s tains articles on many Interesting und timciv Lmuitl Dentifrice for the Teeth and Gums. ’ f< f erfoctio • Tffif lf growing larger year by year. Something may, Knox, Lincoln and Waldo delegations with subjects. few exceptions. Or the illustrated articles, “ Ready to Make probably, be attributed to the hard times, but nn Assignment A business man’s Hory of vastly more to a waning interest on the part Col. Carver met an old comrade at Bangor the pinic,” “ Kissing And Kisse ,” “ The De­ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,niiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinnia B E S T o f the suspended comrades. velopment of Light Cavalry. The Dragoons,” R O U T E . whom he hadn’t seen since 1S63, George ’ Variety Specialists. The habits of wander­ CLYDE LINE. Department Inspector James L.M errick re­ Leathers of Lewiston, a member o f Co. E., ing performers,” “ An American Girl in Lon­ 1-2 THE COST OF RAIL. ports that 54 posts have relief funds amount­ don. A reminiscence,” and “ Players on the R a is e d of the old Fourth Maine. Horn," are worthy of special mention. Home 2 x THE COMFORT. ing to $1 1,229; amount expended in charity and Country Is published monthly nt 53 East 3 TRIPS PER WEEK. during the year 1893 was $3»775> amount of 10th Street, New York, and the subscription The Next Term of Court. pice is $2.50 a year. Only line direct to Jacksonville. No change at money and securities in the hands of the quar on a Bottle. Intermediate points beyond N. Y. Kates from Boston and New England Include fare to N. Y. bv Sound termasters 523,014.44; value o f other proper Traverse jurors for the March term of Raised from infancy to healthy, happy childhood, I lines, passenger and baggage transfer In N. V. Ships The Arena for February is a magnificent Brst-claas. cuisine the best. Send to Eastern Agt. for ty owned by posts, $66,741.64; cash on hand Supreme court have been drawn as follows: Midwinter issue, containing 164 papes. Among upon the only perfect substitute for mother’s I particulars or apply to nearest ticket agent Vinalhaven, Lafayette C. Smith and John L. the contributors are, Rev. M. J. Savage, Re/ m ilk — M e llin ’s Food. This food contains all = J . A. FLANDERS, East’n Agt., T. Q. EGER, T. M., and property owned amounting 10590,657.09; JOSEPH A. SLAYTON, ESQ. 201 tVash’n st., Boston. 5 Bowling Green, N. Y. Washington Gladden, D. D., Heinrich Hen- the nutritive properties of breast milk, = number of school buildings supplied with flags Sellers; Friendship, Austin M . Simmons; Other medicines which I had tried did me sold t, Ph. D., Congressman John Davis, Stin­ without any of the injurious farinaceous sub- = 946; number o f W. R. C’s connected with St. George, George S. Washburn and Hiram son Jarvis, Rabbi Solomon Schindler, Helen stances found iu many other infants’ foods. = no good. I took one hottie of Dr. Greene’s Campbell, und Rev. Hiram Vroornan. J he posts, 124; camps o f S. O. V. 49; prospects Russell; Rockport, John II. Cells and Nervura blood and nerve remedy and it set Editor contributes two important papers: one Theodore V. H ill; Appleton, George C. dealing with uninvited poverty, the other »n of posts, in 114 good; 43 fair, 10 poor e right on my feet. Maine Central Railroad. Wentworth; South Thomaston, John W. argument against medical monooly A strik­ There are according to reports 716 school “ I could not help having faith in this won­ ing feature is a Smyposium by six well known In Effect December 25, 1893. Woodard and W illiam Burton; Camden, M ellin’s Food buildings not supplied with U. S. flags and the derful medicine even if I wanted to. It cured American women on “ Rational Dress for Parktr Car between Rockland and Bouton. Lendal L. zXnderson and Chas. E. H a ll; Women.” This Smyposium is profusely illus­ w ill make the weakest infant robust and = inspector would urge the comrades in every me completely. Before I tooR it I was so trated. Altogether, no Review ot the monih vigorous. Unequaled as a n o u rish m e n t 5 leave Rockland mh Rockland, Walter J. Wood, Leonard S. post in the department to see to it that every dizzy I did not dare go away to work alone, w ill be so attractive to progressive per-ons in Cholera Infantum, teething, and all 3 Benner, C. W. Gale, II. B. Simmons, J. R. as the Midwinter Arena. The publishers an­ baby complaints. Invaluable for inva- 3 8:16 a. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lewiston, school is supplied before next memorial day. I would fall down and hurt me badly. Since nounce that hereafter The Arena w ill contain Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, St. .John, Portland Stewart, Frank P. Witham and Albion Love­ lids, convalescents, and the aged, 5 and Boston, arriving in Boston at 4:30 p. Medical Director W. II. True reports the taking Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve 144 pages, making it the largest montly Re­ jo y; Cushing, John F. Burton. view published, Parlor car to Boston. loss of 200 comrades by death in 1893. O f remedy, my health is good and my nerves are Our Book for the Instruction of mothers 3 1 :S6 p. m. for Bath, Brunswick, Lew Iston, Water The March term convenes Tuesday the villa, Portland and Boston, arriving In Boston at these the oldest was 83, the youngest 43 years steady. I know it is the best medicine and “ The Care and Feeding of Infants,” | 0 30 p. m. 13th, with Chief Justice Peters presiding. The changes in navigation between America o f age. The average age of deceased was 61 advise all to use it.” w ill be mailed free to a ny address, upon request. Trails arrive: The Warren-Union flowage matter con­ and England which have taken place in the last 10:46 a. m. morning traiu from Portland, Lewiston years, 4 months. Il yov are weak, sickly, nervous, run down, half-century cou'd hardly be brought before u? DOLIBER-GOODALE CO., Boston, Mass. 1 tinued from last term w ill probably come up. in a more striking wav than is done by Mr Waterville. The report o f Assistant Quartermaster Gen­ or have any nervous or chronic disease, take 5Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuniiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Boston, Portland^ Lewiston There is a great deal of interest over this Hamilton A. H ill, in his article on the “ Bos­ Parlor car from Boetcn. eral A. M. Warren shows the total assets to Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve remedy. ton Liverpool Packet Lines,” in the New Eng­ case, or rather cases, for several are embraced. SON 24^K ER, Cen’l Manager. be 51464.03 and the balance on hand $577.59. I w ill surely cure you. The spring is the best land Magazine. Among ihe great number of B4 K M V r , curious pictures with which tbeuriicle is illus­ The total value o f post property in the state W lL. WHITE, Dlv. Supt. The Epworth League of the Methodist time to take it. You can always be cured trated, few are more interesting than those of is $97,241.39. quickest at this season. Everybody needs a the earliest Cunard steamers, at the lime con­ church held its annual meeting Thursday sidered so Imposing and gigantic, but small spring medicine, and there is none which will Tuesday evening a reception was given zening and elected the following officers: enough as compared with the great Gunardt-ib s u e : e:,sfully treated. in honor of National Commander Adams do as much for you as Dr. Green’s Nerv of today.— Wuiren F. Kellogg, 5 Park Square, President, Fred S. M ills; vice presidents, Boston blood and nerve remedy. It is a- positiv ali»i« from all pnrfa of the W orld. BOSTON&BANQ0RS.S.00, and the audience which did him honor Lorenzo S. Robinson, Mrs. IL E. Candage, was one of the largest the opera house cure. T ry it. It is purely vegetable and Rev. C. W . Bradlee and Mrs. Lena “ Union Jack’s” recital of his experience Il aftar t you a 'horutul. ixain'i idoo, r^onal y or by raid I. jour cane curable, I win o WINTER ARRANGEMENT. there ever knew. Commander Cushing pre­ harmless and is the discovery of Dr. Greene, “ With Farragut on the Hartford," now run­ tra.i to ..It’ >OU nr r .•-ivn -io p .y ! •.prrl.dly luvllo c urn4 lh.t . f, iva bee pronounend tn« White; secretary, Miss Addie Maynard ublc by other sided and called upon Dr. A. C. Hamlin to of 34 Temple Place, Boston, Mass., the most ning in the B.ue and Gruy magazine (Phila<“ I- at bavo bwsoni i dbcouraned by prolonged treatm ent w i'hnut jetvin,; any bone Two Trips a Week to Boston. treasurer, J. L. Stephens; superintendent o phia) abounds in interesting anecdotes of ihe Coni in enol n g M o u d a y , J a n u a r y 1 st, 1KU4, introduce Commander Adams. The latter junior league, Mrs. Mary Littlehale. The re successful specialist in curing nervous and admiral. In the January Issue we find ihe to - GERMAN SPECIALIST SUsiaer* will leave Rockland, weather was received with enthusiastic applause which chronic diseases. He can be consulted per­ lowing, in the course of u description ot the and Ice perm itting, us follows: port of Mrs. H . E. Candage, chairman of fight at Port Jackson. »<1 and r?kin Di* m -*#, Norvnue Debility, tieraianl Weaknesi sonally or by letter, free o f charge. For Boston, Mondays, und Thursdays at about was redoubled at the close of the short but Mercy and Help department showed that a Young Loyall stood beside his gallant father ADO p. m , or upon arrival of steamers from brilliant address which he delivered. during the passage of the batteries, both gazing 1 B ieksport. large amount o f charitable work had been upon the terrible struggle with intense interest. Sultn 2, For Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Bucksport and be­ The election of officers was the most FEBRUARY MAGAZINES. 0 5 n T ft yond if ice permits, Wednesdays and Saturdu) done by the league the past year. The treas But the bursting shell und hurtling shot proved DR J SIRS stel Creighton . 245 Ti'eiH9D( St., Biislon, T t e portant feature of the second day’s gathering at about 6:00 a. m., or upon arrival of steamer urer’s report showed that the league had 100 much for the untried nerves of the young­ from Boston. and resulted as follow s: Department com­ The March number of Lippencotts w ill con ster. He involuntarily ducked his bend as shot For Green's Landing, Swan's Island, South Wi given the church considerable linancialjassis whistled by, us many a brave and more experi mander, J. Wesley Gilman of Oakland; senior tain a complete novel entitled “ A Desert Harbor, North East Harbor, Bur Harbor und tance and that a nest egg still remained in Claim, by Mary E. Stickney. enced man had done before him. 'I he keen Sorrsnto, Wednesdays und baturdays, at about vice commander, James E. Parsons; junii eyes of the admiral delected the movement, • .-00 a. m., or upon arrivul of steam er froi the treasury. The business o f tfcie meeting and patting his son affectionately on the shoul­ Boston. vice commander, C. M. Chase; medical di­ was varied with an intermission during which The complete uovel in the February number der, he said : “ Don’t duck, ray son; there is ro RETURNING TO ROCKLAND, rector, W. I I . True; chaplain, Rev. C. A. use in frying to dodge God A lm ighty.” From Boston, Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00 p, Principal Thompson of the High school re ot Lippincott’sis “ The Picture of Las Cruces,’ oy Christian Reid. The scene is laid in Mexico, From Bucksport, Mondays, and Thursdays Southard. It was found necessary to ballot cited selections from Shakespeare and Mrs. 12.00 m. twice fur a department commander, there be­ and chiefly in the ancient bouse ot a noble From Sorrento, at 7 .*00 a. m., Bur Harbor at 8 :00 Copping sang. family, where an American artist undergoes a The Eclectic Magazine for February has a a. m., Mondays, and Thursdays. ing such a close rivalry among the contest­ curious experience. varied and interesting table ol contents’ Among /FREI) LOTHROP, Agent, Rockland the principal oriicles we note: “ The Origin r CALVIN AUSTIN, Agent, Boston. ants. On the first ballot Col. L. D. Carv The Hanrahan kiln run by Cornelius and Evolution of Property in Land;” “ Prof WILLIAM H. HILL. Gen.Man., Boston of this city had 91 votes. His defeat, while Doherty was set afire Thursday. The experi­ Among the attractions ot the March number Jowett;” “ The Origin of Mankind;” “ Educa­ not unexpected, is naturally a dissappjint of Harper’s Magazine w ill he Mr. William tion and Instruction,” by Lord Coleridge; ment o f using bituminous coal for fuel is be­ Hamilton Gibson’s “ Welcomes of the Flow­ “ Constantinople in 1693,” by Max M ulk ; alhaven & Rockland Steamboat Co, ment among his many Grand Army friends ing tried and promises to be very successful. ers," a very comprehensive urticle, unfolding Prof. Tvndall,” by Prof. Huxley; and about the state. It is not customary however the mystery ot cross-fertilization, and 1 eauti- Recollections of the Commune ol Paris." IlNTER ARRANCEMENT fuliy illustrated from the author’s drawings Other articles are as follows: “ The Indict for the department to choose a commander ONE Tl-tIP DALLY I t Sho u ld I I b in E v e r t H o u se. ment of Dives," by ’.V. 8. L illy ; “ Our Ludy the first year that his name is presented. J B Wilson, 871 Clay St, Sharpsburg, Pa, of Puotoo;" “ The Queen and her First Prime 1 after TH»*ltS!A V, JANUARY 4th. What is believed to be the last letter written M inister;" “ A Humorous Rogue;" “ A South 4, and until further notice, tbeStesuner Commander Gilman it w ill be remembered says he will not be without Dr King’s New by Lord Byr< n is published in Harper’s Maga­ 8ea Island anil its People;” “ Some Thoughts was first announced a candidate for the posi­ Discovery for Consumption, coughs and cold®, zine for February, in connection with the on Rousseau;” “ Insect Gods;" “ An Aberdeen that it cured his wife who was threatened sketch of “ Lord Byron and the Greek Patri­ B O D W E L L ! tion in the encampment held in this city last Ktudeut of To-D ay;" “ Ihe Expedition to the fiAPT. GEORGE O. WEBSTER. with Pneumonia after an attack of “ La ots,” bv Rev. Dr. Henry Hayman, late Heui Westlndies, 1650;” “ Old Edinburgh Inns;” . Vlnalhaveu for Rockland every week year. lie was then easily defeated. Grippe,” when various other remedies and er of Rugby. When the Night F alls;" “ Mosses in Litera­ ra l physicians had done her no good. ture;” “ Nervs and Nervousness;" uud the ^Rockland, Tillson's W harf, f< Chaplain Southard of Thomaston gained Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. u>ual departments of “ Foreign Notes aud additional laurels at the encampment and the The February Century w ill contain an article Miscellany.” Published by E R. P e l t o n , K ing’s New Discovery has done him more on if e English painter, Alma-Tadema, written Bangor papers have much to say of him in 144 Eighth Street, New York. Terms, #5 per good than anything he ever used for Lung bv Mrs. Edmund Gos«e, and very fully illu year; single numbers, 45 cents; triul subscrip­ praise. The Commercial has this squib: Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free traied with sketches and pictures by Alma- tion tor 3 months, #1- Eclectic and any #4 I ndeiua and views of his beautiful London Hie state veterans hold their chaplain T rial bottles at W. II. Kittredge’s Drug Store. Magazine, &ti. Large bottles, 60c. ami $1. home. Mrs. Goose is a sister ot Mrs. Airnu Rev. C.A. Southard in the highest esteem,and Taderna. nuDcturing, aud we can promise our patrons the ROCKLAND & BANGOR are resolved to press their claim that he should W ith the beginning of the year appear novel­ (Joiniuenclug Monday, Dec. 11, 1B93 E lec tr ic Bim m s. ties of Ru»bian effects and modern adoptions ot very choicest flavors, obtained direct from the fruits. he National Chaplain for all it is worth. rhe-Man-tbat-draws-ibe-Handcart” Is the This remedy is becoming so well knowm. curious title ot un article by l)r. Edward Eggie- the first Empire; the latter being unduuhhdly I Stmr. EMMELINE He is a hue speaker and has a very command­ and so popular us to need uo special mention. 1 -n in Harper’s Magazine for February. The suggested by a recent revival ol the Nupoleooic Will leave M C R . R. W harf, Rockluud, at 7:80 A ll who have used Electric Bitters sing the name was originally given by ihe Indians of studies which makes its influence telt into lit- ' R d $ead Remedy Co. in., on Mondays, Weduesdays and Fridays ing presence. There is no reason why the eruture, on the atuge and even in art. Thus a. tttiue song of praise. A purer medicine does the Northwest to George Northrup a famous Camden, •Liucolnvill-, Belfust, Searsport, »Fort National Encampment at Pittsburg should not >ut anil hunter. Dr. Eggleston in (he article elegant opera wraps are requently made with R ocK laptl, Polut, *Saudy Point and Bucksport, connecting at not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is Empire yokes mid voluminous Renaiasance Bucksport with M. 0. irulu for Bangor and points give the Maine comrades this honor for they pays uu interesliug tribute toa wellnigh lorgut claimed. Electric Bitters w ill cure all dis- ttu hero. sleeves. The draperies already announced are RETURNING: surely have a candidate worthy and capable.” 1 of the Liver and Kidneys, w ill remove emg developed into many original effects, In­ A. J. Crockett of this city was chosen a del­ Pimples, Boils, Halt Rheum und other affec­ door gowm> being influenced by those ot the Leave Bucksport at b:86 a. m. (on arrival traf The Century Co., 33 East 17tli St., New peplum description The dress skirt is hecom- from Bangor) Tuesdays, 'Ibursdaya and balurdan egate to the next national convention. tions caused by impure blood. W ill drive York, have ju -t issued “ Pudd’ntead Wilson's for above named landings. Malaria from the system and prevent as well ing wider ut the bottom, and the sleeves ulso Calendar for 1894,” containing humorous ex- more voluminous. Bodices at the present CoanEcrriONJ.—Rockland, M.O. Value for points The Bangor encampment closed Wednes­ cure all M alarial fevers. For cure of iraets from Mark Twain's latest story, “ Pudd’- Vast; Stmr. Vlualhuven for Vlnalhaveu, North moment, are taxing uli the inventive genius of BavemGreen's Land lug and Swan’s Islund. Belfast day night with a big camp-fire in Norumbega lieudache, Constipation and Indigestion try nbeud Wilson,” now appearing in The Century, the urtist dressmaker bv being susceptible of f hey offer to send a copy ol ihe calendar free r f 6 8 0 0 u t Blm rW iking, for leiesboro, Castine and Urookts hall, at which Mayor Beal presided. Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaran very conceivable novelty in trimming and Vllle. 11. P . JO N E S , Mauuger teed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and to any one who w ifi inclose thtm a stamp to material. Toero has never, also, existed such •Flag Station. 4e pay postage. F . f r o c k e t l A « < ).♦ $ 10 0 per bottle at W. H. Kittredge’s Drug u rage as the present one for fur and ermine 8 tore. above all. Sou e original designs of collarettes Col. ( arver cumes back from Bangor, beaten The Century for February w ill contain an ar­ in real Lewis X I11 style—drooping at the but beaming. The cordial support giveu ticle by Mr. Johu G. Nicolai, President Lin­ boulders und very fiat—are becoming popular For O ykr Fifty Ykaim. coln’s private secretary, on the Gettysburg Ad­ among the uew modes. These vai ious move­ VINALHAVEN STEAMHU IT CO him w s of the kind to make any man feel dress, accompanied by a facsimile of the origi­ Mas W in s l o w ’s S o o t h in q SvHVPha® been ments indicated in the toilettes ol the mothers .:.>t tlio XSoMt Q ue.iii Cliange of Tim o, proud. Coming into the field this year a nal manuscript there printed for the first lime. fencing Monday. Oct. 2, 1 Mb3, the New ut»ed for over fiftv years by millions of moth­ ure closely copied by the fashions iu girls Ibis article w ill probuhly settle various dis­ dreoses und even in 'be costumes ot very little LEHIGH COAL, Fast U. ». Mall tearner candidate against two other men who ers lor their children while teething with per­ puted points aboui the writing, delivery, and fect success. It sooths the child, so'tens the s themselves. Iu exnaciiug these instruct­ Crook Cumber Co before the Department last year, gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is conect >ext of this famous address* ive items from the latest McDowell Fashion ICOAI. INALHAV EN, :he best remedy for diarrhoea. It w ill relieve Journals we notice that the handsome publica­ W ill run as follows, weather permit ling nevertheless on account of his personal CHARCOAL. the poor Jitlle sufferer immediately. Sold by The name of Oliver Wendell Holmes in the tions still muiutuio the high standard of (heir WaSTWAHD. tt.in EASTWARD. p. I popularity he developed a strength on the Drusgisle in every pert of the world, 25c. a former excellence and contain besides new feat­ ke*SwaoMsIand, i. 16 J.t ave Rockland, - *poa«» (j on V.|0, same day. iammany Hail,—a clear, di»passiouate state­ orni, and all 8kiu Eruptions, and positively ment of the great political machine's methods (he rnoi-f economical family fashion journal *1 ■ Ich phone conu-jcitau. •• Round Tup Tickets between Rockluud un-1 Maine. They stood behind him as they did xistei.ee If you are unable to procure any place, a /d o t kFf J A u<. * aven, 26 cents. 2 and achievements* at Fredericksburg, many of them voting lor cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar­ ot these publicatious a' your newsdealers do JOHN T. LOJ HROP, Agent, Rockluud anteed to give perfect aa liaise lion. or money i.1 khSOOTT&OOi, J. W HOPKINS, Agent, Vinalhaven. him against the instructions of their Posts. out take any substitute from him. but apply by Croc keit Blopk, JOS. EATON. Agent, Green's Lauding. refunded. Price 26 cents per boa For sale The shQrt stories iu Worthington’s Magazine mail to Mt»srs. A. M c D o w e l l & Co. 4West TUGS G. LIBBT, Geu'l Munagei. Ihe Colonel is also grateful to Edwin 1 by W. H. Kittrudge. ior February are most excellent, and the poems 14m ot., New York. N > SV H A Kt- K o c k l» H , ! ) o, Ftulltiiie Tie 1


OUR COUNTY EIGHTY YEARS AGO. "Rattler,” and the “Liverpool Packet was not fully accomplished. Thomaston sundry exercises and evolutions, re- H E R E ’S A M A N the last of which was particularly sue was a higher mark, and promised richer ; turned to their homes nnder their res- Baby's Burning Skin HACKING. cessfnl and troublesome. Their policy, booty. The young man, Christopher peotfve commanders. The 3d regiment „ '',,vMv '■••h’little girl wmwas troubledtrouble,| withwlih • ■ ■ > X Some of the Interesting Scenes and Inci­ Itclinig. burning snr,-s Ikx-tor To soounboM., Train., Wr4dln(S, Partta with regard to prisoners taken from pri­ Curtis, before mentioned as taken pris­ marched in a body as far as Gleason’s called it Italian Itch. He doctored Funeral., Ktt., Prompt attention K lre.i WHO HAD RHEUMATISM dents of the War of 1812. vate and unarmed vessels, was now oner in Lewis’s vessel, was compelled tier three in,mlhs,,lid nor do her tavern, (at tho present Bank Corner) nnv g o o ,I. Every earl of h er per­ First-class Livery Horses, changed ; most of whom, instead of be­ to act ns pilot, and tho barges proceeded and were there addressed and dismissed son was eovered wiih sores, ex- ' "t- Afl< r tak in g I t ri- Officers and Men of the Various Local CT RA REMEHIEs tw o WCPltfl tin* it« h «r«n>tu*ii Fine and Ntylish^Tnm-onta. FOR 26 YEARS. ing set on shore ns formorly, were sent on up townrd this place. This lnd, by their colonel, S. Thatcher. and in fo„r week* ilw -o S were all uo ’ Militia Companies—The Defence of Buckboard and Barges for Summer Camden and Thomaston — Eaton's to Halifax and detained as prisoners of thougli he dared not disobey orders en­ On Sunday, Sept. 11th, an express CHAS. M. GRAVEL, Connholiocken, I’a. Narrative of the War. war. The "Bulwark,”an English battle forced by threats ami a pistol nt his arrivod from McCobb's Narrows with Excursions and Picnics. Had Rheumatic Fever Eight or ship of 74 guns, was well known by the breast, did what he could to prevent the intelligence that the British were Baby Suffers Greatly pricas Rgnaonable! Give Me a Calll , ,My ’•••’7 boy suffered from people here to be on the const, cruising further mischief, by exaggerating the coming up George’s River. The people T en T im es. Following Is a list of thofo drafted birili wtifi ecziHiHi. H is litih? M. FRANK DONOHUE, from the Thomaston companies and in the bay, and occasionally sending a distance and the time necessary to reach generally turned out with their mnskets, and thighs were one nnd inflamed flesh.,"lfh ’•ARK RTRRKT, CORNER FNION 9T Camden companies in the War of 1812, barge among some of the adjacent Is­ Thomaston; and so well succeeded, that and tho artillery promptly took its station iiipfl lu te N o si 1.1 Wr-Telephnne connection. who served in the earthworks at Camden lands, with no ostensible object but to when almost there, aa the dawn began on Vose’s wharf at Thomaston. After night. Doetors failed to relieve. Trie i ha . It worked won. The Disease Entirely Driven Out Harbor from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1814. plunder and lrightcn tho fishermen of to open in the east, the enemy became waiting till daylight, however, it was droiKly. relief i WM. A. GARDNEB, 1ME. l‘23d nipleteS t’,' N\Y. At that time British privnlecrs were the region. Few or no coasters were discouraged nnd hastily returned. Cur­ ascertained that the alarm was without l l O K S E S ! ^ By Six Bottles of Allen’s. willing to venture out of p o rt; but on harassing thn residents along this (vast tis was then set on shore nt the lower foundation, having been caused by a Baby's Skin Peeled Off .’rotter., Worker., Oonllemen'. Drlvora, Huldl. and making frequent inroads and forag­ the 22d June. 1814, captains McKollnr narrows, to negotiate for a ransom of swivel discharged by some mischievous Short lime after birth baby broke out with Horse*, Etc., eruption. The skin was peeled oil, ing trips. nnd Sayward, in a lime coaster of 50 the prizes. This was so far effected that boys down the river, for the purpose of the fare was almost raw. Family FOR SALE OR EXCHANCE M r. E llis B. U sher of Bonny Eagle, © doctor said not much to be done, h iifr a i m sr tons, impatient of furl her delay nnd Z I' . . Captain. Capt. Matthew Robinson, through a frightening two young men by name of we tried several remedies, all AT THE ilKEAY STABLE OF Maine, whose case has become well J ohn W a i t s , I.ieatenant. failed. Then tried C v t i c u r a A B T IItR Pr.NIlLBTON, E n .lg tl. agninst the remonstrances of neighbors relative on Monhegan, agreed to ransom Gay and Mclntyro who were out on a known for miles around, and whose re­ R e m ed ies. Did not think they saaoRAMTs. M. FRANK DONOHUE, lease from this terrible disease is consid­ and friends, dropped down the George’s his vessel nt *600; but, having collected courting expedition, nnd which, being would amount to much, hut the result was John Packard Henry rendition <>n** net cured the chilli. Corner Park and Union Streets. 18 River, resolved to take advantage of the M . A. BANG, 174 William St., Newark, N. J. ered almost a miracle by all who know Asa Payaon John Keating the money and put off for Monhegan, taken for a signal of danger, was an­ •^ “Telephbne connection. him, is now a well man, and considers coiroRALR prevailing N. E. wind nnd n dense fog where tho ships and prizes lay atnnchor, swered by three guns at the lately enp- Allen’s Sarsaparilla the most wonderful Hnrn’l N orthw ood Bhubael M. Paaae that enveloped the wholo hay, to chide bo was mol by a gnlo of wind aud storm tured fort, spreading the alarm in every Baby’s Awful Eczema Kbenr x-r Thorndike Geo. Llndney M.v bal.y had eczema. Oh, his medicine o f the age. PRIVATES the enemy and reach a market. Thoy so severo ns to retard his progress till the direction. to rt II r. ng agonies ! Tried two hos- ■W JLZLTTZEJZD. pitals and seven doctors in this Butti'1 Pnekard Geo. Johnson wore met, however, near the mouth of fleet had been compelled to sail for Hal­ In connection with these hostile dem­ city, no benefit. Tried (T rid ka William Nutt Thoa. Perry R e m e d ie s, relief was immediate. Nathaniel Copeland the .river by twoot the Bulwark’s barges ifax. 5 0 0 0 Btepb* n Post onstrations and groundless rumors, the Ill nine weeks was entirely cured. k Moren Watt" George Watts B o n n y E a g l e , M e . Gentlemen : — Henry Handley well manned nnd armed proceeding up After tho capture of Cnstino by the following oxtrncts of a letter, from Now as fair a boy as anv mother Peter Hall, Jr. could wish. Mils. m . I EROVSON, Your Sarsaparilla lias been of untold Tho*. Murttn Mnrtln Ulmer tho river, nnd were captured at onco. Lieut. Otis Robbins, Jr., to his brother . B rookline Ht., Boston. FIRST-CLASS COOKS Michael /.choin Bam'l Butler British, Sept. 1st, the presumption was value to me. For twenty-six years I have Bobt. Y. Crockett Knott Oockett The officer in command immediately that Camden would also bo visited by in this town, may be given, dated "Fort TO T R Y suffered from acute rheumatism; have Atwood Pales Jam r■ H. Healey Henry Jenka David Gentner entered into a negotiation to restore the enemy, to repel which Col. E. Sumner, [Portland] 17th Sept , 1814. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS had rheumatic fever eight or ten times, franc W. Lincoln Henry Robbins their property on condition the prisoners Foote, Sept 2d, ordered tho regiment . On the 15th instant I took And its cures are the most re­ A V P 3 U Y S aid have hardly been free from rheumat­ Kbeih zer Jordan A nthony Hall markable performed by anv blood Jt.coh Gruffam Asa Coombs would pilot them up the river. This under his command, including tho command of Fort Sumner, which is tho nnd skin remedy of m odern ic pains for many years until about sev­ Israel Snow Geo. McClellan times. Parents, remember that Bufua Hpear Alex McLean they agreed to do, it is believed, as fnr militia of Thomaston, St. Georgo, Cam­ first garrison duty I have done since I cures made in infancy and child­ en months ago. For the last six or Lemuel Lincoln W m. Dean hood are speedy, permanent and Reuben Hherer up ns George's Fort,—a small unim­ den, Hope and Appleton to assemble left Thomaston. Tell undo Shepard ho economical. LACTO-LEMON. eight years I have suffered terribly. I portant work in the town of St. George must not think hard becauso the Argus have spent hundreds of dollars for doc­ immediately at the harbor in Camden, 8°Id throughout the world. Price, CrTicrttA. Try 1- in Pies. built by Government in July, 1809,under SOc ; Soap, 25c ; R esolvent, ?I. Prepared tors and medicine, but could get no ben­ {^Following is Captain Kenney’s Com­ well equipped lor actual service and came on half a sheet; it was owing to Try it in Puddings. superintendence of Capt. Thomas Vose b> the I D m o and Che it. Co r p., Hole efit. I tried all the remedies known, in­ pany of 40 dnys men, who served from with three days provisions On the the alarm in this town, nnd Mr. Doug­ Proprietors, Boston. * Try it in Sherbets. of Thomaston. [A Major Porter was next day, Sep!, 3d, all was hustle and las is a Militia oflicor, therefore, could $/}•“ How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages. cluding two kinds of sarsaparillas, but Out. 1 to Nov. 9, 1814. They were feed am gaining strength every day. I Nathan rtherman David Crockett under Maj. Hawes oi Union. Through­ those detached from the south company, Prompt attention to order* by telephone or lodged in his bunk. “ Surrender!” again K* think Allen’s Sarsaparilla saved my us Trufton Jumes Morse out the day ail wa« suspense and anxious nt Wessaweskeag near the school-house, ; herw lee. Huy net Whitney. shouted the officer. On this, tho occu­ life , and i am glad of an opportunity to expectation During tho night an and a picket at Owl’s Head. Tiiis de­ Mo. 1 Camden St., Rockland Ma, pant sallied out, and peremptorily speak in its praise and to recommend it alarm came that the enemy were haul­ tachment, thus posted, continued in ser­ The old Thomaston Company served ordered the intruders from the premises. to others. ing in shore, preparatory to lauding; vice forty days, from Oct. Ist to Nov. fmm June 22 to June 27, 1814, nt Voso Not intimidated by the appearance of the troops were turned out and paraded, 9th, with orders to let no boats pass T o b a c c o FRED R. SPEA RU wharf, the occasion being the taking of one man only, however valorous, the A BETTER W!AN. muskets were loaded, and consultations without examination; none to go to the tort and burniug ol vessels cn Geor­ officer inquired for the commander of Is first quality. C. Y . F i l l e r , Blacksmith, East Un­ of officers held as to the best place and Cusline without a tlag; none to go to ges River. It was composed us follows: the battery. “I am Ihe commander!” ion, Me., writes: —For four years I have manner of meeting the foe. when it wns Fox Island, Long Islund, across the Bay, E i.r a n a ii S p e a k , Captain. replied Wylie;'"this is ’Squire Prince’s had kidney disease, which has been con­ S u l liv a n D w io iit , Lieutenant. ascertained that the hostile fleet was or up the same, without a puss; and J e u e m ia h Be r r y , Ensign. Fort, and he has put me in charge of it.” tinually growing worse, although I took SERGEANTS. getting under way, ami sailing, as it none to return or come from those places Touches the spot. COAL! medicine that claimed to be a sure cure. Others of the force hnd, mean time, Tho only dealer|ln the city wl o has at the present Aaron Austin Elisha Rales alterwaid- proved, for Halifax; and all without strict examination. Lime the My trouble consisted i a severe pain in spiked the guns; und the officer, finding CORPORALS. returned to their repose The. next day, These guards did good service; and the lower part of my hack and hips, and Jo< I Blood Eusebius Tubs no impediment'in the garrison, ordered the two regiments, including two com­ several exciting scenes occurred. On Genuine Franklin lle«l Ash. also a complete loss o f appetite. 1 be­ PUiVATEH. tho wholo establishment to he blown up. RADAIYTS Geo. Butler Isaac W. Lincoln panies ol light infantry, together with Sunday, Oct. 9th, a privateer-looking ALL SIZ K S gan taking Allen’s Sarsaparilla, and two Lermond B. Bu ler Ma tin Munroe Powder enough for this purpose not ) M IC R O B E bottles have cured me The pain left B r’gg* Butler Stubln Mitchell the cavalry company under Major, then vessel witli American colors flying, hav­ C FRKS RURlWra WHITS AB a l.evi Butler Janna Munroe being found in tho magazine, the little - LKHIOir SOO and BROKS29 John O’Brien Capt. I Bernard, the artillery, und a ing been observed lying in Owl’s Head my back and hips and has not returned Stephen Cogswell they ilid find was scattered to the winds, < SELLER My Stock WniTS ASH, FRANK LIB Asa Rules Daniel Palmer volunteer company of exempts from harbor three days or more, without any , ' Is th c o u ly know n p rin c ip le since. My appetite is complete, for the N athaniel Rules Avery Bobbins and Wylie was ordored to bring for­ STOVK LSD ASll-the on'y first time in years. Allen’s Sarsaparilla Atwood Rale* Shepperd Bobbins Warren, were paraded in review before person coming on shore, was suspected Jy that w ill destroy tiie microbe Includes ’ uine, OSO RO S'S C R SSK QUM Daniel GI» bs Isaac'C. Bobbins ward and surrender bis tlag. "I told ■4 in the blood without injury to is decidedly the best medicine 1 ever lit nry Jenks George \V. Stevens Major Gen. King of Bath, nnd, after to ho a British privateer in wait lor BSVLAND COAL\— u. Nathaniel B. Steven* you once,” was tho reply, "that this f the system. By removing the used, and I w ill recommend it to all. It Johu Junks coasters, like a spider lor Hies. It was one cause it cures all human for SmitMnv and Theodore Keunlston BenJ. Tucker wus 'Squire Prince’s fort, nnd if you cures. Wm. Killsa Hanes Whitney now determined to put her to the proof Diseases i -AL SO A FULL MTOCK OF— Johu K. Killsa W m . Welsh want Bny flag, you must go to 'Squire TheWlllinni Italian, Slii rulj,.KillerCo Henry K- unlslon Simon Bbibles At eveniug, one hundred or more men 7 tJilghl st., New York City. Prince." Not tar from tho fort were Wood, Hay, Straw Lime, from tiie Shore, Head ol the Bay aud several sloops, which the barges pro­ C H.PEN11F7CN BRICK, SAND, DRAIN PIPE, The following Thomaston Company Wessaweskeag, including the guards ceeded to capture or destroy. Tho Fair Agent for Keck and. Hosettdale anti Portland served from Sept. 3 to Sept 9, 1814 nt above mentioned, mustered under com­ Trader, Capt. Andrew Robinson’s vessel, FIRE CLAY the defense of Camden: mand of Major Arch. G. Coombs, and Kl &a n a ii S p e a r , Cuptulll. in Collin’s cove, on the Cushing side, took station partly on Munroe’s Island CHIMNEY PIPE AND S u llivan D w ig h t, Lieutenant, and a vessel on the stocks, belonging to I l h em ia h Ber r y , Ensign. and partly on tho main opposite tho ves­ BlBGRANTH. Capt. Burton, were set on tire, which, sel, which lay between the Point and Esq. Aaron Austin Iddo Kimball however, went out of itself or was sub­ E a s y t o T a k e Elisha Rules Iticliur*’ Sm ith Adams’s house, now that of Capt. Jere. CORPORALS. sequently extinguished; while the Ex- W e r e Sleeper, Jr. At about ten o’clock, in a a n d k e e p Kuseblus Rales John Ulmer Bashaw, Capt. Matthew Robinson, and Fanil; Safeparfl K e n Geo. Lindsey Joel Blood calm cloudy night, they commenced an the system in another sloop, belonging to Capt. John A I W H O L E S A L E . MUSICIANS. attack with musketry on both sides of Perfect Order. John Jen k s Jum*-s Spear Lewis, (on board which was Christo­ Y o u E v e r her; and with effect, judging fiom the PRIVATES. pher Curtis who vainly endeavored to John Aehorn Abner Cutler cries on board. There being no wind, John D. < hurnpu* escape ill a pant,) were cut out of Broad Phillip Aehorn the privateer put out her sweeps, and Michel A churn Walter Edmund* Covo and towed off. The sound ot A y E R ’S Buttonholed Beni. Brewster Atwood Rales passed along down between the Point FRED R. SPEAR, BenJ. Bluckingtoii Benj G entner tiring and the sight of flames hud by Brigg* Butler Uan’l Gibbs and the island; at the extremity ol by a tobacco dealer and told lieu. Butler David Gentner this time brought many of the people to CATHARTIC PILLS MO. f iP A B K H T ., 86 KOOK L A N , Joseph L Gilobrist which, she again caught the nearer and that some other Chewing I..bn O'Brien, Jr. the scene of action Capt. Joseph A specific for ruiu'l. B. Butler T ild stm Healy SAILED TIIE SEAS 38 YEARS, more galling lire of her assailants. She Tbb r?nady Tobacco was just as good as iliver Crock* It Freunan Burden Gilchrist, seizing his gun, ran ucroos '•« Ul r tU -J Knott Crockett Joseph Havener finally escaped, however, well riddled H e a d a c h e LE BBIIW’SfciS—, — ---lU-Liuxwy ur« David Crockett J r . Joseph lla-ty and rallied Burton, telling him ho would One of His Experiences. V*as, re^turt-a thongo yf die* Or Henry Jenka with bullets, as reported by tho people Constipation, and tiwu,4»»ua marcuriolormercurial «r ruiwauuaj uiaueotw mad.naed. I’hos. Crockett lcmudUa bu Ukca UteruaJjr. WIma Itobt. Y. Crockett Paul Juiin son fire and scare away the enemy. Accord­ For thirty-eight years Capt. I.' lid fo llo w ed um4 the st-a, most of that time os m uster of a ves­ o l Moabt-gan, where she stopped aud D y sp e p sia . L ines 11. H ealy Andrew Mankiu ingly. putting a bullet and three buck­ Theodore KvunistoU Bubi f t Miner sel, a n d uimiu rc tiriu g from ilie water was ap­ sent a boat ashore for assistance. She AS A FREVENTIVK Henry Kenniston Beubeu Shearer pointed by the Secretary of the United Stales E v e ry dose by either t»«x it Is IiDpueaihl* to cuuLrac* Naihuniel .Stevens shot atop of a charge already inserted Treasury lo sU|s.*rintcnd the seal lislii-rlcs In fcuy vcuarcal Uimum; but iu Uau csm of Musts Kellock was supposed to have been the former U.v>0 already VirvaiAraargir A mucus Win Killsa * Geo. W. Stevens for ducks, he discharged his piece, ami, A la s k a , wldch (Misfitou he held live years, lie u ilk Outi jrrRxxa aud Gleet, i mac W. Lincoln Abraham Simonton n-laies one e\|M-rleiii-e ns follows: Revenue Cutter, captured oy the British times Mo'se Bufus Spear repeating the fire, the enemy desisted. ••l-’or several yeurs I laid In ,-n troubled wh h E f f e c t iv e C U R K 81 per bux. vr <1 bLc* Simon Shibles general nervousness and palil In the region uu taking Castine. ylvestcr Manning, In the mean time the Kcilcraiis, W. H. K1TTBKDGK, Role Agent Bock Und art in Munroe Elijah Torrey of my heart. My greaiest affliction was One small boat of four or live tons, lubin Mitchell Joseph Tolmau McIntyres, and others, had arrived on sk-epie s n i-s s ; It wits alm ost Impossible a t any ,/m Mur., man Bbenpurd Tolman time to obtain n-sfc and sleep. Having seen witli seven cases of cotton goods, proba­ £AQ*n T h a t man had an axe to g rin d . Dun’l Palm er Andiew Ulmer the ground, and not perceiving, in the In-. Miles’ remedies advertised I began using Nature should ines Puri ridge Huiii» Whitney Nerv ine. A fier luklng u small i|ii;mlli.v the bly intended for smuggling, was seized be assisted to There’s nothing so good as unah Bobbins Job Wusbburu darkness, how affairs stood, and mis benetit received was so great tha t I w as p o si­ upheld Bobbin* Preserved Willee tively alarmed, thinking the remedy con­ bv the parly at Lermond’s Cove, Oct. throw offimuurl- bam ’l S. Williamsuu tuking Gilchrist and those who now- tained oiilules which would finally be injuri­ z z ties of the Irlooil. *ac C. Bobbin* ous to me: hot oa lating ussured t,y tin- (frog- 20ih, delivered to the oustom house und c ’jr Ivin W bituey joined him for the British, commenced Nothing does it OLD HONESTY. gist that it was perfectly iiurmle-s. I libelled for trial. iltlA i.A filw t * Insist on having it. a brisk fire upon them- Esq Malcolm, ued it together wilii the H eart Cure- go v ell, so safely Tiie following re-guiding Ihe war of lean conscientiously say tlmt Ur. Miles' it- or so promptly us then in age, who hud ulso got down to Storutive Nervine aud New Heart Cure did in our next issue we shall publish the POISON ,ab. wajiatiKd < livulwain 1812 is reproduced from E lton’s History : more form e titan anything I hnd ever taken. Sn ill’s Specille. W. P. UAUKbOS A co.. aw. lii, CuiluabiM* < reconnoitre, bearing the balls whistling 1 had been treated by eminent physicians raster of other companies which were JNO. FINZER & BROS., Louisville, Ky. The const wus much liarasrcl tiiis seu- iu New York and San Irancisco without ben­ ,.O WO CH RMS. by his head, was obliged to retreat efit. I owe my present good health to the called into service during tne 1812 war. ABTHDB SHEA, son by ships-of-wtir mid privuteers, I precipitately to a safer situation, and judicious use of these most v aloable remedies, uml heartily reeommeud them to allalllieted and additional extracts from Eaton. M 3 S & ' A . LORD prowling among the islands and beatl- yelled out so lusLily to the oomhatanls as I was."—('apt. A. 1*. i.ouil, llaiupdtu, Me. Practical PlumberJ IK M l • i’KKBABKD TO IK) lsuds for plunder, as well as by more Dr. Miles’ ftcslurulive Nerv I ne a ml New Coro The Freeman House. Southwest barber, us to bring about an explanation. ure sold by all druggists on a ixjsitive guaran­ fqsqio/tyBl Qqcsspqififlq serious attempts at invasion. Among! tee. or by llr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. burned Thursday, it was the oldest hotel to By this lime a great putt of the night Ind., on receipt of price, til is-rliolilc, or six M l. Desert Island, and valued at 85000. The Ferfertlvu iu Druliutge and 1,-ulilattMb* these, besides the “Fly” before meu- | is,tties for 63, express pre paid. They ure At Her Home, Park Street. was spent; yet the design of the enemy tree from all opiates und dangerous drugs. cuttaec and stable adjoining were saved. SMif r Specipic Co., wrcxwr^. a .. Main bt.. Oppo. i.ludaey Huueo. Special ulteullvo p4tv lo Cutting .o . Hitlaf. Honed, were the brig • Bream," the ship

I r


ST. GEORGE. ROCKPORT. WARREN. chuwetts, and have visited in many towns and j APPLETON. cities of the United States, and supervised In ' Mrs. K itty Smalley of Pocasset, Mass , is Tbe Hoboken Intermediate 8chool had a Political matters arc rather quiet as yet. Warren and Cmhlng, I And ihe scholar, of M i,. Fannie Onshco has, gone from Walpole sleigbrlde in Burgess’ big team, Friday after­ v h l’ ing her aunt, M rs. Ira Hart, at Tenant’s Mrs. Alex. Spear broke her arm Jumping Honih Warren writing school, which I am Mats., to Clnelnnatos, N Y. Harbor. noon. They went to Thomaston and had a from a sleigh. teaching, perfectly gentlemanly and Indy-llke, „ , .. . , , good time If we may judge by the amount of The Masonic celebration at Tenant’s Harbor, and no. excelled, If equaled, by any school a . , " a 7 7 '°’n tooting on tin trumpets. Mrs. Benjamin Doty has come back from that I ever s a w ." ....J , W. Llnekln I, home I "nd 'he V ’ R' R w ill he a big time. A number of visitors from Farmington, N. C. neighboring lodges w ill be present. About eleven, a. m., Friday, the vessels ot from Bath for a few days. i APPl«*on needs a receiving tomb. Tho storm the ice fleet were dressed ont In bunting, The Odd Fellows will work the 2nd Degree ______1t t | of week before last emphasiz’ d this fact very Sherman Hupper, a well known Tenant’s making a pretty display. People wondered next Friday evening. strongly, Harbor boy, ts editing tbe Three Links, an what was the matter. Rome said that It was Warren has an athletic association. It had Mrs. Sylvanns Faller has moved into the < Gdd Fellow paper published in Duluth, Mlnn» Good Friday, some that the Wilson bill bad a meeting Friday evening. Hanly rent, over the store occupied by David­ Wm. Bessey discharged a car of corn and Rev. Sewall Browne, pastor of the Tenant’s been killed, and others reported that one of son A Richardson. Harbor Church, is doing a great deal of work. There was a temperance meeting held at one of shorts last week. the principle owners ol several vessels of the Good Templar’s hall, Sunday. Mrs A. H. Kane is suffering severely from Considerable religious in'erest is being shown fleet had just been married. Sharp eyes dis C. E. Barnard and J. E. Fossett are baying Adjutant Brengle and Capt. 8almond w ill inflamed eyes. She is living with her sister, iu his church. covered Photographer Lano with his box over and hauling lime casks. visit tbe Salvation Army next Thursday Mrs. J. G Wentworth. The new vessel building by tbe Washburn In tbo shipyard looking nt the fleet while they Hot supper will ho served at tho Cong'l evening. Elbridge Perry has bought the farm of the THOMASTON ’ $07.29 " ’ hole number of boohs in library, Co nt Port Clyde is in frame. A crew of some bad on tbelr pretty clothes. The old Wash- vestry tomorrow evening. 1236. The Mill Hirer Sundav-scliool was rep- Bennie Vaughan,while jumping in the 9now, late Randall Wellman of the heirs, and w ill fifteen men are at work on her. 8he will Ington just had room to get her nose out bv a Frank Barker of Lowell is shipping hay Knox Lodge, I O. O. T., Installed their re-ented by i:s supetintendent, who reported it sprained one ol his ankles and Is confined to move on to it In the Spring. probably be completed in May. 8he w ill be fancy four-master to see what was going on, from here over the G. V. R. R. officers Friday evening t) be in a most satisfactory condition. of 9oine 400 tons. .She has a fine frnme but she was not in it very much. There are the house. That three-legged fox is giving our hunters Quito a number of our young ladies aro Jefferson Faulkner came from Auburn, F ri­ Advices from Capt. F. T). Waldo ol ship no finer models In the world than some of Smelts h tve arrived at the Point and now tho lots of trouble, and etill they keep tramping During the last blow schooners Pushaw and interested In tho gold watch contest offered by day night, with two prisoners. Isaac Reed, recently arrived in San Fran- fishermen are trying lor a bite at various places after him and blazing away at him. Brilliant went ashore at Tenant’s Harbor, head this fleet. The picture w ill give a good repre­ the Times. The Sale,.ton Army w ill hold another meet- nl"c° for Nu" ' Y o rk ' " ,a,e t,m t " ,0 ,h " ’ had of the cove, and He almost high and dry. They sentation of the extent of the Ice business of on tbe river. The vital statistics of Appleton lor 1893 ard I bead winds almost the entire voyage. There w ill bo a social dance in Town Hall Ing In Union Hall, Monday eygning are little damaged. Several vessels at Long the Rockport Ice Co., with this fine fleet, ice­ Joseph Stickney sllpoed on tho Ice the other ns follows : Marriages 12, births 24, deaths 27» for the benefit of the Union Cornet Band next Mrs. Simon Davis of Monbegan is visiting houses and wharves in viow. evening and fractured one of the bones In his Three deaths have occurred In town in 1894 K. C Cortbcll has mo.ed the machinery of hcr mother, M r.. Bradford, on Pine street.. . . Cove dragged their anchors and collided sus­ leg near the ankle. Thursday evening Feb. 15. hi. pants factory from Union Block to the barn M|S„ Marion L ihby, who haa heen Tjsillng taining considerable damage. Prof. L. G. March closed a very successful Willard 8hcrman has bought a quantity of Fares have been reduced from here to So. stave stuff of 8 N. Simmons, anl Eph. S im ­ near hla residence. , friends the past few weeks, retnrncd to bitsi- W il e y ’s C o r n e r — J. A. Ewell took charge singing school here, Friday evening, with a Warren w ill have a baseball club next year that w ill make tho other county towns hustle Union on tho G. V. R. R. Passengers can now mons Is chopping and Fred Hart and J L. The Salvation Army of Rockland held an , ton last Thursday.. . . Thomas McFarland rc- of the postoffice Saturday, the first mall arriv­ concert in the Opera House, which was at­ to keep up their ends. purchase a 24-mlle ticket for 70 cents. Gushce are hauling it. othyone of their Interesting meetings in Union turned to Boston, Thursday m orning....M iss ing there Saturday night----- Sch. Eliza Leven- tended by a very small audience. Tho work H a lff last evening. Hattie Walker returned to Waltham, Monday saler, Kclloch, arrived from Now York via of tbe chorus showed faithful and Intelligent Our district school, at Hinckley’s Corner, Work has been resumed in the carriage shop? Mrs. Shorman was taken with nose bleed Inst Instruction by Prof. March and hard work on ef Wingate, Simmons & Co. It is something week and camo noar bleading to death. Dr. A quarryinan named Robinson was severely -•••Fred M. Hewett came home from Boston, Boston, Wednesday------It looks now as taught by Miss Fannie Spear, has closed .alter tho part of the chorus members. They were unusual for this busy firm to remain idlo as it Stevens was summoned and succeeded in stop­ cut In the bead by a falling rock in the Stack- Wednesday m o rn ing....A lbert Creamer ar- though wo are to have plenty of snow this a very »ncca9sful terra. reinforced by Mrs. F. M. Shaw and Mrs F. B. has this season. ping the flow of blood. pole quarry last week. rived home Wednesday from Stoneham, Mass. W inter. Another heavy northeast snow­ Our Masons are invited to the dedication of storm set in Saturday, continuing ail day----- M iller of Rockland and tho following mem­ Rev. C. W. Bradlee, of Rockland, delivers H. W. Putntun Is second bass of the JEollan ° ’ ear 18 home ,roni llj8,on- nnd wdl two new halls this week, one at Tenant’s Har­ Grade schools c'osed Friday after a success­ Mr. Ewell, onr new postmaster, has hung out bers of tbe Rockland First Baptist Chorus his entertaining lecture tomorrow evening at Male Qaartet o f Bangor. The qnartet is doing 1 spend ft fcw wcel(B n Ith bis father, I H. Bur- bor and one at Camden. ful terra o f eight weeks. A sociable in the his new sign. It was tho work of R. M. Choir: Misses Jennie Ingraham, Lottie the M. E. Chapel. Subject “ Marks and evening at Riverside Hall was well attended a great deal of concert work. ke tt....M iss Lou Comery ha9 arrived home Mrs. I. P. Starrett entertained the Cong’l Davis of Walston------A hauling bee, com­ Skinner, Carrie Ingraham, Clara Whitney and Faces” . Tho eelebratod Fuller lecture occurs and was a pleasant and enjoyable time. Calvin Carter, who is employed in the Her­ from Saluda, V a ....E d g a r Stackpole and wife Sewing Circle, to the number of forty, one prising nine teams, hauled the year’s supply Leonard Snow. Mr. March sang a solo, “ On next Saturday evening, Feb. 17- ald office, met with an accident last week, returned home from Boston Friday,where they afternoon and evening last week. Miss Sadie Waterman has just closed a sue- of firewood for Capt. Robert Gilchrest, Thurs­ Wings of Living Light” by Bartlett, with A grand ball is to be given in town Hail , ecssful term of school in Se&rsmont. This was losing the end of one of his fingers. have been spending a few months with ’ their A turkey dinner is near nt hand, caused by day. violin accompaniment by Miss Flossie Jones Wednesday evening, hob. 21, under tbe Miss Waterman’s third term in the same dis- Rev. Charles Andrews or Warren w ill preach dauehter, Mrs. James D in e lc y .... Mrs. I ra a bet between two of our citizens, as to the dis­ Another account of the birthday party of of Rockland. The song was one well calcu­ auspices of the Union Cornet Band. Music in the Cong’l Church next Sunday. In the Nor,hey was called to Jefferson Inst week by tance Iron) th hotel to the depot. trict and the pupils made her a present the last Otis Hart appears elsewhere, but the following lated to show the great range of Mr. March's w ill be furnished by Meservey’s Orchestra of evening ue w ill dellinron. I) C., Congressional Library Calligan house at the head of the lake. It is himself has but recently recovered from an tends to have a successor to Lazy M ike horse, being tired waiting, had left for homo from the information obtained she w ill be missed B . F. Carr Camp. Tbo members seem lo b e w b ll. W. H. Perry has about fifty a pretty place surrounded by stately pines and attack of la grippe. that w ill lead the entire procession as old This did not please tbe Captain, hut being in Dallas by those of her associates. She was quite enthusiastic over the Idea of forming an , cu,,er“ “ ■ work on a variety of jobs. The a good view is had of the lake.. . . Wo recently “ Mike” did. something of a pedestrian he soon reached his a very estimable lady. We also learn that Mr. Four young men Irom this place, started for association in Knox and Lincoln Counties, and " lher Uoacord companies are bavlngduil limes saw F. W. Cunningham leaving the postofflee home a distance of about two miles, and re­ Howard’s sister Sarah from this place, who is Rockland Thursday. One of them returned many interesting remarks were made by mem- Gutlers' w*Ke’ vary fr™ 83 50 s d“ y with a keg of powder under his arm. Rabbit The fast little side-wheeler Annie Boone turned with the horse, took on board his passing the Winter with him, is quite sick. early Thursday evening, two more arrived bers of both Camps. HOPE shooting we suspect.... Miss Alberta Jones Friday morning. Tbe fourth came home by has changed owners, and is now owned und cargo and left with tbe rest of the party. On W e s t W a iih k n .—Stahl Robinson started gave a sociable Tbursduy evening. A goodly the way of Waldoboro, Friday night. driven by W. A. McLain. Alvin McLain, Our Own Hook & Ladder Co. w ill give an leaving tbe remark was made by one of the up their m ill Monday-----Marlin Stahl is in entertainment next Wednesday evening. The School closed in the Payson District last number were present and an enjoyable time is Annie’s former owner, now sits behind the party: “ I wish Otis would have a birthday very poor health-----Mrn. David Dickey has Owing to the drifted roads the Epworth Dramatic Co. from Waldoboro w ill plav the wee^ reported... .Mrs. R. J. Campbell, who has been black gilding Lightfoot. every week.” They left at the bouse a hand­ had la grippe but is so us to be around at this League did not hold Its usual meeting Sund'” four-act drama, “ Uncle Josh.” We hear the A surprise party met at the borne of Mr visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Cunninghum for some Rochester lamp as a reminder of th .ir w riting----- Bessie Heath, who makes her home evening. The regular meeting w ill be held js company and play highly spoken of and hope und M r“- A,den A,len« Wednesday evening, some weeks, went to So. Hope to visit a few Dr. Drake of Pittsfield, owner of Early visit. I f another such party is held it is with her aunt, Mrs. Dickey, was called to UHual next Sunday evening at 6;30; topic lor our citizens w ill give them a full house. A (JrHC0 A - 0,1,8 is visll,0« friends in days before returning to her home in Lowell, B ird, 2:15, has been spending a few days iu probable that Capt. Levi Hurt, Fred L. Snow, Washington last week to see her mother, who the evening “ Saul, Rejected of God.” street parade at six o’clock. Waltham and vicinity. . . . Mrs. Edward Roy Mass.. . .Quite an excitement was occasioned town. John Monaghan and Deputy Collector Hall is very sick------Business is very dull at West , | is sick with the prevailing m alady.... Wash- here Thursday by the discovery of the tracks 1 hey say the dollar suppers given by differ- , , w ill not be Invited, because of their boys-terous Warren und news is duller----- Mrs. Frank VINALHAVEN. No sport on Park street or the PoudI Too J bum Payson of Haverhill was called here by of two large animals that had crossed Irom the U members of the Epworth League are irn- behavior. Stahl is able to sit up a little while, alter being much snow! | the serious illness o f his wife. Lenfest to the Cunningham mountain, some ving, although they all have been very sick a long lime----- Gertrude Overlock of W. M. Hopkins has sold his house in Dist. S outh H o p k .—Fred A. Fogler and Leo NORTH WALDOBORO. time Wednesday night. No one had ever seen ^aod palatable. It Is surprising wbat eco­ Thomaston has returned home. No. 4 to Clinton Calderwood, and has pur­ Auhine and Miss A lice were sold in New Howard were in Rockland, Wednesday so large tracks about here before. Our two al members make up this society. chased the house occupied by Mrs. Reeves in York last week for $7000. This pair has a ' Mrs. Ida St. Clair has been iu Rockport and There was a sociable in Grange Hall, Friday hunters, II. E. Cunningham and M. W. Len­ So. W a k k e n .—Capt. Edw. Bradford and 11 showed it is not to be wondered ut if Dist. No. 3. double-team record of 2:13. Aubine is after evening. A ll report a good time. fest shouldered their guns at once and went Town to turkey before long. Camden, canvussing for “ Samantha at the wife are visiting in Thom aston....M rs. L J. Nelson out of K nox G irl and was bred by I World’s Fair” .... Will Bessey -of Union was and examined the tracks. They were puzzled, Following is a list ol scholars not tardy or Bert L. Burnhelmer has gone to Deer Isle Henderson has been visiting at A. M. Counce ’ G. 11. Nelson of W aterville. rJargo number gathered at tbe Baptist Vee- | q town, Tuesday, taking pictures of tbe fora few days v is it....E lv in J. Huffses hub but they got an old Moosehead veteran to exam­ ....M is s Addison Oliver has heen spending a absent one-ball day during the 12 weeks term ^Moudaj evening, Feb 0, tbe >ccaeion be* school in this hstrict— Mr. and Mrs Jobn- returned from Waltham, Muss....John L. ine them and ne said they were undoubtedly few days in Thomaston....Capt. Faul Rivers just closed in District No. 1: Carrie Bradstrect, Tenant's lla rh o r horsemen have some ing the reunion of the Sunday-school. Prayer Hon oj Portland are holding a series of meet- Stahl has gone to Camden where he bus em­ bear tracks. The two hunters started ut once was at B. B. Bucklin’s last week...... Isaac Willie Hunt, Lavon Ames, Jessie Bradstreet. flue stock this season, hut they are looking by Rev. W. A. Neweombe opened tbe exer- IQ({g ju ihe Baptist Chapel. Twenty have ploym ent.. . -Fred M orrell and wire ol Rhode on tbe trail with the intention of runuiug them Davis went to Rockland Thursday on business Those Hume scholars were at their desks every for a fast one that can boat Capt. Nelson ciees, which was followed by a statement of the already started, and It is hoped that the good Island visited relatives here last w eek....M rs. to earth. They have been following them ever ....M rs . Elden Jones is visiting her sister duy during the previous term, und several H all’s flyer. school as gathered from reports of the officers work may go o n....M iss Clara Fiske has gone Flavius Mathews of Union is sick at her since, up to this writing, but at lust accounts Mrs. E. F. Jo rd a n .... A writing-school is being others were showing as good a record until made Jan. 1. A brief program of music and i lo Pittsfield, to visit her brother, who resides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ibomas H. Mank’s. they hadn't overhauled them. We trust they taught in South Warren by the veteran school­ compelled on account o f sickness to he absent OFF THE TRACK. recitations by members of the school, and re- there... . Mbs Wade Fiske is learning to play There was a surprise party at Mr. and Mrs. w ill get them teacher, I. J. Burton of Warren, who speaks The W. 14 Club ball, Friday evening, was u marks by Rev. Dr. Mathews, made in bis hap-. tt,e banjo....M iss Carrie Payson entertained a The engine on the Georges Valley R. R. Augustus J. W aller’s, Monday evening, it R a z o u v il l h .— Albert Brown fell on a load of the scholars in the following approbative very brilliant affair and exceedingly well mun- piest manner, opened the way lor the serving . few of her friends, Tuesday evening. The was forced from the track uud the snow plow being tbe fifteenth anniversary of their mar of lime casks and sprained his ankle quite terms: “ Among the sixty and more schools aged. There was an unusually large alien- of an excellent collation, The whole number ! evening was spent in pulling candy, making wholly demolished near the Warren depot, rlage. More than fifty assembled, bringing badly last w e ek....M rs Sarah Marr took 1 have taught in Maine, Iowa und Massa- dance and the ball wus beautifully festooned carolled Jan. 1, 1894, 226; average attendance, I corn-balls, and many other Interesting things with bunting. Tho invincible Meservey and Monday morning about six o’clock. The their lunch baskets with them. The evening nearly a third of her hog, alter it was killed, 184. One teacher and two scholars died during The company came home declaring a “ mag- truck wus being cleared from snow, and when very happily and pleasantly spent in and packed It in snow in a barrel out of doors. his colleagues furnished the music. Old Ihe year, and two members of the school united niticent time” ....M b s M yna Carter entertained crossing the Waldoboro road the suow plow singing, social chat merry-makiug, eating, Some one took the liberty to take the whole of timers were there in abundance und showed the with tbe church. Total cash received for tbe friends, Thursday evening... . Mrs. Susan jumped the track uud made a header into six Rev. Mr. Russell made some interesting it and appropriate it to their own use. The youngsters that they hadn’t forgotten how. It year, $148 78; expenditures, $91.47; balance, | Rowley is confined to the bed by a severe feet oi earth. This threw the engine off and and appropriate remarks Mr. and Mrs. pilferer has heen found out and the neighbors was a line time! her pony wheels went into the ditch while the attack of la grippe....Robert M ink, who has Waiter were the recipients of many useful w ill see to it (hat said thief buys his pork in CONSUMPTION -A.T T H E .... Mrs. Thomas 11 Cole, a member of one of drive wheels were lilted clear from the track. been sick so long, is gaining a little. His presents, consisting ol u nice rocker, table the futu re ....M rs. Edwurd Felton, who has Biddeford's oldest families, died Friday, aged The engiue was Injured but uot sufficiently to many friends are anxious for his recovery. linen, toweling, glass ware, cuke and fruit been dangerously sick for the past week, is ul is averted, or if too late to 79 years. She leaves u legacy to the Second prevent her taking steam. Tbe tender re- T rade C e n t e r . Mrs. Fred Keating is quite sick. dishes, etc. this writing a little better....Fred liaiisou of avert it it is often cured and Waldoboro is visiting his mother, Mrs. John CongregHtional Church, of which she has been maiued on the rails. The snow plow was a HURRICANE. NORTH HAVEN. L. Law. ...Charles D. Clark uud Henry Clark alwaye relieved b y a member for 00 yeurs. total wreck and cost $200. Flanged Brim Soft Hats have each lost a horse....James Witham had Hurricane has considerable good home talent. Still have the cull iu Nobby Young Men ’a Capt. W illa rd M ills has hauled his packet four of his toes amputated Friday. He froze Wear, and we are lu it with our J The scholars are tehearsing the drama entitled up for the W inter. his feet several weeks a g o ....M r. and Mrs. “ Our Folks,” which w ill be put upon tbe stage 7"'1e I Hardware I ®,ore- Xaifiglxt F o a rl ZXAtisa A. C. Collins visited relatives in North Wash- S c o t t ’s some tune next m o th tor tbe purpose of buy­ G. 8. Staples ami H . F. S m ith fille d their With Black Ruuds which way be aeon on ington, Thursday....O dell Bowes and sister the heads of our Well Dressed Young ing a dictionary for tbe school. The “ H. D.” ice-houses w ith ice from L ily Fond, last Men. You will dud them here at $2.00 week. Maud visited at Nathaniel Overlook's recently. and <2.60 each Club w ill also appear before the public in a Hew weeks in tbe drama, “ Nevada, o r Tbe Elisha Brown butchered a nice beef cow CUSHING. H. H. CRIE & CO., Lost Mine.” recently. E m u ls io n ....NEW LINE OF.... Mr. und Mrs. E. G. Rolfe visited the city F. A . Joyce has slaughtered a fine pig. Luther Marshall is much impoved in health- W ill Clive Special Bai-gaius on Fancy Dress Shins last w eek....M rs M M cIntyre is quite sick 'Die North Haven Drumattic Co- gave a As he is a man past seventy his recovery from the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. ....M rs . G. H, Dean and son G. A. Dean, drama “ Under the Laurels,” music fur­ la grippe and pneumonia speaks well for his Cures Coughs, Colds and B ar Iron and Stool, Horso Shoos and Nails, Just received from the well known flrin who have been sick at Rockland for some nished by an orchestra, follow ed by a of C. F Hathaway & Co Large umount supper good constitution and the skill of his attending | time, have returned to tbe Is la n d ....D r. Weak Lungs. Physiciant, th e of Furnishing Good* lu our stock. and sociable, Feb 7, for the benefit of the physician, Dr. A. F. Heald of Thomaston. BLACKSMITH’S STOCK AND TOOLS, I Phillips was in town Thursday.. ..M . J. Hadl- Young Peoples L ib ra ry. I t was largely at­ world over, endorse IL ....CALL AND LXAU1NN ...... We are glad to learn that Leonard Young, haudlery uud FLbei can Is away on a vacation . tended and enjoyed by a ll. Currlug* btoek uud Trimuiluga, Ship Cbuudlery uud Flaberuwu’a Uuuda, Quarry block who was recently stricken with apoplexy uud uud Tool»f Olla, Nulla, ;01u»a, Etc. LEVI SEAVEY, j There are several cases of whooping cough in Our oldest inhabitant is Ezra Galder- paralysis, is able to walk out among his neigh. Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! WATTS' BLOCK, TUUMAUTOM town. ged 95 years iu April. burs. He is rapidly improving. br BeoH A Bowus, N. Y. AJJ AX a I xl SU rL ocl£.land, JMo THE ROCKLAND COURIER GAZETTE, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1894

BOSTON LETTER. GIGANTIC SALE! HEAR WHAT OBITUARY. MARINE MATTERS. VOTING CONTE8T. Our W eekly New s Notes From New The remains of A Addison Payson were The M ovem ents of Vessels, Charters, The conductor’s and moforman’s contest for England's Great Metropolis. --- OK--- taken to Hope for Interment last week. He Notes and Ihe Like. a regulation Weal End uniform haa developed died ai tbe home of her eldest daughter, Mrs Boston, Feb. 13, 1894. Albion Allen, in Camden. He was nearly 72 a new candidate in the person of driver Wm. ton HiduryeR° n’ Can<1age' nrtiVe<1 fr° m B° " **»« • ’ h° " condue.or Labe. W. 0. Hewett & Go. HERE was sdeligblful yeers of age. He left a wife son and two M a n y f a c w s Carpet Samples! gathering of friends daughters. Rev. Mr. 8trat»on conducted tbe Sch. Addic Schaelfer, Aylward, came down ; E d u c to r Chaples took the prise offered to at tbe home ot Mr. services. from ( amden Friday, where she discharged ihe candidate who stood at the head of the list ard Mrs. F. E.Drew, Joshua Allen, a well known and highly re­ coal from New York. at 8 o’clock this morning. He is not eligible •WK HAVE TO SAY! 315 Saratoga street, pented citizen of Tenant’s Harbor, died last Sch. Seth Nyman brought hoop poles for East Boston Wednes­ week of troubles Incidental to old age The S. P. Prescott & Co. from Gnuldsboro, Friday. for the subscription offered this week. day evening. The remains were taken to Appleton for interment. Sch. E. A. Whitmore took lime Friday for The standing is as follows : 200 Yds. of occasion was the He was 73 years of age and leaves four chil­ Bar Ila i-jo r from A. J. Bird & Co. CONDUCTORS. 5OO^Yds. of birthday of Mr 1) rew dren, three sons and one daughter, who have Sch. Bessie E. Creighton, Mathews, arrived At this season of Ihe year there and one of those old-time birthday parties arrived at maturity and arc among the town’s at St. Johns, P. R., Feb. 4th, from Philadel­ C. D. Chaples, 1203 Velvet Carpets! which are so numerous in one’s youth was en­ most highly esteemed residents. phia. W. G. Labe, SIS joyed. Whist was played and the prises were Sch. John I. Snow, Snow, is bound to New is always a great many D avid I. Nixon, 626 Ex. Super Carpets won by Mr. Louis Karcber and Mrs. T. C. Mary Woodworth died at the home of her York from Cape Hayti. That retail for 81.50 a yard ; price Kales. Among those present were Mr. and sister, Mrs. Calvin Rogers, In this city, on Fri­ Sch. Onward, Lewis, from this port for MOTORM1N. Small lots of Goods. Rem­ G. E. Clark, during this sale Mrs. L. Karoher, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hunt, day last, February 9, after a short illness Boston, is reported at Portland with cargo of 1170 lime on fire. Cut in Remnants that average 1 1-4 nants, Etc., remaining over, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Woodworth was a pleasing and most ex­ W. J. Later, 162 y ard s, at Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Drew, Mr. and Mrs. emplary Christian young lady, kind of heart, Sch. Adelbert Ames, Jameson, cleared 9th Boyd Condon, at Savannah for New York. 463 and in order to clean up C. 8. Parr, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Kales, Alma cheerful of disposition, and her early death is Gates, Margaret Gates, Minnie Rue and H. L. Is deeply deplored. Hcr father, Levi Wood- Schs. Edward Lameyer, Morris & Clifi, In filling o jt the subscription blanks which A A h‘ UVW p ill * 1 Via Drew, Florida and E. G. Willard were at Vineyard 65c Dcr Yd worth, w ill come to Rockland, and tbe remains can be procured at this office, It should be re­ stock, they make Haven 8th and sailed. Miss Gladys E. Hopkins received her many will he taken to Hopewell, N. B., her native membered that a S2 payment entitles one to 29c a Piece. Average 1 1-2 yards long. place. Sch. Geo. A. Pierce, Pinkham, sailed 9th friends at the residence of her parents,Mr. and from New Bedford for New York. 50 votes for a conductor and 60 votes also tor Mrs. I). W. Hopkins, 413 Main street, Charles­ Sch. Joseph Souther, before reported a motorman. town, Thursday, the occasion being tho birth­ Mrs. Lewis Bacheldor, whose maiden name wrecked, was sold at auction Feb. 5 at Sa­ Special Prices! was Carrie Bell Heath, died the 5th, at Rock­ To the conductor or motorman who has the day of the little lady. The gathering included vannah lor $900. Her cargo of 287,000 feet These Make Fine Rugs! a number of former Rockland people among port, after a long sickness of five months with of lumber was sold for S i,735. largest vote next Tuesday at eight o'clock, we TO DISPOSE OF THEM. them, Mrs. C. 8. Studlcy, Mrs. A. M. Hunt, consumption. Mrs. Bachelder was the daugh­ Schs. S. C. Tryou, from Hurricane Island. w ill give as a prize Thp. C.-G., for one year. Mrs. Nancy W all, Mrs. F. E. Drew and Miss ter of John J. and Louisa A. Heath and was Carrie C. Miles, New Bedford, and Red Minnie E. D. Rue. L ittle Mita Hopkins was horn at Ellsworth, Kept. 1, 1873. Her parents Jacket, Fall River, arrived in New York Any tondoctor or motorman on the Rock­ STRAW MATTINGS. Friday. the recipient of many presents. survive her. also three brothers and three land, Thomaston & Camden Street Railway sisters. A few years ago she came to Rock­ Sch. Charley Woolsey, Ginn,arrived Thurs­ can be voted for. To make room for our Spring Stock of Carpets we will close out our Rockland visitors were not many last week, port with her patents, and was married In day from New York with coal for Fred R. It more than one coupon is sent In at one Mattings ut Half Price. but among those here were Capt. Wra. P. Hur­ Maich, 1892, to Lewis Bachelder. Tbe funeral Spear. time write the name of the one you desire to A FEW BARGAINS! ley, J. G. Torrey, Dr. C. R. Cole, A. 8 Little occurcd Thursday, Rev. W. W. Ogier officiat­ Sch. Nevada, Leighton, brought salt from vote for on the outside of envelope or package. 10 Rolls of 20c Matting a t ...... 1 O c Per Yard field, A. W. Butler, E. K. Hooper, Fred H. ing. The remains wero taken to the Amsbury Boston Thursday to ( has. E. Weeks Co. This w ill save the filling out of each coupon. Sch. Sardinian, Halversen, brought coal Table Oil Cloth, worth 25 Pearsons, Geo. A. Oillchrest, A rthur Shea and tomb, and w ill be interred in the Spring at Sea 10 Rolls of 50c Matting a t ...... 1 9 c Per Yard Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitmore. View cemetery. Deceased was a favorite Tuesday for A. J. Bird & Co. from New York. In addition to the above for every 92 paid in c e n ts ...... 15c among her associates. Sch. Joseph Luther sailed Tuesday for St. by an oid or new subscriber fifty votes w ill be John. allowc-d.coupons for which will be lurnished at Short Lengths Matting a t ...... 5c Per Yard Joseph McAlister was in town Saturday, the Sch. E. S. Wilson was loading coal Friday this office. A specla coupon w ill be lurnished first time for several weeks, having just re­ Mrs. A. D. Champney or Rockport, after a All Wool French Flannels, long and painful sickness, passed away, Wed­ from Fred R. Spear for Bar Harbor. for this purpose. covered from a severe attack of rheumatism. t h e p r iz e s ' nesday, the 7th. Ida May Bradbury was born Sch. Humboldt, of Booth bay is offered for worth 50c, at ...... 25c Mr. McAllister is now iu the employ of G C. W ill be a regulation West End uniform for the at South Thomaston, May 6. 1858. In 1884 sale. The vessel is well found, carries 750 Dow, Cambridge. bids of lime and the price is $800. conductor and motorman who receives tbe she was married to A. D. Champney of R ock- Just a Word About most votes. All Wool Dress Goods, worth 8crgt. John Brlckley of Station 2 is receiving port. Mrs. Champney’s mother and four Washington, Fehurary 8.—The light house board gives notice that Boon Island ledge THE CLOSE. the congratulations ol his friends on the arrival brothers survive hcr. The mother and two 5 0c, a t...... 39c whistling buoy, with red and black horizontal T he contest w ill continue through February brothers live In Milford, Mass., and two broth of ttfin boys at hIs household, which happy stripes and the letters B. I. L., in white, is re­ and March. In each of tbe February issues event occurred Monday, Feb. 5. ers in Concord. N H. Deceased was promi­ M en’s Cotton Hose. Black and ported adrift. It will be replaced on the the stand’ng of the contestants w ill be reported. • « nent in Sunday-school work and in the Ep- station at about two and three quarters miles Tho standing of the vote w ill be published for Colored; Finished Seams, John E. Hanly’R friends w ill bo pleased to wotth League, of which she was an active east and three-quarters south from Boon the last time in the issue of March 12. Votes learn that he is improving rapidly, although member. She also was a member of Rock­ Island lighthouse,Maine,as soon as practicable. received after that date w ill be deposited, un­ w o rth 2 5 c ...... 12 l-2 c port’s Chautauquan clasp, end of Fred Nor- The hearings are magnetic and the distance still con titled to the houso. in nautical miles. counted, in a sealed receptacle which w ill not $3.75 $8.75 • • woed Post Relief Corps, und was always ready be opened until tbe e mtest is closed. No votes $ 6 .7 5 Capt. Win. Holmes, late of sch. Morris & Ladies’ Silk Mittens, woith Miss Hattie Tillson of Thomaston has bcou to forward their Interests. w ill be reeeivid after 12 o'clock noon Monday, Her quiet presence made home and her asso­ Cliff, will command the sch. Empress this Will buy one of our Will buy one of our Will buy one of our visiting friends In town the past few nays. season. March 28. And the result of the contest w ill ciates cheerful. During her long and painful 810 or 812 815 o r 818 820 or 825 5 0 c ...... 37 l-2 c be announced in our issue of March 27. sickness the patience and virtues of Cbristain Sch. O. M. Marrett sailed Monday from Capt. Wm. Harrington and C. H. Washburn Perry Bros, for New York. of Thomaston were visitors to the city during character were demonstrated. The husbuud CLOAKS. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. Ladies’ Kid Mittens, worth and step-son have the sympathy of the com­ Sch. Ella Francis, from Farrand, Spear & the past week. Co., fur New Y’ork, sailed Monday. 75c..'...... 50c munity in the hour of affliction. The burial services were held at the family Sch. Geo. Bird, Grey, came in Monday R W. Sawyer of Calais spent several days with coal for Bucksport. CoBflnctoK' CqnpoB. I Owing to the Great Sucsess of our Cotton Underwear and Ham­ in town last week. residence, Saturday afternoon, Rev. W. W. Children’s Wool Hose, worth Ogier officiating, and tho remains were taken Sch. T. P. Dixon, Boswick, sailed Monday J from A. J. Bird & Co. for New York. *4^ A Regulation West End Con- 3 burg Sale. we will Continue it Another Week. 3 8 c . , ...... 25c E. N. Davis is visiting friends in Dorchester. to Amsbury Cemetery for burial. The floral 'AJ ductor’s Uniform will be given to offerings of the Relief Corps and friends were Schs. Julia A. Decker, for Lynn, from A. F. Crockett Co.; Sardinian, from A. J. Bird the Conductor on the Rockland, beautifully and tastily urranged. SEE DISPLAY IN OUR SOUTH WINDOW. Felix Morris and his Comedy Company w ill Co.; Jennie Greenbank, from Tolman & Thomaston & Caindun Street Rail- Outing Remnants, worth 10 a way, receiving the largest number be present at the Hollis St. Theatre this even­ Benner; Addie Schaelfer, from G. A. Ames, ’ J for New York, were ready for sea last night. (V , of votes. c e n t s ...... 6 l-4 c ing, three plays which have never been seen in PIANO VOTING CONTEST. Boston—“ The Rose,” “ The Vagabond” and o ne v o t e Ruffled Silk Elastic, worth 25 ‘Moses.” There area number of aptly drawn Some Knox County Young Lady W ill FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS. ’’ " SIMONTON BROS. characters to he portrayed in this triple Dill, Receive an Elegant Piano. X 1 F o r thoroughly suited to Mr. Morris' strong sup­ c e n ts ...... 17c Reported From Brown & Company’s ROCKLAND, ME. porting company. Tbe plays w ill he hand­ Weekly Freight Circular. somely staged and the week's 6tay w ill no doubt Black Dress Braid, worth 7c, ar prove profitable and pleasant. ■Most Popular Young Lady: The position of the freight market has not a t ...... 3c Il^5>.„Till oat above blat, varied essentially during the week under re­ : f : fu ll name Conductor you 1 During the week Chas H. Hoyt has added IN KNOX CO UNTY. view, and the volume of charters continues "9^ vote for. and send to Till-; C">>>« vote.. why is bi'CHUftt 1 have the cheapest portrayal. able for vessels in the right position, accord- i hAm of the . . rent and my own help, and buy for ing to size. For the River Plate a moderate *1 ) cash. O*Calland sutlafy yourself by Lanies’ Stamped Aprons, The seventh week of “ Charley’s A unt” begins leading . . getting a look ut the quality uud prices tm ight at the Columbia and that it could con­ inquiry prevails fur lumber vessels from the i JY*. O N E V O T E tinue successfully toils 150th performance there Fill out this blank mid koikI to . South, and I and $13 has been paid from , w o rth 15c, a t ...... 10c Pensacola for Buenos Ayres and Rosario. | f'X ’ seems no doubt. But the length of its stay can Maine Music Co., Rockland, Mo. J For B rand s: . . Ulsters Worth $8.00 for $5.00! Chartering in this department is to some ex­ only he determined by attractions which hold tent restricted by the limited offerings of ves­ J°b lot Ribbons, worth 10c, future dates at tbe Columbia. Magnificent, $4.50 Suits Ihe Hamo, and my entire line of sels which are chiefly wanted for forward Xutas Uoods I will sell ut 26 per cent a t ...... 5c Sblap. SUBSCRIPTION COUPON loading. From the Eastern Spruce ports the no trouble ft ft# ft ft ft a I f i ^ ' Fili out the above blank with inquiry is light. A small vessel obtained 21c. P ilhbury’H lies! VWVVVVVV W W W W ■ W WWW" tbe full name of the Motorman you fur case oil hence to Rosario. Brazil freights vish to vote for and send to T he , ■- . forest l ily, O ♦ ♦ ♦ Blankets per pair ...... 6 5 C TELL EVERYBODY! remain inactive. In the West India trade -'Ms--*,' Maine Music Co. Voting Con-: there has been scarcely any variation in rates, Courier-Gazette, Rockland. Stock Patent, if we except a slightly firmer feeling on coal " ■W ’s. Extra Trades in Gents’ Fancy Ties 11-4 Blankets, colored or test. j ■ ■ Itoyal ifose, Let everyone know it. freights for Cuba and some yielding in luin- Enclosed find ...... f o r ...... s u b - « | her rates in sbippets favor from the South. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ white, worth $1.25.. $1.00 Following are tbe names of tbe conductor . \ Western ltose, bcrlptiona to The Courier-Gazette sent ' Vessels suitable for the Windward Islands are Call and See Them. W e are still selling to the following adureaa in small supply, but orders at the moment and moiormen at preseut employed on c - * *’•’ are few. Coastwise freights generally are electric railroad: quiet, and without appreciable change. Conductors.—B. H. Piper, C. M. KB Coronet, (Name).. Charters.— Sch. Hannah McLoon, Balti­ Ralph H. Blackington, C. D. Chaples, rP u rifu n , 0. E. Blackington, Best Chicago Beet (Town or City). more to Santos, tlour, 70 cents.— Sch. Robt. Fisk, Henry G Ames, C. C. Walker/ A. Snow, hence to Jeremie, $875, and back A K ilton, David Nixon, W, A, 435 Main Street. REMNANT COUNTER! from a second port to North of Hatteras, log­ Watts, Win Ingraham, Robert St^ Roasts, 8c and 10c per lb. wood, $3.25 to S3.50.— Sch. Fred B. Balano, a. 1 .in-. Fred T. Heal. II. B. 0. hi l'o „ C red it ...... V o te s to STATEMENT hence to Cape Hayti, p. t., and Port-de-Paix M oto rm a n — E. J. Kalloch, C. A. Lionel), 1 Fancy Patent, Our Remnant Counter Round Steak, 2 lbs. for 25c to New York, logwood, $3; Boston, $3.25.— W illiam Lalor, Geo. E. Clark, B. W. Hunt, Sch. Helen Montague, Brunswick to Phila­ Fred E. Sylvester, Kdw. Perry, John R. Magnificent, Boston Marine Insurance Co., is piled high with Bar­ Sausage. 10c per lb delphia, lumber, S4.37 1-2 a,K^ L w> 4° M. OF BOSTON, MA as. per dav.— Sch. Nelson Bartlett, Pensacola to Wade, Geo. F. Gay, Charles Gregory, Gran­ Incorporated in 1873. Commenced business iu 1&74 Pork Chop, 12c per lb. OON1HTIONH OE OONTBHT. ville Upham. Charles N. Tbomae, Boyd Pleasa cull or gains...... New York, lumber, S5. write for Priced, R anuom B. F u l l e r , President. Any young lady in Knox County can be Coal.— Sch. Ella Pressey, Perth Amboy to Condon, A. K. Young. Secretary, T hom am II. Lout). 1 Albo have a S. «. I’ltESl’OTT & CO.’S voted for. Coupons w ill be published in the Quincy Point, S i.— Sch. Race Horse, l’t. Lib­ large* btcck of Capital Palil Up iu Cash fc1,1)00.000.00. Silks, Satins, Branch Store, 252 Main St, Knox County papers. For every twenty-five erty to Wiscasset, Si. SOCIAL SALAD CORN, ASSETS DECEMBER 81, lt98. cents worth of goods purchased at the Maine Real estate owned by the company, Kemt-iubvr, this Is uot (heap Beef but Music Co.'s store tbe purchaser w ill receive five G O L D E N SA h DS. Society Notes, Parties, Teas and Other MEAL, uulncum bered, >31,740 78 the Host Chicago Hoof In tbe m arket. votes. Like Innocent Dissipations. Loans ou bond uud mortgage (first liens), 634,^76 00 Dress Goods, Wo have sutlstloil u large number ul If more .heo one coupon I, ,enf In a. one | ln|flr(!B t A n n u a l M e, tln g o f T h ls And all kindsof M in Mattie B lair May entertained ft tends st Stocks und bonds owned by the com­ tills fuel. W’o have still mure (u olfor time write Ibe neme ot tbe one you de.tre to U nique a id Beneficent Society, pany, market value, 1,086.854 Ot her home, Grove street, Tuesday evening It FEED. Loans secured by collaterals, 147,100 00 vote for ou tbe outside of tbe envelope or | Cash In the com pany's principal office package. This w ill save tbe fllliog out of each was a very pleasant event with cards and re­ uud lu bank, 250,124 70 coupon. Tbe annual meeting of tbo Golden Sands, freshments for diversion. In terest due and accrued, 7,821 66 Cambrics, Conic and see us al tho Young People's Missionary Society con- I Stable Premiums in due course of collection und other small accounts, 164,824 16 VOTES BY SlBSOKlETlONa. neclcii w ith , the Coug'i Church, was held J.Albert Jameson very uleassntly entertained Fixtures Bills receivable not matured taken 252 Main St. lu additiou to coupons mentioned above, new Sunda> evening, und the follow ing interest­ for prem ium s, 471,420 08 friends at his home, Warren street, Wednesday Aggregate of all the admitted assets------subscribers to l uu Co u h ie r -Ga z e t t b are al­ ing program most successfully presented: of G i n g h a m s , eveuiug. Drive whist wus the program after of the company at their actual lowed forty votes for each new subscription. Prelude, organ; voluntary by the choir; Scrip­ value, >2,701,764 37 ture. prayer, reepouau by choir. which the guests were served tempting refresh­ A ll Kinds. S. G. Prescott & Co, This also applies to those who are in arrears LIABILITIES DECEMUEU 81, 1^03. Itoporta of secretary and treasurer; k-lteri from ments consisting ot sandwiches, cake and coffee Net amount of uupuld losses and and pay up all arrearages, forty votes being 'hum the 6uuda iiua claims, >2(8,866 OQ Shirtinos, BRANCH MARKET. allowed for every tf’2 paid on the puper; for ipportvd at bchuoi, iiohuuncM Kubuduyiuu by CHAS. T. SPEAR, .nt i - . it 1 1...... ‘ ’ •' ‘ ‘ ’ Amount required (o safely re iusure every tfl paid 20 votes; tor every 50 cents, 10 Some 25 of the young friends ol Alice Mayq Store 295 and 297 MainSt. all outsLaudiUg risks, 406.490 12 Total amount ol liabilities, except votes. See subscription coupon. C.iudtu uxereLc; rwitaliuu by Mit>a Halite Ward- nard Williams met to celebrate her sixth birth-' capital stock uud net surplr 664,7*6 ; DR. BELLE S. AYERS, A L L O C H Jb M K bK H V K V , l.OUU.OOO t Outings, &c| No votes sold. well. rei llallou, Mi»» BlanchGouldiug; recitation, day at her home on bummer * treat Friday Surplus beyond euplUJ, 1,126,070 J IuxA.X>i 1US’ The piano can l>e seen on exhibition at the Jennie Fuller; singing by society; recitation, Rita irom 4 to 7 o'clock. The spacious and elegant K Aggregate amount of liabilities In­ AduiuiU rechuliuu, P'runciM Butler; coilectiou uud L a w y e rs , cluding net surplus, Maine Music Co.'s store after Feb 26 hymn by congregation. rooms ot that handsome new residence were 300 MAIN 8TKKBT, - KOCKLAMD, MF Medical Parlors. The retiring officers are: H. Roberta thro A U open 10 the little guests, amid the rich Agents lor Ucrmuu American Fire Insurance Co Tapley*s “ Bread W inner" outwears all other ! Stublis, Presidout; Clara L. Wiuslow,secre­ furnishings of which, with their bright, hsppy ' N. Y., W«■stern Assurance Co , o f Toronto,Canada, OrncKlJoou. $ and Washington Life Insurance Co., N.Y. SPOT CASH PAID. < U H »»age, shoes. ' tnry; Hope Greeubalgb, Treasurer; Miss laces aud dainty costumes the little rosebuds Highest Cush Prices paid for old rubbers, rub­ V lo 11 4. H. ------I Ada B- Young, leader. formed a picture delightful to iook upon. ber boo's and shoes. Oue cent per pound fox ff. 0. HEWETT & CO,' lilu.r. «. U.IJu,. cotton rugs. If parties having any Junk of any kind ..Mi iuc’o Keeley Institute is at Deering The olfiiera for the euouing year are: Prominent among tho delicious refreshments will send me a postul’ 1 ' will callill uud aud gelg II and Specialty: Diseases of Women h Cailireu. (Portland), Muiue. You save 100 utiles of Faith Greeubalgb. President; iiattto L, served was the birthday cake embelisned by Ym, Widow Grey Cough - “ them the eash. \ C ure ayCDICATE BioOGli, Third Floor. R. R. by stopping here in preference to go ug Wardw eH.SecreLrry; Richard Rhodes,T’reas- six lighted waxen caudles. The little busiest 374 Main Street. 1! UOI UI.I WI. MK. to any other state." I urer; Ada B. Young, Leader- was the recipient of many pretty gitts- I


THE MIGHTY FALLEN. VINALHAVEN’S LOCAL EVENTS. CURRENT NEWS FROM ROCKPORT G r o w n A Crack Clipper Ship Convert'd Into an Unsightly Marge. A Batch of Readable Notes from the Home Seasonable Happenings Served Up in Reao R a p id ly of Granite- able Form for Home Use To the old s ilt and ancient mariner I an ob| Carleton are visiting in Belfast. wanted everywhere. Address Slu retain? the lower masts that she hail The Cindy Pullers were entertained Th b Wzkk.lt Kkoohdzb lea largo twenty-four page paper, containing Delicious Flavoring Extracts” as the the lateat Parte fashions before they appear In any other American publica­ Mrs. S. D. Jones and Mrs. Clarence strongest and tines!, and as giving the when ship-rigged, the foremast being of Thursday evening by the Misses Emma tion; gfvoe the latest news of the world, •ensntloiiB, sennons and doings of The Pre-Digested Food Co., iron all creation almoet on the Instant of happening, and the publishers are oon- Leach were in Bangor last week. most desirable results in the manufac­ and Bertha Ginn. stantly introducing novel and startling sensations. Miss Isabel Howard of Chicopee, IflS Dnane Street, New Y o r k . ture ol lee Cream. What a history! Forty-live years o Everybody obtaining Thb Weekly Rboohukb through thia offioe la en­ Jasper Galderwood raised file biggest Mass., is visiting at A. J. Barrows. For Sale by C. H, MOOR & CO., Rockland. MRS. K. W . THURI.OW. buffeting the ocean! She has landed titled to compete In Ice Cream Parlors. Oak St. hog in town this year—660 pounds her hundreds of passengers on this shore Gi Will Clough lias moved into the house after being dressed. nnd immense cargoes of everything The First Grand Prize Distribution ot 300 Valuable Presents, recently occupied by Granville Upham. EXPERT TESTIMONY, Lafayette C. Smith and John L. merchantable have been carried acros which will be mode March 7, 1894, and every one signing his or her name to Mrs. Andrews went to New York Sellars were drawn to serve ns Traverse I have obtained the b -I "''Stilts from the seas. Her hairbrealli descapes ot the subscription blank below and sendinglt tpeur offioe, wit »«.. I he WEeklt Rzoordkz bark Addie Morrill. collision and shipwreck, her packet for one year, price $ LOO, and a>—one of the several premiums illustrat'd be­ tracts,” and think they are ju t! what they ’Bout time to begin talk of town are recommended to be, the strongest, mates and crews, bur ocean races are low. worth 75 cents each: tota —■* ' fl- besides being entitled to figure out the Benj. Paul lias moved the slaughter meeting, about who we’re going to have time require ! for a United States silver dollar to fall from the top of The the purest nnd of thr m 'st delicate unwritten save on the log book, mani Recorder Halloing, 15 Spruce Btreet. New York, to the street below, tbe dis­ house out to his residence and will have flavor. fest and articles whioh are probably for town offl-ers, and all that sort of tance from toe top of too building to the street being exactly IOS feet and 9 it converted into a stable. thing you know. inches. • MRS. E. L. PERRINS, lost. A silver dollnr will be dropped from too top of The Recorder Building Mrs H. II. Magune rendered de Her model is interesting, considered The article in a recent issue relative February as, lt-94. at 8 p, cm. and the time required In falling will be accur­ lightful music Wednesday evening with Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors, 301 ately timed and tbe time published In The Weekly Recobdeb, Muroh 7. 1891. Main Street. with the present style adopted, but there to the amount realized by J. G. Galder­ Exercise your wits and send n your answer to this problem. the autohnrp at Capt. L. K. Morse’s. These goods can be found at the fol- The follow ug partial list ol prizes will be given to the sttbecrlliers who is no doubt but she was as good and sa'e wood for butter sold during the year, between now and February 28. 1891, llrst pend the correct fnlllng time of tlte The Rockport Ice Co. is running lowing stores; a sea boat as anything • ti i-.t at the pre should have read $170 51. coin. In case no one .ends the oorrect time th . priz-s will be awarded t o E. P Rollins, those first sending nearest the oorrect time, and the prizes will be awarded In three loading berths. If you want to Rockland sent day. There’s a bub sled in Dist No. 4, Perry Bros., 14 Front Street toe order numbered. No. 1 going to the one first sending the correct or near­ see iee on the move just visit their She is now owned by the Morses ol named Tom Watson and G-n. Weaver, est the correct time. No. 2 going to the second sending the correct or next H 6 . Gurdy & Co , 4 Camden »» nearest the oorrect time, and bo o:i throughout the whole list. wharves. A. F. Crrokelt Co., 743 Main Bath and is loading ice for Baltimore and on top is painted in glaring letters: Try It, and vou may receive one of these New Year Gifts. S to re r’s Best Mr. Paul has an improvement made E. M. Perry. 738 “ •» Owing to her great draft ol water when “People’s Party, all aboard.” Tbe correct time will be published In Thb Weekly Recorder, March 7, 720 “ 1891. at the postoffice for distributing letters G. W. Letich, loaded she will only take about 2000 Don’t think that other- may be ahead of you. The last person sending Wm. B. Hills, 672 •• »* L. G. Smith and Ernest Antes have by using a rack which revolves on a PATENT FLOUE.. tons o f ice from Rockport. the nnewer may win the first prize. It Is well worth trying. Achorn & Thorndike. 668 “ implied for license to build fish weirs, A Hat of the prize winners will be published In The Weekly Rboo,''- er. perpendicular axis. K C. Rankin & Go., 656 “ the former at the Thoroughfare, and the March 7,189L At tbo whist party, Friday evening, A little Higher in Price. But Farrand, Spear & Co.. 686 •• COUNTY COMMENT. latter at the entrance of the Reach. LOOK OUT FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR I A L. Richardson. 574 “ * FU1 oat thia blank, out It out and send to us wito*2-ctl at Mrs Will Gardner's, Miss Nellie J. E Frohoc, 450 “ • Random References to Events We herewith contribute our mite ou Thorndike won the first prize and Mrs C. A. Haskell, 442 “ Neighboring Towns. tin- big load question Lsne & Libby’s Gardiner the booby. BE6T, H. G. Tibbetts, 434 “ pair ol horses, driven by L. W. Vinal, Inclosed find O' for one year’s subscription to The Courier Gazette WHITEST, Bicknell Tea Co., 398 “ and The New York Wbbkly Rbcobdbb. With almost everybody working on The Boston Herald is way off It says: hauled a load of ice weighing 10,500 C. Doherty, 377 •• My answer to the falling time of toe dollar la...... , ,, ,, . tbe ice what few loafers there are about Bread! “ Thomaston is one of the Maine towns pounds. E. B. Ingraham & Co. 368 “ tbe stores and barber shops hardly stir C. E. Tuttle, 306 “ • waiting for a big fire. Not one dollar For premium to which everyr | 8W EETEST, The Paul Dramatic Company opened subscriber is entitled send | up an item for the paper. 1 Jere Harrington. 292 “ bas been spent for fire fighting machin here thio week, after a week’s engage- Sign your Dame...... [ MOST, Donohue’s Cash Grocery, 266 “ * erv there.” Thomaston bas a very Aaron Howard of Chicopee, Mas9 , White & Case, 262 •• mc.,t in Rockland where they did good C ounty...... Poetoffioe...... Insist on Cetting This Grand efficient Are departm ent and as fine will move bis family hero. He is ]u 0 . P. Hix, 246 •• business. The party has good stock in Street and Number...... State hydrant service as there is in the state. wheelwright and will commence busi­ J. H. Flint. 234 “ * it and we welcome them to the Island Theodore Roosen, 156 “ ness in a few days at the shop of Fred JOHN BIRD CO. .Wholesale Afts. People needn't waste any valuable time city. LIST OK PHIZES: W. E. Hall, State St. worrying about Thomaston, for from frat panels, height, Copeland. Knox Farmers Ex. Co, Limerock There are letters advertised at the WEBER UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO. 4 feet 8 inches. time immemoral the residents of that There was a little gossip about town F. II \VLltney, 33 Park postoflice for Miss Edith Antes, Mrs. Made by the cele­ Frit, handsome town have had the well-earned brated Weber Plano last week how that a man got put out D a n a ’s S a v e s 117 Mal tha Garter, Mrs C. C Cogswell, Company, Fifth ave. ty_& Co.. \ 105 Sea “ reputation of being abundantly able to and 16th st- New of the house, as he called to see his lady Mrs. B. A. Galderwood, Charles R. Water “ take good care of themselves York. Every piano­ love. Never mind there are other fish Young Cirls. Camden Hagan, Miss S A Holbrook, James forte Is warranted . . . . „„ for five yenrs. Priue..l,0u0,00 in the sea to ho caught. F. O. Cla Secret fraternities are evidently flour­ Lixon, Miss Emma McGobb, Fred Mills, a—Parlor Organ.. 200X10 J . F. Cli Mrs A. C Paige, Freeman Robinson, 8—Edison Phonograph Union street was very dangerous to ishing in Knox County. Appleton has complete ...... 175.00 C. E. Shaw1 Miss E: M Rideout, Isaac Rident, Mrs. travel last week. The street should be W. W. HodgWins. Thom aston recently dedicated a new Odd Fellow 4—Columbian Bicycle, Kabe Seavey, E W. Walker, Mrs. E. F. niokel p la ted ...... 160.00 widened at Mr. Norwood’s. There 19 E. L. Dillingham & Co., j Hall, and this week Tenant’s Harbor 6— Stereoplicno ...... 100.00 room there for only one team at a time. T. S. Andrews, and Camden will dedicate new Masonic Wall. »—Bicycle...... 75.00 Masters & Starrelt. n 7— New Home Sewing The town will be fortunate if there are O. G, Dinsmore, homes. MATINICUS. Machine...... 70.00 no accident bills to pay thereabouts. 8— Parlor Stove oo < * * * v • G. W . Bowers, 9— ToJ escope, mounted. 50.00 A horse standing on tbe street in front S. E & H. L Shepherd, Rockport The greatest hit for years at East Capt. Hiram Smith and wife of packet 10— Cooking Range .. 42.00 Bod well Granite Co., Vinalbaven Boothbay are the mock town meetings. 11— Cooking Runge ... 40.00 of the bank the other day thought that David Osier of this place were in Port­ 12— Cornet__ —...... 35.00 C. B. Smith, The third one is held this week Every­ land a few days last week on business. 18—Kodak...... 83.00 he saw a lunch hanging up for him, ns O. B. Jones. 14— Overcoat__...... 30.00 he was fond of flowers or anything body goes and everybody talks over the Capt. Smith is to have a steamboat. 15— Ladles' Cloak...... 30.00 F. Myrick, green. They say that the horse ex­ A. Davidson, subjects discussed. The Register says The storm of JBn. 29 and 30 did some 16— Typewriter___ ... 80.00 1.—Style E.—American oak, 7b 17— Reclining Chair__ 20.50 pressed considerable astonishment as his A. A. Mahoney, they havejust begun on a warrant of damage and caused quite a loss among octaves; grand uprght; extra 18— Guitar ...... 25.00 H. V. Lane, 33 articles, every one a genuine live handsome case, oven-tr..ng euole, An I over 200 other valuable nose came in contact with the plate the fishermen here. A great number of three strings, paten: action. i-o*- prizes. Booth Bros. & H. I. G. Co Hurricane subject. Men and women are alikp glass. House plants are for ladies not Bodwell Granite Co., Spruce Head their traps were destroyed. Some of tlnuous hinges, solid carved legs, Full tistof prizes o-ered, with interested. Tltis is a fashion that might awing desk, handsome; width, a full deieriptfou of ea-li prize, for horses. L. A. Arev, Owl’s Head them lost cars in which were quantitiof 8 feet; depth, 2 leet 4)4 inches; sent free touli who s nd toriL F. H. Smith, North Havon extend to some of our county towns to of fish. Richard Young’s boat sunk und WORLD HAPPENINGS. C. 8. Staples, the benefit of all concerned. was damaged considerably. Andrew SEE WHAT WE GIVE EVERY SUBSCRIBER. A - the of youth advances, as E. N. Brown, So. ThomastoD i d ns in c hild- J . M./BartleH, Andersons also sunk and pounded badly. Every subscriber sending*2 lev a year’s subscription to The CourieY- The operatives of the Fall River Mills TIME CHANGES. h • - !. 'I'!i • n’/p r .-a.-h t-» womanhood is H. S i Sweet land. Capt. W. B. Young was in Boston i - . e l l . und The Mbw Yobk Wkkkly Rboobdeb Is entitled to any ONE havo protested against the Wilson bill. Mar foun & Vannah, Winslow’s Mill of toe premiums below. PROVIDED that wlien sending Hie subscript Inn the att.-n 11 ’ y many troubles, causing years Freight Rales Thirty Years Ago and last week... .Llewellyn Norwood of premium desired Is mentioned. 1 our cents M UST be sent to help pay postage Htn-t & Mathews. Tenant’s Harbo George B. Marshall of York, a man 21 of .su.’f ihi.-, u n ! n a t u r e is as‘ i>ted. W hat They Are Today, Matinious Rock Light station was in this un the premium. ( / W. Rawley, hwaal-ptat. »Ual JL'cotio! Hlure years old, is missing. He started for Mr. :i I Mi^. C. II. (lihnan, of Dexter, place on bis way to Rockland and vioin- tine Maaiw Long & Son, About 1866, at the Climelia Islands, a lathe* lynx ra a dy for n»e. oo ke Portsmouth Tuesday with a load of pro­ M ha 1 s'.ifh an experience with their J . L Bums, Washington ity. . . . Miss Maud Norton of Matinious Efferytao ly naedi * or etuef'. boils captain made a remark about the] bard goickiy. ir-.d for duce and hns not been heard of since. little girl. They say: W M. Staples, Rock was in town last week viaiting re­ ibinson Bros., Wiley’s Corner times for vessels. Thu Lutheran church at Oshkosh, “ Out liltli (iraci”, when 12 yeai-old, latives and friends ...H a rry W. Young bard ___ , __ __ _ W. Eastman & Co Warren “ Why,” said be, “ here are several of erory b*iu»i. Tbi» sbuve Wisconsin, refuses to receive members b gan t » fail. We thought she would Fossett & Son, Union of the firm of Henry Young & Co. left Ua |6D1 f r b«..U af wo-id soli tor >l.u a surely die. the New York packet lines carrying curiing iron*. (-'Uao. - of trades unions into its congregation, Pulsifer, Waldoboro here last week for a visit to his parents dutn not nauL-w th« j . guano.” iron, and tlway. claiming that labor unions are against Her Cheeks Were Palo, lurnheimer, North Waldoboro in Rockland and other flriends elsewhere. for u m . Ia im I J KiriH't gat bJo'j * with- r e l d l a > 'Jnggett Damariscotta Mills There were the ehips Washington, C betker n d tbe word of God. Was Extremely Nervous, I'ackKiaiuioa iStetson. Damariscotta Advance, Jeremiah Thomson and several The Congregational church nt Birm­ Lost Her Appetite, hUns, Nobleboro ST. GEORGE. others that be said had spoiled the guano HandMoma chooser* iod ; ingham, Alabama, was blown over in a O-shing rtlzed' ‘ Uikh Mil hMafe Had Restless Nights, a design a ------•iatP'll“ nu’ Friendship trade. wind storm and about thirty members often crying and groaning in her sleep for , B. L o t Son. There was a jolly birthday party nt y.an Mikes a Searsmont Freights were then about seventy of a Christian Endeavor society holding hour a at a time. We became veiy much r. A. Simmons Southside, Wednesday evening. Otis Werjr neat e of the King of Medicines, A. A. Howes A Co., Belfast came to help properly celebrate the BiUi fine qaifily Men's i lone is Farwell & Tilton, Thorndike 8tation 1 eighteen shillings H om. wilh doable beels iad r ike a ilute The correspondent at Constantinople happy event. There were sixty present, Davidson & Carrier, Appleton loss, perfsol fllUoc. cairao- of the Independemlence Beige telegragbs E. K. Clark, Jefferson NEWSPAPER NOTES. including Mrs. Smalley of Massachu­ tecd gliialoii alrvix. floe Mid > It ts m och sraif'er end sweeter th.. -diou. easier to plot, io I inure uonv- that Russia is making preparatious a n a ' s Mathews & Young, Liberty setts, a talented elocutionist, who fav­ odle and »trry. \ny piece can n- p It. and «tll) a piano or organ or for ut for the immediate seizure of Herat, Af- P. (1 Ingalls. Razorville The Brunswick Telegraph, after four ored the company with a number of de­ nents ii u siapir vplendid. bod by t ghynistun, and that 41.540 troops,mostly SARSAPARILLA weeks vacation,appears in reduced form. lightful seleetious. There was also Cossacks, under command of General We hope soon to see it em erge life size. some nice banjo and guitar playing,with We tried it, and under its influence she re­ Koronpatkins, are concentrating on the Editor Tenney bas iiad a severe sickness tambourine and organ playing and some ef Doaiuoea vived almost immediately. Appetite, BsMitifal Oibloet Plo'an Afghan frontier. The correspondent from which we are glad to learn he is entertaining singing. Capt. James Fram es red, blu.< or greea sleep, color, ami perfect health returned Verji ■bowy m d it t n c u r a does not give authority for hisjstate- after a f w weeks’ u> • of this great medi recovering. Norwood of Tenant’s Harbor was one of It-r Uie pirior or Uwuk- menls. cine. Surely it is — as every one says — the vocal stars of the evening. A nice Noons Q iiafi naor can iff -rd to be without tb^ The Hallowell Register has passed treat was served. ’Twas a delightful Light, W hite, Bright Bread, pAteut belt strop. It puts VALENTINE BALL. The Kind That Cures. Daintiest kails, . . Must Delieate Cuke. another mile-stone. The Register is a bne keen edge on a And Delicious Pastry, Me Ever Saw. time, and well managed. wide-awake and interesting and we hope rax-or. which m a .e e it a Dana’s Pills SHE CAN'T HELP IT I I WHY ?? real oom fori loaharo. nad Next Wednesday evening there(will work in I- nnony with the Sarsaparilla. it may celebrate many happy returns. The owners of the Biddeford House after oace ueing yea wUi be a Valentine Ball in Knox Hall, South BECAUSE SHE USES are negotiating with Geo. F. Lane of be without it Thomaston, which will be an unique BUSY FACTORIES. Boston, to open und run|tbal hotel,which wita _____ d-ed«« and entertaining uffair. Every one who has been closed a month. •wrth Rockland’s two pant factories are both Hair Waver, t new de- attends will receive a valentine and a kdoe for waring the hair nice prize will also be given away. iTbe very busy. The Maine Manufacturing Go. How’s Tail. aairuin< i u- has been running nights to fill some big We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for puna bie have t. ue afi'air is in good hands, and ‘the very any ease of Cstarrb that cannot be curred by best of order will be maintained. orders, while the Maine Paul Co. keeps Hall's Catarrh Cure. ii 1 sq t ------! its machines at the height of their speed F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props..Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned have knowu F. J. T H E Y S A Y . all the time. E. E Payson of the latter Cheney for tbe last 16 years, and believe bint MsJvS kwta, wrt <» .b.U k.a-lla, .lira THE BEST FLC company was in Boston last week on perfectly honorable to all business (ransiictions and financially able to carry out any obliga­ That one of our young business men ♦ til J U iH V V business. Out.., M. tion made by their brm. STTLTi MOTUE. invited two lady friends to Rockport to / ------— ------— West A Traux, Wholesale Urnguists,Toledo,O. Everybody taking advantage of this gt eat offer w ent tied to have an ex- COBB, WIGHT k Samuel Hulu ol South Berwick, Waldlog, Kluuau fir Marvin, Wholesale Drug­ ebang-'notice published I It « tini'-s turiug the y. ar lu " The Yankee Swap­ tbe dance, Thursday evening, ami went gists, Toledo, O. per" column ol Tub W: KLK UwxyuPKtt F rev ut‘ Charge. treasurer of the Portsmouth manufac­ Hall's Catairb Core Is taken internally, act­ This privilege atone s woith many tlmee the oo t 4 our subscription off without them in the electric Carr. Diseases Treated by Vital Magnetism ing directly upun the blood and mucous sur­ price, ai d you will b.- able to utske many valuable excliouges with Thb l t » - That the pull taxes of members of the turing company, was severely injured faces of tbe system. Price 76c. per bottle. OFFICE 26 OAK ST., by being thrown from a hack. Bold by all Druggists, 't estimonials tree. ooauiut’B^tbouBaDda of reader*. | fire department should be abated M KOUMLAMD,