1 a n y o th e b ec au se w q rth m o re. P is for Portland, the metropolis o f Maine* It also stands tor Pillsbury and for Popularity. Pillsbury’s Best Flour is more popular Ilian any other, not only in Portland but in the whole .1 / state ; also throughout the U. 8. A. M. AUSTIN Suropon and Mechanical Dentist, 441 MAIN ST., . ROCKLAND, MS. 4 < DR. F. E. FOLLETT Dental Surgeon A. K. HPKAK BI.OCK-Cor. Mulnsnd Pari Plar. Surgeon and Mechanical Mnyor Knlgh ill banquet at WALKER & PAYSON business meeting Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. BYNDICATK BUILDING, ROCKLAND. David E. Carleto 0. M. W a l k e r . ___ K. 0. P ath o s. tion of tbo Jones whi KEUEL ROBINSON street,and will open a Attorney at Law CA M D EN ........................................ Dunn & Carr have ha Late Judge of Probate and Insolvency made by C. B. Emery. RICE, BIRD & BARNEY York Roman letters, rai Insuranoe Agents, black. SYNDICATE BUILDING, ROCKLAND. First claan, strong and reliable English and Rockland has quite a nura American Compnnlea are represented by houses, this Winter, but no Telephone connect'on many as othor places of Rock A. J. ERSKINE & SON in Maine. Fire insurance Agents, ,17 MAIN STREET, - ROCKLAND, ME. The blossomed orchids at the Office rear ronm'over Rockland National Bank. Greenery have been admired 47-Loading English and American Fire Insnr anoe Companies represented visitors A new one bas TYaae/srs' Accident /nturance Co. bloomed, a Dendrobium. EVERETT A. JONES Mumps are somewhat prevalent Fire Insurance Broker. 1 Risks placed aad insurance effected Bob Thomas,C. A. Haskell Tbe largest risks placed with safety nlar clerk, has been carrying his be 461 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, MK P . O. Box 034. sling, in consequence thereof. Frank E. Post of this city has bou COCHRAN, BAKER & CROSS of Isaiah Jones the farm in South Tho aston, near tbe Hcad-of the Bay, at FIRK, NARINE will use it ior tbe raising of hay. Insurance Agency Capital represented over Ninety Million Dollars It C Hall, chairman of the Board of Loeiee Adjusted and raid at thia Office Overseers of the Poor, informs us that ’ ]’ he is having more than twice as many an 400 M A IN BTKKKT ROCKLAND 8 calls for help as is usually the ease. NI. P. JUDKINS, M. D. UEBIDKNCK AND OFFICE, 302 MAIN STREET Notwithstanding all reports to the con trary there is no discount on electric car lnterestiag U rric K H ook.—io io 12 County Telephone Connection tickets if he ight in large quantities. Five cents is the price, big or little lots. DR. WOODSIDE At tlla stated Residence and Office 49 Middle St. mont Commande Fred Manson, J. r. Hall s expert TBLEPOONK CONNECTION Monday cvining of Hoorb 8 to 9 wood worker. ha» a collection of some plications for rnembe very rare specimens of wood. We owe F. B. ADAMS, M D. him our tbankH for a sample of camphor Physician and Surgeon This Tuesday eveni 403 MAIM b'l'KKKT Lodge, F. und A M , w J. L. Breck, the candy maker, has Fellowcraft and Master Mason A ALBEE, M. D , W. gone to wholesaling. St. Clair Bros. At at which Limn District Depn OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. 40 MIDDLE BT Co now handle some ot Mr. Breck's nice O fkick Uou Master M. D. Ames of South Tho •A0 p. >n. Telephone connection. specialties and they are having a great will be present in his official cupat W. v. HANSCONI, M. D sale, lie’s an expert Physician and Surgeon Gen. Berry Lodge, R.. of P., ha J. F. Hull, the man who makes car BYNDICATK BUILDING, - ROCKLAND moved into St John's Hall, A. K Spear « • Special attention given to Dlweaaes of the riages. is getting out one of those tine Block, und will hold its next meeting Ryu and Ear. covered grocery wagons for C. H. O f f ic e Hours there Thursday evening top. Ol. Achorn. He is also making a very dain TBLXFHONE Connection :—Office, 46 8; House 80 8. ty light running wagon for Dr. Williams. Nahanada Tribe, I. O. R. M., and Al­ Tbe live chameleons which have been farata Council have moved their wig Physician and Surgeon on sale here have become great pets warn and its furnishings to St. John’s Night oalla from the office. Telephone Connection BYNDICATK BUILDING. with the ludies. One lady has one that Hall. follows her about anil seems delighted BUSINESS BOOMING. J U- LEVkNSALEK, when he bears the voioo of his mistress. No. 80 Ma in St ., . THOM ASTON, MK. The Red Seal Company Seems to Be Consultations aollclted In all departineP1* ol Gale ami Hewett went to Damariscotta Medicine, burgery and Gynecology Right in the Midst of tbe Swim. Made o / Offloe PraOioc Mills, Thursday, to play at a mask ball O rriCK H o u r s : Whoox>iot otherw ise profs• given by tbe Sons of Veteran, ol tnat 1 he Red Seal Remedy Co. of this city •looally engaged. 88 place. Friday evening Gale with a drive is kept a-hustling nowadays. It liaaa WIIY WILL YOU of five played for a ball ut Crescent big corps of salesmen out and thu goods J Buffer with RHEUM A. Beach. TIBM in W rist, Arm sell rapidly. Last week a well known und tbruugh the Bhcul Bostr n firm turned in big orders lu r the ' tiers, when one of CO V - Warren R. Pbinney of Thomaston IL’S HfCTRIC RHEUMAT­ company’s goods. makes some of the most delicious con­ IC R im WILL CURE J. Henry Norcross, tho well known YOU I Price <1. Bend fectionary that ever melted in one’s Blip of puper also of Tremont street business man, makes a j finger. mouth. In response to a demand for Pacsut Applied For. tine display of tbe goods in his window. J UE6TRIC RHEUMATIC RIM8 80., these confections W F. Norcross has put Rockland people iu Boslou should lake a 4B7 M ain Buvet, Roeklund, Me. iu a line of them. T ry’em! look ut the goods und see what first class TAX INTEREST. stuff is manufactured way Down East. Intureal ou taxua commenced October 16th Some of the hoys ulong Main street make u practice of riding on the tail end I The chameleon lud has got u fresh 8 to I t a. in., 1 lo 8 p- is «ud 7 to 8 evenings. of thu electrio railroad’s plutlorin oars, . boom. The Now York 8 P C A. has , 81 E. B. F A R W E L L . keeping out of sight ol the conductor. taken step, to stop the sale of charne- | TAX NOTICE. Some of these hoys wdl Ire bobbling Icons by the storekeepers iu New York J My office will be open for the payment of taxes for the years 1869, 189c, ldfitl and lov2, as follows : through life with a crutch or two. city, und w|tl prosecute the parties o(- j ■very day from 0 to 11:80 a. m ., 2 to 4 p. in.: fering them for sale.—Biddeford Stan­ Wodiusmay and Saturday evenings from I to a ng tbe us fur 00 >. m- 4« W . H . SM ITH , CoUeotox. Said a m arkelm en: “One effect of the dard.i. / / % \ he Courier-Gazette. tfer ROCKLAND, M AINE, TU ESD A Y, FEBRU A RY 13, 1894. F)nt«*red BN ftMonrl CImr Mail Ndmbjbi G LOCAL LACONICS. hard times is the great demand for liver. PERSONAL POINTS. MAINE MATTERS. of whether this was a scheme of chance, OLD ROCKLAND. People who ordinarily call for steak now and the decision will determine whether Newsy Notes and Brief Mention order liver. Some people come in here Having Especial Reference to People The report of the Bath fire inquest the various guessing arrangements of Read With Interest—Regarding the Late Home Happenings. Well Known Hereabouts. ami say they want souio liver for their shows that the recent big fire there was ehiirch and other fairs and of merchants Death of Capt Jonathan Crockett. cat, and then order two or throe pounds. clearly the result of an accident and not Ln grippe seems to he dying out. Can’t Daniel Rail and children have returned are legal L. T. Carleton for plaintiffs; , i r t s ! Must have hearty until” enused by incendiaries F. E. Beane for defendant. The article in last week’s C.-G. re­ die any to soon to suit our people! from a visit to Bncksport. garding events and affairs in Rockland Returns showing the business trans­ in 1846 was read with great interest. T he Boo.—George Brewster has dug Prof. Shnllor Mathews, professor of Little Fiod, son of Austin Black, An original widow’s pension has been acted in Maine during the year 1893 by We shall shortly publish the second in and stoned a cellar, put up n honso and history at Colby University, has accepted sends us 10 cents (or our fuel fund. granted Almeda, widow of J . II. Paine, all fire and marine insurance companies the series. got it bonrdod up this Wintor. He will a professorship in tho divinity school of of this city. doing business in the State have been rise You! move in in the onriy spring----- Mr and the Chicago University, and will The Captain Jonathan Crockett, to E A. Knowlton hnsjust completed a received at the insurance department Mrs.
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